November 2005 Issue 25
of charge
Year Anniversary!
Need Help? Map, Places and Events of Calgary’s Gay Community in every issue Calgary’s resource for Business, Tourism, Events, Bars and Entertainment for the Gay, Lesbian, Bi and Gay Friendly Community.
Ho Ho Ho The Magic of Christmas all Year Round
2 magazine
51 Established originally in January 1992 as Men For Men BBS by MFM Communications. Named changed to in 1998. Stand alone company as of January 2004. First Issue of Magazine, November 2003. Publisher Steve Polyak & Rob Diaz-Marino, Editor Rob Diaz Marino,
Table of Contents 5
Original Graphic Design Deviant Designs Advertising Steve Polyak Contributors Steve Polyak, Rob Diaz-Marino, Nina Tron, Stephen Lock, M. Zelda, Jason Clevett, Jerome Voltero, Darryl A. Aarbo, Alykhan Velji, Jacob Wallace, Kevin Alderson, and the Gay and Lesbian Community of Calgary Photographer Steve Polyak and Rob Diaz-Marino Videographer Steve Polyak and Rob Diaz-Marino Please forward all inquiries to: Magazine Suite 100, 215 14th Avenue S.W. Calgary, Alberta T2R 0M2 Phone (403) 543-6960 or toll free (888) 543-6960 Fax (403) 703-0685 E-mail
8 “Give a Fuck” Combating Condom Fatigue
12 Ho Ho Ho
The Magic of Christmas all Year Round
Just Ask Nina! The Dish who dishes advice
Map & Event Listings Mapping Calgary’s core
Gay Legalese Windshield SPAM
Adult Film Reviews
Q Scopes
“Practice grace, Aries!”
Print Run Monthly, 12 times a year Masthead continued on page 4
2 years, 2 queers Letter from the Publisher
Farewell To A Brother Warrior
A Couple of Guys
Bitter Girl
Fundraising Photos
Letters to the Publisher
continued on page 4 magazine
continued from page 3
Q Puzzle “E-volution�
Continued from page 3
The Backlot
Copies Printed Monthly, up to 10,000 copies.
The Calgary Eagle
Metro the Club and the Rekroom
Money-Pennies Eatery and Bar
Pulse, Arena and the Loading Dock
Distribution points 150 points in Calgary, largest distribution points for any Gay publication in Calgary. Also distributed coast to coast across Canada in select locations in Toronto, Vancouver, Edmonton, Montreal, Regina, Saskatoon, Winnipeg, and other places across Canada. Please call us if you would like to be a distribution point.
Texas Lounge
Distributed by DLRJ Distributions, Canada Post and by
A Letter of Thanks
Deadline for Ad Bookings 25th of the month (unless otherwise stated)
The Twisted Element
Deadline for Ad copy 28th of the month (unless otherwise stated)
Press Releases
Legal Council Courtney Sebree Aarbo, Barristers and Solicitors
Moving Along
Printers North Hill News
Open Versus Closed (Monogamous) Relationships Are Both Viable?
58 61
Kendall Queer Eye - for the Calgary guy (or gal) Events that happened around Calgary
68 December 2005 Press Deadlines Ad Space Booking Wednesday November 23rd 2005 Ad Submission Friday November 25th 2005
4 magazine
Classifieds Ads
This Issue Cover Model Laura Vanity Would and Tara Would Reshawn, photographed at Twisted Element by Steve Polyak. Special thanks to Nina Tron and RJ Fafard for helping out with the shoot. The opinions expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of or the contributors of the magazine. People photographed or interviewed, writers, advertisers, contributors and anyone else involved with this publication are not necessarily gay, lesbian, bi, bi-curious or trans gendered. They can be straight people that are gay friendly. No part of the publication may be reprinted without the expressed permission of the editor-in-chief. Copyright 2005
2 years, 2 queers Letter from the Publisher By Rob Diaz-Marino
Brace yourself – I’ve been told we’re supposed to take the opportunity this year to do a little bragging. I apologize in advance, I usually dislike people that brag too much, but considering it’s the magazine’s anniversary this month I hope you can forgive me. I promise you, we haven’t let any of this go to our heads. Shameless Bragging…well sort of… As you probably saw from our cover, Magazine has reached it’s our second year of operation, or 25th issue anniversary if you prefer. This is certainly a big milestone for us, especially when a few other publications expressed doubt that we could make it this far. Sadly enough, it turns out instead that they have been the ones to fold or fall to the wayside, while we have continued to grow. Steve and I believe that what makes us successful is that we work so closely with the people in the community. We keep our ear to the ground on what’s going on each month, and gear our article topics to be helpful and relevant. Most importantly, rather than trying to change the community to fit us, we have changed ourselves to fit you. We have used your input to shape us into what we are today, and this has definitely branded us as your magazine as much as it is our own. You are the stars of the show; we’re just behind the cameras. At the same time we have also done a lot to give back to non-profit groups and charities, as well as supporting our advertisers in any way we can. Ultimately our advertisers make it possible for us to exist, and in turn, a lot of our profits go back into the community. We’d love to give it all
back, but our business needs money to keep running, and more importantly we need to eat and have a roof over our heads. The magazine certainly isn’t going to make us millionaires, but to us money is only a fringe benefit. We don’t harp on the word ‘community’ for nothing – it is something we truly believe in, and something that we try to promote in each and every issue. It’s a term that we see catching on like wildfire. Though Steve and I do an awful lot of leg-work ourselves, we cannot forget the outstanding effort our writers and contributors have put in. They are our backbone, and without them a lot of stories would never have made it to paper. Despite all that we’ve done, we have still gone through our share of adversity, and been placed in the middle of heated politics and ugly situations. It’s very difficult to know what to do when these things arise, but we have stubbornly held to our morals, emphasized fairness, and tried to do the right thing even if it makes us unpopular with those that claim to hold ‘power’ in the Gay Community. Though this can make the magazine feel like a thankless task at times, in the end we just need to look to the community support we have built in such a short time, and we know that we must have done some right. On the Internet In recent months we have seen our online readership grow too – in fact last month our figures surpassed and nearly doubled the amount of copies we print! Predictably, the amount of website traffic we get has grown too. We could rattle off our figures for hits and all that, but we like to rely on Alexa ( – a 3rd-party website that monitors all traffic on the website and assigns rankings based on website popularity. Popularity is not just about hits - in fact, hits are a very dubious measure to use since every page viewed and every image loaded counts as one hit. So for example, someone could accidentally visit your magazine
site and leave without even looking at it, but they could still rack up 50 or more hits depending on the number of images on the page. The better measure is number of visitors or unique visitors, which gives a more accurate indication of how many individual people visit your website, and visit duration which gives an indication of how long they stayed. Alexa takes these factors into account and sequentially ranks every website on the internet. For instance, is the most popular website and is ranked #1, is ranked #2, etc. There are over 5 million websites on the internet today, and we are currently in the top 90,000. Naturally there are way more popular gay websites out there than us, but try comparing us to other gay sites, local and national, and you may be surprised on who we surpass! Healthy Homo This edition we are sponsoring an anti-drug campaign, “Life or Meth.” Studies have shown that there is an elevated percentage of the gay population that use Crystal Meth compared to the straight population. The ads are very provocative, and we hope effective in discouraging people from using this very destructive drug. Bar Banter The International Gay Bowling Organization (IGBO) is holding their Casino Night on Friday November 11th, and their Black & White Anniversary Dance on the 12th. Check out their ad on page 67 for more details. It’s really strange that so many gay businesses celebrate their anniversaries at this time of year. Backlot had theirs in October, and aside from us this month, so does Twisted Element (Nov. 12th) and Money-Pennies (Nov 26th). Detour’s anniversary used to be around this time too (Nov 21st), but now that they’re Pulse, that date is still up in the air. So here’s our bulk-congratulations to everyone that’s celebrating entering a new year in their gay business – it’s something to be proud of! This month we decided to do something a little bit special, even for those bars that don’t celebrate their anniversary this time of year. We took the opportunity to sit down with the owners of each and every “gay bar” in the city and conduct a small survey and interview. We found that this was an excellent opportunity to touch base with all of them, to discuss what has changed for them, and in the community in general over the past 2 years. Now, we know there are some readers thinking “Why just the bars? They are not the only businesses in the community!” In our defense, we decided to focus on just the bars for two reasons: 1) There are far too many gay businesses in the community to cover all of them, and to exclude some would be unfair. The bars are a reasonably sized subgroup where we can include everyone. 2) The bars are the most prominently visible gay businesses in Calgary – they are the “front door” to the community, and are typically the first to welcome newcomers, and see new trends.
6 magazine
You can read what the owners of your favorite bars had to say by flipping to the following pages: Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg
43 44 45 46 47 48 49
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The Backlot The Calgary Eagle Metro the Club and The Rekroom Money-Pennies Eatery and Bar Pulse, Arena, and the Loading Dock The Texas Lounge The Twisted Element
Help Wanted We’ve grown so much over the past couple of months that we’re looking to expand a little on the staff side of things to accommodate these changes. We’re looking for experienced writers/journalists and sales staff, as well as a reliable driver to handle supplementary magazine deliveries. Naturally these are all local part-time positions that can be done over the course of the month. For more information, call (403) 543-6970, E-mail, or Fax résumés to (403) 7030685. Questions or comments about the magazine or other things happening in the community, please E-mail us at magazine
“GIVE A FUCK” Combating Condom Fatigue By Jason Clevett
Over the past ten months The Calgary Coalition for HIV and AIDS (CCHA) has been working on a social marketing strategy addressing condom fatigue with young males having sexual contact with other males. The purpose is to address the rising rates of HIV by directly focusing on the barriers around consistent condom-use. The coalition has been attending events and hosting focus groups throughout the community speaking to gay youth about condom-use. HIV rates have been on the rise in Canada for men who have sexual contact with other men between the ages of 15 and 24, therefore CCHA wanted to find out what issues youth were facing. We spoke to Project Coordinator for CCHA Youth Initiative, Jane McCloy. “We went out to several nightclubs, the gay rodeo and other gay events, chatted on, took out advertising in major publications, did focus groups through GLASS at the University of Calgary and The Inside Out youth group as well as posters around the city. We offered honorariums for people that participated, although it was still somewhat difficult, due to our target group’s comfort level with the topic.” The research brought about some important information - new generations of gay youth claim that prevention efforts are overused and tediously boring; therefore ‘safe sex’ messaging is now falling upon deaf ears. Many are having unprotected sex regardless of the risks and this phenomenon is now called ‘safer sex fatigue’ or ‘condom fatigue. “Three issues regarding condom-use came out of the interviews and focus groups: First was Condom Accessibility - People are not sure where to get condoms, are not
8 magazine
being proactive to have them before they need them, and [are then] unable to get them when they need them. Most were unsure about where to access free condoms in the city, therefore CCHA will be distributing information as to all the places in Calgary that one can access free condoms. Secondly was Basic Condom Skills - There is still confusion on things such as circumcised vs. uncircumcised, how to put them on, which way to roll them, and still some youth that had trouble putting on a condom and felt shy or embarrassed to be seen fumbling with it. The third issue is Condom Negotiation Skills – People don’t feel confident and comfortable negotiating condomuse sometimes. There was much agreement that it was difficult to talk about condom-use and to ensure that a partner used one. The target group also identified that posters and pamphlets have been ‘done’ and therefore safe sex messaging is falling on deaf ears. Youth enjoy events, participatory things that were hands on with straightforward, realistic and practical yet humorous messaging. That is why we decided to host an event at The Twisted Element.” The slogan for the campaign is “Give a Fuck”. As the name suggests, the whole premise is to get youth to start giving a fuck – to care about themselves and their sexual health. “Give a Fuck” takes place Saturday, December 4th at 10:00pm at The Twisted Element and will be hosted by local drag performers. “The event is a fun-and-games night where all are welcome to attend and participate. With that in mind, we have created about ten different games and competitions – fun things to get people involved, having fun and laughing but learning some skills. For example there will be condom relays, ‘Pin the cock on the ass’ and trivia. It will be fun games using condom skills. If this event is a success we will be approaching other bars for more events. The main thing we have done to address condom accessibility is that every person at the event will be getting a canvas condom carrying case. It’s a sleek case that can
