WMAP DIGEST Winter 2008

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DIGEST Winter 2008

No Pl ace Too Remote


and the Great Commission,

page 2

No Place On Earth


by Frank R. Parrish, World MAP President and Director

t seems that 2007 went by in a blur, and somehow 2008 is already upon us. However, just because a year seemed to pass more quickly does not mean that it was insignificant; things are not the same in our world as they were just one year ago. Permit me to illustrate. We are in a time when untold thousands are coming to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ daily, weekly – all over the world! There is no place on earth that our King is not able and willing to reach, including into: • oppressive communist nations; • Muslim-dominated regions; • traditional Hindu and Buddhist peoples; • a wide variety of animistic cultures, and beyond. In this hour, God is seeking out and reaching to individuals, whole villages and even entire people groups with the Gospel. There are more people coming to Christ now than at any time in recorded history since Jesus’ resurrection! But what does this thrilling news actually mean to us? It would be too shortsighted to sit back and declare with self-satisfied confidence, “Our side is winning!” – and then go back to our daily routine in the business-asusual mode. This great move of God deserves much more than that from each one of us. It also reveals to us much about where we are in the flow of history. Missiologists – those who study the trends of what is happening in global Christendom – have recent information that is both startling and insightful. Their perspective is confirmed even from secular sources (though they do reach somewhat different conclusions). Today, our world is experiencing an unprecedented mutually-interdependent linking of nations and peoples on many levels.



This sense that “the world is shrinking” has been popularized by the term globalization – a term used by many people to describe one or more aspects of this unusual change. The explanations for globalization, and people’s reactions to it, are as varied as the many cultures currently being impacted by it. Regardless of how we personally perceive globalization, it is obvious that there is something unique and important happening in our world today. And I believe the hand of God is at work in the midst of it all!

Language With A Whole New Meaning This globalization involves far more than just where your DVD player or tennis shoes are being made. Certainly, national economies are increasingly impacted by the ebb and flow of production and trade. Yet there are factors beyond economics that are linking the nations together even more closely. For instance, language. With all due respect to the world’s various peoples and their cultures, few of them are intent on teaching their children ilocano (an island language in the Philippines) or xhosa (South African tribal language). They are, however, anxious that their children learn to speak English, which has become the lingua franca (Latin for “common language”) being taught in most universities and schools today. In order to compete in our increasingly globalized world, this is now almost a prerequisite. My travels and experiences with church leaders in many nations bear this out as a visible and tangible trend. Inseparably linked to this trend toward a commonly used and understood language

In this hour, God is seeking out and reaching to individuals, whole villages and even entire people groups with the Gospel. There are more people coming to Christ now than at any time in recorded history since Jesus’ resurrection!

– and acting to stimulate it – are the enormous technological advances in communications. Satellite networks, computers, the Internet, cell phone technology – these and many more are impacting the acceleration of this globalization dynamic. Add to that the political, social and cultural factors that are directly and indirectly affected by, and contribute to, this process – and we have the growing phenomenon called globalization.

The Fullness Of Time There is no doubt that we are living in remarkable times. Globalization is a very real and dynamic force with far-reaching implications, shaping both individuals and nations. Whole people groups and cultures are shifting, even relocating in droves (by choice and through adversity) to different regions of the world. Cultural and religious lines are being blurred or even erased by those who are disillusioned with what they’ve experienced, and desire instead peace and prosperity and to just ‘get along’. At the same

time, lines are being drawn more deeply by others, whose zeal or extremism demand that things be “their way or no way”, with no regard for how it impacts others. But what does globalization mean for us as Christians – sons and daughters of the Most High God? It is tempting to be fearful of the constant changes and uncertain future ahead. We can shake our heads and bemoan the passing of the beloved “good old days” of seeming security, comfort and simplicity. Or, we can recognize (if we are mindful of history and have an accurate memory) that those days were neither simple nor intrinsically all that good! But I believe there is a more significant understanding of this current phenomenon of globalization that will lead us to a critical choice that we all can and must make. To see it more clearly, however, we must take a brief step back into history. The missiologists referenced earlier have made a startling comparison between what we are clearly experiencing today and some-


World MAP (Missionary Assistance Plan) is a transdenominational, nonprofit ministry dedicated to fulfilling the Great Commission – making disciples of all nations – by: • Equipping indigenous church leaders in Third-World nations through biblically-based, Spirit-filled teaching resources and practical ministry training so that they can be more effective, and in turn raise up and equip still more leaders (2Tim 2:2). • Sharing the triumphs and trials of these front-line ministers with believers in Western nations, to inspire the Body of Christ to fervently pray and sacrificially give, so that “this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world” (Matt 24:14). The Third-World church stands poised and ready to reach the nations with the Gospel, if they could just be equipped to do so. Thank you for partnering with World MAP to supply this urgent need!

Vol. 48 • No. 1 Winter 2008


World Missionary Assistance Plan


2 No Place On Earth 9 Praying For Venezuela & The Huichol of Mexico

10 ACTS: The Evangelist 12 ¡IMPACTÓ!



Jon Cook, Skip Mahoney, Hank Morris, Frank Parrish, Vic Torres.


