Theturnofthe year is typicallythe time to look to turn things around with resolutions, targets,and aspirationstobe better in theyearahead
There’snothing wrongwiththat, and keen-eyedreaders will note that in this issueweintroduce thenew BPMA branding whichhas been underdevelopment in recent months (see p10).As BPMA CEO Phil Goodmanpointsout,thisprovides theindustrywithanew look that is more reflectiveofwhatwedoasa sector,and theenvironment in whichwedoit.
“Weare adesign-ledindustry. We create things,weinnovate, we solveproblems, andwepromote amazingbrands,”he says
ProductMedia Magazine is availabletothe wholepromotional merchandiseindustry.
It is theofficial magazine of the BritishPromotional Merchandise Association(BPMA).
Today’smarketismoredigital than ever andthisisreflectedinthe growingnumber of online toolsthatbusinessesturntoin ordertofind products,visualise branding, andmakeorders. Thenew branding matchesthisapproach andwill servethe industry well,not leastthrough thenew BPMA website.
As some things change,itisworth noting that 2025 is the60thanniversary of theBPMAasanorganisationand there willbealot of remindersofthis throughout theyear, starting at MerchandiseWorld in January.
Notall of us were around 60 yearsago so anyopportunity to look back on the developmentand successesofthe sector
BritishPromotional Merchandise Association
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should be seized with both hands. There is much to be learnedbylooking at history andthatcan be used to help plot acourse into thefuture.
This issue, LloydSimpson,bossof LSioutlinessomeofthe wisdom he hasaccumulated in 30 yearsrunning a successful merchandisebusiness(see p34).Elsewhere,AndrewDwerryhouse of Wild Thangexplainswhy BPMA learning is so valuable to both hiscompany andthe sector as awhole (see p24)
As much as thetemptationatthistimeof year canbetoupturnthe applecartand opt forradical change,it’simportanttoconsider that oftenitisdoing thesimplethingswell andconsistentlythatpaysdividends
Design andProduction ATGMedia,
merchandise recognised the sector’s creativity at the BPMA Product Awards 2024
The promotional merchandise industrykickedoff thefestive season withaglitteringcelebration of thebest products in thesector Forthe second year,promotional products were giventheir ownplatform in theshape of theBPMAProductAwards Live event.
This year’s ceremonytookplace in theheart of theCityofLondon at the prestigious OneMoorgatePlacevenue wheresuppliers anddistributors gathered to see who had pickedupthis year’s gongs.
Guests enjoyedapre-mealdrinks reception in theclassy venuebefore entering thefestively decorated ballroom through amagical and sparkling tunnel.
While enjoying abeautifulthree-course meal, thegreat and thegoodofthe industryapplauded thewinners of 2024
Introducing theawards, CEOPhil
Goodmanwelcomedthe BPMA’s new chair, CliveAllcott to thehot seat and encouraged guests in ahugeround of applause foroutgoing chair, HaydnWilletts. Althoughheisstepping down from the board, Haydnwill remain very much part of theindustry.
Goodmansaidthatthe awards marked thestart of afascinating year ahead forthe sector withthe BPMA celebrating its60th anniversary in 2025
“Weare going to be showcasing the best of promotional merchandise through theagesinthe form of an exhibitionat Merchandise World. It will be an amazing trip down memory lane and Iurgeyou all to getinvolved,”hesaid.
BPMA membership directorTom Robey hosted this year’s awards delivering a smoothand entertaining presentationas
he welcomedbothawardswinners and BPMA ProductAwardssponsorstothe stagetogalesofapplause andcheering from guests.
“Thisiswhatwedoand it’s aspecial day because of that,and onethatIhope will continuefor many yearstocome,” he said.
As always,BPMAsponsors were generous in theirbacking and demonstrated that theawardsare widely regarded as thehighest accolade for promotionalproducts in theUK.
TheBPMAheartily thanks this year’s sponsors, whowereAllwagPromotions, Nadel, Page Partnership,Pro-Ad, theBig PromotionalTrade Show,Advantage Group, TotalMerchandise, Wild Thang, and MerchExpress.The prized trophies were supplied by WCM+A.
Judged by across section of industry colleagues, theawardshad ninecategories and threeadditional specialawards.
“Whata greatafternoonatthe BPMA Product Awards and to pick up three awards –overthe moon. As always it is ateam effort from allatDTI and myself and my luckyrollneckcannottakeall thecredit.”
Alan Doyle, accountdirector, Desktop Ideas
“Wedid it!BPMAPlatinum Product Award2024. OurRainballs have sproutedfromanideatogrowinto oneofour biggestsellers, in less than 12 months.Congrats to ourteam, the shortlistand otherwinners.”
JamieGray, managingdirector, SowEasy
“Weweresothrilled to pick up the Platinum Awardfor ourEdge2Edgetote
bagatthe BPMA ProductAwards. Huge congrats to theother shortlistsand winners and thankyou so much forthe judges votes.”
Isabel Peckett, marketingexecutive, Samedaybags
“A fantastic time at theBPMAProduct Awards.Wewon twoawards– Platinum forthe Reborn spinnerpen andGoldfor theReborndrinkware.”
AnnouchkaBirch, countrymanager, Goldstar
“Wewon. Thewin is forthe team and everyone at Tancia Group that makes thesethingshappen, smashed it once again. Thank youtothe BPMA for organising agreat day.”
HelenDyl,marketingdirector, Tancia
SowEasy reaped the seedsofsuccess
The Sweet People. and outgoing BPMA ChairHaydn Willetts
DesktopIdeas picks up oneofthree awards
Samedaybagsare delighted with Platinum
Drinkware Gold for Goldstar
Castelli bagged the Stationeryprize An award forthe award specialistsCrystal Galleries
BPMA membership director Tom Robeycongratulates thewinners
BPMA ProductAwards
Sustainable plaudits in theJutebag
TherewereSilver,Goldand Platinum awards available in most categoriesatthe judges’discretion, so therewereseveral multiple winners.
Among those who made thewalkto thestage morethan once, DesktopIdeas were big winnerswithtwo Platinums (Technology Product of theYearand Innovative Product of theYear) plus Gold (Health, Travel &LeisureProductofthe Year) forits Xoopar ICEcharging cable
Another three-time winner wasPF Concept withPlatinum forDrinkware Product of theYear, andSilvers in Apparel and Innovative Product categories.
TheSweet People wasanother double Platinum winnerasits CoolVibes chocolatetoolboxwon in theFood &Drink
Of course, they were allwinners, andyou can seethe fulllist of awards opposite.
We’llsee youthere
Thereisone final awardtoberevealed –the Grand Prix–but guests will have to wait forthe BPMA Awards on 22 January at Merchandise Worldtodiscoverthe winner whichwillbedecidedfromall winning entries across thenine categories, on an points basis.
For change to happen, organisations need to knowwho they represent, which is whytheBPMA’sfirst diversity studymatters
Diversityisanissue that all organisations needtoconsider.
The BPMA invited member companiestotakepart in asurvey of thepromotional merchandise sector to help tryand understand howcompanies aredealingwiththe issues around diversity, equityand inclusion (DEI).
This information will help to identify areas foreducation and development; represent theindustrytoend users,and help attract andretain talent. The BPMA willprovide asummarytothe Government following arequest to sharemore information about theindustryand its contribution to theeconomy.
Just over half (56%) of respondents were distributors, with39% suppliers, and 93%of companieswereprivately owned.
Respondents reported that 35% of owners/directors were male and 11% reported that they were female–slightly belowthe averagefor theUKof15%. More than half (54%) said they have bothmale and femaledirectors.
