MBA Alumni Ambassador Guide
Erin Lehmberg, Full-time MBA student

The Scheller College of Business.
By now, you know it well. The building in Midtown is full of memories. Remember when you walked into the atrium, joining the rush of students headed to class? Surmounted the seeming impossibilities of balancing school and life? Prepared for difficult tests while pushing past the doubt? Forged friendships through the highs and lows? And finally, nailed the interview, landed the internship, and got your dream job?
Because you know Scheller College and the journey students go through while they are here, you know how important community is. We thank you for your willingness to engage with prospective students as an MBA alumni ambassador. You are taking on a critical role that will help us recruit the next MBA class and build the Scheller MBA brand by connecting with like-minded prospective MBA students.
You will have opportunities to engage with MBA prospective students, current students, and alumni populations.
Alumni Ambassador Roles and Responsibilities
MBA Fairs
You will partner with admissions staff to speak with prospective students at the fairs. Fairs take place around the country and internationally, mostly in July and August, but also at other times throughout the year.
Coffee Chats
Meet 1:1 with prospective or admitted students in your geographic location.
On-Campus/Online Events
Participate in panels either in-person or online for program overview webinars and welcome receptions for admitted students.
Admitted Student Engagement
You may be matched with admitted applicants. An admissions staff member or graduate assistant will reach out with details. Pairs are made based on commonality, like geographic location or background. You will receive an email within three days of each round of admissions with specific information.
Current Student Engagement
Partner with student clubs and committees to serve on panels at orientation, mentor MBA students, and attend events to network with MBA students.
Alumni Engagement
Interact with other MBA alumni at social occasions and signature Scheller events such as Homecoming, Alumni Reunions, and Crawfish Boil.
Guidelines for Interaction
Now that you are more familiar with the spaces in which you’ll be engaging, we want to make sure you’re wellequipped with a timeline and a few helpful tips so you can confidently approach each interaction with prospective and admitted students.
We are here to help. Please contact us at mba@scheller.gatech.edu with any questions.
Prospective Students
1. Pre-approval to connect you with prospects As a member of the MBA alumni ambassador program, you have given the MBA program office permission to share your name and email address with prospects of the program.
2. Expected initial communication and response times
If you are assigned a prospect, it is expected that you will:
• Let the MBA program office know within three days if you cannot contact the prospect.
• Reach out to the prospect within five days:
* Introduce yourself and offer to share information about your experiences in our MBA program. Please blind copy the MBA admissions team (mba@scheller.gatech.edu) on your email.
* Share information about your current position and company, the MBA program format you pursued, the year you graduated, and your perception of some of the competitive advantages of the program.
* Congratulate them if they were recently admitted. Our office will let you know if they are an admit or still a prospect.
* Share that we have linked you with them for a reason, and please indicate the reason in your email. For instance, if we mentioned in our contact with you that the prospect is concerned with balancing work and young children, please mention this to the student.
* Invite the admit or prospect to meet to discuss the program, either via phone or in person.
• Refer the student to our MBA admission team if the student has a question you cannot answer. If you have concerns about a candidate, please share that with our admission team.
3. Follow-up interaction
If the prospect or admit has questions about the program even after the first interaction, please continue to answer questions you can answer and refer questions you cannot answer to the MBA program office.
4. Non-response from prospects
If you do not hear from a prospect or admit within seven days of your initial introductory email, please email the person one more time, including the original email and reminding them that you’re available to answer questions if they have any. Most top prospects or admits are still working full-time and are incredibly busy. A reminder that you’re available to answer questions might be helpful. If the prospect or admit does not contact you after the second email, let the MBA program office know.
5. Canned responses
It is understandable that ambassadors will use the same introductory email for all prospects and admits. Please take time to review the introductory email before you send it to make sure it is still relevant and accurate, and try to personalize it in some way.
6. Discussion topics
Prospective students report that their communication with alumni was one of the most influential factors in their MBA program selection process. Some topics to share include information about your experience in the program and your progression in your career since graduating.
We do not expect you to be an expert on the MBA curriculum, admission stats, and other program details. Please encourage the prospect to speak with our admission team about this information. You can refer prospect or admits to our admission team through our email address.
If an admit or prospect asks you to compare the Scheller MBA program to other MBA programs, resist speaking about the other MBA program since programs frequently change and information you have may not be current anymore. Instead, focus communication on the strengths of our program.
7. Direct prospect outreach to you
Our office will contact ambassadors directly to connect them with prospects and admits. If a prospect contacts you directly, without an introduction from our office, we have not referred this prospect. You are welcome to answer questions, but please let us know about this prospect.
8. Meeting locations
Meetings can be conducted via phone, virtually, or in public. Please do not invite the prospect or admit to your home.
9. Alcohol
We suggest abstaining from alcohol during prospect meetings. If you decide to drink, please drink in moderation.
10. Appropriate communication
Please avoid any communication, even jokingly, that could be perceived as inappropriate, intimate, or biased against any group of people. Be mindful of how your communication may be perceived, as you are acting as a representative of Georgia Tech and Scheller.
11. Difficult prospect
If during an interaction a prospect or admit is rude, inappropriate, or you feel uncomfortable with the interaction, please end the interaction diplomatically and report this to the MBA program office. Please do not confront the prospect or admit. The MBA team staff will communicate with him or her. If the prospect or admit continues to attempt to communicate with you, please let us know.
Current MBA Students
1. Pre-approval to connect you with students
As a member of the MBA alumni ambassador program, you have given the MBA program office permission to share your name and email address with students in the MBA program.
2. Expected response times
If a student contacts you, it is expected that you will respond to each student within five days of contact.
3. Meeting locations
Meetings can be conducted via phone, virtually, or in public. Please do not invite the student to your home.
4. Alcohol
If you decide to drink, please drink in moderation.
5. Appropriate communication
Please avoid any communication, even jokingly, that could be perceived as inappropriate, intimate, or biased against any group of people. Be mindful of how your communication may be perceived.
6. Discussion topics
We share with students that MBA alumni ambassadors are available for advice and to share their experiences, either about their career path or their time in the MBA program. We advise students not to contact ambassadors for jobs or internships. We are very appreciative of your time and want to make sure students are appropriately using it.
7. Difficult student
If a student is rude, inappropriate, or you feel uncomfortable with them during your interaction, please end the interaction diplomatically and report this to the MBA program office (mba@scheller.gatech.edu)
Please do not confront the student. The MBA program office staff will communicate with the student. If the student continues to attempt to communicate with you, please let us know.

