Owl Orations August 2019 Volume 1 Issue 5

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OWL ORATIONS Texas-Oklahoma Region 9, Division 2S Volume 1, Issue No. 5


3 4 5 6 8 9 10 12 19 20 21 23 Letter to the Editor

Monthly Review

T-Shirt Information

Upcoming Events

Updates and Reminders

Major Emphasis Promotions


Key Club Info

Articles and HOTO

Service Project Promotions


Note from the President

District/Club Officer Info

District/Club Officer Info

letter from the editor... Hello, Key Clubbers! Welcome to the 2019-2020 school year. Whether you are a new member or a returning veteran, we value and appreciate each and every one of you! As your editor this year, I will be in charge of communication between the officers and members, and this newsletter is a great way to learn more about what's been going on and events in the near future. Contact information and the hours form are always readily available in each newsletter as well, so I encourage everyone to check it out! For those of you who don't know me already, my name is Katelyn Tran, and this year I'm a junior at Garland High School. As your editor, I will be making the newsletters that are posted on the 5th of every month, and I am also head of the DCON Competitions Committee with our historian, Nallely Maciel. We will be discussing possible contests and awards we can apply for, leading up to the Key Club district convention in April 2020. This year we hope to have a successful year with numerous volunteer opportunities as well as more socials! In order to accomplish that, make sure you are a part of our Remind and Google Classroom. I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone and bring us closer into one big happy Key Club family.

Yours in Service,


note from the president... Hello, Key Clubbers! We’re finally back in school, and the Key Club year has just started. In the month of August, Garland Key Club has already held its first introductory and general meeting, and they were both successes with over 100 students at both meetings combined! Another noteworthy topic is that our school now has 2 new members that are part of the upper T-O positions (above chapter level). Former 2019-20 Vice President Alina Dam and 2018-19 Editor Anna Ngo have both been promoted to Lieutenant Governors. They will now oversee an entire division of Key Club schools. Although it’s sad to see them leave our board, I’m sure they will do a great job as LTGs! Furthermore, as you all join or continue with Key Club, you’ll realize that the club is a lot larger than it seems. We go all the way up to international level and even have an “extended family” — the K family. After attending several Kiwanis meetings this summer, I’m excited to say that we will now have a dedicated Kiwanian, Mrs. Elisa Morales, who will attend many of our general meetings. She will be sharing her wisdom with us as well as potential projects that we can collaborate on. Hopefully, we will be able to build a long-lasting relationship with our local Kiwanis and create a larger impact on our community together. Lastly, I just want to let everyone know that although I may not know everyone’s name yet, I’m working on it. So, don’t leave this family before I can even get a chance to know you ;)

Yours in Service,


MONTHLY REVIEW MONTHLY REVIEW MONTHLY REVIEW friendship house car wash We had our first volunteer event of the school year with a car wash at the Friendship House. The proceeds earned went to raise funds to charter a Builder's Club at Austin Academy!

08/17/2019 introductory meeting Our first meeting of the year for the freshmen and newcomers was a huge success! We had a great turnout and enjoyed the introductory


presentation with some nice, cold popsicles!


congratulations! We are thrilled that our 2018-19 editor Anna


Ngo and our 2018-19 secretary Alina Dam got promoted to become Lieutenant Governors of









Oklahoma district. We wish them nothing but the best on their new adventure.


September 2019 SUN.










































Kiwanis was originally only for men up until 1987, the first year women were allowed to become members.



UPCOMING EVENTS GHS KEY CLUB MEETINGS (9/11, 9/25) Attend two meetings a month in the library after school from 3-3:30 pm where we will update you on upcoming events and plans

Northeast Dallas Kiwanis Meeting (9/16) Meet up at Life Message from 7 - 8 PM as we try and bridge the gap between Kiwanis and Key Club

Good Sam's Garden (9/1, 9/8, 9/15, 9/22, 9/29) Help cultivate plants at a local garden to benefit the community as well as a school CAS project every Sunday at Good Samaritans of Garland from 3-5 pm


Q: I weigh nothing, but you can still see me. If you put me in a bucket, I make the bucket lighter. What am I? A: a hole! *Calendars only have events planned at the beginning of each month and are, therefore, subject to change. Events can be added or cancelled and details can be changed.


