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n r u b h s Wa unty Co



Shell Lake school concerts See page 23, 24

Bobin resigns from county board

by Regan Kohler WASHBURN COUNTY – Micheal Bobin, supervisor for Washburn County Board’s District 1, is resigning from his position. Bobin, Minong, has been a board supervisor for over 10 years serving as its chair for four of those years. One of the main issues he dealt with as board supervisor was the Wal-Mart controversy, in which a grassroots group opposed to the building of the store in Spooner visited the board often, and the company eventually ended up pulling out. Bobin said he was resigning for personal reasons, one of which was to seek full-time employment, which would prevent him from giving public service the attention it needed if he remained on the board. “It is just time,” he said. Bobin also has been the Minong Village Board president for seven years and has been on that board for 20. He said he also opted not to run for Minong Village Board again, “so I’ll be done with politics in April of next year.” The 21 county board supervisors serve two-year terms. The next election is April 2012. In the meantime, the board must advertise out for a new supervisor from District 1, and then the applicant must be appointed by the board from the selection to fill Bobin’s unexpired term.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010 Vol. 121, No. 17 • Shell Lake, Wisconsin


Pitching in

Tom Scott makes a contribution to the Salvation Army. In spite of the storm and windchill temperatures hovering around zero, Danielle and her mother, Carrie Rohow, braved the elements to help raise funds for local families who need help this year. — Photo by Larry Samson

Washburn County Register Yo ur community newsp aper

City council approves rezoning requests

Leave it to Grandma See page 10

SPORTS Pages 12, 13

by Regan Kohler SHELL LAKE – The Shell Lake City Council approved a few rezoning requests at a meeting Monday, Dec. 13, in city hall. The first approval was to rezone 191/2 acres of Ronald and Lynda Christensen’s land on S. Semm Street. The area was originally zoned as agricultural, but the council changed it to single-family residential, so the Christensens could construct a building to house horses and cattle. The second approval changes the east 50 feet of the Donovan’s Cove Addition, from single-family residential to resource conservation. This parcel was part of a city-owned access point. In a public hearing by the plan commission on Dec. 6, Dave and Sally Peterson had opposed the rezoning, as it was adjacent to their land, asking how the city could change anything until boundaries and survey lines were definitely known. They also said the pictometry is off, according to the survey the property owner to the south did, and felt there were way too many questions at that point in time, so they wanted a survey to be completed. Also at the hearing, council President Randy Baker noted that zoning was addressed on all of the other lake accesses and city-owned lakefront property, with the exception of this one and dedicated streets in Burgs Park. According to the plan commission minutes, rezoning to resource conservation might help with the city’s long-term goal of maintaining these access points and city-owned lakefront property, by keeping up with vegetation at these ac-

cess points. Monday night, after council discussion, Alderperson Jeri Bitney said this rezoning classification would show consistency in how the city wants to improve lake quality. Alderperson Connie Graf reiterated that the other access points were done, but this one had been skipped because it was a concern. Bitney said if they left it as is, it won’t look good. “It shows the owners on either side we’re … more serious,” she said of a rezone. The council approved this reclassification 5-2, with Alderpersons Bitney, Graf, Baker, Josh Buckridge and Jane Pederson voting yes, and Alderpersons Andy Eiche and Terry Leckel voting no. Since a motion needs two-thirds of council members voting yes, with Alderperson Greg Kittelsen absent, the motion is pending confirmation on whether the two-thirds must be by members elect or members present. The council then approved another rezoning request for Lot 1, between the south landing and the Schultz residence, from single-family residential to resource conservation. A third request, for

the south 30 feet of Lot 1 in the Crescent Park Addition, was postponed on the plan commission’s recommendation, until the council finds out whether lake protection grant funds can be used for this. The council also approved a number of other items on the agenda that night: • Appointment of Patti Fox to the library board • Accepting the access road from Old Hwy. 63 to Hwy. 63, south of CTH D, as a city street • A temporary Class B beer/wine license for the Indianhead Community Health Care Auxiliary New Year’s Eve bash • An increase in the city’s insurance deductible from $500 to $2,500 • Authorization to purchase a grinder for the fish-cleaning building • Denial of a sewer damage claim pursuant to statute • The vouchers list The council heard reports and updates from the plan commission, public Works, police chief/zoning administrator, financial administration and the budget status.

Early deadlines

SHELL LAKE — During this holiday season, the Washburn County Register newspaper will have early deadlines as well as office closings. The deadline for the Tuesday, Dec. 21, edition of the Register is noon on Fri-

day, Dec. 17. The deadline for the Tuesday, Dec. 28, edition is at noon on Thursday, Dec. 23. The newspaper office will be closed Friday, Dec. 24, and Friday, Dec. 31. — WCR

“On t h e s h o re s o f b e au ti fu l S he l l L a k e” •



This gaggle of Canada geese probably figured they had stayed too long as they found limited amounts of open water on the Yellow River. Just a little information, if geese are flying they are called a flock or a skein. RIGHT - Jack Dahlstrom knocks snow off the awning of his store. Dahlstrom spent most of the day outside shoveling the sidewalk and c l e a n i n g awnings as the snow fell on Saturday, Dec. 11.

Starting over

The snow was coming down Saturday, Dec. 11, faster than the city crew could remove it. The snowstorm dropped 8.2 inches over the weekend according to the Spooner Ag Research Station. Last year at this time a storm moved through and dropped 5.2 inches, for those who did not remember.


Photos by Larry Samson

n bu r h s Wa nty u o C

Your Community Newspaper PO Box 455 • Shell Lake, WI 54871

Published by the Inter-County Cooperative Publishing Association Frederic, WI 54837 Doug Panek, manager • Gary King, editor Phone: (715) 468-2314 • Fax: (715) 468-4900 Deadline for news/ads: Mondays @ noon

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by Regan Kohler SHELL LAKE – Readers, as most of you may know after 5-1/2 years, whether through talking to me personally or reading my past Upper Register music reviews, I suffer from music addiction. So it would only be natural that I led off my goodbye column with a nod to music, and to quote one of my favorite bands, The Who, it has been an “amazing journey … where minds can’t usually go.” I’ve covered all areas of news over the years – crime, local and state government, civil trials, human interest and features, Washburn County festivals and events, tragedies, vehicular accidents and even sports (until Larry Samson thankfully took over, he was the man meant for the position - the fact I was a dancer and “recovering” wanna-be actress who’d never even made it through a full football game before working for the newspaper made for some interesting copy). I got to do a lot of neat coverage that wouldn’t happen in most other jobs – a telephone interview with Little Steven Van Zandt, of “The Sopranos” and Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band fame, attending Superior Days in Madison, talking to Nancy Sinatra’s public relations person after they saw a photo I took for the Relay for Life, interviewing a film crew while acting in a postapocalyptic movie, and more. Over the past year, I really started realizing I wasn’t getting any younger, my gray hair is proving that, and felt like I hadn’t done as much in life as I’d meant to when I first entered adulthood. There were different reasons for this, some good, some not so good.

Some events that I later realized were for my own good kicked this into motion in the last six months and showed me it was time. Suddenly, everything happened so fast – I had a job interview for Jimmy John’s Gourmet Sandwiches (technically Spin the Planet Enterprises), for their marketing team based out of Oakdale, Minn., and within a week of the interview, I was hired. I dislike clichés, but I really felt something was right about this. So I had one week to move to the Twin Cities and do the hardest part – leave the job I’ve loved. I’m going to miss everyone at the Register and Inter-County Leader, and those whom I’ve worked with through the newspaper – contacts, interviewees, government leaders and citizens I’ve met along the way, who have played a part in my career, even though they weren’t necessarily ever quoted in the paper – you know who you are! Believe it or not, I’m going to miss the camaraderie in the audience at county board meetings (yes, there is camaraderie, when I’m around), hanging out in the office waiting for election results, staff meetings, Alley Cats brainstorming sessions with the other writers, being a voyeur at trials, chatting with everyone I know in the Lake Mall, etc. I’m still technically at the Register until the end of December, but the next phase of my life will be marketing for some of the best food you will ever taste, with the fastest preparation time (I had to test my marketing skills there). It is a total career change, but I love a challenge and am excited to start over.

Student taken into custody for making bomb threat


ral Resources, this matter was quickly resolved in approximately two hours from the time of the initial call,” Dryden said. “ I compliment the Northwood School District staff for their quick action in ensuring that the children were placed in an area of safety, and they gathered all pertinent information for our investigators. The Northwood School’s internal camera and recording system quickly revealed who the suspect would be in this

case, and as it turns out, it was indeed the individual that wrote the threat on the bathroom stall. Dryden said the staff was very cooperative with law enforcement and provided everything his department needed to come to a successful conclusion. “The staff at Northwood School are commended for their quick reaction.” with information from Washburn County Sheriff’s Dept.

SHELL LAKE — The Washburn County Board of Supervisors invites youth in grades 9, 10 and 11 who are residents of Washburn County to apply to serve as youth representatives on the county board. This initiative provides Washburn County youth an opportunity to play a valuable and active leadership role in the governance of the county while enhancing their interest in the operation of local government and civic participation. Two youths will be selected to serve a one-year term (April 2011–April 2012) and three youths will be selected to serve a two-year term (April 2011–April 2013).

“Youth who are currently serving in these roles have found their experience to be very educational and a good use of their time. County board supervisors have been very supportive and recognize the value of having the voice of young people on the board,” said Annette Bjorklund, 4-H youth development educator in Washburn County. Application materials are online at or contact the Washburn County UW-Extension Office in Spooner, 715-635-4444 or by e-mail at annette.bjorklund@ces. Deadline for submitting application materials is Feb. 14, 2011. — from UW-Extension

station he was at. Overall, collectors got 49 samples over two days. Scott Posner of Washburn contributed a sample from his 8-point buck. He says people in the Bayfield/Ashland County areas are keeping their fingers crossed “Nobody wants to see CWD expand into their hunting area, and of course we’re quite a ways from the core of the CWD infections (in southern Wisconsin) and we want to keep it that way.” Almost 200 samples were taken from a 10-mile radius around Ashland. Lopez says that’s enough for a statistically accurate finding of whether or not CWD is up north. In all, he expects to get 8,000 samples from the lymph nodes of deer. The first results have come up negative, with sampling from the Wisconsin Veterinary Diagnostic Lab in Madison to go on through January.

