Executive MBA

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Georgia Tech Scheller

Executive MBA

At the Georgia Tech Scheller College of Business, our Executive MBA is about more than just books and lectures. It’s about hands-on learning and connections that prepare you to lead in a global economy that is constantly transformed by emerging technologies. Over the course of 17 months, you’ll balance work, life, and a career-changing MBA experience – and walk away with an MBA and a community to last a lifetime.

Learn in the Heart of Tech Square

Join a Deeply Connected Community with a Global Reach

Earn an MBA in 17 Months with Friday Evening and Saturday Classes

Maximize Your Impact as a Leader, Entrepreneur, Executive, and More

Danielle Hall, Executive MBA ’23; Jacob-Clifton Albritton, Executive MBA ’23; Natalia Martin, Executive MBA ’23

Built for Experienced Leaders

The Georgia Tech Scheller Executive MBA is for experienced professionals seeking to advance their careers. The program is designed for those with a minimum five years of career experience, with most students averaging 10 to 15 years of progressive, full-time work experience. With the significant obligations Executive MBA students carry, our team facilitates all administrative details so students can focus on their personal growth and transformation.

Specialized Executive Career Services

Receive specialized, one-on-one executive career services to advance, change your industry or function, or increase your leadership impact. You’ll become part of a community of experienced professionals from some of the world’s most innovative organizations. Students also engage in the Executive MBA Leadership Academy to further develop leadership skills through a skills assessments, executive coaching, and the creation of a Personalized Leadership Development Plan (PLDP).

Average Salary Increase During the Program 20 %

Dynamic, Diverse Community

Average Salary Increase Three Years After Graduation 63%

Our students come from a wide range of personal, professional, and academic backgrounds. With a focus on community and inclusion, we are in the business of building diverse, high functioning teams that resemble the real business world. Previous technical experience is not required for success in the program.

/ Economics

Underrepresented Minorities

International Background


We enroll once per year in August, with the following requirements:

• Four-year bachelor’s degree

• Five years of progressive career experience

• Online application, including resume, transcripts, essays (2), and letters of recommendation (2)

• Admissions interview

Tuition and Financing

Total $84,563* Cost Includes:

• Tuition and fees

• Required books, text, and class materials

• On-campus parking pass and meals on class days

* Subject to change

Humanities / Social Sciences

• Access to video recordings of class sessions

• Guest speaker, symposium, and panel events

• Lifetime access to executive career coaching

• Select costs for international residency



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