GTN Awards Special 2023 - Garden Trade News UK

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HILLIER GROWS GTNInterview with ChrisFrancis CASH IS KING GIMAColumnfromVickyNuttall Advice &information for garden centreprofessionals OPTIMISM FORSPRING HTAColumnfromAlan Down AWARDS SPECIAL 2023 Christmas Greatness Photos from all the winning centres in GTN’s Greatest Christmas Awards GCAWINNERS Bents &Klondyke Mortonhall scoop the big GCA Awards
Curated by buyersfor buyers Visit or Exhibit Scan and secureyour place Broughttoyou 14-15 MARCH 2023 Tuesday 14 March 09.00 -18:00 Wednesday 15 March 09.00 -16:30

Optimism springs eternal

Itwas great to see so many of youatSpring Fair for the presentations of The Greatest Christmas Awards. Along with meeting so many of the Greatest Christmas teams in UK retailing we also created the biggest gathering on The Stage at Spring Fair,thank youtoall those who attended. We’veincluded as many photosaswecan from thewinningcentresinthisAwardsspecial issue, but thereismore! In oure-mailnewsletter andwebsiteGTN Xtra,www.gardentradenews., you’llfind links to the full judges photo toursofall theGoldAward winningcentres with morebeing added each week over thecoming month.Ifyourteamare looking for that extra bit of retail inspiration as they starttoprepare for Christmas2023makesuretheysign up to the GTNXtrae-newsletter.Theycan do that using the subscribebuttononthe websiteorjuste-mail me their detailsand we will do it foryou: trevor@

It wasalsogreat to seemanymoreindustry friends at theGCA ConferenceinBlackburn where the mood wasparticularlyoptimistic forthe year ahead,especiallywhenthe economic forecaster predicted better timesfor thesecond half of this year and through 2024.

Januaryand Februarygardencentresales are always affectedbythe weathersousing them as an indicator for therestofthe year can be tricky That saidthe total items sold indexfromthe GTN Bestsellers Garden CentreEposdata at theend of February showssales to be just 0.6% down on last year but 83%upon2021and 20%upon2019. If we haveamildMarch andgood April,wecould be in for agreat season

With Mother’s Day,Garden Re-LeafDay and Easter all in quick succession from themiddle of March onwards thereare plenty of opportunities to drivefootfall andsales. Haveagreat month!


Garden Trade News

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Potting Shed PressLtd

Garden Trade News is published by Potting Shed PressLtd who also publish: GTNBestsellers, GTNXtra, Glee Daily News and the Glee Catalogue, and the Solex Sun. Potting Shed Pressalso supply Garden Radio to over100 garden centres acrossthe country.

Director Trevor Pfeiffer

SMALL PRINT:All material ©Potting Shed PressLtd 2023 No partofthispublication may ereproduced in any form whatsoever, either for sale or not, without the expresspermission of the publishers. The information supplied in this publication is published in good faith and everyefforthas been made to ensure its accuracy.Potting Shed PressLtd cannot acceptresponsibility for any error or misrepresentation. All liability for loss, disappointment, negligenceorother damage caused by relianceoninformation contained in this publication or in the vent of any bankruptcy or liquidation or cassation of the trade of any company,individual or firmmentioned, is herebyexcluded.

Greenfingers 10 GCA Winners
the winners from the GCA Conference 12 PATS Sandown Showpreview 13 BeefEater–LOFAMember profile 14 Beautiful stonework from The Patio Black Spot Removal Company 16 GTN’sGreatest Christmas Awards Presentations at Spring Fair 20 Pictures from all The Greatest Christmas Award winning centres: 20 BartonGrange 22 Rosebourne 23 The Old Railway Line 24 Pughs 26 Gates 27 Longacres, Gouldings, Alton 28 Groves, Meadowcroft, Brimsmoreand Poundbury 29 British Garden Centres, Pengelly 30 Blue Diamond 31 Klondyke 32 Gordale, Silverbirch, Woodlands 33 LittleDobbies, Azure, Stratford 34 Chessington, Chacewater,Coolings 35 Sapcote, Wentworth, Perrywood, Garsons Titchfield, Keydell, TheGrange 36 Tingley, St Peters,GardenKing,FronGoch, Ellerker Lodge, Chepstow,Birkacre, Bennybeg 37 Thank youtothe judges and sponsors of The Greatest Christmas Awards 2022 38 Encouraging signs for Spring –HTA Column 39 Cash is king –GIMA Column AdvertisersinthisIssue 2 INDX 7 PATS Sandown 7 Bathgate 31 Kaemingk 40 Solex 2023 February2023 3
grows–Interview with Chris Francis
GCA Conference2023–Big,bold,sustainableand £100k raised for
In this issue...

Plants at their heart

Chris Francis, Hillier Garden CentreDirector,onthe company’s plans for bringing its latest acquisitions into the Hillier family

When the management teams at HillierGarden Centres were considering their next purchase, little did theyknowthat instead of buying just one centre, theywould end up with achain of three! This now brings the total number of Hillier Garden Centres, located mainly around the southofEngland,toahealthy 22.

Thethree newcentres belonged to the Rosebourne group based in Aldermaston, WeyhillnearAndoverand Hamptonin Arden. “Wewerelooking foranotherdestination size garden centreshould one become available,”saysChrisFrancis, Director of Hillier Garden Centres. Although not looking aggressively,orfor achain, the Rosebourne centres were ideally located withAldermaston and Weyhill falling into the Hillier geographical strong hold, but in places it wasnot yet represented. “Theywerenice large garden centres and phenomenally successful. That suited the direction we were moving in andwelovewhat theydo,”says Chris. “They can bring something to our businessinterms of their food and leisureoffer andwe haveour ownstrengths to bring so we cantie those two together.” From afinancial perspective, and because of thecurrent highprice of building materials, theacquisitionisa good investment as Hillier was able to buy threecentres for less than thecostofbuilding two newcentres.

The twolarger stores will become Hillier destination centres much likethe one at Eastbourne. Also,there is anew 35,000sqft Hillier garden centre beingbuilt at Newbury, with theexisting centretherebecoming aspacefor concessions.

“Weare growing anumber of destinationstoreswhich is taking Hillier slightly away from itsroots, but it doesn’tmean we’removing away from being averystronghorticultural business.”

Rosebourne Hampton in Arden is asmaller sitewith amore horticultural soul so is agood fit with the other Hillier Centres.


After the interruption of the covid pandemic, Hillier is nowback on track with investing and upgradingits existing sitessothe three newcentres havehad to join the queue. However, arefit will takeplacewith Aldermaston having itsofficialtransition to aHillier Garden CentreinMarch. The most obvious change will be the entrance.“The entrancewilltakecustomers straight into the plantaria because plants arethe core of our business,” says Chris.“We’resignificantly expanding theplant and the gardening rangesothe typical journey will be from plants through to the leisureareaand food.”

Aslightchange in customer flowatAldermaston will mean retail food willbethe last port of call before reaching the tills “The teams here arereallykeen to see this changebecause they talk aboutcustomers in the food retail area leavingor getting to the restaurant andwondering what to do with their purchases,” explainsChris.

