GTN September 2022 - Garden Trade News UK

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yand aJudge’s eyeviewexclusi New P s D y a a Judge’s eye view exclusi New Products Special SEPTEMBER 2022 COMMUNITYCONNECTIONS Garden centres and Cultivation Street PROBLEMSSOLVED WITH STV GTNInterview HASTALAVISTA Boyd’s last column as HTAPresident 4pagepull out from Evergreen Garden Care KEEP GROWINGAdvice &information for garden centreprofessionals

The UK’s National PetIndustry Exhibition Over 200 brands &exhibitors Correct at time of goingtopress Visitthe website to register for FREE entry or for more information call 01892 862848 Where the pet industry meet to do business FREE ENTRY | FREE PARKING | FREE SHOW CATALOGUE 100’S OF NEWLAUNCHES | THOUSANDS OF PRODUCTS


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Director Trevor Pfeiffer SMALL PRINT:All material ©Potting Shed PressLtd 2022. No part of this publication may ereproduced in any form whatsoever, either for sale or not, without the expresspermission of the publishers.

A fter aheadsummeraswelteringitsfullsteamforChristmas


RobertTipping –Managing Director James Tipping –Technical Director Printing CG Print Ltd


THE GTNTEAM Editor Trevor Pfeiffer Advertising Sales Alan Burdon Features Editor Anisa Gress AssociateEditor MikeWyatt Digital Editor Neil

Potting Shed PressLtd Garden Trade News is published by Potting Shed PressLtd who also publish: GTNBestsellers, GTNXtra, Glee Daily News and the Glee Catalogue, and the Solex Sun. Potting Shed Pressalso supply Garden Radio to over100 garden centres acrossthe country.

The information supplied in this publication is published in good faith and everyefforthas been made to ensureits accuracy.Potting Shed PressLtd cannot accept responsibility for any error or misrepresentation. All liability for loss, disappointment, negligence or other damage caused by relianceoninformation contained in this publication or in the vent of any bankruptcy or liquidation or cassation of the trade of any company,individual or firm mentioned, is herebyexcluded.

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EDITORIAL &ADVERTISING Garden Trade News Potting Shed PressLtd DairyDrove ThorneyPeterboroughPE6 0TX Tel01733 775700

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4 Problems solved with STV- GTN interviews Edwin Allingham 8 ChoiceMarketing –Stronger together 10 Lawns areeco-warriors 12 Happyplants, happyplanet by Sipcam 13 The Fandango wood splitting revolution 14 Harmonious gardening at Southern Trident 16 Solex moveswith the times 18 Garden centres making Cultivation Street community connections 20 Hex Living –LOFAMember profile 22 GCA Regional Awards –Wales and West plus Scotland and Northern Ireland 27 Glee NewProduct Awards –Ajudges behind the scenes perspective 32 GleeNew Product Directory, Part 1 44 PATS TelfordPreview 46 HTAColumn –Hasta La Vista from Boyd AdvertisersinthisIssue 2 PATS Telford 7 The Real Soil Company 11 PatioBlack Spot Removal 15 STVInternational 20 GIMAAwards2022 21 Vitax 23 EvergreenGarden Care 31 Mr Fothergills 33 Meadow View Stone 33 ApsleyFarms 34 PotMate 34 Algon 35 Altico 36 HydriaLife 37 Garden Girls 38 Fandango FireTools 39 Mr Fothergills 40 Sipcam 40 ApsleyFarms 41 Hozelock 42 The Real Soil Company 42 Vitax 43 Primeur 45 UK Greetings 47 Fordingbridge 48 Solex 2023 September 2022 3 From sweltering summer into Christmas In this issue... for the most of the ‘opportunities creates in

now.The heatwave, drought conditions and holidays contributed to arelatively poor starttosales in August. One week was 30% down year-on-year compared to 2021 and even down on 2019 sales volume levels. But by the end of August sales had startedto pick up and as you’ll see from the graph below volumes matched 2020 August levels and were well ahead of 2019 With the autumn gardening season about to kick in year-to-datevolume sales in the GTNBestsellers weekly Epos data sit at 2.3% down on the exceptional levels seen in 2022, but most importantly at 15.2% up on 2019 Evenafter the driest summer for years we can acknowledge that gardening activity is certainly holding up post the pandemic. Hopes arethat autumn lawn carewill see aboost in thenextmonth,plant sales will benefit from replacementpurchases and that customers seek out Christmas cheer when displays open acrossthe country. We’vealready seen that Christmas products arebeing purchasedassoon as theygoon display.Let’s hope that continues. With energy costs increasing we expect to see another surge in the sale of battery-operated Christmas lights. Watchout for the GTNBestsellers Christmas Top50charts from the end of SeptemberAsexpected, DEFRA has announced the ban on sales of peat in growing media from 2024.Havingpresented ideas for making the most of the ‘opportunities this creates in previous issues of GTNthisyear we will nowbemaking aconcertedeffortto get underneath the supply issues that will exist for 2024 and beyond. Growing media sales are fundamental to currentday gardening and the GTNBestsellers Top50growing media lines accounted for 6% of all volume garden centre sales in the first half of 2022. It’sanareawe havetoget right for the futureofour industry.

Problem solved there really wasn’tmuchtolose.” Skip forward afew years and Edwin had taken on his first employeeand moved the businesstoofficespaceinHighbury. By the early 2000’sSTV had movedto aportacabin and former grain storein Norfolk whereitremains today.“The site has gradually grownorganically and we haveanother siteinnearbyBrandon. It really wasveryhumble beginnings, taking years to get to the point wherewecould employpeople, coverthe overheads and build distribution. Ithink most of our customers havespent moreyears saying ‘no’ to us than ‘yes’, but that’slife, isn’tit?” heAssays.astart-up company,STV benefitted from theperiod of growth enjoyedwithin the UK whenitcame out of the European Exchange Rate Mechanism. This coincided with thetechnicalrevolutionand the mass introductionofhomecomputers anduse of the webwhen, says Edwin, “the world became amuchsmaller place.”Thisenabled Edwin to communicateand thentravelto China where he cultivated somevaluable businessrelationships. “Westilltrade togethertoday,and they’reimportant. We alsoset up an office in the FarEast where we havea small team.” Today thecompany’sportfolio extends to 275SKU’s to controlrodents and insects with roughly a60:40 salessplit and generating an average of £100,000 per SKU. Based just outside Thetford,its 40,000sqft warehouse and manufacturing facility houses100 staff across twoshifts from 6am-10pm. Plusthereisa60,000sqft showroominBrandon andspace will shortly increasebyafurther38,000sqftdue to successfulplanning permission fora new warehouse. This accommodatesthe more than eight milllionunit sales handled by the company everyyear. Edwin believesthereare severalreasons for thecompany’s success.“Ourbusiness

Interview 4 September 2022

D uring the 1990s, tworoomsof Edwin Allingham’s flatinLondon’s BethnalGreen were filled with mouse traps.Anodd choiceperhapsinthe flat of ajournalistbut it marked thestartof asuccessfulcareer changeresulting in the creation of STVInternational, one of the country’s leading suppliers in itscategory. Edwin explains themouse trapscame from an Americancompany from which he bought productsthat didn’tquite work in theUSmarket. “I filledthe bedrooms up with mousetraps, tradingthem outto hardwarestoresinand around London. And in thefirstyear,about 30 years ago, businesswas £76,000.This encouraged me to carry on so Ipartedwith journalism.” At thetime, the UK was experiencing interesting but often difficult times.“We were recoveringfromthe 14 andahalf percent interest ratesand some really,really difficulttimes forpeople. Alot of people were disaffectedbythe Thatcher years…. Each year STVhelps millions of people become masters of controlling pests in their homes. Managing Director Edwin Allingham explains how the company has grown since selling its first mouse trap 30 years ago and why he has chosen to freeze prices until February 2023.


Seasonality Although individual pest groupshave their ownpeakseasons, the STVrange means itsproducts canbesold allyear round but Edwinseesmany UK retailers take pestcontrol off theshop floor in favour of Christmas products. Althoughhe understands why, he says it reduces footfall as people still need pestcontrol. He sees it with hisAustralian customers. “Theyare currently in mid-winter androdent control is up significantly.Our products bring footfalltoa fixtureinthe darkmonths of the Australianwinter whenthere isn’ta lot of trafficgoingdownthe gardening aisle.” He also gets calls from peoplewanting clothes mothcontrol whentheycome to gettingtheir jumpersand woollens outof storage forthe winter. Hissuggestion is to move pestcontrol to alessobviousplace on theshopfloor so it remainsavailable all year round.

Theproduction line in fullflow. Alice Constaantin, Production Line Leader ensures a smooth packing line for Ultra Power Fly& Wasp Killer


STV’sproducts, whether sold in garden centres, diy or hardwardstores, enable customers to takecareoftheir own pest problems without having to call in a professional. Edwin sees this as an important issue as with costs rising,professionals will become even moreexpensive. As well as partnering with wholesalers Decco,Stax Trade Centres and Home Hardware, STVhas ateam of 12 calling on garden carebuyers at garden retailers and hardwarestoresbuilding relationships. The company is also trying to break intothe drycleaning market.

September 2022 www5

Interview cost competitiveand affordable. The more touchpoints thereare around ourbrands, thestronger ourbrands become, because we basically aresolving people’s problems.”

Poison-free trends Likemanybusinesses, STVdid well during lockdownaspeople stayed at homeand took more noticeofthe world around them. But increasingly customersare looking for moresympathetic and humane methods of control. “Around 60-70%ofour products arepoisonfreeand numbers suggest it’s about oneinthree sales,”says Edwin.“There is atrend here. It’slesspronounced on insect control because youtend to need remedial products. If you’ve got bedbugs forexample, youwanta quick-firesolution and reluctantly pick up traditional control which tend to be those with registered activeingredients. Certainly with vertebrate controls there’sbeena very positiveswing away from chemicalcontrol. “Within rodent control we have four headings andthey’re quite instructive. You’ve got baitand kill, catch andkill,which arelethal controls and then catchaliveand repel.Ifyou lookatthe millions of pieces of rodent controlproduct we sell,theyall subdivide intoo Our data capture what’shappening,non-lethal is aconsistent growth area.” The future Withthe extraspacefromthe latest expansion, Edwin believesthe company can doubleits sizewithout having to change premises. The currentclimate meansEdwin is realistic about growth and although he has figuresinhis head,hesays 10%growth is more likely especially if he cankeep atightgrip on overheads. “Let’s be honest,weare not going to break anyrecords in the nextcouple of years.” Eventhough pricerises on most commodities areincreasing, Edwinbelieves there isn’troom forsignificant priceincreases for the consumer.“We wouldnormallybring in newseason prices in September but will freezepricing until the endofFebruary.We arealso introducing pricedrops on some of the higher ticket lines as away of ensuring we continue to builddistributionand showvalue formoney where we can,”saysEdwin. The biggestsingle inflationarycostisgoing to be energy butasthe company runsits warehousesona biomassboilerand solar energy this should be contained. STVisnow also going through the processofgaining B Corp certification,which drivescontinuous improvement of social andenvironmental businessstandards. “It won’thappentakeabout18monthsewmonthsinalready.”

The name game Early on Edwinunderstoodthe need to brand hisproducts to makethemrecognisable. He also neededtofosteraloyal customer baseand encourage repeatsales. “In the earlydaysProctor Brothers owned abrand calledThe Little Nipper and Ineeded something that wouldcompete with that.So Ishut myselfinadarkenedroom and came up with TheBig Cheese. Iregistered the name andsince then allrodent productshavebeen sold under this brand,” says Edwin. Ninety percent of the company’srevenue nowcomes from pest control products. TheBig Cheese is the brand for vertebratecontrols and Zero In forinvertebrates with Ultra Power workingacross both.

Interview 6 September 2022 When it comes to newproducts, Edwin has a three-year view. He doesn’tlook at sales in year one. In year twohewill get an idea whether or not the product is likely to be successful and in year three he can see if it definitely works or not and makeadecision on its future.

Edwin Allingham with The Big Cheese and other STV brands control product we sell, they all into one of those four headings. captures that as a way of analysing business standards won’t happen overnight. I think it will take about 18 months to deliver and we are a few months in already.” Edwin Allingham in the warehouse.

Whilst interest in The Real Soil Company’soriginal SuperSoil has remained strong, response to its brand-new SuperLawn, apeat-free lawn topsoil, has been overwhelmingly positive, with buyers excited that the product has created further potential in organic, peat-free gardening.

New SuperLawn from TheReal Soil Company

As sustainability and responsible gardening climb higher on consumers’ agendas, garden centre buyers are actively on the lookout for true innovation in the category and premium products that deliver on their promises. It’slittle surprise then, that The Real Soil Company has had such agreat Glee,asthe brand showcases its flagship SuperSoil, Vegetable &Fruit Topsoil and now its latest lawn care innovation, SuperLawn.

New SuperLawn –one product is all you need New SuperLawn -exclusively available for pre-season orders at Glee 2022 -isa rich blend of natural topsoil, soil improver and horticultural sand. Packed full of slow releasing nutrients, trace elements and minerals, this all-in-one product helps lawns to thrive by improving the soil type and structure to give lawns the healthiest start. Like all products in The Real Soil Company portfolio, SuperLawn does not feature any artificialfertilisers or added chemicals, making it anatural and environmentally-friendly choice for both retailers and consumers alike. PAS100 certified andscreened to 3mm, this uniform texture helps to create aperfectly level lawn and is the ideal choice for both experienced and amateur gardeners.

Like SuperSoil and Vegetable& Fruit, which together created anew chapterfor topsoil, plugging agap at thehigh-end of the market, retail buyers are excited that SuperLawn has further opened up anew category,created more opportunities in peat-free, organic gardening, and helped extend the lawncare sales period into the autumn months.

