Gather Magazine: Issue 6 | Dec-Jan 19

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sports luxe




CLEANING UP OUR COAST How one creative couple is using art to protect our seas

G AT H E R G I F T I N G The best gifts to give and self gift these holidays

S T E P I N S I D E G AT H E R A look inside the Mangawhai pad of Gathers' founder







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Welcome to issue 6 of Gather! We’re now at a full set, a full year of issues under our belts with our first birthday edition just on the horizon, and while we have some special things planned for that issue… this baby is just as packed! Allow us to introduce you to Hannah & Greg Straight, two friends of mine that have an absolute passion for our oceans and coastline. Greg is a freelance illustrator that weaves his lifestyle around chasing the perfect wave. Together they have collaborated with other creatives to produce a series of work that gives back to protect our oceans. On the theme of sustainability, we interview local family, the Worsfolds who not only run their unique landscaping business in Mangawhai

and host festival Northern Bass on their family farm, they are beyond invested in helping sustain our landscapes unique wetlands. Plus, meet power couple Brent Godfrey and Shyr Gelber, founders of Hibiscus Coast based food business, Forty Thieves. They work hard to create a business founded on simple and delicious food around a relaxed lifestyle. What end of year edition would be complete without a beautiful round up of items we love? We’ve put together some stunning gift guides, plus we’ve collaborated with Dane McGregor of Baker Gatherer (aptly named, but a coincidence) for four edible gifts you can make yourself. Food writer Chantelle Tournier shows us her passion and flair for Mexican

OUR COVER Photography Matilda from The Wolfpack Creative Styling Jessica Whiting Hair & Make-Up Chanelle Van T Veen Models Ashley & Ben from Unique Model Management Shoot Assistant Jen Petrich Location Omaha Beach Golf Club

food; a super simple and flavour filled feast you can easily recreate this Summer party season with friends. If that wasn’t enough, a wee peek inside my own Mangawhai home and Gather HQ. December marks my three year anniversary of being here in Mangawhai, and I’m proud to have lived in this beautiful coastal town, working hard in creating that unique work/ life balance. Plus we road trip along our coast in search of the best places to feel the sand between your toes this Summer. All of this alongside our regular features you know and love! So sit back, pour yourself a cold drink, and get lost in the pages of Gather for a short while. Enjoy.

Editor in Chief & Creative Director +64 21 1476 476 |

DEC + JAN CONTRIBUTING TEAM Kirsty Millar Lead Writer | Zane Torkington Travel + Entertainment Writer | Kelly Evans Architecture + Interiors Writer | Kate Alexander Interiors Writer, Stylist & Photographer | Dane McGregor Food Writer, Stylist & Photographer | Chantelle Tournier Food Writer | Shannon Poynter Flora + Fauna Writer ADVERTISING SALES Jo Barrett | +64 27 628 7234 |

Gather® and Gather Magazine® are registered trademarks of Oh Gosh Ltd. Gather Magazine is subject to copyright in it’s entirety. The contents may not be reproduced in any form, either whole or in part, without written permission from the Publisher. All rights reserved in material accepted for publication, unless initially specified otherwise. All letters and materials forwarded to the magazine, in digital or print, will be assumed intended for publication unless clearly labelled “not for publication”. Opinions expressed in Gather Magazine are not necessarily those of the Publisher. All information is believed to be true and accurate at the time of printing and the Publisher will not be held liable for any inaccuracies. No responsibility is accepted for unsolicited material. Published by Oh Gosh Ltd, Distributed by Gordon & Gotch Ltd, AdMail Ltd and Oh Gosh Ltd This publication is printed on environmentally responsible papers. ISSN 2537-9402 (print) ISSN 2537-9410 (online)



Contents Features 4

Friends of the Sea

Taking care of the sea through art, photography and illustration


Natures Gems

Meet the couple behind the successful start-up, Forty Thieves

Fashion & Style 13 Sports Luxe

Fashion that transitions effortlessly from streetwear to sportswear

20 Gather Gift Guides

The Little Guys

The Pretty Things

The Big Guys

The Nester

25 Meet The Boutique

50 2

Gathered Pop-Up



26 35

ISSUE 6 | DEC/JAN 2019 Summer Feature 27 Beaches of the North

Our pick of four beautiful and unique beaches along our coast

32 Bright & Bold

Kate Alexander styles up the perfect Summer escape

Architecture & Interiors 35 Hunting & Gathering

Step inside the home of Jessica Whiting, founder of Gather Magazine

40 6 Ways

Jessica's interior style finds

43 Interior Identity

Bo-Concept Interior Spaces

Taste 44 Baked Gifts

Chocolate Raspberry Brownie Jar

Brown Butter Fudge

Lemon Cheesecake Melting Moments

Cherry & Pomegranite Sour Cocktail Kit

50 Mexican Fiesta

Create your own fiery flavours with these colour filled recipes

Flora & Fauna 56 Pillars of the Land How the Worsfold family are natures architects

61 Particular About Palms

Varieties to create your shady oasis

Gathering 62 Free Gift with Subscription

Subscribe to Gather and recieve your own Tales At Sea limited edition print!

63 Advertising Directory

Business supporting business

64 Gather exclusive give aways

WIN: Style your Gather

65 Book Reviews


Before we jump into Friends of the Sea, let’s meet Greg and Hannah Straight. This husband and wife team have creativity to burn and potentially sleep a few hours less than many of us. Greg won’t be a stranger for some of you, one or two of his fine art prints might be hanging Friends of the Sea was taking shape. on your wall, or you might have admired The ethos behind it was to find a his commercial cool way to support those who take illustrations which are scattered North to care of our ocean and waterways. South. His work can seen everywhere NZ charity, Sustainable Coastlines be - on tote bags, reusable coffee cups, was a perfect alignment. billboards, art prints, animations, clothing, children’s books and even eco-friendly dishcloths.

Photograph of Pakiri Beach by Ant Green


Greg is a former graduate of Elam School of Fine Arts, and a devotee of all things Kiwi. His style is playful, retro, bold and memorable. Working on campaigns for high-profile brands

like Countdown, Auckland Council, Nespresso, McDonalds, Meridian, Lotto NZ and more, he examines our favourite Kiwi emblems and pushes them around a bit – reworking them to create unexpected and nostalgic illustrations. Greg demonstrates our Kiwi pride over classic memories; summer roadies, surfing missions, hanging at the bach. He is mad about surfing, is drawn to eco-conscious brands and thrives on giving-back (more on this soon). Hannah is English born and bred, she met Greg in 2000 while he was on his OE in London. Dating consisted of regular trips to Devon and Cornwall to get closer to the ocean. Eventually, a gloomier economy in the UK and the pull of Aotearoa would win-out, and Greg lured Hannah home in 2005. Eight months later they were married, and it was about six years ago when they started to work together more permanently.

