Executive MBA New Student Guide
Welcome to Scheller Welcome to Georgia Tech Scheller College of Business. We are excited you are joining us to begin your MBA studies. Our goal is to make your transition back into the academic setting as smooth and stressfree as possible. Please take a moment to read through this guide and familiarize yourself with the EMBA schedule, program details, and policies. Should you have any additional questions, your program manager is available to support you! Welcome and good luck!
Table of Contents 3 Registration
Course Materials Class Schedule Meals
4 Parking
5 BuzzPort Passport
7 Tuition 8 Attendance Policy 11 Classroom Protocol and Alcohol Policy
12 International Residency Policy
14 Grading Policies 19 Georgia Tech Policies 23 Georgia Tech Policy on Sexual Harassment
25 Scheller College Facilities and Resources 27 Important Tasks
Student Services embastudentservices@scheller.gatech.edu 404.385.2254
Registration EMBA program staff will manage the registration process for all classes during the program once you have completed the student consent form. PLEASE NOTE: Holds on your student account can affect the abilty to register for classes.
Course Materials Course materials for the first semester will be distributed during Immersion Week in August. Course materials will be distributed at the end of each semester for the subsequent semester.
Class Schedule Immersion Weeks Monday thru Friday
8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.*
Regular Weekend Sessions Friday classes
5:30 – 9:30 p.m.
Saturday classes
8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Some evening sessions planned; please refer to the schedule provided at the beginning of each Immersion Week for details.
Meals Meals and break service are provided when classes are in session. Although every effort is made to provide meals for students that have special dietary requirements, some catering vendors are unable to accommodate every dietary request. Please see your program manager with any questions regarding dietary restrictions.
Parking Parking is provided at no additional charge to all current EMBA students for the length of the program. Parking permits will be issued at the start of the August Immersion Week. Georgia Tech employees are not eligible for student parking permits. Please see your program manager for options. The designated parking deck is E81, located directly across from the Scheller College of Business on Spring Street (adjacent to the Georgia Tech Hotel and Conference Center). Parking restrictions for other parking areas apply. Campus parking rules and regulations are available at parking.gatech.edu. PLEASE NOTE: The EMBA program is not responsible for any parking fines assessed to students or reimbursement of fees assessed. All cars driven to campus must be registered on your account.
BuzzCard Your BuzzCard is your Georgia Tech ID BuzzCard provides access to: Scheller College Building E81 Parking Deck Georgia Tech Library
Campus Recreation Center (CRC) Campus sporting events Stamps Health Services
Receiving your BuzzCard Your BuzzCard student ID is your campus passport, library card, and facilities access key. For a complete list of all services available with your BuzzCard, please visit the BuzzCard website at buzzcard.gatech.edu. Your program manager will coordinate the BuzzCard process and provide you with further instructions prior to the start of the program. 4
BuzzPort BuzzPort is a web portal that aggregates all online student services. BuzzPort provides access to: • Manage student accounts • Pay tuition • View transcripts Within BuzzPort, students can access OSCAR, the registration website, to view: • Account holds • Course grades • Course schedules • Financial aid awards • Tuition details
BuzzPort Access: buzzport.gatech.edu
Passport Passport offers tools for Georgia Tech account password changes, email aliases, and directory options. Passport Access: passport.gatech.edu
Tuition EMBA tuition is payable in four equal installments due at the start of each semester. The number of courses taken each term does not impact the payment schedule. Your enrollment deposit will be credited to your first semester’s tuition.
Tuition Notifications, Payments & Deadlines Tuition deadlines and payment options are available on the Georgia Tech Bursar’s website. Georgia Tech does not mail tuition invoices or statements. Student invoice statements are available online through OSCAR via BuzzPort or through the Bursar’s office. Tuition payments must arrive at the Bursar’s Office no later than 4 p.m. on the due date. All tuition payments must be in U.S. dollars.
Failure to Pay Tuition Failure to pay tuition in full by the published deadlines will result in class cancellation and additional fees. If you foresee a problem regarding payment, please contact your program manager as soon as possible.
