7th Annual Meating Demand Bull Sale Catalog

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Monday, May 2, 2022 n 10 AM

Henry & Nan Gardiner Marketing Center At the ranch near Ashland, Kansas
We Are Grateful For Your Business.


Col. Joel Birdwell (405) 368-1058


Matt Caldwell (913) 755-1105

Special Assignment

(Matt has seen the cattle, can take your phone bids or provide information. He can be reached by phone or email: mattcaldwell75@gmail.com)

Jeff Mafi (816) 344-4266

Guy Peverley (785) 456-4390

Stephen Russell (785) 458-2650

Chisolm Kinder (405) 747-4683 …………………………

Wes Tiemann (816) 244-4462

Bill Bowman (816) 752-0079

Angus Journal

Stock Exchange

Kansas Stockman

Oklahoma Cowman

Missouri Beef Cattleman

Special Assignment


If you are unable to attend the sale but are interested in placing a bid on any of the cattle, we encourage you to contact one of our designated representatives or Matt Caldwell. These representatives can respond to your request for visual information and bid for you during the sale.


AI Barn: (620) 635-2156

Mark: (620) 635-5095 • gar@gardinerangus.com

Greg: (620) 635-0233 • gar@gardinerangus.com

Grant: (620) 635-0382 • grant.c.gardiner@gmail.com

Cole: (620) 635-0727 • colegardiner1@gmail.com

Ransom: (620) 635-0283 • gardinerransom@gmail.com www.GardinerAngus.com



Crossroads Cattle Company

Don has spent a lifetime in the beef business. For the past several years, he has worked with us and our customers and recognizes the value of GAR-influenced genetics throughout the supply chain. As a member of the Crossroads Cattle Co. team, Don works daily with every production sector to buy and sell cattle. We appreciate Don’s willingness to work with us as well as our customers to capture more value. If you do not plan on retaining ownership and would like to access the best market for your calves, we highly recommend Don Graham.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 1
INFORMATION: Best Western Country Inn and Suites, Dodge City, KS (620) 225-7378 (mention Gardiner Angus Ranch for a special rate) Hampton Inn and Suites, Dodge City, KS …………………………… (620) 225-0000 LaQuinta, Dodge City, KS (620) 225-7373 Holiday Inn Express, Dodge City, KS (620) 227-5000 Comfort Inn, Dodge City, KS (620) 338-8700 Daltons Bedpost, Meade, KS (620) 873-2131 Holiday Inn Express, Woodward, OK (580) 256-5200 The Bunk House, Ashland, KS (620) 635-5207 Red Hills Motel, Ashland, KS (620) 635-2239 Super 54 Motel, Minneola, KS (620) 885-4885 Best Western Plus, Greensburg, KS (620) 723-2244
Graham, Cattle Broker
Mobile: (918) 706-8875
Watch the sale and bid live online at LiveAuctions.tv and SuperiorClickToBid.com. Register to bid prior to sale day on either bidding platform. Call in your bid to a Gardiner designated sales rep or through Superior Livestock at (800) 431-4452 prior to the start of the sale. Randall Spare Bill Bowman Mark Spare (620) 635-5507 (816) 752-0079 (620) 635-0541 GARDINER ANGUS RANCH “Meating Demand” Bull Sale Monday, May 2, 2022 • 10 AM At the Henry & Nan Gardiner Marketing Center • Ashland, KS The Marketing Center is located 1/4 mile east of the AI Center (see map & follow signs) SELLING 179 LOTS 108 19-20 Month Old Bulls • 71 14-16 Month Old Bulls Selling 100 AI Bred Commercial Females n Free Delivery n High Accuracy Progeny Proven Genetics n Method Genetics Benchmarking n THE Gardiner Angus Ranch Guarantee n Genetic Consultation n USPB Delivery Rights n Repeat Buyer Discount n Feedlot Relationships n Revenue Sharing Semen Interest n G 3
Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 2

Dear customers and friends,

As most of you know, our 43rd Annual Spring Production Sale has just been completed. The sale was one of the best sales ever for us and we are truly grateful. We can’t overlook the fact this sale, like every GAR sale, is the result of an incredible team, from our ranch team to the team of professionals we rely on for input to help us make the best decisions we can regarding the continued improvement of beef.

Over the years, we have gradually added sales. This year, 2022, marks our 5th “Early Bird” sale, the 43rd spring sale, 7th “Meating Demand” sale and18th fall sale. Each sale was added to enable our customers to buy the same proven and predictable genetics in a window of time that best fit their operations.

Making sure we stay focused on our customers’ needs also requires us to never lose sight of the details. Even the smallest detail like weighing every calf born on the ranch for decades is as important as collecting harvest data on more than 3500 head of home-raised and customer cattle each year. Why? Accountability, reliability, and accuracy from birth to harvest for starters. As cow-calf producers and a diversified beef operation, we are the beginning of the supply chain. If we fail, the supply chain is challenged, and the customer must then make the final decision whether or not beef is a good value. We KNOW beef is a very good value when we design the best beef possible!

Sixty percent of the 179 bulls in the sale offering are sired by six of our most proven sires. The remainder of the offering is sired by several young sires that offer unique opportunities without compromising calving ease, early, explosive growth, moderate stature, and elite end-product merit.

We have almost daily conversations with customers asking about the traits that have significance to them. They want to talk about what maternal function means to them, how acceptable, functional feet are necessary, and how, or if, they need to understand genetic predictions like the PAP EPD. PAP is not a trait producers from the Great Plains need to monitor. However, Gardiner Angus Ranch needs to be cognizant of this for our customers operating ranches at a higher altitude. These discussions help us all understand the magnitude of these traits and how they affect their operations. We encourage customers to focus on highly heritable traits, apply pressure to improve those traits using genomic and phenotypic information, and use their culling discipline to address the lowly heritable traits. A quote I once heard that I believe fits well is “we select for the highly heritable traits of magnitude, and we “manage” the lowly heritable traits.” Reproduction is the #1 performance trait, yet it is lowly heritable, so we multiply the ones that breed, make food of those that do not! We believe this process avoids single trait selection or trying to change a population for a trait that is lowly heritable.

While writing this letter, we can’t help but think about the daily reports of a senseless war on a European democracy. Someone once said, “When America sneezes, the world catches a cold.” We argue that when there is a threat to a free market system anywhere around the world, we risk much more than a “cold.” Ukraine is the largest exporter of seed oils (primarily sunflower oil), 5th largest exporter of wheat in the world and provides approximately 15% of the global supply of corn.

As disturbing as the news coming out of Ukraine is to watch, a quote from a Ukrainian farmer describes the philosophy of all of us involved in agriculture. He said, “We need to win this war in the next three weeks and not delay planting.” The resilience of everyone involved in agriculture around the world understands exactly what he means. We must deal with the challenges. From wars, catastrophic fires, weather, or market volatility, we deal with the problems facing us today… but we do not miss the planting season! As we think of and pray for the Ukraine, we are reminded of one of Henry’s many sayings: “We can do this, so let’s get to doing it!” We go forward.

Greg Gardiner Mark Gardiner Grant Gardiner Cole Gardiner Ransom Gardiner Quanah Gardiner Eva Gardiner, DVM Debra Gardiner Megan Gardiner Kayla Dewey Gardiner
Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 3
We are so thankful for your trust in our family and our cattle.

This catalog feature is presented as a tribute to Henry Gardiner and his habit of writing everything down (in triplicate). Henry made lists and studied them to analyze the performance of cattle at Gardiner Angus Ranch. This “good habit” began when Henry was young and continued into the years prior to his passing in 2015.

Henry also enjoyed baseball. So, in his honor we present the Top 10 sale bulls in nine categories as “League Leaders” in these very popular EPDs and performance traits. We hope you enjoy analyzing the lists and hope you learn about the cattle in the same way Henry did for so many years.

League Leaders

In Popular EPDs and Performance

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 4 CALVING EASE DIRECT (CED) LOT VALUE 173 +20 163 +19 150 +18 78 +18 13 +18 100 +17 143 +17 134 +17 149 +16 151 +16 YEARLING WT EPD LOT VALUE 34 +167 172 +159 115 +158 11 +157 118 +156 177 +156 79 +154 16 +154 83 +154 97 +153 ADJ. YEARLING WT. LOT VALUE YW ADJ./DOA 29 1840 lb 550 Days 23 1595 lb 550 Days 4 1530 lb 452 Days 11 1447 lb 452 Days 142 1444 lb 365 Days 5 1444 lb 452 Days 16 1434 lb 452 Days 124 1429 lb 550 Days 27 1429 lb 452 Days 28 1427 lb 452 Days DOCILITY EPD LOT VALUE 118 +36 46 +36 59 +35 62 +35 68 +33 32 +33 84 +32 60 +32 43 +31 94 +31 ULTRASOUND %IMF LOT VALUE 67 11.11% 73 11.04% 30 10.77% 42 10.76% 75 10.61% 116 10.54% 31 9.78% 54 9.65% 101 9.57% 81 9.56% MARBLING EPD LOT VALUE 31 +2.01 75 +1.96 2 +1.92 73 +1.85 6 +1.83 1 +1.8 68 +1.79 5 +1.78 64 +1.77 8 +1.74 $BEEF VALUE ($B) LOT VALUE 2 +224 1 +222 3 +220 4 +215 11 +214 5 +212 30 +212 31 +211 6 +211 9 +211 COMBINED VALUE ($C) LOT VALUE 1 +369 2 +361 6 +355 60 +355 5 +351 31 +350 9 +348 7 +348 3 +347 8 +345 METHOD GENETICS ROI LOT VALUE 43 +307 11 +306 116 +306 37 +303 152 +298 14 +295 85 +295 132 +295 142 +295 115 +294

The “Meating Demand” Bulls That Sell

For the 7th Annual “Meating the Demand” Sale we have chosen bulls with a wide age range. The sale will begin with 29, 19 to 20-month-old bulls, followed by 91 spring 14- to 16-monthold bulls and finish with 59 older bulls, 19- to 20-months-old. In total, the 179 sale bulls are the progeny of 33 different Angus sires. This offering presents bulls with a wide variety of pedigrees and a wide range of ages for our bull buyers.

As usual, the majority of the bulls in the sale are sired by five of our most trusted herd sires: GAR Ashland (30 sons); GAR Quantum (29 sons); GAR Home Town (28 sons); GAR Combustion (12 sons) and GAR Phoenix (9 sons). However, there are some exciting younger sires that have sons in this sale.

We have a saying, “Pounds pay the bills and QUALITY POUNDS pay more bills.” These bulls will sire calves with the “quality pounds.” You can find the pounds in the sale bulls that rank in the Top 15% of the Angus breed for yearling weight. You can find the quality in the sale bulls that rank in the top 3% of the breed for marbling. Check out the average EPDs for the entire group of sale bulls in the table below.

We continue to provide index values from Method Genetics (MG). Using MG indexes allows our customers who perform MG genetic evaluations on their own commercial cattle to compare indexes of our sale bulls directly to the index values in their own herds. Hence, this provides our customers with a unique “tie” to the commercial industry that is not offered by the use of AAA genetic predictions. The average MG index values for the entire group of sale bulls is shown in the table below.

Average Method Genetic

For The 2022 “Meating

Sale Bulls

The Retained Ownership Index (ROI) is the most complete index we can offer our customers for evaluating bulls. ROI provides a complete production system approach – it incorporates traits from conception through carcass endpoints. Unlike other indexes, ROI combines maternal, growth and carcass quality endpoints into one comprehensive index. This makes it the most useful index for selecting bulls to sire replacement females or offspring headed for the feedlot and processing plant.

Customers may ask, “how do I use ROI as a selection tool?” The strategies for using ROI vary, but many of our customers use individual EPDs like calving ease (CED), stature (YH) or milk along with the sale bull’s pedigree to reduce the list of 172 bulls down to a smaller group that meets their primary specifications. Then, rather than considering every other EPD individually, the buyers turn to the ROI index because it combines the effects of all the other traits on dollars per calf produced. That strategy allows each buyer to focus on some individual traits that may be “non-starters” for them, but in the end they rely on the most inclusive index value, ROI, to find the best “all-around athlete” within the group that fits their most important specifications. We have found the ROI index to be the highest correlated tool we have for profit.

This group of sale bulls provides a range of choices among bulls based on ages, pedigrees and individual traits. However, with the whole group averaging in the Top 15% for ROI, there are a lot of “all-around athletes” spread throughout the sale. We hope you find bulls that will work for you.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 5
Maternal Production Index Quality Pounds Index Retained Ownership Index (MPI) (QPI) (ROI) +147 +145 +264 Top 25% Top 13% Top 15%
GAR Average AAA EPDs for the 2022 “Meating Demand” Sale Bulls CW MARB RE $M $W $F $Grid $B $C +54 +1.27 +.94 +63 +79 +99 +83 +182 +299 Top Top Top Top Top Top Top Top Top 30% 3% 7% 47% 12% 23% 2% 3% 5% CED BW WW YW YH DOC HP SC Milk $EN +11 +0.7 +71 +127 +0.7 +23 +10 +.75 +30 -24 Top Lowest Top Top Top Top Top Top Top Lowest 15% 40% 13% 15% 35% 25% 70% 55% 20% 75% ASHLAND 30 Sons Sell QUANTUM 29 Sons Sell COMBUSTION 12 Sons Sell PHOENIX 9 Sons Sell HOME TOWN 28 Sons Sell

GAR Home town 830G

In January, 2022, the export value of fed cattle harvested exceeded $500 per head for the first time. The US Meat Export Federation reports beef exports, by volume, for January were up 13% from a year ago. The export value hit a record $1.03 billion for beef and increased 57% from 2021.

Lot 2 GAR Home town 720G

G A R Home Town 830G

G A R Home Town 720G

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 6
Birth Date: 11/21/20 Bull +20008210 Tattoo: 830G EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +12/10% +.5/35% +76/10% +132/15% +.27/30% +1.47/80% +.6/45% +1.13/35% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +20/40% +15.1/15% +7/70% +30/20% +72/40% +.6/30% -26/80% CW MARB REA Fat +66/10% +1.8/1% +1/10% -.013/20% $M $Weaning $Feedlot $G $Beef $Combined +81/10% +87/5% +114/10% +108/1% +222/1% +369/1% G A R Early Bird G A R Ashland Chair Rock Ambush 1018 G A R Home Town G A R Sure Fire 19266718 Chair Rock Sure Fire 6095 Chair Rock Progress 3005 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Sure Fire Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Ogeechee Sure Fire 6013 G A R Prophet 19018620 Ogeechee Propet 4017 Ogeechee Rita 152 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 62 1 100 705 100 1345 100 3.85 92 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 2-71 1-104 1-107 1-113 22-101 22-96 22-99 22-99 Actual scrotal and hip height measurements. YW Adjusted to 452 days of Age Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 1
Birth Date: 10/19/20 Bull +20008219 Tattoo: 720G EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +10/20% +.5/35% +75/15% +139/10% +.32/5% +1.43/80% +.8/25% +.35/80% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +27/15% +13/40% +9/45% +32/15% +91/20% +.8/15% -36/95% CW MARB REA Fat +58/25% +1.92/1% +1.05/4% -.048/2% $M $Weaning $Feedlot $G $Beef $Combined +70/30% +84/10% +107/15% +116/1% +224/1% +361/1% G A R Early Bird G A R Ashland Chair Rock Ambush 1018 G A R Home Town G A R Sure Fire 19266718 Chair Rock Sure Fire 6095 Chair Rock Progress 3005 MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise G A R Objective R227 Ogeechee Sunrise 7017 Connealy In Sure 8524 19017225 Ogeechee In Sure 4007 Ogeechee Blackcap 1086 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 64 1 100 634 100 1298 100 4.4 103 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-68 1-100 1-101 - 6-109 6-92 6-100 6-107 Actual scrotal and hip height measurements. YW Adjusted to 452 days of Age Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 2 METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 138/43% QPI/% 164/3% ROI/% 269/12% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 139/41% QPI/% 181/1% ROI/% 284/5% Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 53.5 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 44 Adj % IMF NA % IMF Ratio NA Adj REA NA REA Ratio NA Adj Rib Fat NA Rib Fat Ratio NA Adj Rump Fat NA Rump Fat Ratio NA Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 54.0 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 38 Adj % IMF NA % IMF Ratio NA Adj REA NA REA Ratio NA Adj Rib Fat NA Rib Fat Ratio NA Adj Rump Fat NA Rump Fat Ratio NA
/ / 20 Month Old Bulls


G A R Home Town Y90

GAR Home town Y90

52% or 14,127 carcass records out of 27,455 in the current AAA database were submitted by Gardiner Angus Ranch.

GAR has gathered carcass data on 112 of the 663 sires that have at least one carcass record listed in the AAA main Sire Summary.

G A R Home Town 820G

20 Month Old Bulls


We frequently discuss the importance of using high accuracy, progeny proven sires. We believe documenting the value of a calf, from birth to harvest, is the most accurate method to quantify value. The majority of the bulls in this offering are sired by GAR Ashland, GAR Quantum, GAR Home Town, GAR Combustion and GAR Phoenix. In early January, we shipped 179 home-raised steers, fed at Shaw Feedyards, and harvested at National Beef in Dodge City. The majority of the steers were sired by the same bulls. The 14-16 month old steers had an average harvest weight of 1,521, 976 lb. hot carcass wt., 15 sq. in. ribeye and 100% of the steers graded USDA Choice and Prime. Sisters of these steers become replacements in our commercial herd and replicate the process, raising the quality bar each year.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 7
Birth Date: 11/26/20 Bull +20008730 Tattoo: Y90 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +12/10% +1.1/50% +80/10% +142/10% +.26/40% +1.85/95% +.9/15% +.24/85% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +22/30% +9.5/80% +11/25% +30/20% +80/30% +.8/15% -30/85% CW MARB REA Fat +66/10% +1.73/1% +1.07/4% -.03/10% $M $Weaning $Feedlot $G $Beef $Combined +62/50% +89/4% +113/10% +107/1% +220/1% +347/1% G A R Early Bird G A R Ashland Chair Rock Ambush 1018 G A R Home Town G A R Sure Fire 19266718 Chair Rock Sure Fire 6095 Chair Rock Progress 3005 MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise G A R Objective R227 Ogeechee Sunrise 5049 G A R Fruition 18397443 Ogeechee Rita 3315 SJH Predestined of 544 0182 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 67 0 100 698 100 1429 100 4.4 107 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 2-74 2-102 2-116 2-111 28-98 28-100 28-100 28-99 Actual scrotal and hip height measurements. YW
Adjusted to 452 days of Age
and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.
Birth Date: 11/23/20 Bull +20008208 Tattoo: 820G EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +7/45% +2/70% +76/10% +138/10% +.3/15% +1.56/85% +.7/30% +1.32/20% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +23/25% +11.7/55% +4/90% +24/60% +101/15% +.7/25% -36/95% CW MARB REA Fat +70/10% +1.37/2% +1.06/4% -.042/3% $M $Weaning $Feedlot $G $Beef $Combined +58/65% +73/25% +123/3% +92/1% +215/1% +337/1% G A R Early Bird G A R Ashland Chair Rock Ambush 1018 G A R Home Town G A R Sure Fire 19266718 Chair Rock Sure Fire 6095 Chair Rock Progress 3005 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Sure Fire Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Ogeechee Sure Fire 6013 G A R Prophet 19018620 Ogeechee Propet 4017 Ogeechee Rita 152 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 75 1 100 791 100 1530 100 4.44 106 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 2-71 1-104 1-107 1-113 22-101 22-96 22-99 22-99 Actual scrotal and hip height measurements. YW Adjusted to 452 days of Age Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 4 METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 146/27% QPI/% 175/1% ROI/% 286/4% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 146/27% QPI/% 158/4% ROI/% 272/10% Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 54.0 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 36 Adj % IMF NA % IMF Ratio NA Adj REA NA REA Ratio NA Adj Rib Fat NA Rib Fat Ratio NA Adj Rump Fat NA Rump Fat Ratio NA Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 55.5 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 38 Adj % IMF NA % IMF Ratio NA Adj REA NA REA Ratio NA Adj Rib Fat NA Rib Fat Ratio NA Adj Rump Fat NA Rump Fat Ratio NA
/ /

GAR Home town 850G

Over 12% of all U.S. beef is exported. Nearly 17% of all Certified Angus Beef® product is shipped overseas. The top export markets are Canada, Japan, South Korea, Mexico and Hong Kong. CAB makes its way into more than 50 countries around the world.

G A R Home Town 850G

G A R Home Town 860G


Many of our customers realize the value of access to GAR USPB delivery rights. Today, the demand exceeds our supply. Due to the increased demand, we are requiring prior authorization. If you are a GAR customer, retaining ownership, and would like to use GAR delivery rights, please contact Mark Gardiner (620) 635-5095 for prior authorization.

From 1998 through 2021, GAR customers marketed 122,000 head through U.S. Premium Beef, earning an average of $92.71 per head above the base price, totaling $11,310,280

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 8
Birth Date: 11/23/20 Bull +20008100 Tattoo: 850G EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +11/15% +.3/30% +66/30% +114/35% +.26/40% +.86/40% +.4/65% +1/40% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +25/20% +14.2/25% +12/15% +35/5% +51/65% +.3/60% -19/60% CW MARB REA Fat +56/25% +1.78/1% +.92/10% -.025/10% $M $Weaning $Feedlot $G $Beef $Combined +76/15% +84/10% +105/15% +107/1% +212/1% +351/1% G A R Early Bird G A R Ashland Chair Rock Ambush 1018 G A R Home Town G A R Sure Fire 19266718 Chair Rock Sure Fire 6095 Chair Rock Progress 3005 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Sure Fire Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Ogeechee Sure Fire 737 A A R Ten X 7008 S A 19349815 Bridges Ten X 4109 Deer Valley Rita 0274 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 68 1 100 671 100 1444 100 4.51 108 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-58 1-88 1-100 - 6-101 6-101 6-93 6-87 Actual scrotal and hip height measurements. YW Adjusted to 452 days of Age Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 5
Birth Date: 11/23/20 Bull +20008101 Tattoo: 860G EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +11/15% -.6/15% +57/60% +109/45% +.27/30% +.76/35% +.4/65% +1.48/15% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +27/15% +12.6/40% +10/35% +37/3% +25/90% +.1/80% -8/30% CW MARB REA Fat +49/45% +1.83/1% +.99/10% -.019/15% $M $Weaning $Feedlot $G $Beef $Combined +81/10% +77/15% +101/20% +110/1% +211/1% +355/1% G A R Early Bird G A R Ashland Chair Rock Ambush 1018 G A R Home Town G A R Sure Fire 19266718 Chair Rock Sure Fire 6095 Chair Rock Progress 3005 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Sure Fire Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Ogeechee Sure Fire 737 A A R Ten X 7008 S A 19349815 Bridges Ten X 4109 Deer Valley Rita 0274 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 60 1 100 634 100 1293 100 4.38 105 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-58 1-88 1-100 - 6-101 6-101 6-93 6-87 Actual scrotal and hip height measurements. YW Adjusted to 452 days of Age Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 6 METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 144/30% QPI/% 173/1% ROI/% 282/5% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 143/32% QPI/% 174/1% ROI/% 282/5% Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 53.5 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 43 Adj % IMF NA % IMF Ratio NA Adj REA NA REA Ratio NA Adj Rib Fat NA Rib Fat Ratio NA Adj Rump Fat NA Rump Fat Ratio NA Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 52.0 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 42 Adj % IMF NA % IMF Ratio NA Adj REA NA REA Ratio NA Adj Rib Fat NA Rib Fat Ratio NA Adj Rump Fat NA Rump Fat Ratio NA
/ / 20 Month Old Bulls

G A R Home Town 800G

GAR Home town 800G

Each year, we retain ownership and sell our home-raised steers through U.S. Premium Beef. These home-raised steers enable us to prove the end product merit of the GAR “Young Guns” since they must compete against the proven GAR elite AI sires. The most recent group included 16 GAR Home Town steers. The steers averaged 963 pound HCW, 15 sq. in. REA, and 100% CAB and Prime. The Home Town progeny are an exact fit for the U.S. beef industry.

Lot 8

GAR Home town 810G

G A R Home Town 810G

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 9
Birth Date: 11/13/20 Bull +20008205 Tattoo: 800G EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +13/10% -.5/15% +66/30% +118/30% +.29/20% +.61/25% +.5/55% +.69/60% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +23/25% +16/10% +11/25% +29/25% +64/50% +.7/25% -22/70% CW MARB REA Fat +56/25% +1.4/2% +1.23/1% -.043/3% $M $Weaning $Feedlot $G $Beef $Combined +77/15% +76/20% +114/10% +96/1% +209/1% +348/1% G A R Early Bird G A R Ashland Chair Rock Ambush 1018 G A R Home Town G A R Sure Fire 19266718 Chair Rock Sure Fire 6095 Chair Rock Progress 3005 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Sure Fire Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Ogeechee Sure Fire 6013 G A R Prophet 19018620 Ogeechee Propet 4017 Ogeechee Rita 152 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 66 1 100 656 100 1301 100 3.75 90 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 2-71 1-104 1-107 1-113 22-101 22-96 22-99 22-99 Actual scrotal and hip height measurements. YW Adjusted to 452 days of Age. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 7
Birth Date: 11/24/20 Bull +20008207 Tattoo: 810G EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +15/2% -1.3/10% +66/30% +117/30% +.26/40% +.81/35% +.5/55% +.71/60% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +22/30% +10.8/65% +14/5% +28/30% +30/85% +.1/80% -5/25% CW MARB REA Fat +53/35% +1.74/1% +.69/35% +.004/40% $M $Weaning $Feedlot $G $Beef $Combined +82/10% +80/15% +103/20% +100/1% +203/1% +345/1% G A R Early Bird G A R Ashland Chair Rock Ambush 1018 G A R Home Town G A R Sure Fire 19266718 Chair Rock Sure Fire 6095 Chair Rock Progress 3005 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Sure Fire Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Ogeechee Sure Fire 6013 G A R Prophet 19018620 Ogeechee Propet 4017 Ogeechee Rita 152 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 60 1 100 626 100 1298 100 3.85 92 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 2-71 1-104 1-107 1-113 22-101 22-96 22-99 22-99 Actual scrotal and hip height measurements. YW Adjusted to 452 days of Age Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 8 METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 155/13% QPI/% 147/11% ROI/% 273/9% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 147/25% QPI/% 156/5% ROI/% 272/10% Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 53.5 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 35 Adj % IMF NA % IMF Ratio NA Adj REA NA REA Ratio NA Adj Rib Fat NA Rib Fat Ratio NA Adj Rump Fat NA Rump Fat Ratio NA Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 53.0 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 34 Adj % IMF NA % IMF Ratio NA Adj REA NA REA Ratio NA Adj Rib Fat NA Rib Fat Ratio NA Adj Rump Fat NA Rump Fat Ratio NA
/ / 20
Month Old Bulls

G A R Dual Threat 1160G

Current Scholars

Henry Gardiner Scholarship & Lecture Series

Since 2012, the Henry C. Gardiner scholarship application process creates an environment for qualified students to compete for elite undergraduate scholarships. Thirty-three students applied for the 20222023 scholarships and represented the largest group of applicants to date. Academic standing, community service, work ethic and future goals are taken into consideration. A panel of K-State faculty and industry leaders review the applications. Finalists are selected and compete in a rigorous interview process. The students are academically elite agriculture undergraduates enrolled at K-State and plan to continue careers in agriculture.

G A R Dual Threat Y50

When asked to comment on the level of excellence of the applicants, Mark Gardiner said, “Dad was passionate about education, critical thinking and lifelong curiosity.” During the interview process, one student asked Mark to characterize Henry in two words, and those words were curiosity and caring. “Henry was adamant that students should have the opportunities to succeed. The six recipients of the Henry C. Gardiner scholarships are models for the level of excellence Dad would have appreciated.” In closing for the evening, Mark reminded the students that in the future, they, too, are expected pay it forward.

Henry C. Gardiner Scholarships for the 2022-2023 school year have been awarded to twin brothers, Sage and Lukas Dierks, Douglass, Kansas; Joshua Waller, Hoehne, Colorado; Chesney Effling, Highmore, South Dakota; Grace Knepp, Lincolnville, Kansas; and Riley Krehbiel, Kingman, Kansas.

The Henry C. Gardiner Scholarship is made possible through the generous contributions of Gardiner customers, friends and family continuing the legacy of Henry Gardiner. To date, 42 undergraduate students have received $195,500 in scholarships.

Students classified as a rising-junior, junior or senior, either enrolled in or planning to enroll at Kansas State University with a major in Animal Science and Industry or closely related field may apply. Scholarships are awarded annually to students meeting rigorous criteria and exhibiting a commitment to focus on improving the beef industry and food animal production.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 10
Birth Date: 11/26/20 Bull 20085962 Tattoo: 1160G EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +9/30% +.8/40% +77/10% +142/10% +.29/20% +1.82/95% +.9/15% +.24/85% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +30/5% +14.7/20% +5/85% +33/10% +84/25% +.6/30% -33/90% CW MARB REA Fat +75/3% +1.25/3% +1.14/2% +.01/50% $M $Weaning $Feedlot $G $Beef $Combined +74/20% +88/4% +127/2% +84/1% +211/1% +348/1% Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Sure Fire Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 G A R Dual Threat MCC Daybreak 19123898 G A R Daybreak A3010 G A R 5050 New Design A91 G A R Momentum G A R Method G A R Daybreak 1332 Ogeechee Method 819 V A R Discovery 2240 19477225 Ogeechee Discovery 570 Ogeechee TAF Rita 2028 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 67 1 95 669 104 1383 101 4.36 102 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-67 1-95 1-104 1-101 - - -Actual scrotal and hip height measurements. YW Adjusted to 452 days of Age. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 9
Birth Date: 9/10/20 Bull +20008038 Tattoo: Y50 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +11/15% +1.3/55% +67/30% +123/25% +.26/40% +1.09/55% +.9/15% +.44/75% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +21/35% +10.5/70% +5/85% +35/5% +55/60% +.6/30% -21/70% CW MARB REA Fat +61/20% +1.35/2% +1.39/1% -.035/5% $M $Weaning $Feedlot $G $Beef $Combined +69/30% +81/10% +116/5% +95/1% +210/1% +341/1% Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Sure Fire Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 G A R Dual Threat MCC Daybreak 19123898 G A R Daybreak A3010 G A R 5050 New Design A91 MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise G A R Objective R227 Ogeechee Sunrise 5049 G A R Fruition 18397443 Ogeechee Rita 3315 SJH Predestined of 544 0182 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 69 0 100 578 100 1299 100 4.15 97 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 2-74 2-102 2-116 2-111 28-98 28-100 28-100 28-99 Actual scrotal and hip height measurements. YW Adjusted to 452 days of Age. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 10 METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 150/20% QPI/% 144/14% ROI/% 265/14% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 138/43% QPI/% 141/17% ROI/% 251/27% Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 52.0 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 34 Adj % IMF NA % IMF Ratio NA Adj REA NA REA Ratio NA Adj Rib Fat NA Rib Fat Ratio NA Adj Rump Fat NA Rump Fat Ratio NA Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 54.0 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 35 Adj % IMF NA % IMF Ratio NA Adj REA NA REA Ratio NA Adj Rib Fat NA Rib Fat Ratio NA Adj Rump Fat NA Rump Fat Ratio NA
Left to right: Sage Dierks, Lukas Dierks, Joshua Waller, Chesney Effling, Grace Knepp and Riley Krehbiel.
20 Month Old Bulls
100% of the proceeds from the sale of Lot 10 will be donated to the Henry Gardiner Scholarship & Lecture Series at K-State.