be attached to a key chain and holds two condoms. Inside there will also be a handout on condom negotiation skills as well as listing all the places you can get free condoms in Calgary. Our hope with this is to get people in the habit of carrying condoms with them and have a case that won’t damage them.” To further address condom accessibility, CCHA will be donating a new condom machine to The Twisted Element. “One of the things brought up about condom machines is the fact that they are expensive [and dispense] low quality condoms, and sometimes the machine wouldn’t work so you would lose your money. So we are buying a good quality, glass-fronted machine that will distribute boxes of three Durex condoms for $2.” The slogan “Give a Fuck” is certain to make people sit up and take notice, something that the project is striving to do. “We haven’t gotten a lot of feedback from the campaign yet, we will be doing an evaluation piece on it in the new year. Most importantly we care about what our demographic thinks about it. ….The reason we chose ’Give a Fuck’ is it was identified in the focus groups that the gay males didn’t want to be targeted specifically. While this project is trying to reach that group, they didn’t want something identifiably gay so we didn’t want that in our messaging. This message was ambiguous, plus attention grabbing. It speaks to our campaign of getting people to be proactive and care.”. CCHA presents “Give a Fuck” Saturday Dec 4th, 2005 starting at 10:00pm The Twisted Element 1006 – 11th Avenue SW (403) 802-0230 If would like to have your business or non-profit group reviewed in an up coming issue of Magazine or have comment or suggestions of businesses to be reviewed, please contact us at (403) 543-6960 or E-mail us at magazine
10 magazine magazine
The Magic of Christmas all Year Round
By Jason Clevett
Regardless of the time of year, you can’t help in the feeling of awe when you walk through the doors of Ho Ho Ho, the Christmas store in Scotia Centre. Immediately you get that warm feeling that comes with fond memories of Christmases past and anticipation of the future. It is this magic that has had made the store successful as it approaches its third Christmas season in Calgary. 12 magazine
“Previously we had a store in Regina and then in Saskatoon. The store in Regina was a temporary store and was only open four to five months a year. The Calgary store is open year round with 2000 square feet, expanding to 6000 square feet for Christmas,” owner Kieth Letourneau told during a visit to the store. The average shopper may wonder many things about the store such as how it stays in business. Letourneau explained that Ho Ho Ho is much more than your average Christmas store. “A lot of people come in for the warm fuzzy feeling Christmas gives you, which brings them into the store year round. People ask ‘Don’t you get sick of the Christ-
mas Music?’ To be honest most of the year the music is just there. The only time I notice the music is during the Christmas season because it is relevant. Otherwise it’s like listening to elevator music. In addition we do more than just Christmas – we had a huge Halloween rush, we have one of the largest Halloween collections in the city. We do events like Valentines, Easter, and when the Flames were on their playoff rush we expanded our playoff line. We have a Stampede line in the summer, and we have a lot of tourists as well that purchase when they come here.” Opening the store was a long-time dream of Letourneau, who has seen that dream become reality over the past five years. “I used to live in Northern Alberta and loved Kringles in Edmonton, and of course there was an amazing Christmas store in Banff. I always thought that when I retired I wanted a Christmas store. I got an opportunity with a one-week window to decide if I wanted to do the store in Regina. I had just sold a previous business and the ideal opportunity was there with everything already set up and the right price. Now when I look at it, I was naive thinking I could do it as retirement.” After runs in Saskatchewan, Letourneau considered his options in Alberta. “I considered buying Kringles in Edmonton, which was for sale at the time, but it wasn’t beneficial. I looked at locations in Edmonton and Calgary, and location and rental price made everything right to choose Calgary. I chose Scotia Centre because the store size was appealing, I was initially going to set up on a temporary basis and the location was formerly a western store so it had a lot of decorating that suited what I was looking for.” What makes the store unique is the vast array of choices they offer. Themed decorations, sports memorabilia, animals (they boast having 60 different breeds of dogs available in ornaments), and elaborate villages and upscale decorations – you’re bound to find something that tickles your fancy. “There are very few things we don’t have – we specialize in this so we can offer more variety. People who come in for their own tree tend to buy more traditional stuff, while they will find something more relevant for someone else as a gift. There are a few people that specifically collect things; one regular collects M&M decorations, another likes Peanuts characters. We had a customer who collects Ladybugs, and you can’t find Ladybug ornaments anywhere but we have four different varieties. People who come to the store find what they are looking for. As well, the
product line we offer is a better quality product than you find elsewhere. We carry product that other places can’t or won’t carry such as Polonaise and Christopher Radko glass ornaments. That appeals to people.” Letourneau also feels staffing is a big part of his success. The store employs four permanent staff year round and increases to 12 at Christmas time. “Our staff makes sure that people who walk into our store find what they are looking for, whatever suits them.” The store also features a line of gay themed Christmas decorations. “We have through the Polonaise collection rainbow flag ornaments – its hand blown glass dipped in silver and then hand painted and laminated. It is a special ornament. We have an assortment of rainbow ornaments, light covers, garlands and even a rainbow tree! The tree is…like the old fashioned silver tree but each level is a different color of the rainbow.” The staff delights in watching someone set foot in the store for the first time. The grins on their faces are noticeable as the wonder and glee becomes evident on the faces of young and old. “It is very cool when people come in and are mesmerized by the store. We have a large regular clientele who bring in their kids, and the second the children walk in the door they are in a dream world. Kids can’t wait to come to the store and be part of it. We also have people who only come for other occasions such as Halloween. Being a full time store we can do so much more than we could just setting up for a temporary location.” Ho Ho Ho, the Christmas Store 225 7 Ave SW (Scotia Centre Mall) (403) 398-4685 magazine
14 magazine
Just Ask Nina! The Dish who dishes advice By Nina Tron Hi Nina, I am actually not from Canada but from overseas, visiting for a couple weeks here on some business. I am a married man but deep down there is a huge desire for me to become a cross dresser. I like to wear women’s clothes and makeup. I don’t know why, I just love it. I have never had sex with a man, but there is a big desire for me to do that too. Since now I am far away from my family, is there any place in Calgary that I could show off the real me? Even though Calgary is more liberal than my country, I am still afraid of coming out and wearing a dress, which I really long to do. Could you please give me some advice? Thank you! Andi Dear Andi, This sure is a tough one. While on one hand I would love
nothing more than to be supportive, I can’t ignore that other parties are involved. (ie. Your family!!) I suggest that an honest approach is always the best policy. I encourage you to get on the internet or start a dialogue with someone with some form of counseling background. Not being yourself is like carrying a “ticking time bomb” – you can ignore it and wait to see if it goes off, or be proactive and diffuse it. For most people our self discovery years are in our teens. Perhaps the real you has been suppressed long enough and so you feel ready for your maiden voyage – that’s great! But you don’t want to launch a Titanic. You can rock the boat a little and have some fun, but the sex issue may be the sinker. If you really want to get all prettied up and go out, try the Gay bars first. The patrons there are going to be more receptive to cross dressers, as it is a part of our everyday culture. I wish you the best of luck my dear, so go break a heel girl! Yours truly, Nina Tron I am here for you, and I look forward to hearing from you all, I can be reached at: or Mailed to Ask Nina c/o Magazine, Suite 100, 215 14th Avenue SW, Calgary, Alberta T2R 0M2. You can also watch Nina every Sunday night and events through out the week at Twisted Element, 1006 11th Avenue SW. Other than the question, all personal information (i.e. name, address, E-mail) will remain confidential. does reserve the right to alter questions for brevity and content. Responses are for entertainment value only. magazine
Events Listing Find out what’s happening around Calgary Accommodations
Bathhouse and Sauna’s
Foxwood B&B ●12 See our ad on page 41 1725 - 12 St SW • (403) 244-6693 Accommodation review in Magazine August 2004 - Issue 10
Goliath’s ●6 See our ad on page 66 308 - 17 Ave SW • (403) 229-0911 Open 7 days a week, 24 hours a day 7 Days a Week, Specials on Lockers and Single Rooms for Students. Valid student ID must be shown. Student Rates unavailable 8pm to 4am Weekends.
The Seville Park Place ●40 239 12th Avenue SW • (403) 265-6111 Renovated Bachelor Suites Starting at $525/month. Right in the heart of the Gay Community. Westways Guest House ●13 216 - 25 Ave SW • (403) 229-1758 Accommodation review in Magazine June 2004 - Issue 8
Businesses Alykhan Velji See our ad on page 66 (403) 617-2406 Interior Decorator Adult Depot See our ad on page 61 magazine
140, 58th Ave SW •(403) 258-2777 1514 14th Street SW •(403) 264-7399 ●23 Sex toys, and Straight, Bi, Gay video rentals Adult Source Business review in Magazine October 2004 - Issue 12 10210 MacLeod Trail S • (403) 271-7848 1536 - 16 Ave NW • (403) 289-4203 2770 - 32 Ave NE • (403) 250-8225 1127 - 17 Ave SW • (403) 244-6537 ●20 4310 - 17 Ave SE • (403) 273-2701 Calgary’s largest selection of adult DVD, VHS, toys and magazines. B&D Emporium Inc. ●14 Business review in Magazine July 2004 - Issue 9 829 17th Ave SW • (403) 265-7789
Adult clothing store and accessories specializing in fetish, leather, latex, Gothic, punk, and corsets. Barbies Shop ●48 See our ad on page 50 1518 4th Street SW • (403) 262-8265 Adult clothing store, shoes, Gothic, punk, fetish and more. Bay, the ●29 200 - 8th Ave SW • (403) 262-0345 Brian Mahoney & John McNeill See our ad on page 50 #10, 6020 - 1A St SW • (403) 259-4141 Re/Max Reality Professionals Courtney Sebree Aarbo ●24 See our ad on page 32 1138 Kensington Road NW • (403) 571-5120 Business review in Magazine August 2004 - Issue 10 Barristers & solicitors Christopher Wittke, AMP (403) 451-8648 • Toll Free (877) 718-0884 Mortgage Agent Cruiseline See our ad on page 72 (403) 777-9494 trial code 3500 Phone chat room & talking classifieds for 18+ Deva Dave Salon ●32 4th Floor, 1304 4th Street SW • (403) 290-1973 Edges Salon & Spa #7 - 400 Crowfoot Crescent NW Phone: (403) 375-0000 Our spa’s unique environment, independent of salon, is a tranquil sanctuary where stresses of everyday life melt away.
Ho Ho Ho Inc. ●38 See our ad on page 60 2nd Floor, Scotia Centre Downtown• (403) 398-4685 The Christmas Store
Clothing and accessories. Adult toys, leather wear, movies and magazines. Gifts.
(403) 543-6970 Web site hosting and development. Computer Hardware and Software.
Professional Relaxation Massage See our ad on page 54 (403) 510-7572 Male to Male massage by appointment only
Interactive Male (403) 261-2100, Trial code 3418 or try 1-900451-3800 ($1.99/min) Phone chat room for 18+
More Better Buses (403) 651-1692 Providing unique, comfortable & affordable transportation. Charter us for: High School Graduations, Senior Groups, Pub Crawls and Sporting Events
La Fleur ●41 See our ad on page 61 #103 - 100 7th Avenue SW (403) 266-1707 Florist Shop
Pine Mountain/Java Bear ●42 1406 17th Avenue SW (403) 228-9693 Coffee, Psychic/Tarot/Tea Leaf readings, Gifts and more!
Mary’s Electrolysis ●39 110 815 8th Avenue SW • (403) 234-8704 Permanent Hair Removal
Play Market Mall •(403) 202-1774 2nd Level , TD Square •(403) 252-9672 ●31
MaxWell Reality - Dale Erickson (403) 253-5678 MaxWell Real Estate Agent
Priape Calgary ●16 See our ad on page 11 1322 - 17 Ave SW • (403) 215-1800 Business review in Magazine May 2004 - Issue 7
MFM Communications See our ad on page 22
RBC Investments - Bob Sokoloski (403) 969-8588 Rev. Nadene Rogers See our ad on page 59 (403) 247-0602 Marriage Commissioner Russell’s Cobalt ●45 See our ad on page 24 735 12th Avenue SW • (403) 228-7822 Hair & Aesthetics Sol Sourced Weddings See our ad on page 15 (403) 270-9480 Wedding Commissioner magazine
Thomas Cook Travel See our ad on page 29 Wade Wiley (403) 253-8494
Clubs and Bars BackLot ●3 See our ad on page 30 209 - 10 Ave SW • (403) 265-5211 Open 7 days a week, 4pm-close Business review in Magazine March 2004 - Issue 13 Internet Terminal Location* Calgary Eagle Inc. ●4 See our ad on page 20 424a - 8 Ave SE • (403) 263-5847 Open Wed-Sun 5pm-close Business review in Magazine February 2004 - Issue 4 Internet Terminal Location* Sunday - Beer Bust 4-8pm. Two Big Beef bones $5.95. $2.00 Draft (12oz) Canadian. Wednesday - Free Pool Thursday - Get Boned. Two Big Beef bones $5.95 and Wing Night. 20 cents per wing Friday - Dark Night - “Feel your way around and come in the Dark” Toonie Sundays (First and last Sunday of every month) - $2 Pizza Slices and $2 Draft Loading Dock ●7 318 - 17 Ave SW, side entrance • (403) 244-8537 Open 7 days a week, 3-9:30pm Business review in Magazine November 2003 - Issue 1 Internet Terminal Location* Metro the Club ●8 See our ad on page 29 213 - 10 Ave SW • (403) 265-2028
Open 7 days a week, 9pm-close Business review in Magazine December 2003 - Issue 2 Money-Pennies ●9 See our ad on page 42 1742 - 10 Ave SW • (403) 263-7411 Open Mon-Fri 11:00am-close; Sat & Sun 10: 30am-close Business review in Magazine January 2004 - Issue 3 Internet Terminal Location* Pulse (Formerly Detour) /Arena ●5 See our ad on page 2, 32 and 55 318 - 17 Ave SW • (403) 244-8537 Open Friday-Sunday 10pm-close Business review in Magazine November 2003 - Issue 1 Internet Terminal Location in the Loading Dock area* The Rekroom ●10 See our ad on page 24 and29 213a - 10 Ave SW • (403) 265-4749 Open 7 days a week, 4pm-close Business review in Magazine December 2003 - Issue 2 Texas Lounge ●6 See our ad on page 16 308 - 17 Ave SW • (403) 229-0911 Open 7 days a week, 11am-close Check the web site for updated event calendar information. Business review in Magazine November 2004 - Issue 13 Tuesdays - Karaoke Wednesdays - Hi-Ball Specials Saturdays - Karaoke Sundays - Beer Specials (selected brands) Ernestine Movie Matinee: Please check in house magazine