F E AT U R E : F R I E N D S O F T H E S E A

friends of the sea

taking care of our coast through art Words by Kirsty Millar

First up, the couple collaborated ideas and skills to launch Duett Design. Hannah’s brainchild, Duett is a curated collection of contemporary art and photographic prints for the home. Greg also left his comfortable 9-5 graphic design job and returned to his creative arts roots by launching Kiwi-inspired art prints to a very appreciative audience. Together, fine art prints and commercial illustrations are now the backbone of their successful business. As the business (and their two children) have grown, Hannah has been able to step into the work fulltime. Like many good Kiwi startups, she wears several hats; from social media director, web developer, accounts chief, to coffee maker! But it just works, with Hannah saying, “A lot of people ask, how do Greg and I work together every day; we just put up with each other! We don’t stop talking shop, just can’t help it.” Greg laughs, “Yeah it’s our pillow talk, but it’s hard to cut off when you work

from home. We are good at staying connected with friends and arranging catch ups with other creatives. Hannah loves the lack of office politics.” Move forward to 2017, and an idea for Friends of the Sea was taking shape. The ethos behind it was to find a cool way to support those who take care of our ocean and waterways. Registered NZ charity, Sustainable Coastlines was a perfect alignment. Greg and Hannah had previously donated art prints to this charity and really enjoyed working with them. Aside from the obvious goal of doing something right for the environment, Friends of the Sea also came about through a desire to add more diversity to the Greg Straight brand – a way to offer different pieces to their online shop. But very quickly the pair realised the idea deserved a life of its own. So rather than blend a few new ranges within their existing online shop, a

fully-fledged baby was born; Friends of the Sea. Shoulder tapping photography mates, plus a second artist to join in, couldn’t have gone better. The sales pitch was simply; hey you love the ocean and are clever at your craft, do you want to help? All of which was met with a resounding yes and a high-five all round. A percent from the sale of each artwork is given back to Sustainable Coastlines, driving that feel-good factor for both buyer and maker. “Greg and Hannah have been long-time supporters of Sustainable Coastlines, so when they told us about Friends of the Sea, naturally we were keen to work with them again. Our mission is to enable people to look after the coastlines and waterways that we all love, and this collaboration ticks all the right boxes,” says Jodi Pretscherer, Fun and Fundraising Manager at Sustainable Coastlines. 5


Top: Magical Mangawhai by Greg Straight, Middle: Pakiri Beach by Ant Green, Bottom: Muriwai Gannets by CPL

The talent behind Friends of the Sea is impressive. There’s Greg of course who we’ve introduced, and here’s a quick meet and greet of the others: Craig ‘CPL’ Levers: Craig has been internationally recognised and awarded for his photography. He added publishing to his creative skillset ten years ago and has now released six hardcover books. Before this, Craig was Editor in Chief for NZ Surfing Magazine for eight years, including Senior Photographer for the mag for 15 years during the golden heights of surf mag readership. It is a privilege to have his involvement, he still shoots surfing for leading surf brands and media, and his work is stunning. Ant Green: Ant’s work is diverse as a commercial photographer and film-maker in New Zealand and Australia. He predominantly focuses on people and their environment. It’s all about the magic of creating for Ant, whether through the lines on paper, the lines through the lens, or lines on the face of a wave. Reuben James: Foxton Beach in the Wellington region is Reuben’s backyard where he lives with his family. He makes an unconventional living through creating wedding films and shearing sheep. Making furniture, surfing, skating and capturing images from the ocean are his other loves. Buying a GoPro was the best decision he ever made - igniting his passion for a subject that’s forever changing. Al Wrath: Bringing a youthful coolness to the collective, Al has a string of commercial clients and exciting commissions to his name. He is a Kiwi based artist, illustrator and muralist who has etched his quirky, fun expression on every imaginable surface. His fit with Friends of the Sea couldn’t be better; he’s a family man, surfer and devotee of clean, simple living. Al’s handdrawn style brings a real edge to the offerings. In time, Hannah and Greg hope to introduce more creatives who fit the culture; “I’d like to see more people come on board, it will be important to keep our offerings different from each other and the standard high. They need to have a connection with the ocean.” “I like that our audience will pay a bit more for artwork because they appreciate it’s not mass produced, and the idea behind the project is something that resonates with them. It’s also a nice way to expose some fantastic emerging artists who may not have otherwise had this opportunity.” Greg shares. Look out for local beaches showcased within the collections, these artists flock to the North at any given opportunity. Pakiri is Greg’s all-time favourite beach. Hannah, Greg and a team of supporters have pushed hard to get Friends of the Sea unleashed and Gather couldn’t be more proud to share their story. Like our readers, we respect, hang-out, or live near the beach. And of course, we can’t resist some good Kiwi artwork.  Photography by Jessica Whiting


F E AT U R E : F R I E N D S O F T H E S E A

With a website developed, a charity onboard to focus their energies and an exhibition locked in, Friends of the Sea was underway. The successful four-day exhibition held last month at Sustainable Coastlines Flagship Education Centre in the city showcased the artwork available, and nowadays it’s all simmering along quite nicely (albeit busy) for everyone.



Natures gems One couple creating a business and life together in Whangaparaoa Words + Photography by Jessica Whiting

Just off the winding road into Whangaparaoa sits a small hub of commercial buildings, tucked in behind suburbia and hiding the industrious enterprises that are behind the doors. It’s here that the entrepreneurial couple Shyr Gelber and Brent Godfrey operate their nut butters food production company, Forty Thieves. Partners in business, in life, and soon to be partners in raising their new family “we are so excited! It’s still all so new” Shyr says, one hand softly on her tummy.

At just over two years old, Forty Thieves is out of the ‘oh crap, will we make it’ stage, they’re firmly set into the ‘we’re actually doing this and it’s going pretty good’ and on the cusp of ‘oh thank god, we’re doing this and it’s going amazing’ stage.

Forty Thieves is still a relatively new operation itself, creating a range of quality nut butters with a focus on natural ingredients and ethical business practices. At just over two years old, Forty Thieves is out of the ‘oh crap, will we make it’ stage, they’re firmly set into the ‘we’re actually doing this and it’s going pretty good’ and on the cusp of ‘oh thank god, we’re doing this and it’s going amazing’ stage. Legitimate entrepreneur business levels — it’s in the handbook. Before Forty Thieves was created, the couple had been living in Sydney for the past eight years. A central city lifestyle with everything in arms reach, no need for a car and anything you could wish for 24 hours a day. But Shyr was craving something a little different. Originally from New Zealand, she wanted to travel the world, experience new cultures and decided it was time; only Brent was in a really good place in his so career wasn’t so keen to up root and leave.

Determined to go regardless, Shyr began planning the trip of a lifetime. Places like Sri Lanka, India, Mexico, Columbia and America were all on the itinerary, eventually the excitement of the trip and the thought of not being with Shyr was too much and Brent decided to join her. “It was too tempting! It would have been a great opportunity” he says “I really would have missed her too much, it was going to be a long time.” They packed up their Sydney lives, rented their Bronte apartment and headed overseas for 8 months, both with their much loved jobs still waiting for them when they came home to Sydney. Experiencing the natural beauty in nature, bustling cities and rich cultures on their travels really inspired the couple and allowed them to look at where they were in their lives, and what they wanted for themselves. Upon returning home, the couple decided that they wanted to set up a business together… what that business would be exactly was still very much unknown! So how does a young couple like Shyr and Brent get into, well, nut butters?! Both of them have a varied background; Brent in market research and Shyr in graphic and digital design. “Brent has always wanted to create a business” explains Shyr “and me being a creative, I was always interested in the design and what form that might take. Initially, we considered designing an app, but our travels and interest in health and fitness were a common theme that we kept coming back to.” 9