G A R Set Apart 770G

G A R Set Apart 760G

G A R Set Apart 750G

G A R Set Apart 1150G

G A R Set Apart 740G

G A R Inertia 610G

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 11
Birth Date: 9/16/20 Bull +20007639 Tattoo: 770G EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +10/20% +2.2/75% +88/2% +157/2% +.36/1% +1.51/85% +.5/55% +1.27/25% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +29/10% +12.8/40% +4/90% +22/75% +115/5% +.9/10% -42/95% CW MARB REA Fat +80/2% +.99/15% +1.5/1% +.005/40% $M $Weaning $Feedlot $G $Beef $Combined +57/65% +82/10% +136/1% +77/3% +214/1% +335/1% Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Sure Fire Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 G A R Set Apart G A R Sunrise 19123879 Ogeechee Sunrise 5049 Ogeechee Rita 3315 G A R Momentum G A R Method G A R Daybreak 1332 Ogeechee Miss Wix 6101 G A R Quanah 687L 19020503 Ogeechee Miss Wix 3316 Ogeechee Miss Wix 0089 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 78 1 100 733 100 1447 100 4.32 101 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 2-61 2-89 2-87 1-86 10-105 10-102 10-92 10-100 Actual scrotal and hip height measurements. YW Adjusted to 452 days of Age. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 11
Birth Date: 9/10/20 Bull +20007637 Tattoo: 750G EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +14/4% +2.1/70% +77/10% +129/15% +.21/80% +1.76/95% +.9/15% +.73/60% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +15/65% +12.6/40% +9/45% +26/45% +62/55% +.6/30% -19/60% CW MARB REA Fat +74/4% +1.21/4% +1.31/1% +.024/70% $M $Weaning $Feedlot $G $Beef $Combined +70/30% +82/10% +120/4% +83/2% +203/1% +333/1% Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Sure Fire Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 G A R Set Apart G A R Sunrise 19123879 Ogeechee Sunrise 5049 Ogeechee Rita 3315 G A R Momentum G A R Method G A R Daybreak 1332 Ogeechee Miss Wix 6101 G A R Quanah 687L 19020503 Ogeechee Miss Wix 3316 Ogeechee Miss Wix 0089 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 71 1 100 552 100 1189 100 3.58 83 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 2-61 2-89 2-87 1-86 10-105 10-102 10-92 10-100 Actual scrotal and hip height measurements. YW Adjusted to 452 days of Age. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 12
Birth Date: 9/11/20 Bull +20007636 Tattoo: 740G EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +18/1% -.7/15% +67/30% +126/20% +.3/15% +1.24/65% +.9/15% +.89/50% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +21/35% +7.6/90% +14/5% +30/20% +57/60% +.7/25% -19/60% CW MARB REA Fat +62/15% +1.27/3% +1.19/1% -.035/5% $M $Weaning $Feedlot $G $Beef $Combined +53/75% +78/15% +116/5% +89/1% +205/1% +319/2% Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Sure Fire Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 G A R Set Apart G A R Sunrise 19123879 Ogeechee Sunrise 5049 Ogeechee Rita 3315 G A R Momentum G A R Method G A R Daybreak 1332 Ogeechee Miss Wix 6101 G A R Quanah 687L 19020503 Ogeechee Miss Wix 3316 Ogeechee Miss Wix 0089 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 70 1 100 450 100 1028 100 4.02 94 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 2-61 2-89 2-87 1-86 10-105 10-102 10-92 10-100 Actual scrotal and hip height measurements. YW Adjusted to 452 days of Age. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 13
Birth Date: 9/15/20 Bull +20007638 Tattoo: 760G EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +5/65% +3.4/90% +83/4% +146/4% +.3/15% +1.62/90% +1.1/5% +2.06/2% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +20/40% +12.5/45% +3/95% +31/15% +101/15% +.9/10% -40/95% CW MARB REA Fat +76/3% +1.12/10% +1.2/1% +.014/55% $M $Weaning $Feedlot $G $Beef $Combined +57/65% +84/10% +123/3% +78/3% +201/1% +318/2% Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Sure Fire Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 G A R Set Apart G A R Sunrise 19123879 Ogeechee Sunrise 5049 Ogeechee Rita 3315 G A R Momentum G A R Method G A R Daybreak 1332 Ogeechee Miss Wix 6101 G A R Quanah 687L 19020503 Ogeechee Miss Wix 3316 Ogeechee Miss Wix 0089 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 73 1 100 626 100 1290 100 4.51 105 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 2-61 2-89 2-87 1-86 10-105 10-102 10-92 10-100 Actual scrotal and hip height measurements. YW Adjusted to 452 days of Age. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 14
Birth Date: 11/15/20 Bull 20085961 Tattoo: 1150G EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +10/20% +1.4/55% +64/35% +118/30% +.29/20% +.64/25% +.4/65% +.81/55% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +24/20% +6.2/95% +4/90% +37/3% +42/75% +.2/70% -16/55% CW MARB REA Fat +54/30% +.98/15% +1.28/1% -.017/15% $M $Weaning $Feedlot $G $Beef $Combined +62/50% +81/10% +104/15% +76/4% +180/5% +295/10% Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Sure Fire Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 G A R Set Apart G A R Sunrise 19123879 Ogeechee Sunrise 5049 Ogeechee Rita 3315 G A R Momentum G A R Method G A R Daybreak 1332 Ogeechee Method 810 G A R Prophet 19477218 Ogeechee CAM Prophet 554 CAM-OAF Rita A2004 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 74 1 104 623 96 1352 99 4.19 98 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-74 1-104 1-96 1-99 - - -Actual scrotal and hip height measurements. YW Adjusted to 452 days of Age. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 15
Birth Date: 10/19/20 Bull +20010760 Tattoo: 610G EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +9/30% +2.2/75% +85/3% +154/2% +.32/5% +1.77/95% +.8/25% +.38/80% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +15/65% +9.5/80% +11/25% +19/90% +127/2% +1/10% -46/95% CW MARB REA Fat +67/10% +1.25/3% +1.06/4% +.013/55% $M $Weaning $Feedlot $G $Beef $Combined +43/95% +73/25% +116/5% +82/2% +198/2% +300/5% G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Inertia G A R Prophet 18636043 G A R Prophet 2984 G A R Daybreak 1521 A A R Ten X 7008 S A V A R Discovery 2240 Deer Valley Rita 0308 Maplecrest Blackcap R7100 G A R Ingenuity 18956610 G A R Ingenuity 3132 G A R 28 Ambush N340 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 65 1 100 686 100 1434 100 4.53 106 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-65 1-100 1-104 1-99 4-98 4-101 4-110 4-112 Actual scrotal and hip height measurements. YW Adjusted to 452 days of Age. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 16 METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 175/1% QPI/% 164/3% ROI/% 306/1% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 183/1% QPI/% 140/18% ROI/% 295/2% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 148/23% QPI/% 125/39% ROI/% 248/30% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 163/6% QPI/% 147/11% ROI/% 281/6% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 146/27% QPI/% 141/17% ROI/% 259/19% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 140/38% QPI/% 170/1% ROI/% 276/8% Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 53.0 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 34 Adj % IMF NA % IMF Ratio NA Adj REA NA REA Ratio NA Adj Rib Fat NA Rib Fat Ratio NA Adj Rump Fat NA Rump Fat Ratio NA Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 54.0 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 34 Adj % IMF NA % IMF Ratio NA Adj REA NA REA Ratio NA Adj Rib Fat NA Rib Fat Ratio NA Adj Rump Fat NA Rump Fat Ratio NA Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 52.0 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 34 Adj % IMF NA % IMF Ratio NA Adj REA NA REA Ratio NA Adj Rib Fat NA Rib Fat Ratio NA Adj Rump Fat NA Rump Fat Ratio NA Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 54.0 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 44 Adj % IMF NA % IMF Ratio NA Adj REA NA REA Ratio NA Adj Rib Fat NA Rib Fat Ratio NA Adj Rump Fat NA Rump Fat Ratio NA Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 51.0 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 37 Adj % IMF NA % IMF Ratio NA Adj REA NA REA Ratio NA Adj Rib Fat NA Rib Fat Ratio NA Adj Rump Fat NA Rump Fat Ratio NA Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 55.0 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 36 Adj % IMF NA % IMF Ratio NA Adj REA NA REA Ratio NA Adj Rib Fat NA Rib Fat Ratio NA Adj Rump Fat NA Rump Fat Ratio NA 20 Month Old Bulls

G A R Inertia 1170G

G A R Home Town Y70

G A R Inertia 730G

G A R Home Town 870G


You will notice we are selling revenue sharing and semen interests on all bulls. This means the bull is totally in your control in how you want to handle him and you get 100% of the salvage value of the bull. Simply, we are reserving the right to a share of semen sales revenue from the bull if, at some time in the future, semen sales become a possibility. If you sell the bull to another breeder, Gardiner Angus Ranch retains the semen interest.

It is unlikely that large amounts of semen will be sold from many bulls. However, bulls are often “discovered” later in life, after proving themselves in the breeding pasture. It is for this reason we keep a semen interest in all bulls sold in our production sale.

Even bulls sold to commercial herds may become popular at a later time, as more carcass data is collected on their calves.

If you purchase a bull that we retain an interest in and you choose to collect semen from that bull as an “insurance policy” for your own use, that semen is 100% yours. Gardiner Angus Ranch may also wish to collect semen from the bull, either for in-herd use or to build a jointly-owned semen bank for sale purposes.

If you are not interested in collecting semen on the bull, GAR has the right to collect the bull, at their own expense, for their own use. Semen collection will be arranged at the convenience of the owner of the possession interest.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 12
Birth Date: 10/23/20 Bull +20010758 Tattoo: 1170G EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +8/35% +1.6/60% +76/10% +131/15% +.26/40% +1.64/90% +.7/30% -.41/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +22/30% +14.3/25% +10/35% +22/75% +62/55% +.3/60% -17/55% CW MARB REA Fat +60/20% +1.22/4% +1.15/2% -.006/25% $M $Weaning $Feedlot $G $Beef $Combined +82/10% +78/15% +103/20% +84/1% +187/3% +325/1% G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Inertia G A R Prophet 18636043 G A R Prophet 2984 G A R Daybreak 1521 A A R Ten X 7008 S A V A R Discovery 2240 Deer Valley Rita 0308 Maplecrest Blackcap R7100 G A R Ingenuity 18956610 G A R Ingenuity 3132 G A R 28 Ambush N340 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 65 1 100 484 100 1104 100 4.21 98 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-65 1-100 1-104 1-99 4-98 4-101 4-110 4-112 Actual scrotal and hip height measurements. YW Adjusted to 452 days of Age. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 17
Birth Date: 10/11/20 Bull +20094657 Tattoo: 730G EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +12/10% -.6/15% +77/10% +142/10% +.29/20% +2.02/95% +.7/30% +1.03/40% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +11/80% +14.5/20% +11/25% +25/55% +68/45% +.6/30% -21/70% CW MARB REA Fat +55/30% +1.4/2% +.86/15% -.013/20% $M $Weaning $Feedlot $G $Beef $Combined +71/25% +83/10% +96/30% +89/1% +185/4% +311/3% G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Inertia G A R Prophet 18636043 G A R Prophet 2984 G A R Daybreak 1521 A A R Ten X 7008 S A V A R Discovery 2240 Deer Valley Rita 0308 Maplecrest Blackcap R7100 G A R Ingenuity 18956610 G A R Ingenuity 3132 G A R 28 Ambush N340 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 60 1 100 504 100 1257 100 4.36 101 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-65 1-100 1-104 1-99 4-98 4-101 4-110 4-112 Actual scrotal and hip height measurements. YW Adjusted to 452 days of Age. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 18
Birth Date: 11/22/20 Bull +20008334 Tattoo: Y70 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +13/10% -.2/20% +78/10% +137/10% +.26/40% +1.3/70% +1/10% +.48/75% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +18/50% +9.7/75% +9/45% +35/5% +82/30% +1/10% -33/90% CW MARB REA Fat +58/25% +1.44/1% +1.07/4% -.05/2% $M $Weaning $Feedlot $G $Beef $Combined +61/55% +94/2% +106/15% +96/1% +201/1% +322/1% G A R Early Bird G A R Ashland Chair Rock Ambush 1018 G A R Home Town G A R Sure Fire 19266718 Chair Rock Sure Fire 6095 Chair Rock Progress 3005 MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise G A R Objective R227 Ogeechee Sunrise 5049 G A R Fruition 18397443 Ogeechee Rita 3315 SJH Predestined of 544 0182 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 63 0 100 645 100 1342 100 4 97 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 2-74 2-102 2-116 2-111 28-98 28-100 28-100 28-99 Actual scrotal and hip height measurements. YW Adjusted to 452 days of Age. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.
Lot 19
Birth Date: 11/20/20 Bull +20008104 Tattoo: 870G EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +15/2% -1.1/10% +63/40% +110/45% +.23/65% +.96/45% +.4/65% +.83/50% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +25/20% +11.6/55% +15/2% +38/2% +19/95% -.2/95% -6/25% CW MARB REA Fat +55/30% +1.61/1% +.89/15% +.008/45% $M $Weaning $Feedlot $G $Beef $Combined +85/5% +89/4% +104/15% +96/1% +200/1% +344/1% G A R Early Bird G A R Ashland Chair Rock Ambush 1018 G A R Home Town G A R Sure Fire 19266718 Chair Rock Sure Fire 6095 Chair Rock Progress 3005 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Sure Fire Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Ogeechee Sure Fire 737 A A R Ten X 7008 S A 19349815 Bridges Ten X 4109 Deer Valley Rita 0274 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 52 1 100 590 100 1178 100 4.4 106 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-58 1-88 1-100 - 6-101 6-101 6-93 6-87 Actual scrotal and hip height measurements. YW Adjusted to 452 days of Age. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 20 METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 144/30% QPI/% 165/2% ROI/% 276/8% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 122/76% QPI/% 142/16% ROI/% 236/43% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 127/67% QPI/% 166/2% ROI/% 260/19% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 154/14% QPI/% 163/3% ROI/% 284/5% Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 53.0 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 34 Adj % IMF NA % IMF Ratio NA Adj REA NA REA Ratio NA Adj Rib Fat NA Rib Fat Ratio NA Adj Rump Fat NA Rump Fat Ratio NA Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 53.0 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 37 Adj % IMF NA % IMF Ratio NA Adj REA NA REA Ratio NA Adj Rib Fat NA Rib Fat Ratio NA Adj Rump Fat NA Rump Fat Ratio NA Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 54.0 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 37 Adj % IMF NA % IMF Ratio NA Adj REA NA REA Ratio NA Adj Rib Fat NA Rib Fat Ratio NA Adj Rump Fat NA Rump Fat Ratio NA Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 51.0 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 37 Adj % IMF NA % IMF Ratio NA Adj REA NA REA Ratio NA Adj Rib Fat NA Rib Fat Ratio NA Adj Rump Fat NA Rump Fat Ratio NA 20 Month Old Bulls

G A R Home Town 1090G

G A R Dual Threat Y40

Actual scrotal and hip height measurements. YW Adjusted to 452 days of Age. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

G A R Home Town 690G

G A R Dual Threat A075

20 Month Old Bulls

G A R Ashland 1080G

“Hawaiian Friday” is a “throwback” started by our 2017 spring interns. We appreciate their sense of humor and happy to go to work every day attitudes!

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 13
Birth Date: 10/25/20 Bull +20090262 Tattoo: 1090G EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +14/4% -.8/15% +54/70% +96/70% +.26/40% +.4/15% +.4/65% -.29/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +20/40% +7.3/95% +12/15% +33/10% +50/70% +.1/80% -17/55% CW MARB REA Fat +44/55% +1.36/2% +1.34/1% -.041/3% $M $Weaning $Feedlot $G $Beef $Combined +50/80% +68/35% +96/30% +95/1% +191/3% +298/5% G A R Early Bird G A R Ashland Chair Rock Ambush 1018 G A R Home Town G A R Sure Fire 19266718 Chair Rock Sure Fire 6095 Chair Rock Progress 3005 G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 Ogeechee Momentum 664 MCC Daybreak 19018649 G A R Daybreak N542 G A R Objective 3008 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 71 1 100 628 100 1115 100 4.27 99 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT - - - - 14-100 14-110 14-95 14-95
Lot 21
Birth Date: 10/25/20 Bull +20008114 Tattoo: 690G EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +5/65% +2.9/85% +70/20% +121/25% +.24/55% +1.09/55% +.6/45% +.27/85% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +26/15% +12.4/45% +12/15% +28/30% +60/55% +.5/40% -19/60% CW MARB REA Fat +52/35% +1.35/2% +1.12/2% -.016/15% $M $Weaning $Feedlot $G $Beef $Combined +80/10% +73/25% +99/25% +90/1% +189/3% +325/1% G A R Early Bird G A R Ashland Chair Rock Ambush 1018 G A R Home Town G A R Sure Fire 19266718 Chair Rock Sure Fire 6095 Chair Rock Progress 3005 Hoover Dam S S Niagara Z29 Jet S S X144 Ogeechee Niagara 717 G A R Sunrise 19349749 G A R Sunrise 2922 G A R 5050 New Design T179 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 70 1 100 540 100 1269 100 4.13 96 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-78 1-113 1-100 - 11-93 11-103 11-105 11-91 Actual scrotal and hip height measurements. YW Adjusted to 452 days of Age.
Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.
Birth Date: 8/25/20 Bull 20039053 Tattoo: 1080G EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +13/10% +.8/40% +83/4% +139/10% +.25/45% +1.18/65% +.4/65% -.43/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +25/20% +6.3/95% +8/55% +30/20% +70/45% +.2/70% -25/80% CW MARB REA Fat +56/25% +1.34/2% +1.06/4% +.01/50% $M $Weaning $Feedlot $G $Beef $Combined +58/65% +96/1% +96/30% +87/1% +183/4% +295/10% G A R Daylight G A R Early Bird G A R Progress 830 G A R Ashland B/R Ambush 28 18217198 Chair Rock Ambush 1018 G A R Yield Grade N366 G A R Momentum G A R Method G A R Daybreak 1332 Boyett Method 815 G A R Progress 19408267 Boyett Progress 1471 Boyett Heather 901 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 72 1 107 639 100 1595 105 4.63 105 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT - 2-102 1-100 1-105 - - -Actual scrotal and hip height measurements. YW Adjusted to 550 days of Age. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 23
Birth Date: 9/10/20 Bull +20008023 Tattoo: Y40 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +8/35% +2.6/80% +80/10% +145/4% +.31/10% +1.45/80% +1/10% +1.49/15% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +11/80% +15/20% +5/85% +23/70% +117/4% +1/10% -43/95% CW MARB REA Fat +66/10% +1.08/10% +.92/10% -.007/25% $M $Weaning $Feedlot $G $Beef $Combined +48/85% +72/25% +118/5% +75/4% +192/2% +297/5% Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Sure Fire Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 G A R Dual Threat MCC Daybreak 19123898 G A R Daybreak A3010 G A R 5050 New Design A91 MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise G A R Objective R227 Ogeechee Sunrise 5049 G A R Fruition 18397443 Ogeechee Rita 3315 SJH Predestined of 544 0182 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 71 0 100 573 100 1312 100 4.34 101 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 2-74 2-102 2-116 2-111 28-98 28-100 28-100 28-99 Actual scrotal and hip height measurements. YW Adjusted to 452 days of Age. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 24
Birth Date: 10/3/20 Bull +19974441 Tattoo: A075 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +13/10% -.5/15% +68/25% +129/15% +.32/5% +.85/40% +.8/25% +1.3/25% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +30/5% +17.6/4% +11/25% +31/15% +66/50% +.5/40% -24/75% CW MARB REA Fat +62/15% +.81/25% +.81/20% +.003/40% $M $Weaning $Feedlot $G $Beef $Combined +89/3% +79/15% +121/3% +61/20% +181/5% +324/1% Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Sure Fire Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 G A R Dual Threat MCC Daybreak 19123898 G A R Daybreak A3010 G A R 5050 New Design A91 Connealy Confidence 0100 Connealy Confidence Plus Elbanna of Conanga 1209 Mill Brae CP Blackcap 7139 S S Objective T510 0T26 18923133 Mill Brae Obj Blackcap 9244Mill Brae RT Blackcap 8022 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 47 1 100 574 100 1288 100 4.34 102 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 2-71 2-106 1-106 - 9-92 9-97 9-105 9-115 Actual scrotal and hip height measurements. YW Adjusted to 452 days of Age. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 25 METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 132/56% QPI/% 150/9% ROI/% 252/26% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 152/17% QPI/% 143/15% ROI/% 266/14% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 142/34% QPI/% 126/37% ROI/% 243/35% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 141/36% QPI/% 147/11% ROI/% 259/19% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 148/23% QPI/% 144/14% ROI/% 263/16% Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 53.0 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 32 Adj % IMF NA % IMF Ratio NA Adj REA NA REA Ratio NA Adj Rib Fat NA Rib Fat Ratio NA Adj Rump Fat NA Rump Fat Ratio NA Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 54.0 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 33 Adj % IMF NA % IMF Ratio NA Adj REA NA REA Ratio NA Adj Rib Fat NA Rib Fat Ratio NA Adj Rump Fat NA Rump Fat Ratio NA Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 52.0 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 34 Adj % IMF NA % IMF Ratio NA Adj REA NA REA Ratio NA Adj Rib Fat NA Rib Fat Ratio NA Adj Rump Fat NA Rump Fat Ratio NA Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 53.0 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 39 Adj % IMF NA % IMF Ratio NA Adj REA NA REA Ratio NA Adj Rib Fat NA Rib Fat Ratio NA Adj Rump Fat NA Rump Fat Ratio NA Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 53.0 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 38 Adj % IMF NA % IMF Ratio NA Adj REA NA REA Ratio NA Adj Rib Fat NA Rib Fat Ratio NA Adj Rump Fat NA Rump Fat Ratio NA

G A R Dual Threat Y60

G A R Combustion A086

G A R Combustion A091

G A R Phoenix A024


Once again we are offering our “repeat buyer credit policy.” This policy is the same as in previous years. If you purchased an animal in our May 2021, September 2021, January 2022 or April 2022 sales, you will receive 5% off your purchases in this sale. If you have not made a GAR purchase in the last 12 months, but make a purchase in this sale, you will become a repeat-buyer and receive 5% off of any future purchase you make in the next 12 months. This 5% discount is determined after all credits have been subtracted from the gross purchase price.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 14
Birth Date: 9/10/20 Bull +20008044 Tattoo: Y60 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +15/2% -.1/25% +74/15% +131/15% +.24/55% +1.69/90% +.6/45% +1.06/35% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +19/45% +13.8/30% +10/35% +32/15% +59/55% +.3/60% -21/70% CW MARB REA Fat +66/10% +.84/25% +1.18/2% -.006/25% $M $Weaning $Feedlot $G $Beef $Combined +82/10% +89/4% +112/10% +67/10% +180/5% +315/2% Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Sure Fire Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 G A R Dual Threat MCC Daybreak 19123898 G A R Daybreak A3010 G A R 5050 New Design A91 MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise G A R Objective R227 Ogeechee Sunrise 5049 G A R Fruition 18397443 Ogeechee Rita 3315 SJH Predestined of 544 0182 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 72 0 100 649 100 1390 100 4.61 107 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 2-74 2-102 2-116 2-111 28-98 28-100 28-100 28-99 Actual scrotal and hip height measurements. YW Adjusted to 452 days of Age. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 26
Birth Date: 10/29/20 Bull +19974651 Tattoo: A091 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +6/55% +2/70% +85/3% +150/3% +.27/30% +2.14/95% +.4/65% +.45/75% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +24/20% +6.1/95% +3/95% +24/60% +80/30% +.5/40% -26/80% CW MARB REA Fat +67/10% +1.37/2% +1.02/5% -.009/25% $M $Weaning $Feedlot $G $Beef $Combined +50/80% +86/5% +107/15% +89/1% +196/2% +304/4% Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Sure Fire Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 G A R Combustion G A R Momentum 18943322 G A R Momentum 1724 G A R 28 Ambush M91 MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise G A R Objective R227 CAM Sunrise A6052 G A R Prophet 18726130 G A R Prophet A2044 G A R 5050 New Design A84 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 72 1 100 664 100 1427 100 4.32 102 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-75 1-112 1-109 1-100 27-104 27-98 27-107 27-100 Actual scrotal and hip height measurements. YW Adjusted to 452 days of Age. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot
Birth Date: 10/23/20 Bull +19974649 Tattoo: A086 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +9/30% +.5/35% +77/10% +139/10% +.3/15% +1.22/65% +.6/45% +.43/80% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +28/10% +5.6/95% +3/95% +28/30% +65/50% +.4/50% -22/70% CW MARB REA Fat +50/40% +1.46/1% +.96/10% -.011/20% $M $Weaning $Feedlot $G $Beef $Combined +57/65% +86/5% +92/35% +92/1% +185/4% +297/5% Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Sure Fire Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 G A R Combustion G A R Momentum 18943322 G A R Momentum 1724 G A R 28 Ambush M91 MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise G A R Objective R227 CAM Sunrise A6052 G A R Prophet 18726130 G A R Prophet A2044 G A R 5050 New Design A84 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 73 1 100 640 100 1418 100 4.29 101 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-75 1-112 1-109 1-100 27-104 27-98 27-107 27-100 Actual scrotal and hip height measurements. YW Adjusted to 452 days of Age. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.
Lot 28
Birth Date: 8/20/20 Bull 19974734 Tattoo: A024 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +12/10% +.1/25% +79/10% +140/10% I+.28/25% I+1.58/85% I+.8/25% I+1.02/40% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN I+24/20% I+12.7/40% +11/25% +24/60% I+83/30% I+.7/25% -33/90% CW MARB REA Fat I+63/15% I+1.24/4% I+1.04/4% I+.01/50% $M $Weaning $Feedlot $G $Beef $Combined +68/35% +78/15% +113/10% +82/2% +195/2% +321/2% Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Sure Fire Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 G A R Phoenix G A R Prophet 18636106 G A R Prophet N744 G A R Daybreak 440 MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise G A R Objective R227 CAM Sunrise A8013 G A R Momentum 19352036 CAM OAF Momentum A4321 CAM-OAF Rita A2001 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 71 1 95 777 109 1840 100 4.17 100 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-71 1-95 1-109 1-100 - - -Actual scrotal and hip height measurements. YW Adjusted to 550 days of Age. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 29 METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 154/14% QPI/% 128/34% ROI/% 256/22% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 149/21% QPI/% 141/17% ROI/% 262/17% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 176/1% QPI/% 139/19% ROI/% 287/4% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 154/14% QPI/% 150/9% ROI/% 274/9% Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 53.0 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 40 Adj % IMF NA % IMF Ratio NA Adj REA NA REA Ratio NA Adj Rib Fat NA Rib Fat Ratio NA Adj Rump Fat NA Rump Fat Ratio NA Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 51.0 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 36 Adj % IMF NA % IMF Ratio NA Adj REA NA REA Ratio NA Adj Rib Fat NA Rib Fat Ratio NA Adj Rump Fat NA Rump Fat Ratio NA Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 53.5 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 37 Adj % IMF NA % IMF Ratio NA Adj REA NA REA Ratio NA Adj Rib Fat NA Rib Fat Ratio NA Adj Rump Fat NA Rump Fat Ratio NA Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 56.0 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 43 Adj % IMF NA % IMF Ratio NA Adj REA NA REA Ratio NA Adj Rib Fat NA Rib Fat Ratio NA Adj Rump Fat NA Rump Fat Ratio NA
20 Month Old Bulls

G A R Home Town J1133

GAR Home town J1133

The Meating Demand offering features 91 bulls mostly sired by GAR Home Town, GAR Quantum, GAR Ashland and GAR Combustion. These 14-16 month old bulls rank in the top 10% of the Angus breed for calving ease, top 2% for marbling, top 4% for $B and $C and top 10% for ribeye. The entire offering ranks in the top 16% of the unique Method Genetics database for retained ownership income (ROI), which is the most complete index from birth to harvest available in the beef industry.

14-16 Month Old Bulls

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 15
Birth Date: 3/17/21 Bull +20157668 Tattoo: J1133 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +13/10% -.4/20% +70/20% +136/10% +.32/5% +1.79/95% +.8/25% +.2/90% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +25/20% +13.7/30% +12/15% +31/15% +124/3% +.9/10% -51/95% CW MARB REA Fat +60/20% +1.7/1% +.86/15% -.004/30% $M $W $F $G $B $C +47/90% +74/20% +111/10% +101/1% +212/1% +322/1% G A R Early Bird G A R Ashland Chair Rock Ambush 1018 G A R Home Town G A R Sure Fire 19266718 Chair Rock Sure Fire 6095 Chair Rock Progress 3005 G A R Momentum G A R Method G A R Daybreak 1332 Maplecrest Eva 8012 EXAR Denver 2002B 19290697 Maplecrest Eva 4019 Maplecrest Eva 9005 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 0 656 100 1154 100 4.74 129 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 2-66 1-100 1-116 1-107 7-109 7-99 7-100 7-98 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 30 G A R Home Town J1175 Birth Date: 3/1/21 Bull +20157702 Tattoo: J1175 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +10/20% +.5/35% +75/15% +123/25% +.22/70% +1.48/80% +.7/30% +.85/50% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +21/35% +13/40% +11/25% +30/20% +66/50% +.5/40% -23/75% CW MARB REA Fat +53/35% +2.01/1% +.74/30% -.049/2% $M $W $F $G $B $C +76/15% +88/4% +95/30% +117/1% +211/1% +350/1% G A R Early Bird G A R Ashland Chair Rock Ambush 1018 G A R Home Town G A R Sure Fire 19266718 Chair Rock Sure Fire 6095 Chair Rock Progress 3005 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet 685 B/R Ambush 28 18333056 G A R 28 Ambush 981 G A R Predestined 1869 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 70 0 100 516 100 1090 100 3.91 80 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 3-70 2-94 2-104 2-100 36-107 36-99 36-89 36-95 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 31 METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 130/60% QPI/% 163/3% ROI/% 260/19% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 142/34% QPI/% 156/5% ROI/% 267/13% Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 51.3 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 34.22 Adj % IMF 10.77 % IMF Ratio 119 Adj REA 12.3 REA Ratio 101 Adj Rib Fat .31 Rib Fat Ratio 100 Adj Rump Fat .33 Rump Fat Ratio 103 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 50.7 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 35.7 Adj % IMF 9.78 % IMF Ratio 111 Adj REA 12 REA Ratio 91 Adj Rib Fat .24 Rib Fat Ratio 77 Adj Rump Fat .27 Rump Fat Ratio 73
/ /

GAR Home town 971w

The four largest packers reported a dramatic increase in the premiums earned for Certified Angus Beef® brand. Annual grid, formula and contract premiums paid on CAB carcasses in 2021 totaled $182 million, an increase in the 2019 record of $92 million

G A R Home Town 971W

Making sure we stay focused on our customers’ needs requires us to never lose sight of the details. The smallest detail like weighing every calf born on the ranch is as important as collecting harvest data on more than 3500 head of home-raised and customer cattle each year. Why?

Accountability, reliability, and accuracy from birth to harvest. We are the beginning of the supply chain. If we fail, quality and consistency in the supply chain is challenged, and the customer must then make the final decision whether or not beef is a good value.

We KNOW beef is a very good value when we design the best beef possible!

/ / 14-16 Month Old Bulls Gardiner
Angus Ranch • Page
Birth Date: 2/3/21 Bull 20125753 Tattoo: 971W EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +7/45% +1.2/50% +77/10% +134/10% +.33/3% +.97/50% +1/10% +1.08/35% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +33/2% +11.9/50% +10/35% +28/30% +77/35% +.7/25% -27/80% CW MARB REA Fat +69/10% +1.1/10% +1.25/1% -.077/1% $M $W $F $G $B $C +70/30% +84/10% +117/5% +85/1% +202/1% +332/1% G A R Early Bird G A R Ashland Chair Rock Ambush 1018 G A R Home Town G A R Sure Fire 19266718 Chair Rock Sure Fire 6095 Chair Rock Progress 3005 A A R Ten X 7008 S A Deer Valley All In Deer Valley Rita 0274 G A R All In N466 MCC Daybreak 18765491 G A R Daybreak 842 G A R 5050 New Design 649 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 75 1 103 577 100 718 74 1.06 27 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 3-75 3-103 3-101 3-93 2-80 2-103 2-79 2-85 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 32 G A R Home Town J1194 Birth Date: 3/16/21 Bull +20157672 Tattoo: J1194 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +11/15% +.7/40% +75/15% +131/15% +.29/20% +1.09/55% +.8/25% +.63/65% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +22/30% +10.8/65% +13/10% +30/20% +87/25% +.9/10% -33/90% CW MARB REA Fat +57/25% +1.52/1% +1.28/1% -.066/1% $M $W $F $G $B $C +59/60% +84/10% +102/20% +103/1% +205/1% +325/1% G A R Early Bird G A R Ashland Chair Rock Ambush 1018 G A R Home Town G A R Sure Fire 19266718 Chair Rock Sure Fire 6095 Chair Rock Progress 3005 MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise G A R Objective R227 Maplecrest Blackcap 8032 G A R 100X 19289221 Maplecrest Blackcap 6042 Maplecrest Blackcap 3007 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 76 0 100 732 100 1246 100 4.67 101 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 2-71 1-100 1-108 1-100 5-103 5-96 5-73 5-80 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 33 METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 146/27% QPI/% 149/9% ROI/% 265/14% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 150/20% QPI/% 165/2% ROI/% 282/5% Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 47.9 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 29.9 Adj % IMF 5.87 % IMF Ratio 72 Adj REA 12.6 REA Ratio 105 Adj Rib Fat .22 Rib Fat Ratio 76 Adj Rump Fat .23 Rump Fat Ratio 72 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 53.2 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 36.18 Adj % IMF 8.4 % IMF Ratio 105 Adj REA 14.7 REA Ratio 104 Adj Rib Fat .3 Rib Fat Ratio 81 Adj Rump Fat .44 Rump Fat Ratio 107

G A R Quantum 12M

GAR QuAntum 12m

As we share the final carcass summary of our home-raised steers, it’s important to note these steers were harvested at 14-16 months of age. Six steers sired by GAR Quantum were in the home-raised group. The steers posted average 365 adj. wt. of 1,370, 928 hot carcass wt. , 15.4 sq. in. ribeye and graded 100% Choice and Prime. The Quantum steers were harvested, on avg., at 491 days of age.

G A R Quantum J1091

We have almost daily conversations with customers asking about the traits that have significance to them. They want to talk about what maternal function means to them, how acceptable, functional feet are necessary, and how, or if, they need to understand genetic predictions like the PAP EPD. PAP is not a trait producers from the Great Plains need to monitor. However, Gardiner Angus Ranch needs to be cognizant of this for our customers operating ranches at a higher altitude. These discussions help us all understand the magnitude of these traits and how they affect their operations.

