A word from Frank and Wendy Parrish
aiti H in s in ru e th om fr g in Ris
Global reach of The Shepherd's Staff
World MAP: Structured For Fruitfulness
Frank and Wendy Parrish, World MAP Directors
by Dr. Frank R. Parrish Appointed For Fruitfulness Just recently, a very encouraging note from long-time friends and supporters of the ministry of World MAP came across my desk. It meant a great deal to Wendy and me, and I received their permission to share it with you: “Dear Frank and Wendy, Just a note to greet you two warmly and tell you how we appreciate participating in World MAP’s ministry from the giving end. Although we’re on retirement income, I pray we’ll always be able to support financially World MAP. We feel it is bearing much fruit (the harvest that is ripe) and the financial gifts are used wisely. Hope this finds you and yours well and joyful in the work of the Lord. Your co-laborers in Christ…” As I read this letter, I was so moved in my heart. I was immensely humbled by the trust they expressed, and so grateful for hearts that resonated with the assignment God has given to World MAP. My heart-response soon swelled to include thoughts of you – the faithful saints who partner in practical ways with World MAP through diligent prayer and generous giving. While it is a tremendous blessing for us to join with you, your partnership provides an even more important source of blessing for tens of thousands of others around the world. As I thought about the confidence and trust you place in the ministry of World MAP, I realized that it has been quite a while since I reviewed with you some of the foundational principles of World MAP’s stewardship and mission. 2
• WORLD MAP DIGEST / Fall 2010
Uniquely Positioned God has given World MAP the vision and mission to provide sound, biblical training and equipping for church leaders in developing nations – particularly those who have the least training available to them due to challenges of poverty, persecution or proximity. World MAP’s primary teaching tools include the printed pages of The Shepherd’s Staff and ACTS Equipping Magazine, and conferences for pastors that include both teaching and spiritual refreshing. These resources have uniquely positioned World MAP for this season of life in the global Church. Unquestionably, the Church of Jesus Christ is growing exponentially in most of the developing world. Often, the places of greatest persecution and resistance to the Gospel are where God is reaping the greatest Harvest. We write to you often about these amazing triumphs of God’s advancing Kingdom in World MAP’s DIGEST, Prayer Corps bulletins and monthly receipt letters. World MAP’s ministry calling is to assist and equip these newlyraised-up church leaders, that they might effectively shepherd and disciple the rapidly growing numbers of new believers. Primary Tools World MAP’s primary teaching tool, The Shepherd’s Staff, is a 1,000-page Bible-sized church leader’s training resource. It includes a New Believer’s Training Manual, Topical Concordance, Bible helps and articles, and foundational teachings for fruitful ministry preparation.
We are thrilled to report that World MAP has distributed more than 930,000 of these handheld Bible schools (Shepherd’s Staffs) in 17 languages and in more than 140 nations! Churches in these nations range from 15 to 25,000 people. But if we simply use an average of 200 people who are taught by each pastor, the number of people getting solid Bible training because of World MAP’s Shepherd’s Staff is almost staggering – likely more than 200 million! All glory to Jesus! World MAP also distributes ACTS Magazine (a 40-page single-topic Bible study) to more than 120,000 pastors in Asia, Africa and Latin American countries. Topics have included: The Anointing of the Holy Spirit; Christianity and Comparative Religions; and Spiritual Adoption and Heavenly Citizenship. The ministry of World MAP also provides hands-on training and encouragement to church leaders through our Spiritual Renewal and Equipping Seminars. These vital times of worship, teaching and refreshing are always filled to capacity. World MAP has standing invitations in more countries than we could possibly get to. May the Lord of the Church continue to give strategy and provision to walk through the open doors He
World MAP Vol. 50 • No. 4 / Fall 2010
Table of Contents World MAP: Structured For Fruitfulness........................... 2 Rebuilding The Church In Haiti.................. 4 A Good Word.................................................... 7 Reaching The Refugees In The Sudan .........8 UNREACHED PEOPLE GROUP: Han Chinese of North Korea......................... 9 PRAYING FOR THE NATIONS Paraguay...............................................................9 ACTS EXCERPT: The Spiritual Life ............................................ 10 POWER TOOLS Church Leaders Grow Strong ......................12 WORLD MAP BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Jon Cook, Skip Mahoney, Hank Morris, Frank Parrish, Vic Torres. WMAP CANADA BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Helmuth Lange, Dave McTaggart, Frank Parrish, Wendy Parrish, Horst Senkbeil. DIGEST STAFF: Frank and Wendy Parrish .........................Directors / Editors Gayla Dease ...Publications Coordinator / Layout Keith Balser .......................................Copy Editor VISION AND MISSION OF WORLD MAP World MAP (Missionary Assistance Plan) is a trans-denominational, nonprofit ministry dedicated to fulfilling the Great Commission – making disciples of all nations – by: • Equipping indigenous church leaders in ThirdWorld nations through biblically-based, Spiritfilled teaching resources and practical ministry training so that they can be more effective, and in turn raise up and equip still more leaders (2Tim 2:2). • Sharing the triumphs and trials of these front-line ministers with believers in Western nations, to inspire the Body of Christ to fervently pray and sacrificially give, so that “this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world” (Matt 24:14). The Third-World church stands poised and ready to reach the nations with the Gospel, if they could just be equipped to do so. Thank you for partnering with World MAP to supply this urgent need! PRIVACY POLICY Your privacy is our priority. We do not sell, lease, rent or share personal information obtained from anyone via postal or online services. World MAP Digest (USPS 692-240) is published quarterly by World Missionary Assistance Plan, 1419 N. San Fernando Blvd., Burbank CA 91504. The subscription price is $5.00 per year. Periodicals Postage Paid at Burbank, CA 91505 and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to World MAP Digest, 1419 N. San Fernando Blvd., Burbank, California 91504-4141. HOW TO CONTACT US: Visit us at our website on the Internet at • Email us at • Call us at 1-818-843-7233 • Fax us at 1-818-845-5000
has provided. All of this reveals why God has positioned World MAP to be a fruitful tool in His hands in these days of Harvest. Your generous and often sacrificial support makes you a vital part of this “fruit production”!
