Armenia TourInfo 126 / April 2015

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April 2015


April 2015


VOL.13/126 April 2015


Armenia TourInfo April 2015 Founder/Director Garen Marcarian ­­ Executive Director Edgar Meliksetyan Editor/Translator Lusine Atayan Art Designer Lilit Zoryan Admin. Coordinator Angelika Gevorgyan ­­Photographer Vahe Minasian How to reach: “TourInfo” Magazine

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52 Embassies, Consulates 52 Official Information of Armenia 54 Emergency Phone Numbers 54 Health & Medical Centers 54 Regions Area Codes Cellphone Codes 56/57 Hotels 58/60 Dinings 62 Cafes 64/66 Shopping Spots 68 Entertainment Services 70 Airlines/Travel Agencies/Banks 72/73 Museums/Art Galleries 74/75 Cultural Events No part, section, photo or insertion in this publication may be used, copied in any way without prior written authorization of the copyright holder.


April 2015

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100 Years by the Darkest Traces of History… The April Issue of TourInfo has always been remarkable for all of us… On 24th of April a whole nation from all over the world will get together to commemorate the centennial of Armenian Genocide… Together we will remember the darkest trace of our history… A history that one hundred years ago lost 1.5 million innocent Armenians…people, who were full of hopes and whose children were still to be raised; children, whose dreams were cruelly killed in their hearts... For 100 years continuously an Armenian never stopped praying, lighting candles, they never gave up and instead knitted new hopes for a better and justified future. They kept on writing many books, composing songs, organizing different activities to reunite, make their voices and demands heard to the world, and that is passed from generation to generation. Over this sad historical event each of us has a “mission” and our mission was again to remember and respect the memory of those perished during the massacre. Thus, especially for April Edition We carried out a great project to illustrate 100 pages of TourInfo magazine with a double circulation both in Armenia and USA aiming to be heard worldwide and granted with new better hopes and expectations...

Let’s together remember and demand!

Garen Marcarian


April 2015

HOLY EASTER IN ARMENIA Easter spells out beauty, the rare beauty of new life... “Christ has arisen among the dead” (“Christos haryav I merelots”) - “Blessed is the resurrection of Christ” (“Orhneal e haroutyoune Christosi”) by these sentences people greet each other on this holy day which gives a birth to a new hope and a pure life... In Armenian Easter is called “Zatik” which stands for “Haroutyan Ton” or “Resurrection Day”. During the Lenten fasting season of 40 days before Easter, Armenian families put lentils or other sprouting grains on a tray covered with a thin layer of cotton, and keep it in a light place of the house till Easter when the sprouts appear. These green sprouts, symbolizing spring and awakening of nature, are the “grass” on which people place colored eggs to decorate the Easter table. To the present day, Armenians have preserved the beautiful biblical lore which refers to red eggs and sweet bread: When Christ was crucified; his mother took some eggs and bread wrapped in the shawl. When Mother saw her Son crucified and his arms bleeding, she knelt down and cried. Mother’s tears and Son’s blood dropping on the shawl colored the eggs and bread into red. Then Mother put the shawl on her head. Since that day people began coloring eggs red on Easter day and women- wearing shawls when visiting churches. Sometimes egg symbolizes the tomb from which Christ rose after his death, or just the 8

whole world. And the continual rebirth of physical life on earth symbolizes the eternity of spiritual life. The idea of Lent is for people to give up certain pleasures and perhaps make some sacrifices in remembrance of the sufferings of Jesus Christ. However, in Armenia the Easter table looks like a parade of food: colored eggs, fish, rice, verdures, some sweet bread, dried fruits and red wine- the main drink on that day symbolizing the blood of Christ. The peels of the purple onion are boiled with the eggs resulting in the eggshell turning a dark red color and hard boiling the eggs. Before one can eat the eggs according to the Armenian tradition people should have an “egg fight”. The latter is like one person holds his or her egg while the other person tries to break it by hitting with his egg. Whoever wins the “egg fight” owns the other’s egg. Fish is usually served boiled and the rice or ‘‘plov’’ is made with raisins and dried fruits while being served with lavash; Armenian national flat bread. Visiting churches is another important part of the holiday. People hurry to be present at the liturgies realized by the priests and pray for all their sins and the life Jesus sacrificed for the humanity.

The resurrection gives our life meaning and direction and the opportunity to start over no matter what our circumstances are…

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April 2015


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April 2015

A LOOK BACK 100 YEARS… “I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia. See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water; burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” William Saroyan


es, a New Armenia was created, a new music was heard, a new literature was read, new structures were raised, but even these ‘’New’’ are still moaning only one story, a story about the ‘’Old’’… about the never scared wounds, sorrow and incurable pain, ever irrevocable losses that Armenians could have ever bared… Nothing can be paid back…but never stop praying, remembering, struggling and demanding… By the nineteenth century when the Ottoman Empire had been reduced in size and had lost its lands in Europe and Africa, that created enormous political and economic pressures which contributed to the intensification of ethnic tensions. Armenian aspirations for representation and participation in government aroused suspicions among Muslim Turks who had never shared power in their country with minorities. Demands by Armenian political organizations for administrative reforms in the Armenian-inhabited provinces and better police protection from predatory tribes among the Kurds only led to further repression. The government was determined to avoid by resolving the so-called Armenian Question. The plan was to create an enormous Ottoman Empire that would spread to China, include all the Turkish speaking nations of the Caucasus and Middle Asia, intending also to ‘’turkify’’ all the ethnic minorities of the empire. In response to the crisis in the Ottoman Empire, a new political group of “Young Turks” took power by revolution in 1908 and from the Young Turks the Committee of Union and Progress


(CUP) came to the head of government in 1913. It was led by triumvirate: Enver Pasha, Minister of Military Affairs; Talaat Pasha, Interior Minister, Jemal Pasha; Minister of the Marine. The CUP set forth a nationalistic ideology which advocated the formation of a completely Turkish state. For the realization of the latter, they carried out another larger secret program; by annihilating Armenians to eliminate the Armenian Question; as Armenians were an obstacle on the way of the project. Thus, the deportations, mainly intended as death marches, were disguised as a resettlement program. A sizable portion of the deportees, including women and children were killed in massacres along their routes. The cruelty characterizing the killing process was frequently carried out by the sword in terrifying episodes of bloodshed. Furthermore, for the survivors, the mass murder of their families and friends was a great shock. The deported population was even denied food and water in a deliberate effort to hasten death… On April 24 and the following days 800 Armenians were arrested in Constantinople and exiled to the depths of Anatolia. Armenian writers, journalists, doctors, scientists, clergymen, intellectuals including Armenian members of the parliament were among them. A part of them died on the way of the exile, while others died after reaching there. The first international response to the violence resulted in a joint statement by France, Russia and the Great Britain in May 1915, where the Turkish atrocities against the Armenians were defined as “a crime against humanity and civilization”. According to them, Turkish government was responsible for the implementation of the crime. As genocide was the organized extermination of the Armenian nation aiming to put an end to their collective existence, it was carried out by a special mechanism. The first phase of the Armenian Genocide was the conscription of about 60,000 Armenian men into the Ottoman army, their disarmament and murder by their Turkish fellow soldiers. The second phase of the extermination of the Armenian population started on April 24, 1915

with the arrest of several hundred Armenian intellectuals and representatives of national elite (mainly in the capital of the Ottoman Empire, Constantinople) and their subsequent elimination. Hereinafter, Armenians worldwide started to commemorate the Armenian genocide on April 24. The third phase of the genocide is characterized with the exile of the massacres of women, children, and elderly people to the desert of Syria. Hundreds of thousands of people were murdered by Turkish soldiers, police officers, Kurdish bandits during the deportation. The others died of epidemic diseases. Thousands of women and children were subjected to violence. Tens of thousands were forcibly Islamized. The next phase is the universal and absolute denial of the Turkish government of the mass deportations and genocide carried out against Armenians in their homeland. Despite the ongoing process of international condemnation of Armenian Genocide, Turkey fights against recognition by all means, including distortion of history, means of propaganda, lobbying activities and other measures. There were an estimated two million Armenians living in the Ottoman Empire before the First World War. Approximately one and a half million Armenians were killed from 19151923. The remaining part was either Islamized or exiled. Armenian Genocide was the biggest crime of the twentieth century carried out by the Turks, and these are the facts that can never be denied as evidences are alive in the thoughts of famous people of all times: “The deportations of Western Armenians are nothing but concealed race extermination. There is no language rich enough to describe the horrors of it”. Jacques de Morgan (French scientist, 1917) “Armenia is dying, but it will survive. The little blood that is left is precious blood that will give birth to a heroic generation. A nation that does not want to die does not die”. Anatole France (French author, 1916) April 2015

Historic Armenia After 100 Years

Dear Matthew Karanian, thank you for this interview and the honor to introduce your new book to our readers worldwide. What are enlightened in your latest book? What is the mission of it? How long did it take you for this great achievement? -I first traveled to Western Armenia in 1997, and the journey was transformative. I saw the land of my ancestors for the first time, and I immediately felt connected. All four of my grandparents are from Western Armenia, and both my grandmothers were deported during the summer of 1915. Both of my grandmothers survived the genocide. I was captivated by this knowledge—the knowledge that they had survived and flourished, despite this trauma. I returned to Western Armenia four times after my first journey in 1997. Initially, my mission was simply to learn about my grandparents, and myself. This mission evolved into a project to tell their story, and to tell the story of all Armenians in our historic homeland. This mission evolved into a project to celebrate our heritage, and to celebrate our resilience. My work started in 1997. The research and writing for this book consumed most of the past two years. How were the feelings to reveal the preserved treasures of Western Armenia, 14

most of them unseen and unknown to many Armenians? -With each successive journey to Western Armenia, I discovered more and more of our history. I discovered that there are so many historic and cultural monuments that have survived the calamity of 1915. But with each successive journey, I also observed that there was ongoing vandalism and destruction. I have written about this in my book, “Historic Armenia After 100 Years.” What was the highest inspiration for you to bring this book to life? -I was inspired, first, by the story of my grandmothers. They survived the genocide, and they somehow had the strength to start their lives again in the United States. They survived, and then they set about the task of rebuilding our nation, in the Diaspora. As I learned more about their story of survival, I realized that their history was common to so many of our Armenian women. Our women survived the genocide, and started the long—century-long—task of rebuilding our nation. Some Armenian men survived, too, but the story of our survival and our revival is overwhelmingly a story that is told by our strong women. And so our survivors inspired me. I wanted continue on page 16

