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Volunteer Services
In September 2022, Volunteer Services will launch Get Connected, a web-based volunteer management program that will help you track your volunteer hours more easily. The spring and summer of 2020—a time when many things stopped— provided time for Volunteer Services to evaluate the many volunteer positions available at Garden Spot Village. Jodi Lefever, volunteer services administrative assistant, says, “COVID presented an opportunity for us to re-evaluate all of our volunteer opportunities. We had time to reorganize, reflect where we are and determine our future needs. Our goal is that everyone benefits: residents, staff and our whole community.” Part of the evaluation process involved finding new software to track volunteer hours. After several months of research, the volunteer services team settled on Get Connected. They purchased the software in January and spent the first part of 2022 learning the program and entering information in preparation for the launch in September. Amanda Feeg, volunteer director assistant, says, “We really wanted software that was more interactive and user-friendly for residents and Volunteer Services. Get Connected allows volunteers to create an account, track their hours and express their interest in volunteer opportunities. One of our long-term goals is to automate large events like the marathon,” Jodi adds. “Ideally, we would post all of the volunteer jobs for the event and have volunteers sign up for the positions that work for them.” Get Connected will also allow Volunteer Services to present new opportunities to residents. In the coming months, Jodi and Amanda will identify the needs of the community and establish those needs as volunteer opportunities. New and fun categories, as well as photos and additional job descriptions will engage users to “get connected” with their community and understand the ways their service benefits their neighbors.
During the month of August, the Share and Care shop will undergo some renovations and will be closed from August 8 through September 5 with a GRAND REOPENING on Tuesday, September 6. Donations will continue to be accepted during the closure. Please do not hesitate to call Daryl Groff (6204) or E. J. Rittersbach, 610.909.2398 should you have items to donate. Information regarding drop off points will be announced prior to shutting down. Items donated will be stored and brought out when the shop reopens. A pre-renovation sale will continue prior to the shutdown. For four weeks beginning Monday, July 11 and running through Saturday, August 6, ALL items in the shop will be on sale. Your ENTIRE purchase will be discounted 50%! We would ask, however, that if you purchase furniture, plan to remove it the day of purchase or within the next day or two thereafter. Come take advantage of this great sale and purchase items you just can’t live without!! Looking forward to serving you. Remember – all proceeds benefit the Garden Spot Village Benevolent Fund.