for movie list. The Twisted Element ●33 1006 11th Ave SW • (403) 802-0230 See our ad on page 9, 59 and 60 7 days a week 4:00pm to close Internet Terminal Location*
Community Groups and Organizations Aids Calgary ●2 200, 1509 Centre St South • (403) 508-2500 Non-Profit review in Magazine March 2004 - Issue 5 Alpine Frontrunners Club Calgary (403) 660-6125 The AFCC was formed in 1991 after individuals who participated in the Gay Games in Vancouver decided they wanted to form a club to promote health and fitness in the gay community. The club has a membership of approximately 20. These members are active in Team Calgary which supports athletes going to the Gay Games. The AFCC hosts a Pride Run as part of Gay Pride Week, every June (on Father’s Day). As well, we send teams to the Banff Mountain Ekiden race held the Saturday after Canadian Thanksgiving in October. AFCC Fun Runs: Tuesdays. Eau Claire YMCA. 200 Barklay Parade SW (4th street and 3rd ave SW) June thru October, at 6 pm. Outdoors. Saturdays. 9 am. Eau Claire YMCA. Brunch follows; location varies. Join our mailing list: calgaryfrontrunners@c Apollo Calgary Friends in Sports Non-Profit review in Magazine April 2004 - Issue 6 Schedule and events are changing, please check
website for Fall/Winter activities. Sundays - Rainbow Riders Bowling League. “Dust off your balls!” It’s time for another season of ten pin bowling! Let’s 10 Pin Bowlerama, 2916 5 Avenue NE. Wednesday’s at 6:30pm. Season is from September to April League fees are $15.00 per Night. Shoe rental is $2.00. The start-up date for Rainbow Riders is Wednesday, September 7, 2005. Practice time starts at 6:20 PM each night and league bowling starts promptly at 6:30 PM Wednesdays - Rainbow Riders Bowling League at Let’s 10 Pin Bowlerama, 2916 5 Avenue NE. Starting at 6:30pm. League fees are $15.00 per Night. Shoe rental is $1.25 Sunday and Wednesday’s - The 2005/2006 season for Badminton starts on Sunday, September 18, 2005.Brand new location! Now twice a week! First session FREE! Location: Western Canada High School (641 17th Ave. SW) Schedule: Sunday afternoons in the MAIN GYM, 12:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Wednesday evenings in the AUXILIARY GYM, 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Drop-in Fee: $8 for each 2.5 hour session or Memberships: Yearly memberships will also be available, prices to be announced. Fridays - Slow Pitch. at 7:00pm - starts Friday May 13, 2005. Sunnyside Hillhurst Community Centre. 1320 - 5 Avenue NW. For more info send email to or call Don B. at 245-6826 Saturday - League Curling. Details North Hill Curling Club (1201 - 2 Street N.W.) 2:20 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. games Round Robin 1 Sundays - Golf. Starting Wednesday May 4, 2005. Tee Time start 5:30. Apollo members $26.00. Non-members $28.00. First payment of 4 nights is required to start. $104.00 for Apollo members or $112.00 non - members. Pay by visa/cash/cheque. Contact Or by phone 2281952. Confirm your booking with payments by phone or email every Sunday. Apollo encourages
participation of men and women of all abilities and skill levels. Come out and meet like-minded individuals. And of course enjoy the golf season while we have it. ARGRA – Alberta Rockies Gay Rodeo Association See our ad on page 30 Hotline: (403) 541-8140 Non Profit Group review in Magazine June 2004 - Issue 8 ARGRA Christmas Dinner & Dance. December 10 , 2005 - 7:30 pm. Dance cost is $6 for members and $9 for non-members. Country music until 10pm and hot mixed music the rest of the evening Artists for the Quality of Life (403) 890-1261 Between Men and Between Men Online Sean (403) 234-8973 or Peer support, sexual health education for gay or bisexual men, as well as those who may be uncertain or questioning their sexuality. Discussions range from personal relationship or life issues, to sexual health and well-being. Mondays - Meetings at Money-Pennies from 7pm to 8:30pm Calgary Humane Society See our ad on page 24 1323 - 36th Avenue NE (403) 250-7722 Animal Adoptions and for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Calgary Gay Fathers (403) 777-9499 ext 2090 Peer support group for gay, bisexual and questioning fathers. Meeting twice a month Calgary Men’s Chorus (403) 262-6295 Every Tueday 7:00pm to 9:30pm, Old Y Centre, 223 12th Avenue SW CBCA Sexual and Reproductive Wellness Centre 304, 301 14th Street NW (403) 283-5580 CBCA offers counselling and educational services
that help people consider their sexual and reproductive choices in informed and responsible ways. RU a lesbian, gay, bisexual, two-spirited or queer youth, ages 17-24? RU interested in helping make Calgary a safer place for people of diverse sexual orientation? If UR, we are looking for dynamic volunteers for our Anti-Homophobia Program. This program is intended to raise awareness and understanding among students about the experiences of lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, two spirited, transgendered, queer and questioning youth. If you are interesting in sharing your experiences with other youth, and are available days, please call us at 283-5580 and ask for an Educator or contact Choices (403) 234-8973 or Choices provides tailored prevention and education to Choices is a partnership between GLCSA and AIDS Calgary. Choices employs a harm reduction philosophy to educate men and HIV/AIDS and STDs, so they are able to make the best decisions for themselves. Different Strokes Swim Club. Non-Profit review in Magazine March 2005 - Issue 17 Wednesday - 7:00 to 8:00 PM at YWCA (Fitness on Fifth), 320 - 5 Avenue S.E. not the Eau Claire YMCA $5.00 Sunday - 6:00 to 7:00 PM YWCA (Fitness on Fifth), 320 - 5 Avenue S.E. not the Eau Claire YMCA $5.00 Don’t Buy In Project This Calgary Police Service Initiative aims to encourage youth to working towards an inclusive environment in which diversity is embraced in their schools and community. Egale Canada #310, 396 Cooper Ottawa, ON K2P 2H7 1-888-204-7777 toll free Stephen Lock – Regional Co-Director (Male) Prairies/NWT/Nunavut (403) 708-5302 cell phone Egale Canada is the national advocacy and lobby organization for gay men, lesbians,
bisexuals, trans-identified people and our families. Membership fees are pay-what-youcan, although pre-authorized monthly donors are encouraged (and get a free Egale Canada t-shirt). Egale has several committees that meet by teleconference on a regular basis; membership on these is national with members from every region of Canada. Gay Prairie Alumni gayprairiealumni/ This group is for all gay/lesbian/transgendered alumni of Prairie Bible Institute and/or Prairie High School in Three Hills, Alberta. It’s purpose is twofold: First, social -- to renew old friendships and make new ones. Second -- to talk about our common experiences as gay people at a fundamentalist school. Any other questions, please feel free to ask. Girl Friends Girlsgo Productions (403) 510-2502 Event production and promotion in Alberta for women. Check online for fun things to do! GLASS, Gay & Lesbian Association of Students and Staff PF4255 in the Professional Faculties Building, University of Calgary (403) 220-6394 Non-Profit review in Magazine October 2004 - Issue 12 GLCSA - Gay And Lesbian Community Services Association ●1 206, 223 - 12 Ave SW, Old “Y” Centre (403) 234-8973 Non-Profit review in Magazine February 2004 - Issue 4 Heading Out Sean (403) 234-8973 or Peer group for men who are looking for an alternative social activity to the bar. Activities vary and are fun and entertaining. The group meets the 1st and 3rd Friday of every month from 7 pm to 9 pm.
8973 Social group for Calgary and area transgender community members (cross dressers, transvestites, drag kings and queens). Illusions provides a safe, discrete and welcoming atmosphere, in which transgendered people can meet others of like mind. Illusions offers discretion, acceptance, compassion and a safe place to express your gender. Cross-dressing is the purpose of the group, but is not mandatory. Inside Out 206, 223 - 12 Ave SW, Old “Y” Centre• (403) 234-8973 Peer-facilitated youth group for GLBTQ ages 15-25. The group aims to let youth know they are not alone, and to connect them with their peers. Every Monday, 7 pm to 9pm at GLCSA. It is a funky and safe environment with a variety of resources and activities. ISCCA – Imperial Sovereign Court of the Chinook Arch Non-Profit review in Magazine November 2003 - Issue 1 and December 2003 - Issue 2 Crowns for Kids Shooter Bars - November 3, 9, 17 and 23rd “Sarchotic Saturdays” - Drag Show every Saturday night at the Rekroom. Show starts at 10:00 PM ISCCA, SA show at Metro on Sunday, November 6 and 20th. Shows at 10:30 PM and 12:30 PM Integrity Calgary integrity.html Worship – Every Second Sunday of the month at 7pm. Meet at St Stephen’s Anglican Church, 1121 - 14 Ave SW. Christian fellowship for gay, lesbians, bisexuals and our friend and family. New Directions (403) 234-8973 or
HIV Peer Support Group (403) 230-5832
Drop in peer/social support group to provide support and resources for individuals who identify as transgendered, transsexual or intersexed. Social support meetings 1st Friday of every month from 7 pm to 11 pm and peer support meetings 3rd Friday of every month from 7 pm to 9 pm at GLCSA.
Illusions Calgary #206, 223 - 12th Ave. S.W.• (403) 234-
Kitty Group Phone: Nico (403) 605-6597 magazine
E-mail: A social group for womyn – Every First Saturday of the month at 7pm. At The Good Earth Café, 1504 - 11 Ave SW The L Zone Knox United Church 506 - 4th Street S.W. • (403) 269-8382 Knox United Church is an all-inclusive church located in downtown Calgary. A variety of facility rentals are also available for meetings, events and concerts. Worship Services Wednesdays - Communion Service 12:10 pm Sundays - 11:00 a.m. September to June Sundays - 10:30 a.m. in summer July and August. Pride Calgary See our ad on page 55 (403) 262-3410 Non-Profit review in Magazine May 2004 - Issue 7
Annual General Meeting, November 21, 2005 at the Old Y Centre, 223 - 12th Avenue SW, 7 pm Pride Rainbow Project The Pride Rainbow Project was started in Fall 2003 by 4 youth of the Unitarian Church of Calgary. The Pride Rainbow Project is a project designed to show support for same-sex marriage in Canada and elsewhere. It is a fabric rainbow banner approximately 5 feet wide, and the goal is to make it 3.2km (2 miles) long, in order to break the world record (set by a group in Florida at 1.25 miles)! It contains the 6 colours of the pride flag: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, and Purple. The project is youth run, but anyone can help!. Primetimers Calgary E-mail: Prime Timers Calgary is designed to foster social interaction for its members through a variety of social, educational and recreational activities. It is open to all gay and bisexual men over forty and respects whatever degree of anonymity that
each member desires. Nov.2 – Free Pool at the Eagle Nov.4 - Day at the Races Fundraiser for GLCSA Starts at 6:00PM at Stampede Park. Tickets available from Bob Creasy Nov.6 - General Meeting at the Old “Y” 223 – 12 Ave. S.W. Meeting starts at 5:00PM. Dinner to follow at the Eagle. Nov. 8 - Pumphouse Theatre Production of “Leader of The Pack” Curtain time 7:30PM. Tickets available at 263-0079 . Meet at MoneyPennies for their Tuesday evening dinner special and then on to the theatre. Nov. 9 – Free Pool at the Eagle Nov. 12 – Coffee Hour at Timothy’s 1610 – 10 St. S.W. Meet at 10:00 AM Nov.16 – Free Pool at the Eagle Nov.18 - Pub Crawl . Meet at The Backlot at around 6:00 PM to start out the evening. Place for dinner to be determined at the time Nov.20 – Vertigo Theatre’s Production “Arsenic and Old Lace” Pay-what-you-can Performance (usually $5.00) Need to be there at 7:00PM to be assured seating. - Dinner at the Eagle (Ham or Salmon )Dinner served around 6:00PM Nov.22 - Card night at Harvey & Tony’s If you wish to attend please confirm with them at 5479129 . We will meet at MoneyPennies around 6: 00PM for their Tuesday evening dinner special and then on to cards. Nov.23 – Free Pool at the Eagle Nov.26 – Coffee Hour at Timothy’s 1610 – 10 St. S.W. Meet at 10:00 AM Nov.29 – Bridge Night at Neil’s . Please call Neil if you wish to attend Meet at MoneyPennies for their Tuesday Special prior to cards - Pumphouse Theatre Production of “Durang” Curtain time 8:00PM. Tickets available at 263-0079 . Meet at MoneyPennies for their Tuesday evening dinner special and then on to the theatre. Nov.30 – Free Pool at the Eagle Rocky Mountain Bears See our ad on page 52 Non-Profit review in Magazine January - Issue 3 Sharp Foundation See our ad on page 56 Phone: (403) 272-2912 E-mail:
20 magazine
SHEQ Soulful Healing Ego Quest (403) 234-8973 or A workshop for women that want to be themselves in a supportive, safe environment. It is a chance to grow and share their experiences related to women’s sexuality. Runs for a ten week period on Thursdays at 7pm. Call Trudy or Krista at 585-7437. To participate, please call the exclusive SHEQ line at 585-7437 (you may leave a voice message for Trudy or Krista) or leave your name and a contact time/number with the Gay & Lesbian Community Services Association at 234-8973. Speak Sebastian Radio Show – Every first & third Wednesday from 9-10pm. Radio for the gay, lesbian, bisexual, trans gender and kink community. Listen on CJSW FM 90.9. Team Calgary Urban Sex Radio Show – Every second & forth Wednesday from 9-10pm. Focus on sexuality; gay bisexual lesbian trans gendered and straight issues here in Calgary and around the web. Listen on CJSW FM 90.9. Western Leather Federation Coffee Night – Wed, 8:30pm. At the Calgary Eagle. Womynspace (403) 234-8973 or Peer social/support group for women providing an evening of fun, bonding, discussion and activities. Meets every Friday 7pm to 9pm at GLCSA. Vigor Calgary (403) 255-7004 Violence in Gay Male Relationships (VIGOR) is a committee of professionals dedicated to increasing the awareness of gay men’s domestic violence and the services available to them. Youth 4 Youth 102, 1212 - 1 St. S.E. • (403) 283-8591 YouthSafe Alberta’s website for youth with sex-and-gender
differences. lists the resources, information and services to help youth find safe and caring spaces in Alberta.