A self confessed ‘avid label reader’ Shyr was very aware of great spot to be when working hard to get everything off the what she was consuming. “There’s just so much crap in ground. It’s like being in a creative bunker.” so many foods” she says, “labels that are full of numbers, Starting the business in this unique location has had a flavours and cheap filler ingredients, packaged in a way that positive effect, both on the couple and for their business. “All isn’t forward thinking or environmentally friendly. The more our money and time was being poured into Forty Thieves” we started fleshing out ideas, the more we kept coming back says Brent “by being in this location, it to the idea of a healthy food business with meant that we weren’t constantly being “Coming from a ethical foundations.” And so began the tempted. There’s nothing to tease you concept of Forty Thieves. previous industry under your nose and it means we could Now the couple had the great idea to go with their bags of passion, it was time to make it a reality — and that meant moving back to New Zealand. They knew that if they were to make the business a success, they would need plenty of help and support, despite all the saving they had already done. Shyr who is originally from Auckland, made the call to her parents and they were on their way home to Gulf Harbour for this new chapter in their lives.

that is all about profits, it’s easy to get trapped into using those things that prolong shelf life ... but that’s not what we’re about”

The Hibiscus Coast is a far cry from the urban paradise that is Sydney, “it was definitely different!” Says Shyr, “when I moved to Australia, my parents sold the family home and moved to Gulf Harbour. When we were on our way from the airport, we honestly had no idea where we were or where we were going!” What struck the couple was how beautiful and quiet the Coast was. “You can hear absolutely nothing but the birds” says Brent “it was such a 10

really focus.”

This creative incubator style location has also been a huge catalyst as to why they have remained on the Coast, despite no longer requiring their family help for some time. “The community here is amazing” adds Shyr “everyone is so supportive, and really gets behind local businesses and we employ local people.”

The surroundings are also a huge reason for the couple to happily remain in Whangaparaoa “we live just up the road from work and love the nature we get to experience each day. We have some of the best beaches right on our doorstep for taking time out.” Says Shyr, Brent adds “when we were travelling, we were always searching for that natural beauty. Australia and New Zealand has an abundance of this, right on our doorstep and inspires us every day.”


Creating this kind of focus in their lives hasn’t been easy, the couple are immersed in Forty Thieves almost 24 hours a day, every day, which can no doubt cause a strain on even the strongest relationships; travelling, working and living together, and now with a baby on the way. “I think that we definitely compliment each other” says Brent “sure we have debates about the business and how we should do things, but we also have clear strengths and different skill sets.” “Brent is definitely a doer!” Shyr chimes in “he loves to write lists and get things crossed off, he likes to see progress. Where as I’m more a bit of a visionary, looking at the overall bigger picture and customer experience.” The couple try their best to leave work at work, but with work being such a huge part of their lives, the crossover is inevitable. Given that they are so passionate about the business and enjoy what they do each day, the boundaries do get slightly blurred. “We can be watching a movie together, and suddenly you’ll remember something you need to ask the other person” says Shyr “but we do try and leave work at work when we are with our friends.” “Definitely no business in bed” Brent laughs. “I really enjoy that we work together like this” says Shyr “I think the key is really open communication and talking about things when they arise so that nothing is left too long. That’s probably my Israeli background however! Everyone in my family is very straight up.” It’s easy to see that the couple have strong, ethical values that they incorporate into each part of their operation. With their staff it’s about creating a positive work environment

that allows flexibility when it comes to hours. With the products, it’s about using real ingredients and not including anything that doesn’t need to be there. “Coming from a previous industry that is all about profits” Brent says “it’s easy to get trapped into using those things that prolong shelf life, or make your ingredients go further, but that’s not what we’re about.” This staunch attitude is also evident in their packaging — using glass jars with metal lids and paper labels rather than plastic. “While we aren’t perfect by any means” says Shyr “we do consider the environmental factors when we make our business decisions. I don’t think that any self respecting manufacturing business today can afford to ignore how their decisions will make an impact on our environment.” An attitude that forms a massive part of the business ethos and it’s easy to see this represented visually in the company branding. Which leads me to the question, where that name comes from, Shyr laughs “it’s from Ali Baba & the Forty Thieves!” She says “that’s where the ‘packed with hidden gems’ comes from, these healthy nuts being nature’s hidden gems.” Clever. So what’s on the horizon for this passionate couple? For Shyr and Brent, it’s all about creating more of their successful blueprint; getting more of their nut butters into peoples cupboards and on supermarket shelves, more Forty Thieves into businesses and cafes to use in smoothies, cooking and baking. And of course, more of them growing their lives and their family together.  11

T H E H E L LO C U P.C O M @ t h eh e lloc up


#bl oody bri l l i a nt

FA S H I O N + S T Y L E : S P O R T S LU X E E D I TO R I A L

Sports Luxe Photography Matilda from The Wolfpack Creative Styling Jessica Whiting Hair & Make-Up Chanelle Van T Veen Models Ashley & Ben from Unique Model Management Shoot Assistant Jen Petrich Location Omaha Beach Golf Club

Ben wears Omaha Beach Golf Club polo shirt, Industrie 'Cuba' pants $99.99 from Two Boutique, Vans Sk8-Hi Nasa Collaboration sneakers $249.90, G-Shock 'Classic' digital watch $119 Ashley wears Lafayette crop top $79.95 from Jagged, Gestuz 'Zenz' skirt $329.99 from Bach Matakana, Poppy espadrille Wedge $179.90 and Iliana earrings $54.90 from Witchery Baby-G GMS watch $399



Ashley wears (this page): Paris Sunglasses RRP$149.90 from Witchery, Leo + Be 'Stroke' dress $135 from Two Boutique, G-Shock 'Classic' digital watch $119, 574 Sport Deacon sneakers $200 from New Balance | Ben wears (both pages): Kappa Mens Banda Dawson Jacket $149.90, Omaha Beach Golf Club polo shirt, Essentials brushed sweatpant $80 from New Balance, X-90 Sneaker $200 from New Balance, G-Shock 'Classic' digital watch $119 | Ashley wears (opposite): Side Step Core Muscle $64.95 from Jagged, 'Bammas' track pant $135 by Ketz-Ke, Kyra Acetate Earrings RRP$64.90 from Witchery, G-Shock 'Classic' digital watch $119, 574 Sport Deacon sneakers $200 from New Balance

FA S H I O N + S T Y L E : S P O R T S LU X E E D I TO R I A L



Ben wears (this page:) Ben Sherman S/S floral print Mod shirt $99.99 from Two Boutique, Core 10" Fleece short $80 from New Balance, woven hat from Omaha Golf Club, X-90 Sneaker $200 from New Balance. Ashley wears (opposite page): RVCA VA Team Jacket in Camo $129.99 from Bach Matakana, 'Thomas' mesh tee $115 from Ketz-Ke, 'Scout' soft cup Lonely Lingerie bra $115 from Two Boutique, Iliana earrings $54.90 from Witchery, Baby-G BGD500 Series digital watch $179

FA S H I O N + S T Y L E : S P O R T S LU X E E D I TO R I A L



Ben wears (this page:) NB Core fleece crew $70, Core 10" Fleece short $80 both from New Balance, Sk8-Hi Vans Nasa collaboration sneaker in true white $249.90, G-Shock 'CLassic' watch $199, Sunglasses, stylists own Ashley wears (this page): Captivate kimono jacket $150 from New Balance, SuperDry LA boxy tee $59.99 and C&M black velvet cap $109 both from Two Boutique, Laneway Legging $164.95 from Jagged, 574 Sport Deacon sneakers $200 from New Balance, Chelsea hoop earrings $44.90 from Witchery, G-Shock 'Classic' digital watch $119 Ben wears (opposite page:) Ben Sherman S/S Floral shirt $99.99 and Industrie chino pants $99.99 from Two Boutique, X-90 Sneakers $200 from New Balance, woven hat from Omaha Beach Golf Club.

