Leaders Quickened and Empowered at World MAP Pastors’ Seminars By Frank R. Parrish
World MAP held two powerful Spiritual Renewal and Equipping Seminars for pastors in India earlier this year, both in cities where we have not previously been. The first of those cities was Pune in northwest India. As I was traveling to Pune, I received word that a bomb had exploded in a café not far from our conference site, killing and wounding many people. Because both Muslim and Hindu extremists target Christians, there 2 • WORLD MAP DIGEST / Spring 2010
World MAP Vol. 50 • No. 2 / Spring 2010
Table of Contents WORLD MAP IN INDIA New Beginnings For Breakthrough............. 2 REDEEMING THE DAYS World MAP Training Proves Ever Timely In Imparting Timeless Truth .......... 8 PRAYING FOR THE NATIONS: Chile: Life On The Fringe............................... 9 UNREACHED PEOPLE GROUP: The Hindus Of Mauritius .............................. 9 ACTS EXCERPT: The Spiritual Life ............................................ 10 AS IRON SHARPENS IRON World MAP Materials Build And Strengthen Ministries.....................................12 WORLD MAP BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Jon Cook, Skip Mahoney, Hank Morris, Frank Parrish, Vic Torres. WMAP CANADA BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Helmuth Lange, Dave McTaggart, Frank Parrish, Wendy Parrish, Horst Senkbeil. DIGEST STAFF: Frank and Wendy Parrish .........................Directors / Editors Gayla Dease ...Publications Coordinator / Layout Keith Balser .......................................Copy Editor VISION AND MISSION OF WORLD MAP World MAP (Missionary Assistance Plan) is a trans-denominational, nonprofit ministry dedicated to fulfilling the Great Commission – making disciples of all nations – by: • Equipping indigenous church leaders in ThirdWorld nations through biblically-based, Spiritfilled teaching resources and practical ministry training so that they can be more effective, and in turn raise up and equip still more leaders (2Tim 2:2). • Sharing the triumphs and trials of these front-line ministers with believers in Western nations, to inspire the Body of Christ to fervently pray and sacrificially give, so that “this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world” (Matt 24:14). The Third-World church stands poised and ready to reach the nations with the Gospel, if they could just be equipped to do so. Thank you for partnering with World MAP to supply this urgent need! World MAP DIGEST is published quarterly by World Missionary Assistance Plan, whose editorial and business offices are at 1419 N. San Fernando Blvd., Burbank CA 91504. The subscription price is $5.00 per year. Receipts for contributions are tax-deductible. Periodicals postage paid at N. Hollywood, California 91605 and additional mailing offices (USPS 692240). Postmaster: Please send form 3579 to 1419 N. San Fernando Blvd., Burbank, California 91504. HOW TO CONTACT US: Visit us at our website on the Internet at • Email us at • Call us at 1-818-843-7233 • Fax us at 1-818-845-5000
was concern as to whether or not we should still gather the 400+ pastors in Pune for the seminar. As I began to pray, a strong peace came into my heart about going ahead with the meetings. But I still wanted to confer with our seminar coordinators, who assured me that the closed compound in which we would meet was safe to gather the pastors. We also received input from local authorities that the attack appeared to be a MuslimHindu conflict, not one against Christians. So it was determined that we would go ahead with the conference in Pune. And how we praise the Lord that we did! Salt and Light Pune lies just outside Mumbai, the financial center of India. The farther north in the subcontinent of India you go, the fewer Christians there are. It is estimated that only 1 percent of the population in Pune is Christian, with the rest split between Muslim and Hindu. The World MAP ministry team included Pastor Don Richter, Pastor Vic Torres and myself, along with our seminar coordinators, Brothers Velu and Prasanna from IBL Ministries. As we arrived at the seminar site, we were blessed to be greeted with such warmth and enthusiasm. It was evident that the general age of this group of pastors was much younger than we normally experience in India. God was surely doing a new and fresh work in Pune, raising up a strong and vibrant group of church leaders to be salt and light to the lost souls all around them. We began to sense the Lord’s desire for a great Harvest in this region of India! A Powerful and Accelerated Work From the moment the meetings began in Pune, the openness and eager hunger of these “young
...the openness and eager hunger of these “young lions” was clear and the Holy Spirit’s presence was strong.
lions” was clear and the Holy Spirit’s presence was strong. Allow me to share with you some brief excerpts about this conference from my journal: “The opening night began with a strong and responsive time of worship. I spoke on the need for leaders to have clarity – of vision, in our message and about our conflict. We paused during the ‘conflict’ portion to do spiritual warfare concerning the recent terrorist attack... The pastors rose up strongly to receive and walk in their now-understood place of spiritual oversight in their community. As my message concluded, I moved into a ministry time… I dealt with discouragement, failures, breakthroughs for marriages, and other words of discernment… a powerful time as pastors wept, knelt at the altar, and received the ministry of the Holy Spirit among them.