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to tell their story. I wanted to end the century of silence that we have endured. I wanted to give voice to our grandparents. How large do you think the demand of your book will be among Armenians and why not foreign readers as well? -“Historic Armenia After 100 Years” was published on February 15, 2015. During the past several weeks, we have sold the book to customers all over the world-in the Americas, in Europe, and even in Turkey. Demand is strong. There is a fantastic pent-up desire to learn about the historic homeland of the Armenians. How much do you think nowadays’ generation realizes the value of remained heritages in Western Armenia and whether your book can make them concerned and motivated to step up in preserving the Armenian history and culture beyond its territories? -After a century of silence, many people today are simply unaware of what we Armenians still have in our homeland. Until I traveled there in 1997, I also did not know what we still had left. “Historic Armenia After 100 Years” shines a bright light on this subject, and shows the reader that we still have so much that is worth celebrating, honoring, and preserving. What is the message to your readers? -One of the messages I am presenting is that we must not turn our backs on our homeland. Even though we do not today have custody and sovereignty of the Armenian Plateau, the lands that we call Western Armenia, this will always be our homeland. We must take action to preserve the Armenian monuments and churches that still remain.


Another message is that we must give voice to the men and women who survived and who rebuilt our nation. We may have lost most of our ancestral lands, but our nation flourishes throughout the world. My book is a celebration of this revival. The last question I would like to touch over with you is regarding the centennial of Armenian Genocide. What are your expectations over this issue? What is required from each of us to bring justice? -By the end of 2015, if there is still anyone who is not aware of the events of 1915, then I would be surprised. We Armenians have engaged the world in a campaign of awareness, and I expect this campaign to succeed in its goal or educating the world about our history. We Armenians all have different aptitudes, different interests, and different ideas about what is justice, and what is required for justice to be served. But if each of us acts according to his or her ability, then we can move forward as a nation. If you’re a writer, then write. If you’re an engineer, then build things. Whatever you can do, do it, to advance the Armenian cause. “Historic Armenia After 100 Years: Ani, Kars, and the Six Provinces of Western Armenia,” by Matthew Karanian, is available for purchase at The book is also sold on and at Artbridge Bookstore Café on Abovian Street, Yerevan. Once again thank you for this nice opportunity. We greatly hope that your book will disclose many unknown sides of our heritages and make each of us realize the value of every single stone set by our ancestors...

April 2015


April 2015

Francis Kurkdjian-Parisian Chic Under One Name Mr. Kurkdjian, was there any mission behind your dream. Was it your ultimate goal to become a famous perfumer? -My mission is to create beauty, happiness. It’s to bring sensuality and glamour into people’s life with my fragrances and every single creation. Each product I designed has a meaning. Each scent has its very own unique signature. Being famous is not a goal. This is not something that I am interested in. Fame does not move me and I don’t run after that. Well, the brand carries your own name. Has its Armenian origin influenced on your career path so far? -My parents were born and raised in France. They went to the French school and so did I. It does not mean we don’t keep some roots with our Armenian origins but they are far away from us in a certain way. I am not sure if it inspired or influenced my career. I don’t see any connection. It’s hard to tell because this is who I am. I am sure deep inside there must be an influence, but I can’t express it. What do you mostly like about Armenia/ Armenians? Have you ever felt any inspiration by being an Armenian? -There are good and bad in all of us, in all 20

the culture and the people on Earth. Despite war, suffer and pain, Armenia is still around. I admire this resistance. In the framework of the official opening of Hermitage perfume store in Yerevan, You also paid a visit while promoting your perfume house along with new aroma- Aqua Vitae. How do you appreciate this grand step in presenting, I would say, such unique fragrances in your small country? -Armenia is a country of fragrance lovers. People enjoy fragrance, fashion, culture. So promoting my fragrances is something quite natural. How does it feel to be known among Armenians who are proud of you and just enjoy your great creations presented to them? -What really matter to me is my work and the fact that people keep enjoying what I create. Being famous is just a consequence, nothing else to me Is there a certain perfume You may single out among all. If yes then which one and why? -I do not have a favorite fragrance. The next scent I am creating is always for me the most exciting, intriguing and appealing. I guess it’s then my favorite. What is your own interpretation of the perfume? -The one I create under my own name. … I am sure all lovers of Kurkdjian’s Collection are impatient about new aromas. Which one is the next to amaze them (including us)? -We are about to launch OUD satin mood. It is the latest introduction to our fabric inspired fragrance collection OUD mood. The idea was to convey the desire to bring a shimmering Orient to life. It is inspired by oud wood, a natural material that is amongst the rarest and most expensive in perfumery. With your eyes closed, you can imagine flowing fabrics delicately draped over bare skin, caressed by intense and dazzling sunlight.

April 2015


April 2015

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No matter how much suffering one went through; Memories remain and they are the most precious…

Essaï Altounian about Memories of His Grandfather Dear Essaï, thank you for granting us with such a nice opportunity to take an interview from a very talented person like you. As this year is of much importance for all Armenians regarding the commemoration of the centennial of Armenian Genocide, we would like to dedicate this interview to the remembrance of the darkest trace of our history...a history your grandfather once was part of… We know that your grandfather witnessed the massacre when he was only 5 years old. What can you tell us about him/his life? -My grandfather has kept this tragedy deep inside and he kept talking about it. He seems to have lived 100 lives. After seeing his mom killed in front of him, he ran alone in Derzor desert at 5 years old. He was crying and walked during hours, maybe days. Then some Bedouins 24

found him and decided to take care of him. Lot of Bedouins in desert knew what happened not far away. Then my grandfather Nechane grew up with Bedouins tribes during years as Camel stockbreeder. It was not easy for him because he was young and without his family. The Bedouins used him as a slave worker. He had a really hard childhood. He wrote also a book named “The Child of the Desert’’. What is the most remarkable part that captured your heart/mind in his book and that now you would like to share it with us? -My grandfather wrote this book for us in order never to forget what happened in 1915. This is the transmission. All the book is really touching, the desert part when the men were separated from women. My grandfather stayed with his mom but he felt that he’ll never see his dad anymore ... his father was killed a little far away. continue on page 26

April 2015

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Then he saw his mom die few weeks after, next to him. Also when he was with the Bedouins around 6 years, he was hungry all the time. Bedouins did not feed him well. So he’ was sucking the milk of female camels. My grandfather learned Arabic dialect but he never forgot his Armenian language because there were 2 or 3 others Armenian children who were also picked up by other Bedouins camps. So my grandfather escaped in the night to join them and talk Armenian with them. The most precious thing (maybe a teaching) inherited from your grandfather that played a great role in your life? -Never give up…My grandfather, lived the most horrible tragedy for a human being. He lost all his family. At the age of 5 he was a slave of Bedouins, hungry all the time. Eating grass and sucking milk of camels. Then he escaped from Bedouins camps and engaged himself as a volunteer in France Army in Syria. He fought for France only to get some French papers. Then he came to France to start a new life. He met my grandmother Vardouhi and had 3 kids; one of them was my mother Evelyne. He decided to create a renovation and painting company for crashing cars. He worked alone 26

night and days. He was a very hard worker. Then the company grew bigger and the sons (my uncles) started working with him...Now this company is the biggest company of cars renovation in Lyon district in France. This little boy from Armenia never gave up... and I think that he gave me this strength. I am sure about the Armenian spirit always present in your family. What could you say over that? -My great grandfather was “kahana”. His name was Essaï. That’s why I have this name. He was a really spiritual man. Then I grew up with all the church traditions. I’m also very proud of the fact that Armenia is the first Christian country in the world. What do you mostly like about your motherland Armenia/the people? -I really think that Armenia is the cradle of humanity. I feel that energy from earth and mountains all around the country. Also, Ararat is the symbol where Noah restarted the world. What will be your message worldwide either over Armenian issue, or in general to your fans? -Never give up. Share the love and spread positivity around you and never stop believing in your dreams.

April 2015

The Armenian Genocide Museum opened its doors in 1995, concurrently commemorating the eightieth anniversary of the Genocide. The Museum structure, planned by architects S. Kalashian, A. Tarkhanyan and sculptor F. Araqelyan, has a unique design. The Museum’s mission statement is rooted in the fact that understanding the Armenian Genocide is an important step in preventing similar future tragedies, in keeping with the notion that those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it.

