Noah and the Ark Genesis 6–9
Noah and the Ark Genesis 6–9
Story Point: God punished sin but chose to rescue Noah and his family. Big Picture Question: Who is God? God is our Creator and King. Christ Connection: God rescued Noah and his family from the flood. The story of Noah points ahead to a greater rescue. God’s Son, Jesus—the only perfectly righteous One—came to take the punishment for our sin. By trusting in Him, we are saved from the punishment our sin deserves. Key Passage: Colossians 1:16b-17
Noah and the Ark Genesis 6–9
Key Passage: Colossians 1:16b Babies & Toddlers Christ Connection: Jesus always obeyed God, and He came to rescue us. Preschool Christ Connection: God sent a flood to punish the world for sin, but God rescued Noah and his family. Later, there was an even greater rescue! Jesus came to save people from sin. When we trust in Jesus, He saves us from the punishment for our sin. Big Picture Question: Who is God? God is our Creator and King. Story Point for Babies & Toddlers: God made everything. Story Point for Preschoolers: God rescued Noah and his family. Gospel Gems: • God covered the earth with water. • God kept Noah’s family safe. • God sent Jesus because He loves us.
Parents: 3 Easy Step Lesson 4: Noah and the Ark Genesis 6-9 #1) Watch: The Video with Cindy Garcia, our Kids’ Director, teaching the main story through the Gospel Project Video: Noah & the Ark found on the Sunday Liturgy #2) (Optional) Re-Read: The BIBLE Story as a family or Life Group & Ask the BIG PICTURE QUESTION to each other. (Notice there are 2 different ages for the story) #3) Do: Optional activities broken down by age groups (Edited to be quick and easy with family)
The BIBLE Story (PreK-5th) Noah and the Ark Genesis 6–9 Adam and Eve had many children and grandchildren. One day, God looked at all the people on earth and saw that they were choosing to sin. Every person’s thoughts were evil, and God was sad that He made people. God decided to send a flood to destroy all the creatures on the earth and to clean up the world. God showed favor to a man named Noah. Noah was a righteous man; he followed God. God warned Noah about the flood. He told Noah to make an ark to save himself, his family, and all kinds of animals. God told Noah exactly how to make the ark. God said that He would make a covenant, or agreement, with Noah and his family. Noah did everything that God commanded. When the ark was finished, God told Noah to go inside. Noah went inside with his family and the animals, and God shut the door. Rain came for 40 days and 40 nights, and water rose from the ground. Noah was 600 years old when this happened. Now the ark floated on top of the water. The water rose higher and higher until all of the mountains were covered. Every living thing on the earth died; only Noah and those with him survived. Finally, the rain stopped and the water started to go down. Noah waited inside the ark until the ground was dry. Then God told Noah to bring all the people and animals out of the ark. So Noah did. Noah built an altar and gave an offering to the Lord. God promised Noah that He would never completely flood the earth again. God told Noah and his family to spread out over the earth and fill it with people. God placed a rainbow in the sky as a special sign of the covenant He made with Noah. Every time Noah and his family
5 saw the rainbow, they would know God remembered the promise He made with all the living creatures on earth. Christ Connection: God rescued Noah and his family from the flood. The story of Noah points ahead to a greater rescue. God’s Son, Jesus—the only perfectly righteous One—came to take the punishment for our sin. By trusting in Him, we are saved from the punishment our sin deserves. Bible Story for Toddlers (1-3 year olds) Adam and Eve’s family filled the earth, but they did not obey God. They only wanted to do wrong things. God made a plan to flood the earth. God told Noah to make an ark, and Noah obeyed God. When the ark was finished, God made Noah’s family and two of every animal get inside the ark. It rained for 40 days and 40 nights, but the ark floated on top of the water. When the ground was dry, God told Noah’s family and the animals to come out. Noah and his family praised God. God promised to never flood the whole earth again, and He put a rainbow in the sky to remind us of His promise. Gospel Gems God covered the earth with water. God kept Noah’s family safe. God sent Jesus because He loves us.
Do: Simple Activities for PreK-5th Grade Option 1: Follow instructions (asks simpler questions for preK-2nd) Give your child a pencil and a piece of paper. Explain that this activity will require them to follow instructions. You will read each instruction twice, but not a third time, so they should listen carefully. Read the first instruction, pause, and then repeat the instruction. Read through all of the instructions. Then compare their papers. Write your first name at the bottom left corner. Write the numbers 1 through 9 on the first line of the paper. Leave a space between each number. Circle the number 4. Fold your paper in half the long way. Then open your paper and fold it in half the short way. Open your paper and use the tip of your pencil to poke a hole where the two folds meet. Draw a star around the hole you made in your paper. Write the first letter of your last name in the top right corner of the paper. On the last line of the paper, write the word finished near the right edge. Say • How closely did you follow the instructions? In today’s Bible story, God gave a man named Noah some instructions, and Noah did just what God said. Option 2: Float a boat Have play dough, foil, and craft sticks for kids to construct their own boats. Discuss what features might help a boat float. Allow kids to predict whether or not a boat will float, and then test each boat in the shallow water. Say • Imagine making a boat that would actually hold people and animals! Today’s Bible story is about a man who obeyed God. He built a large boat, called an ark, because God had a plan to clean up the earth. Let’s find out what happened.