NORTHWEST WISCONSIN — The Department of Natural Resources advises that a number of lakes in Barron, Polk, Burnett and Washburn counties will have aeration systems operating this winter. The systems are operated by governmental units or lake groups and cause areas on the lakes to remain ice free. Snowmobilers, anglers and other lake users should use extra caution on these lakes because of open water. The open water areas should be surrounded by a fence of uprights connected by rope with reflective tape or reflectors. “These systems,” said Brian Spangler, DNR fisheries technician, “add oxygen to the water all winter and help prevent winterkill of fish and other organisms.” He added that aeration provides for a

healthier fishery and more angling opportunities. The lakes with public access that have aeration systems include: Antler Lake, Bass Lake (McKinley Township), Coon Lake, Diamond Lake, Ice House Lake, Camilia Lake, King Lake, Largon Lake, Little Butternut Lake, Lotus (East) Lake, Mckeit Lake, South Twin Lake and Vincent Lake in Polk County. They also include Chain (Twin) Lake, Desair Lake, Kirby Lake, Prairie Lake and Staples Lake in Barron County. In Burnett County, there is Green, Point and West Elbow lakes. Washburn County has Little Long in Bashaw Township, Spring Lake in Stone Lake Township, Camp Lake, Ike Walton Pond in Chicog Township and Priceless Pond in Madge Township. — from WDNR

by Chuck Quirmbach Wisconsin Public Radio MILWAUKEE - Supporters of highspeed rail may try to send a letter to Gov.-elect Scott Walker, or get ready to "ride" him for years. When Walker said last week that the loss of $800 million in federal funds for high-speed rail would be a victory for Wisconsin, it appeared to touch a nerve with labor groups and other backers of

rail. At a Monday, Dec. 13, afternoon rally in Milwaukee, labor leader Sheila Cochran criticized Walker's use of the word victory. She says Walker's opposition to high-speed rail will jeopardize getting other funds from the federal government, and she says in the next few years labor groups will keep track of jobs lost by the Walker administration. Walker’s critics say one can already

count the construction jobs lost when the state halted work on the MilwaukeeMadison track, and jobs that may be lost at Milwaukee train car maker, Talgo. Labor and community leaders will try to keep more heat on the governor-elect at a town hall meeting Thursday night, Dec. 16 night. The state Democratic Party has put up a “wanted” billboard of Walker, suggesting he's killed thousands of jobs.

Meanwhile, some Milwaukee-area business executives are trying something different. They're circulating a letter to Walker that says they're gravely disappointed over losing $800 million that could have been invested in Wisconsin, and say that it will now be just up to Wisconsin taxpayers, to improve freight rail track in the state.

by Shamane Mills Wisconsin Public Radio MILWAUKEE Gov.-elect Scott Walker has indicated Wisconsin will set up its own online marketplace to shop for health insurance. How that so-called “exchange” might work will eventually be decided by theLegislature. One of the biggest questions about a health exchange is who would run it: the state or the federal government. During the campaign, Walker indicated he op-

posed national health reform – state exchanges (containing private insurers) are a big part of it. Republican state Sen. Alberta Darling says the new governor is looking at existing exchanges that aim for more affordable health insurance without big government. She says Walker and others are considering Utah’s model. A special advisory committee is coming up with a bill for lawmakers to consider. In the draft bill are guiding

principles, like avoiding a pool of patients who are sickly and costly to insure. Committee member Joe Leean warns if there aren't enough participants in the exchange it will fail. “This is going to go down in flames, obviously, if it becomes a very selective marketplace or if it becomes a dumping ground for high-risk people," warns Leean. Yet to be decided is the contentious issue of how big the Wisconsin Health

Exchange Authority should be and who should be on the board. Robert Palmer, CEO for Dean Health Plan, had concerns about exclusion. “If you keep health plans and the insurance industry out of this, or down to one representative you will--we will-cause industry to potentially take itself elsewhere, outside of the exchange more likely than inside." The health reform committee will meet again in January.

MINONG -A male student at Northwood High School was taken into custody Monday, Dec. 13, after admitting he had placed a message on a bathroom wall stating there was a bomb in a vehicle parked in the school’s parking lot and the intent was to blow up the school. “Our investigation reveals that the suspect was upset at another student, who was the driver of this vehicle and he wanted to get even over apparent rumors and accusations made of the suspect,” Sheriff Terry Dryden stated in a press release Monday afternoon. The Washburn County Sheriff’s dispatch office received a call at 10:15 a.m. from Northwood School concerning the threat. Sheriff’s deputies, the Minong

Police Department, Minong Fire and Ambulance Service and the DNR all responded to the scene. Firefighters were requested to block both entrances to the school, allowing no one in or out of the facility until further notice. The note on the wall stated the bomb was in a white Grand Prix in the parking lot. Sheriff’s investigators, along with school staff, quickly isolated the vehicle in question and all students were placed in the auditorium, out of harm’s way. “All of Washburn County’s available units responded to the Northwood School and with the valuable assistance of the Minong Police Department, Minong Area Fire and Ambulance Services and the Wisconsin Department of Natu-

SHELL LAKE — U.S. Sen. Herb Kohl’s regional representative, Marjorie Bunce, will be in Shell Lake on Thursday, Dec. 16, to meet with constituents from 2 to 3 p.m. at the Washburn County Courthouse, 10 4th Ave., in conference room 1A. No appointment is necessary. “If you are having a problem with a federal program or agency, or have an

opinion on an issue before Congress, please let me know by meeting with my regional representative, Marjorie Bunce,” Kohl said. Bunce can also be contacted at Kohl’s regional office at 402 Graham Ave., Suite 206, Eau Claire, WI 54701 or by calling 715-832-8424. — from the office of Sen. Kohl

by Mike Simonson Wisconsin Public Radio NORTHERN WISCONSIN - The first results of chronic wasting disease in Wisconsin are being released this week. Many of the results are coming from Ashland and Bayfield counties because of the concern that CWD might spread to far northern Wisconsin. But so far, all 143 deer tested show no signs of CWD. A false positive test of a deer shot on a Bayfield County deer farm made it appear CWD had jumped from south central Wisconsin to the far north. A final test showed no chronic wasting disease, but the Department of Natural Resources went ahead with plans to collect deer samples from hunters. State CWD coordinator Davin Lopez was in Ashland for the opening of the gun deer season last month. He says they only had one person who wasn’t interested in giving the lymph nodes at the

Regional reps of Sen. Kohl to hold office hours in Shell Lake

Northern CWD test results being released

Washburn County Board seeks youth representatives

Aeration systems create open water on county lakes, caution advised

High-speed rail advocates continue to rally

Legislature to determine how health insurance exchange will work

Try our e-edition at

Local schools compared


by Mary Stirrat Inter-County Leader NORTHWEST WISCONSIN - In recent months area school districts gave final approval to their 2010-11 budgets, and the first installment on property taxes to help fund those budgets are due at the end of January. Schools take the largest part of our property taxes, with our cities and villages taking a close second, followed by the county. What follows is enrollment, financial and academic information comparing school districts in Polk, Burnett and Washburn counties. The information and explanations are taken from SchoolFacts 10, a publication of Wisconsin Taxpayers Alliance. State averages are for K-12 districts. In parentheses are state averages less Milwaukee Public Schools. The school year reflected by the information is noted.

Enrollment In 2010 there were 859,083 full-time equivalent students enrolled in Wisconsin public schools, down about 2,000 from 2009. This is the lowest level since 1996. Figures here are for the 2009-10 school year State average - 2,236 (2,008) Frederic - 539 Grantsburg - 962 Luck - 537 St. Croix Falls - 1,181 Shell Lake - 602 Siren - 500 Spooner - 1,310 Unity - 1,169 Webster - 728 Per student expenditures Per pupil spending ranges from $10,040 in Stratford (877 students) to $26,355 in North Lakeland (a K-8 school with 166 students). Comparative spending, which factors out transportation, debt services and capital expenditures, ranged from $8,450 in Oostburg (1,034 students) to $20,172 in North Lakeland. Total expenditures per student, 2009-10 budgeted State average - $12,366 ($12,096) Frederic - $13,359 Grantsburg - $11,977 Luck - $12,739 St. Croix Falls - $11,436 Shell Lake - $14,272 Siren - $14,736 Spooner - $13,937 Unity - $12,093 Webster - $13,102

Comparative spending per student, 2009-10 budgeted (does not include transportation, capital and debt and miscellaneous spending) State average - $10,465 ($10,242) Frederic - $10,701 Grantsburg - $9,495 Luck - $10,562 St. Croix Falls - $9,610 Shell Lake - $11,415 Siren - $11,723 Spooner - $10,919 Unity - $10,152 Webster - $10,418

Instructional costs Instruction makes up the majority of school expenditures, and salaries and fringe benefits make up the majority of instructional expenditures. In the comparisons below, the first number is instructional spending, followed by salaries and fringe benefits for instruction, as budgeted for 2009-10. State average - $7,224, $6,067 ($7,131, $6,009) Frederic - $7,260, $5,513 Grantsburg - $6,702, $3,907 Luck - $7,614, $5,828 St. Croix Falls - $6,908, $5,692 Shell Lake - $7,348, $6,106 Siren - $7,807, $6,117 Spooner - $7,852, $6,432 Unity - $7,003, $5,819 Webster - $6,976, $5,634 Revenue sources The majority of school funding comes in the form of either state aid or property taxes. Below are the amounts of property tax and state funding received by school districts for each student for the 2009-10 school year. Property tax per student is listed first, followed by state funding. State average - $5,144, $6,927 ($5,326, $6,706) Frederic - $6,449, $6,638 Grantsburg - $4,258, $7,305 Luck - $6,169, $5,869 St. Croix Falls - $6,382, $5,599 Shell Lake - $7,428, $6,003 Siren - $9,051, $5,030 Spooner - $11,201, $3,981 Unity - $8,737, $4,060

Webster - $10,986, $3,098 Total tax levy, taxing mill rate The state sets the total amount of revenue a school may acquire each year and the tax levy, assessed as property taxes, is a large part of that amount. The taxing mill rate is the amount of property taxes assessed for the local district, and the amounts noted are for every $1,000 in equalized property value. Figures are for 2009-10. Tax levy State average - $11.5 million ($10.7 million) Frederic - $3.5 million Grantsburg - $4.1 million Luck - $3.3 million St. Croix Falls - $7.5 million Shell Lake - $4.5 million Siren - $4.5 million Spooner - $14.7 million Unity - $10.2 million Webster - $8 million

Taxing mill rate per $1,000 in equalized property value State average - $9.18 ($9.10) Frederic - $10.82 Grantsburg - $9.33 Luck - $9.51 St. Croix Falls - $9.80 Shell Lake - $10.96 Siren - $9.41 Spooner - $8.41 Unity - $9.10 Webster - $5.42

