WMAP DIGEST Summer 2013

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Faith to Faith The Journey to a New Land by Frank R. Parrish

World MAP has moved! By Advance Preparation Though the process of relocatnow, you likely know that the Lord has led World MAP to a new inter- ing World MAP took nine months, the pathway of change actually national headquarters in a new city and state. The 9-month “jour- began many years before. It was early in our tenure at World MAP ney of change” was an exciting that, during a time of prayer, the adventure, with highs and lows Lord spoke to Wendy. He showed that both challenged and built our her a picture of a huge, leafy vine, faith. and another picture of that same Our journey included many vine cut down almost to the root. lessons of faith that were learned and refreshed BURBANK Then He simply spoke the word, “prune.” along the way. We want to share some of the story with It is amazing you, and trust that it will bless that the Lord can speak a single and encourage you. word, yet what follows are volWhen God initiates change, it umes of clear thoughts giving is often only in hindsight that we understanding and clarity. It is like recognize He was already at work a ‘heavenly download’ of vision well in advance, carefully orchesand instruction that enables trating His ordained plans. A look action upon the word the Lord has back can help us to see God’s unique touch upon circumstances, spoken. God’s word to us made it clear timing and relationships – as well that changes were necessary at as His wisdom, provision and World MAP in order to bring us favor bestowed – all woven together into a perfect tapestry of into alignment with His highest. Though the past had been fruitful, preparation. a pruning was necessary for even We did not know a move for World MAP was in our future until more fruitfulness. “…Every branch recently. But God had been faithful that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit” (John 15:2). to prepare us – and prepare the We did not need to understand all way before us – long before the of the whys. Ours was simply to actual event. 2 / WORLD MAP DIGEST • Summer 2013

obey the word and begin to take steps of faith and action. World MAP’s history is one of integrity and economy in all things financial. So praying daily for wisdom and grace, we began the long and complex process of modernizing, streamlining, outsourcing and economizing. With the help of our Board of Directors and key staff, the Lord was faithful to guide us. It was only a matter of years before World MAP’s operating costs were reduced by more than 60 percent, and the staff went from 32 people to just six – while still preserving a full scope of worldwide equipping ministry to pastors in Third-World nations. No Surprises with God All would agree that obeying the Lord is the wisest course! Yet we sometimes need reminders that our daily obedience and faithfulness, even in the small things, allows God to prepare and position us for what is coming next. It is for our good and the fulfillment of His purpose that He asks us to trust and obey Him daily. No one could have predicted

what was shortly to come – a severe downturn in the U.S. economy. But God’s word had prepared us. World MAP was positioned to not only maximize and preserve the resources He had given, but to continue to be effective and fruitful even through lean economic times. And because our faithful World MAP family continued to give generously, the ministry outreach to help pastors without resource actually progressed and expanded. Just the Beginning Then in 2011, World MAP celebrated its 50th anniversary. During this season of Jubilee, we sensed a new freedom in the ministry, mingled with anticipation and expectation in the Spirit. The first 50 years of World MAP’s world-changing ministry had concluded; and the next 50 years of World MAP’s future were just beginning! During this Jubilee, there was a reprieve from pruning (Lev 25:4). There was also a growing sense, with prophetic confirmation, that God was about to loose World MAP into even greater opportunities to serve His Body worldwide. Throughout this season came vision and strategy for how to PRESCOTT accomplish what God was putting on our hearts, which would require new staff. Was the Lord saying we were done with the pruning, and now

readied for further growth and expansion? Not quite yet. Step by Step Though we sensed growth was coming, we asked the Lord if He first had more pruning in mind. While Wendy and I were praying about this, Wendy saw a picture in her mind of a pruned vine – but with a spade going into the ground all around it. That same week, the Lord prompted me to study Genesis Chapter 26. Isaac had re-dug the wells of his father Abraham, which led to problems (vs.20,21); but eventually Isaac found blessing and room for expansion when he dug a new well – named Rehoboth, meaning “spaciousness” (v.22). Our God is a Creator God Who delights in doing new things (Isa 43:15-21). When He leads in a new way, or manifests Himself and His power in a fresh revelation, He is not dishonoring or implying criticism of the past. He is simply bringing a new, creative, life-giving manifestation of Himself. In God’s Kingdom, we go from grace to grace, strength to strength, faith to faith, glory to glory. As we walk with the Lord and yield to His work during every circumstance, He transforms us from within and these qualities grow within us (Ps 84:7; Rom 1:17; 8:28,29; 2Cor 3:18; 9:8). But we also stand upon the shoulders of those who have gone