It was evident that the general age of this group of pastors was much younger than we normally experience in India. God was surely doing a new and fresh work... raising up a strong and vibrant group of church leaders.... “The following day, Pastors Vic and Don ministered on working with God (not for God) and the necessity of hearing the voice of Spring 2010 / WORLD MAP DIGEST • 3
As Frank Parrish ministered... the Lord to lead the Church to fulfill the purposes of God… A strong day of teaching, ending with powerful intercessory prayer. As we prayed, the Lord gave a vision of idols that were deaf and dumb but had ruled over India, effectively blocking the voice of the Lord, being pushed over. As we continued to pray, we were impressed in our hearts that the idols were falling down, breaking into pieces, and crumbling to dust. We sensed that the Lord and His Word would be more freely heard and manifest in India!
4 • WORLD MAP DIGEST / Spring 2010
“The teachings on Day 3 were about hearing the voice of God and the things that may block our hearing; the ways that God speaks; faith in the life of the church leaders, what it is and how to grow in it; our position in Christ (Eph 2:6); God’s intimate and personal call, and how that differs from our ministry assignment; the need for pastors to be renewed in their intimacy with the Lord; and the traits of a maturing leader… The last session of the day I spoke on the Anointing of the Holy Spirit. I gave a brief doctrinal foundation, and
seven characteristics of true anointing… The pastors were so hungry and ready to receive more of the Lord’s presence and Spirit. “As I had them stand to worship and receive from the Lord, the Holy Spirit began to move. There were many physical manifestations as they received, as well as visions, words of direction and correction, and even physical healings… I sensed the Lord doing a deep, powerful yet accelerated work to prepare these leaders for the Harvest time that was upon them. I later shared this impression with the pastors and there was a roar of agreement and joy-filled affirmation through praise – hallelujah! “On the final day, I spoke on ‘Ten Essential Principles of Ministry’ and ended the conference with us all giving thanks and praise to God for what He had done in them and for what He was about to do through them in the weeks and months, even years, ahead… Though every World MAP conference is effective, this was one of the most powerful, satisfying and fruitful conferences we have been part of.” Doors Opening After handing out Shepherd’s Staffs to the pastors in Pune, along with books from IBL Ministries and certificates of completion for the conference – and after receiving many, many strong and extended hugs of thanks – we boarded our flight southward for the next conference in Vijayawada. Christians make up about 8 percent of the population in Vijayawada, with the majority of
those being women. However, only recently are more and more young men coming to the Lord and entering the church doors. God is truly at work in the next generation in India! Christians and Muslims tend to get along in Vijayawada, as they are both minorities who live at the sufferance of the overwhelming (and often aggressive) Hindu population. Radical Hindus do not attack Muslims as frequently as they do Christians, however, because the Muslims will strike back with equal violence. A Lift In Faith The ministry team arrived in Vijayawada a day ahead of the start of the conference. As we began to mingle with the pastors who were also arriving, we sensed that many were weary and somewhat discouraged. The team spent a large part of that day talking and praying together about the seminar that would begin the following evening, inviting the power and presence of the Holy Spirit to come and encourage, equip and refresh these faithful saints. From my journal: “At the opening session of the conference, the facility was already at capacity with more than 750 pastors present. We began with the usual formalities, and then entered into a time of worship. I was sensing a need to be drawn more closely together in unity and further into God’s presence to welcome His Spirit and lordship over the conference. I prophetically exhorted the leaders about God’s desire and intent of high purpose for the pas-
...the Holy Spirit lifted the leaders' hearts to worship God and receive from Him. tors of India and for the believers they lead. “After speaking briefly on Psalm 22:3, I led the pastors to speak out their worship to God. Then we began to sing our worship and a breakthrough began to come. I could sense the Holy Spirit moving, and led pastors in recommitting their lives, ministries, fami-
lies – yielding all to the Lord that He might fulfill all He intended for them. I had a sense that this conference was a significant beginning point for what God desired to expand in and through these pastors into the future. “I continued my message, then led another ministry time especially for those who were struggling or
Spring 2010 / WORLD MAP DIGEST • 5
discouraged, who felt forgotten, etc. More than 100 pastors came forward for prayer, and the Holy Spirit moved powerfully among them. As Pastors Vic and Don were praying for them, I was declaring over them blessing, breakthrough, deliverance, healing, peace, strength, renewed relationship with God and more as the Holy Spirit led. It was a wonderful time, and provided a lift in faith and anticipation for what God would also do in the days to come.” Empowered to Contend for the Kingdom The next two days were packed with teaching sessions, including such topics as the critical need for leaders to hear the voice of God, and how to do that; the leader’s calling and God’s equipping; raising up new leaders; the Kingdom of God and working to build His Kingdom and not our own; character development; and laying down our lives for the Lord’s sake.
