GayCalgary Magazine - May 2004

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May 2004 Issue 7


of charge

Pride Guide 2004 Official Guide to Pride Calgary Events

Need Help? Map, Places and Events of Calgary’s Gay Community in every issue

Priape One year old and counting in Calgary

Calgary’s resource for Business, Tourism, Events, Bars and Entertainment for the Gay, Lesbian, Bi and Gay Friendly Community.

Pride Calgary Reinventing Itself in 2004

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10 MFM Communications Established January 1992 Publisher Steve Polyak


Editor M. Zelda Original Graphic Design Deviant Designs Advertising Steve Polyak and Mark Gabruch

Table of Contents

Contributors Rob Diaz Marino, Mark Gabruch, Nina Tron, Stephen Lock, Greg Nemeth, M. Zelda, Jason Clevett, DJ Krazay Steve, Eric Berndt and the Gay and Lesbian Community of Calgary


Photographer Steve Polyak and Rob Diaz Marino

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Phone (403) 543-6970 or (877) 543-6970 Fax (403) 703-0685 E-mail

The Real Truth About Bill C-250 Gay Militias, ‘Mainstream’ Gay Politicos, and Dealing With The Christian Right

Videographer Steve Polyak and Rob Diaz Marino Please forward all inquiries to: Gay Magazine Suite 403, 215 14th Avenue S.W. Calgary, Alberta T2R 0M2

Bigger and Better Letter from the Publisher

10 Pride Calgary Reinventing Itself In 2004


Pride Calgary Pride Guide Official Guide to Pride events for June 6 to June 12

Print Run Monthly, 12 times a year


Copies Printed Monthly, 10,000 copies, all distributed in the Calgary Area, more then any other gay publication in Calgary.


Distribution points Over 150 points in Calgary, largest distribution points for any Gay publication in Calgary.


ISCCA Coronation Photos

Distributed by DLRJ Distributions, Gallant Enterprises and by


Apollo Western Cup Photos

Deadline for Ad Bookings 25th of the month

28 Priape

Deadline for Ad copy 28th of the month


Map & Event Listings Mapping Calgary’s core



More than Martinis

One year old and counting in Calgary

Masthead continued on page 4


Just Ask Nina! The Dish who Dishes advice


Spring 2004 Music with DJ Krazay Steve


A Sure Hit 6th Annual Fairy Tales Gay and Lesbian Film Festival magazine


Bigger and Better Letter from the Publisher By Steve Polyak

I did not think this would occur so soon but it is great to see our first 48-page issue, cover to cover with Gay and Lesbian content from Calgary. To accommodate the extra pages, some articles have been moved around in the magazine to new locations. In addition to layout changes, there are also more articles to read too. I hope that you will enjoy the new additions! More exciting things are still yet to come! Coronation 2004 Congratulations to the newly elected Her Most Imperial Sovereign Majesty Empress XXVIII Erica Divine and His Most Imperial Sovereign Majesty Emperor XXVIII Alexander De Knight. About 4,000 photos were taken during Coronation week, and as soon as they have been sorted, you will find them online on the website alongside video footage from the events too. The newly elected Empress and Emperor have lots of events planned for the month of May, and the months to come. Make sure to make it out to some of their fund raising events. Awards I received an ISCCA Volunteer Appreciation Award during the night of the Coronation. I am always glad to help out the community as best as I can. I will add this award to my wall where I proudly display my President’s award from the Rainbow Lambda Society during 2001 to 2002, and also First Anniversary Commendations from the Calgary Eagle. Pride Week 2004 This is the first of two issues that contain the official Pride Guide for 2004. Not all events are listed yet – there will be more added in the 2nd issue, but at least it’s a heads-up on what we know is happening.

Question or comments about the magazine or other things happening in the community, please E-mail me at

Continued from page 3 Legal Council Courtney Sebree Aarbo, Barristers and Solicitors Printers North Hill News This Issue Cover Terry Stevens and Fred Udey at Detour The opinions expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of, MFM Communications or the contributors of the magazine. People photographed or interviewed, writers, advertisers, contributors and anyone else involved with this publication are not necessarily gay, lesbian, bi, bi-curious or trans gendered. They can be straight people that are gay friendly. No part of the publication may be reprinted without the expressed permission of the editor-in-chief. Copyright 2004

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The Real Truth About Bill C-250 By Stephen Lock

Bill C-250 is now law in Canada, after over a decade of going through Parliament and countless months of debate. For those not familiar with C-250, it was the amendment to Sections 318 & 319 of the Criminal Code dealing with genocide and incitement to hatred. The amendment called for the addition of “sexual orientation” to the existing list of colour, race, religion, or ethnic origin protected under these sections. The arguments and concerns of social conservatives, many of whom are also religious conservatives, have received considerable coverage in mainstream media. The concerns centre around the belief that this amendment will infringe on freedom of speech and freedom of religion.

tection against malicious or “frivolous” charges being laid. Section 319 deals with incitement to hatred and it is this section social and religious conservatives were primarily concerned about. The arguments used against the amendment suggest, or outright claim, that if ‘sexual orientation’ was added it would effectively render the Bible and other sacred texts as “hate literature” and subject pastors, priests, ministers, rabbis, imans, or religious laity who spoke out against homosexuality to criminal prosecution. Interestingly, no such concerns were ever raised about Sections 318 and 319 when these sections dealt only with people of colour, race issues, religion, or ethnicity. How can be speaking out against blacks, Jews or Muslims, Ukrainians, First Nations or any other minority in the manner proscribed by these sections (i.e. inciting hatred and/or genocide) be considered acceptable and proper in a democratic society but to extend the same protection to

It won’t. C-250 was very clear – it sought only to add “sexual orientation” as a protected characteristic in the sections dealing with hate propaganda. Nothing else in these sections was changed, apart from, apparently, an additional change that further protects religious views. Those in support of C-250 have rarely had an opportunity to outline concerns about the opposition. The media, one can only assume, sees those of us in support of this amendment as “partisan”. There are some real concerns about how this debate has been framed and the misleading statements being made by the leaderships of various conservative lobby groups and religious organizations (primarily Christian). Section 318 deals with genocide. The section defines “genocide” as “any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy in whole or in part any identifiable group, namely, (a)

killing members of the group, or

(b) deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction.” The Section goes on to say, “no proceeding for an offence under this section shall be instituted without the consent of the Attorney General.” This is important as it is relatively rare in Criminal Code to have this consent required and it serves here as a pro- magazine


lesbians, gay men, and bisexuals (and heterosexuals, by the way) suddenly makes these sections attacks against free speech and religion? Section 319 takes great pains to ensure freedom of speech and freedom of religion are NOT compromised while balancing those crucial rights with the right to be free from persecution and hate promotion. Private conversation is protected. If the statements in question are established to be true, this is protected. If the individual is truly (“in good faith” also known as a bona fide argument) expressing an opinion on a religious subject or even attempting to establish an argument based on this, he or she is protected. If the statements are relevant to the public interest, and the discussion of the issue is for the public benefit and if the individual reasonably believes the statements to be true (whether they are or not), prosecution cannot occur. Further, if the individual was attempting to point out matters producing, or tending to produce, feelings of hatred towards an identifiable group or a member of such a group, with an eye to removing such barriers or counteracting hate, this is deemed acceptable under this section. Any prosecutions that do occur under this section must, again, have the consent of the Attorney General of Canada. The argument that this amendment will somehow compromise free speech or religious freedom or freedom of conscience is, at best, based on misunderstanding and, at worst, is a conscious attempt to mislead and ensure the continued ability to say the most vile things about homosexuals and homosexuality. I don’t particularly care if someone “disagrees” with my having a homosexual orientation; they are free to feel how they feel. I also don’t particularly care if someone presumes to ‘speak’ for God and criticizes my homosexuality “because it says so in the Bible (Koran, Torah, etc.)” as that is easily argued against or debated. For instance, any sacred text that even uses the word “homosexuality” or “homosexual” is suspect since the term itself was not coined until 1850! In other words, it is not the immutable Word of The Deity that is being quoted, but rather the imposing of modern terminology on ancient texts and a rather anachronistic interpretation of ancient societies. Biblical Israel, for instance, did not understand “homosexuality” as it is seen today…what the Patriarchs and Prophets spoke out against was what they saw as corrupt behaviour, likely tied in with “pagan” (i.e. non-Hebrew) religious and social practices. It is also an “abomination” to wear red, have a woman’s head uncovered in temple, mix cloth, or bring outdoor plants into the home (so much for that ficus plant…). The term “abomination”, rather than meaning

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something grotesque or evil, meant something ritually unclean in Hebrew practice. What I, and those who supported C-250, do care about is the fact that inciting hatred against homosexuals was not a crime. I am protected in the Criminal Code from zealots or outright bigots inciting hatred against me because I may be a person of colour, from a different country, or am a Jew, Muslim, Jehovah’s Witness, Catholic, or a member of some Appalachian snake-handling cult. With the passage of this amendment into law, Canadian jurisprudence took another step to the protection of all Canadians. Stephen Lock is the Regional Director for Egale Canada and the Calgary Representative for The Canadians For Equal Marriage Coalition. He is also the producer and host of a semi-monthly glbt radio show, Speak Sebastian, airing at 9pm on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month on CJSW FM 90.9. We are still looking for contributions to the Goliath’s Defence Fund. Donations can be made by cheque or money order, payable to “Stephen Lock (trustee).” In the memo section write “to be held in trust for the Goliath’s Defence Fund” and mail to: The Goliath’s Defence Fund, c/o The Calgary Eagle, 424-a 8th Ave SE, Calgary AB T2G 0L7. All proceeds go to defray the legal costs of the man charged as a found-in.

