WMAP DIGEST Winter 2012

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by Frank and Wendy Parrish

Rich Legacy... Boundless Horizons It is our joy to commemorate with you World MAP’s 50th Anniversary! In the following pages you will enjoy a brief look at World MAP’s inspiring history, our present ministry, and a glimpse beyond the immediate horizon. World MAP’s history is rich with purposeful, ordained moments of decision, change and obedience – each leading to the next season of important ministry outreach. Who could have known that a small missionary-assistance work birthed out of a pioneer church in Louisiana in 1961 would grow to become a worldwide pastor-equipping, nation-shaping, Kingdom-advancing ministry? Only God – and to Him be all the glory!

God’s TiMe Times and seasons are measured in various ways, from clocks to calendars. But there exists a different type of time that alters destinies and stands unchanged and unaffected by the passage of seasons. It is God’s time and it is unique in our universe. The Scriptures use two distinct Greek words when describing time. The first is chronos, which designates a period or space of

World MAP’s half century of leadership deserves the highest commendation possible! For strategic spiritual impact, sensible and sensitive leadership and steadfast, efficient ministry to distinct and otherwise overlooked need among global church leaders, I continue to praise God for your benchmark contributions to the work of the Gospel!

Dr. Jack Hayford, President, The King’s University, Los Angeles, CA 2

WORLD MAP DIGEST • Winter 2012

time. This is familiar to us, as our Western culture slavishly tracks and measures it, trying to make the most of every moment. But the Bible has another word for time, the Greek word kairos, which denotes the quality or content of something that occurs in a chronos type of time. In the New Testament, kairos is used specifically to describe a divine moment of visitation or a significant change that alters the current reality forever.

World MAP President Frank Parrish hands out the Shepherd’s Staffs that will equip these pastors to respond with joyful – and effective – obedience to God’s call on their lives and ministries.

The most important kairos moment is Christ’s work on earth: “But when the fullness of the kairos had come…” (Gal 4:4); “For when we were still without strength, in due kairos [at the right time] Christ died for the ungodly” (Rom 5:6). Through Christ’s pre-planned, foreordained – perfectly timed – death (Acts 2:23; 3:18; John 12:27,28) all of history must be reinterpreted. The primary message of the New Testament is that all of time is

focused upon – and finds its meaning and fulfillment in – the Person and ministry of Jesus Christ (Eph 1:10). But God has significant moments of personal encounter for us as well. Our “kairos moments” are those in which we sense the call and presence of God and respond with joyful obedience (or willful rejection) of His loving offer. These moments of visitation may be few or many for each per-

son. But no divine opportunity to respond and follow Him should ever be ignored! God-BirThed Vision It was in 1956 that one of those destiny-altering kairos moments began to reveal itself in a small Pentecostal church in Louisiana. The Holy Spirit was drawing the people to a broader and deeper commitment to world missions. Their motto became,

Welcoming and embracing times of Spirit-filled study and worship.

Winter 2012 • WORLD MAP DIGEST


Volume 52 • No. 1 • Winter 2012

Table of Contents 2 Rich Legacy... Boundless Horizons 5 Legacy of Faithful Service 6 A Fresh New Look 9 Missionary Assistance 9 Tape-A-Month 10 Summer Camps 12 Spiritual Renewal Seminars 14 ACTS Magazine 16 The Shepherd’s Staff 18 Church Leaders Send Thanks 20 Prayer Corps 21 Anniversary Greetings and Recollections WORLD MAP BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Jon Cook, Skip Mahoney, Hank Morris, Frank Parrish, Vic Torres. WMAP CANADA BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Helmuth Lange, Dave McTaggart, Frank Parrish, Wendy Parrish, Horst Senkbeil. DIGEST STAFF: Frank and Wendy Parrish.....Directors / Editors Gayla Dease........Design / Publications Coord. Keith Balser ....................................Copy Editor Winter 2012 cover design by AlphaGraphics PRIVACY POLICY Your privacy is our priority. We do not sell, lease, rent or share personal information obtained from anyone via postal or online services.

World  MAP  Digest  (USPS  692-240)  is  published quarterly  by  World  Missionary  Assistance  Plan, 1419  N.  San  Fernando  Blvd.,  Burbank  CA  91504. The subscription price is $5.00 per year. Periodicals postage paid at Burbank, CA 91505 and at additional  mailing  offices.  POSTMASTER: Send  address changes  to  World  MAP  Digest,  1419  N.  San Fernando Blvd., Burbank, California 91504-4141. HOW TO CONTACT US: Visit us at our website on the Internet at www.world-map.com Email subscription inquiries and address changes to wmap1@world-map.com Phone 1-818-843-7233 / Fax 1-818-845-5000


WORLD MAP DIGEST • Winter 2012

“devoted to the spread of the kairos moment in 1963, when the Gospel throughout the world” and Holy Spirit led the Mahoneys to they began to give 50% of all tithes give themselves fulltime to World and offerings to world missions. MAP’s ministry. They stepped out The pastors of that church in faith, and moved their family of were Ralph and Rose Mahoney, and five children to Southern California God was increasing their In our 30 years of ministry, burden and hunger to reach the lost in the we are well acquainted with the nations of the world. This burden took on definitive basic requirements for effectively training indigenous workers in form in 1961, when World Missionary Assistance Plan emerging nations. In our humble was established as an outopinion, World MAP is one of reach of Bethel Temple. At that time, “the the very finest missionary organentire ministry of World izations in the world. Materials MAP was contained in a distributed freely bedroom desk drawer,” by World MAP recalls Brother Mahoney. Yet, not despising small have proved to be beginnings (Zech 4:10), eminently successthey forged ahead into the ful in the training purposes of God that were greater and more farof native pastors reaching than they could and evangelists. ever imagine.

We have met thousands of these workers who have attributed the success of their ministries to training material received from World MAP. The teams that have assisted through the years and who continue to work with World MAP deserve great tribute. We sincerely trust and pray that World MAP will go from strength to strength until the Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached to all mankind.

AnoTher Kairos MoMenT The Charismatic Renewal was beginning to ignite around the world, and Brother Mahoney and teams were traveling to various nations to conduct evangelistic campaigns. They began to encounter a growing number of Western missionaries who, after being baptized in the Holy Spirit, had their support withdrawn by their mission agencies or Gerald and Elizabeth Rowlands, denominations. World MAP began to Church Planting Institute, help fund these missionAustralia aries and raise awareness of their needs. They managed their as World MAP became an indemailing lists and processed their pendent, non-profit missionarydonations, while also funding assistance ministry. “native evangelists” and sending thousands of Gospel tracts, FAr-reAchinG FAiThFulness A dear and godly friend of ours booklets and Bibles to foreign coined a simple phrase that countries. The demands of the burgeon- defined a fruitful lifespan for any ing missionary work led to another believer or ministry. He called it “a

long obedience in the right direction.” In other words, as we follow the Lord, each and every step of obedience and surrender to Him brings us one step closer to His next place of broadened influence and fruitfulness. This principle of godly increase and growth is revealed throughout the Word of God. As we are obedient and faithful with whatever is in our hands to do – no matter how seemingly insignificant – it prepares us so that God can release even more: “You were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things” (Matt 25:21). The ministry of World MAP is no exception to this principle. Faithfulness to each and every ministry outreach prompted by the Lord has led to the next even more far-reaching potential in ministry. “By His spirit” We believe you will enjoy reading in more detail about the history and effectiveness of these lineupon-line ministry outreaches of World MAP in the following pages. God has surely led World MAP from one kairos moment to another – each in God’s time. Every new outreach required another level of faith and obedience, and was only possible by the work and sacrifice of many saints who generously partnered with World MAP along the way. But there is more. All that World MAP has done, is doing and will do is based upon a full-hearted surrender to, and dependence upon, the Person and work of the holy spirit. Just as we are told in the Word to not despise small beginnings (Zech 4:10), the same chapter also reveals the key to growth and fruitfulness that is eternal: “‘Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit’ says the Lord of hosts” (Zech 4:6). eVer-increAsinG need God calls His people to do the work of ministry, but we will reach our full potential and maximum

Ralph and Rose Mahoney

The 50-year celebration of the history and impact of World MAP’s ministry could not be complete without specific acknowledgement of the tremendous contribution of the Founders and first Directors of World MAP, ralph and rose Mahoney. It has been said that, “without God, we cannot; without us, God will not.” It is true that God can do anything He desires, and does not need people to accomplish His will. Yet, in His sovereign wisdom, He chooses to call people to partner with Him to accomplish His purposes – both in prayer and in service. God found willing and faithful partners in Ralph and Rose Mahoney, whose 40 years of visionary leadership with World MAP have blessed and benefitted the global Church beyond measure. Ralph and Rose would have been the first to say that World MAP’s effective ministry was not based upon them, or any one person. They knew it was a sovereign work of God, made possible by the power of the Holy Spirit and the combined efforts of many, many people who gave and served sacrificially. Yet it was the Mahoneys’ heartfelt commitment to worldwide evangelism and their steadfast leadership that not only inspired countless men and women around the world to rise and take their God-ordained place as ministers of the Gospel, but also provided the practical training for them to be both effective and fruitful. These church leaders have since evangelized and discipled millions of others – God be praised! “Ralph Mahoney was one of the greatest missionary strategists of the modern era, with a unique understanding of the essential needs of grassroots workers in emerging nations,” writes Gerald Rowlands. “His vision, coupled with appropriate and realistic strategies for accomplishment, has been immensely successful in assisting huge numbers of ministers around the world.” The legacy of both faithful service and commitment to the global cause of Christ begun by the Mahoneys continues forward, as World MAP now advances into its next 50 years of ministry. But we pause to join with a host of Christian leaders around the world as we give honor to those to whom honor is due – and we so honor ralph and rose Mahoney. “But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory RALPH MAHONEY with through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my beloved his daughter Wendy; she brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in and her husband, Frank, the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in now lead World MAP. vain in the Lord” (1Cor 15:57,58). Winter 2012 • WORLD MAP DIGEST


A Fresh New Look Throughout the years, World MAP has periodically changed the look of its logo. Each time, it coincided with the end of one significant season and the beginning of another. World MAP’s Golden Anniversary clearly signals the end of a significant season – and the beginning of the next 50 years of World MAP’s ministry! Beyond that, Wendy and I sensed a distinct First WMAP Logo ‘nudge’ from the Holy Spirit to make a change to the World MAP logo – an outward, visible sign to reflect the heart of this next season of World MAP’s ministry. More Recent Logo A number of possible designs were submitted to the Board of Directors and, after their input, the top choices were passed to a wide range of people. A clear consensus began to form as to the primary choice, with reasons that go beyond its attractive new look seen below.

It was agreed that this new logo clearly embodies key elements of World MAP’s ministry focus, symbolizing: •

The harvest – The Great Commission is central to the mission of World MAP, as we equip national leaders to preach the Gospel (Acts 1:8), make disciples (Matt 28:19) and lift their eyes to see the ripened Harvest fields of the earth (John 4:35). This golden, wheat-like symbol speaks to this central mission and call.

The World – World MAP is a global ministry, and the circular symbol represents the world that we are called to reach and serve (Mark 16:15).

unfolding Purpose – This logo conveys a sense of forward motion and new life. In these days of unprecedented worldwide events unfolding, World MAP continues to advance forward into God’s purposes, reaching ever-more nations and peoples with the hope and true life found only in Jesus Christ (Eph 2:1-7).

We trust that each time you see a communication from World MAP with this new logo, it will bring to mind more than a map of the world, but the Great Harvest that is still awaiting the Gospel – whether it’s across the street or across the sea!


WORLD MAP DIGEST • Winter 2012

effectiveness only when we welcome and depend upon the power of His Spirit. Maintaining a teachable, flexible and obedient response to the leading of the Holy Spirit is what marks World MAP’s ministry – and what leads us forward into the future. The same Holy Spirit Who leads and empowers us is also moving in great power over all the earth in these days. In recent years, millions upon millions have entered God’s Kingdom through faith in Christ – more than ever before in the history of the Church. Because of this great influx of people, the most critical need facing the Body of christ today is for godly, spirit-filled and scripturally-sound church leaders – those who know how to make disciples (Matt 28:19) and teach others to do the work of ministry (Eph 4:12; 2Tim 2:2). In eternity past, God saw this time when a great harvest of souls would be swept into His eternal Kingdom. As the Good Shepherd, He began to give rise to ministries that would help train, teach and encourage His undershepherds. World MAP was raised up by God for such a time as this, and is prepared to help meet the ever-increasing need for effective church leadership worldwide. leGAcy or MeMoriAl? Our God is a Creator God Who delights in doing new things (Isa 43:8,9). He is freshly and continually leading and speaking to keep us pressing ahead toward His high call (Phil 3:13,14). From God’s perspective, there is a significant difference between a memorial and a legacy. A memorial is a remembrance intended to establish the end of a significant life, event or accomplishment. The opportunity to continue to affect the future is finished. By contrast, though a legacy also involves an ending, its intent is continuation. Those who desire a legacy recognize the importance and value of something that will live beyond them. They take what

The literature of World MAP has had a great impact on the lives and ministries of church leaders, laymen and non-Christians (i.e., Muslims and Hindus). I learned great many things from the deep and concrete teachings of the World MAP. In my eyes, its writers are Spirit-filled and high-caliber Bible teachers. Church leaders and laymen countrywide share with me their blessings, revival in their families and churches due to World MAP’s material. Many churches are praying for the work of the World MAP.

Alex Sarfraz, World MAP Representative, Pakistan has been, all that they have achieved and acquired, and willingly release it to others – pressing it firmly into the hands of those who are capable and willing to receive it. The legacy can then be built upon, ensuring a stronger future that is relevant and responsive to the needs ahead. Poised For GroWTh Today, we stand in awe of all that God has done through the first 50 years of World MAP’s ministry. Wendy and I are thankful to have served in leadership for 13 of those years. We gratefully honor the many who have given sacrificially and served courageously. They are far too numerous to mention, but God has seen every gift and moment of service – and we know their reward will be great! We honor what has been, and praise God for the Spirit-born legacy of World MAP that we now build upon as we work to meet the challenges and needs facing the Body of Christ in the 21st century. As we enter the next 50 years, it is with a number of exciting changes at World MAP. Some you will see reflected in this DIGEST, and others in the months ahead. They include: a new and fresh World MAP logo; a soon-coming website that will far better serve national church leaders as well as our North American constituency; an adjustment to the format and frequency of ACTS Magazine; a long-needed set of revisions to The Shepherd’s Staff, freeing us from copyright limitations and making it



even more useful for church leaders; and much more. Changes, yes; but the core of World MAP remains the same: a full-hearted commitment to Christ’s Great Commission and to equipping another generation of church leaders to make disciples in every tribe, tongue and nation – while maintaining fidelity to the Word of God and an emphasis and dependence upon the power and work of the Holy Spirit.

neW horizons Great and effective doors are opening for World MAP, and we anticipate in faith what the Lord will do as we step across those thresholds. But we know we do not take those steps alone. you are taking those steps with us – with every prayer, every gift, every word of encouragement and every moment of help and service. Your partnership is a blessing to us, and to every one of the hundreds of

thousands of church leaders whom World MAP has served and trained. There is a Harvest waiting to be gathered that is greater than ever before, and we are blessed to join with you as we seek to equip yet another generation “to gain for the Lamb the reward of His sacrifice” – that He may receive all the glory!

“clearly, this cry from church leaders for training must be heard – the need is great, the time is now!” dr. Frank Parrish, President of World MAP

our Purpose

World MAP exists to train and empower church leaders to make disciples of all nations. Matthew 28:18-20; Ephesians 4:11,12; Colossians 1:24-29; 2Timothy 2:2; Mark 16:15-18; Luke 24:46-49; Acts 20:17-28

The majority of pastors in developing nations are without formal ministry training. They are willing to serve, but the challenges of poverty, persecution or lack of proximity leave them without the tools they need to be effective. World MAP exists to help change that. Why is training important? in recent decades, the number of christians in developing nations has grown from 25 million to more than 600 million. The challenge has not been evangelizing the lost, but finding local church leaders who are well equipped to shepherd and disciple them. indigenous church leaders – nationals who already know the culture and language – are best positioned to evangelize and serve the unreached near them. This is especially true in countries where governments actively oppose the Gospel and persecute christians – and where foreigners are neither trusted nor welcomed. currently serving 140 nations and well over one million church leaders, World MAP has proven strategies for equipping indigenous church leaders for effective evangelism and discipleship. Matthew 9:37,38; John 4:34,35

our strategy World MAP equips and encourages church leaders in developing nations by means of: Printed pastoral training materials that are clear, comprehensive and practical; seminars in-country that provide training, promote unity, and minister spiritual refreshing; Promoting spirit-filled life and ministry; enlisting the north American church to participate in reaching the world for christ, and to help equip shepherds who will care for the newly-won sheep. World MAP is able to provide training materials and seminars to church leaders who otherwise would not have them because of the generosity of people who recognize the value of equipping indigenous leaders – those who already understand the culture and needs of their communities and who are best positioned to reach the unreached and disciple them.

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WORLD MAP DIGEST • Winter 2012

World MAP began


MissioNARy AssistANce

World M.A.P. (Missionary Assistance Plan) began in 1961 through a pioneer church pastored by Ralph and Rose Mahoney. The church motto was “Devoted to the Spread of the Gospel throughout the World,” and the heart of that work formed the basis of World MAP’s ministry: To see the Gospel preached to every tribe, tongue and nation of the earth. At that time, the primary workers on the frontlines of evangelism were Western missionaries – those willing to go to foreign lands to share the good news of Jesus Christ with others who had not yet heard. The Charismatic Renewal was sweeping the globe and missionaries were being baptized in the Holy Spirit, but many became ‘displaced’ when non-Charismatic denominations or supporters severed ties with them. The Mahoneys recognized the importance of keeping these Spirit-

filled missionaries on the field. So they developed methods to help them, which included managing mailing lists and donations, and providing them with teaching and publications. By the 1970s, World MAP’s vital ministry had grown into a worldwide fellowship, serving more than 100 missionaries in 30 nations. unFoldinG PurPose World MAP’s help allowed missionaries to remain on the field at a time when many unreached

countries were just opening to the Gospel. These Spirit-filled missionaries sowed seeds into the newlyemerging national church leaders, which eventually bore fruit as they rose to fulfill their God-ordained call of Spirit-filled leadership within their own nations. When these indigenous church leaders answered God’s call, their need for ministry training came clearly into focus – leading to the next developments in World MAP’s ministry.

World MAP

Tape-A-Month Ministry A significant World MAP outreach was distributing teaching tapes recorded at the summer camps. In 1970, a Christian businessman was dramatically touched by one particular series, and he wanted the tapes sent to every missionary within his denomination – at his expense. Often isolated and without fellowship, the missionaries were hungry for teaching and spiritual sustenance. The overwhelming flood of requests for more tapes prompted the World MAP Tape-A-Month ministry. Generous donors made it possible for the missionaries to receive one free teaching tape each month. Tape-A-Month mailings eventually grew to include missionaries from more than 50 denominations. The teachings were often about the Holy Spirit, accelerating the sweep of the global Charismatic Renewal.

Tapes were also made available for sale in North America, with proceeds funding more free tapes to missionaries. More than 500,000 vital World MAP teaching tapes were mailed over the years. The blessing was multiplied as recipients would host local meetings to broadcast the teachings, and when tapes were passed along to others. Millions were impacted. Brian Bailey, a close World MAP associate and camp speaker, recalls: “The tape ministry of World MAP was treasured by many homes worldwide.” Winter 2012 • WORLD MAP DIGEST


World MAP

summer camps • • • •

More than 25 years of camp ministry, tens of thousands touched A powerful instrument to foster the release of, and give sound biblical perspective to, the Charismatic Renewal and the Holy Spirit A haven of worship, teaching and fellowship when such conferences were not as common Emphasizing the Great Commission and the priority of global evangelism

The Glory oF God From the outset of World MAP’s ministry, it was increasingly clear that God intended to do a profound and far-reaching work – and the camp meetings were no exception. In 1966, several hundred believers, pastors and missionaries gathered at the first World MAP camp, all hungry for God and open to the work of the Holy Spirit. In a morning service, a very proper English gentleman unexpectedly shared that “the power of God was getting to his feet, and he felt like dancing.” David Edwards continued with an exhortation that God desired to set people free, but that the mind, body and will needed to yield to the Holy Spirit and let all fear of man be gone. As a simple chorus was then played on the piano, dancing gradually began to break out all over the room. Suddenly, many with infirmities were sovereignly healed and began leaping about; the elderly became spry and light on their feet; ministry calls were received; hope was


WORLD MAP DIGEST • Winter 2012

reborn. As spontaneous praise and worship were lifted, a fine, misty “cloud” began to form and float about the room, a manifestation of the glory of God! liVes ForeVer chAnGed Word quickly spread, and crowds poured in to that first camp – and the World MAP camp ministry was born. Over the ensuing decades, that same hunger for God and willingness to “dance” – to respond to the Holy Spirit’s promptings and willingly

obey Christ’s command dedicATed sAinTs to “follow Me” – allowed It required hundreds of dedicated volunfor ministry, renewal and teers for the success of each camp. They all freedom to be experiserved joyfully and sacrificially: from worship enced by all who came. leaders to ushers; children’s ministers to World MAP camps sanctuary set-up; checking meal tickets to provided a place to freely transporting equipment from camp to camp; experience the baptism and so much more! in the Holy Spirit and His The camps prioritized vital children’s working and gifts, when ministry all week long; the teens enjoyed such places were less morning meetings geared to their needs, common. Worship times then joined the adults for evening meetings were prolonged and where the front rows were reserved for them powerful, as choruses “so they would know that their parents were from the Psalter were liftbehind them.” ed and the Holy Spirit ye shAll Be My WiTnesses moved. Missionaries were an integral part of the camp Paul Adams, a longtime World MAP ministry associate and President of Ministry Connections ministry, sharing testimonies of what God was doing International, recalls: “Sharon and I were frustrated in the earth. The flags of many nations were prominently displayed, and global young pastors getting ready to leave World Map was critical to our evangelism was encouraged the ministry when we were invited to a World MAP camp. From the time family’s spiritual formation; my and emphasized. Many campers received callings to the service began, I began to weep. We had never experienced worship as entire family was baptized in the pastoral and missionary was being expressed. Sharon and I Holy spirit at camp. i was in a work. There were two large joined hands with our three young children’s service when sister banners adorning the front children and began to dance as the Easterly taught on the Holy spirit and back walls of the camp tears flowed down my eyes. The Holy Spirit ministered to us and our lives and the importance of being filled sanctuaries over the years. were forever changed.” every day with God’s power. What Over the platform, “To Gain the Lamb the Reward of Time was given at every camp for an amazing experience to be filled for His Sacrifice”; and above the fasting, prayer and prophetic ministry; much healing, direction and with the Holy spirit, and to see my back exit doors, “Ye shall personal ministry was given and siblings and all the children filled receive power…Ye shall be witnesses.” It was clear that received. as well. the summer camps the blessings received at the afforded opportunities to experi- World MAP camps were sTronG TeAchinG At the early camps, anointed men ence the influence of many anoint- never intended to be contained – but for the purpose and women of God brought sound ed speakers who had a profound of becoming more effective biblical instruction about the Charismatic Renewal and the Holy effect on my life. i grew up as a witnesses for Christ, even to Spirit. Over the years, the messages camp participant; and later served the uttermost parts of the broadened in scope and many were in the camp ministry working earth (Acts 1:8). World MAP summer blessed by the timely and prophetic with the youth. it was a great camps were a glorious part Bible teachings. Dr. Jack W. Hayford writes: “It is model for future ministry; to train of our history, ordained of heartwarming to remember my and release leaders is one of the God for a season of His purpose. Only eternity will fully participation in the summer hallmarks of the church i pastor reveal their far-reaching conferences at Santa Cruz and Warm fruit, and the great reward Beach! Memories of Brian Bailey, today. especially, touch my heart. He was an Pastor Ron Swor, New Life for all who helped make example of the many gifted and Foursquare Church, Canby, Oregon them possible. It will surely be a joyous reunion one day faithful-to-the-Living-Word leaders whom God used to help shape the rise of the as we cast every crown at the feet of Jesus, the Lamb Charismatic Renewal at a pivotal time in 20th-century Who was slain for us, and “give Him the glory, great things He hath done”! Church history.”

Winter 2012 • WORLD MAP DIGEST


World MAP

spiritual Renewal seminars for church Leaders • • • •

Providing pastors with spiritual refreshing, encouragement and teaching Tens of thousands of church leaders reached throughout developing nations Transdenominational, Spirit-filled events promoting unity and a Kingdom worldview The Shepherd’s Staff given to every pastor, providing years of follow-up teaching

The seMinArs Are Born In the early 1970s, missionaries who received World MAP teaching tapes began inviting the teach-


WORLD MAP DIGEST • Winter 2012

ers to come minister. At a World MAP camp meeting, during a particularly intense visitation of the Holy Spirit, Ralph Mahoney recalls: “I was lying prostrate in prayer and worship. I saw a vision of an immense valley of dry bones. My mind went to Ezekiel Chapter 37, and the Lord prompted the ques-

tion: ‘Can these dry bones yet live?’ “I understood that the dry bones represented the Church in many places of the world. There had been times of missionary outreach and great revival, but much of the life and vitality had gone out of the Church. Little remained beyond dry, dead religion or pagan

For the past six years, I have had the privilege of working with World MAP as a seminar speaker. In every country, the World MAP organization is enthusiastically embraced. The impact of ‘The Shepherd’s Staff ’ training guide and ACTS Magazine goes far and deep. To pastors and leaders who often feel neglected and forgotten, World MAP seminars are a reminder that the work they are doing in the Kingdom of God both matters and is recognized. To all who support the work of World MAP, ‘well done, good and faithful servants’ (Matt 25:23).

Dr. Vic Torres, Senior Pastor, Reach Out Church / World MAP Board Member practices. Yet I knew that the desire of the Holy Spirit was to resurrect the bones into a vital, living Body of Christ.” Brother Mahoney received this word as confirmation for World MAP to broaden its global reach as a catalyst of the Holy Spirit’s renewing work. In response to the missionaries’ requests, World MAP began to send teaching teams overseas. To make more efficient use of the time and expense involved, the missionaries were encouraged to invite other missionaries as well as local pastors and church leaders to participate. And the World MAP Seminars began! A neW dAy At the seminars, thousands received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, including many ministers and high-ranking officers from major denominational and historic churches. Physical and spiritual healings were experienced, hearts were ignited, and walls that once divided these many groups began to crumble. A new day was dawning in Christ’s Body. It was one of vitality, unity and fellowship in the Spirit – and fresh revelation of

God’s call for national church leaders to step into an active role in His Kingdom purposes. It became increasingly clear that the “dry bones” could best be reached by the indigenous church leaders – those within their own nations who already spoke the language, knew the culture, and were being raised up by God. World MAP began focusing more resources on equipping them, and the flourishing World MAP ministry vine of Spiritual Renewal Seminars was fully grafted in. eVer-exPAndinG reAch Today, World MAP Spiritual Renewal Seminars continue to impact the Church in developing nations, and God is truly taking them from ‘strength to strength’ and ‘glory to glory.’

“With the burgeoning worldwide Harvest, God is raising up another generation of desperatelyneeded Spirit-filled church leaders,” observes Frank Parrish. “But the vast majority are still without available Bible or ministry training. “This is especially true in predominantly Muslim, Hindu and Buddhist nations – which are now a focus of World MAP’s ministry more than ever before. Our seminar ministry is shaped by 2 Timothy 2:2, ‘commit these [teachings] to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.’ With this Godgiven strategy, World MAP is expanding its global reach as God grants open doors and provision.” God is using the World MAP seminars to renew and equip pastors to fulfill His Kingdom purposes. We praise God for all who partner with World MAP in giving and service to make these life-changing events possible for the frontline workers in the Lord’s Harvest.

Winter 2012 • WORLD MAP DIGEST


World MAP’s

ACTS Magazine • •

World MAP’s free equipping magazine for church leaders Currently in 14 languages and sent to 130+ under-served nations Bible-based, Spirit-filled teaching to nations where poverty, persecution or lack of proximity prevent ministry training

The sTory oF AcTs ACTS Magazine began as a publication of Kathryn Kuhlman Ministries to share news and testimonies of the Charismatic Renewal. In the early 1970s, it was given to World MAP and another vital transdenominational teaching “vine” was grafted into the ministry. In response to the desire for Bible teaching about the Holy Spirit and the Renewal, World MAP added its camp and seminar teachings to ACTS Magazine. Eventually, World MAP’s growing vision for equipping Third-World church leaders for ministry led to ACTS becoming a Bible teaching tool solely for them. For more than 35 years, World MAP has expanded the reach of ACTS Magazine. Millions of copies of AcTs have been distributed to national church leaders – all free of charge to them. The


WORLD MAP DIGEST • Winter 2012

biblical leadership and foundational ministry teachings from hundreds of anointed authors have helped shape a generation of effective Christian leaders worldwide. AcTs TodAy Today more than 122,000 church leaders across denominational lines benefit from the teachings of ACTS, in 14 languages and 130 nations. Thousands more leaders access the sound training and encouragement of ACTS via the World MAP website. A few examples of the many wonderful teachings supplied by ACTS are: The Making of a leader – A simple yet complete biblical teaching by Ralph Mahoney, balancing both the spiritual and the practi-

cal necessities for becoming a leader World MAP trains leaders that are serving on the front God can use. how Jesus Builds his church – line with teaching and materials that will allow them to Foundational teaching that provides serve as capable ministers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. biblical keys to build the leader, his These are first-class and excellent tools that provide what congregation, and God’s Kingdom. Basic Bible study for the new leaders in Africa need most. We celebrate 50 years of your Believer – This simple and practical exceptional and fruitful ministry and trust that together study formed the basis of The New Believers Training Manual in The God will use us to touch many more with the saving Shepherd’s Staff. Gospel of Jesus Christ. darkness to light: unmasking Dean and Wendy Skinner, the spirit of the Antichrist – A Emmanuel Press, South Africa study of key Christian doctrines, contrasting Christianity with major false religions of of 2012, ACTS will no longer be a subscription magathe world; and helps zine, but will take the form of a more durable paperfor witnessing to back booklet known as aCts training Guide. These easily transportable ACTS Training Guides those bound in false will be much simpler for the church leader to store, religions. The Anointing carry and preach from. They will provide supplemenof the holy spirit – tal teaching beyond what is available in The Shepherd’s An in-depth biblical Staff (World MAP’s 1,000-page training manual), as study by Frank well as relevant biblical teachings as special needs Parrish on the arise in the Body of Christ. There is great need for additional language verAnointing – what it is, its nature, pur- sions of ACTS and expanded distribution, as the Lord pose, function, and supplies. Though the printed page is becoming less its impact on popular in the West, it is still the preferred method in Christian growth developing nations, where electronic devices and and fruitful ministry. computers are often cost-prohibitive, sources of electricity are inconsistent at best, and batteries and other supplies are unavailable. For those who might have The FuTure oF AcTs ACTS Magazine is evolving to meet the equipping computer access, ACTS teachings are available on the needs of church leaders in an ever-changing world. As World MAP website.

Winter 2012 • WORLD MAP DIGEST


40% of the pastors now using the shepherd’s staff – more than 400,000 church leaders – are within nations whose governments oppose the Gospel and actively persecute Christians.

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World MAP’s Spirit-filled, handheld library of ministry training Currently in 18 languages and 150 nations, where poverty, persecution or lack of proximity prevent access to ministry training Any believer with a Bible and The Shepherd’s Staff has the basic essentials to effectively evangelize and disciple others More than one million church leaders now using The Shepherd’s Staff worldwide!

hoW iT BeGAn In the 1980s, World MAP ministry teams to China realized there was a virtual army of dedicated and sacrificial believers there – willing to do anything and go anywhere for the cause of Christ – but who had no ministry training or Christian materials available. The Chinese Christians, though opposed, persecuted and extremely poor, had only one request: “Help us know what to do and teach, so that we can evangelize and make disciples of Jesus Christ in our own nation and beyond.” During this time, World MAP seminars were expanding – yet it was clear that pastors needed follow-up training and Bible study


WORLD MAP DIGEST • Winter 2012

resources to become effective ministers. Their request echoed the Chinese believers: “Give us the right tools, and we’ll do the work in the Harvest fields!” iTs GloBAl reAch A research study soon confirmed what World MAP was realizing: There were 2 million church

leaders in developing nations – and a staggering 95% had virtually no formal Bible or ministry training. Then the Holy Spirit prompted a plan: World MAP would assemble its best Bible teaching and leadership training into one single volume, augmented with additional resources, to create a handheld, comprehensive pastoral training resource – and The Shepherd’s Staff was born! In 1993, the first of these 1,000-page “Bible schools in a book” rolled off the presses, with the English version first and Chinese shortly thereafter. In the ensuing




where  ministry  training  is  largely unavailable.  All  of  the  equipping materials  and  seminars  that  World MAP provides are free of charge to the church leader.  These  training  materials  are provided by the generous donors to World  MAP  –  those  who  recognize the  vital  importance  of  equipping the  in-country,  frontline  pastor  to evangelize  and  disciple  people within  his  own  nation  and  beyond. Thank  you  for  the  multiplied blessing  and  help  that  your  gifts provide!

years, 16 more language editions of The Shepherd’s Staff have been produced and global distribution has mushroomed. It is thrilling to report that World MAP has now passed a major milestone: one million shepherd’s staffs have been distributed worldwide! Praise the Lord! hidden heroes Of particular blessing is the fact that 40% of the pastors now using The Shepherd’s Staff – more than 400,000 church leaders – are within nations whose governments oppose the Gospel and actively persecute Christians. For security reasons, we won’t name these nations, but they are the ones with the greatest need and that are the most challenging to supply. At great personal peril, many “heroes of the faith” risk imprisonment, torture and even death to help World MAP print and distribute training materials in these nations. And in spite of the opposition, the “hidden Church” is growing exponentially! We are honored to supply these courageous saints with the biblical equipping they need to

evangelize and make disciples in some of the most challenging places on earth. BecKoninG FronTiers The Shepherd’s Staff is one of the most-distributed – and still most-requested – pastoral training

ready to serve, yet are still without formal Bible or ministry training – and God is raising up another generation of young leaders who also need sound, biblical training. So we press forward, with plans to produce even more language versions of The Shepherd’s

There was a great need for solid teaching materials to train up the hundreds of thousands of preachers all over China … thousands of ‘couriers’ from dozens of nations have helped us deliver The Shepherd’s Staff throughout China … Yet there are still millions of Chinese church leaders waiting for their own copy. After the Holy Bible, this book is highest in demand among Christians … The Shepherd’s Staff has impacted the lives of hundreds of thousands of Christian leaders, and probably millions are in the Kingdom of God due in part to this ministry of World MAP. Thank you and God bless you on your 50th Anniversary. Dennis Balcombe, Revival Christian Ministries

manuals in the world. Wendy and I are humbled to have supplied 800,000 pastors with their own copy since we began serving with World MAP. Yet the demand for The Shepherd’s Staff is greater than ever. hundreds of thousands of church leaders in developing nations are

Staff to supply new areas where God is working and the Church is multiplying. Thank you for your prayers and generous giving that provides opportunity for people from every nation of the earth to be included in the due inheritance of Jesus, our Savior! Winter 2012 • WORLD MAP DIGEST


church Leaders send their thanks From the tropics to Siberia, church leaders get a “Bible school without borders” in ACTS Magazine and The Shepherd’s Staff. World MAP literature has gone increasingly global over the last 50 years, as these testimonial excerpts show. With your support, the breadth of outreach and depth of teaching will keep on growing into the future. ‘No Other Other Source’ Source’ ‘No INdIAN SUbCONTINENT INdIAN SUbCONTINENT ACTS is filled with “sound doctrine” and “foundational scriptural knowledge” (Bangladesh, nepal). ACTS “opens the eyes spiritually” (Pakistan). ACTS gets “reread and read and read” for “fresh insight” (india). “There is no other source of teaching” (Bhutan). “The Shepherd’s Staff chapter on church planting helped us do it successfully” (sri lanka). ‘A Mighty Tool’ ASIA “My seminary is your publications” (Myanmar). “For 10 years I have been blessed with ACTS” (indonesia). “I am so blessed and inspired” by ACTS (Taiwan). The magazine is “a great help to my hungering and longing soul” (Macao). “I spend an hour in prayer and awaiting ACTS” (Vietnam). ACTS brings “refreshing in my soul” (Philippines). The Shepherd’s Staff is “a gift from our Lord” and “a mighty tool” to fulfill the Great Commission (hong Kong, Thailand). “I was lost, but now I am found” upon getting the book (singapore). “ACTS has enriched my walk with the Lord” (Malaysia). The Shepherd’s Staff “draws our eyes to Christ” (china).


WORLD MAP DIGEST • Winter 2012

‘Unique Treasure’ Treasure’ ‘Unique EASTERN EUROPE // EASTERN EUROPE EURASIA EURASIA The Shepherd’s Staff is “a very useful tool in the spread of the Gospel” (ukraine); “I am already feeding a lot” on it (Albania). The Shepherd’s Staff is “the best book” for new believers (Kazakhstan). “Your book is a unique treasure” (siberia). “Thank you for sending me ACTS for so long time” (Bulgaria). ‘Rich Contents’ CENTRAL AMERICA “I always reference HECHOS [Spanish ACTS] when planning my sermons” (costa rica). “My husband was converted to Christianity with the help of your magazine” (Belize). ACTS “has helped me grow under the Word” (el salvador). The Shepherd’s Staff is a “magnifying glass” into Scripture (nicaragua). “I was impressed with the rich contents of this book” (Mexico). “I envision using most every section” of the book (Guatemala). “We will start our teachings with ‘New Believer’s Training Manual’ [in The Shepherd’s Staff]” (Panama).

‘Many Lives Lives blessed’ blessed’ ‘Many MIddLE EAST ANd MIddLE ANd NORTH AFRICA NORTH AFRICA “Thank you about your great activities in ACTS and The Shepherd’s Staff” (egypt). ACTS is “a wonderful tool” that is “very much beneficial” and “is helping most teachers in spreading the Word of God” (Kuwait, djibouti, libya). Through ACTION [French ACTS] “I have been able to train future leaders” (niger republic). World MAP literature “really opened my eyes” (sudan). “So many lives are being blessed through ACTS and The Shepherd’s Staff” (Mali). “May the Light of this world be upon your ministries” (united Arab emirates).


“Souls have been saved and weaker brothers strengthened” by ACTS and The Shepherd’s Staff (solomon islands); these resources “are the greatest gift I have ever received” (haiti). “I love the depth and inspiration of your magazines and read them over and over again and share with others” (Trinidad and Tobago). “I was shown a big light” through ACTS (Papua new Guinea). ACTS “helps newborn Christians” (Fiji). ACTS teaching “has drawn me closer to God’s Word” (Mauritius). Studying ACTS “has revitalized everything” (Jamaica). ACTS is “Heaven’s response to me” (cuba). The Shepherd’s Staff is “indeed a Bible school in a book” and has “everything we need to know in life” (Guadeloupe, Vanuatu); “it has helped me train new leaders in our church” (Madagascar). “I borrowed The Shepherd’s Staff and photocopied many pages” (canary islands). “We’d like five copies in English and 10 in French… to give to the Christians we know” (Mayotte). “I pray that the Lord may bless the wonderful work you are doing” (Andaman islands).

‘best Mentor’ Mentor’ ‘best SOUTHERN AFRICA SOUTHERN AFRICA “Since 1988 I have used ATOS [Portuguese ACTS] as my main source” (Mozambique). “Each magazine is unique” (zambia). “We planted five house churches in our village” through ACTS (Botswana). “I was baptized in the Holy Spirit because of ACTS” (south Africa). This “amazing manual” – The Shepherd’s Staff – is “eye-opening” (swaziland, namibia). ACTS is “the best mentor” (Malawi). “Your teachings are changing many lives” (lesotho). “The birth of your ministry a long time ago means a lot to our church” (zimbabwe).

‘Like a dream’ WEST, CENTRAL ANd EAST AFRICA ACTS is “a tutor in front of me” (Ghana). “More souls have come to Jesus” through ACTS (ivory coast). “I am truly born again” through ACTS (central African republic). ACTS teaches “that we are saved to save others” (Gabon). The magazines “help me to read my Bible more and more” (uganda). ACTS is helpful “from the first issue mailed to me until now” (rwanda). “God bless ACTS” – it is a “spiritual school” with “deep analysis,” “wonderful blessings” and “light by the delicious inspired Word of God” (cameroon, ethiopia, liberia, Guinea-Bissau, eritrea). “Many people bound in false religions were delivered” through ACTS (Togo). “57 people received Jesus through Fimbo ya Mchungaji [Swahili Shepherd’s Staff]” (Tanzania). “I am really impressed at the rich content” of La Houlette du Berger [French Shepherd’s Staff]” (Burkina Faso). The book is “a bank of riches” that “is very important for a man of God” and “has contributed in the formation of many servants of God”; “it was like a dream when I received it” (Kenya, Burundi, democratic republic of the congo, nigeria).

‘Constant Use’ SOUTH AMERICA “HECHOS has planted many seeds in this country” (colombia). “I have learned how to become a better servant” through ACTS (Peru). ACTS contains “some of the best material that I have ever seen” (surinam). “Thank God for the Spanish Shepherd’s Staff” (Argentina). The book is “a jewel” and “one of the best books ever” (chile, Guyana). “My Bible has an inseparable companion” in The Shepherd’s Staff (uruguay). “My copy has deteriorated due to constant use” (Brazil).

Winter 2012 • WORLD MAP DIGEST


World MAP

Prayer corps • • •

People worldwide who understand the power and necessity of prayer Hundreds praying monthly for global needs and World MAP’s requests An army marching on their knees, doing the work of ministry in prayer

Frank and I believe in the power of prayer; or perhaps it’s better said that we believe in the power of the One to Whom we pray! Either way, we are diligent to heed the exhortations of Jesus, and throughout the Scriptures, concerning prayer. All believers are called to pray, and we cannot function effectively in life or in God’s Kingdom without prayer. Every moment of every day, and in every situation, there are opportunities for prayer – and because we pray, opportunities are then opened for God to respond in all His power and wisdom. As a matter of fact, we believe that prayer is a primary work of ministry – the remaining work is gathering the fruit! The most effective ministry is always first immersed in prayer. Prayer involves spiritual warfare, and many a battle is won by the faith-filled army of God that knows how to “march on its knees” and invite the Kingdom rule of the King of all kings!

eQuiPPed To inTercede In 2002 we instituted the World MAP prayer Corps. We send a monthly prayer bulletin to partners who agree with us in prayer concerning the needs of World MAP’s ministry, and for critical needs around the world. The prayer bulletin also contains short teachings or prophetic insights to bring encouragement and further equipping.

We are blessed and amazed at the constant and specific answers that come from the Lord as our friends and partners around the world join with us to lift prayer concerns to the throne of God. Occasionally, there are emergency prayer requests for a World MAP ministry outreach or global crisis. At those times, an extra bulletin may be sent to enlist immediate prayer partnership. PrAy WiTh us We are blessed and amazed at the constant and specific answers that come from the Lord as our friends and partners around the world join with us to lift prayer concerns to the throne of God. We would love for you to pray with us each month! If you would like to be part of the World MAP Prayer Corps, simply send your email address to wmap@world-map.com, or write to us and provide your mailing address if that is your preferred method of receiving the monthly prayer bulletin. May His Kingdom come!

Send your email address to wmap@world-map.com or send your postal address to World MAP, 1419 N. San Fernando Blvd., Suite 200, Burbank, CA 91504 USA to join Prayer Corps.


WORLD MAP DIGEST • Winter 2012

Anniversary Greetings and Recollections from World MAP Friends and Partners

Half a century of ministry for God. What a privilege and joy! For almost 40 years, India Bible Literature [IBL] has had the privilege of partnering with World MAP in reaching the nation of India with the Good News of salvation. It has been such a blessing to be a part of the ministry of World MAP in India. The World MAP materials have been of great encouragement, help and blessing to God’s servants in India. I pray that World MAP will complete a century of ministry, and that the past 50 years will be the foundation for the next 50 years of God’s ministries through World MAP. Congratulations and best wishes!

Bill Scott, Founder, India Bible Literature (IBL)

It has been my joy to have been associated with World MAP. Several Elim associates and I were involved in the first World MAP camp meetings, and our fellowship in ministry has continued through the years. We at Elim rejoice in the world-circling ministry of World MAP. It has been my great joy to witness the fruit of the ministry in the camp meetings and teaching conferences in both the U.S. and several countries. Their outreach has spread into Asia, Africa, South America and Europe, as well as many island nations. All praise to our Lord!

Carlton Spencer, Former President, Elim Fellowship

When we arrived in Tanzania in 1991, we soon understood what Patrick Johnstone’s Operation World stated – that the greatest need in the church in Tanzania was high-quality leadership training materials. A decade later, after we had had the privilege of distributing thousands of copies of The Shepherd’s Staff to church leaders, it was exciting to learn that the percentage of Christians in Tanzania had increased from 33% to 51%. Johnstone claimed that the reason for this change was the large influx of Christian leadership materials. Hallelujah! We are certain that the World MAP books and magazines have been the most distributed Church literature in East Africa, and have provided a common language for Christians of all denominations. Indeed, these materials have been the ONLY resource for very many of the church leaders. Our own ministry was encouraged and enlarged by the example of what a small organization can do. We at Pamoja Ministries are thankful for the opportunity to have worked “Pamoja na,” that is, “together with” World MAP for the last two decades. Sig and Joy Feser, Pamoja Ministries, Tanzania

Winter 2012 • WORLD MAP DIGEST


Anniversary Greetings and Recollections

We want to give thanks to God for IBL’s association with World MAP over 30 years. Hundreds of thousands of pastors, evangelists, preachers and teachers in India have been greatly blessed through the valuable and spiritual tools, the ACTS Magazine and The Shepherd’s Staff. The Spiritual Renewal Seminars throughout India over the years have enriched thousands of pastors and evangelists, as they have recommitted their lives for greater service. We wish the World MAP and Frank and Wendy Parrish all the very best and we praise God for their valuable partnership and friendship. Our thanks and appreciation also goes to Gayla Dease, the World MAP Publications Coordinator with whom we have worked for twenty-four years. May the Lord bless World MAP with many more fruitful years!

Dr. E. Velayutham, Executive Director, India Bible Literature

It is with great joy that we honor the ministry and personnel of World MAP! ACTS Magazine was a training tool used by Elim and the newly-formed Pentecostal Evangelistic Fellowship of Africa years ago. The revival was strengthened and today thousands of pastors throughout East Africa owe a debt of gratitude to World MAP for their training. The Shepherd’s Staff was and is the most soughtafter training tool and resource for hundreds of thousands of pastors worldwide. Giving thanks to God for 50 years, and believing for another 50! Paul and Gloria Johansson

World MAP has reached millions of leaders around the world. Pastors and church leaders tell us their lives and ministries have been saved, restored, and dramatically changed through the World MAP seminars, ACTS Magazine and The Shepherd’s Staff. Sharon and our three children, who are now all ordained ministers, are a part of those in the count. We thank God for the heart and vision of Ralph and Rose Mahoney, and are now blessed to work with Frank and Wendy as they have been called by God to carry the leader’s flag for World MAP. We have been able to share ministry with Frank in Nigeria, and to distribute several thousand Shepherd’s Staffs in a number of nations. Only eternity will reveal the multiplied millions around the world who are numbered in the final count.

Paul and Sharon Adams, Mission Consultants International

From its inception in 1961, World MAP, under the direction of its founder, Ralph Mahoney, has made an impact upon the lives of hundreds of thousands of God's people. It was one of the principal tools that God used in the Charismatic Revival of the 1960s and 70s. With the retirement of our beloved Brother Ralph, this glorious ministry is being sustained and expanded under the capable leadership of Dr. and Mrs. Frank Parrish (son-in-law and daughter). We believe it will so do until Jesus returns. Pastor Brian J. Bailey


WORLD MAP DIGEST • Winter 2012

from World MAP Friends and Partners

In 1973, I had just come into the experience of the infilling of the Holy Spirit… Our hearts were hungry for the reality of the living and powerful manifestation of the Holy Spirit. At the World MAP camps, we heard the ministry of so many Spirit-filled and anointed men of God… with mighty revelations and miracles… We were blessed over and over again; we were never the same.

Helmuth Lange, World MAP Canada Board Member

Fifty years ago God initiated what would turn out to be a major influence in the lives of leaders in His Church: the ministry of World MAP. The pastors they reach are ones who do not have the opportunity or resources for training, or to attend seminars and conferences. Congratulations to World MAP, Frank and Wendy Parrish, the staff, and the faithful partners – you have completed 50 years and are now being launched into God’s intent for what belongs to Him, the mission and purpose of World MAP. It has only just begun.

Dr. Don Richter, President, Harvest Preparation International Ministries

We want to commend Frank and Wendy for the great work that they have carried on, along with their incredible team of servant-leaders, while also remembering to thank our dear brother Ralph Mahoney for the vision he carried to see workers in lessfortunate nations equipped to be ‘workmen who need not be ashamed, those who could rightly divide the word of truth.’ To all those who have given, who have prayed, and who have gone, may the gracious favor and generosity of our God be upon you all, till Jeff Clark, President, Elim Bible Institute He comes!

I have had the privilege of knowing Dr. Frank and Wendy Parrish and their family for 26 years, and have served on the Board of Directors of World MAP for the past 10 years. During this time I have been blessed to be part of distributing materials to Third-World pastors who would otherwise have very little resource to preach from. World MAP has been reaching all over the world to bring people to Christ and set them free. Frank and Wendy have made World MAP even stronger and are making improvements that are timely and valuable. It has been a privilege and honor to serve with them to see our Lord working through the materials World MAP provides.

Jon Cook, E.A., Board Member and Secretary of World MAP

Winter 2012 • WORLD MAP DIGEST


In Canada, send contributions and correspondence to: World MAP 8561 132nd St., Suite 202 Surrey, B.C. / V3W 4N8

All others write to: World MAP 1419 N. San Fernando Blvd. Burbank CA 91504 USA

As World MAP enters its next halfcentury, it is with a clear sense that God has destined the ministry for this very hour – when the greatest Harvest of souls in history is being reaped! In most developing nations today, leading others to salvation in Christ is not difficult. The challenge is finding shepherds who are equipped to care for them – shepherds who are able to “make disciples of all the nations…teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you” (Matt 28:19,20). World MAP is prepared to resource these willing shepherds with equipping for ministry. God has given World MAP a trusted reputation around the world with pastors of almost every denomination and group, and His divine favor allows us influence beyond borders, beyond language or cultural barriers, and even beyond a single generation.

You may use the envelope inside this magazine to send your support. Thank you.

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