2011 Community Garden Summit
Hub Update
ď‚Ą There
are 187 gardens and over 1200 Community Gardeners in St. Louis City
8 New Community Gardens 4 New Child Care Center Gardens Anticipated 10 New Youth Gardens
Any we’re not stopping!
Last Year’s Summit
Introduced the Hub Model
Community Gardens Networked
Identified Needs and Assets
Nominated Community Gardens to become Hub Gardens
What is the Hub Model
Connecting : Garden to Garden Gardeners to Gardeners
Identifying Community Assets
Strengthening Infrastructure
Cultivating People
Hub Model Basics Hub
Garden -
Serves a network of community,
school and youth gardens in their geographic region
Provides Services and Education Community Advocate
Short Term Goals
Build six new Hub Gardens. Each Hub Garden provides 3 outreach services per year.
Increase food production and community leadership skills.
Increase food preparation, budgeting and nutritional knowledge of fresh food.
Short Term Goals
Increased access to fresh affordable food.
Vacant land put into urban food production regarded as appropriate land use.
Encourage Hub Gardens to be centers for advocacy and policy change surrounding food issues.
Long Term Goals ď‚Ą
Hub Gardens meet regularly to discuss improving access to fresh, affordable food .
Hub Gardens promote food production on vacant land to civic leaders as an appropriate land use.
Long Term Goals
Participate in the Food Policy Council hosted by Healthy Youth Partnership.
Join the Gateway Greening Land Trust for long-term garden preservation.
The Plan To best use resources and provide the most effective services, Gateway Greening is partnering with current gardens and garden leaders to create Hub Gardens throughout the city that would serve neighboring gardens
Tools to Succeed
The Hub Gardens would be equipped by Gateway Greening with infrastructure needed to conduct education and serve as a gardening resource to the neighborhood.
Investing in People Community Gardeners and Garden Leaders in particular will undergo education in community leadership and urban gardening practices.
Growing Gardeners Garden Leadership Training
Time Line January January – March January – March February April 1st April – May April May 15th June – August July October January
Application Available
Click to edit the outline text format Growing Gardeners Class Series
1-1 with Interested Gardens
Community Garden Summit Second
Level Hub Application Due
Third Outline Site Visits Level Announcement Fourth Installation Outline Level Outreach Events − Fifth 2012 Applications Available Outline Selection Process
Network Now!
Meet Your Neighbors
Nominate your or a fellow garden
Applications are available now and will be accepted until April 5th, 2010.
Hub Gardens – Serving Networks of Neighborhood Community, School , and Youth Gardens