Gay Militias, ‘Mainstream’ Gay Politicos, and Dealing With The Christian Right By Stephen Lock

As an activist, I have certainly come in for more than my fair share of criticism; being cornered in a club with a finger jabbing just below my clavicle and some beery outraged gay man (or sometimes a lesbian) just letting me know what they think of Political-Shit-Disturbers-Like-Me. Despite being often accused of such, I am no radical. I am fully aware I operate within a socially conservative environment and amidst what I think we can safely call a conservative glbt community. I hasten to add that is not a criticism, just a comment on the reality of being in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. In the 25 years I have been an activist, I have always tried to reflect the ethos of the community to which I belong while, at the same time, try to move things forward a bit when it comes to our rights. Overall, I think I’ve done an okay job with that, along with a handful of other activists over the years. When I was asked to join the Board of Directors of Egale Canada in 2003 I was, in all honesty, flattered and pleased. Following my first interim year (having replaced the former Prairies/NWT/Nunavut Male rep, Gilles Marchildon, who resigned to become Egale’s Executive Director), I was acclaimed at AGM 2004 to the full twoyear term. The current Board is made-up of a diverse mix of what I would call grassroots activists; gay, lesbian, queer and transsexual; middle-class, working-class and rural-based; professionals, academics, blue-collar, students and artists. Regardless of what our opponents on the Right claim, Egale is not a radical group. It is very much an advocacy and lobby group working at the Federal level to change laws affecting our communities. I, along with my brother and sister Board members, believe in direct action. Many of us come from just such a perspective, but realize the serious work of change occurs not just by storming the barricades, but by the slog work of writing briefs, talking to MPs, cabinet ministers, and religious leaders, dealing with media, and forming coalitions with a variety of groups both within and outside our own community.

Egale is acutely aware of groups like the Concerned Christians Coalition Inc. whose leadership continues to spread misinformation, even disinformation, about a variety of issues concerning our communities. Certainly their comments directed at C-250 (the Private Member’s Bill recently passed by the Senate seeking to add ‘sexual orientation’ to the groups protected against genocide and incitement to hatred in sections 318 and 319 of the Criminal Code) bear that out. Their leadership maintains the untruth that C-250 will somehow negatively impact on freedom of speech and freedom of religion. It will do no such thing. C-250 changes nothing in either section 318 or 319, apart from the addition of ‘sexual orientation’ to the existing list of colour, race, religion, or ethnic origin. That is it. So, yes, Egale has some major issues with such groups. I certainly do as an individual and as a long time gay activist. Personally speaking, they drive me freakin’ nuts! However, having said that I think it behooves us to remember a few things. In Canada we do have freedom of speech, freedom of belief, and freedom of assembly. Those are valuable and crucial rights and cannot – cannot – be compromised. They apply to “our side” and they apply equally to “their side”. They must, or they are useless. Voltaire said something to the effect that while he may disagree with what an individual has to say, he will defend to the death that person’s right to say it. That is the crux of such freedoms. I loathe much of what groups like the Concerned Christians Coalition represent. I vehemently disagree with the likes of the Rev. Stephen Boissoin and his views that homosexuality is blasphemy. I have some major difficulty with the assumption that accepting Jesus as one’s personal Saviour is the only way to Eternal Salvation and, if one does not, one will be cast into the fires of Hell, forever separated from God. I resent their representing my God as a vicious, unforgiving, unloving, and callous Deity who would forever damn me because I happen to be gay and have sex with other men. I wrote about the freedoms that are so crucial to a healthy democracy. I fervently believe those freedoms must apply to all. This action by the “Gay Militia”, in my view, compromised those freedoms. I am not saying those involved with the “Gay Militia” should not have spoken out or demonstrated. I fully support their right to do so. However, whatever one may magazine


think of the Concerned Christians Coalition, the fact is they were holding a private gathering in a private space – a ballroom they rented and paid for. They have a right to their opinions, however misguided or incorrect they may be. The evening was a fundraising dinner for Stephen Boissoin who was brought before the Alberta Human Rights Commission for allegedly anti-gay writings he had written in The Red Deer Advocate. The complainant found them to be homophobic and a violation of the human rights of lesbians and gay men in Alberta. The Commission does not charge or accuse; it merely investigates. Boissoin chose to characterize this as a witch-hunt, and has apparently contracted the services of a lawyer to counter sue the complainant in civil court. I was made aware of the April 17th fundraiser dinner being held at the Coast Plaza Hotel and sent out an email to those on my list, not all of who are Egale members, suggesting a demonstration be organized outside the hotel so that our voices remain heard. I was not able to organize or attend the demo. I would be in Ottawa at the annual Egale Board Retreat. Upon my return on the 19th, a Calgary Herald reporter enquiring if I had sent out an e-mail calling for an action contacted me. He then informed me Boissoin was saying “my” demonstrators had waded in to the middle of his supporters wielding sticks and yelling epithets. My first inclination was to assume Boissoin was engaging in his usual purple rhetoric. I knew some of the people who were at that demo and there was simply no way such an occurrence would happen, or be allowed to happen. Boissoin then sent me an email with the comment “When you called your soldiers to arms, was this your intent?” and proceeded to describe what happened. I spent the better part of April 20th trying to unearth what did happen and soon realized there were two separate actions. It was the second action Boissoin was referring to -- an action neither I, nor Egale, sanctioned. No one from the “Gay Militia” had spoken with the media to explain, defend, or justify their action. That, unfortunately, has been left to me. I suppose I could haven chosen to say to media, “Sorry, no comment. Wasn’t Egale or me, so go away” but that isn’t how things work in the real world. I was being accused of orchestrating this, and I had no choice but to clarify the record. The more I clarified the more it felt I was cleaning up somebody else’s mess. The Concerned Christians Coalition continues to state I/Egale orchestrated the action inside the ballroom, and I am getting calls from as far away as New York. I have told Boissoin we were not involved. I have told media we were not involved. Yet it continues. A video shows what appears to be queer youth, dressed in army fatigues and bandanas pulled over their faces,

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chanting “Gay Militia here to stay, rightwing bigots go away” and beating drumsticks together as they unfurl a Gay Liberation-style banner. Meanwhile, members of the Coalition are watching in surprise and fear, holding hands, and praying loudly, no doubt convinced they are about to be martyred…I don’t know. Who knows, in a post-9/11 world, what a bunch of disguised individuals in army fatigues who just burst into a private fundraising dinner in a hotel ballroom are capable of doing. Apparently, what the members of the Gay Militia don’t seem to understand is that infringements of another group’s freedoms is at least a misguided act. If that had been an Apollo Western Cup Tournament Dinner, an ARGRA Dance, or the recent Coronation Ball, and a group of shouting masked individuals dressed in fatigues burst in because they disagreed with our points of view or our even existing, what reaction would there be from our community? Most reasonable people would see it as an unacceptable incursion on the rights of others. Criticizing the action is not denying the diversity of opinion and styles in our community. I think my own record stands strong on my support of such diversity. The “Gay Militia” was perfectly free to shout, chant, and beat their drumsticks together for the world to hear -- outside; that is democracy. Invading a peaceful assembly, even when we all clearly have enormous difficulties with the messages being promoted at that assembly, is a criminal offence. That by their actions they allowed the community to be tarred with a broad brush and damaged the serious work that has been, and is being, done on behalf of gay men, lesbians, bisexuals, two-spirited, transfolk, and queers across Canada is not acceptable. This action has had repercussions they didn’t imagine or didn’t care about. It was irresponsible, and the organizers need to step up to the plate and take responsibility and deal with the fallout that’s left. Hiding behind masks and shouting does not an activist make. Anyone can do that. Stephen Lock is the Regional Director for Egale Canada and the Calgary Representative for The Canadians For Equal Marriage Coalition. He is also the producer and host of a semi-monthly glbt radio show, Speak Sebastian, airing at 9pm on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month on CJSW FM 90.9. We are still looking for contributions to the Goliath’s Defence Fund. Donations can be made by cheque or money order, payable to “Stephen Lock (trustee).” In the memo section write “to be held in trust for the Goliath’s Defence Fund” and mail to: The Goliath’s Defence Fund, c/o The Calgary Eagle, 424-a 8th Ave SE, Calgary AB T2G 0L7. All proceeds go to defray the legal costs of the man charged as a found-in. magazine


PRIDE CALGARY By Jason Clevett

Reinventing Itself In 2004

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“Change” is the operative word for this year’s Pride celebrations from June 6 – 13, 2004. It was with a great deal of excitement that Pride Committee Co-Chairs Linda Craig and James Faulkner sat down on the patio at Money Pennies to tell about the plans for this year’s festivities.