Asked about ownership stakes, 19.3% said that morethan 50%oftheircompanywas femaleowned, with 77.1%saying it wasnot. However, theindustry’sworkforcehas a muchmorefemale face withalmost half of respondents saying that 50-75% of their workforcewas female. By contrast, about half of respondents said that 25-50%oftheir employees were male.
Non-binary, gender fluidityand agender representation in theindustryseems to be relatively lowwithmorethan 80% of respondents claiming they hadno individuals from thesegroups in their organisations.
Asked about theethnic background of owners/directors, 86% of respondents reported aBritish background, with 6% Irish, and 4% Indian. In all, 15%reported otherbackgrounds.
When it comes to theage of theindustry, thegreatestnumber of respondents (51%) said that themajorityofemployees were aged 36-50. This compared with 28% that said themajorityoftheir workforcewas in theyounger 26-35age group,and 20% that put themajority of workers in theolder 51-60age group.
According to theOfficefor National Statistics in 2022, youngpeople aged 16-25 made up 11.8% of UK population. In theBPMAsurvey, no businesses reported that theirbusinessismade up of majority this age group.Althoughthisdoesnot mean that thereare no 16-25s in the industry, it could suggest that youngpeople areunder-represented.
Despiteanapparent needtoattract youngpeople to theindustry, only 46% of respondentssaid that they offeredan apprentice or internship programme, while 39%did not.
However, 72%ofbusinesses claimed to operateadiversitypolicywhen recruiting.
Extravaganza Promotional Merchandise highlights therole of femaleentrepreneurship and diversity in creating positive shifts within traditionally male-dominated industries
Manycompanies nowinclude DEI policies to be supportive of different groups of people, including those of different races, ethnicities, abilities, gendersand sexual orientation. Companies that aremorediverse, equitable and inclusive can be more reflective of societyasawhole,and maybebetter able to respond to business challenges, and recruittalent to their organisation.
Diversity –the traits and characteristics that makepeople unique Equity –fair treatment, access and advancement forevery person Inclusion –anenvironment that makes people feel respected, heard and valued
Founded by Aarti Parmar,the company’sethos is shaped by her Indian heritage and immigrant upbringing, whereresourcefulness and sustainability were second nature. “Making things last wasjust part of life,” she says, amindset that nowfuels creativityand innovation within thebusiness.
Parmar believes diversityisessential forfresh ideas and progress, emphasising
lived experiences
that livedexperiences bring unique strengths. By fostering spaces whereall voices arevalued and collaboration thrives, Extravaganza aims to reshape theindustry.
She sees initiatives likethe BPMA diversitystudy as vital toolsfor change. “Diversityisn’t just about representation –it’sabout unlocking potential and driving progress,” she says.
The visualidentityofthe BPMA hasbeengivena freshnew look that is in keepingwith ourvibrant sector, says BPMACEO Phil Goodman
The 60th anniversaryofthe BPMA felt likethe ideal opportunityto review where theAssociation is, and moreimportantly,where do we want it to be.
Ijoined theBPMAinMarch 2024 with amandatetoimprove awareness and relevance of theAssociation. Onefactor that will help us achievethat is to upgrade thevisual and verbal identityofthe BPMA. Thecurrent brandisalmost adecade oldand is lookingtired. The Association websitebecame overly complex duetothe multitude of benefitsand resources available to members, and thetone in whichthe Association presented itselfneeded to evolve
That is all about to change. We are launching abrand-new visual identity that reflects thevibrancyofour industry. We areadesign led industry, we create things, we innovate,wesolve problemsand we promoteamazing brands. The visual identity of theBPMAnow matches the creativityofthe industrythat we serve
The new brand hasbeendesignedfor digital-first communication. It is animated and can embrace video.Itmoves.Itis colourful and playfulwhenitneeds to be, but alsohas authorityand gravitas when necessary. Butequally, it is an evolution from theold brand.
BPMA is still presented as lower-case letters. Butwewilluse thelong form British Promotional MerchandiseAssociation withthe logowhereverpossible.Let’snot assume that people outside of membership knowwhatBPMAstands for.
Memberswillreceive their new logos from 13th January. We wouldencourage all members to replace theexisting logoassoon as possible, particularly on digitalchannels such as websites,social media and email signatures. We appreciate that anything printed willtaketimeto replace butpleaseensurethatnothing is created moving forwardwiththe old brandlogo.
To accompany thenew visual identity is a brand new BPMA website, again launching on 13th January. Theaddress remains what youdiscoverwill be totally different from before.You will be provided withmemberlogin details with thenew logodistribution. Thewebsite will be continually monitored and updated News willbefresh.Research will be added on aweekly basismakingitall in all afar moreusefulsitefor ourmembers.
We hope youlikethe newbrand as much as we do.Ithas been an incredible project to deliver, and we at theBPMAare excited about usingittosupportbettermember communication and drivingengagement beyond membership into thewider industry.
Youcan shareyour view by engaging withour posts on LinkedIn,orindeed, why not email me directlyatphil.goodman@
Forany assistance in deploying the newBPMAlogo’s etc, please email
With an eventful year behind us,what will the newyearbring for merchandise?
The past year has been one of great change, not leastpolitically in the UK wherethe main governing party shifted forthe first time since 2010 from Conservative to Labour
Afteraperiod of turmoil –Covid, supply chain disruption, wars, raging inflation,and overlapping prime ministers –itseemed that theUKhas opted fora period of relative stability. WithKeir Starmer and his Chancellor
Rachel Reeves underlining growth as their toppriority, canthings only get better?
Looking at advertisingspendforecasts whichare agood indication of marketing sentiment, therespected AA/WARC study stated that theUK’sadmarketwill reach £43.1bn spend in 2025,arise of 6.5% andan uplift of 1.0ppfromJuly’s forecast.This is due
to morefavourable trading conditions and higher consumer spending
Stephen Woodford,CEO of theAdvertising Association (AA), said: “The advertising industry is onceagain driving UK growth helping businesses to compete, promote innovation and support jobs.Itisanessential engine of theeconomyand keytothe Government’scentral ambition to achieve thehighest sustained growth in theG7.
Elsewhere, predictions areless optimistic, although still positive.The IPA’sBellwether surveywithS&P Globalhas liftedits ad spend forecast to 0.6% in real termsfor 2024,versus aflat estimate previously (0.0%).
WithGDP expected to be sluggish in 2025, advertisingspend is anticipated to pickup in theyear ahead, growing 1.3%.From2026 onwardswithGDP growth at thelower end of the1%threshold, ad spend in real termswill rise atrates close to 2% in 2027 and beyond.
Paul Bainsfair,IPA Director General, said it waspositive that companies weren’t cutting their marketingbudgets,but had pressedpause ahead of thelast Budgetas they sought clarityonthe Government’s economic plans.
"Building onthis, it is worthnotingthat our ad spend forecast has been revised up for2024and 2025 because theeconomic datahas been sostrong so farthis year,and that main media growth strengthened to a one-year high while sales promotion budget growth slowed–bothofwhichare signals of bullishness,” he added.
GDPgrowthforecasts fornextyear show arange of figures. In its October 2024 economicand fiscal outlook, theOffice forBudget Responsibility’s(OBR) GDPgrowth forecast was1.1%in2024and 2.0% in 2025
The Treasury’sNovember 2024 surveyof independent forecasts showed an average forecast of 0.9% for2024and 1.3% for2025.
In December forecasts forthe world economy,the OECD saidthe global economyhad remained resilientin2024, but “risks arecasting ashadow”overthe outlook
TheOECD lifted its forecast forUKGDP growth in 2025 from 1.2% to 1.7%, boostedby an increase inpublic spending announced at theAutumn Budget.