We are Global Key Club is a growing organization with global reach. With

1000s of clubs in more than 38 countries, the impact of Key Club members can be felt all over the world.

We Learn Through Action High school student members of Key Club perform acts of service in their communities, such as cleaning up parks, collecting clothing and organizing food drives. They also learn leadership skills by running meetings, planning projects and holding elected leadership positions at the club, district and international levels.

Our Mission Statement Key Club is an international, student-led organization that provides its members with opportunities to provide service, build character and develop leadership.

Core Values Members of Key Club learn to become leaders in their school

and community, build their character through acts of kindness, develop compassion for others, and welcome people of all different ethnicities and backgrounds to serve the community. 8

*All information was found on the official Key Club website www.keyclub.org

This year's Key Club T-SHIRT! FRONT

Don't forget to order it! BACK shirt designed by Alina


UPDATES & n i n r u T


b u l c r o f dues! MISSED A G

Make-up meet Room 407 on t general meetin promptly at 7:0


Turn in y our SIGNED consent fo rm

Love basketball? Click here to learn more abou t the Key Club fundra iser


the Dallas Mavericks


tings will be held in the Friday after ngs and will begin 00 am. Don't miss it!

access o t e r e h k Clic form! s r u o h e th

r that you e e b m e m e R tur bmit a pic e u s T S U M oing servic yourself d lunteered. if you vo


MY FIRST MEETING my first meeting My adventure to Key Club is unfamiliar; however, I am unearthing the importance of being a beneficial citizen. Volunteering as a Key Club member, I discovered the importance of volunteering and how it affects our community. During the summer, I went to many Key Club events such as the Friendship House Car wash. For example, at the Friendship House Car wash, I learned how hard work is and that it’s better to study hard, get a high school diploma, go to college, get a degree, and have an easy high-paying job. Furthermore, I realized how lucky I am to have everything I need while there are others without books, clothes, electronics, food, shelter, cars, etc.. On the second week of school, I went to my first Key Club meeting. There, I learned what Key Club is and what Key Club does. I met up with some of my friends and had a blast. The meeting was in the library of our school and there was a projector screen in the front. We all signed in on the sign-in sheet and sat down in seats waiting for the presentation. The presentation took us through step by step of joining Key Club, how to submit hours, how to find volunteer events, and how to be a good Key Club Member. For example, writing an article, getting your hours in, and attending all meetings was a way to be a good Key Club Member. Following the presentation was the social. The Key Club officers brought drinks and snacks for all to enjoy with their friends. One week later, I went to the first general Key Club meeting. I signed in on the signinsheet and sat down as I waited for the presentation to begin. Before the presentation, there was this icebreaker activity to find a best friend. Someone would stand in front and describe their dream friend, and as he or she goes, the audience members who didn’t match the description would sit down. At the end of the game, the one describing his or her dream friend would turn around and see who his or


her “dream friend” was. After the icebreaker activity was over and the presentation finally started, I learned the importance of being a good Key Club member. There was a lady with the Kiwanis who spoke about how Key Club is beneficial and the different levels of Key Club from Preschool to Adulthood. She listed details such as how Key Club is good on college applications, how Key Club is good on job applications, and how Key Club benefits our society. Key Club is a way to give back to our society and to help others in need. Key Club benefits you for college and job applications and teaches you the importance of helping others. I’m excited to officially join Key Club this year!

Dylan Dam, Member

It's Promotion Time,BABY!

After my failed attempt to run for district treasurer, I was left in shambles. I didn’t know how I could ever manage maintaining a position on the Texas-Oklahoma Key Club District without feeling sad or having some PTSD to my DCON caucusing experience.

