“1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia’s Intercultural Youth Days Festival

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ROMÂNIA MINISTRY OF NATIONAL EDUCATION „1 DECEMBRIE 1918” UNIVERSITY OF ALBA IULIA 5 Gabriel Bethlen, 510009 Alba Iulia Tel. +40258 806130, fax. +40258 812630 Url: www.uab.ro, e-mail: bpc@uab.ro



Invite you to be part of UAB’s INTERCULTURAL YOUTH DAYS FESTIVAL, Alba Iulia, 08-12 December 2014

Dear colleagues and students,

As we recognise the importance of Pluriculturality and Plurilingualism for the professional and personal development of our students, we are honoured to invite you to be part of the First Edition of “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia’s Intercultural Youth Days Festival, organized between 08 - 12 December 2014. In the next pages you will find the official programme of the prospective events.

Join us for a unique experience of cultures and traditions, in the legendary fortress Alba Carolina! Here is a video presentation of Alba Iulia for your personal interest: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XohfhhEOwO0

Programme Overview

Monday, 08th December 2014 – Chinese Culture Day   

UAB has for the first time in its history a Chinese Language Course, free of charge for anyone interested in acquiring a new language. In partnership with the Chinese Embassy in Bucharest, the Chinese Language Course will be taught for one academic year. The Chinese lecturer, Ms Li Chenju, will lead us through the magnificence of the Chinese culture and will give us a taste of the unique “Chinese Tea”.

TIME 16.00 – 16.30

ACTIVITY Presentation of Lanzhou, Gansu Province, China - Cornelia Mădăraş, Alba County Council - Tudor Drâmbărean, City Hall, Alba Iulia

PLACE A9 Lecture Hall

16.30 – 18.00

Chinese Tea Ceremony - Li Chenju, Chinese Lecturer

A9 Lecture Hall

18.00 – 18.30

Video presentation of China and the Chinese culture Q&A Session about the Chinese Culture

A9 Lecture Hall A9 Lecture Hall

18.30 – 19.00

Tuesday, 09th December 2014 – Incursions Francophones (UAB students with guests: students from Horea, Closca şi Crisan College) 

As a member of the Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie, Romania has had a long tradition of French studies, which is proudly represented by UAB as well.

TIME 14.00 – 14.30 14.30 – 14.40

14.30 – 14.40

ACTIVITY Présentation de la revue “Le Francophile” (UAB) De la musique avant toute chose…interprétation de chansons françaises, guitare sèche et voix. „TOI ET MOI”, Guillaume Grand; „MON ANGE”, Nolween Leroy; „BonjourNoël” (Bourbon Gautier) HCC Moment musical surprise (HCC)

PLACE “Aula Mică” Lecture Hall “Aula Mică” Lecture Hall

14.40 – 14.50

“Aula Mică” Lecture Hall Le rideau se lève…. un brin d’humour “Aula Mică” fraçais… jouent dans le sketch de Raymond Lecture Hall Devos, „La mer démontée” (HCC)

14.50 – 15.00

De la musique encore ... (HCC)

15.00 – 15.10 15.10 – 15.25

15.25 – 15.35

“Aula Mică” Lecture Hall La légende du sapin de Noël (HCC) “Aula Mică” Lecture Hall La France et les fêtes… Noël en tête!: “Aula Mică” „Quelle surprise pour le père Noël!” – Lecture Hall saynète écrite par Ann Rocard (HCC) La magie du Noël arrive sur des airs de “Aula Mică” musique: Petit Papa Noël - une vieille Lecture Hall chanson de Noël (HCC)

Wednesday, 10th December 2014 – The Other Side of the World Let’s meet the international students of UAB! 

Since 2011, UAB has been running a one-year academic programme in Romanian as a Foreign Language, addressed to foreign citizens who wish to gain entry onto a Romanian degree programme (at bachelor, master, Ph.D. level), as well as post-graduate and advanced training programmes in various fields. Since 2013, UAB has been running three accredited BA programmes completely in English: Computer Science, Business Adminsitration and Archaeology, adressed to both Romanian and international students. UAB is currently host to 11 international students (from Jordan, Palestine, Sri Lanka, Turkey, India) who are studying or have studied Romanian as a foreign language and are now enrolled on UAB undergraduate programmes.