overseen by an independent Board of Directors who serve in a voluntary capacity. The Board of Directors monitor, support and act as general overseers of organizational goals and objectives. World MAP’s ministry director ensures that the policies, motions and prerogatives of the Board are respected, initiated, implemented and not violated. The Board establishes policy, governs the affairs of World MAP, reviews and establishes all staff compensation, and approves program budgets annually. There is a preset limit for capital acquisitions that is monitored. Every quarter, the Board receives a detailed financial report prepared by an independent accounting firm. The Board is the primary overseer of the ministry, with the authority to approve or disapprove decisions of the ministry director. A primary role of the Board is to protect and defend the moral and financial integrity of the organization.
Structured For Fruitfulness It is only God Who can bring true fruitfulness (1Cor 3:6,7). Yet, in His infinite wisdom, God enlists the participation of His children in His purposes. Each one of us has an important role to fill (Eph 4:16) in God’s unfolding plan. So whether you pray, send or go, your part is as important as any other! The Lord of the Harvest has both appointed and structured World MAP for fruitfulness. The oversight of our Board of Directors in the Spirit-led and wise stewardship of the resources God has provided has allowed abundant fruit that is having lasting impact in the nations. In addition, World MAP is guided by some unchanging and over-arching principles that help us to maximize our resources. I would Financial Accountability As stated, the ministry of like to present some of these to World MAP belongs to God. you now. Therefore, the Board of Directors Cornerstone Of The Ministry and the ministry director must be faithful stewards of both the opporThere is a foundational truth permeating all that we do and seek tunities God gives for ministry, and the resources He releases through to become at World MAP: This ministry belongs to God – not to His people to carry out that ministry. In order to function with an any person(s). We know, therefore, that our economy of effort, several important policies have been established: primary role here is to serve World MAP’s accounting and God’s sovereign will, to bring glory and honor to His Son, Jesus financial reporting are done by an Christ, and to edify His Church at independent professional Christian accounting firm that specializes in home and abroad. The only serving nonprofit ministries. World Kingdom we are interested in MAP is held to and adheres to the serving or building is the Lord proper and legal procedures set in God Almighty’s! Here, then, are some of the key place for the handling of all policies and guidelines that shape donated monies, and abides by the this ministry and guide our service. laws and regulations for nonprofit ministries. ALL donations to World MAP Organizational Structure that are designated for a specific World MAP is a non-profit ministry purpose are used 100% ministry, legally recognized and for that ministry purpose. We are licensed by the federal particularly blessed that the government and the State of majority of our administrative California to carry out its ministry functions. World MAP is Continued on page 6 Fall 2010 / WORLD MAP DIGEST • 3
“And they shall rebuild the old ruins, they shall raise up the former desolations, and they shall repair the ruined cities, the desolations of many generations” (Isa 61:4).