Corporate Billing If your company is contributing to your tuition payments and paying Georgia Tech directly, please contact the Bursar’s office at thirdpartybilling@gatech.edu or via phone at 404.894.6323 to set up your corporate billing account. In addition, please notify your program manager and Betty Jones, Director, Executive Education Programs, at betty.jones@scheller. gatech.edu that you will use corporate billing. Georgia Tech Bursar: bursar.gatech.edu Please Note: An insurance waiver may be required for company funded students. See FAQ on third party billing.
Attendance Policy The Executive MBA program is an academically rigorous and concentrated graduate program. Therefore, it is very important that students make every effort to attend each class session. Each instructor determines the attendance policy for their class. Please refer to each class syllabus to view the respective attendance policy. In the event that you cannot attend a class session, it is your responsibility to contact your instructors and inform them you will not be in class. If you intend to leave class early, your should notify your instructor at the start of class.
Hazardous Weather Policy We take the safety of our students very seriously and closely monitor weather and road conditions during inclement weather situations. Weather or other emergency situations may make it necessary for Georgia Tech to declare either “classes canceled” or “campus closed” conditions. Other declarations may include “classes canceled until [time]” or “classes canceled, but staff report to work,” etc. Class cancellation due to hazardous weather will be announced via email notification: Friday evening classes
Friday by noon
Saturday morning classes
Friday by 9:30 p.m.
Saturday afternoon classes
Saturday by 10 a.m.
PLEASE NOTE: Classes cancelled due to hazardous weather will be made-up as soon as the schedule allows.
Classroom Protocol Classroom attendance and academic content is reserved for enrolled EMBA students only. It is not appropriate to bring children, spouses, or friends to class sessions. The exception to this is pre-approved prospective students who have arranged to visit a class through the EMBA recruiting and admissions staff.
Alcohol Policy Georgia Tech’s open container policy states that “no one shall conspicuously display open containers of alcoholic beverages (open beer or liquor cans/bottles) in any public location oncampus, including but not limited to, grounds, sidewalks, and streets within campus boundaries.” Additionally, the EMBA program’s alcohol policy prohibits alcohol consumption at any time in public locations within the Scheller building, including classrooms. The exception to this is programsanctioned and hosted events. Both of these policies are in place to ensure that we are creating a safe, optimal learning environment and educational experience for our students. Any student knowingly violating this rule is subject to appropriate disciplinary action.
International Residency Policy The International Residency is a valuable degree requirement for the Executive MBA program. This residency is a 4-credit hour course and attendance is mandatory for the entire duration of the residency. Students unable to attend their cohorts’ International Residency will not be eligible for graduation until they have completed this requirement. A petition to waive the residency requirement is granted only in extreme circumstances (i.e. medical emergencies, special military circumstances, inability to secure a visa, etc.) and must be documented. Work obligations are not considered a valid reason. If a petition to waive is approved, the student will: 1.
Receive an alternate independent project of equal rigor from the course instructor
Be required to attend the one-week international trip abroad in September
Unapproved absence from the international residency will result in a failing grade. The student will be responsible for all expenses associated with fulfilling this graduation requirement in the future. Expenses include, but are not limited to: •
Tuition for re-enrolling in the class
All flights and on-ground transportation, hotels, meals, and other trip costs
PLEASE NOTE: No guests are allowed on program-sponsored trips. The International Residency policy is subject to change.
Grading Policies Evaluation mechanisms are determined by each instructor and may include in-class tests, take-home exams, case analyses, presentations, and/or team projects. Grades Used to Compute Grade Point Average A
4 quality points
3 quality points
2 quality points
1 quality points
Failure (must be repeated)
0 quality points
Grades Not Used to Compute Grade Point Average S
Passing of a course taken under pass/fail with satisfactory completion of a course in which no letter grade may be assigned.
Unsatisfactory in a course taken under pass/fail with unsatisfactory performance in a course for which no letter grade may be assigned.