FA S H I O N + S T Y L E : S P O R T S LU X E E D I TO R I A L


the little guys Compiled by Jessica Whiting

Shopping for kids is so much fun! Although it can feel like the kids you know tend to have everything and need nothing. Here we've put together a great range of goodies that suit both boys and girls of all ages.

Top Row (L to R): Remi Rocker $89.95 from Mocka | Superette kids band tee $49 (exclusive to Superette) | Auggie & Me: Three Wonder Stories $21.99 from Whitcoulls | Middle Row: Tu Meke TĹŤÄŤ (Te Reo) $20 from Flox | Fuji Film Instax camera RRP $199 | Bottom Row: Make Your Own Lava kit $29.99 from Shut The Front Door | Real World Baby Wash & Sponge $38.50 from Sunday Homestore | Anthony Hi-Top sneakers $99 from Superette 20

FA S H I O N + S T Y L E : G AT H E R G I F T I N G

the pretty things Oh beautiful things I'm coveting, let me count the ways.... we all know that the liklihood of getting that perfect gift is slim. So why not buy one for yourself?! Here are some goodies from my year round wishlist.

Top Row (L to R): The Horse resin watch in grey leather $189 from Paperplane Store | Insignia necklace by Sarah and Sebastian $419 from Superette | ‘And She Did’ art print by Jen Sievers from $89 from Endemicworld | Middle Row: Remi underwire bra $90 from Lonely Lingerie | Pocket Full of Sunshine 24k gold earrings $299 from Zoe & Morgan Bottom Row: Tailor Skincare make-up remover towel $19 from Oh Natural | Clare earrings, tortoise $79.99 from Alex & Corban | Lady leather bag in black pebble $390 from Georgia Jay 21

the big guys Not necessarily for the man in your life (heck, I have several of these things myself!) some of these things are great for the one that has everything. I personally love the Herschel bag with built in sneaker pocket, genius and I have it in white!

Top Row (L to R): Liquid body flask $99 from Superette | Mvmt Black Leather Chrono watch $214 from Mvmt | Middle Row: High Tide’ by Chris Burkard $129 from Sunday Homestore | Granite & Soap Whiskey Stones $26.99 from Alex & Corban | Jason Markk travel shoe cleaning kit $49 from Superette | Bottom Row: ‘Gravity’ photographic art print by Reuben James from $59 from Endemicworld | Herschel Novel Duffle with sneaker pocket $174 from 22

FA S H I O N + S T Y L E : G AT H E R G I F T I N G

the nester A great collection of goodies for the house proud one among us! Some of these gifts make a great purchase as a host gift as well, perfect for when you are visiting friends and family over the Summer.

Top Row (L to R): Linen beach/market bag, mustard $49.90 from Sunday Homestore | ‘Afternoon Frolic’ art print by Alice Berry from $179 from Endemicworld | Middle Row: Slow down & Grow Something $49 from Sunday Homestore | Asta 3pc cheese set $59.99 from Alex & Corban | Bottom Row: Gold striped salad servers $59.99 from Alex & Corban | Matakana Botanicals ‘The Chef’ hand lotion $19 | A & C Flax linen duvet cover, stripe grey $249.99  23

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FA S H I O N + S T Y L E : M E E T T H E B O U T I Q U E

meet the boutique: Gathered

Gather Magazine loves Gathered (of course!) their style and product picking prowess is second to none, we wanted to sit down with co-owner Alex Badham and get to know more of this little store making waves in Whangarei. When did you open your store? Officially we have been based in Whangarei and online since February 2017, but we’ve recently opened our pop-up which we’ll be based in until 24 December. What inspired you to set up your store? After teaching design full time I wanted to work in a way which allows me to be home with my kids in the afternoons to head to the beach with them. Gathered is a culmination of my design practice and a desire to work in a way which allows me to spend maximum time with my two children. No one told me how much time running your own business takes! But we are working on that work life balance every day. What do you feel sets you apart from other stores?

What was the best bit of advice you got when you first started? Stick to what you’re good at and outsource the rest. We would be lost without our accountant and business mentor Anné. Who makes up the team at Gathered? My mama and I co-own Gathered so we work together on most things. We both make buying decisions for our products, which can tend to take a long time as we ask so many questions about the stories behind our goods! She tends to look after the business-y side of things while I focus on the creative aspects. Describe a typical day for yourself... My days always begin with coffee and breakfast with my two babes, Nikau (7) and Cleo (10 months) and husband David, who cooks beautiful eggs for us most mornings. Then answering emails and packing orders from our online store in the morning while Cleo naps. At the moment I am in the Pop Up from 10am to 5pm meeting customers and unpacking new deliveries. If the weather is good, we head to Pataua North Beach for a walk in the afternoon before dinner on the deck.

We hand pick everything in our store and try to be as educated as possible about where each product has come from. Most of our products are fair trade and ethically produced where possible, as well as being useful and beautiful. We are always on the look out for New Zealand What would be the one thing that keeps you inspired to do designed and made products and share these stories with as what you do? many customers as we can. Hearing stories from our customers about how much they What do you look for when sourcing products? love their goods from Gathered. How they get genuine enjoyment from using them in their everyday life. When sourcing products for Gathered we look out for things which we genuinely love and would (and most often do!) have in our own homes. We stock things which are functional and of high quality as well as being beautiful. We also have a soft spot for anything hand-made, especially in New Zealand.

Do you have any exciting plans on the horizon?

We are excited for the future of our little store and have plans to extend our range, as well as making our pop up a regular thing! 

Location Shop 4, Quality St, Whangarei Hours Tues-Fri 10-5, Saturday 9-2. Open until Dec 24 |



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S U M M E R F E AT U R E : B E A C H E S O F T H E N O R T H

Beaches of the North Four beautiful and unique locations along our coast Words by Zane Torkington Photography by Jessica Whiting


Mangawhai Heads We couldn't put together a round up of our beaches without including our very own Mangawhai Heads. Just an hours drive from Albany, this is a great beach that suits all kinds of people. Families can picnic at the aptly called Picnic Bay, swim in the estuary (just watch those tides) plus seasoned swimmers and surfers can take a dip at the main surf beach. We have a great local surf life-saving club that patrols our beaches during the Summer months, and there is often a coffee or ice cream cart at the top of the car park. It can get busy, however, and the car park does get full, fast. So pack some shade to take to the sand and get there early. WHY WE LOVE MANGAWHAI HEADS

++ ++ ++ ++

Well manned surf life saving club Often a location for surf lessons Great facilities with showers post swim Easy to grab a coffee at one of the local spots after you've enjoyed the beach