Fund balance Fund balance is the money a school district keeps for cash flow and emergency purposes. Shown here is combined general fund, TEACH (technology) fund, gifts, and special project funds. The second number is the percentage of annual expenditures held in fund balance. Figures are 2009-10 budgeted State average - $4 million, 15.3 percent ($3.8 million, 16.6 percent) Frederic - $703,000, 11.5 percent Grantsburg - $1.9 million, 18.1 percent Luck - $580,000, 9.2 percent St. Croix Falls - $3.1 million, 24.9 percent Shell Lake - $1.2 million, 15.7 percent Siren - $1.3 million, 18.7 percent Spooner - $5.2 million, 31.4 percent Unity - $3.8 million, 29.7 percent Webster - $3.1 million, 36 percent Income and wealth The income and wealth of district residents affects the affordability of school taxes. Property wealth, along with district spending, determines the amount of state aid a district receives. Also, higher-income families have more private resources to use for their children’s education, which can lead to higher test scores. Average adjusted gross income - 2008 State average - $49,164 ($50,722) Frederic - $36,564 Grantsburg - $37,311 Luck - $38,892 St. Croix Falls - $43,127 Shell Lake - $34,469 Siren - $32,176 Spooner - $35,882 Unity - $37,320 Webster - $33,579

Property value per student 2009-10 State average - $560,976 ($585,190) Frederic - $596,000 Grantsburg - $456,000 Luck - $649,000 St. Croix Falls - $651,000 Shell Lake - $677,802 Siren - $962,000 Spooner - $1,332,528 Unity - $960,000 Webster - $2,026,000

Percentage of students eligible for free and reduced lunch 2008-09 State average - 39.2 percent (34.5 percent) Frederic - 57.4 percent Grantsburg - 44.9 percent Luck - 47.7 percent St. Croix Falls - 37 percent Shell Lake 48.3 percent Siren - 67.6 percent Spooner - 47.3 percent Unity - 51.6 percent Webster - 71 percent

Percent minority 2009-10 The number of minorities in a school district can sometimes impact district finances and test scores. Some minority students may have difficulty with the English language, which can lead to lower test scores. This can also raise district costs due to “English as a second language” courses. Minority students

also tend to come from lower-income families and may lack some of the out-of-school resources that more well-off students have access to. State average - 23.9 (17.2) percent Frederic - 7.3 percent Grantsburg - 10.8 percent Luck - 3.3 percent St. Croix Falls - 4.1 percent Shell Lake - 7.8 percent Siren - 27.7 percent Spooner - 5.7 percent Unity - 8.9 percent Webster - 19 percent

Percent disabled 2009-10 The cost of educating disabled students is generally higher than for the nondisabled. As a result, districts with large percentages of disabled students generally have higher costs and fewer resources for other students. Depending on the disability, these students might not score as high on state-mandated exams. State average - 14.5 (13.9) percent Frederic - 17.4 percent Grantsburg - 12.6 percent Luck - 14.9 percent St. Croix Falls - 11.7 percent Shell Lake - 15.5 percent Siren - 21.3 percent Spooner - 13.9 percent Unity - 15.3 percent Webster - 17.1 percent Staffing ratios Staffing ratios can affect student performance as well as district costs. Some studies show that smaller class sizes in early grades can improve test scores slightly. Other studies have shown little relationship. More teachers and more staff result in higher district costs. Figures are from 2009-10.

Student-teacher ratios Even faced with declining enrollment, student-teacher ratios have generally fallen statewide over the last several years. Although smaller class sizes can provide students with more personal attention, they also drive up costs. State average - 14.7 (14.4) Frederic - 14.2 Grantsburg - 12 Luck - 13.2 St. Croix Falls - 15 Shell Lake - 11.9 Siren - 12 Spooner - 14.9 Unity - 14.3 Webster - 13.5

Student-staff ratio The student-staff ratio measures the number of students relative to the entire staff employed by the school district, including administrators, teachers, specialists, support staff, and others. Since salaries and benefits are the largest school district costs, smaller staffing ratios result in higher per student costs. State average - 8.3 (8.4) Frederic - 7.7 Grantsburg - 7.3 Luck - 7.9 St. Croix Falls - 8.3 Shell Lake - 7.1 Siren - 6.7 Spooner - 10.1 Unity - 8.5 Webster - 8.1

Staff numbers Staffing is grouped into three categories: administration, licensed instruction and support. The first number shown is the number of full-time administration then the total number of staff for 2008-09. State average - 9.2, 269.4 (8, 239.8) Frederic - 3, 70 Grantsburg - 5, 131.2 Luck - 3.5, 68.3 St. Croix Falls - 4, 143 Shell Lake - 3, 85.2 Siren - 4, 74.9 Spooner - 5.3, 129.1 Unity - 4, 137.2 Webster - 3, 89.4 Salaries Salaries and benefits account for an average of 80 percent of school expenditures. Shown here are 2008-09 base salaries for teachers with a bachelor’s degree, followed by maximum salary paid by the district. State average $32,079, $59,000 ($32,068, $58,957) Frederic - $31,660, $53,830 Grantsburg - $32,835, $54,450 Luck - $31,719, $52,199 St. Croix Falls - $39,842, $62,712

Shell Lake - $30,533, $51,619 Siren - $29,279, $51,057 Spooner - $33,922, $61,450 Unity - $34,271, $56,848 Webster - $29,000, $55,128

Test scores Test scores are one measure of a school district’s performance. The state administers the Wisconsin Knowledge and Concepts Exam to students in third through eighth and tenth grades. These tests cover reading and math. The fourth-, eighth- and 10th-grade tests also cover language arts, science and social studies. Scores are from 2009-10. WKCE scores fourth-grade reading Test scores are reported as the percentage of students who scored proficient or advanced. State average - 81 percent (84 percent) Frederic - 84 percent Grantsburg – 93 percent Luck – 100 percent St. Croix Falls – 86 percent Shell Lake – 74 percent Siren – 76 percent Spooner – 74 percent Unity - 78 percent Webster - 90 percent

WKCE scores eighth-grade math Test scores are reported as the percentage of students who scored proficient or advanced. State average - 84 percent (86 percent) Frederic - 78 percent Grantsburg - 78 percent Luck - 88 percent St. Croix Falls - 83 percent Shell Lake - 83 percent Siren - 80 percent Spooner - 81 percent Unity - 81 percent Webster - 84 percent

WKCE 10th-grade science Test scores are reported as the percentage of students who scored proficient or advanced. State average - 72 percent (76 percent) Frederic - 84.6 percent Grantsburg - 78.1 percent Luck - 79.5 percent St. Croix Falls - 86 percent Shell Lake - 85 percent Siren - 72.5 percent Spooner - 80 percent Unity - 74 percent Webster - 70.2 percent

Average ACT score Most Wisconsin students who are planning to attend college take the ACT. While this exam provides another picture of district performance, it can be misleading because it is generally taken only by college-bound students. Wisconsin students averaged one of the highest scores nationally in 2007-08, at 22.3. A perfect score is 36. What follows are the ACT scores for 2008-09. State average - 22.2 with 57 percent tested (22.5 with 47 percent tested) Frederic - 22.5 with 50 percent tested Grantsburg - 22.2 with 25.8 percent tested Luck - 21.2 with 63.6 percent tested St. Croix Falls - 21.8 with 45.5 percent tested Shell Lake - 21.5 with 57 percent tested Siren - 20.1 with 58.6 percent tested Spooner - 23.3 with 52 percent tested Unity - 21.7 with 36 percent tested Webster - 22 with 41 percent tested

Register staff

Editor Gary King Phone: 715-327-4236 E-mail:

Office manager Suzanne Johnson Phone: 715-468-2314 Fax: 715-468-4900 E-mail:

Writers Regan Kohler Larry Samson Phone: 715-468-2314 E-mail: Ad representative Jackie Moody Phone: 715-468-2314 Composition Jackie Thorwick

Making computer recycling easier

Jen Barton


Reycling Control Commission

Due to the technology explosion, the bulky systems of yesterday are being replaced by smaller, more efficient machines that are capable of multiple tasks never thought possible just a few years ago in homes and businesses. The electronic equipment that is being replaced will end up in a landfill or a pile somewhere unless individuals make a conscious effort at work and home to make sure it is recy-

SHELL LAKE — Named students of the month for November at Shell Lake Schools were: Brandon Bell, senior, son of Lisa Moravec. His favorite subject is computers. His hobbies include computers, fishing, hunting, boating, ATVing and going to family homes. He likes working for the school store. He would like to thank the staff for choosing him as student of the month. Emilee Organ, junior, is the daughter of Jeff and Janice Organ. Her favorite subjects are history of fine arts. Her hobbies include band, choir, theater and volleyball. She is in the band, choir, school plays and plays volleyball. “With being nominated and also voted as student of the month for the junior class makes me feel very honored. It’s always nice to know that if you do work hard it’s noticeable and it doesn’t go unseen.”

Shell Lake Lions Calendar Winners

Dec. 6 - $30 Mike Tewalthomas, Shell Lake Dec. 7 - $30 Linda Hines, Superior Dec. 8 - $30 Monica Burkart, Shell Lake Dec. 9 - $30 Cheryl Gozdzialski, Spooner Dec. 10 - $30 Ken & Caileen Harmon, Spooner

Stresau Laboratory Inc. Winners also announced on WJMC FM Radio

2011 Lions calendars are available from any Lions member or by calling Jim Meyers at 715-468-4388.

Temps & levels Temperatures recorded at

Spooner Ag Research Station

2009 Dec. 6 Dec. 7 Dec. 8 Dec. 9 Dec. 10 Dec. 11 Dec. 12

Hi 27 13 24 21 12 4 11

Lo 2 3 16 9 -3 -10 -5

2010 Dec. 6 Dec. 7 Dec. 8 Dec. 9 Dec. 10 Dec. 11 Dec. 12

Hi 16 20 15 19 28 21 21

Lo 5 -1 -1 2 15 11 1

Precip. .5” snow

4.0” snow 1.2” snow

Precip .3” snow trace snow 1.0” snow 3.0” snow 4.2” snow

cled. Computer disposal has become a significant concern. Last year, Americans retired more than 25 million computers from use (National Recycling Coalition). Some of this equipment was recycled, 13 percent, while some was placed into landfills, but most old computers are tucked away into storage closets, basements or attics. This year the DNR has made it illegal to dispose of most electronics in the landfill. One way to make recycling electronic products easier is to make wise purchasing decisions. Instead of buying new electronic products, consider repairing or upgrading your current system. If you decide to buy new equipment, ask the equipment manufacturer about reuse and recycling options such as product takeback programs. To promote the use of reused and recycled products, purchase equipment designed for easy repair and products that are upgradeable. You may also consider leasing equipment that can be returned to the manufacturer when it is no longer needed.