Forthe time being, theWeyhill andHamptoninArden stores will be rebranded with significant refurbishment taking place beyond the summer.

TheMulberry& Thymerestaurants atHillier Garden Centres havetheir ownidentity anduniform whichthe newcentres will adopt.“The other important thing we’vechosen to do,” says Chris, “is maintain the Rosebourne brand forretailfood.Itwill become the Rosebourne Food Hall.”Staff herewill keep the current purple Rosebourneuniform and this branding will also beadopted in the newly developedNewbury store.

Plants, plants, plants

The company’s decision to stop wholesalingplantsgrown on itsHampshirenursery to other retailers and focus on onlysupplying Hillier gardencentres sent afew ripples throughthe industry. OtherthanHillier’sonlinefacility, its gardencentresare nowthe only placewhereHillier branded

4 February2023 Interview
We aregrowing anumberof destination stores whichistaking Hillier slightlyawayfromits roots,but it doesn’t mean we’re moving away from being a verystronghorticultural business.
TheMulberry& Thyme brand forthe restaurants will be adopted by the Rosebourne centres
Chris Francis says the morethan one million plants grownonthe Hillier nurseryper year giveits garden centres astrong point of difference.

plants aresold. Chrisexplainswhy thedecision wasmade, and why, even through thepandemic,itturnedout to be theright thingtodo. As we improvedand increased the numberofour centres,webecame serious competitorsto otherretailers.“We knewinyear one we woulddropthe numberofplants we were growing on thenursery,but as we got bigger, we also knewour centreshad the capacity to take them alland more.”The pandemicthrew things off abit but Hillier wasabletoturn anegativeintoa positive. “Wewereone of thefew garden centresstillabletosecure plantmaterial because we were growing it for ourselves and pumping it into our centres.”

Following covid, and with 19 centres, the nurseryin Hampshire, wasgrowing amillion plants per year which contributed to the centreshavingtheir ownpoint of difference. “Last year we hadamillion pots on the nurseryand everyone of those went into our owncentres.Lines of other plants such as seasonal bedding,are bought in to supplement the high quality shrubs and perennials growninHampshiretoensure garden centre customers can choose from acomprehensive range. Additionally,the nurseryisexperimenting with other ranges including Senetti and in 2022 supplied arange of herbs. Ironically,the garden centresdoalsohavetobuy in trees. Hillier Nurseries is knowfor its fantastic range but the 750,000 semi-maturetrees it produces today aretoo large for garden centres

to stock and aredestined for large landscape and local authority projects instead.

Customer data and central product holding

With half amillion members of its gardening club,Hillier is able to see exactly what its customers arebuying.“We’ve got this great tool so we really get to understand andknow our customer base. It really is an amazing resource,” says Chris. This resource is likely to become even more valuable as it becomes available to former Rosebourne customers this month. As newmembers will be asked to nominatetheir ‘home centre’, data from individual sites can be extrapolated to makecommunication morebespoke.

Another positiveresourceisa central pointfor holding product such as furniture. Being stored in onelocationmeans the centres can sell from theirdisplaysetsand send the sales information to the warehouse, which organises delivery directly to the customer generally within aweek.

Hillier heartland and beyond

The newcentreatHampton in Arden is Hillier’s furthest north and Chris says thereare no planstogoany further “Weverymuch see ourselves as asouthern businessand thereare lots of spaces to fill in between. There’sabit of an opportunity in the west andalittle further east but you arenot suddenly going to see us in Manchester or East Anglia.”However, backed by the historyand strengthof the Hillier brand thereare obvious opportunities online.

Although in existencealready,and the vehicle which helped Hillier sell morethan £1m during the first week it wasopen during lockdown, it is nowbeing developed to its full potential. “Wehavenow putour full plant range online. The advantage is we have anurserythat growsanenormous rangeofplants so we cansupply our ownonline business…and interestingly we have quitea following in Scotland,”says Chris. The online shop sells exactly the same plants as those sold in the garden centres which helps to spread the word about their good quality and attracts 4.8reviewscoresonFeefo

6 February2023 Interview
Clearly recognisable branding on plants at the Hillier Garden Centre, ThreeLegged Cross, Dorset. Theentrancetothe Aldermaston sitewill be changed so customers arewelcomed intothe plantaria first Chris Francis in what will become aRosebourne Food Hall.
Contact us: 01270762828 Produced withthe finest ingredientsusing the latest technology to provide precision blended, consistentproducts. Ourpopular peat free rangecombinesgreat valuewithexceptional results forgrowers withsustainabilityconcerns. Made in Britain from responsiblysourced materials Quality top-performing horticultural products Growing Together Wherethe pet industry meet to do business SANDOWN 26-27 March 2023 Register for FREE entry Simply visit Or for more information call 01892 862848 The UK’s SPRING PetIndustry Event FREE ENTRY& PARKING OVER 150BRANDS &EXHIBITORS 100’S OF NEWLAUNCHES THOUSANDS OF PRODUCTS

GCAthinksbig and bold at conference

It was three years in the making following cancellations in 2021and 2022 due to the pandemic and delegates weretreated to fantastic content around the theme of sustainabilityinBlackburn last January.

Overthe course of three days in lateJanuary2023over300 delegatesgathered in Blackburn for thefirst GCAConferencesince2020. GCA Chairman, TammyWoodhouse, setSustainability as thetheme and thecontent during conferencedid not disappoint.Fromthe excellentGCA Inspectorfeedback sessions, through splendidRisingStars presentations to topnotch speakers on subjectssuch as sustainablediversity in ourbusinesses, sustainable businessownership and growth,the value of bees and other insects and thechallenges of Polar exploration thecontent wasfullonand inspirational.

Eventhe financial presentation given by Roger Martin-Fagglefteveryone feeling that thenext fewyears couldbegood for garden centresand garden retailing.Heexplained theimportanceofsmalland medium sized businesstothe economyand pointed out that retail salesvalue is 14% higherthanpre pandemic. For2023heforecasts inflation to drop to 5% if we havea mild winter,6.5%

if harsh,with an overall recovery of the economy from 2024 onwards.

At theend of day 1, Casper Craven, who sailedaroundthe worldwith hiswife and twoveryyoung children, challengedusall theset bigboldgoals and then go about achievingthem. GuyTopping from Barton Grangemusthavehad advancenotice of Caspar’s thoughts as he setaboutthe challenge of raising £100,000 in three days for Greenfingers at Conference, see opposite page.

8 February2023 GCA Conference2023
Finalists in the 2022 Westland’s Rising Stars programme. 1. Future,present and past GCAChairmen; Will Blake, Tammy Woodhouse &MikeBurks 2. Economist Roger Martin-Fagg 3. Floral attireatthe Annual Dinner in memoryofPaul Cooling 4. RonBentisnow an HonoraryMember of the GCA
1 2 3 4 5
5. Caspar Craven, developing the big bold mindset

AGarden Party to Remember

Associates night at the GCA Conferenceis always agreat event and this years Garden Partytheme certainly saw the industry at it’smost creative. Bees, Butterflies, WaterFeatures, FlowerFairies, Gnomes, Scarecrowsand even aStringofJubilee Bunting were amongst the team fancy dressthemesonparade.