Paul Dreher, Helmuth Lange, Dave McTaggart, Frank Parrish, Wendy Parrish, Horst Senkbeil, Alex Tingstad.


Frank and Wendy Parrish .......... Directors / Editors Gayla Dease.... Publications Coordinator Keith Balser......................... Copy Editor

World MAP DIGEST is published quarterly by World Missionary Assistance Plan, whose editorial and business offices are at 1419 N. San Fernando Blvd., Burbank CA 91504. The subscription price is $5.00 per year. Receipts for contributions are tax-deductible. Periodicals postage paid at N. Hollywood, California 91605 and additional mailing offices (USPS 692240). Postmaster: Please send form 3579 to 1419 N. San Fernando Blvd., Burbank, California 91504. HOW TO CONTACT US:

Visit us at our website on the Internet at www.world-map.com • Email us at wmap@world-map.com • Call us at 1-818-843-7233 • Fax us at 1-818-845-5000 WORLD MAP DIGEST


Global Status of Evangelical Christianity - January 2008 People Groups (includes North America)


Last Frontier

Global Status of Evangelical Christianity Model



thing that occurred in ancient times as well. There was only one other time in Christian history that saw a convergence of “globalization” factors (political, social, linguistic, economic and technological) comparable to the one we are currently experiencing. That was the time of Christ’s life, ministry, death and resurrection, which gave birth to the early Church! The Bible teaches that our God, Yahweh – the Father, Son and Holy Spirit – is the Lord and Divine Master of history (see Daniel 2:21,22; 4:34,35; Acts 17:26). It was fully planned in His omniscience as to the right moment in history for the promised Savior to be born (Genesis 3:15; Galatians 4:4,5). “But when the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law [not just the Jews, but all humanity – see Galatians 3:22,28 and Romans Chapters 2-4], that we might receive the adoption as sons” (Gal 4:4,5 – emphasis added). This plan, and God’s sovereign and irresistible working to bring it to pass, was not a sudden impulse on His part. God revealed His wisdom and purpose long before the introduction of His Son to earth. In Isaiah, we read a prophetic declaration of the coming of the Messiah: “Prepare the way of the LORD; make straight in the desert a highway for our God. Every valley shall be exalted and every mountain and hill brought low; the crooked places shall be made straight and the rough places smooth. The glory of the LORD shall be revealed…” (Isa 40:3-5a). This passage goes far beyond predicting a type of geological upheaval. I believe it reveals prophetically God’s working in history, culture and people to “make a way” for the perfect moment in time to reveal His Son, the hope of humanity! That time came during the Pax Romana (“Peace of Rome”). The Pax Romana brought unparalleled law and order, freedom of trade and

Focus on the Unreached

travel, the proliferation and use of Koine (common) Greek as the universal language of trade, education and business. Such order, freedom and ease of communication had no precedent in world history. Though the Roman Empire was in no way godly, and was ultimately a primary persecutor of early Christianity, it still was wielded in God’s hands to serve His eternal purposes. What a perfect time God chose to fulfill His promise to give to the world the Good News of salvation through His Son! There had never been a more ideal time in history – when so many critical factors converged – for a message to be given, heard and distributed throughout the known world than there was at the time that Christ came to earth in human form! What great love – what a great God!

Why This Convergence? Now we fast-forward through history to you and me today. We are on the verge of a second moment in the world’s history when – as critical factors are again converging – a message can be given, heard and distributed literally throughout the earth. This leads us to a critical juncture of significant choice that squarely confronts each one of us as Christ-followers. This choice begins with some important questions: • What is God doing in our world right now? • What is my role in what God is doing? The first question is one you can likely answer pretty easily, at least in general terms. God is drawing the people of the earth to Himself in profound and unusual ways. Despite resistance and perse-

cution, the Body of Christ is growing exponentially, especially in some of the most difficult and unlikely places. The proliferation of a common language; the acceleration of technology; the extreme affluence of some and the great need of others; ease of travel; the swift availability of news; political upheaval; reli-

gious unrest leading to openness to change – these factors and many more are converging in a way that makes reaching every tribe, tongue and nation in the earth more possible in a shorter time than ever before! I think it is pretty clear what God’s desire is for the world right now. Our Sphere Of Influence However, the second question – defining our personal role and fully responding to God’s desires – is a bit more challenging. And there are a number of reasons why this is so. Believers today are often distracted by our day-to-day lives. Many of us have busy schedules, difficult jobs, demanding obligations, huge mortgages, misplaced

Global Status of Evangelical Christianity Number of People Groups

Global Status of Evangelical Christianity People Group Population Totals



If we are truly Christ’s followers, then His mission becomes our mission, His words our commands to obey, His purpose our only purpose... As Christ’s disciples, we have been called to be salt and light (Matt 5:13-16) within the realm of our sphere of influence.

