from sheboygan county
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Making Their Mark Top Young Professionals from Sheboygan County
������ | May 2011 Coastal Connections is published by The Sheboygan Press. Contents of the section are for Sheboygan Press. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or
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We applaud all Coastal Connections members in their commitment to encourage young professionals to “make their mark” in Sheboygan County.
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ing, recording or otherwise, without prior consent of The Sheboygan Press. For information, contact Robin Lisowe at 920-453-5155 or email
Congratulations to all of the winners! General Manager & Executive Editor / Mike Knuth Advertising Director / Lowell Johnson Advertising Manager / Dave Liebelt Contributing Writer / Deanne Schultz
Photo / Sheboygan Press Photo Staff Graphic Artist / Heather Nohr Distribution / Bruce Tischer
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Orange Cross Ambulance
Wishes to thank and recognize all of the Sheboygan County EMS providers for National EMS Week 2011 (May 15 thru May 21). Thank you!
The SCEDC Board of Directors extends our sincere congratulations to the Top Young Professionals who are Making Their WI-5001303967
Mark in Sheboygan County!
May 2011 |
Making Their Mark Top Young Professionals from Sheboygan County
If you don’t recognize these faces, you will remember them now. These bright, young professionals are the future of Sheboygan County and are already making an impact in the community we live in. This Tuesday, May 10, these 10 finalists will be honored at the Making Their Mark: Top Young Professionals Awards, sponsored by Coastal Connections’ Annual All-Member Meeting, at Town & Country Golf Course. This is the third year Coastal Connections, the young professionals network of Sheboygan County, is presenting these awards. Of the top 10, two will be chosen as the Top Young Professional of the Year (sponsored by Lakeshore Technical College) and the Top Entrepreneur of the Year (sponsored by Mark J. Miller, CPA). “This is the third year we are showing that Sheboygan County continues to have young professionals who are not only talented at their chosen professions, but also truly believe in giving back to their communities,” said Eric Hesselink, President of Coastal Connections, an organization that provides networking and leadership opportunities for young professionals, and acts as an attraction and retention tool for local businesses. Coastal Connections is a committee of the Sheboygan County Chamber.
What: Coastal Connections’ All-Member
Meeting featuring the Making Their Mark: Top Young Professionals Awards
This night is also the organization’s annual meeting, where members and potential members alike will come together to rehash the past year’s successes, learn about getting involved deeper in the organization, and what’s in store for the future. The Core Team will present its Advocate of the Year (sponsored by Darrick Hartman of DJH Solutions LLC) and it’s Member of the Year.
Where: Town & Country Golf Course
Members of the public are welcome to attend this free event, which includes a buffet of hors d’oeuvres, compliments of Town & Country Golf Course, and cash bar. Please RSVP at, or call Lisa Hartman at the Sheboygan County Chamber of Commerce at (920) 457-9491, by Monday, May 9.
Who: Open to the public
When: Tuesday, May 10, 5:30-8:30 p.m.
How: RSVP to Lisa at (920) 457-9491 or at
Making Their Mark Top Young Professionals from Sheboygan County | May 2011
BeckyMullane Becky Mullane’s success has been enriched by a healthy dose of personal optimism and support from those around her. Her definition of success – setting a goal and reaching for it – is fluid, changing with each new opportunity that presents itself. “I do not always reach every goal I set out for,” she said, “but that has never kept me from trying and setting new goals.” She recently completed her Master’s Degree in Communication from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, calling it “one of my most rewarding accomplishments.” Attending evening classes while working full-time at UW-Sheboygan presented its own challenges, and Mullane admitted that there were several times during the process when she wanted to “walk away, but with the support of my husband, my mom, and other friends, family and colleagues, I stuck it out and finished.” Walking across the stage to receive her degree made it all worthwhile, and provided the impetus for her next goal – earning her PhD through the same program. Mullane’s mentor didn’t arrive in the form of one person; rather it was several, chief among them her mother and grandfather.
“My mom has provided me with endless love and support,” she said. “She never once doubted my ability to be successful.” She also grew up with her grandfather, whom she credits with teaching her “everything he knew, from mathematics and cribbage to being respectful and hard working.” Those early lessons have paid off, and for young professionals, Mullane recommends not only setting goals, but also rewarding themselves. “That is what will get you through the really challenging times when it will be easier to walk away than to keep going,” she said. Flexibility is also part of Mullane’s mantra, because she knows full well that while planning is good, the ability to adapt to changing circumstances is what gets you through. She’s also met many friends through the Sheboygan Jaycees, which Mullane joined after moving to Sheboygan. It’s provided her with friendships, valuable business contacts, and the rewarding feeling that comes from volunteer service. “Their connections and experiences have furthered my professional career and enriched my personal life,” she said.