6 Option 3: Journal and prayer Give paper and pencils. Guide kids to think about and answer the questions listed on the page: What does this story teach me about God or the gospel? What does the story teach me about myself? Are there any commands in this story to obey? How are they for God’s glory and my good? Are there any promises in this story to remember? How do they help me trust and love God? How does this story help me to live on mission better? As kids journal, invite them to share their ideas. Then pray, thanking God for His grace and provision. Pray that your kids would believe God and His Word. Ask God to give kids courage to tell others about Jesus, the Rescuer. Option 4: “The Adventures of Noah” on the activity page. Kids should draw pictures of the events in Noah’s story to show what happened. Activity page (5 minutes)
Invite kids to complete the “Find the Pictures” activity page. Kids will find and circle the images from the key hidden throughout the picture Say • Great job finding those hidden pictures. They were around the whole picture, but hidden. Today we will hear a story about how sin spread around the whole world, but it was not hidden. It was out in the open. How do you think God reacted to seeing sin spread around the whole world? We’ll find out.
Do: Simple Activities for 1yr -3 yr olds Option 1: Animal charades Allow family or life group to take turns acting out an animals to see if the others can guess which animal they are pretending to be. If kids are struggling to guess, allow them to make animal noises as well as mimic the movements of the animal. Suggestions: lions crows cows snakes Say • In our story today, we will hear about a time when sin had spread so much, and people had grown so evil, that God decided to flood the whole world. But God chose to save one family and many kinds of animals. How do you think God would save creatures from a flood? Option 2: Activity page Invite preschoolers to draw a line connecting the boy animal to the girl animal of the same kind. Say • Remember that God made many kinds of animals. In today’s Bible story, God planned to send a big flood, but God had a plan to rescue one family and some of all the animals He made. Option 3: Look at books about animals Set out an assortment of books depicting various animals for preschoolers to browse. Read a book to a child as she shows interest.
7 Say • God rescued Noah and his family from the flood. God rescued every kind of animal He made too. Later, there was an even greater rescue! Jesus came to save people from sin. When we trust in Jesus, He saves us from the punishment for our sin. Option 5: Make cereal rainbows Print a copy of the “Rainbow” printable for preschooler. Give paper to preschooler along with a bowl of multi-colored fruit-flavored O-shaped cereal. Invite to fill each row of his rainbow printable with a different color of cereal to create a rainbow. Say • God sent a flood to punish the world for sin, but God rescued Noah and his family. God promised Noah that He would never again send a flood to cover the whole earth. God put a rainbow in the clouds to be a reminder of His promise. Later, there was an even greater rescue! Jesus came to save people from sin. When we trust in Jesus, He saves us from the punishment for our sin. Sing a Bible story song Sing to the tune of “God Is So Good”: “God *made the world, God *made the world, God *made the world, God made everything.” *Substitute loves people and sent His Son in subsequent rounds. Say: God made everything. The people God made did not obey Him. Jesus always obeyed God, and He came to rescue us. Sing a song Sing the “Arky, Arky” song and perform the hand motions with the toddlers. If you do not know the song or motions, check out the song online Say: God made everything. God covered the earth with water.
Instructions: Print one copy for each preschooler. Use as directed in the leader guide.
God rescued Noah and his family.
God Created Everything Preschool Leader Guide • Unit 1, Session 4 © 2018 LifeWay OK to Print
Draw a line connecting the two animals of the same kind.
Two of Every Kind INSTRUCTIONS:
Preschool Activity Pages
Unit 1 • Session 4
Noah and the Ark
• God told Noah to build an ark—a really big boat. • God sent a flood to punish the world for sin. • God rescued Noah and his family. • God promised Noah that He would never again send a flood to cover the whole earth.
KEY PASSAGE: Colossians
• Who is God? God is our Creator and King.
• Why did God send a flood? Was God happy or sad to send a flood? • What would you have done if God told you to build an ark? • How is Jesus a better rescuer than Noah?
• Contact a relief agency that helps victims of natural disasters. Find out what your family can do to help and do it. • Weather permitting, make a rainbow using a water hose and sunlight. Talk about God’s promises as you experiment.
The Ark Fill in the letters that match up with each number. Hint: 1 = A, 2 = B, 3 = C, and so on.
The Adventures of Noah
When the ark was finished, God told Noah to go inside with his family and the animals. Noah obeyed God. (Genesis 7:1-5)
The flood came and covered the earth. The rain did not stop for 40 days and 40 nights. Only Noah and those with him survived. (Genesis 7:11-24)
Draw pictures of the events in Noah’s story to show what happened.
God warned Noah that a flood was coming. He told Noah to make an ark to save himself, his family, and all kinds of animals. Noah obeyed God. (Genesis 6:13-14,22)
Š 2020 LifeWay
Noah waited inside the ark until the ground was dry. Then God told Noah to bring his family and the animals out of the ark. Noah obeyed God. (Genesis 8:1-19)
God told Noah and his family to spread out and fill the earth with people. God placed a rainbow in the sky as a reminder that He would never again flood the earth. (Genesis 9:1-17)
Noah and the Ark Genesis 6–9