Believers in North America have their own challenges, both culturally and spiritually. But we do not face the same type of almost overwhelming spiritual oppression that believers in India experience every day. They battle the weight of centuries of profound and pervasive idolatry (demon worship) through the dominance of Hinduism in the culture (see Psalm 115:4-8 and 135:15-18). But this constant pressure only intensified the pastors’ hunger for more of God’s Word of Truth and His Spirit in their lives, their desire for more of His life and power flowing into them and through them. How important it was for the pastors at this seminar to be encouraged, and to realize that God can and will speak to them and empower them to contend for His Kingdom to come and His will to be done in Vijayawada! Powerful Wave of Outpouring The momentum of the conference continued to build with each
Teaching topics included the critical need for leaders to hear the voice of God. 6 • WORLD MAP DIGEST / Spring 2010
session. It was my joy and privilege on the final evening to minister to the pastors on the Anointing of the Holy Spirit. Again, from my journal: “I felt it was important to open this particular teaching time with worship. It was evident as we sang that the Holy Spirit was softening and preparing the hearts of the pastors. The pastors at this conference were more reserved in general, but something was shifting. The ministry team had thought the response in Pune was one of the most open and powerful we had witnessed, but we were about to see even more. Wow! “I brought the teaching from the Word of God, then had the pastors stand to receive what God had for them. Often at these moments, there is a time of waiting in the Lord’s presence and asking the Holy Spirit to come upon the pastors. But almost instantly, I could sense the Holy Spirit moving among them. The signs of them being touched and filled were more than evident, and our worship to the Lord began to crescendo and build. “I just waited and watched as the Holy Spirit was touching the pastors. It must have been 20 minutes or more of just the team praying and the church leaders powerfully receiving from the Holy Spirit. Then the Lord quickened to me the story of the Israelite king coming to Elisha and striking the arrows on the ground [2Ki 13:14-19]. I felt the application for these pastors was that the Holy Spirit’s anointing and refreshing was not only for them, but that they were to ask for and receive on behalf of their ministries and churches, for Vijayawada, for Andhra Pradesh and for all of India. There came an even more powerful wave of outpouring as the pastors received and were filled, lifting their voices in praise and intercessory prayer – HALLELUJAH! “As I had prayed earlier in the day about this evening’s session, I felt the Lord wanted to minister
more healing for the pastors. So I had them lay hands on each other and pray, and many later attested to the fact that they had been physically healed at that moment. I exhorted them to take what they had received this week back to their churches, and to lead the people in anointing, refreshing and healing by the power of the Holy Spirit! “This conference was a mighty time in God, and the pastors were truly blessed, encouraged, taught, refreshed and empowered. Amen!” Gratitude for Hope Fulfilled On the final morning, we ended the conference with a very fruitful question-and-answer period with the team and the pastors. Then we had the joy of again handing out Shepherd’s Staffs and certificates of completion to the pastors, along with copies of ACTS Magazine and additional materials provided by IBL Ministries. The pastors were so profoundly grateful for both the conference and the training materials that World MAP provided. The custom of some of the village pastors from this area was to slightly bow and kiss our hand. This would normally be very uncomfortable, but it was done with such humble sincerity and deeply-felt gratitude on their
“The two conferences were wonderful. I have no words to say, how God led in a wonderful way and also in a mighty way… The pastors and church leaders were sharing with us like this: ‘We are much blessed by it. [This help] will … win the nation for Christ. Thank you for bringing these leaders to India. We want them to come again.’ God’s presence was felt by all the leaders. They said, ‘Why are you closing so soon, we want one more day’.” — Mrs. K. Rajakumari Madhukar, IBL Ministries
The pastors were truly blessed, encouraged, taught, refreshed and empowered. part that it was clear they were really honoring the Lord and not men at all. I wish there were some way you could stand there with me to receive their warm handshakes and
sincere hugs of gratitude, since your prayers and support are what make all of this possible. Yet I can only convey their deep thanks and their sense of hope fulfilled because of what you have provided for them. So thank you for your partnership in ministry. I know the Lord will reward your generosity: “Not that I seek the gift itself, but I seek for the profit which increases to your account” (Phil 4:17 nas). I truly look forward to that glorious day when hundreds upon hundreds of church leaders will be able to thank you face to face for all that you have allowed the Lord to do through your faithfulness in prayer and giving. “For God is not unjust so as to forget your work and the love which you have shown toward His name, in having ministered and in still ministering to the saints” (Heb 6:10). Spring 2010 / WORLD MAP DIGEST • 7
World MAP Training Proves Ever Timely in Imparting Timeless Truth By Keith G. Balser
“See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil” (Eph 5:15,16).