Topthat! Howtoraise£100,000for Greenfingers in just threedays

TheAnnual GreenfingersChallenge took placeatthe BartonGrangeFlower Bowl. TheCabbages(suppliers) beat the Pansies(garden centres) at Crazy Golf, Crazy Pool, Bowling and Curling. Through Guy Toppingsbold idea, by theend of conference, the challenge had raised £101,000 forGreenfingers.

February2023 9 GCA Conference2023

Raising aglass to GCAwinners

At its successful annual conference in January,the GCA presented awards to those that reigned supreme.

GCA Awards
Destination Garden Centreof the Year 2022 Bents Garden & Home Garden Centre of the Year 2022 Klondyke, Mortonhall

The GCA’s10Garden Centres of Excellence

GCA’s 10 Garden Centres Excellence

Other awards presented at the conference

• Grow Training Award

SquiresGarden Centres, Crawley

• Dick Allen Awardfor Most Improved Colletta &Tyson Nurseries and Garden Centre

• Ruxley Rose Destination

Barton Grange Garden Centre

RuxleyRoseDestination Garden Centre tonGrange Garden Centre

• Ruxley Rose

RuxleyRose Garden Centre


Rising Star

Ella-MayBradshaw, from Bosworth’s Garden Centre, wasthe winner of Westland Horticulture’sRising Star programme. Ella-Maysaysshe always wanted to to inspirechildren to get involved with gardening and the Rising Starsproject gave herthe perfect opportunity.Frommid-Maytothe end of July,Ella’sproject, with six prizes awarded everytwo weeks, attracted 149children to buya packet of sunflower seeds and sowthem in-storeusing compost from broken bags. Ella has plans for2023. “We can modifythe idea and do it again in the summer,keeping the same concept, but maybe swap the seeds to keep theidea goingbecause everyone really enjoyedit”.

Klondyke, Mortonhall



Bents Garden &Home

• Barton Grange Trophy & Home

Christmas Destination Garden Centre

Garsons, Esher

• Garsons, Esher

• Garden Brimsmore Gardens

Christmas Garden Centre imsmoreGardens

• Award

The Old Line

Environment and Community Award eOld Railway Line

Customer ServiceAward

Fron Goch Garden Centre

• Service Award Fron Centre

• GIMA AwardDestination Garden Centre

Garsons, Esher

• GIMA AwardGarden Centre

Klondyke, Stokesley

• Indoor Lifestyle AwardDestination Garden Centre

Blue Diamond, East Bridgford

• Indoor Lifestyle AwardGarden Centre

RHS Garden Bridgewater

• Outdoor Living AwardDestination

Garden Centre

Barton Grange

• Outdoor Living AwardGarden Centre

Klondyke, Stokesley

• Worrall Cup

Pugh’sGarden Centres

• Associateofthe Year

Wyevale Nurseries

February2023 11 GCA Awards
Bents Garden &Home BartonGrangeGarden Centre Perrywood, TiptreeFronGoch Gordale Old RailwayLine Cowell’sGarden CentreKlondyke, Stokesley Pacific Nurseries Ruxley Manor

Forall things pets, come along to PATS

Over two action-packed days in March, PATS Sandown is the place for garden centreand pet retailers to see ahost of new exhibitors as well as the industry’s big-name brands.

Morethan 150 companies and brands will be announcing their plans for the year ahead and showing off newand exciting products at PATS Sandown in Surrey this month. Theline-up,atthe UK’s spring pet industryexhibition, welcomes newcompanies including Biopharma Group,PetFocus, Wyld Cuband ProTraining and established names such as Bucktons & Peckish, Pero Foodsand Little BigPaw

Previously more than200 newproducts have beenexhibited and introduced andthe signs are good forthistocontinue in 2023.“Visitors to the show canbeassured theywillsee andspeaktothe leadingnames in theindustry, and early indications point towards lotsofnew products beinglaunchedat the show,”saidorganiser Gordon Thomas.

To makethe visitor experienceevenmore enjoyable and rewarding,both the Surrey and Esher Halls havetheir ownentrances and registration points. Entry, parking and the showcatalogue arefree.


To reflect the increasing numberof pet retailersintroducing grooming salons into theirstores, PATS Sandown hasarranged a programmeofseminarsand demonstrations to provide valuable insights intothis side of the business.

On both daysofthe show, expertgroomers willbegivingfree-to-attend demonstrationsofspecialist

grooming techniques and business advice. Therewill also be information on toolsand productsfor the everyday groomer,plus tips and trickstoincrease salonrevenue.

• Emma Darlington and Rachel Downes. 26 March 10:30am-2:30pm.

• KaraBoydand LauraCook. 27 March 10:30am-2:30pm

Find out what’snew

The NewProductShowcase makesiteasy to find thelatestand most exciting products for thepet trade one place. Allproducts newtothe market can be found on one extensivedisplay in the Surrey Hall’sMadriLounge. Each one is accompaniedbyan information card,giving detailssuch as suggested retailpriceand where to findthe supplier.

On themorning of the firstday,entries will be judged by apanelofretailers for theNew Product Awards.Awardswill be presented at lunchtime to allow winning products the chancetobehighlighted throughoutthe rest of the event

Entries will be displayed under the following awardcategories

• Cat Food and Products

• DogFoodProducts

• DogTreat Products

• DogAccessories and Toys

• DogHarnesses,Leadsand

Dog Wear

• Small Animal andBirdProducts

• PetCareProducts

• Grooming Products

• BusinessServices

12 February2023
Forshowdetailsand visiting information visit Sandown Park Exhibition Centre, Esher,Surrey. Sunday26thMarch: 9.30am-5.00pm Monday27th Mach: 9.30am-4.00pm PATS preview

Beef Eater off f ers sty t le and versatility

BeefEater are proud to manufacture outstanding barbecues andoutdoor kitchens to suit allneeds

We pride ourselves on great design and quality control which sees everycomponent producedwith care and precision.

Being at the forefront of theoutdoorcooking market forover30years, we understand customers’ requirements. We offer a versatile range of stylish freestandingand built-

in barbecues along with purpose-builtmodulesand accessories.Our skilledteam of designers andengineers havethe knowledge and vision to createyour perfect outdoor cooking area

BeefEater Europe are proudtodistribute this iconic Australian barbecue brand, whichisownedbyElectrolux in Sydney.Our productsare builttolast,constructed from high grade,durable materialstowithstand harsh weatherconditions, and to giveyou the ultimate outdoor cooking experience.

y 2023 13 www.gardentradenews.c uk Tel: +44 (0)1477 571392 Email: The UK’s PremierShow for the Horticulture Trade ...since 1971 Media partner Sept 5-6 2023 Formoreinformation on howtobecome adealer of ourbarbecues or outdoor kitchen products,please or call 01934743322. LOFA Member profile
More than 30-years experience canhelp your customers perf r ect their outdoor cooking.

Beautiful stonework all year round

Products from The Patio Black Spot Removal Company to help gardeners restoretheir stonework, is boosted by new line to remove unsightly rust stains

14 February2023 Promotion
Above:Before Below: After

Forstocking and product information call the officeon 0800 500 3032. www.patioblack

GoFerrous is anew introduction from The Patio Black Spot Removal Company specifically designed to target orange spots and rust stains. Caused by lawn fertilisers and stains from metal barbeques, pots and planters, these marks can easily spoil the look of paving and stonework.

