Professional Women in Building May eNewsletter

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GBAHB Professional Women in Building

May 2014 eNewsletter

In this Issue… Upcoming Events: Habitat for Humanity Home Builders BLITZ: Volunteer Sign-up May 1 - 8

Fast Pitch May 13

Women’s Build May 14

Call to Action Help Stock Blitz Homeowners’ Pantries

April Recap PWB Hosts GBAHB General Membership Meeting: How to Get Involved with the Habitat Home Builders Blitz

Free Webinars Webinar Schedule

A Closer Look at PWB Who, How, Why, What, and Added Benefits

THE VOICE OF WOMEN IN THE BUILDING INDUSTRY Greetings! GBAHB General Membership Meeting was a great time had by all. We learned about Habitat for Humanity-- a wonderful organization dedicated to making quality, affordable housing solutions available to low-income families. 12 of our GBAHB Home Builders will be participating in the BLITZ where they will be building homes for 13 families in just 1 week; starting this Thursday, May 1st. We would appreciate your helping hand! PWB always has a great time helping out together and we would love to have you join us this year. We also have some other exciting events coming up this May– please read on to find out more. Make sure to get your PWB tee shirt- free to members!


Katherine Higgins, Sponsorship Opportunities Exclusively market your business at one of our monthly programs.

2014 PWB Board Members Meet our local PWB Board Members & National PWB Board Members from the GBAHB

GBAHB PWB 2014 President

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