RAVISHED ARMENIA “In face of persecutions which have had no parallel elsewhere, these people have clung to their early Christian faith with the utmost tenacity. For 1,500 years they have lived there in Armenia, a little island of Christians, surrounded by backward peoples of hostile religion and hostile race. Their long existence has been one unending martyrdom. The territory which they inhabit forms the connecting link between Europe and Asia, and all the Asiatic invasions- Saracens, Tartars, Mongols, Kurds and Turks- have passed over their peaceful country”. The accounts of Aurora Mardiganian’s early life during the genocide were horrific… Aurora was a young Armenian girl who personally witnessed many of those killed in the greatest tragedy of 1915. It was a horror story like so many others. She went to the USA to tell the story of her suffering peoples and to do her part in making it possible for her country to be rebuilt. “Ravished Armenia”, one of the first documentary memoirs of an eyewitness of Armenian Genocide was published in 1918, in New York. In this book Arshaluys(Aurora) Mardiganian, a girl from Chmshkatsag, 28

Armenian populated town in the Ottoman Empire, gave a detailed account of the terrible experiences she endured during the genocide. At the age of 14 Arshaluys was beaten and tortured in harems of Turkish officials and Kurdish tribesmen. The most traumatic of all, though, was the fact that she lost her parents, sisters and three brothers who were viciously killed in front of her eyes. After 2 years of those horrors, Arshaluys, as she was called in America, resisted the conversion of her faith, escaped from the harem of Kemal Efendi, her Turkish lord. In the beginning of spring in 1917, after long-lasting wandering she reached Erzrum, which had already been occupied by Russian forces. There Arshaluys was sheltered by American missionaries. Later by the help of Armenian National Union and American Committee for Armenian and Syrian Relief she moved to Peterograd, Russia, then to New York, USA and settled there. Despite all the sufferings Mardiganian stayed unbending. She had a mission to tell the world about the atrocities committed against Armenians in Turkey. The book “Ravished Armenia” was completed when American Committee for Armenian and Syrian Relief offered to create continue on page 30

April 2015

a film based on the scenario of the book. It was agreed that all the profit which reached $30 million would be given for relief purposes of 60.000 Armenian orphans gathered in the Near East. In 1918, at Metro Goldwin Mayer studio, director Oscar Apfel made a silent film “Auction of Souls”, which actually became the first genocide movie ever made. More than 10.000 Armenian residents of Southern California, including 200 deported children, participated in the scenes. The script of the film had 3 versions. First version consisted of 675 frames, and the last, restored one – 531. The frames were investigated by Viscount James Bryce, the President of American Committee for Armenian and Syrian Relief, former ambassador of Great Britain to USA and Henry Morgenthau, American ambassador to Turkey, from 1913 to 1916. The film is especially remarkable due to the fact that Arshaluys was the author of the scenario as well as played the leading role. Her input regarding the accuracy of the costumes, characters, settings and backgrounds was incredible. Oscar Apfel the director of the film took into consideration the great political importance of the film and chose Mardiganian to play the leading role. Apfel was convinced that Mariganian’s participation would be appealing not only to one nation, but for entire humanity. The American National Motion Picture Committee officially licensed the film before the premiere. In its report to the American Committee for Armenian and Syrian Relief of January 25, 1919, the ANMPC stated that the film was not only of artistic, historical, educational and informational value, but “it represented the sufferings of Armenians, which would leave a deep impression on each representative of American society”. The premiere of the “Auction of Souls” was held on February 16, 1919, in Plaza Hotel, New York. In large cities as New York, San Francisco, and Los Angeles is Mardiganian held meetings with representatives of upper ten talking about the brutal atrocities of the Turks. 30

Apfel in his turn held meeting with public and said that “Auction of Souls” was the fatal claim of Armenia to American people, and he approached to each event with extreme caution. Apfel also confessed that several scenes of the film were eliminated, as they were horrifying. One of the torture scenes in the film revealed an elderly clergyman whose fingernails were pulled out with tweezers. Apfel was against the omission of any harrowing scenes from the public showing of the film, as the falsifying of facts was even more dreadful. The “Auction of Souls” was taken to Great Britain in December, 1919, and censured. After long lasting negotiations the film was shown in Royal Albert Hall, by the permission of Scotland Yard and played for three weeks. Then it was censured again, some headlines were changed, four scenes were eliminated after which the film continued playing. At the beginning of 1920s Mardiganian’s “Ravished Armenia” was censured and taken off the British and American libraries. For over eighty years film historians have been searching the world for the nine reels of Ravished Armenia but failed to find any trace. The remaining reels of the rare nitrate based film were lost. Some say the reels presumably sunk with a ship on their way to the port of Batoum, or stolen by thieves. The full-length version of the film, which lasting 85 minutes, unfortunately, hasn’t been saved. With the efforts of Eduard Gozanlian, an Armenian from Argentina, a segment from the reel was found in 1994. One copy of that segment is kept in the funds of Armenian Genocide MuseumInstitute. The film included English, French and Armenian subtitles for every scene. The list of the original subtitles for Ravished Armenia is preserved in The Selig Collection at the Margaret Herrick Library of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. They are also reproduced in Anthony Slide’s book “Ravished Armenia and the Story of Aurora Mardiganian”. This book was published by Scarecrow Press in 1997. It tells the story of the making of the film and reveals the young girl’s survival story.

April 2015

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Musa Dagh

Musa Dagh or Musa Ler is a small mountain on the Turkish side of the Turkish-Syrian border, on the Mediterranean coast. It was a part of Hatay Province , where the heroic defense of Musa Dagh took place. After receiving deportation orders, the Armenian villagers revolted and fled to the highest mountain in the town. Here they constructed primitive but almost impregnable fortifications. One of the leaders of the revolt was Movses Der Kalousdian, whose Armenian


first name was the same as that of the mountain. 5,000 people barricaded themselves on the mountain. After fifty-three days on the mountain Armenians were rescued by four warships from France and Britain that received the distress signal sent from the mountain. Today, only the tiny village of Vakifli remains Armenian on Musa Ler. In fact, this is the only Christian Armenian village left anywhere in Turkey. Those who left Hatay in 1939 immigrated to Lebanon where they resettled in the town of Anjar. Today, the town of Anjar is divided into six districts, each commemorating one of the villages of Musa Dagh. About 5000 Armenians of Musa Dagh arrived in Armenia in 1946-1947. In 1972, “Ginevet” town near Etchmiadzin city was renamed Musaler..On September 16, 1976 a memorial dedicated to Musa Dagh resistance opened on a hill near Musaler. Each year 40 huge pots of Harisa are cooked on the anniversary of the escape to celebrate, and shared free with any visitors to their village. These events were immortalized in the book “The Forty Days of Musa Dagh” by Franz Werfel. The novel was published in German in November 1933 and was translated into 34 languages. A movie of the same name was released in 1982. Werfel had told reporters: “The struggle of 5,000 people on Musa Dagh had so fascinated me that I wished to aid the Armenian people by writing about it and bringing it to the world”.

April 2015

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April 2015


April 2015


April 2015


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April 2015


April 2015


April 2015


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April 2015

Let’s Speak



April 2015

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April 2015

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EMBASSIES ARGENTINA 12 Aygestan Str., Tel.: 57 64 52 BELARUS 12a Nikol Dumani Str., Tel.: 22 02 69 BRAZIL 1 North Ave., Tel.: 011 50 02 10 BULGARIA Nor Aresh, 16 Sofiai Str. , Tel.: 45 82 33 CHINA 12 M. Baghramyan Ave, Tel.: 56 00 67 EGYPT­­­­­­­­­­ 6a Sepuhi Str. , Tel.: 22 67 55, 22 01 17 FRANCE 8 Grigor Lusavorchi Str., Tel.: 59 19 50­­ GEORGIA 2/10 Babayan Str. , Tel.: 20 07 42 GERMANY 29 Charentsi Str. , Tel.: 52 32 79, 52 45 81­­ GREECE 6 Demirchian Str., Tel.: 53 00 51 INDIA 50/2 Dzorapi Str. , Tel.: 53 91 74, 53 91 75 IRAN 1 Budaghyan Str., Tel.: 28 04 57, 23 29 20 ITALY 5 Italiai Str. , Tel.: 54 23 35, 54 23 36­­­


AUSTRIA 29 Sayat Nova Ave., Tel.: 54 75 47 CANADA 10 V. Sargsyan Str., #103/4, Tel.: 56 79 90 CROATIA 24b M. Baghramyan Str., Tel.: 58 44 03 CYPRUS 1 Northern Ave., Tel.: 58 63 31 ESTONIA 43 Gyulpenkian Str., Tel.: 22 01 40 FINLAND (HONORARY CONSULATE) 6 Tamanyan Str., Tel.: (091) 40 16 23 FRANCE 8 Grigor Lusavorichi Str., Tel.: 59 19 50 GREECE 6 Demirchian Str., Tel.: 53 67 54 DENMARK 8/1 Vagharshian Str., Tel.: 26 09 64/208 INDONESIA 37/147 Israyelian Str., Tel.: 52 88 25 IRELAND 18/1 Vardanants Str. ITALY (HONORARY CONSULATE) 22 Koghbatsi Str., Tel.: 56 11 56, 54 56 97W

KAZAKHSTAN 153 A. Armenakyan Str., Tel.: 65 20 01 LEBANON 13/14 Dzoragyugh, Str., Tel.: 50 13 02 LITHUANIA 2/13 Babayan Str., Tel.: 29 76 80 SOVEREIGN MILITARY ORDER OF MALTA 1 Amiryan Str. , Tel.: 23 69 32­­­ POLAND 44a Hanrapetutyan Str. , Tel.: 54 24 93 ROMANIA 15 Barbussi Str. , Tel.: 27 53 32 RUSSIA 13a Grigor Lusavorchi Str. , Tel.: 56 74 27 SYRIA 14 M.Baghramyan Ave., Tel.: 52 90 23 SWITZERLAND 2/1 Melik Adamyan Str. Tel.: 52 98 60 TURKMENISTAN 52 Yerznkyan Str. , Tel.: 22 10 29, 22 10 39 UKRAINE 29 Arabkir Str., House 5/1, Tel.: 22 97 27 UNITED KINGDOM 34 M.Baghramyan Ave. , Tel.: 26 43 01 USA 1 Amerikyan Str. , Tel.: 46 47 00, 49 42 00