Mo Abukhdier, Full-time MBA student
Program Fast Facts
We continue to grow and evolve our MBA program offerings. As such, there might be a few new things to learn about the Full-time and Evening MBA programs since you graduated. Here are a few things to know and promote when you engage with prospective and admitted students.
Full-time MBA
• Traditional, day MBA
• STEM designated
• Four semesters (22 months), with summer internship
• 96% employment rate three months post-graduation (Class of 2023)
• $154,679 average starting salary (Class of 2023)
• $28,245 average signing bonus (Class of 2023)
• #2 MBA career services in the world (The Financial Times)
• Top 10 MBA in Business Analytics, Information Systems, Operations, and Supply Chain (U.S. News & World Report)
14 Concentrations Offered:
• Accounting
• Business Analytics
• Entrepreneurship
• Finance
• International Business
• Leadership
• Management
• Management of Information Resources
• Marketing
• Supply Chain and Operations Management
Sample of Companies that Recruit from Scheller:
• Accenture
• Amazon
• Apple
• Bain & Company
• Bank of America
• Delta Air Lines
• Deloitte
• EY-P
• Ford Motor Company
• Honeywell
• Kimberly-Clark
• Product and Service Innovation
• Strategy and Innovation
• Sustainability
• McKinsey & Company
• Microsoft
• PwC
Evening MBA
• Flexible MBA program for professionals living and working in the Atlanta area
• #1 Part-time MBA in Georgia (U.S. News & World Report)
• #2 MBA Career Services in the World (The Financial Times)
• Top 10 MBA in Business Analytics, Information Systems, Operations, and Supply Chain (U.S. News & World Report)
• 75% of graduates changed companies
14 Concentrations Offered:
• Accounting
• Business Analytics
• Entrepreneurship
• Finance
• International Business
• Leadership
• Management
• Management of Information Resources
• Marketing
• Supply Chain and Operations Management
Sample of Companies that Recruit from Scheller:
• Accenture
• Amazon
• Delta Air Lines
• Deloitte
• EY
• Microsoft
• McKinsey & Company
• PwC
• Product and Service Innovation
• Strategy and Innovation
• Sustainability
• Salesforce
• Walmart

College Fast Facts
Meet the Dean
Anuj Mehrotra became the dean of the Georgia Tech Scheller College of Business on January 1, 2024.
Before joining Scheller, Mehrotra served as the dean of the George Washington University School of Business from 2018, where he was known for strategic initiatives that enhanced stakeholder engagement and created market-driven programs. Using the power of collaboration and engagement, Mehrotra aims for Scheller to become the world’s most connected business school, poised to transform the future of business. The dean aims to foster a culture of collaboration, transparency, and trust, and his vision includes expanding access to business education, promoting interdisciplinary and experiential learning, and engaging alumni, industry, and government leaders.
“The Scheller College of Business is dedicated to shaping the future of business,” Dean Mehrotra said. “I look forward to implementing innovative ideas that push the boundaries of what is possible.”
Key Initiatives
Connect with the Business Community
Tech Talks Business is a dynamic speaker series hosted by the Georgia Tech Scheller College of Business. Led by Dean Anuj Mehrotra, this series features conversations with leaders and experts at the forefront of business, technology, entrepreneurship, public policy, and civic innovation. Each session delves into local and global trends, leadership nuances, and the interconnectedness of our evolving business world.
The series aims to foster a vibrant exchange of ideas, providing insights and inspiration to students, faculty, and the broader community. Notable past speakers include industry giants like David Solomon of Goldman Sachs, Carol B. Tomé of UPS, Ted Decker of The Home Depot, and Barbara Humpton of Siemens USA.
Bolster Student Support
Scheller has launched the Center for Finance and Technology, a new initiative aimed at developing future finance professionals through hands-on experiences and industry connections. Through practical and rigorous extracurricular and experiential learning opportunities, the Center will serve all Georgia Tech undergraduate and graduate students who are interested in pursuing careers in the financial services industry. The Center offers two tracks for participation - one open to all students and another for an application-only cohort.
Increase Access to Business Education
The M.S. With a Major in Management program is a graduate degree for early career students that was introduced in Fall 2024. The program is designed to offer a strong business foundation for students from a variety of backgrounds. In just nine months, students will set themselves apart in a competitive job market with the knowledge, network, and support needed to level up.

Tech Tower will be a new home for the Scheller College of Business. This multi-use building features retail space, a landscaped terrace, and two soaring towers. Scheller Tower will host classrooms, offices, and executive education spaces. The ISyE tower will be home to the H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering. The towers will be conjoined by shared space, encouraging collaboration in the years to come. Coming 2026: Scheller Tower