/ / 14-16 Month Old Bulls Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 17
Birth Date: 3/10/21 Bull +20062509 Tattoo: 12M EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +9/30% +2.9/85% +92/1% +167/1% +.31/10% +2.51/95% +.9/15% +.98/40% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +31/3% +6.7/95% +4/90% +25/55% +117/4% +1.3/2% -44/95% CW MARB REA Fat +81/2% +1.21/4% +1.32/1% +.014/55% $M $W $F $G $B $C +57/65% +86/5% +123/3% +84/1% +207/1% +325/1% G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Quantum Connealy In Sure 8524 18636059 G A R In Sure 1524 G A R Complete 3011 G A R Early Bird G A R Ashland Chair Rock Ambush 1018 Mason Ashland 829M G A R Prophet 19427694 Chair Rock Prophet 5108 Chair Rock Ingenuity 3113 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 85 1 104 630 97 1182 103 4.99 114 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT - 1-100 1-100 - 2-99 2-98 2-100 2-102 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 34
Birth Date: 2/22/21 Bull +20157578 Tattoo: J1091 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +6/55% +4.5/95% +89/2% +152/2% +.23/65% +2.65/95% +1.1/5% +.86/50% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +26/15% +6.6/95% +7/70% +25/55% +83/30% +.7/25% -28/85% CW MARB REA Fat +75/3% +1.43/1% +1.12/2% +.011/50% $M $W $F $G $B $C +64/45% +84/10% +109/10% +91/1% +200/1% +323/1% G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Quantum Connealy In Sure 8524 18636059 G A R In Sure 1524 G A R Complete 3011 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet 685 B/R Ambush 28 18333056 G A R 28 Ambush 981 G A R Predestined 1869 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 83 1 109 661 100 1136 100 4.46 100 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 3-70 2-94 2-104 2-100 36-107 36-99 36-89 36-95 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 35 METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 160/8% QPI/% 147/11% ROI/% 278/7% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 171/2% QPI/% 144/14% ROI/% 286/4% Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 52 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 34.99 Adj % IMF 7.68 % IMF Ratio 104 Adj REA 14.8 REA Ratio 107 Adj Rib Fat .34 Rib Fat Ratio 103 Adj Rump Fat .33 Rump Fat Ratio 106 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 53 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 35.48 Adj % IMF 7.9 % IMF Ratio 100 Adj REA 14.5 REA Ratio 100 Adj Rib Fat .3 Rib Fat Ratio 100 Adj Rump Fat .35 Rump Fat Ratio 100

G A R Combustion J1179

G A R Phoenix J1203

Month Old Bulls

G A R Combustion J1154

G A R Phoenix 131J

G A R Combustion J1159

G A R Fireball G1038

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 18
Birth Date: 3/3/21 Bull +20156245 Tattoo: J1179 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +10/20% +1.6/60% +85/3% +146/4% +.31/10% +1.45/80% +1.1/5% +.54/70% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +16/60% +10.9/65% +13/10% +27/40% +101/15% +.9/10% -38/95% CW MARB REA Fat +69/10% +1.44/1% +1.05/4% +.009/45% $M $W $F $G $B $C +57/65% +89/4% +109/10% +91/1% +200/1% +316/2% Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Sure Fire Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 G A R Combustion G A R Momentum 18943322 G A R Momentum 1724 G A R 28 Ambush M91 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet 685 B/R Ambush 28 18333056 G A R 28 Ambush 981 G A R Predestined 1869 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 67 0 100 620 100 1278 100 5.95 121 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 3-70 2-94 2-104 2-100 36-107 36-99 36-89 36-95 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 36
Birth Date: 3/3/21 Bull +20157496 Tattoo: J1154 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +12/10% +1.5/60% +75/15% +137/10% +.35/2% +.73/30% +.6/45% +.65/65% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +22/30% +2.4/95% +11/25% +28/30% +73/40% +.5/40% -25/80% CW MARB REA Fat +58/25% +1.34/2% +1.14/2% +.012/50% $M $W $F $G $B $C +43/95% +81/10% +113/10% +88/1% +201/1% +304/4% Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Sure Fire Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 G A R Combustion G A R Momentum 18943322 G A R Momentum 1724 G A R 28 Ambush M91 G A R Momentum G A R Method G A R Daybreak 1332 KW 1779 Method 7103 G A R New Design 5050 18784311 G A R 5050 New Design 1779G A R Objective 1067 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 80 0 100 667 100 1104 100 4.23 90 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT - 2-103 2-106 2-108 8-105 8-100 8-100 8-100 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 37
Birth Date: 3/6/21 Bull +20157501 Tattoo: J1159 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +9/30% +2.6/80% +80/10% +144/5% +.35/2% +.97/50% +.5/55% -.17/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +23/25% +9.2/80% +10/35% +31/15% +91/20% +.5/40% -35/95% CW MARB REA Fat +67/10% +1.27/3% +1.26/1% -.019/15% $M $W $F $G $B $C +61/55% +85/10% +120/4% +88/1% +208/1% +331/1% Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Sure Fire Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 G A R Combustion G A R Momentum 18943322 G A R Momentum 1724 G A R 28 Ambush M91 G A R Momentum G A R Method G A R Daybreak 1332 KW 1779 Method 7103 G A R New Design 5050 18784311 G A R 5050 New Design 1779G A R Objective 1067 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 84 0 100 574 100 1233 100 4.6 98 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT - 2-103 2-106 2-108 8-105 8-100 8-100 8-100 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 38
Birth Date: 3/18/21 Bull +20156248 Tattoo: J1203 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +8/35% +.6/35% +77/10% +146/4% +.31/10% +2.07/95% +.9/15% +1.88/4% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +23/25% +10.5/70% +7/70% +26/45% +139/1% +1/10% -55/95% CW MARB REA Fat +74/4% +1.25/3% +.88/15% +.014/55% $M $W $F $G $B $C +40/95% +73/25% +122/3% +80/2% +202/1% +302/4% Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Sure Fire Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 G A R Phoenix G A R Prophet 18636106 G A R Prophet N744 G A R Daybreak 440 EXAR Upshot 0562B EXAR Denver 2002B Exar Royal Lass 1067 Maplecrest Eva 4019 G A R Solution 17840163 Maplecrest Eva 9005 Maplecrest Eva 7010 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 82 0 100 666 100 1287 100 4.99 108 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-70 1-108 1-99 1-101 17-97 17-99 17-110 17-101 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 39
Birth Date: 2/23/21 Bull +20021953 Tattoo: 131J EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +10/20% +.3/30% +74/15% +136/10% +.29/20% +1.61/90% +1.2/3% +.92/45% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +25/20% +14.3/25% +2/95% +34/10% +107/10% +1.2/3% -45/95% CW MARB REA Fat +75/3% +1.14/10% +.91/15% -.018/15% $M $W $F $G $B $C +51/80% +83/10% +123/3% +78/3% +201/1% +312/3% Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Sure Fire Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 G A R Phoenix G A R Prophet 18636106 G A R Prophet N744 G A R Daybreak 440 G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Momentum 2346 SydGen Trust 6228 18635955 G A R Trust N1223 G A R 28 Ambush C19 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 72 1 100 614 100 1144 100 4.23 108 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 3-64 2-96 2-100 2-98 7-98 7-98 7-88 7-91 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 40
Birth Date: 3/5/21 Bull 20178738 Tattoo: G1038 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +9/30% +1.7/60% +70/20% +126/20% +.31/10% +.98/50% +.7/30% +.46/75% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +23/25% +11.9/50% +10/35% +22/75% +90/20% +.7/25% -30/85% CW MARB REA Fat +56/25% +1.53/1% +1.32/1% -.027/10% $M $W $F $G $B $C +58/65% +66/40% +103/20% +101/1% +204/1% +323/1% G A R Sure Fire G A R Sure Fire 6404 G A R Complete N281 GB Fireball 672 G A R Anticipation 18690054 GB Anticipation 432 GB Ambush 269 G A R Momentum G A R Method G A R Daybreak 1332 Goode Method 8845 G A R Quanah 687L 19444035 Goode Quanah 6872 G A R Daybreak M562 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 1 817 113 1071 100 4 100 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT - - 1-113 1-100 1-100 1-100 1-100 1-100 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 41 METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 163/6% QPI/% 158/4% ROI/% 289/3% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 157/11% QPI/% 149/9% ROI/% 276/8% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 163/6% QPI/% 149/9% ROI/% 282/5% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 158/10% QPI/% 181/1% ROI/% 303/1% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 152/17% QPI/% 176/1% ROI/% 293/2% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 140/38% QPI/% 142/16% ROI/% 254/24% Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 52.8 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 33.77 Adj % IMF 8.02 % IMF Ratio 91 Adj REA 14.2 REA Ratio 108 Adj Rib Fat .4 Rib Fat Ratio 129 Adj Rump Fat .45 Rump Fat Ratio 122 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 49.8 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 33.77 Adj % IMF 9.06 % IMF Ratio 103 Adj REA 13.5 REA Ratio 102 Adj Rib Fat .38 Rib Fat Ratio 109 Adj Rump Fat .43 Rump Fat Ratio 110 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 50.9 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 29.86 Adj % IMF 6.97 % IMF Ratio 79 Adj REA 15.3 REA Ratio 116 Adj Rib Fat .37 Rib Fat Ratio 106 Adj Rump Fat .34 Rump Fat Ratio 87 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 51.8 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 38.25 Adj % IMF 7.76 % IMF Ratio 97 Adj REA 15 REA Ratio 106 Adj Rib Fat .41 Rib Fat Ratio 111 Adj Rump Fat .43 Rump Fat Ratio 105 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 54 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 34.51 Adj % IMF 8.7 % IMF Ratio 96 Adj REA 13.2 REA Ratio 98 Adj Rib Fat .24 Rib Fat Ratio 67 Adj Rump Fat .39 Rump Fat Ratio 98 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 51.9 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 34.36 Adj % IMF 7.99 % IMF Ratio 100 Adj REA 12.5 REA Ratio 100 Adj Rib Fat .22 Rib Fat Ratio 100 Adj Rump Fat .25 Rump Fat Ratio 100 14-16

G A R Fireball L141

G A R Sure Fire K1

G A R Xceptional 31B

G A R Sure Fire K11

G A R Ashland D631

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 19
Birth Date: 2/5/21 Bull +20158921 Tattoo: L141 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +6/55% +3.1/90% +84/3% +151/3% +.35/2% +1.25/70% +.8/25% +.84/50% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +31/3% +5.6/95% +11/25% +11/95% +97/15% +.9/10% -27/80% CW MARB REA Fat +57/25% +1.31/2% +1.11/3% -.052/1% $M $W $F $G $B $C +44/90% +62/50% +106/15% +91/1% +197/2% +300/5% G A R Sure Fire G A R Sure Fire 6404 G A R Complete N281 GB Fireball 672 G A R Anticipation 18690054 GB Anticipation 432 GB Ambush 269 G A R Prophet G A R Proactive G A R Daybreak 1521 Goode Proactive 8881 G A R Quanah 687L 19444070 Goode Quanah 6873 G A R Daybreak M562 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 69 1 100 542 100 1097 100 3.79 100 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-67 - - - 6-109 6-99 6-105 6-105 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 42
Birth Date: 1/14/21 Bull 20276288 Tattoo: K1 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +15/2% -.7/15% +54/70% +111/40% I+.26/40% I+1.06/55% +.3/75% +1.22/30% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN I+31/3% I+9.9/75% +10/35% +31/15% I+41/80% I+.2/70% -16/55% CW MARB REA Fat +42/60% +1.59/1% +.76/30% +.023/70% $M $W $F $G $B $C +64/45% +60/55% +100/20% +93/1% +193/2% +314/2% Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Momentum 2806 G A R Prophet 18635996 G A R Prophet F104 G A R 5050 New Design N430 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 79 1 103 659 95 1315 103 5.77 112 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 2-74 2-96 2-92 2-90 2-136 2-88 2-98 2-95 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot
Birth Date: 1/15/21 Bull 20276289 Tattoo: K11 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +11/15% +.8/40% +62/45% +111/40% I+.29/20% I+1.04/55% +.4/65% +.64/65% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN I+26/15% I+9.7/75% +9/45% +27/40% I+59/55% I+.2/70% -14/45% CW MARB REA Fat +47/50% +1/15% +.96/10% -.021/15% $M $W $F $G $B $C +68/35% +65/40% +94/30% +73/5% +167/15% +285/10% Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise G A R Objective R227 G A R Sunrise N856 G A R Prediction 18768508 G A R Prediction 762 G A R 28 Ambush 1069 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 75 1 97 723 105 1230 97 4.48 87 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 2-85 2-107 2-110 2-105 2-91 2-106 2-81 2-88 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 44 G A R West Point P251 Birth Date: 3/5/21 Bull +20144082 Tattoo: P251 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +13/10% +.9/45% +74/15% +135/10% +.27/30% +1.59/90% +.9/15% +1.43/20% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +18/50% +9/85% +12/15% +26/45% +95/15% +1/10% -35/95% CW MARB REA Fat +64/15% +1.51/1% +.85/20% +.001/35% $M $W $F $G $B $C +46/90% +76/20% +113/10% +92/1% +205/1% +312/3% G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 E W A West Point 7258 Plattemere Weigh Up K360 19054061 E W A 3114 of 128 Weigh UpEdgewood Jaunty 128 G A R Daylight G A R Early Bird G A R Progress 830 G A R Early Bird 1526 G A R Sure Fire 18635890 G A R Sure Fire 2014 G A R Progress N1531 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 72 1 100 578 100 1128 100 2.99 67 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-72 1-107 1-108 - 3-103 3-97 3-98 3-107 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.
Lot 45
Birth Date: 1/18/21 Bull 20221024 Tattoo: 31B EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +5/65% +2.8/85% +79/10% +147/4% +.31/10% +1.72/95% +.8/25% -.72/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +36/1% +6/95% +10/35% +36/4% +64/50% +.6/30% -26/80% CW MARB REA Fat +68/10% +1.2/4% +1.06/4% +.025/70% $M $W $F $G $B $C +68/35% +90/3% +117/5% +79/3% +196/2% +322/1% Mytty In Focus A A R Ten X 7008 S A A A R Lady Kelton 5551 G A R Xceptional MCC Daybreak 18082928 G A R Daybreak A3010 G A R 5050 New Design A91 G A R Momentum G A R Method G A R Daybreak 1332 Ogeechee Method 84 G A R Prophet 19435484 Ogeechee Prophet 4016G Ogeechee GAR Rita 1019G BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 77 1 100 724 100 927 100 1.63 100 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-77 1-100 1-100 1-100 1-100 1-100 1-100 1-100 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot
Birth Date: 1/13/21 Bull 20027873 Tattoo: D631 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +14/4% -.5/15% +83/4% +141/10% +.28/25% +1.52/85% +.4/65% +.54/70% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +16/60% +9.6/80% +10/35% +21/80% +103/10% +.3/60% -36/95% CW MARB REA Fat +64/15% +1.37/2% +1.23/1% -.03/10% $M $W $F $G $B $C +54/75% +84/10% +106/15% +93/1% +200/1% +313/2% G A R Daylight G A R Early Bird G A R Progress 830 G A R Ashland B/R Ambush 28 18217198 Chair Rock Ambush 1018 G A R Yield Grade N366 MCC Daybreak G A R Daylight G A R Objective R227 G A R Daylight N715 B/R Ambush 28 18446083 G A R 28 Ambush 180 G A R Predestined L57 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 65 1 102 637 104 1003 100 4.18 100 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 3-64 2-104 2-102 1-100 1-100 1-100 1-100 1-100 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 47 METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 157/11% QPI/% 156/5% ROI/% 282/5% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 154/14% QPI/% 162/3% ROI/% 284/5% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 152/17% QPI/% 137/21% ROI/% 262/17% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 157/11% QPI/% 188/1% ROI/% 307/1% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 145/28% QPI/% 155/6% ROI/% 269/12% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 143/32% QPI/% 148/10% ROI/% 261/18% Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 51 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 33.94 Adj % IMF 10.76 % IMF Ratio 135 Adj REA 12.5 REA Ratio 91 Adj Rib Fat .21 Rib Fat Ratio 88 Adj Rump Fat .28 Rump Fat Ratio 97 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 52.4 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 37.26 Adj % IMF 9.24 % IMF Ratio 117 Adj REA 12.2 REA Ratio 98 Adj Rib Fat .27 Rib Fat Ratio 135 Adj Rump Fat .34 Rump Fat Ratio 117 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 52.4 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 35.29 Adj % IMF 6.56 % IMF Ratio 83 Adj REA 12.6 REA Ratio 102 Adj Rib Fat .13 Rib Fat Ratio 65 Adj Rump Fat .23 Rump Fat Ratio 79 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 50.9 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 34.83 Adj % IMF 8.98 % IMF Ratio 96 Adj REA 12.8 REA Ratio 99 Adj Rib Fat .28 Rib Fat Ratio 97 Adj Rump Fat .45 Rump Fat Ratio 118 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 48.5 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 30.88 Adj % IMF 7.07 % IMF Ratio 100 Adj REA 10.9 REA Ratio 100 Adj Rib Fat .19 Rib Fat Ratio 100 Adj Rump Fat .23 Rump Fat Ratio 100 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 49.4 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 35.2 Adj % IMF 8 % IMF Ratio 100 Adj REA 13.6 REA Ratio 100 Adj Rib Fat .31 Rib Fat Ratio 100 Adj Rump Fat .34 Rump Fat Ratio 100 14-16 Month Old Bulls

G A R Ashland L271

G A R Ashland 131L

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 20
Birth Date: 1/29/21 Bull +20157543 Tattoo: L271 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +16/1% -.6/15% +75/15% +137/10% +.32/5% +1.24/65% +.6/45% +.5/75% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +27/15% +12.2/45% +5/85% +37/3% +77/35% +.4/50% -32/90% CW MARB REA Fat +68/10% +1.1/10% +.96/10% -.028/10% $M $W $F $G $B $C +61/55% +93/2% +119/4% +78/3% +197/2% +317/2% G A R Daylight G A R Early Bird G A R Progress 830 G A R Ashland B/R Ambush 28 18217198 Chair Rock Ambush 1018 G A R Yield Grade N366 G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 RCC Momentum L1187 G A R Prophet 19094672 G A R Prophet F534 G A R 5050 New Design G212 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 68 1 100 602 100 1018 100 4.25 99 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT - 2-108 2-115 - 5-90 5-94 5-78 5-72 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 48 G A R Ashland 1E [M1P] Birth Date: 1/24/21 Bull 19968406 Tattoo: 1E EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +8/35% +3.1/90% +80/10% +139/10% +.28/25% +1.32/75% +.6/45% -.29/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +27/15% +11.8/50% +7/70% +23/70% +85/25% +.4/50% -28/85% CW MARB REA Fat +66/10% +1.16/5% +.97/10% +.003/40% $M $W $F $G $B $C +67/35% +76/20% +117/5% +78/3% +195/2% +320/2% G A R Daylight G A R Early Bird G A R Progress 830 G A R Ashland B/R Ambush 28 18217198 Chair Rock Ambush 1018 G A R Yield Grade N366 G A R Momentum G A R Method G A R Daybreak 1332 Martin Method 8509 G A R Sure Fire 19396032 Martin Sure Fire 6546 Echo Ridge Barbara 1848 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 75 1 109 620 96 1102 101 4.62 127 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT - 1-109 1-96 1-101 1-87 1-101 1-88 1-111 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 49
Birth Date: 4/10/21 Bull +20218575 Tattoo: 131L EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +6/55% +3.4/90% +78/10% +143/5% +.31/10% +1.55/85% +.7/30% +1.37/20% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +13/75% +5.7/95% +5/85% +20/85% +110/10% +.8/15% -38/95% CW MARB REA Fat +69/10% +1/15% +1.17/2% +.006/45% $M $Weaning $Feedlot $G $Beef $Combined +23/95% +64/45% +118/5% +73/5% +191/3% +271/20% G A R Daylight G A R Early Bird G A R Progress 830 G A R Ashland B/R Ambush 28 18217198 Chair Rock Ambush 1018 G A R Yield Grade N366 Gardens Highmark Rito 9Q13 of Rita 5F56 GHMRita 5F56 of 1I98 FD Cox Rita 7M69 3260 G A R Predestined 17852140 Rita 7M69 of 2536 PRED G A R Precision 2536 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 72 1 100 687 100 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT - 2-101 2-98 2-101 7-107 7-98 7-94 7-101 Ultrasound at 303 days of age. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 50
A R Ashland 1011W Birth Date: 1/26/21 Bull +20122941 Tattoo: 1011W EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +12/10% -.3/20% +73/15% +133/15% +.26/40% +1.76/95% +.6/45% +1.19/30% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +28/10% +10.3/70% +3/95% +34/10% +71/40% +.4/50% -28/85% CW MARB REA Fat +62/15% +1.32/2% +.86/15% +.023/70% $M $W $F $G $B $C +61/55% +88/4% +107/15% +82/2% +190/3% +307/3% G A R Daylight G A R Early Bird G A R Progress 830 G A R Ashland B/R Ambush 28 18217198 Chair Rock Ambush 1018 G A R Yield Grade N366 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Sure Fire Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Ogeechee Sure Fire 714 MCC Daybreak 19349832 G A R Daybreak A3010 G A R 5050 New Design A91 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 74 1 100 578 100 1044 100 4.87 107 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-78 1-111 2-105 2-102 4-99 4-103 4-109 4-107 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot
METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 160/8% QPI/% 142/16% ROI/% 274/9% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 149/21% QPI/% 132/28% ROI/% 255/23% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 161/7% QPI/% 140/18% ROI/% 273/9% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 138/43% QPI/% 160/4% ROI/% 266/14% Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 50.8 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 32.71 Adj % IMF 7.58 % IMF Ratio 99 Adj REA 12.9 REA Ratio 98 Adj Rib Fat .2 Rib Fat Ratio 71 Adj Rump Fat .24 Rump Fat Ratio 75 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 50.7 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 34.08 Adj % IMF 6.71 % IMF Ratio 87 Adj REA 13.3 REA Ratio 101 Adj Rib Fat .28 Rib Fat Ratio 88 Adj Rump Fat .39 Rump Fat Ratio 111 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht NA Adj Yrlg Scr Circm NA Adj % IMF NA % IMF Ratio NA Adj REA NA REA Ratio NA Adj Rib Fat NA Rib Fat Ratio NA Adj Rump Fat NA Rump Fat Ratio NA Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 50.7 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 36.62 Adj % IMF 7.72 % IMF Ratio 92 Adj REA 12.6 REA Ratio 95 Adj Rib Fat .34 Rib Fat Ratio 83 Adj Rump Fat .34 Rump Fat Ratio 81 14-16

G A R Ashland L111

G A R Combustion J1156

G A R Combustion 171G

G A R Combustion J1171

14-16 Month Old Bulls

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 21
Birth Date: 1/24/21 Bull +20157539 Tattoo: L111 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +15/2% +0/25% +80/10% +137/10% +.29/20% +1.23/65% +.8/25% +1.1/35% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +21/35% +6.4/95% +12/15% +39/2% +70/45% +.7/25% -30/85% CW MARB REA Fat +68/10% +1.01/15% +1.08/3% -.021/15% $M $W $F $G $B $C +63/50% +102/1% +110/10% +75/4% +185/4% +303/4% G A R Daylight G A R Early Bird G A R Progress 830 G A R Ashland B/R Ambush 28 18217198 Chair Rock Ambush 1018 G A R Yield Grade N366 G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 RCC Momentum L1187 G A R Prophet 19094672 G A R Prophet F534 G A R 5050 New Design G212 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 53 1 100 499 100 1016 100 4.02 94 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT - 2-108 2-115 - 5-90 5-94 5-78 5-72 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 52
Birth Date: 2/3/21 Bull 20222740 Tattoo: 171G EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +12/10% +.2/30% +69/25% +127/20% +.28/25% +1.27/70% +.4/65% +.14/90% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +14/70% +6.8/95% +16/1% +28/30% +50/70% +.5/40% -15/50% CW MARB REA Fat +58/25% +1.64/1% +.68/40% +.054/95% $M $W $F $G $B $C +62/50% +78/15% +107/15% +92/1% +199/1% +320/2% Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Sure Fire Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 G A R Combustion G A R Momentum 18943322 G A R Momentum 1724 G A R 28 Ambush M91 MCC Daybreak G A R Daydream G A R 5050 New Design 1779 Ogeechee CAM Daydream 5108 G A R Prophet 18679167 FF Rita 3F64 of 12E4 ProphetRita 12E4 of 5F56 Rito 5M2 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 69 1 97 612 101 993 103 3.54 106 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 2-68 2-97 2-99 2-98 2-109 2-98 2-134 2-128 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 53
Birth Date: 3/6/21 Bull +20157498 Tattoo: J1156 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +11/15% +2.1/70% +79/10% +136/10% +.3/15% +.94/45% +.6/45% +.74/60% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +25/20% +8.4/90% +11/25% +20/85% +76/35% +.6/30% -22/70% CW MARB REA Fat +60/20% +1.34/2% +1.04/4% -.004/30% $M $W $F $G $B $C +64/45% +75/20% +111/10% +87/1% +199/1% +322/1% Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Sure Fire Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 G A R Combustion G A R Momentum 18943322 G A R Momentum 1724 G A R 28 Ambush M91 G A R Momentum G A R Method G A R Daybreak 1332 KW 1779 Method 7103 G A R New Design 5050 18784311 G A R 5050 New Design 1779G A R Objective 1067 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 80 0 100 654 100 1206 100 5.1 109 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT - 2-103 2-106 2-108 8-105 8-100 8-100 8-100 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.
Lot 54
Birth Date: 2/28/21 Bull +20156241 Tattoo: J1171 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +8/35% +3/85% +79/10% +137/10% +.27/30% +1.65/90% +.8/25% +.22/90% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +11/80% +8/90% +8/55% +34/10% +69/45% +.5/40% -27/80% CW MARB REA Fat +57/25% +1.61/1% +.67/40% +.016/60% $M $W $F $G $B $C +60/55% +89/4% +95/30% +93/1% +188/3% +304/4% Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Sure Fire Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 G A R Combustion G A R Momentum 18943322 G A R Momentum 1724 G A R 28 Ambush M91 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet 685 B/R Ambush 28 18333056 G A R 28 Ambush 981 G A R Predestined 1869 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 76 0 100 642 100 1202 100 5.15 105 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 3-70 2-94 2-104 2-100 36-107 36-99 36-89 36-95 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 55 METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 164/5% QPI/% 138/20% ROI/% 274/9% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 150/20% QPI/% 170/1% ROI/% 286/4% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 151/18% QPI/% 166/2% ROI/% 284/5% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 133/54% QPI/% 138/20% ROI/% 243/35% Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 50.7 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 35.55 Adj % IMF 7.43 % IMF Ratio 97 Adj REA 11.5 REA Ratio 87 Adj Rib Fat .19 Rib Fat Ratio 68 Adj Rump Fat .2 Rump Fat Ratio 63 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 48.9 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 28.9 Adj % IMF 8.8 % IMF Ratio 110 Adj REA 11.8 REA Ratio 105 Adj Rib Fat .35 Rib Fat Ratio 130 Adj Rump Fat .41 Rump Fat Ratio 121 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 51.4 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 34.86 Adj % IMF 9.65 % IMF Ratio 110 Adj REA 12.3 REA Ratio 93 Adj Rib Fat .29 Rib Fat Ratio 83 Adj Rump Fat .37 Rump Fat Ratio 95 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 52.7 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 33.67 Adj % IMF 8.57 % IMF Ratio 97 Adj REA 12.3 REA Ratio 93 Adj Rib Fat .33 Rib Fat Ratio 106 Adj Rump Fat .41 Rump Fat Ratio 111

GAR Alternative 1004H

G A R K263 Prophet 31J

GAR Early Bird JG 359 241

G A R Quantum J1176

G A R Inertia 111J

G A R Quantum J1174

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 22
Birth Date: 1/14/21 Bull 20188357 Tattoo: 1004 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC I+10/20% I+2.3/75% I+70/20% I+134/10% I+.29/20% I+1.66/90% I+.4/65% I+.56/70% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN I+21/35% I+9.5/80% I+11/25% I+19/90% I+94/20% I+.7/25% -30/85% CW MARB REA Fat I+68/10% I+1.18/5% I+.77/25% I+.022/65% $M $W $F $G $B $C +48/85% +58/60% +124/3% +75/4% +199/1% +306/3% Poss Total Impact 745 Poss Easy Impact 0119 Poss Elmaretta 736 Baldridge Alternative E125 Hoover Dam 18837398 Baldridge Blackbird A030 Baldridge Blackbird X89 SydGen Exceed 3223 SydGen Enhance SydGen Rita 2618 Audley Rita G012 V A R Index 3282 19621259 Audley Rita E020 Ankony Miss Rita 3007 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 1 621 100 1178 100 4.9 100 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT - - 1-100 1-100 1-100 1-100 1-100 1-100 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 56
Birth Date: 2/26/21 Bull 20002347 Tattoo: 241 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +8/35% +2.1/70% +72/20% +129/15% +.27/30% +1.39/75% +1/10% +1.05/35% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +27/15% +12.7/40% +7/70% +30/20% +77/35% +.6/30% -28/85% CW MARB REA Fat +59/20% +1.35/2% +1.32/1% -.016/15% $M $W $F $G $B $C +66/40% +77/15% +104/15% +92/1% +196/2% +320/2% G A R Daylight G A R Early Bird G A R Progress 830 G A R Early Bird W678 G A R Prophet 19075268 RWA Prophet W1255 RWA Objective W99 K C F Bennett Absolute G A R Absolute N6616 G A R Daybreak 342 GAR Absolute N66 227 359 G A R Destination 5953 19412198 GAR Destination G289 227 G A R 28 Ambush G239 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 65 1 107 590 104 1158 109 3.1 119 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT - 1-107 1-104 1-109 1-107 1-112 1-118 1-106 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot
Birth Date: 2/22/21 Bull 20024187 Tattoo: 111J EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +14/4% -.8/15% +69/25% +136/10% +.31/10% +1.53/85% +.8/25% +.09/90% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +22/30% +10.9/65% +10/35% +32/15% +59/55% +.3/60% -21/70% CW MARB REA Fat +68/10% +1.3/3% +.61/50% +.064/95% $M $W $F $G $B $C +67/35% +81/10% +124/3% +75/4% +199/1% +325/1% G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Inertia G A R Prophet 18636043 G A R Prophet 2984 G A R Daybreak 1521 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Sure Fire Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 G A R Sure Fire F138 G A R Prophet 19123053 G A R Prophet 1254 G A R Daybreak 572 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 66 1 96 517 88 1090 100 4.55 101 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 2-65 2-99 2-91 2-95 2-91 2-95 2-89 2-99 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 58
Birth Date: 2/17/21 Bull 20021081 Tattoo: 31J EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +8/35% +.3/30% +81/5% +151/3% +.31/10% +1.99/95% +.7/30% -.26/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +35/1% +7.3/95% +12/15% +30/20% +84/25% +.8/15% -32/90% CW MARB REA Fat +71/10% +1.01/15% +.92/10% +.007/45% $M $W $F $G $B $C +64/45% +89/4% +119/4% +71/10% +190/3% +310/3% C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet K263 G A R New Design 5050 17799492 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 1131 Chair Rock Objective 7042 G A R Momentum G A R Method G A R Daybreak 1332 Willows Method 344G G A R Sure Fire 19402704 Chair Rock Sure Fire 7020 Chair Rock Early Bird 5013 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 59 1 93 574 98 1164 107 5.1 113 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT - 1-93 1-98 1-107 1-93 1-99 1-83 1-95 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.
Lot 59
Birth Date: 3/2/21 Bull +20157569 Tattoo: J1176 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +13/10% +1.4/55% +77/10% +129/15% +.24/55% +1.43/80% +.8/25% +.99/40% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +32/2% +13.2/35% +13/10% +30/20% +34/85% +.4/50% -8/30% CW MARB REA Fat +67/10% +1.25/3% +1.14/2% +.009/45% $M $W $F $G $B $C +105/1% +92/2% +109/10% +84/1% +193/2% +355/1% G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Quantum Connealy In Sure 8524 18636059 G A R In Sure 1524 G A R Complete 3011 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 Maplecrest Blackcap F5247 B/R Ambush 28 18471681 G A R 28 Ambush N340 G A R Predestined 2786 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 61 0 100 574 100 1097 100 4.67 95 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 2-63 2-94 2-110 2-105 38-106 38-103 38-107 38-104 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 60
Birth Date: 2/28/21 Bull +20157510 Tattoo: J1174 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +8/35% +2.9/85% +73/15% +132/15% +.29/20% +1.41/80% +.8/25% +1.83/5% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +29/10% +11.6/55% +13/10% +30/20% +65/50% +.6/30% -23/75% CW MARB REA Fat +61/20% +1.22/4% +1.36/1% +.008/45% $M $W $F $G $B $C +78/15% +77/15% +109/10% +85/1% +194/2% +330/1% G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Quantum Connealy In Sure 8524 18636059 G A R In Sure 1524 G A R Complete 3011 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Sure Fire Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Maplecrest Blackcap 7128 G A R Prophet 19106012 Maplecrest Blackcap F5247 G A R 28 Ambush N340 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 88 0 100 582 100 1179 100 5.17 105 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-69 1-97 1-104 - 16-95 16-102 16-106 16-99 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot
METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 154/14% QPI/% 130/31% ROI/% 258/20% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 163/6% QPI/% 148/10% ROI/% 281/6% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 160/8% QPI/% 146/12% ROI/% 277/7% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 118/82% QPI/% 160/4% ROI/% 246/32% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 132/56% QPI/% 147/11% ROI/% 250/28% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 149/21% QPI/% 152/7% ROI/% 271/10% Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 50.4 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 34.26 Adj % IMF 7.94 % IMF Ratio 100 Adj REA 10.9 REA Ratio 100 Adj Rib Fat .32 Rib Fat Ratio 100 Adj Rump Fat .32 Rump Fat Ratio 100 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 50.6 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 34.63 Adj % IMF 8.51 % IMF Ratio 107 Adj REA 14 REA Ratio 112 Adj Rib Fat .33 Rib Fat Ratio 118 Adj Rump Fat .35 Rump Fat Ratio 106 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 51.5 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 34 Adj % IMF 8.38 % IMF Ratio 99 Adj REA 12.6 REA Ratio 97 Adj Rib Fat .33 Rib Fat Ratio 92 Adj Rump Fat .34 Rump Fat Ratio 92 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 50.3 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 32.35 Adj % IMF 7.92 % IMF Ratio 93 Adj REA 12.9 REA Ratio 99 Adj Rib Fat .3 Rib Fat Ratio 83 Adj Rump Fat .35 Rump Fat Ratio 95 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 51.3 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 34.74 Adj % IMF 8.7 % IMF Ratio 99 Adj REA 13.8 REA Ratio 105 Adj Rib Fat .28 Rib Fat Ratio 90 Adj Rump Fat .39 Rump Fat Ratio 105 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 52.2 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 37.67 Adj % IMF 7.86 % IMF Ratio 89 Adj REA 14.6 REA Ratio 111 Adj Rib Fat .39 Rib Fat Ratio 126 Adj Rump Fat .34 Rump Fat Ratio 92 14-16 Month Old Bulls

G A R Quantum J1060

G A R Sitka 351J [M1P]

Lot 65


Any buyer of any lot or group in the sale will have $100 deducted from the purchase price of that lot or group if he provides for the transportation from GAR within two weeks after the sale.

Month Old Bulls

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 23
Birth Date: 1/26/21 Bull 20157466 Tattoo: J1060 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +13/10% +.1/25% +70/20% +132/15% +.29/20% +1.69/90% +.7/30% +1.8/10% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +35/1% +11.5/55% +13/10% +37/3% +73/40% +.5/40% -30/85% CW MARB REA Fat +63/15% +1.18/5% +1.25/1% +.026/70% $M $W $F $G $B $C +76/15% +86/5% +110/10% +81/2% +191/3% +324/1% G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Quantum Connealy In Sure 8524 18636059 G A R In Sure 1524 G A R Complete 3011 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Sure Fire Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Maplecrest Rita L9135 G A R Prophet 19572732 G A R Prophet 1754 G A R Daybreak C80 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 45 1 73 592 91 1142 98 4.78 103 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-45 1-73 1-91 1-98 1-102 1-99 1-109 1-122 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 62
Birth Date: 3/24/21 Bull 20055428 Tattoo: 351J EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +12/10% +1.6/60% +79/10% +146/4% +.3/15% +1.54/85% +.8/25% +1.38/20% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +15/65% +10.8/65% +15/2% +26/45% +77/35% +.7/25% -26/80% CW MARB REA Fat +70/10% +1.13/10% +1.05/4% +.018/60% $M $W $F $G $B $C +69/30% +82/10% +121/3% +77/3% +198/2% +326/1% G A R Early Bird G A R Ashland Chair Rock Ambush 1018 G A R Sitka G A R Prophet 19266822 G A R Prophet N1145 G A R 28 Ambush 01 2 Bar Entirety 9120 KW 0922 9120 5E27 W Waggoner 0922 of L272 5FM3 Blackbird of Willow 322 Connealy Right Answer 746 19013749 Blackbird 5068 of Dalebanks Blackbird 2031 of Dalebanks BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 69 1 100 655 98 1250 107 4.85 114 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT - 2-106 2-96 2-105 2-104 2-103 2-125 2-117 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 63
Birth Date: 2/18/21 Bull 20023177 Tattoo: 11J EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +15/2% +1/45% +66/30% +117/30% +.23/65% +1.34/75% +.4/65% +1.56/15% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +24/20% +7.8/90% +14/5% +34/10% +33/85% +.1/80% -10/35% CW MARB REA Fat +51/40% +1.77/1% +.94/10% +.025/70% $M $W $F $G $B $C +69/30% +83/10% +96/30% +103/1% +199/1% +327/1% G A R Early Bird G A R Ashland Chair Rock Ambush 1018 G A R Home Town G A R Sure Fire 19266718 Chair Rock Sure Fire 6095 Chair Rock Progress 3005 G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 Willows Momentum 159G G A R Prophecy 19489990 G A R Prophecy 1435 G A R Daybreak N653 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 68 1 106 531 91 1032 95 4.48 100 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT - 1-106 1-91 1-95 1-110 1-98 1-94 1-116 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.
64 G A R Home Town 161G Birth Date: 2/16/21 Bull +20213992 Tattoo: 161G EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +13/10% -.3/20% +63/40% +114/35% +.28/25% +.56/20% +.1/90% +1.68/10% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +28/10% +11.1/60% +9/45% +36/4% +44/75% +0/85% -16/55% CW MARB REA Fat +48/45% +1.61/1% +.88/15% +.008/45% $M $W $F $G $B $C +66/40% +82/10% +99/25% +96/1% +195/2% +319/2% G A R Early Bird G A R Ashland Chair Rock Ambush 1018 G A R Home Town G A R Sure Fire 19266718 Chair Rock Sure Fire 6095 Chair Rock Progress 3005 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Sure Fire Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Ogeechee Sure Fire 735 A A R Ten X 7008 S A 19349817 Bridges Ten X 4109 Deer Valley Rita 0274 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 67 1 100 676 100 1150 100 4.48 115 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-69 1-101 1-107 1-108 14-95 14-99 14-105 14-106 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.
G A R Home Town 11J
METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 162/6% QPI/% 142/16% ROI/% 276/8% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 136/47% QPI/% 161/3% ROI/% 265/14% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 139/41% QPI/% 176/1% ROI/% 280/6% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 148/23% QPI/% 129/32% ROI/% 251/27% Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 49.7 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 37.64 Adj % IMF 7.26 % IMF Ratio 102 Adj REA 14 REA Ratio 99 Adj Rib Fat .37 Rib Fat Ratio 109 Adj Rump Fat .44 Rump Fat Ratio 122 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 53.5 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 34.63 Adj % IMF 5.95 % IMF Ratio 84 Adj REA 14.5 REA Ratio 109 Adj Rib Fat .53 Rib Fat Ratio 123 Adj Rump Fat .42 Rump Fat Ratio 100 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 50.4 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 34.38 Adj % IMF 9.34 % IMF Ratio 110 Adj REA 12.7 REA Ratio 98 Adj Rib Fat .34 Rib Fat Ratio 94 Adj Rump Fat .43 Rump Fat Ratio 116 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 51.3 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 36.29 Adj % IMF 7.38 % IMF Ratio 94 Adj REA 14.2 REA Ratio 109 Adj Rib Fat .45 Rib Fat Ratio 136 Adj Rump Fat .51 Rump Fat Ratio 131

G A R Home Town 921W

Approximately 12% of CAB brand carcasses qualify for Certified Angus Beef Prime label. Those premiums are paid to cattle suppliers in the form of Prime premiums, which are not included in the packer premium survey. In 2021, packers reported to USDA an average Prime grid price of $18.80 cwt. over Choice.