World MAP exists to train and empower church leaders to make disciples of all nations. Matthew 28:18-20; Ephesians 4:11,12; Colossians 1:24-29; 2 Timothy 2:2; Mark 16:15-18; Luke 24:46-49; Acts 20:17-28

OUR PURPOSE World MAP trains church leaders in developing nations for ministry. Why is that important? In recent decades, the number of new Christians in these nations has multiplied exponentially. The greatest need is for pastors who know how to shepherd and disciple them. But poverty, persecution or lack of proximity prevent most church leaders from getting the ministry training they need. World MAP exists to meet this need, and our proven strategies have helped train more than one million church leaders for ministry in 140+ developing nations. OUR STRATEGY World MAP helps church leaders to be effective through: • printed Bible-based pastoral training that is clear, comprehensive and practical; • seminars within their nations that provide training, promote unity, and minister spiritual refreshing; • promoting Spirit-filled life and ministry; • enlisting the North American Church to pray fervently and give generously to help indigenous* church leaders become effective ministers. *World MAP is able to train church leaders because of the generosity of people who recognize the value of equipping indigenous leaders – those native-born citizens who already understand the culture and needs of their communities and who are best positioned to reach the unreached and disciple them.

Volume 53 / No. 3 • Summer 2013

Table of Contents 2 Faith to Faith: Journey to a New Land 6 Faith that Frees 8 Perspectives on Prayer

10 UNReACHeD PeOPLe GROUP: Pygmies of Central Africa 10 PRAY FOR THe NATIONS: Mali 11 ACTS and The Shepherd’s Staff Raise Ministry Standards WORLD MAP BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Jon Cook, Jim Oswald, Frank Parrish, Vic Torres. WMAP CANADA BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Tim Grauman, Lyle Horrill, Helmuth Lange, Dave McTaggart, Frank Parrish, Wendy Parrish. DIGEST STAFF: Frank and Wendy Parrish ...... Directors / Editors Gayla Dease .......... Design / Publications Coord. Jorge Lara ................................USA Photography PRIVACY POLICY Your privacy is our priority. We do not sell, lease, rent or share personal information obtained from anyone via postal or online services.

World MAP Digest (USPS 692-240) is published quarterly by World Missionary Assistance Plan, 3025 N. Tarra Ave., Prescott, AZ 86301. The subscription price is $5.00 per year. Periodicals postage paid at Burbank, CA 91505 and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to World MAP Digest, 3025 N. Tarra Ave., Prescott, AZ 86301. HOW TO CONTACT US: Visit us at our website on the Internet at www.world-map.com Email subscription inquiries and address changes to wmap1@world-map.com Phone 928.515.2404 / fax 928.515.2405 Summer 2013 • WORLD MAP DIGEST / 3

before us, gleaning from their faith-in-action and building upon it. Their faith is not complete without ours (Heb 11:40), nor could we stand as tall, see as far, or accomplish as much without what they have given and done before us. Hallelujah! Clear Direction Shortly after studying Genesis Chapter 26, the Lord led me to Genesis Chapter 12. God spoke to Abraham, saying, “Get out of your country, from your family and from your father’s house, to a land that I will show you” (v.1). The verse almost jumped off the page at me. I never want to miss the Lord’s will, so I often ask Him to make His will obvious to me. He is faithful, and there is little doubt in these very direct words what He was saying to me. I began to realize that the Lord was preparing a change for us and for World MAP. But when? How? Where? I decided to ponder this and not talk to anyone just yet. Within a few days, Wendy came into my office and said the Lord had spoken a phrase to her: “You have a window.” Her sense was that God was giving us a season of opportunity, an open window, to make a substantial change. But it was a short season, and required action soon. She wondered if I had any insight as to what that could be about. I couldn’t help but grin! We talked together, and prayed about what we were sensing. We decided to keep things between us until we had a sure sense of what God was saying and how to proceed. We felt led to pray that the Lord would make a straight path before us, keeping us in the center of His timing and will, and that it would be clear to all concerned what we were to do. The Journey Begins About a week later, I received a phone call. It was from a commercial real estate agent who is a long-time friend of World MAP. Out of the blue, he asked: “Do you want to sell your building? I have a buyer who is interested in mov4 / WORLD MAP DIGEST • Summer 2013