Well, here I am. Mid-August, Vivian Thai, the Texas-Oklahoma Key Club District Editor, notified the Garland High School Key Club board that there were some vacancies in the T-O (Texas-Oklahoma) District Staff. I was content with my position as the VicePresident, but I nevertheless weighed my options: should I remain the Vice-President of Garland High School Key Club Board, whose members have planning so many amazing things for this school year or should I take this opportunity to be appointed as a Lieutenant Governor of a division (now one-and-a-half, actually) that is a two to three hour drive from me and burden myself with more responsibilities? You guessed it! I chose the latter and here’s why. I wanted to challenge myself. After my loss, I planned my Key Club officer route would go along the lines of Vice President in 11th grade and then Lieutenant Governor in 12th grade. I already had ambitions to attain the Lieutenant Governor position and since I was presented with this opportunity during mid-August, one-third of the LTG term had already gone by. Without the struggle of running for the position, already skipping over months of work, not requiring to drive three hours to visit my schools, I was drawn to accepting Vivian’s proposal.

Now, here’s my experience thus far (and how wrong I really was) : Not going to lie, it is a really stressful job. It’s like if the officer positions of secretary, editor, and the president had a baby. Recently, at the end of August, I had to send out a monthly update to all of the officers and advisors of my club. Since divisions that I’m presiding over haven’t had an LTG in a couple of years, it’s been so difficult to obtain emails from all of my club officers and advisors and half of my clubs haven’t even elected officers yet. Additionally, I’ve had to create a newsletter and get this — I have to create one EVERY MONTH. My last newsletter took so much of my time and energy and I poured my heart and soul into it. Now, I have to do that 7 more times. I also have to host a DCM (Divisional Council Meeting) or PCM (Presidents Council Meeting) every month. Unfortunately, the attendance for my last DCM was only one officer. I've also learned how to take minutes, and now I have so much respect for our secretaries because typing up minutes takes a lot of time and thinking. (Thank you Tisha!) Even though the job is tedious and difficult, it’s been a fantastic experience so far and you really get to understand teamwork and passion. The community of LTGs and the T-O District Staff are so kindhearted and knowledgeable and it’s been such an honor to work with them. I’m looking forward to the rest of the school year as an LTG, which is why I will no longer be the Vice-President or Chair of the Socials Committee. I’ve got some pretty great socials planned for the fall semester though!

Alina Dam, LTG


WEBSITE UPDATE Hello Key Clubbers! I hope you’re having a good first cycle! I have been working on the website a little here and there since school started. I am updating things all of the time, so make sure you check the site and the remind often for more info. This year I plan to add many things to the website in addition to the many features that already exist. Right now, there is a calendar, our Key Club twitter feed, our monthly newsletters (thanks to our editor), and the powerpoints from general meetings. Make sure you check the website for these things often because they are updated all the time. In addition to powerpoints, committee agendas, and minutes (a transcript) from board meetings will be posted to keep all members updated on what happens behind the scenes. These will be a standard from now on for all meetings on the website. Many members have requested for an easier way to view their hours. Currently, volunteer hours are recorded on a large spreadsheet that shows all grade levels and all events for the

entire year that included every member’s name and ID number. This makes it difficult to look through and find all of the events that you have earned hours for and may lead to some confusion and a lack of privacy. In the near future, hours will be posted on the website where you can login and have a more specialized view of every event you have attended. Hours will be needed to be submitted in the google form along with the usual prompts that follow. Lastly, member attendance will be posted on the website too, so make sure you attend all of the meetings! Speaking of meeting attendance, the schedule for next year’s meetings has been finalized and added to the calendar. We’ve changed the bylaws again and published them on the website. They are on the new handouts page along with all of the forms you might need for key club. A new meeting archive page has been added as well: it contains powerpoints, a transcript of all meetings, and the agendas for committee meetings. Check the page if you ever forget what happened during a meeting. Also, be sure to familiarize yourself with the new hour submission form for this school year. Thank you for listening to my update for this month. Don’t forget to check the website (garlandhskeyclub.com) and don't forget to take more pictures!