Likeall theproducts developed from the company’s four decades of experience, Go Ferrous is biodegradable. It gently removesstainswithout the need for pressurewashing and therefore doesn’tdamage stonework. It’ safe to use on natural stone including limestone and sandstone.

Go Ferrous joinsthe line up of products to remove black spots caused when air-born lichen spores land on paving and stonework andsubsequentlybegin to grow.Theystart off resembling tiny ink spots but after severalyears, theirsmall

fibrous roots penetratethe stonelooking formineralstofeedon. Theserootsserve to anchorthe lichenintothe stonemaking themresistanttopressurewashing

to their two hours with the Stone Stone a ready

easy and convenient

Patio black spot removerproducts for natural stone, artificial stone and block paving work by quickly killing the roots of the lichen so it can be gently swept away leaving stonework looking as good as new. Now, with the stone work’s original colour restored, an annual spray with diluted Patio Black Spot Preventer and left on the paving will guardagainst discolouration in the future and will remove green algae within fivedays. Stone statues and ornaments can also be restored to their original beauty within twohours King Monumental Stone Restorer in aready to-use bottle for easy and convenient application.

Patio Black Spot Removal Company products for 2023


• Go Ferrous -toremove unsightly rust stains

• Patio Black Spot Removerfornatural stone

• Patio Black Spot Removerforartificial stone

• Patio Black Spot Removerforblock paving

• Patio Black Spot Preventer

• Stone King Monumental Stone Restorer

February2023 15 Promotion



GTNjudges travelled from north to south and east to west to see the very best Christmas displays and hear about festive initiaves created by truly fantastic teams. Standards wereexceptional leading to healthy discussions at the judging day in January.Awards werepresented at February’s Spring Fair,infront of ahuge audience of garden centrestaff andsuppliers.

For all things Christmas,garden centresare nowthe number one placetogo. Thisyear, forthe first time, thenumberofcentres entering the GTNGreatest ChristmasAwardstopped 100 and we couldn’thavebeen moreimpressed with what we saw.

Teams woweduswith their enthusiasm, creativity andbreath-taking displays topped off by their sheer enjoyment of being the ones to makehappyand lasting memories forcustomersand theirfamilies.

Thankstothe sponsorswho make theawards possible. DCUK, Glee, Kaemingk,SmartGarden Products,SOLEX, ThreeKings,Woodlodge, Woodmansterne, GTNBestsellers.


The Greatest Group Large Garden Centre Christmas Team

GOLD AWARD -KlondykeHighLegh

SILVER AWARD -BlueDiamond Fryers

BRONZE AWARD -BGC Arcadia, Blue Diamond Newbridge, KlondykeAstburyMeadow

HIGHLYCOMMENDEDBlue Diamond Bridgemere, Dobbies WoodcoteGreen


• BBGC Arcadia

• BGC Braintree

• BGC Bridgenorth

• BGC Thatcham

• Blue Diamond Bridgemere

• Blue Diamond Fryers

• Blue Diamond Newbridge Nurseries

• Dobbies Woodcote Green

• KlondykeAstburyMeadow

• KlondykeHigh Legh

16 February2023

The Greatest Group Small Garden Centre

Christmas Team

GOLD AWARD -Litte Dobbies Richmond

SILVER AWARD -BGC BurfordHouse Garden Centre


Garden Centre


BGC Bournville Garden centre


• BGC Bournville

• BGC BurfordHouse

• BGC Hatton

• BGC Studley

• LitteDobbies Richmond

The Greatest Large Garden Centre Christmas Team

GOLD AWARD -BartonGrange

Garden Centre


BRONZE AWARD -Perrywood Tiptree, Wentworth Garden Centre


• BartonGrange

• Bents

• Garsons Titchfield

• Gates

• Gordale

• Longacres Bagshot

• Perrywood Tiptree

• Pugh’sRadyr

• Summerhill Garden Centre

• Wentorth

• Whitehall Lacock

The Greatest Mid-Sized Garden Centre Christmas Team

GOLD AWARD -MeadowCroft

Garden Centre

SILVER AWARD -Silverbirch Garden Centre

BRONZE AWARD -The Gardens Group


HIGHLYCOMMENDED -Ellerker Lodge, Fron Goch, The Old RailwayLine


• Azure

• BrimsmoreGardens

• Caerphilly

• California Lodge

• Castle Gardens

• Ellerker Lodge

• Fosseway

• Fron Goch

• Meadowcroft

• Newquay

• Silverbirch

• The Garden Society

• The Old Railway Line

The Greatest Small Garden Centre Christmas Team

GOLD AWARD –Pengelly Garden Centre

SILVER AWARD -PoundburyGardens

BRONZE AWARD -The Grange Garden Centre


Plant Centre


• Bennybeg Plant Centre

• Pengelly

• PoundburyGardens

Scotts of Southend

The Grange

The Greatest Christmas Houseplant Team

GOLD AWARD -BartonGrangeGarden Centre, Blue Dimond Newbridge Nurseries

- Bar n Grange Gar e, Blue Dimond Nur

- Gates, Stratford

SILVER AWARD -Gates, Stratford

Garden Centre




• •

Blue Diamond Bridgemere

Blue Diamond Newbridge

• Dobbies Livingston

• Gates

• Gordale

• Longacres Bagshot

• Rosebourne, Aldermaston

• Rosebourne, Weyhill

• Stratford

• The Plant Place

• Wentworth

February2023 17
VER AWARD - Silverbirch Centre •
Gr est Christmas Team
- Gordale •

The Greatest Outdoor Plant and Christmas

Tree Team

GOLD AWARD -Pugh’sGarden

Village Radyr

SILVER AWARD -BartonGrange

Garden Centre, Longacres Bagshot

BRONZE AWARD –Pengelly Garden



Village Wenvoe, St Peters Worcester

Garden Centre


• BartonGrange

• Blue Diamond Three Shires

• Colne Valley

• Gates

• Highfield

• Longacres Bagshot

• Pengelly

• Pugh’sRadyr

• Pugh’sWenvoe

• St Peters Worcester

• Woodlands

The Greatest FestiveFood Hall Team

GOLD AWARD -Longacres Bagshot, Rosebourne at Aldermaston and Weyhill

SILVER AWARD -BartonGrange

Garden Centre, Gates

BRONZE AWARD -Chessington

Garden Centre, Pugh’sGarden Village Radyr


Garden Centre


• BartonGrange

• BrimsmoreGardens

• Chepstow

• Chessington

• Garsons Titchfield

• Gates

• Longacres Bagshot

• Pugh’sRadyr

• Rosebourne, Aldermaston

• Rosebourne, Weyhill

• Tingley

The Greatest Christmas Sizzle Team

GOLD AWARD -Alton Garden Centre

SILVER AWARD -ChacewaterGarden Centre

BRONZE AWARD -Chessington

Garden Centre


• Altons

• Chacewater

• Chessington

• Highfield

• Palmers Enderby

• Perrywood Tiptree

The Greatest Gardening Gifts Sales Team


• Gr est Gifts Sales Team AWARD - Gates

VER AWARD - Brimsmore Gar ONZE AWARD - Pugh’s Garden

SILVER AWARD -BrimsmoreGardens

BRONZE AWARD -Pugh’sGarden Village Radyr




• BGC BurfordHouse

• BrimsmoreGardens

• Dobbies Livingston

• Gates

• Perrywood Tiptree

• Pugh’sRadyr

18 January/February2022

The Greatest Christmas Marketing Team

GOLD AWARD -Pugh’sGarden Village Radyr and Wenvoe; Rosebourne at Aldermaston, Solihull and Weyhill

