Raiseaglass to the latest drinkware p12
6 Back to MK Thebiggest ever Merchandise WorldinBucks 10 Goinginternational TheBPMAjoins forces with global peers
As we roll towardsthe endofthe year there’salot goingoninthe merchandise sector,asreflectedinthisissue of Product Media.
MerchandiseWorld in Milton Keynes probablyfeels like quitea whileago now –someofyou were stillnursing summer suntanswhich areprobablyabit more fadedasweenter autumn.However,the show proved theperfect setupfor the Golden Quarterwhere many companies do alot of business.
Milton Keynes 2024 wasthe biggest show so far in Buckinghamshire,and abuzzy indicator of what’s newand
ProductMedia Magazine is availabletothe whole promotional merchandiseindustry.
It is theofficial magazine of the BritishPromotional Merchandise Association (BPMA)
20 Take five Anew approach to supplier meetings 21 In thechair TheBPMA’snew chairmanprofiled
Environmentalactivist Kingly’ssustainability queen
innovativeinour sector. It also proved a timely opportunityfor Briman suppliers to cometogether and discussthe way aheadfor Britishmanufacturers –they metthe dayafter,along with theBPMA’s CEO PhilGoodmanand Membership Director Thomas Robey.
As we getnearerChristmas, thereare morechances to cometogether as the BPMA holds thefirstofwhatithopes will be regularsocial events.The first is in London andwillbeagreat opportunity to network andhavesomefun with colleagues oldand new.
TheBPMA’snew Chair, CliveAllcott,will
BritishPromotional Merchandise Association
Fetcham Park House, LowerRoad, Fetcham,Leatherhead, Surrey,KT22 9HD
Allphone enquiries: 01372371183
www.productmediamagazine.co.uk www.bpma.co.uk
be on hand to pressthe flesh andexplain hisvisionfor theAssociationoverthe next coupleofyears (see theprofileonp21 for moredetail). Buildingonthe good work of hispredecessor,HaydnWilletts, part of this involves engaging with thenextgeneration of theindustry, so we look forwardto seeing plentyofyou there.
Anothermust-attend,on6December, is theBPMAProduct Awards Liveevent wherewewillbecelebrating thebest of thebest products in ourindustry. Theshortlist is on p33 andthere’sonly a shorttimetowaitbeforethe winnersare revealed. It shouldbeablast
Design andProduction ATGMedia, www.atg-media.com
Photography shutterstock.com Freepik.com
BPMA issues update on GOTS certificationwarnings
The BPMA has recentlymademembers aware of an issue arising in Germany aroundthe GOTS certification for organic textiles.
Launched in 2006 GOTS (GlobalOrganic Textile Standard) is a comprehensive process that ensures theorganic status of textiles throughout thesupplychain,fromthe harvestingofraw materials throughenvironmentally and socially responsible manufacturingtolabelling.
It had come to theattention of theBPMAthatGOTShad warned German distributors that they were infringing GOTS certification by mentioning GOTSintheir ownmarketing, without obtaining certification themselves.
This led us to theBPMAseeking further clarification from the GOTS UK regional representative, Christopher Stopes.
The Association’s understanding of thecases in Germanyand howthey might affect theUKare primarily based upon thefollowingguidelines:
n GOTS is seekingtocreate an end-to-end supply chain of certifiedbusinesses
n Non-certified distributors currently listing GOTS products can continue to list these products butthey areunable to makeany mention of GOTS, nor presentthese items as GOTS certified products (either in mention or in labelling)
n In order foradistributor to marketthese products as GOTS certified, thedistributor is also obliged to undertakeGOTS certification–theyare not coveredbytheir supplier’sGOTS certification.
While thecurrent cases in Germanyare in reference to distributor businesses, thesame restrictions apply to anysupplier selling GOTS products.
The GOTS Standardis reviewed and revisedevery threeyears, thereforethisadvice maychange, and businesses
must monitor these updatesto ensurecompliance
If youare seeking GOTS certification,you must work with aGOTS-approvedcertifier,which arelisted on theGOTSwebsite.
This is clearly acomplex issue,and theBPMAstrongly encourages allmembers that have anyinvolvement withGOTS productstorefer to theGOTS website to ensure that they are compliant withall restrictions surrounding theuse and mention of GOTS, and/or make direct contact with theGOTS UK representative forspecific clarification on their ownissues.
The BPMA remainsincontact withthe GOTS UK representative and our Europeancounterparts, and willcontinuetoshare any further updates.
To hit tough net zero targets, all organisations will need to make fundamental changes. A new benchmark report couldhelp keep them on track
Smaller businesses in theUKremain committed to achieving net zero butface financialand informational barriers, according to thefirst UK NetZeroCensus by theUKBusiness ClimateHub andPlanet Mark
The reportisone of thelargest into theeffects of thenet zero challengewith 2,005organisations participating. It aims to provide an annual benchmarktoassess current measures and initiativesundertaken by organisations of all sizes and industries.
While larger organisations demonstrate higher levels of engagement and resource allocation towards net zero initiatives, the census found that smaller organisations often struggle withfinancial and informational barriers.
However, net zero is increasingly mentioned by customers, with46% of organisations reporting requests forcarbon data.
This external pressurefor transparency signifies agrowing demand for accountabilityinorganisations of all sizes, withlargerorganisations cascading requirements down through theirsupply chain –often on to SMEs who fall outside thescope of regulatory compliance like SECR (Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting –the mandatoryrequirement forlarge UK businesses to annually report on their energy and carbon emissions, and efficiencymeasures).
Despitethis push, only 33% of organisations have currently measured a full baseline carbon footprint, including all scope 1, 2and 3emissions.
Costs emerge as amajor obstacle to achieving net zero,with59% of SMEs and larger enterprises citing financial constraints as asignificant barrier. Although government grants and funding areavailable, only 25% of organisations have accessed them, suggesting alackof awareness.
The reportreveals thereisasignificant opportunitytobridge thegap forsmaller organisations by providingtailored financial and proficiencysupport. Such initiatives
would empower SMEs to contributemore effectively to national net zero targets.
Recommendations include: n addressing high costs through targeted financial incentives n improvingregulatory certainty withlong-termregulatorytimelines and policies to provide stabilityand confidence forinvestment in net zero initiatives n training and capacitybuildingby workingwithindustryassociations to improve access to expertise
Andrew Griffiths, director of policy& corporatedevelopment at BPMA partner, Planet Mark, whichhelped produce the census, said that although manybusinesses had ambitious plans fornet zero,some are setting unrealistic expectations and maynot fully realise theimplications.
“In thetalks and workshops Planet Mark do at conferences and industryevents, we regularly find that people remain confused about what net zero means fortheir business, often mixing it up withother termslike carbon neutral,” he said. “Clarity, consistency and education areessential to help all organisationsget to grips withthe realityof net zero fortheir industrysothattheycan progress meaningfully and credibly towards it.”
The most common net zero action was found to be energy efficiencymeasures, whichhavebeenimplemented by 59% of respondents, and 47% switching to renewable energy contracts.
Wastemanagement and reduction efforts arebeing takenby53% of organisations, but alowerproportion of organisations reportembarking on initiativesthatreduce thecarbon emissions from their coreproducts (38%), suggesting this is amorechallenging area.
Businesses expect carbon reduction to benefit their businesses in anumber of ways, including enhancing reputation (45%), competitive advantage (38%), new customer acquisition (37%), customer retention (36%), and cost savings (20%).
Griffithsadded: “With73% of respondents saying net zero is apriorityfor their
The 2008 ClimateChange Act was amended in 2019,setting alegal target forthe UK to reachnet zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.Targets have been proposed forvarious sectors, withthe industrial sector challenged to reduce emissions by 90%by2050, andby two-thirds by 2035
MAKE UK reportsthat 92%of manufacturers understand theUK’s transition to net zero as abusiness priority.
73% -see NetZeroasa strategic priority
57% -havea carbon reduction plan and 39% have seen reductions
52% -measured at least apartial baseline carbon footprint, and 29% plan to do soin thenext 12 months
33% -measured all scope 1, 2and 3 carbon emissions
48% -haveset NetZerotargets for 2035 and 28% aretargeting 2030
46% -havebeenasked by customers forcarbonfootprint datainthe past 12 months
(Source: UK NetZeroCensus 2024) business strategy within thenext 12 months, UK organisations have made their intent clear. The findings also send aclear message that targeted support and astable policyenvironment is critical forthemto implement effective net zero strategies.”