147 Wintle Street, Mangawhai Heads

Langs Beach Langs, possibly one of the most Instagrammable beaches with its amazing native trees and sparkling blue waters. Just north of Mangawhai, you could absolutely hit both in one day if you wished. The main street running parallel to the beach is packed full of Pohutukawa trees, offering some much-needed shade. It's easy to get a car park — if you are there early enough. Make sure you pack all that you need (and some shade if the trees are taken) as there isn't much around when you feel like something to snack on unless you head up the road to Waipu. The beach itself isn't patrolled, and it can get a little dumpy on the waves for swimming, and great rock pools at the North end to explore, it's a beautiful spot and one that you'll be glad to visit. WHY WE LOVE LANGS

++ ++ ++ ++

Quiet spot with minimal distraction Easy to locate, just a little north of Mangawhai Heaps of parking Great surf on a good day

Cove Road, Langs Beach 28

S U M M E R F E AT U R E : B E A C H E S O F T H E N O R T H

Paihia Located one hour north of Whangarei, the buzzing tourist town of Paihia is a great destination for a wide range of activities while also enjoying the local beaches. After your morning swim, you could catch a ferry over the famous ‘Hole in the Rock’, go parasailing, ride a Harley, grab a drink on the deck at Zane Greys, shop at one of the boutiques or get a meal at any one of Paihia’s great eateries. You’ll meet people from all over the world and if you’re looking to stay for a night or two, there is a wide selection of hotel and backpacker accommodation to suit any budget. The historic town, and former capital of New Zealand, Russell is also just a short five-minute ferry away from Paihia Wharf. W H Y W E LOV E PA I H I A

++ ++ ++ ++

Loads of activities to entertain the whole family Great, safe swimming for kids Loads of spots to grab a bite to eat Watch the charter helicopters come in to land

69 Marsden Road, Paihia

Forestry Nicknamed ‘Forestry’ by locals and non-locals alike, this secluded spot is around the point from Te Arai Beach and on the south side of the point. Access to this wonderful beach is through a forestry area and has a fairly rough unsealed road to access it, but it’s well worth the drive and the dirt on the car, especially if you’re a keen surfer and the conditions are right. Forestry’s surf features resonate well with keen surfers, due to it’s multiple shifting banks and 4 wheel drive access, making finding a nice wave without multiple people riding it, a possibility by simply journeying further south on the beach. If you go far enough, you’ll reach the river mouth a Pakiri which can be just as good, or you can look to surf close the point which offers more consistency. WHY WE LOVE FORESTRY

++ ++ ++ ++

Secluded area and uncrowded Consistent waves for surfing Water is always clear Great spot for photos

Corner Ocean View Road and Western Boundary Road, Te Arai 29


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S U M M E R F E AT U R E : B E A C H E S O F T H E N O R T H

Hello Summer



bright & bold Styling up a colourful Summer escape

Words, Styling + Photography by Kate Alexander of Places and Graces

I’m hoping that you're reading this while relaxing at the beach, beside a lake, or perhaps under the shade of a cabbage tree. This is the summer issue of Gather after all! Summer for me is about warmth. Long days, blue skies and salty hair. Getting dressed in the morning knowing you won’t need a second layer. Crispy skin from a day in the sun. The feeling of heat from your heart to your toes. It’s like the tingly warmth you get doing something you love, with people who make you laugh. We shot our summer edit before the sunny-season officially kicked-off and in true kiwi style the weather threw us a few curveballs. But the galeforce winds were no match for our enthusiasm. Twenty-four hours, a van-full of summer accessories and a friends caravan to call home. I took the newest member of the Places and Graces team, Shelby George, on her first kiwi ‘glamping’ trip. Here’s our edit, tips and tricks for injecting some warmth into your summer. HAMP IT UP

A hamper is the ultimate adventure accessory. Pack it all in, grab a friend on the other handle and go find that undiscovered spot. Use it as a seat, suitcase, table, at the bach, in a tent, even at home. A hamper is the ultimate multi-tasker. G O PAT T E R N C R A Z Y

Spots, stripes, zigzags, diamonds, pineapples, cactus, fish, palm trees. Pick a summer pattern that makes you smile and adds colour to your day. To help narrow down the choices I find mixing and matching within one theme or tone keeps it cohesive. A LWAY S PAC K A B L A N K E T

The sun’s gone down, a slight chill settles in the air — that’s when you need your favourite blanket to wrap around your 32

shoulders. We love accessories that are not only practical but versatile, choose a colour and style that also works on your bed or couch. RELAX INTO SUMMER

A day at the beach, by the lake or even an hour in the garden - any time to relax is better if you’re comfortable. There are plenty of cool outdoor pillows to choose from this summer. Treat yourself to a beach bag full of luxury so you can make the most of those precious chill-out moments. GET PLANNING

Summer is that sweet spot between the end of one year and beginning of another. It’s a natural time to reflect and plan. I find driving on the open-road and walking in nature kicks my creative brain into action. I always carry a notebook with me so I can get the thoughts out of my head and on to paper. SIMPLE FOOD

Easy time with friends is about having simple food to hand and occasionally taking the time to create something special. I baked a batch of blueberry and grapefruit muffins that were just the treat we needed after an early start. For the next trip I’m planning a recipe from the ‘picnic’ chapter of my newly purchased cookbook, The Village Table, filled with recipes and stories from Matakana which I discovered at New World, Warkworth. TA K E A B I T O F H O M E W I T H Y O U

An adventure away is a treat, but it can backfire if you don’t have a good nights sleep. I always take a little something with me to make it feel like home, usually my pillow and favourite linens. This summer I’ve chosen pink and mustard in 100% linen — feminine with a bit of punch and oh so comfy to sleep in. 

S U M M E R F E AT U R E : B R I G H T & B O L D



I N T E R I O R S + A R C H I T E CT U R E : H U N T I N G & G AT H E R I N G

Words by Kelly Evans Photography by Jessica Whiting


Hunting & gathering


I N T E R I O R S + A R C H I T E CT U R E : H U N T I N G & G AT H E R I N G

Gather Magazine is created in the Northland town of Mangawhai, tucked away as a little haven and aptly nicknamed, Magical Mangawhai. It’s also proven to be the ideal creative incubator for Jessica Whiting, founder of Gather Magazine, to create that dream work life balance in one space that so many of us strive for.

