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4 Celebrating winners BPMA Awards winnerslauded
10 MerchandiseWorld Coventry showsgrowthimpulse
15 Making good use There’slifeinpost-consumer
We’renow deep into theswing of 2024 andwithmany changesahead for theyear, this isthe lastissue of Product Media Iwill oversee as CEOfollowing announcementofmy departureinMarch this year.Looking back over thelastfew yearsand editor introductions, we have coveredthe full gamutofcelebration,world changing events,politics,royalty andmore! It has been agreat privilege andhonourto look after Product Media magazine since 2020,wonderfully supportedbyour Editor Stuart Derrick,and theBPMAteam to produce themagazine.
Many of youknowour Editor,Stuart Derrick andI’d like to take amoment
ProductMedia Magazine is availabletothe whole promotional merchandiseindustry.
It is theofficial magazine of the BritishPromotional Merchandise Association (BPMA)
16 Bespokebranding
24 Changing times Total Merchandiselooks
27 PSIreview ThenewsfromDusseldorf
29 Pack it in New legislationcould affecthow packagingishandled
here to thankhim forhis time,patience andguidanceoverthe last fewyears. Notonlyare hisprose andhis journalism skills exceptional, he hasalsocurated greatcontent forour readers andtirelessly sought thosenuggets of insightand inspiration which mark everyspecial feature. Thankyou Stuart forall youdofor themagazine,helping us articulate those big questionsfor theindustryand report developmentsweall need to know about.
As with everyissue,we’ve been workingawaytoprovide useful and insightful articles andtopicsplus of coursethe review of this year’s MerchandiseWorld in Coventry (the busiest one yet!)plusthe spectacular BPMA Awards Dinner,where we hadthe opportunity to celebrateBPMAmembers andtheir achievements too.
Youwill have also noticeda
BritishPromotional Merchandise Association
Fetcham Park House, LowerRoad, Fetcham,Leatherhead,Surrey, KT22 9HD
Allphone enquiries: 01372371183
30 BPMA News
Thelatest from theAssociation
32 Inclusionmatters
Howthe BPMA andCastelli supportIWD
34 On theroad
Making connections in Europe
streamlining of news andarticles in the last fewissuessowecan focusonthe big questionsofthe day. In this issuewe have an Apparel&Bagsspecial feature. An area of theindustrypackedwith innovation andproduct development, look outfor insights galore in this issue alongsideour regularcontributors, dates foryourdiary andmore.
Thenextedition is focusedon Sustainability 2024 andbeyond… in the runuptothe BPMA’s much anticipated June conference,welookatwhat’snext, whyweneedtokeeppacewithlocaland globaldevelopments andwhere theright informationwill come from
If youwanttoget in touchwith Stuart with your contributions, please email CareyTrevill
Advertising andMedia Pack
Stuart Derrick
Design andProduction ATGMedia,
Theopinions, beliefsand viewpoints expressed in this publication do notnecessarily reflect theopinions, beliefsand viewpoints of thepublication or theeditor. Thepublisherscannot be held responsiblefor anylossordamage,nor can responsibility be acceptedfor anyclaimsbyadvertisers, contributors, or otherpersonsand organisations. No material maybereproducedwithoutthe writtenpermissionofthe publishers. TheBPMAhas therighttorefuseeditorial content andadvertisements on sightofartwork,particularlywhere theremay be aconflict of interest Contents
TheA to Zofapparel andbags
MARCH/APRIL 2024 10 4 32 24 27
Celebrating OURWINNERS
The 2024 BPMA Awards put the spotlight on the many great companies and individuals who make our industry what it is
Morethan 500peoplefrom theUK, Europe and theUS promotional merchandise industrypackedthemselves intothe CBS Arena ballroom forthe BPMA Awards Gala Dinner on theevening of DayOne at Merchandise World.
The awards arethe industry’s opportunitytoprovide apat on the back forthose that areregarded as the best of thebest. Votedfor by fellow BPMA Members, theprestigious awards recognise bothsuppliers and distributors in
Likeall events, sponsors and supporters areahuge part of thesuccess.The BPMA extends its thanks to thegenerous category sponsors: Geiger,BIC Graphic, Impression Europe, Preseli, PF Concept, Direct Textiles & Bags, XD Connects, and Briman Group
The BPMA partnered withWCM&Afor the supply of thestunning trophies and event supporters, Laser Crystal provided the Board’sRecognition Award. Victorinox
promotional merchandise.
Apackedevening sawadrinksreception and abeautiful threecourse meal, interspersed withthe awards whichwere hosted by BPMA Chairman HaydnWilletts and Vice Chairman Clive Allcott.
The industrywas also provided with areminder of this year’s winners of theBPMAProduct Awards, whichwere celebrated at their ownspecial event at London’s St PancrasRenaissance Hotel in December 2023 (see theJanuary/ Februaryedition of ProductMedia).
sponsored thewinners on thenight to help celebrateinstyle
The winning products were on display throughout theevening, withthe Grand Prix awardfor best product due to be presentedonthe evening at the CBS Arena.
As well as awards forsuppliers and distributors, therewerea number of special awards, including formembermarketing campaigns and ‘the best of British’Briman Awardjudgedindependently
The dinner wasfollowedbyaliveband as people danced and celebrated intothe evening and beyond.
the winners’ fizz on the night to winners had a delicious for the
The evening had particularly delicious notethanks to The Sweet People who supplied thevegan chocolates forthe dinner
The companyalso Product Grand Prix
The company also picked up the for its Treat Box
4 | productmedia | MARCH/ MARCH/APRIL2024 | product media | 5 BPMA Awards2024 Big Bear Promo -£1-3m Distributor awardwinners Allwag wonthe £5-10m Distributor award Products of distinction -the BPMA Product Awardwinners
effort from Bizz Badge, winning the£5-10mSupplier award GetYourself Noticed certainly did winning the£500k-1m Distributor award
small Distributor category
it in the
Outdoor Companywon theSupplier Marketing Campaign of theYear Product Grand Prix went to The Sweet People Tech experts Desktop Ideas got the plaudits in the£2m Supplier category
BPMA Awards2024
and thewinneris...
BPMA Chairman HaydnWillettsand Vice Chairman Clive Allcott kickedoff the evening withthanks to allattending to get theevening off to aroaring start.
The first categoryupwas Supplier of theYearupto£2m, and thefinalists were Logobugs Plus, Desktop Ideas, Just Pads andBio Laboratories withDesktop Ideas landing thewinning vote forthis category.
Next up wasanew category, Supplier of theYear£2-5m, withastrong line up of finalists: Preseli, WCM&A, Juniper Trading and Keramikos withPreseli scooping this Award.
The next categorywas Supplier of theYear£5m-10m category. Finalists in this categorywereImpression Europe, Listawood, The Bizz Badge Companyand Castelli Milano 1938, withThe Bizz Badge Companytaking thecategoryaward Supplier of theYearover£10m category wassponsored by Geiger.Finalists included Laltex Group, Midocean, PF Concept andXD Connects with LaltexGroup heading to the stagetocollect theiraward
The next Awards focused on distributors and this year,further turnovercategories were recognised. Distributor of the Year up to £500k, had finalists Promo2u, UltimateIncentive and Ellenell on the edge of their seats. Ellenell landed this first distributor award.
Distributor of theYear £500k-£1m, sponsored by BIC Graphicsaw contenders Manic Merchandise, Hambleside, Get Yourself Noticed and TKingAssociates as finalists, withGet Yourself Noticed winning this category.
Sponsored by Impression Europe, Distributor of theYear £1-3m finalists were Ross Promotional Products, Big Bear Promo,The PurpleCompanyand Printed4you withBig Bear Promo taking theaward home.
Distributor of theYear £3-5m,
sponsored by Preseli, hailed finalists Pellacraft, Pinksheep Marketing, Initial Incentivesand TC Branding Group.TC Branding Group jumped on stage to accept their Awardfor this category.
PF Concept, sponsoring the Distributor of theYear£5-10m category, were on stage as finalists LSi, Firebrand Promotions, Allwag Promotions and Premier Print and Promotions waited to hear who had won. Allwag Promotions landed this categoryto cheers and applause.