Restaurants Calgary Eagle Inc. ●4 See our ad on page 20 424a - 8 Ave SE • (403) 263-5847 Open Tues-Sun 4pm-close Restaurant review in Magazine December 2003 - Issue 2 Internet Terminal Location* Money-Pennies ●9 See our ad on page 42 1742 - 10 Ave SW • (403) 263-7411 Business review in Magazine April 2004 - Issue 6 Internet Terminal Location* Timothy’s Coffee ● 27 See our ad on page 5 1610 10th St SW • (403) 244-7750 Restaurant review in Magazine September 2004 - Issue 11 Monday - Saturday: 7am to 11pm Sunday: 8am to 11pm
Edmonton Gala February 3, Calgary La Nuit Cartier February 10 - 11, Calgary February 17 - 18, Edmonton Performance, An Evening with Gershwin February 23 & 24 Adopt A Dancer Reception February 25 - 27, Edmonton March 16 - 19, Calgary Great Chefs in Great Homes March 24 - 25, Calgary Performance, Alice in Wonderland Subscriber Receptions March 26, Calgary Mad Hatter Tea Party March 31 - April 1, Edmonton Performance, Alice in Wonderland Subscriber Receptions May TBA, Calgary School of Alberta Ballet Year End Show June 9 & 10, Calgary & Edmonton House & Garden Show ATP, Alberta Theatre Projects ●36 Phone: (403) 294-7402
The Twisted Element ●33 1006 11th Avenue SW • (403) 802-0230 See our ad on page 9, 59 and 60 Restaurant review in Magazine January 2005 - Issue 15 Sunday 11:00am to close Monday to Saturday 4:00pm to close Internet Terminal Location*
October 18 – November 05, 2005, THE SYRINGA TREE, by Pamela Gien. A Cornerstone Play
Victoria’s Restaurant ●18 See our ad on page 26 306 - 17 Ave SW • (403) 244-9991 Mon Fri, 11am-close; Weekends 10am-close Restaurant review in Magazine January 2004 - Issue 3
Fairytales International Gay & Lesbian Film Festival May 27th - June 2nd, 2005. Check website for more details
Theatre and Art Alberta Ballet 2005 December 8 - 11, Edmonton Performance, The Nutcracker December 11 The Nutcracker Brunch December 14 - 18, Calgary Performance, The Nutcracker December 17 & 18 The Nutcracker Brunch 2006 January 27, Edmonton
November 26 – December 28, 2005, TREASURE ISLAND, Adapted by Michael O’Brien. Presented in association with Quest Theatre. Family Holiday Presentation January 24 – March 5, 2006, ENBRIDGE playRites FESTIVAL OF NEW CANADIAN PLAYS
Jubilations Dinner Theatre 1002 - 37th Street SW, at the Westbrook Mall • (403) 249-7799 Ranchers & Rustlers September 2 - November 6, 2005 As we gaze off into the sunset we see dust clouds on the horizon. Soon we hear the thunder of horse’s hooves upon the prairie grass. Now we can make out the shapes of the riders as they approach... It is the cast of Ranchers & Rustlers riding into our theatre to take us all back to the old west! Yes sir folks we invite you all to visit Katie and
Luke at the good old Red Rose Saloon for a foot stompin’ good time. Miss Annabelle the sexy saloon singer is sure to bring a smile to any cowboy’s sour puss. Pierre, the local French Canadian Sheriff will be on hand to ensure no cowpokes get out of line and to keep an eye on Annabelle. Local rancher Hank Miller, his son Johnny and the ranch’s foreman Sam are always around and where ever Johnny is you will always find Mary near by, she’s sweet on him but he doesn’t see it. There is trouble out at the Circle M ranch. Over 50 head of castle have disappeared and two payrolls have been stolen over the past 6 months! Hank wants the Sheriff to catch the culprits, Annabelle wants the Sheriff to catch her, Mary wants Johnny, but Johnny wants Annabelle, Katie wants Luke to dance, Luke wants to nap and Sam wants to be a cowboy! Join us for the return of Ranchers & Rustlers! The show that has entertained audiences in several theatres all across Western Canada has returned to it’s home here at Celebrations/ Jubilations Dinner theatre. So make sure you all mosey on over to the Red Rose... you’ll be glad you did. Yee-Haw!! The Pirates of the North Saskatchewan November 11 - February 5, 2006 E-yar! Welcome aboard “The Not-so-much”, one of the oldest, yet newly refurbished vessels to ever set sail on the prairie seas! Join us as the illustrious Captain Jack Partridge takes us down the North Saskatchewan River on a swashbuckling adventure of love, deceit, and revenge. Sit back and hear old Jack recall the tale of the maiden voyage of the ship, and how his struggle to claim his Father’s 2 million dollar inheritance, hidden somewhere on the ship, turns into pirate family battle. Then there’s the Dreaded Pirate Roberts who is only looking for a romantic evening on the ship with his bride to be, Belle Buttercup, until it is interrupted by Jack’s greedy pirate family in search of their plunder. Take heed! This be no average pirate tale: This is a tale of how the course of true love never did run smooth; how greed can disassemble a perfectly strong pirate family; A tale mixed with your favourite classic rock tunes. This is the tale of the Pirates of the North Saskatchewan! October 25 – November 12, 2005. Cooped by SpyMonkey. One Yellow Rabbit presents the return of Euro physical comedy masters SpyMonkey with Cooped. Created by: Cal McCrystal and SpyMonkey. Performed by: Aitor Basauri, Stephan Kreiss, Petra Massey and Toby Park. November 22 – 26, 2005. Moving Along by Simian Theatre. Written and performed by: Chris Craddock. Directed by: Sophie Lees QUAB Gallery Inc. ●43 See our ad on page 15 212, 100th 7th Avenue SW • (403) 261-2855 Pumphouse Theatre ●37 2140 Pumphouse Avenue SW • (403) 2630079 November 4 - 12, 2005, Front Row Centre Players Present Leader of the Pack, In the Victor Mitchell Theatre. This hit Broadway musical retrospective celebrates the life and times of Ellie Greenwich, whose doo wop sounds skyrocketed to the top of the sixties charts. The story of Ellie’s rise to fame and fortune is punctuated with a virtual Hit Parade of her music: “Chapel of Love” ,”Da Do Ron Ron” ,”Be My Baby”, “Hanky Panky”, “Do Wah Diddy”, “And Then He Kissed Me” and, of course, the title song, “Leader of the Pack”. November 17 - 26, 2005, Sage Theatre Presents Blowfish, In the Joyce Doolittle Theatre. What do food, funerals, the Edmonton tornado and Mila Mulroney have in common? Join the elegant and debonair caterer Lumiere as he serves you up a whole new eating experience. November 29 - December 3, 2005, Hidden Insanity Theatre Presents Durang! In the Joyce Answers to this month’s Q-Puzzle on page 41
New Gallery ●25 516D - 9 Ave SW • (403) 233-2399 Open Tuesday to Saturday from 11am to 5pm One Yellow Rabbit ●35 Big Secret Theatre – EPCOR CENTRE for the Performing Arts • (403) 299-8888 magazine
Doolittle Theatre. The following people are trying to mess with you: your doctor, your priest, your politician, your old gym teacher, the waiter, all funeral parlor attendants, and your mother. In an evening of short plays by Christopher Durang, you’ll see them all and laugh with the giddy paranoia that is “Durang!” December 7 - 17, 2005, Broad Minds Productions Presents Goodnight Desdemona, Good Morning Juliet. In the Joyce Doolittle Theatre. This co-production with The Shakespeare Company focuses on Constance, a grad student and lecturer in Renaissance drama at Queen’s University who ghost-writes academic papers for the professor with whom she’s infatuated. She also deciphers a coded manuscript which she believes is a lost source for Shakespeare’s Othello and Romeo and Juliet, and literally falls into the worlds of these plays causing each of them to turn from tragedy to comedy! Skew Gallery ●44 1615 10th Avenue SW • (403) 244-4445
Stagewest 727 42 Avenue SE • (403) 243-8642 Pajama Tops By Mawby Green & Ed Feilbert September 7 - November 13, 2005 An utterly mad spoof of the French bedroom farce. The plot is all fun. A husband plans a business trip with a “ friend “ for philandering purpose. His wife secretly invites this same voluptuous girl to spend the weekend. The husband is trapped! Out of the blue an old friend appears, and a policeman with a roving eye for beautiful women keeps you wondering what could possibly happen next. There is also a devilish-looking butler, a maid practicing to be a coquette, and some wildly artful dodging, all calculated to keep the audience laughing.
Fleetwood Mac and Journey. By the turn of the century, Sheryl Crow and Jewel topped the charts and almost every major group in the USA resided in the Sunshine State. From Blues to Country to Funk, California is where it’s at. Stride Gallery ●47 1004 MacLeod Trail SE • (403) 262-8507 Theatre Junction Truck Gallery ●46 815 1st Street SW (Basement) • (403) 2617702 Vertigo Mystery Theatre ●34 161, 115 – 9 Ave SE • (403) 221-3708
California Dreaming II, By Howard Pechet Nov. 17, 2005 - Feb. 12, 2006 As the 60s progressed, the California sound became not only more refined, but more distinctive. On the Uptown Country side, there was Kenny Rogers and Glen Campbell while Rock N’ Roll reverberated with the sounds of magazine
If you would like to add your business or non-profit group to the list above, please call (403) 543-6960 or E-mail You can add your information to the directory on the website for free. endeavors to have the information here as accurate as possible. Events and listings can change at any time so it is recommended to check with the establishment before you head out. Non-Profit groups free listings. Business receive a listing once an ad has been placed. The business listing will last 1 year after the last ad is placed unless there is a service located at that location.
Gay Legalese Windshield SPAM By Darryl Aarbo Dear Mr. Aarbo, SPAM and unsolicited advertising used to be bad enough when it would end up in my E-mail account. Now it’s ending up on the windshield of my car, and I find myself equally helpless. Just the other day, after removing the latest lot of garbage from beneath my windshield wipers, I found fresh scratches on the hood! The thought of some strange person fiddling with my car (my baby) when I’m not around just makes my blood boil! How do I get the people that are doing this to leave me alone? I never asked for any of this stuff to be put on my car - how would I, short of a neon sign saying “SPAM ME”? I used to take the flyers home and trash them, but what’s the point when everyone else just tosses them to the street. I can only imagine how disgusting it looks the next morning with hundreds of soggy flyers strewn ev-
erywhere. There’s got to be some kind of law that they’re breaking... - Spiced Ham
Dear Spiced Ham, The placing of flyers on vehicles is illegal. It is a provincial offence under the Traffic Safety Act. It is considered “tampering” under section 107(1) of Regulation 304/2002 of the Traffic Safety Act. That section states: A person other than a peace officer shall not use, interfere or tamper with any motor vehicle or any of its accessories or any thing placed in or on it without the consent of the owner. Obviously you have not consented to someone placing a flyer on your car, therefore, you may file a complaint with the Calgary Police Service. To do so, you would call its non-emergency number at 266-1234. Given that it is a non-emergency and non-criminal matter, I am not sure how long it would take for the police to take any action. I called the City to find out and was advised that the police are required to deal with all complaints in a timely manner. Again, I am not sure how long it would be before they would take action. I guess one would have to file a complaint to find out. Finally, I would not follow the actions of others and dump the flyers into the street. That is littering and would violate the City’s bylaws. If you are going to file a complaint then you would need the flyer as evidence. If you are not going to file a complaint then simply throw it into the garbage or, better yet, into a recycling bin. Darryl A. Aarbo
If you wish to send in a letter, please email it to legaladvice Darryl A. Aarbo can be directly reached at Courtney Sebree Aarbo, Barristers & Solicitors, 1138 Kensington Road NW, Calgary, Alberta, T2N 3P3. Visit their website at http: // Phone (403) 571-5133. Fax: (403) 571-5134 Other than the question, all personal information (i.e. name, address, E-mail) will remain confidential. Magazine does reserve the right to alter questions for brevity and content. magazine
24 magazine
Adult Film Reviews By Jerome Voltero Winter’s a-coming, so you’d better put on a layer of fat or grow a layer of fur! The theme for this porn review: bears and furry guys – my personal favorite! I’d have to say that what makes them so endearing is the rugged and formidable appearance paired with gentle, laid back, funloving personality. Adult Depot “Free Fur All” by What can I say? This porno was beary beary hot, though I’ve come to expect this standard from BearFilms. Most of the guys are chunky, adorned with tattoos, scruffy beards and goatees, and covered in fur front and back. If none of that turns you on, then this is not a film for you. Something particularly unique about this video is that the first scene was performed in front of a live studio audience of 50 bears and cubs! Beary Springer anyone? I kid, it was actually done to raise funds at a bear event in Portland, Oregon. I found it a little odd to hear audience applause after all the guys had reached their climax, but wow, I would too! Audience participation is a wonderful thing. The next scene had two bears with a little salt-andpepper in their fur, followed by a mixed-age four-way. I could go on and on about how woofy the next several scenes were, especially with the cute red-head cub from the DVD cover, but I should let you see it with your own eyes. “Hard Cops” by John Druno Video Why can’t OUR police force be more like this? … well, minus the part where they fire their gun with their eyes closed – that might be dangerous. In
Review | Adult Male the locker room, the delightfully furry Dan Rider notices Mark O’Reily “popping a chubby” in his boxers after talking to his superior, Zak Spears. These guys are extremely macho, tough acting and rough talking. They grunt, growl, call each other “white trash,” “faggot,” and “whore,” and smack each other around in a forcible fashion. The woof-factor is totally off the charts!! The next scene shows the definition of “bad cop” as Zak Spears pulls over an unsuspecting driver and asks for all the money in his wallet. When he gets back into the cop car, he tells his partner “You tell anybody ‘bout this and I’ll cut your f$%#ing dick off and it’ll be floating in the Pacific ocean.” Ahhh, the flourish of unnecessary brutality. I do like this idea of a pat-down though, as Mario Ortiz gets groped and molested in a park restroom. You’re not going to find a concealed weapon up there! Adult Depot 1514B 14th Street SW – (403) 264-7399 140 – 58th Ave SW – (403) 258-2777 Source Adult Video “Hunting” by Blue Jay Productions Take your usual storylines and tantalizing set ups and throw them to the wind. This film doesn’t try to be anything but a porno. It starts directly into a steamy 4-way between a bunch of workers at a loading dock as they go at it behind a delivery truck, and later on the prongs of a fork-lift. “Fork me! Fork me!” That was me saying it, not them. The next scene featured the studly Tom Katt bottoming one-on-one for a less muscular hottie. The next several scenes looked as if they’d been dug out of the archives, showing some truly average guys in average scenes. One scene even featured a cheesy product placement for “Photo-op” by Thrust Studios before erupt- magazine
ing into further run of the mill action. Later on (about 4 hours into it) there was a hot tattooed Latino, but otherwise it was all just a blur. Look on the plus side, the DVD is 5 hours long – you’re bound to get off on something! “White Brief Encounters” by Bacchus Okay, so maybe if you’re clever (or just financially well off), you can avoid the winter altogether by visiting a warmer climate. I found the acting in White Brief Encounters to be quite natural – even witty at times! A delivery boy gets shorted 56 cents, so instead he gets tipped a different way. The play on words put a smile on my face at least. The boy receiving the delivery was pretty cute. He answers the door in his new pair of white underwear, showing off a nice sprinkling of chest hair and a healthy layer of “baby fat” all over his body. I hope that was sweat and not tears running down his face as he serviced the delivery boy! Next up, two average “beach-bum” types play around in the laundry room, each starting out in their white undies. Though the one had a slightly furry torso, I found neither to be particularly handsome. Oh well, every porno needs a little filler. Finally, the furry daddy on the cover sneaks in on a twink who is taking a cat-nap in nothing but his white drawers. There must be some kind of theme to this whole film, but I’m just not seeing it… *wink* Dress warmly this winter! And don’t proposition frosty the snowman – he may be a great snow-blower, but he’ll leave frost-bite marks! Ugh, that was terrible… Adult Source 10210 Macleod Trail SE – (403) 217-7848 1536 16th Ave NW – (403) 289-4203 2770 32nd Ave NE – (403) 250-8225 1127 17th Ave SW – (403) 244-6537 4310 17th Ave SE – (403) 273-2701
26 magazine
Q Scopes “Practice grace, Aries!” Lifestyle | Astrology
By Magazine Staff
Mercury is retrograde in Sagittarius, provoking useless arguments. Mercury is trine to Saturn, so heels will be dug in, egos wounded. If you can nod politely and be attentive and self-critical, you can turn any criticism to your favor down the road.
LIBRA (September 23 - October 22): Pay close attention to any political setbacks and you’ll get clues to regaining or advancing your position in late December. If you can hold your ground, you’re ahead of the game; but the harder you fight now, the more you’ll lose.
ARIES (March 20 - April 19): Get ready to eat recent words. We all make mistakes; it doesn’t have to be a biggie. Practice grace under pressure and accept new challenges to ideas you’ve taken for granted. Revising opinions now will put you on more solid footing.
SCORPIO (October 23 - November 21): Don’t let a financial setback rattle you. Every problem has a solution, and how you solve this one is what will get you noticed. Admitting to a mistake is the best way to start fixing it.
TAURUS (April 20 - May 20): Sexual doubts and questions can open up old baggage from childhood. Like housecleaning, it can get dirty and rough. The harder you’re willing to struggle, the more baggage you’ll be able to unload.
Confusion reigns. Even you cannot win an argument right now, and attempting just makes things worse. The stars are good for trying on exotic old fashions at secondhand stores, or trying out religious and intellectual self-criticism.
GEMINI (May 21 - June 20): You seem to be drawing in lots of liars and flakes. You can’t do much about them, except to take a hard look at whatever mixed signals you may be sending out. Sacrifice battles now to win the war later. CANCER (June 21 - July 22): Arguments at work can prove expensive. Put your feelings aside and consider any criticism gracefully, whether or not you let it change anything. Financial setbacks can show you where to start applying more discipline.
LEO (July 23 - August 22): “Fun” is your middle name, but now you’re about as festive as a morgue. Relax and get busy with a creative hobby. Pick up a project that’s been set aside. You’ll find satisfaction, even some amusement, in your accomplishments.
