The Gospel Project
Abraham and Isaac Genesis 22
PreK-5th Grade Lesson
Abraham and Isaac Genesis 22
Story Point: Abraham trusted God even when he did not understand God’s plan. Big Picture Question: Why can we trust God? We can trust God because He is faithful and does everything for His glory and our good. Christ Connection: Abraham showed his love for God by being willing to sacrifice his son Isaac. God provided a ram instead. This is how God showed His love for us: He sent His Son, Jesus, to die on the cross so that we could have eternal life through Him. Key Passage: Galatians 3:29
Babies and Toddlers Lesson
Abraham and Isaac Genesis 22
Key Passage: Galatians 3:29 Babies & Toddlers Christ Connection: God gave His own Son, Jesus, to rescue us. Preschool Christ Connection: Abraham trusted God. He was willing to give up his son Isaac when God asked him to. God provided a ram so Isaac could live. God was willing to give up His Son, Jesus, to save the world from sin. Jesus gave up His life as a sacrifice for our sin so we can live. Big Picture Question: Why can we trust God? We can trust God because He is faithful. Story Point for Babies & Toddlers: God made a promise. Story Point for Preschoolers: Abraham trusted God. Gospel Gems: • Abraham trusted God to keep His promise. • God gave a ram to use as the sacrifice. • God promised to send Jesus into Abraham’s family.
Parents: 3 Easy Steps
Unit 2, Lesson 1: God’s Covenant with Abraham
1) Watch: Cindy teaching “God’s Covenant with Abraham” in the Sunday liturgy for 8/16
2) (Optional) Re-Read: This week’s Bible Story as a family or life group and ask the Big Picture Question to each other. (Notice there are two versions of the story based on age.)
3) Do: Easy optional activities the whole family or life group can enjoy together.
Bible Stories By Age PreK-5th Grade
Abraham and Isaac Genesis 22 God kept His promise to give Abraham a son. Abraham and his wife Sarah were very old when their son Isaac was born. One day, God tested Abraham. God wanted to make sure that Abraham loved God most of all. “Abraham,” God said. “Here I am,” Abraham answered. “Take your son Isaac to the mountain and give him to Me as a sacrifice,” God said. Abraham obeyed God. He got up early the next day and left with Isaac, two servants, and a donkey carrying supplies. They walked for three days before they got to the mountain
where God wanted Abraham to make the sacrifice. Abraham asked his servants to stay with the donkey, and he and Isaac went up the mountain with the supplies for the sacrifice. Isaac saw something was missing. “My father,” he said, “where is the lamb for the offering?” Abraham answered, “God Himself will provide the lamb.” When they got to the place God had directed them, Abraham built an altar and placed the wood on top. Then he put Isaac on top of the wood. Just as Abraham was about to sacrifice Isaac, the Angel of the Lord called out, “Abraham, Abraham!” Abraham stopped. “Here I am,” he said. The Angel of the Lord said, “Do not lay a hand on the boy or do anything to him. For now I know that you fear God, since you have not withheld your only son from Me.” Abraham looked up and saw a ram trapped by its horns in the bushes. He offered to God the ram instead of Isaac. Abraham named the place, “The LORD Will Provide.” The Angel of the Lord reminded Abraham that God would keep the covenant He made with Abraham. God again promised to bless Abraham, to make his family as numerous as all the stars in the sky and the sand on the seashores. God promised victory over Abraham’s enemies and blessing to all the earth through Abraham’s family. Christ Connection: Abraham showed his love for God by being willing to sacrifice his son Isaac. God provided a ram instead. This is how God showed His love for us: He sent His Son, Jesus, to die on the cross so that we could have eternal life through Him.