KOREA 13a Sepuhi Str., Tel.: (091) 40 31 91 LITHUANIA 22 Gh. Parpetsi Str., Tel.: 53 32 65 MALTA 33/4 Pushkin Str., Tel.: 51 81 71, 53 41 71 NAGORNO KARABAKH 17a Nairi Zaryan Str., Tel.: 24 99 28, 24 97 05 PHILIPPINES 25 Charents Str., Tel.: 55 26 14 SAN MARINO 56/2 G. Nzhdeh Str., Tel.: 49 33 22 SERBIA 75/28 Nar-Dos Str., Tel.: (093) 92 96 51 SLOVAKIA 26/1 V. Sargsyan Str., Tel.: 53 25 53 SLOVENIA 22/14 Parpetsi Str., Tel.: 53 87 96, 53 32 65 SPAIN (HONORARY CONSULATE) 47/1 Khanjyan Str., Tel.: 54 76 63 THAILAND 4/1 Marshal Baghramyan Ave., Tel.: 56 04 10 URUGUAY 7/5 Alek Manukyan Str., Tel.: 55 94 49, 55 94 50

OFFICIAL INFORMATION of ARMENIA OFFICIAL NAME Republic of Armenia CAPITAL Yerevan OFFICIAL LANGUAGE Armenian RELIGION Christianity, Apostolic Church FLAG Horizontal tricolor/red, blue, orange AREA 29, 800 sq. km, LOCATION Southwestern Asia POPULATION about 3.215.900


CLIMATE Continental TIME ZONE GMT + 4 hours NEIGHBORS/Georgia-in the North, Azerbaijan-in the East, Iran-in the South, Turkey-in the West ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS 11 regions INDEPENDENCE 21 September 1991(from the USSR) CONSTITUTION Adopted by nationwide referendum held on July 5, 1995 CURRENCY UNIT Armenian Dram (469 AMD = 1 USD)

April 2015

EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS Fire.................................................................................101 Police..............................................................................102 Emergency Service.........................................................103 Electricity........................................................................180 Water...............................................................................185 Yerevangas Emergency Service.......................................104 Calls within Armenia......................................................107 Yerevan Crisis Management Center...............................108 Yerevan Municipality Crisis Center..............(010) 51 41 52 Tourism Unit of Yerevan Municipality..........(010) 51 42 30 Airport Information.........................................................187 Railroad Information......................................................184 Telephone Directory Information....................................109 Spyur Info. Center.............................(060) 519999, 519999 Armenia Info. Center.....................................................8778 Info-Service Center............................................09000 0909 Notarius (H. Harutunyan)..............................(010) 52 82 11 AM Law Firm................................................(010) 51 91 10 Accounting Services.....................................(010) 27 65 15

Regions Area Codes Calls within Armenia: 0 + City Code + Number Abovian.........................222 Martouni.......................262 Agarak...........................286 Masis..............................236 Alaverdi.........................253 Meghri...........................286 Amassia.........................246 Nor Gegh.......................224 Aparan...........................252 Nor Hadjn......................224 Aragats..........................570 Noyemberian................266 Aramus......................22293 Oshakan.........................232 Ararat............................238 Sevan.............................261 Armavir.........................237 Shahoumian..................235 Artik..............................244 Sisian.............................283 Ashtarak........................232 Sourenavan...................238 Baghramian..................233 Spitak.............................255 Berd...............................267 Stepanakert(Karabakh) 47­­­­­­­­ Charencavan.................226 Stepanavan....................256 Dilijan............................268 Talin...............................249 Echmiadzin...................231 Tashir.............................254 Gavar.............................264 Tsaghkadzor.................223 Getap..............................281 Vanadzor.......................322 Goris..............................284 Vardenis........................269 Gyumri..........................312 Vayk..............................282 Hrazdan.........................223 Vedi...............................234 Ijevan.............................263 Yeghegnadzor...............281 Jermuk...........................287 Yeraskh..........................238 Kapan............................285 Yerevan............................10 Maralik..........................242 Zvartnots.......................231

Cellphone Codes



Public Services

091, 096, 099 + Number

055, 095 + Number

097 + Number

093, 094, 098, 077 + Number

GRATSIA REHABILITATION CENTER 50-1 Ashtarak Highway, Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 35 35 03 NAIRI MEDICAL CENTER 21 Paronyan Str., Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 53 75 00 RAFAEL MEDICAL CENTER 2/3 Mashtots Ave., Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 50 00 68

Children’s Medical Centers ARBES CENTER, REHABILITATION BRANCH OF ARABKIR JOINT MEDICAL CENTER & INSTITUTE OF CHILD HEALTH­­ 32 Vahram Papazyan Str., Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 26 21 00 CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL OF ST. GREGORY THE ILLUMINATOR MEDICAL CENTER 10 Gyurjyan Str., Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 63 04 93 NORK-MARASH MEDICAL CENTER 13 A. Armenakyan Str., Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 65 09 71

Dental Clinics AVANTA 5 Zaqiyan Str., Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 52 11 95 MIXX DENT 28 Abovyan Str., Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 56 94 90 MEDESY 5/1 Davitashen 3 district, Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 370 370 STOM LINE 5/4 Koryuni Str., Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 52 31 60

Pharmacies ALFA FARM 1/68 Shirak Str., Yerevan Tel.: (+374 60) 700 500 ARMFARM 23 Abovyan Str., Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 54 05 20 NATALI PHARM­­­ 34 Tumanyan Str., Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 53 06 20 5+ 18 Heratsi Str., Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 55 11 22

Design by Orange Company

April 2015

­­­­­­­­­­­­HOTELS/HOSTELS/B&B/REST HOUSES ***** ARMENIA MARRIOT HOTEL 2/1 Amiryan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 59 90 00 CAUCASUS HOTEL Ashtarak Highway Tel: (+374 60) 50 11 77 GOLDEN PALACE 2/2 Azatutyan Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 21 99 99 GOLDEN TULIP HOTEL YEREVAN 14 Abovyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 59 16 00


ANI PLAZA 19 Sayat-Nova Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 58 97 00 ARARAT HOTEL 7 G. Lusavorich Str. Tel: (+374 60) 51 10 00 ARMENIA ROYAL PALACE 17/1 4th Str. Tel: (+374 10) 59 90 00

REPUBLICA HOTEL 7/1 Amiryan Str. Tel: (+374 11) 99 00 00

EREBUNI HOTEL 26/1 Nalbandyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 58 05 05

ROMA HOTEL 29/14 Rubinyants Str. Tel: (+374 10) 20 00 20

IMPERIAL PALACE HOTEL 23 Koryun Str. Tel: (+374 10) 58 80 40

SHIRAK HOTEL 13a Khorenatsi Str. Tel: (+374 10) 52 99 15

HYATT PLACE YEREVAN 26/1 Sargsyan Str. Tel: (+374 11) 22 12 34 METROPOL HOTEL 2/2 Mashtos Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 51 07 00 MINOTEL 8 Mher Mkrtchyan Str.­ Tel: (+374 10) 567 567 NAIRI HOTEL 121/7 Armenakyan Str. Tel: (+ 374 10) 65 21 21

ARTSAKH HOTEL 116 Sevan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 44 91 99

NATIONAL HOTEL 4/3 Amirtyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 54 70 02

AVIATRANS HOTEL 4 Abovyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 56 72 28

NORTH AVENUE 10/1 North Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 505 055

BASS HOTEL BOUTIQUE 3/1 Aygedzor Str. Tel: (+374 10) 22 13 53

NORK RESIDENCE 56/1 Moldovakan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 67 00 51

CONGRESS HOTEL 1 Italia Str. Tel: (+374 10) 59 11 99

PANORAMA RESORT 24/3 G. Hovsepyan Str. Tel: (+374 60) 27 57 37

DIAMOND HOUSE HOTEL 86 Aram Str.. Tel: (+374 10) 50 80 80


EUROPE HOTEL 38 Hanrapetutyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 54 60 60

PARIS HOTEL 4/6 Amiryan Str. Tel: (+374 60) 60 00 60

TUFENKIAN HOTEL 48 Hanrapetutyan Str. Tel: (+374 60) 50 10 10


CROSS RESORT 50-1 Ashtarak Highway Tel: (+374 94) 77 70 77 HOTEL DELUX 32/1 Komitas Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 27 77 10 HOTEL HOUSE 42 Arami Str. Tel: (+374 10) 58 38 00 14th FLOOR HOTEL 4/6 Amiryan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 54 86 35 FAMILY HOTEL 49/1 Byuzand Str. Tel: (+374 10) 56 90 28 GRIG HOTEL 47/12 M. Baghramyan Str.­ Tel: (+374 91) 27 48 22 FFA TECH. ACADEMY 35/31 Acharyan Str. Tel: (+374 60) 37 18 88

HOSTELS ARMENIA HOSTEL 29/6-3 Moldovakan Str. Tel: (+374 91) 99 09 81 CASCADE HOSTEL 2 Baghramyan ave. Tel: (+374 10) 58 55 55