Rebuilding the C Even on a good day, it is challenging for aid organizations and caring individuals to get food, clothing and medical supplies to people in many developing nations. On a bad day – following a natural disaster or political upheaval – getting those critical items to those who need them is even harder. On any given day – good or bad – getting Christian materials to them can be virtually impossible. But the impossible is NEVER impossible with God, Who can heal the sick, part the waters – and open doors when needed. “Has He said, and will He not do it?” (Num 23:19). Right now as you read this article, a growing number of church leaders in Haiti – where small primitive churches, against all odds, are rising through the rubble of the devastating earthquake earlier this year – are reading “La Houlette du Berger”, the French version of The Shepherd’s Staff. While others are helping displaced families rebuild their homes, health and lives, World MAP is helping church leaders rebuild their ministries, strengthen their messages and revitalize their sorely needed outreach to the lost. 4
• WORLD MAP DIGEST / Fall 2010
e Church in Haiti by Gayla Dease
The door swung wide open when Haitian Pastor Martin Etienne contacted World MAP. Earlier this year, we asked you to pray with us for him and other Haitian pastors as they struggled to find resource to help them spiritually heal and lead their congregations. We sent a Shepherd’s Staff to Pastor Etienne when he visited Miami; when he returned to Haiti and the nation’s mail service slowly resumed, we sent two more copies there and prayed the books would safely reach him in Portau-Prince. They did, and he promptly passed those two books along to the pastors whose pictures are shown here. Now that we are assured mail service is operating in Haiti, we have shipped another 50 copies. World MAP Director Frank Parrish is in touch with Pastor Etienne concerning a possible World MAP seminar in Haiti next year. And in the meantime, Pastor John Morrow – who often partners with World MAP – is distributing 300 French copies of The Shepherd’s Staff at three Haitian pastors’ events in November. Thanks to God’s perfect timing and the generous support He has led you to provide, together we are making a strong impact on the rebuilding of the Church in Haiti! Fall 2010 / WORLD MAP DIGEST • 5
Structured For Fruitfulness continued from page 3
costs are met through non-donated income, which includes rental and interest income. Thus, your donations go completely to providing ministry leadership training! World MAP also gives a tithe of all undesignated income to other like-ministries for particular needs or ministry partnerships. Each Board member receives a quarterly detailed financial report for their review. The Board of Directors meets at least once annually for ministry planning and vision, corporate fiduciary reviews, approval of budgets, and any other related concerns. The ministry of World MAP does not operate on borrowed funds for ministry purposes. When God leads us in ministry outreach, we trust Him to confirm His desire by making provision for that ministry outreach. The Bible teaches, “Be diligent to know the state of your flocks” (Prov 27:23). We take this admonition to include using wise business sense, balanced by the fact that we are not a business – we are a ministry. The “bottom-line” is not profit, but spiritual fruit! In the normal course of carrying out the ministry, World MAP makes purchases from vendors. We pay our bills when due each and every month. We do not use a vendor’s credit to finance our operations. World MAP pays its bills on time, recognizing not only that this is a moral obligation, but also that the witness of Christ is seen (or not) in everything we do as a Christian ministry. Guidelines For Ethical Fundraising Recognizing that the ministry of World MAP belongs to God, we are careful and diligent stewards of the resources He releases to us. This also means that if He chooses to close the doors of supply to this ministry, we will humbly yield to His sovereign will. Apart from that occurring, however, we are completely committed to fulfilling the vision and mission God has given us. It is 6
• WORLD MAP DIGEST / Fall 2010
both spiritual and scriptural to let your requests be made known to God and to cast the vision before His people, so that God’s people can respond as He directs them (see Acts 11:27-30; Romans 15:26,27; 1 Corinthians 16:1-4; 2 Corinthians 8:1-12, 9:5-15; etc.). Therefore, we communicate with you on a regular basis to inform you, inspire you, and give opportunity for practical expressions of faith through giving. I cannot tell you how grateful we at World MAP are for each of you – and how humbled we are by your faithful prayers and sacrificial gifts. You are a treasure and an inspiration to us, and a tremendous blessing to the cause of Christ in the world today! In order to be faithful to the trust you have placed in us, we have set strict guidelines to avoid common fundraising abuses. Because we respect you, we will not resort to manipulative, dishonorable techniques or “cheap tricks” to elicit a response. We will do our best to accurately communicate the need and the urgency, trusting the Holy Spirit to stir the hearts of those He would lead to support this ministry. We will give our utmost effort to maximize the benefit of every dollar given. We recognize that as stewards of the gifts you entrust to us, we are honor-bound to direct that money carefully and prayerfully. This includes obtaining multiple bids for service, traveling as economically as possible, printing our publications overseas, outsourcing when feasible, and much more. We try to raise only the funds we need to fulfill the current ministry requirements. We are blessed that at the turn of the millennium the Lord clearly directed us to “prune” the ministry. Over the ensuing years, He led us in creative ways to consolidate and outsource, enabling us to go from a staff of 32 people down to the current 5 people (which includes Wendy and me). We believe the Lord has helped us to balance faith for expanding need and vision
with wisdom to fulfill the call within the bounds of what He is providing. Also, in faith, we believe the Lord has well positioned the ministry for healthy growth and expansion in the future as He leads and provides. We receipt all donations and respond with a letter of acknowledgment within 2-3 days of receiving a gift. We want you to know when your gift has arrived, and to be assured that we are sincerely grateful for your partnership. We do our utmost to guard the confidential information in our mailing list. Therefore we will never sell, loan, rent or distribute the mailing list of our friends and supporters of World MAP. Each and every donation that we receive that is designated for a particular area of ministry is used 100% for that designation. We will never knowingly receive support or other resources that should be directed to another church, para-church ministry or missionary endeavor. Instead, we will seek to foster the unity of the brethren and, where possible, participate in advantageous, mutually aligned partnerships for the sake of the advancement of the Gospel. We trust that this brief overview of the stewardship guidelines for World MAP’s ministry will be an encouragement to you. We do not take lightly the favor God has given, or the trust you have in us. The World MAP Board of Directors, our staff, and Wendy and I all deeply appreciate you and your partnership in ministry. We, with you, are committed to doing our utmost to serve the Lord Jesus and His purposes in this great hour of Church history. Thank you for serving this great cause with us, to the praise and glory of God! Blessed to be serving with you, Frank and Wendy Parrish World MAP President & Directors P.S. Feel free to pass this article along to someone else who might be interested in knowing more about the ministry of World MAP. God bless you!
