ANNUAL REPORT 2019- 2020
EXECUTIVE STATEMENT Gardopia Gardens extends our sincerest thank you and gratitude to our community members and partners. In 2015, our mission of growing healthy communities through gardenbased learning launched on the vacant lot of 619. N New Braunfels in San Antonio, Texas. Approximately 5-years later, our community microfarm stands as a symbol of environmental sustainability, healthy styles, and education; where individuals and families can benefit from ecosystem services in the United States' 7th largest urban city. With zero funding to a projected quarter-million-dollar budget in Fiscal Year 2021, this journey is nothing short of a blessing. We have the responsibility to engage our community in garden education each day, planting seeds for future generations. Our 5th year of operations was an unprecedented one. The COVID-19 Pandemic, Black Lives Matters Movement, and Climate Crisis created a greater awareness of the need for food sovereignty, security, and justice. Realizing this equity and resiliency is at the root of what Gardopia Gardens strives to cultivate on the local and global level. We present to you this 2019 - 2020 Annual Report as a glimpse into our journey.
STEPHEN LUCKE, MA, COF Chief Executive Officer
BOARD OF DIRECTORS STATEMENT Here at Gardopia Gardens, we have been hard at work during 2019 -2020 by providing garden-based learning to our community. We are honored to provide a beautiful green space to San Antonio's Eastside and to continue to cultivate the many precious relationships along our journey as an organization. 2019 - 2020 has been a difficult year for the global community, to say the least, wrought with the many challenges due to loss of jobs, social isolation, and distance learning. It’s now more crucial than ever that we come together to find creative methods to cultivate community during COVID-19. Looking forward to the year ahead, we aspire to be among the leaders and innovators of growing a healthier world. This is realized by taking action locally to educate ourselves and our community about the importance of the many benefits of gardening to include: food security, healthy eating habits, and mental health awareness. We thank our partners and our community for all their hard work in 2019 - 2020 and look forward to 2021 and the opportunity to engage in community and solidarity.
Gardopia Gardens is a 501(c)3 nonprofit agency based in the Near East of San Antonio
A sustainable society, empowered and educated to lead healthy lifestyles through gardening
The mission of Gardopia Gardens is to grow health communities through garden-based learning
Education Health Environment
Strategic Planning In December 2019, the Board of Directors began the key process of strategic planning. The 2020 2023 Strategic Plan provides an overview of the organization’s direction and outcomes for the next 3 years. Adhering to the Washington Nonprofit Institute guidelines for Strategic Planning In Nonprofits (SPIN), the board implemented the six elements of planning: preparing, listening, envisioning, executing, and evaluating. This progress resulted in the creation of 5 Strategic Goals and their relative objectives and outcomes for furthering the future success, impact, and scale of Gardopia Gardens. As a nonprofit organization, the agency understands that resources are valuable and that these assets must be continuously moving in the aligned direction of the nonprofit’s mission and vision. This literature best defines the narrative of purpose, alignment, and accountability measures necessary to expand resources and programmatic impact. For a complete version of the Gardopia Gardens’ 2020 2013 Strategic Plan, please email lucke
2020 - 2023 Strategic Plan Strategic Goal 1 - Increase Organizational Resources for Capacity Building Objective 1.1: Employ Core Administrative Staff Objective 1.2: Acquire Headquarters Property & Establish Satellite Offices Objective 1.3: Develop Organizational Headquarters Property
Strategic Goal 2 - Enhance Educational Programming Objective 2.1: Utilize Evidence-based & Promising Practices For Academic Curriculum Objective 2.2: Increase Program Attendance & Reach Objective 2.3: Integrate Technology Into Programming
Strategic Goal 3 - Increase Brand Awareness Objective 3.1: Redesign Brand Guideline Objective 3.2: Revise Organization Website Objective 3.3: Improve Content Marketing Objective 3.4: Elevate Partnership Branding Strategic Goal 4 - Modernize & Formalize Data Collection Processes and Analysis Objective 4.1: Develop Program Performance Measures Objective 4.2: Onboard & Implement Data Collection Systems/Procedures Objective 4.3: Onboard & Implement a Database Management & Analysis System Objective 4.4: Onboard & Implement a Data Visualization Tools Strategic Goal 5 - Foster Long Term Sustainable Ecosystem Change At The City & Regional Level Objective 5.1: Champion Sustainable Consumption Habits Objective 5.2: Create a Collective Impact in the SA Metro Region Objective 5.3: Ensure equality and diversity within leadership and staffing Objective 5.4: Research Autonomous Microfarm Technology Integration
THE IMPORTANCE OF GARDOPIA GARDENS The agency's grassroots efforts transformed the once crimeridden vacant lot on 619 & 615 N. New Braunfels into the vibrant micro-farm that serves as a communal gathering space for youth, families, and individuals.