3-5th Grade Discussion & Bible skills Have kids get their Bibles and ask them what book of the Bible contains the story of Abraham and Isaac. (Genesis) Challenge them to identify the chapter, and then instruct them to turn there. (Genesis 22) Choose a volunteer to read aloud Genesis 22:7-8. Say • The story of Abraham and Isaac might surprise you. God promised to give Abraham a big family and then he gave him a son, Isaac. So when God commanded Abraham to offer Isaac as a sacrifice, Abraham did not understand. We see that Abraham trusted God even when he did not understand God’s plan. Let’s answer our big picture question: Why can we trust God? We can trust God because He is faithful and does everything for His glory and our good. Ask the following questions. Lead the group to discuss: How did Abraham show that he had faith in God? Guide kids to recognize that Abraham proved his faith by obeying God. True faith leads to action. (Option: Choose a volunteer to read James 2:21-22.) Why do you think God sometimes tests us or asks us to do hard things? Use Abraham’s story as an example to emphasize that God may test us to prove our faith. By enduring trials, our faith is made stronger. Remind boys and girls that God never tempts anyone to sin. (Option: Choose a volunteer to read James 1:12-13.) God provided a ram as a substitute for Isaac. How did God provide a substitute for us? Help kids express that God sent His Son to be our substitute. Jesus lived a perfect life and took the punishment we deserve for our sin so we can have forgiveness and life with God forever. (Option: Choose a volunteer to read 2 Cor. 5:21.)
Babies and Toddlers Bible Story for Toddlers Abraham and his wife Sarah were very old when their son, Isaac, was born like God promised. God said Isaac would be part of God’s special promise to send Jesus. One day, God wanted to see if Abraham loved God most of all. In Bible times, people gave gifts to God called sacrifices. God told Abraham to give Isaac as a sacrifice. Abraham trusted God, and Abraham obeyed. Abraham and Isaac went up the mountain. Abraham got ready to offer Isaac to God. A voice called to them from heaven and said, “Abraham, do not do anything to your son Isaac.” God gave a ram to be the sacrifice instead. God knew Abraham loved God most of all. One day, God would send Jesus to rescue us. Gospel Gems Abraham trusted God to keep His promise. God gave a ram to use as the sacrifice. God promised to send Jesus into Abraham’s family.
Quick and Easy Activities
PreK-5th Grade Tell about a favorite toy Have your child to find their favorite toy and tell you all it. Ask them if it would be hard to give up that toy forever. Say • Giving up your favorite toy would be really hard, wouldn’t it? Abraham was asked to give up something way more important than a toy! But God did not take Isaac from Abraham, just like I am not going to ask you to give up your favorite toy. Why can we trust God? We can trust God because He is faithful. Put to the Test Announce that you are going to test the kids in two ways. The first test will be a memory test and the second test will be a physical test. Explain that you will read a list of words and will not repeat them. Read the word list slowly and then challenge kids to repeat all the words they heard: red, cabbage, bank, rabbit, orange, spoon, church, clock, spin, music. For the second test, invite kids to do a wall sit. Instruct them to stand with their backs against the wall and then slide downward by moving their feet forward until their knees are bent at a 90-degree angle and their upper legs are parallel to the floor. Challenge kids to hold that position. Say • Did you know that the Bible says God sometimes tests us? God’s tests aren’t about math or science, and God never tempts us to sin; but He may test us to show that our faith is real or to prove that we are committed to Him. Tests can make our faith stronger, like when an athlete lifts weights or undergoes difficult training. We saw in the Bible story today that Abraham trusted God even when he did not understand God’s plan. God tested Abraham’s faith, and Abraham proved that he loved God
by being willing to give up what was most precious to him—his only son. (Gen. 22:16) But God provided a ram as a substitute at just the right time. This is how God showed His love for us: He sent His Son, Jesus, to die on the cross as our substitute so that we could have forgiveness and eternal life through Him.