desires – all of these and more that can seriously impact our effectiveness as Christians. Few of us intend on being so entangled, but life in the 21st century can easily start to run us ragged if we let it. We also can get discouraged, and understandably so. In spite of the “shrinking effect” of globalization, the world is still a very big place with more than six billion people! It is easy to get overwhelmed by the sheer size of the desperate need and the many voices raised in competition for our time, talent and treasure. Then, unfortunately, we can become disabled – frozen into immobility – by both our daily distractions and feelings of discouragement. This is what the devil capitalizes on to keep us out of the great life-and-death struggle playing itself out on the stage of history today! But there is hope… for greater is He Who dwells within us than all the devils and all the busyness of our lives in this world (1John 4:4). Hallelujah! It is imperative that we remember this: The choice is still ours as to how we respond to what God is doing today. We can choose to be like the Pharisees, who, so to speak, “watched the Weather Channel” but did not understand the prophetically significant times in which they – like us – were living (Matt 16:1-4). Another option is to resign ourselves to just being part of the teeming masses who aimlessly allow the culture to dictate their lives and values, get carried about by winds of doctrine, or wander like sheep without a shepherd (Eph 4:14; Matt 9:36; 1Pet 2:25).



Or… we can decide to seek the Lord, and be like the sons of Issachar in David’s time, “who had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do” (1Chr 12:32). As Jesus modeled to us, we can and must choose to “be about My Father’s business” (Luke 2:49). It is clear that the Father’s business is in reaching every tribe, tongue and nation with the message of what His Son has done for them and the open offer of eternal salvation to every man, woman and child who will receive it! (1Tim 2:4; 2Pet 3:9) At a critical turning point in Christ’s ministry on earth (Matt 16:13-20), Jesus asked His disciples a disarmingly simple question. This question, though simple, was and is profound and personally confrontational – even to us today. Jesus first asked His disciples, “Who do men say that I, the Son of Man, am?” Then, after listening to their answers, He asked them the same question He is still asking His followers (and seekers) today: “Who do you say that I am?” Jesus is a master at asking questions that cut past the excuses, pretense, deception and other fleshly devices we use to keep life on our terms, isn’t He? Jesus asked a question, the answer to which will have a profound impact on how His disciples – and we today – would “live and move and have our being” (Acts 17:27,28). For if we truly believe that Jesus is all of who He said He was, and we fully accept everything He taught, then our lives have to be impacted and changed by that belief! When we truly come to

know Him, our lives can never be what they were before our relationship with Him and the touch of His resurrection life! Religion or outward form cannot change us. Trying to be “of this world” will never satisfy our deepest desires and the purpose for which we were created. Peter must have understood this when in answer to Jesus’ question he boldly proclaimed, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God”! If we are truly Christ’s followers, then His mission becomes our mission, His words our commands to obey, His purpose our only purpose. And our calling becomes a calling to finish the work He started 2,000 years ago! You may not feel able to shake yourself loose from the entanglements of this life that have slowly crept in around you. But Jesus came to set us free – again and again – from the wages of sin and the yokes of bondage that we sometimes allow to re-enter our lives (Matt 11:28-30). You may not feel qualified for His work; but that is irrelevant because God does not call the qualified, but rather qualifies those who will respond to His call! (See 2 Corinthians 12:9,10; 1 Thessalonians 5:24.) As Christ’s disciples, we have been called to be salt and light (Matt 5:13-16) within the realm of our sphere of influence. We do not need position, title or celebrity – only a willingness to bring what God has given to us to where we are and to the people we know. This sphere begins in our own home, extends to our neighbors, and then goes out from there, limited in scope only by the size of our God – Who is unlimited! This is a command given to us all (Matt 28:19,20). A Five-Point Strategy For Multiplication Your influence can even change and shape the world in powerful and eternal ways. How is that possible? Here are some simple yet profound things that every believer can do – whether 90 years old or 19,

rich or poor, mature in faith or a babe in Christ: 1. Press into prayer for the nations. Now is the time to ask God for the nations (Ps 2:8). They have been given to Christ, and we are His co-heirs (Rom 8:17; Gal 3:29) who are to ask in faith according to the Word of God. God moves when His people pray! My formative years in ministry were spent in a church that had a weekly one-day corporate fast, which culminated in an evening prayer service. The focal point of much of this was to intercede for the nations. Many other believers have sown in similar fashion in tandem with the heart of the Father, and I believe it is why we are witnessing a miraculous, global harvest of souls in these days. We must continue this Harvest. Great moves of God are born and sustained in prayer closets, not meeting tents. The real work of ministry is prayer; the rest is just gathering up the fruit. Pray without ceasing (1Thess 5:17)! 2. Support and encourage missions in your church. Churches today would benefit greatly from an increased focus on cross-cultural missions and evangelism. In an age when “church as usual” is fostering a staggering drop-out rate, we must re-tune our hearts and re-align our lives to the Father’s “business” in these days.

The real work of ministry is prayer; the rest is just gathering up the fruit. Pray without ceasing (1Thess 5:17).