VIRGO (August 23 - September 22): Miscommunication with family members opens old hurts, but you can still exercise enough detached selfawareness to see how to heal those wounds. Swallow your pride and be pragmatic; overdue apologies are more easily made than extracted.
CAPRICORN (December 21 - January 19): Doubt and worry come far too easily, leading to shame and guilt. Constructive self-criticism can help you shed bad habits, but you must keep a positive attitude about it. Talking about your problems can help, but be very careful whom you trust!
AQUARIUS (January 20 - February 18): All humans are fallible, so friends will fall short of expectations. What seems like betrayal or flakiness is only a big deal if you make it one. Misunderstandings with your partner lead to questions about the future. Take your time to sort it out.
PISCES (February 19 - March 19): Problems at work come into the open. The best approach is to talk things over with your boss and be ready to rectify your mistakes. Accept setbacks with good grace and conscientiousness, and things should be right by the end of the year. magazine
Farewell To A Brother Warrior By Stephen Lock
On October 8th, 2005 Canada lost one of its key activists, George Hislop, after a prolonged struggle with cancer, Parkinson’s, and diabetes. He was 78. I first met George in 1980 when he attended the 8th National Conference of Lesbians and Gay Men, sponsored by Gay Information and Resources Calgary (GIRC) and held at the University of Calgary. He was then in his prime. I met him again at Egale’s Consultation on Bawdy House Laws in December 2004, held at the University of Toronto. Despite being wracked by cancer and having suffered at least five heart attacks in the previous few years, he was as bright and insightful as ever. George was well-known in Toronto and a legend amongst queer activists across Canada. He was more than just “a character” and his accomplishments during his almost eight decades on earth reach beyond legendary and almost into the mythic. During the now notorious Toronto bathhouse raids (circa 1978-1981) he made a name for himself by vehemently condemning the police action and speaking out about the right of gay men to have sex with whoever we damn-well pleased, wherever we damn-well pleased. It won him many friends in the queer community and pissed off many others. George didn’t care. Those raids were more than just a political action for him. As part owner of The Barracks in Toronto he was directly affected by the raids and the subsequent Criminal Code charges of conspiring to keep a common bawdy house. George was instrumental to the groundswell of opposition against the raids and the Crown eventually dropped all charges. George’s activism, and his commitment to being unapologetically gay, sprang from a strong sense of self. As he became aware of his orientation as a young man he was outraged at the attitudes of the society in which he lived. It never occurred to him there was anything “wrong” with himself; it was the world that was wrong and he set out to change it. He perfected his political skills by organizing unions. His natural flair for theatrics were inextricably tied up with his talent as an actor. He became an articulate and engaging public speaker after spending several years during his youth as an actor in England. When he returned
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to Canada, and Toronto, he did some live acting with CBC Television. George was always the quintessential Canadian. In 1958, during a period when being homosexual could land you in prison or a psychiatric ward (or both), George was on a ferry traveling to Hanlan’s Point, a well-known gay destination even in 1958, when he felt a hand on his rump. The hand belonged to Ron Shearer, with whom George then spent 28 years until Ron died in 1986. This left George with an emotional devastation he never fully recovered from. The two were inseparable yet so different. George was openly and decidedly sexual, loving gloryholes, steambaths, and parks. Ron kept his adventures to himself. Ron was also a partner in Alderbrooke Industries, one of Canada’s largest suppliers of Christmas decorations which afforded the couple a comfortable lifestyle. Ron told George his income would be enough for them both, and George should concentrate on his political and activist activities. And George did. His accomplishments were legion and far too many to list here. Amongst them was founding the Community Homophile Association of Toronto (CHAT) in 1970 to supply a community meeting place and an avenue for advocacy. He also launched “Gay Day” which eventually evolved into Toronto’s Pride Week, one of the largest Pride celebrations in North America. In 1973 he founded Toronto’s Hassle-Free Clinic, one of the first ‘gay-friendly’ services in the country. He served as the Clinic’s president from 1973 until his death – thirty-two years! He tried to resign after his health started failing and he could no longer hold a pen to sign paperwork. The Board and clinic staff refused to accept his resignation and the Board moved to give signing authority to other board members thereby allowing George to continue on as president. Toronto city councilor, Kyle Rae, arranged to have George appointed to the city’s Planning Commission and after his term there expired, to the Committee of Adjustment. George took the appointments and his varied committee work seriously, never missing a meeting. As George became progressively more ill in recent years he was forced to miss the odd meeting, and worried he was letting people down by doing so. Even as he lay in a hospital bed at St. Michael’s in Toronto, shortly before being moved to Grace Hospice, he wanted to be released so
he could attend a meeting. Yes, George could be stubborn and outspoken but he never backed down from a good fight. His good friend Peter Bochove, owner of the Spa Excess in Toronto (and one of the defendants during the Toronto bath raids), tells the story that during the days the St. Charles Tavern and the Parkside were in business, the straight owners made a ‘deal’ with the police whereby the cops used peepholes in the washrooms in order to spy on and arrest men for ‘gross indecency’. The owners of the Oak Leaf Baths and the International Baths permitted the police to arrest their clientele in return for being allowed to stay in business. George found such tactics reprehensible - an attack on his community - and threatened the owners with a boycott. He was none too thrilled with the Toronto Police Service either, and said so publicly and often. In 1980, the year I first met him, George ran for city council in Ward 6 beating his closest competitor, a young political rookie by the name of Jack Layton, but ultimately losing the Ward after a vicious anti-gay smear campaign was launched against him and his political ally John Sewell, who had run for mayor. Layton and George became close friends, with Layton being one of the few individuals granted access to George in his last few days. But perhaps George is best known across Canada as the “poster boy” in the fight for pension benefits for widows in same-sex relationships. The federal government agreed gay men and lesbians should be able to access their deceased partner’s Canada Pension Plan (CPP) benefits but stipulated benefits prior to 1998 were not accessible. George’s lifepartner Ron Shearer died in 1986, so George was deemed ineligible for CPP benefits, leaving him in poverty. There were apparently days when George had to choose between buying an orange or a newspaper; he couldn’t afford to do both. He usually opted for the newspaper. George wasn’t about to tolerate being consigned to what he described as ‘genteel poverty’ and joined other surviv- magazine
ing same-sex partners who lost their partners before 1998 in a class action suit against the federal government. Represented by lawyer Douglas Elliot, they fought to have the retroactive application pushed back to April 1985, when the Charter of Rights and Freedoms’ equality guarantees came into effect. They won at both provincial Superior Court level and at the Ontario Court of Appeal. The government continually attempted to thwart any attempts to do the honourable thing and ensure same-sex widowers and widows could access the pension plan their now deceased partners spent a lifetime paying into. The case is now slated to be heard by the Supreme Court of Canada sometime in 2006. Bowing to popular demand, or perhaps some form of collective guilt, the federal government did issue cheques in August 2005, pending a final decision from the Supreme Court. It was on the condition that if the Supreme Court found in favour of the government, the recipients would have to pay back the money. George was thrilled to receive his cheque and originally thought it was for $1,400-odd dollars. It took him a while to realize the cheque was actually for $140,000.00-odd dollars. George had hoped to go on a cruise with some of the money, spend some of it on “boys and booze”, and relax for the few remaining years he thought he might have. He never did. His Parkinson’s Disease grew worse and cancer was devastating his body. In memory of his contributions and a life well-lived and fought, Egale Canada and Peter Bochove have nominated George for the Governor General’s Meritorious Service Cross. Unlike the Order of Canada (for which he did not live to accept the pending nomination), the GGMSC can be awarded posthumously. We have lost a truly wonderful man, elder brother, and friend. We are all the poorer for it yet we are all the richer and better for having had George Hislop storming the barricades. Rest in peace, brother. (written with files from Peter Bochove, Gilles Marchildon, and Eleanor Brown)
Stephen Lock is the Vice-President and Regional Co-Director for Egale Canada and also the producer and host of a semi-monthly glbtq radio show, Speak Sebastian, airing at 9pm on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month on CJSW FM 90.9
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Fundraising Photos IGBO Pub Crawl Photos by Steve Polyak and Rob Diaz-Marino of Magazine magazine
Cut-a-thon Awards Ceremony at the Rekroom
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Texas Lounge Scaraoke - SHARP Foundation Fundraiser
SHARP Foundation - Sing-a-Long WIzard of Oz
Pride Prairie Chorus - Watershed Stories
L-Zone Games Night at Money Pennies magazine
Girls Go Halloween Dance ISCCA Drag Shows at the Rekroom
Calgary Opera and Alberta Ballet Halloween Gala
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IGRA Pub Crawl magazine
ARGRA October Dance
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IGRA Lunch and Awards Ceremony
Letters to the Publisher Dear Steve & Rob, Congratulations on your second year issue. We have been glad to have you on board to assist us with our marketing concepts and the support you have given us. - especially with our last fundraiser that you assisted us with Beswick House for Halloween. To date, and still counting we have managed to raise over $700.00, and as you know our first prize winner donated his $150.00 gift voucher to Beswick House. So with this voucher and cash we are estimating to maybe hit the $1000.00 mark after everything is finally totaled. As you know we donate all proceeds directly to Beswick House with no deductions and we appreciate the community support for the generous gift vouchers and assistance - especially La Fleur Florist, Cintas Linen, Adult Source and Victoria’s Restaurant. However without GayCalgary’s input and marketing assistance, we believe we wouldn’t have had the success with this and previous fund raisers. We appreciate your community spirit and dedication, and also look forward to further involvement with your publication for many years to come! Keep growing stronger and better as you have been. Thanks and best wishes. Allan Oen & Tim McDonald Managers Texas Lounge and Goliaths Saunatel.
Publishers note: The following letter is a follow-up to the letter that was written in the Magazine October 2005 issue.
The other day I was watching TV and I saw a commercial for AIDS Calgary come up on CityTV (Channel 8). I nearly fell off the couch I was so astounded! I thought that maybe my letter had finally prodded you into branching out to new forms of advertising for AIDS awareness. I quickly realized this was a commercial created and most likely donated by CityTV, featuring news anchor Susanne Fox. Here is a transcription of what was said: “Since 1980, HIV/AIDS has touched many lives. In Calgary, there are an estimated 1300 individuals living with this disease. This year on September 25th, over 1200 Calgarians came out to fight against this disease, raising over $75,000 to find a cure.” Then they cut to Susanne Fox saying, “Thank you Calgary for supporting the 2005 Walk for Life, all in support of AIDS Calgary.” I was literally speechless. I scrambled to find a copy of your response to my letter from last month, and here is what I read: “Our mission is not to eradicate HIV and AIDS, a fight that is much greater than AIDS Calgary’s reach, but to reduce the harm associated with HIV and AIDS.” “Raising over $75,000 to find a cure…all in support of AIDS Calgary,” and “Our mission is not to eradicate HIV and AIDS.” I was trembling and nearly in tears with anger. The commercial made me want to believe that the entire sum of money raised from the AIDS Walk (“Walk for Life”) was going toward AIDS research – toward a cure – when I knew from the horse’s mouth that this was absolutely not the case. It’s no wonder so many people have the wrong idea – and why are you not correcting them?! Cynically I would suspect this is because you are benefiting from this confusion. So maybe CityTV made a mistake, maybe you just told them that you raised $75,000 and they’re the ones who assumed it was for research
Dear AIDS Calgary, Personally I wasn’t very satisfied with your response to my Letter to the Publisher from last month. It sounded to me that you were simply passing off vague boiler-plate statements, only speaking to what you are supposed to be doing versus my questions that asked what you are actually doing. In the end, however, I was certain that you agreed with every point I had raised about the importance of AIDS awareness, while simultaneously failing to explain or defend AIDS Calgary’s apparent shortcoming in this department. magazine
toward a cure. Regardless of whether it was a mistake, the inaccuracy has still been perpetuated to potentially thousands of viewers. CityTV is a trusted source of news and information, and if the respectable-looking Susanne Fox backed it, then it must be true. Won’t it be embarrassing for Mrs. Fox and CityTV if and when they find out what a tool they’ve been? Here is the reality of the matter: AIDS Calgary is a community group that deals with an incurable disease - that simple fact instantly inspires a great deal of trust from people. I know there are some who are so trusting that they would crucify me for these two letters I’ve written. I cannot blame them; to many it is an insult. They’re supposed to feel good for all that they’ve done; so to point out that they didn’t even know what their money was going toward would make them feel foolish. I would offer an apology, but I’m only citing the facts. Speaking of facts, I know nothing about how other non-profit groups function, but I decided to rummage around in the annual reports you have freely available on your website. One thing I noticed is that you haven’t posted any figures about your expenditures since 1999/ 2000, though for 2003/2004 you proudly boasted your $1,085,018 operating budget. Fundraisers such as the AIDS Walk and Calgary Cares only made up 15% of your income that year, while the other 85% came from government grants. I did a somewhat naïve calculation on your posted expenditures in 2000 and found that roughly 88% of your then $851,918 operating budget went to expenses for running the organization. Comprising that 88% was the 60% ($511,507) going to salaries, contracts, and employee benefits. I think it’s mathematically valid if not painfully blunt to say that money donated to AIDS Calgary goes more toward the employees of AIDS Calgary than to “advocacy, education and prevention.” I realize this is not a very flattering statement but, for all I know it’s completely normal for not-for-profit groups such as yourself. But still everyone wants to relieve their conscience by doing their good deed for the day, so they blindly give and give and give to you so that you can accomplish your “advocacy, education and prevention.” I can only assume that you are pouring all of your allotted money into the “services” you alluded to in your response, while abandoning the duty of public awareness. I did educate myself on exactly what services you offer, and I agree that they are worthy causes. However, I can’t help but feel that you are putting all your eggs into one basket, as the imagery from your Nutrition Program ad suggests. I’m sure you point to that advertisement and say “See, this proves that AIDS Calgary is providing a much needed service to those affected by HIV/AIDS.” Well, yes, but hasn’t the Cut-athon raised money for the last several years to stop you from shutting down the Positive Living Lunch program altogether? Isn’t it run by volunteers? Doesn’t some of your staff get a free lunch in the process?
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Last month you said, “The surest way to stopping the spread is to empower people to make informed choices.” Who have you empowered? I have yet to meet them. I’m an average Joe with a full life – I don’t have time to go into the AIDS Calgary office and ask to be educated (if it even works that way), nor am I on the receiving end of any targeted outreach programs. You say “Every person, without exception, is affected by HIV and AIDS,” yet somehow this excludes people like me – are we not special enough? Do your statistics indicate that the average Calgarian, gay or straight, is not at a high enough risk to warrant expenditure on a public awareness campaign? If in your own words, “HIV/AIDS is on the rise in Calgary,” then using only targeted programs analogous to breaking down a wall with a drill rather than a sledgehammer. Something is obviously not working with this golden plan. Your organization’s official title is “AIDS Calgary Awareness Association” – the last two works are usually dropped for brevity, but they are key to your purpose in our community. For the amount of HIV positive people I’ve spoken to, for the amount of places that give out free condoms, for the amount of times I’m reminded that HIV/AIDS is a problem in Calgary, why does it feel that I’m not even aware AIDS Calgary exists? I truly hope my letters will offer you an outsider perspective to fuel positive change. (The writer of this letter requested that their identity remain confidential.)