This puts theUKamong thehighest of G7 nations, withonlythe US (2.4%) and Canada (2%) higher
At amoregranular level, arecent study by Aviva highlights widespread optimism among UK small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) as they looktoward2025, witharound nine in ten(89%) decisionmakers confident about their growth prospects forthe year ahead.
The study,whichtookplace in November, after thebudget,also revealed enduring optimism among SMEs,with85% confident that their businesses will grow overthe next five years.
Another study in November,bythe ONS lookedatbusinesses and challenges facing theeconomy.
In thetwo weeks ending17November 2024,22.7% of respondents thought their business’s performancewould increase over thenext 12 months, while 14%thought it would decrease.
Meanwhile, morethan halfofrespondents (56%) to theBritish ChambersofCommerce
(BCC) Quarterly EconomicSurveyfor Q3 said that they expected turnovertogrow in thenext 12 months, despitepessimism following thebudget.35% reported an increase in sales in thepast12months.
What does this mean formerchandise businesses? Themost recent Sourcing Cityreportonthe Merchandise Market put growth in theUKfor 2023 at ahealthy enough 4.2%, meaning that thesector had rebounded from its pandemic slump to be worth£1.18bn.
Theyearjust gone wasmassive for sport withthe Paris Olympics and Euros proving ahuge hit with bothfans and brands. The coronation of King Charles in 2023 wasanother unifying event that proveda great hookfor brands joining in thecelebrations.
By comparison, 2025 looks alittle fallow, but thereare still greatevents to look forwardto.
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Withthe 2024 report stillbeing collated at thetime of writing, SourcingCity’sDavid Long wascautious about what it would show, and said: “I anticipate theyear to be relatively flat, but stats mayshowsomething else. I’mnot expecting muchchangein 2025 –lifecould actuallyget harder withthe recent government actions.”
The October Budget introduced several measures that will affect smaller businesses, notably an increase in employer national insurance contributionsby1.2% to 15%. The amount that small businesses could claim back in employment allowancewas doubled to £10,500, whichthe Government claims mean that 865,000 employers won’tpay any NI on employees.
Changes to InheritanceTax have attracted muchcomment concerning their effect on farmsbut will also affect family business’s ability to pass on tradingbusinesses tax free to thenext generation. From 2026, inheritancetax (IHT)looks set to be levied on qualifyingbusinesses, at 20%, whichishalf theheadline rate of IHT,for assets over £1m
Andrew Langley,managing director, Juniper Trading, said that he had mixed feelings about theyear ahead
“Onamacro or industrywide level, Iam afraid to say, broadly negative aboutnext year.The damage to business and consumer confidence created by theBudget and the sharp taxrises, is already seeing activity drop off significantly,” he said. “However, forJuniper,Iremain optimistic. We have a very strong order book,and new products and services in thepipeline, that Ithink will stand us in good steadtoweather broader
Andrew Langley
Andrew Langley,managing director
Juniper Trading shares his thoughts on theyearahead.
QWhat trends do youthink we'll see in merchandise?
Acontinuation of ever morescrutinyover sustainability claims and thewidespread demandfor ‘product passports’, suchas supply chaininformation. Transparency will be keyand thedaysof‘secret suppliers’, is comingto an end. More and morebrands aredemanding to knowthe exact chain of custody and very detailed analysis of what they are buying. This should be embraced by our trade as atrusted source and thestrong links between trade onlysuppliers and distributorscan be enhancedasaresult
QWhat would youlike to see in the year ahead?
Iwould liketosee moremembers getting active withinthe BPMA. We areastronger when we speak andact with one voice
economic ill winds.”
JoyPuor,ESG director,XDConnects, said thecompanywas moderately optimistic for 2025 and that it would be putting an even strongerfocus on its ESG purpose, withlow impact materials andproducts
“In termsoftrends, therewill be more valuable, functionalgifts instead of cheaper promotional products. Consumersare looking formoremeaningful products with alonger lifethat areuseful andofgood design,” she said.
The companywould liketosee more European economic stability, she added, which is areminder that post-Brexit,the EU hasalsosuffered from choppy economic waters.
While ruling out areturnto either the Single Marketorthe Customs Union,PM Keir Starmer is keen to tryand reset EU-UK relations. Ambitions arebeing kept relatively low, but with42% of UK exportsgoing to Europe, anything that dialsdownthe acrimonyofrecent years, and alleviates barriers to trade will be helpful. Areportby theCentrefor Economic Performancefound that 20,000 small businesses hadstopped exportingtothe EU since post-Brexit trading rules cameintoplay.
Oneareathat is universal to businesses is the growing importance of sustainabilitywith ESG requirements of end usersbecoming mandatoryrather than ‘nice to have’. The result in merchandise hasbeen aflowering of moresustainable options, as evidenced by therecent BPMA Product Awards (see p4).
We areheadingintochoppywaters withnew compliance andregulations beingthrownatusseemingly daily,and by workingtogetherand sharing best practice,wecan present amuchmore powerful message to thewidermarketing industry,about whythey should buy with confidence and buy through arecognised, andprofessionalsupplychain.
QAs abusiness, what will yoube doing differently?
We shall be building on ourfirst two years of reporting ourcarbon footprint, Scope 1, 2and 3, by extending that work and those calculations to the specific products we sell. Thisisa huge challenge and one whereweaim to not just present ascore, or anumber,but an easy to digest explainer around our methods and assumptions.Weshallalso be introducing averyexciting visualiser tool forour clients, that we will be revealing at theMerchandise World showinJanuary.
Ascovered in theNov-Dec issue of Product Media, net zero is increasingly mentioned by customers, with 46% of organisations reporting requestsfor carbon data, withlarger organisations cascading requirements down through their supply chain.
Merchandise companiesare responding withmoresustainable products and in some cases replacing oldless sustainable ones, and this will continue. Kantar’s BrandZ data suggests that sustainabilityalready contributes $193bn to thevalueofthe world’stop 100brands. Kantar’s Worldpanel dataprojects thecontinued growth of the mostsustainably active consumer segments from 22% in 2023, to aconservative estimate of 29%by2030.
Theconversation around Generative AI continues, with newcapabilities and claims emerging daily.Knowing howbest to deploy it, understand its impact, and whattowatch out forwill be growing challenges Issues around data will heat up as the focus on bothprovenance and ownership sharpens. AI canonly get better by learning from existingdatasets, and where there’s data, thereisanowner,and they will be increasingly protective of what they own. Thereseems little doubt though that AI will creep intoagrowing number of areas affecting merchandisebusinesses from customer service and product descriptions, to image generation. The result could be what researchers Mintel call a ‘Personalisation Renaissance’creating hyperpersonalised experiences.Marketing may never lookthe same again.
First Editions managing director Mark Alderson believes two trends will dominatein2025–the ongoing quest forsustainability, andthe continued revivalofinterest in UK manufacturing.
“Sustainability will remain atop priority. At First Editions, sustainability hasalwaysbeenatthe heart of our model, and we’veconsistentlyoffered class-leading, eco-friendly products. Customersare nowplacing greater emphasis on both theoriginsofa productand itsend-of-life credentials, and ourexpanding rangecontinues to reflect this shiftinconsumer expectations
Lead times will also continue to prove vitaltobusiness growth,and that’s whereUK-held stock– andUK manufacturing–willbepivotal Over thelastdecade, we have continually invested in UK-based manufacturing, ensuring faster turnaround timesfor our clients while also supporting local industry
Ourcountry’smanufacturing base hascomethrough some tough times in thepastfew decades, andthis renewedinterestinUK-made products is agoldenopportunitytohelpkickstart theeconomy,and we areproud to be part of this movement Ialsothink we’regoingtosee considerablegrowthindemand for both customisable productsand bespoke packaging.The opportunities areout thereand we remain optimistic aboutthe year ahead.”