ing his business to Burbank and your property would be perfect.” Well, that was certainly a surprise! Clearly it was time to speak to our Board about what was happening. There had been discussions in prior years about possibly selling the building World MAP had occupied for more than 20 years, in order to relieve us of the time-consuming burden of tenants and building management. But it had not seemed the right time to do so. economically speaking, it was still unclear if this was the right time, but this situation was different – God was speaking! After sharing with our Board about what Wendy and I were sensing, all of us concurred that we should pursue this possibility to sell the World MAP building. As the economy was still uncertain, we agreed to submit this to the Lord, and trust Him to make a way if this was His desire, or to close the door if He was not in this. Selling the building did not necessarily mean we would relocate the ministry to another city – that option would not be considered until later. We called the Realtor back. What ensued was a 7-month journey that involved three different offers, two escrows, lots of prayer, some sleepless nights and many, many lessons of faith and trust along the way. One Step Completed Though there were disappointments – such as the first escrow falling through after several months of hard work – God used them to keep us from what we later realized was not His best. All we knew to do was continue praying. When a door seemed to close, we would wait until the Lord led us to take another faithstep forward, trusting Him to lead us in His perfect timing and way. It was an exciting adventure, but not an easy one. We were stretched, corrected, encouraged and graced to partner with God’s Spirit as He enlarged our faith (Isa 54:2,3). We learned that what seemed like obstacles were later

shown to be the stepping stones God used to lead us to His highest for us. But finally, the sale was completed. The Lord gave us a Christian buyer for whom our building was an answer to prayer – and the final selling price was almost 20 percent higher than the prior offers that had fallen through. Praise the Lord! Moving in to the new World MAP home.

To a Land I Will Show You… In January of this year, World MAP held its annual USA Board meeting. At that time, the Burbank building sale was still uncertain. But the potential sale and its implications were a primary focus of our prayer time and discussion. We reviewed the prophetic words God had spoken about World MAP’s future, and the need to staff accordingly. What ensued were realistic discussions of the high cost of bringing staff to Southern California, and other key matters. At the day’s end, the Board had reached a unanimous consensus – World MAP should consider a significant geographical move. The thought of leaving home, friends and family was not easy. Where would we go? Who would go with us? I was reminded at once of the Lord’s words to Abraham. Though Abraham did not know where God would send him (Heb 11:8), God had the destination already chosen. So Abraham did the only righteous and sane thing he could do – he obeyed and followed the Lord! Sensing that God was directing us out of California, we prayerfully developed a list of cri-

teria, and cities that fell within those bounds. After narrowing down the possible places, visiting some of them, and praying daily for direction, it gradually became clear which city we were to pursue – Prescott, Ariz. Swift Alignment Once the decision was made to move World MAP, and the location determined, we were amazed at how quickly things began to align. The World MAP building in Burbank swiftly sold. We visited Prescott to look for a new World MAP home, and that very week a building perfectly suited came up for sale. God gave favor, and we were in escrow within days!

Jorge and Jessica Lara

God gives His people amazing and encouraging gifts to confirm His leading. Our administrator, Jorge Lara, and his wife, Jessica (who had committed to move with us), received a wonderful provision – an accepted bid on a foreclosed home that was affordable and just right for them. Another gift from the Lord came when Wendy and I returned to Prescott for the final walkthrough of the new World MAP building. All was well, escrow had closed, and the keys were in our hands. While Wendy and I sat in the empty building rejoicing and making plans, rain began to fall outside. Just then, an unusual light fell through the window. Wendy grabbed her camera and ran outside, just in time to capture the image of a bright, beautiful rainbow perfectly arched over the new World MAP home! Truly, it was a new day, full of new promise from the Lord!