SILVER AWARD -AzureGarden Centre; Silverbirch Garden Centre

BRONZE AWARD -Garsons Titchfield


• Azure

• Garsons Titchfield

• Pugh’sRadyr &Wenvoe

• Rosebourne, Aldermaston, Solihull &Weyhill

• Sapcote

• Silverbirch

• The Old Railway Line

BRONZE AWARD -Keydell Nurseries

Gr est Event

The Greatest Christmas Community Event

GOLD AWARD -GrovesNurseries & Garden Centre,Bridport


BRONZE AWARD -Pengelly Garden Centre; Pugh’sRadyr &Wenvoe

HIGHLYCOMMENDED -StPeters Garden Centre


• Alton

• BartonGrange

• Gordale

• GrovesBridport

• Longacres Bagshot

• Pengelly

• Pugh’sRadyr

• Pugh’sWenvoe

• Rosebourne, Aldermaston

• St Peters

• The Garden Society

• The Plant Place

The Greatest Garden Centre Christmas Video

GOLD AWARD -The Old RailwayLine

SILVER AWARD -SapcoteGardenCentre

BRONZE AWARD -Pengelly Garden Centre; The Grange


• Azure

• BartonGrange

• BGC Harrogate

• Gordale

• Pengelly

• Rosebourne, Aldermaston

• Sapcote

• The Grange

• The Old Railway Line

The Greatest Garden Centre GrottoTeam

GOLD AWARD -Goulding’s Garden Centre

SILVER AWARD -Chessington Garden Centre;Coolings Lifestyle

HIGHLYCOMMENDED -BirkacreGarden Centre; PlantersGarden King; Wentworth Garden Centre;Woodland Walk Garden Centre


• Baytree

• BGC Arcadia

• Birkacre

• Chessington

• Coolings Lifestyle

• Gouldings

• Keydell

• Planters Garden King

• Planters Tamworth

• RuxleyManor

• Wentorth

• Woodland Walk

The Greatest FestiveGarden Centre

Catering Team

GOLD AWARD -Woodlands Garden Centre

SILVER AWARD -The Old RailwayLine

BRONZE AWARD -StratfordGardenCentre

HIGHLYCOMMENDED -TingleyGarden Centre


• Bents

• Ellerker Lodge

• MeadowCroft

• RuxleyManor

• Stratford

• The Garden Society

• The Grange

• The Old Railway Line

• Tingley

• Woodlands

The Greatest Christmas Supplier

GOLD AWARD -Kaemingk


• Festive

• Floralsilk

• Gisela Graham

• Kaemingk

• Koopman

• Premier

• SmartGarden

• SnowTime

• Swift Imports


The Barton Grange team has the midas touch

The team at Barton Grange Garden Centrepulled outall the stops thisyearand took home four awards -two gold and twosilver.The excellent team work whichshonethrough, andChristmas in evidencethroughout the storeearnt themthe Goldfor the Greatest LargeGarden CentreTeam with the secondgold recognising their outstanding houseplant section, which wasinspirationaland beautifully cared for.

Thetowerofpoinsettiasgrown on

Barton Grange’snursery wasaperfect ‘wow factor’with nota bract outofplace Judges awarded asilverfor the Greatest OutdoorPlantand Christmas Tree Team because of thesimple yetshoppable displays which linked particularlywellwith salesofoutdoor lighting. Itssecondsilverawardwent to theGreatest FestiveFoodHall Team which wasdelightfully Christmassy with clear signage and agreat range of vegan food.


Rosebourne teams savour their golden moment

Itwas smiles all round for the creative teams at the three Rosebourne garden centres as theycelebrated twogold awards. The FestiveFood Hall Teams at Aldermaston and Weyhill were congratulated for sharp and effective displays of enticing food which included decorated gingerbread houses to inspire shoppers, and acomprehensiverange of locally sourcedproduce.

The team responsible for marketing all three centres wasrecognised with agold for its Rosebourne Wonderland branding Its Christmas mail drop leaflet with festive instoreoffers went to 280,000 households and the Christmas video washosted on YouTube. Social media waskept up-to-date with an advent calendar on the run up to Christmas.


22 February2022

It’s agoldfor The Old Railway Line Christmas video

Department storeJohnLewis better watch out because garden centresare hoton its heels with festivevideos. The Old Railway Line wasawardedgold for its well-produced video which told the heart-warming storyofwhatMrBear got up to when he wasaccidentally left in the garden centreovernight. Hosted on Youtube, it’sstill availabletowatch.

The use of bauble table placesettings and Father Christmas cups impressed judges as did the festivewaistcoats worn by some of the team.This gained them asilver in the Greatest Garden Centre Catering Team category.

In the Greatest Mid-Sized Garden CentreChristmas Team category, theOld Railway Line wasrecognised with aHighly Commended especially for the way Christmas was weaved throughout every department within the centre.


Pugh’s go home with afestive half dozen

The teamsfromthe twoPughs centres at Radyr and Wenvoe can be extremely proud of themselves for winning six awards this year

Responsible for collectively promoting both the centres at Christmas was the marketingteamwhich made excellent use of local influencers on social media to encourage customers intothe stores. This is proving to be acost-effective wayofincreasing footfall and one which many other garden centres will no doubt follow. Awarding agold, judges commented on the team’seffective plan, use of Instagram and its method of monitoring resultsand achievement in selling 3500 gingerbread houses!

Again acollectivecongratulations goes to both centres for abronzeaward

for their Greatest Christmas Community Event to raise moneyfor alocal centre supporting babies with cerebral palsy

Agoldfor The Greatest Outdoor Plant and Christmas Tree Team went to the hardworking crew at Pugh’sRadyr which turned its Christmas tree sales area intoan enchanted forest and created imaginative front door and seasonal displays by linking plants and furniture. The team at Wenvoe were presented with aHighly Commended in the same categoryfor its fresh displays and equally creativefront door ideas.

Bronzeawardsalso went to the Gardening Gift Sales Team with judges impressed by the pre-made-up hampers on offer in TreatStreet and the Festive Foodhall Team at Radyr which did a fantastic job of combining Christmas and food.


Gates receives the gift of gold (and silver three times)

Taking gifting to another level wasthe team at Gates which took home awell-deserved gold awardfor the Greatest Gardening Gifts Sales Team. Within the store, creativedisplays and numerous trees were decorated with items from many different departments showing customers thereissomething special for everyone at Christmas. Signage wasclear and eye-catching

The centre’shouseplant section wasvisually strong and linked plants to add on sales, such as feed, while incorporating large festivestatues to intensify the feel of Christmas. This earnt the centre asilver awardfor The Greatest Christmas Houseplant Team.A second silver went to the FestiveFood Hall Team recognising agreat team sellingproducts from the centre’s own farm, amilk bottle fill-up serviceand an extended range of unusual products.