by Keith G. Balser
o h ip
a m ris
“Anxiety in a man’s heart weighs it down, but a good word makes it glad” (Prov 12:25 nas). sanje, the southernmost district of Malawi in central Africa, has much that can weigh down the heart with anxiety. It is one of the country’s poorest regions and the temperature can top 120 degrees. But it gets worse. Imagine being a church leader where local religious lore preserves the following myth: Centuries ago a rainmaking priest had his head cut off, from which flows a fountain of blood, and he became enshrined as a god called Mbona; he periodically manifests as a python to give prophetic revelation through a spirit-medium. The heart of a Christian called to preach the Gospel could easily be weighed down with grief over the multitudes in bondage to such spiritual darkness and demonic practices.
To Know What Is True And Right A church leader in that area recently wrote to us giving eloquent and somewhat unusual testimony to how ACTS Magazine is equipping him in that rugged harvest field: “Frankly speaking, ACTS Magazine is a big tool to change many souls all over the world. Its usage of Greek words therein helps me to know a lot and research the original Greek words.” (emphasis added) It is not often that readers cite references in World MAP teachings to the original biblical languages. So this reader’s comment is a testimony to both his and the ACTS authors’ zeal to be workers who “do not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” (2Tim 2:15). The ACTS Magazine issue “The Anointing of the Holy Spirit” offered our Malawian friend accurate trans-
lation and sound application of several key New Testament Greek words. On page 9 of that issue, World MAP Director Frank Parrish delineated the three words translated “anoint” in the New Testament: “Aleipho (used eight times): actual, physical rubbing on of oil or ointment (see Mark 6:13; Luke 7:38,46; James 5:14). In James 5:14, the anointing did not have a medical purpose. Rather, this anointing was symbolic of both the presence of the Holy Spirit and the sick person’s consecration to ask in faith for God’s healing…. “Chrio (used five times): indicates a special appointment or commission by God that sets the person(s) apart to fulfill a given assignment (see Luke 4:18; Acts 10:38; 2 Corinthians 1:21; Hebrews 1:9). “Chrisma (used three times): an empowerment by the Holy Spirit to know what is true and right; the power of the Holy Spirit working in tandem with the Word of God in the heart of a believer. “Both 1 John 2:20 and 2:27 refer to the ministry of the Holy Spirit revealing truth to the heart of the Christ-follower (see also John 14:16,17,26; 1 Corinthians 2:10-16; Ephesians 1:17,18).” Such clear explication equips ACTS readers with a “good word” that will not only make their hearts glad, but also help make their presentation of biblical truth confident and complete. Clearly, then, these are more than just technical word-studies. They are profound reminders to church leaders that the Spirit of God is ever-present with them and within them – strengthening their faith, empowering their ministry, and enlivening their zeal to reach the lost with the Gospel. Fall 2010 / WORLD MAP DIGEST • 7
Thank you, World MAP supporters, for these copies of The Shepherd’s Staff!
Amongst the Sudanese, leaders say they are seeing female evangelists coming forward to work in small teams; the women in top right photo are from Upper Eastern Equatoria and Jonglei State. This is fairly uncommon for the history of the Sudanese National Church movement, but incredibly necessary after such an extended war time. Thousands upon thousands of Christians have been killed, and the majority of them have been young men.