It’s evolved into a “people parade” rather than a gay parade. Friends, family, co-workers, anybody can join it. That is what is very unique about it – people do feel they can jump in and feel safe, and they want to be a part of it. “We are really lucky this year to have so much community support.” Faulkner said. “Everything is new: the parade route, the street festival location, and the Pride Dance is at Hall D of the Roundup Center. We have really focused in the centre of the community and in quality locations. I don’t think when we first started that we had any idea we would ever reach this level.” Pride has come along way from its humble beginnings fourteen years ago. Then it was a political rally, organized by Vicki Menzies, held in Center Street Park, and vastly different from today’s event. “It was an incredible thing, as some of the attendees were wearing masks because they knew media would be out. It was a political statement that it wasn’t safe to be out, and really 14 years is not that long ago. It has certainly come a long way,” said Craig. “This is our second term together as co-chairs. When we compare what we did a few years ago to today, you can see a difference. With community support and people not being afraid to be out, we have come so far; it is quite amazing actually,” Faulkner added. Craig has been involved with the Pride Committee for the past seven years and reflected back on its evolution over that period. “When I was first there, it was a political statement. We would be down at the provincial buildings holding rallies. The parade would actually start there and run through downtown on a Sunday where there was no one to watch it and see it, and there were not a lot of participants. What has happened over those seven years is we have turned the event into more of a celebration. The parade and festival has been brought out to the community. With the parade route being on 17th Avenue, people will see it if they are just shopping on 17th Ave or just around there.” Craig recalled the first time that she realized the Parade had become accepted and a celebration. “The first time people started bringing out chairs along the route and sat waiting for it [the parade] to come by was four years ago; it was something I didn’t expect at all. To see spectators, like at the Stampede Parade, made tears run down my face, and I was trying to tape it, but I couldn’t see the screen because it was blurry. That was such an incredible moment for Calgary to have it turn into a celebration that anybody would come to and be a part of. People would walk along watching the parade and then jump into it. It’s evolved into a “people parade” rather than a gay parade. Friends, family, co-workers, anybody can join it. That is what is very unique about it – people

do feel they can jump in and feel safe, and they want to be a part of it.” The street fair also took off, with Pride closing off a street and inviting vendors to sell their goods and establish their names in the community. The Street Festivals have also featured the popular beer gardens, live musical performances, drag performers, and children’s activities like face painting and a play area. Local bar staff and owners, including Izora Jackson Jones in full drag, have raised money by having gleeful people attempt to dunk them in the dunk tank. This year the festival moves from its former location at Connaught School to Tompkins Park on 17th Avenue. Both chairs are excited about the move. “We are linking up with some incredible community associations like the 17th Ave BRZ, who are allowing us to move the street fair to a very public location right in the heart of the community. Moving it from the school ground is a big step in evolving and progressing the concept of this whole party,” said Craig. “People who are walking along 17th Avenue will happen upon our wonderful celebration and can be a part of it. Having it at the school ground was great, but you didn’t happen upon it; you were there because you knew it was there. Having it at Tompkins Park, it will be a neat opportunity for people to come and be a part of it.” Faulkner added that the new location increases the comfort factor for those who are not fully out or just newly magazine


experiencing Pride. “If you are not out or newly coming out, you can wander down 17th for no apparent reason and wander in. If you are not comfortable, you can say ‘Oh I was just wandering down 17th and saw this happening.’ When I was coming out in Toronto, I went out by accident and did stumble across things. It made it easier.” There was controversy in Edmonton last year when Mayor Bill Smith refused to declare Gay Pride Week, before finally succumbing to public pressure and doing so. Calgary Mayor Dave Bronconnier, on the other hand, has already announced he will proclaim Gay Pride Week for the second year in a row. The parade has long had support from the city and politicians, including former Prime Minister Joe Clark as Parade Marshal in 2000. The Committee is thankful for the support. “It gives you a realization that we are as much a part of Calgary as any other community. It’s nice to have the support and not feel like you have to apologize for asking for a park or contacting places. To have it there and recognized is great,” said Faulkner. Part of what makes the celebrations so important is that it allows those just coming out to see they are not alone. In the April issue of magazine, Verge owner Annette Nelson said “People say ‘why march in the parade?’ my response is ‘Do it for the 16 year old who feels they are alone in the world.’ When I saw my first pride march on TV, even though it was small, I was like ‘Wow, there are people I can talk too.’” Faulkner and Craig agree with that statement. “It makes you realize that you are doing something for a good reason. When you go out to the bar, you frequently see the same people, and we all have friends who are outside bars and events, so when you see those people at Pride events it is quite nice,” said Faulkner. Craig agrees. “The most incredible thing I see is all the people I don’t normally see out. I don’t frequent bars and events a great deal. I am out enough to be surprised to see all of these people that I don’t know where they are the rest of the year, but all of a sudden during pride week, we see hundreds of people coming out that are a part of the event. That is what excites me, and why we do this, being a part of this team that creates this event. It is such an incredible feeling to see people feeling safe enough to come out into a very public event with lots of media. I don’t know where they come from, but they make a point of being there that day.” Others, however, criticize the parade as being too flamboyant and concentrating on aspects like the leather and drag communities or think that it is too political. The cochairs wanted to clear up some misconceptions. “The preconceptions about drag queens or the leather community and such, they are part of the community.” Faulkner said. “Because we are an adult community as

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opposed to a community based on nationality, we are allowed to be a little more outrageous. There are parts to it that other cities get carried away at. In Calgary, we try and tone it down, so the parade is something you can bring your kids to. Generally people only have a problem when they pre-judge.” “Gays and Lesbians are the only culture that crosses over every nationality and type of person.” Craig added. “Within a family, you may not have another gay person, and you have to connect to a community in some way. We are so diverse because we come from such a broad background: single moms and dads to people without kids, wealthy to poor, sports-focused to drag queens; it all comes together. It’s an example of the gay community just like the Stampede Parade is an example of the straight community. For some people it will always be a political statement just by existing. Those that want it to be it will; others it is just not an issue. I am very exhausted by the thought that gays and lesbians still have issues we have to fight for, so to come to a party and just be surrounded by acceptance is such an incredible feeling and what we are aiming for. To have it once a year, this size of an event; it’s fantastic. We exist whether people like it or not, and to come out in such a public way is a feeling I hope people can realize. Those wondering whether they should go or not, they should because there is nothing like it.”

One of the great things about Pride is that it is so positive. Those who attend are surrounded by like-minded people and can feel free to be themselves in a public environment. In the past there have been concerns, such as talk of Reverend Phelps coming to boycott the parade, (he wasn’t allowed into the country) or a concern about violence. Those concerns have proven to be unfounded. “The first year that we had the parade route along 17th, we did have a number of volunteers that we positioned along the parade route as safety people with cell phones and walkie talkies to keep an eye out, and the Police were aware of the potential trouble,” Craig recalled. “Absolutely nothing happened. It was a relief. There has not been any issue since. Once we had a person with an anti-gay placard, and people watching the parade just surrounded that person. There was no physical contact, nothing was said verbally, but it was a demonstration to that person that he couldn’t make a statement because he was outnumbered.” Faulkner put a different spin on Fred Phelps intended visit. “Phelps was a positive. All it did was promote us because it was news around the world. I don’t take it as the negative he tries to put a slant on, I look at it positively because a) The community would really come out and support Pride to negate him and b) The whole world will

know about you. It’s advertising we could never pay for.” When most people think “Pride Week,” they just think of the parade and the dance. However there is much more going on around Calgary during the week, with a number of the events not on such a big scale with a high media profile, allowing people who wish to participate at a more discrete level. “There is a GLBT Film Festival the week before pride; a Lesbian stand up comic is here on the 12th. Both the Calgary Men’s Choir and the Calgary Women’s Choir are putting a combined concert. The bars are involved with their own events like drag shows, and Money Pennie’s is running the Lesbian show “The L Word” the full week,” said Craig. “There is an art exhibit as well for the entire month as well,” Faulkner said, adding, “We don’t have all of the information from all of the groups yet. Everyone likes to do something because other than something like Christmas, which is so universal, groups don’t generally get together like this.” Pride events are a huge part of the gay community, and in cities like Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver thousands flock to the city to be a part of it. Calgary’s pride is quickly becoming a tourist draw as people take in Calgary’s unique hospitality. “It is interesting to hear folks who have attended Calgary’s celebrations say ‘This is great. It is so different from other cities; we love how intimate it is. It’s fun, fabulous and friendly.’ They love Calgary because it’s a different event,” said Craig. “Toronto and Vancouver have really hit their landmarks where we are still building,” added Faulkner. “This year, we will have incredible numbers again. It is such a nice feeling to have even a few thousand people come out. Part of our advantage right now is that we are not as large as the bigger centers. There is a feeling of security and intimacy.” For the average person, Pride runs for the week and then becomes a happy memory until the following year. For the Pride Board however, it isn’t long before things are kicked into gear again. The Pride Committee has its Annual General Meeting in September. This particular Board of Directors has been together and planning since October 2003 to put together Pride 2004. “At the start, we have a meeting once a month, but now that it is drawing close we meet every two weeks, and soon enough it will be weekly. It’s amazing the amount of time that each board member puts in,” said Faulkner. “Different positions take different amounts of time, but each of them spends their own time doing things like the website, posters, sponsorship, the list goes on and on. This year we are lucky, we started out with 13 people, which is the maximum number you are allowed to have. We have never started with that many. We only lost one magazine


person, which is unusual. During the AGM people put their hands up, and within a month you lose half of them due to other commitments. This year our group wants to make such a difference, they have all stayed. Linda and I could not do this on our own; it’s such a community effort. As well a lot of the bars and businesses have gotten involved. Everyone is really excited about Pride, so this year will be something special.” Craig reflected on what 2004 means and how Pride have grown and changed. “Every year has been a building year. That is not to say that past years haven’t been great or important, but each year it becomes easier to build upon what already exists. This year we build on the street festival and parade, but we are moving it around and shaking it up. The 17th Ave Business Revitalization Zone came to the gay community to say ‘We want the party here, don’t go around the corner.’ They want to be a part of this.” With that in mind, the Co-Chairs put the offer on the table to be a part of Pride 2005. The Co-Chair position is a two-year term with one chair stepping down each year. This September James Faulkner will step down while Linda Craig will remain on for 2005. There is ample opportunity for others to join the board and be a part of crafting next year’s festivities.