God created people to be motivated by purpose (even nonChristians understand this principle). But not just any purpose – it must be God’s purpose! Christian leaders must lift their eyes to see that the Kingdom of God is at hand, and let the burning desire that Christ’s “Kingdom come and His will be done” re-ignite their

Global Status of Evangelical Christianity: Definition of Terms

Unreached People Group A people group in which less than 2% of the population are Evangelical Christians. Last Frontier People Group A people group which is unreached and has not had a new evangelical church started within the past two years. Engagement A people group is engaged when a church planting strategy, consistent with Evangelical faith and practice, is under implementation. (In this respect, a people group is not engaged when it has been merely adopted, is the object of focused prayer, or is part of an advocacy strategy.) Evangelical An Evangelical Christian is a person who believes that Jesus Christ is the sole source of salvation through faith in Him, has personal faith and conversion with regeneration by the Holy Spirit, recognizes the inspired word of God as the only basis for faith and Christian living, and is committed to Biblical preaching and evangelism that brings others to faith in Jesus Christ. Therefore, an Evangelical church is a church that is characterized by these same beliefs and principles. Some churches that are not considered Evangelical in faith and practice, may contain members who are Evangelical. 3. Target unreached people passion in a way that leads their flocks to do the same (John 4:34- groups. It is estimated that there are 6,515 unreached people groups in 38). There is a church in our area the world (see earlier charts). With that gives 50% of their income to the tremendous amount of resource missions. Though this church is (money, talent, technology, training) growing at an astounding rate, the that the Church in the West has pastor has actively chosen to NOT available, missiologists believe that build a building, in order that God’s all of the unreached people groups money instead be used to build could easily receive an effective God’s Kingdom – salvation to the Gospel witness within the next 10 to 15 years! The Bible makes clear that peoples of the earth! This kind of heart after God’s this should be our primary focus, own heart (“for God so loved the and that the end will come when world”) is attracting people in every group has heard the Gospel droves – especially those who are (Matt 24:14). Of course, to do this within the tired of serving programs or, worse yet, themselves. The pastor pulls no next decade would require some punches in his constant exhortation organization and strategy. But what that they be people who live accord- if individual churches (or even ing to God’s highest calling and in entire denominations) chose just obedience to His Word. The many one unreached people group, and people coming to this church made it their mission and primary hunger for true purpose, and to live focus to do whatever it takes to raise a life that is holy, focused outward up a Gospel witness in that area within the next 5-10 years? and able to impact eternity. They could partner with active We were designed to live with high purpose, as sons and daughters ministries to translate Scripture, of the King of kings, who are to send teams, raise up indigenous dedicate our lives to serve His mis- church leadership, plant a church, sion and Great Commission – to and more. The tools and help are all bring the Gospel to the ends of the available to fulfill this right now – requiring only people who are willearth. WORLD MAP DIGEST


ing to apply themselves to the task. I believe there will come a day when we will account for what we did with what we were given (Luke 12:48; 1Cor 3:11-15). It is never too late to lift our eyes and get busy with God’s “business”! 4. Redouble our efforts to train church leaders. I have written before on this subject. God is faithful, and will always seek to raise up shepherds to care for His growing flock. In developing nations where God is working, the need for reliable, faithful pastors is desperate. Those who are able and ready to rise to this call are equally desperate for Bible-based training to help them fulfill God’s purpose. World MAP is all about helping to provide training resources and encouragement to church leaders and potential church leaders in some of the most desperate places in the world today. I encourage you to support World MAP and other established training ministries that also have a proven strategy and a fruitful track record in leadership training. The challenge today is not as much in reaping the Harvest, as in conserving it. With no trained leadership to help them, many converts to Christianity soon revert back to former religions or rituals. Disciples of Christ are then not made and new churches are not planted; the Harvest is lost and the Gospel is not spread to others. Your support of World MAP and other effective leadership training ministries will make a vast difference! 5. Encourage efforts to birth a “spiritual daughter”. Every church should include, in its vision and mission strategy, a plan to give birth to a “daughter church” – a church-planting effort in a city or area of a developing nation where a work is needed. The ideal goal would be to plant a church in an area where its focus will be on reaching a nearby unreached people group. This “birthing” involves more than just giving money or filling out forms. A serious outreach strategy involves plans for evangelization, 8


God has chosen to make us His ambassadors, enabling us and providing for us all that we need to carry the message of Christ to all the nations.

raising up indigenous church leadership, sending regular teaching and support teams, working with other churches in the area, partnering with ministries who have resources and technology to help, and more. The goal of such an effort would be twofold. (1) Develop, nurture, assist, then release a new local church until it becomes self-sustaining. (2) Continue to work with them until they, too, become a “reproducing” church, which is able to give birth to yet another church, and so on. Employing such a strategy is not a short-term endeavor, but a lifelong relationship that has great potential for not just addition, but multiplication in the Kingdom! These are just a few suggestions from among the countless possibilities there are today for serving Christ and His Body. There is so much more that can and should be done in this great hour of Church history! Just as with Jesus and His disciples, what starts out as a simple question ultimately becomes very personal and very pointed. Jesus asks, “Who do you say that I am?” There is no place on earth where the message of Who Jesus is