Withthe final Distributor of theYear Awardover£10m, sponsored by DTB, contenders TotalMerchandise, Fluid Branding, Brand Addition and 4imprint waited nervously forthe gold envelope to reveal Fluid Branding as thewinner fora second time in arow
Taking ashort pausefor dinner,the room wasbuzzing withexcitementfor thefinal awards of theevening including thelongawaitedProduct Awards Grand Prix and BPMA RecognitionAward
The Distributor and Supplier Marketing Campaign of theYear Awards were next. Clive Allcott shared thejudge’s feedback and talked of theindustry’slovefor agreat creative idea beforenamingthis year’s winners.
Judged by an independent marketing judging panel, the Distributor of theYear Marketing Campaign finalists were Event Merchandising withits Eurovision entry, Wild Thang forAsahi Super Drythe Official Beer of RugbyWorld Cup 2023, andFluid Branding withits Planet Positive entry. Fluid Branding came up trumps forthe second time of theevening forits Planet Positive entry. Judges also awarded Event Merchandising’s entryHighly Commended.
The Supplier Marketing Campaign of theYear sawthree finalist entries from The Outdoors Companywithits Eco Range, First Editions withits Loop Bottle, and Kingly’s ‘Let’sSparkle and Shine this
TotalMerchandise were lauded for supporting British manufacturing
6 | product media | MARCH/
Haydnand Clive -the hosts withthe most
Preseli triumphed withthe £2-5mSupplier award
TC Branding took themid levelDistributor category
Double whammyfor Fluid withawardsfor large Distributors and Marketing
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Christmas’. The winner of this category wasThe Outdoors Company’sEco Range. First Edition also receivedHighly Commended from our judging panel.
The Briman Award wasafurther opportunityfor distributors to showoff the best of British. Judged by Briman members looking fordistributor members who had promoted British made and finished promotional products. TotalMerchandise walked away withthis Brit-centric accolade from theBriman group
The Product Awards GrandPrix was also awarded at thedinner.The GrandPrix wasawarded at thefinal judging panel andselected from all Platinum Product Awardwinners. The Sweet People’s The Bespoke UK Manufactured Treat Box was votedGrand Prix winner by thepanel and adelighted team receivedthe awardtoa huge round of applause.
Last awardofthe evening wasthe BPMA Recognition Award, awarded by theBPMA Board. Nowinits second year,this Award recognises outstanding contributors to our industry. The Boardselected previous BPMA Chair and President, Graeme Smith forthis year's BPMA Recognition Award, for his tireless work to ensure thereputation and position of theindustrywas upheld during his time on theBoard
As well as theawards, HaydnWilletts made theannouncement that BPMA CEO Carey Trevill would be standing down after four yearsatthe helm of the Association, in order to concentrateon new opportunities.
As theCEO during one of themost turbulent times forthe industry, and indeed thecountry, he invited all of those in theroom to extend their thanks to Carey and wished her good luckinher futureendeavours. Shewon’t be lost to the industryasshe is continuing withsome projects forthe BPMA.
The evening concluded with conversation, music, dancing and fun and whilst we aresurethereare fewsore heads forDay 2ofMerchandise World, this fantastic event markedanother
BPMA Awards2024
exceptional year forpromotional merchandise and thesector
The BPMA would liketothank everyone who attended and supported theevent and we lookforward to many more fabulous events in thecoming year
The industry gathered fordrinks beforethe Awards MARCH/APRIL2024 | product media | 9
BPMA stalwart Graeme Smithwas presented withthe Recognition Award
Outgoing BPMA CEO Carey Trevill received abouquet and thethanks of theindustry Laltex took thelarge Supplier award forthe second year in arow
Go forit!
Merchandise World gets bigger and better with more exhibitors, visitors and great ideas for promotion
more exhibitors, visitors and ideas for
The storyofthisyear’s Merchandise Worldwas one of growth.With theUK’soverall promotional merchandise marketupby4.2% to £1,182m, according to thelatestUKMarket ReportfromSourcingCity, theindustryis clearlybuoyant
Thiswas reflected in theshow, held in its traditionalstart of theyear slotover24-25 January at theCBS Arena in Coventry.There wasa clear enthusiasm from distributors and exhibitors as they lookedforward to theUK industry’s biggestannual event.
Merchandise WorldinJanuary2024had about 1,500 visitors from around 600distributor companies. This wasan increase of 7% in visitors compared withlast year and wasjust134 visitors short of thebest-ever visitor year in January
2020,whichwas pre-Covid.
Organiser,Sourcing Citypoints out that since then,the number of peopleworking in theindustry is lessdue to distributor companies becoming leaner
The exhibition featured 40 newsuppliers to theshowand atotal of 173exhibitors, which wasmorethan 7% up on theexhibitors in January 2023. Among thenew facesin CoventrywereA Good Thing, which helps companies donate excess merchandiseto charity;marquee and flag specialist, Bee Noticed; businessgift company, Calverley; sportingapparel supplier,Fanbase; matting company, Kleen-Tex; logisticsspecialist, Your Cargo Contact, andmore.
Visitor companies predominantly
attended from theUKand Ireland, however therewerealso distributor visitors from the EU and theUS.
Overseasexhibitorsrepresented 20%of all exhibitors. Severalofthese exhibitors’ presented products or services notreadily available through UK suppliers. Others offered EU based services enabling distributors to orderand deliverdirectly within theEU.
Dutchsocialenterprise, treebytree is one of agrowing numberofbusinesses that helpscompanies fight climatechange by giftingtrees throughplanting programmes in countriesinAfrica.Sweden’s Softybag brought itsinnovative and fun air-filled seatingtothe show.Neutral clothingfrom Demarkwas on hand to inform visitors
10 | productmedia | MARCH/
about its sustainable apparel. Longstanding supporter of theshow, Germany’sKalfany had itslatest range of sweet treatsavailable to sample.
ahead of theshow, helpingthemfindways of divertingexcess merchandise to charities that could make good useofit
of the show, helping them find ways diverting excess merchandise charities that could make good use of it.
something surplus via the had monumental Anna Rose marketing consultant thousands of things have been saved from landfill six
“Just taking aminuteortwo to share somethingsurplus viathe platform has hadmonumental results,” said AnnaRose Bowler, digital marketingconsultant of A Good Thing. “Hundreds of thousandsof thingshavebeensaved from landfill in just six months.”
we’redelighted to support Preseli, one of ourfirst members to take theStepForward Pledge, with this initiative,”saidBPMACEO Carey Trevill.
However, it wasn’t all worthiness from Preseli. Thecompanywas also in celebratorymood forthe 50th anniversary of theRubikCube, whichitsuppliesfor promotionaluse
North Wales-based trade supplier Preseli again provided a lanyard
NorthWales-basedtrade supplierPreseli againprovided alanyard recycling programme forall lanyardsreturnedatthe show.A similar initiativeatSeptember’s show sawmorethanone-thirdoflanyards beingreturned
way for the top
Manyexhibitorsnow have afocus on environmentally friendly products, and this wasevident from thenew products presented in theirranges.The continuing move towards sustainable products wasclearand ECOWorld provesan efficient wayfor visitors to identify thetop environmentally friendly products in theshowhall.
Therewas aclear air of positivity as peoplewerepleased to meet bothfamiliarand new faces. Everyone enjoyedthe free breakfastand areal buzz could be felt throughoutthe showhall. The free lunchwas ahit, as were theever-popularMassage Angels.
TheRovingTea Trollieswerealso appreciatedwhenpeopleneeded aquickrefuel.
Show organiser, Ella said:
lanyard recycling in place at the visitors return their for use or recycling
Thelanyard repurposing initiative is part of itscommitment to theBPMA’sStepForward Pledge– aprogramme of sustainabilitydriveninitiatives settotakeplace in 2024 Merchandise Worldsaw dedicated lanyardrecycling bins in placeatthe exits, encouraging visitors to turntheir lanyards for onward useorrecycling. Theinitiativewas developed by Preseliwiththe support of theMerchandise World team at SourcingCity and theBPMA.
The initiative was by Preseli with the the Merchandise at Sourcing City the BPMA.
could manage.
Alarge and suitably multi-coloured cube cakewas portioned up on thePreseli stand –one Rubik’sCubethateveryone couldmanage.
Showorganiser,Ella Long said: “The exhibitors were delighted with both the qualityand volume of thevisitors,which wasexceptional. We were delighted that everyone left theshowwitha smileand nowwestart planning fornext time hoping to seeeveryone again –and some new facesare always welcome.”