The Real Soil Company has strived to create astandout brand that competes within ahighly-saturated marketplace. Featuring bright colours and hand-drawn illustrations, all packaging is informative, friendly and inspirational; helping to draw the consumers eye and making it easier for them to understand the application of each product. The quick explainer information on each pack also cuts through to the heart of the science, working to educate the consumer whilst increasing confidence in their purchase. To find out more about The Real Soil Company please visit www.therealsoilcompany. or email info@

8 September 2022 Promotion WaresleyPark in Sandy,Bedfordshire and Pacific NurseriesinWallsall,West Midlands havejoined Choice Marketing Nowwith45centres, thebuyinggroup’sretail turnover hasrisen to excess of £160m.“Joining Choicecouldn’t havebeensimpler,” saidSteve Baker, owner of Waresley Park. “I am nowgettingbetter terms with suppliersI wasalreadydealing with, notto mention significant rebates. Thecomradery is excellent andI really am delightedtobeamemberofthe group.”

PeterBeharrellofPacific Nurseries said: “Pacificmade thetransition from nursery to gardencentrein2004and still retainsits wholesale nurseryonanearbysite. Aftera brief flirtation with abuying group awhilebackwedecided to paddle ourown canoe, but life doesn’tstandstill and as thebusinesshas grown, we nowfind it comforting to know WaresleyPark joins ChoiceMarketing

Stronger together

Twomoregarden centres arewelcomed to the Choice Marketing group and already reaping rewards. …the friendly natureofour wonderful industry is strengthened further by being amember of Choice

Theinternal support and comraderyof 45 independent garden centres organisation, with fantastic supportfromour key suppliers. Although all our member centres are independently owned and independently run, we speak with one voiceinour relationships with our suppliers.”In addition to preferential purchasing arrangements, Choice members benefit from acomprehensiveofferingof marketing services through its partner agency Will BlakeofStPeters Garden Centre, Worcester has been amember of ChoiceMarketing sinceitwas established in 2002. “It’ssogreat being amember of ChoiceMarketing,” he said. “Asanindependent garden centre, we really value the combined influenceand buying strength that Choicegives our businessasit far exceeds anything we couldpossibly achieve on our own. The enhanced servicewereceivefromsuppliers, combined with the direct lines of communications that the team at Choicehavewith keyaccount managers acrossour supply chain ensures any issues aredealt with quickly and efficiently.The team at Choice negotiatethe very best prices and trading termson our behalf,which frees up countlesshours in our own businessand allows my senior management team to devote moretime to the day-to-day operations of the centre. It also enables us to concentrateonthe important strategic issues facing the business.” Choicecelebrates Choiceisone of theindustry’s leading buyingand marketinggroups andhas forged strong,mutually beneficialworkingrelationshipswith dozens of key suppliers throughout thegardencentre, gift and homesectors. Celebrating its20th anniversarythis year,this group of UK independent gardencentre operators share their collective knowledge, experiences, expertise and buying powertoprovide themselves with an undeniable andtangible competitivetrading advantage overother operators. “Our primaryfunction is to combineour significantbuying powertoprocurecompetitive and advantageous buying and tradingterms for thebenefitsofall members,”said Michelle. To mark its 20th year,ChoiceMarketing is putting the finishing touches to what is set to be arip-roaring celebratoryevening at its forthcoming conference and trade showinOctober.MikeCook, Group Services Manager,says: “Trade showstand spacesold out very quickly and we have over250 membersand suppliers attending,makingthis our largest event ever.” Scott McCabe, from Ames, comments: “We really enjoythe Choiceconferencetrade showand networking with the members. The dinner is great tooand thewhole eventbrings the industrytogether and showcases the relationship that Choicehas with its suppliers. We value supporting this and it is afirm fixtureinour diaries”. Find out more If you wouldliketoknowmore about the benefits of membership, please contact Michelle de –Lavis-Traffordtoarrange an informal chat. Email:

fford, CEOofChoiceMarketing, said she was delighted to welcomeboth WaresleyPark and Pacific Nurseries to the group.“Both arehighlysignificant garden centresinour industry and will surely makea great contribution to the organisation. Following our best ever year in 2021,Choicehas sincerepaidalmost £2.6m back to itsmembers in rebates. This exemplifies the powerand positiverewards of working together within an established

Eight reasons to join Choice Marketing


September 2022 www9 Promotion that we arebuying at or nearthe best prices. Notonlyhaveweenjoyedthe benefits of buyingbut arenow opening the doors to startsavingother costswithChoice partners. The buzzonthe Whatsapp chatisa constant reminderofwho we have joined!! It willbeturned off when my holidays start. But more seriouslythe friendly nature of ourwonderful industryisstrengthenedfurther by being a member of Choiceand we arelooking forwardtogetting to knowtheMichellemembershipatfutureevents.”deLavis-Tra

Enjoyashareofa rebatepayment which in 2021 reached almost £2.6m excl. VAT. 4 Access, if wished, to agroup marketing agency to procurea comprehensiverange of marketing,CRM and print services. 5


Significant savings aremade through the Group’sselected merchant services provider,its catering services provider, as well as stationery, EV charging,janitorial suppliers, customer home deliverynetwork and more.

Excellent trading terms andenhanced business relationships with leading suppliers. 2

Access to amembers’ only website24/7 offering awealth of information from suppliers’ terms through to weekly and monthly management figures, enabling you to benchmark your own business performance

7Annual conferenceand trade showand excellent networking amongst membersand suppliers. 8

Centres retain independence, identity and autonomy while taking full advantage of the greater influence and buying power that comes with being part of arespected and collaborativegroup 3

10 September 2022

Lawn update

A decade of scientific research by Johnsons Lawn Seed shows that garden lawns pack a powerful environmental punch the environmental benefits of natural grasses are huge and should be considered by urban planners and property developers

Creeping bent sequestered the most CO2but is not widely growninthe UK. Redfescue and perennial ryegrass areaclose second and thirdand arethe main constituents in most UK lawns and seed mixtures.

Even though garden lawns might be looking a bit parched rightnow, they and other grassy areas, still play a vitally important role in producing oxygen and storing carbon, especially in urban areas “Fast growing, relatively easy to maintain and with excellent CO2 sequestration properties, the environmental benefits of natural grasses are huge and should beconsidered by urban plannersand property developers who care about the planet and want to meet theirsustainability commitments” says Guy Jenkins ConsumerManager at Johnsons Lawn Seed At its grass breeding facility near Angers, in France, Johnson’sparent company DLF hasbeenresearching the value and benefits of living lawns It has recorded qualities from carbon sequestration to air purification and flood mitigation.

Living lawns are true eco-warriers

Environmental benefits Researchhas found that 1ha of grass can produceenough oxygen for 150 people, while also filtering dust and other particles from the air It also guards against soil erosion and helps prevent flash flooding and excess waterrunoff by filtering water slowly This is in contrast to water damage and localised flooding seen where gardens have been concreted over orreplaced with artificial turf Grass surfaces can also be significantly cooler than hard standing helping regulate ground and air temperatures, but they arealso efficient at capturing CO2 through their leaves and storing it through their roots In fact, Johnsons found that100m2 of grass sequestrates 336kgs of carboninto the soil each yearwhichis more than the same area of trees The speed at which grasscan grow and thesurface area it covers makes it a carbon capture hero of the plant world“Weare seeing far toomuchconcrete, plasticand other manmade materials covering outdoor spaces not only isthiscontributing to the increasing flood hazard in many areas, butitisalso greatly limitingour ability to control atmospheric CO2,” says Guy A100sqft lawn will supply enough oxygen forfour people. 80% of agrass plant is roots, helping stabilise soil structureand prevent erosion during heavy rain.

Happy plants, happy planet

Twonew products join the ecofective® range to increase crop yields and boost flower power.


aunched exclusively at Glee 2022, two further introductions haveofficially joined the ecofective® family with both scooping Glee NewProduct Awards in the Best Growing Materials category. The first is pelletisedOrganic Superfood, which takes its inspiration from the nutritional superfood market and the powertheyhaveonpositively impacting our wellbeing.Offering acomplete package of essential nutrients, all-newOrganic Superfood has an NPK of 5-4-3and is packed full of natural biostimulants, magnesium and organic matter.Each 800g boxwill help seedlings or up to 40 potted plants to thrivenomatter the soil type or external condition. The second newproduct to boost the ecofective® portfolio ahead of the 2023 season isPeat-Free Compost Booster.Created to partner with peat-free composts it will also driveupthe average basket spend, increase consumer engagement, and because gardeners see their plants perform better,itwill strengthen their confidenceusing peat-free growing media. This carefully balanced product is full of all the essential nutrients plants need to grow within peat-free compost, including an NPK of 5-4-3 to encourage vigorous growth and stronger plants. Available in powder form, gardeners can easily mix it intothe compost. In theretail setting,Peat-Free Compost Booster will benefitfrominformative labelling to help consumers at the point of sale. With weather-proof packaging,the Sipcamteamhas createdsomething which canbequickly andeasily cross-merchandised alongsideexistingpeat-freecompost ranges. Likeall Sipcam Basket and TubFeedproducts, Organic Superfood and Peat-Free Compost Booster arechild and pet safe. Both products arealsomadeusing asustainable processthatreduces SipcamHome &Garden’scarbon footprint while also avoiding harmful gas emissions such as methane and ammonium.

Find out more To find out moreabout the leading product range from Sipcam Home &Garden, visit

As partofits new‘happyplants, happyplanet’ offering,Organic Superfood and Peat Free Compost Boost provide six multi-actions designed to benefit plants and givethem what theyneed to thrive. All areclearly illustrated on supporting point of sale: 1. Crop yields aredoubled. Blooms arebiggerand brighter 2. Stronger resilienceagainst disease attack 3. Supports plants during stressful conditions includingheat, drought and overwatering 4. Controlled release of nutrients for long lasting support 5. Improvedwater retention 6. Improvedroot development

12 September 2022 Promotion

Be part of the wood-splitting revolution

Since Glee 2022, sales of the safe and easy-to-use Kindling Cracker have soared. Kindling Cracker™ is the wood splitter that makes splitting firewood safeand easy.Itmakes light work of splitting logs forchimineas, firepits, outdoor pizza ovens, grills and indoor log burners. Made in Australia from top-grade, recycled cast iron, it is the wood splitter anyone can use. As it allows you to splitwood without using an axe, it is asafealternativetouse for young and old alike. Find out more If you want to become astockist forthe Kindling Cracker and Espegardoutdoor living range visit: Email:

Fandango FireTools is reflecting on ahugely successful Glee 2022. This was theteam’sfirst UK trade showand provedtobeanenormous success The Kindling Cracker and Espegardrange were ahuge hit with attendees and orders have already been received, processed and shipped. NewKindling CrackerTM stockists include ahost of garden centres (both national chains and independent), homeware shops, eCommerce sellers, outdoor living stores and firewood suppliers. Some customers havesold out twice sinceGlee and arehappily restocked for the thirdtime! Reports suggest their customers areveryexcited about the Kindling Cracker In case youdidn’tcatch Fandango Fire Tools at Glee, it is the European distributor for twooutstanding ranges of products Kindling Cracker and Espegard. The Kindling Cracker is the star of the show. Apatented, Australian made firewood splitter,itwas invented adecade ago by Ayla Hutchinson, when she wasa13-year-old schoolgirl in NewZealand. It makes preparing wood for log burners, chimineas, firepits, outdoor pizza ovens and grills safe and easy The Kindling Cracker has been hugely popular and globally hundreds of thousands havebeensold. After initial success in Scandinavia, sales havesurged in France, Italy,Germany and Spain. And morethan 11,000 units havebeen sold in the UK even though it only came to the market latein2021. There hasbeen more goodnewssinceGlee. The European patentfor theKindlingCracker was granted and validated duringJune 2022.The patent willserve to protect Ayla’s remarkable invention in 38 European countries including theUK. Thereare alreadygranted patents in theUSA, Canada,Australia, NewZealand,China andJapan. Fandango FireTools hasgreat stocklevelsofthe Kindling Crackerand accessoriesin itsUKwarehouse andisexcited to hear from interested newdealers

September 2022 www13 Promotion

14 September 2022 Promotion Southern Trident is delighted to be acertified carbon neutral company.Asthe firstinthe sector to be PAS-2060 certified,ittakes pride in leading theway for allbusinesses largeand small to become carbonnet zero.Itmeasures toplinecarbon footprint levels from the creationofall itsproducts and offsets thecarbondioxide produced.Thisincludes the manufacturingofits peat-freegrowing mediabecause itdoes notdepletenaturalpeatreservestherefore protecting andconservingcarbon-capturing landscapes. The HarmonyGardensrangeofgrowingmedia,the world’s firstcarbonneutralgrowingmedia brand,was launchedin2021toglowing acclaim at the Glee New Product Awards andwon the2021GleeSustainability Awardfor itsMultipurpose Compost. For2023,Southern Trident is delighted to be bringingnew additions in the HarmonyGardensrange to themarket. Alongsidethe existing Multipurpose Compost,Growbag,Top Soil, andSoil Improver, comes 100% naturalFruit &Vegetable Compost, FarmyardManure, Chipped Bark,and thenotoriously difficult to create, peat-free EricaceousCompost Becauseofits innovativeformulation, Southern Trident isproud it was shortlistedfor the 2022Glee GrowingMaterialsAward Thesenew additionswill makestand-out sellers for anystockists with bold,clean packaging that displays to customers theyare fully peat free,carbon neutral, useSoil Associationapprovedcoir,and arepartof theResponsible SourcingScheme for Growing Media. Alongside, customers caneasilyfind instructions and recommendations forusage and volume. To further reduceenvironmentalimpact, each bagismadeusing at least30% recycled plasticmaterial andis100% recyclable where local recycling facilities allow. Youcan keep up to date with news, customer stories and Southern Trident’s latest product information on social media.