– and the salvation made possible only through Him – is not desperately needed. The world lies before us, and the task is great indeed. But Christ’s love, power, grace and wisdom are unlimited and readily available to each one of us. Today, as you read this article, Jesus is looking at you and at me. “For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him” (2Chr 16:9). It could be speculated that God does not need us in order to reach every person. And yet, He has chosen to make us His ambassadors, enabling us and providing for us all that we need to carry the message of Christ to all the nations. What a great privilege and joy; what a great and loving and mighty God we serve! In these days, let us call upon the Holy Spirit of God to come afresh among us, to bring to us: • Repentance • Renewal • Restoration • Refocusing • Refiring! We so desperately need the Spirit of God to help us do not as we want, but as we ought – to humbly make ourselves available to God’s purposes and to reach the lost for His sake and glory, so that we may give bold witness to the prophetic truth of His Word: “For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea” (Hab 2:14).

WMAP Note: Charts and definitions are from International Mission Board’s Global Research Department.

Editor’s Note: Frank Parrish, director of World MAP, is available to speak at your church or missions conference about what God is doing in the world today, and to present strategies for how you can more effectively partner in God’s Kingdom purposes. Frank’s recent involvement in intensive spiritual renewal seminars in Africa, Asia, South America – and this month again in India – lends itself to a dynamic account of the Holy Spirit’s work today throughout the nations of the earth. If World MAP or our staff can serve you in any way, please do not hesitate to contact us by phone, letter or email (contact information is available on page 3).

Praying for the World

Join the World MAP Prayer Corps as we circle the globe with intercession for the advance of God’s Kingdom.


Population: 26,023,528

96% Nominal Roman Catholic 2% Protestant 2% Other (Jewish, Muslim, Indigenous)

VENEZUELA President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela: Hugo Rafael Chávez Frías Vice President: Jorge Rodriguez Gómez Minister of Science and Technology: Hector Navarro Chief source of revenue: Oil A nation ahead of its time: Formerly part of the Viceroyalty of New Granada, Venezuela (“Little Venice”) was one of the first Latin American colonies to revolt against Spanish rule in the early 1800s. Its history has included both military dictatorships and, during the last half century, elected governments. The current trend is toward tighter centralization of power under a president with a defiant personality, strong socialist leanings and close ties to Fidel Castro. In December 2007 President Chávez decreed a new time zone, a half hour earlier than the old one and out of sync with the time zones of neighboring countries. He and science minister Navarro see it as a sorely needed reform to bring more light into Venezuela and ensure a fairer dissemination of the sunrise. Chávez has also made clear his resistance to the Gospel when he recently forced many Christian service ministries to cease their operations in Venezuela. PRAY FOR: • Safeguarding of the Venezuelan people from the oppressive and deadening influence of socialism. • Forward-looking statesmen who will shun Castroite communism as a failed relic far out of step with genuine progress. • Nominal traditional religion to give way to a living biblical faith. • A nationwide dissemination of the true light of the Gospel.

UNREACHED PEOPLE GROUP The scrub- and thorn-covered Sierra Madre Occidental Mountains of western Mexico. The HUICHOL Home: Population: 15,000 Ethnicity: Mexican Indian o f M EX ICO Religion: Animism

A world apart: Strongly independent, the Huichol live in tiny extended-family communities, each with a shrine (xiriki) dedicated to ancestral spirits. They believe that gods and spirits dwell in rain, the sun and fire. All they envision beyond the grave is a five-year journey through the underworld followed by a return to earth in the form of a rock crystal enshrined in a xariki. PRAY FOR: • Deepening dissatisfaction with this bleak religion. • More missionaries willing to brave rugged terrain to reach the Huichol. • The Gospel to find fertile soil in this forbidding landscape. • The joy of eternal life to be a wellspring of evangelistic fervor in every new Huichol convert. WORLD MAP DIGEST


The Evangelist And Evangelism – Taking The Gospel Into All The World! By Julie A. Young Edited for ACTS by Frank and Wendy Parrish

Preaching A Clear Gospel Message

Part Seven-A

Editor’s note: After studying Parts One through Six of this teaching, the church leader has a firm grasp of the message and work of the evangelist. Now is the time to put principles into practice. Part Seven-A prepares the reader to preach the full Gospel with full confidence in the Lord's enabling.

It is God, by His Holy Spirit, who draws people to Himself (John 6:44). So we must pray much, asking God to draw those to salvation who do not know Him. But we are much mistaken if we do not heed the full counsel of God’s Word and Christ’s commands: Though God must draw people, we must obey God and go and preach the Gospel and tell people the Good News! “How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach unless they are sent? As it is written: ‘How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace, who bring glad tidings of good things!’” (Rom 10:14,15). Yes, the Holy Spirit must draw people to salvation. But as this passage so boldly states, people must hear about Jesus before they can believe in Him! Jesus commanded His disciples: “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Matt 28:19); “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15). If this was not a vital part of people receiving salvation, it would be a useless exercise. We must go; we must proclaim! People are perishing daily who have never heard the Gospel. It is God’s desire that NONE should perish, but that ALL should come to repentance (2Pet 3:9). Christians must obey Christ, following His example – calling people to repent and believe, preaching the Gospel to every creature as Christ commanded us to do! As we preach this Gospel message, it needs to be clear and simple. It must make sense to the hearers. The Gospel message must be understood, so that people are sure about the decision they are making. 10


A good evangelistic message is unique in that it will be about who Jesus is – and not about how to pray, helping others, or how to be good (those are teaching messages). When an evangelist preaches, he/she tells others about Jesus Christ and calls people to come to Christ in repentance. Many preachers do not know how to preach an evangelism message. Evangelism messages should be about Jesus and why people need to receive Jesus.