Not only is it important that computers be kept out of our landfills because they often contain hazardous materials, but it’s the law. A color monitor may contain up to 10 pounds of leaded glass. Other heavy metals, such as cadmium, mercury and lithium are also present in computers. These materials can be taken out of the machine and used in other applications, saving resources. The leaded glass in monitor picture tubes is crushed and processed into new picture tubes used in televisions and monitors. Plastics are also being recycled into consumer products like desk accessories and camera cases. By recycling, we limit our need to mine resources from the Earth and also reduce our consumption of energy. What are the toxic and hazardous materials in your computer? • Lead, cadmium and other metals from cathode ray tubes found in monitors and terminals. • Chromium, lead, beryllium, mercury, cadmium, nickel, zinc, silver and gold from printed circuit boards found in all components.

Shell Lake Students of the Month

Students of the month for November at Shell Lake Schools were (L to R): Alecia Meister, eighth grade; Jolita Johnson, sophomore; Emilee Organ, junior; David Brereton, freshman; Isaac Otterson, seventh grade; and Brandon Bell, senior. — Photo submitted Jolita Johnson, sophomore, is the daughter of Martin Johnson. Her favorite class is choir. She enjoys playing basketball and listening to music. Her school activities include playing basketball. When asked how she felt about being chosen student of the

month she stated, “Surprised but happy because I’m doing a lot better than last year.” David Brereton, freshman, is the son of Deb and Dan Brereton. His favorite subjects are math and history. His interests include basketball and waterskiing. School activi-

Register Memories

1950 - 60 years ago

• The birth of Mary Elizabeth to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lutz was announced. • Harold Lindemann, Barronett, participated in a radio broadcast for River Falls Teachers College. • Playing at the Lake Theater was “Inspector General” starring Danny Kaye, “South Sea Sinners” starring Shelly Winters and “Outlaw Country” starring Lash LaRue. • The Lutheran Daughters of Salem Lutheran had a Christmas party at the home of Mrs. Duane Shipman.

1960 - 50 years ago

• An overflow crowd attended worship services and the dinner at the Salem Lutheran Church in honor of Pastor and Mrs. Vic Johnson and Janet who were leaving Shell Lake. A purse of money was presented to the esteemed guests from the friends attending. • Mrs. Francis Teale, 100, Sarona, died. She was born in Bedford, England, and came to the United States as a young woman. • Mike Bitney, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Bitney, was a patient at the Shell Lake Memorial Hospital. • As of Dec. 24, Shell Lake TV Shop would be closed permanently. However, they would still operate and service the Shell Lake area out of Spooner TV Sales and Service in Spooner.

1970 - 40 years ago

• Jim McBride, sixth-grade student, was narrator for the Shell Lake Elementary School Christmas program, “Christmas Comes to Our School.” Instrumentalists were Jackie Schnell, David Schaefer, Patty Dahlstrom, Kim Flogstad and Bonnie Haugland.

• Nickel, cadmium, lithium, mercury and lead from batteries found in CPUs, laptops and portable printers. • Mercury from relays and switches found in CPUs, monitors and terminals. Although there is a small cost for responsibly recycling your computers, residents are now required to take advantage of local recycling opportunities. Recycling makes sense economically and greatly reduces your environmental liability. Remember, recycling enables us to conserve valuable resources by reclaiming precious metals, copper, steel, aluminum, plastic, and CRT glass besides saving valuable landfill space. Recycling also greatly reduces lead emissions from incinerators, thus helping to reduce air pollution. Recycling is the legally, morally and politically correct thing to do and it’s as easy as one, two, three here in Burnett and Washburn counties. The cost to recycle a complete computer system is $18, please call Jen for locations at 715-635-2197, or e-mail her at, or visit our Web site at

ties are band, choir, student council, yearbook, cross country, basketball and track. “I am honored to be nominated and chosen for student of the month for the freshmen class because I know it will be very helpful when applying for jobs and colleges.” Alecia Meister, eighth-grader, is the daughter of Mark and Dawn Meister. Her favorite subject is math. She loves working with kids, reading and loves to hang out with friends. Her school activities include student council, volleyball, band, choir and softball. “I would like to thank the school staff for nominating me for student of the month. I’m so happy that I got student of the month.” Isaac Otterson, seventh-grader, is the son of Barb Otterson and Bill Otterson. He likes geography and hanging out with his friends. His school activities include band, basketball and baseball. “I am happy that I was chosen student of the month.” — from Shell Lake Schools

Compiled by Suzanne Johnson

• Open bowling at Capitol Bar and Bowling was 50 cents. • Stag Night was held at Shell Lake Apparel giving men the opportunity to shop. • The Excella 4-H Club members and the leaders enjoyed their annual Christmas party at the Spooner Experimental Farm.

1980 - 30 years ago

• Barbara McKinney, Spooner, presented a feature on gift wrapping; Carol Graf, Shell Lake, was the speaker and Ester Kuhns, Trego, provided music for the Spooner-Shell Lake Women’s Club meeting held at the Shell Lake Community Center. • Shell Lake City Council was not in a mood to be trifled with. They blasted the Indianhead Memorial Hospital Board and administration, claiming the hospital is “thumbing its nose” at the council while the city still was liable for the hospital’s obligations and criticized the library board for not keeping the council better informed as it proceeded to select a half-time employee. • The Washburn County Board got a preliminary report on a proposed addition to the courthouse that would add on the north and west sides on Fourth Avenue for an estimated cost of $1.8 million. • Although she wasn’t of Norwegian descent, Jean Odden was showing how to make lefse the way her father-in-law taught her.

1990 - 20 years ago

• Receiving recognition on the AllNorthwest Wisconsin team were Mark Prochnow, Bob Gulan, Chris Carlson, Wayne Krantz and Chad Benzer.

• Joe Sienko, who had been employed by the Shell Lake State Bank main office in Shell Lake, was working at their new branch in Spooner. • A free cooking exchange was held at Diane’s Kitchen in Shell Lake. Each person was asked to bring as many cookies as they would like to exchange as well as a sample or two to taste. Free coffee was served. • Diane Reynolds placed a yellow ribbon in her yard as a memorial to the men and women serving in the Armed Forces in the Persian Gulf. She talked with children from Little Lakers Day Care about the Mideast crisis.

2000 - 10 years ago

• Shell Lake Girl Scout Troop 464 spent some of their money earned from cookie sales to purchase toys for needy children in Shell Lake. Troop members were Aurora Pollei, Alyssa Hubbell, Jenna Rock, Amanda Pearson, Allison Leckel, Kayla Garcia and Marina Grocke. The leaders were Minnie Garcia and Robyn Pollei. • Good Citizen recipients at Shell Lake Schools were Brandon Degner, Katie Grocke, Michelle Simpson, Kyle Vanderhoof, Jocelyne Tripp, Brianna Stellrecht, Ashley Hillman and Stephanie Regenauer. • Students of the Month at Shell Lake Schools were Lynette Scheu, Heather Kemp, Colleen Mock, Liz Richey, Kayla Kemp and Stephanie Truman. • Shell Lake student Rob Aderman competed at the AAU Nationals CrossCountry 3K race in Joplin, Mo. He placed 63rd out of 261 boys ages 11 and 12.


by Diane Dryden WASHBURN COUNTY - Two families, both named Peck, both deeply involved in theater, and each totally unknown to each other. Fred Peck, along with his wife, Joanne, Birchwood residents, are intensely involved with the Northern Lights Theatre in Rice Lake, and the entire Peck family of Spooner, mom Jodie from the Shell Lake Belva Todd clan and dad Justin, a Spooner Ennis family member, align professionally with Theatre in the Woods at the Quam in Shell Lake. The second family of Pecks have four children, Alex, 18, Corey, 16, Spencer, 13 and Kaylee, who is already an old soul at age 9, have all been involved with acting almost from birth. All the kids have been very active in school plays and skits from the very beginning, and the two oldest, Alex and Corey, have performed over 10 times each at the Quam. Alex would like to get more deeply involved with theater in the form of directing, which he has already done twice and is planning a college career around the art. His first performance at the Quam was in 2004 when he was 12 years old and the play was, “Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day.” Since then, theater has become an integral part of his life. Just last year he acted the part of the peddler in Spooner High School’s rendition of “Oklahoma!” Alex is looking to the U of M after he graduates. Corey is also planning his college career around theater when he graduates after a lifetime of acting in elementary school and having performed first at the Quam at age 11 back in 2005 when his first nonschool play was the “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.” His acting skills were obvious last year in the play “Oklahoma!” which was demonstrated when he and his older brother had key roles in the Spooner High School performance. Spencer is more of a quiet guy who becomes a different person when he takes on a role. His first crack at the big time came in 2008 when he performed in “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever,” as one of those rotten Herdman kids. Even though

Pick a Peck, part two

The Pecks surround the sign outside the Erika Quam Memorial Theatre in Shell Lake where you can find one or all of them at each performance. he loves acting and plans to continue to do it, he has his sights set on astronomy for a career. Kaylee, the youngest, is also setting her sights on a job in the veterinarian field, but she loves acting and went big time at only 6 years old by winning a part in the 2007 performance of “Robin of Loxley,” at the Quam. This show was the one where all four siblings were part of the performance. Her makeup was superb in “Frankenstein Slept Here,” where she played the phantom bride and Alex directed. Dad writes software and mom is the after-school program in Spooner, and of course, they both like the theater. In high school and college, they were both involved with the theater and there was even some time spent in improv theater in Minneapolis. The last two lines of a famous poem say, “Richer than I you can never be, for I had a mother that read to me.” If you change the mother to father, you’d have Justin. As a father, he’s been a constant bedtime reader to his children. “Taking

Customer Appreciation Day at Cenex

Ty Hopke (L) accepted a dividend check for Xact Tool from Chuck Mortensen, manager of Shell Lake’s Cenex Convenience Store, during Country Pride Co-op’s Customer Appreciation Day on Wednesday, Dec. 8. — Photo by Suzanne Johnson

on the voices of all the characters,” his children say they loved it and love it still. He’s not an overt actor, but will when needed, will even write a play, or at least adapt one. He played Benedict in the Quam’s production of the very funny “Much Ado About Nothing.” What will forever set this family apart from thousands of others is the wonderful fact that they all really do love and like each other very much, and they are all a part of each other’s lives. Every person, parent or sibling, stands up for and genuinely complements each other frequently. When asked the question of what acting has done for them personally, each answered that it taught them how to fail and how to recover. The more they’re on stage, the more comfortable they are with themselves and the more confidence they have. “It’s not easy to get up in front of crowd,” states Alex. “Or to speak under pressure or to talk in front of a crowd, but it truly boosts your core values.” They also give high marks to their Spooner teachers and the music program as well as the powers that be at the Quam. They value highly the fact that people at the Quam credit them with worth and value as performers and give them many opportunities for advancement and creativity. They have all been active in all the details that go into putting on a performance from mopping floors, makeup, lighting, ticket taking and ushering. Everyone in the family sings, and the boys have already had state and tri-state music competition experience that has turned out very well for them. The arts center in Shell Lake has a show choir week and one of the boys attended and loved it. One of the people they all credit is Bob Thornley of the Spooner School

Kaylee, the youngest member of the Peck family, appeared as the phantom bride in the play “Frankenstein Slept Here.”