REGIONS’ ARMENIA MARRIOTT HOTEL 2, 4/1 Tandzaghpyur Str. Tsaghkadzor, Kotayk Region Tel: (+374 10) 29 41 41 ARMENIA HOTEL RESORT 2 Myasnikyan Str. Jermuk, V. Dzor Tel: (+374 287) 212 90 BEST WESTERN AGHVERAN 1 Antarayin Str., Arzakan Village Kotayk Region Tel: (+374 226) 6 21 39 EUROPE HOTEL ARTSAKH 26 Azatamartikneri Str. Stepanakert, NKR Tel: (+374 47) 97 57 52 GETAP HOTEL Tbilisyan highway, Dilijan, Tavush Region Tel: (+374 268) 256 14 GOLDEN PALACE RESORT & SPA Tsaghkatdzor, Kotayk Region Tel: (+374 60) 46 10 99 LUCY TOUR HOTEL RESORT V. Hermon,Vayots Dzor Tel: (+374 98) 779 778 MULTI REST HOUSE Tsaghkadzor, Kotayk Region Tel: (+374 10) 28 74 50 NATIONAL ARTSAKH HOTEL 9a/1 N. Stepanyan Str., NKR Tel: (+374 47) 97 07 70 NANE HOTEL 1/5 Garegin Nzhdeh Ave., Gyumri, Shirak Region Tel: (+374 312) 33 36 98 TSAGHKAHOVIT HOTEL 25 Tandzaghbyur Str., Tsaghkadzor Tel: (+374 223) 600 51 VALLEX GARDEN HOTEL 35 N. Stepanyan Str., NKR Tel: (+374 47) 97 33 93 April 2015

RESTAURANTS/TEA HOUSES/FAST FOOD American & Mexican Cuisines CACTUS 42 Mashtots Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 53 99 39

European Cuisine BEL ETAGE 31 Moskovyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 50 07 51

SQUARE ONE 1/3 Abovyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 56 61 69

BELLA ITALIA 7Abovyan Str. Tel: (+374 60) 50 00 65

Georgian Cuisine CAUCASUS TAVERN 82 Hanrapetutyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 56 26 14

CAMELOT 31 Mashtots Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 50 01 99

GENATSVALE 7 Kievyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 27 79 99 MIMINO 7a Aleq Manukyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 57 88 85 OLD TBILISI 35/2 Komitas Str. Tel: (+374 10) 29 77 97 Eastern Cuisine ANTEB 30 Y. Koghbatsi Str. Tel: (+374 10) 53 09 88 AL SHADI 48 Nalbandyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 54 60 45 EASTERN CUISINE 16 Komitas Str. Tel: (+374 10) 27 16 20 LAGONID 37 Nalbandyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 58 08 04 LIBAN 23 Sayat-Nova Str. Tel: (+374 99) 66 07 00 LEBANON 3 Tamanyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 56 18 94 TABOULE 8/21 Zakyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 54 42 64 58

CHARLES 3 Tamanyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 54 26 21 IL CONTI 64 Arami Str. Tel: (+374 10) 60 06 20 NATIONAL 4/3 Amiryan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 57 40 00 PASTA & WINE 26 Parpetsi Str. Tel: (+374 10) 50 50 54 PATIO 5 Northern Ave. Tel: (+374 60) 51 35 17 PIONEER (Brazilian) 2 M. Baghramyan Ave. Tel: (+374 60) 50 04 32 TERRAZZA 28 Isahakyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 56 31 10 THE CLUB 40 Tumanyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 53 13 61

AMERICANO Delivery Tel: (+374 10) 54 64 44 ARTASHI MOT 31 Moskovyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 50 12 22 KARAS 20 Mashtots Str. Tel: (+374 10) 32 55 55 MAMA MIA 25 Sayat-Nova Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 54 27 14 MR. GYROS 40 Tumanyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 50 22 33 MR. BARBEQUE 20 Sayat-Nova Ave. Tel: (+374 93) 18 80 00 SFC EXPRESS 12 Tigran Mets Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 52 34 53 TASHIR PIZZA 27 Komitas Str. Tel: (+374 10) 51 11 11 TUMANYAN SHAURMA 32 Tumanyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 54 99 44 Mediterranean Cuisine OREGANO 19 Teryan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 50 05 13 TSAR SYOMGA 14 Tumanyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 56 02 80

VIENNA RIBS 24 Saryan Str. Tel: (+374 60) 53 00 07

Persian Cuisine ARYA 1/17 Tamanyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 56 80 13

Fast Food & Pizzeria AFC EXPRESS 1/5b Northern Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 53 99 89

Indian Cuisine VEDA 28 Nalbandyan Str. Tel: (+374 11) 27 65 26

Design by Orange CompanyDesign by Orange Company

April 2015

RESTAURANTS/TEA HOUSES/FAST FOOD Armenian Cuisine AFRIKYANS’ TAVERN 39 Sayat-Nova Ave.. Tel: (+374 10) 55 32 20

HAVANA COMPLEX Tsitsernakaberd Park Tel: (+374 10) 38 06 06

Chinese Cuisine BEIJING 33 Sayat Nova Tel: (+374 10) 54 53 42

ARARAT 2 Government bld. Republic Sqr. Tel: (+374 10) 52 79 33

KILIKIA 78 Hanrapetutyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 54 88 08

DRAGON 31 Moskovyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 53 33 81

ARARAT HALL 30 Koghbatsi Str. Tel: (+374 10) 53 85 88

MONTE CRISTO Hrazdan Gorge Tel: (+374 10) 54 33 98

SAMURAI SUSHI 2 Baghramyan Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 58 56 70

BELLAGIO 2 Myasnikyan Ave Tel: (+374 10) 55 12 12

MER GYUGH 5 Sayat-Nova Str. Tel: (+374 10) 54 87 00

BRAVO 13 H.Qochar Str. Tel: (+374 10) 27 06 10

NOR DZORABERD 19/4 Dzorapi Str. Tel: (+374 10) 53 81 28

Japanese Cuisine BEIJING 1 Nalbandyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 58 32 78

CAMELOT 31 Mashtots Ave, Tel: (+374 10) 50 01 99

NOYAN TAPAN 9 Parpetsi Str. Tel: (+374 10) 53 50 30

CAUCASUS COMPLEX Ashtarak highway Tel: (+374 98) 919 919

OUR VILLAGE 5 Sayat-Nova Str. Tel: (+374 10) 54 87 00

CAUCASUS TAVERN 82 Hanrapetutyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 56 26 14

PARVANA Hrazdan Gorge Tel: (+374 10) 54 60 01

DRAKHT COMPLEX 1/1 Acharyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 62 22 02

PHARAON H-5, Yerevan-Abovyan Tel: (+374 10) 20 15 81

DOLMAMA 10 Pushkin Str. Tel: (+374 10) 56 13 54

SANTA FAMILIA 37 Sayat-Nova Ave. Tel: (+374 60) 50 105 8

ETNA 22 Tbilisyan Highway Tel: (+374 10) 24 45 48

TATIK PAPIK 71 Hanrapetutyan Str. Tel: (+374 60) 27 22 27

FLORENCE 64/2 Barbyus Str. Tel: (+374 10) 32 02 11

YEREVAN TAVERN 5 Amiryan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 54 55 45

KAPELA 13/1 Leo Str. Tel : (+374 10) 53 92 68

URARTU 19 Dzorapi Str. Tel: (+374 10) 53 80 41


SAYAT NOVA COMPLEX 33/2 Sayat-Nova Ave. Tel. (+374 11) 55 55 55 SUSHI TORIA 1 Sayat-Nova Ave. Tel: (+374 60) 48 00 48 Tea Houses ABOVYAN 12 12 Abovyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 58 06 58 AEON 3a Teryan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 53 87 66 CENTRAL 30 Abovyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 58 39 90 LATE 33 Mashtots Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 50 50 52 NATURA GOLD 11 Abovyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 58 21 84 THOMAS TWINING 22 Abovyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 54 33 30

Design by Orange Company

April 2015

CAFES / CLUBS / BARS / PUBS Cafes ARAGAST 41 Isahakyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 54 22 54 ART BRIDGE 20 Abovyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 58 12 84 BLANC 37/73 Mashtots Ave. Tel: (+ 374 10) 50 20 12 CAFE DE PARIS 23 Abovyan Str. Tel: (+ 374 10) 52 26 48 CAFESJIAN CENTER FOR ART Cascade Complex Tel: (+ 374 10) 54 19 32 CENTRAL 30 Abovyan Str. Tel: (+ 374 10) 58 39 90 IMPRESSO 5a Vardanants Str. Tel: (+374 60) 75 07 50 JAZZVE 35/30 Tumanyan Str. Tel: (+ 374 10) 53 20 48 JOSE 20 Khanjyan Str. Tel: (+ 374 10) 54 00 20


PASCUCCI 42/1 Teryan Str. Tel: (+ 374 10) 56 89 69

MALKHAS JAZZ CLUB 52 Pushkin Str. Tel: (+ 374 10) 53 53 50

VAN GOGH 31/3 Tumanyan Str. Tel: (+ 374 91) 41 55 94

MEZZO JAZZ CLUB 28 Isahakyan Str. Tel: (+ 374 10) 52 42 11

WAFFLE HOUSE 32/35 Tumanyan Str. Tel: (+ 374 60) 54 05 44

MI MORENA (Spanish Club) 50/5 Abovyan Str. Tel: (+ 374 94) 22 00 06

Children’s Cafe AMEROCANO 55/1 Teryan Str. Tel: (+ 374 10) 58 33 99

THE CLUB 40 Tumanyan Str. Tel: (+ 374 10) 53 13 61

ANGELICA 27 Komitas Ave. Tel: (+ 374 10) 32 21 21

ULIKHANYAN CLUB 4 G. Kochar Str. Tel: (+ 374 10) 58 65 73

CHAO BAMBINO 5/3 Myasnikyan Ave. Tel: (+ 374 10) 55 00 99

YANS CLUB 74 Teryan Str. Tel: (+ 374 10) 700 000

CHUNGA CHANGA 1/1 Kievyan Str. Tel: (+ 374 10) 22 44 41

Pubs BEER BURG 18 Hr. Kochar Str. 8/10 Y. Kochar Str. 18 Babajanyan­­­ Str. Tel: (+ 374 99) 141 141