The continent of Africa has seen many evil days in these changing times, and African pastors eager to “redeem the time” need training firmly grounded in the unshakeable message of the Gospel. They find such training in ACTS Magazine, The Shepherd’s Staff and World MAP Spiritual Renewal Seminars – the kind of training that retains its freshness, relevance, usefulness and fruitfulness through the years. We are always encouraged when our overseas friends take the time to write to us affirming this. We hope you will be encouraged as well by these especially eloquent examples from Ghana, Malawi, Nigeria and Uganda. Pages of History From an evangelist named Nation: “I write to register my appreciation for taking me on board as one of the beneficiaries of World MAP. I want to request that I continue receiving the ACTS newsletter which has proved useful in my spiritual welfare. I kindly request that I continue to get the ACTS for my spiritual growth, enrichment and refreshment. May to God be glory and honor to eternity.” “You know, there was a time in 1999 when I read a particular [ACTS] edition on intercession prayer,” recalls Mary. “I needed the Lord to move in my family. I prayed fervently and the Lord answered me. I have the copy of that edition which I kept close to my bedside. I go back to it now and then and give it out to others to read too.” She gladly acknowledges, “I cannot recount the help I have received from the numerous editions I have read since I have been introduced to ACTS in the
1990s. The various topics have been of immense help in my walk with Christ Jesus, not forgetting my communication with Him through the Holy Spirit. I have received The Shepherd’s Staff and the ACTS edition on ‘The Anointing of The Holy Spirit’. You know, I have longed for the day when I could communicate by mail and, behold, this is the time that the Lord has made. I hope to communicate frequently to you.” A man named Justice emailed our Web site to “recommend that your issues of ACTS Magazine are so powerful and helpful. This refers to comments which arise from the people whom I teach in our church. I once received an issue copy of ACTS Magazine entitled ‘A Survey of the Bible’ [April 2000]. This copy was so powerful and the people of our church were appreciating the contents.” After many years, Rev. Gusbert still fondly recalls a “wonderful life-changing seminar organized by World MAP for church workers of all denominations and churches. The seminar had such a great positive impact in the lives of delegates/participants that it will never be forgotten! I for one always get refreshed and encouraged whenever I read the book (now having some pages torn, having been overused) entitled The Shepherd’s Staff. I apologize for my silence over the past 14 years without getting in touch with you – not that I had intended to do so, but it was all due to so many hardships and trials that came my way…” Many more trials may come to persevering leaders like Gusbert, Justice, Mary and Nation – all the more reason to keep on supplying them with the kind of high-quality equipping that is strong enough in the eternal Word of God to stand the test of time.
The HINDUS of MAURITIUS Population: 616,000 Dark paths in a sunny park: Dazzling beaches, lush forests and a kaleidoscope of floral color lure tourists worldwide to the Indian Ocean isle of Mauritius. Huge granite statues of Hindu gods with multiple heads and arms lure pilgrims to the Spiritual Park on the island’s northeast coast. Hindu websites give glowing testimony to the devotional fervor of Mauritian Hinduism as surpassing even that of India, Hinduism’s birthplace. Thousands of Mauritians flock to the Spiritual Park’s annual festival honoring Ganesh, the elephant-headed high Hindu god of success, wealth and wisdom. Children in Hindu schools on the island chant mantras to the sun-god Savitri.
CHILE Life on the Fringe Population: 16,601,707 70% Roman Catholic 15.1% Protestant 1% Jehovah’s Witnesses 0.9% Mormon • 0.1% Jewish 8.3% Agnostic or Atheist 4.6% Other (Orthodox, Muslim, Buddhist, Indigenous) President of the Republic of Chile: Sebastian Pinera Echenique
Praying for the Nations
PRAY FOR: • Mauritius to be viewed more as a fertile mission field than as a lush vacation paradise. • Western Christians to fully recognize that Hinduism is not confined within the borders of India, and to support Gospel outreach to Hindus. • The Gospel to liberate Mauritian Hindus from the barren bondage of stony idols to the green pastures of devotion to the Living God.