System who has taught them so much. These are four unusually bright children who have exemplary manners and selfconfidence, even Kaylee speaks with enough confidence that if you had her on the phone you would credit her for being much older. It’s a community comfort to know that even when Alex graduates and goes off to college, there will be Corey to take his place on stage. And when Corey leaves for the same reason, Spencer will step up to the plate and then there will be Kaylee. Mom, Jodie has added plays to her after-school program, and she says the kids learn to do everything from painting scenes, to acting, to all the hundreds of small and large jobs involved with the theater and she has a great time watching these kids blossom through the years. So the next time you go to the Quam, or the Spooner High School for a play, look for the name Peck, there will be one or two or maybe all six. At the recent Music of Christmas Benefit Concert that packed the Spooner High School auditorium at the high school, all of the family members were present and accounted for, singing together and having what looked like a really great time.

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29 Each

Early Deadlines During The Holidays Are: Friday, December 17, Noon For Dec. 21 Edition Thursday, December 23, Noon for Dec. 28 Edition Newpaper Office Closed Friday, December 24 & Friday, December 31 Lake Mall Shell Lake, WI 715-468-2314 527077 17r

527331 17r

Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.


Spooner-Trego Lions Club Christmas party for nursing home residents

SPOONER — Residents of Spooner Health System Nursing Home enjoyed the annual Christmas party put on by the Spooner-Trego Lions Club on Tuesday, Dec. 7. Several Lions Club members came out to spread Christmas cheer to the residents by singing traditional carols and giving gifts. Each resident received a small personal gift from the Lions Club. In addition, many larger items were given to the activity department to be enjoyed by all of the residents. Some of those included a cotton candy machine and supplies, electronic drum set, magazine rack, frosty mugs, decorative light covers and project kits. “We really appreciate the Lions Club thinking of our residents this Christmas season,” said Len Meysembourg, nursing home administrator. “Residents look forward to the big Lions Club Christmas party every year and seeing Santa and Mrs. Claus is a big highlight for many. The Lions Club not only thinks of us during the holidays year after year, but they are doing special things for the residents all year long every year. We are all so grateful for the wonderful things they do!” — from SHS


Several months ago, friend Val e-mailed me a memory test. The questions related back to things we may have heard in commercials when we were kids or at least younger than we are now. For instance, one of the questions was “What builds strong bodies 12 ways?” The possible answers were Flintstones vitamins, the Buttmaster, spaghetti, Wonder Bread, orange juice, milk or cod liver oil. Did you guess the correct answer? Yes, it was Wonder Bread. From that list the things I would have had to help build my body were spaghetti, orange juice, milk and cod liver oil. Yes, I was from the generation that cod liver oil would prevent or cure anything. As a kid, I rarely had bread that came from the store. It Suzanne was homemade. Another question on the memJohnson ory test was what slogan was for Brylcreem? Was it smear it on; you’ll smell great; tame that cowlick; grease ball heaven; it’s a dream; we’re your team; or a little dab’ll do ya? The correct answer is a little dab’ll do ya. After answering the question about Brylcreem, I was reminded of a Christmas visitor we had for a few Christmases when I was growing up. My older brother, John, would invite a lonesome elderly gentleman to join our family gathering for Christmas Day dinner. After the meal, we exchanged gifts among the relatives, and Mom always had a gift of something homemade to give the nonfamily members that had joined us. John’s elderly friend, Benny, felt he should bring a gift for our family. One year he brought a nice box of lavender stationery. It was a very thoughtful and a somewhat feminine gift. The next year, with the men in mind, he gifted the family with a tube of Brylcreem. In my family, many gifts have been given and received over the years, but I think most of my family members still remember the year we received the gift of Brylcreem. Our thoughts then drift to our memories of Benny.

BEYOND the Office DOOR

The Spooner-Trego Lions Club gave the Spooner Health System Nursing Home a magazine rack to be enjoyed by all residents. Resident Rene Bascombe is opening a gift for the activity department.

Photos submitted

Santa to visit the library Wednesday, Dec. 22, from 5:30-6:30 p.m. Santa will read “’Twas the Night Before Christmas,” listen to wish lists, accept letters and hand out treat bags. Bring your camera. Children are encouraged to wear their pajamas!

Letters to Santa The library is accepting letters to Santa! Every child will receive a personalized letter in return. Drop letters off at the library in Santa’s mailbox until Friday, Dec. 17. Include child’s name and address.

Library news

WCAHS receives donation

Holiday coloring contest Children ages 4-12 years old may enter the Christmas holiday coloring contest and win an art kit. Stop in the library to pick up a coloring sheet. Children can be as creative as they want. Entries are due at the library on Friday, Dec. 17, at 5 p.m. Entry must be child’s work. Five winners will be drawn at random. For more information call the library at 715-468-2074 or e-mail the library at Story hour Library Fun For Little Ones is every Thursday from 10:30-11:15 a.m. Children and their caregivers will learn the love of reading, make a craft and enjoy a snack. Drop-ins welcome, no need to sign up. Story hour is presented by Lakeland Family Resource Center.

Penny Dunn, (R), manager of Washburn County Area Humane Society, gratefully accepted a check for $500 from Gary Sloniker of the Spooner-Trego Lions. The money was used to buy two dump trucks full of pea gravel for the dog play yard at the shelter. — Photo submitted

Web site Check due dates and fine status, renew materials, keep a log of materials you’ve read, place holds on materials we or another library own at and click on Library Catalog Online. Make it one of your favorites!

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25% OFF All Jewelry, Scarves, Laker & Shell Lake Vintage Apparel NOW THRU DEC. 23


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Thursday, Dec. 16 • The Washburn County Humane Society open board meeting will meet at 5:30 p.m. at the state patrol headquarters in Spooner. Call 715-635-4720 for more information. • Shell Lake PTA meeting, 6:30 p.m., in the 3-12 school library. Baby-sitting will be provided. Friday, Dec. 17 • Toys for Tots given out at Rice Lake Armory from 4-7 p.m. For more information, call Larry Miller at 715-234-1792. Sunday, Dec. 19 • “Night of the Father’s Love,” Christmas cantata, Shell Lake United Methodist Church, 10:30 a.m. • Toys for Tots given out at Barronett Community Center, noon to 2 p.m. For more information, call Larry Miller at 715-234-1792. Monday, Dec. 20 • Shell Lake K-2 holiday program, 9:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. at the primary school. In case of bad weather the program will be held Tuesday, Dec. 21, 9:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. • Northern Lights Camera Club meets at 7 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church, 1790 Scribner St. (Hwy. K), Spooner. Feedback on photos, education and support. Beginners to professionals. • Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Support Group, 5 p.m. group activity, 5:30 p.m. dinner, 6-7 p.m. meeting, Lakeland Family Resource Center, 314 Elm St., Spooner. Info call 715-635-4669. Tuesday, Dec. 21 • Shell Lake/Spooner Masonic Lodge 221 will meet at 7 p.m. at the lodge. Wednesday, Dec. 29 • Free community breakfast, 7 to 10 a.m., First United Pentecostal Church, 337 Greenwood Ave., Spooner. All welcome. Donations accepted. Friday, Dec. 31 • Indianhead Community Health Care Inc. New Year’s Eve Bash, 8 p.m. to 12:30 a.m., Shell Lake Arts Center. Live music, door prizes, appetizers, party favors. Advanced tickets available at Indianhead Medical Center, Terraceview Living Center and Glenview. For more info, call Gwen at 715-468-7833.


Tuesday, Jan. 4 • Shell Lake/Spooner Masonic Lodge 221 meeting, 7 p.m. at the lodge. Wednesday, Jan. 5 • Washburn County HCE meeting, 9:30 a.m., Oscar Johnson Center, Spooner. • Unit on Aging, 1 p.m., Shell Lake Senior Center. • Free soup and sandwiches, Church of the Nazarene, 5:30 p.m. Call 715-635-3496 to confirm. All welcome. Donations accepted. Thursday, Jan. 6 • Shell Lake Chamber of Commerce meeting, 4:30 p.m., Shell Lake City Hall meeting room. • Aphasia Group, 10-11:30 a.m., Trinity Lutheran Church, Spooner. Contact person Betsy 715-520-7999. • Northwest Wisconsin Parkinson’s Disease Support Group, 1 p.m., lower level at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Shell Lake. • Free community meal, St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church, 409 Summit, Spooner, 4-6 p.m. All welcome. Donations accepted. Saturday, Jan. 8 • Washburn County Food Distribution in conjunction with Ruby’s Pantry, Spooner Middle School Tech Ed Building on Elm Street. Ticket sales at 9 a.m. Distribution at 9:30 a.m. Volunteers needed. To sign up or for more information, contact Chuck at 715-635-9309, Bill at 715-468-4017 or Ardys at 715-222-4410. Tuesday, Jan. 11 • Moms Club meets at Faith Lutheran, Spooner, 10 a.m. All stayat-home or part-time-working moms welcome with their children. Wednesday, Jan. 12 • Free community meal, 4-6 p.m., United Methodist Church, 135 Reinhart Dr., Shell Lake. All welcome. Donations accepted. Thursday, Jan. 13 • The Shell Lake Lions Club will meet, 6:30 p.m., at the Shell Lake Community Center.