Onenew face wasenvironmental charity, AGood Thing,which featuredatthe BPMA Sustainability Conferencelastyear and wasworking with 30 BPMA members
effective step to help reduce event waste at Merchandise World – we take
“This is asimpleand effectivesteptohelp reduce eventwasteat Merchandise World– we all tend to take lanyards ho aft ent nd
home after events and
If that wasn’t enough, Eat My Logo wason hand to discussits myriad of optionsfor feel goodtreats, includingcupcakes, biscuits, browniesand more
Marketingmanager Daniel Clarke and colleague Amyshowedoff newproducts andranges,discussed product inspirations, andhow its websiteand marketing technology could assist clients in making the comingyear asuccess.
s on discuss its options for good treats, including cupcakes, brownies and Amy showed off new products and ranges, discussed and how website and could coming year a success. MARCH/APRIL2024 | productmedia | 11 MerchandiseWorld
One new was environmental
Oneofthe sponsorsofthe show, Eat My Logo also suppliedplentyofsamples helpingtofuel thehundreds of visitors to theshow.
Othersponsors supplied agroaning swag tablewithsamples aplentytotake away andshowtotheir customers. These included Senator,Biolaboratories, Kingly, CHX, Promo Seeds, Just Pads, and Prodir, to name just afew
British manufacturers were out in forcewithstalwarts of theBriman groupputting their best foot forward.
Mark you to the fellow
Briman chair and managing director of First Editions, Mark Aldersonlauded a“fantastic coupleofdaysexhibiting at Merchandise World. Thank youtothe visitors, organisers, exhibitors and everyone who made the showsuchasuccess."
As well as presenting theBriman Award to distributor TotalMerchandise at the first evening’s BPMA Awards, Alderson said therehad been agreat deal of positive feedbackfromvisitorstothe exhibition, including forits new and improvedAqua Hydratewater bottle withits upgraded grab-and-flip topspout.
FellowBriman member,Sow Easy use theshowtolaunchits latest new product, Rainballs. Eachbox contains threeof these easy to grow multi-colour seedballs. Simply soak, scatter under thesoil and watchthem grow
The seeds areawildflowermix of around 20 different seeds, such as Alyssum,
we’vebeen to.Lots of excitement around new products”.
California Poppy, Candytuft, Lobelia, Virginia Stock, and Sunflowers.
It notedparticular interest in its Grande 880ml insulatedcup made from recycled stainlesssteel which got everyone talking. While visitors also lovedother newmodels, includingsomea bitsmaller, Oldeaninoted that “goinglarge seems popular”
Now, if that’s ametaphor for2024, we can alllookforward to great year of business
we e been to. Lots new pr insulated cup made stainless steel everyone loved other new models, including some a bit smaller, Oldeani noted “going large all look forward to year of business.
Seedboxes are
a sustainable choice and can be branded with a full-colour label with your client’s logo
ssage The box
made from recycled card.
The Rainball Seedboxesare asustainable choice and can be branded with afull-colour bel with your client’slogo, sage or promotion. Thebox is om recycledcard.
are also available as Rainball
They arealsoavailableasRainball Seedtinswhich areblackscrew toptins engraved on thelid withyour client’s logo, message, promotion andmore.
SowEasy alsoexpanded its Essentials Range and enhanced itsExpress Service, shortening theleadtimes to just threedays, withalower cost.
Elsewhereatthe show, acornucopia of products wasondisplay.Aswellasits usualselection of merchandise, including asustainable Made in Europe range,the Midoceanteamwas able to talk about its Sol clothing options.
Merchandise supplier Oldeani called Merchandise World“one of best shows MARCH/APRIL2024 | product media | 13 MerchandiseWorld SEE YOU IN MK If youdidn’tmanage to getto this MerchandiseWorld, the next show is on 11 Septemberin MiltonKeynes. Find full details at | | 01270 757890
branded clothing.
can be
All products
branded with your logo to makeyou stand out from the
There can be lots of new life in post-consumer clothing, says Clive Allcott
Withsustainabilityatthe forefront of ourindustryIthought I would take alookatthe process of turning post-consumer garments intonew garments. This typically involvesrecycling and reusing thematerials from theold garments.So, what’sinvolved?
1Collection: Postconsumer garments arecollected through various channels, such as clothing donation centres,recycling programmes, or textile collection bins.
type,colour,and condition. Thishelps in determiningthe appropriaterecycling processes foreachitem. It is critical and will limit what item can be made from the recyclingprocess.
3Cleaning: The sortedgarments are thoroughlycleaned to remove anydirt, stains, or contaminants. This step is crucial to ensurethe qualityofthe recycledmaterial.
4Shreddingormechanical processing: The cleaned garments arethen mechanically processed, often through shredding or cutting, to breakthemdown into smaller pieces. Thisisespeciallytruefor materialslikecotton or polyester.
5Chemical Processing: In some cases, the shredded material mayundergo chemical processes to break down fibres further.For example,cotton maybedissolved into apulp using theprocess.
6Spinning: Thebroken-downmaterials arethenspun into yarn or thread, creating anew rawmaterial.
7 Weaving or Knitting: The newly created yarn or thread is used to producefabric through weavingorknitting.
8Cuttingand Sewing: Thefabric is cut into patterns, andthe pieces aresewn together to create new garments following asimilarprocess to traditional garment manufacturing.
9Finishing: The newly created garments undergo finishing processes, which mayinclude washing, dyeing, and any necessarytreatments to ensurequality and appearance.
10Distribution: The recycled garments arethendistributed for sale or further use, closingthe loop of therecycling process. All aspects of the recycling process aretraceable enforcing thebenefits of recycling.
The specific processes can vary based on thetype of material being recycled andthe intended end product. Withadvancements in technology andsustainabilitypractices, this will lead to improvements or variations in therecycling process overtime making it thefirst choice when choosing garments or material-based items.
Clive theclothing and bagguru
Thecollectedgarments are sorted basedonfactors like material
Awards |Trophies |Paperweights 675000
of apparel andbags
Well worn merchandise has the potential to get abrand in front of ahugenumber of eyes effectively
As withother areas of merchandise, sustainabilityisa hottopic, and being able to back up claimsisimportant
Oneway of doingthis is throughthe use of adigital passport likeAware,atracer particlethatcan be mixed with recycled material and then trackedthroughthe blockchain. Theresult is adigital papertrail that provesthat aproductiswhatitsaysitis. XD Connects is using Awareinanumberof itsproducts includingbackpacks (see BPMA Product Awards p21).
At atimewhenbuyersare increasingly lookingfor evidence that their suppliers areserious about issues around ESG, BCorpstatus is oneway that companies can illustratethatcommitment. Promotionaltextiles business Mantis Worldwas recently accreditedaB Corp, whichCEO Prama Bhardwaj saidsolidifies everything thecompany has beenworking towardsoverits 20-year history, such as supplychain transparencyand useof organicsintextiles.
“Ata time whenthere aresomany challenges facingthe planet,itshows that thereisa futurefor business that canbe moreconsiderate, morecollaborative,more transparent andthe successes can be more equitable. We reallyhopetoencourage others to join us in this journey,” shesaid.
Theabilitytochoosethe product that is rightfor your client or campaigniscentral to effectiveness.Simply Bags, thenew collection from Goldstar,aims to providethat.Launched initially in theUS, thecollection of 15 distinctive styles is now available in Europe
Options include premium travel bags and backpacks, cotton andjutetotes, coolers
16 | productmedia | MARCH/
and shoppers. Eachbag offers ample space forbranding opportunities, through customisation and decoration. These include all-inclusive pricing to ensurea seamless and transparent ordering process, eliminating anyhidden costs.
Direct-to-garmentprinting –orDTG –has expandedhugely, as it offers high definition digital image reproduction and lowcostset-up that allows forlow minimumorder
T-shirts, sweatshirts, hoodies and bags arewell-suited to DTG,withthe smooth finish of thefabric allowing great colour reproduction. The water-based ink system means there’snowastewhenprinting and only averythin layerofink is used, making it eco-friendly too.
Oneofthe oldestforms of adorning agarment, embroideryhas been brought rightuptodatethanks to modern technology. Embroidering machinescan produce 1,000stitchesaminute meaning it is possible to recreatelogos andcrest incredibly accurately and tastefully.