Choose A Relevant Bible Text Choose a Bible text to preach from that helps illustrate the Gospel message and that will make sense to those who hear. Here are a few examples of good Bible passages to preach from that will help people understand Jesus Christ and the salvation He offers to them: • The lost sheep (Luke 15:4-7) • The lost coin (Luke 15:8-10) • The man whom Jesus delivered from demons (Mark 5:1-15) • The woman who reached out to Jesus for her need (Luke 8:41-48) • The invitation that was refused (Matt 22:1-10) • Is your name in the Lamb’s Book of Life? (Rev 20:12-15) • Jesus will be your Shepherd (John 10:2-4, 2629) • Two roads in life (Matt 7:13,14) • Calling out to Jesus in times of trouble (Rom 10:13) There are many different passages of Scripture that can form a basis for presenting a clear Gospel message. Ask the Lord to give you insight into the Bible and into people’s lives so that you can preach in a way that they can understand. Lovingly Present The Gospel Some evangelists begin their message with: “You must be saved! You will go to hell!” They repeat

these types of words again and again. This kind of preaching beats down the people and imparts condemnation. After a while they will stop listening and go away. Your words must draw people. The Bible teaches that it is the goodness of God that leads to repentance (Rom 2:4). Can you tell people why they must be saved? Can you tell them of God’s great love, and Christ’s great sacrifice for them? Can you tell them the joy of knowing Jesus? Tell them what they will lose if they reject Jesus. Tell them what they will gain if they receive Jesus Christ! The chart below provides some examples to help you understand good evangelistic preaching. Know The People To Whom You Preach With whom will you be sharing the Gospel? Are

they businessmen? Women? Workers? Students? Officials? Muslims? Hindus? Buddhists? Get to know the customs, opinions and beliefs of the people. Try to understand them, and why they are as they are. You can do this in two ways. First, learn what you can about these people. How do they live? What are their fears? What are their beliefs? What do they worry about? What do they hope for? Second, pray and ask the Lord to reveal to you their needs. Wait on Him and He will direct you by words, with an impression, or through a picture in your mind. The Holy Spirit knows their lives already and will help you know how to speak to them. He will help

Some Preach… Better Preaching: “You are all sinners and will die!” “You must be saved!” “You should become a Christian!” “Don’t be a sinner, come to church.”

“You will go to hell!” “You should be good!” “God will be pleased if you give money.” “You should change your life!” “I know a lot about God!” “Listen to the powerful man of God!”

Continued on page 15

“We have all sinned. Though God loves you, His judgment upon sin is death. Christ took that judgment upon Himself. If you accept Christ and His sacrifice for you, He will forgive you and give you life.” “Sin separates you from God and His love. That is why you need Jesus – He died to pay for your sins.”

“You can know God through accepting Jesus and becoming a Christ-follower.” “Are you tired of sin and separation from God? Only Jesus can forgive your sins and cleanse you of all unrighteousness, and heal you of sin’s damage.” “Those who accept Christ will be restored to God and spend eternity with Him. Those who reject Christ will spend eternity separated from God, in hell. God wants you with Him, but you must make a choice.”

“We have all sinned against God. But Jesus died on the Cross to forgive those sins. We cannot be truly good without Christ’s help.”

“Jesus calls us to seek Him first and His ways, and He will provide what we need in this life. As we pray, He removes our fears and gives us His peace.” “Many of us want to change, but we are powerless to change ourselves. Jesus gives us the power to change, conquer sin, resist evil and love others instead of hating them.” “Mental knowledge about God or Jesus alone will not save you. You must receive Christ’s forgiveness and accept Him as your Lord and Savior.”

“I am no better than you. I am also a sinner. But I have accepted Jesus Christ. He has forgiven me and has given me His life and Spirit, and I can now know God. I am here to offer you the same opportunity.” WORLD MAP DIGEST

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“We must take painstaking care with each letter, each request – double- and triple-checking postal information – to ensure that these high-impact equipping resources go to every church leader requesting them… from ‘a place called Bribri’ to every place called ‘uttermost’.”