Assigned when the course has been audited; no credit given; and implies no academic achievement on the part of the student.
Indicates the student was permitted to withdraw without penalty.
Incomplete assigned when a student was completing satisfactory work, but for non-academic reasons beyond his or her control and deemed acceptable by the instructor, was unable to meet the full requirements of the course.
Incomplete Grades A grade of “incomplete” may be assigned when a student is unable to complete the requirements of a course due to reasons beyond the student’s control, including, but not limited to, illness, family death, or jury duty. In such cases, it is the responsibility of the student to seek approval from the instructor, who reserves the right to submit a grade of Incomplete. The “incomplete” can only be assigned if the student was in good standing and passing the course prior to the unforeseen event. Both the student and instructor must agree upon the work necessary to complete the course in order to remove the “incomplete.” In addition, a change of grade form must be submitted by the instructor before the end of the subsequent semester. Failure to remove the “incomplete” by the end of the next semester results in an automatic failing grade.
Grading Deficiencies A student receiving a failing grade or grade of “unsatisfactory” in any course required for the EMBA degree will not be permitted to graduate. The course must be repeated the next semester it is offered and a grade of C or better must be received. The previously assigned failing grade will remain on the student’s record. A student receiving a deficiency in any course will be required to participate in a counseling conference with program administration.
Scholastic Standing and Academic Performance Requirements Good Standing For Executive MBA program students, the minimum satisfactory cumulative grade point average is 2.7 (A = 4.0). A student must have an overall GPA of 2.7 to graduate. Academic Warning If a student’s GPA for the most recent semester is below 2.7, or if the overall GPA remains below 2.7 for two consecutive semesters, the student will be placed on academic warning. Probation Any student earning a grade point average of less than 2.7 in courses taken while on academic warning shall be placed on academic probation. A student whose scholastic average for any semester is 2.0 or below may be placed on academic probation or dismissed, regardless of the student’s previous record. A student who is on probation must seek advisement from the program administration prior to enrolling for the next semester.
Drop/Dismissal for Unsatisfactory Academic Standing Any student earning a grade point average of less than 2.7 while on probation will be dismissed from Georgia Tech and the EMBA Program. Students with a cumulative grade point average of less than 2.7 after their third semester will be dismissed. Any student receiving three or more grades of D, F, or U, in any combination, will be dismissed from the program. This rule applies to all students regardless of their GPA or standing in the EMBA Program.
Readmission If a student has been dropped from the rolls by the Registrar’s Office due to academic deficiencies, he or she may apply for readmission after an absence of one semester after dismissal. Readmission to the program is not guaranteed. If the student was not on drop status in their last term at Tech, they need to complete the readmission form and submit it to the major school and then to the Registrar’s Office. After readmission has been granted, the student must submit a petition to the faculty to their major school through the usual petition process to request academic renewal.
Grade Appeals If a student wishes to appeal his or her grade, they must do so by first appealing directly to the course instructor. The student should contact the instructor as soon as possible during the next term in residence. If the student cannot resolve the issue with the course instructor directly, he or she must contact the administrator of the program to discuss the grade appeal. If the student cannot resolve the issue with the program administrator directly, they must submit a grade appeal to the Executive Education Committee through the Executive Education Office. If the administrator of the program is also the class instructor, the student must submit a grade appeal to the Executive Education Committee. If the student is dissatisfied with the outcome of the process, he or she should review the rules and regulations for filing a grade appeal with the Institute. er Georgia Tech rules and regulations, grade appeals must be initiated by the grievant P within their next enrolled term following the term of the course in question, and best efforts should be applied to resolve the appeal within that term.