Embroiderycan providealonger lasting image than printing andishighlydurable.It can be applied to almostany garment, butis probably not suitable if youwanttocovera large area with design
It’snot just thehigh street that respondsto thechangingpace of consumer demand. Merchandisehas alsoput itsskatesonto deliver promotionalclothing at thespeed of culture.
The latestexampleisLaltex, whose Fast Fit Promo division claims to be able to provide hassle-freepromotional clothing with astreamlinedservice from order to delivery in as little asfivedaysfrom artwork approval.
It claimstrade customers can also take advantage of large UK stocklevels; introductoryprices;minimumorders from as lowas10pieces, anda rangeof personalisation techniques.
Thereisnodenyingthattextiles are amulti-billion global industrythat canbeassociatedwitha lotofpractices that clients maywant to avoid,whether that is exploitative labour relations, environmental impact of production processes, or thecost of transportation in termsofcarbon
It is acomplex supply chainand wherever youlookthereare implications forsustainabilityand anyclaims youhear. Thereare no easy answers but that doesn’t mean that youshouldn’t ask thequestions of suppliers.
The reputable ones will be able to provide back up forthe claims they aremaking, as well as explainingthe various certifications that they useand what they do anddon’t prove.Iftheycan’t then youhaveevery right to be suspicious
Headwear is in nowinyear round demand,fromtoastie beanies in winter to coolbuckethatsfor summer events. Duetothis demand, supplierProduct Zone has increased its headwear range, staffing and machinery. It nowprovides awoolmix 6-panelbaseball cap in two colours andasports fabric polyester/Spandex mix in threecolours
Newmembers of staffhaveboosted thegrowingcompany’scapabilitiesin administration,embroideryand printteam, while an expandedembroiderysection nowincludes3 x6 head HappyEmbroidery machines and asinglehead one as well, for fast samplingand small runs.
IAccordingtoa study by the ASI, promotionalclothing is among themosteffectivewaysofgetting your message across to audiences.Itfoundthat promotional outerwear waskept foran average of 16 months, well above thetime that otherpromo itemswereretained PromotionalT-shirtswerekeptfor 14 months, polo shirts for13, bags for11,
andheadwear for10. Withsucha lengthy promotional lifespan,the costper impression (CPI) of these items is very low– often fractions of pennies perimpression
Lead times areanissue forall typesofpromotional merchandise, andbecause lots of clothing comesfrom overseas, this canbeaconcern.
Samedaybags does exactlywhatitsays on thetin. TheMonmouthbasedcompany can turn round bags in 24 hours, forwhen adeliveryismission critical. It hasfound great success supplying foreventssuchas film and product launches.Aslifegetsfaster leadtimes getshorter, so itsservice is in ever greaterdemand
Believeitornot, butyou can have your logoorbrand on underwear, althoughwho knows howwidespread the views arelikelytobe.
Companies can offer arange of custom and personalised underwear,whichisideal as anovelty gift or part of ahumorous marketing campaign. This could include boxer shorts, thongs, or briefsinvarious styles and colours to match exactly what you’re looking forifyour promotion is pants.
The elasticatedmaterial was invented by Dupont in 1958 andwas originally used in underwear.However, its usehas expanded hugely and it can nowbe found in garments from shirtsand trousers to socks and sportswear,allowingapleasing elasticitythatmeans clothesfit moreeasily
Choosing thecorrect item foryour campaignisimportant andthe type of materialusedwillalso determineyour decoration options.
Thereare plentyofmaterials that can be used.The in-houseteam of product designersatbag specialist, Jutebagcan develop an idea andproduce achoice of bespoke designsand materials.Itcan help businesses meet their sustainabilitygoals, using materials which areorganic, recycled, upcycled, closed-loop and Fairtrade-certified.
Among thelatest in therange areHemp, Linen and Cotton fabricswhichare sustainable and can be usedfor luxurypackaging MARCH/APRIL2024 | productmedia | 17 Apparel& bags
Presenting the even more versatile BIC®4Colours®, what colour suitsyou best?
BICGraphic factorypowered by 100% energy coming from renewable sources Manufactured and printed in BICfactories Made in Europe
Themost summeryvibes
Ametallic look with an artistictouch
It used to be that clothing brandssteered well clear of themerchandise marketand focused on consumers whichtheysaw as their primary focus
However, promotional clothing, workwear,sportinguniforms andthe rest is nowsucha massive opportunity that many arehappy to get involved.
The OutdoorsCompany recently announced it had added Adidastoits portfolio of brands that were available for corporatebuyers
Paul Morley-Smith, director at The Outdoors Companysaid: “Weare really pleased to announce our new partnership withAdidas, it really strengthens thesports brands we offer.Theyare aglobalbrand, withagreat range availabletoco-brand, so they areaperfect fit forour brand portfolio.”
OPerformance clothing has been oneofthe greatgrowthareas in promotional apparel in recent years with organisations eagerto showtheir brands on premium garments suchasinsulated jackets,gilets,fleecesand waterproof coats.
Companies such as theOutdoors Companyact as distribution partners for recognised upmarketbrands such as Rab TheNorthFace,and Stormtech.
They alsohaveproducts that can be accessible to those withsmaller budgets, suchasBuff, theleading neckwearand headwear brand whichcan be fully customised andisproduced by afamily companywhichisalso aB Corp
Many clothing companies place greatimportance in their efforts to offer moresustainablechoices.Aswell as garments themselves, with greater use of organicsand ethicallysourced materials, attentionhas shifted to other areas of productionsuchasuse of plasticbags and excess packaging.
Textile decoratorScreenworks is making wavesbychampioningplastic-free packagingacross itsentire product range. Followingextensive researchspanning Europe,ithas unveiled a family of paper-based productsdesignedtocater to allpackagingneeds
At theforefront is the retail-standard tissue paperbag, aflagship product that exceeds industrystandards, boasting FSC certification and
curb-side recyclability. With sixavailable sizes,customers can findthe perfectbag for everyproduct.The transparentpaper design allows foreasyvisibilityofdesigns, labels,and barcodes,simplifying product identification andlabellingwhile reducingtimeand costs.
Screenworks’ commitmentextendsto acompletesuite of eco-friendly solutions, including standard paperpacking tape and paperpallet wrap
Promotional clothingcompanies can work withyou to ensurethatyour budgetworks hardfor you. Price doesnot always equatetoqualitybut they arerelated –you getwhatyou payfor
Having said that,there arewaysofmaking your budget go further.For instance, printing alogoisgenerally cheaper than embroidering. Changing thespec of agarment can lowerthe unit cost. In some cases, it maybeworthwhile to opt forafewer and better approach to what youare buying. Your clothing expert can guide youthrough theoptions.
Wherethere wasonceasharp distinction between high street fashion andwhat organisations andbrands could access fortheir promotional needs,the lines arenow moreblurred.
Buyers nowlooktothe high street rather than acatalogue forinspiration andthe speed at whichfashions become available forcompanies is nowmuchshorter with manypromotional clothing suppliers helping their customersget closertothe cutting edge of fashionwiththeir owndesigns.
It is thehottestbuzzword in promotionalclothing,and thereare lots of ways that theright choice of clothing can demonstratesustainable credentials. However, it’s acomplex area.
Usingorganic cotton means that
chemicals have not been used in production, andless watertoo.However, it stillhas a carbon footprint associatedwithprocessing, transport, and thewidersupply chain.
RPET is increasingly used in clothing andhas thebenefit of not using virgin plastic, but(there’salwaysa but) it is still plastic, notbiodegradable, and difficultto recycle. This doesn’t mean it isn’tsuitable for merchandise, but it does mean youshould be awareofissues surroundingit.
T’sare stillthe number onepick forpromotional clothing. One survey found that on average they arein ourwardrobes forfouryears, andrecycling charityWRAPsaysthatwehaveanaverage of 12 T-shirtseach.
Brands love them because they arerelatively lowcost, popular withrecipients, andgivea massive branding area formessaging.
Kingly has introduced a collectionofupcycled denim products –aprons, bags, hats,earrings, tableclothsand more–combiningcreativity and eco-consciousness. Each piece is crafted with care, transformingdiscardeddenim intobeautiful, functional brandable items
All of theseitems can be impregnated with thePolygiene StaysFresh Technology for an even greater sustainability impact.This allowsgarments to stay fresh and odour-free so they can be washed less frequently.