GARDEN-BASED LEANRING PROGRAM The Garden-Based Learning Program is an evidence-based practice that empowers youth to grow their own food while implementing STREAM academics. Topics range from soil science, entomology, composting, sustainability, botany, tool safety, intercropping, and waste reduction. The Garden-Based Learning Program curriculum has a strong emphasis on reducing childhood obesity/malnutrition and environmental stewardship.
GARDEN VOLUNTEER PROGRAM Every week, Gardopia Gardens hosts multiple garden volunteer days, fostering a sense of community wellness through the practice of organic urban agriculture. Community members are welcomed to engage in an annual series of educational workshops led by local experts. The ultimate goal is to increase self-sufficiency by empowering individuals and families to partake in growing their own food. Participants are encouraged to 'Adopt-A-Plot' at Gardopia Gardens or build gardens in their own homes.
BUILD-A-GARDEN & OPTIMZIATION PROGRAM The Build-A-Garden Program provides garden consultations, custom designs, builds, and ongoing maintenance for the successful growth and longevity of at-home, community, school, and business gardens.
PEARL FARMERS MARKET PROGRAM The Pearl Farmers Market Program is an educational outreach initiative every weekend. The booth serves as a community resource for the exchange of horticultural information including seasonal vegetation, organic gardening practices, youth activities, consultations, and garden builds & designs.
PROGRAM IMPACT GARDEN-BASED LEARNING PROGRAM 37,082 individuals served (online and in-person) 96 classes taught to the community 12 partner organizations 6 college internships provided
GARDEN VOLUNTEER PROGRAM 541 individuals served 1,082 hours volunteered 52 garden volunteer workdays $27,558.54 in-kind revenue generated
BUILD-A-GARDEN & OPTIMIZATION PROGRAM 3,118 individuals served 39 families/organizations served 103 gardens built 66 gardens optimized
PEARL FARMERS MARKET PROGRAM 26 farmers markets provided 1,326 individuals reached 104 hours of provided garden education
Pecan Valley Women, Infant, Children (WIC) Teaching Garden In the Spring of 2020, Gardopia Gardens partnered with the City of San Antonio's Metropolitan Health District to construct a community teaching garden at the Women Infant Children Clinic in the eastside of San Antonio. This garden improves food access and nutrition to families with young children.
"We, the community, need to come together at large to embrace our neighbors, embrace our children who are our future, to provide them the best start. We should all strive for this. I strongly recommend Gardopia Gardens and the programs it provides to improving the quality of life of community members as well as addressing health behaviors, risk factors, and prevention of specific diseases." Always your voice, Tommy Calvert - Bexar County Commissioner, Precinct 4
Juneteenth In celebration of a momentous step towards racial freedom, Gardopia Gardens partnered with the community to stand in solidarity and promote the emancipation of African-Americans and the 21stcentury civil rights / BLM movement across the United States. This event included vendors, artisans, mural painting, live music, an onsite podcast series, and spoken word. GARDOPIA GARDENS
Online Education - Video Series Gardopia Gardens created a free online accessible video series called Organic Gardening 101 on YouTube. In this seven video series, our certified organic farmer walks viewers through various topics such as, location, designing, planting organic gardening beds along with best practices and techniques to optimize the absolute success of a complete harvest.
"D u r i n g e a c h c l a s s s e s s i o n , M r . L u c k e p r o v i d e d i n f o r m a t i o n a n d c o n te n t u s i n g t e c h n o l o g y a n d i n t e r e s t i n g v i d e o s th a t w e r e c a r e f u l l y s e l e c t e d t o e n g a g e s tu d e n ts . Lessons included hands-on gardening activities and field trips to local nurseries and v a r i o u s o t h e r s i t e s t h r o u g h o u t th e S a n Antonio community." - Dr. Kathy Dodge-Clay - Head Of School, The Academy at Morgan's Wonderland
Morgan's Wonderland Workforce Development Learning In the Summer of 2019, Gardopia Gardens taught a 10week course at Morgan's Wonderland. This course was part of a Workforce Development Initiative with Alamo Community Colleges and Alamo Area Council of Government for intellectually & developmentally delayed - high functioning youth. In addition to increased competitiveness in the workforce, Gardopia Gardens instilled a long-lasting behavior change to lead healthier lifestyles through gardening.