14 magazine

“When five people run a board as opposed to twelve, there is less promotion and ideas flowing around. With 12 people there is such a buzz that people are coming to us and calling us,” said Faulkner. “Without the new ideas, we are nothing; that is what keeps us going. So contribute or join the board because that is what makes it work so well.” “We need to start planning for 2005. Anyone who is interested in being a part of this team has to let us know and step up,” Craig added, before concluding. “It is an amazing feeling to stand in the middle of the pride festival with three thousand people around you and know that you were one of the team to create that event. There is no other feeling like it, and if you want to experience it contact us. We need help and ideas because we can keep growing and exploding.” If would like to have your group reviewed in an up coming issue of Magazine or have comment or suggestions of groups to be reviewed, please contact us at (403) 543-6970 or E-mail us at

Pride Calgary 2004 Pride Guide Official Guide to Pride events for June 6 to June 12, 2004 Pride Calgary 2004 Sponsors (in alphabetical order)

BACKLOT Sunday June 6 Pride Parade - Pride Calgary Presents the Gay Magazine Pride Parade Route: Starting Point - 2 St. SW and 17 Ave. SW West on 17 Ave. SW to 12 St. SW North on 12 St. SW to 16 Ave. SW End Point - Parking lot on 16 Ave. SW Set-up time: 9:00am - 11:30am Departure time: 12 noon - Rain or Shine For more information or if you are interested in Volunteering for the Pride Parade Committee please contact David Donald at (403) 8040534 or at Check out the map for Parade Route. Pride Streetfestival - Pride Calgary Presents the Outlooks Street Festival. New Location at Tompkins Park, in front of Mount Royal Village. A variety of music and special presentations from the stylish Gazebo in the park are certain to entertain you while you shop and eat your way through the full block of community vendors. An eclectic array of community organizations, street performers and munchies is the perfect way to spend an afternoon with your “family”. When you can’t walk any further, stop and relax for a while at the biggest ever Beer Garden, always a favorite.

If you or you organization would like to be a vendor or volunteer in any way, please contact Dean Burton at or leave a message at 403-541-0064. Check out the map for Festival location. Backlot - After Parade Party. Private patio out back. Doors Open at 2:00pm. Calgary Eagle - 3 pm until dusk “Reach for the Gods” Dancer competition and After Pride Parade Party. Fire and Ice Cd release presented by Spectrum Promotions and Skylab Creative. Immediately following the outlooks Street Festival, please join us at the Eagle, where some of Alberta’s hottest and hardest bodies will compete for the centre stage at “Fire and Ice 2004”. Pre-register at the Interactive Male booth following the Pride Parade. Detour - God Save the Queens Pride Day Show. With very special guest Willie Taylor from Vancouver. 2 Different Shows, one at 10:30 and then at 12:30. Metro Boyztown & the Rekroom - The Ho Show hosted by Margaret Ho. ShowTime at 10: 30 & 12:30 - Cover $3.00. Fairy Specials- XHiBalls $4.75 & Shooters $1.50 Money-Pennies - After Parade Party on our Roof Top Patio.

The Verge - Parade after Party. Happy hour all night long

by Sigrid Elliott from Chicago. Followed by DJ Goeffrey Pye

Monday June 7

Friday June 11

Metro Boyztown & the Rekroom - Queer as Folk night. Last weeks episode airs at 10: 00 p.m. All new episode at 11:00 p.m. Fairy Specials- XHi-Balls & Martinis $4.75 20oz pint of Kokanee $3.75 & Shooters $1.50.

Detour - 9pm until 6am FIRE AND ICE 2004 MAIN EVENT presented by Skylab Creative, Lifestyles Condoms, Interactive Male and Spectrum Promotions. DJ SERGE DUSCHENE (Montreal), DJ DEKO-ZE (Toronto), DJ RICE (Calgary), SIGRID ELLIOTT (Chicago), JAIDENE VEDA (Calgary). 4th Annual All Night Pride bash featuring world-class circuit DJ talent, live vocalists, fire performers, drummers, hot Abercrombie go-go gods from across North America. Tickets on sale at Priape, Giant 45 and all Underground locations.

Tuesday June 8 Metro Boyztown & the Rekroom - Fairy Flicks 10:00 - 12:00 p.m. Cum and watch a movie on our 8ft. screen munchies and of course drink specials all night long. Domestic Beer $3.25, 20oz pint of Kokanee $3.75 & Shooters $1.50 The Verge - Pizza night. Specials all night long Wednesday June 9 Metro Boyztown & the Rekroom - Amatuer Strip Contest. ShowTime 12:00 p.m. Cash prize $200.00. Fairy Specials- XH-Balls $4.75 Shooters $1.50. Thursday June 10 Metro Boyztown & the Rekroom - Mr. & Ms. Hott Ass Contest. ShowTime 12:00 p.m. $200.00 in cash prizes Fairy Specials- XHi-Balls $4.75 Shooters $1.50. The Verge - On The Verge of Fire and Ice Fourth Anniversary Celebration. Live Vocals

Fire And Ice - VIP Meet and Greet Dinner 6pm until 9 pm at ESCOBA, 513 8th Avenue SW. Meet this year’s performers, enjoy a glass of wine and a beautiful dinner before this year’s hottest party. Reservations strongly suggested. Darren or Steve, 403.543.8911 Girl Friends - Amy Bishop at the Karma Cafe 2139 33 Avenue S.W. Starting at 8:30 p.m. If you would like to join GFs at this event, write us at for further information.

Pride Events Continued on next page magazine


Events Listing Find out what’s happening around Calgary

Pride Events continued from following page Metro Boyztown & the Rekroom - Cheap Thrills Pride Show. ShowTime at 10:30 p.m. Fairy Power Hr. till 11:00 p.m. Domestic Beer & HiBalls $3.25 Shooters $1.50 Dance Late! The Verge - Night of lounging around. $2.50 highballs till 11 pm Saturday June 12 Pride Dance - Celebrating its fourteenth year, the Pride dance on Saturday June 12th will prove to be the most spectacular event of the year. We have a new location, Hall D, in the new Round Up Centre at Stampede Park. With its vaulted ceilings and 50,000 sq. feet, there will be plenty of dance floor, a state of the art sound and lighting system (supplied by Allstar


Show Industries) ten bar stations with full liquor menu, and food available for anyone who gets the munchies. Video projectors provided by During the evening, there will be male and female dancers, flaggers and a choreographed performance by one of Calgary’s premier entertainers, Nina Tron, along with her back up crew. We have secured one of Calgary’s most talented djs, DJ Mystare (along with other guest djs) who guarantee a variety of the hottest music. Doors open at 8:00pm. Tickets are $20.00 and will go on sale May 14th at the following locations: A Women’s Place Books Store, Adult Source, the Backlot, Detour, Goliaths, MetroBoyztown, Money Pennies, Priape, magazine

Rainbow Pride Resource Centre, The Rek Room, and the Verge.. Tickets can also be purchased at the door the evening of the dance. Please note that AGLC law will be enforced. Therefore, you must be 18 yrs. of age and furthermore, if you are under 25 you must have your I.D. with you. No admittance without it! Calgary Men’s Chorus - Concert at Vive La Compagnie, Rosa Centre, U of C. With Calgary Women’s Chorus. Tickets available at Money Pennies and Priape. Fire and Ice - Melt Down Pool Party. Presented by Fire and Ice 2004 and Magazine. The final splash before Pride comes to a close. All the DJ’s, all the boys, add water and STIR!! Party begins at 11:00am. Attendees of Fire and ICE 2004 and guests of the host hotel

get priority VIP invitation. GirlsGo - ELVIRA KURT! The Gateway Lounge SAIT Campus Centre. For info people can look at the web: or call at 403510-2502 Metro Boyztown & the Rekroom - Open House/ No Cover. Fairy Power Hr. till 11:00 p.m. Shooter Specials all night long. Dance Late! The Verge - Start the night off with a nice meal before the dance ..... dinner and drink specials

More Events will be in the June Issue. If your event is not list, please contact us at 543-6970 or


and Priape, 1322 - 17 Ave SW ●16.

Foxwood B&B ●12 1725 - 12 St SW • (403) 244-6693

Brian Mahoney & John McNeill #10, 6020 - 1A St SW • (403) 259-4141 Re/Max Reality Professionals

Westways Guest House ●13 216 - 25 Ave SW • (403) 229-1758

Courtney Sebree Aarbo ●24 1138 Kensignton Road NW • (403) 571-5120 Barristers & solicitors

Bathhouse and Sauna’s Goliath’s ●6 308 - 17 Ave SW • (403) 229-0911 Open 7 days a week, 24 hours a day Internet Terminal Location*

Businesses 4th Street Liquor & Wine ●22 1809 4th St SW •(403) 229-1919 A broad selection of spirits, wines & beer A Woman’s Place Book Store ●28 1404 Centre Street South • (403) 263-5256 Self help, spirituality, Gay/Lesbian, woman’s studies, painting, children and health. Adult Depot 626 58th Ave SE •(403) 258-2777 524A 6th Ave SE •(403) 264-7399 ●23 Sex toys, and Straight, Bi, Gay video rentals Adult Source 10210 MacLeod Trail S • (403) 271-7848 1536 - 16 Ave NW • (403) 289-4203 2770 - 32 Ave NE • (403) 250-8225 1127 - 17 Ave SW • (403) 244-6537 ●20 3 4310 - 17 Ave SE • (403) 273-2701 Calgary’s largest selection of adult DVD, VHS, toys and magazines. B&D Emporium Inc. ●14 829 17th Ave SW • (403) 265-7789 Mon-Sat 10:30am-6pm; Sun 12- 5pm Adult clothing store and accessories specializing in fetish, leather, latex, gothic, punk, and corsets. We have MOVED to our new address Blubox ●15 1322A - 17 Ave SW • (403) 244-9500 Clothing and home furnishings. Boot Boys Bath Shop (403) 819-2415 E-mail: Bath Products, Massage Oils available for sale at Pride Resource Centre, 1229 - 16 Ave SW ●17

Cruiseline (403) 777-9494 trial code 3500 Phone chat room and talking classifieds for 18+ Customers First Auto Care 221 41st Ave NE • (403) 276-8001 Brakes, tune-ups, general repair, insurance reports, drivability problems, computer diagnostics Elaments Marda Loop • (403) 242-0104 Salon and Day Spa. Interactive Male (403) 261-2100, Trial code 3418 or try 1-900451-3800 ($1.99/min) Phone chat room for 18+ MFM Communications (403) 543-6970 Web site hosting and development. Computer Hardware and Software. Priape Calgary ●16 1322 - 17 Ave SW • (403) 215-1800 Mon-Fri 12-9pm; Sat 10am-9pm; Sun 12-6pm Clothing and accessories. Adult toys, leather wear, movies and magazines. Gifts.