National motto: Por la razón o la fuerza (“By reason or strength”)
Distinctive landform: The 600-milelong Atacama Desert in northern Chile, portions of which have not seen a single raindrop in centuries. The Atacama’s acidic soil resembles that of Mars, making it a key NASA testing ground for Mars-bound equipment. Eerie frontiers: Chile is a serpentine strip of land straddling a segment of the 25,000-mile “Ring of Fire,” the most dangerous earthquake-fault zone in the world. The strongest earthquake in recorded history struck Chile on May 22, 1960, a 9.5-magnitude monster 170 times more powerful than the 1906 San Francisco quake and 50 times more powerful than the most massive thermonuclear bomb ever detonated. Superstition is a powerful force on the fringes of Chile’s spiritual landscape. Pockets of indigenous people cling to shamanism, notably among the cluster of islands hugging the country’s lower coast. An online search using the terms “Chile earthquake 1960” and “human sacrifice” will turn up horrific reports of a 5-year-old boy being sacrificed by a local shaman to appease the earth and water gods in the aftermath of the killer quake and the tsunami it triggered. PRAY FOR: • Full relief and recovery from the effects of Chile’s devastating February 2010 earthquake. • Wisdom for Chilean authorities to strengthen the country’s infrastructure in preparation for any future earthquakes. • Growth of vibrant faith among Chile’s Protestant minority, with a strong evangelistic focus. • Rescue of Chile’s indigenous population from the devastating effects of pagan superstition.
JOIN THE WORLD MAP PRAYER CORPS AS WE CIRCLE THE GLOBE WITH INTERCESSION FOR THE ADVANCE OF GOD’S KINGDOM. E-mail us at – and send us your name and address or E-mail address. Spring 2010 / WORLD MAP DIGEST • 9
The Spiritual Life “And a threefold cord is not quickly broken” – Ecclesiastes 4:12
A study of the inter-relationship between the Word of God, the Leading of the Holy Spirit and Faith © 2007, Dr. Victor L. Torres, Jr.
Chapter 3b
Spiritual Essentials Editor’s Note: God communicates to us through His Word and created us with a capacity for communicating with Him. This installment of the ACTS teaching "The Spiritual Life" explores the spiritual nature of the Bible and underscores the importance of recognizing man’s triune nature – spirit, soul and body – in understanding spiritual communication with God. Seven Truths About The Bible The following are seven important principles regarding the Bible, the Word of God: 1. The Bible is the inspired word of God. “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God…” (2Tim 3:16). This statement means that all of the Scriptures are true, as given in the original text. From Genesis to Revelation, it is all truth. We do not pick and choose what is true or not true; we embrace it all. This means that we accept by faith even those things that may not make sense to us. 2. The Bible contains the message; God is the Source of the message. This means that the message is not more important than the One who sent the message. Jesus, while speaking to the religious leaders of the day, makes a remarkable statement: “You search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life; and these are they which testify of Me. But you are not willing to come to Me that you may have life” (John 5:39,40). We are supposed to fall in love with the Author of the Bible, not with the Bible itself. There are some who hold the Bible in such high esteem that they miss the desire of Father God for them to have a personal and intimate relationship with Him. 3. The Bible is holy and sacred. “Every word of God is pure; He is a shield to those who put their trust in Him” (Prov 30:5). We honor the Bible by doing what the Bible instructs us to do. Jesus made it very clear that it is not just the hearer of the Word, but the one who is a hearer and a doer of the Word who honors God and builds a solid foundation in Christ (1Cor 3:11; Jas 1:22-25). 4. The words of life are found in the Bible. Jesus makes the following statement: “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, but has passed from death into life” (John 5:24). The Apostle Paul 10 • WORLD MAP DIGEST / Spring 2010
Seven Truths 1. The Bible is the inspired word of God. 2. The Bible contains the message; God is the Source of the message. 3. The Bible is holy and sacred. 4. The words of life are found in the Bible. 5. The Bible is the complete revelation of God to man. 6. The Bible reveals who we truly are, what we can expect from God and what God expects from us. 7. The Bible is not primarily an intellectual book; the Bible is a spiritual book that must be spiritually discerned. also proclaims: “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek. For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, ‘The just shall live by faith’” (Rom 1:16,17). 5. The Bible is the complete revelation of God to man. This means that all doctrine and statements of belief must come from one source, the Bible. There are no revelations from God that have not already been given in the Bible. “That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him” (Eph 1:17).