Mark Alderson
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Brexit, Covid and agrowing focus on sustainability were allchallenges for the outgoingBPMAChair. Haydn Willetts outlineshow the industry fared
Outgoing BPMA chair Haydn Willetts hashandedthe baton overtoClive Allcott afterathreeyear stint in thehot seat.Withhis time in thepost coincidingwithone of the toughest periods forthe industry,covering thepandemic, he stayed an extra year to helpensurecontinuityand stabilityata time when theindustrymost needed it.
Product Media caught up with Willetts to get his thoughts on this momentous period.
What were themain challenges during your chairmanship?
Brexit of course wasamajor challenge not only formeinmyday jobbut also forthe wholeindustry. We had to comprehend exactly what theramifications would be and whatwas neededtonavigatesuccessful deliveries to and from theEU.
Also,the effects of Covidonthe wayof working forthe distributorswithhybrid operations, end customers withmore peoplehome working, and theway of communicating and executing meetings. Then therewas thechallenge of fulfilment delivery requirements. All this seems to have remained andmay be apermanent fixture.
In addition, theESG and legislative changesthathaveand willcontinue to take place means that fargreater knowledgeisneededfromall sectorsofthe supply chain. It’sa challengebut also an opportunity if we do it well
Howdid theBPMAreact to thebiggest of these –Covid?
During Covid theBPMAwas sympathetic as well as empathetic to thecrisis that presented itself.The association really stepped up in termsofcommunication to members and theindustryasawhole regardingwhatcould and should be done, as well what could not be done in areas such as PPP sales.
Regular webinars updated members and also non-members on keymoments and newsworthyupdates,suchasfurlough, business loans and howtonavigatethese areas. Notforgetting thediscount that was offered to all members at theheight of the pandemic to support members financially
Howisthe industrylooking now?
We bounced back prettywell post-Brexit and post-Covid, seizing theopportunities
that presented themselves oncea sense of normalityreturned.
Now, acouple of years later, more challenges could come ourway depending on what happens globally andfroman economyperspective.The worldmay look very differentfor our industryinfive-to-10 yearsasthereismoreemphasis on and targets forcarbon footprints and net zero
We will need to remain agile to succeed in thefutureand to ensurethat the merchandisesectorremains relevantinthe digital worldand that we areabletosupport ourcorner and to continue to justify both thetangibleaswell as intangible benefits our corner of themarketing arena delivers.
Membershipnumbershavebeena challengedue to financialsituations, retirements, mergers/acquisitions andthis will continue. The Association needsto keep drivinghome themessage of what it stands forand forwhom, bringinnew members whocan seethe benefits bothfinancial and operational that the Association can bring andcontinue to educatenew people in our industry.
Whatare youproudest of as chair?
Honestly and selfishly my time on the boardhas allowedmetoconnectto fellowboard members and have afar greater understanding of what we alldo as an industryand howhardweall work Iwas able to see thecommitment of the Secretariat and theother boardmembers in termsofgiving up time and energy to help support thereputation and development of our industryasawhole.The BPMA is financially stable and nowabletoreally look to implement manyofits plans forthe future.
As theBPMAcelebrates its 60th anniversary, whatdoes thefuturehold? Although not quiteyet in my own60thyear Iamnot faroff it.Iwill not be slowing down justyet as IbelieveIhaveafew good years left in me. Ihavedecided to step down from theboard of theBPMAtofocus more fully on my dayjob at midocean and to hopefully continue thedramatic growth we have also experienced over thelastfiveyears. Iam alsoa grandad twice over so thereare family considerations to take intoaccount as the circleoflifecontinues.But Iwillstillbea massive advocate foreverything theBPMA standsfor and is trying to achievefor the benefit of all in our industry.
Iwouldliketosay abig thanks you to all my BPMA colleagues, especially AngelaWagstaffwho has beenincredibly supportive during my tenure.And of course IwishClive Allcott thenew Chairall the best during his tenure
Getready forabusy year in 2025bypicking up newproduct ideasand supporting business relationshipsatthe UK’s must-attend merchandiseevent
Herewegoagain! It’sthe start of 2025 and themerchandise industryiskicking offits winter lethargy to head forthe UK’s biggest andmost important gathering of the promotional merchandise sector
Merchandise Worldisthe keyfixture in our industry’scalendar and this year is no different. Organised by Sourcing City in conjunction with theBPMA, theshow retains its appeal with169 exhibitors listed as attending at thetime of going to press –up slightly on last year despiterecent downbeat predictions forthe UK economy.Also,atthe time of publishing, 834 visitors were registered with moreexpected beforethe big event
Exhibitors will range from thebig suppliers suchasPFConceptand XD Connects to moreniche offerings suchas Stand4Socks and Just BallsSporting. There arealso ahost of new exhibitors to get to knowcovering aplethoraof products and services (see box, p21)
Usefulasitistoremember our history, theshowisresolutelyabout looking forward–essential in such afast-moving sector as merchandise. An area that bears particularly closeattentionisthe everdeveloping issueofsustainabilityand howit affects merchandise.
Questions about product background and supplychain arenow commonplace formostsuppliers as their customers take greater care than ever overwhat they put their branding on. Merchandise Worldhas been at theforefront of showcasing the importance of selecting merchandise that packsapunchwithout costing theearth. InitiativessuchasEco World– back again this year –shows thegrowing amount of merchandisethatlooks great, does a fantastic job, and hassustainable credentials.
The first nightofthe show will be a chance forattendees to celebratethe very best in thesectoratthe BPMA Awards Presented at aglitzygala dinner,the awards go to thecompaniesthat BPMA members rate as thebestofthe best.There arealso anumberofspecial awards includingthe Briman Awardfor thebestuse of British merchandise. The Grand Prixfor thebest merchandiseof2024will also be awarded at theshow.
The reasons that JanuaryinCoventry aresuchamustattend, despite growing competition, remain evergreen.It’scentrally located foreveryone, makingitagreat location forsuppliers and distributors to meet, renewrelations, and plan forthe year ahead.
In termsoftiming, it’sthe perfectstart to theyear,dovetailing nicely with customers’ product media planning forthe year ahead. It’s alsoa great use of everyone’s time whether youattend fortwo days or take a moreselected approach
This year’s showalso coincides with the60thanniversary of theBPMA, and the industry’sassociation will be celebrating that fact by showing offsome of thewaysin whichmerchandisehas helped to play arole supporting marketing campaigns throughout theyears. It’sauseful reminder of the rationale behind product media in thefirst place–itisdesigned to be seen, handled, used,and be remembered.
Merchandisespecialist midoceanis announcing anew chapter in itsjourney at MerchandiseWorld, formingacloser alliancewiththe Solo Group,tobecome Solo midocean.
This will entail operational expansion to meet thegrowing demand. The companyis expanding its capacitybyadding 32,000m2 to its Ruda facility, making it almost 80,000m2.A new production facilityisalso set to open in Spain in 2026.
Solo midocean is also adding advanced online tools. Following thelaunchofthe new improvedPrintDesign Wizard in 2024, it is looking to launchthe advanced Your Product Creatorin2025.
The overall aim is to drivecustomisation and innovation, simplifyingprocesses, enhancing choices and making it easier fordistributors to concentrate on their customers.
This partnership includes moreexpertise on garments and strengthens theexisting foundation of seamlessonline ordering, fast lead times,tailored customisation, sustainable solutions, and great service, the companyclaims.