—Reported by CAB

G A R Home Town P151

G A R Home Town J1186

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 24
Birth Date: 2/7/21 Bull 20125775 Tattoo: 921W EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +12/10% +.7/40% +63/40% +118/30% +.27/30% +.98/50% +.8/25% +0/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +5/95% +8.2/90% +14/5% +33/10% +60/55% +.5/40% -22/70% CW MARB REA Fat +48/45% +1.64/1% +1.03/5% +.008/45% $M $W $F $G $B $C +49/85% +74/20% +96/30% +100/1% +196/2% +303/4% G A R Early Bird G A R Ashland Chair Rock Ambush 1018 G A R Home Town G A R Sure Fire 19266718 Chair Rock Sure Fire 6095 Chair Rock Progress 3005 Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Daybreak MCC Miss Focus 134 G A R Daybreak R260 S S Objective T510 0T26 16933584 G A R Objective R227 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 72 1 100 639 111 1061 110 4.41 113 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 2-67 2-95 5-112 5-101 5-109 5-93 5-102 5-92 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 66
Birth Date: 2/25/21 Bull +20144081 Tattoo: P151 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +10/20% +.9/45% +70/20% +124/20% +.3/15% +.72/30% +.6/45% +1.12/35% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +30/5% +12.7/40% +11/25% +30/20% +61/55% +.5/40% -21/70% CW MARB REA Fat +42/60% +1.7/1% +.89/15% -.054/1% $M $W $F $G $B $C +64/45% +80/15% +89/40% +105/1% +194/2% +316/2% G A R Early Bird G A R Ashland Chair Rock Ambush 1018 G A R Home Town G A R Sure Fire 19266718 Chair Rock Sure Fire 6095 Chair Rock Progress 3005 Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Daybreak MCC Miss Focus 134 G A R Daybreak R02 G A R New Design 5050 17421296 G A R 5050 New Design R39G A R Objective R137 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 68 1 100 523 100 1014 100 4.23 94 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 4-66 3-94 3-103 2-96 33-104 33-100 33-99 33-100 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 67
Birth Date: 3/13/21 Bull +20157669 Tattoo: J1186 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +16/1% -1.8/4% +72/20% +131/15% +.28/25% +1.53/85% +.2/85% -.77/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +33/2% +9.7/75% +13/10% +30/20% +64/50% +.1/80% -22/70% CW MARB REA Fat +50/40% +1.79/1% +.65/45% +.03/75% $M $W $F $G $B $C +75/20% +86/5% +94/30% +100/1% +193/2% +325/1% G A R Early Bird G A R Ashland Chair Rock Ambush 1018 G A R Home Town G A R Sure Fire 19266718 Chair Rock Sure Fire 6095 Chair Rock Progress 3005 G A R Momentum G A R Method G A R Daybreak 1332 Maplecrest Eva 8012 EXAR Denver 2002B 19290697 Maplecrest Eva 4019 Maplecrest Eva 9005 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 55 0 100 627 100 1187 100 4.69 101 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 2-66 1-100 1-116 1-107 7-109 7-99 7-100 7-98 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 68 METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 145/28% QPI/% 140/18% ROI/% 257/21% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 131/58% QPI/% 146/12% ROI/% 248/30% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 136/47% QPI/% 153/7% ROI/% 258/20% Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 52 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 32.22 Adj % IMF 9.5 % IMF Ratio 116 Adj REA 12.2 REA Ratio 102 Adj Rib Fat .41 Rib Fat Ratio 141 Adj Rump Fat .34 Rump Fat Ratio 106 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 50.6 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 33.58 Adj % IMF 11.11 % IMF Ratio 119 Adj REA 12.3 REA Ratio 95 Adj Rib Fat .2 Rib Fat Ratio 69 Adj Rump Fat .26 Rump Fat Ratio 68 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 50.1 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 28.09 Adj % IMF 9.31 % IMF Ratio 117 Adj REA 12.7 REA Ratio 90 Adj Rib Fat .47 Rib Fat Ratio 127 Adj Rump Fat .45 Rump Fat Ratio 110 14-16 Month Old Bulls

G A R Home Town P161 [M1P]

G A R Home

G A R Home Town J1205

G A R Home Town P111

G A R Home Town J1183

G A R Ashland L381

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 25
Birth Date: 2/23/21 Bull +20145513 Tattoo: P161 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +12/10% -.4/20% +68/25% +122/25% +.24/55% +1.38/75% +.1/90% +.48/75% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +25/20% +14.3/25% +10/35% +31/15% +17/95% +0/85% -1/15% CW MARB REA Fat +50/40% +1.62/1% +.77/25% +.01/50% $M $W $F $G $B $C +98/1% +86/5% +95/30% +95/1% +190/3% +344/1% G A R Early Bird G A R Ashland Chair Rock Ambush 1018 G A R Home Town G A R Sure Fire 19266718 Chair Rock Sure Fire 6095 Chair Rock Progress 3005 V A R Discovery 2240 ECO Lombardi 1512 RB Lady 7125-890-2170 PPA Prophet Elba 8367 G A R Prophet 19223690 Williams Prophet Elba 233 Williams Elba 11 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 66 0 100 544 100 1096 100 5.1 114 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT - - - - 3-88 3-105 3-98 3-103 Selling 100% possession and retaining
and semen interest. Lot 69
1/2 revenue sharing
Birth Date: 3/20/21 Bull +20157674 Tattoo: J1205 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +10/20% +1.4/55% +79/10% +130/15% +.25/45% +.92/45% +.5/55% +1.19/30% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +29/10% +11/60% +9/45% +27/40% +71/40% +.6/30% -24/75% CW MARB REA Fat +53/35% +1.36/2% +1.18/2% -.035/5% $M $W $F $G $B $C +70/30% +87/5% +95/30% +93/1% +188/3% +314/2% G A R Early Bird G A R Ashland Chair Rock Ambush 1018 G A R Home Town G A R Sure Fire 19266718 Chair Rock Sure Fire 6095 Chair Rock Progress 3005 MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise G A R Objective R227 Maplecrest Blackcap 8032 G A R 100X 19289221 Maplecrest Blackcap 6042 Maplecrest Blackcap 3007 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 72 0 100 706 100 1276 100 4.69 101 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 2-71 1-100 1-108 1-100 5-103 5-96 5-73 5-80 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 70
Birth Date: 3/12/21 Bull +20157670 Tattoo: J1183 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +16/1% -2.3/3% +59/55% +113/40% +.28/25% +.84/40% +.4/65% +.55/70% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +28/10% +13/40% +11/25% +36/4% +52/65% +.4/50% -20/65% CW MARB REA Fat +44/55% +1.4/2% +1.02/5% -.027/10% $M $W $F $G $B $C +66/40% +77/15% +96/30% +92/1% +187/3% +309/3% G A R Early Bird G A R Ashland Chair Rock Ambush 1018 G A R Home Town G A R Sure Fire 19266718 Chair Rock Sure Fire 6095 Chair Rock Progress 3005 MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise G A R Objective R227 Maplecrest Blackcap 8032 G A R 100X 19289221 Maplecrest Blackcap 6042 Maplecrest Blackcap 3007 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 58 0 100 620 100 1076 100 4.25 92 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 2-71 1-100 1-108 1-100 5-103 5-96 5-73 5-80 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 71
Birth Date: 2/6/21 Bull 19976897 Tattoo: 81E EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +14/4% -.9/15% +64/35% +112/40% +.25/45% +1.02/50% +.3/75% +.43/80% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +30/5% +14.9/20% +15/2% +32/15% +50/70% +.3/60% -17/55% CW MARB REA Fat +41/65% +1.51/1% +.95/10% -.016/15% $M $W $F $G $B $C +81/10% +79/15% +85/50% +95/1% +179/10% +313/2% G A R Early Bird G A R Ashland Chair Rock Ambush 1018 G A R Home Town G A R Sure Fire 19266718 Chair Rock Sure Fire 6095 Chair Rock Progress 3005 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Sure Fire Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Beal Sure Fire 607 G A R Progress 18433593 G A R Progress F404 G A R Daybreak C90 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 60 1 80 614 95 993 91 2.44 67 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT - 3-89 3-96 3-92 4-100 4-95 4-99 4-94 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 72
Town 81E
Birth Date: 2/25/21 Bull +20144077 Tattoo: P111 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +15/2% -2.2/3% +60/50% +112/40% +.25/45% +1.11/60% +.4/65% +1.03/40% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +24/20% +7.1/95% +14/5% +38/2% +47/70% +.2/70% -19/60% CW MARB REA Fat +29/90% +1.85/1% +1.04/4% -.009/25% $M $W $F $G $B $C +45/90% +82/10% +71/85% +110/1% +181/5% +280/15% G A R Early Bird G A R Ashland Chair Rock Ambush 1018 G A R Home Town G A R Sure Fire 19266718 Chair Rock Sure Fire 6095 Chair Rock Progress 3005 Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Daybreak MCC Miss Focus 134 G A R Daybreak R02 G A R New Design 5050 17421296 G A R 5050 New Design R39G A R Objective R137 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 58 1 100 552 100 1115 100 4.46 94 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 4-66 3-94 3-103 2-96 33-104 33-100 33-99 33-100 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 73
Birth Date: 2/7/21 Bull +20157545 Tattoo: L381 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +8/35% +1.7/60% +73/15% +133/15% +.3/15% +1.36/75% +.7/30% +1.04/40% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +18/50% +7.5/95% +6/75% +34/10% +77/35% +.6/30% -31/90% CW MARB REA Fat +65/15% +.93/20% +1.29/1% -.013/20% $M $W $F $G $B $C +54/75% +84/10% +116/5% +73/5% +189/3% +299/5% G A R Daylight G A R Early Bird G A R Progress 830 G A R Ashland B/R Ambush 28 18217198 Chair Rock Ambush 1018 G A R Yield Grade N366 G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 RCC Momentum L1187 G A R Prophet 19094672 G A R Prophet F534 G A R 5050 New Design G212 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 70 1 100 595 100 977 100 3.77 100 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT - 2-108 2-115 - 5-90 5-94 5-78 5-72 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 74 METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 154/14% QPI/% 154/6% ROI/% 277/7% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 142/34% QPI/% 154/6% ROI/% 265/14% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 128/64% QPI/% 151/8% ROI/% 249/29% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 140/38% QPI/% 160/4% ROI/% 268/12% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 128/64% QPI/% 140/18% ROI/% 240/38% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 154/14% QPI/% 137/21% ROI/% 264/15% Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 50.5 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 32.51 Adj % IMF 8.39 % IMF Ratio 90 Adj REA 13.9 REA Ratio 108 Adj Rib Fat .31 Rib Fat Ratio 107 Adj Rump Fat .39 Rump Fat Ratio 103 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 52.4 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 36.31 Adj % IMF 8.42 % IMF Ratio 106 Adj REA 15.6 REA Ratio 111 Adj Rib Fat .35 Rib Fat Ratio 95 Adj Rump Fat .41 Rump Fat Ratio 100 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 51.1 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 35.06 Adj % IMF 7.49 % IMF Ratio 94 Adj REA 13.1 REA Ratio 93 Adj Rib Fat .26 Rib Fat Ratio 70 Adj Rump Fat .31 Rump Fat Ratio 76 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 49 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 32 Adj % IMF 7.49 % IMF Ratio 98 Adj REA 12.5 REA Ratio 95 Adj Rib Fat .29 Rib Fat Ratio 91 Adj Rump Fat .35 Rump Fat Ratio 100 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 51.1 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 35.58 Adj % IMF 11.04 % IMF Ratio 111 Adj REA 12.4 REA Ratio 99 Adj Rib Fat .29 Rib Fat Ratio 104 Adj Rump Fat .29 Rump Fat Ratio 88 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 51 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 34 Adj % IMF 5.86 % IMF Ratio 73 Adj REA 13.7 REA Ratio 100 Adj Rib Fat .18 Rib Fat Ratio 75 Adj Rump Fat .18 Rump Fat Ratio 62 14-16 Month Old Bulls

G A R Ashland B127

GAR Ashland has been one the high use sires in our history. He ranks in the top 10% of the Angus breed for calving ease and yearling weight, and is in the bottom 45% of breed for mature height. He is a +1.19 for marbling and +1.11 for ribeye. Nine Ashland steers harvested in our 2022 home-raised group had an average harvest weight of 1496 pounds, 965 pounds hot carcass weight, 15.5 sq. in. ribeye and 100% graded USDA Choice and Prime. Fifty-seven carcass records and more than 2,725 ultrasound records in the AAA database are the result of Ashland progeny.

G A R Ashland J1034


G A R Ashland 801J

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 26
Birth Date: 3/9/21 Bull +20190255 Tattoo: B127 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +13/10% +.1/25% +76/10% +134/10% +.25/45% +1.51/85% +.5/55% +.31/85% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +18/50% +11.8/50% +11/25% +26/45% +53/65% +.3/60% -15/50% CW MARB REA Fat +42/60% +1.96/1% +.75/30% +.018/60% $M $W $F $G $B $C +74/20% +86/5% +78/70% +109/1% +187/3% +317/2% G A R Daylight G A R Early Bird G A R Progress 830 G A R Ashland B/R Ambush 28 18217198 Chair Rock Ambush 1018 G A R Yield Grade N366 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet N1175 MCC Daybreak 18445982 G A R Daybreak 1201 G A R 5050 New Design 649 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 102 1 100 615 100 1044 100 4.53 92 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 2-78 2-98 2-99 2-105 48-103 48-101 48-100 48-100 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 75
Birth Date: 1/4/21 Bull 20157608 Tattoo: J1034 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +16/1% -.8/15% +73/15% +138/10% +.31/10% +1.76/95% +.9/15% +.64/65% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +27/15% +13.3/35% +14/5% +29/25% +92/20% +.9/10% -35/95% CW MARB REA Fat +57/25% +1.28/3% +1.04/4% -.016/15% $M $W $F $G $B $C +71/25% +80/15% +98/25% +86/1% +184/4% +310/3% G A R Daylight G A R Early Bird G A R Progress 830 G A R Ashland B/R Ambush 28 18217198 Chair Rock Ambush 1018 G A R Yield Grade N366 G A R New Design 5050 G A R Ingenuity G A R Objective 1067 G A R Ingenuity 3132 B/R Ambush 28 17353925 G A R 28 Ambush N340 G A R Predestined 2786 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 69 1 95 612 94 1122 96 5.4 117 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 4-67 4-101 3-105 3-102 84-103 84-103 84-101 84-99 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot
Birth Date: 2/19/21 Bull +20058887 Tattoo: 801J EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +7/45% +2.3/75% +79/10% +137/10% +.29/20% +1.34/75% +1.3/2% +.63/65% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +28/10% +10.8/65% +5/85% +28/30% +94/20% +1/10% -35/95% CW MARB REA Fat +63/15% +1.17/5% +.89/15% -.016/15% $M $W $F $G $B $C +57/65% +81/10% +104/15% +79/3% +183/4% +294/10% G A R Daylight G A R Early Bird G A R Progress 830 G A R Ashland B/R Ambush 28 18217198 Chair Rock Ambush 1018 G A R Yield Grade N366 G A R Prophet G A R Prophecy G A R 28 Ambush 181 G A R Prophecy 196 MCC Daybreak 18635803 G A R Daybreak 753 G A R 5050 New Design 649 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 62 1 100 562 100 1056 100 2.87 99 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 3-75 2-106 2-100 2-100 5-100 5-100 5-99 5-99 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 77 METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 144/30% QPI/% 185/1% ROI/% 292/3% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 140/38% QPI/% 142/16% ROI/% 254/24% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 146/27% QPI/% 135/24% ROI/% 254/24% Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 51.5 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 33.96 Adj % IMF 10.61 % IMF Ratio 129 Adj REA 12.1 REA Ratio 93 Adj Rib Fat .37 Rib Fat Ratio 128 Adj Rump Fat .32 Rump Fat Ratio 94 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 51.7 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 34.93 Adj % IMF 7.33 % IMF Ratio 103 Adj REA 13.4 REA Ratio 95 Adj Rib Fat .21 Rib Fat Ratio 62 Adj Rump Fat .29 Rump Fat Ratio 81 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 52.4 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 32.38 Adj % IMF 8.37 % IMF Ratio 110 Adj REA 12.1 REA Ratio 96 Adj Rib Fat .31 Rib Fat Ratio 103 Adj Rump Fat .4 Rump Fat Ratio 108 14-16 Month Old Bulls

G A R Ashland 91J

G A R Combustion J1153

G A R Ashland D661


G A R Combustion J1138


G A R Ashland D641

G A R Bonfire W121

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 27
Birth Date: 2/19/21 Bull +20022195 Tattoo: 91J EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +18/1% -2.2/3% +66/30% +124/20% +.26/40% +1.67/90% +.5/55% +.94/45% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +21/35% +8.2/90% +11/25% +34/10% +27/90% +0/85% -7/30% CW MARB REA Fat +47/50% +1.46/1% +1.16/2% +.012/50% $M $W $F $G $B $C +67/35% +87/5% +87/45% +93/1% +180/5% +300/5% G A R Daylight G A R Early Bird G A R Progress 830 G A R Ashland B/R Ambush 28 18217198 Chair Rock Ambush 1018 G A R Yield Grade N366 G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Momentum 2156 G A R Prophet 18635937 G A R Prophet N744 G A R Daybreak 440 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 71 1 100 614 100 1083 100 4.55 116 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-77 1-100 1-100 1-100 13-111 13-99 13-101 13-93 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 78
Birth Date: 1/12/21 Bull 20027878 Tattoo: D661 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +10/20% +1.6/60% +89/2% +154/2% +.3/15% +1.83/95% +.8/25% +.5/75% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +24/20% +8.6/85% +12/15% +22/75% +96/15% +.5/40% -33/90% CW MARB REA Fat +62/15% +1.07/10% +1.02/5% -.027/10% $M $W $F $G $B $C +63/50% +88/4% +99/25% +77/3% +176/10% +291/10% G A R Daylight G A R Early Bird G A R Progress 830 G A R Ashland B/R Ambush 28 18217198 Chair Rock Ambush 1018 G A R Yield Grade N366 A A R Ten X 7008 S A V A R Discovery 2240 Deer Valley Rita 0308 Gabriel 8T05 Discovery 6053 TC Total 410 18563581 DZ Total 8T05 DZ New Design 1407-4007 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 57 1 98 595 90 1065 103 4.34 103 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT - 1-102 1-105 - 2-110 2-104 2-114 2-122 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot
Birth Date: 1/12/21 Bull 20102160 Tattoo: D641 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +12/10% -.3/20% +85/3% +151/3% +.29/20% +1.91/95% +.8/25% +.91/45% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +23/25% +8.9/85% +9/45% +28/30% +82/30% +.6/30% -30/85% CW MARB REA Fat +63/15% +1.09/10% +1.15/2% +.002/40% $M $W $F $G $B $C +66/40% +95/2% +101/20% +77/3% +178/10% +297/5% G A R Daylight G A R Early Bird G A R Progress 830 G A R Ashland B/R Ambush 28 18217198 Chair Rock Ambush 1018 G A R Yield Grade N366 A A R Ten X 7008 S A V A R Discovery 2240 Deer Valley Rita 0308 Gabriel 8T05 Discovery 6053 TC Total 410 18563581 DZ Total 8T05 DZ New Design 1407-4007 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 69 1 117 728 110 1114 108 4.64 110 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT - 1-102 1-105 - 2-110 2-104 2-114 2-122 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 80
Birth Date: 3/2/21 Bull +20157494 Tattoo: J1153 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +11/15% +1.3/55% +71/20% +126/20% +.28/25% +1.2/65% +.4/65% -.14/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +24/20% +13.5/30% +10/35% +29/25% +74/40% +.5/40% -26/80% CW MARB REA Fat +61/20% +1.16/5% +1.09/3% +.029/75% $M $W $F $G $B $C +71/25% +78/15% +111/10% +78/3% +189/3% +316/2% Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Sure Fire Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 G A R Combustion G A R Momentum 18943322 G A R Momentum 1724 G A R 28 Ambush M91 G A R Momentum G A R Method G A R Daybreak 1332 KW 1779 Method 7103 G A R New Design 5050 18784311 G A R 5050 New Design 1779G A R Objective 1067 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 84 0 100 584 100 1130 100 4.8 103 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT - 2-103 2-106 2-108 8-105 8-100 8-100 8-100 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.
Lot 81
Birth Date: 3/20/21 Bull +20157505 Tattoo: J1138 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +9/30% +3.1/90% +79/10% +136/10% +.26/40% +1.7/90% +1/10% +.97/45% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +15/65% +7.6/90% +12/15% +24/60% +49/70% +.6/30% -12/40% CW MARB REA Fat +53/35% +1.51/1% +.57/55% +.042/90% $M $W $F $G $B $C +75/20% +80/15% +83/55% +85/1% +168/15% +293/10% Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Sure Fire Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 G A R Combustion G A R Momentum 18943322 G A R Momentum 1724 G A R 28 Ambush M91 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 Maplecrest Blackcap F5247 B/R Ambush 28 18471681 G A R 28 Ambush N340 G A R Predestined 2786 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 0 623 100 1215 100 3.77 102 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 2-63 2-94 2-110 2-105 38-106 38-103 38-107 38-104 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot
Birth Date: 2/5/21 Bull +20072394 Tattoo: W121 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +5/65% +4.3/95% +88/2% +154/2% +.3/15% +1.84/95% +1.1/5% +.27/85% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +17/55% +10.7/65% +10/35% +26/45% +103/10% +1/10% -38/95% CW MARB REA Fat +59/20% +1.59/1% +.41/80% +.03/75% $M $W $F $G $B $C +59/60% +81/10% +98/25% +88/1% +186/4% +300/5% Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Sure Fire Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 G A R Bonfire G A R Prophet 18789776 Chair Rock Prophet 3054 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 1131 G A R Progress G A R Advance G A R 5050 New Design A84 RWA Advance W2345 S S Objective T510 0T26 18262553 RWA Objective W99 G A R Expectation 2323 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 70 1 100 470 100 1028 100 3.93 100 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT - 1-111 1-100 1-100 24-103 24-97 24-107 24-104 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 83 METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 153/15% QPI/% 153/7% ROI/% 275/8% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 150/20% QPI/% 156/5% ROI/% 275/8% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 148/23% QPI/% 167/2% ROI/% 282/5% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 155/13% QPI/% 149/9% ROI/% 274/9% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 156/12% QPI/% 150/9% ROI/% 276/8% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 155/13% QPI/% 161/3% ROI/% 284/5% Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 50.4 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 35.38 Adj % IMF 9.43 % IMF Ratio 104 Adj REA 14.5 REA Ratio 107 Adj Rib Fat .33 Rib Fat Ratio 92 Adj Rump Fat .45 Rump Fat Ratio 113 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 49.4 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 31.2 Adj % IMF 8.83 % IMF Ratio 112 Adj REA 12.7 REA Ratio 101 Adj Rib Fat .37 Rib Fat Ratio 112 Adj Rump Fat .41 Rump Fat Ratio 128 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 50.4 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 35.2 Adj % IMF 8.43 % IMF Ratio 107 Adj REA 13.3 REA Ratio 106 Adj Rib Fat .38 Rib Fat Ratio 115 Adj Rump Fat .37 Rump Fat Ratio 116 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 49.8 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 29.74 Adj % IMF 9.56 % IMF Ratio 109 Adj REA 11.5 REA Ratio 87 Adj Rib Fat .37 Rib Fat Ratio 106 Adj Rump Fat .43 Rump Fat Ratio 110 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 51.4 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 36.31 Adj % IMF 9.34 % IMF Ratio 104 Adj REA 11.5 REA Ratio 94 Adj Rib Fat .4 Rib Fat Ratio 129 Adj Rump Fat .38 Rump Fat Ratio 119 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 51 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 32.94 Adj % IMF 8.56 % IMF Ratio 107 Adj REA 10.7 REA Ratio 79 Adj Rib Fat .35 Rib Fat Ratio 95 Adj Rump Fat .37 Rump Fat Ratio 88 14-16 Month Old Bulls


Month Old Bulls

G A R Sure Fire 106

G A R Phoenix U18


G A R K263 Prophet 321J

G A R Phoenix 941W

G A R Quantum P321

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 28
Birth Date: 3/9/21 Bull 20059562 Tattoo: 106 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +7/45% +2.9/85% +75/15% +129/15% +.27/30% +1.04/55% +.6/45% +.48/75% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +32/2% +11.2/60% +6/75% +38/2% +46/70% +0/85% -18/60% CW MARB REA Fat +57/25% +1.32/2% +.95/10% +.021/65% $M $W $F $G $B $C +87/4% +92/2% +99/25% +84/1% +183/4% +324/1% Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 G A R Prophet G A R Professional G A R Progress 830 CF Professional 8109 A A R Ten X 7008 S A 19440849 Ogeechee Ten X 519 G A R 5050 New Design A84 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 80 1 107 765 98 1235 100 4.34 100 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-80 1-107 1-98 1-100 1-94 1-96 1-95 1-90 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.
Birth Date: 3/18/21 Bull +20093247 Tattoo: U18 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +15/2% -1/10% +79/10% +131/15% +.25/45% +1.39/75% +1/10% +.9/45% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +21/35% +11.2/60% +10/35% +28/30% +93/20% +.9/10% -35/95% CW MARB REA Fat +64/15% +.96/15% +1.38/1% -.023/10% $M $W $F $G $B $C +66/40% +89/4% +101/20% +77/3% +178/10% +297/5% Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Sure Fire Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 G A R Phoenix G A R Prophet 18636106 G A R Prophet N744 G A R Daybreak 440 G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Momentum 1976 MCC Daybreak 18635925 G A R Daybreak 312 G A R 5050 New Design 1039 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 63 1 100 654 100 1104 100 3.84 99 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-75 1-101 1-84 1-90 10-95 10-101 10-88 10-86 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot
Birth Date: 2/8/21 Bull 20125619 Tattoo: 941W EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +13/10% +.2/30% +63/40% +108/45% +.2/85% +1.33/75% +.8/25% +1.15/30% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +12/75% +8.7/85% +10/35% +26/45% +42/75% +.5/40% -10/35% CW MARB REA Fat +45/55% +1.53/1% +.79/25% +.005/40% $M $W $F $G $B $C +61/55% +71/25% +87/45% +92/1% +179/10% +293/10% Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Sure Fire Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 G A R Phoenix G A R Prophet 18636106 G A R Prophet N744 G A R Daybreak 440 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet N1275 B/R Ambush 28 18445993 G A R 28 Ambush 441 G A R Predestined 1869 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 67 1 92 532 92 1009 104 4.07 105 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-67 1-92 2-94 2-99 2-114 2-101 2-89 2-103 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 86
Birth Date: 2/9/21 Bull 20125601 Tattoo: 1081W EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +7/45% +2.1/70% +71/20% +138/10% +.34/2% +1.45/80% +1.2/3% -.95/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +22/30% +11.6/55% +12/15% +33/10% +82/30% +1.1/4% -32/90% CW MARB REA Fat +62/15% +1.01/15% +1.07/4% -.007/25% $M $W $F $G $B $C +58/65% +76/20% +114/10% +74/4% +187/3% +301/4% C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet K263 G A R New Design 5050 17799492 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 1131 Chair Rock Objective 7042 C F Right Design 1802 Summitcrest Complete 1P55Summitcrest Elba 1M17 Chair Rock Complete 3024 G A R New Design 5050 17588986 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 9081Chair Rock 1407 ND 6086 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 71 1 97 560 97 962 100 4.3 111 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 3-70 3-97 4-106 4-101 15-100 15-94 15-91 15-94 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.
G A R K263 1081W
Lot 87
Birth Date: 2/22/21 Bull +20021082 Tattoo: 321J EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +13/10% -.3/20% +64/35% +116/35% +.22/70% +1.56/85% +.6/45% +.09/90% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +25/20% +16.1/10% +9/45% +26/45% +34/85% +.5/40% -6/25% CW MARB REA Fat +49/45% +1.47/1% +1.12/2% +.024/70% $M $W $F $G $B $C +94/1% +73/25% +94/30% +92/1% +186/4% +335/1% C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet K263 G A R New Design 5050 17799492 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 1131 Chair Rock Objective 7042 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Sure Fire Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Sure Fire 7020 G A R Early Bird 18789796 Chair Rock Early Bird 5013 Chair Rock Ambush 3036 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 63 1 100 540 100 993 100 4.11 105 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 3-66 2-101 2-91 2-94 5-96 5-101 5-104 5-100 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot
Birth Date: 2/24/21 Bull 20145511 Tattoo: P321 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +9/30% +1.9/65% +70/20% +134/10% +.28/25% +1.88/95% +.6/45% +.87/50% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +26/15% +10.7/65% +10/35% +32/15% +72/40% +.5/40% -27/80% CW MARB REA Fat +54/30% +1.41/1% +.91/15% +.01/50% $M $W $F $G $B $C +69/30% +77/15% +95/30% +88/1% +183/4% +306/3% G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Quantum Connealy In Sure 8524 18636059 G A R In Sure 1524 G A R Complete 3011 A A R Ten X 7008 S A Gardens Cache Green Garden Rita K078 G A R Cache 108S G A R Prophet 19281448 G A R Prophet 374 G A R Daybreak 1201 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 59 1 91 530 93 1165 99 4.74 119 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-59 1-91 1-93 1-99 1-92 1-91 1-96 1-103 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot
METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 144/30% QPI/% 145/13% ROI/% 260/19% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 151/18% QPI/% 151/8% ROI/% 272/10% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 148/23% QPI/% 143/15% ROI/% 262/17% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 181/1% QPI/% 142/16% ROI/% 295/2% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 152/17% QPI/% 139/19% ROI/% 263/16% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 154/14% QPI/% 146/12% ROI/% 271/10% Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 50.5 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 35.99 Adj % IMF 6.95 % IMF Ratio 94 Adj REA 14.3 REA Ratio 96 Adj Rib Fat .4 Rib Fat Ratio 95 Adj Rump Fat .38 Rump Fat Ratio 90 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 52.3 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 34.25 Adj % IMF 7.11 % IMF Ratio 91 Adj REA 13.1 REA Ratio 98 Adj Rib Fat .29 Rib Fat Ratio 104 Adj Rump Fat .31 Rump Fat Ratio 103 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 51 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 40.03 Adj % IMF 9.22 % IMF Ratio 113 Adj REA 11.3 REA Ratio 94 Adj Rib Fat .28 Rib Fat Ratio 97 Adj Rump Fat .39 Rump Fat Ratio 122 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 52.1 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 32.06 Adj % IMF 7.31 % IMF Ratio 90 Adj REA 10.7 REA Ratio 89 Adj Rib Fat .19 Rib Fat Ratio 66 Adj Rump Fat .23 Rump Fat Ratio 72 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 50.5 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 30.48 Adj % IMF 8.82 % IMF Ratio 97 Adj REA 12.9 REA Ratio 96 Adj Rib Fat .4 Rib Fat Ratio 111 Adj Rump Fat .43 Rump Fat Ratio 108 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 50.6 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 33.07 Adj % IMF 7.5 % IMF Ratio 92 Adj REA 12.5 REA Ratio 91 Adj Rib Fat .24 Rib Fat Ratio 96 Adj Rump Fat .34 Rump Fat Ratio 103 14-16

G A R Quantum 71E

G A R Quantum J1079


G A R Quantum J1198

G A R Quantum J1204

G A R Quantum J1218

G A R Quantum J1178

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 29
Birth Date: 1/24/21 Bull 19972274 Tattoo: 71E EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +10/20% +.1/25% +68/25% +129/15% +.28/25% +1.52/85% +.8/25% +1.61/10% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +20/40% +10.4/70% +4/90% +32/15% +67/45% +.6/30% -25/80% CW MARB REA Fat +48/45% +1.33/2% +.93/10% -.01/25% $M $W $F $G $B $C +65/40% +79/15% +96/30% +86/1% +182/5% +301/4% G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Quantum Connealy In Sure 8524 18636059 G A R In Sure 1524 G A R Complete 3011 A A R Ten X 7008 S A V A R Discovery 2240 Deer Valley Rita 0308 Beal Discovery 606 44 FRF Predestined 9270 18437797 Riverbend Everelda B458 Riverbend Everelda Y091 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 65 1 87 535 82 1020 93 3.86 106 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT - 2-96 2-87 2-95 4-95 4-99 4-87 4-81 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 90
Birth Date: 3/17/21 Bull +20157538 Tattoo: J1198 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +8/35% +1.8/65% +73/15% +132/15% +.29/20% +1.2/65% +1.1/5% +1.21/30% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +27/15% +11/60% +11/25% +37/3% +98/15% +1.1/4% -42/95% CW MARB REA Fat +59/20% +.99/15% +1.33/1% +.005/40% $M $W $F $G $B $C +59/60% +84/10% +103/20% +75/4% +178/10% +290/10% G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Quantum Connealy In Sure 8524 18636059 G A R In Sure 1524 G A R Complete 3011 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Sure Fire Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Maplecrest Blackcap 7128 G A R Prophet 19106012 Maplecrest Blackcap F5247 G A R 28 Ambush N340 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 68 0 100 737 100 1247 100 4.69 101 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-69 1-97 1-104 - 16-95 16-102 16-106 16-99 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot
Birth Date: 3/12/21 Bull +20157563 Tattoo: J1218 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +7/45% +1.8/65% +74/15% +131/15% +.3/15% +.89/40% +.8/25% +.76/55% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +27/15% +7.8/90% +8/55% +43/1% +82/30% +.9/10% -38/95% CW MARB REA Fat +58/25% +1.1/10% +.87/15% +.022/65% $M $W $F $G $B $C +48/85% +93/2% +103/20% +73/5% +176/10% +276/15% G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Quantum Connealy In Sure 8524 18636059 G A R In Sure 1524 G A R Complete 3011 S A V Final Answer 0035 K C F Bennett Absolute Thomas Miss Lucy 5152 Maplecrest Blackcap 6026 G A R New Design 5050 18623374 G A R 5050 New Design 0530DRMCTR Objective 7J57 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 76 0 100 706 100 1088 100 4.51 95 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 2-69 2-95 2-114 2-104 20-97 20-102 20-107 20-102 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 92
Birth Date: 2/9/21 Bull 20157472 Tattoo: J1079 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +13/10% +1.4/55% +67/30% +127/20% +.28/25% +1.5/85% +.8/25% +1.06/35% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +18/50% +10.6/65% +9/45% +40/1% +55/60% +.4/50% -24/75% CW MARB REA Fat +47/50% +1.36/2% +1.04/4% -.022/15% $M $W $F $G $B $C +65/40% +85/10% +84/55% +90/1% +174/10% +291/10% G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Quantum Connealy In Sure 8524 18636059 G A R In Sure 1524 G A R Complete 3011 G A R Early Bird G A R Ashland Chair Rock Ambush 1018 G A R Ashland 1198 G A R Sunrise 19266300 G A R Sunrise N816 G A R 28 Ambush 3162 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 72 1 108 689 106 1190 102 3.7 80 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-72 1-108 1-106 1-102 5-96 5-103 5-98 5-88 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 93
Birth Date: 3/20/21 Bull +20157547 Tattoo: J1204 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +15/2% +1.8/65% +81/5% +143/5% +.3/15% +1.48/80% +1/10% +1.49/15% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +31/3% +9.1/80% +12/15% +29/25% +105/10% +.8/15% -41/95% CW MARB REA Fat +67/10% +.77/30% +1.29/1% +.02/65% $M $W $F $G $B $C +66/40% +85/10% +110/10% +64/15% +174/10% +292/10% G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Quantum Connealy In Sure 8524 18636059 G A R In Sure 1524 G A R Complete 3011 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Sure Fire Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Maplecrest Blackcap 7128 G A R Prophet 19106012 Maplecrest Blackcap F5247 G A R 28 Ambush N340 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 90 0 100 741 100 1287 100 4.94 107 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-69 1-97 1-104 - 16-95 16-102 16-106 16-99 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot
Birth Date: 3/3/21 Bull +20157520 Tattoo: J1178 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +14/4% +1.5/60% +75/15% +131/15% +.24/55% +1.6/90% +.9/15% +1.85/5% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +31/3% +9.9/75% +9/45% +32/15% +64/50% +.9/10% -23/75% CW MARB REA Fat +62/15% +.92/20% +1.11/3% +.006/45% $M $W $F $G $B $C +75/20% +87/5% +102/20% +69/10% +171/10% +297/5% G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Quantum Connealy In Sure 8524 18636059 G A R In Sure 1524 G A R Complete 3011 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Sure Fire Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Maplecrest Blackcap 7128 G A R Prophet 19106012 Maplecrest Blackcap F5247 G A R 28 Ambush N340 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 67 0 100 565 100 1168 100 4.97 101 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-69 1-97 1-104 - 16-95 16-102 16-106 16-99 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 95 METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 152/17% QPI/% 129/32% ROI/% 255/23% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 136/47% QPI/% 146/12% ROI/% 253/25% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 170/3% QPI/% 150/9% ROI/% 290/3% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 157/11% QPI/% 154/6% ROI/% 280/6% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 148/23% QPI/% 135/24% ROI/% 256/22% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 160/8% QPI/% 136/23% ROI/% 269/12% Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 49.7 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 31.58 Adj % IMF 6.7 % IMF Ratio 87 Adj REA 12.6 REA Ratio 95 Adj Rib Fat .34 Rib Fat Ratio 106 Adj Rump Fat .26 Rump Fat Ratio 74 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 53.3 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 36.22 Adj % IMF 6.74 % IMF Ratio 85 Adj REA 14.4 REA Ratio 102 Adj Rib Fat .4 Rib Fat Ratio 108 Adj Rump Fat .46 Rump Fat Ratio 112 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 52.1 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 35.06 Adj % IMF 6.09 % IMF Ratio 76 Adj REA 12.5 REA Ratio 102 Adj Rib Fat .31 Rib Fat Ratio 100 Adj Rump Fat .32 Rump Fat Ratio 89 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 51.1 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 38.59 Adj % IMF 6.69 % IMF Ratio 94 Adj REA 14.7 REA Ratio 104 Adj Rib Fat .34 Rib Fat Ratio 100 Adj Rump Fat .28 Rump Fat Ratio 78 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 52.9 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 36.31 Adj % IMF 7.4 % IMF Ratio 93 Adj REA 15.5 REA Ratio 110 Adj Rib Fat .4 Rib Fat Ratio 108 Adj Rump Fat .45 Rump Fat Ratio 110 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 51.3 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 38.77 Adj % IMF 7.91 % IMF Ratio 90 Adj REA 12.6 REA Ratio 95 Adj Rib Fat .41 Rib Fat Ratio 132 Adj Rump Fat .47 Rump Fat Ratio 127 14-16 Month Old Bulls