KING GARDEN 40 Sayat-Nova Ave. Tel: (+ 374 60) 50 09 09 TUTTI FRUTTI 13 Sayat-Nova Ave. Tel: (+ 374 10) 54 13 13

KAPELA 31 Moskovyan Str. Tel: (+ 374 10) 53 21 72 KARLOFF 31 Moskovyan Str. Tel: (+ 374 10) 53 97 80

JUST 10/3 Northern Ave. Tel: (+ 374 55) 51 48 48

Clubs/Bars BOURBON ST. 39 Hanrapetutyan Str. Tel: (+ 374 98) 50 05 61

LA BOHEME 5 Northern Ave. Tel: (+ 374 98) 43 40 43

FAMOUS KALYAN LOUNGE 83 Teryan, 12 Sayat-Nova Tel: (+374 10) 56 19 10

LABEERINT 8 Amiryan Str. Tel: (+ 374 10) 54 75 85 33a Moskovyan Str. Tel: (+ 374 10) 50 20 25

LOUIS CHARDEN 11/19 Amiryan Str. Tel: (+ 374 10) 50 54 44

HINCHADA SPORT BAR 1 Baghramyan Str. Tel: (+ 374 60) 51 15 20

URBAN 5a Mashtots Ave. Tel: (+ 374 10) 53 61 61

MARTINI ROYALE CAFE 16 Abovyan Str. Tel: (+ 374 60) 54 01 01

INVINO WINE BAR 6 Saryan Str. Tel: (+ 374 10) 52 19 31

PAULANER 19 Teryan Str. Tel: (+ 374 60) 51 38 00

April 2015

SHOPPING SPOTS Men’s Clothing Shoes & Accessories ARMOS Armenian designer’s shoes 5 Northern Ave. Tel: (+374 60) 44 14 11

Women’s Clothing Shoes & Accessories BETTY BARCLAY Clothing & accessories 65 Teryan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 58 17 42

Children’s Clothing Shoes, Accessories & Toys ARMANI JUNIOR Clothing 11 Hyusisain Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 52 99 02

BOTTA Clothing & accessories 8 Amiryan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 54 89 85

BURBERRY Elite clothing boutique 5 Northern Ave. Tel: (+374 60) 44 01 14

COOL CLUB 4/12 M. Babajanyan Str. Tel: (+374 060) 37 77 13

CANALI Clothing & accessories 9 Abovyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 56 22 30

COP.COPINE Clothing store 21 Abovyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 56 66 36

CELIO Clothing 24 Tumanyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 54 50 07

ESCADA Clothing 51/53 Hanrapetutyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 54 67 01

CORNELIANI Clothing, footwear & accessories 3 Northern Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 702 702

ETAM Underwear collection 26 Abovyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 58 31 11

DIANA Clothing & accessoreis 39 Komitas Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 23 00 78

KIVERA NAYNOMIS Elite Armenian designer 1 Tamanyan cascade Tel: (+374 10) 52 92 75

ERMENEGILDO ZEGNA Clothing, footwear & accessories 9 Mashtots Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 53 00 04

LUISA SPAGNOLI Clothing & accessories 5 Northern Ave. Tel: (+374 55) 00 24 54

GIROTTI Clothing & accessories 18 Abovyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 52 12 30

MANGO Clothing & accessories 21 Abovyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 58 00 11

STEFANO RICCI Clothing, footwear & accessories 3 Northern Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 702 702

MAXMARA Clothing & accessories 41 Mashtots Str. Tel: (+374 10) 54 59 57

ZILLI Clothing & accessories 58 Baghramyan Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 20 20 50

NAF NAF Clothing 37 Tumanyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 53 01 10


LAGALLERIA Clothing 3 Hyusisain Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 702 702 MOTHER CARE 51/53 Hanrapetutyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 54 67 01 MEGA TOYS 40/1 Sayat-Novai Ave. Tel: (+374 011) 500 600 MRCHIKOOBY 1 Tumanyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 54 77 20 OKAID 22 Abovyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 58 55 79 ORCHESTRA 21 Tumanyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 54 87 95 PRENATAL 20/1 Mashtots Ave. Tel: (+374 11) 70 11 72 PRINCE PRINCESS 25 Koryun Str. Tel: (+374 10) 58 33 38 TOLO TOYS 71/37 Baghramyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 27 18 11 Z&A Chain Stores 5 Hyusisain Ave. Tel: (+374 060) 500 115

Malls DALMA GARDEN MALL 3 Tsitsernakaberd highway Tel: (+374 60) 46 11 11 PROSPEKT MALL 5 Mashtots Ave. Tel: (+374 11) 99 90 22 YEREVAN MALL 34/3 Arshakunyats Ave. Tel: (+374 11) 88 88 88 Supermarkets MOSKVICHKA 3 Northern Ave. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 53 15 81 SAS 85 M. Baghramyan Ave. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 53 88 88 YEREVAN CITY 60/2 Komitas Ave. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 20 16 05 Armenian Products ARENI WINE 1 Charents Str. Tel: (+ 374 10) 55 45 04 JERMUK GROUP 18 Arshakunyats Ave. Tel: (+ 374 10) 58 98 36 MANCHO GROUP 10 Arin-Berdi Str. Tel: (+ 374 10) 47 11 55 MAP Armenian Brandy 8 Kievyan Str. Tel: (+ 374 10) 27 06 30 NOY Armenian Wine Brandy/Vodka 9 Admiral Isakov Ave. Tel: (+ 374 10) 54 70 48 PROSHYAN BRANDY Armenian Brandy 2a Ashtaraki Highway Tel: (+ 374 10) 35 06 12

April 2015

SHOPPING SPOTS Women’s, Men’s, Children’s Clothing, Shoes & Accessories ADIDAS Women’s, men’s, children’s sportswear & accessories 3 Arami Str. Tel: (+374 10) 54 47 07 ALDO Women’s, men’s shoes 26 Abovyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 52 17 77 BALLY Women’s, men’s shoes 40 Demirchyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 52 47 92 CHUST SHOES 270/1 Arshakunyats Str. Tel: (+374 60) 611 000 CLARKS Shoe & bags shop 8/2 Northern Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 50 24 54 DEBENHAMS Women’s, men’s children’s clothing & accessories 66 Teryan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 52 70 78 EDELWEISS clothing & accessories (KITON) 54/1 Teryan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 58 93 49 EMPORIO ARMANI Elite Women’s & men’s clothing & accessories Crossroad of Northern Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 52 99 08 ERMANNO SCERVINO Women’s & children’s clothing 3 Northern Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 702 702­ GAP Women’s, men’s clothing 3 Tsitsernakaberd Highway Tel: (+374 60) 46 11 11 66

GEOX Women’s, men’s & children’s shoes 6/15 Northern Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 53 22 34 GIORDANO Women’s, men’s clothing & accessories. 39 Mashtots Str. Tel: (+374 10) 52 08 01 GUESS Women’s, men’s clothing & accessories 6 Northern Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 53 69 59 LAGALLERIA Luxury Boutiques Corner 3 North. Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 702 702 MARKS & SPENCER Women’s, men’s, children’s clothing & accessories 3 Tsitsernakaberd Highway Tel: (+374 060) 46 11 11 MEGA SPORT Women’s, men’s, children’s sportswear & accessories 4 Vardanants Str. Tel: (+374 10) 51 98 98 MEXX Women’s, men’s & children’s clothing & accessories 26 Abovyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 54 46 23 NEXT Women’s, men’s and children’s clothing & accessories. 13 Amiryan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 53 89 99 UNITED COLORS OF BENETTON Women’s, men’s & children’s clothing & accessories 1 Amiryan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 59 99 93

Jewelry, Watches, Optics AWI 14/4 Abovyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 54 08 82 CHRONOGRAPH Luxury jewelry and watch 5 Northern Ave, Tel: (+374 10) 500 400 EIFFEL Swiss watches 26 Tumanyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 52 50 15 KARGIN OPTICS Optical Salon 41/1 Khanjyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 56 06 44 KAZANJIAN WATCH Women’s, men’s watches 1 Amirian Str. Marriot Tel: (+374 10) 59 99 23 L’ORANGE GOLD Women’s, men’s jewelry 11-54 Abovyan Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 52 57 11 MERCURY Women’s, men’s jewelry 50 Mashtots Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 586 000 TIME 21 Tumanyan St. Tel. (+374 11) 50 04 02 HAY OPTIC 1 Tumanyan str. Tel. (+374 10) 52 11 42 BERLIN OPTIC 1 Davitashen, Yerevan Tel: (+374 10) 36 20 00 DE LAUR 39/12 Mashtots ave. Tel: (+374 11) 99 55 77 TATEOSSIAN 48 Mesrom Mashtoc ave. Tel: (+374 10) 58 08 99

Souvenirs ANA & SONS 25 Abovyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 56 48 52 ART CROSS 26 Abovyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 54 46 86 ART ET LEGENDES 24/4 Moskovyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 54 47 97 BUY.AM Online S­ hopping Mall Tel: (+374 11) 311 111 CRYSTAL ART 4/6 Amiryan str. Tel. (+374 60) 56 56 56 DALAN 12 Abovyan Str. Tel: (+374 99) 55 33 07 IRIN EXART 7 Abovyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 52 49 97 MADE IN ARMENIA DIRECT Marriott Armenia Hotel Tel: (+374 10) 59 92 33 PEACOCK 10 North. Ave Tel: (+374 10) 50 02 08 SAKURA 36 Moskovyan str. Tel: (+374 96) 00 39 99 SALT SACK 3/1 Abovyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 56 89 31 THE CLUB 40 Tumanyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 53 13 61