Another companythat is embracing greater useoftechnology to enhance its service is JuniperTrading. Thenotebook, folders andleather gifts specialist is introducing averyexciting visualiser tool forits clients, and will be revealing all at the MerchandiseWorld show.
Drinkware specialist First Editions is set to turnheads withwhat it promisesisa revolutionarynew product whichboasts thelowest carbonfootprintacross its entire production cycle, establishing anew sustainabilitybenchmarkfor drinkware
The product has been designed, engineered and manufactured at Birmingham’s Tyseley Energy Park usingazero-wasteprocess. It’sa collaborationbetween First Editions and BirminghamEnergy Institute’sClimate Innovation Platform(CIP).
First Editions wasone of ahandful of businesses invited to join theplatformand theproduct being launched is thefirst fruit of thepartnership
MarkAlderson, MD of First Editions, said: “We’re incredibly proud to be unveiling this groundbreaking product at theshow– it marks amajor milestone in our commitment to net zero and thedevelopment of sustainable products.”
The First Editions team will be augmented by newly appointedsales account manager Daniel Richardson who wasmost recently at Laltex Groupwhere he gained more than five years of experience in merchandise
Another new lookwill be revealed by Goldstar whichunveils afresh, new brand identity in January 2025.Itclaims this is not so muchalogo makeover as awhole new wayofthinking and marks thebeginning of anew chapter in thecompany’sjourney, reflecting itscommitment to making things simpler, smarter,and moreimpactful.
Thefocus is on helping brandstell their stories and make better,moresustainable choices everyday.Visitors to theshow will experience thenew brand identityand exploreits expanded lineup of innovative
products in its
thoughtfully designed productsinits writing, drinkwareand bags ranges.
Heather Smartt, Goldstar’s globalhead, said: “Aswecontinuetoevolve and adapt to thechanging needs of our industry and partners, this rebrand reflectsour commitment to deliveringamazing products, exceptionalservice, and complete transparency across the business.”
When it comes to bespoke,sustainable bags, Jutebag is thego-tospecialist supplier,witha proven trackrecordin transforming ideas intobeautifully-designed, eco-friendly products. Witha focus on innovation, sustainability,and quality, the companyhas become thetrusted partner forclients lookingtocreateunique and environmentally-conscious bags.
“If customershaveaproduct they want to bring to life, we canhelp them turnit intoastandout, sustainable product,”said LeeThompson, thecompany’strade sales director.“OurGoBespoke service takesyour initial concept and develops mock-up visuals forreview,ensuring everyprojectcomes to lifeseamlessly.”
Jutebag holds morethanfivemillion bags in UK stock, readytomeet theneeds of thefast-paced promotional market. The range includes morethan200 styles in jute, cotton/canvas(natural, organic, fairtrade and recycled), and rPET.
The companymanages qualitycontrol and progressthrough aglobalproduction network of certified factories in India, Vietnam, France, Italy and UK,soclients don’t need to travel.
Unpickone of theindustry’sbest-kept secrets as trade exclusive,decoration specialist Sew-Inkcredible makesits MerchandiseWorld debut
Sew-Inkcredible has more than 30 years experience in screen print, embroideryand transfer print, backed withacommitment to quality, care and excellence.
Thecomprehensive offering includes
precision screen printing, embroidery, transfers and finishing, garment sourcing artroom, digitisation, design support re-labelling, tagging and more.
Express options areavailable forurgent orders, and its hands-on, personalised ordering service provides direct supportand expert guidance throughthe entireprocess, making it thego-to-choice fordistributorsseeking reliable, high-qualitydecoration solutions.
WHERE -CBS Arena, JuddsLane, CoventryCV6 6GE
WHEN –22-23 January2025. Show opens from 8.00 and closes 17.00onDay 1, and 15.00onDay 2. There’sfreelunch teaand coffee, and breakfast is served on bothdaysfrom8.00-10.00.
WHY –The startofeachyear is themain timewheneveryone involvedwithsales in professional distributor companies wishtomeetsuppliers to discover thenew and best-selling promotional products forthe new selling year
As well as thesector’s most established players thereare ahostofnew faces at this year’s show.
3M PROMOTIONAL MARKETSPOWERED BY CCAOCCASIONS –the Post It company is expanding intoEurope with its unique productssuchascustomised printed notes.
BRANDFIT SOLUTIONS –the Chinese merchandise supplier operates from a European base in Amsterdamwitha focus on awide product range and highdegree of compliance –itworks with 2,000 Sedex-compliant factories
CERTNFASE –this Warwickshire-based screen printing and embroiderybusiness canprovide awide range of branded clothingand workwear.Ithas 30 years of experience but is attending Merchandise Worldfor thefirst time.
GILLEY –anumbrella engineered for modernlife, and it can be branded too, on thesleeveand canopy.
GREYVILLE SPORTS –asthe name suggests, Greyville workswitha lot of sports teams and clubs but cansupply merchandise to any business or organisation.
ID UNIQUE SNEAKERS –ortrainers as we call them over here. The company designsand manufacturestotallybranded shoes –handmade in Spain.
MOYU –a sustainable company, Moyu’s erasable notebooks canbescanned and digitised bridgingthe gapbetween thereal and virtual worlds.
PERSONALISEYOUR LUGGAGE –does exactly what it says on thetin –oronthe case in this instance.
PROMODATEKSTIL –a Turkish towel companythatwill help youtoreally cleanup.
REFLOACTIVE –provides arangeof reflectiveproductsfor branding to ensure youget seen.
SUBLIMATION PRINT –offers awide variety of differentprint techniques and garment decoration all under one roof WINNING MOVES –provides someof theUK’sbest known card gamesand boardgames.
HOW –visitorscan register at Thereisa free station transfershuttle busto and from Coventrystation every30 minutes between 08.00-17.30 on Day1and 08.00-15.30 on Day2.Free airport transfers from Birmingham International areavailable by prior arrangement.
Car parking at theArena is free with promo code MW2025.Pre-bookin advance at or register on theday
Turn over anew leaf in the New Year by adopting
habitsthatstick in 2025,says Mike Collins
The NewYear is seen as an opportunityfor new beginnings. The challenge is sticking with our well-intentioned promises. We often make pledges to alter ourselves, our lifestyles, or our environment, but howoften do we promise to alter theway we lookatour business?
Running asuccessful business can be adrain on your time butnot always, especially if you have thecorrect processes, efficiencies and systems in place. All toooften theimmediateneed to service customers and fulfil orders takesoverthe opportunity to really review your business practices, including analysing your exposureand your risk. AccountAssyst 2.0gives all promotional goods industry companies back that time and opportunity to getthings right If youare aBPMAMember,all thebetter,because youhave asubstantive benefit package (fundedbythe BPMA on your behalf)that facilitates manyneeds Being amember of theBPMAis notessential though, just more beneficial that’sall…we arehereto help and supportyou regardless
Your first task forthe NewYear is to take alittle time to study or analyseyourcustomers payment habits.Istherea particularcustomer who has takenlonger and longer to pay throughout 2024?
If so,makeanoteonyour accounts system to flag them up as aconcern. Then you maychoose to makethem ‘aninformed priority’ when conducting credit control,and so contact them as soonaspayment has fallen due, if not in advance to checkthat they have theinvoice andall is in order.The quickeryou action aconcern, thespeedier youare going to get paid.
Secondly,wemay review whether there’saparticular customer who hasconsistently ordered moregoodsthan your
suggested credit limit? What’s their payment recordlikeand indeed whatistheir current credit rating? Potentially if their activityorturnoverhas improved then surely so should their profitabilityand their general financial profilealongside it.