Accordingtoresearch by theASI,the Americannetwork of promotional businesses,salesofwearables, including shirts, headwear and outerwear,account for 46%ofpromo industrysales. In comparison,
20 | product media | MARCH/
theUKand Europeanmarketislessthanhalf this at about 20%oftotal promotional market sales,ASI claims
The ASI surmises that onereason could be cultural differences witha morecasual clothing cultureinthe US andthe tendency to associatewitha team, school, organisation and business through decorated apparel.
WAdistinctareainits ownright, workwear is amassive marketas companies have discoveredthe value of presentingasmart image that is on brand through theuniformsoftheir staff.
According to areport by AlliedMarket Research, theUKindustry is worth£13bn andemploys 50,000 people. Corporateand office wear makesup46% of themarket, with industrial andprotective clothing at 37%, and theremaining 17%accountedfor by uniforms andcustomisedapparel.
The ing y of promotional textiles was through the most r Product where PF Concept
XeXperts, like PMs ownClive Allcott who provides histextiles knowledge everyissue in hisAsk Clive column. It’salso forXDConnects,the supplierofthe Iqoniqrangeofapparel,withwhich DTBhas formed asupplierrelationshiptooffer all formsofdecoration.
Allcott, commercial director at DTB said:“The newsupply partnership with XD Connects highlights exactly whatboth companiesstand forinour environmental goalsand standardswithevery item carrying adigitalproduct passport andenvironmental footprint data.”
Personalisationcan be agreat wayofmakingapiece of clothing more valued. Whether it is acompany logo, club badge,oranindividual’sname, the appropriatepersonalisationdoeswondersfor thebrand image of your organisation
Wherewouldwebewithoutthese ingeniousfasteners?
Swedish-Americanengineer Gideon Sundbackisgenerallycreditedwithinventing themodern zipperasweknowit, registering hisfirst patent forthe device in Germany in 1909.In1917hereceiveda patent fora device called a‘separablefastener’.
They quicklybecame used in footwear beforecropping up in children’s clothing, and finally adult fashion, and therest is history.
award for Apparel Product
Theingenuityofpromot textileswas rewarded th BPMA’s mostrecent Produc Awards wherePFConcept pickedupthe Platinum awardfor ApparelProduc of theYear
ItsKai unisex lightweight GRSrecycled circular jacket impressed judgeswithits performance as both a garmentand in terms of itsenvironmental performance. PF Concept claims that eachjacket reduces carbon footprintby17%,and can be returned viaatake-back programme detailed on aQRcode.
Part of theElevate clothing range, the jacketisdesigned forbranding, however because permanent branding can shorten thelifespan of garments, theKai has been designed witharemovablelogo sleevepatch
TheGoldaward went to XD Connects’ Abiskorecycled cottonzip throughhoodie made from 50%recycledand 50%organic cotton. Its environmental impact claims areguaranteed,byusing theAWARE disruptive physical tracer andblockchain technologyand 2% of proceedsofeach
Silver in theapparel categorywent to TheOutdoors Companyfor TheNorth
Face Circaloft hooded jacket, which is madefromrecycledpolyester and designed to minimise wasteand pollution.
In theBag &Folder Product of theYear category,XDConnects picked up Platinum forthe Dillon AwarerPETlightweight foldable backpack,madewith100% recycled polyesterembedded with the Awaretracer.
Tancia’sAnti-Theft Backpack from its carbon-neutral Chili range wasGold winner.Also made from recycled PET, it hasa with built-inUSB plug andcharging cable as well as threecompartments carefullydesigned to protect your valuablesfromtheft.
Silver went to Oldeani’sShieldPlusrPET laptop ba cy post-consume MARCH/APRIL2024 | product media | 21 Apparel& bags
GRS recycled circular each jacket
Silver Oldeani’s Shield Plus rPET laptop bag which is made from recycled post-consumer plastic
The Outdoors Company for The North Gold
PRESENT YOUR PORTFOLIO IN THE LEADING MAGAZINE FOR THE GERMAN-SPEAKING PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS MARKET Web: Moreinfo: ghreach by post +ePaper: ,000 readers monthly (distributors, advertising agencies and suppliers) lishedfor morethan40years Wide editorial coverage Digital counterpart: WA eLETTER, weekly email newsletter Esta YOUR ROAD TO SUCCESS
Despite achallenging year,the merchandise sector grew last year and is back on track following the Covid years
The past year has been atough one formany businesses, not just merchandise. The list of challenges facedare enough to triggeranyone who has struggled through them –pandemic, supply chain problems, raging inflation, cost of living crisis, skillsshortage…
However, betterdaysare ahead, in merchandise at least. Sourcing City’sannual lookatthe sector found that in 2023 the overall promotional merchandise marketgrewby4.2% (£47.5m) from £1,134m to £1,182m.
This represents acomplete recovery to 2019 levels, after whichthe sector really hit the skids witha massive drop as theindustryall but shut down and wasforced to furlough staff, reappraisebusiness plans, and find alternative productstosell
Thereport backsupthe most recent IPABellwether report into thehealthofthe wider marketing sector whichfound that forQ4 2023, UK marketing budgets were revised up to theirstrongest level in almost adecade
Slightly overone quarter (26%) of panellists sawtotal marketing budgetsrise, morethan double theproportion registering cuts (11.3%). The resulting netbalance of +14.7% wasupsharplyfrom +5.3% in thethirdquarteroflast year and itshighest since Q2 2014
Good news formerch providers wasthe stateoftwo
segments of marketing spend that aretraditionally aligned withthem –events and direct marketing. Both of these saw strong growth
Events wasthe bestperforming sub-categoryof marketing in thefinal quarter, recordingastronglypositive net balance of +15.9%, itshighest in ayear-and-a-half.Direct marketing sawits greatest upturn(net balance of +12.6%, from +4.3%) sincethe opening quarter of 2005
Sourcing City’sreport claims that theindustry now contains moredistributor and supplier companies than seen beforewith2,737 professional distributor companies, the greatest number recorded. Overall, distributor companies have increasedby43% since 2007
Larger distributors, with aturnoverabove £1m, continue to have asignificantly disproportionateshare of the entiremarketspend. Just5.6%of distributors have 59.2%ofthe market, equating to about £700m
The remaining 40%ofthe marketspend is shared across 2,583 distributor companies.
The number of suppliers in theUK& Ireland marketplace has also been climbing once again following adropduring thepandemic.
Some suppliers arenow operating with fewerstaff withreducedresources,
and less stockpurchased or manufactured. Combined withstaffing issues, and wider business concerns suchas an increase in interest rates, cashflow, import barriers and rising material and transport costs, it is hardly surprising that Sourcing Citynotes that customer service levels have been challengedinsome cases.
However, DavidLong, Founder &Chairman, Sourcing Cityremains optimistic. “Despitethe UK political uncertaintyand turmoil, high interest rates, acost-of-living crisis in manyhouseholds, and inflation taking toolong to getundercontrol, theUK promotional merchandise
industry still grew lastyear This is atestament to the entrepreneuriallifeblood in thecompanies throughout our industry. In 2024 we will see theOlympic Games, Euro Championships, anda likely General Election –all will boost our industry. So,thereisevery reason to expect another year of growth to come.”
Local Support Contact Details
Please contact amember of our local support team for advice on any matter related to debt and credit management
London and South David Barker 07766545871
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KenBrown 07795214426
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Ian Jenkinson 07860 197476
North East,Scotland andNorthern Ireland
MikeCollins 07866 427363 MARCH/APRIL2024 | product media | 23 Outlook
David Long
Changes are afoot at the major distributor following amanagement buyout
Essex-based distributor,Total Merchandiseislooking towards its twentiethanniversarythis year with anew ownership structureafter founderJason O’Connor bought outhis two fellow founders.
Announcedatthe beginningofthe year,the deal sawO’Connoracquiresole ownership of thebusiness following the decision of former businesspartners David Stoddartand Michelle Rae Stoddart to retire.
Thebusiness,whichthe threefounders startedin2004, hasgrown from astart-up to one of theUK’smostrespected distributors of promotional merchandise, employing around 50 staff.
It is five times winner of theSourcing City Distributor of theYear award, as well as apast BPMA Distributor of theYear awardwinner.