GAR Quantum 0760H

G A R Quantum J1215

Month Old Bulls

G A R Quantum 10M

G A R Quantum AS71

Each year, GAR spring interns have an opportunity to gain ultrasound experience on a large commercial ranching operation. We appreciate our long time GAR friend and customer, Joe Howard and Bobbie Williamson, Wichita Falls, Texas, for their business and for providing an educational experience for the next generation of beef producers.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 30
Birth Date: 12/27/20 Bull +20107979 Tattoo: 0760 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +14/4% +1/45% +76/10% +142/10% +.31/10% +1.75/95% +.8/25% +1.18/30% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +25/20% +9.4/80% +15/2% +31/15% +65/50% +.5/40% -23/75% CW MARB REA Fat +57/25% +.88/20% +.85/20% -.038/4% $M $W $F $G $B $C +78/15% +86/5% +104/15% +67/10% +172/10% +301/4% G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Quantum Connealy In Sure 8524 18636059 G A R In Sure 1524 G A R Complete 3011 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet 1754 MCC Daybreak 17965274 G A R Daybreak C80 G A R Objective 277L BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 62 1 95 545 94 951 100 4.39 100 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 2-70 1-99 1-98 1-102 50-99 50-101 50-101 50-105 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 96
Birth Date: 3/6/21 Bull +20062507 Tattoo: 10M EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +8/35% +1/45% +91/1% +153/2% +.28/25% +1.77/95% +.5/55% +.97/45% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +24/20% +9.5/80% +8/55% +20/85% +117/4% +.8/15% -42/95% CW MARB REA Fat +61/20% +.91/20% +1/10% +.017/60% $M $W $F $G $B $C +59/60% +88/4% +102/20% +66/10% +168/15% +277/15% G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Quantum Connealy In Sure 8524 18636059 G A R In Sure 1524 G A R Complete 3011 G A R Early Bird G A R Ashland Chair Rock Ambush 1018 Mason Ashland 829M G A R Prophet 19427694 Chair Rock Prophet 5108 Chair Rock Ingenuity 3113 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 84 1 104 664 102 1104 96 3.79 86 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT - 1-100 1-100 - 2-99 2-98 2-100 2-102 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 97
Birth Date: 3/6/21 Bull +20157560 Tattoo: J1215 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +8/35% +2.2/75% +80/10% +137/10% +.28/25% +1.16/60% +.6/45% +.95/45% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +29/10% +11.1/60% +9/45% +22/75% +110/10% +.5/40% -39/95% CW MARB REA Fat +51/40% +1.12/10% +.92/10% +.042/90% $M $W $F $G $B $C +59/60% +75/20% +96/30% +73/5% +169/15% +278/15% G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Quantum Connealy In Sure 8524 18636059 G A R In Sure 1524 G A R Complete 3011 S A V Final Answer 0035 K C F Bennett Absolute Thomas Miss Lucy 5152 Maplecrest Blackcap 6026 G A R New Design 5050 18623374 G A R 5050 New Design 0530DRMCTR Objective 7J57 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 66 0 100 708 100 980 100 5.06 107 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 2-69 2-95 2-114 2-104 20-97 20-102 20-107 20-102 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.
Lot 98
Birth Date: 1/24/21 Bull 20270948 Tattoo: AS71 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +11/15% +1/45% +62/45% +116/35% +/% +/% +.5/55% +1.74/10% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +/% I+8.3/90% +8/55% +31/15% +/% +/% -14/45% CW MARB REA Fat +51/40% +.9/20% +.99/10% +.011/50% $M $W $F $G $B $C +67/35% +65/40% +98/25% +66/10% +164/15% +280/15% G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Quantum Connealy In Sure 8524 18636059 G A R In Sure 1524 G A R Complete 3011 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Sure Fire Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 G A R Sure Fire C27 G A R Prophet 19125544 G A R Prophet N734 G A R Daybreak 440 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 78 1 103 575 96 978 97 3.75 83 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 2-77 1-103 1-96 1-97 1-81 1-104 1-103 1-94 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 99 METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 156/12% QPI/% 140/18% ROI/% 268/12% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 158/10% QPI/% 128/34% ROI/% 260/19% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 144/30% QPI/% 132/28% ROI/% 250/28% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 172/2% QPI/% 130/31% ROI/% 276/8% Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 50 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 34.76 Adj % IMF 8.25 % IMF Ratio 100 Adj REA 12.9 REA Ratio 97 Adj Rib Fat .15 Rib Fat Ratio 60 Adj Rump Fat .26 Rump Fat Ratio 67 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 50.9 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 36.05 Adj % IMF 6.94 % IMF Ratio 94 Adj REA 12.3 REA Ratio 89 Adj Rib Fat .32 Rib Fat Ratio 97 Adj Rump Fat .3 Rump Fat Ratio 97 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 49.9 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 32.86 Adj % IMF 9.02 % IMF Ratio 113 Adj REA 11 REA Ratio 90 Adj Rib Fat .38 Rib Fat Ratio 123 Adj Rump Fat .29 Rump Fat Ratio 81 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 49.7 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 34.74 Adj % IMF 5.82 % IMF Ratio 81 Adj REA 12.9 REA Ratio 104 Adj Rib Fat .34 Rib Fat Ratio 103 Adj Rump Fat .31 Rump Fat Ratio 94

G A R Quantum AS81

G A R Momentum D590

G A R Quantum 182L

GAR Momentum 103P

GAR spring interns Ambree Sandell, Shelby Stille, Zach Konicke and Olivia Lewis get valuable experience ultrasounding to determine the date of pregnancy.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 31
Birth Date: 12/4/20 Bull 20270949 Tattoo: AS81 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +17/1% -1.7/5% +64/35% +115/35% I+.24/55% I+.78/35% +.8/25% +.95/45% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN I+28/10% I+8.9/85% +9/45% +36/4% I+25/90% I+.4/50% -21/70% CW MARB REA Fat +53/35% +1.02/15% +.81/20% +.021/65% $M $W $F $G $B $C +64/45% +81/10% +96/30% +69/10% +165/15% +278/15% G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Quantum Connealy In Sure 8524 18636059 G A R In Sure 1524 G A R Complete 3011 Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R In Sure F524 B/R Destination 727-928 17858372 G A R Destination G202 G A R Predestined C78 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 70 1 89 714 120 1141 113 5.79 129 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 3-74 3-99 3-103 3-102 3-99 3-99 3-121 3-107 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 100
Birth Date: 3/17/21 Bull 20272124 Tattoo: 182L EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +12/10% -1/10% +53/70% +99/65% +.2/85% +1.38/75% +.2/85% +.69/60% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +12/75% +10.2/70% +12/15% +38/2% +9/95% -.1/90% -1/15% CW MARB REA Fat +42/60% +1.26/3% +.7/35% +.008/45% $M $W $F $G $B $C +69/30% +77/15% +82/60% +79/3% +160/20% +277/15% G A R Momentum G A R Quantum G A R In Sure 1524 G A R Quantum 058L G A R Sunrise 19870754 G A R Sunrise 1815 G A R Progress N1401 Jindra 3rd Dimension Jindra Acclaim Jindra Blackbird Lassy 1111 La Rita 9A37 of 3R37 Acclaim Rito Revenue 5M2 of 2536 Pre 20218572 FF Rita 3R37 of 9Q23 RevenueRita 9Q23 of Rita 5F56 GHM BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 72 1 103 631 100 1239 100 3.91 100 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT - 1-103 1-100 1-100 1-100 1-100 1-100 1-100 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 101
Birth Date: 2/25/21 Bull +20028962 Tattoo: D590 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +12/10% +.6/35% +60/50% +108/45% +.24/55% +.97/50% +.2/85% -.64/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +27/15% +5.9/95% +6/75% +40/1% +51/65% +.2/70% -22/70% CW MARB REA Fat +42/60% +1.47/1% +1.16/2% -.015/20% $M $W $F $G $B $C +57/65% +80/15% +86/50% +96/1% +181/5% +292/10% G A R Predestined G A R Progress G A R Objective 2345 G A R Momentum ALC Big Eye D09N 17354145 G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Objective 3387 G A R New Design 5050 G A R 5050 Data Manager 0536DRMCTR 1I1 Rita 6108 Chair Rock Data Manager 4119 B/R Ambush 28 18079706 Chair Rock Ambush 1018 G A R Yield Grade N366 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 66 0 100 820 100 1132 100 3.52 99 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 2-66 2-99 2-106 1-100 14-105 14-105 14-92 14-100 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.
Lot 102
Birth Date: 3/2/21 Bull 20179311 Tattoo: 103P EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +14/4% -.1/25% +61/45% +110/45% +.24/55% +1.02/50% +.4/65% +.59/70% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +24/20% +5.1/95% +9/45% +39/2% +35/85% +0/85% -14/45% CW MARB REA Fat +45/55% +1.41/1% +1.02/5% -.001/35% $M $W $F $G $B $C +60/55% +84/10% +88/45% +90/1% +179/10% +292/10% G A R Predestined G A R Progress G A R Objective 2345 G A R Momentum ALC Big Eye D09N 17354145 G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Objective 3387 MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise G A R Objective R227 GAR Sunrise 817P K C F Bennett Absolute 19251939 GAR Absolute 613P G A R Daybreak 1622 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 70 0 101 768 111 1130 100 3.03 100 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT - 2-98 2-109 2-100 2-108 2-95 2-90 2-102 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 103 METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 140/38% QPI/% 125/39% ROI/% 240/38% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 144/30% QPI/% 131/30% ROI/% 249/29% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 144/30% QPI/% 151/8% ROI/% 265/14% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 131/58% QPI/% 134/25% ROI/% 238/41% Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 51.4 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 32.92 Adj % IMF 7.38 % IMF Ratio 102 Adj REA 12.8 REA Ratio 103 Adj Rib Fat .42 Rib Fat Ratio 127 Adj Rump Fat .38 Rump Fat Ratio 115 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 51.3 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 36.24 Adj % IMF 9.57 % IMF Ratio 100 Adj REA 13.1 REA Ratio 100 Adj Rib Fat .43 Rib Fat Ratio 100 Adj Rump Fat .4 Rump Fat Ratio 100 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 51.1 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 32.58 Adj % IMF 9.37 % IMF Ratio 104 Adj REA 13.3 REA Ratio 109 Adj Rib Fat .42 Rib Fat Ratio 100 Adj Rump Fat .42 Rump Fat Ratio 105 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 51.3 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 35.26 Adj % IMF 8.57 % IMF Ratio 100 Adj REA 12.2 REA Ratio 100 Adj Rib Fat .36 Rib Fat Ratio 100 Adj Rump Fat .37 Rump Fat Ratio 100
14-16 Month Old Bulls


G A R Momentum 851J

G A R Drive J1220

GAR Momentum 109P

G A R Drive J1210

GAR Momentum 111P

G A R Genesis 201J

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 32
Birth Date: 3/6/21 Bull +20055838 Tattoo: 851J EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +9/30% +1.4/55% +59/55% +110/45% +.28/25% +.86/40% +.9/15% +.42/80% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +21/35% +9.8/75% +3/95% +26/45% +68/45% +.6/30% -22/70% CW MARB REA Fat +52/35% +.89/20% +1.06/4% -.01/25% $M $W $F $G $B $C +47/90% +60/55% +104/15% +68/10% +172/10% +270/20% G A R Predestined G A R Progress G A R Objective 2345 G A R Momentum ALC Big Eye D09N 17354145 G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Objective 3387 G A R Prophet G A R Prophecy G A R 28 Ambush 181 G A R Prophecy 196 MCC Daybreak 18635803 G A R Daybreak 753 G A R 5050 New Design 649 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 79 1 100 609 100 1094 100 2.46 85 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 3-75 2-106 2-100 2-100 5-100 5-100 5-99 5-99 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 104
Birth Date: 3/6/21 Bull +20179939 Tattoo: 109P EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +16/1% -.2/20% +57/60% +102/60% +.19/90% +1.07/55% +.8/25% +.14/90% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +19/45% +8.9/85% +14/5% +39/2% +31/85% +.4/50% -12/40% CW MARB REA Fat +36/75% +1.6/1% +.87/15% +.003/40% $M $W $F $G $B $C +65/40% +79/15% +74/80% +96/1% +170/10% +285/10% G A R Predestined G A R Progress G A R Objective 2345 G A R Momentum ALC Big Eye D09N 17354145 G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Objective 3387 MCC Daybreak G A R Anticipation G A R 5050 New Design 0530 GAR Anticipation 529P B/R Ambush 28 18447016 Gar 28 Ambush 216P G A R Objective 2188 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 75 0 104 636 97 1126 107 4.11 120 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT - 1-108 1-100 1-100 9-102 9-101 9-101 9-107 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot
Birth Date: 3/6/21 Bull +20179940 Tattoo: 111P EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +12/10% +1.1/50% +68/25% +116/35% +.21/80% +1.57/85% +1.2/3% +.83/50% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +24/20% +10.8/65% +10/35% +36/4% +78/35% +1/10% -32/90% CW MARB REA Fat +48/45% +1.41/1% +.72/35% -.002/30% $M $W $F $G $B $C +58/65% +82/10% +80/65% +86/1% +166/15% +273/20% G A R Predestined G A R Progress G A R Objective 2345 G A R Momentum ALC Big Eye D09N 17354145 G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Objective 3387 MCC Daybreak G A R Anticipation G A R 5050 New Design 0530 GAR Anticipation 529P B/R Ambush 28 18447016 Gar 28 Ambush 216P G A R Objective 2188 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 70 0 93 731 112 1136 108 3.98 116 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT - 1-108 1-100 1-100 9-102 9-101 9-101 9-107 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 106
Birth Date: 3/19/21 Bull +20156250 Tattoo: J1220 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC I+11/15% I+1.1/50% I+73/15% I+131/15% I+.28/25% I+1.36/75% I+.7/30% I+.27/85% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN I+25/20% I+9.4/80% I+11/25% I+24/60% I+75/35% I+.5/40% -24/75% CW MARB REA Fat I+50/40% I+1.36/2% I+.92/10% I+.038/85% $M $W $F $G $B $C +64/45% +75/20% +97/25% +84/1% +181/5% +299/5% G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Drive Connealy In Sure 8524 18301470 Maplecrest Blackcap 3007 Maplecrest Blackcap K9283 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 Maplecrest Blackcap A5237 Connealy Confidence 0100 18471712 Maplecrest Blackcap K2219 G A R Total 9A38 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 84 0 100 701 100 1071 100 4.21 100 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-70 1-96 1-80 1-90 17-101 17-102 17-103 17-111 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 107
Birth Date: 2/21/21 Bull +20156249 Tattoo: J1210 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +16/1% -.9/15% +66/30% +124/20% +.28/25% +1.46/80% +1/10% +.77/55% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +29/10% +11/60% +14/5% +30/20% +67/45% +.5/40% -24/75% CW MARB REA Fat +45/55% +1.1/10% +.75/30% +.002/40% $M $W $F $G $B $C +67/35% +76/20% +87/45% +73/5% +159/20% +273/20% G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Drive Connealy In Sure 8524 18301470 Maplecrest Blackcap 3007 Maplecrest Blackcap K9283 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet 1754 MCC Daybreak 17965274 G A R Daybreak C80 G A R Objective 277L BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 84 0 100 703 100 1066 100 4.62 98 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 2-70 1-99 1-98 1-102 50-99 50-101 50-101 50-105 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 108
Birth Date: 2/13/21 Bull 20021085 Tattoo: 201J EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +11/15% +.1/25% +72/20% +132/15% +.28/25% +1.55/85% +.8/25% +.51/75% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +28/10% +10.1/70% +13/10% +24/60% +124/3% +1.2/3% -47/95% CW MARB REA Fat +50/40% +1.1/10% +.96/10% -.062/1% $M $W $F $G $B $C +43/95% +69/30% +93/35% +80/2% +173/10% +267/20% MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise G A R Objective R227 G A R Genesis G A R Prophet 18636056 G A R Prophet N494 G A R 28 Ambush 100 G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Momentum 2346 SydGen Trust 6228 18635955 G A R Trust N1223 G A R 28 Ambush C19 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 73 1 103 621 106 1098 101 4.6 102 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 3-64 2-96 2-100 2-98 7-98 7-98 7-88 7-91 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 109 METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 136/47% QPI/% 113/58% ROI/% 226/54% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 118/82% QPI/% 73/96% ROI/% 176/94% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 160/8% QPI/% 129/32% ROI/% 263/16% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 114/88% QPI/% 170/1% ROI/% 250/28% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 125/70% QPI/% 154/6% ROI/% 248/30% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 135/49% QPI/% 147/11% ROI/% 253/25% Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 51.9 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 33.86 Adj % IMF 6.3 % IMF Ratio 82 Adj REA 14.8 REA Ratio 117 Adj Rib Fat .27 Rib Fat Ratio 90 Adj Rump Fat .34 Rump Fat Ratio 92 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 51.9 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 35.05 Adj % IMF 9.32 % IMF Ratio 103 Adj REA 13.2 REA Ratio 105 Adj Rib Fat .32 Rib Fat Ratio 107 Adj Rump Fat .35 Rump Fat Ratio 121 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 53.9 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 34.86 Adj % IMF 7.43 % IMF Ratio 82 Adj REA 13.9 REA Ratio 110 Adj Rib Fat .33 Rib Fat Ratio 110 Adj Rump Fat .32 Rump Fat Ratio 110 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 51.3 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 33.28 Adj % IMF 5.83 % IMF Ratio 100 Adj REA 10.5 REA Ratio 100 Adj Rib Fat .3 Rib Fat Ratio 100 Adj Rump Fat .42 Rump Fat Ratio 100 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 51.5 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 34.45 Adj % IMF 8.65 % IMF Ratio 108 Adj REA 11.9 REA Ratio 98 Adj Rib Fat .25 Rib Fat Ratio 81 Adj Rump Fat .4 Rump Fat Ratio 111 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 51.7 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 34.22 Adj % IMF 7.16 % IMF Ratio 84 Adj REA 13.3 REA Ratio 102 Adj Rib Fat .21 Rib Fat Ratio 58 Adj Rump Fat .24 Rump Fat Ratio 65 14-16 Month Old Bulls


G A R L517 100X L1460

G A R Enhance M1216

G A R Early Bird 123L

G A R Ashland 911J

G A R Enhance L161

G A R Ashland B129

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 33
Birth Date: 12/29/20 Bull 20156398 Tattoo: L1460 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +15/2% -1.1/10% +51/75% +99/65% +.26/40% +.65/25% +.7/30% +1.47/15% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +13/75% +11.3/60% +14/5% +30/20% +55/60% +.9/10% -18/60% CW MARB REA Fat +37/75% +1.2/4% +.7/35% -.051/1% $M $W $F $G $B $C +41/95% +59/55% +89/40% +81/2% +170/10% +261/25% A A R Ten X 7008 S A G A R 100X G A R 5050 New Design A91 RCC 100X L517 B/R Ambush 28 18983091 G A R 28 Ambush 1682 G A R Objective 3008 A A R Ten X 7008 S A G A R 100X G A R 5050 New Design A91 RCC 100X L87 B/R Ambush 28 18850214 G A R 28 Ambush 1682 G A R Objective 3008 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 65 1 96 588 102 937 100 4.39 100 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT - 2-102 2-110 2-100 1-100 1-100 1-100 1-100 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 110
Birth Date: 4/2/21 Bull +20272261 Tattoo: 123L EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +14/4% +.3/30% +57/60% +100/60% +.23/65% +.7/30% +.6/45% +1.81/5% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +12/75% +7.1/95% +13/10% +24/60% +32/85% +.1/80% -4/20% CW MARB REA Fat +37/75% +1.52/1% +.73/30% +.006/45% $M $Weaning $Feedlot $G $Beef $Combined +60/55% +63/45% +84/55% +91/1% +174/10% +286/10% MCC Daybreak G A R Daylight G A R Objective R227 G A R Early Bird G A R Progress 17354178 G A R Progress 830 G A R 1I1 Rito 3346 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Sure Fire Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 La 8SF8 1302 Sure Fire G A R Prophet 20108522 G A R Prophet 1302 G A R 28 Ambush 1170 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 70 1 100 601 100 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT - 1-100 1-100 1-100 1-100 1-100 1-100 1-100 Ultrasound at 311 days of age. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot
Birth Date: 1/7/21 Bull +20158928 Tattoo: L161 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +12/10% +0/25% +58/55% +119/30% +.33/3% +.82/35% +.8/25% +.24/85% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +28/10% +10.4/70% +7/70% +29/25% +93/20% +.8/15% -35/95% CW MARB REA Fat +48/45% +.99/15% +.87/15% +.001/35% $M $W $F $G $B $C +38/95% +59/55% +112/10% +70/10% +182/5% +274/20% SydGen Googol SydGen Exceed 3223 SydGen Forever Lady 1255 SydGen Enhance SydGen Liberty GA 8627 18170041 SydGen Rita 2618 Fox Run Rita 9308 G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Momentum 2314 B/R Ambush 28 17965309 G A R 28 Ambush 3162 G A R Objective 1648 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 65 1 100 472 100 1005 100 4.57 107 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-74 1-105 1-97 1-95 38-89 38-104 38-98 38-94 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 112
Birth Date: 2/19/21 Bull 20134781 Tattoo: M1216 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +13/10% -.1/25% +73/15% +144/5% +.32/5% +1.94/95% +.9/15% +.44/75% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +19/45% +9.2/80% +7/70% +32/15% +81/30% +.6/30% -31/90% CW MARB REA Fat +50/40% +.99/15% +1.03/5% -.023/10% $M $W $F $G $B $C +56/70% +82/10% +96/30% +73/5% +170/10% +276/15% SydGen Googol SydGen Exceed 3223 SydGen Forever Lady 1255 SydGen Enhance SydGen Liberty GA 8627 18170041 SydGen Rita 2618 Fox Run Rita 9308 G A R Early Bird G A R Ashland Chair Rock Ambush 1018 Bar W Ashland 9206 G A R Momentum 19512438 Goode Momentum 7021 Goode Ten X 5317 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 81 1 107 578 98 1029 100 2.3 100 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT - 1-107 1-98 1-100 1-108 1-100 1-83 1-91 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.
Lot 113
Birth Date: 2/13/21 Bull 20022189 Tattoo: 911J EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +10/20% +.9/45% +81/5% +144/5% +.29/20% +1.6/90% +.9/15% +1.33/20% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +30/5% +12.3/45% +5/85% +20/85% +93/20% +.7/25% -30/85% CW MARB REA Fat +59/20% +.97/15% +.8/25% -.027/10% $M $W $F $G $B $C +65/40% +77/15% +103/20% +70/10% +173/10% +289/10% G A R Daylight G A R Early Bird G A R Progress 830 G A R Ashland B/R Ambush 28 18217198 Chair Rock Ambush 1018 G A R Yield Grade N366 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Sure Fire Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 G A R Sure Fire N877 G A R Prophet 19084197 G A R Prophet 1114 G A R Complete 1591 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 68 1 96 592 101 1085 100 4.51 100 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 2-60 1-96 1-101 1-100 1-90 1-97 1-81 1-97 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot
Birth Date: 3/5/21 Bull +20190251 Tattoo: B129 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +14/4% +0/25% +91/1% +158/1% +.26/40% +2.54/95% +1/10% +1.23/25% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +19/45% +10/75% +14/5% +22/75% +118/4% +1.1/4% -43/95% CW MARB REA Fat +60/20% +1.31/2% +.74/30% +.032/80% $M $W $F $G $B $C +50/80% +90/3% +86/50% +80/2% +165/15% +264/25% G A R Daylight G A R Early Bird G A R Progress 830 G A R Ashland B/R Ambush 28 18217198 Chair Rock Ambush 1018 G A R Yield Grade N366 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet N1175 MCC Daybreak 18445982 G A R Daybreak 1201 G A R 5050 New Design 649 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 100 1 100 594 100 1165 100 5.13 104 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 2-78 2-98 2-99 2-105 48-103 48-101 48-100 48-100 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 115 METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 125/70% QPI/% 134/25% ROI/% 232/47% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 147/25% QPI/% 158/4% ROI/% 273/9% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 158/10% QPI/% 141/17% ROI/% 271/10% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 133/54% QPI/% 151/8% ROI/% 254/24% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 144/30% QPI/% 126/37% ROI/% 245/33% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 162/6% QPI/% 165/2% ROI/% 294/2% Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 50.5 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 33.91 Adj % IMF 7.79 % IMF Ratio 100 Adj REA 12.1 REA Ratio 100 Adj Rib Fat .22 Rib Fat Ratio 100 Adj Rump Fat .21 Rump Fat Ratio 100 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht NA Adj Yrlg Scr Circm NA Adj % IMF 8.48 % IMF Ratio Actual Adj REA 11.2 REA Ratio Actual Adj Rib Fat .33 Rib Fat Ratio Actual Adj Rump Fat .39 Rump Fat Ratio Actual Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 51.2 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 32.01 Adj % IMF 6.61 % IMF Ratio 86 Adj REA 12.3 REA Ratio 93 Adj Rib Fat .27 Rib Fat Ratio 96 Adj Rump Fat .27 Rump Fat Ratio 84 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 51.4 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 35.41 Adj % IMF 9.28 % IMF Ratio 108 Adj REA 11.6 REA Ratio 100 Adj Rib Fat .29 Rib Fat Ratio 83 Adj Rump Fat .29 Rump Fat Ratio 91 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 51.7 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 36.38 Adj % IMF 7.63 % IMF Ratio 90 Adj REA 12.6 REA Ratio 97 Adj Rib Fat .29 Rib Fat Ratio 81 Adj Rump Fat .36 Rump Fat Ratio 97 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 51.9 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 39.83 Adj % IMF 8.32 % IMF Ratio 101 Adj REA 11.8 REA Ratio 91 Adj Rib Fat .41 Rib Fat Ratio 141 Adj Rump Fat .45 Rump Fat Ratio 132 14-16
Month Old Bulls


G A R Ashland P131

G A R Ashland P141

G A R Ashland B125


Home Town P181

Shelby Stille helps out getting hay to all the pastures.

G A R Home Town M102

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 34
Birth Date: 2/26/21 Bull +20144079 Tattoo: P131 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +13/10% +.7/40% +89/2% +145/4% +.25/45% +1.85/95% +.6/45% +.66/65% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +20/40% +10.2/70% +10/35% +27/40% +88/25% +.7/25% -32/90% CW MARB REA Fat +49/45% +1.5/1% +.68/40% +.003/40% $M $W $F $G $B $C +66/40% +99/1% +79/65% +89/1% +168/15% +284/10% G A R Daylight G A R Early Bird G A R Progress 830 G A R Ashland B/R Ambush 28 18217198 Chair Rock Ambush 1018 G A R Yield Grade N366 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 PPA Prophet P146 MCC Daybreak 18771029 G A R Daybreak R02 G A R 5050 New Design R39 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 0 601 100 1073 100 4.21 94 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT - - - - 10-104 10-99 10-102 10-100 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 116
Birth Date: 3/8/21 Bull +20190253 Tattoo: B125 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +11/15% +1.7/60% +69/25% +119/30% +.22/70% +1.26/70% +.5/55% +1.42/20% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +22/30% +7.4/95% +11/25% +21/80% +54/65% +.4/50% -13/45% CW MARB REA Fat +45/55% +1.33/2% +.96/10% +.019/60% $M $W $F $G $B $C +61/55% +69/30% +83/55% +84/1% +167/15% +278/15% G A R Daylight G A R Early Bird G A R Progress 830 G A R Ashland B/R Ambush 28 18217198 Chair Rock Ambush 1018 G A R Yield Grade N366 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet N1175 MCC Daybreak 18445982 G A R Daybreak 1201 G A R 5050 New Design 649 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 92 1 100 620 100 1084 100 5.08 103 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 2-78 2-98 2-99 2-105 48-103 48-101 48-100 48-100 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot
Birth Date: 2/26/21 Bull +20144080 Tattoo: P141 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +12/10% +.6/35% +92/1% +156/2% +.28/25% +2.06/95% +.8/25% +1.2/30% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +36/1% +8.3/90% +11/25% +30/20% +108/10% +.9/10% -43/95% CW MARB REA Fat +63/15% +1.03/10% +.71/35% -.002/30% $M $W $F $G $B $C +55/70% +102/1% +94/30% +69/10% +163/15% +266/25% G A R Daylight G A R Early Bird G A R Progress 830 G A R Ashland B/R Ambush 28 18217198 Chair Rock Ambush 1018 G A R Yield Grade N366 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 PPA Prophet P146 MCC Daybreak 18771029 G A R Daybreak R02 G A R 5050 New Design R39 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 69 1 100 510 100 1115 100 5.03 112 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT - - - - 10-104 10-99 10-102 10-100 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 118
Birth Date: 3/3/21 Bull +20145546 Tattoo: P181 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +12/10% -.5/15% +60/50% +114/35% +.22/70% +1.78/95% +.4/65% +1.61/10% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +22/30% +10.8/65% +16/1% +28/30% +42/75% -.1/90% -11/40% CW MARB REA Fat +34/80% +1.71/1% +1.05/4% +.014/55% $M $W $F $G $B $C +63/50% +70/30% +69/85% +102/1% +172/10% +286/10% G A R Early Bird G A R Ashland Chair Rock Ambush 1018 G A R Home Town G A R Sure Fire 19266718 Chair Rock Sure Fire 6095 Chair Rock Progress 3005 Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Daybreak MCC Miss Focus 134 G A R Daybreak R02 G A R New Design 5050 17421296 G A R 5050 New Design R39G A R Objective R137 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 62 1 100 539 100 1168 100 4.25 95 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 4-66 3-94 3-103 2-96 33-104 33-100 33-99 33-100 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 119
Birth Date: 1/9/21 Bull +20080619 Tattoo: M102 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +11/15% +1.3/55% +62/45% +99/65% +.2/85% +.61/25% -.2/95% +.72/60% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +15/65% +10.2/70% +11/25% +24/60% +14/95% -.7/95% +4/10% CW MARB REA Fat +37/75% +1.45/1% +.99/10% -.046/2% $M $W $F $G $B $C +74/20% +72/25% +78/70% +95/1% +173/10% +298/5% G A R Early Bird G A R Ashland Chair Rock Ambush 1018 G A R Home Town G A R Sure Fire 19266718 Chair Rock Sure Fire 6095 Chair Rock Progress 3005 A A R Ten X 7008 S A G A R 100X G A R 5050 New Design A91 Speelman 100X Nel 1707 EXAR Upshot 0562B 18730268 Speelman Nel 1501 Rita 0B26 of Rita 5M46 BR28 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 65 1 97 503 87 1001 100 3.93 100 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT - 2-100 2-101 1-93 5-103 5-100 5-106 5-99 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 120 METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 170/3% QPI/% 170/1% ROI/% 306/1% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 163/6% QPI/% 145/13% ROI/% 279/6% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 125/70% QPI/% 153/7% ROI/% 247/31% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 153/15% QPI/% 141/17% ROI/% 266/14% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 134/52% QPI/% 138/20% ROI/% 244/34% Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 50.1 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 34.61 Adj % IMF 10.54 % IMF Ratio 113 Adj REA 12.6 REA Ratio 98 Adj Rib Fat .33 Rib Fat Ratio 114 Adj Rump Fat .36 Rump Fat Ratio 95 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 52 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 38.93 Adj % IMF 8.82 % IMF Ratio 107 Adj REA 12.8 REA Ratio 98 Adj Rib Fat .28 Rib Fat Ratio 97 Adj Rump Fat .34 Rump Fat Ratio 100 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 50.6 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 34.61 Adj % IMF 8.85 % IMF Ratio 95 Adj REA 12 REA Ratio 93 Adj Rib Fat .3 Rib Fat Ratio 103 Adj Rump Fat .38 Rump Fat Ratio 100 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 52.8 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 36.77 Adj % IMF 9.53 % IMF Ratio 102 Adj REA 13.1 REA Ratio 102 Adj Rib Fat .38 Rib Fat Ratio 131 Adj Rump Fat .53 Rump Fat Ratio 139 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 47.3 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 34.6 Adj % IMF 9.11 % IMF Ratio 101 Adj REA 11.7 REA Ratio 91 Adj Rib Fat .22 Rib Fat Ratio 88 Adj Rump Fat .33 Rump Fat Ratio 103 14-16 Month Old Bulls

We have a wide range of customers with very different operations and marketing plans. The best bull for one customer may not be the best choice for another. When we design matings to produce our sale bulls, we consider many key EPDs, including: calving ease, yearling weight, yearling height, marbling, $Beef and Method Genetics’ Retained Ownership Income (ROI). Decades of data collected on over a half century of Gardiner genetics from birth to harvest enable us to guarantee these bulls will work for you in your environment.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 35

G A R Phoenix 10B

G A R Xceptional 1040G [DDF]

G A R Quantum 03B

G A R Xceptional 05B

100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.