Harmonious gardening

The importance of reducing our environmental impact is at the heart of every decision made at Southern Trident especially when it comes to Harmony Gardens, its new growing media brand.

Find out more Visit formore about its 2023 carbon neutral product range or its newtrade website for the rest of the range Email: or call 02036337786.

Driveyour retail sales growth on-line and in-store INFO@STVUK.COM I01953 88158I WWW.STVUK.COM Effective Petsafe, poison-free solutions Discreet and easy to use    Solveyourcustomers’ pestproblems in just 3clicks Award-winning Top100 multi-channel merchandise display

garden, we arenow enjoying thebest of both worlds.Nolonger confinedto our homes,wecan nowrelaxand entertain outdoors without sacrificingany of the comforts of indoor living.” LOFA has been observing this trend and to enable UK retailersand buyers to makethe most of these new opportunities has announced that SOLEX 2023,the Summer Outdoor Living Exhibition, is collaborating and will join forceswith the LANDSCAPE Show. “The synergy between these twoshows is undeniable. We both work to promote great products and innovation within the outdoor industry. This partnership will be suretobring anew levelofexcitement to both events,” explainsGina. Bringing twoorganisations together with the common goal of championing the outdoor industrymeans SOLEX will be able to offer an even widerrange of benefits and services to visitors and LOFA members. “Weare looking forward to working together to supportthe continued growth and success of the landscape and outdoor leisureindustries,” says Gina.

16 September 2022 SOLEX 2023

Anew partnership, morespace and dedicated zones pave the way for avibrant SOLEX in 2023. Gina Hinde, LOFA’s Marketing Manager,unveils theplans. Youare invited to findout more about the newdevelopments, products and services offeredby LOFA membersonits stand at this year’s LANDSCAPEShow. 28-29 September 2022 NEC Birmingham.

Moving with the times

T he spacovepheindoor-outdoornomenonistakingralltypesoflivinges,fromcountry homes to cityapartmentsand garden designers,landscape architects, architectural technologists, and contractors areall comingtogether to crandGinfindmarket-leadingproducts,”saysaHinde.“Thelinesbetweenoutsideindoorspacearebecomingblurredeatinganewfocusandthankstoweatherproofrugs,outdoorkitchens,showersontheterraceandsofasinthe

September 2022 www17

Theexhibition spaceismore reasonably priced than other shows within this genre. SOLEX offersfreemarketing, which includes afullweb profile, entryintothe show guide, customer invitations, thesharing of news in the GTNSOLEX and SOLEX Sun and exhibition website.

Entryintothe NewProduct Awards with winnersreceiving marketing prizes and free PR and social media promotion Free porterage and forkliftswith staff to help unload, load vehicles Free parking forvisitorsand exhibitors If you areinterested in exhibiting at SOLEX 2023 contact 10-12 July 2023,NEC,Birmingham,

SOLEX has been ahaven for trade buyers sinceits inception and with the new partnership,will be expanding its customer base and opening up its doors to even morepeople from many other different sectors. To help visitors easily navigatethe showand makethe most of their time, it will be split intothree distinct zones. LOFA Members Zone.Filled with an inspirational group of companies all focused on the outdoor living industry, LOFA members offer the most unique outdoor entertaining ideas from BBQs, furniture, firepits, spas, shading,lighting, chimeneas and awide range of accessories. All adhering to the LOFA Code of Practice, this group of companies arethe BEST BRANDS within the outdoor living sector NewEnterprise Zone. Open to new start-upsand newbusinesses enabling them to get onto theindustryladder andhelpthem on their waytobecoming LOFA‘SummerMembers.Garden Zone.For companies that only want to be part of theSummer Outdoor Living Exhibition. LOFA standards still need to be metand upheld by the companies in this zone.All products will havetomeetcurrent UK regulations so as an association it can be surethe products on offer to the industryare good quality, safe and manufactured to ahigh standard. Change of date? Alongside thenew partnershipand layout, LOFA also considered holding SOLEX in May rather than July.But sometimes, as it found outearlierthisyear,the old ways arethe best. After canvassing exhibitorsand visitors duringSOLEX this year it turns out theJulydatesuits exhibitors and more importantly the industry. As springisthe main season with salescontinuingright up untilthe end of June, having theshow in July allows moretime to make better informedbuyingdecisions. Alsothe Far Eastmarkethas nowshifted yetagain andsoafter discussions with the NEC it wasdecided to leavethe dates of the exhibitionexactly wheretheywere. “You learn by experience,” said Gina. “Wehavelearnt thatSOLEX is agreat show, the industry likeitinJuly, the exhibitors like it in July so it turns outthis show wasgreat after all exactlywhere it was.”Soput thedateinyourdiary and look forwardtoabigger and better SOLEX from 10-12 July 2023 worth £1.92bn SOLEX 2022 exhibitor numbers up 6% Estimated consumer spending forecast (£m) 2022: £8506 2023: £9153

Outdoor garden leisuremarket is

Great reasons to exhibit at SOLEX 2023 –the only event organised by the industryfor the industry SOLEX attracts quality buyers and visitorsfrommultiple and independent garden centres, high street and departments stores, online retailers, DIY stores and other industryprofessionals.



N ow in its10th year,the campaign Cultivation Street continuestopromote and nurturerelationships between garden centres, schools and communities. Especially overthe last three uncertain years, the crucial role of garden centres as aplaceofplant supply andlocal community supporthas proved to be alifeline.The collaboration between garden centres and communities enables knowledge and the joyofgardening to be spread far and wide. Cultivation Street continuestoencourage these relationships and is continuallyinspired by the achievements on both sides. “UK garden centresare in many places the hub of the unsung heroes, supporting local school children, charities, youthgroups, communities and those who need special help,” says campaign founder David Domoney. “The kindnessand humility of UK garden retailers is ashining example to others on the benefits of positiverelationships with customers.” Cultivation Street,sponsored by Miracle Gro® , supports garden centres that encourage gardening throughout their communities, in schools and wherever plants and horticulturebring happiness and enhanced well-being. Hereare afew remarkable ways UK garden centres have supported charities and brought joy through the power of plants.

Encouraging healthier lifestyles

Making community connections

Since 2022, Hillier GardenCentresinthe south of England, hassponsored the Southampton based charityAbby’sHeroeswhich supports children,teenagers, youngadultsand their families whendiagnosedwithcancer.Its support comes in the form of financial donations to Abby’sHeroesthrough money raised instore,and by raising awarenessof the charity at its centres and throughout the community.Hillieralso donates to local schools, offeringplants and compostslocalvisitsofhostingCeGarAltondenntreonemanyfromschools.

Cultivation Street 18 September 2022

DowntownGarden Centre, Lincolnshireisa leading sponsor of Inspire+ acharity which encourages healthier lifestyles through physical and well-being activities. The charity receives no central Government funding so supportofDownton is key to itsvision of ensuring youngpeople arehealthy,happyand active,through increased physical activity and wellbeing, in both education and community settings. As well as providing acomprehensiveand valued programme of supportfor schools, Inspire+ is also aPEand School Sport apprenticeship training provider Promoting healthy eating through funding school meals Haskins Garden Centres in thesouthof England areinstrumentalintheir communities, donating plants andcompost to local schools

Supporting Greenfingersand Mind Alton Garden CentreinEssex is agreat supporterof the Greenfingers Charity and happily provides plants and flowers to children’s hospices, so theyalong with their parents, carers and staff can enjoynatureand the outdoors. The garden centrealsoencourages primaryschool children to visitand takesahands on approach. Alongside this, directors haveraised morethan £1000 in donations from staff,customers and suppliers by running the London Marathon in supportofthe mental health charity,Mind. and encouraging children to get their hands dirty in theirjourneytolearn about thenatural world.The centreshavealsoraised moneyfor free school meals in Hampshireand fundraise forMountbatten Hampshire, alocal hospice that supports andprovides end-of-life care for members within thecommunity.

Backing Abby’sHeroes

Cultivation Street

Providing trees to celebratethe Queen’sPlatinum Jubilee

Find out more

Championing the NHS Rosebourne Garden CentresinHampshire and Berkshireare avid supporters of their local NHS trusts. In 2021 Rosebourne provided alarge Christmas tree with lighting for the courtyardatthe Royal BerkshireHospital. It also used this as an opportunity to thank NHS staff for all their efforts through the Covid-pandemic. To supportNHS staff and Blue Light Cardholders further,itoffers them monthly discounts.. Localschools and groups also benefit with donations of seeds, plants and growing media. Online growing group helps deal with grief Dobbies Southport, Merseyside has strong Primary school children plant atree donated by Old Railway Garden Centre. Notcutts gets ready fora pond dipping session organised with the charity Green Light.

Every year,Old Railway Garden Centre,Powys, supports differentgardening projects in local schools. To celebratethe Queen’sPlatinum Jubilee it donated trees to local school and community groups, to bring lasting benefits for generations to come. It also offers talks and online lessons to local primaryschools so children can learn something newand feel encouraged to get gardening.Ittakes pride in offering adviceand donating whatever mightbe needed to supportlocal projects.

Many charities local to Coolings Garden Centres in Kent and Sussex plus some further afield benefit from its supportincluding theMultiple Sclerosis Society, TheGuideDogs forthe Blind Association, and AirAmbulance in Kent,Surrey,and Sussex. Recognisingthe importanceofsuch aservice,and thepoweringiving back to the community,the centres have raised £1750 and withinits communities, Coolings createsand maintainsseveral plantingschemes which contributetomorepleasant surroundings.

To getinvolved with Cultivation Street and keep up to datewith news and initiatives visit links with Cradle, acharity offering support to thosesuffering from grief following the lossofababy. Nowinits thirdyear, its online planttherapygroup encourages the growing of sunflowers and acts as aplatform for meeting newpeople. Theproject was amuch-needed lifeline during the Covidpandemic as child lossand isolation were exacerbated during lockdown. Getting everyone growing Starting last summer, Sunshine Garden Centre, London donatedexcess plants such as tomatoes, to local allotments, schools and societies. Sunflower seeds were also donated to a nearbyhousing groupwhich used them to organise agrowing competition for local children. The centrehas also hosted more than 100 pupils to showthem, first hand, the benefits and enjoyment of growing plants and interacting with natureand horticulture Awards recognise community efforts Notcutts Garden Centresthroughout England supportnumerous schools, hospitals, hospices, charities, and clubs within their local communities. Each year thecompany hosts its ownCommunity Awardtocelebrate the garden centresthat havebestsupported their local communities throughout the year.Centres also supportGreen Light, acharity that encourages adiverse range of people to access natureand thegreat outdoors.

Raising moneyand greening the landscape

September 2022 www19

LOFA Member profile 20 September 2022

Formoreinformation on Hex Living products please contact RupertKing, 07793 967534

Produced from adurable powder coated aluminium, arealselling point of the HEX Living range is that it requires virtually no maintenance -apartfromthe occasional clean -and all metal work is coveredunder HEX Living’s unique lifetime warranty.All products areavailable in either aporcelain or anthracitefinish. Made in the UK, retailers also benefit from completeflexibilitywhen it comes to stock supply as an immediateorder anddeliveryservice means thereisnoneedtobulk order.Hex Living’s large facility can supply exact quantities when needed, eliminating the need to forecasting and minimum shipping orders.

U nveiled at this summer’s GLEE and SOLEX events,HEX Living’s newranges of garden furnitureand accessories combine contemporarystyling and thoughtful design features with robust,hard-wearing materials. Hugely versatile, products in the Tutbury collection can be mixed and matched giving users the opportunity to createanoutdoor furnitureset Made in the UK, the HexLiving range requires virtually no maintenance, apart from the occasional clean.

HEX Living’s furniturehas lifetime warranty that suits their needs. Products include an L-shaped sofa, two-seater sofa, firepit table, dual height table, bench, lounger and cantileverparasol. Complementing the Tutburycollection is the Marchington Pergola. The rust-resistant aluminium structureisideal for year-round use and features an innovativeroof system with open/close louvres providing protection from the rain, sun and wind. It also features abuilt in LED lighting system to illuminatethe space and set different moods. The sides of the pergola also incorporateeasily adjustable blinds to provide added relief from sunlight and wind. Additional side screens and decorativepanels are available.

