Five Alternative Hamstring Exercises for the Home Gym Owner –by Rob Brinkley Jr., NASM P.E.S., SFG 1, O.S. 1 When we think about accessory hamstring work, usually we visualize leg curls and Romanian deadlifts. Programmed and practiced correctly, these can be great. But I don’t have the budget, space or desire to buy a machine or purchase heavy dumbbells (my preferred RDL variation). Here Are Five Alternative Hamstring Exercises, Designed Specifically for the Home Gym Owner: Barbell Anchored Hammie Gravity Drop What you’ll need: Loaded barbell; with 2 to 4 extra loose plates; and one or two “padding items” (examples: yoga mat, towel, padded flooring, old stinky sweat shirt, or similar). Set up: Wedge your loose plates in front of your loaded barbell so that it does not roll (behind if needed). Place one padding item a foot or so in front of the barbell, so that it can pad your knee. Optionally, but recommended, place another padding item where your hands will “fall” to absorb some of
the shock. Movement: Starting from a kneeling position (knees on padding), comfortably wedge lower leg against the bar. Bar touches lower leg somewhere a few inches above your ankle. Tuck hips under torso. Brace midsection*. Tense/flex hamstrings, and try to keep this tension; as you try to lower your body in slow motion towards the floor. There will be a point where you’ll sort of… fall. That’s where the “shock absorbing” padding will be your wrist’s friend. Comment(s): Do your best to keep your torso & hips moving/falling as a unit. This means don’t exaggerate your low back arch. I start people off with sets of 1 rep. Take as much of a break as you need for your next rep to be your best possible next rep. You can get better at the movement by having more control and going slower, without having to add any reps. But as needed, add more reps. I rarely have folks do more than 5 reps per set. Video link: 43