Volunteer opportunities


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Volunteers are needed at the Washburn County Historical Museum in Shell Lake. Call 715-468-2982. ••• Indianhead Community Action Agency is looking for volunteers to help out in their thrift store and food pantry. Food pantry volunteers must be able to lift at least 25 lbs. Please stop in to ICAA at 608 Service Road and pick up an application or call 715-635-3975 for more information. ••• The Washburn County Area Humane Society is looking for volunteers to update and maintain our Web site and to research and apply for grants for us. For more information, call Susie at 715-468-2453 or e-mail ••• Glenview Assisted Living is looking for a volunteer to assist the in-house beautician with appointments. Wednesdays and Thursdays, 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Interested volunteers please call 715-468-4255 or e-mail at ••• To publish a volunteer opportunity, submit it to us by Monday noon. E-mail it to, bring it to the office , or call 715468-2314 . Please list the type of volunteer work you need, as well as dates, times and length of service. Make sure to include your contact information, including your name and phone number. When the volunteer position is filled, please let us know so we can take it off the list. This service is offered free of charge in an effort to bring the community together so those that are look-


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Community Calendar

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Hwy. 63 South - Spooner

• United Ostomy Association local support group meeting, 1:30 p.m., at the Spooner Health System. • Fibromyalgia/CFS/Chronic Pain Support Group of Barron County meets from 1-3 p.m. at the Chetek Lutheran Church, Chetek. Coffee and refreshments served. Educational materials available to sign out. Call 715-651-9011 or 715-237-2798 for further information. Sunday, Jan. 16 • Shell Lake FFA ice-fishing contest, noon to 3:30 p.m., Bashaw Lake off of Bashaw Lake Road, which is at the Jct. of CTH B and CTH H west of Shell Lake. Registration starts at 10:30 a.m. Monday, Jan. 17 • Northern Lights Camera Club meets at 7 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church, 1790 Scribner St. (Hwy. K), Spooner. Feedback on photos, education and support. Beginners to professionals. • Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Support Group, 5 p.m. group activity, 5:30 p.m. dinner, 6-7 p.m. meeting, Lakeland Family Resource Center, 314 Elm St., Spooner. Info call 715-635-4669. Tuesday, Jan. 18 • Shell Lake/Spooner Masonic Lodge 221 will meet at 7 p.m. at the lodge. Wednesday, Jan. 19 • Games and activities, 1 p.m., Shell Lake Senior Center. • Shell Lake Public Library Board of Trustees meeting, 5 p.m., at the library, 501 1st St., Shell Lake. The public is welcome. Thursday, Jan. 20 • The Washburn County Humane Society open board meeting will meet at 5:30 p.m. at the state patrol headquarters in Spooner. Call 715-635-4720 for more information. • Shell Lake PTA meeting, 6:30 p.m., in the 3-12 school library. Baby-sitting will be provided. Saturday, Jan. 22 • Free community breakfast, 7 to 10 a.m., First United Pentecostal Church, 337 Greenwood Ave., Spooner. All welcome. Donations accepted. Wednesday, Jan. 26 • Free community supper, 4 to 6 p.m., St. Alban Episcopal Church, 220 Elm St., Spooner.


Monday: Lifestyle weight management support group will meet at 4 p.m. Weigh-in, meeting at 4:30 p.m. in the dining room of Indianhead Medical Center in Shell Lake. Call Michelle Grady at 715-468-7833 for more information. Membership fee is $10 per year, dues 50 cents per week. • Partners of Veterans women’s support group will meet from 1 to 2:30 p.m., at Counseling Associates in Siren, located across from the Burnett County Government Center. For more information, contact Julie Yaekel-Black Elk at 715-349-8575. • First Friends Playtime, 10 a.m. to noon, Lakeland Family Resource Center, 314 Elm Street, Spooner. 715-635-4669. All families welcome. Snack provided. There is no fee to attend. • Celebrate Recovery meetings at 6:30. This is a Christ-centered recovery program. Meetings take place in the Community Life Center at Spooner Wesleyan Church, Hwy. 70 West. For more information, call 715-635-2768. Monday and Thursday: Washburn County Alzheimer’s Day Respite Program is held from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church, Spooner. Daily fee includes lunch and a program of crafts, exercise, games, music, quiet time, etc. For more information, call 715635-4367. Tuesday: Birth to Three Playgroup, 10-11:30 a.m., Lakeland Family Resource Center, Spooner. Casual and fun time for parents and children to meet, play and enjoy music with others. Snack provided. • Ala-Teen meets at 6:30 p.m. in the New Life Christian Center in Rice Lake. Use the back entrance. • Women Healing Women support group at Time-Out Family Abuse Outreach office, every other Tuesday, 4-5:30 p.m. For survivors of domestic abuse and/or sexual abuse. Free, confidential, closed after first session. For more info or to register, contact Time-Out Family Abuse Shelter Outreach office at 103 Oak St., Spooner, WI 54801, 715-635-5245. • Washburn County Historical Museum in Shell Lake through the winter months open every Tuesday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. For more information, call 715-468-2982. Wednesday: Lakeland Family Resource Center open from noon to 3 p.m. • Kids/Parentime at Lakeland Family Resource Center from 10 a.m. to noon. Learn, discuss, and share ideas on topic of the day. Short parent ed. segment at 10:30 a.m. and a parent/child activity. • AA meeting, 7 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church, Spooner. • Al-Anon meeting welcomes all, 7 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church, Spooner. Please use back door. • 9 a.m. to noon, sewing at Shell Lake Senior Center. Thursday: AA meets at 7 p.m. at Calvary Lutheran Church, Minong. • Al-Anon meets at 8 p.m. in the cafeteria at Indianhead Medical Center, Shell Lake. • Library Fun For Little Ones, 10:30 to 11:15 a.m. Shell Lake Public Library. A time for stories, craft and a snack. No age minimum or maximum for participants. Thursday and Monday: Washburn County Alzheimer’s Day Respite Program, see lising above. ••• Domestic abuse and sexual assault are crimes. Time-Out provides free, confidential victim support. If you or someone you know is experiencing violence in a relationship, please call 800-924-0556. The Genealogy Society Research Room at 206-1/2 2nd Ave., Museum Hewitt Building, Shell Lake, is closed for the winter. Volunteers will be available to help the public on appointment as weather permits. Call 715-635-6450 or 715-635-7937 for more information. Shell Lake Alano Club Meetings on CTH B, 2 blocks off Hwy. 63. All meetings are nonsmoking Sunday 10 a.m. AA 6 p.m. AA Monday Noon AA 5 p.m. GA Tuesday Noon AA 7 p.m. AA Wednesday 1 p.m. AA 7 p.m. NA Thursday 1 p.m. AA Friday 2 p.m. AA 7 p.m. AA Saturday Noon AA 7 p.m. AA Fourth Saturday of every month, Pin Night with 5:30 p.m. potluck and 7 p.m. meeting.

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quietly walked over to me and slipped me a $100 bill and said “I was one of those soldiers once and got a box at Christmas to share with my fellow soldiers – it meant a lot to me; use this for shipping,” he said, then left. I just stood there, then looked at the postal clerk, stunned. I couldn’t believe what had just happened. The postal clerk said, “I thought he might do something like this.” Well, off those boxes went – in plenty of time for Christmas arrival to help make our soldiers have a merry, merry Christmas from the children back home in the little town of Barronett, Wisconsin, United States of America.

WASHBURN COUNTY – Looking for something free and fun to do this week? You won’t want to miss the Full Gospel’s Christmas in the Country celebration on Sunday, Dec. 19. Starting at 10 a.m., there will be a program for all ages of innovative dance, drama and a wide variety of music as only this church can do. Immediately after the program, there will be a hearty soup and salad bar featuring hot chili, turkey noodle, potato/ham and vegetable beef soups with an assortment of homemade breads to go with them; and it’s by donation only. This next part comes with a slight cost, but if you’ve decided not to bake cookies or make fudge this year, you can buy all your favorites at the Country Bake Shoppe that will be set up alongside the soup and salad bar. Just grab a container and fill it, and then pay for the sweets by the pound. For more information you can call the church at 715-468-2395. If you still haven’t gotten your tree yet, you can stop off at the county clerk’s office in Shell Lake and get a county forest tree-cutting permit for only $2 with a map to go along with you on your hunt for the perfect tree.

If you need more information, call the county clerk, Lynn Hoeppner, at 715-468-4600. One cancelation is the free breakfast which is normally served on the fourth Saturday of each month at the First United Pentecostal Church in Spooner. Because that Saturday is Christmas Day, there will be no breakfast, but they will be back to their normal schedule in January. In case you’re wondering, there are five churches in the area that provide a free meal each week; The Nazarene Church in Spooner serves soup and sandwiches the first Wednesday, 715-635-3496; St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church in Spooner serves supper on the first Thursday of the month, 715-635-3105; the United Methodist Church in Shell Lake serves supper on the second Wednesday of the month, 715-468-2405; the First United Pentecostal Church provides breakfast on the fourth Saturday of each month, 715-635-8586; and finally, St. Alban’s Episcopal Church, the church that started the movement, is the last Wednesday of the month and their number is 715-635-8475. – Diane Dryden

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by Carol Socha, Shell Lake A few years ago, I was a Sunday school teacher of a little white Lutheran church on the edge of town. We didn’t have but a few children that would come to Sunday school each week. One year we decided we could collect necessities to send overseas for the soldiers at Christmastime. We set out to ask our congregation’s help for toothbrushes, playing cards, puzzle books, small Christmas candies, anything we thought that a soldier could use. I think we gave it a month or so, and slowly, these things and more began to collect in the church basement on our Sunday school tables. Oh, I was thankful for the support, but thought that maybe I’d gotten in over my head with this project, as we had an enormous collection. We put aside a Saturday in November to box up all our goods. While we made lunch in the church basement, we brought in boxes to pack up. It took most of the afternoon but I think the kids had fun sorting through everything and distributing evenly. We loaded the boxes into my car and said our goodbyes until we meet again next Sunday for our Christmas program rehearsal. I was a little panicked that I wouldn’t have the funds for the shipment of the 20 or so boxes. They were quite large – much bigger than a breadbox and extremely heavy, as they were packed tight. I set off to the postal facility, hauled in all the boxes, setting up stacks on the counter and floor, as the postmaster was telling me I needed a lot of paperwork to fill out for International Military Mail and to list what was in each box. What? List what was in each box? I thought, how in the world am I going to remember?

Well let’s see now, just replay the sorting through those heaping tables, yes, yes it was all coming back to me. I listed everything the best I could, as we talked about our Christmas soldier collection project. In the meantime an elderly gentleman came through the door of the postal office and saw boxes everywhere taking up all the room. He just went to pick up his mail then asked what all the commotion was about. The postal clerk told him of our little Christmas collection for the soldiers overseas and he thought that was a good idea, then left. I had just finished all the forms with their special APO addresses and ZIP codes for the military, and the clerk and I went through the stack and attached each one to its box. Just then, the same elderly gentleman came back in,


Oh Ye Of Little Faith


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Leave it to Grandma

Santa, Tim DeLawyer, stands with his sack ready to go on his midnight ride coming up soon.