Georgia Tech Policies Georgia Tech Honor Code Honesty is expected of all Georgia Tech students. The Georgia Tech Honor Code is intended to continuously remind students of the importance of trust, academic integrity, and honesty in their academic and professional lives. It also serves to create awareness of the rules regarding academic honesty and the process to follow when those rules are broken. In addition, students should be aware of the Rules for Student Conduct found in the Georgia Tech General Catalog. Article I: Honor Agreement Having read the Georgia Institute of Technology Academic Honor code, I understand and accept my responsibility as a member of the Georgia Tech community to uphold the Honor Code at all times. In addition, I understand my options for reporting honor violations as detailed in the code. For additional information about the Honor Code, and for a complete copy of the text, visit policylibrary.gatech.edu. Honor Pledge All students are required, when requested, to attach the following statement to any material turned in for a grade in any course offered through the Scheller College of Business. At the beginning of the semester, instructors will clearly define what is considered appropriate behavior in collaboration and sharing. “On my honor, I pledge that I have neither given nor received inappropriate aid in the preparation of this assignment.”
Professionalism Scheller College of Business expects all students to behave in a professional manner while on campus. Please be respectful of the faculty, staff, guest speakers, corporate representatives, and your fellow classmates.
Appendix The Honor Code recognizes that graduate students are involved in research and scholarly activities that occur outside the classroom. Integrity and academic honesty are as fundamental to research and scholarly activity as they are to classroom activity. Therefore, this Appendix to the Honor Code is adopted to pertain to the academic activities of graduate students that occur outside of the classroom.
Scholarly Misconduct Scholarly misconduct refers to misconduct that occurs in research and scholarly activities outside the classroom. It can include plagiarism, among other things. The consequences of scholarly misconduct are governed by Institute policy. The following definitions are taken from the Institute Policy on Scholarly Misconduct: “Misconduct” or “scholarly misconduct” is the fabrication of data, plagiarism, or other practice that seriously deviates from those that are commonly accepted within the academic or research community for proposing, conducting, or reporting research or scholarly activity. It does not include honest error or honest differences in interpretation or judgments of data.
Plagiarism “Plagiarism” is the act of appropriating the literary composition of another, or parts of passages of his or her writings, or language or ideas of the same, and passing them off as the product of one’s own mind. It involves the deliberate use of any outside source without proper acknowledgment. Plagiarism is scholarly misconduct whether it occurs in any work, published or unpublished, or in any application for funding.
Georgia Tech Policy on Sexual Harassment It is the policy of the Institute that no member of its community, including faculty, staff, or students, should be subjected to sexual harassment. This policy is intended to create an atmosphere in which individuals who believe they are the victims of harassment are assured their complaints will be dealt with fairly and effectively. The Georgia Institute of Technology supports the principle that sexual harassment represents a failure in ethical behavior and that sexual exploitation of professional relationships will not be condoned. Sexual harassment is one of many different forms of illegal sexual discrimination. It arises out of an unfair use of influence, power, or authority by one person over another, or lack of respect for another person. Even in subtle forms, it creates confusion because the normal boundary between professional or social roles and personal relationships is blurred. There are several ways of dealing with an incidence of sexual harassment. You may choose to: 1.
Confront the person yourself to resolve the situation without formal proceeding.
Receive counseling/support from campus organizations.
Start formal proceedings against the offender (disciplinary measure may be taken against the individual).
Receive advice and support from the Division of Student Life, or the Women’s Resource Center.
Georgia Tech’s policy on sexual harassment and discrimination is available at studentlife.gatech.edu.
Scheller College Facilities and Resources Scheller Building Access EMBA students are granted access to the Scheller College of Business outside of regular classroom hours. Students will need their BuzzCard to gain building access and elevator use.
Executive Education Wing Access The Executive Education wing is equipped with electronic glass doors to enhance security and curtail the use of the wing by nonExecutive Education students. These doors are locked outside normal business hours, however EMBA students may access the Executive Education wing using their BuzzCard. Please keep these doors closed at all times.
Executive Education Breakout Rooms The Executive Education department maintains several breakout rooms in its wing. Any breakout room not reserved or in use by the Executive Education Non-Degree program office may be used by EMBA students on a first come/first serve basis. If all breakout rooms are reserved or in use, contact EMBA staff to determine if alternate meeting space is available.