Again asked Executive Director of AIDS Calgary, Sue Cress, to respond to this letter on AIDS Calgary’s behalf.
Dear GayCalgary, First I would like to thank you for giving your readers the opportunity to bring their questions and suggestions forward. We are happy to speak with anyone who has questions about our programs and services and invite people to attend our open house which is being held on November 24. Please e-mail for more information or call 508-2500. Regards, Susan Cress Executive Director AIDS Calgary Awareness Association (p) 508 2500 (f) 263 7358
Q Puzzle “E-volution” Fun | Crosswords
By Magazine Staff
CLUE: A crossword in which adding an “e” to certain common phrases “queers” their meaning. Across 1 On top of that 5 Became erect 10 Org. of fey Dudley Doright 14 Work your fingers to the bone 15 Composer Ned 16 Like phone sex, in a way 17 Being kind to your lover? 20 Like 65-Across 21 Shakespearean verb ending 22 Guitarist Townshend 23 “Peel ___ grape” 24 Org. for Dr. Susan Love 26 The Name of the Rose writer 28 Trick’s tail? 30 Laszlo of skincare products 32 ___ a customer (monogamous offer?) 34 Greek vases 35 River of Cocteau’s country 37 Like Ellen DeGeneres’ demeanor 39 Becoming a metrosexual? 42 At Swim, Two Boys writer Jamie 43 GLAAD concern 44 Head-turner
45 Like a sad sack 47 Like Cammermeyer’s fatigues 51 Bean’s batting avg., e.g. 52 “When I see ___ will believe ...” 53 Part of an airline name, in Wilde’s land 55 Where to find a voyeur, in a hospital? 56 Police incursion at Stonewall 58 Private’s place to saw logs 60 Hot blood 62 Cybill, to the Martha Stewart TV role? 65 Some of Mary’s lambs 66 Clark of fashion 67 Sea eagle 68 Poet ___ Wu 69 Type of market for bears 70 The A in GLARP Down 1 Vidal essay collection 2 Wood slat 3 Roddy McDowall in Planet of the Apes 4 Buck heroine 5 “We ___ Family” 6 Sitcom with Sara Gilbert
7 Shaft output 8 Three couples in bed? 9 Meat source Down Under 10 Alice, to Leisha 11 Touchstones 12 Like the Queen Mother 13 Try to seduce (with liquor, e.g.) 18 R. Mapplethorpe supporter 19 Letters on love letters to GIs 25 Illuminated by shiny buttocks? 27 Descended from the same tongue 29 Big initials in fashion 31 Circle of Uranus 33 Like Clive Barker’s stories 34 Like most gay couples 36 Michael on Queer as Folk 38 Head lines? 39 Withdraws prematurely? 40 Where motorists get off
41 Having gaydar, perhaps 42 Straight to gay (abbr.) 46 Most like Rosie? 48 Dykes on Bikes, e.g. 49 Nuts of a tall one 50 What you put on your ass 52 Lupino of Women’s Prison 54 Genre for Eazy-E 57 Britney Spears’ “___ Curious” 59 Bone, to Marcella Hazan 61 Rosie’s TV replacement Caroline 62 Porter’s “I ___ a Kick Out of You” 63 Little black bk. listings 64 Cartoon squeal Answer key is on page 21 magazine
A Letter of Thanks By Jason Clevett
It’s hard to properly put my feelings about reaching our 25th issue into words, which is ironic for a guy who puts words to the page for a living. To properly express my thoughts about how proud I am to have been part of this community and this magazine for the past two years is nearly impossible, but I’m going to give it a try. Two years ago when I first met Steve and Rob, I don’t think any of us truly realized how things would go! I can still remember meeting Steve at SAIT for an interview with Mz. Rhonda for the Crowns for Kids article, appearing in issue number 2. It was the first of over 75 articles I have had the privilege of writing. Since then I have been honored to speak to so many unique, interesting, and vitally important people, organizations, and businesses in Calgary’s community. It speaks volumes that we’ve more than doubled in size from our early days, although no wonder, there is so much going on in this city that at times it can be hard to keep track of! Through the magazine I’ve gotten to experience things I have never done before: the ARGRA Rodeo and dances, Apollo Western Cup, Calgary Men’s Chorus concerts, spectacular bar events and so much more. I want to take this chance to thank everyone who has made this a wonderful experience for me. There are so many awesome businesses and non-profit groups that make this city tick. Please support these worthwhile groups – the businesses themselves give selflessly to other organizations and support this magazine, and many people donate their time and energy to a lot of worthwhile causes and events. Without them this city would be a dull place indeed! We’ve eaten at some incredible restaurants, some of which became new favorite haunts after dining there for food reviews. I want to give a personal note of thanks to the talented actors and performers that have given me the chance to speak to them and see them in action. I am frequently in awe when I get the opportunity to see theatre in Calgary, and if you don’t make your way out to some of these shows and other events in town, then you are sorely missing out. We truly have a wide variety of entertainment in this city and I encourage our readers to check it all out. I want to thank the other staff at the magazine – Nina Tron and Stephen Lock have been here since the beginning and things wouldn’t be the same without them. The
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Congratulations additions of Darryl Aarbo, Jerome Voltero, Ben Hawkcliffe, Alykhan Velji, and Kevin Alderson have added a completely new dimension to the magazine. Finally, I want to give heartfelt thanks to Steve and Rob, for taking a guy with a dream and letting him put his raw talent to use, writing words on paper for our community to read. This has been a dream job for me in many ways, opening a lot of doors and giving me the chance to do things that I never would have imagined possible. I owe you guys so much, I am so proud of how the magazine and myself have grown and matured. Thanks for letting me be a part of it. Although the last two years have flown by, there are still many more stories to be told. I’m looking forward to being part of it for many more years to come.
The Backlot Review | Business
By Rob Diaz-Marino
We interviewed owner Ken Schultz about what the Backlot offers the community, and what changes they’ve seen in the community over the past 2 years. “I think what makes us different is that 90% of the people who come here are regulars. I still have people who come here from when they came in day 1 in 1996. What I hear the most from my customers is that it’s nice to come in and actually have a conversation, either with the staff or their able to have a conversation amongst themselves because it’s not overly loud. Everybody’s just so friendly here, people here treat it like their home, and that’s what Backlot’s about.” “Anybody who wants to use my patio and barbecue for any kind of fundraiser – it’s open to everybody for fundraising. It’s the Court and ARGRA primarily that I support right now. My upstairs, people have always been able to have it for a private party if they want to, and I have birthdays, anniversaries…anybody who wants to use the space for their event [is welcome].”
The Backlot 209 10th Avenue SW (403) 265-5211 Classification: Bar Typical Crowd: Gay male, occasionally lesbians Typical Age Range: 25 and up. Established: 1996 Sq. Footage: 1600 sq. ft. Floors: 2 (main, upstairs) Approx. Capacity: 100 Consumables: Alcoholic beverages, Food Available Entertainment: Internet Terminal, Pool Table (1), Touch-screen Games. Activities: Conversation.
“What I like about what’s happening in the community is it seems…that there’s a definite venue catering to like a young crowd, a mixed straight crowd, or a leather crowd, or an older crowd that doesn’t want to go dancing necessarily. …I really like that Calgary has more bars that do cater to a specific type of niche. As far as the Backlot is concerned, during the anniversary it was a good opportunity for me to be on [the other side] of the bar and to wander around and have a little bit less structured chat with customers and friends. I realized that people have been coming here for so many years and still consider it a comfortable place to go, and I’m really happy with that… There haven’t been a lot of changes as far as staff or as far as the interior of it. …It’s just been business as usual.” Backlot celebrated their 9th anniversary just last month on October 19th.“I have already been working on material for the next album so hopefully another CD will be available in the new year. In terms of becoming big, rich, rock stars, I do not know if that’s in the cards. Some people measure success by money, ending up in the tabloids, and awards. We measure success by longevity and quality so we’ll take that instead.” magazine
The Calgary Eagle Review | Business
By Rob Diaz-Marino
We interviewed owner Ron Sheetz about what his business offers the community and what changes they’ve seen in the community over the past 2 years. “We do a few fundraisers for the year. Our main fundraiser is Straight to Diva and the money goes to the HIV Peer Support Group, and last year we raised over $4000. We do Mr. Calgary Leather now, and Mr. Calgary Leather Daddy. We have Dark nights Fridays, we do a Harness night, we do a Uniform night. We’re now doing a night we call ‘Boots and Cigars’ because lots of guys like to smoke cigars, and we’re incorporating that now with boots because that’s a fetish too…so that’s coming up in November. …Barry does dinners once a month, 12 bucks you get a great dinner, full course meal and dessert. Those have gone over tremendously well to where he almost sells out every month. We were doing barbecues all summer every Sunday…that’s of course not happening now, ‘cuz Ronnie’s standing out there freezing his ass flipping burgers!” “Of course we’re trying to get a space where it’s not loud, where it’s social, where the guys and the girls are going to meet each other and talk. It’s not about dancing or what you’re wearing – it’s about coming out, having a good time, socializing, and meeting up, where cruising is not a bad word or a bad thing to do. …We like to emphasize good service and great friendly atmosphere with very little attitude, and the guys respect each other and respect the place. …Our fundraiser of choice is Straight to Diva and we’ve been concentrating on that because it’s a cause we all believe in very much. …We’re also giving one night a month to the Rocky Mountain Bears – door check and the money they raise at the door goes to them. [We also did a calendar several years ago] and that money went to Beswick House.” “We’re getting more and more women, with a larger sprinkling of bi men. …I’m seeing the younger crowd coming in and having a good time, and a lot of loud energy – a lot of loud laughter, I’m seeing more than we’ve ever heard. I love seeing the guys talk and relate more than I see at other bars. I’m seeing lots of straight people coming in too now, friends of gay people. They’re feeling really comfortable and no one is intimidated.” The Calgary Eagle celebrated their 3rd anniversary this year on February 19th.
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The Calgary Eagle 424A 8th Avenue SE (403) 263-5847 Classification: Leather Bar, Restaurant Typical Crowd: Mostly gay and bi, sometimes lesbian/ straight/trans. Bear, Leather, Fetish. Age Range: Mainly over 30 Established: February 2002 Size: Over 3000 sq. ft. Floors: 1 (main) Approx. Capacity: 150 Consumables: Alcoholic beverages, Full Food Service, Catering, Cigarettes, Free Popcorn, Kink toys and literature. Entertainment: Music/DJs, Contests, Pornos, TV Activities: Internet Terminal, Pool Table (2), Touch-screen Games, Conversation. Features: Coat Check, Outdoor Patio, Non-smoking area
Metro the Club and the Rekroom By Rob Diaz-Marino
We interviewed Metro owner Sharon Wolbaum, and Rekroom owner Ellie Brewer about what their businesses offer the community and what changes they’ve seen in the community over the past 2 years. “For probably the last at least 10 years we have opened the shooter bar to all organizations Wednesdays, Thursdays and Sundays, for fundraising. Most of them have done well - mostly the Court, the Swim Team, Volleyball teams, Rodeo teams, things like that. We’re always a major sponsor in whatever is happening, whether it be Apollo, Pride, or ARGRA. We’re a major sponsor of IGBO, we’re actually sponsoring the dance for them.” “I’d rather be called an Alternative Bar than a Gay Bar at this point, only because ‘Alternative’ to me means you are accepting of everybody. If you label yourself that you’re a Gay Bar, you’re excluding everybody except gays. Even gay people aren’t that friendly to bisexuals, they’re not that friendly to drag queens and they’re not that friendly to transvestites or any of these people. But yet, we’re all supposed to be in the community, supposed to be a gay community, but when you think about it, we’re really alternative nowadays. I’m a gay woman and I don’t want to feel that I can’t go to places that aren’t labeled gay, because that’s ludicrous. I can marry someone, I can get same-sex benefits, but I can’t go there? And we’re telling people they can’t come here because of that? …Nowadays, there are many gay people that have never stepped foot into the Mint, or the Hi-Fi Club, or the Whiskey, or Tantra, or Melrose even, or Lucky, Bungalow – any of these bars, as a gay person, you have the opportunity to do so because a lot of these bars are just as welcoming to gay people as we are of straight people. …and that’s the change.”
Review | Business Metro The Club Classification: Alternative Dance Club Typical Crowd: Mostly gay/lesbian/trans, some nights straight. Average Age: 18-50 Established: 1989 Sq. Footage: 6000 Size: 220 Floors: 1 (main) Consumables: Alcoholic beverages, Food Available Entertainment: DJs, Drag Shows, Strippers, Contests Activities: Dancing, Pool Tables (1), Touch-screen Games Features: Coat Check, Staircase to The Rekroom. The Rekroom Classification: Lounge Typical Crowd: Usually gay, sometimes lesbian/trans. Age Range: 18-50 Established: 1990 Size: 3500 Approx. Capacity: 120 Floors: 1 (basement) Consumables: Alcoholic beverages, Slushies, Cigarettes, Food Vending Machine, Free Popcorn Entertainment: Drag Shows, Strippers, Live Mic, Contests, Karaoke, Television, Pornos Activities: Pool Tables (2), Air Hockey Table (1), Conversation Features: Staircase to Metro The Club.