6pm Adult rentals, toys, movies and magazines. Gifts. Inventory Clearance Sale on right now! RiTo Styling #5, 5308 17 Ave SW • (403) 686-8489 Unisex Haircuts, styling, massage, facials, waxing and hair products. Royal Flush ●21 2115 4 St SW • (403) 228-2934 Towels, robes and bathroom accessories. Video Fantasy 104, 4202 - 17 Ave SE • (403) 248-8620 Adult movie rentals What’s In Store 1600 Edmonton Trail NE • (403) 276-3066 Used clothing and accessories. Also costumes and rentals.

Clubs and Bars BackLot ●3 209 - 10 Ave SW • (403) 265-5211 Open 7 days a week, 4pm-close Business review in Magazine March 2004 - Issue 5 Internet Terminal Location* Calgary Eagle Inc. ●4 424a - 8 Ave SE • (403) 263-5847 Open Wed-Sun 4pm-close Business review in Magazine February 2004 - Issue 4 Internet Terminal Location*

Rainbow Destinations (403) 283-0294 E-mail: Travel agent to gay destinations and just about anywhere in the world. Rainbow Pride Resource Centre ●17 1229 - 16 Ave SW • (403) 266-5685 Mon-Sat 11am-10pm; Sun & Holiday’s 12-

Detour/Arena ●5 318 - 17 Ave SW • (403) 244-8537 Open Thursday-Sunday 10pm-close

Professional Relaxation Massage (403) 510-7572 Male to Male massage by appointment only

God Save the Queens – Every Sun. two different sets, one at 11pm and then at 12:30am. Also Sunday Night Dance party with DJ Jared K For a Gay Time, Take a Detour – Every Saturday, 2 DJs and 2 Dance floors. Girlz Night – Every First Friday night on the Arena side. Includes “Best Breast Contest”. Live band Parkers Lime, June 4 Kink Night - Every last Friday of the month May 21st - 2004 Calgary Model Search. Contact Len Before May 14th at I Model (403) 669-9408 or Reel Time (403) 802-2855. Loading Dock ●7 318 - 17 Ave SW, side entrance • (403) 244-8537 Open 7 days a week, 3-9:30pm Business review in Magazine November 2003 - Issue 1 Internet Terminal Location* Metro Boyztown ●8 213 - 10 Ave SW • (403) 265-2028 Open 7 days a week, 9pm-close Business review in Magazine December 2003 - Issue 2

Beer Bust – Every Sun, 4-8pm. Two Big Beef bones $5.95. $2.00 Draft (12oz) Canadian. Free Pool – Every Wed Get Boned – Every Thurs. Two Big Beef bones $5.95. Dark Night – Every Fri. “Feel your way around and come in the Dark” May 1 - Kilt Night May 8 - Harness Night May 9 - Momma’s BBQ. Big Beef burgers and salads for $7.50 May 15 - Uniform Night May 21 - Hot Ash Night May 22 -Leather Night May 23 - Momma’s BBQ. Big Beef burgers and salads for $7.50 May 29 - Chap’s & Spurs

June 4 - Spring Summer Collection 2004 Fashion Show at Metro Boyztown starting at 11:00pm

Business review in Magazine November 2003 - Issue 1 Internet Terminal Location in the Loading Dock area*

Money-Pennies ●9 1742 - 10 Ave SW • (403) 263-7411 Open Mon-Fri 11:00am-close; Sat & Sun 10: 30am-close Business review in Magazine January 2004 - Issue 3 Internet Terminal Location* Check out our new look! Saturday and Sunday - Brunches 11 to 3 Tuesdays - 2 Step Tuesdays. Come on down for 2 for 9.99 Steak Sandwiches and two step to the latest Country music. (Watch for Dance Lessons ...starting soon) Wednesdays - 15cent Wing Night Sundays - Happy Hour All Day Friday’s - Karaoke Thursday’s - L Word at 7pm to 9pm Monday’s - Queer as Folk Levi Night. Sponsored by Priape. Come in and enter to win a pair of Levi 501’s compliments of Priape Check the web site for updated event calendar information. magazine


The Rekroom ●10 213a - 10 Ave SW • (403) 265-4749 Open 7 days a week, 4pm-close Business review in Magazine December 2003 - Issue 2 Texas Lounge ●6 308 - 17 Ave SW • (403) 229-0911 Open 7 days a week, 11am-close Internet Terminal Location* Check the web site for updated event calendar information. Wednesday - Happy Hour prices on highballs all day Sunday - Happy Hour price on beer all day Tuesdays - Karaoke 7pm to 11pm The Verge ●11 4A, 2500 - 4 St SW • (403) 245-3344 Open Tues-Sun 4pm-close Business review in Magazine April 2004 - Issue 6

Community Groups and Organizations Aids Calgary ●2 200, 1509 Centre St South • (403) 508-2500 Non-Profit review in Magazine March 2004 - Issue 5 Volunteer Orientation and Introduction to AIDS Calgary - May 4, 6-9pm. For more information or to register, please contact AIDS Calgary Challenging Stereotypes Workshop - March 6, 69pm. For more information or to register, please contact AIDS Calgary. Safer Sex & HIV/AIDS Workshop - May 11, 69pm. For more information or to register, please contact AIDS Calgary. Living with HIV/AIDS Workshop - May 13, 69pm. For more information or to register, please contact AIDS Calgary.


Apollo Calgary Friends in Sports Non-Profit review in Magazine April 2004 - Issue 6 Schedule and events are changing, please check website for summer activities. Wednesdays - League Golf. Glen Golf Course. Tee Time start 5:30. Confirm your booking with payments by phone or email every Sunday. Contact or by phone 228-1952 ARGRA – Alberta Rockies Gay Rodeo Association Hotline: (403) 541-8140 ARGRA Dance - May 29 at 7:30pm. Dance cost is $6 for members and $9 for non-members. Country music until 10pm and hot mixed music the rest of the evening July 2 to 4, Canadian Rockies International Rodeo. Watch the next issue for complete details or check Bear Back Calgary Non-Profit review in Magazine January - Issue 3 May 10th - Coffee Night at Timothy’s, located at 1610 - 10th St. S.W. @ 8:00 p.m. May 15th - Bears do the Zoo for the afternoon! Meet at the LRT station tunnel on the north side of the zoo, by the mastodon, at 1:00pm. (Park near the north parking lot for easy parking.) May 20th - General Meeting at Money Pennies. 7:30pm. May 29th - Bar Night at the Calgary Eagle @ 10pm. Between Men and Between Men Online Sean (403) 234-8973 or magazine Peer support, sexual health education for gay or bisexual men, as well as those who may be uncertain or questioning their sexuality. Discussions range from personal relationship or life issues, to sexual health and well-being. Mondays - Meetings at Money-Pennies from 7pm to 8:30pm Calgary Gay Fathers (403) 777-9499 ext 2090

that MPs who support equal marriage legislation are elected, and that those who would deny lesbian and gay couples equality are defeated. We have chapters in Calgary, Edmonton, Medicine Hat and Red Deer. If you would like to volunteer contact us at Please specify in your email your city of residence. Choices (403) 234-8973 or

Calgary Men’s Chorus (403) 262-6295

Choices provides tailored prevention and education to Choices is a partnership between GLCSA and AIDS Calgary. Choices employs a harm reduction philosophy to educate men and HIV/AIDS and STDs, so they are able to make the best decisions for themselves.

Rehearsal – Sun at 6:45pm. At the Old Y Centre, 213 - 12 Ave SW, main floor common room.

Different Strokes Swim Club

Calgary Women’s Chorus

Dykes on Mykes Radio Show – Mon 8:30-9pm. Listen on CJSW FM 90.9.