Time to connect
biggest ever September edition of Merchandise World allowedvisitors andexhibitors to build relationships and business
Ifit’sSeptember, it can only meanone thing– it’stimefor thepromotional merchandise industrytoheadfor the Marshall Arena in Milton Keynes for Merchandise World.
Looking collectively tanned and refreshed after thesummer, suppliers and distributors were eager to reacquaint themselves as the traditional countdown to Christmas and the end of theyear kickedoff
This year’s event sawarecord109 exhibitors assemble in Buckinghamshireto provide distributors withthe latest updates on promotional products and services.
Visitors were mainly from theUKand Ireland, but therewerealso distributor visitors from theEU, and according to the organisers, themood wasenthusiastic witheager attendees glad to see each other and valuable business conversations taking place.
Therewas an average of around two people per companyfromthe 200 distributor companies visiting, and the showwas supported by thebiggest UK distributors and professional smaller distributors.
Showorganiser,EllaLong said: “Wewere delighted to again put on sucha successful show,and it is always makes my dayspecial to get so manycompliments from satisfied visitors and exhibitors.”
Witha morerelaxed atmospherethan
Worldevent in January, the Milton Keynes event is perfect forsuppliers and distributors to converse at greater length on subjects that matter to them, said BPMA membership director,Tom Robey
“MiltonKeynesisa great opportunityfor theindustryto come together ahead of the all-important Christmas orders period. Because it is slightly less hectic than at other times, it provides visitors withtime to reacquaint themselves with their industrycolleaguesina moreleisurely manner.For those who hadn’t already met thenew BPMA CEO Phil Goodman, it wasa chance to makehis acquaintance, along withthe rest of theBPMAteam,” he said.
The team at Willsmer Wagg agreed that themorepersonal setup allowedthem to engage withkey suppliers and explore innovative new merchandise and branding techniques.
with the –something that can’tbefully achieved online,” they said.
“Some of theproducts we reviewed were truly spectacular,and we can’twait to sharethese cutting-edge options withour clients. Networking at keysourcing shows across theUK, EU,and globally is essential
As well as thenew man at theBPMA, the exhibition featured 14 new suppliers to the showand overseas exhibitors represented 13%ofall exhibitors. Severalofthese exhibitors’presented products or services not readily available through UK suppliers. Others offered EU based services enabling
distributors to order and deliverdirectly within theEU.
The focusonenvironmentally friendly products waswell represented. ECOWorld once again provedanefficient wayfor visitors to identifythe topenvironmentally friendly products in theshowhall.
Other favourites were thefreebreakfast and lunch, therovingtea trollies, and the ever-popular Massage Angels forthose who needed some respitefromthe buzz
Here aresome of our highlights.
Samedaybags.com had anovelapproach to grabbing theattention of visitors with
afairground-style claw machine offering thechance to win atop-of-the-range cuddly toy
The company, whichcan printbranded bags and deliverthem within 24 hours, had arecordnumber of visitors to its stand, enticed by thefun atmosphere and thefree eco-friendly Stanley Stella big bag, printed withaneco-friendly DTFprint, whichwas a showcase of thefirm’swork.
Owner,Melvin Green, said: “Part of the fun at atrade showistrying to find away to attract attention. We knowthat once people get achance to see our products and chat to us we canhavemeaningful discussions about helping them find printed merchandise.”
Textile specialist Kingly wasdemonstrating thesweet smallofsuccess withits scent impregnated socks whichithas produced witha view to theChristmas market. The smelly socks –inanice way–come in cinnamon and apple, or mint and chocolate to providea magicalsensory experience.
Kingly also added ‘sparkle andshine’ to their socks withLurex and metallic yarn.AsalwayswithKingly,the sustainabilitycredentials areimpeccable. Notonly arethe items produced to high environmental standards, theirpackaging is composable too.
Boss RobArmour and ops manager Chris Edwards were on hand to fill visitors in on
WHERE -CBS Arena, Judds Lane, CoventryCV6 6GE
WHEN –22-23 January2025. Show opens from 8.00 and closes 17.00on Day1,and 15.00onDay 2. There’sfree lunch, teaand coffee, and breakfast is servedonbothdaysfrom8.00-10.00. WHY –The start of eachyear is the main time when everyone involved withsales in professional distributor companies wish to meet suppliers to discoverthe new and best-selling promotional products forthe new selling year
HOW -visitors can register at merchandiseworld.co.uk. Thereis afreestation transfershuttle bus to and from Coventrystation every30 minutes between 08.00-17.30 on Day1 and 08.00-15.30 on Day2.Freeairport transfers from Birmingham International areavailable by prior arrangement.
all theinnovations in thepipeline, suchas diabetic socks and themuchanticipated follow up to Rob’sbook101 Uses fora Kingly Sock. We can’t wait!
At this time of year it pays to wrap up and therewas plenty of warm and stylish clothing on displayatThe Outdoors Company’sstand withbrands including thePatagonia, The NorthFace, Rab,and Berghaus.
DanRogers of The Outdoors Company said that as well as providing quality clothing foruse outdoors, manycompanies were interested in theprogrammes that theseclothing brands supported, and which could support ESG schemes.
To acertain extent, companies can piggybackonthis sort of feelgood factor of brands likePatagonia, whichhas a1%for thePlanet scheme to preserve and restore thenatural environment. Parksfor All by HydroFlask supports parks, and Berghaus partners withLondon National Park Cityto makethe capital greener
Tech specialist Desktop Ideas had lots of neat ideas to showasusual, including avoice activation product whichisan industryfirst. The companywas showing the lamp that responded to voicecommands, demonstrating that technology is making strides intonew and fascinating areas.
Managing director Matt Pluckrose said that theproduct, whichwas due to launchin January, hadgreat potential forencouraging brand awareness and demonstrated the level of innovation in thesector
Desktop Ideas wasalsocontinuing its sustainable journey withits products increasingly using sustainable packaging, as well as products themselves made with recycled and recyclablematerials.
SowEasy,the seed company, is increasingly moving intoplants withthe launchoflive plants suchascactus and succulents for those of us who need abit of help to get our green fingers working.
The new range makes foraperfectly unique, premium giveaway withplants packed carefully in recyclable packaging forposting direct to recipients. The cute hand-crafted pots makeagreat and lasting impression.
Withthe festive season looming, the companyalso promoted its greeting card seedsticks withNorwayspruce seeds included, so youcan grow your own Christmas tree.
FellowBriman companyFirst Editions had its usual arrayofdrinking vessels on display forvisitors and news of amove intonew premises so that its production and printing will have theirown dedicated spaces.
Withits upgraded facilities, thecompany waspromising a‘SuperheroTurnaround’ on its branded drinkware –just five days on the corerange including theOlympic 500ml and750ml, theBio 500mland 750ml, and theAqua 500mland AquaMax 750ml. Ideal forgym bunnies everywhere.
Also promoting theart of hydration wasSiggwhichdisplayedanimpressive selection of outdoor waterbottles as featured at Wimbledon and theFrench Open. The companyisperhaps better known forits aluminium bottles which keep thecontents coolwhether youare yomping through theAlpsorjust strolling around thelocal park
Moredrinks vessel innovation wasavailable from Topl,anew player Ithe reusable cup sector (see drinkware featureonp12).
Although this is an area wherethereis no shortage of options, Topl,afamily firm, bring an innovative spill proof topthat allows 360degreeaccesstoyour drink whichmakes it easier to drink than one with asingle sipping point.
The cups can be engraved andalso chipped to powerloyaltyschemes –apilot is being planned.
Withonly about threemonths shopping until Christmas, therewereobviously lots of gift idea from exhibitors.
Tancia Group wastalking up its Festive Trendz Catalogue, packed withaffordable, high-quality promotional items to makesure everyone has theperfect gift forthe season. Choices included writing instruments, Christmas hampers, drinkware,bags, festive decorations, and tastytreats.
These ideas aresuitable forcorporate gifts, showing appreciation to employees, or just spreading some holidaycheer Low minimum order quantities (MOQs) and quickleadtimes makeiteasy to cater to both clientsofany size, and deal withlast-minuteorders.
The Sweet People had an array of tastytreats, including its ultimate chocolateindulgence in theshape of agrand selection box, featuring 18 mouth-watering, cocoa-richtruffles and abespoke 6-piece batonbar.It’sSALSAaccredited, meaning eachtruffle uses thefinest cocoabeans and filling.
No Christmas list would be completewithout amention of Festive Promotions, forwho it is Christmas all year round. Timand theteam were on-hand to prove they were Christmas ready withquotations, samples, and visuals forChristmas orders or baubles, candles, snowglobes, and more.