April 2015

ENTERTAINMENT/SERVICES Night Clubs/Discos CHARLOTTE 25 Baghramyan Ave. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 27 70 19 OMEGA 59 Teryan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 58 25 49 PYRAMIDA 20/2 Sayat-Nova Ave. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 56 07 57 Casinos SENATOR Tel.: (+ 374 99) 95 55 59 SHANGRI LA Tel.: (+ 374 10) 62 57 99

ELITE BUS Tel.: (+ 374 10) 58 90 00 Tel.: (+ 374 10) 54 72 72 SIXT Tel.: (+ 374 10) 61 55 99 Real Estate CASCADE HILLS 160/5 Antarain Str. Tel.: (+ 374 60) 37 77 57 KASKAD REALTY 32 Tumanyan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 54 41 44

Karaoke Clubs ARAME 2/1 Heratsu Str. Tel.: (+ 374 60) 44 07 44

PIAZZA GRANDE 10 V. Sargsyan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 91) 01 15 10

INFINITY 42 Tumanyan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 53 13 33

VAHAGNI COMMUNITY 50 Gevorg Chaush Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 39 01 02­­­

Cinemas MOSCOW CINEMA 18 Abovian Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 52 12 10

Post Offices & Transport DHL WORLDWIDE EXPRESS 27 Amiryan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 58 66 88

NAIRI CINEMA 50 Mashtotsi Ave. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 54 28 29

EMS ARMENIA 1 Tigran Mets Ave. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 54 25 54

Taxi Services AERO Tel.: (+ 374 10) 77 11 00

FEDERAL EXPRESS 40 Mashtots Ave. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 53 00 29

MOBI TAXI Tel.: (+ 374 11) 707 707

LEO TRANS 30 Baghramyan Ave. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 22 90 18 ­­ STATE HAY POST 22 Saryan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 514 514

TAXOLINE Tel.: (+ 374 60) 64 46 44 Car/Bus Rentals BUS VOYAGE Tel.: (+ 374 10) 54 10 05 CARAVAN Tel.: (+ 374 10) 52 92 92 68

DOLLAR/THRIFTY Tel.: (+ 374 10) 59 99 95

TNT EXPRESS WORLDWIDE 144/1 Khorenatsi Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 54 55 25

Swimming Pools AQUALAND 27/1 Moldovakan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 70 60 70 AQUATEK 40 Myasnikyan Ave. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 58 88 88 GOLD’S GYM 40/1 Komitas Ave. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 32 20 10 Golf/Shooting Clubs/ Horse Riding ARARAT VALLEY COUNTRY CLUB 42 Gevorg Chaushi Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 39 40 85 HAYRAPETYAN HORSE RIDING 39 Shiraki Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 46 55 55 10 OUT 10 COMPLEX Davitashen Yerevan Tel.: (+ 374 10) 36 10 10 Sport Complex ARENA (BOWLING & BILLIARD CLUB) 8 Mashtots Ave. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 53 61 01 CROSS 50-1 Ashtarak Highway, Yerevan Tel.: (+ 374 94) 77 70 77 PLAY CITY 35 Acharyan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 62 09 99 Spas & Beauty Salon GOLD’S SPA 40/1 Komitas Ave Tel.: (+ 374 10) 20 83 60 RENOIR WOMEN’S CLUB 23 Abovyan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 54 05 30 THAI HOME 2 Paronyan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 53 27 60

April 2015



Airlines AEROFLOT-RUSSIAN 12 Amiryan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 52 24 35

Travel Agencies AIR CAUCASUS 23/17 David Anhaght Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 20 96 00

Banks ACBA-CREDIT AGRICOLE 1 Bayroni Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 56 85 85

AIR ARMENIA 21 G. Kochar Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 54 79 99

ANI TOUR 28 Isahakyan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 60) 270 370

AMERIA­­­­ BANK 9 Gr. Lusavorich Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 56 11 11

AIR FRANCE/KLM 9 Alek Manoukyan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 51 22 77

AVC 37 Hanrapetutyan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 54 00 37

ANELIK BANK 13 Vardanants Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 59 33 33

AVIA-GIT 1 Zakyan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 52 15 46

BEAUMONDE TRAVEL 1 Amiryan Tel.: (+ 374 10) 59 99 95, 59 99 91

ARARAT BANK 19 Pushkin Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 54 63 63

AUSTRIAN AIRLINES 9 Alek Manoukyan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 51 22 01

BIAYNA TRAVELS 28 Nalbandyan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 11) 27 66 26

ARDSHININVESTBANK 13 Gr. Lusavorich Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 59 04 04

CZECH AIRLINES 2 Baghramyan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 56 40 99

EUROSTAN UYUT 39/12 Mashtots Ave. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 52 42 65

BYBLOS 18/3 Amiryan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 53 03 62

FLYDUBAI 7 Khorenatsi Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 53 67 74

FUN TOUR 24/24 Mashtots Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 50 29 09

CENTRAL BANK OF RA 6 V. Sargsyan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 56 37 61

IRAN ASEMAN AIRLINES 19 Nalbandyan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 52 44 02

HAKOBIAN TRAVEL 60 Baghramyan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 27 19 44

CONVERSE BANK 26/1 V. Sargsyan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 51 12 11

POLISH AIRLINES 7 Argishti Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 51 02 86

HYUR SERVICE 96 Nalbandyan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 54 60 40

HSBC 66 Teryan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 51 50 00

S7 AIRLINES 34 Toumanyan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 54 41 10

LEVON TRAVEL 10 Sayat-Nova Ave. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 52 52 10

INECOBANK 17 Tumanyan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 51 05 10

SYRIAN AIRLINES 3 Khorenatsi Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 53 85 89

SACVOYAGE TRAVEL 2 Baghramyan Ave. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 54 72 72

PROCREDIT 105/1 Teryan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 51 48 60

URAL AIRLINES 10/3 Saryan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 52 88 61

SATI TOUR 21 Mashtots Ave. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 53 10 22

UNIBANK 12 Charents Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 59 55 55

UTAIR ARMENIA 4 Tigran Mets Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 51 85 08

TATEV T.T.T. 19 Nalbandyan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 52 44 01 ­­

VTB BANK 46 Nalbandyan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 87 87


April 2015

Design by Orange Company

MUSEUMS/ART GALLERIES Museums Cafesjian Museum for the Art The Cafesjian Center of Arts is an art museum situated in the heart of Yerevan in and around the Cascade. At the core of the museum’s permanent collection is the Gerard L. Cafesjian Collection of Art. Add. Cascade Complex, Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 54 19 32, 54 19 34 E-mail: Erebuni Fortress Museum Erebuni Museum of History of Foundation of Yerevan was established in 1968. The opening of the museum was timed to coincide with the 2750th anniversary of Yerevan. The Museum stands at the foot of the Arin Berd hill, on top of which the Urartian Fortress Erebuni has stood since 782 BC. Add. 38 Erebuni Str., Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 45 82 07 History Museum of Yerevan Museum, founded in 1931, introduces Yerevan history of thousands of years dating back to the rise of the oldest civilization in the world. Add. 1/1 Argishti Str., Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 56 81 85, 56 81 09 Hovhannes Tumanyan Museum The museum functions since 1953. In 1969, on the occasion of the 110th anniversary of the great writer, a new two-story building was added to house materials related to Tumanyan’s life and work. Add. 40 Moskovyan Str., Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 56 00 21, 58 12 71 State Museum of Woodcarving The museum collection was founded through donations by artists. Add. 2/4 Paronyan Str., Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 53 24 61 72

Modern Art Museum Modern Art Museum was established in 1972 by the art critic Henrik Igitian. It is the first specialized museum of modern art in the whole “camp” of Socialist Countries. Add. 7 Mashtots Ave., Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 53 55 67, 53 53 59 House-Museum of Charles Aznavour House-museum of Charles Aznavour, opened in Cascade Complex, temporarly serves as both the residence of Charles Aznavour and the concert hall for governmental cultural events. Matenadaran (Institute of Ancient Manuscripts after M. Mashtots) Established in 1959, Matenadaran is one of the world’s ancient and richest depositories of medieval manuscripts and books, and was inscribed on UNESCO’s Memory of the World Programme Register in 1997 in recognition of its world significance. Add. 53 Mashtots Ave., Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 56 25 78, 54 67 22 House-Museum of Aram Khachatryan Over 18.000 valuable exhibits are kept in the home-museum, which are the personal belongings of the great composer: photos, documents, etc. The home-museum has a light concert hall with excellent acoustics. Add. 3 Zarubyan Str., Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 58 94 18 (+374 10) 58 01 78 House-Museum of Yeghishe Charents The main collection of the museum, founded in 1964, includes the Armenians’ favorite poet’s personal documents, manuscripts,

publications and other materials related to his life and work. Add. 17 Mashtots Ave., Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 53 14 12, 53 55 94 Museum of Sergey Parajanov The exposition of the museum shows Parajanov’s aesthetic principles brought to perfection in movies. Add. 15/16 Dzoragyugh Str., Yerevan Tel: (+374 10) 53 84 73 Memorial-Museum of Martiros Saryan The museum, functioning since 1967, houses a collection of 160 canvases of Saryan, each painting a passionate declaration of love for his native Armenia. Add. 3 Saryan Str., Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 58 17 62 E-mail: Memorial-Museum of Silva Kaputikyan The house-museum of great Armenian poetess and prose writer was opened in 2009 on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of S. Kaputikyan. Add. 1/26 S. Kaputikyan Str., Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 52 09 30 The Museum of Folk Art of Armenia after Hovhannes Sharambeyan The museum was founded in 1978 for the preservation and furtherance of traditions of Armenian applied, decorative, fine arts. The exhibits of the museum (embroidery, wooden, stone and gold objects, ceramic ware, carpets) provide a fairy idea about Armenian folk art. Add. 64 Abovyan Str., Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 56 93 83, 56 93 87