Brian Gensch “Don’t expect to start at the top.” It’s solid advice to young professionals from Brian Gensch, CPA at Acuity, who knows a thing or two about the struggles and roadblocks on the way to success.
Gensch readily admits he didn’t walk the path alone – he received an “outpouring of encouragement from friends, family and professional acquaintances to continue to push to pass the CPA exams,” he said.
His most rewarding accomplishment – earning a CPA license in 2006 – came after almost two years of “studying relentlessly” to pass all four portions of the exam.
And when the time came, he shared that support with others enduring the challenges of taking their own CPA exams.
“Receiving my final notice of passing the last part was the most exhilarating moment of my life,” Gensch said.
Gensch has also reached out, participating in community service groups, and is considering sharing his knowledge by teaching college courses, something friends and colleagues have told him he’s well-suited for.
Still, the process wasn’t without its difficult moments. He had “put my absolute all” into studying for the exam, but still received fail notices from not passing individual parts. Those moments made him want to throw in the towel, but it didn’t take long for him to gather the strength to continue. “I chose to convert the sunkenness, dread and sense of defeat into a drive to conquer the army of exam questions that awaited in fear of my retaliatory advance,” he said of the attitude that changed his perspective.
More than anything else, he encourages young people to have a dream, telling them that these dreams will carry them through the years ahead. “There will be obstacles, there will be struggles, there will be defeat,” he said. Relating from his own experience, Gensch said all these can be overcome by choosing to live by the “most important principle there is – never, never give up.”
May 2011 |
Making Their Mark Top Young Professionals from Sheboygan County
Caitlin Brotz The enticing aroma inside the Olivu426 boutique is a heady mix of rich, whipped lotions, fragrant body oils and gently scented candles. Thanks to proprietor Caitlin Brotz, her customers can buy all natural beauty products, made fresh to order. Her mission to provide these nourishing products started over four years ago, and since then, she’s developed a loyal following throughout the city, and has watched it spread throughout the state. “Knowing that someone’s life can be changed because their eczema won’t be so bad, or their acne will clear up has profound implications on my heart,” Brotz said. The simplicity of her ingredients has melded with her philosophy on success – “learning to live simply and humbly and finding pleasure in helping others.” Brotz has extended this hand of help throughout the community, work that puts her in close connection with other likeminded individuals. “…most do it out of the kindness of their hearts, coupled with the need to give back,” she said of the people she’s met. “This single virtue has taught me the value of living and working in a community that is nurturing to raising a family, to doing business, and to living in.”
A member of the Chamber of Commerce, Brotz recommends this group to other young professionals, saying “they will help you enormously.” A second bit of advice is to “dream big and work hard.” Perhaps one of her earliest boosts came from her brother, John. As Brotz was leaving for college, he reminded her that everyone there was bound to be a little scared, hoping for someone to come up and introduce themselves. His advice? “Be that person.” It’s advice Brotz has followed ever since, finding it to be of great help in her daily life. Her brother wasn’t the only one to help her; along the way, Brotz received support from a long list of people, including friends, family, church members, and colleagues at school. “All of these people have shaped my sense of the world,” she said. “What is right and what is wrong. I strive to always do what is right; the hardest part is sometimes figuring out what ‘right’ is.” On a fanciful note, Brotz is beckoned by visions of a “yacht in Morocco;” until then, she’s just working toward a shorter work day and weekends off, but she knows all the hard work will pay off, forging a career that will “help me support my family.”
Chad pelischek Chad Pelishek, Development Manager for the City of Sheboygan, wears several different hats in his job – from economic development to housing and neighborhood revitalization, all these tasks require focus and clear goal setting. For him, the definition of success is fairly straightforward – it’s meeting the short- and long-term goals of both his daily work and personal life. His coworkers have provided a solid base from which Pelishek has learned from, but he wasn’t afraid to venture out on his own, learning from both successes and setbacks. “I am a trial-and-error type of person,” he said. “I will try something and if it does not work out, I learn from the mistakes and move on.” That pragmatic attitude has served him well, rewarding him with new development deals, the creation of more jobs to enhance the City’s tax base, and allowing him to see the projects he’s been intimately involved in move forward.