Discoverour NEW brand
Trade associations from around the world shareda platform in the US focused on shared challenges
The BPMA joined forces withthe promotionalmerchandisetrade associationsrepresenting the US (PPAI), Canada (PPPC) and Australia (APPA)for an association think tank ahead of the2024PPAISustainability Summit in Alexandria, Virginia on21-24 September 2024
BPMA CEO,PhilGoodman and incoming BPMA Chair Clive Allcottrepresented theBritish industryinafull-daysession wherethe trade associations of theUS, Canada and Australia discussed all issues and opportunities within themerchandise industry. They were then guests of thePPAI forits two-daySustainabilitySummit.
Goodman said it wasreassuring to learn that theBPMAand theindustryinthe UK appears to be leading thesustainability challenge. No other nation’s trade association has anything comparable to theBPMAStepForward Pledge he said, although theUSteam used its Summit
to launchits owninitiative to assist their members on thechallenge (see box).
The session resulted in an agreement to shareknowledge and experience on howthe tradebodies eachapproach the subjects of Education, Awards,Trade Shows, Technology and Communication.
Phil Goodman said: “It wasfantastic to have theopportunitytopresent our strategic plans to our friends in theUS, Canada and Australia, and forittobeso well received. Moving forward, itwill be great to continue to shareknowledge and experiences from other markets to help keep theBPMAatthe forefront.”
Clive Allcottadded: “It wasa beneficial trip withround tablediscussions offering alignment withthe other associations and theabilitytodiscuss common goals, opportunities and challenges. It wasalso great to meet withdistributors and suppliers from across The Pond, of whichmanyhave aUKpresence.”
PPAI has partneredwithsoftware provider Green Business Benchmark(GBB) to provide its members withthe toolstoassess where they areontheir sustainabilityjourney and wherethey need to get to GBBoffers sustainability management, programme management, benchmarking and detailed progress plans to achieve outsidecertifications or to select and executesustainabilityinitiatives.
ElizabethWimbush, PPAI’sdirector of sustainabilityand responsibility, said that she had been workingwithGBB forayear to help if understand the merchandise industry.
“This platformwillhelp promo companies get started on, benchmark existing and determine what next level impact potential they have withavariety of different sustainabilityinitiatives,” she said. “We’ve even workedtogether to develop an industryspecific initiative pack just forpromotional products. No more sighing and trying to explain that no,your supply chain isn’t that straightforward.”
The Association hopes the partnership will empowermembers to go further than manyclients and end users mayalready be asking of them. Over time, it is hoped that the industrycan reshape its reputation into one in whichcompanies areknown for their efforts in sustainability.
GBBcan be used to create andtrack sustainability-based initiatives, whether trying to attain outside certifications or achievethe criteria to be able to makea certain environmental claim.
It is suitable forbothdistributorsand suppliers, and GBBusers will be able to develop industry-specific initiative packs, essentially creating detailed and organised to-dolists
Acompanycan also assess itself through other existing frameworks and certifications. GBBdoesnot provide outsidecertification, but it can helpa user checkall theappropriateboxes with therelevant data.
Customisable initiativescan sort any givensustainabilitytask by effort, cost and/ or impact on ahigh/medium/lowscale. Companies participateinasurveyto determine their initial score. Scoring is self-reported, but GBBwillaudit scores, particularly if drastic change occurs in a short period of time.
GBBalso awards companies with sustainabilityscores based on their achievements. End users can access a givencompany’sGBB scorepublicly
Customers canthink of promotional clothing andworkwear as different beasts but suppliers can provide both, says CliveAllcott
Overthe last fewmonths,I have been attendingand presenting at someterrific enduser showswith selected distributors. The format of theshows has provedverysuccessful with theend user customerhavingthe opportunitytosee newand exciting products, possibledecoration methods, and discuss their requirements.
Withclothing and decoration being at the forefront of my presentation Iwas surprised at my findings. When asked whether they used promotional clothing, thereply would sometimes be negative with customers saying they tended to use moregeneric items such as apen or mug. Ifound this surprising as clothing registers in
thetop 10 of promotional items.
However, when asked whether they required workwear,end users admitted that they used polo shirts, jackets forshows and fleeces foroutdoor teams.
Standardworkwear and promotional clothing areoften similar products –fleece, softshell, cargo trousers, polo shirt, apron, and so on. However, in thecustomer’s mind they mayfall into two very different categories. Just by asking aquestion differently we can identify aneed forclothing whichmay be theopening youwerelooking for. Somebody out thereissupplying the builders, theplumbers, thehairdressers,
Finding the sweet spot when it comes to choosing suppliers is more than just a matter of price, says Ashleigh Clark
Whether sourcing confectioneryor calendars, suppliers and distributors should lookfor partners that offer afullrange
of competencies to ensurethat branded products not only enhance campaigns but also uphold thestandards that consumers
From design and assembly to packaging and distribution, an all-under-one-roof approach guarantees greater qualitycontrol andflexibility.Thi shorter lead times, bespoke designs, and to cater to avarietyoforder sizes –all forsuccessful promotions.
Unique, personalised packaging speaks to abrand’sidentityand can leave alasting impression on recipients. Investing in creative packaging solutions that reflect theclient’s branding not only increases product appeal but also elevates theoverall campaign impact.
thebars and restaurants so whynot you?
Withthe above in mind be awarethat general workwear is different from technical PPE (personal protective equipment), whichrefers to protective clothing, helmets, goggles, or other garments or equipment designed to protect thewearer’s body from injury or infection. The hazards addressed by protective equipment include physical, electrical, heat, chemicals, and biohazards all of whichcan be branded. It’soften the HR department that ordersthe workwear overthe promotional products, so ask those questions and get selling.
As agarment decorator we areagreat source of knowledge and will be able to help youwithall your requirements including not just workwear but also PPE. HappySelling Clivethe clothing and bagguru
expect from high-qualitybrands. Here’s howtomakeyour selection.
Choosing partners that embody these values ensures asuccessfuland responsible promotional campaign. Ashleigh Clark is head of sales and marketing at TheSweet People,asupplier of branded confectioneryand chocolate.
While price is often akey factor in decision-making, quality should never be compromised. Forexample, food yand product excellence must remain non-negotiable. Suppliers withrobust food safetycertifications and stringent standards help protect your brand’sreputation.
Sustainabilityisnolonger just atrend but expectation. Distributors and suppliers should prioritise working withpartners who ommitted to ethical practices, eco-friendly oduction, and long-termenvironmental sponsibility. Sustainabilityshould be acore value, reflecting awider commitment to bothqualityand ethical business practices.
Drinking culture
ProductMediaraises a glass and other vessels to innovation in the hydration sector
Globally themug marketisworth almost $27billion in 2024,and withannual growth predicted at 9.5%,itispredicted to grow to $53bn by 2031.
Driving this growth is thetrend for customisation and personalisation, with consumers looking forunique and stylish mugs that reflect theirpersonality.
Personalisation is also affecting what we drink. No longer do Brits ridicule Americans’ seemingly ludicrous demands forhow they like theirdrinks, whether it'sskinnyorfull fat, withoat, almond or soymilk, or with sprinkles or not. We toohaveembraced the cultureofchoice wholeheartedly.You are what youdrink, it seems. And also what you drink it from.
Convenience and portabilityhave affected howdrinks fit intoour lives. No longer arewetied to thecafétable. One surveyestimated that Brits were spending £530 ayear on takeaway coffees. No wonder therehas been acorresponding growth in theuse of reusable drinks cups. Withoutlets offering varyingdeals forthose whobring theirown cups, even a50p discount can add up to almost £80ayear
Reusable coffee cups areaglobalmarket worth$16.3bn in 2023,according to Research Nester. It will double to $33.8bn by 2036.
Elsewhere, the crackdownon single use plastic has seen the rise and rise of portable drinks bottles. Amarketthat wasonce confined to sport has mushroomed to include almost everyone as we obsess about our hydration and areseemingly unwilling to go anywherewithout adrink to hand. It is hardly surprising thereforethat the UK marketfor reusable waterbottles is forecast to grow by morethan 50%by 2032 to £378m.
These trends in drinking areaffecting the promotional merchandise sector which has also seen theongoing affect of a post-pandemic shift in working cultures to amorehybrid model. Withmanypeople spending part of theweek in theoffice, and part of it working remotely,withcommuting in between, theirneeds have changed. Rather than having asingle favouritecup, many nowhavea work and home cup,plus atravelmug, and-or waterbottle.