“Looking at thejourney Michelle, David and Ihaveundertaken since thedistant days of 2004,Iamextremely proud of what we have all achieved in this time,not least going from threeto50staff and achieving countless awards along theway,” said O’Connor
“I still have apassion and hunger forthe business and thereisalot that Iwant to do with thebusiness to put my stamp on it,” he added.
The first example of change wasanend user expo that TotalMerchandiseheld at nearby Colchester United football stadium in January–the first time it hadheld such an event.Itfollowedonfroma successful suppliershowcase TotalMerchandise held forstaff last summer
“Anend-user showfelt likethe next obvious step,eventhoughwe’dnever done it beforeand it’s not directly in-line with our business model. Butoncethe idea took root, we couldn’tshakeitoff,” said O’Connor.
The companyinvited 20 of itssuppliers to theexpo and wasblown away when more than 100peopleattended on theday
“The feedbackfromsuppliers and attendeeshas been incredible,ashavethe enquiries, andI thinkit'sall averypositive indicator of howthe marketislooking for 2024.We'll definitely lookatmakingthis an annual event,” said O’Connor
Elsewhere, he says that thecompany is looking to streamline its internal processes to take more control overthe service it offerstoclients.
An example is thelaunch of pre-approved artwork in-house, which will have thebenefit of ensuring greater consistencyofbranding across merchandise.
“Atthe moment,mostpeopleinthe industryrely on theart room at the supplier whichmeans that forfivedifferent productsyou can end up withfivedifferent interpretations. Bringing this in-house will massivelyimprove thequality of thebranding andeasesthe burden on our suppliers whoare busy people,”said O’Connor
Morebroadly,the response from the industrytothe change has been pleasing said O’Connor.“We wanted to makethe announcement beforeMerchandise World in case people needed reassuring, butinthe event, we have been welcomedwithopen arms. We’vebeen in theindustry alongtime andpeople arehappywithwhat we aredoing.
O’Connor saidthat theindustry as awhole wasbuoyant at theminuteand that he was confident that therewas growth potential. Thecompanywillsticklargely to themarkets that have made it successful until now.
“There’sa lot of business out thereifyou cantakea good producttomarket. Some things arealwaysoutside of your control but if youput your best foot forwardthenyou cansucceed," he added.
24 | productmedia | MARCH/ Business development
5thJune2024 | Crowne Plaza, Marlow
TheBPMASustainabilityConferencereturnstoMarlow this year forthe next chapterinthe industry’s sustainableapproach. Hostingarange of expert speakers,topics andmemberdiscussions,the member-onlyevent aims to equip memberswithinspiration,actionableinsightand business critical information. Secure your placetoday
BPMA members only
Tickets availablenow via
Specialrates forCharter members. Bookingterms apply.
Limitedsponsorship is availablefor this event. Please contactTom Robey on 01372 371183 formoreinformation
leading European trade show for hepromotional products industry SAVE THE DATE The t TheIndustry’s Whoand How. My PSI. Live. 7– 9 25 Exhibition CentreDüsseldorf
Merchandise professionals were PSI bound for the traditional start of the year in Germany
Despitehiccups caused by demonstrations by German farmers and anational rail strike, PSI, Europe’s main trade showfor promotional products, kicked off 2024 on 7January.
The Düsseldorf showboasted sold-out exhibition space, ariseinvisitor numbers and an optimistic mood, underlining theresilience and innovative powerof merchandise.
Exhibitors were up from 463last year to 567, and represented 29 nations, with theentireexhibitionspace availablein Halls 9and 10 fully occupied. Therewere 11,003visitors from 69 countries, compared with10,509in2023–the figures would have been even higher but forthe wider disruption according to theorganisers.
“I am absolutely overwhelmed by our exhibitors’and visitors’positive response. It shows that we areonthe right trackwithour vision of re-positioning promotional products,” said PSI director PetraLassahn. “Thisisonly achievable withsuchanextraordinarynetwork of PSI partners and friends.”
Exhibitors included such promotional hittersasPFConcept,Midocean,Prodirand XD Design, and therewerevisitor delegations from theUSinthe shapeofASI and PPAI.
TheBPMA’sTom Robeyattended theshow representing theUK, alongside otherUK companies including SowEasyand Allwag.
According to datarevealed at theshow, theEuropean industrylooks to thecurrent business year withoptimism. The results of thePSI IndustryBarometer,aninternational
surveyofthe PSI network across Europe, found that respondents expect sales to rise by 4.5% on average for2024.
It also flagged up issues with70% of participants naming customer price sensitivityastheir biggest challenge, followedbyexcessively high ancillarycosts (61%), competition (49%) and supply chain andlogistics difficulties (42%).
At theshowPSI also helped its members to rise to these challenges withtailor-made education formats based around hot topics suchasartificial intelligence, cyber security, counterfeiting prevention, the new EU Product SafetyRegulation, theEUToy Safety Regulation, and theDigital Product Pass.
PetraLassahn announced thefoundation of thePSI SustainabilityAcademy, which she said servedanongoing need.
“The topic of sustainabilitywill continue to shape thefutureofthe promotional products industry. We will support the
industryinthis endeavour.”
PSI plans to offer exclusive masterclasses and workshops formembers with international speakers from all overEurope. The PSI SustainabilityAwardswillalso return in anew guise next year,said Lassahn.
As well as thousands of current product trends on show, inspiration from thepast wasalsoavailable in theshape of the Museum of Promotional Articles, whichhad been collated by Cybergroup International and opened on theeve of PSI by Düsseldorf’s Lord MayorDrStephan Keller
The special exhibition showed, among other things, historical football fanarticles and items bearing political messages such as replicas of thesuffragetteumbrellas.
“MoPAisatestimonytothe development of marketing and theinfluence of promotional items in our culture,” said MayorKeller.“PSI testifies to theresilience of theindustry, whichhas overcome the challenges of thepandemic against all odds. The commitment to sustainabilityand initiativessuch as theMoPAreaffirmthe industry’sdetermination to recover. ”
The next edition of PSI will take place from 7to9January2025inDüsseldorf MARCH/APRIL2024 | product media | 27 PSI2024
Merchandise companies may need to take greater heed of packaging under Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for Packaging regulations
Under EPR, ‘packaging’ is defined as anymaterial that is used to coverorprotect goodsthat are sold to consumers, andmay also be designed to display acompany’s logoor branding. It includes goodsthatare designed to be filledatthe point of sale, forexample, a reusablewater bottle.
Youwillneed to take action if all of the following apply:
■ you’re an individual business, subsidiary or group
■ youhaveanannual turnoverof £1 million+
■ youwereresponsible formorethan25 tonnes of packaging in 2022
■ youcarry out anyofthe 6‘packaging activities’listedbelow
Packaging Activities:
1Youare supplying packaged goods to theUKmarketunder your ownbrand, whichincludes aname, trademark, or anydistinguishing marks. Regardless of whether youare amanufacturer, importer or distributor –the companyin thesupply chainthatputsits branding on thepackaging mayneed to take action.
Therefore, businesses hiring another companytodoany of th following maystill need to act:
■ producing goods that will be sold under your brandname
■ packing goods that will be sold under your brandname
■ placing yourbranded goods on theUKmarket
2Youplace goods into packaging that is unbranded when it is supplied, this includes bothpackaging foryour ownorganisation or another organisation.
3Your organisation imports products in packaging from outside of theUK, to be supplied on theUKmarket, even where thepackaging is discarded before selling on thegoods. This does not apply when importing filled packaging that is:
■ branded, and you’ve imported it on behalf of abrand owner that is established in theUK
■ unbranded, and yougoontosupply it to a‘large’ organisation (annual turnoverof £2m+ and supplies or imports morethan 50 tonnes of packaging) that applies its brand beforesupplying it on.
4Your organisation owns an online marketplace that allows non-UK businesses to sell their goods intothe UK
5Your organisation hires or loans out reusable packaging suchaswooden pallets.
6Your organisation manufactures or imports emptypackaging, forsupply to ‘small’ organisations withannual turnoverbetween £1-2m, and yousupply or import morethan 25 tonnes of packaging intothe UK
This will depend upon whether youare classified as asmall or large organisation. You’re classed as asmall organisation if either of thefollowing apply:
■ annual turnoverisbetween £1-2m and you’re responsible forsupplying or importing morethan 25 tonnes of empty
packaging or packaged goods in theUK
■ your annual turnoverisover£1m and you’re responsible forsupplying or importing 25-50 tonnes of emptypackaging or packaged goods in theUK
Small organisations must:
■ recorddataabout theemptypackaging and packaged goods yousupplyorimport from either 1January2023or1March 2023.