Reaching the Refugees in the Sudan The shortest route from India to any other continent is never short. Nor is it simple. In some cases it is not even safe. This can be especially true when trying to ship something to, or through, certain nations in Africa. World MAP prints most of the ACTS magazines and Shepherd’s Staff books in India, where the production and postage costs are lower than elsewhere, so when the opportunity arose to get books to refugees in the Sudan, we were challenged but not discouraged. Nor did we fail, thanks to ministry partners and others who share World MAP’s mission – and yours – to reach the lost and the all-too-often forgotten. When the call came out, we turned to Pamoja Ministries in Tanzania, where a small inventory of Shepherd’s Staff books was being stored. Praise God, this gave us a jump-start since we bypassed the long sea journey from India to Africa! That head start was threatened, however, when Kenya police confiscated some of the books during transit through that nation. With God’s grace and timing, and some hard work by a key person on the ground, the books were retrieved and 400 copies of The Shepherd’s Staff are now in the hands of the ecstatic Sudanese church workers. “We have been labor rich and tool poor,” says Rev. Robert Mincks of Lifestreams International who distributed the books. “There was so much excitement when they finally understood how complete the material is. They are crying for more. My only regret is that we didn’t start with The Shepherd’s Staff ten years ago!” 8
• WORLD MAP DIGEST / Fall 2010
The HAN CHINESE of NORTH KOREA POPULATION: 167,000 A DEEP NEED: The Han Chinese have a traditional religion of worship/appeasement of ancestor-spirits. But as a tiny, scattered minority they cannot escape the relentless cruelty of North Korea’s ruling Kim dynasty. Kim Il-sung (ruled 19481994) and Kim Jong-il (1994-present) are revered as, in effect, a communist godhead and go unchallenged. Misguided animistic superstitions offer the Han Chinese no shelter against what is arguably the most vicious and oppressive form of totalitarian government the world has ever seen. North Korea has long been considered the worst persecutor of Christians (and others) in the world. Christianity is illegal; “violators” are imprisoned, tortured or executed. Of the more than 200,000 people unjustly imprisoned in North Korea today, 40% are Christians.
Hemmed In By History? Population: 6,995,655 89.6% Roman Catholic 6.2% Protestant 1.1% Other Christian 1.9% Other or unspecified 1.2% None President of the Republic of Paraguay: Fernando Armindo Lugo Mendez Vice President: Federico Franco
Praying for the Nations
PRAY FOR: • An end to the deadly persecution of Christians in North Korea. • A massive awakening among North Koreans to the absurdity of dictator-worship; a God-directed heartchange within the Kim dynasty. • Divine protection for all North Korean Christians; and boldness to share the only true hope of Christ. • Multitudes of Han Chinese conversions to the worship of the only One who can give them “a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory” (2Cor 4:17).
National motto: Paz y Justicia (“Peace and Justice”)
Oppressive legacy: Turmoil and tyranny are recurring features in Paraguay’s history. Upon independence from Spain, the country’s first major leader, Jose Gaspar Rodriguez de Francia, dubbed himself “El Supremo” and derived his political philosophy from the French Revolution. He was a fanatical idealist who ruled with cruelty and oppression. Decades of unrest in the twentieth century led to the 1954 coup that put Gen. Alfredo Stroessner in power. Under his 35-year strong-arm rule, political opponents disappeared and Paraguay became a haven for Nazi war criminals. While a generally healthier political climate prevails in Paraguay today, the gap between rich and poor remains enormous.
PRAY FOR: • A growing climate of integrity and openness in Paraguayan politics. • A vibrant economy that rewards honesty and diligence; aid and freedom to come for the very poor. • Increasing numbers of Paraguayan Christians to rise into positions of leadership and influence in politics and business. • The truly liberating message of the Gospel to be proclaimed throughout this landlocked nation and even beyond its borders. Pray for laborers into this ripe harvest.
JOIN THE WORLD MAP PRAYER CORPS AS WE CIRCLE THE GLOBE WITH INTERCESSION FOR THE ADVANCE OF GOD’S KINGDOM. E-mail us at – and send us your name and address or E-mail address. Fall 2010 / WORLD MAP DIGEST • 9
The Spiritual Life “And a threefold cord is not quickly broken” – Ecclesiastes 4:12 A study of the inter-relationship between the Word of God, the Leading of the Holy Spirit and Faith © 2007, Dr. Victor L. Torres, Jr.
Editor’s Note: The following are a few highlights from the concluding chapters of Dr. Torres’ ACTS Magazine teaching, “The Spiritual Life.” You can read this teaching in its entirety on our website at Highlights from Chapter 6:
Spiritual Communication “As they ministered to the Lord and fasted, the Holy Spirit said, ‘Now separate to Me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.’ Then, having fasted and prayed, and laid hands on them, they sent them away” (Acts 13:2,3). Confidence in God comes out of relationship with God. The relationship between God and man is spiritual in nature. One of the great questions of Christian faith is whether we are “working for God” or “working with God”. A hireling or employee can work for someone or even work for God. They blindly do what they are instructed to do for a wage or reward. In a negative sense, this is nothing more than outward religion or legalism. But we are not called to be hirelings or employees. We are called to be friends of God and even sons of God! “You are My friends if you do whatever I command you. No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I heard from My Father I have made known to you” (John 15:14,15). “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God” (Rom 8:14). Friendship – and especially “sonship” – demands a relationship. Relationship implies twoway communication or dialogue. By dialogue, we mean that we can speak to God and know that He hears us. It also means that God can speak to us and we can know that we have heard from God. Even in the natural sense, can there be a genuine relationship or friendship without communication? Throughout both the Old and New Testaments we see example after example of communication between God and man. Yet we still struggle with 10