The worldhas become more complicated, and themarketfor merchandise has opened up.Weasked merchandise playerswhat changesthey are seeing in drinkware
Josh Stephenson, director,Impression Europe marvels at themanydifferent varieties of drinking vessels nowavailable. Drinkware remainsatop selling category forthe Essex-distributor withchoice ranging from glass bottles, foldingbottles, protein shakers, metal bottles, eco options, and Thermos cups.
“I remember when theChilly-style bottle came out and it went crazy, andnow thereare so manyvariations of thebottle,” he says. “Metal bottles areconstantly in demand, likewise plastic bottles. We also findthat travel mugs areverypopular.”
Eco is abig trend and theseproducts arenow coming intothe same price and lead time bracketasthe more mainstream options. When thecompany finds acheaper eco alternative,itnow brings this into itsrange and discontinues theoriginal one.
Of course, eco also goes hand in hand withinnovative products suchasthe Dopper bottle, whichImpression supplies. The lightweight bottle claims to be the world’sfirst Cradle-to-Cradle certified sustainable bottle, witha zero carbon footprint. It also looks great, withathree part manufacturethattransforms thetop of thebottle intoacup
Overall, customers arelooking fora combination of speed and price. Digital print is becoming alot morepopular with theoption of rotary print providingthe opportunitytocreatesome spectacular looks, he adds.
Impression also offers aUKexpress range forquickturnaround orders.
Arecent trend in drinkware has been that bigger is better,notes Malcolm Fritschy, MD of Oldeani. Huge drinking vessels with volumes of up to 1.2 litres have become ‘must have’items among certain groups who have latched on to thestyle potential of matchingamassive mug witha particular outfit.
“Wealwayswatch theretail marketwhen selecting our products forkey trends,” he says, pointing out that sourcing forthe promotions markethas particularities.
Companies investing in drinkware for marketing purposes need products that appeal to abroad audience, so products often need adapting. Oldeani’sGrande and
Tahoe insulated cups are examples of this
“We wanted something that followed the trend of oversized cups with straws but weren’tsobulky, theverylarge cups area bit of a‘Marmiteproduct’ so we selected models that we felt were moresuited to thepromotions market,” says Fritschy “The whole team gets involvedinproduct selection and use our products so we know them inside out.”
The Grande is an 880ml, insulated cup made from RCScertified stainless steel withastraw forcolddrinks and lid that canbeeasily converted to acoffee cup withsipping spout. The Tahoerecycled cup is new this year taking inspiration from popular retail models but at 590ml it’smore of an everyday cup withanergonomic design that’s easy to hold. The new designs inject an element of fun intothe range broadening their appeal to theyounger generations, he adds.
Demand forthe classic Oasis recycled 500ml bottle in 17 powder coated colours has remained strong and is joined by a new model, theCari, whichhas asleek design that is proving popular with corporateclients.
Branding potential remainsimportant when selecting drinkware.Rotarydigital printing offers full colour designs that wrap,while laser engravingprovides high precision, sharpand cleanlines, and the abilitytocreateintricatedesigns.
As well as usingrecycled stainless steel formanyofits drinks products, Oldeani opts forpackaging using FSC certified kraft
Think inside the boxthis winter! Our merry little postalgiftbox is filled with deliciousness, handpacked by our very own Christmascrew.
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boxes and compostable bags. FSC forest management certification confirms that theforest is being managed in away that preservesbiological diversityand benefits thelives of local people and workers.
Innovation comes in manyforms, and Tancia has introduced anew drinking vessel that brings something new to thedrinks party.
Billed as theultimateeco-friendly collectible forfestivals and events, the KopColourChanging Cup is arecycled aluminium cup that transforms theordinary intoamust-have collectible. All over printing technology makes thecup come to life. When filled withiced cold drinks it changes colours delivering an unforgettable visual brand experience.
Beyond its visual appeal, thecup is crafted from sustainable materials, designed to significantly reduce theneed forsingle-use plastic as it is built to last.
Tancia notes that drinkwarehas shifted from abasic promotional item to ahighdemand product category. Distributors are recognising its growingimportance, driven by theindustry’smovetowards sustainable materials and innovative printing
Innovation in packaging has become another essential element in drinkware
Tancia has launched the Chili Executive Gift Set, whichcontains a750ml recycled glass sodalime bottle withbamboo lid and four 330ml Calypso double-wall recycled drinking glasses in afullcolour printed gift box.
Tancia also offers Mood Box gift sets whichcome witha varietyofoptions
from theMood range, including adrinkware item asits focal point.
Buying promotional products that aremade in asustainable wayisone waythat end users arelooking to communicateand deliverontheir ESG agendas.
While themethod of production, packaging and logistics areall important, companies arealso looking towards products withabroader sustainablestory to tell.Withthis in mind, morebrands are creating programmes to ‘dogood’ in some way, and partner brands can benefit to a certain extent from this halo effect.
As abusiness that workswithmany brands that link to nature, The Outdoors Companyisacquainted withbusinesses that have this approach.Its drinks brand partner,Hydroflask, is one suchexample
Thecompany’srange of bottles, flasks, jars and cups is designed to ‘enable and elevateoutdoor adventures’. Giventhis affinitywiththe outdoors, Hydroflask's Parksfor All programme looks forwaysto support non-profit organisations focused on building, maintaining, restoring and providingmoreequitable access to parks.
In all, it has donated £2.9m to theprogramme and in theUKhas helped theSouthDowns National ParkTrust provide outdoor education forthe most disadvantaged school children nearby
The brand’s #RefillForGood slogan encourages people to make theswitch and reduce single-use plastics. The Outdoors Company’sDan Rogers says thepremium products, suchasthe All Around Tumblr make
The recent high-profile Investment Summit in London not only set out theGovernment’sstrategy to drive inward investment in theUK, but also highlighted theimportance of homebased production in thedrive towards net zero
Investment minister Poppy Gustafsson said: “There’snever been abetter time to invest in Britain. This summit is ahugely significant moment, to showcase theUK’seconomic strengths on theworld stage.”
Drinkware specialist First Editions has blazed atrail in sustainability and longevity, thanks to its UK-based manufacturing strategies, withbestselling Tritan bottles at theforefront of this trend.
The companyisdoubling down on its commitment to ecomanufacturing withanew production facility at Birmingham’s Tyseley Energy Park.The park is home to anumber of innovative operations, all workingonsolutions for thetransition to netzerowhile providing long-termeconomic growth
First Editions has also been chosen to join thecity’sClimateInnovation Platformwhichprovides small and medium-sized businesses with tailored packages of support to drive thecommercialisation of innovative, energy-efficient products.
MarkAlderson, MD of First Editions, said: “Overthe years, our company has invested significantly in creating moresustainable and responsible manufacturing environments, and we areveryexcited about this next phase, whichstrengthensour commitment to this goal. We have anumberof groundbreaking initiativesplanned for 2025.”
Brand Supplier
All products can be branded with your logo to makeyou stand out from the crowd.
alasting impression as Christmas gifts, especially if printed or engraved
Another brand withanimpressive outdoor heritage is Sigg. The Swiss brand is morethan100 yearsold and has been manufacturing its aluminium drinkware since the1930s. It has long been afavourite withcampers and outdoor typesbecause of its durabilityand stylishness. Sigg bottles arefeatured in theprestigiousMuseum of ModernArt (MoMA) in NewYorkCityfor theirdesign.
Around 10 yearsago Sigg changed its production in Switzerland to 100% recycled
aluminium and acouple of yearsago made its most ‘circular’ product yet–the traveller myplanet withabiodegradable lid. All of its Swiss made products arecertified carbon neutral toovia ClimatePartner
As well as theclassic aluminiumbottle, Sigg produces arange of smart Tritan waterbottles that featureRenew, anew technology that is based on molecular recyclingand makes plasticgo round in circles instead of reaching adeadend. This savesonnon-reusable wasteand greenhouse gas emissions. Sigg bottles have been chosen by manytennis tournaments on theATP Tour as ahydration partner on thecourt.
Withsomanyreusable cups on the market, new entrants have to come up with something abit different to cut through.
Topl wasfounded in 2021 by father and daughter team,Stewart andEleanor Humphrey withthe aim of eliminating single-use cups and makereuse amore rewarding part of daily life. Its Londonbased team is dedicatedtodesigning thebest reusable products on the market.
To deliveronthat loftyaim, Topl came up withinnovations that lifts its cup above thecompetition in terms of design and thecoffee drinking experience, says Eleanor Humphrey
“Thereare alot of reusable cups on themarket, but feware truly welldesigned. Our360 vented lid allows you to smell and tasteyour drink just likeyou would from aceramic mug,”she says.