Pelishek has forged strong partnerships in the community, which he said “provides the diversification and understanding and allows (you) to develop friendships and contacts outside the work place.” He noted that, depending on your career path, these contacts will be another factor in achieving workplace success. He’s overcome several obstacles in his career, namely a “negativism and perceptions of the people and decisions that have been made.” He continues looking ahead, citing one of his future goals as encouraging new developments and working to move the City of Sheboygan forward, making it a place to live, work and play. Recruiting more people in “professional, salaried positions,” fits into this framework, and for young career people, Pelishek encouraged them to “go above and beyond the call of duty.” He suggests they learn as much as they can, and combined with a high level of dedication, they’ll be “able to achieve success in your future.”
Making Their Mark Top Young Professionals from Sheboygan County | May 2011
about us Mission To develop and retain a valuable network of young professionals.
Vision To touch the life of every young professional in Sheboygan County.
Organization Goals • Help local businesses recruit and retain diverse, young talent.
• Build strong professional and personal relationships by providing an outlet for social and educational activities • Develop emerging community leaders
Attend an Event Power Lunches – Hot topics, professional development, personal interests and community ties ... feed your mind and your belly at these onehour educational lunches. Networking Hours – Better than happy hour, Networking Hours connect young professionals with a relaxed atmosphere at cool local establishments to meet and engage in great conversation. OktoberFeast – Our premier annual event. Sample tasty cuisine from a variety of local restaurants, enjoy a glass of wine and the company of other young professionals. Thursday evening, October 13 at the Kohler Design Center.
2010 winners Aaron Brault, John Cinealis, Katie Henning, Kate Hildebrandt, Jennifer Lehrke, Anne Gaskin Nemschoff, Dr. John Reitz, Jodi Schneider, Jessica Thun, and Jonathan Weiss
Keep an eye on our Calendar of Events that is located on our website,, for more exciting monthly activities.
Join a Committee Membership/Diversity – Be a part of the enthusiastic team that focuses on recruitment and exclusive member benefits. This committee is dedicated to understanding our diverse membership and strategizing our path for the future. Programming – Help organize the social and educational events that bring together the area’s young people. Marketing – Develop materials to promote activities, work on our website and promote Coastal Connections through media and social outlets. Development – Build our organization’s resources by connecting with generous businesses throughout the community.
2009 winners Crystal Hermann Fieber, Darrick Hartman, Paul Mentink, Paul Nemschoff, Mary Pitsch, Rebecca Polar, Matt Quasius, Joel Van Ess, Heather Withington, Leeann Vang
May 2011 |
Making Their Mark Top Young Professionals from Sheboygan County
Talk to Derrick Hermann long enough, and words like “rewarding” and “challenging” come up when he talks about his work at Waldo State Bank, in a career he’s dedicated himself to.
Waldo State Bank lists its most important assets as its customers, something Hermann identifies with. Whether he’s helping a young couple buy their first home, or setting up a new business for success, Hermann’s work with his customers is among the most fulfilling aspects of his job. “If I’ve been any part of that process,” he said, “I consider that to be the most rewarding.” Although he may not have known at a young age that he’d be involved in a banking career, Hermann’s parents set him up with exactly the character traits he’d need to succeed – humility, honesty and “an extremely hard work ethic.” As his career unfolded, he came to see success in a unique way – more of a challenge, and less of a destination, saying that as long as you “take something of value away from the experience, you’ve succeeded.” The people he’s met along the way have also impacted his career, providing abundant opportunities for Hermann to learn from. Along the way, there have been the expected roadblocks and difficulties, but Hermann doesn’t look at them as negatives;
repositioned as opportunities, they become a chance for him to learn. “What one might call an obstacle, I would call an opportunity,” he said. “I try to take any negative situation and turn it into a positive experience.”