By carrying out some credit and diligence checks on customers, andbyreviewing theindustrysectorstheyoperate in, together withfinancial ratings of those companies andtheir creditworthiness, youare making surethat they are deserving of anycredit limit that youare giving them?
If your checks highlight that your customer’scredit limit can be increased then perhaps write to them to offer an extension to their credit limit? Your customer will appreciatethe vote of confidence and mayeven provide further orders.
However, if your searches show they arenot worthy of any additional credit,thenflag them up withanalertonyoursystem that everytime they approach their current limit withyou, you must contact them immediately andask them forpayment to bring them back in line to ensure futureorders maybeprocessed without anyavoidable delays.
The NewYear is thetime for newstarts andnew beginnings butit’salso atime fornew action andmaking them habitual. Good practices arenot just forthe NewYear they arefor eachand everyday of every monthof everyyear
If we can be of help with making your credit management practices more effective and robust, don’t hesitatetocontact us.We’re alwayshappyto help,advise and guide the promotional goods community.
Email Ian Jenkinson at call himon 07860197476 for immediatesupport.
HappyNew Year
l Mike Collins ismanaging director of Account Assyst
Contact Details
Pleasecontact amember of ourlocal support team for advice on any matter related to debt and credit management
London and South David Barker 07766545871
Midlands and East Anglia KenBrown 07795214426
Walesand North West Ian Jenkinson 07860 197476
North East,Scotland andNorthern Ireland MikeCollins 07866 427363
Acommitment to training and skills development benefits companies, their people, andthe promotional merchandiseindustry as awhole, says Andrew Dwerryhouse
AtWild Thang, we arefirmbelievers that thefutureofthe promotional merchandise industrylies in the continuous development of its people. By prioritising robust training programmes, likethe BPMA TPMLevel, we ensureour team is equipped withthe skills and knowledge to deliverexcellence. This commitment not only supports individual growth but also elevates theindustryby promoting professionalism,innovation,and bestpractice.
The BPMA TPMLevel is acornerstone of our approach to training, offeringlearnersa comprehensive foundationinthe principles and practices of promotional merchandise.It provides vital insights intokey areas critical to theevolving needs of today’smarket, suchas
Wildabout learning: Wild Thang'sBPMAgraduates
artwork preparation, decoration, sustainable merchandise, and ethicaltrading.
Wild Thang ensures everyteam member has access to this invaluable resource, empowering them withbothmandatory knowledge and elective specialties that align withtheir interestsand client needs.
We arecommitted to fostering expertise in areassuchas: Technicalproficiency –mastering decoration techniques likescreen printing, embroidery, and engraving.
What WildThang graduates think
Stacey Kirk, sales manager
“I completed theTPM training courseand ameager to signupfor thenext level to further enhance my industryknowledge. Even after almost20years in theindustry, Ifound the coursehighlyinformative,withplentyofnew and interesting insights
Oneaspect Iparticularly enjoyedwas learning about theHistoryofPromotional Merchandise, and Ifound thesustainabilitymodule especially useful, as this is becoming a crucialfocus forthe future.”
Carrie Dwerryhouse, seniorbusiness, quality and ESG manager
“I found theTPM very informative and althoughIhaveworkedinthe industry formany years it providedthat extrainsight intoareas Iwas notfully knowledgeable in.
Ifoundthe artwork area themost useful as Iwas unclear about themeanings of the different formats in which artwork can be sent and received. It wasveryimportanttome to do well in thetraining and Ispent time after work revising thetopics.Wewerealso giventime within work to work on therevision.”
ChloeMcCowan, senior customer success team leader,
“The TPMcourse gave me an insighttoall roleswithinour sector,and an understanding ofdepartments Idon’t get to see on aday to daybasis.
The most useful part wasunderstanding thedifferent artwork files and whytheyare needed forprint–I find myself using andexplainingthis knowledgetocustomers often.
Iwould advise anyother students taking thecoursetoensurethey both watchthe videos and read thePDFs,as they have different informationwhichisall needed forthe exam. Allinall, thecourse wasgreat,informative,and very useful formyjob role.”
Sustainability leadership –advocating and educating about sustainable solutions. Customer service excellence –building strong client relationships through proactive communication and adeep understanding of business needs.
Training initiativeslikethe BPMA TPM Levelgobeyond individual businesses –they strengthen theentirepromotional merchandiseindustry. By championing education and best practice, we are collectively raising thebar forservice delivery,ethical standards, and innovation.
The benefits of awell-trained team go beyond technical skills. The return on investment is measured in client trust, employeesatisfaction, and industry leadership.A knowledgeable team strengthens client relationships, delivers superior results, and positions us as abeacon of best practice.
As thepromotional merchandise industry continues to evolve,it’sclear that education and training arenot optional; they are essential. Programmes likethe BPMA TPM Levelprovide ablueprint forbusinesses to developtheir teams and contributetothe growth of theindustry.
By investing in our people, we are investing in thefutureofthe promotional merchandiseindustry. Together,let’s continue to raise thebar ● Andrew Dwerryhouse is managing director,WildThang
The BPMA would liketocongratulate allofthe students who undertook education withus in 2024.Inall, 120industryprofessionals enrolled in BPMA education courses. The following students graduated. Well done to all –you arehelping to raise thebar on our industry’s professionalism and level of service.
FirstEditions –Harry Walbaum, Sarah Logan Geiger –EdChurchill, Faye Grant, Jack
Jewell,Linda Renowden
Mind Vision –JoDos Santos
TotalMerchandise –CharlotteBranwhite –Eliza Rudowicz
Ruby Young
WCMA –ToriEvans
The BPMA is pleased to announce the dates of its2025courses:
l 2nd January2025
l 1st April2025
l 1st July 2025
l 1st October 2025
Thereare currently twocourses, Trained in Promotional Merchandise (TPM) and Certified in Promotional Merchandise (CPM).
Contact moreinformation, and to enrol your members of staff. Don’tforget, if you areaBPMACharter member,you receive 1freeeducation place per membership year
2024 saw BPMA active across anumberofareasofinterest to members and 2025 is shaping up to be equally busy, says Jenny Dawes, sustainability and compliance manager, BPMA
Ayear and ahalf since its launch in June 2023, onethirdofour members have nowtaken the StepForward Pledge.Weare extremely proud that so manybusinesses areengaginginthe initiative, and of the progress being made within theindustry.
The StepForward Pledgeisasector initiative raising awarenessofthe impact ourbusinesses have on people andonthe Planet. It provides guidance on setting a benchmarkfor progress, creating targets, and measuring progress year-on-year
If youwould likelearnmoreabout the Pledge andget your business involved, please reachout to us at sustainability@ more information.We
welcome all members to jointhe initiative in 2025,nomatter what stage youare at withyour ESG journey
At theBPMAweare continuously developing new partnershipsand connections with organisationsthat can provideexpertguidance and support to members Late2024, we launchedanew partnershipwithAnti Copying in Design (ACID).ACID is atrade association for designersand manufacturers, committed to fightingdesign theft and lobbying for design lawreform.
ACID hasalready invited members to
avarietyoftheir membership webinars, educating on IP related topics including IP basics, exhibition design and websitedesign.
Abrand-new partnership we arelaunching in 2025 is with The Printing Charity, an organisation dedicated to supporting people that work within theprint sector –providing practical, emotional andfinancial help Visit to learn moreabout thesupport it canprovide to your business and your people.
The Printing Charityisalsojoining the BPMA on 20 March 2025 at 12pm fora BPMA member only webinar,toexplorein moredetail theresources and guidance that is available to members. Visit events to sign up forthe event.