The 360-degree lid stops spills but allows thedrink to be sipped in amore natural fashion rather than through a single sipping spout. The companyhas alsodeveloped digital technology that can be used forloyaltyprogrammes.
“We’re knownfor our patented drinking lid, but morerecently,we’ve focused on technology.Withbuilt-in NFC,our products trackusage, enable digital engagement, and unlocknew possibilities,” Humphrey adds.
Topl is currentlytrialling adigital loyaltyscheme involving thecups.
The companyhas seen strong interest from businesses seeking high-quality, well-designed merchandise that reflects their values, especially if it contributes to their CSR goals.
“They want products their employees will use and remember everyday moving away from cheap,throwaway items. Ourtech-enabled cups allow businesses to track usageand trends, providing valuable insights to help reduce single-use cups.”
Branding options include laser engraving and screen printing in theUK. Forlargerorders, it offers full customisation at its factory, including Pantone colour matching and bespoke packaging.
Take five Traderelations
The Seasons Group is anew wayto help distributors get the most out of their meetings with suppliers
Inanage of digital communication, the value of personal interaction should not be underestimated
The ongoingsuccess of Merchandise World(seereportofSeptember’s event in MiltonKeynes on p6) isanexample of this, but what aboutthe timebetween theshow’s two iterations?
Suppliergroupsare one wayofplugging thegap,and The Seasons Group is the latest attempt to add value forhard-pressed distributors who don’t always have time to getpersonal updates from suppliers.
Seasonal options
Suppliergroups streamline distributorvisits by bringing together avarietyofsuppliers for asingle, impactfulvisit. The SeasonsGroup whichformedearlierthissummer, is made
up of five non-competingmembers: Neutral, Eat My Logo,Sigg, SowEasy, and USBGroup
It is targetingdistributors with the proposition that having ameetingwithall five at once is abetter use of everyone’s time, fostering engaging conversations and valuable connections.Supplier groups have acollectivewealthofexperience anddiverse expertise, and sessionsare ideal fortrainingand inspiration.
Jamie Gray from SowEasy says: “Face-to-face meetings like todayare vitalfor merchandisedistributors and suppliers alike.Wegain insights intoour partners’ needs andreceive feedback directly.”
presentations whichembody avibrant mix of creativity, competition, and inspiration.
Althoughthe group currently has five members, it has not closed theoption of addingothersifthe fit is right.
Thegroup hasalready enjoyed meetingswithdistributorssuchasPink Sheep,Total Merchandise, GiftPoint and Totally Branded.Moreare lined up
Time saver
Alex Brown, sales manager,Sigg, saysthat with sales reps’timemore precious, supplier groups arean opportunityfor them to learnabout multiple productsquickly.
“Thesevisitsneed to be insightful engaging andinspiring.Welike to think each sales repleavesour sessions burstingwithnew product ideas fortheir customers,” he says.
Within thesesessions, distributors have thechance to delvedeeper intowhat each supplieroffers, explore niche products, andengage in one-on-one discussions. This hands-onexperienceenhancessales teams’knowledge, empowering them to better servetheir customers
AccordingtoThe Seasons Group, distributors have responded enthusiastically to its product
The BPMA’s newchair CliveAllcott wantstobring the next generation to the forefront of the industry
These arebusytimes forthe new BPMA chair Clive Allcott. He is speaking to Product Media from Poland at thepremises of his day jobwithDTB, havingjust returnedfromthe US to meet other international associations with BPMACEO PhilGoodman.
Allcott officially stepped up at theBPMA AGMinearly November.Asthe vice-chair during thethree-year term of outgoing chair HaydnWillett, he wasresponsible for theCharter programme and an active part of theBPMAboard
As chair,the 65-year-oldnow wants to let people knowthatthe BPMA isn’t “anold boys’club”and says his biggest challenge is to demonstratetothe next generation in BPMA companies that it is forthemand that they should get involved.
The commercial director of Direct Textiles +Bags (DTB) Europe, boasts experience working on boththe supplier and distributor side, as well as beingaclient and running his ownevents business.
His involvement withmerchandise dates to his role settingupthe retail videoarm of MGM and led to hisongoing involvement in theclothing sector.FromMGM, he joined Active Promotions, whichspecialised in film promotions and wasacquiredbyUS companyJackNadel in 1999
Following amove to Ireland wherehe “built ahouse andacorporateevents business”, he returned to Britain and back to merchandise withEssential Embroidery.
Asked to contributetothe fledgling Product Media magazine when it launched, becoming aboard member wasa natural next step
“I sawvalue in theBPMAand it felt right to get involvedand be engaged. I’ve always voiced an opinion, and thoughtIcould offer something as I’ve hadabroader spectrum of experience,” he says. “I take it as an honour that I’ve been asked to be chair.”
The BPMA provedparticularly valuable during thepandemic when it provided timely advice and support, he says. Now
that theindustryhas bounced back,Allcott advises against complacency.
“Wecameout of Covid withafeeling of euphoria and purse strings aplentywith people buying promotional merchandise, doing events, and everybody feelinggood, but thebubblehas burst abit. We’vestill got really positive businesses,and people are achieving their targets, butthe targetsare morerealistic,” he says.
Whereeconomics areaperennial issue for businesses, abig change forthe sector has been theriseofsustainabilityasanissue.
“There’sa lotmorereporting and youneed to know your supply chains. There’s carbon zero,Scope 1, 2and 3, so you’re having to work harder forless.People don’ttakethings forgranted anymore.”
He’s keen that theindustry movesaway from themorenegative perceptions of what it does andtowards amoreretail quality level whichheobservesacross thesector
As oneofthe drivers of theBPMA’sCharter status,Allcott is keen on driving up standards and having theAssociationrecognised as a stampofquality.
“Weneed end users to be asking, ‘Are youbuyingthisfromaBPMAmember?’ BecausetheyknowthatBPMAstandsfor quality, looking aftercustomers, andgreat relationships. If you’re not aBPMAmember, youwant to be,because it means youstand forsomething.”
Allcott says that his recent visit to theUS underlined that theUKisgetting alot right, notleastinits approach to sustainability wherethe StepForward Pledge is at the forefrontofpractice.
He is keen that theAssociation re-engages
withmembers, particularly theyounger parts of thebusiness, who he describes as “the people who actually do thework” and thenextgeneration of theindustry.
“They don’t really knowwhat BPMA does, because we’venot marketedourselves correctly to them,"headds.
Regional meetings, as envisaged by CEO Goodman, and ambassadors could be part of theanswer he adds. The role of the regions wasstronger in thepast and he is keen to revisit this during his chairmanship
“I want younger ambassadors who will network within their age range, because that’sthe future.There’s agap because we’vehad Covid, so we’vegot to re-engage withthose people,” he says.
Ultimately,heisoptimistic forhis time in thechair of theBPMA.
“I thinkit’simportant to saythat the BPMA is in areally good place withPhil driving things along witha very good team at theSecretariat, whichfor me is really the bones of what theBPMAis.”
Dedicatedto theenvironment e e
Kristi White is Kingly’ssustainability manager. After earning adegree in Environmental and Sustainability Studies from Northern Arizona University,she worked as an environmental science teacher before joining the textiles specialist
QWhat is your interest in sustainability?
A Growing up in thedesert, I became cognisant of theimpact people have on theenvironmentand the importance of conservingwater and natural resources.Thissparkedalifelongpassion that only deepenedduringmystudies.
QWhydid Kingly decide to have a dedicated sustainabilitymanager?
AKingly’smissionisnot only to provide high-quality, eco-friendlyproductsbut to be aleaderinredefiningthe standards forsustainable manufacturing in Europe. An example is ouranti-greenwashing validation system. We don’tjust sayweare sustainable, we canprove it withmultiple certifications. With that clearmission,Kinglysought to hire adedicated individualwhose role is to spearhead thedevelopment and execution of theirambitious sustainability goals
QWhat does your role cover?
My main responsibilitiesare to ensure that Kinglyremains fully compliant withall certification requirementsand to seek andexecute applications fornew
projectsand accreditations. Ialsocraft andrefineour sustainability messaging, ensuring it aligns withour core values and resonates withour customers
Additionally, Ileademployeetraining initiatives, fostering acompany-wide understandingofthe importance of sustainability to Kingly’s missionand success. We arededicatedtoeducatingall personnel, as well as our clients, on thebenefits of creating andpromoting sustainable solutions
QWhat arethe biggest challenges?