Jake Wendling, Webmaster

How to access the newsletter:




Month of August

Summertime Struggles... The natural problem that comes with trying to run a Key Club chapter over the summer is that the officers don’t have as much contact with each other. The summer might provide a greater supply of time to spend on Key Club, but it brings its own set of unique and unconquered challenges. The first of these challenges we faced is the struggle of new officers trying to adjust to their new roles. For many officers, June was the first month when they were expected to fully understand and fulfill their roles. I myself, as a Secretary, had worries that I would be confused when it came time to carry out my duties. However, these worries proved to be futile, as all of the other officers on the board provided a strong support system for each other. Even though the officers had more free time during the summer, our busy and conflicting schedules provided quite a challenge to overcome. We were so eager to come up with more ideas and organize events, but it proved to be difficult to find a time and place where we could all meet to talk all the details out. Having a group chat on GroupMe has greatly lessened this burden. No matter how much we can meet in person, the officers can always stay in the loop through the group chat. When we do hold in-person meetings, the officers are always more than ready to support each other with rides and meeting reminders. If it is a challenge to organize a time or a few officers to talk about Key Club, imagine how tricky it was to keep our members involved in the club over the summer! We understand that the general members may prefer staying in bed for a few more minutes to getting up and volunteering with their Key Club chapter bright and early, but we want to make sure that they stay involved to some degree during the summer.

hours for the next school year. Another concern that the Key Club officers spent a lot of time worrying about was recruitment. We wanted to make the most of our advertising capabilities and enroll the maximum amount of freshmen in our club. We did this by planning an introductory meeting on the second week of school. This idea proved to be successful, as dozens of Freshmen attended the meeting. All of the officers left the summer prepared for their posts, ready with volunteer events planned for the fall, and excited for the year to come. Now that the school year has started, I can already see the positive impact our productive Key Club summer has had on the day-to-day operations of our club. I am proud to say that we are ready for the year to come!

Tisha Gautam, Secretary

To keep our Key Clubbers interested, we gave them exciting volunteer events to participate in through our Google Classroom and encouraged them to get a start on their



During the summer, our Key Club District Administrator Kenyon Black had reached out to me about an exciting opportunity. He offered me a chance to attend the Kiwanis District Convention (KDCON) from August 1st to the 3rd. Although I was excited for the trip, especially since it was all-expenses paid, I also knew that few other people were invited. I became worried since it’s difficult for me to make new friends in a completely new setting, but I eventually was able to convince myself to commit on going. Despite my heart always wanting to burst from these kind of decisions, I also knew that putting myself in uncomfortable positions can often times cause me to become a better person. At this point, I think I have developed a habit of pushing myself outside of my comfort zone. A few weeks passed after I told Kenyon


that I was excited to see him at KDCON, and August 1st soon arrived. I drove with my momthat I was excited to see him at KDCON, and August 1st soon arrived. I drove with my momand sister to the new Denton Embassy Suites and wheeled my luggage into the building as I passed by strangers with familiar faces;I passed by strangers with familiar faces; they were Key Clubbers who were invited like me to come to this event. On the first day of KDCON, I met my 3 roommates and was later introduced to the rest of the Key Club group. It was evident that I was one of the more awkward ones, but I also realized that everyone else was welcoming and friendly. And since I was going to be working beside them for a few days, I knew that it was best if I got more comfortable. Despite not being the most outgoing person, I also dislike being lonely. Therefore, I would often hang out with the group late into the night while

ON by Tiffany Doan listening to them speak. Though I did not speak much during those conversations, being together, working together, and eating together created a closer bond between us all. By the end of the trip, I was able to speak one-on-one with some of the kids, which was nice since I could act more like myself. Overall, the Key Clubbers there really made it easy to feel included, and I hope that one day I can be as warm and approachable as them. However, the Key Clubbers weren’t the only amazing people there — after all, this was a Kiwanis event. The Kiwanians that I met at KDCON were one of the kindest, caring group of people I have ever met. They are dedicated to helping children, and they work hard to accomplish their goals. Despite the large age gap between the Kiwanians, CKIs, and Key Clubbers, it felt natural to integrate

into each other’s group. I was able to obtain several contact information from Kiwanians of different parts of Texas and Oklahoma and, hopefully, I’ll be able to meet up with them again when visiting their part of town. KDCON was an eye-opening experience in a different way from our own district convention. Although I learned about the skill of leadership at DCON, I learned the skill of communication at KDCON. I realized the importance of the connection between all groups of the K-Family and the impact of Kiwanis in our community. I had fun at the Kiwanis district convention while it lasted; however, nothing gold can stay. On August 3rd, the end of the event, I said goodbye to everyone and I thanked them for having me. It was a sad yet exciting time because by then I had so much to show and share with those back at Garland.


key club

EXPERIENCE so far...