• WORLD MAP DIGEST / Fall 2010
the idea that God wants to communicate with us today. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever (Heb 13:8). What was available to believers in the. past, through the Scriptures, is also available to us today. Jesus encourages us in this truth: “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me” (John 10:27). The Scriptures tell us that it is impossible to please God without faith: “But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him” (Heb 11:6). We have to be diligently seeking, knocking and asking (Matt 7:7,8), believing that He will reward our efforts to communicate with Him. What Does It Mean To Be Led By The Holy Spirit? “And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit” (Eph 5:18). The word “filled” in this case means just that: completely filled up or supplied. But the word “filled” is derived from the Greek root word pletho, which
means to be influenced by. This requires our submitted will to cooperate with the Spirit’s influence. In other words, we are to be influenced by the Holy Spirit and not controlled or influenced by other things in the natural or spiritual world. This is what Christians commonly refer to as being Spiritfilled or Spirit-led. When we examine this concept of being influenced or led by the Spirit of God, we see more clearly the need to learn how to hear, recognize and follow the Holy Spirit. Jesus says, “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me” (John 10:27). At this point we should agree and be assured by the Word of God that we have the ability to hear the Lord’s voice. The purpose of hearing His voice is so that we can follow Him. Walking in faithful obedience to both the Bible and the Holy Spirit will lead to an overcoming life – regardless of the circumstances of the past, the present or the future. Scripture states that Jesus is seated at the right hand of Father God, making intercession for us: “Who is he who condemns? It is Christ who died, and furthermore is also risen, who is even at the right hand of God, who also makes intercession for us” (Rom 8:34). Jesus is within each believer, through the Holy Spirit – since the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are One. “And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper [like Me], that He may abide with you forever – the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you, and will be in you” (John 14:16,17). The Holy Spirit reminds us of what Jesus says (John 14:26). The Holy Spirit reveals Jesus the Christ to us (Eph 1:17). The Holy Spirit points us to Jesus with all honor, glory and power: “However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come. He will glorify Me, for He will take of what is Mine and declare it to you” (John 16:13,14). The essential work of the Holy Spirit is to reveal Christ to us and transform us into the image of Christ (2Cor 3:18). This is so that we would know what Jesus would do in every situation or circumstance, and so that we would act and respond as He would! Empowered By Our Inheritance Just having the proper motivation for serving God is not sufficient. We need to be empowered to live and serve according to God’s standard of holiness. God has provided that empowerment through His Holy Spirit, in that He has called us to walk by the Spirit and not by the flesh. “There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are
in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit” (Rom 8:1). Then again in verse 4: “…that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit.” Paul goes on to talk about the carnal mind. Remember that the carnal mind is a spiritually immature mind that is set upon the flesh or the things of the world. “For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. For to be carnally minded
Walking in faithful obedience to both the Bible and the Holy Spirit will lead to an overcoming life – regardless of the circumstances of the past, the present or the future. is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Because the carnal mind is enmity against God; for it is not subject to the law of God, nor indeed can be. So then, those who are in the flesh cannot please God” (Rom 8:5-8). We are then exhorted to remember, “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God” (Rom 8:14). Finally, Christ encourages us, through Paul, to recall that sons are entitled to the inheritance: “The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs – heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together” (Rom 8:16,17). Not only is there the inheritance of Heaven and everlasting life in the future; there is also the inheritance of His Word, His Spirit and faith to help us live as “more than conquerors” in this life. “As His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue, by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust” (2Pet 1:3,4). But Christ’s enablement does not stop at power to live a godly life. He has even more to give us! Continued with Chapter 7 highlights on page 14 Fall 2010 / WORLD MAP DIGEST • 11
Equipped with World MAP Training, Church Leaders Grow Strong in the Faith Praise God! Praise God! I am happy to be with you for 10 years. I thank God for providing me with the World MAP’s powerful discipling tools. God helped me a lot with The Shepherd’s Staff. I was shown a big light through you (ACTS World MAP). I am happy to be with you in prayer, supporting the tools. – Bishop Rex Walimbo Areya, Papua New Guinea
I’m so much moved with all the work undertaken with the World MAP...
I would like to thank you for your ministry and the great work you do. What a wonderful group of translators the Lord has provided you. – Pastor Mercia Gaudencio de Queiroz, Brazil
especially your involvement of providing Ever since I joined you, I have ACTS Magazine and the powerful book of found you to be a blessing. The Shepherd’s Staff. – Evangelist Salmon Chalesi, Tanzania Long live ACTS! – Joshua Wachira Nderitu, Kenya
The church is growing.