Peer support group for gay, bisexual and questioning fathers. Meeting twice a month

Rehearsals – Tues 7-9pm. At the Old Y Centre, 223 - 12 Ave SW Camp 181 Check website for upcoming events. Canadians for Equal Marriage The FEDERAL ELECTION will determine whether we have the votes to pass the equal marriage legislation. We need your help to make sure that as many supportive MPs as possible are elected. Canadians for Equal Marriage is a nation-wide, bilingual campaign made up of individuals and organizations from all walks of Canadian life and all political stripes, including those with no political affiliation.. CEM works at the grassroots, in the media, in Parliament, and beyond. Our federal election priority is to ensure

GLCSA - Gay And Lesbian Community Services Association ●1 206, 223 - 12 Ave SW, Old “Y” Centre (403) 234-8973 Non-Profit review in Magazine February 2004 - Issue 4 Girl Friends Girlsgo Productions (403) 510-2502 Event production and promotion in Alberta for women. Check online for fun things to do! June 5th - Lock and Key Women’s Dance Party,

Inglewood Community Centre, 1740 – 24th Avenue SE Heading Out Sean (403) 234-8973 or Peer group for men who are looking for an alternative social activity to the bar. Activities vary and are fun and entertaining. The group meets bi-weekly on Fridays from 7 pm to 9pm. Illusions Calgary #206, 223 - 12th Ave. S.W.• (403) 2348973 Social club for Calgary and area transgender community members. Meetings held the third Thursday of every month, from 7pm to 9pm, with occasional Saturday night socials, from 7 pm to 10 pm. Illusions provides a safe, discrete and welcoming atmosphere, in which transgendered people can meet others of like mind. Illusions offers discretion, acceptance, compassion and a safe place to express your gender. Crossdressing is the purpose of the club, but is not mandatory. Inside Out 206, 223 - 12 Ave SW, Old “Y” Centre• (403) 234-8973 Peer-facilitated youth group for GLBTQ ages 15-25. The group aims to let youth know they are not alone, and to connect them with their peers. Every Monday, 7 pm to 9pm at GLCSA. It is a funky and safe environment with a variety of resources and activities. ISCCA – Imperial Sovereign Court of the Chinook Arch Non-Profit review in Magazine November 2003 - Issue 1 and December 2003 - Issue 2 For Crown for Kids

Sunday’s - Karaoke. at the Rekroom. 6:00pm to 10:00pm. 50/50 tickets. May 7th - Erica’s Birthday Karaoke at Money Pennies - Once again the ISCCA is proud to be holding events at Money Pennies, thanks to the wonderful staff and management of this establishment. This is the kickoff to Erica’s birthday weekend and the first fundraising event held at Money Pennies. This fun-filled evening gets underway at 9:00pm and 50/50 tickets as well as shooters will be sold for charity. Sunday May 9th - Empress’ Birthday Show at Boyztown - She’s only been Empress for a few weeks and she is already having a party! Join your Emperor and Empress, along with their guests, for their first fabulous show as your current reigning monarchs. The show begins at 10:30pm and the covercharge is the low price of only $3! As this is Erica’s birthday, make sure she gets what she deserves and buy her some shots from the ISCCA hosted shooter bar. $1.00 from each shot sold goes to support the ISCCA charities. Thursday May 14th - Shooter Bar at Boyztown - Yummy shooters! Come on down and join the ISCCA for a shot for charity at the Boyztown shooter bar. Remember, $1.00 from each shot goes to charity. Friday May 15th - Road to Investitures Show at Detour - Detour you say? Yes, the ISCCA will be back at Detour to put on some fabulous shows for their patrons. HMISM Emperor Alexander and HMISM Empress Erica are gearing up for Investitures 2004 and this is the first preview of things to come soon. The show will begin at 11: 00pm and the covercharge is only $5.00. Sunday May 16th - Road to Investitures part 2 at Boyztown - Hmm, can we say Investitures are approaching soon? Is it possible that the next Prince/Princess and Duke/Duchess will be performing on this night? Who knows, come on down and check out the show, it begins at 10: 30pm. A bargain of a covercharge at only $3

and don’t forget to mosey over to the shooter bar for a shot for charity. Wednesday May 19th - Wing Night Fundraiser at Money Pennies - Something new for the ISCCA this year, a Wing Night Fundraiser. Come down and join members of the ISCCA for some delicious wings and buy some 50/50 tickets for your chance to win a little extra cash for the upcoming weekend! We will be there at 5: 00pm so join us then. Friday May 21st - Investiture BBQ at the Backlot - YAY, it is the return of the BBQ’s at the Backlot! Come down and join the ISCCA and your Emperor and Empress for a delicious hot dog or hamburger at some very fabulous prices! A hot dog is only $1 and a hamburger is only $2, with proceeds going to the ISCCA charities. The barbie fires up at 5:00pm. Friday May 21st - Stag & Stagette Bowling Party at Mountain View Bowl - Ooooh bowling, this sounds like a lot of fun! Have you been to one of these bowling parties? Well, you better come then for it is a lot of fun! This event is tied in with Investitures as I am sure you can guess. The cost to play is only $12.00 which includes your shoe rental and three games. The evening will get underway at 10:00pm and the address is #11, 3919 Richmond Road SW. Saturday May 22nd - Investitures 2004 - Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, A Country Wedding at Boyztown - It is finally here! Welcome to Investitures, the night when the next Prince/ Princess and Duke/Duchess are crowned. Join the ISCCA at 7:00pm at Boyztown to find out who your next Imperial House members will be! The covercharge for this event is only $5 for what will be a very fun-filled evening. Sunday May 23rd - Medieval Feast at the Calgary Eagle - Another new event! Come down and join the ISCCA, Emperor Alexander, Empress Erica and their Upper House for a feast of medieval proportions at the Calgary Eagle at 6: 00pm. The cost for dinner is $15.00.

Thursday May 27th - Shooter Bar at Boyztown Yep, it is that time again. Members of the 28th Imperial House will be hosting the shooter bar at Boyztown, some come down and visit with them and while there, have a shot for charity. Sunday May 30th - BBQ at the Backlot - Mmmmm, burgers and hot dogs, gotta love meat! The ISCCA will be down at the Backlot at 4:00pm cooking up a storm. Burgers are only $2 and hot dogs are only $1, with proceeds going to the ISCCA charities. Integrity Calgary Worship – Every Second Sunday of the month at 7pm. Meet at St Stephen’s Anglican Church, 1121 - 14 Ave SW. Christian fellowship for gay, lesbians, bisexuals and our friend and family. New Directions (403) 234-8973 or Drop in peer group to provide support and resources for individuals who identify as Transgendered (cross dressers, transvestites, drag kings and queens) or Inter-sexed. Every third Thursday of every month, 7pm to 9pm at GLCSA. Kitty Group Phone: Nico (403) 605-6597 E-mail: Monthly Social – Every First Saturday of the month at 7pm. At The Good Earth Café, 1504 - 11 Ave SW Pride Calgary Phone: Nico (403) 605-6597 Pride Week 2004 will be Sunday June 6th to Saturday June 12th, 2004. See page 15 of this issue for complete details. June 6th - Pride Calgary Presents the Pride Parade starting at 17th magazine


Avenue and 2nd Street SW. Starting time at 12:00noon June 6th - Pride Calgary Presents the Outlooks Street Festival. Location is at Tompkins Park between 7 Street and 8 Street on 17th Avenue SW June 12th - Hall D at the Round Up Centre on the Stampede Grounds Primetimers Calgary Phone: (403) 612-2430 E-mail:

week period on Thursdays at 7pm. Call Trudy or Krista at 585-7437.Next session starts April 15th, 2004, 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm. The 10 session group will end on Thursday, June 17th, 2004. To participate, please call the exclusive SHEQ line at 585-7437 (you may leave a voice message for Trudy or Krista) or leave your name and a contact time/number with the Gay & Lesbian Community Services Association at 234-8973. Small Change...Big Changes

Prime Timers Calgary is designed to foster social interaction for its members through a variety of social, educational and recreational activities. It is open to all gay and bisexual men over forty and respects whatever degree of anonymity that each member desires.

Speak Sebastian

May 02 - General Meeting at the Old Y Centre, 223 – 12th Ave SW. At 2:00 PM May 05 - Free Pool at the Eagle … 7 to 7: 45 PM May 08 - Coffee Hour at the Bad Ass Coffee Co. 10:00 AM May 11 - Card Games at 7:00 PM. Call Neil May 12 - Free Pool at the Calgary Eagle … 7: 00 to 7:45 PM May 13 - Cycling – starts at Bob C’s house at 2: 00 PM Call Bob May 16 - Home Cooked Meal at the Calgary Eagle. Call Neil May 19 - Free Pool at the Eagle …7:00 to 7: 45 PM May 20 - Dining Out – Chinese Buffet. Call Dennis May 22 - Coffee Hour at the Bad Ass Coffee Co. … 10:00 AM May 25 - Bridge Night. Call Neil May 26 - Free Pool at the Calgary Eagle … 7: 00 to 7:45 PM May 28 - Movie Night at Don B’s at 8:00 PM. Call Don May 29 - Beethoven In The Badlands – see sign up sheet at general meeting

Team Calgary

Sharp Foundation Phone: (403) 272-2912 E-mail: SHEQ Soulful Healing Ego Quest (403) 234-8973 or A workshop for women that want to be themselves in a supportive, safe environment. It is a chance to grow and share their experiences related to women’s sexuality. Runs for a ten


Radio Show – Every first & third Wednesday from 9-10pm. Radio for the gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and kink community. Listen on CJSW FM 90.9.

Urban Sex Radio Show – Every second & forth Wednesday from 9-10pm. Focus on sexuality; gay bisexual lesbian transgendered and straight issues here in Calgary and around the web. Listen on CJSW FM 90.9. Western Leather Federation Coffee Night – Wed, 8:30pm. At the Calgary Eagle.

Money-Pennies ●9 1742 - 10 Ave SW • (403) 263-7411 Open Mon-Fri 8am-close Sat & Sun 10:30am-close Business review in Magazine April 2004 - Issue 6 Internet Terminal Location* Solar Cafe #100, 1011 1st Street SW • (403) 2326355 Sunday to Thursday: 10am to 11pm Friday to Saturday: 10am to 4am Internet Terminal Location Coming soon* Timothy’s Coffee ● 27 1610 10th St SW • (403) 244-7750 Monday - Saturday: 7am to 11pm Sunday: 8am to 11pm The Verge ●11 4A, 2500 - 4 St SW • (403) 245-3344 Open Tues-Sun, 4pm-close Restaurant review in Magazine November 2003 - Issue 1 Victoria’s Restaurant ●18 306 - 17 Ave SW • (403) 244-9991 Mon Fri, 11am-close; Weekends 10am-close Restaurant review in Magazine January 2004 - Issue 3 The Wicked Wedge ●19 618 - 17 Ave SW • (403) 228-1024

Womynspace (403) 234-8973 or

Theatre and Art

Peer social/support group for women providing an evening of fun, bonding, discussion and activities. Meets every Friday 7pm to 9pm at GLCSA.