The Awardfor Catering Excellencefor Best Garden CentreRestaurant: Creative Gardens Bushmills (GC)

The GIMA Awardfor Best Garden Products Retailer: CreativeGardens, Donaghadee (GC)

The Outdoor Living Awardfor Best Outdoor Living Retailer: CreativeGardens, Donaghadee (GC)

TheOld RailwayLine Pugh’sGarden Village

The Indoor Lifestyle Awardfor Best Indoor Lifestyle Retailer: Simpsons Garden Centre(DGC) and Dunbar Garden Centre (GC)

GCA Regional Awards 22 September 2022

Customer ServiceAward for Best Customer Service: CreativeGardens, Donaghadee Environment and Sustainability Award: CreativeGardens, Donaghadee

The Dick Allen Awardfor Most ImprovedCentre: KlondykePolmont Garden Centre The Awardfor Catering Excellence for Best Garden Centre Restaurant: Simpsons Garden Centre(DGC) and KlondykeMayfield Garden Centre(GC)

the Year: TheOld

The Indoor Lifestyle Awardfor Best Indoor Lifestyle Retailer: CreativeGardens, Bushmills (GC)

The GIMA Awardfor Best Garden Products Retailer: The Old Railway Line Garden Centre (DGC) and Pugh’sGarden Village, Wenvoe (GC) The Indoor Lifestyle Awardfor Best Indoor Lifestyle Retailer: Bernaville Nurseries (DGC) and Pugh’sGarden Village, Wenvoe (GC) The Outdoor Living Awardfor Best Outdoor Living Retailer: Bernaville Nurseries (DGC) and joint winners OrchardPark Garden Centre, Pugh’s Garden Village, Wenvoe and Webbs, Cheltenham (GC)

Scotland GCA area awards 2022 Garden Centre of the Year: Simpsons Garden Centre(DGC) and Klondyke Garden Wise, Dumfries (GC) Customer ServiceAward for Best Customer Service: KlondykePolmont Garden Centre Environment and Sustainability Award: Joint winners KlondykeGarden Wise, Dumfries, KlondykeMortonhall Garden Centreand Simpsons Garden Centre The BartonGrangeTrophyfor Commercial Innovation and Creativity: KlondykeGarden Wise, Dumfries

In Scotland KlondykeGarden Centres went home with eight awards including Garden Centreofthe Year (Garden Centre) for Garden Wise Garden CentreinDumfries, while Simpsons Garden Centre picked up six awards including Garden Centreofthe Year (Destination Garden Centre). It wasasimilar storyinWest&Wales with The Old Railway Line Garden Centre, Powysand Pugh’sGarden Centres in south Wales presented with multiple awards. The Old Railway Line Garden Centrepicked up fiveawards including Garden Centreofthe Year (Destination Garden Centre), while Pugh’scollected four awards, the topbeing Garden Centreofthe Year for Pugh’s Garden Village, Wenvoe (Garden Centre). Awards were presentedateveningshostedbyGrove Nurseries and Garden Centre,Dorset, and Klondyke Garden Centre,Polmont. GCA Inspector,Alyson Haywood whofocused on centresinWest &Wales says: “It wasalso great to see the number of centres highlighting and focusing on their environmental policies, the health benefits of gardening and the environmental benefits of plants.” GCA Inspector for Scotland and Norther Ireland Gordon Emslie comments: “None of the centres have stood still overthe last fiveyears and the businesses haveall invested heavilyindevelopingtheir offer, growing sales and giving customers auniqueretail shopping experience.”

The BartonGrange Trophy forCommercial Innovation and Creativity: CreativeGardens,Logwood

Simpsons Garden Centres

The Outdoor Living Awardfor Best Outdoor Living Retailer: Simpsons Garden Centre(DGC) and Klondyke Polmont Garden Centre(GC) Northern Ireland GCA area awards 2022 Garden Centreofthe Year: Creative Gardens Bushmills (GC)

area awards 2022 Garden

Wales &West GCA Centre of Railway Line Garden Centre(DGC) and Pugh’sGarden Village, Wenvoe (GC) Customer ServiceAward for Best Customer Service: The Old Railway Line Garden Centre Environment and Sustainability Award: The Old Railway Line Garden Centre The BartonGrangeTrophy for Commercial Innovation and Creativity: The Old Railway Line Garden Centre The Dick Allen Awardfor Most ImprovedCentre: Webbs, Cheltenham The Awardfor Catering Excellencefor Best Garden Centre Restaurant: CadburyGarden Centre (DGC) and joint winners Pugh’sGarden Village, Wenvoe and Webbs, Cheltenham (GC)

GCAmembers celebrate being the best in their region

The GIMA Awardfor Best Garden Products Retailer: Simpsons Garden Centre(DGC) and KlondykeGarden Wise, Dumfries (GC)

S taff at the CreativeGardens chain in Northern Ireland had anight to remember when its centres swept the boardwinning an award, nine in total, in every categoryfollowing GCA Inspections of the Scotland &Northern Ireland region After atense wait,wecan now congratulate the centres winning GCAAwards in the Wales & West,Scotland and Northern Ireland regions.

The Dick Allen Awardfor Most Improved Centre: CreativeGardens, Donaghadee

Miracle Gro® is a trademark of OMS Investments, Inc and is used under licence from OMS Investments, Inc

SaleS Maximise your *Source:GFK Total Panel Market Data from September -Nov 2021.Garden CareExcluding Growing Media. ROUNDUP® is aregisteredtrademark and used under license. Miracle-Gro® is atrademark of OMS Investments, Inc. and is used under licencefromOMS Investments, Inc. Use pesticides safely.Alwaysreadthe label and productinformation beforeuse Worth £63m retail sales* Increased +27% vs 2019* 13% of annual garden caresales*

No.1 Autumn Garden Care Supplier* Contact your Evergreen Sales Reptodiscuss Autumn POS opportunities

Miracle-Gro®isatrademark of OMSInvestments, Inc. andisusedunder licence from OMSInvestments, Inc. *Source: GfK Total Panel Market, MATdatatoSeptember 2021. Miracle-Gro® is atrademark of OMS Investments, Inc. andisused under licence from OMS Investments,Inc. Use pesticides safely.Alwaysread the label andproductinformation beforeuse. Speak to your Evergreen Garden Care sales representativefor further details Weeds? Gone in aJiffy Visible resultsin3hours andglyphosate free. Keep Growing -with the UK’sNo.1Plant Food TheUK'smostrecognisedgardencarebrand nowin 98% recycled plastic yellow bottles. Clear Away Pests Inside and Out With our extended range of home and garden pest control certified for organic gardening. 100% Peat Free John Innes Exploreour fullLevington John Innes Peat Free Compostrange. 50 Bagmade from recycled plastic 98 Bottle made from recycled plastic 100 Bottle madefrom recycled plastic 100 Bottle made from recycled plastic 100 Cartonmade from recycled card 100 Cartonmadefrom recycled card

V erymuch akey component of Glee is the NewProduct Showcase, run in association with Garden Trade News, which gives visitorsthe chancetodiscover unique and innovativenew products on the market. At the same time, it provides exhibitors with aplatform to test out newlaunches and developments and forthose that aresuccessful in winning aNew Product Awarditbrings exciting opportunities formarketing and promotion. Therewas much expectation forthis year’s NewProduct Showcase. Wouldtherebeasmany products considering the previous showtook place just six months earlier? Have companiesbeen investing in innovation through the pandemic? What is truly innovative? Well,therewas no need to panic. This year’s Showcase attracted more than 300 products across 12 categories -the same amount as 2019.Merchandised attractively in Hall 19 manyvisitorsused the area as agreat starting point to see the best innovation at Glee in asnapshot. In this article,weexplore the process involved in entering the NewProductAwardsand being partofthe NewProduct Showcase, from before theshowright through to theannouncement of theoverall winnerand beyond. More than 300 new products displayed at Glee on one dedicated stand

Gill Ormrod, Marketing Manager at Rosebourne Garden Centres’, who was on the panel to evaluate and decide winners of the Glee New Product Awards, offers abehind-the-scenes insight into the process. The judges While the products arethe focus, the Showcase wouldn’t happen if it wasn’t for the judges. Each year adiverse panel of garden industryexperts kindly giveuptheir time to judge the products over two days of the show. This year the judges were:Ian Hodgson, Garden News (Chair of Judges); Andy Bunker, Alton Garden Centre; Roger Crookes, Pugh’sGarden Centres; Mel Livingston, Fron Goch Garden Centre; Lilidh Matthews, Primrose. comand YPHA member; Elliot Kirby, RHS Wisley Garden Centre; Neil Gow, retired garden centreowner,and Gill Ormrod, Rosebourne Garden Centres.

September 2022 27 Newproduct judging

From ajudge’s perspective

Considerations are: What is truly innovative? What hasn’tbeenseenbefore? What is going to be popular with Whatconsumers?willachieve ahigh volume of retail Doessales?aproduct provide asolution to a Withproblem?such agreat range of products to view, thereisnotimefor dawdling!For everycategory, each judgehas atotal of 20 points to award. Amaximum of eight points can be given to any one product with the remaindersplit acrossother products as required.Oncejudged(by each judge independently) the scoresheets aresubmitted with thetotals acrossthe judgingpanel added up Pitch perfect The topscoring products in each category areinvited to pitch to thejudgesina Dragon’s Denstyle format. Thefirst round of pitching takes placeonthe afternoon of the first dayofthe show withthe second round takingplaceonthe morning of daytwo Suppliersare given twominutes to talk about their product, highlighting keyfeatures and benefits, along with any information about pricing,marketing etc. Judges then havethe opportunity to ask questions of the person pitching and to queryany points made.This partofthe processshould not be underestimated as it not only provides the supplier with an added opportunity to ‘sell’ thebenefits


Glee New ProductjudgesAwardwith TrevorPfeiffer,GTNEditor

Beforethe show Oncespacehas been booked at the show, any exhibitor can makeuptothree entries submitting product information online. The criteria for Glee 2022 wasthat products needed to haveentered the market between 16 September 2021 (the previous show) and 28 June 2022 (the first day of GleeOn2022).arrival at the show, exhibitors bring their products to the NewProduct Showcase area wheretheyare arranged intoadisplay according to category. With morethan 300 products this is no mean feat and takes afairamount of time, especially when youfactor in entries that appear last minute!scrutiniseJudges the

28 September 2022 Newproduct judging

Representatives from shortlisted companies each get just two minutes to pitch to the judges.

Letjudging commence After studying the listing of all entries, the judges arebriefed on thejudging criteria.

And the winnersare… Thereismuchanticipationfor theannouncement of the winners at the end of day twowhich takes placeonThe Stage. Each categorywinner is announced with representatives invited to the stage to accept their award. Then it is the big one –which product takes the ultimatecrown of Best Overall NewProduct at Glee 2022? What happens next? Theannouncement of the winners is just the start. Presentation of the awards is an integral partofthe Glee programme and all winners receivepromotion via the Glee Daily news e-mail newsletter,Glee websiteand Garden Trade News as well as the wider trade press. It is then down to theindividual winners to maximise their awards within their ownmarketing activity.Itprovides an extratalking point to highlight when securing sales and helps products stand out from the crowd Winners celebrate. Ian Hodgson, Chair of Judges, inspects an entry from Plantsmith, and examples of Facebook marketing posts.

September 2022 www29

Newproduct judging of the product, but it also helps to bring the whole proposition to life. It wasnot uncommon for the pitching to unearth real gems that hadn’tcome acrossfromjust viewing and reading about the product. It wasclear to see which suppliers were suitably prepared for the task. It is then ‘heads together’for the judges to decide on the merits of each product and select the categorywinners –with some decisions being much easier than others. With abreadth of experiencefrom the judging panel healthy discussions ensue beforefinaldecisions aremade, settled by the Chair of Judges if required

Onceall thecategorywinners have been decided attention turns to the best overall product. What has truly stood out and set itself apartfromthe rest? With such adiverse range of categories it is hardtojudge each of the winners against each other but this year there wasone product that shone through. Products were also selected for the Sustainability Awardand the Best of British Award.

Yes, folks, the horticultural industryismost definitelyaliveand well.”

The FloproCan-Can This year’s overall winner wasthe FloproCan-Can from Westland Horticulture. Thejudgeswere impressed with the innovative approach and design of the Can-Can which will help solve the problems associated with the simple but oftenawkward task of filling awatering can. Consumer research from Westland revealed that while 95% of all gardenersown awatering can, 65% arenot satisfied with them. Thetop issues facedby gardenersinclude cans being too heavy to hold under taps, the handle obstructing the filling, making amessand wasting water when filling up and having to take partinawatering can relayup and down the garden. Using CAD technology,Westland’s3Ddesign team set out solvethese issues and so the FloPro Can-Can was created. With its ergonomic design, this can with its flappable rose has aspout that fits in the watering can hole and ahoseconnector. Judges felt this would have wide appeal to agardening audience and represented astepchange in acoregardening product that has changed little sinceits first inception. Summing up Judge Mel Livingston from Fron Goch Garden Centrecomments: “Therewerea fewproducts on offer whereyou couldsee people had their thinking caps on to solve some simple problems -parcelstorage, watering houseplants, kinked hoses and better Christmas tree stands to name but a few. We have to be aware that we don’tsell anything that anybody needs, so the products that we sell are‘wants’. Our products need to be attractiveorsolveproblems. Our customers then need to justify and value their expenditure. ‘It’spretty’,‘it makeslife easier’, ‘it works’, ‘it doesn’tharm the environment’, ‘it’sfun’. This is what I’mlooking for in new products and we found them.” Chair of Judges Ian Hodgson from Garden News sums this year’s awards up from a judging perspective. “With around 300new products to evaluateinjust afew hours, emanating from the judging process. There were missed opportunities too. Supporting information was,onoccasion, insubstantial, leaving judges floundering on the significance of the product. The pitch sessions were spirited and insightful, really helpingfocus the panel’s minds to identify categorywinners and the overall champion product. Although unnerving for some, it wasadelight to experiencefirst hand the passion and belief of developers and manufacturers in their respective products.

Best Glee New Product 2022 -

Forthe Directoryofall products entered intothe Glee New Product Showcase 2022, see page 32 judgingthis year wasbothdauntingand exhilarating, challenging thejudgingteam to thelimits.What was so heartening to see wasthe number andrange of innovations on show, an indication of arevitalised industry that is striving to remain relevant, attuned to thechallenges that gardeners face by helping them overcome problems, gardening more effectively,creatively andmost importantly,enjoyably“Productsweredelivered to the new product arena with considerable pride by company representatives, regrettably,afew much toolatetobeevaluated, missing out on the considerable promotional potential wasadelight to experience first-hand the passion and beliefofdevelopers and manufacturers

30 September 2022 judging

Afinal word from MatthewMein, Glee Event Director: “Another year and another amazing opportunity to celebratethe hard work and creativity of our industry. This year’s winners’roster was stronger than ever,with an impressiveline-up of new products to ignitenew salesopportunities for retailers and enticeconsumers with products that makegardening easier, moreenjoyable and full of swoon-worthy products that also makegardening more sustainable. Huge congratulations to all our winners, those shortlisted and everyone that entered. Together youhavemade this year’s Glee NewProduct Showcase one of our best yet!” Many congratulations to all this year’s shortlisted and winning entries. And to companies with newinnovations in the pipeline, if youhaven’tentered the New Product Awards beforethen it is worthdoing so.Wehope to see your products displayed in the NewProduct Showcase at Glee 2023

TheFlo ProCan-Can will be ready to retail in 2023 Newproduct

Find your winning New Products for 2023

Advice &information for ga dencentre professionals the Glee Show at: docs

Garden Decoration Winner Hydria LifeFountain Kit. Hydria Life. RRP £199.99 Asolar poweredfountain kit that can be quickly and easily assembled to fit inside apot andused indoors or out. The versatility of the rangeenables different combinations andlooks to be created.