A new day, full of new promise from the Lord.

We returned home to put our house in Burbank up for sale, and within three days it was in escrow. Though Wendy and I had not yet found a house in Prescott [read Wendy’s story on page 6] the clock of God’s timing was moving swiftly, and the move date was suddenly less than one month away. The next few weeks were an absolute whirlwind! But after an immense amount of work by us and our staff to get everything packed and ready (and after Jorge and I had each made four U-Haul trips) we were finally moved to Prescott. It has been a joy to get settled in and we are thrilled to be part of this new adventure in World MAP’s story. We Must Decrease Jesus taught that unfruitful branches need to be removed. But He also revealed that even good, fruitful branches must be pruned, in order that what remains bear even more fruit (John 15:2). The Lord of the Harvest will use the dynamic of pruning to unburden us from what is unfruitful. He will also trim back what is just good in order to allow for the growth of what is best. Though we had thought the pruning of prior years was complete, God had more in mind. In this move, we went from a building of 12,500 square feet to one that is 3,500 square feet – and we are thrilled to do so! And though it was very difficult to not bring our full staff with us, in God’s providence we trust that is also part of His plan. We believe the Lord will

add to World MAP those whom He would give in this new land for the new tasks that are before us! God had us prune the ministry in preparation for Him to put the “spade into the ground” and transplant World MAP to a new land and new home. This recent pruning and transplant is already reaping immediate benefits for World MAP, including: • Just 20 percent of the proceeds from the sale of our Burbank building were used to acquire a new home for World MAP – thus, the remaining 80 percent will go toward equipping more national leaders! • The cost of living in Prescott is less overall, so the cost of adding staff will be less to World MAP – again allowing more resource to go to ministry training!

As pastors obtain smartphones overseas, World MAP prepares to better serve them.

We are positioned for strategic hiring to allow for the development of new methods for training leaders, including audio and video teachings, our own smartphone app, portable teaching devices, Summer 2013 • WORLD MAP DIGEST / 5

increased Spiritual Renewal Seminars, and more! Dedicated to Him It was our joy to welcome Pastors Vic and Dee Torres to World MAP’s new Prescott home in July. As members of the World MAP Board of Directors, they had “walked the miles” with us as we made the faith journey to this new land. Our staff enjoyed a rich time of fellowship and ministry with the Torres’ as they brought prophetic and encouraging words. Following our meeting, they joined us in prayer as we dedicated the new World MAP building to the Lord’s service. We walked the property together – and the adjoining land – establishing it for God’s use and glory. Then in August, we welcomed

Advisory Board members Hank and Myrene Morris, who had also provided wise counsel and consistent prayer support throughout the 9-month relocation journey. We so appreciated their prophetical sharing with our staff, and we were all greatly enriched by an afternoon of intercessory prayer with them. Positioned for Growth When God led us to “prune” the ministry of World MAP so many years ago, He had many purposes in mind. And He alone knew it would eventually lead us to this very day – a day in which we truly believe God has positioned World MAP for growth. The opportunities and needs abound worldwide for leadership training as His Kingdom expands,

available, we wrote an offer. After several weeks, things were proceeding well. even the closing date for the sale was significant, as it was on the anniversary of our son’s death – something redemptive for an otherwise very difficult date for us. We thought, “Only the Lord could time this in such a way!”



Frees by Wendy Parrish

Throughout our 9-month odyssey to relocate World MAP, there were so many answers to prayer and reasons to rejoice. God was clearly speaking and leading, and we were marching along in faith, trusting Him to make a way. He gave wisdom beyond our abilities, strength beyond our years, and great grace for the journey. A Final Hurdle However, there were challenges along the way to over6 / WORLD MAP DIGEST • Summer 2013

unstopped by persecution, economic woes, religious strife or hell’s opposition. There are almost limitless possibilities for meeting the global demand for pastoral training. Thank you for praying with us for God’s wisdom and direction for World MAP as we are launched into this next season of ministry. Pray for us to also know how we can bless and serve the community and the Body of Christ in Prescott, Ariz. God has reasons why He has planted us here, and we want to be sensitive to obey His leading. We are grateful for your prayers and your support of World MAP. It is only because of your help that World MAP can provide the life-changing, nation-shaping materials used to bring multitudes

come, and our faith was tried right up through the very last decision. We were in the home stretch, and almost everything had fallen quickly into place for our move. The final door that needed to open was a home for Frank and me. We had visited Prescott and made offers on several houses, but they had not been accepted. We kept “knocking, seeking and asking” (Matt 7:7,8) and waited for the Lord to open the right door. When another home became