The home takes inspiration from open European apartment living, while still having three generous sized bedrooms

After having lived in Auckland for many years, a move to Mangawhai for Jessica and her daughter proved to be a happy accident. “I never in a million years would have thought that I wanted to move away from the city environment — I loved having everything at my finger tips, whenever I needed it.” While having enjoyed city living and being close to eateries, shops and the larger city perks, the desire to buy her own home overruled. Knowing that wasn’t going to be an option for her in Auckland, Jessica started looking further afield. “Mangawhai cropped up (early 2015) and back then it was within my budget. It was also a short drive to Auckland; which I still needed to visit on a regular basis. Being self employed, there was a level of flexibility and moving to such a great spot became a very real option” says Jessica. A 632-square-metre slice of land within a well designed development, with a gentle slope and a green outlook became the perfect site to build on. Jessica worked with her build team to alter the base plans to fit her business needs and lifestyle, allowing for creative freedom with the end design. With running her design studio, Oh Gosh alongside publishing Gather Magazine, this unique location allows Jessica to really focus on her often demanding work. At 105sqm, the home takes inspiration from open European apartment living, while still having three generous sized bedrooms and all the functional aspects of a family home. The space is packed with clever, space saving features and of course that quintessential Kiwi ‘indoor-outdoor-flow’ onto the large decks. The kitchen was oriented to soak in the tree-lined view, and the living and dining spaces serve as multi-purpose areas where Jessica has converted the traditional dining area into an efficient office space with storage tucked out of view. A strong believer that everything in a home needs to serve a purpose, Jessica has a penchant for combining vintage pieces with clean modern design and bargain finds. “The thing I love most about when people visit is that they feel that it’s a homely space, a place where they feel welcome. That’s really important to me, to create that kind of feeling, with a beautiful visual of course!” says Jessica. 37


My style is quite consistent, I try not to do too much of the ‘on trend’ thing as I am aware of how fast those things can move, especially given I work in the design industry. I do get a little particular about how things are around the house! I like my little vignettes of treasures to look a certain way, sometimes especially frustrating as I have a 13yo who has a passion for interiors and likes to rearrange my things... (although she does have a great eye!). What was the best spend on your home? That has proven to be the wooden laminate flooring in the main living area. I do get a lot of compliments on the colour, it was a bit of a risk picking from a very, very small sample… but it creates a light open space that reflects light across the whole room. With being a beach house, it also keeps things fresh and cool in Summer. Over Winter I layer with rugs and it takes on a whole new feel. Also mega easy to clean, I’m all about the ease! Favourite place in your home? Without meaning to, I do love my kitchen island. Whenever we have friends pop in, this seems to be the space that we gravitate around. Despite my super comfy and plush sofa! We eat our meals together here (the dining table really only serves as a spot to fold washing or magazine send outs), we use the space for homework; there’s been a lot of lively conversation and good vibes around that kitchen space. If anything I wish I’d made it a little bit bigger! How does Mangawahi inspire you and your work? Being in Mangawhai allows me to disconnect a little, put myself in a creative incubator. I can put my head down and just get work done, there are minimal distractions or constant comparisons to those within my industry, unless I seek them out. Being able to spend time at the beach, or just take the dog for a walk around the block is a great way to reset. Living in this way has really developed my design aesthetic to be authentic. T I P S FO R C R E AT I N G A F U N CT I O N A L W O R K ENVIRONMENT FROM HOME

For me, working from home has always agreed with me and is something that I have done on and off for the last 10+ years. I like to create my own structure, and be able to have everything to hand when inspiration strikes which can often be late at night or early in the morning. It was important for me not to feel relegated to a back room with my workspace, so it's in the main part of my house. From a practical point of view; a dedicated space is a must, it allows you to not only work somewhere, but walk away from it when you need to. Lighting is important, especially for fatigue. My space has been set up ergonomically as well as aesthetically as I spend a lot of time sitting at my desk. Choosing the right height desk, chair and position of everything is important. When you spend as much time as I do designing, this is crucial.  39

I N T E R I O R S + A R C H I T E CT U R E : H U N T I N G & G AT H E R I N G

As a creative combining home and work life together, did you have any design requirements during the build process? I think mainly just realising that it’s best to have a flexible space that is essentially a blank canvas. I often change around my workspace for a different perspective, there are a few configurations for my living space depending on the season (open and airy for Summer, tucked in and cosy for the Winter). I know a more neutral base lets me experiment with artwork and soft furnishing colours.




style finds...

2 Compiled by Jessica Whiting

1. Dahlia Sofa in Austria $2,199 & Ottoman $699 from Freedom Furniture | 2. Feme print from Maiko Magao (A3) $55, unframed | 3. Nadie cushion $89.95 from Me & My Trend | 4. Lean Back chair from Mr Bigglesworthy $2,850 | 5. IKEA PS Cabinet $249 from Urban Sales | 6.Smoke Grey linen duvet cover set $405 (King size) from Crisp Home + Wear








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interior identity

Photography by Larnie Nicholson

Signe Bojesen has had a strong passion for design her whole life. Originally from Denmark, she moved to New Zealand with her partner and joined BoConcept at their Auckland store just over a year ago. A move she says was a perfect fit given BoConcept are a premium and trusted lifestyle brand. The company has a rich history in beautiful design and has been in existence in Denmark since 1952, a time when some of the best designers in history such as Arne Jacobsen, Greta Magnusson-Grossman and Finn Juhl were creating progressive furniture and object design. Now with stores across the world, forming an integral part of the BoConcept design experience, Signe works with customers and clients to bring beautiful spaces within their homes to life. A complimentary service that BoConcept are proud to offer. Interior Designers like Signe will visit customers homes, measure their spaces where 3D drawings of their homes are then generated, a chance to absolutely make sure that the furniture a client has fallen in love with will fit the space with precision.

“the client was fully trusting of the process and it was all inspired by the statement turquoise A ‘ delaide’ chair”

“I really love nothing more than to make people happy” she says “happy to be in their homes and their own spaces, show them how furniture can compliment their lifestyles and fit within their spaces perfectly.”

BoConcept Interior Designers not only consider the furniture that their customers love, but they use their wealth of knowledge and experience to expertly layer the space, a chance to compliment customers personality and the way they live. All furniture can then be chosen and customised with the guidance of specialists like Signe. “It’s great to know that the materials and customised pieces of furniture are personalised to our customer’s needs, before they are delivered into their homes.” This Devonport home was one of my favourite spaces to work on” she says “the client was fully trusting of the process and it was all inspired by the statement turquoise ‘Adelaide’ chair — she just absolutely fell in love with the turquoise Napoli fabric, which is exclusive to BoConcept.” The apartment rests inside a reclaimed character building, overlooking the stunning Auckland harbour. “We layered the colours to be a reflection of the view. Tones of blue sit alongside a clean palette to create a relaxing, yet energising space.” The result is a stunning, contemporary home where everything fits exactly as it should. A refined edit of an already beautiful space, perfectly accented by design prowess and quality furniture; proving that having expert knowledge from the BoConcept team delivers on the perfect interior identity. 



baked gif ts

Recipes, Styling + Photography Dane McGregor

While Christmas is a time many of us give gifts, we wanted to put together something that would benefit all gifting occasions all year round. We collaborated with Dane McGregor, an incredible baker that has an instagram feed that will absolutely make you drool. Dane designed for us four simple and unique gifts that suit a multitude of occasions — that end of year teacher gift, sorted with our Brown Butter Fudge. Staying with friends over Summer thank you gift, nailed it with the Cherry and Pomegranate Sour Cocktail Kit. Visiting your Nan and need to take afternoon tea? Whip up some of our Lemon Cheesecake Melting Moments. Or keep the kids busy and content with our Chocolate Raspberry Brownie Jar. Complete with some ribbon and a handmade tag, and voilà!