2022 Winner 32 September 2022 include pictures of the products still hope you it and use the to get in touch the for more information. contact be

hat a Glee it was for new products this year The move to June and the impetus of 3 million new gardeners has certainly spurred theindustryontodevelop morenew products that were entered intothe Glee New Product Showcase and Awards than ever before Organised by the GTNteam, we alwaysget asked:“Is there acomplete listofall theGleeNew Product Entries?” We’venot beenabletodo thisat Gleeitselfasmany of the products areentered late, right up to the day before the show, but here in the pages of GTN we are able to include the full listings of every product entered into this year’s Glee NewProductShowcaseand Awards.Part1inthis issueincludes the categories: Garden Decoration, Garden Growing Containers, Garden Leisure & Entertaining, Garden Tools & Machinery, Growing Accessories, Plants, seeds & bulbsand Growing Materials. Nextmonth we will youbring youall the entries for: Homewares, Giftware, Toys &Games, Landscaping &GardenBuildings, Pets, Retail Services & Experiences plus Wild Bird Care and Wildlife. Unfortunately, there’snot spaceto clude pictures of the products but we still hope you find it useful and se the listings to get in touch with he companies for more information All of the exhibitor contact details can be found in the Glee Show Guide, which is available on line at: d

NewProduct Directoryfor 2023

Inbrushed gold, this vintagestyle tripod light with Edison-style filament bulb charges in sunlight and automatically illuminates at night. Perfect for outdoor entertaining, the TriSol LimeLightbringsindoor style outdoors.

Brushed Aqua RobinPot Stake. Tilnar Ltdta Tilnar Art& Azeti.RRP £19.98

The intricately designed Arch Mirrored Wall Planter creates a beautiful focal point. Mounted on awall or fence itsmirrored background gives the illusion of extra space making asmall garden seem endless.

Tilnar Arthas designedand launched the AluminArk BirdPot StakeCollection made from recycled aluminium Fair Trade, the 30cm stake and decorative bird are hand made by Indian artisans.

Primus Silhouette Wall Clocks Primus RRP £49 99

On trend silhouette wall art has inspired the design of these new generously sized outdoor clocks that combine art with practicality Can be used indoors or outside Rosalind Solar Floor Lamp The Solar Centre RRP £79 99 Easily set up in a few minutes, this light emits a glow in an array of colours controlled by a remote The perfect indoor or outdoor companion, it can be charged by solar or USB Honey &Wild Arch Mirrored Wall Planter.WoodlodgeProducts RRP £49 99


T d 28 9 00 -18:0 W d e da 9 00 -1 Th y 30 J 9 -16 00 Show Guide O ed y c M s Discover our at and 20C40-D41 Miracle-Gro® is a registered trademark of OMS Investments and is used under license from OMS Investmen 1 11 1

Shortlisted Keep Safe Parcel Store. Zest. RRP £119.99 Designed with security inmind, thisconvenient stantial allowsparcels to be delivered and stored safely out of view and accessed easily from a side door Made from FSC sustainable slow-grown soft wood

which is available on-line

Shortlisted Smart Solar TriSol LimeLight. Smart Garden Products Limited. RRP £39.99

APSLEY FARMSIS ALREADYTHERE Made from plants, forplants; our NATURAL PLANTFOOD is theby-productofrenewable energywhich keepsongiving. Getahead of thecurve and increase your plantfeed salessustainably.Powering Britain since2012* Forfurtherinformation, please contact ROBIN STEWARDSON | 07932096453

NewProduct Directoryfor 2023


Primus TubularOrbit Spinners. Primus. RRP £24.99 With fivetochoosefromthe Tubular Orbit Spinners not only spin but the internal threedimensional silhouettedesign will move in the wind giving the impression of flapping wings or flying RoyalExterior2.5L- Clouded Yellow. Protek. RRP £40.20 Inspired by nature,new Clouded Yellowadvancepaint can be applied to wood,masonry and metal. This cheerful, happycolour is suretoadd atouch of sunshine to anygarden. Super SmartAnglia365 String Lights -Set of 10.SmartGarden Products Limited. RRP £34.99 The Anglia String Lights featurearetro-style caged design with asuper bright 20 lumen filament LED lighting effect. Automatically adjusting brightnesstoprovidelight all year round, these string lights areperfect for entertaining Woodstock Wind FantasyChime –Dog.WhitePebble International. RRP £44.95

Honeycomb Shelves (set of three). Zest. RRP £69.99

Forest Solar Mushroom Lights Set of 12. TheSolar Centre. RRP £12.99 This fantastic set of 12 solar poweredand realistic mushroom lights adds wonderful curiosity to your garden. Siteinyour flowerbed at the desired height for adecorativetouch.

NEWrange award winning alpine collection 6premium miniat uregravels

Lancaster TableLight. TheSolar Centre. RRP £39.99 Acable-free lamp lighting up any outdoor garden table, and suited to camping or travelling It is poweredbyanintegrated solar panel or USB charger and also has touchsensitive controls.

Featuring 10 super-bright, individually adjustable spotlights poweredbyasingle solar panel, this product provides bright and functional light to outdoor spaces and offers fantastic value for money. Bemuda Pond Colour.Bermuda. In three colours, these safe, natural dyes can improve the appearanceand ornamental value of any pond and inhibit the growth of algae and weeds by blocking out natural light.

CarvedLoversSolar WaterFeature. StreetwizeAccessories RRP £199 Elegantly crafted from weatherproof resin, this solar poweredwater featureshows two lovers with aheartshapedcentre. Solar powered, it comeswith abackupunitsoitcan run even at night.

This silver dog windcatcher is tuned to atraditional Balinese scale, from the ensemble of instruments of the Indonesian gamelan orchestra. It’sthe first in aseries of “pet related” chimes. September 2022 www33

Heating a p pxor 0058uorasemoh n d Andover

Super Bright MultiSpot 5L -Set of 10.SmartGarden Products Limited RRP £29.99

RedBreast Robin Plant Stake. Tilnar LtdtaTilnar Art& Azeti. RRP £21.99 Tilnar Arthas designed and launched the AluminArk BirdCollection of recycled aluminium birds. The 100cm stakeand garden birds areFair Tradeand hand made by Indian artisans.

The stylish shelf set, supplied ready assembled, combines threehexagonal shapes with an inbuilt shelf.Itcan be displayed in avariety of ways adding vibrancy to large or small outdoor spaces.

DisneyPot Buddies. Jardinopia LtdRRP £14.99 Made from crushed stone and poly-resin formula, DisneyPot Buddies arefrost proof and suitable for indoor and outdoor use. Theyare handmade and the perfect wayto encourage children to garden. Link2Home SmartGarden Lights. Link2Home. RRP £139.99 Mains-powered, colour-changing RGBW lights that double as spotlights or floodlights. Available as asinglelight or aset of three with the choiceofconnecting together to make multiple lights.

LOVE letters. Hellostone. RRP £80.00 UK made after arequestion from aclient, theselarge letters aremade from concretewith butterflies, hearts, and rose detailing.Ideal for use as garden decor,gifts, or wedding props.

Primus Solar Windchimes.Primus. RRP £34.99 Utilising the powerofthe sun, theTranquil harmonies brand of wind chimes, Tranquil Harmonies aretuned to sound beautiful throughout the day.Whenthe sun sets the chime’spendant glows elegantly Brushed Silver BirdPlant Stake. Tilnar LtdtaTilnar Art& Azeti. RRP £21.99

Tilnar Arthas designed and launched the AluminArk BirdPlant StakeCollection. Fair Trade, the 30cm silver stakeand decorativegarden birds arehand made by Indian artisans.

Inflatable chair.Edelman RRP £64.95 Novia inflatable chairs add value to garden ranges and come in sixcolourwayswith two sizes of matching pouf.Theyare water repellent, UV proof,packed singleywith an FC sticker Rain Barrel 250L Rib.CapiEurope RRP £550 Combiningbeauty and practicality this newshaped250 litrerain barrel also contributesto biodiversity in the garden as the topcan be plantedup. The insulating layer prevents water from freezing in winter

Azpects EASYCareWood Revive. Azpects Ltd. RRP £15.53 Wood Reviveisaneasy way to extend the life of tired, old, or weathered wooden productsand the perfect product to embracethe trend of upcycling,restoring and repurposing furniture. glee product landscaping &gardenbuildings category 01948 841 607

Nomad UV LED Outdoor Flykiller.Pelsis Ltd. RRP £44.99 The sleek Nomad fly killing lamp provides protection against flying and biting insects and is perfect for barbecues and patios. It is portable, compactand comes with ahandy hook.



34 September 2022 NewProduct Directoryfor 2023

Garden Growing Containers

Joint Winner Tiered Planters. Barrus. RRP £5.99-£9.99 Agreat addition to thegardenwithatwist andstack interlocking design creating height and interest to anyoutdoor space. Ideal for mixing and matching plants for dramatic or complementaryeffect. Joint Winner EcoMade Ocean Reclaimed Planter.Woodlodge Products.RRP £17.99 EcoMade’socean plastic pots aremade using reclaimed fishing nets and ropes. Atrue game changer,these planters aremade in the UK with at least 89% ocean reclaimed material.

Shortlisted Cleverpots downpipe pot –orchid. CleverPots. RRP £7.00 Transform an unloveddownpipeintoagrowingspace. CleverPots downpipe pots fit neatly around the base of the downpipe, maximising growing spaceinsmall gardens or courtyards. Recyclable and reusable. Pantone Dipped Mix. Woodlodge Products. RRP £14.99-£39.99 With colour experts Pantone, Woodlodge introduces arange of sleek, modern and aesthetically minimal straight-edged planters, in sevenshades, that inject an exciting paletteintosales areas and customers’gardens. Fabric EcoPots Illustrated by Iona Buchanan. Jardinopia Ltd. RRP£10.99

Made entirely from recycled plastic bottles these sustainable fabric plant containers in two sizes haveaninnovativedouble mesh and aredecorated by Scottish botanical artists Iona Buchanan. Apta 3PieceModular Planter. Kelkay Ltd. RRP£99 Amodular planting andeasy to build system for herbs, vegetables and flowers, its multiple configurationsmakeitperfect for small gardens or balconies. Four designs and two colourways GrowbagTray.Riverco TradingLtd.RRP £69.99

Pot-mate Awardwinning Pot-mateisthe modern alternativetopot feet. A contemporary,innovativedesign which sitsunderneath your pots creating a visually pleasing “floating” effect.We manufactureinthe UK using 100% recycled polymer,comesinthree sizes 150mm, 200mm and 250mm. RRPs £3.99£4,49,£4.99.

UK’sNo1 PATIO CLEANER*✔ HIGH RATE OF SALE✔ HIGH MARGIN✔ PreSeason offersavailablenow untilendSeptember2022. ContacttheAlgonoffice on01772823370, oraskyourlocalagenttofindoutmore.

The UK’sNo. 1path, patio and deck cleaner* *Bestselling patio cleaning product in Garden Trade News

Shortlisted Kensington Double Wheelie Bin Storage. Cotswold Timber Products RRP £350 Made from sustainably sourcedredwood, the Kensington Double WheelieBin Storebrightens the garden while keeping wheelie bins hidden. The planted roof makesthe perfect talking point. weekly bestseller garden products chart 2008 to 2021.

Specifically designed for use with existing growbags already on the market, this newtray, which is raised above the ground, provides supportand structuretomakeiteasier to use growbags.

GranitoTwo Tone Whiteand Grey.Kelkay Ltd. RRP £89.99

Stylish contemporary two-tone pot rangefeaturing acomplimentarycolour rim and sleek, smooth sides. The colour band, using compositematerials, is anew addition to theApta range.

S&SGarden Designs Ltd. Launched Spring 2022 email

Unpretentious, thick-walled and versatile the Purista pot coverAvorio is amust for those after the modern, stylish look. Made from 98% recycled material Purista Avorio compliments wood or wicker Cover PotEbano.Scheurich Ltd. RRP £7.49

The Herb design of Bamboo Eco-Pot sets areillustrated by theScottish artist Iona Buchanan. Theyare made from sustainable bamboo fibres and resin, are100% biodegradable come gift boxed. Burgon &Ball Bilbao indoor pots, heritage blue. Burgon &Ball. RRP £9.99-£14.99

Looking and feeling likeseagrass, this planter compliments awideselection of plants. Inspired by thetrend forratan furniture, it extends the look of interior soft furnishings into the garden. HanburyPlanter.Hex Living.RRP £224.99

NEW FOR 2023 Amarillo Sun Premium Chippings Inspired by the Mediterranean with warm, creamy golden tones Luna Grey Premium Pebbles Silver-grey natural pebbles that bear resemblance to a shadowed moon Classic White 20mm Chippings Dazzling white Dolomite Spar chippings in anew larger size Alpine Black Premium Chippings Acontemporary, multi-tonal blend of cool grey,icy white chippings and black basalt Frozen Pink Premium Pebbles Asorbet of pink, white and grey pebbles

Cheerful shades in vibrant and muted red, yellowand blue areharnessed in Woodlodge’s Pantone mixofridged, eye-catching planters to giveany garden adoseofhappiness. with real shelf presence

Cover PotGrooveNero. Scheurich Ltd. RRP£7.49 Made of CERTURO®, ahigh-qualityrecyclable plastic, the CoverPot Groove Neroisthick walled and has trendy groovesinthe upper rim. This pleasing pot also comesindifferent styles and designs.