Make a giving box Wrap the bottom and top of a shoe box with solid colored paper. Cut a slit big enough to fit coins and paper money in the top of the box. Let kids decorate and write GIVING BOX on the top of the box. Place the box in a prominent place in your home. Use the box to collect money that can be used to donate to a missionary, help someone in need, or give to a favorite organization. Say • Abraham trusted God. He was willing to give up his son Isaac when God asked him to. God was willing to give up His Son, Jesus, to save the world from sin. We can give up our money and put it in this box. This money will go to help others to know Jesus.
1-4 Year Olds Make ram art Print the “Ram” printable for each child. Provide liquid glue or glue stick for kids to stick cotton balls to the ram’s body. Write the story point on each child’s artwork and set it aside to dry. Say: God made a promise to Abraham. Abraham trusted God to keep His promise. God gave a ram to use as the sacrifice in Isaac’s place. God gave His own Son, Jesus, to rescue us. Take a nature walk Take your kids on a walk outside. Invite kids to look for things that Abraham and Isaac may have seen on the mountain (grass, trees, rocks, flowers, and so forth). Briefly review the story. Say: God made a promise to Abraham, and the promise was about Isaac. Abraham trusted God to keep His promise no matter what. God provided a ram to be the sacrifice. Find the ram Hide a stuffed ram or another stuffed animal somewhere in the room. You may also choose to print and hide the “Ram” printable instead. Invite kids to find the ram. When kids are near the ram, tell them that they are getting “warmer,” and when they are far from the ram, tell them they are getting “colder.” When they find the ram, lead them all to say, “Look, a ram!” together. Say • Great job using your eyes and ears to find that ram! Abraham trusted God and was willing to give up his son, but God was faithful to provide a ram instead. Why can we trust God? We can trust God because He is faithful.
God Formed a Nation Babies & Toddlers/Preschool Leader Guide • Unit 2, Session 2 © 2018 LifeWay OK to Print
Ram Printable
Instructions: For Babies & Toddlers, print a copy for each child. For Preschool, print one copy. Use as directed in each leader guide.
Coloring Page
Abraham and Isaac Genesis 22
Use your finger or a pencil to trace the path up the mountain.
Trace the Path
Preschool Activity Page Preschool Activity Pages
• Invite another family to join yours on a hike. Choose a mountain to hike if one is nearby. Review the Bible story as you hike. • Define sacrifice as giving something up in place of something else. Ask each family member to think of something he or she can give up to help someone else.
• How would you feel if God asked you to give up something you loved? • How did Abraham show that he trusted God and loved Him most of all? • What did God provide as a sacrifice instead of Isaac? Who gave up His life as a sacrifice for our sin?
• Why can we trust God? We can trust God because He is faithful.
KEY PASSAGE: Galatians
• God told Abraham to offer his son Isaac as a sacrifice. • Abraham trusted God. • God provided a ram for the sacrifice instead of Isaac.
Abraham and Isaac
Unit 2 • Session 2
Draw the bit of equipment each person is missing.
What’s Missing?
Younger Elementary Activity Page
• Gather toys and clothing that your kids can give away and take a trip to a homeless shelter or thrift store to donate the items. Challenge your kids to select one thing they normally would not give away.
• Did Abraham know Isaac would be OK? • Why do you think God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son? • Who really did sacrifice His Son for us?
• Why can we trust God? We can trust God because He is faithful and does everything for His glory and our good.
KEY PASSAGE: Galatians
• God asked Abraham to offer his son Isaac as a sacrifice. • Abraham trusted God even when he did not understand God’s plan. • God protected Isaac and provided a ram for Abraham to sacrifice instead.
Abraham and Isaac
Unit 2 • Session 2
Younger Kids Activity Pages
4 letters lamb life Lord wood
5 letters altar angel Isaac Jesus Sarah
M 17
D 6
9 letters obedience sacrifice
7 letters Abraham promise provide 1
8 letters covenant mountain
6 letters donkey family
Rearrange the planks for the story point and write the phrases in the space below.
Fill in the puzzle using the words provided. We’ve added some letters to get you started.
3 letters God ram son
Story Stack
Put to the Test
Older Elementary Activity Page