Metro the Club and the Rekroom have not yet decided on when to celebrate their anniversary and hold their customer appreciation party this year, however they speculate it will be held in January. Metro the Club 213 10th Avenue SW (403) 265-2028 The Rekroom 213A 10th Avenue SW (403) 265-4749 magazine
Money-Pennies Eatery and Bar Review | Business
By Rob Diaz-Marino
We interviewed owner Lorrie Murphy about what their business offers the community and what changes they’ve seen in the community over the past 2 years, while owner Michelle Flynn diligently attended to their substantial lunch crowd. “Everyone’s welcome – we’re a people place; so your mother can come, your sister can come, and your dad can come. We don’t show any sort of favoritism to any group. …We feel that there should be a mix [of men and women] because sometimes we need to talk to the other gender to bounce some things off them. It’s hard to always be with the same gender all the time because you don’t get any new perspectives on how you’re feeling or what life is about.” “Where do we start, the A’s? Apollo, ARGRA, the LZone, Western Cup and the Unity Bowlers… We fundraise all the time. If anyone has any sort of fundraising, we’re out there, we’re there to give our support and sponsorship to any organization that comes to us. We sponsor ball teams, we’ve sponsored theatre and just about everybody and everything there is in this community to sponsor, and we don’t intend to stop. We just keep going, I’ve always said ‘No’ is not in my vocabulary.” “Every two years I renovate, whether it’s a paint job or changing the place up so that I don’t get stagnant, so I’m changing with the community all the time. [Just this year] we painted the outside, we painted the inside, and we’re probably going to do something fabulous within the next 6-8 months. As for the community…the only thing that really bothers me right now is the conflict between some of the establishments. I’m hoping that will settle out and people will work together, because you know what, there’s enough people that we can entertain in all our places. We don’t need to pick our friends in business – let’s [all] be friends and let’s work together! …I think that everybody’s finding their niche, you know. Everybody’s got one, don’t try to be everything to the community because you can’t. Be who you are and say ‘this is my bar, this is what I do’. …but [customers] need to go out, you need to travel, you need to go to the other bars but you can have a home bar.” Monney-Pennies will celebrate their 10th Anniversary this month on November 26th, as they have donated their
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space on December 4th to hold Toys for Tots. Money-Pennies 1742 10th Avenue SW (403) 263-7411 Classification: Bar, Restaurant Typical Crowd: Usually lesbian/gay, with mostly straight lunch/dinner crowd. Average Age: 30-50 Established: Dec 4th, 1995 Size: Over 2000 sq. ft. Floors: 2 (main, upstairs) Approx. Capacity: 140 Consumables: Alcoholic beverages, Full Food Service, Catering, Cigarettes Entertainment: Live Entertainment (SoCAN Licensed), Stand-up Comedy, Contests, Karaoke, DJ’s Activities: Internet Terminal, Pool Table (1), Touch-screen Games, Conversation. Features: Outdoor Patio
Pulse, Arena and the Loading Dock Review | Business
By Rob Diaz-Marino
We interviewed owner Terrence Skoreyko about what the businesses plan to offer the community and what changes they’ve seen in the community over the past several months. “With Pulse we have 2 new residents – DJ Dickey Doo from Vancouver and DJ Malcolm from Montreal. What we’re going to do is in the Arena we’re going to rotate out new DJs from North America as well as the UK. So every week will be a new DJ on the Arena Side. …It’s open to anybody, and that’s our philosophy, there’s no boundaries. We’re an open-door kind of place so anybody is welcome. But with Arena, definitely depending on the events you’ll just get a different following.” “We’ve already participated with ARGRA and hosted one of their events here already. We’ve approached all the [community groups] and we’re offering an event called Stake Nights, where it’s a combination between the restaurant and the club. It’s a fundraising initiative for groups to come down and sell tickets, get together – it can be whatever they want it to be, if it’s a show, live entertainment, or whatever. …With our Lads and Lashes, our dinner and drag show, a portion of the ticket sales goes to a local charity depending on the season, …so every 2 months we’re going to do a different charity.” “I think it’s pretty dramatic. In terms of changes, the cosmetic is the huge piece. We’re done one phase and have 3 more to go, so that over the next 6 months will be complete. …We’re going much more main stream with the level that we require with DJs and entertainers. We have a lot of different events in our pocket that we’re going to introduce down the line as well, so a combination of working with community and the restaurants as well. We’re going to be open 5 days a week in Pulse, Wednesday through Sunday. We’ve hired all new people on the bar side as well as the restaurant side, …the concept [of Pulse] is much more Miami/New York club feel than it is your typical Calgary bar. …You’ll hear our name a lot.” “Part of our Rush Fridays is 2thebeat Records, it’s their night on Fridays so it’s a much straighter crowd. Mixed Media Motion heads our Saturday after-hours. We’re also working with a company called PPM, so…we’re tailoring it so that it’s much more main stream and not so amateur.”
Pulse 318 17th Avenue SW (403) 244-8537 Pulse Classification: Dance Club Typical Crowd: Gay and straight, some nights lesbian. Average Age: 20-30 Established: 1982 Sq. Footage: ~2500 sq. ft. Floors: 1 (main) Approx. Capacity: 400 Consumables: Alcoholic beverages, Food Available Entertainment: DJs, Drag Shows, Contests, Television Activities: Dancing, Conversation. The Arena Classification: Coffee Shop, Dance Club, Venue Typical Crowd: Gay and straight, some nights lesbian. Typical Age Range: 20-30 Established: 1982 Sq. Footage: ~3000 sq. ft. Floors: 2 (main, upstairs) Approx. Capacity: 450 Consumables: Alcoholic beverages, Full Food Available Entertainment: DJs, Contests. Activities: Dancing, Conversation. Features: After Hours Nights The Loading Dock Classification: Bar Typical Crowd: Gay. Typical Age Range:. Established: 1982 Sq. Footage: ~800 sq. ft Floors: 3 (lower, main, upper) Approx. Capacity: 63 Consumables: Alcoholic beverages, Food Available Entertainment: Internet Terminal, Pool Table (1), Touch-screen Games. Activities: Conversation
Pulse will celebrate the 23rd anniversary of gay space on a date yet to be determined. magazine
Texas Lounge Review | Business
By Rob Diaz-Marino
We interviewed bar manager Alan Oen (in lieu of owner Darrel Zakreski) about what the Texas Lounge offers the community and what changes they’ve seen in the community over the past 2 years. “For Beswick House we do an AIDS Calgary food drive for Christmas time, and we did the Pride day [fundraiser] - that was for Beswick House as well. …You know, it’s funny because you don’t have to worry about fitting in. Everybody kinda gets along with everybody down here. I find with a lot of the bars it becomes so ‘cliquey’ if you’re not wearing a certain kind of trendy outfit or you don’t look a certain way. You don’t really fit in with some of the trendier bars, whereas down here you can fit in with pretty much everybody. It’s quieter than a lot of the other bigger clubs, so you can actually sit down and have a conversation with somebody, and get to know somebody without yelling. …It’s a little bit more sociable, like I can be behind that bar and I can tell you every single person’s name that’s around the bar. And if somebody comes in and they’re new, I’ll [introduce them to everyone]. It starts them off and it gives them a little bit of an edge because maybe in some of the other bigger bars, they don’t have the time to necessarily do that. …There are always new faces, and there are so many regulars too.” “The biggest thing is that we’re doing fundraisers down here. …We are limited with what we can do…Beswick is such a dear charity to me. It shows the community that we’re giving back. We’re very lucky in that a lot of the clientele down here are very generous when it comes to charity. We have people constantly donating whatever they can. This [fundraiser before last] I just happened to mention that [Beswick House] needed some kind of a ghetto blaster, or something for music, and I didn’t even say it to the customer. The customer went and bought a brand new ghetto blaster for them and donated it. Didn’t want people to know who donated it or anything. …I’m very lucky, I’ve got a lot of loyal customers but it’s because I’ve been here a long time, and even before I worked here this was always my favorite place to come to.” “That’s the one thing that I’ve noticed in the community, it’s changed a lot, there really is no such thing anymore as a gay bar. Yeah, the majority of our customers are gay, but there’s so many more options and it’s so much more open than it used to be.”
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The Texas Lounge celebrated their 17th anniversary this February. Texas Lounge 308 17th Avenue SW (403) 229-0911 Classification: Lounge Typical Crowd: Mostly gay, some bi-curious/lesbian. Typical Age Range: 18-75 Established: 1988 Size: ~700 sq. ft. Floors: 1 (basement) Approx. Capacity: 49 Consumables: Alcoholic beverages, Snack Food Available Entertainment: Juke Box, Movie Nights, Karaoke Activities: VLTs, Conversation.
The Twisted Element By Rob Diaz-Marino
We interviewed owners RJ and Cliff about what their businesses offer the community and what changes they’ve seen in the community over the last year that they’ve been open. “I think a lot of people that criticize us say that we’re a twinky bar or something like that, and I don’t think so. I think fags look a lot younger than their age. …I think the average age [in our establishment] is about 28 to 35. But people see what they want to see. About 98% of our clientele is gay, but a lot of newcomers who are testing the waters come in with their girlfriends and leave with boys. We have an extremely high conversion rate,” they joked.
Review | Business Size: 6000 sq. ft. upstairs, 5500 sq. ft. downstairs (coming soon) Approx. Capacity: 380 upstairs, ~150 downstairs Floors: 2 (main, basement) Consumables: Alcoholic beverages, Slushies, Full Food Service, Cigarettes Entertainment: DJs, Drag Shows, Contests, Karaoke, Line Dancing Lessons, Live Bands, Hypnotists, Television, Movies Activities: Dancing, Pool Tables (2), Touch-screen Games (2), Conversation (downstairs) Features: Coat Check
“We’ve sponsored the Western Cup, we’ve done the ARGRA Rodeo and sponsored the DC Cowboys, and had free burgers and draft beer after the events… We’ve done a lot for World AIDS day with the Court [last year], and we also said to them that any time they want to do a function here, with the food and dinner show, they’re more than welcome. …I’ve always said I will not allow any organization to come in and push booze on my customers. It’s one thing for a customer to come to a bar station and order booze. It’s another thing when an organization comes to you on the floor and blackmails you…and I don’t believe customers should be hassled into that kind of situation. You can do a zillion other types of fundraising – car washing, bake sales, anything that brings the community together and showcases their talents.” “I think more people are out in the community, more comfortable. …We used to visit other places and at 12:30 and you could shoot a cannon in the place, and we’d wonder ‘where is everybody going’? I think now we’ve brought a lot of new faces into the fold and when we’re full at 11: 00 on a Saturday night, that’s something to say.” Twisted Element will celebrate their 1st anniversary this month, on November 12th. The Twisted Element 1006 11th Avenue SW (403) 802-0230 Classification: Dance Club, Restaurant Typical Crowd: Mostly gay/lesbian, sometimes straight. Twinks, Cowboys, Leather, Business Men. Average Age: 18-50 Established: Nov 12th, 2004 magazine
Press Releases WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO TONIGHT?? GET KINKY!!!! And thus Shae, the Hostess of Kinky Night, kicks off this event on the last Friday of every month. Only from now on, we will be Getting Kinky at Metro The Club. Rumors have been swirling for the last few months about the changes in ownership at Pulse, and what that might mean for Kinky Night. Last week Kirk Handy, Owner and Production Manager of Kinky Night, confirmed that he is taking the show and moving it to Metro The Club (formerly Boyztown). When interviewed Kirk said, “It was just time for a change – I’m very excited to be moving. It’s an opportunity to make the show even better.” Metro The Club will host Kinky Night on the last Friday of every month. The cast members in the erotically charged stage shows will continue to provoke, amuse, and arouse. These shows are all creations of Dawn’s (back stage manager). Kinky Night is a place where everyone is welcome – the straight, gay, lesbian, bi, cross-dressing, TV, TS, and every permutation and combination thereof: voyeurs, exhibitionists or people who just love wearing the clothes. Kinky Night truly is a home for the kinky, the interested and the heteroflexible. Watch for posters announcing the next Kinky Night at Metro The Club on November 25th, at your favourite Kinky Locations.
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Moving Along By Jacob Wallace
Review | Theatre
Writer / performer Chris Craddock returns to the Big Secret Theatre after the madly successful run of Faithless at last year’s High Performance Rodeo. His new work Moving Along will prove to be just as electric. contacted Daiva Jocius of One Yellow Rabbit, to tell us more about this stimulating production. “A man [Craddock] tells the story of his strange but common life while sitting in a chair of his own invention. The stories run from childhood to present, including the terrifying story of where meat comes from, sexual confusion and the secret of high school popularity, origins of ‘the force’, and a doomed relationship with a ‘famous man’.” How does this show differ from others? “Moving Along is a little bit like Spalding Gray and a little bit Daniel MacIvor, moving at a breakneck pace through laughter and tears. The lighting design is run from dimmers mounted in the chair, and the result is a dream-like monologue of unmatched technical precision. It’s an intimate theatrical experience similar to none.” How did this production come to be and where is it going? “Moving Along was originally commissioned by Theatre of the New Heart in Edmonton. It was a fringe hit in Edmonton and Winnipeg and went on to be featured on Bravo TV’s Singular Series. It will also be performed in Edmonton December 8th to 11th, 2005 at the historic Roxy Theatre as a part of Theatre Network’s 2005/2006 Performance Series.”
nated for a total of fourteen Sterling Awards (Edmonton Theatre Awards) and won four. His first film Turnbuckle was nominated for two Ampia Awards. Craddock is also the winner of the Enbridge Award for Best Emerging Artist and a 2005 Centennial Medal for his contribution to the arts in Alberta.” For theater that is electrifying, loving, and pushes the envelope, you will definitely want to take in Moving Along. “Move yourselves along and take in this affectionate and brave play. You won’t be disappointed.” – CBC Radio One
This is the inaugural production for Simian Theatre – a company dedicated to producing and promoting the work of Chris Craddock in partnership with independent producer Jill Roszell.
“This show is fabulous. Beautifully written, incredibly directed, and a light show that’s indescribable. Moving Along pushes boundaries and pulls us along with it.” – See Magazine
“Craddock graduated from the University of Alberta’s BFA Acting Program in the spring of 1996. He is the winner of the Alberta Book Award for his collection of plays for teens, Naked at School, published by NeWest Press. His plays have been seen in high schools and festivals throughout Canada, as well as at the Vancouver Comedy Festival, Edmonton Comedy Festival, SaskNative Theatre, The National Arts Centre, The Poor Alex in Toronto, Waterfront Theatre in Vancouver, The Centaur Theatre and the Just for Laughs Festival in Montreal. Craddock is the former Artistic Director of Azimuth Theatre and current Artistic Director of Rapid Fire Theatre. He has been nomi-
“The writing is as electric as the chair, and the performance will make you gasp. FIVE STARS” – The Edmonton Journal One Yellow Rabbit presents Simian Theatre’s Moving Along Fiver performances only! November 22 – 26, 2005 Big Secret Theatre – EPCOR CENTRE for the Performing Arts, 8:00pm Tickets: 403-299-8888 or magazine
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Open Versus Closed (Monogamous) Relationships Are Both Viable? By Kevin Alderson, Ph.D., C. Psych.