■ createanaccount foryour organisation from January2024
■ payafee to theenvironmental regulator from 2025
If youmiss thedeadline, youmay need to payapenalty.
Youwill be classed as alarge organisation if both of thefollowing apply:
■ youhaveanannual turnoverof £2m or more
■ you’re responsible forsupplying or importing morethan 50 tonnes of empty packaging or packaged goods
If you’re alarge organisation, to comply withthe regulations, youmay need to:
■ recordand report dataabout the emptypackaging and packaged goods yousupplyorimport in theUK (every 6months) from either 1 January2023or1March 2023. Reporting dates areincluded in thegovernment guidance listed below.
■ createanaccount
■ payawastemanagement fee
■ payscheme administrator costs
■ payacharge to the environmental regulator
■ get PRNs or PERNs to meet your recycling obligations
■ report dataabout empty packaging and packaged goods yousupplied or imported
No enforcement action will be takenabout latesubmission if your dataissubmitted by 31 May 2024.You mayface penalties after this date.
Details on thenext steps to take on EPR can be found at guidance.
The DEFRApackaging team can also provideclarification at
on can found at guidance. can also provide clarification at MARCH/APRIL2024 | product media | 29 Legislation
The benefits of BPMA membership
The benefits of BPMA membership really stack up whatever area of the merchandise sector you are in
Membership of theBPMAcreates manybenefits forthose who join.Being part of theUK’smost prominent trade associationfor thepromotional merchandisesectormeans youare backed by atrusted industrybrand of more than 50 years’ standing.
The BPMA represents excellence, standards and confidence forany buyer providing businesses withelevated status when compared withmerchandise companies that arenot members.
Withthorough checks and audits undertaken on everymember, businesses that displaythe BPMA logo represent reputable, sound organisations.
As well as acompetitive advantage based on being considered areputable business, members enjoyaraft of brilliant handpickedbenefits that have avalue beyond thecost of membership
To see howthose membership benefits stackup, theBPMAhas devised membership calculators fordistributors and suppliers that give abreak down of theactualvalue of your membership.These can be found in theResources section of theBPMAwebsite.
30 | product media | MARCH/
Every business is different, but even by using a few benefits, you could save up to £2 000 or more These include:
■ Credit management - the BPMA credit management package is worth in excess of £5,000
■ Debt recovery
■ HR/Legal/Tax/VAT and Health & Safety Helpline with unlimited access
■ An online resource library with around 800 documents across a range of topics Additional paid for HR and Health & Safety services are available
■ Member Resource Library gives access a wide range of information and downloadable assets, including:
• Latest Industry Research and White Papers
• Business Documents and Templates Legislation
• Compliance & Product Safety
• BPMA Brand Guidelines
• Industry Marketing
■ Strategic business and industry advice for your business, face to face or remotely
• Infographic Downloads
• Presentations Guides & Checklists
• Export Support Case Studies
• Trade Associations Address Book
■ BPMA directories for distributors, suppliers and service providers
■ Discounted stands at Merchandise World and other events such as B2B Marketing Expo and PSI
■ Free BPMA Job Board posts – worth £130 per post
■ Export consultancy through the Institute of Export
■ 10% discount on product and compliance testing services through Intertek SGS and BSI
■ Sustainability partners to help members meet their StepForward Pledge requirements – including Planet Mark, A Good Thing, and First Mile
6March –The BIG Promotional Trade Show, Glasgow
8March –International Women’s Day lunch, Birmingham
20 March –The BIG Promotional Trade Show, Dublin
26 March –StepForward Pledge support sessions (via Zoom).
27 March –BPMASustainability Series. Webinar updatefromAGood Thing (members only)
28 March –BPMAMembers
Orientation seminar,Leatherhead
5June –BPMASustainability Conference, Marlow
27 June –BPMAGolfDay, Nottingham
11 September –Merchandise World, Milton Keynes
6November –BPMAMembers Orientation seminar,Leatherhead
6December -Product Awards presentation, London
Members can also benefit from pre- preferred providers cat ories including:
■ Citation ISO Certification: ISO accreditation 9001 Management, 14001 Environmental Management, 27001 Information Security, 45001 Occupational Health & Safety plus other including GDPR assessment, essentials, eLearning
rom ers in ation: Quality nvironmental nformation onal standards nt, cyber ning
■ The Business Allotment: tailored services for business growth ranging from 12 month plans to deep dive, or 60 minute sessions
■ Love 2 Shop: gift vouchers for high street, branded reward cards, delivery services, customer loyalty, employee recognition, incentive platforms
x: Tax tes Tax offers ery BPMA ember free -minute sultation to ss eligibility
■ CB Tax: Rebates. CBTax every member a free 45-minute consultation assess eligibility.
■ Moneycorp: offering bank-beating exchange rates and guidance on international payments, for importing or exporting, paying staff overseas international expansion.
■ Latcham: data, print, and fulfilment
neycorp: eating uidance on nts, whether porting, as or sion int, digital
■ The Mailing Guy: graphic
g y g p ic design, digital, litho and large format printing, direct mail, event branding
■ PHMG: digital answerphone service
■ PHL Group: order fulfilment contract packing order management systems, warehousing and storage, sales promotion solutions, customer service, IT services
■ Whistl: management and support services across business mail, parcels, fulfilment, contact centres and doordrop media
■ clearBorder: expertise of international trade, border process and business needs BPMA members receive 10% discount off online courses
■ Piscari: in-house group negotiation training
■ Sprint Logistics: worldwide supply chain logistics and freight
■ Fulfilment Matters: e-commerce fulfilment, variable data printing, promotional pick and pack, worldwide e-commerce distribution
■ UKAS: conformity and compliance testing, verification, inspection and calibration MARCH/APRIL2024 | productmedia | 31
This year’s IWD will put the focus on improving equality and diversity. PM heard how one member is driving inclusivity
The BPMA is againmarking InternationalWomens Day(IWD) with aspecialevent formembers whichaimsto#InspireInclusion.
Withorganisations of all kindsstriving for amoregender equal world, Product Media reached out to Castelli to hear about its drive forgreater equalityand diversity in the workforce.
The stationery company is committed to fostering an inclusive anddiverse workplace and consequently has abalanced management team comprised of a50/50 female/male split. It has recently welcomed five new team members, all women with two members in senior positions.
To fortify its commitment to ethical practices, Castelli is pursuing theB-Corp certification, whichitsaysalignswitha dedication to acorporateculture that values and embraces thewell-being of team members and thebroader community.
MarkPoland, managing director of
Castelli Milano 1938 said: “Werecognise that being an inclusive company is not an event, morealifelong ethical process.What we have learned is that ourcommunity is hugely influenced by thevalued contributions eachpersonmakes.”
PM spoke to Nicola Durant, thecompany’s new regional sales manager,about her experience as a woman working in the merchandise sector
AQHowdid youget intothisindustry and what do youlikeabout it?
Interestingly,Ibegan my journey in the promotional industrymorethan20 years ago in Castelli’sexport department. I moved to become an account manager at Senator Pens for15years, beforespending four years at Listawood. Throughout my
career,Ihad theprivilege of workingunder theleadership of Andrew Hill, who wasa true mentor and an ambassadorfor the promotional industry. Equipped withthis knowledge and experience, I havereturned to Castelli Milano 1938.
Everyday is different in this industry. Iget to collaboratewithexceptional people on remarkableprojects. Ilove thecreative part of this industry, as it allows me to engage withawide varietyofproducts.Ihave formed some valuable friendships, including meeting my husband in this industry.
Have youseen change in the waywomen aretreated in the promotional merchandise industry?
AThere have been efforts to promote gender equalityand inclusivityoverthe years. Many companies have implemented policies and initiatives toaddressgender bias andpromote equal treatment forwomen. The introduction of IWD has been apositive
32 | productmedia | MARCH/
(L-R) HalleHopkins, sales support coordinator, Nicola Durant, regional sales manager,Liz Ghosh, artworker, NedGreaves, head of finance Megan Abbs, marketing coordinator
step towardspromoting thecontributions of women. It provides an opportunity to celebratewomen’s achievements.By supporting this day, theindustrycan create amorediverse working environment.
