Price list 2016

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Homosexuals as target group Sociologists estimate that 5 to 15 % of the world population are homosexual. Acting on the assumption of 10 %, the outcome is 850,000 people for Austria, 8.1 Million for Germany and 450,000 for German-speaking Switherland. Life Ball has put Vienna on the international stage as LGBTIAQ-Destination. Also, events like the Rainbow Parade (CSD, Pride) draw many visitors from neighboring countries all over Central & South Eastern Europe. The victory of Conchita Wurst in Copenhagen and the Eurovision Song Contest 2015 in Vienna have made Vienna one of the most pouplar LGBTIAQ destinations in the world. Progress in equality matters for LGBTIAQs (civil union, adoption, antidiscrimination laws) have also boosted LGBTIAQ tourism. By now, many companies have identified this market and consider themselves decidedly gayfriendly. But frequently, businesses do not know how to adress LGBTIAQs properly. can help you to fullfill this task in a time and ressources saving way. 5.300,000 annual arrivals and 11.680,000 guest-nights in Vienna, abouth 530.000 arrivals and 1.170,000 guest-nights arise from LGBTIAQ tourists.



Visits 60,165 New Visits 45,483 Uniques 49,592 Page Views 173.715 Page Views / Visit 2.89 Average Time 0:02:56 Bounce Rate 39.88 Registered Users 16,600


App downlads 3,600

Origin Abroad 28.34

English 33% German 67%


Austri a 71.66




41.82 % Mobil vs. PC Women 28 %

Women 28 %

Men 73 %

Men 73 %

Social Media

Facebook fans Twitter follower

10,750 1,130

Advertising Advertorial (PR article)

EUR 110,00 pM

Auf der Startseite in der ersten Reihe

Vorreihung und Kennzeichnung als TOP EVENT

Die Vorreihung gilt für alle Suchen bzw. Suchergebnisse, sowohl auf Website, mobiler Site und den Apps

EUR 10,00 pM

Platzierung auf entsprechender Landingpage EUR 15,00 pM Optimale Verlinkung für SEO EUR 35,00 pM Eigener Content EUR 30,00 pM

Bilder, Galerien, Videos, Slideshows sowie freie Gestaltungsmöglichkeit des Events bzw. der Location

Posting on Facebook & other social media

EUR 25,00 CPM

Premium Package for 12 months EUR 80,00 pM Regelmässige Postings auf Social Media Kanälen Alle zuvor genannten Punkte inkl. Administratorenrechte

Prices exclude 20 % VAT.

Website banners Content Ad Half Size Banner Column Banner Button

300 x 250 px CPM 300 x 600 px CPM 300 x 90 px CPM 120 x 90 px CPM

CPM = Cost per Mille (per thousand contacts) Prices exclude 20 % VAT.


25,00 pM 45,00 pM 20,00 pM 12,00 pM

Communication consulting, online & social media marketing We are a full service online marketing agency and provide you with consulting & tailor-made communication solutions for

Contact Bernd Seiser Marchettigasse 1/20 1060 Wien

your business.

M +43 (660) 208 28 66

We support you with your marketing strategy, as well as the


F +43 (1) 208 28 66

production & desing of advertising material, online & social media marketing. Our portfolio includes the conception, graphic design and development of websites, iOS and Android Apps.

Photos © WienTourismus / Peter Rigaud

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