When he’s home, Santa becomes Tim DeLawyer again, and Trudy, or Mrs. Claus, returns to being the best baker there ever was. She rented a Santa suit, and he was a huge hit his first time out of the Santa chute. The following year there was a new suit that he wore for almost 40 years, finally retiring it because it was falling apart. All of this Santa stuff took place in the Amery area where they all lived, and little did anyone know, that this Santa would be celebrating 50 years in the business this Christmas. He played Santa so well that just by word of mouth he became busier and busier each year and figures roughly that he’s appeared at well over 50 parties put on by businesses. Every year for the last 20, he’s been appearing at the St. Francis de Sales church in Spooner after the children’s Christmas Mass. He shakes his head as he tells it, but one year when he was 19 he visited 47 private homes in two days. He started at sundown and went until 2:30 a.m. on Christmas Eve, and then started at 5 a.m. Christmas Day and worked until 10 that evening. “I was young and home from college, so I didn’t mind,” he said. He’s appeared at hospitals, nursing homes, schools and at the post office parties. The last one was because he became a postal worker, like his father had been, and served Shell Lake’s Route 1 for 20 years. He’s graced many festivals arriving by fire truck, snowmobile and horseback.


Back in 2003, he even skated during the Holiday on Ice performance, well, someone close to him preformed that evening because she could skate and that was his wife Trudy. She padded up, put on the beard and skated to the amazement of the crowd. The only other time he had a substitute was when he had his first knee replacement, and his 6-foot 3-inch son, John, substituted for him. “He was so tall and thin that we had to add plenty of padding,” he said, smiling. One memory that will always stand out was a visit to a preschool for special-needs children. It was in Ellsworth, and the teachers at the school arranged for him to park next door at the bank in the president’s spot, because it would be vacant that day, and the kids wouldn’t see him leave. As he was getting out of his car, a woman from the bank came out and told him he couldn’t park there pointing to the reserved sign. He tried to explain that he had permission, and even though she finally gave in, she wasn’t happy about it. He told her he wouldn’t be more that 20 minutes. But things have a way of changing, and once he walked into the school, the kids took over and wouldn’t let him leave. “There was one little guy, maybe age 3, that grabbed onto my leg and wouldn’t let go. One of the teachers would persuade him to let the other kids have a turn, but before you knew it, he was back. When I picked him up, he patted my face and told me over and over how much he loved me and kissed my face many, many times. When I was finally finished giving each of the 30 kids my attention, I noticed my bag was no longer by my side because someone had moved it near the door. I waved to the kids, ho, ho, hoed and headed for the door. When I picked up my bag it was heavier than it was when I first came, sure enough, my little friend had curled up inside and was determined to go home with Santa and spend the rest of his life as an elf. It broke my

Pat Pat Hubin Hubin



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heart because he really meant it.” But the heartbreak didn’t last long because when he was getting into his car behind the bank, the same woman came out and asked him to come inside because she had gone out and bought candy canes for all the employees and customers, and she wanted him to pass them out. He did, bells and red sack going along. Now that he’s done the job so many times, he’s fallen into a comfortable routine. He asks the family to leave the presents they want Santa to give the kids in the garage, and when he gets there, he loads the packages into his sack and then stomps his feet at the front door and rings his bells. Once seated, he shakes his bells again “getting the snow out of them,” he says and the visit starts by asking the kids to help him off with his gloves and to put them somewhere warm so they’ll dry. Next he starts the questioning, “Where do I live, who lives with me, what are the reindeer names” and so on making it an interactive visit. Then there are a few songs like “Jingle Bells” and “Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer” and then the gifts are opened. This is when he starts to get ready to leave, but before he goes, he pulls some brown paper lunch bags out of his sack and gives each child one. “The kids seem to be as excited to get the bags as they were to get the gifts their parents had secretly supplied. The bags have an apple and orange, some chocolate candy and some peanuts in it, and the kids really love them. It’s not unusual to be leaving a house in town and have a neighbor spot me asking me to visit them too. My wife, Trudy, has gotten wise to this, and instead of meeting me somewhere during the evening to deliver more bags to me, she now sends about two dozen more bags with me. “I remember one year everything started out the same, and I had visited this family every year, and I always reminded them to put their German shepherd in the basement and leave the gifts in the garage. But this one year, I opened the garage and was hunting in the dark for the light switch when I heard a low growl nearby. I knew it was their dog and panic set in. I must have stood there quite a while not moving an inch, and eventually the light came on and the owner came out and called the dog off. Evidently the dog had been scratching the basement door and a son-in-law let the dog out and put him in the garage. It all turned out all right, but you never know what you’re going to run into.” His own dog attacked him one year when he was in full costume, and he finally got the dog to listen and called him off, so he doesn’t trust any dog now. It’s not only sacks of candy and small gifts he delivers, during the microwave era he delivered many of them and then graduated to new cars, one a convertible with the top down, snowmobiles, a fishing boat and a horse who had never seen him before or heard his bells and ran off with him through the clothesline. He’s even proposed marriage to seven women for the prospective groom. He’s even managed to fool their three children when they were little until they were maybe age of 7 or 8, but most of the seven grandchildren caught on quicker and one little one even said, “Goodbye Papa,” when his visit was over. He’s been paid in fruit, maple syrup, cheese and sausages and cash, but the one payment that is only a memory away was when his beloved grandmother lay dying on Christmas Eve. She was 97, and the grandson she had chosen so many years ago to play Santa at a family party came one last time to her in her house. He knelt down and laid his head on her bed just like he used to when he was little. Her hand snuck out weakly from under the covers, and she touched the top of his head like a final blessing on a job well done. She died the following day, on Christmas. “It’s been 50 years of memories, both good and some bad, because there were kids who had recently lost parents who were having a pretty hard time with Christmas that year, but the good memories far outweigh the sad ones, and I have enjoyed bringing joy and happiness during this stressful time of year. It’s the best job I’ve ever had, you know, filling in for Santa Claus and being part of the magical myth.” Santa Tim hasn’t retired, but is no longer taking any new bookings. After two knee replacements, his wife, Trudy, plans to dust off her Mrs. Santa costume and accompany her husband, maybe even getting to steer the sleigh as they drive out of sight, but he’ll be the one to shout, “Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night.”


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by Diane Dryden NORTHWEST WISCONSIN - Fifty years ago, Tim DeLawyer’s grandmother decided to do Christmas up big, so she rented a log cabin from the American Legion in Balsam Lake and invited the entire family. Did we mention she had 16 siblings and lots of grandchildren? Needless to say, the cabin was packed, and Grandma thought of everything, the food, the games and oh yes, a visit from Santa. DeLawyer’s best remembrance of his gram was when he would kneel in front of her chair, being a large child so sitting on her lap was not an option. “As I laid my head on her legs she would reach down and run her fingers through my hair, sometimes for a half an hour, we were very close.” Close enough in fact for her to feel free about asking a favor from this special grandson. Even though he was only 12 years old, she wanted him to play Santa for the big Christmas bash. He would have done anything she requested so he said, “Yes.”


Pashby Music Studio recital Elizabeth Baumgart has been learning music from Aimee Pashby for many years. As a senior at Spooner High School, this is her last holiday recital. She is planning to be at UWStout next fall to pursuing a career in fashion designing.

Jared Harm and Aimee Pashby play a piano duet of “Deck the Halls.” His mother, Sandy, sits at the far end to turn the music sheets. Harm is junior from Cameron High School and comes to the Pashby Music Studio to study music with Aimee Pashby. Shell Lake has a reputation for being very strong in the arts.

Sage Dunham as concentrates she plays her piano solo at the Pashby Music Studio Holiday Recital held at Shell Lake the United Methodist Church on Sunday, Dec. 12. As a junior at Shell Lake High music School, plays a very important part in her life and she enjoys sharing her music.

Logan Pashby plays a French horn solo, “O Christmas Tree.” He is a fifthgrader at Shell Lake Elementary School. He really likes his music teacher, who is also his mother.

Seth Olson, an eighth-grader at Shell Lake Junior High School, plays “O Christmas Tree” in his piano solo. The concert was almost canceled because of the snowstorm that hit the area over the weekend, but then it was decided that it would be a reward for digging out.

Photos by Larry Samson 527229 17r




Lakers drop their third game

by Larry Samson TURTLE LAKE — The Shell Lake girls basketball team fell 68-33 to the Turtle Lake Lakers on Thursday, Dec. 9, at Turtle Lake. Shell Lake is looking for their first win for the season. This conference loss was their third for the season. The game was 27-23 as the girls came out for the second half, but they could not keep up the pace as Turtle Lake scored 41 points to their 10 points. Shell Lake went cold under the basket and turned the ball over too many times. Emma Anderson was the high scorer for Shell Lake with eight points. Shell Lake will play the always very strong Clayton Bears on Friday, Dec. 17, for a conference home game. On Monday, Dec. 20, they will play Spooner in a nonconference home game.

Shania Pokorny drives against the Turtle Lake defender, Libby DeJardin.

Kristin Kraetke drops this 3-pointer in the first quarter. Only a freshman, Kraetke has the skill and poise to drop the long one. — Photos by Larry Samson

Jen Cassel outjumps her defenders as she lays this ball into the basket.

Shell Lake youth wrestling to begin

SHELL LAKE — The first practice for the Shell Lake youth wrestling program will be Tuesday, Jan. 3. Coaches are Kyle Balts, Pete Hopke, Bryon Hopke and Jim Campbell. A $15 registration fee per wrestler should be made payable to the Shell Lake Wrestling Club and returned with registration slip to the 7-12 office. Times for practice are preschool through first grade 5:30-6:15 p.m. and grades two through six at 6:30-7:30 p.m. The practice dates for January practices are: Monday, Jan. 3; Tuesday, Jan. 4; Monday, Jan. 10; Thursday, Jan. 13, 2-6 optional from 3:30-4:30 p.m.; Monday, Jan. 17; Thursday, Jan. 20, 26, 3:30-4:30 p.m. optional; Monday, Jan. 24; Thursday, Jan. 27, 2-6, 3:30-5 p.m., optional; and Monday, Jan. 31. February practice dates are: Thursday, Feb. 3, 2-6, 5:45-6:45 p.m., optional; Monday, Feb. 7; Thursday, Feb. 10, 2-6, 5:45-6:45 p.m., optional; Monday, Feb. 14, pre-4, 5:30-7:30 p.m.; Tuesday, Feb. 22, pre-4, 5:30-7 p.m.; and Monday, Feb. 28, pre-4, 5:30- 7 p.m. Monday, Feb. 14, junior high school program, grades 5-8, begins, 3:30-5:15 p.m. March practice dates are: Monday, March 7, K-4, 5:30-7 p.m.; Tuesday, March 15, K-4, 5:30-7 p.m.; Thursday, March 17, K-4, 5:30-7 p.m.; Monday, March 21, K-4, 5:30-6:30 p.m.; and Monday, March 28, K-4, 5:30-6:30 p.m. — from Shell Lake Wrestling Club

Erica Kozial goes up with a basket Kim Atkinson unloads this shot under the watchful eye of coach Sauve. Trailing by four points going into the half, Shell Lake went cold in the second half under the net. She had six points for the game; four from the floor and two losing 68-33 to conference rivals Turtle Lake on Thursday, Dec. 9. points on the free-throw line.