G A R Quantum 01B

G A R Ashland 5630

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 36
Birth Date: 10/2/20 Bull +20087490 Tattoo: 10B EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +15/2% -.9/15% +62/45% +117/30% +.27/30% +1.25/70% +1/10% +1.62/10% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +22/30% +6.9/95% +12/15% +29/25% +79/30% +.7/25% -29/85% CW MARB REA Fat +57/25% +1.09/10% +1.08/3% +0/35% $M $Weaning $Feedlot $G $Beef $Combined +41/95% +69/30% +109/10% +77/3% +186/4% +282/15% Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Sure Fire Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 G A R Phoenix G A R Prophet 18636106 G A R Prophet N744 G A R Daybreak 440 G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Momentum 2996 Connealy In Sure 8524 18636007 G A R In Sure 614 G A R Complete 3011 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 72 1 100 622 100 1311 100 4.59 107 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-75 1-100 1-100 - 17-103 17-105 17-106 17-103 Actual scrotal and hip height measurements. YW Adjusted to 452 days of Age. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 121
Birth Date: 9/15/20 Bull +20031865 Tattoo: 03B EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +10/20% +1.3/55% +68/25% +127/20% +.24/55% +1.98/95% +.8/25% +.04/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +26/15% +12/50% +4/90% +36/4% +45/75% +.5/40% -17/55% CW MARB REA Fat +63/15% +1.02/15% +1.32/1% +.012/50% $M $Weaning $Feedlot $G $Beef $Combined +79/10% +84/10% +113/10% +76/4% +189/3% +324/1% G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Quantum Connealy In Sure 8524 18636059 G A R In Sure 1524 G A R Complete 3011 EF Complement 8088 EF Commando 1366 Riverbend Young Lucy W1470 Ogeechee Commando 764 MCC Daybreak 19430454 G A R Daybreak A3010 G A R 5050 New Design A91 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 68 1 100 535 100 1194 100 4.42 99 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT - - - - - - -Actual scrotal and hip height measurements. YW Adjusted to 452 days of Age. Selling
Birth Date: 9/14/20 Bull +20031863 Tattoo: 01B EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +7/45% +2.1/70% +81/5% +141/10% +.28/25% +1.63/90% +.8/25% +.11/90% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +23/25% +10.8/65% +4/90% +32/15% +63/50% +.8/15% -23/75% CW MARB REA Fat +65/15% +1.04/10% +1.22/1% +.014/55% $M $Weaning $Feedlot $G $Beef $Combined +81/10% +92/2% +109/10% +75/4% +184/4% +320/2% G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Quantum Connealy In Sure 8524 18636059 G A R In Sure 1524 G A R Complete 3011 EF Complement 8088 EF Commando 1366 Riverbend Young Lucy W1470 Ogeechee Commando 764 MCC Daybreak 19430454 G A R Daybreak A3010 G A R 5050 New Design A91 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 70 1 100 548 100 1277 100 5.75 100 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT - - - - - - -Actual scrotal and hip height measurements. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 123
Birth Date: 8/10/20 Bull 20039423 Tattoo: 1040G EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +14/4% -.1/25% +72/20% +135/10% +.35/2% +.92/45% +.6/45% +.37/80% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +22/30% +6.5/95% +11/25% +43/1% +54/65% +.1/80% -25/80% CW MARB REA Fat +68/10% +1.11/10% +1.06/4% -.018/15% $M $Weaning $Feedlot $G $Beef $Combined +64/45% +97/1% +126/2% +79/3% +204/1% +329/1% Mytty In Focus A A R Ten X 7008 S A A A R Lady Kelton 5551 G A R Xceptional MCC Daybreak 18082928 G A R Daybreak A3010 G A R 5050 New Design A91 B/R New Design 036 G A R New Design 5050 G A R Precision 706 Ogeechee Blackcap 1250 S S Objective T510 0T26 17625215 G A R Objective N216 G A R 6I6 Rito 1062 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 62 1 93 573 89 1429 93 4.19 95 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT - 4-99 3-103 1-103 1-107 1-107 1-92 1-76 Actual scrotal and hip height measurements. YW Adjusted to 550 days of Age. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 124
Birth Date: 9/13/20 Bull +20031495 Tattoo: 05B EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +11/15% -.5/15% +56/60% +110/45% +.29/20% +.76/35% +.4/65% -.17/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +6/95% +8.5/85% +17/1% +34/10% +12/95% -.2/95% +0/15% CW MARB REA Fat +44/55% +1.4/2% +.63/45% -.009/25% $M $Weaning $Feedlot $G $Beef $Combined +63/50% +74/20% +100/20% +85/1% +185/4% +303/4% Mytty In Focus A A R Ten X 7008 S A A A R Lady Kelton 5551 G A R Xceptional MCC Daybreak 18082928 G A R Daybreak A3010 G A R 5050 New Design A91 A A R Ten X 7008 S A G A R 100X G A R 5050 New Design A91 Pine View Miss Wix C210 Connealy All Around 18439619 Ogeechee Miss Wix 0089 Circle G Miss Wix 668 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 69 1 100 490 100 996 100 4.4 99 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT - - - - - - -Actual scrotal and hip height measurements. YW Adjusted to 452 days of Age. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 125
Birth Date: 8/19/20 Bull +19862779 Tattoo: 5630 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +10/20% +1.1/50% +78/10% +135/10% +.28/25% +1.43/80% +.6/45% -.28/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +21/35% +4.5/95% +6/75% +23/70% +100/15% +.7/25% -35/95% CW MARB REA Fat +47/50% +.93/20% +.94/10% -.018/15% $M $W $F $G $B $C +38/95% +78/15% +84/55% +69/10% +154/25% +238/50% G A R Daylight G A R Early Bird G A R Progress 830 G A R Ashland B/R Ambush 28 18217198 Chair Rock Ambush 1018 G A R Yield Grade N366 G A R Momentum G A R Method G A R Daybreak 1332 G A R Method N1008 Deer Valley All In 19393485 G A R All In N206 G A R Daybreak G122 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 76 1 100 851 100 1307 100 3.02 75 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT - - - - 7-91 7-106 7-84 7-95 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 126 METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 144/30% QPI/% 161/3% ROI/% 273/9% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 141/36% QPI/% 126/37% ROI/% 242/36% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 137/45% QPI/% 127/35% ROI/% 239/39% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 128/64% QPI/% 137/21% ROI/% 238/41% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 150/20% QPI/% 131/30% ROI/% 255/23% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 164/5% QPI/% 156/5% ROI/% 289/3% Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 55.0 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 38 Adj % IMF NA % IMF Ratio NA Adj REA NA REA Ratio NA Adj Rib Fat NA Rib Fat Ratio NA Adj Rump Fat NA Rump Fat Ratio NA Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 52.5 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 35 Adj % IMF NA % IMF Ratio NA Adj REA NA REA Ratio NA Adj Rib Fat NA Rib Fat Ratio NA Adj Rump Fat NA Rump Fat Ratio NA Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 54.0 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 35 Adj % IMF NA % IMF Ratio NA Adj REA NA REA Ratio NA Adj Rib Fat NA Rib Fat Ratio NA Adj Rump Fat NA Rump Fat Ratio NA Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 53.0 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 33 Adj % IMF NA % IMF Ratio NA Adj REA NA REA Ratio NA Adj Rib Fat NA Rib Fat Ratio NA Adj Rump Fat NA Rump Fat Ratio NA Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 52.0 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 34 Adj % IMF NA % IMF Ratio NA Adj REA NA REA Ratio NA Adj Rib Fat NA Rib Fat Ratio NA Adj Rump Fat NA Rump Fat Ratio NA Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 51.7 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 34.65 Adj % IMF 6.54 % IMF Ratio 98 Adj REA 14 REA Ratio 99 Adj Rib Fat .44 Rib Fat Ratio 113 Adj Rump Fat .49 Rump Fat Ratio 114 20 Month Old Bulls

G A R Proactive 066M

G A R Quantum 021M

G A R Quantum S160


G A R Quantum 210E

G A R Quantum R820

We have worked with the Eatinger family in Thedford, Nebraska, for nearly 30 years as the GAR ET program grew. We are grateful for their attention to health, nutrition and overall best practice animal husbandry.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 37
Birth Date: 10/23/20 Bull +20044764 Tattoo: 066M EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +16/1% -.6/15% +52/75% +100/60% +.25/45% +.79/35% +.6/45% +.47/75% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +14/70% +10.9/65% +16/1% +28/30% +29/90% +.4/50% -5/25% CW MARB REA Fat +35/80% +1.45/1% +.53/65% -.011/20% $M $Weaning $Feedlot $G $Beef $Combined +60/55% +61/50% +82/60% +86/1% +169/15% +279/15% C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Proactive MCC Daybreak 18333424 G A R Daybreak 1521 G A R 5050 New Design 1039 G A R Predestined G A R Progress G A R Objective 2345 G A R Progress N1401 G A R Yield Grade 17184265 G A R Yield Grade N366 G A R 1407 New Design 1942 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 79 1 100 647 100 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 4-72 2-101 2-113 2-118 47-106 47-98 47-97 47-105 Ultrasound at 312 days of age. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 127
Birth Date: 9/8/20 Bull 20036574 Tattoo: S160 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +11/15% +.1/25% +58/55% +97/65% +.21/80% +.79/35% +.6/45% +1.06/35% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +17/55% +2.9/95% +8/55% +31/15% +50/70% +.4/50% -16/55% CW MARB REA Fat +37/75% +1.28/3% +1.02/5% -.007/25% $M $W $F $G $B $C +48/85% +71/25% +81/60% +85/1% +166/15% +263/25% G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Quantum Connealy In Sure 8524 18636059 G A R In Sure 1524 G A R Complete 3011 MCC Daybreak G A R Anticipation G A R 5050 New Design 0530 S W Anticipation 17S G A R Composure 19072834 S W Composure 15S S W Fusion 43S BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 68 1 88 606 83 1124 89 4.22 90 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT - 2-92 2-90 2-93 2-112 2-100 2-96 2-100 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 128
Birth Date: 8/23/20 Bull +20086062 Tattoo: R820 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +5/65% +4.3/95% +77/10% +143/5% +.29/20% +1.79/95% +1/10% +2.05/3% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +25/20% +13.5/30% +5/85% +32/15% +93/20% +.9/10% -37/95% CW MARB REA Fat +59/20% +.9/20% +.76/30% -.012/20% $M $W $F $G $B $C +67/35% +75/20% +100/20% +65/15% +166/15% +282/15% G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Quantum Connealy In Sure 8524 18636059 G A R In Sure 1524 G A R Complete 3011 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Sure Fire Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 G A R Sure Fire R288 G A R Prophet 19339955 G A R Prophet R174 G A R Daybreak R2 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 81 1 100 588 100 1103 100 3.56 90 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 2-80 1-104 1-93 - 9-88 9-96 9-106 9-116 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 129
Birth Date: 9/18/20 Bull 20020569 Tattoo: 021M EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +13/10% +.7/40% +65/35% +119/30% +.26/40% +1.34/75% +.8/25% +1.38/20% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +19/45% +4.2/95% +11/25% +33/10% +62/55% +.8/15% -23/75% CW MARB REA Fat +53/35% +.91/20% +1/10% +.013/55% $M $W $F $G $B $C +53/75% +77/15% +98/25% +67/10% +165/15% +267/20% G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Quantum Connealy In Sure 8524 18636059 G A R In Sure 1524 G A R Complete 3011 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 Mason Prophet 642 G A R Sunrise 18958892 G A R Sunrise 2762 G A R Objective 609 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 82 1 104 667 100 1184 104 4.13 107 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT - 1-104 1-100 1-104 1-86 1-111 1-113 1-108 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 130
Birth Date: 8/27/20 Bull +19938620 Tattoo: 210E EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +8/35% +2.9/85% +71/20% +125/20% +.26/40% +1.29/70% +.9/15% +1.85/5% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +23/25% +10.6/65% +5/85% +33/10% +85/25% +.8/15% -34/95% CW MARB REA Fat +48/45% +1.16/5% +.72/35% -.02/15% $M $W $F $G $B $C +62/50% +76/20% +88/45% +77/3% +165/15% +276/15% G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Quantum Connealy In Sure 8524 18636059 G A R In Sure 1524 G A R Complete 3011 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Sure Fire Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Ogeechee Sure Fire 7095 G A R Prophet 19060610 Ogeechee Prophet 4123G Ogeechee GAR Rita 115G BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 60 1 100 654 100 1288 100 4.57 96 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-75 1-104 1-92 1-84 6-95 6-102 6-111 6-99 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot
METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 138/43% QPI/% 164/3% ROI/% 269/12% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 141/36% QPI/% 124/40% ROI/% 240/38% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 134/52% QPI/% 140/18% ROI/% 246/32% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 126/69% QPI/% 121/45% ROI/% 223/57% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 165/5% QPI/% 117/51% ROI/% 259/19% Adj Yrlg Hip Ht NA Adj Yrlg Scr Circm NA Adj % IMF 7.52 % IMF Ratio Actual Adj REA 10.7 REA Ratio Actual Adj Rib Fat .25 Rib Fat Ratio Actual Adj Rump Fat .39 Rump Fat Ratio Actual Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 51.3 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 37.78 Adj % IMF 5.96 % IMF Ratio 95 Adj REA 12.4 REA Ratio 96 Adj Rib Fat .28 Rib Fat Ratio 76 Adj Rump Fat .47 Rump Fat Ratio 102 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 52.8 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 37.74 Adj % IMF 3.66 % IMF Ratio 68 Adj REA 11 REA Ratio 92 Adj Rib Fat .25 Rib Fat Ratio 96 Adj Rump Fat .33 Rump Fat Ratio 103 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 51.6 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 37.76 Adj % IMF 5.11 % IMF Ratio 86 Adj REA 13.5 REA Ratio 111 Adj Rib Fat .36 Rib Fat Ratio 113 Adj Rump Fat .43 Rump Fat Ratio 108 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 51.9 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 37.87 Adj % IMF 4.93 % IMF Ratio 81 Adj REA 12.4 REA Ratio 95 Adj Rib Fat .38 Rib Fat Ratio 115 Adj Rump Fat .39 Rump Fat Ratio 98 20 Month Old Bulls

G A R Quantum EWA0137

G A R Quantum TA230

G A R Quantum J0240


Many of our customers realize the value of access to GAR USPB delivery rights. Today, the demand exceeds our supply. Due to the increased demand, we are requiring prior authorization. If you are a GAR customer, retaining ownership, and would like to use GAR delivery rights, please contact Mark Gardiner (620) 635-5095 for prior authorization.

From 1998 through 2021, GAR customers marketed 122,000 head through U.S. Premium Beef, earning an average of $92.71 per head above the base price, totaling $11,310,280

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 38
Birth Date: 9/28/20 Bull 19867746 Tattoo: 0137 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +11/15% +.9/45% +72/20% +122/25% +.24/55% +1.32/75% +.6/45% +.63/65% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +25/20% +13.7/30% +8/55% +25/55% +59/55% +.5/40% -17/55% CW MARB REA Fat +52/35% +.91/20% +1.11/3% -.026/10% $M $W $F $G $B $C +81/10% +78/15% +91/40% +71/10% +162/20% +291/10% G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Quantum Connealy In Sure 8524 18636059 G A R In Sure 1524 G A R Complete 3011 Sitz Upward 307R Connealy Uptown 098E Jace of Conanga 4660 818N E W A 5130 of 916 Uptown G A R Selective 18332485 Edgewood Lady 916 Edgewood Lady 708 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 87 1 109 646 106 1195 101 5.12 106 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT - 3-108 3-105 3-99 3-93 3-98 3-80 3-79 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 132
Birth Date: 8/21/20 Bull +20039804 Tattoo: J0240 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +9/30% +1.7/60% +62/45% +115/35% +.29/20% +.64/25% +.8/25% +1.21/30% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +26/15% +11/60% +4/90% +28/30% +59/55% +.8/15% -19/60% CW MARB REA Fat +46/50% +.82/25% +.86/15% +.017/60% $M $W $F $G $B $C +67/35% +66/40% +99/25% +61/20% +159/20% +273/20% G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Quantum Connealy In Sure 8524 18636059 G A R In Sure 1524 G A R Complete 3011 Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 Maplecrest Blackcap 3007 TC Total 410 17670660 Maplecrest Blackcap K9283 Maplecrest Blackcap 489 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 68 1 100 533 100 1042 100 3.98 98 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 4-75 3-97 3-97 4-100 49-102 49-101 49-104 49-104 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 133
Birth Date: 10/29/20 Bull 19860928 Tattoo: TA230 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +17/1% -2.2/3% +61/45% +111/40% +.21/80% +1.51/85% +.6/45% +1.48/15% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +29/10% +9.2/80% +8/55% +34/10% +24/90% +.1/80% -6/25% CW MARB REA Fat +43/60% +1.12/10% +1.06/4% +.037/85% $M $Weaning $Feedlot $G $Beef $Combined +81/10% +82/10% +84/55% +75/4% +159/20% +287/10% G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Quantum Connealy In Sure 8524 18636059 G A R In Sure 1524 G A R Complete 3011 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Sure Fire Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 G A R Sure Fire TA 1836 G A R Prophet 19240185 H P C A Prophet A03 VAN New Design 9320 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 51 1 77 643 101 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT - 1-77 1-101 - - - -Actual hip height measurements. Ultrasound at 306 days of age. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.
A R Quantum 6820 Birth Date: 9/1/20 Bull 19862889 Tattoo: 6820 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +14/4% +.2/30% +56/60% +108/45% +.23/65% +1.39/75% +.8/25% +1.73/10% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +27/15% +9.3/80% +9/45% +37/3% +35/85% +.2/70% -13/45% CW MARB REA Fat +36/75% +1.39/2% +.79/25% -.008/25% $M $W $F $G $B $C +69/30% +73/25% +77/70% +87/1% +164/15% +282/15% G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Quantum Connealy In Sure 8524 18636059 G A R In Sure 1524 G A R Complete 3011 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Sure Fire Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 G A R Sure Fire 1736 B/R Destination 727-928 18635905 G A R Destination N244 G A R Predestined 3279 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 80 1 100 535 91 1154 99 4.42 107 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 3-80 3-101 3-98 3-103 3-107 3-104 3-108 3-105 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 135 METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 177/1% QPI/% 147/11% ROI/% 295/2% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 148/23% QPI/% 136/23% ROI/% 257/21% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 132/56% QPI/% 145/13% ROI/% 248/30% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 150/20% QPI/% 119/48% ROI/% 245/33% Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 52.9 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 36.93 Adj % IMF 5.9 % IMF Ratio 111 Adj REA 12.5 REA Ratio 98 Adj Rib Fat .25 Rib Fat Ratio 74 Adj Rump Fat .39 Rump Fat Ratio 95 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 50.8 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 34.68 Adj % IMF 5.94 % IMF Ratio 102 Adj REA 13.4 REA Ratio 99 Adj Rib Fat .37 Rib Fat Ratio 128 Adj Rump Fat .27 Rump Fat Ratio 100 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 44.9 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm NA Adj % IMF 7.17 % IMF Ratio Actual Adj REA 12.4 REA Ratio Actual Adj Rib Fat .28 Rib Fat Ratio Actual Adj Rump Fat .42 Rump Fat Ratio Actual Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 51.1 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 37.25 Adj % IMF 7.11 % IMF Ratio 122 Adj REA 12.8 REA Ratio 96 Adj Rib Fat .38 Rib Fat Ratio 119 Adj Rump Fat .43 Rump Fat Ratio 110
Lot 134 G
Month Old Bulls

G A R Quantum R610

G A R Revamp Z190

G A R Quantum 4120J

G A R Combustion 170E

G A R Revamp Z260

G A R Combustion M0704

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 39
Birth Date: 8/15/20 Bull +20086051 Tattoo: R610 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +16/1% -.7/15% +54/70% +101/60% +.25/45% +.68/30% +.7/30% +1.4/20% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +27/15% +9.1/80% +13/10% +38/2% +7/95% +.2/70% +0/15% CW MARB REA Fat +42/60% +1.14/10% +.95/10% +.024/70% $M $W $F $G $B $C +82/10% +77/15% +89/40% +75/4% +165/15% +296/10% G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Quantum Connealy In Sure 8524 18636059 G A R In Sure 1524 G A R Complete 3011 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Sure Fire Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 G A R Sure Fire R107 G A R Prophet 19042590 G A R Prophet R25 G A R Daybreak 572 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 88 1 100 541 100 1189 100 4.46 113 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-75 - - - 11-95 11-105 11-108 11-105 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 136
Birth Date: 10/1/20 Bull 19886499 Tattoo: 4120J EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +9/30% +.6/35% +69/25% +116/35% +.24/55% +1.02/50% +1/10% +.82/55% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +14/70% +6.7/95% +11/25% +27/40% +39/80% +.4/50% -9/35% CW MARB REA Fat +58/25% +.79/30% +.89/15% -.003/30% $M $W $F $G $B $C +69/30% +80/15% +101/20% +61/20% +162/20% +279/15% G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Quantum Connealy In Sure 8524 18636059 G A R In Sure 1524 G A R Complete 3011 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Sure Fire Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 G A R Sure Fire N1598 G A R Prophet 19393550 G A R Prophet 2954 G A R Daybreak 1201 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 61 1 92 584 111 1128 100 4.02 100 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 2-65 1-92 1-111 1-100 1-67 1-100 1-90 1-97 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot
Birth Date: 9/24/20 Bull 19878293 Tattoo: Z260 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +6/55% +2.9/85% +67/30% +111/40% +.24/55% +.72/30% +.6/45% +.8/55% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +30/5% +10.7/65% +7/70% +31/15% +53/65% +.4/50% -18/60% CW MARB REA Fat +47/50% +1.23/4% +.82/20% +.014/55% $M $W $F $G $B $C +72/25% +75/20% +87/45% +78/3% +165/15% +286/10% G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Revamp N5656 MCC Daybreak 18765863 G A R Daybreak 342 G A R 5050 New Design 1039 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Sure Fire Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 G A R Sure Fire 1427 G A R Prophet 18943067 G A R Prophet F75 G A R Contrast F353 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 75 0 118 601 96 1094 95 4.62 98 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 2-74 1-118 1-96 1-95 1-109 1-99 1-72 1-79 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 138
Birth Date: 9/5/20 Bull 19878280 Tattoo: Z190 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +11/15% -.3/20% +61/45% +117/30% +.28/25% +1.13/60% +1/10% +.71/60% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +21/35% +8.7/85% +9/45% +37/3% +95/15% +1.2/3% -41/95% CW MARB REA Fat +44/55% +1.22/4% +.59/55% +.034/80% $M $W $F $G $B $C +33/95% +72/25% +88/45% +73/5% +161/20% +242/45% G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Revamp N5656 MCC Daybreak 18765863 G A R Daybreak 342 G A R 5050 New Design 1039 S S Traveler 6807 T510 S S Objective T510 0T26 S S Miss Rita R011 7R8 R & R Blackcap 1051 B/R New Design 036 16951975 Wellington Blackcap W713 A Plus Blackcap 2151 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 62 1 95 577 92 1159 100 4.48 95 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT - 7-105 8-99 7-104 5-101 5-95 5-122 5-102 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.
Lot 139
Birth Date: 8/26/20 Bull +19972216 Tattoo: 170E EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +7/45% +1.1/50% +70/20% +120/25% +.26/40% +.86/40% +.6/45% +.26/85% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +21/35% +9.1/80% +8/55% +26/45% +49/70% +.2/70% -13/45% CW MARB REA Fat +39/70% +1.43/1% +.73/30% +.009/45% $M $W $F $G $B $C +63/50% +78/15% +83/55% +86/1% +169/15% +282/15% Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Sure Fire Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 G A R Combustion G A R Momentum 18943322 G A R Momentum 1724 G A R 28 Ambush M91 G A R Momentum G A R Method G A R Daybreak 1332 Chair Rock Method 6121 B/R Ambush 28 18752746 Chair Rock Ambush 3036 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 9083 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 75 1 100 487 100 1237 100 4.64 98 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 2-62 1-89 1-98 1-92 10-111 10-97 10-90 10-99 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 140
Birth Date: 9/27/20 Bull 19981930 Tattoo: M0704 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +16/1% -.3/20% +61/45% +112/40% +.25/45% +1.3/70% +.3/75% +1.16/30% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +28/10% +11.4/55% +13/10% +40/1% +47/70% +.4/50% -20/65% CW MARB REA Fat +43/60% +1.43/1% +.6/50% +.009/45% $M $W $F $G $B $C +62/50% +82/10% +79/65% +85/1% +164/15% +275/15% Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Sure Fire Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 G A R Combustion G A R Momentum 18943322 G A R Momentum 1724 G A R 28 Ambush M91 G A R Early Bird G A R Ashland Chair Rock Ambush 1018 Bar W Ashland 8710 G A R 100X 19486402 Bar W 100X 6504 G A R Daybreak 1622 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 73 1 99 609 115 1212 105 4.42 98 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT - 1-99 1-115 1-105 1-120 1-99 1-115 1-119 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 141 METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 159/9% QPI/% 117/51% ROI/% 253/25% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 125/70% QPI/% 157/5% ROI/% 251/27% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 139/41% QPI/% 158/4% ROI/% 265/14% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 166/4% QPI/% 115/55% ROI/% 258/20% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 149/21% QPI/% 140/18% ROI/% 261/18% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 155/13% QPI/% 150/9% ROI/% 275/8% Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 51.1 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 36.49 Adj % IMF 4.56 % IMF Ratio 85 Adj REA 13 REA Ratio 108 Adj Rib Fat .28 Rib Fat Ratio 108 Adj Rump Fat .34 Rump Fat Ratio 106 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 52 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 34.52 Adj % IMF 4.14 % IMF Ratio 67 Adj REA 12.5 REA Ratio 100 Adj Rib Fat .27 Rib Fat Ratio 90 Adj Rump Fat .36 Rump Fat Ratio 97 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 52.3 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 37.29 Adj % IMF 5.61 % IMF Ratio 109 Adj REA 12.6 REA Ratio 99 Adj Rib Fat .21 Rib Fat Ratio 72 Adj Rump Fat .27 Rump Fat Ratio 79 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 53.2 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 34.26 Adj % IMF 5.89 % IMF Ratio 114 Adj REA 11.7 REA Ratio 92 Adj Rib Fat .39 Rib Fat Ratio 134 Adj Rump Fat .45 Rump Fat Ratio 132 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 50.4 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 34.84 Adj % IMF 7.56 % IMF Ratio 125 Adj REA 10.7 REA Ratio 82 Adj Rib Fat .35 Rib Fat Ratio 106 Adj Rump Fat .41 Rump Fat Ratio 103 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 50.9 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 36.89 Adj % IMF 6.69 % IMF Ratio 120 Adj REA 13.5 REA Ratio 99 Adj Rib Fat .31 Rib Fat Ratio 115 Adj Rump Fat .38 Rump Fat Ratio 119 20 Month Old Bulls

G A R Phoenix 6050

G A R Starbuck 064M

G A R Phoenix 1100G

G A R Starbuck 063M

G A R Phoenix S130

G A R Sure Fire S210

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 40
Birth Date: 8/23/20 Bull +19862816 Tattoo: 6050 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +11/15% +1.2/50% +86/3% +146/4% +.28/25% +1.66/90% +1.2/3% +1.1/35% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +22/30% +8.4/90% +8/55% +32/15% +92/20% +1/10% -36/95% CW MARB REA Fat +72/5% +.83/25% +.72/35% +.044/90% $M $W $F $G $B $C +56/70% +98/1% +111/10% +57/25% +168/15% +274/20% Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Sure Fire Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 G A R Phoenix G A R Prophet 18636106 G A R Prophet N744 G A R Daybreak 440 G A R Momentum G A R Method G A R Daybreak 1332 G A R Method N1018 Deer Valley All In 19393486 G A R All In N206 G A R Daybreak G122 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 71 1 100 842 100 1444 100 4.18 104 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-98 1-117 1-86 1-85 2-105 2-95 2-123 2-114 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 142
Birth Date: 8/25/20 Bull 20060539 Tattoo: 1100G EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +17/1% -2.4/2% +63/40% +113/40% +.25/45% +1.15/60% +.5/55% +.5/75% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +15/65% +10.4/70% +15/2% +33/10% +43/75% +.4/50% -14/45% CW MARB REA Fat +45/55% +1.26/3% +.7/35% +.031/80% $M $W $F $G $B $C +64/45% +82/10% +89/40% +77/3% +166/15% +279/15% Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Sure Fire Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 G A R Phoenix G A R Prophet 18636106 G A R Prophet N744 G A R Daybreak 440 G A R Early Bird G A R Ashland Chair Rock Ambush 1018 Ogeechee Miss Wix 8008 G A R Composure 19427023 Ogeechee Miss Wix 648 Ogeechee Miss Wix 3316 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 74 1 100 662 100 1068 100 3.43 100 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-74 1-100 1-100 1-100 1-100 1-100 1-100 1-100 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 143
Birth Date: 8/21/20 Bull 20036530 Tattoo: S130 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +16/1% -1/10% +60/50% +108/45% +.23/65% +1.33/75% +.7/30% +1.32/20% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +21/35% +14.4/25% +14/5% +31/15% +57/60% +.6/30% -20/65% CW MARB REA Fat +47/50% +1.37/2% +.56/60% +.004/40% $M $W $F $G $B $C +68/35% +72/25% +87/45% +82/2% +169/15% +287/10% Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Sure Fire Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 G A R Phoenix G A R Prophet 18636106 G A R Prophet N744 G A R Daybreak 440 A A R Ten X 7008 S A Deer Valley All In Deer Valley Rita 0274 S W All In 14S W H S Limelight 64V 18040722 S W Limelight 62S SW 1I2 Rito 535S BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 70 1 86 603 94 1179 95 4.59 98 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 6-77 5-95 5-103 5-101 5-102 5-94 5-104 5-111 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 144
Birth Date: 10/28/20 Bull +20038813 Tattoo: 064M EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +5/65% +2.3/75% +66/30% +118/30% +.23/65% +1.53/85% +.4/65% -.14/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +22/30% +13.5/30% +10/35% +35/5% +36/80% +.1/80% -12/40% CW MARB REA Fat +54/30% +1.23/4% +.74/30% +.034/80% $M $Weaning $Feedlot $G $Beef $Combined +88/3% +80/15% +96/30% +76/4% +172/10% +311/3% Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Sure Fire Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 G A R Starbuck G A R New Design 5050 18644730 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 1131 Chair Rock Objective 7042 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet N774 G A R Progress 18127282 G A R Progress 830 G A R 1I1 Rito 3346 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 84 1 100 780 100 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-74 - - - 6-95 6-94 6-100 6-105 Ultrasound at 307 days of age. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.
Lot 145
Birth Date: 10/23/20 Bull +20038807 Tattoo: 063M EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +10/20% +.5/35% +50/80% +98/65% +.21/80% +1.38/75% +.5/55% +.4/80% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +25/20% +13.4/35% +14/5% +36/4% +4/95% -.1/90% +2/10% CW MARB REA Fat +39/70% +1.32/2% +.9/15% +.02/65% $M $Weaning $Feedlot $G $Beef $Combined +83/10% +68/35% +83/55% +83/2% +165/15% +297/5% Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Sure Fire Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 G A R Starbuck G A R New Design 5050 18644730 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 1131 Chair Rock Objective 7042 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet N774 G A R Progress 18127282 G A R Progress 830 G A R 1I1 Rito 3346 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 79 1 100 717 100 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-74 - - - 6-95 6-94 6-100 6-105 Ultrasound at 312 days of age. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 146
Birth Date: 9/13/20 Bull +20048530 Tattoo: S210 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +15/2% -.6/15% +64/35% +118/30% +.3/15% +.67/25% +.8/25% +1.86/5% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +23/25% +11.9/50% +16/1% +33/10% +75/35% +.7/25% -29/85% CW MARB REA Fat +48/45% +1.03/10% +.6/50% -.031/10% $M $W $F $G $B $C +59/60% +76/20% +99/25% +70/10% +169/15% +278/15% Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657 G A R Sure Fire G A R New Design 5050 17328461 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107 Mytty In Focus W H S Limelight 64V W H S Predestined Lass 77T S W Limelight 62S Rito 1I2 of 2536 Rito 6I6 17502932 SW 1I2 Rito 535S SW Princess Haley S221 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 77 1 100 568 100 1162 100 4.44 95 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 6-84 6-106 6-103 6-103 12-97 12-99 12-92 12-89 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 147 METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 173/2% QPI/% 152/7% ROI/% 295/2% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 157/11% QPI/% 144/14% ROI/% 272/10% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 148/23% QPI/% 166/2% ROI/% 281/6% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 151/18% QPI/% 148/10% ROI/% 269/12% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 146/27% QPI/% 133/27% ROI/% 252/26% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 147/25% QPI/% 131/30% ROI/% 252/26% Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 53.8 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 37.74 Adj % IMF 6.15 % IMF Ratio 92 Adj REA 14 REA Ratio 99 Adj Rib Fat .6 Rib Fat Ratio 154 Adj Rump Fat .57 Rump Fat Ratio 133 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 50.9 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 32.83 Adj % IMF 6.86 % IMF Ratio 100 Adj REA 11 REA Ratio 100 Adj Rib Fat .35 Rib Fat Ratio 100 Adj Rump Fat .5 Rump Fat Ratio 100 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 51.3 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 35.68 Adj % IMF 6.91 % IMF Ratio 113 Adj REA 11.4 REA Ratio 90 Adj Rib Fat .24 Rib Fat Ratio 69 Adj Rump Fat .41 Rump Fat Ratio 105 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht NA Adj Yrlg Scr Circm NA Adj % IMF 6.68 % IMF Ratio Actual Adj REA 11.4 REA Ratio Actual Adj Rib Fat .33 Rib Fat Ratio Actual Adj Rump Fat .55 Rump Fat Ratio Actual Adj Yrlg Hip Ht NA Adj Yrlg Scr Circm NA Adj % IMF 5.99 % IMF Ratio Actual Adj REA 11.8 REA Ratio Actual Adj Rib Fat .30 Rib Fat Ratio Actual Adj Rump Fat .41 Rump Fat Ratio Actual Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 52.4 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 37.42 Adj % IMF 5.05 % IMF Ratio 103 Adj REA 13 REA Ratio 100 Adj Rib Fat .33 Rib Fat Ratio 103 Adj Rump Fat .4 Rump Fat Ratio 98 20
Month Old Bulls