BPMA update
We arealso excited to continue two very impactful BPMA partnerships into 2025 –withPlanet Markand AGood Thing. Bothofthese organisations have been pivotalonthe sustainabilityprogression of theBPMA, and BPMA members. They will continue to work with us in 2025 to provideeducation and guidance to our members through one-to-one advice, webinars and events.
AGood Thing provides members with aroutebywhichthey can transfer excess merchandise towardsneedy causes. It connects merchandise providers with charities and other organisations meaning that items whichmight otherwisebecome landfill can be put to gooduse, saving charities money and providing additionallife formerchandise.
Since thepartnership launched in 2023, 49 BPMA businesses have registered with AGood Thing. Therehavebeen 239offers listed, reaching 306 charities across theUK.
As countries across theglobe continue to become moreaware of theirimpact on the Planet, morestringent regulations are being developed androlledout by governments, withthe goal of mitigatingtheirimpact.
These new regulationsmay result in compliance obligations forSMEs directly, or indirectly via their clients
Upcoming regulationsour members should be awareofinclude, EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR),Corporate SustainabilityReporting Directive/Due Diligence Directive (CSRD/CSDDD) and the EU Green ClaimsDirective
In 2024 thepromotional goods industry across Europe experiencedanincrease in warnings from bothGOTSand FSC, foruse of their trademarks without holding the correct certification.
To maintainthe integrityoftheir standards, they require an uninterrupted chain of certified organisations, meaning that distributors and resellers withnopartin themanufacturing process mayalsoneed to seek certification to promoteand sell these products.
The BPMA has ongoing contact withboth of these bodies to ensure themost up to dateguidance is provided to members. In 2025 we also have planstolaunchanFSC UK Trade Committee, to ensureour industry is represented and consideredwhen developing FSC guidelines.
Our2024Diversitysurvey(see p8) highlighted our industry’sstrengths, as well as areasfor improvement.Ithas givenus areas to focus ourefforts on and address at
our 2025 International Women’sDay and BPMA Annual Conferenceevents
BPMA IWDEvent: Tuesday11thMarch 2025
BPMA AnnualConference: Wednesday 4thJune 2025
As part of theBPMA’scommitment to reducing our environmental impact, we have committed to reducing thecarbon emissionsofour events.Wehave partneredwithTRACE by isla, an events industryspecific carbon calculator,to measure and reduce theemissions created by our events
● JennyDawes is BPMA sustainability and compliance manager
BPMA members have donated excess merchandise to organisations throughout theUK
• More than 70 key suppliers &brands
• See all the latest products
• Collect samples, catalogues& ideas
• Refreshmentsprovided all day
• Free to attend
• Free parking
Nothing compares to real life and live events, so we are delighted to announce TheBIG shows are back this spring: register now and get engaged! Now incorporating and co-locating The BIG Wearables Trade Show as well.
TheBIG Promotional Trade Shows are the promotional merchandise and wearables eventstoget to in 2025.
• Convenient locations
Marketers arelookingfor products that are modern, innovative, useful, and havea long lifecycle. No wonder promotionaltech is growing, says MattPluckrose
Last year wasa stormy one for manycompanies in ourindustry withglobal, political and economic factorsaffecting confidenceand spend.Against this turmoil we sawgrowing popularityofpromotional technology as part of themix with an overall shareof around 15%.
So,what keytrends arelikelytohavean effect on promotional marketing this year?
● Data-drivencampaigns: Brands will use dataanalytics and AI to createhighly personalised experiences forconsumers. Thisincludes customproducts, tailored messaging, andpersonalised offers based on individual preferences,location, and behaviour.Itcan be deliveredthroughQR codes printed to everyday products or can even be embedded throughNFC tags in products.
● Interactive and dynamic content: Expect an increase in campaigns that allow customers to engage and personalise their experiences in real time –likeinteractive emails, personalised videos, and custom product design–supported by products reflectingabrand’scolour,shape,and style.
● Eco-friendly promotional products: In 2025,expect to see all UKpromotional products being made from recycled, biodegradable,orsustainable materials.
● AI-poweredcampaigns: Artificial intelligence will help marketers better understand consumerbehaviour,automate contentcreation,and optimise customer targeting. Promotional campaigns will be
Promotional will more efficient, data-driven, and tailored to individual needs, creating opportunity
forsmart products that reflectconsumers lifestyles and work patterns
● Chatbotsand virtualassistants: Customerengagement throughAI-driven chatbots or virtualassistants willbecome moresophisticated, enabling suppliers and distributors to providepersonalised experiencesand handle promotions or product orders in real timevia their CRM systems
● Immersive experiences: Promotional marketing will increasingly incorporateAR and VR to createimmersive,interactive campaigns. Forinstance, AR featuresmight allowcustomerstovisualise products in their ownenvironment beforepurchasing Marketers will be able to instantly see how their logo and colours would lookona product.
● Gamified promotions: Brands will continuetouse gamification to engage consumersinfun, interactiveways. Examples includedigitalscratch cards, loyaltychallenges, and game-basedrewards that encourage ongoing engagement –deliveredvia NFC.
● Enhanced loyalty: Loyaltyprogrammes willevolveintomoredynamic,personalised experiences. Expect rewardsthat feel morevaluable, such as exclusive accessto events,personalised discounts, or unique experiences
● IoT-enabled products: Promotional productsthatintegrate withthe Internet of Things (IoT)will become morecommon.This includes smarthome devices, IoT-enabled wearables,ortechgadgets that synchronise withmobileapps foradded functionality.
● Smartpackaging: Expect packaging to becomemoreinteractive,featuring QR codes or NFCtags that lead to exclusive content, promotions, or product information.
Overall, promotional marketing in 2025 willbedefinedbyamix of technological innovation, consumer-centric experiences, and astrong emphasis on sustainability. Brandswillneedtoadapt to new trends whilefocusing on creatingmore meaningful, personalised connectionswith their audiences. The switched on in our industrywillsee these trends and work withsuppliers who can deliverforward thinking products, marketing and efficiency to drivedowncosts and driveupreturn on investment fortheir clients.
● MattPluckroseismanaging directorof DesktopIdeas
● Experientialmarketing: In-person and hybrid events willcontinue to be a keytactic. Brands willcreateexperiences, uchaspop-up shops, branded activations, and interactive experiences, that allow customers to engage directly withthe brand and then reward theengagement.
events will continue to key tactic. will create experiences, such as pop-up branded that with the the engagement.
● Nicheinfluencer partnerships: Instead of focusing solelyonlarge celebrities, brands willcollaborate withmicroand nano influencerswho have highly engaged, nicheaudiences.Thisprovides brands with theopportunityfor moreauthentic and targeted promotional campaigns.
solely on large celebrities, will collaborate with micro and influencers who niche audiences. This provides the opportunity for more authentic targeted campaigns.
Clive Allcott, the new Chair of the BPMA reportsonits recent AGM and revealsthe plans for 2025
November the5th wasnot just acelebratoryfireworks night, it wasinfact the21st AGMofthe British Promotional Merchandise Association as well. Held remotely with members being able to zoom in to the meeting, theyear wasoutlined by the outgoing Chair of theBPMAHaydn Willetts.
The headlines of thereport on theyear were as follows.