MICROGREENS EATERY & MUSHROOM EDUCATION LAB COVID-19 Response - Food Security - Efficient Cultivation In the Summer of 2020, Gardopia Gardens broke ground on the Microgreens Eatery & Mushroom Education (MEME) Lab. Upon completion, this project will provide microgreens (for personal consumption and or utilization in at-home gardens), culinary mushrooms, and fresh eggs to ensure community members have access to nutrient-dense food as a response to COVID-19 to address the threat of food insecurity.
We're proud to announce that this project was supported by the generosity of community members and grant funders. Project Benefits: 1-3 week cultivation cycles Expanded Education Renewable Solar Energy Hydro/aquaponics Nutrition Kitchen & Cold Storage
Highlights Snooze A.M. Eatery:
Plant Sale:
We raised over $1,500 during Pancake Week from our partnership with Snooze A.M. Eatery at the Quarry Market.
We worked with Kens-5 News to promote a successful plant sale at the start of COVID-19.
Fundraising and Tabling:
Mental & Physical
We got creative with Development Fundraiser, Christopher Luna, who tabled community events in order to raise funding and resources in support of our mission
Outdoor group activities allow for safe community building during COVID.
2019 - 2020 REVENUE & EXPENDITURE Bank Fees Travel & Meetings 3.7% 1.4%
Rent Expense 2.2%
Program Expenses 83.6%
Sales Of Merchandise 2.3%
Individual 20.2%
Expenses $81,016.43
Program Revenue 46.6%
Corporate 4.9% Foundations 2.9%
Net Operating $872.10
Government/NGO 22.9%
CHART OF ACCOUNTS Revenue Donations - Individual Donations - Corporate Grants - Foundations Grants - Corporate Grants - Government/NGO Program Revenue Sales of Merchandise Membership Dues Miscellaneous
$16,556.49 $2,656.50 $2,400.00 $1,325.00 $18,761.43 $38,198.21 $1,845.80 $130.00 $15.10
Total Revenue
Expenses Dues & Subscriptions Staff Development Travel & Meetings Advertising & Marketing Rent Expenses Repairs & Maintenance Supplies Printing & Copying Program Expenses Bank Fees Insurance Professional Services Utilities
$1,125.71 $137.88 $3,011.74 $2,561.59 $1817.92 $93.76 $183.10 $616.58 $67,725.85 $1,156.20 $530.77 $144.36 $1,910.97
Total Expenditure
$81,016.43 *Financial Review In Progress
Stephen Lucke, Chief Executive Officer Dominic Dominguez, Chief Operating Officer
BOARD OF DIRECTORS Andres Narvaez, Board Chair - Lintech International Leon Knight, Vice-Chair - HEB Angelica Gonzales, Board Member - USAA Brandon Vondera, Board Member - Pineapple House Platform Sandra Davis, Board Member - Retired Military Veteran Shirley Parodi, Board Member - Sirius Computer Solution
FUNDING PARTNERS AC Power Yoga City Of San Antonio Green Spaces Alliance Of South Texas Lululemon Microsoft Change X Mission Continues Mission Trails Rotary San Antonio Spurs Slow Food USA Snooze An AM Eatery Quality Organic Products
A. Dominguez A. Ledesma A. Lenz A. Narvaez A. Nunez A. Riley A. Samia A. Than B. Metroka B. Naylor B. Patton B. Vondera B. Billups C. Hotvet C. Muniz C. Semach D. Brown D. Dominguez D. Gerber D. Gracia D. Nungaray E. Chan G. Martinez G. Obregon G. Pagao J. Burke J. Cerritos J. Dominguez J. Lent J. Molineaux J. Pichler J. Ruiz J. Salazar J. Sunderlage
J. Suttin K. Angotti K. Curry K. Deitsch K. Dorsey K. Hawkins K. McQuiston K. Wexler L. Alexis L. Bartholomew L. Carpenter L. Havill L. Knights L. Lawrence M. Chapa M. Diz N. Fellows P. Cisneros P. Duesing P. Harvey P. Johnson P. Mevs R. Diaz R. Fanner S. Darby S. Davis S. Flannery S. Korbut S. Llamas S. Parodi S. Saengon T. Phelps Y. Blanchette Z. Parsons
Individual Supporters
Program Partners
Funding Partners
619 N. New Braunfels Ave. San Antonio, TX 78202 (210) 478-7292