G A R Cache 6610

G A R Identified 6540

G A R Cache 6090

20 Month Old Bulls


Gardiner Angus Ranch offers its customers free delivery anywhere in the lower 48 states. As a part of that delivery we work with reputable livestock transportation companies that we feel comfortable with in the handling of your cattle in both a professional and conscientious way. GAR will do everything possible to deliver your cattle to a point that is convenient for both you and the trucking company. In some cases where there are cattle from multiple owners loaded on the same truck, it is necessary for the buyer to meet the truck at a central location such as a livestock auction or veterinary clinic relatively close to them. We also encourage the drivers to be as flexible as possible and request that they not deliver your cattle in the middle of the night if avoidable. If you would like to insure your cattle, you can do so on sale day. Most of the cattle to be delivered from the sale are delivered within 45 days after the sale. If, for any reason, you desire an expedited delivery, please notify Grant Gardiner at (620) 635-0382 or email grant.c.gardiner@gmail.com and we will make arrangements for quicker delivery.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 41
Birth Date: 9/8/20 Bull +19862868 Tattoo: 6610 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +10/20% -.8/15% +56/60% +104/55% +.23/65% +.8/35% +.2/85% +.1/90% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +17/55% +11.3/60% +10/35% +29/25% +42/75% +.2/70% -11/40% CW MARB REA Fat +34/80% +1.41/1% +.63/45% +.04/85% $M $W $F $G $B $C +62/50% +67/35% +78/70% +82/2% +160/20% +270/20% Mytty In Focus A A R Ten X 7008 S A A A R Lady Kelton 5551 Gardens Cache Gardens Wave 17709960 Green Garden Rita K078 Green Garden Rita D076 S1 G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Momentum 1417 G A R Prophet 18943066 G A R Prophet F605 G A R Daybreak 1201 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 87 1 100 775 100 1329 100 3.04 75 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 2-66 1-85 1-87 1-98 15-98 15-102 15-115 15-107 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 148
Birth Date: 8/18/20 Bull +19862819 Tattoo: 6090 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +16/1% -2.1/3% +54/70% +99/65% +.22/70% +.98/50% +.1/90% -.02/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +18/50% +12.6/40% +15/2% +32/15% +16/95% -.4/95% -1/15% CW MARB REA Fat +30/90% +1.62/1% +.88/15% +.029/75% $M $W $F $G $B $C +75/20% +73/25% +71/85% +95/1% +166/15% +290/10% Mytty In Focus A A R Ten X 7008 S A A A R Lady Kelton 5551 Gardens Cache Gardens Wave 17709960 Green Garden Rita K078 Green Garden Rita D076 S1 G A R Early Bird G A R Ashland Chair Rock Ambush 1018 G A R Ashland 1658 G A R Prophet 19266344 G A R Prophet 1065 G A R Daybreak 572 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 76 1 100 692 100 1305 100 4.16 103 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-73 1-96 1-114 - 4-111 4-98 4-97 4-88 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 149
Birth Date: 9/5/20 Bull +19862861 Tattoo: 6540 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +18/1% -3/1% +49/80% +99/65% +.27/30% +.62/25% +.3/75% +1.17/30% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +17/55% +9.6/80% +16/1% +25/55% +27/90% +.2/70% -2/20% CW MARB REA Fat +35/80% +1.26/3% +.63/45% +.034/80% $M $W $F $G $B $C +61/55% +57/60% +89/40% +76/4% +165/15% +275/15% Sitz Upward 307R Koupals B&B Identity B&B Erica 605 Mill Brae Identified 4031 GAR-EGL Protege 17928462 Mill Brae Pro Blackcap 1092Mill Brae FL Blackcap 5002 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Sure Fire Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 G A R Sure Fire N1067 G A R Prophet 19083908 G A R Prophet N484 G A R 28 Ambush 100 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 86 1 100 699 100 1265 100 3.91 97 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-61 1-84 1-92 1-94 5-109 5-90 5-105 5-104 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.
150 G A R Identified 7060 Birth Date: 9/25/20 Bull +19862910 Tattoo: 7060 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +16/1% -2.9/2% +56/60% +103/55% +.25/45% +1.07/55% +.4/65% -.33/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +12/75% +16.2/10% +17/1% +30/20% +10/95% -.1/90% +3/10% CW MARB REA Fat +46/50% +1.1/10% +.96/10% +.019/60% $M $W $F $G $B $C +92/2% +75/20% +92/35% +74/4% +166/15% +307/3% Sitz Upward 307R Koupals B&B Identity B&B Erica 605 Mill Brae Identified 4031 GAR-EGL Protege 17928462 Mill Brae Pro Blackcap 1092Mill Brae FL Blackcap 5002 A A R Ten X 7008 S A G A R 100X G A R 5050 New Design A91 G A R 100X 2196 G A R New Design 5050 18635940 G A R 5050 New Design 913G A R 28 Ambush N120 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 80 1 100 693 100 1256 100 3.89 97 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-77 1-106 1-102 1-109 11-99 11-104 11-92 11-102 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot
METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 159/9% QPI/% 160/4% ROI/% 287/4% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 157/11% QPI/% 154/6% ROI/% 280/6% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 125/70% QPI/% 134/25% ROI/% 232/47% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 144/30% QPI/% 144/14% ROI/% 259/19% Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 52.3 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 35.29 Adj % IMF 7.5 % IMF Ratio 112 Adj REA 14.4 REA Ratio 102 Adj Rib Fat .49 Rib Fat Ratio 126 Adj Rump Fat .54 Rump Fat Ratio 126 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 50.7 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 32.62 Adj % IMF 6.02 % IMF Ratio 90 Adj REA 13.5 REA Ratio 96 Adj Rib Fat .44 Rib Fat Ratio 113 Adj Rump Fat .45 Rump Fat Ratio 105 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 51.7 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 38.16 Adj % IMF 7.08 % IMF Ratio 106 Adj REA 13 REA Ratio 92 Adj Rib Fat .46 Rib Fat Ratio 118 Adj Rump Fat .46 Rump Fat Ratio 107 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 51.8 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 34.8 Adj % IMF 4.8 % IMF Ratio 72 Adj REA 14 REA Ratio 99 Adj Rib Fat .37 Rib Fat Ratio 95 Adj Rump Fat .49 Rump Fat Ratio 114

G A R Bonfire 060M

G A R Breakthrough R580

G A R Momentum 075L

G A R Breakthrough R920

G A R Momentum 680W

G A R Breakthrough 7840

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 42
Birth Date: 10/22/20 Bull +20037754 Tattoo: 060M EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +9/30% +2.7/85% +75/15% +128/20% +.2/85% +1.98/95% +.9/15% +.59/70% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +25/20% +10.4/70% +9/45% +33/10% +61/55% +.6/30% -23/75% CW MARB REA Fat +53/35% +1.35/2% +.57/55% +.034/80% $M $Weaning $Feedlot $G $Beef $Combined +73/25% +85/10% +83/55% +79/3% +162/20% +283/15% Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Sure Fire Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 G A R Bonfire G A R Prophet 18789776 Chair Rock Prophet 3054 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 1131 G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 Ogeechee Miss Wix 6043 G A R Prophet 19018652 Ogeechee Miss Wix 2036 Ogeechee Miss Wix 0089 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 73 1 100 650 100 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT - - - - 2-91 2-100 2-103 2-100 Ultrasound at 313 days of age. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 152
Birth Date: 7/30/20 Bull 20109782 Tattoo: 075L EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +12/10% +.1/25% +42/95% +76/95% +.21/80% +.25/10% +0/95% -.31/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +22/30% +8.7/85% +8/55% +26/45% +7/95% -.1/90% +6/10% CW MARB REA Fat +27/90% +1.27/3% +.87/15% +.006/45% $M $W $F $G $B $C +63/50% +50/75% +80/65% +81/2% +161/20% +272/20% G A R Predestined G A R Progress G A R Objective 2345 G A R Momentum ALC Big Eye D09N 17354145 G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Objective 3387 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Sure Fire Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 La 8SF8 1302 Sure Fire G A R Prophet 20108522 G A R Prophet 1302 G A R 28 Ambush 1170 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 68 1 100 656 100 1304 100 5.14 100 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT - 1-100 1-100 1-100 1-100 1-100 1-100 1-100 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot
Birth Date: 9/6/20 Bull 20063859 Tattoo: 680W EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +8/35% +1.3/55% +57/60% +101/60% +.23/65% +.69/30% +.4/65% +1.01/40% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +29/10% +7.3/95% -1/95% +33/10% +45/75% -.1/90% -15/50% CW MARB REA Fat +49/45% +1.27/3% +.61/50% +.038/85% $M $W $F $G $B $C +50/80% +70/30% +96/30% +76/4% +172/10% +273/20% G A R Predestined G A R Progress G A R Objective 2345 G A R Momentum ALC Big Eye D09N 17354145 G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Objective 3387 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Sure Fire Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Ogeechee Sure Fire 705 A A R Ten X 7008 S A 19349794 Ogeechee Ten X 4211 Rita 12G1 of 5FH8 Rito 5M2 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 78 1 103 544 102 1014 96 3.19 94 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-78 1-103 1-102 1-96 1-77 1-98 1-86 1-113 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 154
Birth Date: 8/12/20 Bull +20086049 Tattoo: R580 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +13/10% +.2/30% +76/10% +127/20% +.23/65% +1.31/70% +.9/15% +2.36/1% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +19/45% +4.6/95% +8/55% +23/70% +80/30% +.6/30% -26/80% CW MARB REA Fat +52/35% +1.31/2% +.84/20% +.041/90% $M $W $F $G $B $C +48/85% +80/15% +89/40% +80/2% +169/15% +267/20% G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Breakthrough G A R Prophet 18943315 G A R Prophet F605 G A R Daybreak 1201 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Sure Fire Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 G A R Sure Fire N688 G A R Prophet 19395593 G A R Prophet 844 G A R Redirect 431 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 82 1 100 624 100 1160 100 3.67 93 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT - - - - 7-103 7-102 7-109 7-108 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 155
Birth Date: 9/10/20 Bull 20085162 Tattoo: R920 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +5/65% +2.5/80% +66/30% +114/35% +.25/45% +.79/35% +.7/30% +.55/70% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +30/5% +7.6/90% +8/55% +25/55% +114/5% +.9/10% -43/95% CW MARB REA Fat +50/40% +1.09/10% +.87/15% +.015/55% $M $W $F $G $B $C +33/95% +60/55% +97/25% +73/5% +170/10% +253/35% G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Breakthrough G A R Prophet 18943315 G A R Prophet F605 G A R Daybreak 1201 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Sure Fire Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 G A R Sure Fire A814 G A R Sunrise 19716962 G A R Sunrise 1156 G A R Trust N1103 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 91 1 110 561 93 1179 99 4.18 102 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-91 1-110 1-93 1-99 1-112 1-92 1-87 1-91 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot
Birth Date: 9/10/20 Bull +19862968 Tattoo: 7840 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +12/10% -.4/20% +62/45% +104/55% +.23/65% +.64/25% +.6/45% +2.11/2% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +28/10% +9.8/75% +3/95% +30/20% +61/55% +.2/70% -21/70% CW MARB REA Fat +43/60% +1.32/2% +.85/20% +.048/95% $M $W $F $G $B $C +51/80% +74/20% +84/55% +80/2% +164/15% +264/25% G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Breakthrough G A R Prophet 18943315 G A R Prophet F605 G A R Daybreak 1201 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Sure Fire Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 G A R Sure Fire 2317 G A R Composure 18943151 G A R Composure 2974 G A R 28 Predestined N1731 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 76 1 100 730 100 1301 100 3.96 98 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 2-73 1-102 1-109 1-105 7-106 7-102 7-96 7-103 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 157 METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 168/3% QPI/% 162/3% ROI/% 298/2% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 164/5% QPI/% 154/6% ROI/% 287/4% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 143/32% QPI/% 154/6% ROI/% 266/14% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 117/84% QPI/% 153/7% ROI/% 239/39% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 145/28% QPI/% 122/43% ROI/% 243/35% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 138/43% QPI/% 152/7% ROI/% 260/19% Adj Yrlg Hip Ht NA Adj Yrlg Scr Circm NA Adj % IMF 7.02 % IMF Ratio Actual Adj REA 12.3 REA Ratio Actual Adj Rib Fat .31 Rib Fat Ratio Actual Adj Rump Fat .36 Rump Fat Ratio Actual Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 51.7 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 33.5 Adj % IMF 7.52 % IMF Ratio 100 Adj REA 13.7 REA Ratio 100 Adj Rib Fat .34 Rib Fat Ratio 100 Adj Rump Fat .43 Rump Fat Ratio 100 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 50.2 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 34.72 Adj % IMF 4.38 % IMF Ratio 77 Adj REA 11.1 REA Ratio 98 Adj Rib Fat .19 Rib Fat Ratio 86 Adj Rump Fat .35 Rump Fat Ratio 113 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 50.5 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 39.39 Adj % IMF 7.49 % IMF Ratio 139 Adj REA 11.8 REA Ratio 98 Adj Rib Fat .34 Rib Fat Ratio 131 Adj Rump Fat .41 Rump Fat Ratio 128 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 50.3 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 35.35 Adj % IMF 5.97 % IMF Ratio 112 Adj REA 11.4 REA Ratio 92 Adj Rib Fat .2 Rib Fat Ratio 87 Adj Rump Fat .29 Rump Fat Ratio 91 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 51.9 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 48.35 Adj % IMF 7.96 % IMF Ratio 119 Adj REA 13.8 REA Ratio 98 Adj Rib Fat .47 Rib Fat Ratio 121 Adj Rump Fat .49 Rump Fat Ratio 114 20 Month Old Bulls

G A R Method 290E [M1P]

G A R Method B2001


G A R L927 100X L220

G A R On Tap Z8110

G A R L927 100X L330

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 43
Birth Date: 8/4/20 Bull 19938595 Tattoo: 290E EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +11/15% +1.6/60% +74/15% +139/10% +.29/20% +1.95/95% +1/10% -.46/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +20/40% +13.1/35% +12/15% +34/10% +88/25% +.9/10% -36/95% CW MARB REA Fat +51/40% +1.14/10% +.75/30% -.002/30% $M $Weaning $Feedlot $G $Beef $Combined +67/35% +83/10% +89/40% +75/4% +164/15% +280/15% G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Method MCC Daybreak 18025296 G A R Daybreak 1332 G A R 5050 New Design N549 Deer Valley All In G A R All In N5016 G A R 5050 New Design 12 Martin All In N5016 8527 G A R Prophet 19552296 Martin Prophet 6523 ERF Flora 345 of 118 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 72 1 101 ** 1129 100 4.97 100 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT - - - 1-100 - - -Ultrasound at 392 days of age. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 158
Birth Date: 9/17/20 Bull +20066366 Tattoo: B2001 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +16/1% -1/10% +60/50% +108/45% +.25/45% +.99/50% +.5/55% -.54/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +28/10% +11.9/50% +14/5% +27/40% +49/70% +.3/60% -14/45% CW MARB REA Fat +44/55% +1.09/10% +.9/15% +.018/60% $M $W $F $G $B $C +73/25% +69/30% +94/30% +73/5% +167/15% +290/10% G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Method MCC Daybreak 18025296 G A R Daybreak 1332 G A R 5050 New Design N549 B/R Ambush 28 GAR Chair Rock Ambush K1371 G A R Predestined N105 OF Ambush 1401 MCC Daybreak 17996593 G A R Daybreak 1601 G A R 5050 New Design 1589 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 69 1 100 422 100 1049 100 3.47 100 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT - 2-102 2-94 1-100 7-113 7-97 7-87 7-91 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot
Birth Date: 9/20/20 Bull +19880673 Tattoo: Z8110 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +11/15% +1.6/60% +61/45% +106/50% +.22/70% +.84/40% +.5/55% +.66/65% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +12/75% +5.7/95% +15/2% +31/15% +23/90% +0/85% -4/20% CW MARB REA Fat +40/65% +1.35/2% +.67/40% -.002/30% $M $W $F $G $B $C +67/35% +75/20% +83/55% +83/2% +166/15% +282/15% MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise G A R Objective R227 G A R On Tap 6595 Connealy In Sure 8524 18333401 G A R In Sure N1022 G A R Bextor L58 MCC Daybreak G A R Anticipation G A R 5050 New Design 0530 2 Bar Anticipation 5971 2 Bar Cash 1723 18537069 2 Bar Cash 3583 2 Bar Entirety 1921 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 66 0 100 496 100 1072 100 4.59 101 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT - 2-107 2-99 2-98 5-107 5-107 5-100 5-103 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 160
A R Sunrise
Birth Date: 9/20/20 Bull +19884932 Tattoo: Z8180 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +7/45% +1.3/55% +74/15% +129/15% +.23/65% +1.85/95% +.7/30% +1.07/35% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +28/10% +8.2/90% +10/35% +30/20% +78/35% +.8/15% -29/85% CW MARB REA Fat +53/35% +1.15/10% +.59/55% -.001/35% $M $W $F $G $B $C +59/60% +83/10% +88/45% +73/5% +161/20% +268/20% Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Daybreak MCC Miss Focus 134 G A R Sunrise S S Objective T510 0T26 16933958 G A R Objective R227 G A R 1407 New Design 2983 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet C4 G A R Progress 18065042 G A R Progress 830 G A R 1I1 Rito 3346 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 66 1 100 532 100 1204 100 4.97 109 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 2-92 2-118 2-114 2-108 39-109 39-99 39-110 39-105 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.
Lot 161
Birth Date: 8/31/20 Bull 20064460 Tattoo: L220 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +13/10% -.1/25% +51/75% +90/80% +.23/65% +.4/15% +1.1/5% +.02/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +11/80% +4.7/95% +11/25% +36/4% +75/35% +1.2/3% -31/90% CW MARB REA Fat +43/60% +1.15/10% +.75/30% -.002/30% $M $W $F $G $B $C +23/95% +63/45% +90/40% +75/4% +165/15% +237/50% A A R Ten X 7008 S A G A R 100X G A R 5050 New Design A91 RCC 100X L927 MCC Daybreak 19191742 G A R Daybreak 842 G A R 5050 New Design 649 G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 RCC Momentum L447 B/R Ambush 28 18983096 G A R 28 Ambush 2661 G A R Objective 3497 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 69 1 104 442 88 943 96 3.45 93 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT - 1-104 1-88 1-96 1-103 1-86 1-53 1-79 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot
Birth Date: 5/15/20 Bull 20064465 Tattoo: L330 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +19/1% -2.2/3% +56/60% +107/50% +.26/40% +1.08/55% +.8/25% -.22/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +22/30% +7.5/95% +19/1% +33/10% +49/70% +.7/25% -17/55% CW MARB REA Fat +39/70% +1.08/10% +1/10% -.046/2% $M $Weaning $Feedlot $G $Beef $Combined +48/85% +71/25% +82/60% +79/3% +161/20% +257/30% A A R Ten X 7008 S A G A R 100X G A R 5050 New Design A91 RCC 100X L927 MCC Daybreak 19191742 G A R Daybreak 842 G A R 5050 New Design 649 MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise G A R Objective R227 RCC Sunrise L398 A A R Ten X 7008 S A 19372991 RCC Ten X E116 G A R Daybreak M562 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 60 1 92 493 100 1155 100 4.07 100 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT - 1-92 1-100 1-100 - - -Actual scrotal and hip height measurements. Ultrasound at 473 days of age. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 163 METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 140/38% QPI/% 138/20% ROI/% 250/28% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 146/27% QPI/% 151/8% ROI/% 267/13% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 131/58% QPI/% 126/37% ROI/% 232/47% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 116/85% QPI/% 127/35% ROI/% 218/63% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 125/70% QPI/% 122/43% ROI/% 223/57% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 142/34% QPI/% 127/35% ROI/% 244/34% Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 51.3 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 39.16 Adj % IMF 5.12 % IMF Ratio Actual Adj REA 12.2 REA Ratio Actual Adj Rib Fat .38 Rib Fat Ratio Actual Adj Rump Fat .39 Rump Fat Ratio Actual Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 49.6 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 31.54 Adj % IMF 5.49 % IMF Ratio 100 Adj REA 9.7 REA Ratio 100 Adj Rib Fat .25 Rib Fat Ratio 100 Adj Rump Fat .25 Rump Fat Ratio 100 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 50.7 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 32.64 Adj % IMF 4.92 % IMF Ratio 87 Adj REA 12.9 REA Ratio 105 Adj Rib Fat .27 Rib Fat Ratio 96 Adj Rump Fat .3 Rump Fat Ratio 83 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 52.2 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 34.64 Adj % IMF 6.38 % IMF Ratio 113 Adj REA 11.9 REA Ratio 97 Adj Rib Fat .45 Rib Fat Ratio 161 Adj Rump Fat .41 Rump Fat Ratio 114 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 50.5 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 33.19 Adj % IMF 5.24 % IMF Ratio 103 Adj REA 9 REA Ratio 86 Adj Rib Fat .09 Rib Fat Ratio 53 Adj Rump Fat .19 Rump Fat Ratio 79 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 50.5 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 32 Adj % IMF 5.81 % IMF Ratio Actual Adj REA 11.5 REA Ratio Actual Adj Rib Fat .17 Rib Fat Ratio Actual Adj Rump Fat .22 Rump Fat Ratio Actual 20 Month Old Bulls

G A R Genuine R530

G A R Enhance 7580

G A R Genuine 990J

G A R Enhance G093

G A R Bragging Rights 7010

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 44
Birth Date: 8/6/20 Bull +20086048 Tattoo: R530 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +13/10% -.7/15% +79/10% +138/10% +.27/30% +1.62/90% +.4/65% +.93/45% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +25/20% +11.1/60% +9/45% +39/2% +109/10% +.7/25% -48/95% CW MARB REA Fat +51/40% +1.29/3% +.89/15% +.025/70% $M $W $F $G $B $C +53/75% +97/1% +85/50% +81/2% +166/15% +268/20% S A V Final Answer 0035 K C F Bennett Absolute Thomas Miss Lucy 5152 G A R Genuine MCC Daybreak 18766553 G A R Daybreak 342 G A R 5050 New Design 1039 G A R Momentum G A R Method G A R Daybreak 1332 Chair Rock Method 6126 G A R Prophet 18752743 Chair Rock Prophet 3054 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 1131 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 74 1 100 560 100 1155 100 4.09 104 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-81 1-111 1-107 1-120 16-104 16-102 16-100 16-104 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 164
Birth Date: 8/18/20 Bull 19886504 Tattoo: 990J EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +16/1% -1.6/5% +57/60% +103/55% +.23/65% +1.05/55% +.5/55% +1.59/10% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +30/5% +8/90% +14/5% +27/40% +63/50% +.6/30% -20/65% CW MARB REA Fat +47/50% +1.2/4% +.76/30% +.082/95% $M $W $F $G $B $C +54/75% +64/45% +94/30% +71/10% +165/15% +268/20% S A V Final Answer 0035 K C F Bennett Absolute Thomas Miss Lucy 5152 G A R Genuine MCC Daybreak 18766553 G A R Daybreak 342 G A R 5050 New Design 1039 MCC Daybreak G A R Scale House G A R 5050 New Design 1039 G A R Scale House C38 Connealy In Sure 8524 19447072 G A R In Sure N1022 G A R Bextor L58 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 64 1 97 554 105 1192 105 4.4 109 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 2-69 1-97 1-105 1-105 1-98 1-106 1-143 1-135 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot
Birth Date: 9/9/20 Bull +19862949 Tattoo: 7580 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +2/85% +4.2/95% +83/4% +143/5% +.26/40% +1.72/95% +.8/25% +.99/40% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +30/5% +9.4/80% +10/35% +26/45% +64/50% +.5/40% -20/65% CW MARB REA Fat +57/25% +1.03/10% +.64/45% +.013/55% $M $W $F $G $B $C +83/10% +82/10% +103/20% +67/10% +170/10% +303/4% SydGen Googol SydGen Exceed 3223 SydGen Forever Lady 1255 SydGen Enhance SydGen Liberty GA 8627 18170041 SydGen Rita 2618 Fox Run Rita 9308 MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise G A R Objective R227 G A R Sunrise 2007 G A R Prophet 18943121 G A R Prophet C4 G A R Progress 830 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 80 1 100 646 100 1132 100 3.2 79 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 2-83 1-121 1-88 - 6-102 6-86 6-104 6-93 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.
Lot 166
Birth Date: 10/19/20 Bull 19949754 Tattoo: G093 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +5/65% +2.3/75% +75/15% +134/10% +.3/15% +1.03/50% +1/10% +2.29/1% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +27/15% +9.4/80% +7/70% +30/20% +81/30% +.7/25% -30/85% CW MARB REA Fat +54/30% +1.04/10% +.64/45% -.029/10% $M $Weaning $Feedlot $G $Beef $Combined +66/40% +80/15% +98/25% +71/10% +169/15% +285/10% SydGen Googol SydGen Exceed 3223 SydGen Forever Lady 1255 SydGen Enhance SydGen Liberty GA 8627 18170041 SydGen Rita 2618 Fox Run Rita 9308 Mytty In Focus A A R Ten X 7008 S A A A R Lady Kelton 5551 Goode Ten X 4518 B/R Ambush 28 17906556 Goode 28 Ambush 1204 Rita 5M19 of 2V9 Predestined BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 83 1 106 632 99 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 5-71 3-96 3-103 2-105 1-100 1-100 1-100 1-100 Ultrasound at 316 days of age. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 167
Birth Date: 9/11/20 Bull +19940927 Tattoo: 7010 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +8/35% +.4/30% +56/60% +101/60% +.24/55% +.74/30% +.4/65% +.58/70% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +30/5% +15.1/15% +9/45% +27/40% +11/95% -.1/90% +4/10% CW MARB REA Fat +39/70% +1.3/3% +.63/45% +.063/95% $M $W $F $G $B $C +91/2% +67/35% +88/45% +75/4% +164/15% +304/4% A A R Ten X 7008 S A V A R Discovery 2240 Deer Valley Rita 0308 44 Bragging Rights 4372 Connealy Capitalist 028 17894794 44 Ruby 2357 44 Ruby X110 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Sure Fire Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 G A R Sure Fire 467 G A R Prophet 18974795 Chair Rock Prophet 5051 Chair Rock Ambush 1084 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 87 1 100 738 100 1223 100 3.23 80 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-68 1-94 1-114 1-106 4-91 4-102 4-136 4-117 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 168 METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 163/6% QPI/% 136/23% ROI/% 272/10% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 150/20% QPI/% 132/28% ROI/% 256/22% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 140/38% QPI/% 139/19% ROI/% 251/27% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 137/45% QPI/% 129/32% ROI/% 240/38% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 161/7% QPI/% 120/46% ROI/% 257/21% Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 50.4 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 36.2 Adj % IMF 4.27 % IMF Ratio 79 Adj REA 11.9 REA Ratio 99 Adj Rib Fat .21 Rib Fat Ratio 81 Adj Rump Fat .27 Rump Fat Ratio 84 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 50.7 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 39.61 Adj % IMF 6.08 % IMF Ratio 98 Adj REA 13.2 REA Ratio 106 Adj Rib Fat .43 Rib Fat Ratio 143 Adj Rump Fat .5 Rump Fat Ratio 135 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 50.3 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 35.32 Adj % IMF 6.49 % IMF Ratio 97 Adj REA 8.9 REA Ratio 63 Adj Rib Fat .26 Rib Fat Ratio 67 Adj Rump Fat .22 Rump Fat Ratio 51 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht NA Adj Yrlg Scr Circm NA Adj % IMF 5.52 % IMF Ratio Actual Adj REA 10.1 REA Ratio Actual Adj Rib Fat .27 Rib Fat Ratio Actual Adj Rump Fat .30 Rump Fat Ratio Actual Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 51.4 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 36.35 Adj % IMF 6.48 % IMF Ratio 97 Adj REA 12.8 REA Ratio 91 Adj Rib Fat .54 Rib Fat Ratio 138 Adj Rump Fat .51 Rump Fat Ratio 119
20 Month Old Bulls
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G A R Plus One 5930

G A R Ashland 7180


G A R Ashland S310

G A R Ashland Z290

G A R Ashland 460J

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 45
Birth Date: 8/15/20 Bull 19862806 Tattoo: 5930 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +7/45% +2.5/80% +67/30% +121/25% +.29/20% +.93/45% +.6/45% +1.09/35% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +27/15% +10/75% +14/5% +20/85% +47/70% +.7/25% -9/35% CW MARB REA Fat +49/45% +1/15% +.83/20% -.008/25% $M $W $F $G $B $C +78/15% +62/50% +99/25% +70/10% +169/15% +297/5% Connealy Confidence 0100 Connealy Confidence Plus Elbanna of Conanga 1209 E&B Plus One E&B 1680 Precision 1023 19196960 E&B Lady 1023 Precision 936E&B Lady 878 New Design 441 Mytty In Focus A A R Ten X 7008 S A A A R Lady Kelton 5551 MCC SuperMama 7024 MCC Daybreak 19000328 MCC SuperMama 7212 MCC Super Mama 1174 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 84 1 107 616 104 1090 93 3.29 80 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 2-72 2-99 2-110 2-95 1-79 1-95 1-47 1-74 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 169
Birth Date: 8/27/20 Bull 19862922 Tattoo: 7180 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +11/15% +0/25% +80/10% +142/10% +.28/25% +1.89/95% +.7/30% +.25/85% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +16/60% +8.7/85% +12/15% +23/70% +91/20% +.9/10% -31/90% CW MARB REA Fat +54/30% +.95/15% +1.17/2% -.04/3% $M $W $F $G $B $C +48/85% +82/10% +89/40% +75/4% +163/15% +259/30% G A R Daylight G A R Early Bird G A R Progress 830 G A R Ashland B/R Ambush 28 18217198 Chair Rock Ambush 1018 G A R Yield Grade N366 G A R Momentum G A R Method G A R Daybreak 1332 G A R Method 508 G A R Prophet 19266231 G A R Prophet 1805 G A R 28 Ambush 3051 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 71 1 98 635 108 1214 104 3.33 81 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-71 1-98 1-108 1-104 1-92 1-107 1-91 1-97 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 170
Birth Date: 10/7/20 Bull 19878298 Tattoo: Z290 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +9/30% +1.2/50% +71/20% +119/30% +.24/55% +1.21/65% +.3/75% +.9/45% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +18/50% +6.4/95% +7/70% +30/20% +52/65% +.2/70% -17/55% CW MARB REA Fat +45/55% +1.05/10% +1.2/1% -.028/10% $M $W $F $G $B $C +57/65% +84/10% +81/60% +79/3% +160/20% +265/25% G A R Daylight G A R Early Bird G A R Progress 830 G A R Ashland B/R Ambush 28 18217198 Chair Rock Ambush 1018 G A R Yield Grade N366 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Sure Fire Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 G A R Sure Fire N1498 G A R Momentum 19393539 G A R Momentum F296 G A R Daybreak 342 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 70 1 115 573 100 1091 100 4.37 100 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 2-70 1-115 1-100 1-100 4-103 4-105 4-106 4-112 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 171 G A R Ashland G084 Birth Date: 9/17/20 Bull +19946391 Tattoo: G084 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +7/45% +2.6/80% +96/1% +159/1% +.29/20% +1.89/95% +1/10% +.3/85% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +24/20% +11.7/55% +3/95% +32/15% +102/10% +.8/15% -41/95% CW MARB REA Fat +59/20% +1.21/4% +.86/15% +.001/35% $M $W $F $G $B $C +66/40% +105/1% +87/45% +79/3% +166/15% +281/15% G A R Daylight G A R Early Bird G A R Progress 830 G A R Ashland B/R Ambush 28 18217198 Chair Rock Ambush 1018 G A R Yield Grade N366 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet 545 G A R New Design 5050 18333044 G A R 5050 New Design 1442G A R 28 Ambush 1999 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 70 1 100 616 100 922 100 3.43 100 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-71 - - - 12-106 12-96 12-102 12-108 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.
Lot 172
Birth Date: 8/19/20 Bull 20038230 Tattoo: S310 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +20/1% -1.5/10% +69/25% +124/20% +.25/45% +1.35/75% +.1/90% -.55/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +21/35% +9.1/80% +14/5% +34/10% +44/75% -.4/95% -15/50% CW MARB REA Fat +48/45% +1.08/10% +1.07/4% -.008/25% $M $W $F $G $B $C +69/30% +89/4% +89/40% +77/3% +166/15% +284/10% G A R Daylight G A R Early Bird G A R Progress 830 G A R Ashland B/R Ambush 28 18217198 Chair Rock Ambush 1018 G A R Yield Grade N366 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Sure Fire Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 S W Sure Fire 37S B/R New Day 454 19073073 S W 454 New Day 21S G A R Big Eye 449S BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 68 1 86 668 100 1274 102 5.21 116 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT - 2-88 2-106 2-105 2-109 2-108 2-123 2-111 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot
Birth Date: 8/17/20 Bull 19886479 Tattoo: 460J EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +15/2% -.5/15% +67/30% +118/30% +.23/65% +1.52/85% +.7/30% +.58/70% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +22/30% +5.7/95% +10/35% +30/20% +34/85% +.2/70% -8/30% CW MARB REA Fat +40/65% +1.48/1% +.83/20% +.024/70% $M $W $F $G $B $C +65/40% +82/10% +76/75% +89/1% +165/15% +279/15% G A R Daylight G A R Early Bird G A R Progress 830 G A R Ashland B/R Ambush 28 18217198 Chair Rock Ambush 1018 G A R Yield Grade N366 G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Momentum 3307 G A R Prophet 18943231 G A R Prophet 1065 G A R Daybreak 572 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 68 1 96 531 101 1149 102 4.02 100 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 3-69 2-99 2-102 2-100 2-106 2-104 2-113 2-94 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 174 METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 149/21% QPI/% 117/51% ROI/% 243/35% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 160/8% QPI/% 137/21% ROI/% 270/11% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 143/32% QPI/% 147/11% ROI/% 261/18% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 158/10% QPI/% 140/18% ROI/% 270/11% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 132/56% QPI/% 141/17% ROI/% 245/33% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 145/28% QPI/% 126/37% ROI/% 246/32% Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 49.6 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 34.71 Adj % IMF 4.62 % IMF Ratio 79 Adj REA 12.7 REA Ratio 95 Adj Rib Fat .15 Rib Fat Ratio 47 Adj Rump Fat .29 Rump Fat Ratio 74 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 50.9 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 33.93 Adj % IMF 5.36 % IMF Ratio 92 Adj REA 14.2 REA Ratio 107 Adj Rib Fat .29 Rib Fat Ratio 91 Adj Rump Fat .38 Rump Fat Ratio 97 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 51.2 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 37.71 Adj % IMF 6.62 % IMF Ratio 100 Adj REA 12.9 REA Ratio 100 Adj Rib Fat .31 Rib Fat Ratio 100 Adj Rump Fat .39 Rump Fat Ratio 100 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 49.6 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 31.54 Adj % IMF 6.84 % IMF Ratio 100 Adj REA 9.7 REA Ratio 100 Adj Rib Fat .24 Rib Fat Ratio 100 Adj Rump Fat .31 Rump Fat Ratio 100 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 50.7 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 31.14 Adj % IMF 5.79 % IMF Ratio 97 Adj REA 15 REA Ratio 115 Adj Rib Fat .44 Rib Fat Ratio 107 Adj Rump Fat .43 Rump Fat Ratio 90 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 51.7 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 35.08 Adj % IMF 6.85 % IMF Ratio 110 Adj REA 13 REA Ratio 104 Adj Rib Fat .35 Rib Fat Ratio 117 Adj Rump Fat .31 Rump Fat Ratio 84 20 Month Old Bulls

G A R Ashland Z8500

G A R Ashland 1150J

G A R Ashland 091L



Every effort, within our control, has been made to provide Internet bidding platforms that responds to your bids in real time. However, Gardiner Angus Ranch sales are rapid paced events. Depending on Internet speed at your location, real time bidding may not be possible. If you are interested in specific lots, we encourage you to contact the GAR designated sale representatives or Matt Caldwell, Jeff Mafi, or Bill Bowman or any member of the Gardiner family. Your bids will be handled professionally and confidentially.