That’s advice he’s glad to share with other young professionals – take advantage of each opportunity that presents itself. “Never be afraid to challenge yourself,” he advised. “Remember to take something valuable away from that experience and consider it a success.” Opportunities abound in Hermann’s community service, as well. Not only has he met many “wonderful and resourceful people,” but those connections have served to strengthen and enhance both his professional and personal relationships. As he looks ahead, Hermann sees himself continuing his work at Waldo State Bank, serving each and every customer the best way he knows how. The bank’s mission is to provide “friendly customer service with the highest degree of integrity, professionalism and confidentiality.” Those are words that guide Hermann’s working life, along with a favorite quote that sits on his desk: “Awaken, every day that you sit back and wait for something to happen is another day lost. – Jennifer Flavin”
Don hammond Don Hammond, a certified financial planner at Maritime Financial Group, has been advising clients for almost 20 years, but in the beginning, things weren’t always easy. “I began as a financial advisor right after college, which made it difficult to build credibility with potential clients,” he said. Still, Hammond kept at it – the UW-Whitewater and Marquette University grad knew a thing or two about tenacity, gained from the many people who helped him on his journey. He considers himself fortunate to have the support of these people – from parents “who taught me to respect others, work hard and give back,” to teachers and coaches who wouldn’t settle for “good enough, whether in the classroom or on the field.” Since those early days, Hammond has learned a thing or two about success, both in a personal and a professional sense. His most rewarding accomplishment, personally, is “being a parent and helping my children continue to grow and nurture.” In his career at Maritime Financial Group, his accomplishments include “developing great client relationships,” and also becoming a member of the Board of Directors. Hammond takes pride in helping his clients establish and achieve their most important financial and business goals, and whether its parenting or community service, he succeeds when he looks back and realizes “efforts created a positive and lasting effect.” And he’s had ample opportunity to do this – as a member of several local groups, including Sheboygan Downtown Ro-
tary Foundation; Sheboygan Area Big Brothers/Big Sisters; Sheboygan County Chamber of Commerce and Sheboygan County Rebuilding Together, he’s worked hard to impact the lives of those around him. “These experiences have been some of the most rewarding of my life,” Hammond said. “Knowing that my efforts and the efforts of others have left a lasting impact on Sheboygan is something that I am very proud of.” Involvement with these and other groups has also introduced him to “many great people,” some who have become clients and “many more” that have become friends, something he’s “very fortunate” to have. Hammond remembers the lessons from the early days of his career, and encourages young professionals “first and foremost,” to find a career they enjoy. Assessing skills, interests and strengths will enable them to develop career choices, and he advocates job shadowing as a way to cement these choices. “Learning does not stop after high school (and) college,” he said. “Successful people are lifelong learners.” Hammond takes this advice himself, looking to the future – whether it’s growing in his career at Maritime Financial Group, giving back to the community, or even developing long-range skills on the golf course. “I…wouldn’t mind a golf handicap under 20, but that may take longer than five years,” he joked.
Making Their Mark Top Young Professionals from Sheboygan County | May 2011
In 2010, Dr. Laura Rammer purchased the practice of Dr. Paul Gruber, a longtime Sheboygan dentist. She had a solid idea this is what she wanted to do with her life, because while at the Marquette University School of Dentistry, she was paired with Gruber as part of their Mentorship Program. This allowed her to job shadow, a process that was enlightening. “I…asked questions, spent time in dental offices in order to make sure it was the right career for me,” she said. Prior to dental school, Rammer was paired with several other area dentists, just to make sure she was on the right track. “I couldn’t have had better mentors,” she said of the team that guided her. Now, owning her own practice has been her “most rewarding accomplishment,” and she’s been working hard to make it a success. For Rammer, success is in the faces of each patient that walks through the door – her goal is to help people realize the value of preventive dentistry, guiding them to “make healthy decisions and choices for their mouths.” “Doing dentistry in an environment where I can express my talents for the greatest benefit of the patients, the community and the profession that I serve is a huge win-win,” she said. When she’s not helping patients, Rammer enjoys being involved in many local organizations – among them the Sheboygan Coun-
ty Dental Society; Sheboygan Jaycees; Coastal Connections; Maywood Advisory Board, and the Wisconsin and Sheboygan County Holstein Associations. The last may come as a surprise, but Rammer is also interested in raising and exhibiting show-quality Holstein and Jersey dairy cattle, but she said involvement with all these organizations, brings her joy. And while she enjoys being involved with a wide variety of groups, there is a difficult spot – she’s had to say “no” to others. “…I don’t have time for all of the wonderful organizations in our community that have extended welcoming invitations,” Rammer said. “…I am realizing the importance of down time and personal well-being.” Involvement with these groups has provided a way to network and has introduced her “to wonderful people and grouped me with professionals whom I call friends.” Rammer is working hard on developing her dental practice, doing the best she can for each patient by growing her knowledge base, through further education, and “staying aware of the changes and advancements in dentistry.” For those just starting their careers, Rammer is still a strong believer in job shadowing and asking plenty of questions along the way. “Job shadowing will be an eye-opener and (will) help determine if it could be the right path,” she advised.