Overall the retailer wasawardeda silver for The Greatest Large Garden CentreChristmas Team categoryfor its displays andteam spirit which judges describedas‘outstanding’

Adelighted MatthewPeckfromGates said the teamswerereally proud to win the awards which will be displayed in their relevant departments. “The team will all be buzzing for the awards next time round,”hesaid.


Longacres glitters with agold and silver

Generous stock levels on an impressivescale and excellent retailing helped Longacresat Bagshot takehome agold awardfor its Greatest FestiveFood Hall Team. Buyers were commended for excellent retailing, procuring brands specifically to target the customer base.

Comprehensive, well-kept stock and excellent signage encouraging add-on sales and arepeat visit earned the centre asilver awardfor the Greatest Outdoor Plant and Christmas Tree Team

It’s agoldfor Gouldings’s grotto

Taking awellearned gold awardinthe Greatest Christmas Grotto Team categoryfor its Winter Wonderland was Goudlings Garden Centre It attracted around 35,000 people who enjoyedafun fair,seeingthe company’s ownreindeer,afestive workshop and agreen screen for creating lasting pictures to takehome.

Another gold for Alton

Theseemingly unstoppable enthusiasm for all things bbq has again meant agold awardfor The Greatest Christmas Sizzle Team has gone to Alton Garden Centrefor afourth

time. Working hardtokeep sales of barbeque’sstrongall year roundis Jay Bunker.Hesaid: “Welovewhat we do at Alton’sbarbecue world, and we work so hardtomakeevery year better than the last.”

February2023 27

Topawardfor tree initiative

Agold for The Greatest Christmas Community Event went to GrovesNurseries &Garden Centre forits ingenious initiative. It invited local businesses to sponsor atreeand via social media asked its customers which charity it should be donated to.Thisyear 34 trees were sponsored and Gates delivered them to nominated charities. At lowcost, this idea created maximum impact through social media platforms and local news outlets.

Meadow Croft strikes gold

he team at MeadowCroft Ga atraditional Germany Christmas market in Essex for several years and blending the experienceseamlessly with atraditional British Christmas. But this year it was takenevenfurther by expanding the theme intothe plantaria with achancetohavea go at Bavarian curling as an extraattraction. Its gold for the Greatest Mid-Sized Garden Centre Christmas Team reflects howthe company goes that extramilebygoing to Germany to personally source theproducts themselves given the centre areal point of difference.

and a bronze

Silvers and abronze for Brimsmoreand Poundbury

Teams from TheGardensGroup of centres at Brimsmore and Poundbury went home with atrio of awards to show off to theircustomers.

Poundbury Garden Centre was presented with asilver awardfor The Greatest Small Garden CentreChristmas Team.Staff usedevery availableinch of spaceinthistowncentresitewith apresenceofChristmas running throughout alldepartments andastrong focus on sustainableproducts

At Brimsmore Gardens, Alexa Blackmoresaidthe silver awardfor The

GreatestGardening Gifts Sales Team was the result of ahugeteameffort. “We have agreat merchandising team and havebeen working on thesustainability of ourgifts.That’s ourfocus and what we areasking oursuppliers for. Everybody gets involvedwith linking gardening and giftware together.”

Thecentrealso picked up abronze forThe GreatestMid-Sized Garden CentreChristmas Team which created uncluttereddisplayswith clear messaging especially about thesustainability of its productsonshow.

28 February2023
Tteam at Meadow Croft Garden Centre have been creating

Four awards for BGC

The British Garden CentresGroup had much to celebratewith three of its centres taking home awards in The Greatest Group Small Garden Centre Team BurfordHouse wonasilver while the quirky displays created by arelatively newteam at Hatton earnt it abronze. At the Bournville Centre aHighly Commended wasgiven to the team which worked really well together and illustrated apassion for their work.

The idea of blacking out partofthe shop at the Arcadia centre to createatmosphere, imaginativeuse of the roof spaceand forthe team’ssheer hardwork resulted in abronze forThe Greatest Group Large Garden Centre Christmas Team

Pengelly’s tunnel is aChristmas success

The team at Pengelly were praised for packing its relatively smallcentrefulltothe brim of Christmas cheer.Its Christmas Tunnel is agreat solution for displaying festive decorations and creating aspecial atmospheretohelp customers get into the Christmas spirit. Afantastic team effort meant it wongold for The Greatest Small Garden Centre Christmas Team It also went home with three bronzes. The Greatest Outdoor Plant and Christmas Tree Team displayedplants in bold blocks of colour while The Greatest Garden Centre Christmas Video was filmed from acollie dog’s perspective. The Greatest Christmas Community Event coordinatedgenerous donations for the local St Austell Food Bank

February2023 29

Blue Diamond shines

The Blue Diamond group had a successful season winning four awards.

Fantastic arrangements resulting in inspirational displays earnt the team at Newbridge agold medal in The Greatest Christmas Houseplant Team category. Theteamillustrated its understanding of houseplants and howtokeep plants looking in tip-top conditionwhile adding entertaining props.

In The Greatest Group Large Centre Christmas Team,the group took home threeprizes. Asilverwent to Fryers with judges admiring the way thesmall team was abletoput an individual spin on displays created with centrally-sourced stock. Newbridge scooped abronze forits high quality displays and clear messaging,while Bridgemerewent home with aHighly Commended. The positive team weaved Christmas throughout the centrecreatingveryshoppable displays.


It’s two wins for Klondyke

know its caliber customers they expect to see and sold well and who, described the team as ‘on it’, had no doubt Klondyke High was deserving

It’sclear the team at KlondykeHigh Legh knowits high caliber customers and what theyexpect to see and buy Exceptional displays sold well and judges who,described the team as ‘on it’, had no doubt KlondykeHigh Legh wasdeserving of agold in The Greatest Group Centre Christmas Team.

In same category, Astbury Meadow won a bronze. The supportive team made

In the same category, AstburyMeadow wonabronze. The supportiveteammade magic on asmaller budget and creative touches included painted cloud screens as abackdrop for its Lemax display


Your one-stop-shop in seasonal decorations
us via or contact yoursalesrepresentative. ORDER THE LATEST ITEMS in our 2023 Christmas Collection now! Alighting collection of over 2,800 items 23 inspiring colors in shatterproof &glass baubles Awide range of Everlands greenery
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Many on trend glass ornaments 7.000

Charitygrotto at Gordale

Asilver awardfor The Greatest Christmas Community Event goes to Gordale for its charity grotto. Builtbythe garden centre,itisrun by volunteers from the Hospiceof the Good Shepherdwhich also receives 100% of the ticket price. Healthy houseplants displayed in impressiveblocks of colour (with a chimpanzee or twohiding in the leaves) also earnt the centre abronze forThe Greatest Christmas Houseplant Team

for The Greatest Christmas Team.