Withthe departureofCarey Trevill asCEO theAssociation managed and undertook finding areplacement, whichculminated in theappointment of PhilGoodman as CEO in March 2024
In his first six months, Phil and theteam have undertaken numerous new initiatives all designed to raise theprofile,relevance andawareness of theBPMAfor 2025
These include:
n Rebrand: An all-new BPMA logoand visual identitywillbereleased in January 2025,whichsees our first changeina decade and thecreation of an exciting and vibrant identitydesigned fordigital-first communications.
n Website: The new brand identityisthe catalyst foranall-newBPMAwebsitewhich will be moreengaging and userfriendly and will be live in January2025.
n Research: We will be commissioning and releasing weekly research,spotting trends and providing valuableinsights for members viaanew partnership that will launchinJanuary.
n Comic Relief: We areproud to be partnering withComic Reliefasour official charityfor 2025.Comic Relief hasbuiltits brand by using promotional merchandise, notleast theiconicRed Nose. The BPMA will be releasing details of howmembers canget involvedduring 2025
n 60th Anniversary: 2025 marks 60 years of theBPMA. Apreviousiteration of the Association wasfoundedin1965, and we will be spending 2025 reflecting on howthe industryhas matured and looking ahead to what thenext 60 years has in store. We plan to kickoff celebrations withanexhibition of 60 years of merchandise at Merchandise WorldinJanuary.
n Sustainability: 2024 has also been ayear where TheStepForward Pledge has gained popularity, meaning and strengthwhere we
have seen 100memberscommitted and a further100 in theprocess of starting their journey
n Education: hascontinued to be a benefittoour members,wheremany employees and staffhavegained TPM and CPMsuccess.
n Product Media magazine: The magazine hassuccessfully transitionedtoa digital-onlypublication.
n International Women’s Day: Nowa regular entryinthe diary, theBPMAwill continue to support this event and plans are underwayfor our thirdevent in March 2025
There were acouple of changes announcedatthe AGMwhere,Helen Brennan (Brand Addition) wasappointed as
Vice Chair,and AngelaWagstaff (Allwag) has agreed to stay on as President forone more year.Clive Allcott (DTB)moves from Vice Chair to Chairman.
It wouldberemiss if,wethe Board didnot take this opportunitytothank Haydnfor all thehardworkand commitmentthathehas put in over the extended period he has held as Chair,Ilook forwardasthe incumbent Chair to continue thegood work and direction that Haydn hastaken us in
Whilethereismuchtolookforward to and cause foroptimism, challenges do remain, particularly on increasing our membership numbers,ideally to includeall our industry.
Ilookforward to seeing youall at our BPMA events
Anew member has joined theBPMAteam to help theAssociation serve its members. CharlotteDunham has been appointed as an administrator andwill work alongside theexisting team on avarietyoftasks including member enquiries, administration of BPMA events, and assistingwithsales and marketingadministration. She has previously worked in sales administration in thecar industrybefore joining theBPMAinLeatherhead.She will be based at theFetcham Park headquarters as well as working remotely
Some members of theBPMAwill have already met Charlotteatthe recent BPMA
social event in Kings Cross, London. She said: “I am looking forwardtogetting to knowour members and am hoping to makeapositivedifference to their experiencewiththe BPMA.”
Membershipmanager,Tom Robey, said: “It is great to have Charlotteonboard to completethe team.She makesa valuable addition to thesmoothrunning of theorganisation and Iamsurethat memberswillget to knowher better as she assists them withtheir enquiries Charlottewillbewiththe rest of theteam at Merchandise WorldinJanuarysomake sureyou sayhello.”
The BPMA has an exciting lineup of events planned for2025, aiming to inspire, connect, andeducatethe industry. Here arethe keyhighlights to focus on:
Mixer events: TheBPMAkicked off its highly successful Member Mixer in theheart of London in November.The event provided afantastic opportunity formorethan 70 membersto connect and network at The Lighterman, astunning venue offering avibrant atmosphere, delectable food, andan abundanceofrefreshing drinks. Thanks to theevent’soverwhelming success,the BPMA is looking to host similar mixers across thecountry, so be suretostay tuned forthese exclusive member events in thenear future!
Product Awards Live: The BPMA’s Product Awards LIVE 2024 returned forthe second consecutive year on 6 December,kicking off thefestive season in style. Held at the renownedOne MoorgatePlace, theevent began with alively networking drinks reception, followed by aluxurious Christmas lunch. With morethan 100products entered,thisyear’s winners were exceptional, with PF Concept taking thespotlight by receiving an impressive four awards.The highly anticipated Grand Prix winner willbe revealedatthe BPMA Annual Awards Dinner at theCBS Arena on 22 January2025. Forafull list of this year’s winners,turn to page 4.
Kick-offwithMerchandiseWorld (22–23 January): Held at theCBS Arena in Coventry, this premier industrytrade showwillfeature over 1,600attendees,showcasing thenewest and best-selling promotional products forthe year ahead. It coincides with theBPMAAnnual Awards Dinner (22 January), aglamorous evening recognising industry excellence.
Educational Events and Conferences: TheBPMA Conference at Crowne Plaza Marlow in Junepromisesinsightful sessions
onindustrytrends, compliance, and innovation. It’sa must formembers looking to stay ahead of thecurve
Webinars such as thesession with The PrintingCharity (20March) willprovide additional support and resources tailored to BPMA members
Regional and Networking Events: TheBPMAisfocusing on regional outreachwithexclusive networking socialsall over theUKon2025. Perfect forstrengthening connectionswithinthe promotional merchandise community.
Having clocked up 30 yearsasbossofsuccessful promotionalmerchandise distributor LSi, Lloyd Simpson shares histop five learnings
Ididn’t set out withany real plan when I startedLSi in 1994,Ijust lovedthe industry having worked at Jarvis Porter under Gill Stewartand then at Incentives Twounder MartinVarley.Ilearnt alot from them and remain grateful forthe confidence they showedinmeatsucha youngage. But when Iremember howIaccidentally got intothe industry,it’sfate–Iguess youend up whereyou aresupposed to be.
We aren’t just merchandisesuppliers, we are problem solvers. Ilearned early to checkif thecustomer washappywithour service.If they are, can we help withanything else. If not, drop everything to resolvethe issue
The best gauge of acompany is what do they do when things go wrong –not when it goes right.
All those winter mornings in theNineties, driving two hours in traffic fora meeting that theclient forget about, knocking on doors and being told “we’ve just bought” or “we don’t give anything away”oreven“I’ve got theprices, I’ll be back in touch” areall part of thelearning process.
The rejections, objections, and annoying receptionists have made me who Iamtoday andI’m grateful to them formaking me a bettersales person.
Ialwaysenjoyedagood relationship with MartinVarley and still regardhim as a mentor.In2015, Iwas at acrossroads with LSi. We were doing well and growing but Iwas personally responsible fortoo many salesofthe companyeventhough Iwas MD
Martin explained to me Ineeded to work ON thebusiness notINthe business. It took me twoyears to back away from my clients, and at times Ifelt I’dmademyself redundant as Iwas pushing papers around rather than doing what Iloved –selling promotional merchandise.
Iemployeda PA,passed over all my accounts to thesales team, and startedto work strategically on thebusiness. In that timewehavegrown from £3m turnover to £9m. Thanks forthe adviceMartin.
I’ve been fortunate to have forged some fantastic relationships in this industrywith bothsuppliers and customers, many of whom have become personal friends. Treat people how youwishtobetreated yourself –and remember as youclimb theladder of success, be kind. If youslide down the banister of lifeyou need to makesurethe splinters arefacing theright way.
Yorkshire-based distributor LSi recently celebrated its 30th anniversary.
Over threedecades it has won numerous industryawards, outgrown four buildings, employedmorethan 200people, and built its ownin-house print, fulfilment and distribution division.
To commemorate, thecurrent LSi staff celebrated withaday at Doncaster Racecourse, including abehind the scenes tour of theweighing room, jockeys’enclosureand parade ring.
After aday of fun, food and big wins, thecelebration continued in true LSi team style at alocal pubwherethey took overthe dancefloor and danced thenight away.Here’stothe next 30!