Patrick Drinan
The vision of the Sheboygan County Economic Development Corporation is quite impressive: “…to be the premier private/public partnership leading collaborative retention, expansion and attraction efforts for business and employment development in Sheboygan County.” If that sounds like a tall order, it takes someone like Patrick Drinan, executive director, to carry it out, and that’s exactly his goal. For the past 15 months, he’s been working to establish the new offices and operations of the Corporation, a process he called rewarding. He’s worked closely with many local business leaders to create a “dynamic and aggressive organization” that’s focused on improving the economic wellbeing of Sheboygan County’s residents, businesses, and communities. Drinan defines professional success as “progress towards, or achievement of, specific, measurable goals,” carried out in an ethical manner. Along the way, he’s encountered a number of roadblocks, chief among them a “resistance to change,” and he believes the “established way of doing things,” isn’t always the best way. “Leadership and willingness to attempt new initiatives and approaches…has overcome these obstacles,” he said.
When it comes to personal goals, he’s working hard to “instill moral principles and values in my four young children, and supporting and raising my family to be productive members of society.” Drinan listed support from colleagues, coworkers and family as those who mentored him, but while attending college at Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana, Drinan met a man he called his “most influential mentor.” J. Paul Mitchell, a professor, recognized Drinan’s talents in urban planning and economic development, encouraging and supporting his pursuit. He’s carried those lessons with him through the years, becoming involved in young professionals groups that build relationships through networking. “Find an opportunity or career about which you are passionate,” Drinan advises young professionals. “Use industry experts to help identify those careers that will be in high demand within the next 10 to 15 years.” His own involvement in local groups like the Sheboygan Rotary Club, the Chamber of Commerce and other networking groups, along with school and church activities, have “enhanced my ability to connect with other business leaders.” Drinan cites community involvement as key to expanding his leadership skills, along with strengthening his professional and personal relationships.
May 2011 |
Making Their Mark Top Young Professionals from Sheboygan County
Richardyinko Not many people get to say that their work saves lives, and when it does, it’s a feeling of accomplishment quite unlike any other. Rich Yinko, Jr., president of Yinko Designs, Inc., designed a mirror that was installed in a New York school bus. Thanks to an observant bus driver, two children on the bus were saved from getting severely injured. “I put my son’s face on those children every day, and I thank God I am blessed to be in a position where I can protect them,” Yinko said. Aside from notable moments like that, Yinko said success is defined individually, depending on one’s perspective. For him, providing for his family, having them healthy and involved in his business, and being able to contribute to charitable causes defines success. “As long as I personally know I put forth the best possible effort, I feel as though I was successful,” he said. He’s worked hard to achieve this, crediting his late father for being his mentor. Taught lessons by him that never appeared in any text book, Yinko learned a work ethic that built the foundation for his success. It’s those early lessons that he plans on sharing with his family, “so that they can have the same opportunities I was given.” Along with that, Yinko wants to create opportunities for young-
er students, with the goal of starting a scholarship program that mentors them, rewarding ingenuity in invention. His recommendation for those just starting a career centers on focus. “Try not to take on a wide range of initiatives as you learn,” he advises. “I feel it’s better to focus on a certain field, master it, and then grow upon that field with specific skill sets that may help boost the career you have mastered.” It’s advice he takes himself, steering his company through each new phase, working diligently to ensure that they maintain a proper vision and the appropriate financing to grow. He feels it’s too easy to lose focus “on your core values and steer off into another direction that may not be your expertise,” and maintaining those values is central to his business philosophy. Yinko believes this philosophy will open doors, something he still experiences as an established professional. A recent evening at Sheboygan Lutheran High School proved this – after the event, in conversation with several people present, he established connections that “I would have never gained in the standard day-to-day operations of our company.” The results of that networking? An opportunity to gain “priceless knowledge from respected people across the community” that he’ll share with younger generations.
Tracyschultz Tracy Schultz, business development manager at Miller Engineers & Scientists, has an interesting viewpoint when it comes to success – it’s not just the positives that contribute to it, but the negatives as well. “Success is not a single event,” she said. “Success builds itself off achievements and setbacks.” It also encompasses more than that, including for Schultz a confidence in “who you are” and the ability to have family and friends who “cheer you on each journey and celebrate all life’s accomplishments.” Chances are good that they were there to celebrate when Schultz earned her master’s degree, an event she called her most rewarding accomplishment, and something she did while working full-time. “That was a pretty big commitment, but it makes me proud to have achieved it,” she said. Schultz’s parents raised her to believe she could “do what I set my mind to,” and in her professional career, that translates to “finding new challenges and…new ways to accom-
plish them.” She encourages young professionals to identify what they are good at and enjoy doing, then work to develop those strengths. “Don’t try to be perfect at everything,” she advised. “Once you (identify your strengths) others will recognize you for it.” Schultz said “finding time” has been one of her biggest obstacles to success, along with getting “comfortable in delegating responsibilities from time to time.” She has made time to join several local groups, including the Sheboygan Jaycees, Coastal Connections, Sheboygan Rotary Club and the Sheboygan County Chamber, all of which have provided her with “many opportunities to meet and learn from some incredible community leaders.” This involvement has had some very positive results – “the more I put myself out there, the more I gain and learn,” Schultz said. “The best part is I have had so much fun along the way.”