¡IMPACTÓ! by Keith G. Balser

The Spanish says it forcefully: “Realmente me impactó.” HECHOS [ACTS in Spanish] is “really impacting” more than just the reader who sent us this concise testimony resonating with stirring possibilities: “Some days ago they gave me a magazine called ‘The Evangelist and Taking the Gospel to All the World’. It really impacted me since I am with a radio program Sundays from 7:30 to 8:30 in Limón, Costa Rica, and this magazine will make a lot of profit for the work that God has commended to us. I am also working in a place called Bribri as a pastor.” Quietly understated, that last statement carries the real force. For the “real impact” of ACTS Magazine and The Shepherd’s Staff in the world is not only wide – well over 100 countries and 16 languages – but potentially very deep: helping native evangelists make strong inroads among remote indigenous people groups. The Bribri of Costa Rica’s southern mountains and coastal lowlands constitute one such “nation



within a nation”. Numbering several thousand, they have managed to keep their tribal culture largely immune not only from Western cultural influences, but also from mainstream Costa Rican culture. Dwelling in isolated subsistence communities in largely undeveloped and often densely forested tropical terrain, they have managed to keep their centuries-old mythology flourishing in the midst of a nominally Christian country. The Bribri worship a creator-god they call Sibu, who they believe created mankind by sowing maize seeds. They venerate the cacao tree – allegedly formed from Sibu’s sister – and prize the bitter hot chocolate produced from it. How starved they are for the “sweeter than honey” Word of God (Ps 119:103). Poised And Ready On a recent trip to Costa Rica, World MAP publications coordinator Gayla Dease saw firsthand the bitter poverty there and the desperate need of pastors – like the one quoted above – for solid training that will strongly impact their own localized yet often pivotal mission fields.

“For nearly 20 years I have read grateful letters from readers in Central and South America,” Gayla writes. “But it was not until I saw the small yet vibrant churches with their simple crosses that I realized how much they love the Lord, ache for the lost and earnestly desire ACTS Magazine and The Shepherd’s Staff to help them teach others about Jesus and the Gospel. Seeing the need – and profound poverty – with my own eyes sent a powerful message to me: We must take painstaking care with each letter, each request – double- and triple-checking postal information – to ensure that

these high-impact equipping resources go to every church leader requesting them… from ‘a place called Bribri’ to every place called ‘uttermost’.” For with Jesus’ words from Acts 1:8 ringing in their hearts – “unto the uttermost” – these farflung pastors and evangelists, as World MAP’s Vision and Mission statement reads, stand “poised and ready to reach the nations with the Gospel”. And every hidden people group… that the “real impact” may be felt from Costa Rica to the coastlands of the Arabian Sea. WMAP


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“Once again my heartfelt joy overwhelmed me because of what the Lord amazed me with through your ministry to share with me ACTS Magazine and The Shepherd’s Staff. It is a great array and tools to meet my need as a worker to serve God and His people.” – Julio Banico, Macao

“Thanks for the issue of ACTS Magazine with the article ‘Effective Church Leader’. I know the story of Joseph, but in the very same article this story sounds new to me – especially when focusing on the fact that Joseph took so long swimming in the river of trials and tribulations. The article teaches many more facts that such circumstances equip believers to know God very well. The article is wonderful and gives hope to believers who are in times of difficulty.” – B. K. Chgwayo, South Africa

“I do not want to lose contact with you and your wonderful magazine. I would like to renew my subscription indefinitely. Many other church leaders have asked me about HECHOS [ACTS Spanish] magazine.” – Orlando Cuero, Colombia

“I have valued The Shepherd’s Staff and ACTS Magazine so much that at present I am still copying the ‘Survey of the Bible’ from one of its issues [ACTS, Jan/Feb/Mar 2000]. I will place this in my Bible at the beginning of each book so that it would be easy for me and other readers to understand the book to be read. Likewise, the Shepherd’s 14


Staff outlines and lessons are of great help to me, especially when we explain the meaning and importance of God’s Word in our lives to new believers.” – Ernesto C. Nolasco, Philippines

“I really do love the [Shepherd’s Staff] book. Very, very clear. Straight to the point.” – Pastor Kwame Daniel Attah, Botswana

“I am studying the HECHOS issue on ‘The Effective Leader’ and it has been helping me a lot. I have learned how to become a better servant and to teach and train new leaders.” –Alberto Barreno Centeno, Peru “ACTS is a very powerful tool I had discovered in my ministry as a pastor to a congregation of 300 members, plus the surrounding

congregations. Through studying it, it encouraged me much with my pastoring ministry, especially in evangelizing.” – Pastor Gaemas Kolea, Papua New Guinea “Here in Chiringa we have a ministry known as ‘Chiringa for Jesus Ministries’ where Christians from different denominations meet. From 2005 we had a friend who had a Shepherd’s Staff. This book is very, very useful in everyday Christian life. We learned more from him and from reading The Shepherd’s Staff when we were borrowing it from him.” – Raymond Mlenga, Malawi

“We have been successfully using The Shepherd’s Staff for two years, both for personal edification and for teaching students of the ministry. In particular, it is used as a guide along with the Word to run our ‘New Believers Class’. May I say that it has received glowing reviews from both me and my pastor as a teaching tool.” – Anthony Ali, Trinidad “The Shepherd’s Staff is one of the most resourceful books I ever read in my life. I refer to it as ‘theology in my room’. With my Bible alongside, I am in a seminary. Even my pastor refers to it. God shall continually renew your strength to help us reach out to the millions of unsaved.” – Dr. Hyelni Yoksa Sambo, Nigeria WMAP

Continued from page 11

you. Preaching to basic human needs is a powerful form of evangelistic preaching.