Fairytales June 3-5, 2004 at the Globe Theatre. Check website for more details

Youth 4 Youth 102, 1212 - 1 St. S.E. • (403) 283-8591 YouthSafe

Restaurants Calgary Eagle Inc. ●4 424a - 8 Ave SE • (403) 263-5847 Open Tues-Sun 4pm-close Restaurant review in Magazine December 2003 - Issue 2 Internet Terminal Location* magazine

New Gallery ●25 516D - 9 Ave SW • (403) 233-2399 Open Tuesday to Saturday from 11am to 5pm May 29th - The New Gallery and filling Station Magazine Cultural Fundraiser. 2-6pm free after 7pm $10 at the door. At the Carpenters Union Hall, 310 10th st NW. Featuring music by Calgary’s own: The Summerlad, Chad Van Gaalen, Scum de Terre, The Bent Spoon Ensemble, and The Waywardz. Readings by: Claire Harris, Fred Stenson, Suzette Mayr, Yasmin Ladha, and a whole slough of short readings to celebrate Calgary writing! And a Silent Auction and Sale of artwork by some of the city’s and the country’s best and emerging artists! Artist Trading Card session (special addition) 5-7pm. Auction 2-11 w/ final bids at 11pm. Readings 7:30pm. Bands 10pm Theatre Junction April 14 to May 15 - The Edible Woman by Dave Carley. Tickets 205-2922. If you would like to add your business or nonprofit group to the list above, please call (403) 543-6970 or E-mail webmaster@gaycalga You can add your information to the directory on the website for free. endeavors to have the information here as accurate as possible. Events and listings can change at any time so it is recommended to check with the establishment before you head out. Non-Profit groups free listings. Business receive a listing once an ad has been placed. The business listing will last 3 months after the last ad is placed unless there is a service located at that location.

Ming More than Martinis By Jason Clevett

Review | Food

One isn’t sure what to expect when they walk into Ming on 17th avenue. The name suggests Asian cuisine, but as we discovered it is so much more than that, with an excellent atmosphere and remarkable cuisine. My companion and I started off with the Ginger Beef with Jasmine Rice and the Baked Zebra. The Zorba is hummus, herb chevre bruschetta served with grilled flat bread. In the first of many unique flavor combinations, the hummus and bruschetta mixed together remarkably well and proved to be a perfect starter. Bruschetta is common in many restaurants, but in this case, it is something truly original. The Ginger Beef with rice is enough for a meal unto itself. The rice is perfectly flavored; the jasmine is hinted at but not overwhelming, while the beef is sweet, rather than the spicy version that some restaurants offer. The beef is tender and not overcooked, and the ginger is not overpowering. The crispy noodles are delicious and add to the dish. Its no wonder this is what Ming is famous for! Our main course was also exciting. The “Red Square” burger was tender and juicy, and the red pepper mayo enhanced the flavor without overpowering it. The burger comes with your choice of side, but we couldn’t choose between sweet potato fries and pepper wedges, so we had both. The sweet potato fries are cut thicker than in some other establishments, and were crispy and flavorful. The wedges were also quite good with a nice kick to them, and both types of fries were delicious either on their own or with banana ketchup, a sweet and tangy condiment that I

will definitely be seeking out to use in my home. The “Path to Enlightenment” is another interesting blend of Asian and Italian food, taking the flatbread “pizza” concept and adding a yogurt base and tandori chicken. The chicken was quite spicy, but there was just enough chicken to make it enjoyable without being too hot. The yogurt and cheese helped lessen the bite as well. Although we were quite carnivorous, it should be mentioned that Ming has a number of vegetarian dishes as well, all of which looked just as appetizing as our meal choices. At this point we decided to partake in some Ming’s famous martinis. The restaurant sports 18 different types, all named after famous people in history like Lee Harvey Oswald and Jacques Cousteau. I had the Marco Polo, a blend of citrus and coconut that would be ideal for sipping on Ming’s patio on a hot summer day while watching people go by on 17th Ave. My companion’s Boutros Boutros was a rich chocolaty drink, ideal for sipping during dessert. For those who are not fans of martinis, Ming also has 8 different cocktails, champagne slappers, wine, and champagne including Dom Perignion! magazine


The Dante’s Paradisio was the perfect finale to the meal. A spin on Tiramisu, with mascarpone, ladyfingers, and espresso cake. The dessert was mind-blowingly good, to the point where my companion was actually speechless. It was decadent, but not heavy. Each layer melted in our mouths. It is also an ideal sharing desert as it comes sliced in two. For us however, well, it was so good we couldn’t resist and ended up ordering a second helping to send us home blissfully full. Whether stopping for drinks and desserts or a full meal, Ming is definitely a place to check out. A unique atmosphere that is ideal for friends your that special someone combined with a variety of unique and tasty dishes makes Ming a must visit. Ming 520 17th Avenue SW Phone: (403) 229-1986 Every day 4:00pm to 2:00am If would like to have your restaurant reviewed in an up coming issue of Magazine or have comment or suggestions of places to be reviewed, please contact us at (403) 543-6970 or E-mail us at

22 magazine

ISCCA Coronation 28 Event Photos Photos by Steve Polyak of Magazine

ISCCA State Dinner and Roast

In Town Show at Detour

Additional photos also available on the web site. magazine


ISCCA Out of Town Show

24 magazine

ISCCA Coronation 28 - Super Ball magazine


Apollo Western Cup Weekend Photos by Steve Polyak of Magazine

Apollo Western Cup Sporting Events

26 magazine

Viva Las Vegas

Apollo Western Cup Dance magazine



By Jason Clevett

One year old and counting in Calgary 28 magazine

For thirty years, PRIAPE has existed in Canada. Based out of Montreal, Quebec, the company does brisk business throughout Canada using its catalogue mail order service. In July of 2003, local customers rejoiced when PRIAPE opened a store on 17th Avenue, offering the convenience of on the spot shopping without the wait or shipping costs. sat down with PRIAPE’s Marcel Larochelle to talk about the first year’s success..

How long as PRIAPE been in existence? On November 11th of this year, we will celebrate our 30th anniversary. PRIAPE started in Montreal as a mail order business. Why did you choose to open a store here? Previously, everyone had to order merchandise through the mail. That was the goal behind opening a store in Calgary and Vancouver, so people can physically see what they are buying. We wanted to cater to the clientele out west and have them see up close and personal what we have. The goal of the company was to have a store in the two major cities in the east, Toronto and Montreal, and the two main ones in the west, those being Calgary and Vancouver. Everything for Calgary just fell into place so rapidly that we were ready to go; we are still planning our Vancouver location. Presently, Calgary is the only location in Western Canada. PRIAPE has a lot that is only available through your store. The Calgary location alone sports more than 600 titles of adult film, many of which are not available elsewhere. Tell us about what makes that unique. As far as film is concerned, PRIAPE is the only Canadian distributor for a number of titles. We buy the rights from the US Film Companies and are the only legal distributor. So frequently, but not always, video stores that carry gay adult films obtained them through us. How was the process of opening your doors? Some gay businesses struggle with trying to find the right location and other hurdles. It was very smooth. We weren’t expecting it to be so easy to be honest. The city was quick to provide us with the proper paperwork and permits. The community itself has been very welcoming, that helps a lot as well. Our neighbours have been very cool; the businesses like to see places open and create traffic in this area. A

Priape Calgary Grand Opening in October 2003

lot of the business on 17th is concentrated between 2nd and 8th street, and now it allows people to come further down 17th. We are becoming a bit of a community itself. You kicked off the store opening with a Gala event. Why did you choose to go this route, and what was it like to put such an event together? We wanted to do something special because there aren’t a lot of gay stores in Calgary. PRIAPE already was an established name through the mail order business, and based on the large size of the store, we wanted an official opening. It was cause to celebrate. It was an overwhelming evening because so many people came, and the community was out in full force to wish us good luck and see the show. Production wise, it was harder to put together because I was not yet familiar with the city. Finding the right companies for camera crew, staging company, models and such required quite a bit of research. We had a huge screen, and it was very visually appealing. We were lucky to have Mr. Devin Mills host the show and perform, and he did a fabulous job. If someone hadn’t been to the store previously, what could they expect when they come in the door, and what do you offer? We have our own clothing line. Our designer has done an incredible job. The entire line is not in the store yet, but it should be here in three weeks. We import underwear and bathing suit lines from Europe and the US. This year, we are the first ones in Canada to offer AussieBaum clothing from Australia. They were the official sponsors for the Gay Games in Sydney, so that is very exciting. We also have NYPD from the States; we are the first to introduce that line to Canada. We try very hard every year to introduce a hot new line that may be well known elsewhere, and we get the rights to bring it to Canada. The clothing lines are becoming more and more important. The PRIAPE line of clothes is sold in 17 different cities, such as Milan, San Francisco, London, Paris and New York. We magazine