Capitalise on the growing demand for high quality Decorative Aggregates and trade consumers up with Altico’sPremium range. 5new Premium lines have been added for 2023, each presented in soft tones, colourways and textures to complement modern outdoor spaces. All Premium Decorative Aggregates are presented in eye-catching, metallic finish packaging, which is 100% recyclable and made with 50% recycled materials.

Purista Avorio.Scheurich Ltd. RRP£17.99

September 2022 www35 NewProduct Directoryfor 2023

Newindoorpot designs in on-trend colours to complement the latest trends in interiors. Geometric patterns and colours featureacrossother Burgon &Ball pot and watering lines, so retailers can createcompelling cross-merchandising

LAUNCH DATE: 28th June 2022

Bamboo EcoPots set of 3. Jardinopia LtdRRP £19.99

An innovativeand modern outdoor planter in four sizes suited to avariety of outdoor spaces. Featuring adjustable internal height settings to accommodate different growing media levels and moveable floor braces. CleverPots Hanging Pot-Sage. CleverPots. RRP £5.00 Increase growing spacebyhanging CleverPots off fences, railings or balconies. No additional fittings required. In contemporarysage to match most garden décor settings and reservoir to keep plants hydrated. Pantone Mix. Woodlodge Products. RRP £12.99 -£49.99

KewStoneware Sago Bowl Olive. Ivyline LtdRRP £44.99 With the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, this premium stoneware planter has areactiveglaze, palm leaf embossing and beautiful olive-green hues. Crafted in Southern Europe, it leaves alasting impression. Pot-mate. S&S Garden Designs Limited. RRP £3.99-£4.99 By lifting patio pots clear off the ground, Pot-mates simply and effectively eliminate unsightly marks and rings created when patio pots sit directly on the ground. Designed and made in the UK.

NatureGroovePlanter.Capi Europe. RRP £64.99

RRP: From £8.99 (Please contact the Sales team for details) For moreinformation, please contact RichardPyrah, Commercial Director or the Sales Office via Tel: 01302 354500 Made with WastePlanter.CapiEurope. RRP £64.99 Asustainable indoor/outdoor planter nowinbeige is made from 100% wasteproducts including,fishing nets, corks and other Capi recycled planters. Frost resistant, lightweight, use has alifetime warranty Pula Recyclable Trio Planter. Ivyline Ltd. RRP£24.99 Looking fabulous indoors and in the garden and with stone compositeand frost resistant properties, the Pula Planter is made from 100% recycled materials and fully recyclable.

Forindoororoutdoor use, the NatureGroovePlanter is made from recycled materials with an insulating layer of wood to protect and nurtureplants from extreme weather Lifetime warranty Seagrass Boule. Kelkay Ltd. RRP£44.99

The newZEN RELIEVOrange combines simple craftmanship with elegant design. Coverpots, which look likesmall bowls, aredecorated with bonsai or succulents.

The FlowerTower™ and wall mounted version aremanufactured in the UK and made from 100% recycled materials. The FlowerTower’s internal watering system even distribution of waterand feed Garden Leisure&Entertaining Winner Garden Bar and TwoStool Set. Zest. RRP £619.99

Compact and organised garden furniturethatopens to become apractical bar and serving area. The prefect outdoor party piecemade from slow-growntimberwith storage for two stools.

36 September 2022

Modern British Florals Planter.Woodlodge Products. RRP £11.99-£39.99

Crescent TooO+:The Circular/PositivePlant Container with UBQ™. Crescent Garden. RRP £12.99 The circular production of the 100% recyclable Crescent TooO+Planters prevent greenhouse gas emissions. Made of climate-positivematerial that diverts wastefrom landfills represents innovation in high-volume planters. Eco-Friendly Eucalyptus ElevatedGarden Planter.Panacea Products Ltd. RRP £250 Createa bold statement with the Eucalyptus Planter from high-quality,kilndried timber Solid, durable and strong,itisalso rotand UV resistant so can stay outdoors all year round.

NewProduct Directoryfor 2023

Helenia–medium. P&RHorticultural. RRP £POA Beautifully clean and chic design, this plant pot looks fabulous adding height or when used with hanging or trailing plants. It has atextured surfaceand wooden legs to givea modern touch. Helenia –mini. P&RHorticultural. RRP £POA Available in arange of colours, this pot coverheld high on wooden legs looksgood in any home and complementstrailing or upright growing foliage and flowering house plants. Helenia –small. P&RHorticultural. RRP £POA Clean and chic design, this plant pot is afabulous waytospruceupany space. Aluxury planterwithatextured surfaceavailable in arange of colours. Here’sthe Scoop.Scrunch. RRP £12.99 The Scoop,designed in the shape of acheekysilicone puffer fish, is the perfect kids companionproviding hours of fun when scooping,digging,shovelling,burrowing and growing in the garden.

HydroVase. NewVision Manufacturing.RRP £50 Decorativeindoorhydroponics kit with full spectrum LED grow light. Its compact design makes it easy to grow plants indoors in the home or office 365 days ayear

The ‘return of colour’isadefining interior trend and nowtransferringoutside. Modern British Florals planters createexcitement with bold colours and designs influenced by British botanicals.

Trellis Bliss 17-inch JutePotatoGrowbag with Harvest Flap.Trellis Horticulture International. RRP £4.80 Anew potatoplanter that allows rootstobreathe and grow healthier, boosting plant growth and yields. Handles allowfor easy carrying while flaps provide easy access when harvesting crops.

Our special edition groove collection indoor house plant pot has aunique shape and size and comes with afive-year warranty.Blueisanew colour in this stylish collection. Wall Flower Tower.Flower Tower. RRP £16.99

Opulent Curved Metallic BronzePlanter.Ivyline Ltd. RRP £27.99 95% recycled handmade, mouth-blown glasswith sprayed frosted finish. Curatedbyaninhouse designer,the collection brings anew spin on planters with the luxuryofthe metallic glaze.

Vase Cylinder GroveBlue. Capi Europe. RRP £24.99

Kelkay’s newBlack Forest Globe retains that same look as agardenfeaturepiecebut appeals to adifferent customer base. On-trend pattern nowinblack. Borough Acacia Wood 5-pieceFurnitureSet. Ivyline Ltd. RRP£1999.99

EvergreenPROPatio Heater on Stand. Evergreen Outdoor HeatersLtd.RRP £359.98

Amoderntakeonthe outdoor chimenea, this newsophisticated fireplace features alow base on astand. Self-assembly for ease of deliveryand efficientstorage. Available in black or rust. Azpects EASYCareRattan Revive. Azpects Ltd. RRP £15.00

Pendle Parcel StoreSmall. TheGarden Village Ltd. RRP £220 Hand-crafted timber storedesigned to securely storea rangeofparcels –the perfect solution for online shoppers. Can be personalised with achoiceofpaint colours and include ahouse number Santorini. Kelkay Ltd. RRP £214.99 Athree in onemultifunction table and firepit to extend enjoyment outside on cooler evenings or cook delicious meals. On-trend grey marble finish tosuit traditional and contemporarysettings. Garden Tools &Machinery Winner Flo-ProCan Can. Westland Unwins. RRP £16.99 Patent pending7.5Lwateringfitting directly to ahosepipeconnector for easy filling.The flip toprose converts to afast fill spout and can be conveniently stored when not in use.

Shortlisted Greenworks 24V 33cm Cordless Lawnmower &25cm Line TrimmerLawnStarterKit Handy.Greenworks. RRP £189.99 The battery-poweredgarden machinerysector is growing at alargerratethan corded or petrol machinerydue to environmental considerations andincreasing powercosts. It costs lessthan1ptofully charge a24v battery.

Fryton 4.1Burner Gas BBQ with integrated 3.5L HotAir Fryer. Landmann Ltd. RRP £749.99 ntroducing the first BBQ to featureanair fryer. The Fryton is an innovation that gives the flexibility to cook usingthe BBQ and 3.5L air fryatthe same time.

Outdoor Solis Fire Pit. Ivyline Ltd. RRP £229.99 Outdoor firepit in amatt black and rust finish with acut-out design to theinner mesh bowl to hold firewood or pellets. Perfect sizefor smaller gardens or terraces.

Shortlisted Burgon &Ball 9L Waterfall watering can, charcoal grey.Burgon &Ball. RRP £49.99 Building on the success of the5LWaterfall can, this 9L full sizecan fills agap in the market. Stylish, comfortable to use, easy to pour and superbly balanced.

TriMower Mow-Trim. SandCoStriMower Ltd. RRP £399.99 Mowerand trimmer in one machine by simply clicking the trimmer attachment from its cradle to cut right intothe edges. The GuardGlider maintains aconstant height above the lawn. 3-in-1NozzlePlus. Hozelock Ltd. RRP£8.50 Nozzle with ergonomic design and soft touchgrip that fits well in the hand, easier to turn, andmorecomfortable to use. Newinstruction arrowsoffer clear guidance, useful for first-time gardeners.

Evolution P60 Large Bundle. AvaofNorwayAS. RRP £320 Reel holds up to 20 meters of hose and cable reel for the electric cable. Also includes atoolholder,table and stable holder for foam cannon. Solid construction andeasy-roll wheels. Pro350 Sprinkler.Hozelock Ltd. RRP £45.99. Six individual jets can be turned on and off depending on required coverage levels and flowcontroladjustment stop waterwhenmoving the sprinkler around the garden. Offering 3D spray coverage. HandyHoze 25M. Hozelock Ltd. RRP£49.99 Hose can expand up to 3x its length oncefull of water. Elastic free, the smooth inner tube ensures aconsistent and effectivewater flow.

38 September 2022

Beautiful industrial styling this powerful table topheater has twoheat settings and creates ambient light around any outdoor dining table. Comeswith 3m cable for more practicality

The Havana Damasque FireGlobe makes acentrepiecetoany patio. It has an oxidised steel finish and is inspired by thesuccess and popularity of SmartSolar Damasque Lanterns. Havana Rio Chimenea. SmartGarden Products Limited. RRP £249.99 Acontemporarychimineatokeep family and friends warm when the temperaturedrops. This modern design is perfect for on-trend gardens, with asteel construction andblack high paintfinish Height adjustable and extending table. Innovators International Limited Ceramictiletop table with apractical twist. Height adjustable for casual or formal dining,it can be loweredto51cm and raised up to 75cm plus extended to 183cm.

Kent &Stowe Eversharp Garden Snips. Westland Unwins. RRP £29.99 Extending the Eversharp rangewithall-purpose liteversion of Garden Snips for deadheading.The shorterhandles and neweasy-grip material will appeal to thosegardens with smaller hands.

Beatrix Potter Children’sGarden Tool GiftSet.Jardinopia Ltd. RRP £21.99

Kindling Cracker “Kindling Cracker™ is the patented wood splitterthat makes splitting firewoodsafeand easy.Itmakes light and safe work of splitting logs forchimineas, fire pits, outdoor pizza ovens,grills andindoorlog burners. NewZealander Ayla Hutchinson was13whenshe invented this fantastic tool. MadeinAustralia from top-grade,recycled cast iron. Safe.Easy. Smart.”

Havana Damasque Fireglobe. SmartGarden Products Limited. RRP £179.99

OFYR Tabl’O.Fyron Group.RRP £379 Compact, efficient andelegant, the OFYR Tabl’O table grill can cook healthy and delicious meals for twotosix people. It is made from black-coated steel and rests on aheat resistant board. Outdoor Fornax Fireplace. Ivyline Ltd. RRP £399.99

Rattan Reviveisdesigned to extend the life of synthetic rattan and plastic garden furniture by restoring them to their original appearance. The ready-to-use formula is available in an easy-to-use trigger spray Black Forest Globe. Kelkay Ltd. RRP £199.99

EspegardFirePan 60.Fandango Fire Tools. RRP £249 Espegard’sfire panlets youenjoyfiresand barbecues in thegarden, campsite, or on the beach. The iconic 60cm firepan is arecognisable sight in homes throughout the Nordic region.

Aset of four hand toolsfor children, with the adorable PeterRabbit and Friends printed on the tool.Packaged in recyclable kraft card, making aperfect present for children eager to help in the garden. Matching adult toolsand garden wear available too!

Launch in UK: September 2021 RRP -Kindling CrackerOriginal £119 KindlingCracker King £179 Fandango FireTools Web- Email

Kent &Stowe 3in1 Rake.Westland Unwins. RRP £29.99 The super-wide Kent &Stowe 3in1 Rakemakes it easy to clean large areas. Detachable heads bring flexibility for use in tighter spaces and as aleaf grabber too.

Industrial TableTop Heater.Kelkay Ltd. RRP £224.99

Golden outdoor infrared heaters in black, whiteorsilver casing aresimpletoinstall and operateand popular with domestic customers and commercial clients alike. Dust and waterproof and remote controlled.

Taking inspiration from the natural world, IVYLINES’sfive-pieceoutdoor furnitureset has aleaf-inspired shape and chevron design on delicatetubular legs. Made from sustainably sourcedacaciawood and tubular steel. NewProduct Directoryfor 2023

External weatherproof Wi-Ficamerawith full colour night vision and autotracking Link2Home. RRP £169.99 Including autotracking response and full colour night vision. Great for garden security and wildlife captureinhighdetail. Works with Link2Home app and integrates with other Link2home products.

Light-Booster Plant House. Tildenet Gardenware. RRPs£39,£89,£139

NewProduct Directoryfor 2023

Plastic-free gardening products made of rubber from suppliers whose plantations are certified not to havereplaced natural forests. The cell tray material comes from asmall plantation in Sri Lanka.