A Higher Plan But in the eleventh hour, that house also fell through. And there seemed to be nothing else on the horizon that seemed right or was within our budget. We knew God had provided and gone before us in this relocation in every other way. Yet discouragement was nipping at our heels and questions began to arise. “Lord, we have been looking and praying for months for a home, but we are not seeing an answer. What are we missing? Are You trying to tell us something?” As days passed, deeper heart issues began to surface. “Father, do these temporal things matter to You, and should they matter to us? Do you have ‘a place’ for us, or should we just choose something and be done with it? With larger issues of immense trial that affect multitudes, do You care about these ‘smaller’ things? We

to Christ and to teach them to be His faithful disciples. Thank you for partnering with us. If you happen to be in Prescott, Ariz., please come by and see us and rejoice with us in the new home God has provided for World MAP!

think we know what You desire for us, but is that actually just our own desires or presumption on our part?” Frank and I were discussing these questions at dinner and feeling pretty low. Suddenly, from deep within me, something began to rise up. In a manner quite uncharacteristic, I slammed my fists on the restaurant table, and with tears falling, yelled out “NO! We are not to just pick something that doesn’t seem right. I know God cares about this, and has just the place for us. He has led us this far, and He will provide a place that will meet our needs and be a blessing to us and to others!” It was as if I was on the verge of accepting a lie about Who God is, when His Spirit suddenly leapt up within me and challenged that lie! Frank and I talked some more, and realized the pressure of this move had forced to the surface some residual pain and disappointment from past events that had deeply wounded our faith. Those events had not destroyed our faith, and God had already done much to restore us. But we recognized there was still wounding, remnants of doubt and fear about God’s love and concern for us that kept us bound. Our Faithful God wanted us

Pastors Vic and Dee Torres (World MAP Board) and Hank and Myrene Morris (Advisory Board) joined with the staff in prayer to dedicate World MAP’s new building and property.

completely set free. So we repented for our weakness of faith and freshly opened our hearts to our Father’s complete restoration of and provision for us.

Suddenly, from deep within me, something began to rise up. In a manner quite uncharacteristic, I slammed my fists on the restaurant table, and with tears falling, yelled out “NO!...” The Day Redeemed The next day was an emotional one, as it was the anniversary of our son’s passing and we were still tender from God’s dealings the night before. We had only one day left to view homes before heading back to L.A., so our Realtor took us out once more. After looking at five more houses with no success, there was one more on the list. It had just come back on the market. As we toured it, we realized the amenities, location and price were even better than we had hoped for – and what a redemptive date on

which to find it. We made an offer, God gave us favor with the seller, and he accepted our offer over another! It turns out the house had been held up in escrow for the month prior, when we would not have been in town to see it. Then, for no explainable reason and just 6 hours before closing, the buyer backed out – on the day we came back to Prescott to look for a house. God had indeed heard every prayer for our home and, though we could not see it, He had gone into action to answer. He had placed His desires within our hearts, and gave us the faith to hold out for what we believe He intended. He did have a place for us, one even better than we desired – and He even held it for us until we could find it! But best of all, the Lord was rebuilding and growing our faith, bringing us to an even greater place of freedom and strength in Him. And we have a tangible reminder of His loving grace every day in the home He provided. The Lord is faithful. When we open to Him, He will truly use every situation and challenge for our good – which is to further conform us into the image of Jesus (Rom 8:28,29). Summer 2013 • WORLD MAP DIGEST / 7


Perspectives on Prayer By Dr. Frank and Wendy Parrish Compiled and adapted from teachings in World MAP Prayer Corps bulletins