HUMANS OF TEXAS-OKLAHOMA I joined Key Club as a junior because most of my close friends were in the club. At first, I mostly joined because I wanted a place to socialize with my friends and I took it as an opportunity to interact with other friends that were in Key club at other schools. Soon enough, I made plenty of other friends within the club at my own school that made me enjoy and look forward to volunteering and going to club meetings. Eventually my initial interest of just doing it as a way to socialize with friends developed into an actual love and enjoyment for helping people that need it and being more active in my community. Before Key Club I would have never considered going to city council meetings or helping out at big major events such as Turkey Trot and the Hot Chocolate run. These volunteering events weren’t just fun, they helped bring me outside of my comfort zone and also meet new people along the way. As my love and interest for Key Club grew, I knew it was right for me to run as a club officer. I knew I could bring a lot for my club since I have had a leadership position in my past as a class officer so I ran for club historian. It has now been a couple months since I became a historian and I’m so glad I went out of my comfort zone and decided to run. Now as a class officer, I am able to participate in my club even more and have more insight as to what is happening and what we can do as a club to earn more points and be the best club that we can be.


I’m so glad that our club has some of the most dedicated, hard-working, ambitious young people. They always want to achieve the most and I’m thankful that I work amongst them because they influence me to be better. I didn’t realize how much hard work and time it takes to be a successful Key Club until I became part of the board. It’s always a pleasure working amongst great people and being able to lead some of the best people in the school. I hope to achieve a lot of firsts this year as we’re starting our new club of Builder’s Club at Austin Academy. Hopefully many middle schoolers join and are able to enjoy and appreciate our club at their school and they continue to join in high school.

Nallely Maciel, Historian




Google Classroom Code: 6p2bcm

Text @garlandkey to 81010




MAJOR Kiwanis International and UNICEF have joined forces to eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus—a deadly disease that steals the lives of nearly 31,000 innocent babies and a significant number of women each year.

Visit their websites to learn more When you join March for Babies you stand with thousands of people across the country who share your commitment to building a brighter future for us all. March with us to lead the fight for the health of all moms and babies.

about how you can help the cause More than 10 million kids enter a children’s hospital like Children's Health across North America every year. Since 1983, Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals has helped fill those funding gaps by raising more than $5 billion.


Thirst Project is a nonprofit organization that works with the support of young people to END the global water crisis by building freshwater wells in developing communities that need safe, clean drinking water. Why Water? Waterborne diseases kill more children every single year than HIV, Malaria, and all world violence combined. Small children typically do not have strong enough immune systems to fight diseases like cholera, dysentery, or schistosomiasis.



2019 2020


DISTRICT GOVERNOR Ashna Patel governor@tokeyclub.com

SECRETARY Kareena Patel secretary@tokeyclub.com

TREASURER Katherine Chao treasurer@tokeyclub.com

EDITOR Vivian Thai editor@tokeyclub.com

LTG DIVISION 2C Katherine Bui ltg2C@tokeyclub.com

CONVENTION LIAISON Dillion Grisham cl@tokeyclub.com

TECH PRODUCER Lacey Thomas techassistant@tokeyclub.com

REGION 9 ADVISOR Connor Rubrecht region9@tokeyclub.com

DISTRICT ADMINISTRATOR Kenyon Black administrator@tokeyclub.com

Volunteering is out of this world! ASSISTANT ADMINISTRATOR Ryan Edmoundson AAFinance@tokeyclub.com


ASSISTANT ADMINISTRATOR Kelly Poland AAEvents@tokeyclub.com

2019 2020


PRESIDENT Tiffany Doan tiffanydoan12@gmail.com

VICE PRESIDENT Alina Dam alinalandam@gmail.com

SECRETARY Tisha Gautam tishagautam@gmail.com

TREASURER Albert Yang yangralbert@gmail.com

EDITOR Katelyn Tran katelyntran818@gmail.com

HISTORIAN Nallely Maciel Nallelymaciel75@gmail.com

WEBMASTER Jake Wendling

CLUB ADVISOR Morgan Shaeffer mshaeffer@garlandisd.net



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