TIME ACTIVITY 14.00 – 14.05 Official opening and Welcome for the new international students at UAB 14.05 – 14.35 Presentation of Jordan & Palestine 14.35 – 14.50 14.50 – 15.00 15.00 – 15.10 14.50 – 15.00

PLACE “Aula Mică” Lecture Hall “Aula Mică” Lecture Hall Traditional Jordanian and Palestinian “Aula Mică” Lecture dances Hall Presentation of Sri Lanka – culture and “Aula Mică” Lecture traditions in a nutshell Hall Presentation of Turkey – culture and “Aula Mică” Lecture traditions in a nutshell Hall Q & A session with the public “Aula Mică” Lecture Hall

Thursday, 11th December 2014 – Romanian Winter Customs and Traditions (Students from UAB and guests: students from Horea, Closca şi Crisan College and the"Grof Majlath Gusztav Karoly" Catholic Seminary) TIME 14.00 – 14.02 14.02 – 14.05 14.05 – 14.08 14.08 – 14.12 14.12 – 14.15 14.15 – 14.18 14.18 – 14.24

14.24 – 14.27 14.27 – 14.40

14.40 – 14.43 14.43 – 14.55

14.55 – 14.58 14.58 – 15.01

ACTIVITY Official Opening “Deschide Uşa, Creștine” – HCC Choir Christmas Traditions in Transylvania – .presentation by HCC students “Sus la PoartaRaiului” - HCC Choir

PLACE A9 Lecture Hall A9 Lecture Hall A9 Lecture Hall

Transylvania – a Multiethnic Province – presentation by Erasmus Volunteers Transylvanian Saxons– short presentation by Erasmus Volunteers German Christmas carols - O, Tannenbaum – HCC Choir - Stille Nacht, Heilige Nacht – GMGK Choir

A9 Lecture Hall

Transylvanian Hungarians- presentation by Erasmus Volunteers Hungarian Christmas Carols – GMGK Choir - Rossz a Jézus kiscsizmája – Kodály Zoltán - Fenyőgallyas kis Jézuska – Kertész Gyula - Az angyalok azt éneklik glória - Karácsonyi bölcsődal – Bárdos Lajos - Éj csöndjén alszik a Fiú – Beharka Pál - Halld az angyalt! - Isteni Kisded ma született

A9 Lecture Hall

Labour Mobility – Romanians in Italy – presentation by Erasmus Volunteers Italian Christmas Carols – HCC Choir - “Oh, albero!” - “Astro del Ciel” - “Canto natalizio”

A9 Lecture Hall

Labour Mobility – Romanians in Spain – presentation by Erasmus Volunteers Spanish Christmas Carols – HCC Choir: “Feliz Navidad”

A9 Lecture Hall

A9 Lecture Hall

A9 Lecture Hall A9 Lecture Hall

A9 Lecture Hall

A9 Lecture Hall

A9 Lecture Hall

15.01 – 15.05 15.05 – 15.08 15.08 – 15.11 15.11 – 15.15 15.15– 15.20 15.20 – 16.00

16.00– 16.15

English – the global language that everybody knows –presentation by Erasmus Volunteers “Deck the Halls” – solo Antinia Simion (HCC) “Where are you Christmas” – HCC Choir “We wish you a Merry Christmas” - HCC Choir “Anul Nou cu bucurie” - HCC Choir Romanian traditional Christmas Carols – The Choir of the Faculty of Orthodox Theology - “O, ce veste minunată” - “La Vitleem colo-n jos” - “Domnuleț șiDomn din cer” - “Nunta din Cana Galileii” - “Din an în an” - “Floricica” - “Sara-i bun’ a lui Crăciun” - “La poartă la Ștefan Vodă” - “Veniți astăzi credincioșii” - “Sus înaltul ceriului” - “Întreabă, întreabă” - “Sus în vârf la nouă meri”

A9 Lecture Hall

Intercultural mingling

A9 Lecture Hall

A9 Lecture Hall A9 Lecture Hall A9 Lecture Hall A9 Lecture Hall A9 Lecture Hall

Friday, 12th December 2014 – Alba Culinaria 

This year, the 6th Edition of Alba Culinaria will be part of the first edition of UAB’s Intercultural Youth Days Festival and will bring together high school and university students from Romania, Jordan, Palestine, Poland, Sri Lanka and Turkey. We share values and traditions through food and having fun. All the participants, including Romanian students from UAB, students from “Horea, Cloşca şi Crişan” College, “Dionisie Pop Marţian” Economic College and “Apulum” Technological College, as well as Erasmus and international students will cook their own traditional meals. Erasmus and international students will take part in “My Romanian Experience” photography contest.