Mighty River “For who has despised the day of small things?” (Zech 4:10). Too many of us do not realize either the importance or the impact of our prayers. Because of this, we can be subject to discouragement. We may not remain as fervent or consistent in prayer, or might even succumb to the lies of the devil that convince us that our prayers are ineffective. Satan desires that we no longer pray because he is fully aware of the power of our prayers to both bind his schemes and advance God’s Kingdom purposes. Recently, a longtime and faithful member of the World MAP family sent us a prophetic “word picture” that vividly illustrates the power of prayer: “I woke up praying for you and several others… I began ‘seeing’ the same picture in my mind that I have seen for several weeks. There were voices raised in trickles of intercession, forming many little trickles. As the trickles go along, more voices are raised in intercession and a small creek forms. The voices become more numerous and the creek forms into a more purposeful stream. The voices become more numerous, calling and crying out to the Father as the stream becomes a river, growing more powerful as the volume increases. The sound of intercession grows and grows until it is a mighty roar. The river 8 / WORLD MAP DIGEST • Summer 2013

becomes a great and powerful river, full of energy and pushing aside every hindrance and obstacle in its path as it flows on with a mighty roar. It tumbles down into a place of great desolation and destruction, dryness and barrenness. As it flows, and everywhere it touches, there is brought forth abundant life, full of vitality and fruitfulness, healing and beauty and the presence of the Lord shining forth over the entire area.” Have we been discouraged in prayer? Have our individual prayers seemed small and weak? We can still have faith! As each believer lifts up his/her heart and voice to God Who both hears and answers prayer (Ps 34:17; Prov 15:29), that believer is joining with others to form a great and mighty river directed by

Many empty promises up a standard against the onslaughts of the enemy (Isa 59:19). God is faithare made in our world ful to fulfill His promises (such as today. But the Word of Isaiah 55:11 and Romans 10:11). Therefore, mindful of who we are in our Lord is sure and Him, we know what we can do: “the people who know their God shall be does not fade or lose strong, and carry out great exploits” its power (Isa 40:8). (Dan 11:32). God’s Word is true and God’s Word is Sure unchanging. So when He “For as the rain comes down, and the snow from heaven, and do not return tells us we can call upon there, but water the earth, and make it Fighting the Good Fight “Beloved, do not think it strange Him and He will hear bring forth and bud, that it may give concerning the fiery trial which is to try seed to the sower and bread to the eater, you, as though some strange thing hap- and move into action so shall My word be that goes forth from pened to you; but rejoice to the extent (2Chron 7:14; Isa 65:24) My mouth; it shall not return to Me that you partake of Christ’s sufferings, void, but it shall accomplish what I to accomplish His that when His glory is revealed, you may please, and it shall prosper in the thing also be glad with exceeding joy” for which I sent it” (Isa 55:10,11). perfect and gracious (1Pet 4:12,13). This is a powerful and revealing will on earth as it is truth regarding God’s prophetic decNo matter our source for world news, the pronouncements are the larations. When God speaks, He done in Heaven, we can declares same: turmoil, unrest, suffering and what will be – and nothing inequities. There seem to be few or no one can change, alter or delay count on that.... the Spirit of God to fulfill the Lord’s purposes in these strategic days. Hallelujah! A believer’s prayers are a life-giving stream joining with the intercessions of others to create an unstoppable river. Nothing of our adversary’s plans can stand against this mighty flow of prayer! Our God hears and answers prayer, moving into action to establish His will on earth among the nations.