AArethereare enough opportunities forwomen in theindustry?
Thereisalwaysroom forimprovement.
It is important to have open and inclusive conversations. We need to raise awareness through seminars and webinars forexample, and we canintroduce more networkstosupport eachother,providing guidance and opportunities forprofessional growth.Weneed to encourage companies to establish clearprocedures foraddressing gender bias and discrimination, providing measures forreporting incidents and making surethat appropriateaction is taken to addressthem.
QWhat do companies underestimate when it comes to supporting women?
ASupport involvesmorethanjust implementing diversityand inclusion programmes. Manywomen juggle multiple
Last year sawthe BPMA hold itsfirst International Women’sDay event in London. The event featured talks, networking, and lunchfor agroup of women, andmen, from theindustry. Forasector that has historically seen an impressive level of female entrepreneurshipand talent, it wasa chance to formalise theimportance of women in thesector,and to begin the conversation about howtoimprove opportunities and enhance inclusion.
This year,the BPMA is looking to thetheme of #InspireInclusion at its dedicatedIWD members event in Birmingham.
It is hosted at thecentrally located Birmingham ConferenceCentre and tickets include adeliciousnetworking breakfast, keynotespeaker address withlivelypanel discussions, plus a three-course lunchtocontinue the conversation and discussion.
Participants can find out moreabout theevent and
responsibilities, including parental and at home. Companies often underestimate theimportance of offering flexible work arrangements. Providing support forworklifebalance benefits all employees.
Castelli recently conducted atrial and subsequently implemented asteadfast hybrid working policyaimed at fostering aharmonious work-lifebalance forall employees, including working mothers.
Female leadership representation can also inspireand empowerwomen at all levels within theorganisation. Lackof representation maygivethe message that thereare limited opportunities for career advancement.
AQTell us about your role?
As regional sales manager,Imanage sales activities within my keyaccounts, driving sales growth,and building and maintaining relationships. Ifind new business opportunities, collaborating with our marketing team to produce campaigns that our customers can featureintheir social media activity. Ialso analyse market trends, looking at our competitors and
what they areoffering, and makesureany customer feedback is actioned.
QWhat advice wouldyou give to younger women starting out in their career today?
AFirst and foremost,believe in yourself
Have confidence in your abilities and believethat youdeserve to be whereyou are. Your skills and talents arevaluable.
Secondly,remember to lift as you climb.Support other women by sharing knowledge, providing mentorship,and fostering apositive and collaborative work environment.
To encourage futureleaders, we must promoteeducation and encourage ambition in young individuals. Offering tailored development opportunities and investment in young high achievers helps them to develop thenecessary effective leadership skills and to nurture individual growth
We must continue to recognise and celebratethe achievements of women in leadership roles. Highlighted examples of cross-industrysuccess stories can inspire and motivate theleaders of thefuture. MARCH/APRIL2024 | product media | 33 IWD
Continental connections
BPMA membership director TomRobey kicked off 2024 by spreading the word to Europe at two important events
Inthe realm of promotional products, wherecreativitymeets strategy tradeshows serve as vibranthubs forindustryprofessionals to connect, collaborate, and innovate.Thisyear,the BPMA hadthe privilege of immersing into two prominent events in thepromotional products calendar: CTCO Lyon 2024 and PSI Dusseldorf 2024.Here’saglimpse into bothgatherings.
Just outside Lyon,CTCO2024brought together an arrayofindustrystakeholders from theEU. Over thecourse of three dynamic days, theevent servedasamelting pot of innovation, showcasing thelatest EU trends, technologies, and strategies shaping thefutureofpromotional marketing.
Amidst thebustling atmosphere, the BPMA had theopportunitytoengage withbothEuropean and US associations and organisations, including thePPP (Netherlands), BAPP (Belgium), 2FPCO (France), PWA(Sweden), and AimFap (Spain), amongst others. These interactions underscored theglobalnatureofthe promotional products industryand the importance of collaboration in driving innovation and growth
Oneofthe highlights of our participation at CTCO Lyon wasmyinvolvement in a panel discussion titled USA, Europe: du dialogue àlacollaboration [USA, Europe:
dialogue and collaboration] where industryleaders dissected keytrends and challenges facing thesector.The exchange of insights and perspectives during thesesessions wasboth enlightening and inspiring, offering actionable strategies to navigatean ever-evolving marketlandscape.
Prior to my attendance at CTCO Lyon, the BPMA had thepleasureofparticipating in PSI Dusseldorf 2024,heldinvibrant Dusseldorf,Germany. This premier trade showservedasagateway tothe European promotional products market, offering aplatformfor industryprofessionals to showcase theirlatestofferings and forge meaningful connections.
During PSI Dusseldorf,the BPMA had
theopportunitytosupport members of theBPMAand explorea wide range of innovative products and solutions from exhibitors across theglobe. Beyond thebustling trade showfloor theassociation also seized thechance to network at associationand general industry events, fostering valuable connections and gaining insights intoemerging trends and best practices.
As theassociation reflects on experiences at bothCTCOLyon2024and PSI Dusseldorf 2024,weremind ourselves of theboundless opportunities forinnovation and collaboration within thepromotional products industry. These gatherings serve as catalysts forcreativityand connection, fuelling our collective efforts to drive positive change and makealasting impact in theworld of marketing and branding.
CTCO is athree-daypromotional garments andgiftsshowheld in Lyon, France, and is theonlyFrenchevent positioned at thebeginning of theyear.Ittakes placealongside sister showC!Printwhich focuses on therelated area of visual communication andgraphics
Thisshowattracts more than 300exhibitors andmorethan10,000visitors overthe threedays. Next year’s showison4-6 February2025inLyon.
The next editionofthe long-running PSI show will be held in Dusseldorf on 7-9January2025.
34 | productmedia | MARCH/APRIL2024 On theroad
For further information please contact us at any time: E T 0333 77 22 312 Int +44 (0) 333 77 22 312 ? SUPPORTED BY SPONSORED BY Yo Br dAmbassador Nothing compares to real life and live events, so we are delighted to announce The BIG shows are back this spring! Register now and get engaged! Now incorporating and co-locating The BIG Wearables Trade Show as well. The BIG Promotional Trade Shows are the promotional merchandise and wearables eventstoget to in 2024. • More than 70 key suppliers &brands • Free to attend • See all the latest products • Convenient locations • Collect samples, catalogues &ideas • Free parking • Refreshmentsprovided throughout the day The BIG Promotional Trade Showexhibitions are closed trade events. Only bona fide distributors and resellers of business gifts, promotional merchandise and printwear may attend. Suppliers, manufacturers and their affiliates and all service providers must exhibit to be able to attend. Loving it Live! BIGSHOWS VENUES IDEAS Promotional Merchandise Wearables Business Gifts Printwear Sustainable Products Headwear Systems ...and more! Nothing beats the power of meeting face to face! REGISTER NOW AT By thetrade, for thetrade Your Brand Ambassador HEADLINE SPONSOR GLASGOW 6MARCH Crowne Plaza HEATHROW 18 APRIL Marriott DUBLIN 20 MARCH Crowne Plaza MANCHESTER 24 APRIL MUFCOld Trafford MANCHESTER 25 SEPTEMBER Emirates OldTrafford HEATHROW 16 OCTOBER Sheraton Skyline
TheNottinghamshire | 27th June 2024
Joinusfor theAnnual Golf DayatThe Nottinghamshire Golf andCountry Club this June. Opentoall BPMA members andindustrygolfers,thisspectacular course promisesan exciting day, greatgolfand brilliantcompany.
Theall dayevent starts with breakfastat9am before teeingoff to startThe SignatureCourse 9holescramble, pausing to enjoylunch before theafternoon’s18holeStablefordBetter Ball competitiononThe Championship Course.Finishingthe daywith awelldeserved dinner andAwards, we’llbeawardingNearest thePins, LongestDrive andseeingwho gets theannual wooden spoon!
Book your placetoday
Visit to book teamsand places. This is an inclusiveevent.
£145+vatper person or ateamof4for £560+vat forBPMAmembers.Non BPMA members £175+vat perperson or ateam of 4for £700+vat.Bookingterms apply.
Venue:The Nottinghamshire Golf &CountryClub. Visit formoreinformation aboutthe course Allmembers andnon-members welcome. Hotelaccommodation availablelocally.