During the more than 12 years I have been out, I have met many gay couples who have developed different relationship styles. I have myself negotiated both open and closed relationships, many times wondering “which is better,” and if one is superior in any sense, “why is it better?” My personal and professional experience has left me thinking that both are viable options, but I haven’t had my own notions validated in any scientific way. Science – in terms of psychology – means that what we profess is based on the outcome of what we know from studies of large samples of people, or from smaller samples of individuals who have been interviewed and/or observed. This month’s quest is about exploring what we know about open versus closed relationships. Before delving into this, I want everyone to know from the outset that the research tells us that at any given time, between 40 and 80 percent of lesbians are in steady relationships and between 40 and 60 percent of gay men are as well [1]. Furthermore, when compared to heterosexual couples, gay and lesbian couples are just as much in love and just as satisfied with their relationships [2], and *whew*, we are just as well adjusted psychologically too! [3] One large-scale study concerning relationship stability reported a break-up rate of 4%, 14%, 13%, and 18% for heterosexual married couples, heterosexual cohabiting couples, gay male cohabiting couples, and cohabiting lesbian couples respectively, over an 18 month period [4]. Considering this study was American and predated the legalization of same-sex marriage throughout Canada, it appears that our relationships are as stable as that of heterosexuals. Research has also suggested that gay and
lesbian relationships may have certain advantages over heterosexual ones, but reviewing these findings will need to await a future article. Now that the viability of our relationships – whatever form they take – has been established, let’s move onto looking at open versus closed relationships. As a beginning caveat, I was unable to secure research done with lesbian couples, although I am certainly aware that some lesbians do have open relationships with their partners. I cannot, however, in good faith comment on them without having research at my disposal. It does appear that there is a dearth of research in this area - it would no doubt make an interesting thesis or dissertation for a graduate student to undertake! A 2004 study [5] surveyed gay male couples who had been together for at least a year, and who were currently cohabiting. The 121 couples who responded were divided into three groups based on each partner’s responses (they completed these separate from each other): (a) 40 couples were strictly monogamous, (b) 48 couples were open, and (c) 33 couples were monogamous with outside sex (broken agreement). When the relationship quality of groups was compared, there were no differences between groups “a” and “b.” Group “c” was found to have less relationship quality, but only when the sexual “cheating” occurred more than a year earlier. Furthermore, there was no diminution of relationship quality between those who discussed their broken fidelity with their partners and those who didn’t. The researcher concluded that in accordance with previous findings, “many men separate sex from love and prize sexual variety.” Don’t let me give you the impression that openness and monogamy are without conflict in gay male relationships, however. A study based on interviews with 11 gay male couples in New Zealand [6] found that although their sample had conventional (i.e., valuing monogamy) notions of relationships, most of them believed monogamy was not sustainable and their relationships were characterized by anxiety around infidelity. Furthermore, they were reluctant to disclose outside sexual activity or to even discuss having an open relationship with their partners. Researchers do not know the exact percentage of gay men who are in open relationships. One national American study from 1994 found that 10% stated they were in open relationships [7], whereas a 1992 British study found 56.3% were in open relationships [8]. Still another American study from 1984 found that all of the 156 gay male couples that participated, each together for over five magazine
years, were in nonmonogamous relationships [9]. Clearly more current research has shown that both monogamy and nonmonogamy are options for couples, and when outside sex is permitted or when it occurs without the partner’s awareness, it does not necessarily mean that the gay couple is in trouble. Gay male couples who chose monogamy do so because they perceive monogamy to be synonymous with commitment and intimacy. They also report that it avoids jealousy from entering into their relationship and eradicates a fear of HIV infection [10]. Gay male couples who chose nonmonogamy do so because they value personal and sexual freedom, and some of them believe that outside sex has a positive impact on their relationship [11]. Most coupled gay men who have negotiated outside sexual experiences establish guidelines that safeguard their primary relationship [12]. How do they do this? Here are a few examples of what has been negotiated by some couples: • Only have outside sex when travelling. • Only see the same person once or twice. • Only engage in threesomes so that both you and your partner are involved. • Practice safer sex with outside partners. • For those who cohabitate, don’t bring anyone home for sex – do it elsewhere. • Tell the outsider that you are in a relationship, and if an emotional connection begins to develop, don’t see the person again. The bottom line is this: if you want to have an open relationship from the outset, or you decide you want this once you have already entered into a relationship, discuss it with your partner. I assume you are with him or her because you truly value this individual – if that is not the case, you really need to look at what is still holding the two of you together. Assuming you do cherish your partner, he or she deserves the very best from you. There is really no place for dishonesty in an intimate relationship, and as you probably already know, outside sexual activity
can put your partner at undeserved risk for contracting sexually transmitted diseases from you. Many gay coupled men actually like the idea of allowing outside sexual activity, so don’t be afraid to discuss it openly. If your partner doesn’t want to go there, and you do, this is the kind of conflict that is sometimes good reason to move on. One of the nice things about being gay is that we often maintain friendships with ex-lovers, so you don’t have to give up the person just because you have given up the sex.. Dr. Alderson is an assistant professor of counselling psychology at the University of Calgary who specializes in gay and lesbian studies. He also maintains a private practice. He can be contacted by confidential email at
References: 1) Bohan, J. S. (1996). Psychology and sexual orientation: Coming to terms. New York: Routledge. 2)
3) Kurdek, L. A. (2004). Are gay and lesbian cohabiting couples really different from heterosexual married couples? Journal of Marriage and Family, 66, 880-900. 4)
5) LaSala, M. C. (2004). Extradyadic sex and gay male couples: Comparing monogamous and nonmonogamous relationships. Families in Society, 85, 405-412. 6) Worth, H., Reid, A., & McMillan, K. (2002). Somewhere over the rainbow: Love, trust, and monogamy in gay relationships. Journal of Sociology, 38, 237-253. 7) Bryant, S., & Demian. (1994). Relationship characteristics of American gay and lesbian couples: Findings from a national survey. Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services, 1, 101-117. 8) Hickson, F. C., Davies, P. M., Hunt, A. J., Weatherburn, P., McManus, T. J., & Coxon, A. P. (1992). Maintenance of open gay relationships: Some strategies for protection against HIV. AIDS Care, 4, 409-419. 9) McWhirter, D., & Mattison. (1984). The male couple: How relationships develop. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. 10) LaSala, M. C. (2004). Monogamy of the heart: Extradyadic sex and gay male couples. Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services, 17, 1-24.
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Kendall By Alykhan Velji
Review | Fashion
When I think of a well tailored, unique, and fashionably intelligent men’s wear line, I think of Kendall Yellowhorn Homme. It’s a fabulous blend of ready-to-wear pieces that are cutting edge and made for the fashion sensible. Kendall Yellowhorn moved to Montreal to study fashion in 1999. After his studies he decided to move back and pursue his career as a fashion designer in Calgary. Initially wanting to become a writer, he changed his mind when people told him that he had a great sense of fashion. He was always into making his own clothes and re-vamping key pieces, and he would always get complimented, so he decided fashion was the way to go. Launching his label in 2004, he says that he “now communicates stories through his clothes instead of writing”. And the stories that he’s telling are of
magnificently dressed men in perfectly cut and tailored pieces; key pieces but with a Yellowhorn flare! When asked why he chose to strictly do a men’s line, his answer was that he was “sick of the impersonality of men’s clothing” (I couldn’t agree more!) and that it provides a challenge for him. There is a definite need for some personality in men’s wear and I think Kendall has provided it. Being taught in the fundamentals of women’s wear he uses these and infuses them into his men’s line, which is what makes it so unique and cutting edge. He doesn’t like to be known for the term “Fashion Forward” because he feels the term is edgy and describes something that can easily go out of style. He likes to create pieces that can stand out from the rest, but that also don’t make you look like a black sheep. It boils down to creating a sense of elitism in his clothing, making his customer feel part of the norm and also fashion savvy. This is why his clothing works so well - his goal is not just to create clothing for the masses but “for people who get fashion”. Kendall’s essential look for fall is layering and choosing clothes in a darker palette: Black, Navy, and Plum with accents in white. V-necks create a sense of elongation, and should be a staple in any man’s wardrobe. Try layering two v-necks in contrasting colors for a casual look, or throw
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a blazer on top to make it a bit more formal. Another great find in his collection this year is the denim jacket with terry cloth collar… how divine! One of the main driving forces behind his collections is sex appeal - and why not? Men need to feel sexy just as much as women! His clothes will definitely make you feel like a star. He was also just named the winner of the Vs Fashion Event held at Mynt Ultralounge, in which he competed against several other fashion designers who also showcased their collections. It was a proud moment for him. So keep your eye out for Kendall Yellowhorn as I am sure this won’t be the last time we will be hearing his name! For more information on his collections please contact Kendall at Photos by Wilkosz and Way magazine
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Queer Eye - for the Calgary guy (or gal) Events that happened around Calgary Photos by Steve Polyak and Rob Diaz Marino of Magazine
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Halloween Photo at Twisted Element, Metro the club, Backlot, Calgary Eagle, MoneyPennies and Pulse magazine
Backlot 9th Anniversary
Calgary Eagle Leather Man Contest
Diva Dave Open House Pink Blood Book Launch
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Metro the Club DJ Ward Welcome, Sexy Underwear Contest, Drag Shows
Pulse Grand Opening, Drag Shows and Halloween Kinky magazine
Twisted Element Diva-Licious Drag shows
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Dignity Calgary Dignite group for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered Catholics and friends. Inaugural meeting in Calgary on November 11th at 3pm. See
Marriage preparation seminar for same-sex couples. Calgary’s United Church of Canada providing 10 hour, small group seminar, November 18/19, 2005. Call: 294-0378
Employment 300 Magazine is looking for journalists. Please email us at or fax to (403) 703-0685 resumes and writing samples. You can contact us at (403) 543-6960 or (888) 543-6960.
Musical Instruments Pets Promotional Vehicles For Sale
510 511 512 513
Professional Services Animal Care Carpentry Catering Cleaners Computer Services Construction Consulting Counseling Courses Design/interiors Fashion Financial/bookkeeping Funeral Services General Hair Removal Insurance Landscaping/gardening Leather Legal Services
600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619
Medical Movers Musical Services Painting Photography Physicians Plumbing Skilled & Technical Service Training
620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628
Real Estate Business For Sale Cottages Homes Furnished Homes/condos/lofts For Sale Homes/condos/lofts/apt. For Rent Homes/condos/lofts/apt. To Share Investment Opportunity Mortgages Office/business Space Real Estate Agent Rooms To Rent Seeking Accommodation Studios
700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713
Classified Ads Employment 302 Employment 302 Part Time Cook Required. Please VICTORIA’S RESTAURANT contact Lori or Michelle at 263-7411 or in person at Money-Pennies, 1742 10th Avenue SW.
Goliath’s and the Texas Lounge is looking for someone with customer service experience to work on both the bath house side and bar side. Training will be provided. 4 shifts a week. Please drop off a resume at either the Texas Lounge or Goliath’s or email
Employment 302 PULSE NIGHTLIFE ARENA NIGHTCLUB Seeking experienced, out-going, self-motivated individuals for employment. Bartenders, security, busers and management opportunities available. Please apply in person with resume at 306 17th ave SW.
Now open 24 hours Fridays and Saturdays! Seeking experienced fulltime line and prep cooks, and servers for immediate employment. Please apply in person at 306 17th ave SW after 2pm.
Join Us The Metro / Rekroom Rodeo Team Looking for males/females to join our Rodeo Team. Must be willing to volunteer fundraising which in turn entitles you to full team benefits including Team Shirts, all entry fee’s covered and some great team parties along the way. If interested, please call David 804-0534 or Eric 383-9109
Travel Accommodations/rentals Adventures Camping International Travel Travel Agencies Travel Canada Travel USA
800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807
Personals Announcements Business Personals Dating Services Erotic Massage Friends Female Friends Male General Internet Leather Mail Orders Model & Escort Phone lines Professional Services Sightings Xxx Videos/magazines
900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915
Employment/Help 308 Small charter Bus Company is looking for gay drivers with clean class two, with air brake, license. Non smoker non drinker preferred. For casual work. Experience with a stick is a bonus. Respond to Canadian Premier Charters, at box 75056, Cambrian RPO, Calgary, Alberta, T2K 6J8
Employment/Sales 314 Magazine is looking for experienced part time sales reps in the Calgary, Edmonton and Vancouver areas. Must be able to do cold calls and have transportation or enjoy hitting the pavement. Fax resumes to 703-0685 or contact us at (403) 543-6960 or (888) 543-6960.
Adult Depot, Calgary’s Oldest, is looking for new blood. FT/PT. Apply at either 1514B 14th Street SW or 142 58th Avenue SW or fax (403) 268-4251
Classifieds continued on next page magazine
Classifieds continued
Employment/Sales 314 Looking for an highly motivated promotion person to acquire business for a small charter coach/tourism business. All pay would be based on commission. This is a great opportunity to add to your portfolio or get job experience. Respond to Canadian Premier Charters, at box 75056, Cambrian RPO, Calgary, Alberta, T2K 6J8
Employment/Sales 314 Join the Priape Team Do you have a flair for sales, Enjoy working within the community, Hard working and motivated, Full and PT positions. 1322 17Ave SW
Same-Sex, Conjugal, Common-Law, Spouse, Children, Parents Sponsorship; Refugee Claims; Immigration Appeals; Citizenship; Visitor, Student, Work Visa / Extensions, Uncontested Divorces, Agreements, Wills, Translations / Interpretations 50+ Languages, 590-3818 Anwar Rehman, Member Canadian Society of Immigration Consultants CSIC ID M041099, Gay Friendly, CIBS, 200, 2705 Centre Street North. Visit us online at email:
I’m a compassionate counsellor who understand our community. Individuals, Couples & Families. Emotional, Physical & Spiritual Wellness. Extended medical insurance coverage. Bryan Campbell 265-8462
Montreal Village B&B Room only $49/night, TV, Cable, Telephone, Air, Wi-Fi, Video XXX, 1-888-334-0348.
Private housekeeper, 24 years old. Nice Looking. Will clean nude. Boyish looks. Justin (403) 471-5036
Northern Lights B&B EDMONTON Swimming pool and Antique rooms TV/VCR (780) 483-1572
Personal/Friends 906 Single GWM, early 40’s, general non-scene. Fit, good shape. Looking for like-minded normal fun, down to earth, honest, kind, professional, mature male for long-term relationship. Hoping to find someone to be both a life-long partner and best friend. Is that you? Reply to box or mail to Box 1001
CHECK OUT OUR NEW CLASSIFIED AD RATES First 25 words for just $10.00 per issue, plus GST 70 magazine
Personal/Friends 906
44, Male, Brazilian, Masculine hairy top, HIV-Negative, Foot & Tickle Fetishist SEEKS 30-40, non-slim ND/NS, Tattoo & Piercing-Free, caring, cuddlish, supportive, balanced, mature, masculine, bottom, blond(+), ticklish Lifetime Partner to build 100% Monogamous Serious Lasting Relationship. Marc, Box 3670 2001-970 Rio, Brazil
Personal/General 907 Looking for single female, or female couple interested in a surrogate dad for sperm donation. I am 6’3, blonde, blue eyed, in fantastic health of Irish - Italian descent. Respond to Canadian Premier Charters, at box 75056, Cambrian RPO, Calgary, Alberta, T2K 6J8
Bodybuilder: 5’-6” 210lbs very solid, muscular, dark brown hair shaved head goatee. 34 y.o. Easy going masculine for an unforgettable moment. by apt only. magazine
72 magazine