solutions and even fewer competent and courageous leaders. Yet, in spite of these challenges, we do have a trustworthy and fully-able Leader of leaders: Jesus our Savior! He is on His throne, and by His Spirit is mightily at work in His Church – around it, within it, and through it – to fulfill His eternal and divine purposes. Around the Church (see Isaiah 59:19b): The Lord will protect, keep and direct the Church, preserving Her, for She is His beloved Bride (eph 5:25) and chosen instrument. He will safeguard the individual saint as well as the worldwide Body of Christ (2Tim 1:12). He surrounds us with His presence and peace in the midst of life’s storms (John 14:27). Within the Church (see ephesians 5:26,27): Christ is mightily at work within His saints to shape us and conform us into His image (Rom 8:28-30). He will use every adversity and trial to build us up and cause us to be the focused reflectors of His glory in this present dark age (Phil 2:15). So let us be daily refreshed in the truth of God’s Word to receive comfort and a renewed mind, and to apply His Word as a weapon of war (eph 6:17). Through the Church (see Matthew 16:18,19): In difficult times, we may want to run and hide. But our adversary, the devil, is most active when his work is most opposed. Thus, let us continue to rise in the power and authority of Christ’s blood and Name and do warfare in prayer! Let us cast down principalities and powers that oppose God’s will (eph 6:12). They have already been disarmed through His Cross (Col 2:15), and are merely “toothless lions” with roaring lies and intimidation as their only weapons. So we need not focus on the perils of these days, for Scripture assures us that our mighty God will raise

it. Nowhere is this more clear than His word in Isaiah 9:6,7, which culminates in the coming of the promised Messiah (Luke Chapter 2) – the event that has changed our world and the lives of untold millions forever! Many empty promises are made in our world today. But the Word of our Lord is sure and does not fade or lose its power (Isa 40:8). God’s Word is true and unchanging. So when He tells us we can call upon Him and He will hear and move into action (2Chron 7:14; Isa 65:24) to accomplish His perfect and gracious will on earth as it is done in Heaven, we can count on that – absolutely, and without doubt, timidity or question. Our faith is built upon the unwavering nature of His Word (Rom 10:17), which is based upon a God Who does not waver or change (Jas 1:17; Mal 3:6). This means that we can pray radical prayers. We can pray in such a way that the fulfillment could only be from God! William Carey, the great missionary to India, said, “Attempt great things for God, expect great things from God.” We can do this not because of our great faith or ability, but because we are partnering with a faithful God Who will fulfill His promises! It is a great privilege, as sons and daughters of God, to bring before His throne those things which also burden His heart. We come not as beggars (eph 2:18; 3:11,12,16; Heb 4:16, 10:19-23) or as wishful dreamers, for His arm is strong to save, to heal, and to perform His wondrous works. even if we feel our faith is as small as a mustard seed, that is still enough to call out to and embrace the Almighty God (Matt 17:20) – for our faith is not in our prayers, but rather in the One to Whom we pray. And He IS FAITHFUL! Summer 2013 • WORLD MAP DIGEST / 9

Praying for the Nations




PYGMIES OF CENTRAL AFRICA Population: c.500,000 Religion: Spirit-worship, primarily worship of a worldpervading “forest spirit.” Pygmies see the forest as their protector, often referring to it as “mother” or “father.” This is a form of pantheism. Unheralded Holocaust: Pygmies (so named from their genetic 3- to 4-foot adult height) were caught in the crossfire of the Second Congo War (1998-2003), said by some to be the costliest armed conflict since World War II. Yet it was even worse than crossfire – and far more devastating. Ugandan-backed rebel troops advancing through Congo often enslaved Pygmies… and cannibalized them. Even in times of relative peace, Pygmies are routinely enslaved by Bantu tribes. The Bantu consider them less than human.


• • •

The sending of “laborers in the Harvest” among the Pygmy and surrounding tribes. Immediate end to the enslavement and abuse of Pygmy people. Change of heart among Bantus, to see Pygmies as fellow humans and equals. Bantu Christians to reach Pygmies in earnest with the Gospel.

Join World MAP Prayer Corps and receive monthly prayer bulletins from Frank and Wendy Parrish. Email wmap@world-map.com to sign up! 10 / WORLD MAP DIGEST • Summer 2013

Population: 15,494,466 90% Muslim • 9% African spiritism • 1% Christian Interim President of the Republic of Mali: Dioncounda Traore Interim Prime Minister: Django Cissoko Average life expectancy: 53 years Infant mortality rate: 10% (world’s second highest) Literacy rate: 31% Fertile land: 3.76% Hidden crisis: “And you shall consecrate the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty throughout all the land to all its inhabitants. It shall be a Jubilee for you…” (Lev 25:10). Mali started the year off with civil war and a murderous hostage crisis. But the ethnic and religious bitterness at the root of the conflict had been seething for centuries. Slavery rears its ugly head in any study of the country’s past… and present. Historically, the lighter-skinned Arab-Berber Muslims of the north have enslaved darker-skinned Africans of the south. Slavery was passed down through generations. Roughly 800,000 Malians are direct descendants of slaves. A half century after slavery was officially outlawed, as many as 200,000 are currently in hereditary bondage. They still await their “Year of Jubilee.”