6. The Bible reveals who we truly are, what we can expect from God and what God expects from us. “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path” (Ps 119:105; Ps 19:7-11). 7. The Bible is not primarily an intellectual book; the Bible is a spiritual book that must be spiritually discerned. “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” (2Tim 2:15). “But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned” (1Cor 2:14). Faith Is A Spiritual Issue There are two words that have very similar meanings in most languages: faith and confidence. Because of their similarity, they are often used interchangeably. For our purpose of seeing that faith is a work of the Holy Spirit, it is important to make a critical distinction between these two words. In the original New Testament Greek, the word for “faith” is pistis; the word for “confidence” is parrhesia. They are two entirely different words with different roots; therefore they have different meanings. While faith and confidence may produce a similar emotion or feeling, faith is spiritual and confidence is of the soul. Faith is what moves God (Heb 11:6); confidence is what moves man. True faith will produce true confidence. The scriptural type of faith is not an emotion or feeling, but a spiritual decision. Confidence, on the other hand, has connected to it a series of emotions – such as boldness, courage and assurance. Now it is wonderful when the emotion of confidence lines up with faith; yet confidence is not faith because it is possible to have “false confidence”. Faith is believing what God has said, and acting on that belief. In other words, faith results in action or obedience, or doing the will of God. Based On God’s Promises The essential Scripture verse, when it comes to faith, is of course Hebrews 11:1: “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” The first part of this scripture tells us that faith is the substance (or reality) of what is hoped for. The question we must ask ourselves is, “What is it that we can hope for?” Can I hope for anything I want? Can I hope for a new house, a new car, a million dollars? Biblical hope is not based upon personal desire or whim. Biblical hope is based on the promises of God. That is because “faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God” (Rom 10:17). The more you hear (or study) the
Word of God, the more you will be aware of God’s promises; the more aware you become of God’s promises, the greater your hope in God will be; and finally, the greater your hope in God, the greater your basis of faith will be! Anything that God has promised in His Word forms the basis of our hope. Therefore, what God has promised acts like a spark that ignites our faith to believe God for great things. It has been estimated that there are more than 7,000 promises in the Bible. These promises represent the basis of our faith. This is one of the reasons that it is important to know the Word of God. The second part of Hebrews 11:1 states that faith is “the evidence of things not seen.” The things not seen are spiritual; therefore faith is the evidence of the spiritual realm. We could explain it another way by saying that faith is the evidence of the Holy Spirit at work in you. Confidence is natural; but faith is when the Holy Spirit joins with the Word of God and you are stirred into obedience towards God. Exercising Our Faith The Bible tells us that it is impossible to please God without faith. “But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him” (Heb 11:6). What we can glean from this scripture is this: Faith is impossible unless the will of God is known! In order to be an effective Christian leader, it is essential that each of us know the will of God for our life. We need to know and understand God’s purpose, callings or assignments for our lives. When we know the will of God, we can put our faith into action! How do we know the will of God? We have His Word and His Spirit (2Tim 3:16,17; John 14:16,17). We can pray and ask for God’s wisdom (Prov 2:1-7; Jas 1:5). God has made every provision to make His will known to us so that we can walk by faith and not by sight. Now, God has given each one of us a measure of faith: “For I say, through the grace given to me, to everyone who is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think soberly, as God has dealt to each one a measure of faith” (Rom 12:3). Because faith is spiritual, it is a gift of God. We are, of course, responsible for that gift – to grow it to maturity through use. “But solid food belongs to those who are of full age, that is, those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil” (Heb 5:14). Nothing builds faith more quickly than faith that has been exercised and fulfilled. Because we are spiritual and learning to walk by faith and not by sight, we will be able to disContinued on page 14 Spring 2010 / WORLD MAP DIGEST • 11