Silver all round

Silverbirch did agreat job using influencers to market the garden centreonthe runuptoChristmas.Thisalong with its high classand inspirational photography and video used on its social media platforms helped to get The Greatest Christmas Marketing Team amuch-deservedsilveraward. It also ranacompetition on Instagram which reached morethan 9,000 people to win £500 to spend instore.

It’sincrediblevisual merchandising with top-notch style and flair created by a fantastic team waspraised by judges. Getting asilverfor The Greatest Mid-Sized Garden Centre Christmas Team, the centre used non-traditional Christmas colours to encourage customers to try something new. Baubles hung on ribbon to help with pricing was inventive.

Finding gold in a wonderland

Woodlands Garden Centre pulled outall thestops this year with the team receiving agold in TheGreatest Festive Garden CentreCateringTeam sector for itstruly magicalWinter Wonderland Afternoon Teaexperience. An outdoorseating area nexttoits Twig andSpoonrestaurant was transformed intoworld of lights, snow and icecreating the perfect atmosphere

in a

fora specialChristmas teat.Each year a differenttheme is adopted andthe event has become so popular that ticketsgoon sale in August. The busy Twig andSpoon restaurant also gets booked up with Christmaslunches and thereisdemand for the impressiveChristmas-themed cakes. The frozenlakedisplay at the centre’sentranceenhancesthe Woodland Afternoon Teatheme

32 February2023

Gold on the high street

It’sagoldfor Little Dobbies, Richmond to recognise its Greatest Group Small Garden Centre Christmas Team.The team whichcame on boardwhenitfirst opened in late2021 areall stillinplace, keeping this shop looking at its best and making the most of all the space. Knowing their customer and offering atailored range and excellent serviceare among the team’s many qualities.

Spacewas lessofanissue at the larger scale Dobbies, Woodcote Green where aHighlyCommended was givenfor The Greatest Mid-Sized Garden Centre Christmas Team whofilledthe centre with Christmas cheer

Twowinsfor Azure

Azuremade up its limited shop floor spaceat Christmas with alively social media campaign to bring people in. A silver for The Greatest Christmas Marketing Team. This centre, a subsidiaryofAzure Charitable Enterprises, also went home with aHighly Commeded for The Greatest MidSized Garden Centre Christmas Team.

Stratford’s houseplant haven

Brilliant signage in the houseplant department and impeccable displays linking with other products across the shop floor wonThe Greatest Christmas Houseplant Team asilver

awardfor StratfordGarden Centre. Abronzefor The Greatest Festive Garden CentreCateringTeam recognized its service, marvellous festiveafternoon teaand workshops which linked to catering

February2023 33

Chessington’s trio

With aVictorian street scene, walkthrough magic mushroom forest and a sleigh ride plus much more, the grotto at Chessington, created in four shipping containers, had it all. The atmospherewas further heightened with added fragrance and sound, afilm to watchand of course, Santahimself.All this contributed to a silver awardfor The Greatest Garden CentreGrottoTeam.

Barbeque sales were kept aliveduring Christmas and immaculate, easy-to-shop displays were recognised with abronze for The Greatest Christmas Sizzle Team.A bronzealsowenttoThe Greatest Festive Food Hall Team for its well-presented and comprehensiverange which included a fabulous butcher

Outdoor cooking win for Chacewater

The team from Chacewater aregiving Alton arun for their moneywith afantastic range of barbeques displayed throughout Christmas encouraging customers to carryon outdoor cookingall year round. It wasawardedThe Greatest Christmas Sizzle Team silver award.

Coolings takes children into space

With impressiveimagination, the enthusiastic team at Coolings Lifestyle created agrottosuccessfully fusing a traditional Christmas with spacetravel. Full of fun things to do,itincluded space-themed music throughout with plenty of cosmic photoopportunities to makeita visittoremember.Itreceived asilver The Greatest Garden Centre Grotto Team.

y 2023

Twoawards for Wentworth

With alpaca’s, an icerink, and Christmas decorations galore, Wentworth had something for every age of customer and wonabronzefor The Greatest Large Garden CentreChristmas Team.

AHighlyCommended toowas given for The Greatest Garden CentreGrotto Team which paid special attention to detail with the toyproduction schedule, FatherChristmas delivery map and post office.

Sapcote fun wins silver

Christmas through the decades

Perrywood –Tiptree’sChristmas display which took customers through the decades was heartily embraced by the team which enthusiastically worked together and kept it lookingfresh.The centrewon abronzefor The Greatest Large Garden CentreChristmas Team and aHighlyCommended for The Greatest Gardening Gifts Team which put afestivetwist on all its products.

apcote’s videotold astory of four boys visiting the garden centre andownerAndrewPorwol, dressed up as areindeer,takingthem on an adventure throughthe different departments. It wasawarded asilver for The Greatest Christmas Video


It’sbronzes all round forGarsons Titchfield (The Greatest Christmas Marketing Team), Keydell (The Greatest Garden CentreGrottoTeam) and twofor The Grange (The Greatest Small Garden CentreChristmas Team and TheGreatest Garden CentreChristmas Video)

February2023 35
least,huge congratulations to all those who were Highly Commended 36 January/February2022 Tingley - The Greatest Festive Garden Centre Catering Team St Peters -The Greatest Outdoor Plant and Christmas Tree Team and TheGreatest Christmas Community Event Planters Garden King -The Greatest Garden Chepstow -The Greatest FestiveFood Hall Team Fron Goch -The Greatest Mid-Sized Garden ntreChristmas Team Centre Grotto Team - The Festive Food Ce e Christmas Team Ellerker Lodge-The Greatest Mid-Sized Garden CentreChristmas Team Birkacre-The Greatest Garden CentreGrottoTeam Bennybeg -The Greatest Small Garden CentreChristmas Team
last but not

The Greatest Sponsors and Judges

Thanks to our sponsors for enabling the judges’ visits, without them the awards just wouldn’t happen. As well as sponsoring to facilitate the judging, the sponsor also give prizes to gold awardwinners.

• The Greatest Christmas Houseplant Team.

Sponsored by Woodlodge which gifted £500 of stock to winners BartonGrange Garden Centre and Blue Diamond Newbridge Nurseries

• The Greatest Christmas Garden Centre Marketing Team. Sponsored by Glee which will supply hotel rooms during Glee 2023 for winners Pughs and Rosebourne.

• The Greatest Christmas Community Event Team. SponsoredbyKaemingk. The winner,GrovesNurseries & Garden Centre, chose adecorated tree from Kaemingk’s display at Spring Fair

• The Greatest Christmas Sizzle Team. Sponsoredby SOLEX, the winner Alton Garden Centre, will get twohotel rooms during SOLEX 2023

• The Greatest Garden Centre GrottoTeam. Sponsored by SmartGarden Products which will provide £500 of stock from its Three Kings range for the winner Goulding’s Garden Centre.

• The Greatest Group Small Garden CentreChristmas Team. Sponsored by Woodmansternewhich is giving £500 of stock for the winner Little Dobbies, Richmond.

• The Greatest Small Garden Centre Christmas Team. SponsoredbyDCUK which is giving £500 stock for the winner,Pengelly Garden Centre.