17.00 – 17.10

Video presentations of Romania: „A world without Romania” „Romania – the Land of Choice”

University Restaurant

17.10 – 17.20

Folk Dance - The ”Dor Teiuşan” folk ensemble will present a suite of folk dances specific to the area – Transylvania

University Restaurant

17.20 – 17.40

Learning Romanian folk dances - participants, in particular Erasmus incoming and international students, have the opportunity to learn, together with the members of the ”Dor Teiuşan” folk ensemble, a folk dance representative of our area.

University Restaurant

17.40 – 17.55

Christmas carols sketch - The sketch begins with a dialogue between the carolers and the hosts: - “Primiţi cu Colinda?” approx: Can we carol sing for you? - „Primim!” We do, we do! Afterwards, the carolers begin to sing Christmas carols: “O ce veste minunată!”; “Domn, Domn sănălţăm” The ”Dor Teiuşan” folk ensemble will delight us with another suite of folk dances.

University Restaurant

17.55 – 18.10

University Restaurant

18.10 – 18.30

19.15 – 19.30

My Romanian experience – the contest aims to award the best pictures taken by the Erasmus and International students who chose to study in Romania. The volunteers of the International Relations Centre will carol those present at the event: „Colindăm, Colindăm, iarna!” Surprise contest for Erasmus and International Students Awards Ceremony

19.30 – 22.00

After Party!

18.30 – 18.45 18.45 – 19.15

University Restaurant

University Restaurant University Restaurant University Restaurant University Restaurant

As we appreciate the willingness of our partners to help us in organising the first edition of UAB’s Intercultural Youth Days Festival, we would like to express our gratitude for their involvement. Their ideas and suggestions contributed immensely to the events you have been part of. We are encouraged by your participation and we hope to make the Festival a long-lasting UAB tradition!

Special thanks to:

Faculty of History and Philology: Prof. Ileana Voichița Ghemeș, Ph.D., Dean of the Faculty of History and Philology Senior Lecturer Gabriel Bărbuleț, Ph.D., Director of the Philology Department Assoc. Prof. Rodica Chira, Ph.D., Erasmus Departmental Coordinator Senior Lecturer Coralia Telea, Ph.D. Assoc. Prof. Valeria Pioraș, Ph.D.

Faculty of Orthodox Theology: Prof. Emil Jurcan, Ph.D, Dean of the Faculty of Orthodox Theology Prof. Dumitru Vanca, Ph.D, Director of Orthodox Theology Department Assoc. Prof. Domin Adam, Ph.D.

Faculty of Economic Sciences: Prof. Maria Popa, Ph.D., Dean of the Faculty of Economic Sciences Assoc. Prof. Andreea Muntean, Ph.D., Director of the Business Administration Department Senior Lecturer Carmen Paștiu, Ph.D.

The School Inspectorate of Alba: Prof. Marcela Dărămuș Prof. Corina Radu

“Horea, Cloșca și Crișan” College: Prof. Valer Cerbu, Director Prof. Liliana Gligor Prof. Ioana Goția Prof. Aida Muntean Prof. Iulia Onac Prof. Gabriela Suciu Prof. Mihaela Zisu Prof. Cristina Voina Prof. Lucia Pilțu Prof. Rodica Andronescu Prof. Georgeta Bădău Prof. Alina Crișan Prof. Sofica Rusu “Grof Majlath Gusztav Karoly” Catholic Seminary: Prof. Gál László, Director Prof. Farkas László “Dionisie Pop Marțian” Economic College: Prof. Dan Anca, Director Prof. Elena Onea Prof. Emil Cetean “Apulum” Technological College: Prof. Maria Hodor, Director Prof. Raluca Anca Pescaru Prof. Ioana Dana Comșa

Special Guests: Ms Li Chenju, Chinese Language Lecturer Cornelia Mădăraș, Alba County Council Tudor Drâmbărean, Alba Iulia City Hall

Organising committee: Assoc. Prof. Teodora IORDĂCHESCU, Ph.Ed., Head of the Centre for International Relations and Erasmus Institutional Coordinator, teo_popescu@hotmail.com Daniel Mihai MELINTE, International Relations Officer, erasmusplus_uab@yahoo.com Adina Elena PETRESCU, International Relations Officer, international_uab@yahoo.com UAB ERASMUS STUDENT VOLUNTEERS

Co-organisers: FACULTY OF HISTORY AND PHILOLOGY, Department of Philology FACULTY OF ORTHODOX THEOLOGY FACULTY OF ECONOMIC SCIENCES, Department of Business Administration


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