Rich Reading Room & Conference Rooms If the Rich Reading Room is not reserved for an event, EMBA students may meet and/or study there. Conference Rooms 317 and 318 are for faculty/staff use only and cannot be reserved for student use.
Georgia Tech Campus Services As a graduate student at Georgia Tech, you have access to all student resources and facilities. For additional campus resources, please visit studentlife.gatech.edu.
Campus Recreation Center (CRC) Georgia Tech offers one of the best campus recreation facilities in the country, including a world-class aquatics facility, state-of-the-art fitness center, aerobics and martial arts classes, intramural sports, sport clubs, and much more. The CRC is located at 750 Ferst Drive, on the west side of the Georgia Tech campus. For more information, please visit crc.gatech.edu.
Women’s Resource Center The Women’s Resource Center (WRC) is an informational and advocacy organization devoted to enhancing the academic performance and personal development of the women at Georgia Tech. For more information, contact the WRC at 404.385.0230 or visit womenscenter.gatech.edu.
Stamps Health Services Stamps Heath Services is an outpatient ambulatory care center that provides health care and health education to students and their spouses/domestic partners. Stamps Health Services is located at 740 Ferst Drive near the CRC. For more information, visit health.gatech.edu.
The Center for Assessment, Referral, and Education (CARE) and the Counseling Center CARE is the primary resource for mental health support at Georgia Tech. Students seeking help from the Counseling Center or Stamps Psychiatry should visit CARE first for an initial assessment and referral to on and off campus mental health and well-being resources. To access CARE services, please call 404.894.3498. The Counseling Center offers several types of counseling, including individual counseling, group counseling, couples counseling, uutreach, psychiatric services, mandated alcohol and drug counseling, and more. The Counseling Center is located in the Smithgall Student Services building (Room 102B). For more information, visit care.gatech.edu.
The Office of Disability Services The Office of Disability Services collaborates with students, faculty, and staff to create a campus environment that is usable, equitable, sustainable and inclusive of all members of the Georgia Tech community. The Office of Disability Services is located in the Smithgall Student Services Building (Suite 123). For more information, visit disabilityservices.gatech.edu.
Important Tasks Onboarding Checklist Apply for financial aid or military benefits (if applicable) Complete any outstanding items listed on your onboarding checklist For questions about onboarding tasks, please email embastudentservices@scheller.gatech.edu.
Admissions Checklist Submit non-refundable program deposit Submit transcripts from every university attended Submit Lawful Presence documents Submit immunizations I nternational students, email emba@gatech.edu to discuss additional requirements
For questions about admissions tasks, please email emba@gatech.edu.
Important Contacts EMBA Student Services embastudentservices@scheller.gatech.edu 404.385.2254
EMBA Career Services cynthia.lynch@scheller.gatech.edu 404.385.0824
Office of the Registrar registrar.gatech.edu 404.894.4150
Office of the Bursar bursar.gatech.edu 404.894.4618
Financial Aid Office finaid.gatech.edu 404.894.4160
Graduate Studies gradadmiss.gatech.edu 404.894.1610
Georgia Tech Library library.gatech.edu 404.894.4500
VA Benefits (Office of the Registrar) registrar.gatech.edu/students/veterans 404.894.4150
Counseling Center counseling.gatech.edu 404.894.2575
Office of Disability Services disabilityservices.gatech.edu 404.894.2563
Tech Savvy. Business Smart. Huang Executive Education Center 800 W. Peachtree St. NW Ste. 310 Atlanta, GA 30308 404.385.2254 scheller.gatech.edu/EMBA
The statements in this book are for informational purposes only and should not be construed as the basis of a contract between a student and this institution. We reserve the right to change any provision listed in this book, including but not limited to academic requirements for graduation, without actual notice to individual students. In case of any divergence from or conflict with the Bylaws or Policies of the Board of Regents, the official Bylaws and Policies of the Board of Regents shall prevail. This institution is in compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and does not discriminate on the bases of race, creed, color, or national origin, and is also in compliance with the provisions of Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, which prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex.