The Shepherd’s Staff: Gold mine in the Andes and throughout the developing world
Heirs of God by Frank R. Parrish
Part IV
The Privilege of Adoption This article concludes the four-part series on ADOPTION excerpted from ACTS.
Editor’s Note: We have often prayed the prayer Jesus taught that begins with “Our Father...” It is only our adoption by God at the moment of salvation that entitles us to call Him our Father. And at that moment, everything changes – forever. Our adoption – being placed as sons – puts us into a new kind of relationship. Both the adopted son and the adopting parent are committed by the act of adoption to support, help and maintain the other. We have previously studied the implications and obligations that are to be fulfilled by the one being adopted. But there are also great privileges given to one who has been placed as a son. This is true even in human adoption. But those who have become sons of God are given priceless and eternal privileges. Let us study those now. A. The greatest privilege of adoption is to now have ity was wanted and chosen by God before our world even existed! God as your Father (Rom 8:15; Gal 4:5) God also “predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Every living thing owes its existence to God, especially mankind (Acts 17:25,28). All men have God as Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will” (Eph 1:5). God has their Father, but only in the Pastor To Pastor willed many things; but our sense that He is the Creator It is often parental neglect, rejection or abandonment adoption is according to of all (John 1:3). We have no relation to God as our that causes a person to feel unwanted or unloved by others the good pleasure of His Father before we are born and by God. Thus, let me exhort you, dear pastor, to never will. He has always wanted again and enter into adop- allow the busy activities of ministry to cause you to fail to fultion as sons of God. The fill your first responsibilities to your wife and children in this us, providing the way through Christ for us to unbeliever can call God regard. The Bible is clear that your marriage and family are a choose to come to Him as “Judge,” but not Father. Now for us who are higher priority than ministry (Eph 5:22-33). Your personal His children. What a great truly made sons of God by relationship to the Lord is always the first priority for your life. honor and glory to be the new birth through faith But if you are married, your wife is then the second priority. If God’s wanted son! Perhaps you (or somein Christ, we have been you have children, caring for them is your third priority. This given the greatest privilege means loving and providing for your family, nurturing them one in your church) were of all. We are brought into and teaching them the ways of the Lord (Deut 6:7). Then, not wanted as a child by ministry comes after your personal walk with the Lord, and your earthly parents. Or God’s family, and He has after your responsibilities to your wife and children. perhaps you felt unloved, bestowed upon us all of the If your marriage or children are showing signs of neglect, more like a burden or a nuilove, privileges and rights you become disqualified for leadership in the Church sance than someone who of a son. (1Tim 3:1-5). And worse, your neglect may cause harm that Our Father is not opens your family to being unwilling or unable to receive was cherished or desired. Please know that God, ashamed to call us His sons God’s love and plans for them. your heavenly Father, has and daughters (2Cor 6:18; It is a challenge to balance work, family and ministry. Heb 2:11). We are not an None of us does that perfectly. But we must always strive to always wanted you! He has abandoned child that God follow God’s instructions for our lives. These instructions are laid precious and magnifiwas obligated to take in. found in His Word. So take the time to study the scriptures cent plans for your life, and The Bible teaches us that that explain God’s priorities and standards for how to lead for the life of every memGod “chose us in Him [Christ] your family. (Begin with Ephesians 6:1-4; Colossians 3:20,21; ber of your church and fambefore the foundation of the 1 Peter 3:1-7; and Malachi 2:13,14,16.) • ily (Jer 29:11-13; Esth 4:14; world” (Eph 1:4). All human1Cor 2:9). God has set aside 2 / WORLD MAP DIGEST • Fall 2012
provision and resource for you (Matt 6:33; Phil 4:19). And He is actively working in you and for your good (Rom 8:28-30). Praise His holy name!
Volume 52 / No. 4 • Fall 2012
B. Our Father has given us His Holy Spirit The many benefits of the “inheritance” gift of God’s Holy Spirit are innumerable. But some of them include: 1. The Holy Spirit is the “Spirit of adoption” (Rom 8:15) This means that by the Holy Spirit’s presence in us, we can truly and personally know and experience a close and personal relationship with our heavenly Father. Through the Spirit, we can cry out, “Abba, Father” (Rom 8:15; Gal 4:6). The term “abba” denotes intimacy and affectionate respect. It was used in Bible times by children (even adult children) to affectionately address their fathers, and sometimes by students to their teachers. We might use a similar term with our earthly fathers, such as “daddy.” Jesus used the term “abba” when He spoke to the Father (Mark 14:36). But “abba” was rarely used by Jews when referring to God; for although they had the law of God, they did not have the surpassing privilege of intimate personal relationship with Him. This became available only through Christ’s sacrificial work at the Cross. 2. We have been delivered from a slavish fear of God “For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear” (Rom 8:15). We know there is to be a healthy and righteous “fear of the Lord,” a reverence and awe for the Almighty God. But we, as Christians, no longer need to labor under “a certain fearful expectation of judgment, and fiery indignation which will devour the adversaries” (Heb 10:27). The judgment for our sin has been satisfied; our death sentence for sin (Ezek 18:20) has been paid by Christ. We can proclaim, “There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit” (Rom 8:1). Because this is true, we can “come boldly to the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need” (Heb 4:16; see also 10:19,22). Our Father who loves us will hear us when we call to Him, and will answer according to His perfect love and wisdom. 3. We have been “sealed” by the Holy Spirit “In Him you also trusted, after you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; in whom also, having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, to the praise of His glory” (Eph 1:13,14). Continued on page 6
World MAP exists to train and empower church leaders to make disciples of all nations. Matthew 28:18-20; Ephesians 4:11,12; Colossians 1:24-29; 2 Timothy 2:2; Mark 16:15-18; Luke 24:46-49; Acts 20:17-28
OUR PURPOSE World MAP trains church leaders in developing nations for ministry. Why is that important? In recent decades, the number of new Christians in these nations has multiplied exponentially. The greatest need is for pastors who know how to shepherd and disciple them. But poverty, persecution or lack of proximity prevent most church leaders from getting the ministry training they need. World MAP exists to meet this need, and our proven strategies have helped train more than one million church leaders for ministry in 140+ developing nations. OUR STRATEGY World MAP helps church leaders to be effective through: • printed Bible-based pastoral training that is clear, comprehensive and practical; • seminars within their nations that provide training, promote unity, and minister spiritual refreshing; • promoting Spirit-filled life and ministry; • enlisting the North American Church to pray fervently and give generously to help indigenous* church leaders become effective ministers. *World MAP is able to train church leaders because of the generosity of people who recognize the value of equipping indigenous leaders – those native-born citizens who already understand the culture and needs of their communities and who are best positioned to reach the unreached and disciple them.
Table of Contents 2 ACTS ExCERPT Adoption: Heirs of God 4 Shepherd’s Staff Impact Stronger Than Ever 5 Peru: Shepherd’s Staff Breaks Barriers
12 Why We Pray For Unreached People 13 Unreached People Group: Bajau of the Philippines 13 Pray for the Nations: Azerbaijan WORLD MAP BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Jon Cook, Hank Morris, Frank Parrish, Vic Torres. WMAP CANADA BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Tim Grauman, Lyle Horrill, Helmuth Lange, Dave McTaggart, Frank Parrish, Wendy Parrish. DIGEST STAFF: Frank and Wendy Parrish.......Directors / Editors Gayla Dease ..........Design / Publications Coord. Keith Balser ......................................Copy Editor PRIVACY POLICY Your privacy is our priority. We do not sell, lease, rent or share personal information obtained from anyone via postal or online services.
World MAP Digest (USPS 692-240) is published quarterly by World Missionary Assistance Plan, 1419 N. San Fernando Blvd., Burbank CA 91504. The subscription price is $5.00 per year. Periodicals postage paid at Burbank, CA 91505 and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to World MAP Digest, 1419 N. San Fernando Blvd., Burbank, California 91504-4141. HOW TO CONTACT US: Visit us at our website on the Internet at Email subscription inquiries and address changes to Phone 1-818-843-7233 / Fax 1-818-845-5000 Fall 2012 • WORLD MAP DIGEST / 3
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HISTORY More than 20 years ago the need was desperate, the lack as wide as a continent. Christian training material for the house church leader in China – where was it and who would supply it? “We need to know how to walk in victory over the powers of darkness,” these leaders begged. “We need to know how to….” They were not alone. The cry from church leaders to know what to do was global, not just continental, and had reached crisis proportions in developing nations: 95 percent of them were without access to Bible or ministry training. The Lord began to give World MAP, and many who partnered with them, a heart and vision to help solve this crisis. So after a series of trips, interviews, phone calls, faxes, meetings and prayers, a plan was developed. The goal: a church leader’s training manual that would serve not just the Chinese home cell leader – but also the diverse indigenous pastors and church leaders throughout the developing world. Thus The Shepherd’s Staff – a 1,000page book with a New Believers Training Manual, Topical Concordance and Leaders Training Guide – was born. It was a lofty goal, producing such a comprehensive, in-depth ministry tool – but again the question, “How to…” Making this vision a reality would be a daunting uphill task in the low-technology days that preceded Windows software and desktop publishing programs. Much would have to be done by hand – and ready hands were “set to the plow.” The Chinese Shepherd’s Staff – the book’s flagship edition – was created manually, page by page, using hot wax to apply carefully cut strips from long galleys of text into margins of precisely marked layout sheets. It was a toilsome journey to reach the point of initial distribution in 1993. In the ensuing years, the 4 / WORLD MAP DIGEST • Fall 2012
English and 17 additional translated editions of the book were formatted and designed on computers. But each step has led to increase, and now more than 1 million copies of The Shepherd’s Staff have been given to church leaders globally! Since surpassing that milestone give-away last year, another 15,000 copies have been distributed across Asia, Africa and Latin America in the first nine months of 2012. The worldwide impact of World MAP’s “Bible School in a Book” – and the demand for it – has not diminished in 20 years. Nor has its individual impact on each church leader equipped with a copy. Pastor Chamoler Docdocil, one of the first Filipino church leaders to receive The Shepherd’s Staff in the early 1990s, recently hailed the book as far more than a “one-time then back-on-the-shelf read.” He offered donors profound thanks for this ongoing sourcebook that has helped build, bolster and sustain his ministry in Bacolod City, Negros Occidental for two decades. “I can still remember it was nineteen years ago when you sent [the book],” he wrote. “It is now very old but still usable. We really need this for training of church workers who are very eager to be used by the Lord.” DELIVERY In those early days, application processes and postal delivery took at least nine to twelve months – or more! – for a copy of The Shepherd’s Staff to reach an eager pastor. However, in recent years, vastly streamlined methods for requesting the book and more networking with other ministries have combined to great-
ly enhance distribution speed. This, along with rapid advances in technology and international transit – combined with a faithful team of Prayer Corps members praying aggressively for World MAP distribution projects – has cut the request-to-receipt time to as little as two or three months. An African pastor who requests a Shepherd’s Staff in late summer can conceivably have it in his hands by Christmas. “Thanks to the efforts of our Publications Coordinator, Gayla Dease, and because of your consistent prayers for Shepherd’s Staff shipments, large and small, we are hearing good news as to the arrival times of World MAP’s most sought-after publication,” noted World MAP President Frank Parrish. Just recently we heard from Pastor Nathaniel Adjin-Tettey in Ghana who wrote, “Thank you very much for your assistance. I received my copy of The Shepherd’s Staff a few minutes ago and would like to thank World MAP for the kind gesture. I will use it! God bless you for sowing this seed in my life. I pray for continued and mutually beneficial relationship with your organization.” Most of the books are printed and mailed from India, where technology still takes a back seat to hard labor as workers painstakingly prepare each book parcel for its long-distance journey. “We are very grateful for the diligent and caring work done by our Indian brethren to bless the pastors of so many nations,” said Frank Parrish when reading this recent thank-you note from Pastor Wame Ngcakani of South Africa: “I would just like to say thank you for the Shepherd’s Staff you sent me. It has really brought clarity and depth to my ministry and Christian walk. I thank God, the Father of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, for your selfless and unwavering dedication to His cause and vision, and pray for success for all your future endeavors….” Noticing the special wrapping paper, tape and string used by Indian workers to protect the book during transit, Brother Wame added, epherd’s h S e th r “It showed the fo u rity amount “... thank yo la c t h g u of ro b really Staff... It has d care and pern a my ministr y sonal considand depth to ” .… lk eration you a i w n Ngcaka Christian Pastor Wame put into your work. I was moved, even to tears, when the package landed on my hands.” PARTNERS Another large portion of Shepherd’s Staff distribution takes place in Tanzania where our partners at Pamoja Ministries ship Swahili, French and English books throughout East Africa using postal services, courier, personal delivery and even tourist buses to get the books to remote locations. “The Church in East Africa has grown and must continue to grow if it is to include the youth who form the majority in these countries,” Joy Feser, Pamoja’s global literature manager, recently said. “More and more leadContinued on page 8
Peru: Shepherd’s Staff Breaks Barriers Dear Friends, Thanks to our Lord for allowing our paths to cross.... We were able to bless 24 pastors of various denominations with copies of The Shepherd’s Staff in the Andes of Peru. This zone is known as the Callejon de Conchucos. Its location is near the town of San Marcos (an important mining town) and the town of Chavin de Huantar (an archeological site). The pastors are leaders of small communities. I had the privilege to minister to them for two hours daily an entire week. Our first gathering was on a Sunday evening with 35 to 40 leaders. By the end of the week, Friday, there were close to 100 leaders in attendance. Some of them had to walk approximately four hours to get to the church in San Marcos where we congregated. Even though the pastors belonged to different denominations, the Holy Spirit was always present. We learnt so much about our relationship with God leaving aside anything related to ‘denomination.’ I am truly blessed for having been able to form a part of “Team Expansion” ministry group of Kentucky. They partnered with a ministry group of Georgia who have been giving their services as doctors, nurses and volunteers contributing towards the revival of the church in this part of the world. This was their fourth consecutive visit to Peru. I learnt so much during the time I was ministering at night and when I was working along with other missionaries during the day. I was touched when I saw the hunger for the Word that these people have. After they were seen by the medical team we asked them if they knew why we were there. Some of them responded, “because we are poor,” others said, “because the mayor brought you here,” and others said, “because you are good people.” We responded NOOOO, we are here because Jesus loves you! That is when we saw people in large masses giving their lives to God and receiving Jesus into their lives. My prayer is for your ministry to grow and be able to reach to more people who really need you. I pray that the Lord will continue using you and that the glory will always be His. Blessings to all. Your Brother in Christ, Armando Navas, Peru Fall 2012 • WORLD MAP DIGEST / 5
Bible, coupled with a diligent and conscious effort to As a legal act, Roman adoption had to be attested obey both the letter and spirit of the Word of God to by a reliable witness. We have already learned that (1Tim 4:12-16; 2Tim 2:15; 3:16,17; Jas 1:21-25); and in spiritual adoption, the Holy Spirit’s presence within 2) by cultivating a sensitivity to the promptings and us is our witness. leadings of the Holy Spirit, taking time to both pray The Holy Spirit is there to give witness, to verify, and listen for a response as we go about our daily lives. that truly we are the legitimate sons of God. As God’s It is important to actively invite the presence of children, we are the heirs of His inheritance that we the Holy Spirit into our lives each day (Gal 5:16). We have in Christ. “The Spirit Himself bears witness with our can ask Him to lead us in every situation or circumspirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs stance we face. Make it your habit to regularly talk to – heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suf- the Holy Spirit, asking Him for guidance and taking fer with Him, that we may also be glorified together” time to listen to what He will reveal to your heart. (Rom 8:16,17; see also Galatians 4:6,7). This idea of being C. Our Father is fully comPastor To Pastor “sealed” by the Holy Spirit mitted to discipline us Pastor, please know that the Holy Spirit will never lead (Eph 1:13; 4:30; 2Cor 1:22; Every parent eventualyou to do or say anything that would displease the Lord or ly recognizes the impor5:5) holds great importance that would be contrary to what is already written in the Word tance of disciplining their for us. A “seal” in Greek culof God. ture, when stamped on a children. But God’s disciThe Holy Spirit, as God and the Third Person of the possession, was used to pline is very different from Trinity, will always confirm the Word of God and lead you into indicate ownership and to the type of discipline an obedience to what God has already revealed in the Bible. give protection against earthly parent might apply If you sense that the Holy Spirit is leading you to do theft. A seal also indicated to a child. something, it is wise to seek the advice of other counselors that a document or mesThe discipline of the who are more mature in the Christian faith and knowledgesage was authentic, and able in the Word (Prov 11:14; 24:6). Choose those who are Lord is not something to experienced, mature believers who have a proven track fear or dread. God does conveyed the authority of record of faithfulness to God’s Word. Look for those who have not discipline us out of disthe one who sent it. the courage to speak the truth if they need to correct you. As the adopted sons of gust, anger or impatience. You should also confirm that what you are sensing from His discipline does not God, who are sealed by the the Holy Spirit does not contradict the letter or spirit of the involve punishment, judgHoly Spirit, we are marked Word of God. For example, the Holy Spirit would never lead as true sons of God. We ment or rejection. In fact, you to take something that does not belong to you, for the belong to Him, and He has Bible clearly reveals that we are not to steal (Ex 20:15; the opposite of these given His angels charge things is true! Eph 4:28). over us (Ps 91:11,12). We God disciplines us A word here especially to men: A provision of wise counare under God’s authority sel that God has already given to you is your wife. This does because we are sons whom to do His will, and we also not mean she will always be right – in the same way that you He loves. He disciplines us will not always be right. However, a good and godly wife is a in order to release us from have God’s authority availhelpmeet (Gen 2:18) – and her help can sometimes come in the bondage of sin and able to enable us to carry the form of good advice. out His will (Luke 10:19; rebellion. God disciplines Take time to pray with your wife as often as possible. us to set us free to receive John 14:13; 15:16). And when you do, also take time to talk about what you may more of His anointing and As sons of mature be sensing from the Holy Spirit. Many women are very senplacement, we have been blessing. sitive to the Holy Spirit. Husbands need to have the humilientrusted with the privilege Take a moment to read ty to ask wives their opinion, and the wisdom to follow it if it to carry out our “Father’s Hebrews 12:3-13. God’s is confirmed by the Word of God. Make every effort to regbusiness” in the world “chastening” is not always ularly seek the Lord together! • around us. We are to live because we have done and minister in Jesus’ name, something bad or need to by His authority and aligned with God’s will to carry be corrected. The word “chastening” actually contains out Kingdom business. Amen! the idea of strengthening or training that is necessary to fully develop our potential, in order for us to fulfill 4. The Holy Spirit will guide us all the plans that God has for our lives. Strengthening “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are our lives also has the added benefit of protecting us sons of God” (Rom 8:14). from possible future attacks or injury (Heb 12:12,13; The Greek word translated as “led” is a present par- see also 1 Corinthians 9:24-27). ticiple. This means that we are to be continuously led by the Holy Spirit. This is to become a way of life for D. Since we are adopted sons, our Father desires to every maturing believer, but especially for pastors and transform us into the image of the only begotten leaders in the Body of Christ. Son This continual leading of the Holy Spirit will hapWhen we are adopted into God’s family at salvapen in two ways: tion, He gives us not only a new name, but also a new 1) by a constant and growing knowledge of the nature. “…as His divine power has given to us all things Adoption, continued from page 3
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that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue, by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust” (2Pet 1:3,4). As Christians, we bear the name of the One who has adopted us (Acts 11:26; 1Pet 4:12-16). We also, through His provision and the working of His Spirit, are day by day being inwardly transformed into the image of God the Son – Jesus! (2Cor 3:18) This process of transformation is continual throughout our lives. We are commanded to give ourselves to this process, and to cooperate with the working of the Holy Spirit. We are also to make every effort to become more like Him who adopted us: “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God” (Rom 12:1,2; see also 1 Corinthians 15:49 and 1 John 3:2,3). Mankind was originally created in the image of God (Gen 1:26,27). But we have been distorted and marred by multiplied centuries of sin and rebellion and its effects. At salvation, however, we begin the glorious process of being restored to our heavenly Father’s likeness and image, transformed from within in order for our character to become more like His. God is committed to our maturity and growth. His Spirit will continually convict us of our need to repent of (turn away from) harmful behavior. He will teach us how to trust, yield to and obey the Lord and His Word. God will even use the pressure of circumstances to mold and shape our lives, as a potter would shape and form a clay vessel (Isa 64:8). As a loving heavenly Father, God is restoring us so that when we finally see Him face to face we shall be more like Him who made us (Ps 17:15). E. As sons, we are given the privilege of liberty “Therefore you are no longer a slave but a son, and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ” (Gal 4:7); “Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed” (John 8:36). As believers in Jesus Christ, we have been set free through Christ from the law of sin and death (Rom 8:2). We have been delivered from the elemental things of this world (Col 2:8,16-23). We no longer need to fear death (Heb 2:14,15), nor judgment and wrath (Rom 5:9). Yet our adoption and the freedom it brings have even more purpose. The adopted son is not free to do whatever he wants (1Pet 2:16,17). Rather, we are now free to do as we ought to do in obedience to our Father’s will and His Word. We have been set free to give faithful service to our God and to His household (the Church) and, as His messengers, to the entire world.
As adopted sons, we are given protection from evil God’s Word promises that His children will be kept from the power of evil (see Luke 10:19; John 17:11-15; Romans 8:31-39; 1 John 3:8; 4:4). The only power and authority that hell has in the life of the believer is what the believer accepts or allows. Jesus made provision for us to resist the devil (2Cor 10:3-5) and to be set free from anything of evil that would try to oppress us (Eph 6:10-18). However, it is important to note that the Bible clearly states that in this life we will still experience trials, tribulations and opposition from the devil (see James 1:2-7,12,13; 1 Peter 4:12-19; Matthew 5:10-12; John 10:10; 2 Corinthians 2:11; 11:13). We live in a broken, sin-filled world and will each face challenges and heartaches. However, our heavenly Father promises to use even those difficulties to work great blessing in us and for us (Rom 8:10,28; 2Cor 4:7-18). In trials, we will have either God’s grace to endure or His power to be delivered (Jas 4:6-8; 1Pet 4:12,13; 1John 3:8; 4:4; Rev 12:11). But no matter the trial, the Lord will be with us; He will never leave us nor forsake us (Matt 28:20; Heb 13:5). He will give us what we need to run the race of this life with His strength and endurance, no matter the obstacles. G. Our adoption provides us with a holy dignity and equality There are many places in the world today that consider some people less acceptable than others. People from particular castes, tribes or specific geographic areas, or who speak a certain language, are thought to be less valuable or lower in the social order. There are religions or countries that do not allow females the same dignity, privileges or respect as males receive. These and other forms of prejudice or oppression are not uncommon. But for born-again followers of Jesus Christ, their adoption and status before God the Father place them on an equal level with all other believers. For in Christ, “there is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus” (Gal 3:28, emphasis added; see also Colossians 3:11). Those who are in Christ are now all of a royal bloodline (the blood of Jesus Christ) and all carry the same Family name and inheritance. The Bible reveals that believers are God’s “chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people” (1Pet 2:9). The dignity and self-worth of Christians is established by the price paid for us at the Cross of Calvary, and by the simple undeniable truth that God has set His love upon us (1John 3:1). Nothing can change that eternal truth (Rom 8:38,39). No matter the color, class, race or gender, believers are all equal with one another. They are each made worthy of God’s love in Christ, and are one in the bond of unity by the Spirit of God (Gal 3:26-29; Eph 2:11-18; Col 3:11). Continued on page 10 Fall 2012 • WORLD MAP DIGEST / 7
Shepherd’s Staff, continued from page 5
“Though we’ve already distributed tens of thousands of the Shepherd Staff books, the task is not half done. New regions are also opening up... the need is truly enormous.” Joy Feser
“The Shepherd’s Staff was a ROARING success! ...HIGHLY sought after here… I may get mugged if I can’t come up with others! You sure hit this one out of the park….” Missionary in Congo
ers, both present and those yet to enter into ministry, must be equipped. We are continually reaching new denominations which haven’t received the World MAP materials,” Joy added. “We’re reaching out to new graduates training for leadership in the Church. Though we’ve already distributed tens of thousands of the Shepherd Staff books, the task is not half done. New regions are also opening up. We’re distributing hundreds of books to the Democratic Republic of Congo and also to South Sudan, places where the need is truly enormous.” Don Richter, President of Harvest Preparation International Ministries, who has served with Frank Parrish on World MAP ministry teams, recently distributed 300 English and Swahili books at a seminar in Kitali, Kenya. “If I could capture the tears of the men who wept when they received The Shepherd’s Staff, I could fill buckets,” Richter said later. “The value of the printed page cannot be ignored.” While discussing the challenges of technology, Richter noted, “On another recent trip to Africa, I was unable to access the Internet with my own devices for more than a week. Most of the people we see don’t have the Internet. Often we are out in the bush, in the middle of a field, handing out books. We don’t like to leave them empty-handed. We like to leave them something.” And what they leave most often is The Shepherd’s Staff. World MAP’s Administrator, Wendy Parrish, added: “As a ministry called to ‘send portions to those for whom nothing is prepared’ (Neh 8:10), our primary training focus is on the poorest and most remote areas. People in these places often have no electricity or running water, let alone electronic technology. Church leaders are often itinerant, walking miles each week to teach others. A Biblesized, portable teaching tool like The Shepherd’s Staff is a vital and practical resource for them, and we are thankful for ministry partners who help us distribute to these remote locations.” In Pakistan, a predominantly Muslim country where Christians are persecuted, nearly 16,000 church leaders use The Shepherd’s Staff! Local World MAP manager Alexander Francis Sarfraz recently observed: “After the Bible, CHARWAHAY-KA-ASA [Urdu for The Shepherd’s Staff] is the highest in demand among Christian church leaders. It has impacted the lives of church leaders and non-Christians. They are convicted and changed their lives and their religion and have come to Christ. Word of God is reaching to unreached through this book in Pakistan and thus the Kingdom of God is expanding quietly….
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Thanks to the management and the supporters of the World MAP for their significant efforts to make publication ministry very successful and fruitful.” OPPORTUNITIES While World MAP collaborates frequently with ongoing ministry partners, unique opportunities to work with others come along one by one. Working from his home base in Ohio, missionary Russ Hylton recently requested 10 French Shepherd’s Staffs, which he then forwarded on to another missionary, Gary Dickinson, in Pointe-Noire, Congo. Dickinson’s report back was short and exhilarating: “The Shepherd’s Staff was a ROARING success! I was inundated with pastors hoping to have a copy. Apparently this is a book that is HIGHLY sought after here… I may get mugged if I can’t come up with others! You sure hit this one out of the park….” After looking over the subjects and doctrinal teachings in The Shepherds Staff, African missionary Charles Tillett was eager to share it with the African pastors he trains. “From A to Z, so much is covered for the leader to learn from, scriptural and practical truths,” he wrote. “I am excited that there is an opportunity for pastors and leaders in developing countries to have such a ministry tool,” he added. “From my experience, many leaders are hungry for training, but it is far and in between. Most short-term training schools are too costly and too far from the leader to be able to attend. However, The Shepherd’s Staff makes a way where there seems to be no way. Most have very little training in leadership and scriptural truths that go beyond a
GOD’S PERFECT TIMING brought Pastor Rabonda Ndivhaleni all the way from South Africa to Oregon for a fall ministers conference. Among the 1000+ attendees, he sat next to Frank and Wendy Parrish. Pastor Rabonda had always wanted a Shepherd’s Staff and Frank just happened to have one with him. World MAP will be shipping enough to supply his network of pastors and Bible school graduates in South Africa. It was, as Wendy put it, a “divine connection.”
few sessions under a mentor or what they have learned in Church. So, to place one of these leadership manuals in their hands is a blessing from God that will give them the opportunity to learn and grow spiritually as they study. It gives access to biblical subjects in a real and truthful manner, in an easy format that can be learned.”
“Very few things excite me more than seeing the truth of 2 Timothy 2:2 – a guiding verse God gave me for World MAP’s ministry – being lived out and perpetuated through thousands upon thousands of church leaders around the world.” - Frank Parrish Donna Auerbach, President of Deborah Ministries International, Inc., first used The Shepherd’s Staff in Russia and recently took copies to Africa, where she is starting a Bible School. In addition to providing Bibles, Donna also gave Shepherd’s Staffs to 80 leaders. “They were so eager to receive them,” she reported later. “It seemed as if we were passing out gold! This book is such a blessing to the people and I am grateful to be able to receive them and dispense them to the people of Africa.” MORE THAN JUST READERS The individual pastors and evangelists who lovingly cherish and rely on this treasured resource as a companion to their Bible share the enthusiasm – and commitment – of those who help World MAP distribute The Shepherd’s Staff. “When I see the Shepherd’s Staff book that I borrowed from my sister in Christ, I envy her with holy envy. I hope I can own my personal Shepherd’s Staff book. Thank you for your mission to each and every one through this book.” – Pastor Enerio B. Capiral, Philippines “I came across The Shepherd’s Staff and have found that it is a gold mine to use in every situation – be it to evangelize, to disciple, to teach.” – Evangelist Doris Li, Mauritius “Your ministry and especially The Shepherd’s Staff is truly a blessing to the Body of Christ. We need sound teachings that will position us to be better and sharpened tools in God’s hands.” – Cyril Mbachu, Romania
Note: Mr. Mbachu is a native of Nigeria who pastors a church in Romania. This is profound testimony to the reverberating effect of Shepherd’s Staff distribution. Partakers of the book’s training insights become partners in teaching biblical truth to others. Frank Parrish added, “Very few things excite me more than seeing the truth of 2 Timothy 2:2 – a guiding verse God gave me for World MAP’s ministry – being lived out and perpetuated through thousands upon thousands of church leaders around the world.” NEW HORIZONS, SAME VISION Like light through a prism, The Shepherd’s Staff has appeared in numerous foreign-language versions since its 1993 inception: Spanish, French, Portuguese, Swahili, Indonesian, Urdu (Pakistan), Chinese, Russian, and the India dialects Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, Hindi, Bengali, Marathi, Oriya. Most recently the book has been translated into Korean and Vietnamese. As resources become available, World MAP has been asked to consider these additional translations of The Shepherd’s Staff: Amharic (Ethiopia), Arabic, Azerbaijani, Burmese, Chichewa (Malawi), Creole (Haiti), Japanese, Javanese (Indonesian island of Java), Kannada (southwestern India), Punjabi (western India), Nepali, Tagalog (Philippines), Thai, Turkish and Ukranian. Additionally, the upcoming launch of World MAP’s new website will set the stage for sharing electronic and audio/video teachings with church leaders around the world. “Though pastors in remote areas may not have the technology to access the website,” noted Frank Parrish, “we feel the Lord prompting us to ‘expand the borders of our tent’ and make this powerful yet simple training material available to an even broader scope of leaders. However we will always offer the printed page to serve pastors in every place.” The cutting-edge technology of 2012 and beyond is a far cry from the cut-and-paste techniques of 1993. Yet the same values that guided the early labors – faithfulness to a vision and commitment to the hard work to make it a reality – are ageless. “The vision to serve pastors and church leaders around the world by providing excellent equipping materials is our driving purpose,” Frank Parrish stressed. “The Lord of the Church birthed World MAP and The Shepherd’s Staff to be His instruments, and we are grateful He has called you to partner with Him and us in the fulfillment of His purpose and will in these glorious days!”
“I came across The Shepherd’s Staff and have found that it is a gold mine to use in every situation – be it to evangelize, to disciple, to teach.” Evangelist Doris Li
“Most shortterm training schools are too costly and too far from the leader to be able to attend. However, The Shepherd’s Staff makes a way where there seems to be no way.” Charles Tillett
Fall 2012 • WORLD MAP DIGEST / 9
Heaven. As sons, our placement or position before The Bible reveals a principle of unity that goes Him is secure and filled with promise for this life and beyond just the relationship between a husband and for the life to come. As heirs, our inheritance is also both now and future. wife (1Pet 3:7-12). Pastor To Pastor Our future inheritance As leaders, we must Pastors, all that we say and do should reflect this very will be totally fulfilled when always model righteous important biblical principle of equality. It has been said, “The we pass from this life and see treatment of all those ground at the foot of the Cross of Jesus is level.” In other our Savior “face to face” whom Christ died to save. words, all believers, whether young or old, male or female, (1Cor 13:12). The key to We must treat others, no high or low caste, rich or poor – ALL have equal worth and understanding this future matter who they are, with standing before God. ALL have equal access to God in salinheritance is the promise dignity, honor and vation and relationship. God desires to pour out His Spirit contained in Ephesians respect, modeling Christupon all believers to empower them for service and to reflect 1:13,14. Take a moment to like behavior to those His glory (Joel 2:28,29). • read that passage now (see whom we lead. also 2 Corinthians 1:22; 5:5; If your culture or background, your pride or your fear keep you from Ephesians 4:30). The sealing gift of the Holy Spirit given to us is loving and releasing in ministry all believers equally, please reconsider your role as an elder or leader in the stated as a “guarantee.” The word guarantee can be Church. Being a fruitful, effective leader requires that translated as down payment, deposit or first you live by and model the principles found in the installment. In other words, God has given us His Spirit as a Scriptures. down payment, securing us for that day when God will H. The complete fulfillment of the privileges of fully receive us into eternity. Our heavenly Father has paid the ultimate price being adopted by God is yet to come “Not only that, but we also who have the firstfruits of for us by sending God the Son to take our sin upon the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, eager- Himself and die in our place on the Cross. Our Father ly waiting for the adoption, the redemption of our body” then has given God the Spirit as a pledge, or guarantee, that our full inheritance and the total redemption (Rom 8:23). Being justified by faith in Christ sets us free from of our lives are secure and will be fulfilled. The Bible reveals that even our mortal, weak and sin and condemnation (Rom 3:21-25,27,28). By our adoption we become sons who are placed as joint- corruptible bodies will be resurrected one day (1Thess heirs with Christ (Rom 8:17; 1Cor 3:21-23; Gal 4:6,7; 4:15,16). Our mortal bodies will then be transformed, becoming immortal and incorruptible (1Cor 15:35-58). Heb 6:17; Rev 21:7). Praise the Lord! As God’s sons, we shall be totally Our inheritance as God’s children has already begun. In that we are adopted children, the Bible calls transformed – body, soul and spirit. Some day we will us children, sons and heirs. As children we are already live in eternity completely whole, and in the bright given the gift of a close relationship with our Father in and undiluted presence of our Lord and His love! Until then, we can know God and experience His love. We have the “down payment” of His Spirit living us. As we grow and mature in Christ, we can Our inheritance as God’s chil- within know the Lord more deeply, experiencing an everdren has already begun. In that we increasing measure of His love and His power in and through our lives. are adopted children, the Bible This growth process can and should continue each day of our lives until we at last see Him face to face calls us children, sons and heirs. As and know Him fully, even as we are known children we are already given the (1Cor 13:12). What a joy and privilege it is to be an adopted, gift of a close relationship with our placed son of the living God. What great joy and of inheritance is ours both now and throughFather in Heaven. As sons, our promise out eternity! Adoption, continued from page 7
placement or position before Him is secure and filled with promise for this life and for the life to come. As heirs, our inheritance is also both now and future.
10 / WORLD MAP DIGEST • Fall 2012
“He Made Us Accepted” Our privileges as adopted sons and heirs of the living God are truly glorious. We shall have an eternity to sing His marvelous praises for taking unlovable sinners – through His grace and love – and making us His sons. All of this God has done, “according to the good pleasure of His will, to the praise of the glory of His grace, by which He made us accepted in the Beloved” (Eph 1:5,6).
Part V
The Purpose of our Adoption
The worship due our God for all eternity is certainly a worthy outcome of our adoption. But there is also a purpose in our adoption as sons that we can live out and give expression to while we live here on earth. A. Destined For Relationship The Scriptures reveal that mankind was originally created in the image of God (Gen 1:26,27). This includes the fact that mankind was made with the capacity for free will and choice. We are able to think, to feel, to reason, and to make intelligent decisions. We have emotions as well. These are all attributes that are necessary for having normal, healthy relationships. Ultimately, mankind was made for the glory of God (Rev 4:11). But how was man to bring that glory to God? Was that to be accomplished through the complexity of our design? Or through our intelligence or creativity? Those are all wonderful characteristics God has given us. But they alone do not reveal God’s true purpose in creating humanity in His image. Or perhaps man was to bring glory to God through his service. But did God need more servants? If so, then why wouldn’t God simply make more angels? They are stronger, swifter, and without many of our human, fleshly limitations. Certainly mankind has the capacity to serve. But once again, this is not why we are made in the image of God. Sin Destroys Relationship Several Bible passages that we have already studied give us insight into why God created man in His likeness. We read that God chose us in Christ and predestined us to adoption “before the foundation of the world” (Eph 1:4). In other words, God in eternity past chose to create us in His image in order that we would be His sons. God chose to create us the way He did in order that we might have a loving relationship with Him as our heavenly Father! We were originally intended to walk and talk with God face to face, as Adam did in the
Garden of Eden (Genesis Chapter 2). You and I were created for relationship – a personal, loving and close relationship with our Creator. Sadly, Adam and Eve chose to violate that relationship through disobedience and rebellion against God’s commands. Thus sin entered our world and began its cruel work upon and within God’s creation. Sin always destroys relationships – in marriage, in friendships, in families – but especially between us and a perfect and holy God. Our Clearly Designed Destiny Sin and its consequence of death threatened to ruin God’s plans for His creation. But God very quickly set in motion His redemptive plan (Gen 3:15). Though it would take centuries to completely unfold, it was perfect in its design and timing. At just the right moment in history – after the law had been used as a tutor to reveal to mankind his desperate need for God (Gal 3:23-25) – God sent His Son to take upon Himself the death penalty for all the sins of mankind (John 3:16). This perfect and unblemished Lamb became the sacrifice for all (Isa 53; 2Cor 5:15; 1Pet 1:18-21). Then Jesus Christ rose from the dead to reign forevermore as our Living Lord and Savior! All those who believe in and receive Jesus, the Living Savior, have their sins forgiven. Because the sins of the repentant sinner are removed from him as far as the east is from the west (Ps 103:12), there is no longer the separation caused by sin between the sinner and his Creator God. Thus the sinner is made an adopted son and is restored to what God originally intended – to have a personal relationship with Him as the heavenly Father. That is God’s clearly designed destiny for every person – and that is why we must carry this Gospel message into all the world! Our Door Of Access Mankind was created for relationship with our Creator, God our Father. When sin destroyed that possibility, God sent His Son to take the death penalty for our sin. Jesus’ sacrifice for us reopened the door to God that sin had closed. The Temple worship of Jesus’ day included a secluded place, the Holy of Holies. Only the high priest could enter there to speak to God on behalf of the people (Heb 9:6-9). It was covered by a large, thick tapestry known as the veil. The Bible reveals that when Jesus died, the veil in the Temple that covered the Holy of Holies was supernaturally torn in two (Mark 15:38). The splitting open of this heavy, woven veil from top to bottom signifies to us that through Christ’s death, a door of access had been opened by God between Himself and all of mankind once again! Reconciliation “For if when we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more, having been Continued on page 14 Fall 2012 • WORLD MAP DIGEST / 11
“Then He brought him outside and said, ‘Look now toward heaven, and count the stars if you are able to number them.’ And He said to him, ‘So shall your descendants be’” (Gen 15:5). “And if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s descendants, heirs according to promise” (Gal 3:29 nas). Stark Facts and Figures It is normally difficult to obtain solid population figures. Yet any online search for unreached people group figures yields alarmingly high estimates – for example, there may be as many as 3.6 billion people in the world who have never heard the Gospel. This number is: • 10 times the population of the United States; • 3 times the population of China (the world’s most populous country); • 36,000 times some estimates of the number of visible stars. Don Marchant, World MAP’s publications coordinator from 1984 to 1988, spent more than two decades researching – and praying for – unreached people groups. Before passing on to his heavenly reward June 17, 2012, Don – along with his wife, Noreen – personally ministered to thousands of indigenous pastors through their ministry Equipped to Go. In his book, “Equipped to Go to an Unreached People,” Don estimated the total number of distinct unreached ethnic groups to be as high as 10,000. This exceeds some estimates of the number of visible galaxies. Sub-Saharan Africa has the highest number of unreached ethnic groups, with more than 1,500, followed by southern Asia (including India), with more than 1,200. These figures may be estimates, but one fact is clear in anyone’s estimation: Unreached people need to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ! Window on a Dark World The enormous number of peoples and countries who still need to hear the Gospel can seem like an impossible task that has been given to the Church (Matt 28:18-20; Mark 16:15-18). Yet, in response to His disciples’ astonished questions regarding the awesome challenges to bringing lost humanity to salvation, Jesus responded clearly, “with men it is impossible, but not with God; for with God all things are possible” (Mark 10:26,27). In recent decades, there have been huge advances in technology and communications methods. Reaching 12 / WORLD MAP DIGEST • Fall 2012
