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FLOWER GRO, are based in Co Kildare in Ireland, in the heart of Irelands’ peat bogs.
Although we are a peat-based compost product and supply a lot of the strawberry growers in Ireland, we also supply a lot of growers and independent garden centres throughout England, Scotland & Wales from our modern mixing and packing plant.
We have been working for the last 16 months to develop a peat free compost, which we are undergoing trials with various independent growers, along with developing a unique Peat Free Multipurpose for the retail industry. We take the issue very seriously.
Our new PEAT FREE COMPOST will contain rich dark soil, wood fibre, blended with decayed organic matter, seaweed extract and Perlite, together with SPECIALIST HAIFA BASE FEEDS for PEAT FREE & PEAT REDUCED products.
Flower Gro
E. flowergro2000@gmail.com T. 07562 671794