Growing Accessories Winner Wicked WatererLED MoistureSensor.MayhemUKLtd.RRP £8.99

Knitted glovesmade from 95% recycled plastic bottles, with alittle added elastic for comfort, aredippedinlatex to provide grip and protection from dirtand water.Fun, colourful prints. PeaFrame. Kadai. RRP £59 The metal PeaFrame combines traditionalmethods forgrowing peas or dwarfbeans without the fiddly hassle of tying bamboo canes or using pea sticks. Part of the Kadai Garden range.

Indoor Soho Aged Copper HangingPlanter with Leather Strap.Ivyline Ltd. RRP £39.99 The burnt Soho finish adds anew eye-catching finish meaning no one product is the same.

Tough foiled fabric back panels allowupto50% more light to be reflected ontoplants increasing photosynthesis to givefaster growth and moreabundant, healthier plants.

The hanging featuremakes it the perfect spacesavingplanter Pluma Range. Barrus.RRP £5.99-£24.99 Double-widekneeler with clip buttons for adouble folded cushion in newcolours and patterns. Water-resistant acrosskneeler selection. Extragripand tailored fit glovesina twin pack.

Natural jutetrellis for any garden. Fix it to walls and fences, or between twowooden posts to create an effectivegarden screen. Can be treated with wood preservertoextend its life.

Bermuda Variable Control Filter Force 5,000.Bermuda. RRP £199.99 The Variable Control Filter Forcepumps allowyou to easily control flowrates. Theyare fully submersible, powerful and durable. Simple to installand economical to run.

Respond with two-way audio and full 1296p HD video when sound or motion is detected. Snapshots captured when motion or sound is detected arestoredinthe app, memorycard or cloud.

Designed to solvethe problemsofgreenhouses that blowawayorfall apart. The leaf shaped design creates an easily accessible growing spacewith capacity for 12 standard seed trays. Shortlisted 30 cell natural rubber seed cell tray.WildlifeWorld. RRP £15.99

TheGood LifeRope Trellis. Treadstone Products. RRP £19.99-£39.99

fenceBUDDYS Hook. fenceBUDDYUKLtd.RRP £4.99 Anew design hook, made from long lasting stainlesssteetodecoratethe fenceBUDDY trellis, or hang birdboxesfromfencepanels without using any tools. Multi-purpose reimagined hooks.

September 2022 www39

Attractiveflower-shaped LED moisturemeter for indoor plants. It can check every 30 minutes or be used for instant checking of multiple plants. Prevents overand underwatering Shortlisted Gro-SureVisiroot 12 Tray Growhouse Westland Unwins. RRP £69.99

ROOT!T LED Grow Light. Hydrogarden. RRP £54 The ROOT!T LED Grow Light, available in 26Wand 42W, is economical and light weight. Versatile, the units can hang vertically to add supplementarylight or horizontally above propagators and shelves. Premium Liquid PlantFeeds

Waterproof and UV stable, the matteblack hanging bar has adjustable hooks paired with changeable pots so youcan alter this product to your everyneed.

The City Bag includes a7.5mSuperhoze and Rose Spray gun. Option to pair the Superhoze with aHozelock indoor tap connector forthose without easy access to an outdoortap Linear HangingPlanters Black and Gold. Ivyline Ltd. RRP£94.99

Cleverpots drainpipe pot holder -orchid colour.CleverPots. RRP £3.00

Plastia Worm Farm.Hydrogarden. Plastia Worm Farm is an indoor kit for composting kitchenbio wastewith redworms. It can be used in households, classrooms or offices. Created by Czechdesigner JiříPelcl. Hozelock City Bag.Hozelock Ltd. RRP £44.99

Mr Fothergill’sSeeds Ltd. £6.49- £8.99 Launched: 27th June 2022 email

Weatherproof porch camera. Link2Home. RRP £169.99

Innovativepot holder to transform the otherwise unused area around the drainpipe so you can grow herbsorflowers, right outside the door.New contemporaryorchidcolour has been chosen by consumers Recycled Bottle Glove .Treadstone Products. RRP £5.99-£7.99

Hortiwool Garden Pad. TheWool Packaging Company. RRP£10 Completely plastic free using natural, 100% British wool which is sustainable and compostable. UK designed and manufactured by afemale-led, BCorp certified business. Lux-fit glove.Barrus. RRP £14.99 Naturally stretchy,the Lux-fit glovesallowfreemovement,with an elasticated hook and eyefasten to provide extracomfortand maximum wrist flexibility.Available in twobright and contemporarycolours. Plant SprayerDoppio. Capi Europe. RRP £7.99 Now100% recyclable and available in acontemporarydesign and trendy colours, the Plant Sprayer Doppio is newtothe collection of Xala watering system. Chai Watering Can. Capi Europe. RRP £29.99 The design and colour of the Chai watering can area newaddition to theXala watering collection and are100%recyclable.

Adult LuxuryTool GiftBag set. Jardinopia Ltd. RRP£59.99 Acollector’s gift forthe gardener.Comes in abeautiful custom design 100% recycled gift box. A‘must have’ topquality gardening gift set for everyPeter Rabbit loverout there! Burgon &Ball newKneelo® garden kneeler,sangria.Burgon &Ball.RRP £16.99 With 30% morefoam, newre-engineered Kneelo offers even morecomfortand luxury. Newtextured pattern choices and enhanced branding differentiatethe Kneelo proposition, assuring shoppers of Burgon &Ball quality fenceBUDDY. fenceBUDDYUKLtd.RRP £95 No tools needed, just hang and its ready to use. Easily movedaroundtodifferent fences, it can be used all year roundwithout rotting or becoming brittle. Colourful and recyclable.

TheteamatMrFothergill’shavebeen working in partnership with plantnutrition experts with avastexperienceofsupplying fertilisers to farmersand professional growers, combining our passion forall things growing with their expertisetoproduce arange of six high quality, organicbased, liquid plantfeeds, and apureseaweed tonic.

Coco &Coir Microgreen Kits. Southern TridentLimited. RRP £19.99 Allyou need to grow in one pack:propagator,coir mats, free pack of seeds.

National Trust Made by Burgon &Ball ‘Under the Canopy’ gloves. Burgon &Ball. RRP £16.99 The Under the Canopydesign will catch the shopper’s eye, whilethe vibrant layered colours lend afresh, contemporary look. These glovesare thefirst item to featurethis new range. Outdoor Matlock Metal Window Box. Ivyline Ltd. RRP £49.99


ApsleyFarms Natural PlantFood 2.5L/5L Our concentrated fertiliserisaby-product of UK-based renewableenergy production, fullytraceable,and made PURELYfromthe digestion of whole crops. Organically certified,net-zero, morenutritious thanseaweed, and packaged in a100%recycledbottle:possiblythe greenest liquid plant food on themarket. Provento doublefruitsand flowers,enhance root development, promote vegetative growth,and prolong flowering. ApsleyFarms SalesLtd RRP £12.50/£20 Launched: 18/02/22,

Shortlisted Unwins Peaand Bean Box. Westland Unwins. RRP £4.99 Atrailblazingnew stronger and recyclable offer that will transform and modernise pea and bean sales in the UK, allowing customers to receivebetter quality seeds with lowerseed wastage. Petunia Surfinia Lagoon Blue Star.MNP Flowers. RRP £3.99 From well-established breeder Suntoryand brought to themarket by MNP Flowers, this classic trailing petunia has attractiveand unusual deep blue flowers on awhite background contrasted by dark green foliage. Unwins Sweet PeaGrowing Kit. Westland Unwins. RRP £19.99 The limited-edition Sweet PeaGrowing Kitcelebrates the company’s120-year anniversary. It includes abeautifully fragranced variety and ahigh-quality decorativeplanter fit for any garden.

Growing Materials

Shortlisted Byofix. Dyofix. RRP £48.00 Dyofix neutralises rotting vegetation settled at the bottom of the pond, maintaining agood levelofdissolved oxygen. Improves water quality and clarity.100%safe for fish and aquatic life. Shortlisted Miracle-Gro® 2in1Nourish &Protect Flowers, Fruit &Veg Plant Food. Evergreen Garden Care(UK) Ltd. RRP£7.99 Innovative, 2in1 product that nourishes and protects plants. Contains lava rockswhich act as aphysicalbarrier against slugs and snails. Continuous release of nutrition for up to three months.

Plants, seeds &bulbs Winner

Nemesia ‘Peaches ‘n’ Cream’. TheBransford WebbsPlant Co.RRP £8.99 Gorgeous heavily scented blooms of pink &lemon smother the plant throughout the summer months, creating an eye-catching cloud of colour and attracting bees. Sales supportthe charity Perennial.

ThePlantable Children’sBook. WillsowLtd.RRP £9.99 Plantable children’sbook wherethe endofthe storyisjust the beginning.Delightful stories have100%biodegradable pages embedded with carrot seeds. Printed with vegetablebased inks and stitched with natural cotton.

Wildflower Seedballs. Tildenet Gardenware. RRP £14.99 Available in three mixes each pack contain60peat free balls, enough to cover 3msq, with carefully chosen mixes of nativewildflowerseeds to supportwildlifeand pollinating insects.

Gift style smartvouchers aredisplayed on the Mushroom Spawn Rack so customers can order and receivethe highestquality mushroom spawn directly to their door Power Up Lawn Seed. Doff Portland Ltd. RRP£7.99

40 September 2022

Cleverpots sow& grow propagation kits. CleverPots. RRP £7.99 Range of four sowand grow propagation kits to grow herbs, salad, peppers, or sweet and savouryedibles. Kits containfive pots, fivesachets of different seed varieties, coir growing media and instructions. Scrunch Panner.Scrunch RRP £12.99 Scrunch panner has cutecharacter handles (snail and fish), encouraging young minds to seek and discovertreasurebysifting earth or sand. The panner sits perfectly intothe Original Scrunch-bucket.

Cryptomeria japonica ‘Kyara Gold’. Golden GroveNursery. AJapanese cedar with variegated cream yellowneedles held in aspiral arrangement. With acolumnar habit, it makes agreat statement plant in any garden. Shorlisted Clematis ‘Lavallee’. NewLeaf Plants. Lateseason bloomer,July-Sept, with large, lilac-pink flowers decorated with pale central stripes. Fast growing and suited to agarden trellis or obelisk.

Joint Winner Organic Superfood Sipcam Home and Garden RRP £6.49 ecofective® Organic Superfood is designed to makeplants thrive. With an NPK of 5-4-3, pelleted Organic Superfood is packed full of natural bio stimulants, magnesium and organic matter Shortlisted HarmonyGardens Ericaceous Compos.t Southern Trident. RRP £9.99 After twoyears of trials, in-house and at Stockbridge Technology Centre, the new100% peat-free, carbon neutral Harmony Gardens Ericaceous Compost is here. Perfect for limehating plants producing excellent results.

Joint Winner Peat Free Compost Booster Sipcam Home and Garden RRP £6.49

Doff PowerUpSuperfast Lawn Seed has auniquemicronutrient coating and added nitrogen to givequick establishment and growth. It also encourages waterabsorption improving germination and root development.

Westland Lawn Meadow. Westland Unwins. RRP £14.99

Mushroom Spawn Rack. Urban Farm It.RRP £7.99-£39.99

HappyChristmas WildflowerSeed Boxes.Seedball. Cute and colourful stocking filler seed boxesmade from FSCcertified card-eachcontains six nativewildflowerseed balls to grow pollinator friendly flowers. Alow price-point Christmas gift.

Child and pet friendly wildflowerseed mix to createabeautiful lawn meadowinjust eight weeks. Attracts beneficial insects and contains carefully selected varieties to offer natural protection against pests.

NewProduct Directoryfor 2023

The perfect partner for peat-free compost, this carefully balanced compostbooster has the essential nutrients plants need to grow,including an NPK of 5-4-3 forgreater growth and strong plants.

Offering acomplete package of essential nutrients, all-newOrganic Superfood has an NPK of 5-4-3 and is packed full of natural biostimulants, magnesium and organic matter.Each 800g boxwill helpupto40plants to thrive. Peat-Free Compost Booster has been created to partnerwith peat-free compost suppliers and is carefully balanced to boost compost with a range of essential nutrients. Available in powder form, gardenerscan easily mix it into the compost.

Sipcam Home&Garden-Launch date –June 2022 RRP £6.49

An easy-to-use revitalisingmist combining 12 essential nutrients to boost orchid growth and enhanceflowering.New 100ml impulse purchase size. An orchid careproduct that’s as pretty as the orchids!

VitaxOrganicLawnFeed Gardeners looking foralush, green lawn need look no further than VitaxOrganicLawnFeed. Chemical-free,it’spacked withnatural,plant-based ingredients whichnot only feed the turf,but alsohelps grassedareas cope with droughtand out-compete moss and weeds to producea thicker and more durablelawn. Child and petfriendly.Suitablefor organicand vegan gardening and bearsthe Organic Farmers&Growers approvedmark. VitaxLimited £8.99 Autumn 2022 Email: Tel: 01530510060

SuperLawn is arich blend of natural topsoil, soil improverand horticultural sand packed full of slow-releasing nutrients, trace elements and minerals. Designed to support seeding and turf laying and as alawn dressing, SuperLawn is a dream combination for consumers and also for retailers as the 3-in-1 nature minimises its shopfloor footprint. Like all products in The Real Soil Company portfolio, SuperLawn does not feature artificial fertilisers or added chemicals.