We teach from NIV and NKJV Bible. And our I am very happy to receive the Bible study we teach also from ACTS Shepherd’s Staff book. It helps me a lot Magazine. in my personal growth as well as my ministry. – Pastor U. M. Uanguta, Namibia Last Sunday I already used what I have learned from your book. It is a very good piece of material for me. The material I receive from you has rich resources for the members of the church. You have been a channel of blessing for us and to the other people around the world. – Ludy Sipe, 12 • WORLD MAP DIGEST / Fall 2010 Hong Kong
I have been a good reader of ACTS Magazine. The Lord has used you to impact my life spiritually. My ministry has not been the same again. – Festus Alabi, Nigeria
I read your ACTS and Shepherd’s Staff [from] my friend. I am blessed so much because I encounter the message of teaching that in my personal study I learn many more. I’m so very thankful that I met my friend to encourage me to read and to write [to] this World MAP. – Pioneering Pastor Jimboy Naelga, Philippines
I would like to congratulate you... ...on the wonderful work you do throughout the world, bringing people from the darkness into light. – Josee Degbevi, Togo
To the ACTS Magazine and Rev. Frank R. Parrish: I am here to appreciate the relationship I have with you since I got your information. I like to appreciate about the magazine titled ‘The Anointing of the Holy Spirit.’ It is so wonderful to me and I believe God is changing my life through these lessons. To Dr. Victor L Torres, I appreciate your magazine, ‘The Spiritual Life.’ – Pastor Wills Sihaule, South Africa
I would be very pleased to be receiving all your wonderful Gospel literature (ACTS Magazine and The Shepherd’s Staff). I came to know about World MAP from one of our security officers when I went to collect a vehicle from the car park. He had an ACTS Magazine on his table, from which I got your website. Thank God, I have managed to read your site. I have been moved and am convinced that the literature I will be getting from you will enrich me to extend the Kingdom of God. – Peter Kunda, Zambia
I have read many magazines but ACTS is the best mentor. – Transiscius Nyirenda, Malaŵi
Thank you for partnering with World MAP to provide ACTS and The Shepherd’s Staff to these grateful church leaders. Fall 2010 / WORLD MAP DIGEST • 13
Highlights from Chapter 7:
Holy Spirit Guidance “Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God” (1 Cor 2:12). Let us review what we have learned before we take the next step. When we communicate with the physical world, we use our senses and interpret them with our mind. It is a body-and-soul experience. If we read something, we use our sight (body) and perceive the meaning of what is read (mind or soul). When someone speaks to us, we hear with our ears (body) and understand with our mind (soul.) Now in the spiritual realm, a similar operation takes place. The spiritual can operate through the body (the five senses), through the mind (impressions, thoughts, images), or directly through our spirit. The fact that God may use our body or soul to communicate with us from His Spirit makes the communication no less spiritual (1Cor 14:2). Sometimes we try to mystify or “spiritualize” the ability to communicate in the spirit. Spiritual communication was never meant to be unique or special to only certain individuals. Spiritual communication with God was meant to be normal Christianity! An unfortunate mistake that many individuals make is to associate “how one feels” with spirituality. How you feel is a reaction of the body or mind, but not necessarily of the spirit. For example: Jesus desired to have his disciples keep watch while He was in prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane. The disciples kept falling asleep. Jesus says, “Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak” (Matt 26:41). Notice that Jesus says that the spirit is willing but the flesh (mind and body) is weak or tired. You see, your spirit never tires or becomes weary. Your spirit never is distracted, or unwilling to do those things it was designed to do. It was designed to communicate with the spiritual realm. How Does The Holy Spirit Guide Us? As we have established earlier, it is God’s intent that we be led by the Holy Spirit. That means that He is directing our paths. I have heard it said that, “When you walk with God, you get to where He is going.” 14
• WORLD MAP DIGEST / Fall 2010
That rather obvious statement is true, isn’t it? Just as we have an assurance that God has plans, purposes and pursuits for us to walk in, we can also be sure that God speaks to or communicates with us. One reason that God speaks to us is to guide us. Seeking First The Kingdom Of God When I started out in ministry, I would imitate the way other pastors dressed, walked and spoke. I would rehearse the messages I had heard from others and try to preach or teach those messages as if they were my own. I was an echo! It seemed easier to be an echo than to develop my relationship with God and learn to hear from Him. Herein lies the problem. If we develop the habit of seeking the direction of man (books, tapes, TV, radio, friends), then we will not be asking, seeking and knocking for the fullness of the Holy Spirit. Jesus makes a statement relating to the promise of the Father: “So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. “If a son asks for bread from any father among you, will he give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will he give him a serpent instead of a fish? “Or if he asks for an egg, will he offer him a scorpion? “If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him!” (Luke 11:9-13). If you desire more of the Holy Spirit, you will have to look to and rely upon God, not man; you will have to seek the Kingdom of God, not the kingdom of men and this world (Matt 6:33). After His resurrection, Jesus appears to His followers and restates the promise: “And being assembled together with them, He commanded them not to depart from Jerusalem, but to wait for the Promise of the Father, ‘which,’ He said, ‘you have heard from Me’” (Acts 1:4). Finally, Jesus says, “But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth” (Acts 1:8). “Witnesses To Me…” When we apply this scripture, we most often apply it in an evangelistic sense: We will be empowered for “witnessing.” While that is a true statement, it is also very limiting. If I am to truly be a witness to Jesus, that means I will testify of what He says and does. That is not limited to boldness in evangelism. It also implies that the witness is active, personal and now! I am a witness to Jesus because I daily talk