Build and Strengthen Ministries
World MAP Materials
“I request a copy of The Shepherd’s Staff and ACTS Magazines, for they are spiritually inspired. They teach, sharpen and collect some others from going astray.” – Evangelist Alan Silwenga, Zambia
you for playing a k an th y sa I , am te P surely “To the World MA e for ministry, and m g in ar ep pr in le crucial ro u put in me into yo g in h yt er ev k ana I am investing bac go Tuahuku, Botsw on or H – other people.” TS ry much for the AC ve u yo k an th rit’. to t “I wan ting of the Holy Spi in no A he ‘T ly al ci my Magazine, espe quite a challenge in d an e m to er en op It was an eyewearing out due to is f af St ’s rd he ep Sh ministry. My everyday usage…” anga, Malaŵi ap K a n ia D la el St . – Mrs “I am teaching and mentoring men, women and youth to be disciples of th e Lord Jesus Christ with the help of The Shepherd’s Staff gi ven to me by my mentor and senior pastor. The book helps us a lot in st udying the Bible an d explaining it with clarity and accuracy. As a men tor, I would like to give them copies to o.” – Pastor Elbert G. Lijauco, Philippines The essed by l b y l t a e r es. I een g inted pag “I have b o n a ’s f f a ve ’s St the last fi on Shepherd r o f y a d ati ery the inspir ry read it ev r o f u o y eve ank years. Th m the Holy Spirit fro I receive India d it.” time I rea . Andrew Simick, – Rev 12 • WORLD MAP DIGEST / Spring 2010
“I would like to congratulate you, especially Rev. Frank Parrish for the wonderful work he does throughout the world. God will bless you for reaching out to all the pastors and church leaders around the world. I am grateful to your institution for having sent me a copy of The Shepherd’s Staff - French and the most recent issue of ACTION Magazine titled ‘The Anointing of the Holy Spirit’. This is the greatest gift I have ever received. I share this treasure with my other colleagues.” – Pasteur Louis Bernard Jeremie, Haiti
“I am very g rateful to Wo rld MAP for the training receiv ed through ACT S Magazine. This has lifted me to a greater h eight. I am not only evangelizing and preaching the Word, but I n ow train worker s like pastor s and other church workers.” – Dean of Stu dies Victor Tawia h, Ghana
“The ACTION Magazine has blessed me trem endously. I have been able to teach to my congregation and train futu re leaders.” – Ancien [Elder] Louis Monsounmonla, Republi c of Niger “I just can’t ignore and deny the truth that The Shepherd’s Staff has very solid doctrinal teachings which really help ed my spiritual foundation, and I know that I will always need it for another life’s building!” – Mwila Mwila, South Africa y t another cop e y e iv e c re delighted to ain in “I am highly e stands to g n o t a h W . e gazin it were for If . d e fi of ACTS Ma ti n a u it. It e cannot be q h to purchase this magazin ig h o to e b tewwould calling and s y sale, no price m to s e y e piritual serve as a t o n ld u o opened my s h s I w know that ardship. I no shepherd.” eria a s a t u b , g le Iseyin, Nig n u hirelin k e d A l e u – Sam
“I express my gratitu de to you for mailing to me ACT S Magazine. I have discovered that it is a reviving magazine. It always quickens my spirit to prayer whe never I read it. It is so life-giving. The messages have given me a lot of ch allenges which have sharpened an d strengthened my faith in the Lor d.” – Mr. Endalkachew Zewdie, Ethiopia Spring 2010 / WORLD MAP DIGEST • 13
Continued from page 11
cern that which is true from that which is false. As pastors and leaders, we need to be led by the Spirit of God; we need to embrace the teachings of the Bible; and, by faith, we need to be obedient to what God has called us to. We live in a day
The Spiritual Life
and age when the wisdom of man is placed above the wisdom of God. Our spiritual calling demands that we not compromise our critical assignment: to bring the truth of God to bear upon the desperate needs of a confused and often deceived humanity.
© 2007, Dr. Victor L. Torres, Jr.