Value The People To Whom You Preach You will likely preach to men, women and children (even very young children can understand the Gospel and receive Jesus). You must speak with respect and with truth (1Pet 3:15). Evangelists are not called to condemn people (John 3:17). We must be humble and remember that every person (including us) has sinned and needs Jesus – no one is better than anyone else. Help people to recognize God’s love for them; call them into the hope found in Jesus Christ. If you show people compassion and respect, they are more likely to listen to your message.

Speak With Confidence On your own you have nothing life-changing to say. But you should remember that Jesus sends you. You are a messenger who speaks the message of Someone far greater than yourself. You are the servant doing the will of the Master. He promises to help you. The more you preach, the more you will grow in confidence. Every evangelist makes mistakes, but you can learn from mistakes to become a better preacher. When you do not do well, pray and ask Jesus to teach you how to do better. Over time and with practice you will become better at preaching the Gospel.

Be Filled With The Spirit Jesus was our example of the Spirit-filled, Spiritempowered life (Acts 10:38). Jesus preached with authority, casting out demons, healing the sick and setting captives free (Matt 4:23; Luke 4:14-19). Jesus was the perfect, sinless Son of God. Yet there was a specific time before His ministry began when the Holy Spirit came upon Him and filled Him (Luke 4:1; John 1:32,33). Jesus made it clear that His disciples – who already believed in Him – also needed the Holy Spirit to come upon them to be more effective witnesses (Luke 24:45-49; Acts 1:5,8). The baptism in the Holy Spirit is given by Jesus (Matt 3:11). This Holy Spirit baptism had a tremendous effect on the preaching of Peter and the other disciples (Acts 2:14-47; 3:11-26; 4:23-31), and will also help you preach the Gospel more effectively. When a person receives Christ, they are born again by the work of the Holy Spirit (John 3:5,6). The Holy Spirit comes to dwell within them (Rom 8:9-11). However, Christ knows that we need His power to accomplish His will on earth. Thus, He promises us the overflowing infilling of the Holy Spirit (John 7:38,39) that we would be anointed for ministry (Luke 24:49; Acts 1:8). This was experienced by the believers who had already believed in Christ as their Savior (Acts 2:1-4).

This also happened later to others, who had received Christ and been water baptized, but who had not yet had the Holy Spirit fall upon them. “Now when the apostles who were at Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the word of God, they sent Peter and John to them, who, when they had come down, prayed for them that they might receive the Holy Spirit. For as yet He had fallen upon none of them. They had only been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. Then they laid hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit” (Acts 8:14-17). Has the Holy Spirit fallen upon you in power? Do you wish to have more boldness when you preach and speak of Jesus? If Jesus Christ is your Lord and Savior, then this gift of the Holy Spirit is for you (Acts 2:37-41). Power to be a more effective witness for Jesus comes when you receive the baptism in the Spirit.

Receiving The Holy Spirit How do you receive the Holy Spirit? First, make sure your life is clean before God. Confess any known sins and repent to God. Ask Him to search you, then prayerfully confess all that He shows you. Then ask Jesus to fall upon you with the Holy Spirit and power. Begin to praise Jesus Christ. The Bible teaches that you may begin to speak with another language you have never learned, like the disciples did in Acts 2:1-4 and 10:44-46. Do not be discouraged if you do not begin to speak at once. Take time to worship the Lord Jesus and ask Him for His Holy Spirit. If you know someone who has experienced the Holy Spirit falling upon them, ask that person to lay hands on you and pray for you (Acts 8:14-17). God answers prayer! It is Jesus who told us that we need this impartation – so ask and receive, as He has commanded! Keep “Being Filled” We need to continually be refreshed and refilled with the Holy Spirit. The Bible instructs believers to “be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord, giving thanks always…” (Eph 5:18-20). These instructions are obviously not a one-time event, but a lifestyle practice. They are to be an ongoing occurrence. The original Greek for “be filled” is actually translated “be being filled” – a continual and renewed filling with God’s Holy Spirit. We need the Holy Spirit to live within us as Christians – to comfort, guide and teach us. We also need the Holy Spirit to come upon us, and empower us for ministry. And we need the Holy Spirit to continually fill us – to refresh us and help us keep our hearts and mouths filled with edifying praise, melody and thanksgiving! In the next issue: Proven methods of preaching WMAP and discipling. WORLD MAP DIGEST

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Cr o wning the Y e ar

“You have crowned the year with Your bounty” (Ps 65:11). The crowning glory of God’s bounty is the Gospel. World MAP training resources help church leaders explore and expound that bountiful treasure. ACTS Magazine and The Shepherd’s Staff equip them to think biblically, preach evangelistically and do the work of ministry diligently and joyfully for the glory of God. Just $5 for ACTS or The Shepherd’s Staff or $15 for attendance at a Spiritual Renewal Seminar – a modest investment for such bountiful fruit!

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