ASustainability is atour coreand often takespriorityovercheaper prices within oursupply chain. Whileother companies mayprioritiseeconomics,weprioritise all pillarsofsustainability: environmental, social,and economic.Whenexpandingour supplychain,itissometimes difficulttofind suppliers who sharethatcommitment
Thankfully, morecompanies arerealising theimportance of suchinitiatives, especially within theEU. All oursuppliersmust follow theEU’sguidelines of stringent labour and environmental laws.
QWhat areyou most proud of?
AWe arepioneersinusing upcycled materials forthe creation of new products. We have partneredwitha Spanish companythatcollectstextile wastewithin theEU, separatesitbycolours and creates upcycledyarnthatisafterward usedfor knitting ouraward-winning upcycled socks
Also,bycreating asustainabilitycalculator, we empowerour customers to visualise their impactwhen it comes to preserving resources. Oneofour clients in France saved 9,954,525 litres of waterthatcould fill about four Olympic pools
We use BCome’sCradle-to-Gate platform to generatecomprehensive sustainability reports forour topsustainable products.
Ourtree-planting initiative through Greenspark has plantedmorethan 18,150 treeswhich is theequivalent of approximately 45 football fields.
We areextremely proudthat our
hardworkand sustainability efforts have been recognisedwithmultiple international awards.
QSustainabilityisa journey -what’s next?
Forthe past four years, we have made thecommitmenttopackage our products in materialsthat can be sustainably sourcedand easilyrecycled.However, our goal forthe futureis to becomeaplasticfree company. Even sustainable packaging is still waste. Additional packaging should onlybeusedwhen truly necessary,and we encourage minimising it wherever possible.
We also plan to continue our contributions to social initiatives. For example, we areextremelyproud to have startedacollaborationwithBarnando’s whereweare creating 2,400pairs of socks forits charitablework.
With theBulgarian government, we arealsointegrating people with mental challenges into ourproduction process
QWhat do customers think?
A Morecustomersare seeking companies that thinkbeyondjust profit.Our ability to prioritise sustainabilitywhile remaining profitable serves as atestament to the viability of sustainable practices within the promotionalmerchandise sector
Currently,over55% of our revenue is generated from sustainable goods.Our goal is to boost this figureto75% within thenextdecade
We areinthe processof obtaining an EcoVadis rating whichwillfurther enhanceour commitment to transparencyand provideour customers with theconfidencethattheyare supportingatruly sustainable brand.
Together as one
Firefly managing director Carol Ingram explains why sustainability is acollective challenge
QTell us about your company?
A Firefly Merchandise is an ownerrunbusiness with25years of experience in theindustry. We are passionateabout providingquality merchandise to our customers and have relationships withclients and suppliers spanning over 20 years.
QWhat steps have youtaken to improve thesustainabilityofthe organisation?
AFirefly has gone through CSR Accreditation forthe second time and obtained ahigh silver award. We have also takenthe StepForwardPledge.
QWhat steps would youliketotakein thefuture?
AWe will work withsuppliers who show innovation and who improveindustry standards. We want to see less merchandise end up in landfill so will workwithcharities and companies to help recycleand reuse wherepossible.
QWhat is your biggest challenge around sustainability?
AWe would liketosee thecost between eco products and non-eco products reduced making theeco choice moreobtainable. Another challenge would be reducing our carbon footprint. MoreUK or EU-made options would be great.
QHowhavecustomers, staff,and suppliers responded to your efforts?
A Firefly has obtained high profile corporateclients because of our values and accreditations. We talk openly on social media about our views and values, and we have hadanamazing response from bothcustomers and suppliers. Oneofour main branding suppliers removedpolybagsfromthe packaging process of garments.Our customers trust us.
Tancia Group has aligned withthe BPMA StepForward Pledge for202425,strengthening its dedication to sustainability. As abusiness drivenby innovation and responsibility, this pledge reaffirms acommitment to developing sustainable product solutions while actively reducing its environmental footprint.
Sustainabilityisatthe coreofTancia’s business strategy.Through resource management and theintegration of energyefficient technologies, it strivestominimise
wasteand optimise operational efficiency. Its in-house manufacturing processes, alongside theuse of FSC-certified materials and clean energy solutions likesolar power, ensures stringent sustainabilitystandards and contributetoacirculareconomy.
Tancia believes that sustainabilityisa continuous journey.Itremains focused on transparent practices, continual improvement, and responsible sourcing. The companylooks forwardtofurther advancing its efforts in partnership with the
BPMA and its valued distributors, working together to createapositive environmental impact forthe industry.
The group encompasses The Pen Warehouse and Snap Products as trading divisions and is committed to environmental responsibilitywithESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) at thecoreofoperations. Its Hampshire facilityislicensedtoUKFoodstandards and thegroup holds ISO 14001and ISO9001 certifications and Sedex membership
The BPMA is akey driver of skills in the sector through its education programme. Anew graduate explained why theystudied with the Association
QWho areyou and what do youdo?
My name is Gordana Pavlovic(but manyalso knowmeasGogi) and I’ve been working as asenior account manager at Clone forwhatwillsoon be threeyears this December.Iama client’sfirst point of contact withthe business –I listen to their project needs, consult, and build aquote to fit thebrief and budget.
What qualification areyou studying and why?
I’mstudying theBPMATPM course (trained in promotionalmerchandise) and passed theexamrecently
Howdoesitfit it in withyour job?
Clone has been very good withallowing us to manage our studies around our work hours, although revision formeisbestdone at night, so some gets takenhome too.
QWhat areyou most enjoying and what is challenging?
It’sbeeneye-opening because youthink youknowalot until youdothis course whichdoesn’t leave astone unturned. I’menjoying theknowledge gained and Igenerally likelearning and studying personal and professional development. It is challenging to keep momentum going in thebusier periods, but thecourse lengthtime is adequatewiththis being considered.
Howwill this course help withyour job?
What has been learnt can actually be applied to my daily conversations withclients. There’sbeensome clarityfor me on certain print processes whichhas made me feel alot moreconfident already in howIarticulatetoclients.
What advice would yougivetowould-be BPMA students?
If you’re being offered this course then go foritbecause it’sincredibly useful in your day-to-dayaswell as feelingverysupported by theBPMAteam along theduration of the course. The factoryvisit in particular is not to be missed.
Datesfor boththe TPMand CPMqualifications arenow available. The2025intakes will be:
■ 2nd January
■ 1st April
■ 1st July
■ 1st October
■ Formoreinformation on BPMA education, go to bpma.co.uk or email education@bpma.co.uk
“I found CPMbuilt succinctly on to theknowledgeI had gained through TPMand my industry experience. The modules areclear andeasytofollow, andalthough theexam felt daunting (astherewas an essay to write), it was actually(almost) enjoyable, as the questionsare wideintheirtopic options, with afew breakdownpoints of what to writeabout.
The support from theBPMAhas been topclass as always. Iwouldrecommend this to anyone looking to further their knowledge andcareers.”
David Bannerman, Clear Branding
“The CPMcourseprovides detailed insights to thebusiness side of the promotional merchandiseindustry. The exam is agood waytotest notonlyyour memory but theability touse whatyou have learnedina common situation. The CPMcourse helped me understand the ins and outs of abusinessitself,therefore allowing me to develop furtherinmyrole as well as giving me theability toadd valuableinput towards internal matters.”
Eliza Rudowicz, Thesourcer.com
“The TPMtraining course covers everything needed to be successful within
this industry. It displays vitalinformation through Powerpoint presentationswhich areengagingand useful. It is perfectfor studying alongsidethe day-to-dayjob as theinformation displayedisput into practicestraight away.”
Joe Humphries, TC Branding Group
“I found theTPM courseveryusefulasa beginnertothe industry,the platform was very easy to use andIhad lotsofsupport available leading up to theexam.This has made me eager to continuewithmy studies in thefuture.”
Danielle Batey,ESM Branding
Fluidlaunches global Revolution with merger
Fluid Branding has merged withUS marketing and events firmHaute, to createanew globalmarketing agency Brand Revolution.
The collaboration will offer afullsuiteof marketing services forthe respective client bases. Brand Revolution will continue to operatethe Fluid brand in theUK, Europe and UAEfor its merchandise clients
Themerger extends thenewly formed BrandRevolution’s footprint across EMEA, NAM, LATAM, and APAC regions, witha globalteam of 200.
HauteCEO,Alisa Walsh Haynes will serve as CEO forBrand Revolution, with leadership comprised of executivesfrom bothcompanies, including Fluid CEO Matt Franks and managing director Miles Lovegrove
As well as UK offices, Fluid has a presence in Dublin,Amsterdam, Malta and Dubai. Hauteisbased in Austin, Texas and offers strategic ideation, creative design, video production, live streaming,
in-person and remote events, and merchandise programmes.