• Restored peace, justice and prosperity for a unified Mali. • Reestablishment of a legitimate democratic government and legal system. • Malian Christians to take the lead in opposing slavery by boldly proclaiming the Gospel. • Malians’ liberation from Islamic terrorism and false religion, to find freedom in Jesus Christ.

Shepherd’S Staff on the way!

“thank God I came across your address and read about the work you are doing in equipping the ministers through the distribution of the Shepherd’s Staff and aCtS materials. I recently launched a ministry in rustenburg in South africa and require materials to help me as well as people that God is bringing. If you could help me with the Shepherd’s Staff and copies of aCtS, I would really appreciate it.” – tendekai Chinyandura, South africa “I am so much overjoyed to receive the Shepherd’s Staff this morning. God bless you. I promise to use it for God’s glory.” – pastor Samuel Muchiri, Kenya “I am happy to inform you that we have received the Shepherd’s Staffs today. we are a rural evangelism group. God richly bless you and the team. we are grateful. you will never be forgotten.” – Kingsley nunoo, Ghana “I got the Shepherd’s Staff not long after you informed me that it was on the way. I have been using the book in the house fellowship and topics have varied depending on the type of audience. It has been very refreshing even personally for me. Many thanks to you and your team.” – pastor philip akintoye, Senegal

pastor Guillermo dominguez escobar’s congregation in Colombia (above) will soon benefit from sound biblical teachings when pastor escobar receives the Spanish Shepherd’s Staff currently en route to him. his remote location has prevented a copy of the book from reaching him for 19 years, but a nearby leader with a reliable address will receive one for him and personally deliver it.

aCtS and the Shepherd’s Staff raise Ministry Standards “I am requesting aCtS Magazine because the time I read one of the magazines, it helped me much. I learned a lot and I benefit a lot from it, and it lifts me from one step to more steps up. I also request a copy of the Shepherd’s Staff. I know that this copy and the aCtS Magazine will help me to be an effective messenger of the Gospel in these last days.” – Christopher tembo, Malawi


“I received a copy of the Spanish Shepherd’s Staff … and gave it away to a person who showed great interest in this material. I am now without this valuable material. I do have 40 volumes of the heChoS magazine which I constantly use. I would like to continue receiving the magazine and if possible a copy of the Shepherd’s Staff.” – pastor Martin Borboa, Mexico



“thank you very much for all [Matendo – aCtS Swahili] magazines you sent. It was power for my ministry.” – Gabriel duwau, tanzania “thank you for having responded to my expectations. May God continue to bless you with every good blessing to give his Kingdom strong impetus for the final push – i.e., the evangelization of every tongue and people.” – Idowu Johnson, Ivory Coast


“I am using the aCtS issue ‘the anointing of the holy Spirit’ to prepare lessons for Section Bible Studies for second quarter 2013.” – John Simwawa, Zambia Summer 2013 • WORLD MAP DIGEST / 11

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All others write to: World MAP 3025 N. Tarra Ave. Prescott, AZ 86301

“the Lord bless world Map with the dew of heaven for reaching out to us and making the work easy.” Where ministry training is lacking, World MAP resources are as soul-refreshing as the morning dew or a summer rain. ACTS, The Shepherd’s Staff and Spiritual Renewal Seminars pour a crystal-clear biblical perspective into frontline pastors. That heavenly stream not only refreshes and strengthens the pastors, but flows out as scriptural nourishment to the newly won – and together, they share the life-giving water of the Word and the Gospel to even more.

“…the hearts of the saints have been refreshed by you…” (philemon 7). To keep refreshing them: Just $5 provides an ACTS Training Guide Just $8 supplies a Shepherd’s Staff Just $20 sends a pastor to a World MAP Seminar

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