TA S T E : B A K E D G I F T S

Chocolate Raspberry brownie jar JAR INGREDIENTS

1L Volume Jar 225g Plain Flour 1 tsp Baking Powder ½ tsp Salt 35g Cocoa Powder 225g Caster Sugar 20g Freeze Dried Raspberries 170g Chocolate Chips TO BE ADDED: WET INGREDIENTS

170g Butter 2 Eggs 1 tsp Vanilla Extract J A R C R E AT I O N

Halve flour and fill the bottom of the jar with the first measure. Cover with cocoa, followed by the remaining measure of flour, baking powder and salt. Add freeze dried raspberries, making sure they are pressed firmly against the side of the jar. Add sugar, followed by chocolate chips. Attach a tag with required wet ingredients and method. METHOD: INCLUDE WITH YOUR GIFT

Melt butter in a saucepan, and allow to cool slightly. Stir in jar ingredients, eggs and vanilla until just combined. Pour mixture into a lined 20cm square tin. Bake at 200°c for 20 minutes or until set. Chill in fridge to stop further baking. When cool, cut and serve. Makes 10-12


Brown Butter Fudge INGREDIENTS

220g Butter 125g Caster Sugar 130g Brown Sugar 250ml Cream 360g Icing Sugar 1 tsp Vanilla Extract Pinch of Salt METHOD

In a large saucepan, melt and brown butter on a medium to high heat until amber in colour. Add caster sugar, brown sugar, cream and bring to a boil. Boil for 5 minutes, stirring constantly. To check when your fudge is ready, drip a small amount into ice cold water. If it forms into a firm yet soft ball, it’s ready. Remove from the heat and add vanilla and icing sugar. Mix with a hand-held beater for several minutes until crumb starts to come together. Press mixture into a lined loaf tin, cover and chill in the fridge. Once set, cut into squares and keep in an airtight container. Makes 18 Squares


TA S T E : B A K E D G I F T S

Lemon Cheesecake melting moments INGREDIENTS

220g Butter 220g Plain Flour 85g Icing Sugar 85g Cornflour Zest of two Lemons FILLING

400g Icing Sugar 130g Cream Cheese Zest of two Lemons METHOD

Cream butter with a hand-held beater for a few minutes before folding through the dry ingredients, along with the zest of two lemons. Roll into tablespoon sized balls and place on a lined baking tray (roughly 20-24 balls). Flatten slightly with a fork and bake at 200°c for 15 minutes, or until lightly coloured. For the filling, beat together icing sugar, cream cheese and zest from two lemons until smooth yet firm enough to pipe a blob of filling onto the underside of half of the cooled biscuits. Sandwich together and enjoy. Makes 10-12



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TA S T E : B A K E D G I F T S

Cherry and pomegranate sour cocktail kit FOR YOUR KIT

Bottle of Cherry & Pomegranate Syrup 50-60ml Bottle of Brandy Fresh Lemon Sprig of Rosemary INGREDIENTS

1T Brandy (20ml) 1T Lemon Juice (20ml) 2T Cherry & Pomegranate Syrup (40ml) Ice Sprig of Rosemary Pomegranate Arils (Optional) METHOD

In a small glass, add ice, lemon juice, brandy and syrup. Stir to combine. Add a sprig of rosemary and pomegranate arils (optional) and enjoy. For added presentation, run a slice of cut lemon around the rim of the glass and dip into a saucer of sugar.




Mexican Fiesta Get bright and colourful this Summer

Recipes + Food Styling by Chantelle Tournier Words, Photography + Shoot Styling by Jessica Whiting

Here at Gather, we love Mexican food! It's fun, easy and involves a whole lot of creativity. Flavours that adhere to no rules, ensuring that there's something to suit everyone at the table. Mexican is a feast for the eyes as well, so go all out with your decorations and include bright colours to compliment those punchy flavours.

Crayfish Tostadas

Mexican Raw Spiced Salad



1/2 cooked crayfish (saving the other half for your tacos) Corn chips for the base Coriander to garnish Fresh lime

2 cups peeled, grated raw beetroot 2 cups peeled, grated raw carrot 1 cup of coriander leaves 1/2 cup roasted pumpkin seeds 1 fresh chilli, to taste Fresh mint to garnish


1 large avocado 2 Tbsp chopped red onion 2 Tbsp chopped coriander 2 Tbsp deseeded and chopped cherry tomatoes Juice of one lime Chilli / Salt and pepper to taste METHOD

In a bowl place all ingredients for guacamole squeeze over fresh lime juice and mix well. Cut your crayfish into chunks, squeeze a little fresh lime over. Lay out your corn chips on a platter and teaspoon on guacamole and top with a piece of crayfish. Garnish with fresh coriander. This recipe also works great with prawns or crab.


1/4 cup fresh orange juice 1/4 cup olive oil 1 Tbsp honey 1 Tbsp balsamic vinegar 1 Tbsp pomegranate molasses 1 Tbsp of Mexican spice mix METHOD

To make the dressing, place a saucepan over a medium heat, add the olive oil and Mexican spice mix. Warm for 3-5 mins to bring the spices to life then set a side and cool, add all other dressing ingredients and whisk together. In a large bowl put grated beetroot carrot, coriander and pumpkin seeds pour over dressing and mix well. Place in a serving bowl and garnish with mint leaves.


Black Doris Plum Margaritas

Pineapple Salsa



60ml tequila 5 back Doris plums (tinned) 1 ½ cups of ice Juice of a fresh orange Juice of a fresh lime

2 cups of diced pineapple ½ cup diced red capsicum ½ cup chopped coriander Juice of 2 limes Chilli to taste



In a blender place ice, tequila, plums, juice of orange and lime. Blend together and serve in margarita glasses with an orange wedge, fresh mint and edible flowers.

Mix all ingredients together and squeeze over fresh lime. This salsa works great with all meat, we’ve used eye fillet and crayfish but you could try fresh snapper or chicken.

Makes 2.







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Taco Dressings INGREDIENTS

1 cup of sour cream 1 teaspoon of smoked paprika Juice of ½ fresh lime INGREDIENTS

1 cup of mayonnaise Pinch of saffron 1 teaspoon of fine chopped dill 1 teaspoon of dijon mustard Juice of ½ a lemon METHOD FOR BOTH

Place all ingredients in a bowl and mix together.


2 cups shredded red cabbage 2 cups shredded green cabbage 1 cup shredded carrot METHOD

Mix all ingredients together and squeeze over fresh lime.

Making your Tacos

To assemble your tacos lay out flour tortillas top with Mexican slaw, your favourite meat (we’ve used eye fillet and crayfish) pineapple salsa, dressing and garish with fresh chilli and lime. Get creative! 55


F LO R A + FA U N A : R U R A L D E S I G N

Pillars of the land How the Worsfold family are natures architects

Words by Shannon Poynter Photography by Jessica Whiting

Roots. Family. Brotherhood. Passion. These are the four pillars that hold up the Worsfold family, owners and operators of successful Mangawhai based landscape design and revegetation business, Rural Design. I had the pleasure of sitting down with Blake, the second youngest of the four sons of Beverly Worsfold, super grandma and matriarch, and the late and beloved Bill who instilled the passion for the land and was the creator of Rural Designs inspiring ethos. The four brothers were born and bred on the Worsfold farm, attending Kaiwaka Primary school and then Otamatea College; the farm itself has been owned by the family since the 1800’s. They have grown up with an intense love and respect for the land and an immediate understanding for the local ecosystem — a trait that can only be instilled in a young age if you live and breathe the up land as they have.

They have grown with an intense love and respect for the land and an understanding for the local ecosystem — a trait that can only be instilled in a young age

Heath the eldest is the visionary, the Director and main ecologist with many years of experience under his belt. Blake, the second youngest holds the role of Systems Management and returned to the fold two years ago after being a teacher in Auckland and Tanzania where he lived and taught with his partner and young daughter.