Shortlisted Plantsmith Fortifying Houseplant Tonic. Plantsmith. RRP £5.99

TheBig Cheese Cat &Dog Scatter Granules. STV. RRP £7.99 100% Biodegradable animal deterrent with natural aromatic plant oils. Treats 250 square metres. Combined refill or applicator pack with shakeand scattertop.Biodegradable FSC packaging

Xero In FreezeSpraySTVRRP £9.99 100% Poison free odourlessknockdown insect spray with precision nozzle or lancespray applicator.Ideal for controlling wasps indoors or out. Safe for use around food prep and dining areas.

The plant food for the Instagram era. Anew conceptinhouseplant feeds, aprofessionally formulated plant food that looks beautiful and works brilliantly.Perfect for impulse purchasing ResolvaXtraFast Weedkiller 1L.Westland Unwins. RRP £5.99 Resolva Xtra Fast Weedkiller taps intothe need forfastresults. The solution is effective, fast and targeted. Anon-glyphosateformulation targets weeds in 3hours and biodegrades in soil. BugClear Fruit &Veg Spray.Evergreen Garden Care(UK) Ltd. RRP £8.49 NewBugClear Fruit &Veg Spray protecting fruit, vegetables and flowers from greenflies, whiteflies, spider mites and more. Shows effects in oneday.Certified for use in organic gardening Kink Out. Kinkout ltd. RRP £8.99 Kinkout removesthe kinks from hosepipes. Reducing landfill, it’smade using recyclable plastic and the packaging is impregnated with wildflowerseeds. Completely sustainable. Planet friendly.It’saniche in the market.

Plantsmith Perfecting Houseplant CareMist. Plantsmith. RRP £5.99 Ahouseplantcareessential, one that looks as good as it works. Aready to use rejuvenating blend of essential nutrients and botanical extracts. Brand new100ml impulse purchase size.

All Purpose Peat Free Compost with John Innes. Evergreen Horticulture. RRP £6.99-£7.49 Acarefully balanced and sustainable peat free formula enriched with John Innes to enhancethe nutritionalneeds of plants at all stages of growth and deliver higher moisture retention.

Westland Plant Natural Houseplant Potting Granules. Westland Unwins. RRP £8.99 Perfect sustainable solution for messfreerepotting of houseplants. No mess, no flies, no smell. Small grains of natural fired clay absorb moistureand nutrients, storingand releasing as required.

PlantGrow Natural Compost Booster Plantgrow RRP£9.99 PlantGrow’s Natural CompostBooster is made entirely from plants. It is full of living bacteria and fungi and can be added to home compostbins. Sustainable, natural, organic and vegan.

Plantsmith Invigorating Orchid CareMist. Plantsmith. RRP £5.99

Organ-XAnt &Crawling Insect Killer Spray.Lodi UK. RRP £6.99 Organ-XAnt &CrawlingInsect Killer Spray physically controls insects including ants, silverfish, cockroaches and wood lice in and around the garden and home. Backed by scientific research and testing PlantGrow Slug &Snail Barrier.PlantGrow.RRP £11.99 PlantGrow Slug &Snail Barrier creates anatural-looking fibrous barrier that slugs and snails do not like, it is weather-resistant and includes aslow-release feed. Packed with micronutrients and pet/child safe.

BiocharCompost Rejuvenator.CarbonGoldLtd.RRP £9.99 NewProduct Directoryfor 2023

DefendersSoda Bottle Sprayer. STV. RRP £3.99 Re-cycle asoda bottle and help savethe planet!Fits most brands of bottle. Pressurepump for fine or jet spray.Home or garden use. Made from recycled materials. Coir Coir Growbag that can be used indoors or outdoors. 50 x15x 12cm. Ideal for growing herbs and tomatoes indoors. 100% natural coir potting mix makes the perfect growbag 100% natural CoirGrow pack for indoor and outdoor use. Pack includes anatural jute cover and acoir disc which gives youavolume of coir potting mix.

42 September 2022

All Purpose Peat Free Compost. Evergreen Horticulture.RRP £6.99-£7.49 Evergreen’sPeat Free All Purpose Compost is anourishing and sustainable planting medium, finely screened and free-flowing,improving air and nutrient supply for healthy, happyplants. Excellent moistureretention properties.

The Real Soil Company RRP from £5.99 Launch date –June 2022

NaturaGrowFeed Pellets 3.5kg. NaturaGrow. RRP£6.99 We sow, grow andharvest energy crops and this by-product is packed full of essential nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium. The pellet format locks these elements in.

PlantGrow Indoor Houseplant Booster.PlantGrow.RRP £9.99 Totally organic nutrient booster created from plants. No chemical additives, no animal waste, no peat. Can be applied within the compost mix beforepotting on or as asurface dressing

Biochar Compost Rejuvenator Breathes life intospent compost with aboost of nutrients, minerals and fertiliser for avibrant healthysoilmicrobiome keeping your compostgoing longer

Wonder Gel 3in1.Sipcam. Wonder Gel slowrelease 3in1action keeps houseplants hydrated while youare away.The gelholds water for up to 10 days, slowly releasing without leaving water deposits.

Natural Compost forOrganic Growers50Litres. Natural Grower Ltd. RRP £15.00 Multi-purpose Natural Compostfor OrganicGrowers certified organic by theSoil Association, certified BioDynamic and Vegan. 100% peat free, 100% chemical free, 100% green wastefree, 100% traceable.

See Part 2ofthe Glee NewProduct Awards 2022 Directoryinnext months issue of GTN

Greenfingers Bio-Barrier Slug Pellets aremade from natural ingredients and independently tested to showoutstanding barrier protection in both wetand dryconditions. Suitable for household gardens and organic gardening Kelkay Horticultural PottingGrit Handy Pack. Kelkay Ltd. RRP£3.49 Lime free washed graniteangular grit to nourish soils and plants for ahealthier garden. Perfect drainage for compostaswell as in pots and tubs. Natural slug deterrent.

Peat Free Grow in theBag.Durston Garden Products Ltd. RRP £4.99

Aprofessional quality all natural growing media. Soil Association approved for organic growing,chemical free, made in UK. Fortrees and shrubs in pots and borders. Vegan friendly.50L

Organic Multi-Purpose Compost Peat Free. Durston Garden Products Ltd. RRP £5.99 The perfect blend of high-quality organic and peat-free growing media, combined with an organic wetting agent and fertiliser,tobalancewater absorption, aeration and drainage, creating an optimum growing environment.

Durston’snew Multi-Purpose CompostPeat-Free is produced entirely from renewable sources. Using ablend of the highest-quality peat-free growing media, combined with a wetting agent, ideal growing conditions forplants.

Biochar Houseplant Booster.CarbonGoldLtd.RRP £9.99 Biochar helps prevent indoor plants drying out and supports ahealthy soil microbiome and better airflowthrough the soil. Introduces the long-term benefits of enriched biochar to your houseplants. British Organic Bio -Organic Boost. TGWDistribution Ltd. RRP £49.99 Organic Boost is the only fully organic Triacontanol boostproduct on the market. No synthetic solvents, which aretoxic to plants. The product boosts photosynthesis and opens the growing media.

Peat Free Grow in the Bag is in an extra-large pack, the same sizeasDurstons’Vegetable Planter,ideal for growing awiderange of fruit, vegetables and salad crops.

Peat-FreeTree& ShrubCompost. RocketGro. RRP £6.99

NewProduct Directoryfor 2023

Reformulated BigTom is bursting with benefits. With Plantsense technology,itcontains asuperiornutrient deliverysystem rich in potassium, enabling strong calcium absorption and an added wetting agent.

September 2022 www43

Natural Plant Food is aby-product of rye, maize, andgrass anaerobicdigestion, which heats 8500 homes. This 5L liquid fertiliser is sustainable, organically certified, and ahighly effective feed

Green FingersBio Barrier Slug Pellets. Doff Portland Ltd. RRP£3.49

Natural Plant Food. ApsleyFarms Sales Ltd. RRP £20.00

Peat Free Fruit &Veg Compost. Evergreen Horticulture. RRP £6.99-£7.49

PlantGrow Citrus Plant Food. PlantGrow.RRP £9.99 PlantGrow Citrus Plant food is made entirely from plants and holds living bacteria, fungi & lots of organic microbial elements which areextremely supportiveofhealthy &vigorous growth. Westland Big TomSuper TomatoFood. Westland Unwins. RRP £5.99

Multi-Purpose Compost Peat-Free. Durston Garden Products Ltd. RRP £5.50

Aspecially formulated blend of all natural and environmentally sound peat free ingredients guaranteed to deliver exceptional growing results for all your garden edibles. Perfect for bountiful, succulent crops.

As well as meeting up with alonglistofPATS regulars, visitors will be greeted by ahostof newfaces and newproducts. Agrowing number of companies arechoosing to exhibit at PATS forthe first time as its the perfect placeto announcetheir futureplans, and as aresult, the NewStarterZone in Hall 3has been introduced.

PATS Telford 44 September 2022 P ATS, taking placeon25-26September,is the only event in the UK wherebuyers from specialist pet stores and garden centres can viewall the latest product launches in the pet retailingindustryunder one roof Occupying three massiveexhibition halls hosting morethan 210 exhibiting companies and brands, it’salso the ideal venue for retailers to talk to manufacturers and suppliers.

Product Awards judged by apanel of pet retailers.

Gearing up for PATS Telford2022, on course to be the biggest show in the UK pet retailing calendar.

“I’mhappytoreportthat all our major exhibitors areheading for Telfordand we will be welcoming an impressivenumber of newcompanies,”said Gordon Thomas, Show

Focus on pet retailing

As well as seeing an unrivalled array of new pet products and speaking to topsuppliers and manufacturers, visitors will also be able to witnessdemonstrations from the country’s leading dog groomers. And with the addition of good catering facilities and plenty of seating, visitors can concentratefully on the main businessofthe day –seeingtop-classproducts from the biggest range of pet and animal product suppliers and manufacturers all under one roof

The NewProductShowcase is agreat wayfor visitors to seeand touchthe newproducts they willbestocking.Lastyearmorethan 300new items were enteredintothe Showcase so it is thebestplace to view potential bestsellers. The Showcase has been given aprime position in Halls 1and 2, acknowledgingits importance to both exhibitors andvisitors, and all items enteredby manufacturers will be putforwardfor theNew PATS Telford TelfordInternational Centre, St Quentin Gate, Telford. TF3 4JH 25 September 9.30am-5pm. 26 September 9.30am -4pm. Free online registration. Free teaand coffee, plus abreakfast/ lunch voucher for all visitors redeemable in Hall 3only Free parking at the TelfordInternational Centre. Fora full and up-to-datelist of exhibitors, shownewsand registration visit:

Organiser.“Theyobviously regardPATSastheir major platform to showcase products to UK and international buyers.

“The demand for stand spacehas been phenomenal, so we took the decisionto extend intoHall 3. It’sgreat to be able to offer pet startups the chancetoshowcase their newproducts and services in the NewStarterZone, and again the take-up has been really good.”

O k, it’snot original but it feels perfectly apt! Boris took office summer 2019,Ibecame HTAPresident afew weeks later.Hehands over the keys early September to…not yetdecided. Four days later Ihand overthe chain of office to the immensely capable Alan Down. We both took up our respectiveoffices believing the biggest challenge to be Brexit… oh well, if only! Three years and as many challenges for our industry, moreifyou add in the chaos that hit international shipping at the startofthe pandemic.

Boyd JDouglas-Davies, HTAPresident Growersand retailers need to sit around atable nowand decide howto safeguardproduction before we seemore nurseries converted to housing estates

Brexit We’veseen issues already but I’mnot surethe real impact has hit yet. So much legislation has been slowedbycovid that we can’tfully identify the long-term. At the HTAweare always looking for examples of what’s really happening as aresult of Brexit so please don’thesitatetoshare your experiences with the Policy Team. We haveregular dialogue with the people that matter so the moreyou can sharethe better

Viewpoint as theycan’tsee amarket at the prices theywill havetocharge. Growers and retailers need to sit around atable nowand decide howtosafeguard production beforewesee morenurseries convertedtohousing estates. GYO and other opportunities? Attending adinner recently hosted by the ever-engaging Guy Moreton and his team from MorePeople Ispokewith food processors and growers. Internationally sourcedfood is going to be incredibly expensivenext year –GYO food might become a real economic decision for many.Another opportunity for us all to help newand old gardeners? Has anyone ever worked out howaffordable it is –all costs accounted for –toproducesalad, vegand fruit at home? There’sabig PR storyheretobe shared with the Garden Media Guild. Looking ahead, we still havemany challenges to facebut I’mconfident horticultureisin abetter placethan it wasthree years ago thanks to the combined efforts of everyone involved. We havemany newparticipants, I’mnot going to say the number as Iknow not everyone agrees on their longevity! Let’smakesurewekeep reminding people howaffordable, enjoyable, environmentally beneficial, healthy,engaging and happyafew minutes in agarden is. Government is very awareofhow important our industryis and Ihavenodoubt my successor and the team at the HTAwill already havewritten to the newPMbeforeyou read this article. Thank youtoeveryone that has supportedmethrough my Presidency; it has been awonderful three years. Good luck Alan, it’sovertoyou now!

The current/looming nightmarefor all sectors. Ikeep hearing horror stories about the increases everyone is facing.Speaking with growers, UK and Dutch, over the last fewweeks Ican see big problems next spring for retailers. Many growers arereducing winter glasshouse crops, some to zero, Find out more TheHorticultural Trades Association is the UK industry’s leading membership organisation. It welcomes all sectorsof horticulture–tojoin please contact

Covid No doubtagame changer.Flexiworking is nowthe norm in mostoffice-based organisations.While it might challenge us all it must also be an opportunity for us to sell more. Indoor plant sales have boomed in the lastthree years. Let’skeep working on this category.Haveyou seenyour favouritesoap stars adding to theirplants in Emmerdale or AlbertSquare? Betweenusall we musthave manycontacts in the media world, aword here and therewillmovethe camerafocus.

Hasta la vista


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