Haynes said: “This merger gives us worldwide buying powerand provides globalthinking withlocal execution capabilities. Having been
on theclient side formanyyears, Brand Revolution is theagencyI alwayshoped existed. We’rethrilled to have found theperfect partner who aligns precisely withour vision of servicing clients on aglobalscale
PrimeTech adds Corkhill forexpansion drive
PrimeTech Print has appointed Neil Corkill asheadof business development south, supporting theprinting company’sexpanding presence in theMidlandsand SouthernUK.
Corkhill brings morethan20 years of industryexperience and astrong network of relationships within the printing and promotional merchandise sectors.
His appointment follows PrimeTech’s acquisition from Badgemaster this summer when RobRostron bought thebusiness.
Rostron joined Badgemaster in 2022 to help develop thePrimeTech business, which specialises in customised printed products within the promotional goods channel.
Products include arange of RFID shielding
products, eco/sustainable products and name badges in thepromotional goods channel, through an ongoing relationship with Badgemaster
Rostron said: “Wehave successfully diversified PrimeTech’s product range, incorporating eco-friendly and sustainable options, as well as introducing new-to-marketproducts. This expansion will persist, encompassing additional services suchas sourcing and bundles.”
Corkill added: “I’mlooking forwardtoworking with Roband PrimeTech.With PrimeTech’s range of innovative and purposeful products forthe promotional merchandise industry, I’m excited to be able to sharethis in thecoming months.”
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The greattech Q&A
When it comes to technology,the more youknow, the more youcan help your clients, says Matt Pluckrose
Technology in thepromotional marketisgrowing to adoubledigit percentage of totalB2B promotional spend in thecoming years. It is not easy fordistributors to be ‘experts’onsomanyproducts.
So,let’s tryand answer some of themost regularly asked questions to makeiteasier to understand this constantly changing area.
What is mAh in abatteryorpower bank?
mAh is theabbreviationfor ‘milliampere-hour’, aunit that measures electric powerovertime–itcan vary from 500mAh to 72,000mAH.Anaverage smart phone has abatteryaround 3000mAh, a watcharound 300mAh, apair of earbuds (25mAh) atablet around 10 000mAH and a Mac BookAir around6000mAH
To charge such batteries requires power banks that correlate to thedevice to be charged.
QCan I‘fast charge’ from my laptop or an older style plug?
ANo.Toachieve atechnical fast charge youneed at leasta mains 20WUSB-C plug or aspecial PD fast chargepower bank. AUSB-A wall plug or socketisalso not up to fast charging. You need USB-Cto USB-C/lightning (for Apple) although older style ports willchargeat standardspeed which is about threetimes slower.
QWhydon’t charging cables have micro-USBplugs?
AUSB-Chas now superseded micro-USB as a charging plug/port and with Apple moving to USB-Cfrom iPhone 15 and all its other products this faster,smarter and more powerful application will
become theuniversal connector/port. Adapters areavailable fordevices that still have microports.
QWhat cables do Ineed to charge my various devices?
Generally shorter cables allowamax of 10-12W suitable forasmart phone at regular speed. Next up arecablestoaround 27Wmaking them suitablefor phones and tablets at afaster speed, then thereare cables that will charge to amax of 60Wfor phones, tabletsand laptops/Macs at this fast speed. Finally,thereare newer 100W cables forhighend laptops, Macs, phones and tablets at high speed.
QWhat’sthe difference in speed between wireless and wired charge?
AWireless charging is currentlya max of 15W of power so takes about twice as long as charging withacable. Afastcharge wired connection with mains plug will charge a dead batteryto50-70% in about 20-25 minutes.
QWhat’sthe next big thing in charging?
AMagnetic wireless charging will become thenormacross all phonebrands. Currently Apple has theonly system with its MagSafecharging but soon all other brands will have suchphones working under anew standardcalled Qi2.
QWhat arethe benefits of thelatest version of Bluetooth?
A The latest version is 5.4with6.0 around thecorner.This allows for multiple device connection simultaneously longer distances between tech,retail options and marketing, developments in AI, lowpower modes of products and developments in thesocalled Internet of Things. By 2028 experts predict theworld will be shipping overseven billion devices enabled withBluetooth.
QHowdoesApple’s ‘Find My’software tracking allowmetosee my Airtag, friends or other device locations?
A Software solutions likeFindMyare becoming ever popular in items such as Airtags, backpacks, luggage and even charging cables making them new smart solutions. They use theentireiPhone network globally so wherever your device is you can locateitvia GPS within other iPhones nearby
Questions on what technology means and how it benefits the user arekey when understanding your client’sneeds. An expert in suchareas can help youcan make theright suggestions foryour client to allowthemtomaximise their return on investment, gain themostfromtheir promotional activity.
Tech is here withus all and is again growinginthe promotional industry– be part of it, learnabout itorget left behind. ● Matt Pluckrose is managing director of Desktop Ideas
Goldstar stepsupcommitment to responsiblepractices
Merchandise company
Goldstar has joined the BPMA StepForward Pledge as it continues to develop its responsible business practices.
The StepForward Pledge encourages members to set and achievemeaningful environmental and social goals, withprogress reviewed annually to ensuretheystay on track.
Goldstar displays the 2024/25 StepForward Pledge logo,alongside theBPMA logo in communications
Premierboss toughsout 100kmwalk forcharity effort
Essex merchandise company, Premier Print &Promotions has raised £10,000 to provide arefurbished arts and drama space foralocal specialist school.
Founder,Jamie Marshall, helped thefundraising effort forDoucecroft School in Colchester by completing a gruelling 100kmwalk from Fulham to Henley-on-Thames.
The Feering-based business linked withclient Autism Anglia to raisethe money to helpmarkPremier’s 30th anniversary.
Otherteam members have also undertaken fundraising
withdistributors. The mark symbolises Goldstar’s dedication to sustainabilityand helps partners easily identify thecompanyascommitted to responsible practices.
“The BPMA StepForward Pledge underscores our ongoing efforts in theindustry, said Heather Smartt, global head of Goldstar.“Being part of this initiativedemonstrates to our distributors that we’re not just making promises but arefully committed to taking real, impactful steps towards
activities, including aparachute jump by Bekah and Danielle, a10k runbyYana, and asilly sock dayfor all theteam.
Staff decorated the drama room at Doucecroft, aspecialist schoolfor children and young people withautism and additional complex needs.
Jamie undertookthe 100km challenge –known to insiders as ‘the foot splitter’ –withBenjamin Lowesof Crystal Galleries and afriend Ian Thorne who did 50km.
Ben already had blisters from completing theGreat NorthRun and needed medical help later in thewalk but managed to keep going.
“The last 33km waspure torture, walking in thedark seeminglygoing nowhere, but we were determined to finish and did, we were both shattered,” said Jamie.
“Atnopoint did Ithink how far100km wasand what an achievement it wastofinish withmyfeet intact apart from my bigtoenails. It wasa great challenge foralovely charity –Ihope thekidslove their drama space and would like to personally thankeveryone who has sponsored us. We work in wonderful industry withverygenerous suppliers.”
To support Autism Anglia and Doucecroft, go to https://www.justgiving.com/ campaign/premier
meaningful change.”
In 2023, Goldstar launched theMade Better initiative, introducing acurated collection of products made from recycled,reclaimed, and certified materials, including the RebornRecycled Aluminium Pen, whichwas awarded the BPMA’s 2023 Innovative Product of theYear–Gold.
Witha focus on using recycled materials and reducing plastic waste, Goldstar remains dedicated to expanding its responsible product development efforts.
Looking ahead, Goldstar will continue to push forward by seeking new certifications, conducting lifecycle assessments, and more.
Briman Day put focuson innovation
Briman members met fortheir annual group meeting theday after Merchandise Worldin Milton Keynes.
The productive dayincluded manyinsightful discussions and valuable contributions that will help shape thefutureof British manufacturing within the sector,said Briman chairman MarkAlderson.
Briman Dayguests were treated to an overview from Neal Stone of Leapstone on System Design forBritish Manufacturing.
His session emphasised the value of design forbusinesses highlighting critical strategies foradvancing industry in alignment withBritish manufacturing principles.
RobScott and David MyersfromInnovate UK,the national innovation agency, also shared keyinsights
on theDevelopment and Commercialisation of New Products, Processes, and Services in theUK.
The daywas rounded off withadistributor Q&A on the topic of Flying theFlag for British Made Products. Angela Wagstaff and Graeme Smith from Allwag Promotions were joined by JamieMarshall and Ryan Askew from Premier Print &Promotions, providing an engaging remote distributor session, which included valuable feedback on promoting and supporting British-made products.