Eden, the baby of the family, is known to never sit still, he’s the doer. He is the Operations Manager and oversees a wide variety of roles and tasks within the business as well as working on the 420 acre family farm. Jackson, though not working directly with his brothers, is the managing director of Dream Planning, a successful firm based in Mangawhai Heads. Rural Design hires 35 people through its peak season, making it one of the larger employers in the Mangawhai area, and you get the feeling that the whole business works as its own ecosystem with everyone playing a vital and individual role, making a cohesive and symbiotic whole. Providing work for local families and employing good staff seems as important to them as the jobs they are doing themselves. From the ecologists to the folk in the nursery, each member of this large team is appreciated and valued. Bill Worsfold started Rural Design with family friend Dennis Scott in 1984. They were interested in a range of things, from permaculture to landscape architecture. They recognised the need to change the approach of land use to make it more 57


Having the nursery up and running for the past 5 years has been fantastic for the growth of Rural Design. Not only does it provide more work, spreading the employment around, but makes it easier when becoming involved in large scale projects such as revegetation at the well-known golf course, Tara Iti. This has been a mammoth project with nearly 1 million native trees planted in replacement of the pine forests that were cut down to make way for the golf course and expansive grounds around it. The ongoing planting has been focused on enhancing the ‘ecology and natural character’ of the area and special consideration has been given to the sand dunes which is a habitat for wildlife such as geckos, wekas and Mangawhai’s beloved Fairy Terns. The seeds for plants grown for the project were all sourced from local The river ways and coastal plant species, which is an admirable undertaking in itself. wetlands are essential

as they help to filtrate the water running down through the country side ... Rural Design believes in restoration of catchment areas via appropriate planting of natives to best replicate the land in its natural state.

I asked Blake to explain to me in laymans' terms what integrated catchment management was, and how it works in an environment such as the one surrounding Mangawhai “People get this idea that any tree is green, and any landscape is lovely. But that’s not how it actually works” Rural Design look at the surrounding areas as a whole and through analysis of many different elements they then provide the best planting and layout for that situation. He enlightened me that the catchment begins at the top of the Brynderwyn’s and other high points such as Cames Road and flows all the way down to the Mangawhai estuary.

The riverways and wetlands are essential as they help to filtrate the water running down through the country side. Without these, the build-up of sediment is high and causes the growth of mangroves, as they provide filtration themselves. They are a direct result of human modification of the land through agriculture and development. Rural Design believes in restoration of catchment areas via appropriate planting of natives to best replicate the land in its natural state. Their wonderful philosophy of really seeing and listening to the land follows through to other parts of their business. They are also skilled in orchard and permaculture design, subdivision design and farm forestry. They approach these with the same passion as they do riparian and revegetation projects, providing the right plants and advice to make the utmost use of the land in a way that is beneficial and ecologically sound. I feel we can all learn a lesson from the lads at Rural Design, with their intense passion and patience for the land and their hardworking nature. They make you want to take a step back and really look at the land and its form, its natural inhabitants and its plant species. In the day to day running of life we often take these natural elements for granted, especially when looking for a quick fix. They really embrace the idea of Kaitiakitanga, to be ‘stewards over the land’. With their roots deeply embedded in Mangawhai, and with their inherited love for the flora and fauna and the energy that this place generates, we can feel fortunate that the Worsfolds, their team and Rural Design will continue to enhance the natural landscape for the generations to come. 


F LO R A + FA U N A : R U R A L D E S I G N

sustainable for the future, making them revolutionaries in this field at the time. From the very beginning, Bill and Bev mapped out all the veins on his own farm that he wanted to be planted, and to this day nearly 90% of this is completed which is a huge achievement. Much is native bush and wetland and provides protected habitats for native wildlife, and this was celebrated when they were featured on Country Calendar in July, 2016.

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particular about palms Words by Shannon Poynter

I have always had a love/hate relationship with palm trees, I think this is borne from being stabbed a few too many times by aggressive phoenix palms whilst gardening around Mangawhai in the past. But palms have a definite place in a New Zealand garden, and I have four absolute favourites that serve different aesthetic purposes for all your palm-like needs. B A N GA LOW PA L M S : T H E M O D E L

Long, leggy and strong. Bangalows look fantastic gracing a driveway entrance or standing tall in the corner of a coastal garden. A native of neighbouring Australia, they can grow to a whopping 20m, but this is often tempered by wind exposure and how rich your soil is. The fronds are a deep green, feathery and light, adding to this palms super model likeness. It fortunately can also tolerate wet soil which is handy in in good old NZ, am I right? Bangalows are easy to plant, care for and grow, making them an easy and accessible choice for your coastal garden. P Y G M Y D AT E PA L M S : T H E C U T E O N E

These gems are the most adorable little palm, cute and attractive and easy to grow in our warmer northern climate and can tolerate coastal conditions such as salt spray and sandy soils. They are native to South East Asia and definitely stand out as a specimen in a smaller garden and are absolutely striking planted in a wee group. They only grow to a height of 2m so can be planted in a pot also. They flower in spring, producing long cream coloured flowers that emerge from the centre on the fronds and are quite striking on this little palm. Like their older relatives, they do produce spikes but in no way are they as sharp or ferocious as that of the larger phoenix palms, so a much safer choice for a garden with little people frolicking about. P O N Y TA I L PA L M S : T H E C R A Z Y O N E

These slow growing wild haired wonders are my favourite ‘palm’ both indoors and out. And I will let you in on a little secret…this palm is no palm at all! It’s actually a member of the agave family which is native to Mexico, and fools us all

with its palm like habit. The trunk tapers out at the base to a wide circular bulb and the lush curly leaves explode out from the top making it look a bit wild. The bulbous trunk is used to store water, making this plant an excellent hardy variety for pots on the deck at the bach, in a sandy garden or as an indoor plant for those who are guilty of plant neglect. They don’t like getting wet feet so letting them get quite root bound before repotting is a-ok. Such an easy going, bright happy plant, its wayward aspect will make you smile. N I K A U PA L M S : T H E U N I Q U E O N E

Our very own New Zealand palm tree, and the only palm tree we have in our little slice of paradise. I love Nikau Palms. Their large grey-green fronds and stately upright habit is so quintessentially kiwi it makes the heart swell. There is something primordial about Nikau palms, as you can imagine them sheltering giant wetas, tuataras and no doubt a few moas in an ancient forest. It is most commonly found in coastal and inland forests in the North Island, but can be found as far south as the Chatham Islands. The rich red berries and nectar are a favourite snack for native birds, but it can take 30 years to reach this fruiting maturity! When planting your Nikau in your garden, chose a shadier, damper spot and a place where it will not need to be transplanted as they have a large tap root that does not like to disturbed. Plant with plenty of organic matter and in autumn where you can be assured moist weather while it’s settling in. When buying choose the Kermadec Islands or Great Barrier Island varieties, which are much faster growing. Watching them grow frond by frond is an absolute delight. As with many plants that I recommend, the same rule applies with palms…when purchasing, go big! Most palms are slow growing so if you are like me and all about instant gratification, get a larger grade. And apart from your Ponytail palm, plant with some lovely rich compost and water regularly initially. Enjoy friends, and happy palm planting! 





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