G A R Ashland G092

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 46
Birth Date: 9/6/20 Bull +19887130 Tattoo: Z8500 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +7/45% +2.7/85% +85/3% +143/5% +.23/65% +2.16/95% +.7/30% +.6/65% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +26/15% +2.6/95% +9/45% +15/95% +113/10% +.6/30% -37/95% CW MARB REA Fat +55/30% +1.24/4% +.61/50% +.017/60% $M $W $F $G $B $C +28/95% +70/30% +85/50% +76/4% +161/20% +237/50% G A R Daylight G A R Early Bird G A R Progress 830 G A R Ashland B/R Ambush 28 18217198 Chair Rock Ambush 1018 G A R Yield Grade N366 Rockn D Ambush 1531 B/R Ambush 28 B/R Ruby of Tiffany 8250 G A R 28 Ambush 3051 S S Objective T510 0T26 17057015 G A R Objective 3497 Rita 5M19 of 2V9 Predestined BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 65 1 100 528 100 1166 100 3.87 85 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 4-74 4-105 4-104 4-102 62-102 62-100 62-87 62-103 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 175
Birth Date: 8/19/20 Bull 20033927 Tattoo: 091L EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +5/65% +2.1/70% +85/3% +145/4% +.27/30% +1.86/95% +.8/25% +.32/85% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +20/40% +6.9/95% +9/45% +25/55% +87/25% +.3/60% -30/85% CW MARB REA Fat +66/10% +.99/15% +.79/25% +.017/60% $M $W $F $G $B $C +58/65% +88/4% +103/20% +67/10% +170/10% +278/15% G A R Daylight G A R Early Bird G A R Progress 830 G A R Ashland B/R Ambush 28 18217198 Chair Rock Ambush 1018 G A R Yield Grade N366 baldridge Xpand x743 Baldridge Colonel C251 Baldridge Isabel Y69 Hirschy Rita 193 G A R Prophet 19698558 G A R Prophet F374 G A R Progress 830 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 70 1 100 496 100 1110 100 4.9 100 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT - 1-100 1-100 1-100 1-100 1-100 1-100 1-100 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 176
Birth Date: 8/24/20 Bull 19886480 Tattoo: 1150J EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +9/30% +1.9/65% +95/1% +156/2% +.25/45% +2.38/95% +.6/45% +.76/55% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +24/20% +11/60% +5/85% +16/95% +81/30% +.4/50% -23/75% CW MARB REA Fat +59/20% +1.03/10% +1.07/4% +.004/40% $M $W $F $G $B $C +76/15% +90/3% +91/40% +74/4% +164/15% +289/10% G A R Daylight G A R Early Bird G A R Progress 830 G A R Ashland B/R Ambush 28 18217198 Chair Rock Ambush 1018 G A R Yield Grade N366 G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 G A R Momentum 3457 G A R Prophet 18943244 G A R Prophet 1015 G A R Destination 512 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 64 1 91 522 99 1148 102 4.24 105 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 3-70 2-99 2-97 2-101 1-93 1-101 1-97 1-111 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest.
Lot 177
Birth Date: 9/7/20 Bull 20055184 Tattoo: 860W EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +3/80% +3/85% +67/30% +111/40% +.22/70% +.92/45% +.7/30% +.86/50% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +17/55% +11.3/60% +2/95% +27/40% +72/40% +.5/40% -24/75% CW MARB REA Fat +47/50% +1.14/10% +.81/20% +0/35% $M $W $F $G $B $C +53/75% +68/35% +91/40% +75/4% +166/15% +268/20% G A R Daylight G A R Early Bird G A R Progress 830 G A R Ashland B/R Ambush 28 18217198 Chair Rock Ambush 1018 G A R Yield Grade N366 Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Sure Fire Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Sure Fire 4076 G A R Concrete 17951227 Chair Rock Concrete 0014 Chair Rock 1407 ND 7008 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 1 408 80 853 85 2.75 83 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT - - 2-90 1-85 1-110 1-84 1-96 1-104 Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot
A R Ashland 860W
Birth Date: 10/19/20 Bull +19946394 Tattoo: G092 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +13/10% +0/25% +80/10% +142/10% +.26/40% +2.04/95% +.5/55% +.2/90% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +23/25% +9.7/75% +6/75% +31/15% +78/35% +.6/30% -29/85% CW MARB REA Fat +52/35% +1.46/1% +.67/40% -.009/25% $M $Weaning $Feedlot $G $Beef $Combined +58/65% +93/2% +86/50% +88/1% +174/10% +284/10% G A R Daylight G A R Early Bird G A R Progress 830 G A R Ashland B/R Ambush 28 18217198 Chair Rock Ambush 1018 G A R Yield Grade N366 C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Prophet G A R Objective 1885 G A R Prophet 545 G A R New Design 5050 18333044 G A R 5050 New Design 1442G A R 28 Ambush 1999 BW CALV EASE BWR ADJ WW WWR ADJ YW YWR ADG GR 60 1 100 541 100 1019 100 6 100 Dam’s Production Record Dam’s Ultrasound Production Record ACT BW BWR WWR YWR %IMF REA FAT RU FAT 1-71 - - - 12-106 12-96 12-102 12-108 Ultrasound at 316 days of age. Selling 100% possession and retaining 1/2 revenue sharing and semen interest. Lot 179 METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 147/25% QPI/% 153/7% ROI/% 269/12% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 160/8% QPI/% 130/31% ROI/% 264/15% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 140/38% QPI/% 120/46% ROI/% 236/43% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 145/28% QPI/% 131/30% ROI/% 250/28% METHOD GENETICS MPI/% 133/54% QPI/% 144/14% ROI/% 248/30% Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 51.2 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 33.19 Adj % IMF 5.65 % IMF Ratio 100 Adj REA 11.2 REA Ratio 91 Adj Rib Fat .41 Rib Fat Ratio 146 Adj Rump Fat .51 Rump Fat Ratio 142 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 50.7 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 32.64 Adj % IMF 4.75 % IMF Ratio 100 Adj REA 10.3 REA Ratio 100 Adj Rib Fat .17 Rib Fat Ratio 100 Adj Rump Fat .25 Rump Fat Ratio 100 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 51.8 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 34.3 Adj % IMF 5.77 % IMF Ratio 93 Adj REA 12.6 REA Ratio 101 Adj Rib Fat .29 Rib Fat Ratio 97 Adj Rump Fat .41 Rump Fat Ratio 111 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 49.2 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 32.22 Adj % IMF 5.58 % IMF Ratio 110 Adj REA 9.7 REA Ratio 84 Adj Rib Fat .22 Rib Fat Ratio 96 Adj Rump Fat .29 Rump Fat Ratio 104 Adj Yrlg Hip Ht 48.2 Adj Yrlg Scr Circm 32.91 Adj % IMF 5.55 % IMF Ratio Actual Adj REA 8.3 REA Ratio Actual Adj Rib Fat .13 Rib Fat Ratio Actual Adj Rump Fat .17 Rump Fat Ratio Actual
20 Month Old Bulls

“Meating Demand” GAR-Influenced Commercial Females

Selling approximately 100 head of GAR-Influenced, AI bred commercial replacement heifers. The heifers are Method Genetics tested and the EPDs and Indexes will be available sale day. The heifers are bred AI to GAR Home Town and GAR Ignite. The females will sell gate-cut, minimum of 10 head. Buyer can take the entire load lot, but must take a minimum of 10 head.


Method Matters

The Method Genetics index values are derived from Method Genetics EPDs combined with industry-focused economic weightings. The Method EPDs are generated from a multi-trait, ‘single-step’ genetic evaluation that uses performance measures, ancestral pedigree, and

available DNA genotypes. This single-step approach incorporates the genotypes directly into the genetic evaluation process and was implemented at Method in the summer of 2014.

Method Genetics® Selection Index Key Used in the catalog


The Maternal Production Index is reported in dollars per calf produced from the breeding herd with Angus-based genetics. It encompasses direct and maternal calving ease, heifer pregnancy, weaning growth, maternal milk, and mature size differences in a scenario where replacement females are retained and calves are marketed at weaning.

Method Genetics Index/Percentile


The Quality Pounds Index is reported in dollars per calf for herds with Angus-based genetics. It focuses on the terminal side of the herd’s business for feedlot gain and carcass merit genetic differences. There are no provisions for calving ease or maternal traits, with the assumption that all calves are under a retained ownership scenario fed out and marketed on a premium quality-based grid.

MPI/% 167/1 QPI/% 166/1 ROI/% 300/1


A numeric ranking of the animal’s Index values on a 1% to 100% scale. A lower numeric value is considered more favorable. For example, a 25% presented with an index indicates that animal is in the upper 25 percent of the animals in the Method Genetics genetic evaluation for calves born in the last five years.


Cattle producers interested in a complete production system approach from conception through carcass end-point can use the Retained Ownership Income index ties together reproduction, calving ease, maternal genetic merit, growth throughout the calf’s lifetime, and quality based carcass merit in an Angus-based herd. The ROI is reported in dollars per calf produced in the herd, and consolidates the sub-indexes of MPI and QPI.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 47
P.O. Box 8802/Saint Joseph, MO 64508/www.MethodGenetics.com Sally Northcutt Bowman, Ph.D. • Email: snorthcutt@methodgenetics.com Bill Bowman • Email: bbowman@methodgenetics.com


2022 “Meating Demand” Reference Sires

GAR Home Town

REF G GAR Breakthrough

GAR Quantum

REF H GAR Inertia

GAR Ashland

GAR Combustion

GAR Momentum

GAR Phoenix

F GAR Dual Threat

J GAR Genuine


GAR Set Apart

GAR Prophet K263

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 48
Birth Date: 1/31/2015 Bull +18217198 Tattoo: K25 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +12/15% +1.0/45% +72/20% +130/15% +.28/20% +1.49/85% +.7/25% +1.44/15% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +27/10% +8.3/85% +7/65% +34/10% +64/45% +.7/20% -24/75% CW MARB REA Fat +61/15% +.97/15% +1.36/1% -.018/15% $Value $M $W $F $G $B $C +68/25% +84/10% +104/20% +76/4% +181/5% +303/4% MG Indexes MPI/% QPI/% ROI/% 158/10% 150/9% 278/7% REF
Birth Date: 08/18/2016 Bull +*18636059 Tattoo: 5526 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +12/15% +1.1/50% +71/20% +131/15% +.29/15% +1.48/85% +.8/20% +1.44/15% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +27/10% +7.9/85% +8/55% +34/10% +69/35% +.7/20% -27/80% CW MARB REA Fat +61/15% +.99/110% +1.38/1% -.019/15% $Value $M $W $F $G $B $C +65/35% +81/10% +106/20% +78/3% +184/4% +304/4% MG Indexes MPI/% QPI/% ROI/% 154/14% 143/15% 268/12% REF
Birth Date: 08/15/2016 Bull 18636106 Tattoo: 6146 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +12/15% +1.0/45% +87/2% +155/2% +.30/10% +2.18/95% +1.1/4% +2.45/1% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +22/30% +12.3/40% +10/35% +25/50% +100/10% +.9/10% -36/95% CW MARB REA Fat +85/1% +1.17/4% +1.13/2% +.028/75% $Value $M $W $F $G $B $C +69/25% +87/5% +131/2% +79/3% +209/1% +340/1% MG Indexes MPI/% QPI/% ROI/% 180/1% 168/2% 314/1% REF D
Birth Date: 08/23/2017 Bull 18943322 Tattoo: 5897 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +8/40% +1.8/65% +76/10% +138/10% +.33/3% +1.12/65% +.6/35% +1.12/30% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +18/45% +9.8/70% +8/55% +27/40% +68/40% +.6/25% -23/70% CW MARB REA Fat +65/10% +1.60/1% +.90/10% +.014/55% $Value $M $W $F $G $B $C +64/35% +79/15% +113/10% +96/1% +209/1% +335/1% MG Indexes MPI/% QPI/% ROI/% 161/7% 181/1% 306/1% REF
Birth Date: 09/06/2018 Bull 19266718 Tattoo: 7488 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +14/5% -.6/15% +59/50% +112/40% +.28/20% +.98/60% +.2/80% +.97/40% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +20/35% +11.6/45% +15/3% +29/25% +55/55% +.1/70% -18/60% CW MARB REA Fat +50/35% +1.85/1% +1.15/2% -.042/3% $Value $M $W $F $G $B $C +59/50% +67/35% +104/20% +114/1% +218/1% +342/1% MG Indexes MPI/% QPI/% ROI/% 128/64% 178/1% 270/11% REF
Birth Date: 09/03/2017 Bull 19123898 Tattoo: 507G EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +14/5% -.8/15% +66/30% +124/25% +.28/20% +1.24/75% +.6/35% +1.34/20% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +26/15% +14.6/15% +6/75% +37/3% +59/50% +.3/55% -24/75% CW MARB REA Fat +69/5% +1.21/4% +1.33/1% -.001/35% $Value $M $W $F $G $B $C +78/10% +84/10% +121/4% +85/2% +206/1% +345/1% MG Indexes MPI/% QPI/% ROI/% 146/27% 154/6% 269/12% REF L
Birth Date: 07/22/2013 Bull *17799492 Tattoo: K263 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +10/25% +.9/45% +89/2% +164/1% +.31/10% +2.67/95%+1.0/10% -.64/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +23/25% +11.6/45% +11/25% +31/15% +100/10% +1.3/1% -40/95% CW MARB REA Fat +74/3% +1.35/2% +1.11/3% +.012/50% $Value $M $W $F $G $B $C +71/20% +95/2% +113/10% +88/1% +201/1% +332/1% MG Indexes MPI/% QPI/% ROI/% 180/1% 173/1% 318/1%
Birth Date: 08/20/2017 Bull *18943315 Tattoo: 5817 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +16/2% -1.3/10% +69/25% +122/25% +.23/60% +1.32/80% +.7/25% +.34/80% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +23/25% +8.7/80% +8/55% +34/10% +85/20% +.6/25% -34/90% CW MARB REA Fat +61/15% +1.62/1% +1.30/1% +.011/50% $Value $M $W $F $G $B $C +46/80% +84/10% +109/15% +102/1% +211/1% +320/2% MG Indexes MPI/% QPI/% ROI/% 142/34% 175/1% 282/5%
Birth Date: 08/09/2016 Bull *18636043 Tattoo: 5226 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +10/25% +1.5/60% +78/10% +142/10% +.29/5% +1.72/95% +.8/20% +.62/65% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +25/15% +10.6/60% +12/20% +30/20% +58/50% +.5/35% -19/60% CW MARB REA Fat +68/5% +1.21/4% +.74/25% +.084/95% $Value $M $W $F $G $B $C +70/25% +86/5% +117/10% +71/10% +188/3% +314/2% MG Indexes MPI/% QPI/% ROI/% 160/8% 166/2% 293/2% REF
Birth Date: 8/31/2012 Bull 17354145 Tattoo: 7372 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +14/5% +.1/25% +54/65% +100/60% +.23/60% +.89/50% +.2/80% -.04/95% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +27/10% +5.2/95% +6/75% +31/15% +42/70% +.1/70% -13/45% CW MARB REA Fat +43/50% +156/1% +1.01/5% +.002/40% $Value $M $W $F $G $B $C +54/60% +70/30% +93/40% +96/1% +189/3% +299/5% MG Indexes MPI/% QPI/% ROI/% 134/52% 151/8% 255/23% REF
Birth Date: 05/15/2016 Bull 18766553 Tattoo: N6576 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +18/1% -2.7/2% +67/30% +126/20% +.30/10% +1.33/80% +.4/60% +1.15/30% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +31/3% +12.0/40% +14/5% +31/15% +78/25% +.7/20% -29/85% CW MARB REA Fat +49/35% +1.04/10% +.90/10% +.036/85% $Value $M $W $F $G $B $C +61/45% +79/15% +91/45% +69/10% +160/20% +269/20% MG Indexes MPI/% QPI/% ROI/% 164/5% 130/31% 268/12% REF
Birth Date: 09/13/2017 Bull *19123879 Tattoo: 793 EPDs CED BW WW YW RADG DMI YH SC +9/30% +3.5/90% +84/3% +156/2% +.32/4% +1.74/95%+1.0/10% +1.76/5% DOC HP CEM Milk MW MH $EN +20/35% +9.2/75% +5/80% +28/30% +103/10% +1.0/5% -39/95% CW MARB REA Fat +80/1% +1.23/3% +1.34/1% -.018/15% $Value $M $W $F $G $B $C +54/60% +79/15% +136/1% +88/1% +224/1% +345/1% MG Indexes MPI/% QPI/% ROI/% 175/1% 157/5% 301/1%


Expected Progeny Differences (EPD), is the prediction of how future progeny of each animal are expected to perform relative to the progeny of other animals listed in the database. EPDs are expressed in units of measure for the trait, plus or minus. Interim EPDs may appear on young animals when their performance has yet to be incorporated into the American Angus Association National Cattle Evaluation (NCE) procedures. This EPD will be preceded by an “I”, and may or may not include the animal’s own performance record for a particular trait, depending on its availability, appropriate contemporary grouping, or data edits needed for NCE.


Calving Ease Direct (CED), is expressed as a difference in percentage of unassisted births, with a higher value indicating greater calving ease in first-calf heifers. It predicts the average difference in ease with which a sire’s calves will be born when he is bred to first-calf heifers.

Birth Weight EPD (BW), expressed in pounds, is a predictor of a sire’s ability to transmit birth weight to his progeny compared to that of other sires.

Weaning Weight EPD (WW), expressed in pounds, is a predictor of a sire’s ability to transmit weaning growth to his progeny compared to that of other sires.

Yearling Weight EPD (YW), expressed in pounds, is a predictor of a sire’s ability to transmit yearling growth to his progeny compared to that of other sires.

Residual Average Daily Gain (RADG), expressed in pounds per day, is a predictor of a sire’s genetic ability for postweaning gain in future progeny compared to that of other sires, given a constant amount of feed consumed.

Dry Matter Intake (DMI), expressed in pounds per day, is a predictor of difference transmitting ability for feed intake during the postweaning phase, compared to that of other sires.

Yearling Height EPD (YH), is a predictor of a sire’s ability to transmit yearling height, expressed in inches, compared to that of other sires.

Scrotal Circumference EPD (SC), expressed in centimeters, is a predictor of the difference in transmitting ability for scrotal size compared to that of other sires.

Docility (DOC), is expressed as a difference in yearling cattle temperament, with a higher value indicating more favorable docility. It predicts the average difference of progeny from a sire in comparison with another sire’s calves. In herds where temperament problems are not an issue, this expected difference would not be realized.


Heifer Pregnancy (HP), the heifer pregnancy EPDs are designed to characterize differences among sires in the Angus breed for daughter’s heifer pregnancy. When comparing two sires based on their heifer pregnancy EPDs (reported in units of percentage), a higher EPD sire would be expected to have daughters with a greater probability or chance of becoming pregnant than a sire with the lower EPD.

Calving Ease Maternal (CEM), is expressed as a difference in percentage of unassisted births with a higher value indicating greater calving ease in first-calf daughters. It predicts the average ease with which a sire’s daughters will calve as first-calf heifers when compared to daughters of other sires.

Maternal Milk EPD (Milk), is a predictor of a sire’s genetic merit for milk and mothering ability as expressed in his daughters compared to daughters of other sires. In other words, it is that part of a calf’s weaning weight attributed to milk and mothering ability.

Mature Weight EPD (MW), expressed in pounds, is a predictor of the difference in mature weight of daughters of a sire compared to the daughters of other sires.

Mature Height EPD (MH), expressed in inches, is a predictor of the difference in mature height of a sire’s daughters compared to daughters of other sires.

Cow Energy Value ($EN), expressed in dollar savings per cow per year, assesses differences in cow energy requirements as an expected dollar savings difference in daughters of sires. A larger value is more favorable when comparing two animals (more dollars saved on feed energy expenses). Components for computing the cow $EN savings difference include lactation energy requirements and energy costs associated with differences in mature cow size.


Carcass Weight EPD (CW), expressed in pounds, is a predictor of the differences in hot carcass weight of a sire’s progeny compared to progeny of other sires.

Marbling EPD (Marb), expressed as a fraction of the difference in USDA marbling score of a sire’s progeny compared to progeny of other sires.

Ribeye Area EPD (RE), expressed in square inches, is a predictor of the difference in ribeye area of a sire’s progeny compared to progeny of other sires.

Fat Thickness EPD (Fat), expressed in inches, is a predictor of the differences in external fat thickness at the 12th rib (as measured between the 12th and 13th ribs) of a sire’s progeny compared to progeny of other sires.


Adj. Yrlg. Scrotal Circ: Adjusted yearling scrotal circumference, the bull’s scrotal circumference measured in centimeters adjusted to one year of age.

Adj. Yrlg. Hip Ht.: Each bull’s hip height measured in inches and adjusted to one year of age.

Adj. %IMF: The percent intramuscular fat (marbling) adjusted to 365 days of age. Heritability for marbling is in the moderate range.

%IMF Ratio: The percent above or below average (100 = average) a bull or female is for its marbling scan within its contemporary group.

Adj. Yrlg. Ribeye Area: Each bull’s ribeye area measured in square inches and adjusted to one year of age.

REA Ratio: The percent above or below average (100 = average) a bull is for his adjusted ribeye area.

Adj. Rib Fat: This is the off-test backfat measured in inches adjusted to 365 days of age.

Rib Fat Ratio: The percent above or below average (100 = average) a bull or female is for its backfat scan within its contemporary group.

Adj. Rump Fat: This is the off-test rump fat measured in inches adjusted to 365 days of age.

Rump Fat Ratio: The percent above or below average (100= average) a bull or female is for its rump fat scan within its contemporary group.


Weaned Calf Value ($W), an index value expressed in dollars per head, is the expected average difference in future progeny performance for pre-weaning merit. $W includes both revenue and cost adjustments associated with differences in birth weight, weaning direct growth, maternal milk, and mature cow size.

Feedlot Value ($F), an index value expressed in dollars per head, is the expected average difference in future progeny performance for post-weaning merit compared to progeny of other sires.

Grid Value ($G), an index value expressed in dollars per head, is the expected average difference in future progeny performance for carcass grid merit compared to progeny of other sires.

Quality Grade ($QG), $QG represents the quality grade segment of the economic advantage found in $G. $QG is intended for the specialized user wanting to place more emphasis on improving quality grade. The carcass marbling (Marb) EPD and ultrasound-derived percent intramuscular fat (%IMF) EPD contribute to $QG.

Yield Grade ($YG), $YG represents the yield grade segment of the economic advantage found in $G. $YG is intended for the specialized user wanting to place more emphasis on red meat yield. It provides a multi-trait approach to encompass ribeye, fat thickness and weight into an economic value for red meat yield.

Beef Value ($B), an index value expressed in dollars per head, is the expected average difference in future progeny performance for post-weaning and carcass value compared to progeny of other sires.


Act.BW — Actual Birth Weight: The number of calves each dam has had and the average actual birth weight of those calves. Example: 3-81 means the dam has had 3 calves with an average actual birth weight of 81 pounds.

BWR — Birth Weight Ratio: The number of calves a dam has had and their average birth weight ratio. Example: 2-98 means the dam has had 2 calves with an average BWR of 98.

WWR — Weaning Weight Ratio: The number of calves a dam has had and their average weaning weight ratio. Example: 2-102 means the dam has had 2 calves with an average WWR of 102.

YWR — Yearling Weight Ratio: The number of calves a dam has had and their average yearling weight ratio. Example: 2-103 means the dam has had 2 calves with an average YWR of 103.


%IMF: The number of calves that each dam has had, and the average %IMF ratio on those calves. Example: 11-112 means that the dam of this animal has had 11 progeny ultrasounded for IMF with an average ratio of 112.

REA: The number of calves that each dam has had, and the average ribeye area ratio on those calves. Example: 11-112 means that the dam of this animal has had 11 progeny ultrasounded for REA with an average ratio of 112.

Fat: The number of calves that each dam has had, and the average rib fat ratio on those calves. Example: 11-112 means that the dam of this animal has had 11 progeny ultrasounded for rib fat with an average ratio of 112. A ratio above 100 would mean that this animal has above average rib fat (more fat) and a ratio of less than 100 means that the animal has less rib fat (less fat) within the animal’s contemporary group.

RU Fat: The number of calves that each dam has had, and the average rump fat ratio on those calves. Example: 11-112 means that the dam of this animal has had 11 progeny ultrasounded for rump fat with an average ratio of 112. A ratio above 100 would mean that this animal has above average rump fat (more fat) and a ratio of less than 100 means that the animal has less rump fat (less fat) within the animal’s contemporary group.

BW — Birth Weight: The actual weight in pounds at birth.

Calving-Ease Score: 1 = unassisted; 2 = some assistance; 3 = mechanical assistance.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 49


CARCASS WEIGHT (CW): The carcass weight EPD is reported in pounds of harvest carcass weight. As with other weight traits, selection for weight genetics is moderately to highly heritable and will lead to increased directional genetic change in pounds. The CW EPD has contributions not only from the genotyped calves, but harvest carcass records, ultrasound indicator trait results, and available pedigree.

MARBLING (MARB): Marbling EPDs are reported in harvest marbling score units, with a higher value being more favorable.

RIBEYE AREA (REA): The ribeye area EPD, with a higher value as the typical desired direction, can be used to place selection pressure on this trait to impact red meat yield.

CALVING EASE DIRECT (CED): Reported as a percentage of unassisted calvings, this EPD is used to select favorable calving ease genetics for use in matings to first calf heifers. The value is more noted for sire selection. In Angus-influenced herds that have heavily emphasized calving ease genetics, selection pressure for this trait may or may not be a priority. A higher value is more favorable. For example if there was a 5 percentage point difference between to animals (+10 vs +5), one would expect 5 more calves out of 100 to be born unassisted in future progeny, to favor choosing the animal with the CED of +10.

DOCILITY (DOC): Docility is reported as a convenience trait with a higher value favoring more docile temperament. Reported in percentage units, these EPDs can be used as an accessory sorting tool as needed.

CALVING EASE MATERNAL (CEM): This EPD is applicable to calves out of daughters of first-calf heifers and their unassisted calving percentage difference relative to other individuals. Again, as with CED, a higher value is more favorable and reported in units of percent.

MATERNAL PRODUCTION INDEX (MPI): The Maternal Production Index is reported in dollars per calf produced from the breeding herd with Angus-based genetics. It encompasses direct and maternal calving ease, heifer pregnancy, weaning growth, maternal milk, and mature size differences in a scenario where replacement females are retained and calves are marketed at weaning.

QUALITY POUNDS INDEX (QPI): The Quality Pounds Index is reported in dollars per calf for herds with Angus-based genetics. It focuses on the terminal side of the herd’s business for feedlot gain and carcass merit genetic differences. There are no provisions for calving ease or maternal traits, with the assumption that all calves are under a retained ownership scenario fed out and marketed on a premium quality-based grid.

RETAINED OWNERSHIP INCOME (ROI): Cattle producers interested in a complete production system approach from conception through carcass end-point should use the Retained Ownership Income index ties together reproduction, calving ease, maternal genetic merit, growth throughout the calf’s lifetime, and quality based carcass merit in an Angus-based herd. The ROI is reported in dollars per calf produced in the herd, and consolidates the sub-indexes of MPI and QPI.

METHOD GENETICS EPD AND INDEX PERCENTILE RANKS (%) are a numeric ranking of the animal’s EPD and Index values on a 1% to 100% scale. For most traits a lower numeric value is considered more favorable, such as for CED EPD. For example, a 25% presented with an EPD indicates that animal is in the upper 25 percent of the animals in the Method Genetics evaluation for calves born in the last five years.


We guarantee that all breeding cattle sold by Gardiner Angus Ranch, both bulls and females, are fertile to the best of our knowledge. If a bull is injured at any time in the 12 months following the sale so as to make them functionally infertile, we will provide you with a satisfactory replacement, if available, or issue you a credit equal to the bull’s purchase price minus the salvage value received for that bull. If a female is determined to be a non-breeder, then we would ask you to sell her and would offer you the difference of her purchase price minus the salvage value as a credit in any future GAR sale. This guarantee is in addition to the Sale Terms and Conditions of the American Angus Association which also apply.


Gardiner Angus Ranch offers its customers free delivery anywhere in the lower 48 states. As a part of that delivery we work with reputable livestock transportation companies that we feel comfortable with in the handling of your cattle in both a professional and conscientious way. GAR will do everything possible to deliver your cattle to a point that is convenient for both you and the trucking company. In some cases where there are cattle from multiple owners loaded on the same truck, it is necessary for the buyer to meet the truck at a central location such as a livestock auction or veterinary clinic relatively close to them. We also encourage the drivers to be as flexible as possible and request that they not deliver your cattle in the middle of the night if avoidable. If you would like to insure your cattle, you can do so on sale day. Most of the cattle to be delivered from the sale are delivered within 45 days after the sale. If, for any reason, you desire an expedited delivery, please notify Grant Gardiner at (620) 635-0382 or email grant.c.gardiner@gmail.com and we will make arrangements for quicker delivery.


Two Month Calves—Endovac-Bovi (Immvac)

Vision 7 (Merck Animal Health)

VistaOnce (Merck Animal Health)

Calves at 205 day Pre-weaning

Vision 7 20/20 (Merck Animal Health)

Vista Once (Merck Animal Health)

Weaning (June)

Vista 5 (Merck Animal Health)

Yearling Heifers (>30 day Pre-Breeding)

Vista 3 V/L5 (Merck Animal Health)

Ivomec Pour-On (Merial)

Cows at Synchronization

Virashield 6V/L5 (Novartis)

Ivomec Pour-On (Merial)

Bulls (Pre-Sale) Anaplasmosis vaccination (1 dose)

All animals have been tested for PI BVD are found to be free of this disease. The goal of this vaccination program is to decrease the risk for diseases that are prevalent in our area and our management scheme.


Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 50
Dr. Randall K. Spare • Dr. John L. Kellenberger • Dr. Kelly M. Deewall Dr. Libby Farney • Dr. Mark Spare • Dr. Eva Gardiner P.O. Box 869, W. Hwy. 160 • Ashland, KS 67831 • (620) 635-2641

GAR Spring 2022 Interns

Since the spring of 2012, The Gardiner Angus Ranch structured internship program has hosted 53 students from universities across the U.S. The students arrive with lots of goals, aspirations and hopes to continue to gain useful experience and eventually become professionals in agriculture. While experience is helpful, it has never been a prerequisite for an internship. Curiosity and a willingness to learn, however, are. The spring interns arrive just days before we begin ultrasounding hundreds of cattle and embryo transfer on over 100 donors. From day one, interns learn low-stress handling, horsemanship, reproduction, data collection and basic animal husbandry skills.

Ambree Sandell, a junior at the University of Florida, plans to continue her education and seek a master’s degree at Texas A & M University. Her goal is to become an educator in an extension role at a land grant university.

Shelby Stille, a junior at University of Missouri, plans to become a veterinarian and join a mixed animal practice in rural Missouri. Shelby was raised on her family’s Red Angus operation. The family also raises pork, poultry and eggs to supply their direct to consumer business.

Zachary Klonicke, a senior at Virginia Tech University, plans to return to VT and enter vet school, with the goal of becoming a food animal veterinarian.

Olivia Lewis, a senior at Auburn University, plans to continue her education through graduate school. Olivia’s equine experience will be a valuable asset. Her long term goals are to return to join her family’s forestry business, as well as improve the genetics in her family’s cowherd and produce high quality beef.

In addition to our “day jobs” at GAR, the interns have an opportunity to travel with Mark to visit other seedstock operations, feedlots, GAR commercial cow-calf operations. A few nuggets of Southwest Kansas history are always included!

Each intern cohort is unique. We are grateful that 53 students from all across the country applied and made the commitment to advance their education at Gardiner Angus Ranch. It is humbling and reassuring to know these bright, young students are preparing themselves for careers in food animal production and will continue to pay it forward.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 51
Ambree Sandell Shelby Stille Zach Klonicke Olivia Lewis


Jeff Golden began with GAR as a student at K-State. Following graduation in 1984, Jeff began working full time. Jeff’s main responsibilities include managing herd health as well as overseeing calving of the two year old heifers, and freeze branding thousands of GAR cattle each year. Jeff is as good of a cowboy as we know. His ability to see the condition of the cattle and the country is valuable to us. Jeff and his wife, Sheryl, have two children, Zane and Grace. Jeff and his family live just east of GAR on their own operation.

Scott Tune has been with GAR since June, 2002. Prior to joining the GAR team, Scott worked for Bar Six Dirt Construction. Scott’s oversees much of our farming during the summer. During the winter, Scott is an ace heat checker and assists in herd health at the GAR AI barn. Scott has delivered many GAR cattle all over the U.S. He does it proficiently and with a smile. Scott and his wife, Connie, live on the Gabbert Ranch at GAR.

Eric Campbell came to GAR in August, 2004, with extensive feedlot and ranch experience. Eric assists with heat detecting and winter feeding at the AI barn. During the summer, Eric also shares much of the farming responsibilities. Eric never met a job that was too big or too small and has a great attitude! Eric and his wife, Emilie, have two children, Mahala and Mykelti, and live on the Dunne Ranch.

Kurt Borgelt, native Nebraskan, moved to Clark County in 2004. Kurt has a degree in Animal Science from Univ. of Nebraska and is an allaround good hand in the GAR operation. Whether it’s heat detection, feed bunk management or herd heath, Kurt knows cattle! Kurt’s excellent feed bunk management has enabled GAR to consolidate bull development back on the ranch. Kurt and his wife, Aimee, have three children, Austin, Nicole and Landon, and reside just east of the GAR AI barn.

Gardiner Angus Ranch • Page 52
Jeff Golden Scott Tune Eric Campbell Kurt Borgelt


Words can’t adequately describe our appreciation for the hard work and loyalty of our small but mighty staff. Each staff member accomplishes the work of multiple people, all in an effort to get the job done. Whether it’s planting, harvesting, working several thousand head of cattle multiple times a year, breeding, feeding, processing, calving, repairing equipment…there is NO job this crew can’t do. While we all appreciate our educations, life lessons of hard work, honesty, responsibility and integrity are learned outside the classroom.

Landon Borgelt grew up on Gardiner Angus Ranch and is the son of Kurt and Aimee Borgelt. Landon graduated from Ashland High School and attended Pratt Community College. Landon is keenly aware of the demands of our diverse ranching and farming operation. He assists in our minimum till farming operation and is responsible for much of the equipment maintenance. During fall calving, he assist in tattooing and data collection. We are grateful Landon decided to return to the Ashland community and Gardiner Angus Ranch.

C.J. Bonilla was raised in the Ashland community, graduated from Ashland High School and left Kansas to serve our country as a U.S. Marine. After his honorable discharge, C.J. returned to Clark County. C.J. is a valuable addition to the GAR team, observing penned cattle for health and wellness and assisting in the day to day cattle operation. C.J. delivers GAR cattle all across the Great Plains. We depend on his attention to detail and commitment to the welfare of the cattle under his care.

Calen Bailey was a fall 2020 intern at GAR. After graduation, Calen expressed an interest in gaining “post graduate” experience in minimum till farming and day to day ranch management. She has been a full time member of the GAR team since September 2021. We appreciate Calen’s curiosity and determination to search for the experience she needs to meet her personal goals and willingness to take on any job around the ranch. Calen is unflappable and always searches for the best outcome, regardless of the situation.

Landon Borgelt C.J. Bonilla Calen Bailey
Catalog Produced By: Cogent Ideas, Inc. • P.O. Box 4109 • Topeka, Kansas 66604-4109 • 785-231-0879 • www.CogentIdeasInc.com 1182 CR Y • Ashland, KS 67831 From Ashland, Kansas, the GAR Marketing Center is located 6 miles west, 6 miles south and 0.7 miles west, or approximately 50 miles south of Dodge City, Kansas. 1182 CR Y n Ashland, KS 67831 n Office (620) 635-2156 n GAR@GardinerAngus.com n www.GardinerAngus.com The Henry & Nan Gardiner Family: Mark (620) 635-5095 n Greg (620) 635-0233 n Grant (620) 635-0382 n Cole (620) 635-0727 n Ransom (620) 635-0283 Proud to be a founding member of U.S. Premium Beef. More than $11.31 million in premiums and dividends have been paid to GAR customers using USPB delivery rights. PRESORTED FIRST CLASS U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit #3 Auburn, KS Monday, May 2, 2022 n 10 AM Henry & Nan Gardiner Marketing Center At the ranch near Ashland, Kansas Watch the sale and bid live online at LiveAuctions.tv and SuperiorClickToBid.com. Register to bid prior to sale day.

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