• The Greatest Mid-Sized Garden Centre Christmas Team. Sponsored by Kaemingk. The winner,MeadowCroft Garden Centre, wasable to takehome adecorated tree from Kaemingk’s Spring Fair display


The Judges

February2023 37
Thanks to our judges who
time to visit the nominated centres. • Neil and Nicci Gow • SteveMyatt • Andy Campbell • Roger Crookes • Anisa Gress • Trevor Pfeiffer

Encouraging signs of a spring to remember

Although the shortest month of the year,Februaryoften sets the tone for spring.Thereare some very encouraging signs and agreat deal of optimism about our industry having agood spring trading.Garden centres arereporting strong demand in their catering facilities and we all hope this leads to the buying of core gardening plants and products.

At the excellent GCA ConferenceinJanuary, economist Roger Martin-Fagghad some encouraging things to say about the UK economy.Key takeaways were that we should not believe every prediction churned out by the press and that things were not as bad as theywould likeustobelieve!Heis predicting we should come out of recession in Q3 of this year but, of course, he wasunable to predict the fine weather we need for strong trading

Clustered around my attendanceofthe GCA ConferenceI continued to visit avariety of HTAretail and grower members. My visits included Abi &Tom’sPlant CentreatGrange over Sands, JAJones amenity growers and suppliers, and Porters Fuchsias (HappyPlants) at Southport, Taylors Bulbs and Bridge Farm Group near Spalding and Perrywood Garden Centre and Nursery, Tiptree in Essex. Iwas especially impressed with the big investments in futureproduction facilities at Bridge Farm and Porters Fuchsias (HappyPlants). To be

competitiveinthe futureweneed our industrytomake these big investments in growing facilities, mechanisation, automation, materials handling,green energy and more.

Irecently attended an excellent day at HTAHorticulture Houserun jointlybythe HTA, DEFRA and APHA.Biosecurity, plant health and import/exportofplant materialwas the main topic of conversation and it’sgreat to see thesetwo public bodies listening as well as informing on such an important subject.Minister of Statefor DEFRALordBenyon,joined a livelinkand we were encouragedbythe importanceheputs to maintaining plant health andbiosecurity.The supportof thePlantHealthyCertification Scheme is especiallywelcome but we do need more businesses to sign up to this.

As Iwrite, we areapproaching the end of National Apprenticeship Week and Ihope this has sparked interest in newrecruits. It’sclear apprentices arebadly needed in everysector of our industry. We knowthat for smaller businesses in particular there aredifficulties in employing apprentices but also in the deliveryoftraining and end assessments for all. This is an area the HTAisactively trying to resolve.

The Garden PressEvent in Islington in mid-Feb is run jointly by the HTAand GIMA and agreat placetodiscovernew products, plants and services. This one-day eventisalso an opportunity to network and startaconversation with members of the garden presssoperhaps pencil it in to your 2024 diary. Talking of pressrelations, I’ve also attempted to explain the difficulties we faceinfinding an acceptable and reliable peat replacement for commercial growers in the April edition of BBC Gardeners World magazine. Idiscoveredjust howdifficult it is to communicatekey points for such acomplex subject given just 300 words! Nevertheless, Ibelieve it is important we engage in discussions likethese at everylevel. Ihope youagree. With lengthening days and fresh young plants arriving from nurseries by the day,let us hope that we haveaspring to remember

Find out more

TheHorticultural Trades Association is the UK industry’s leading membership organisation and welcomes all sectors of environmental horticulture. To learnmoreorjoin please visit:

TheGarden Press Event 2023:

It’sclear apprentices arebadlyneeded in every sector of our industry
One of Alan’svisits this winter has been to Abi&Tom’sGarden Plants in the LakeDistrict.

Cash is king

VickyNuttall, Director of GIMA

The gardening season is looming but this season, for many,supplier’s cash flow may be causing some headaches.

The issue lies in the fact that the pre-season model of businessprovides retailers with the opportunity to takestock early and pay on extended credit terms. However, retailers choosing to delay pre-season orders can makebalancing the books tricky. Coupled with some lateoreven non-paying retailers (rarebut can obviously leavea very bad tastefor those that arevictims) this may even push some suppliers to breaking point.

Admittedly,excessivestock holding in retailers is causing the delay and as stock slowly begins to shift this pressureshould ease as, for many retailers, paying on time is of the utmost importance. But for those whereextended payment terms seemingly come with an element of ‘grey area’, this issue needs to be rectified to ensuresuppliers can move intothe newseason full of confidence.

Additionally for suppliers it’sadouble whammy: stock on shop floors not yethaving yielded payment, and newseason stock sitting in warehouses yettoturn intocash. Forthem the adage of ‘turnoverisvanity,profit is sanity, but cash is reality’has neverfelt moreapt.

One of the other reasons we havethe pre-season model, is to smooth out the ridiculously high peaks in demand come Easter time. So,when moreand more retailers delay deliveries, this could potentially cause bottlenecks. Retailers requesting ‘just in time’ stock deliveries may all arriveatthe same time, resulting in suppliers being placed under immense pressure

as theyrally to fulfil orders. These pressures could so easily be minimised if forecasting and pre-season deliveries arestrategically planned, rather than delayed and then subject to last-minuteurgency

Many GIMA members pride themselves on shortlead times so optimise this with top-up orders or ordering nowtodemonstrateyour commitment and supportofyour supply network. As always, communication will be key. Talk to your suppliers. Book your deliveryslots and allowthem to offer adviceonhow to fillgaps and createacurated product offering that makes easing intothe new season as painless, and as profitable, as possible. Wrinkles in the system always happen and recent supply chain challenges haveobviously impacted the garden retail sector morethan most in recent years. But we’veshown we can makeit happen. Let’snot makeitany moredifficult that it has to be by working through this together Looking ahead, despitethese pressures, the season is looking positive. Gardening remains a popular pastime and consumer confidenceshould improve as the weather starts to warm up and biodiversity,ethical consumerism and value continues to influencebuying decisions. Our industryisin abetter position than most to respond to these demands, so let’sensurethese pressures aren’tthe legacy of what could be another thriving year

Find out more

Forfurther information about GIMA and its wide range of member benefits, please contact the GIMA Press Officeon01959 564947 or

GIMA dates for the diaryin2023

• Garden Press Event, 21st February, BusinessDesignCentre, Islington, London

• Developing Sales Skills Workshop, 22nd February, virtual eventhosted by CedarAssociates

• GIMADay Conference, 14th March, Wyboston Lakes, Bedfordshire

• KeyAccount Management Workshop, 9th March, virtual event hosted by CedarAssociates

• Influencing Skills Workshop, 15th March, virtual event hosted by CedarAssociates

• GIMAAGM, 12th May,virtual event

• GIMA Golf Day, 8thJune, Belton Woods, Grantham,

• GIMAatGLEE, 27th –29th, NEC, Birmingham

• GIMAAwardsJudging, 11th -12thJuly, WarwickRacecourse

• GIMAAwardsGala Dinner, 19th October,Celtic Manor Resort

Plus look out for moreskills-based workshops, market data, Buyer Connect sessions, and various webinars on ahost of different topics. wpoint February 2023 39
Come and meet the GIMA team at Glee in June
Celebrate Summer at Solex The only show organised by the industry for the industry 10-12 July 2023 Hall 5. NEC, Birmingham 01952 977569 |

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