Making Their Mark Top Young Professionals from Sheboygan County | May 2011
Core Team The Core Team consists of business and organization representatives from Sheboygan County. Its purpose is to plan Coastal Connections' activities, promotions, sponsorships and recruitment. President
Marketing VP
Eric Hesselink Community Bank & Trust; 1160 Fond du Lac Ave., Sheboygan Falls, WI 53085; (920) 467-9596
Sarah Schwefel RLO Sign Inc.; 1030 Ontario Ave., Sheboygan, WI 53081; (920) 457-6602
Xue Yang St. Nicholas Hospital; 3100 Superior Ave., Sheboygan, WI 53081; (920) 459-4739
Tracy Schultz Miller Engineers & Scientists; 5308 S. 12th St., Sheboygan, WI 53081; (920) 458-6164
Cassie Friese Schenck SC; 712 Riverfront Dr., Suite 301, Sheboygan, WI 53081; (920) 803-3126
Programming Co-VP Brian Gensch Acuity; 2800 S. Taylor Dr., Sheboygan, WI 53081; (920) 458-9131 x1193
Programming Co-VP Rhiannon Hinz Kohler Credit Union ; 831 S. Taylor Dr., Sheboygan, WI 53081; (920) 783-2507
Membership/Diversity VP and President Elect 2012 Wendy Rainer Northwestern Mutual; 2124 Kohler Memorial Dr., Sheboygan, WI 53081; (920) 457-5596
Membership Membership is limited to people who live or work in Sheboygan County and are between the age of 21 and 40. However, we welcome professionals of all ages to attend any of our events in order to expand our network. Several times per year we have members-only events such as Distinguished Dinners where we meet a notable community leader for an intimate dinner while being introduced to a fantastic Sheboygan County restaurant.
Development VP
Secretary and Chamber Representative Lisa Hartman Sheboygan County Chamber of Commerce; 621 S. 8th St., Sheboygan, WI 53081; (920) 457-9491
Past President 2010 Kari Cox Kohler Co.; 444 Highland Dr., Kohler, WI 53044; (920) 457-4441
Past President 2009 Sherri Halverson Robert W. Baird & Co.; 833 Pennsylvania Ave., Sheboygan, WI 53081; (920) 458-5506
Rates Employees of a Chamber member business (1 year membership) - $50 Employees of a non-Chamber member business (1 year membership) - $80 Current college student or recent grad (1 year membership) - $25
Representative Jena Jaeckels UW Sheboygan; One University Dr., Sheboygan, WI 53081; (920) 459-4401
Representative Jenny Dicke The Vollrath Company; 1236 N. 18th St., Sheboygan, WI 53081; (920) 459-5313
Representative Huston Sprang Kohler Co.; 444 Highland Dr., Kohler, WI 53044; (920) 457-4441
Representative Ryan Kauth Heartland Business Bank; 84706 S. Taylor Dr., Sheboygan, WI 53081; (920) 803-6000
Join now! Go to to begin your registration to become a member of Coastal Connections. You will be required to submit payment with Paypal. If you need help with registration or would prefer to register over the phone, please call Lisa Hartman at 920-457-9491. Once you have completed your registration you will automatically be added to the mailing list for our monthly e-newsletter as well as periodic updates about upcoming events. You can unsubscribe from these emails at any time.
May 2011 |
Making Their Mark Top Young Professionals from Sheboygan County
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Making Their Mark Top Young Professionals from Sheboygan County | May 2011
Mayor Bob Ryan, the City of Sheboygan, and Jos. Schmitt & Sons Construction Co., Inc. congratulate
CHAD PELISHEK on being presented the
Making Their Mark Award
Chad works every day to promote positive changes that make the City of Sheboygan a better place to live, work and play. We are proud to see Chad receive this much deserved recognition!
Congratulations, Chad!