have just broken into the Asian market as well. We are very happy with that. What sort of clientele does PRIAPE get? We have a mostly gay clientele, but we also get a great deal of straight women who come in now to buy clothes for their boyfriends, which is quite fun. They don’t venture throughout the store they mostly remain up front. Sometimes they even bring their husband or boyfriend with them. People seem to be venturing through the store depending on their tastes. The nice thing about the store design is that it is broken down, the clothing line is at the front, the films and other adult products are in the middle, and our leather selection is in the back. The store has both a front door facing 17th Avenue and a back entrance. Why? It was strongly recommended that we have a back entrance; we are glad we did it because it is very effective. There are two reasons why we have it. First is that some people want to be discrete and come in quietly and the back door allows for more anonymity. As well, it can be very hard to park on 17th, so it gives our clients space to leave their vehicles. Do you find a lot of your clients are from out of town? We have a lot of visitors from Edmonton. We also have people who stop here all the time when they visit from the states. Do you supply mail order or are you strictly a retail establishment? At this point in time all mail order is still handled by the head office and warehouse in Montreal. We are working on a set-up to do western Canadian orders from Calgary; we will see what comes of that. Besides retail, what is PRIAPE’s role in the community? This year will be a great experience for us because it is the first time we will be a major part of the gay events in Calgary like Pride and the rodeo. We have sponsor events in Toronto for eleven years and Montreal for thirty, so we have experience in doing it. It will be exciting to participate in these events; there is a lot happening in Calgary. As a company, we have a lot of community involvement, but this being our first year we have not done as much as we will be doing. We help the Make a Wish Foundation. We will continue to get involved with charities and major events in Calgary like we do in Montreal and Toronto as we grow. What are the goals of the company in Calgary? We are very happy to have achieved our goal of opening here. The first year is often difficult and critical, and we have done all right; we are very grateful to the community

30 magazine

for giving us the support to get here. We want to be here for a long time. We’re not here to pass through and go; we hope to stay and grow within the community as well. Priape 1322 17th Avenue SW (403) 215-1800 If would like to have your business reviewed in an up coming issue of Magazine or have comment or suggestions of businesses to be reviewed, please contact us at (403) 543-6970 or E-mail us at magazine


32 magazine magazine


Just Ask Nina! The Dish who dishes advice By Nina Tron Dear Nina, There is this guy that I really like, a lot. He seems to be interested, but this is where I always flake out. I seem to lack the ability of getting past this point. I can make conversation, but I can’t bed the guy. Can you help? Sexless

Dear Sexless, Perhaps you should try being more direct. If you really want this man then make your intentions known. Be bold perhaps you should lay a big old kiss on him when he least expects it. You are holding back. Be bold, and besides what do you have to lose? If you really want this then you need to make the effort. Waiting around will get

you nowhere. You my child are the master of your own destiny take control and good luck!!!! Be brave; be bold, and be strong. This life is yours for the taking – now go and get it!!! Sincerely Nina

Dear Nina, I have this friend we’ll call Sam, and I am very worried about him. The reason I’m so worried is because he is having unprotected sex with multiple partners. Recently another one of our friends was diagnosed HIV positive. This had no affect on Sam. I am not alone. Most of us in our circle of friends are also concerned. But no one will say anything to Sam, saying simply “we all make choices.” I am not only concerned about Sam, but the people he is sleeping with as well. Nina what would you do? Concerned Friend

Dear Concerned Friend, You have every reason to be concerned. Your friend Sam is taking his and potentially his multiple partners’ lives at stake. If this were a close friend of mine, I would sit him down let him know what his friendship means to me and how his behaviour is effecting the people who love him. And if that doesn’t work, try a group intervention. Hearing it from all of his

34 magazine

friends at once may wake this boy up. Ultimately the decision is his and his alone. The fact that your other friend was recently diagnosed as HIV positive has had no visible effect on Sam may just be a smoke screen. I’ll bet that deep down inside it has him scared. Talk to your friend. Let him know that there are resources available to him through AIDS Calgary. But before you sit him down for the chat, I would encourage you to check them out as well, so you can talk about the resources available to him. Yours truly Nina I am here for you, and I look forward to hearing from you all, I can be reached at: or Mailed to Ask Nina c/o Magazine, Suite 403, 215 14th Avenue SW, Calgary, Alberta T2R 0M2. You can also watch Nina every Sunday night at Detour, 318 17th Avenue SW, during God Save the Queens. Other than the question, all personal information (i.e. name, address, E-mail) will remain conďŹ dential. does reserve the right to alter questions for brevity and content. Responses are for entertainment value only. magazine


36 magazine

Queer Eye - for the Calgary guy (or gal) Events that happened around Calgary Photos by Steve Polyak of Magazine

Aids Calgary

ARGRA April Dance

Merlot magazine


Terry Stevens at Detour

38 magazine

Kelly Ward’s Birthday Party

Boy George at the Whiskey magazine


40 magazine magazine


Spring 2004 Music with DJ Krazay Steve By DJ Krazay Steve

Whether it be the playoffs, or getting out into the sunshine, you’re going to need some great music to listen to. We all need something to blow the mind away as we are swiftly moving into a strong sexual season, spring. I know I sure do like to take long walks in parks down the riverbanks. We all listen to our walkmans, mp3 players, perhaps, the lucky ones an iPod. Let us lock n load. Check out some of these hot tunes ... **** Nelly Furtado - Powerless (Widelife Club Mix) - After hearing all the mixes, this mix is the winner hands down. A swift walk down the river pathways, or perhaps request it from your favourite DJ. *** Sweet Rains - Slippin Away (Mike Rizzo Global Club Mix) - If you’re into a trance mode, you can always listen to this, which does trip me out. It reminds me a bit of the mid 90’s house/trance. Very nice vocals. ***** Sarah Brightman - Free - Well this track totally took me by surprise. This is so sweet that it makes a tear arrive on sweet notes. Sarah is vocals again are out of this world, amazing! Got to get! **** Ingrid - You Promised Me (English Club Mix) - Summer is coming at an alarming rate, and what better to pick up your spirits than this summer tune. This song is so “Cirque du Soleil” like, speaking of, do you have your tickets? This song is not connected in any way to Cirque, is it simply brilliant, like Cirque.

42 magazine

Review | Music ***** T.O.K. - Just Got Paid - For those people who generally like Reggae Music, you have to check this hot tune. Sure enough to have this full blast on the deck. Get those pool n bbq’ parties ready. **** LMC vs U2 - Take Me to the Clouds Above (Extended Mix) - Another pleasant remix. Puts you in a very happy go lucky mood. I know Whitney tried this; it is just nice to hear U2 in the background. DJ Krazay Steve’s rating system *ok ** nice *** stimulating **** pleaser ***** run & get it! Good Luck Flames! If you wish to ask me to review a certain track, then send an e-mail. I will try to give comments when due!

A Sure Hit 6th Annual Fairy Tales International Gay and Lesbian Film Festival Review | Theatre

By Eric Berndt

Mark June 2nd-5th down on your calendars for the 6th Annual Fairy Tales International Gay and Lesbian Film Festival! This year’s event promises to showcase top notch programming from around the world highlighting the diversity of GLBTT communities. Organized by the newly formed Fairytales Presentation Society, in collaboration with the Calgary Society of Independent Filmmakers (CSIF), the festival will include thought-provoking short and feature length films originating from places as far away as Argentina, Australia and Bulgaria, just to name a few. In addition to international submissions, the festival will also accentuate entertaining films from Canadian and American filmmakers. For the past five years, Festival Producer Brenda Lieberman has ensured that submissions to the festival are diverse and include a little something for everyone. “Whether you are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered or straight, this year’s festival will have something for you”, Lieberman says. This year, festival organizers have brought in filmmaker Allan Brocka to attend as a visiting filmmaker. He will be on hand to discuss, among other things, his film Eating Out, a surprising story about the advantageousness of straight men playing gay to get in bed with the opposite sex. “We are very excited to have Brocka join us at the festival this year” says Lieberman, “His films challenge our assumptions about how gay men are perceived by society”. There will be plenty of films for women this year too, including an afternoon of short films and the feature length Argentinean film Suddenly, a black and white Thelma & Louise-style movie about the camaraderie of two women constantly on the run from the law. When asked why people from the community should attend the festival, the President of the Fairytales Presentation Society, Gordon Sombrowski explains, “Fairy Tales is an opportunity to see great films on the big screen – for anyone interested in film in Calgary. Calgary is the film

city in Canada right now, and the festival is a great way to be a part of that. “Many of the films showcased at the festival are from different parts of the world with different perspectives on life in all of its diversity,” he continues “and ones that you wouldn’t otherwise get to see”. While the festival has a gay and lesbian theme to it, Sombrowski points out that, “This film festival is important for the whole community, as Hollywood and TV incorporate more and more gay themes, films seen at Fairy Tales become more important because they don’t have a very wide distribution. Modern film distribution of GLBT themed film is not accessible to the general public, and this festival provides that accessibility”. The audience for the festival has been growing steadily each year and has become a highly anticipated annual event. A Fairy Good Time In anticipation of this year’s festival the Fairytales Presentation Society is hosting a celebration in support of the 6th Annual International Film Festival at Vicious Circle on May 13th. All are welcome to meet the people behind this year’s festival and enjoy the ambience of Vicious Circle. Enjoy a few cocktails and nibble on appetizers while contemplating the treats of Silent Auction items including a salon package, a weekend get–a–way, and Decidedly Jazz Danceworks (DJD) tickets, just to name a few. The event begins at 8pm and is sure to be a dazzling night not soon to be forgotten. If you would like more information about ‘A Fairy Good Time’ on May 13th, or the 6th Annual Fairy Tales International Gay and Lesbian Film Festival on June 2nd-5th, please visit or call CSIF at (403) 205 4747. See you all at Fairy Tales!! If would like to have your event reviewed in an up coming issue of Magazine or have comment or suggestions of some events to be reviewed, please contact us at (403) 543-6970 or E-mail us at magazine


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