Alderson thanked the distributors fortheir invaluable input in thesession, and called on members to lookout for futuredevelopments.
“Asthereweremany important points raised during theday,the BPMA is committed to supporting follow-up actions. Please keep an eyeonyour inbox in thecomingdaysfor further updates and opportunities to engage,” he added.
Beware therippleeffect
An insolvency that is not adirect client can still make wavesfor your business, says Mike Collins
ISG, one of theUK’slargest building contractors recently fell into administration.
Admittedly thelikelihood is that therewillbea ‘pre-pack’ sale, whereeitherthe full or partial assets and goodwill will be bought by anew ‘phoenix’companyofISG,but this won’tstopthe ripples of insolvencyspreading farand wide.
It is estimated that ISGisorwas involved in contracts worth around £1.8 billion but that subcontractors have been toldtostand down withimmediateeffect.
“But I’mnot in construction, so howwillthis affect me?” Ihearyou ask.
Ripples from high profile insolvencies travel muchfurther in thepond of business than just theimmediatesubcontractors and suppliers. Sadly,some major suppliers mayalso face insolvency nowthat their‘meal ticket’ has gone under and in turntheir insolvencies will affect theirown supply chain who will face the
We all knowthat some business is all smoke and mirrors and recent events showthat some of that maybetrue. The keyfor businesses who deal in credit is to reverse that mirror,lookclosely at yourself and your practices and ask if thereisanything youcan do better to avoid theripples of debt pain lapping at your door
BPMA membership brings manysubsidised benefits, one of whichistobeableto access expert credit management advice from Direct Route-AccountAssyst.
Even if youare not currently aBPMAMemberwecan still help however. Ourindustrysupport is not exclusive
Feel free to drop us aline at mail@directroute.co.uk, or indeed give us acall (01274 223190)for anydebt collection needs or credit decision support advice.
In these tough times, it could be thebestfiveminutes of time youspend.
MikeCollins is managing director of Direct Route-AccountAssyst prospect of not being paid
Forexample, subcontractor ABC Limited is forced to writeoff their £300,000 ISG debt.
As aresult, they nowcan’t paytheir marketing agencytheir monthly retainer
In turn, themarketing agencycan’t paytheir copywriter companywhichwas retained externally to createaPRpiece through themarketing agencyfor subcontractor ABC.
Finally,the copywriter companycannot then payits bill for merchandising that ithas incurredwhenmarketing either another clientorindeeditself
Of course, promotional goods items could featureatall stages of theabove supply chain.
What must we,asperhaps some of thesmaller businesses within thechain, do to heed thelessons to be learned from the ripple effect of this debt pain?
Tempting asitistochase thegoldengoose, recent events show that no business is toobig to go under.Use thebig ticket invoices to re-invest in processes and practices to aidindeveloping your businesstosecuremorefrequent residualclients
Analyse what you’re invoicing for. Canyou break aninvoice down into parts and invoice forsmaller amounts butona moreregular basis? Anon-payment of asmallerinvoice by a customerisanindicator of badthings to come.
Good credit controlisall about being vigilantand organised. Regularly monitor your creditlimits andanalyse thepayment days of your customers. If youfindacustomer exceeding both,takeaction to reducethat exposure before it’stoo late
Local Support Contact Details
Please contact amember of our local support team for advice on any matter related to debt and credit management
London and South David Barker dbarker@directroute.co.uk 07766545871
Midlands and East Anglia KenBrown kbrown@directroute.co.uk 07795214426
Wales and North West Ian Jenkinson ijenkinson@directroute.co.uk 07860 197476
North East,Scotland andNorthern Ireland MikeCollins mike@accountassyst.com 07866 427363
The BPMA Product Awards 2024 shortlisthas been announced. Haveyou made it?
■ AntoraJacket– The NorthFace
■ Brooker–unisex relaxedfit Sherpa jacket
■ RepreveAirtexbaseball cap
■ Cutter &BuckMount Adams jacket
■ Denali GRShoodie blanket
■ Evans unisex recycled Sherpa fleece
■ Merurecycled polyester bodywarmer
■ Petalite GRSrecycledinsulated down jacket
■ Classic whiteStand4 branded crew socks –recycled
■ Twin knit T-shirt
■ Recycled Acrystalic awards –circular rectangular,and octagonal
■ Chili executive gift set
■ Eco wireless charging pad
■ High-definition 3D badges and keyrings
■ Rainballs seed boxes
■ Xoopar INE ODAwireless powerbank
■ Apple leather laptop bag
■ Dillon AwareRPETlightweight foldable backpack
■ Edge2Edge printed organic cotton tote bag
■ Kai GRSrecycled circular tote bag
■ KankaFairtrade cotton eco shopper tote bag
■ RPETWideBoy tote bag
■ Naia laptop backpack
■ Waterrepellent bag
■ Appeal porcelain mug
■ Calefrio
■ Calypso 500mlvacuum bottle: Ultra360 max wrap
■ Capella
■ Chilly’s series 2Switch
■ Elegant porcelain mug
■ FreyaDuo 2-in-1double-wall recycled stainless steel bottle with tumbler
■ Koprecycledaluminium colour changing cup
■ Reborndouble wall stainless steel bottle
■ Remo insulated cup
■ Roca recycled stainless steel cup
■ Stanley Quencher H2.01200ml tumbler
■ Tahoerecycled cup
■ Tappo bottle RCSstainless steel drinking bottle
■ Zip &Sip bottle
■ Branded advent calendar
■ Branded shortbread biscuit (vegan & gluten free)
■ CoolVibes toolbox
■ Eco windowdisc box –milk chocolate disc 100mm
■ Maxi advent calendar –41% cocoamilk chocolatewith3Dbranding
■ Paper mini-advent calendar with personalised M&Ms
■ PedroAware RPETdeluxe cooler bag with5Wsolar panel
■ Rackpackgamebox chess
■ 4-in-1charging cable withiWatch charger
■ Bamboo superfast charging cable
■ Compression packing cubes set
■ Lip balm in aluminium tin
■ Nightcaps
■ Octopus Bluetoothcharge cable
■ R+ trolley coin keyring
■ Rainballs seed boxes
■ Recycled ABS powerbank
■ Relaxing Essentials kit
■ RFID Magsafecardholder and stand
■ Rise GRSrecycled organiser pouch
■ Smart cardwallet
■ Turner organiser clutch
■ Xoopar Ice-Tagcharge cable
■ Xoopar Reddi fast wireless chargerwith Bluetoothtravelclock
■ Pencil Seedsticks
■ Skribo ballpoint and notebookset
■ Genie notebook
■ 4-in-1charging cable withiWatchcharger
■ Convertics colour eco wireless charging pad
■ FlareBluetoothspeaker
■ Ikowireless magnetic powerbank
■ Irvine RCSrecycled and repairable ANC wireless headphone
■ Magnetic charging stand
■ Recycled ABS powerbank
■ Xoopar Ice-Tagcharge cable
■ XtormXB403Titan Ultra27.000 mAh
200W laptop powerbank
■ GRScertified recycled Astra-i
■ Melbirecycled Bio pens
■ ParkerJotter recycled ballpoint
■ Quill GRScertified RABS anti-stress/stressrelief pen
■ RebornSpinner recycled aluminium pen withstylus
■ Refresh recycled aluminium ball pen
■ Senator Point metal ball pen
■ Whispagel ink pen
■ Castelli Oceano 100% recycled bottles
ecological notebook
■ EcoFlex A5 notebook
■ Journals –workand wellness
■ LauraA5hardcovernotebookand ballpoint gift set
■ Monolith– A5 Stonenotebook
The BPMA will be announcing the winning products on 6December 2024 at Product Awards LIVE 2024 at OneMoorgatePlace, London, withthe exception of theGrand Prix winner will be awardedatthe BPMA Annual Awards Dinner,22January2025. Tickets forbothevents areonsale now. Once theAwardshavebeen announced, BPMA Distributor members will have access to marketing materials to help them promoteAward winning products. Good lucktoall thoseshortlisted.
• More than 70 key suppliers &brands
• See all the latest products
• Collect samples, catalogues &ideas
• Free to attend
• Free parking
• Refreshmentsprovided throughout the day
Nothing compares to real life and live events, so we are delighted to announce The BIG shows are back in spring: register now and get engaged! Now incorporating and co-locating The BIG Wearables Trade Show as well.
The BIG Promotional Trade Shows are the promotional merchandise and wearables eventstoget to in 2025.
• Convenient locations