the untold masses who have not yet heard the Gospel is much more possible today than in centuries past – if the Church will rise and make reaching the lost its highest priority! The best beginning point for reaching those locked in darkness is by unlocking spiritual doors through intercessory prayer. That is why in the past seven years, the DIGEST “Praying for the Nations” section has highlighted 27 unreached people groups for prayer. These groups represent 35 countries (with some groups spanning multiple countries) over a wide and diverse geographic range: Equatorial Africa; North Africa; the Indian subcontinent; Latin America; Eastern Europe; the Middle East; Southeast Asia; the Far East; Indonesia and the Philippines; islands in the South Pacific, Indian Ocean and Bay of Bengal. Focusing on these groups allows us a glimpse into their lives and spiritual struggles. We can see a crosssection of false religion in its many dark and disturbing forms: Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism, animism, ancestorworship, dread of evil spirits, and superstition sometimes layered over with a veneer of Christian ritual. We are reminded of the apostle Paul’s words: “But even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing, whose minds the god of this age has blinded, who do not believe…” (2Cor 4:3,4). The church leaders World MAP serves know this first-hand. A Nigerian evangelist ministering in remote rural areas said it best: “There are many village people still in darkness. They still don’t know about Jesus Christ. We want to reach out to those who don’t know Christ.” In praying for this outreach, we are mindful of the many desperate needs of these groups – that they be delivered from spiritual bondage, political oppression and economic deprivation. They especially need the Spirit of God to remove the veil from their hearts: “For it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ” (2Cor 4:6). Extending Our Reach Important as it is to intercede for specific ethnic
groups, we must not overlook the broader national needs. Unreached groups are often the most remote – and most profoundly impacted by national crises, corruption and various shortages. Prayer is always in order for developing countries, to safeguard the Church and advance the Gospel within – and beyond – their borders. Though World MAP DIGEST has offered snapshot reports on countries throughout the developing world, there are many more that need our prayers, too many to feature in even several years’ worth of DIGEST issues. And it is, of course, not possible to report on every unreached ethnic group everywhere on earth. But you can certainly pray as you feel led for the leaders, general populations and unreached groups in such places as Albania, Bangladesh, Chad, Egypt, Myanmar and Thailand – and many more beyond. And as we contend in prayer, let us look forward to the day when, in God’s perfect timing, “the kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever!” (Rev 11:15).
Population: 52,000 Home: Zamboanga Peninsula (Mindanao) and the Sulu islands of southern Philippines. Religion: Islam and animistic folk religion (two religions frequently intermingled). Adrift: Also known as “Sea Gypsies,” the peaceful Bajau live in double dugout canoes – with one family per boat – or, if on shore, stilt houses. Competition for fishing grounds is increasingly driving them from their traditional livelihood to live onshore, where they often resort to begging in order to survive. Periodically, spiritmediums hold séances that include trances and mystic dancing. When someone falls ill, a “spirit boat” is sent drifting out to sea in the belief that it will take the illness out to sea with it. PRAY FOR: • A groundswell of intense missionary focus on the Bajau that clearly presents the Gospel of Jesus Christ. • Deliverance from the demonic deception of séances and trances, and Islam. • Broader skills to enable the Bajau to achieve economic prosperity. • Opening up of fresh fishing grounds for the boat people. • Provision of practical needs for Bajaus who have been forced onshore.
Praying for the Nations AZERBAIJAN Population: 9,493,600 93.4% Muslim 2.5% Russian Orthodox 2.3% Armenian Orthodox 1.8% Other (including <.001% Protestant) President: Ilham Aliyev Prime Minister: Artur Rasizade First Deputy Prime Minister: Yaqub Eyyubov Location: Bordered by Russia and Georgia (to the north and northwest), Armenia (to the west), Iran (to the south) and facing the Caspian Sea, largest inland body of water on earth. “Land of Fire” is one translation of Azerbaijan’s name. It derives from the ancient pre-Islamic religion of Zoroastrianism, which regarded fire as a sacred object of worship. Continuously burning natural gas fires on a coastal hillside near the capital city of Buka caught the attention of Marco Polo. An ancient “Fire Temple” near Buka is preserved as a museum. Much of Azerbaijani religious practice is museum-like – nominal, lacking in force or conviction. Corruption is rampant in both government and society. PRAY FOR: • Raising up of Spirit-filled and Bible-based ministries to labor in the harvest of this nation. • Revival fires to be ignited among Azerbaijan’s small remnant of evangelical Christians – to spread even throughout the Orthodox churches. • Awakening among Muslims to the emptiness of both Islam and secularism. • Conviction and repentance in the heart of anyone tempted to pay, accept or solicit bribes. • Zeal in the hearts of government officials to root out corruption. .
Join World MAP Prayer Corps and receive monthly prayer bulletins from Frank and Wendy Parrish. Email to sign up! Fall 2012 • WORLD MAP DIGEST / 13
Adoption, continued from page 11
reconciled, we shall be saved by His life” (Rom 5:10). The word “reconcile” means to change, re-establish or restore a relationship. Again we see that Christ’s sacrificial work established the possibility of our reconciliation to God. This reconciliation is available to any person who believes on Christ for salvation (Eph 2:8-13; Rom 10:13). A close relationship with God is possible for any believer in Christ. But this reconciliation also provides a second important purpose.
to tell them how that is done – only by salvation through Jesus Christ. This mission is Jesus’ final command to all of His followers: “And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, ‘All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age’” (Matt 28:18-20; see also Mark 16:15). Paul the apostle dedicated his life to this great purpose (1Cor 9:19-27; Col 1:24-29), as have countless other believers through the ages. And we today must do no less!