Chapter 4
The Triune Nature Of Man: Spirit, Soul And Body “For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow [or body], and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart” (Heb 4:12). The Number Three Numbers, combinations of numbers and multiple numbers have always held a fascination for Bible scholars and students of the Bible. Numbers such as 3, 7, 12, 40 and 666 are found throughout the Bible and have special symbolic significance. Many books have been written about the importance and symbolism of numbers in the Bible. For example, the number seven has great significance in the Bible. It is used well over 600 times in a variety of ways and symbols. Seven is associated with the idea of completeness and the highest level of force or power; hence, 777 is often referred to as the number of God. Similarly, the number 666, falling short of 777, is symbolic of imperfection; therefore, 666 is assigned to be the number of man and of the Beast: “Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666” (Rev 13:18). The number three also has obvious and great significance in the Bible. Three is symbolic of a beginning, middle and end; therefore, it is regarded as representing a complete or ordered whole. Some practical examples are: morning, noon 14 • WORLD MAP DIGEST / Spring 2010
BODY and night as a complete day; childhood, youth and old age as a complete life; heaven, earth and sea as a complete environment. The number three is used more than 400 times in Scripture. For example, the number three is used to describe: 1. The number of people (“And Noah begot three sons: Shem, Ham, and Japheth” – Gen 6:10). 2. The number of places (“three gates on the east, three gates on the north, three gates on the south, and three gates on the west” – Rev 21:13). 3. The number of things (“So Abraham hurried into the tent to Sarah and said, ‘Quickly, make ready three measures of fine meal; knead it and make cakes’” – Gen 18:6). 4. A period of time (“And Joseph said to him, ‘This is the interpretation of it: The three branches are three days’” – Gen 40:12). The number three has special significance for Christians because God is triune or “three in one”: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit; yet all three are one God. This is the doctrine of the Trinity. Other uses of the number three include the following: Jesus rose from the dead in three days. God is described as the one “who is, who was and who is to come” (Rev 1:4). All of these examples show the symbolic importance of the number three as representing completeness in the Bible. Basis Of Spiritual Communication We understand that man is made in the image
of God: “Then God said, ‘Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth’” (Gen 1:26). Therefore we should not be surprised to see that man is also triune or “three in one”. Man is spirit, soul and body in one person: “Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ” (1Thess 5:23; see also Hebrews 4:12). This last fact, that we are spirit, soul and body, is so important to our understanding of how we grow and mature as Christians. Paul the apostle, in the conclusion of his letter to the church at Thessalonica, prays a blessing upon the whole spirit, soul and body of each believer (1Thess 5:23). Paul recognized that man is triune or made up of three parts. He did not refer to soul and body only, but to spirit, soul and body. Also notice that he placed the spirit first, then the soul, and finally the body. In other words, he was emphasizing that we are spirit first. As God is three in one or triune – God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit – so are we triune – spirit, soul and body. Perhaps this is part of what God meant when He said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness…” (Gen 1:26). We are three-dimensional, not two-dimensional. The significance of seeing yourself as spirit, soul and body as opposed to seeing yourself only as body and soul is profound. It will change how you see yourself and your world – and, most importantly, how you see your relationship with God. We need to recognize and accept the truth that we are spiritual beings. We need to recognize that as the Scriptures say, “God is Spirit, and those that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and truth” (John 4:24). Then we will begin to see the possibility of communication with God in a new and vital way: spiritual communication! Why is it that so many are resistant to the truth that we are spiritual? There are many reasons; probably the most common is the spread of socalled modern philosophies and teachings that promote a humanistic modern worldview. The Modern Worldview Many people have opinions based on nothing more than feelings. These feelings are often a result of peer-group pressures, societal pressures, family pressures and even media pressures. We are influenced by the things we are taught, the things we read, the entertainment we participate in and even the friends we associate with.
This has been taking place since the day we were born and has helped shape what many call our “worldview”. Our worldview is the filter through which we see life; and in large part, it forms the opinions we have about virtually everything in life. For example, as individuals we have opinions about issues such as: capital punishment, abortion, homosexuality, pornography, politics, the role of government, truth, sin, God, church – to name just a few. The important question concerning your worldview is: How did you arrive at your opinion and why? Are the opinions you have formed based on whim, circumstances or reactions? Or are they carefully considered thought and illumination based upon a foundation of core beliefs? The Spiritual Life: What We Were Created For Worldly thinking assumes that the more modern or sophisticated we become, the less important the spiritual aspect of our lives becomes. This wrong kind of thinking has impacted every culture. To many modern thinkers, the concept of spiritual communication with God is childish and fanciful. This kind of thinking impacts our worldview or the overall perspective from which we see and interpret the world. It especially influences how we see God and our relationship with Him. Today, many are presenting as truth their personal opinions, secular humanism and other forms of the “traditions of men”. Paul the apostle cautions us against taking a non-biblical worldview: “Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ” (Col 2:8). The common secular worldview wants to deny, diminish or ignore the importance of the spiritual. But throughout the Word of God is a very different message to us. Remember the saying, “we are not human beings who are having a temporary spiritual experience, but spiritual beings who are having a temporary human experience”? The spiritual realm is not something that we experience in life only at certain times and seasons. The spiritual life relates to who we are; the spiritual life is what we were created for. We were known by God even before we were born, and when we die it is our spirit-man that dwells with God forever. “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations” (Jer 1:5). “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them” (Eph 2:10). Editor’s Note: As this key teaching continues in the next DIGEST, Dr. Torres outlines in more detail the concept of man's triune nature and its implications for attuning our spiritual senses to the things of God. Spring 2010 / WORLD MAP DIGEST • 15
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Fresh as Spring
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