to Him and He talks to me, through His Holy Spirit. If you want to be a voice for God – and be assured that is God’s plan for you – then you must also expect the Holy Spirit to do what He has promised that He will do in His Word! That means you will not resort to your own strength or plans to accomplish God’s will. It is as if you were to say, “God, unless You show me what to do, I will not move. Unless You give me what to say, I will not speak. Unless Your presence goes with me, I will not go on” (see Exodus 33:15). Being a voice for God is what you were called and created for. Seek and you will find; knock and it will be opened; ask and it will be given to you! Highlights from Chapter 8:
Keep Your Eye On The Prize Foundation Of Life And Ministry It is important to visit, often, the foundation of our faith and life. In the busyness and pressures of ministry, it is easy to lose our way and forget Whom we serve and to Whom we belong. When we feel we have lost our way – or lost sight of our first love – we should not just continue to push ahead as many do. No, we must instead back up and return to the right place, starting again from that point in a new direction. That right place is the Cross of Christ, the Cross of Calvary. It is from this point – remembering Jesus Christ, what He has done for us, and what He means to us – that we regain our perspective. At the Cross, we gain a fresh view of God’s purpose and plan for our lives through relationship with Him. At the core of our relationship with God is the fact that we are His sons and daughters. This is far more important than the fact that we are ministers and leaders. It is the truth of our sonship – that He is our Father – which should keep us in the center of His will and purpose. Our purpose is to walk with our Father, as children of our God. It is only after we are secure in our relationship with Him as our Father that we then have the basis for the assignment that He has given us as ministers and leaders. When we understand the heart of the Father to glorify His Son, Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, we will then develop a sound foundation of spiritual confidence. It is this confidence that allows us to understand how and why Jesus Christ must be the foundation of our life and ministry. Because we have trusted in Jesus, that alone qualifies us to be sons of God. Serving, or ministry, is simply what sons do – because they love their Father and have been empowered by the Holy Spirit for that very purpose.
Spiritual Communication Is Vital Our relationship with God is spiritual; therefore, we must begin to see ourselves as spiritual beings. The essential elements of our ministry – the Word of God, the Holy Spirit, and faith that comes from God – are all spiritual in nature and operation. We have clearly seen that the Word of God teaches that we are spiritual in nature. However, we are also body and soul. We tend to be more familiar and comfortable functioning in these two areas. Because of this, we have a natural tendency to trust and lean upon our own strength and understanding. Nevertheless, God is Spirit and those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and truth (John 4:24). The Bible reveals that we are severely limited if we rely only upon our physical strength and our soul (mind, emotions and will) to perform God’s will or hear from Him. He has made us spiritual beings, so that we might live with Him in Heaven one day; but also that we would have spiritual fellowship with Him now. Remember, spiritual fellowship simply means that we have a two-way communication between God, who is spirit, and man. This is accomplished as His Holy Spirit communicates with our spirit and as our spirit communicates with the Holy Spirit. This spiritual communication is vital in receiving the work of the Holy Spirit in discipleship, holiness and the enablement for ministry. We must cultivate the ability to hear and follow the Holy Spirit as He leads, guides and directs us – both in ministry and in everyday life. How amazing it is that God desires fellowship with us. Assuredly, He is there in the crises of ministry and life; but His great joy is that we walk with Him daily through this life. As we develop our awareness of God within us, we will be able to commune with Him during the everyday occurrences of life. This brings into focus a clearer understanding of the scripture, “pray without ceasing” (1Thess 5:17), which implies a continuous communication with our Father in Heaven. The spiritual life is truly an exciting life – filled with the joy and inner peace that can come only when communing daily with God. He has not sent you on a mission by yourself. His promise is that he will never leave you nor forsake you. He has given you everything you need to accomplish His will and purpose for you. Therefore, take full advantage of all that God has provided for you through His Word and by His Spirit. This is the great privilege – and the great requirement – of a truly spiritual life! Editor’s Note: In the January 2011 World MAP DIGEST, we will begin publishing excerpts from the ACTS Magazine teaching “The Anointing of the Holy Spirit” by Dr. Frank R. Parrish. Fall 2010 / WORLD MAP DIGEST • 15
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Lifting their spirits
“Awesome experience” is how one African pastor described reading ACTS Magazine.
Another hailed The Shepherd’s Staff as, next to his Bible, the “greatest and the best book in the world.” A pastor attending a World MAP Seminar in India said the teaching he received there “awakened me. My spirit rose. I feel free.” All glory to Jesus! This is glowing testimony to the Holy Spirit’s work through clear training in the light of the Word of God. Please help us keep supplying such training. Just $5 supplies a free ACTS Magazine subscription; $8 supplies a free copy of The Shepherd’s Staff; $20 supplies the refreshing ministry of a World MAP Spiritual Renewal and Equipping Seminar.