B. Destined To Be Ambassadors As adopted sons of God, we have been sovereignly placed by God the Father into the mature position of sonship. We are “heirs of God and joint heirs with Our Father’s Will Christ” (Rom 8:17). Our greatest privilege This tremendous posiPastor To Pastor tion of privilege also Pastors, our busy lives and ministries can often lead to and joy as God’s adopted brings with it tremendous the neglect of our personal relationship with God. Our “first sons is to reveal the love of love” (Rev 2:4) becomes the work of ministry, or perhaps God that is available responsibilities. One of the something else. All of our time and effort is devoted to things through Jesus Christ to othprime responsibilities for other than our relationship with the Lord. ers. Our message includes: every believer while on the None of us intends to neglect God. But slowly, as our “the Lord is not slack concernearth is to reveal the ministry grows and our lives become full, we find ourselves ing His promise, as some count Gospel – the eternal salvaspending less and less time with the Lord. Our prayer life slackness, but is longsuffering tion and restored relationbecomes focused on asking for things we want, blessings for toward us, not willing that any ship to God that is availus or anointing to do well, instead of just sitting at the feet of should perish but that all able only through faith in our Savior to be with Him. We study God’s Word only to get should come to repentance” Christ. a good sermon, rather than to simply commune with Him and (2Pet 3:9); “whoever calls on Every believer has the feed ourselves spiritually. the name of the Lord shall be command and the priviMany pastors fall into this trap. It is no wonder that they saved” (Rom 10:13); and, lege to tell others what begin to “burn out,” asking: “Why do I feel so dry spiritually? “For God so loved the world God, through Christ, has Where is my sense of call and vision? Why does Jesus seem that He gave His only begotten done for them. It makes no so far away? Where is God in my life? Why does ministry feel Son, that whoever believes in difference the age, gender, like an outward performance, and not something vital and Him should not perish but calling or spiritual maturity alive that is coming from my heart?” have everlasting life” – it is the responsibility of Do any of those questions sound familiar to you? Each (John 3:16). every Christian to tell othof us must be careful to protect and actively strengthen our God told His first creers about Jesus! relationship with God, and grow in that relationship. Without ated son, Adam, to “be Paul the apostle fresh, daily communion with Him and fresh manna from His fruitful and multiply” and to explained it this way to the Word, we will quickly become weakened spiritually. When we be a steward of all that church in Corinth, and for are weak, we are much easier targets for demonic attacks. God had given him to care us today: “Now all things We then have less strength to resist and overcome our flesh for (Gen 1:26-28; 2:8,15). are of God, who has recon(Rom 13:14; Gal 5:16; Eph 4:27; 6:10-18). Inevitably, comGod’s will for us is very simciled us to Himself through promise and failure will soon follow. ilar, but now has this added Jesus Christ, and has given us But most tragic will be the loss of the close relationship dimension: “By this My the ministry of reconciliation, with God for which you were created. He longs for you Father is glorified, that you that is, that God was in (Jas 4:5), and you desperately need Him. There is no other bear much fruit; so you will be Christ reconciling the world relationship or activity in this life that is more important than My disciples… You did not to Himself, not imputing walking and talking with your heavenly Father every day! This choose Me, but I chose you and their trespasses to them, and is true for you, and also for those whom you lead. • appointed you that you should has committed to us the word go and bear fruit, and that of reconciliation. Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were plead- your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father ing through us: we implore you on Christ’s behalf, be recon- in My name He may give you” (John 15:8,16). The “fruit” that we are to bear and that is eternal ciled to God” (2Cor 5:18-20). Every one of us is to be an ambassador for Christ. in nature is the fruit of people – those who are Our adoption requires far more of us than to just sit brought to salvation through Christ. We are to multiand rejoice in our own salvation and position as a son. ply the sons that are restored to God through salvaWe have a mission from our heavenly Father. That mis- tion. We cannot save anyone by our own power. But sion is to implore others to be reconciled to God, and we are given the message of salvation, and God gives 14 / WORLD MAP DIGEST • Fall 2012
us the power of the Spirit to deliver it with boldness! He will confirm the Gospel with signs and wonders following (Mark 16:17,18; 1Thess 1:5). We are the adopted sons who are also called to be preachers of the Gospel (Rom 10:14,15). It is our Father’s will that every born-again person faithfully share the Good News of salvation through Christ with any person who will listen. We must study the Word of God, and prepare to answer the questions that unbelievers might have (2Tim 4:1-5; 1Pet 3:14-17). We must also love and serve those who are needy in Christ’s name, showing very practically how much God loves people. These are all ways of sharing the Gospel, the Good News of God’s love and salvation in Christ. As God’s adopted sons, we are given the privilege and responsibility to fulfill our heavenly Father’s will. This does not earn for us our adoption, prove our worthiness to receive it, or make God love us more than He already does (Luke 17:10; Rom 5:1-10; 1John 3:1-3). We do not serve our Father in order to gain the privilege or position of sonship; that is already ours in Christ. But we serve because we are accepted as His sons. We are not sons because we serve; we serve because we are sons! Almighty God, our Creator and heavenly Father, has chosen you to be His son in full standing once you receive salvation through Jesus Christ. Thus you are also His heir to all the privileges, provision, promises and power – NOW, and in the Kingdom of God yet to come! Glory to God! Take a moment even now, lifting your head and your hands to the Lord. Thank Him out loud that you are His son. Declare that truth to the natural realm, and to the supernatural realm – to everything that would oppose this truth being realized fully in your life. You are not an unwanted child. If you have received Christ’s salvation, you are not unworthy to be a beloved son of God. The blood of Christ has cleansed you of sin and made you worthy to receive. It has broken down the wall of separation between you and God, and you can have close fellowship with your heavenly Father. There is no question in God’s mind and heart about your position and standing before Him as a son. So let no question or doubt enter your mind about that either! God loves you with an everlasting love. He has set His love and favor upon you in eternity past; and once you are saved, there is nothing in this world or in the spiritual realm that can change that! “For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Rom 8:38,39).
Go Forth
Go Forth With Courage! It is up to each of us to choose to begin to live like the fully loved and empowered son that each of us is! Every believer in Christ has been set in the position of the mature son and heir by God’s unswerving and unchangeable will (John 1:12,13). Therefore, let each of us begin to live each day with confidence, knowing that our standing with God is secure. Study the Word of God and learn all that God has given you as an inheritance in this life, and in the life to come. Pray daily and commune with your heavenly Father, getting to know Him more and more and letting His Spirit make you more like Jesus in your character and behavior. Let your faith rise to believe God for the provision and power you need to do what your Father is doing (John 5:19) and to say what your Father is saying (John 7:17,18) – in order that you might lead the Church of God according to the Father’s will. Reject all fear, doubt and uncertainty as to who you are in Christ, and regarding His calling upon your life. Embrace fully the leading of the Holy Spirit and His will for you, as you set your hand to the plow and never look back. You have been destined by God – and given everything you need – to be “more than a conqueror though Him who loved us” (Rom 8:37). You are an adopted son of God. You have every privilege and every responsibility that comes with this blessed position. So rejoice and go forth with courage, faith and hope – for God your Father is for you and with you! Amen! Fall 2012 • WORLD MAP DIGEST / 15
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