Mother Armenia Military Museum It was established in 1970 as the History Museum of World War II with the Statue of Mother Armenia symbolising Peace through strength. Add. 2 Azatutyan Ave. Victory Park, Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 20 14 00 House-Museum of Minas Avetisyan The museum stock contains 20 paintings by the famous artist, 7 of which are in oil (including “Woman with Chandelier”) and the rest are drawings. Add. 29 Nalbandyan Str., Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 56 07 87 Museum of Yervand Kochar The museum presents the works of the active reformer of modern art. Add. 39/12 Mashtots Ave., Yerevan Tel: (+374 10) 52 93 26 The State Nature Museum of Armenia The unique institution introduces to the visitors the 7500 exhibits of flora and fauna of Armenia. Add. 34 Tigran Mets Ave., Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 52 79 42, 54 25 16 House-Museum of Avetik Isahakyan Founded in 1958 in the house where Armenia’s famous poet spent the last 5 years of his life. Add. 20 Zarobyan Str., Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 56 24 24, 58 73 80 Russian Art Museum Russian Art Museum is founded in 1980 on the collection of professor A. Abrahamyan. The museum collection consists of paintings, graphics, as well as decorative and applied art pieces. Add. 38 Isahakyan Str., Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 56 21 56

Art Galleries Yerevan ARAME 13 Amiryan Str. Tel.: (+374 10) 53 92 65 ARTE VALE 53/55 Buzand Str. Tel.: (+374 10) 56 39 37 ­­­ ARTISTS’ UNION OF ARMENIA 16 Abovyan Str. Tel.: (+374 10) 56 48 53

Regions ACAD. H.K. BUNIATYAN ART GALLERY 6 A. Ozanyan Str., Gavar, Gegharkunik Region, Tel.: (+374 264) 249 09 GRAPHICS ART GALLERY 52 Tigran Mets Ave., Vanadzor, Lori Region, Tel.: (+374 322) 439 38

ARTS ET LEGENDES 24/4 Moskovyan Str., Tel.: (+374 10) 54 47 94

HOUSE MUSEUM OF PARUYR SEVAK 18 P. Sevak Str., Zangakatun, Ararat Region Tel.: (+374 94) 03 44 48

CHILDREN’S ART GALLERY 13 Abovyan Str. Tel.: (+374 10) 52 09 51

HRAZDAN ART GALLERY 2 Spandarian Str., Hrazdan, Kotayk Region Tel.: (+374 223) 202 19

GEVORGYAN GALLERY 38/1a Tumanyan Str. Tel.: (+374 10) 53 48 37

Libraries ­­ MERICAN A  UNIVERSITY OF ARMENIA 40 Baghramyan Str. Tel.: (+374 10) 51 27 62

HI-ARTONLINE 5 Spendaryan Str. Tel.: (+374 60) 52 72 99 NAREGATSI ART INSTITUTE 16/1 Vardanants Str. Tel.: (+374 10) 58 01 05 NATIONAL GALLERY OF ARMENIA 1 Aram Str. Tel.: (+374 10) 56 74 72 NERSES MELIKYAN ACADEMIA 24 Baghramyan Ave. Tel.: (+374 10) 52 70 40 NPAK GALLERY 1/3 P. Byuzand Str. Tel.: (+374 10) 56 82 25 VALMAR 53-55 P. Byuzand Str. Tel.: (+374 10) 58 07 69

AVETIK ISAHAKYAN LIBRARY 4/1 Nalbandyan Str. Tel.: (+374 10) 58 96 10 MATENADARAN INSTITUTE OF ANCIENT MANUSCRIPTS 53 Mashtots Ave. Tel.: (+374 10) 56 25 78 MUSIC LIBRARY 53 Tigran Mets Str. Tel.: (+374 10) 58 33 35 NATIONAL LIBRARY OF ARMENIA 72 Teryan Str. Tel.: (+374 10) 58 42 59 KHNKO-APER CHILDREN’S LIBRARY 42/1 Teryan Str. Tel.: (+374 10) 52 12 22 April 2015

CULTURAL EVENTS IN ARMENIA at 07:00 PM Wednesday Film Nights presents “From Ararat to Zion” Naregatsi Art Institute at 08:00 PM Musical Armenia: French Music Impressions Aram Asatryan, violin Marine Karoyan, piano Cafesjian Center For The Arts

at 08:00 PM Musical at 09:00 PM Play: “Love Bridge” DJ MOTIV8 - The Black Eyed A musical story with modern Peas official DJ in Yerevan!!!! rhythms. New songs, live Opium club performances, fantastic dance show.

State Theater of Musical Comedy after H. Paronyan

at 09:00 PM Motherhood & Beauty Day

at 09:00 PM Mezzo classic house club Mariam Merabova & ‘’Miraif’’

Mezzo classic house club

at 08:00 PM Retrospective Voice (Author: Hovhannes Tekgyozyan) Cafesjian Center For The Arts at 09:00 PM Concert: Perfect Legacy & Sacrament Ulikhanyan club

at 07:30 PM Recital of a world famous pianist Evgeny Kissinin the framework of “Yerevan Perspectives” International Music Festival National Academic Theater of Opera and Ballet after A. Spendiarian at 07:00 PM ANPO & Marianna Shirinyan piano (Denmark) 100th Year of Remembrance 1915 Armenian Genocide National Academic Theater of Opera and Ballet after A. Spendiarian at 08:00 PM Robin Fate Alchemy Duo

The Club

at 07:00 PM TIME REPORT Band

at 07:00 PM Concert: Vladimir Spivakov National Academic Theater of Opera and Ballet after A. Spendiarian at 09:00 PM FX Quartet String Band

Mezzo classic house club

Mezzo classic house club

at 08:00 PM Play: Dark SHOCKolate A play with an intermission to think over who is right: the man or the woman? Staging: Suren Shahverdyan

Yerevan Drama Theater after H. Ghaplanyan

at 08:00 PM Between the worlds Nare Karoyan, piano Ira Givol, cello Davit Stepanyan, videoart

at 07:00 PM System of a Down

Republic Square

Cafesjian Center For The Arts

at 08:00 PM Concert: Robin Fate Alchemy Duo The Club

at 07:30 PM Kronos Quartet In the framework of “Yerevan Perspectives” International Music Festival

National Academic Theater of Opera and Ballet after A. Spendiarian at 08:00 PM Musical Performance ‘’Vestige’’

Cafesjian Center For The Arts 74

APRIL 2015

at 07:00 PM Alexander Chaushian and ANPO Soloist: Alexander Chaushian, cello (UK) Conductor: Alain Altinoglu (France) National Academic Theater of Opera and Ballet after A. Spendiarian

at 11:00 AM Exhibition and sale: ‘’Easter Fest’’

at 09:00 PM Concert: Anushik Alaverdyan & Karen Mamikonyan Band Ulikhanyan club

at 07:00 PM Concert: Francesca Dego Viollin (Italy) Conductor: Karen Durgaryan National Academic Theater of Opera and Ballet after A. Spendiarian at 08:00 PM Concert: Robin Fate Alchemy Duo

Ani Plaza Hotel

at 07:00 PM Play: “Coma Nostra” New performance dedicated to the author’s 55th anniversary. Author: Narek Duryan State Puppet Theater after H. Tumanyan

at 08:00 PM Mariam Merabova & ‘’Miraif’’

National Academic Theater of Opera and Ballet after A. Spendiarian

Rose Café

at 08:00 PM Armenian Jazz Band Armen Hyusnunts, Artistic Director and Conductor

at 07:00 PM Gutiar music night: Elena Yerevan

at 09:00 PM Metal Attack Festival 2015

at 09:00 PM Concert: Charlie Armstrong Grandson of the Legendary Louis Armstrong

Cafesjian Center For The Arts Vitamin club

Arno Babajanyan music hall

Yans club


at 08:15 PM Concert dedicated to the centennial of the Armenian Genocide Republic Square

at 08:00 PM The music of my homeland Vigen Hovsepyan & Friends

Cafesjian Center For The Arts

at 08:00 PM The Gurdjieff Ensemble Levon Eskenian – Artistic Director

Cafesjian Center For The Arts

April 2015


April 2015

Design by Orange Company


Design by Orange Company

April 2015

OUR PARTNERS ­­Mercury...................................................................2

Nairi Hotel............................................................45

Vahakni Community.............................................3


Marriott Hotel Tsaghkadzor.................................5


Caucasus Tavern.....................................................7

Multi Rest House..................................................49

Imperial Hotel.........................................................9

Visitor Information Center..................................50

Vienna Ribs..........................................................10

Thai Home............................................................50

A.F. Limoges........­­­­.................................................15

Family Hotel..........................................................51

Tufenkian Hotel....................................................17

Louis Charden.......................................................53


Hotel House..........................................................55


Artsakh Hotel........................................................57

Hotel North Avenue.............................................23

Arya Restaurant...................................................59

Europe Hotel.........................................................25

Urartu Restaurant................................................61

Nina Hovnanian’s Treasures...............................27


Pasta & Wine........................................................29

Yerevan Mall........................................................65

Arts Et Legendes..................................................31


Ani Tour................................................................33


Tsaghkahovit Hotel..............................................34

Europe Hotel Artsakh..........................................71


Gold’s Gym...........................................................77

Caucasus Hotel.....................................................36

The Club................................................................79

Caucasus Complex...............................................37


Varanda Travel.....................................................39


National Artsakh Hotel.......................................41

Il Conti...................................................................83


Hyur Service.........................................................84


April 2015


Design Orange Company Design by by Orange Company

April 2015


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