Jingle Bell Jubilee held at Deutsch’s Gymnastics

RICE LAKE — The Jingle Bell Jubilee was held Saturday, Dec. 4, for the Kipsters at the Deutsch’s Gymnastics Training Center in Rice Lake. Competing in the first meet for all Deutsch’s level 3 gymnasts was April Kyrola, Barronett. She received fifth place on the vault with a 9.0. She earned a 4.0 on bars, 7.5 on beam, 7.6 on floor and 28.1 allaround. Team scores were: Eau Claire 106.15, Marshfield 104.25, Deutsch’s 98.00, Sheboygan 69.2 and Twistars 66.2. In Level 4, Bailee Hanson, Barronett, placed fourth on vault with 9.4, this was also a personal best and earned team points as was her 8.4 on floor where she received second place. She earned a 7.4 on bars, had a personal best and received fifth place on beam with a 8.895 and took fourth and a person best in all-around with 33.3. Also in level 4, Lyndsey Hanson, Shell Lake, took ninth place on vault with a personal best of 9.3; she had personal bests on bars with 6.8; beam with 7.7, floor with 6.9, and all-around with 30.7. Juliana Nelson, Shell Lake, in level 4, received third on vault with

9.2, second on bars with 8.2 with a personal best; 7.7 on beam; 7.2 on floor; and received fourth with a personal best in all-around at 32.3. Noelle Nelson, Shell Lake, had an 8.1 on vault, 7.4 bars, 7.45 beam; 6.5 floor; and 29.45 all-around. Team scores in level 4 were Northwoods 108.9, Eau Claire 108.55, Deutsch’s 106.15, Marshfield 103.9 and Sheboygan 99.3. In level 5, ages 12-plus, Lindsey Martin, Shell Lake, took first place and earned team points with her personal best on vault at 9.0; second, earning team points and a personal best on bars with 8.3; fourth on beam with 7.6; 7.65 on floor; and a personal best and second place in all-around with 32.55. Ellie Nelson, Shell Lake, took fourth place with a personal best on vault with 7.9. She had 5.8 on bars, 7.7 on beam, 7.0 on floor and 28.2 in all-around. Team scores in level 5 were Eau Claire 104.5, Deutsch’s 100.8, Sheboygan 95.0 and Marshfield 88.65. — with info from Deutsch’s



Tough losses for Lakers

Andy Melton looks up at the scoreboard as the Lakers break from their time-out. The score was 26-30 with 3:30 left in the game with Turtle Lake. Shell Lake could not rally in the final minutes as they fell 38-28 to Turtle Lake on Friday, Dec. 10, in a barn burner.

Photos by Larry Samson

Senior Andy Melton with a jump shot in the Cameron game as they fell 77-35. Melton is only in his second year of basketball, earning a position as a guard. He is also on the wrestling team as his second sport.


Taking one in the eye for the team is Isaac Cusick as both players were going for the rebound. Cusick didn’t earn a trip to the free-throw line.

by Larry Samson TURTLE LAKE — The Shell Lake boys basketball team started out the week with a 77-35 loss to the Cameron Comets on Monday, Dec. 12, where the game was never in doubt and finished with a loss to Turtle Lake, 38-28, in a barn burner at Turtle Lake. The boys came away feeling they could have won this game and in a year like this that is saying something. Rebuilding a basketball program takes many years and Shell Lake is one or two years away from

having a really good team. With 3:30 minutes left in the game, Shell Lake was behind by four points. A few turnovers and good ball control by Turtle Lake kept Shell Lake from making a comeback. Shell Lake will play Birchwood in a nonconference game in Birchwood on Thursday, Dec. 16, and they will face conference rivals, the Clayton Bears on Tuesday, Dec. 21, in a home game.

Senior James Lillian is in his first year of basketball. Coming off surgery last year for a shoulder injury, he opted to start out in basketball when he could not wrestle anymore.

Sophomore and starter AJ Denotter with a jump shot as he was defended by Garrett Verdegan of Cameron. Denotter had the team high with 11 points with one 2pointer, two 3-pointers and three from the free-throw line.


Happy Ha p p yHolidays Ho lida y s From F r o m All A llOf O f Us Us To ToAll A llOf O f You Yo u

INTER-COUNTY INTER-COUNTY COOPERATIVE COOPERATIVE PUBLISHING PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATION 303 N. Wisconsin Ave. 24154 State Rd. 35N Frederic, Wis. Siren, Wis. Phone 715-327-4236 Phone 715-349-2560 11 West 5th Ave. 107 N. Washington St. Shell Lake, Wis. St. Croix Falls, Wis. Phone 715-468-2314 Phone 715-483-9008


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526941 17r,L 7a-e

Dewey Country by Pauline Lawrence


The winds were a blowin’ and the snow got deep; I pulled up my covers and went back to sleep! Yes, we have winter wonderland this 12th day of December 2010. And it’s beautiful looking out to everything covered in white. I know our road boss, Woody, was out Saturday plowing and I imagine on Sunday as well. But hey, it’s Christmas a comin’ so enjoy the snow! Happy birthday to Delores Christner on her special day, Dec. 16. Have a wonderful day, Delores. Way over in Germany, happy birthday wishes go out to Ben Lawrence as he enjoys his special day, Dec. 17. Have a fun day Ben. Happy birthday to a dear golden oldie who turns 78 years young on Dec. 17. Yes, it’s Tom VanSelus. Have a great day, Tom. Happy birthday to Chelsea (Bakker) Lee on her special day, Dec. 19. Have a wonderful day , Chelsea. Happy anniversary to a great couple, Scott and Cheryl Hotchkiss, as they celebrate their special day together Dec. 20. Many more. Happy birthday wishes go out to Noel Knoop and to Ameriel Jones and to little Noah Quam on Dec. 21. Noel turns 4 years old. Happy anniversary greetings go out to Kentucky to Robert and Brandi Lawrence celebrating their third anniversary on Dec. 22. Have a wonderful day you two. Also happy anniversary greetings go out to Paul and Tracy Baumgart as they celebrate 12 years together with many more to come. The Dewey Township board met Dec. 7 at the Dewey Town Hall. Chairman Mark Knoop wrote up an ordinance for boats on Poquette Lake. This is in regard to those souped-up big motors that tear around the lake. They are out there all day and it doesn’t give people who would like to fish time on the water. The lake is only 98 acres and not a big lake to water-ski, etc., on and can be dangerous. This ordinance will be presented to the public at the Jan. 22 caucus meeting. I understand all the board members will be seeking out their post for the coming two years if elected. I must say we have a very good board. Chairman Knoop does an excellent job along with board members Jim Toll and Phil Scheu and our treasurer Bill Holden does a terrific job and Pam Brown, due to her work at SLHS is super and knows so much that she can usually answer something that might stump the board. Our road boss Harlan Wooden is doing a great job maintaining our roads. So plan to attend the caucus Jan. 22 at 1 p.m. Everyone

welcome. I personally hope each Dewey Country resident will remember the board is being squeezed out of road money and they stretch every dollar as we residents do. The next Dewey Township monthly board meeting will be Jan. 11 at 8 p.m., at the Dewey Town Hall. Table Talk: How many of you can make great beef soup from scratch? Now I mean from raising a beef to butcher, a garden with things that go into soup like potatoes, carrots, beans, cabbage, onions, tomatoes, and more? Do you remember growing up comin’ home from the bus with the winds so snippy you thought you’d freeze to death? And comin’ in the house you smelled that wonderful soup cookin’ along with the smell of homemade bread? Ya, this is the way many of us grew up and have such great memories, making our way to the house, inviting us in to these foods. I did this for our kids and they remember it well as I do. Talking with Diane Hulleman on Sunday we found her busy wrapping Christmas gifts for Santa to pick up and deliver. Certainly didn’t see much of any cars on Lakeview Church Road on Sunday morning. Church services were canceled for Lakeview Methodist Church. Saturday, taking our little dog, Rory, outside I found him jumping those drifts of snow where he was covered with the fluffy stuff. He then would make another leap to get out and find himself in much deeper snow that covered him. I picked him up after uncovering him, seeing his black eyes and from there he walked in my tracks. Comin’ in from the road, he was just a jumpin’ those big drifts and wading out. Such a cute little thing to watch and it’s free. Talking with Sandy Atkinson we find the Head Start kids only have this coming week for school and then will be off until Jan. 2. Sandy has been a cook for Head Start for over 30 years now. Sunday morning their three granddaughters, Kim, Jannah and Briann Williams, were over to grandpa and grandma’s sliding on their big hill in their pasture. I had the pleasure of talking with Alvin Honetor, a former Dewey resident. Alvin and his wife, Esther, live in Rice Lake and are retired. The Honetors have land in Dewey Township and we have rented their ground for years now. Talking with Alvin we find he is having a hard time walking at this time. He says his legs are so weak. He is 83. It was nice talking with Alvin. Esther fought cancer and has now reached the five-year mark,

which is wonderful to hear. Please keep the Honetors in your special thoughts and prayers. Loretta VanSelus tells us she attended the band and choir concert last Monday night and tells us it was just wonderful. Congratulations to Chase, Tanner, and Spencer Redding who got their bucks during hunting season. They’re all 16 or under and are the grandchildren of Bernard and Sandy Redding. From the Fjelstad Palace a week ago this Sunday found Kris visiting Bernard and Sandy Redding. Later Kris attended the Christmas open house at Chuck and Dixie Andrea’s, enjoying the beautiful displays along with others. Monday Kris attended the Lifestyles Christmas party at Chuck and Dixie Andrea’s where useful gifts were exchanged. Over 12 attended. Tuesday Cherie Dorweiler visited Bob and Kris. Wednesday Kris attended the Lakeview UMC ladies potluck Christmas party at the church with over 15 coming to enjoy their feast along with the dice game and singing Christmas songs. Wednesday Bob was on Bashaw Lake finding a good spot to catch those whoppers and staying warm in his fish house. At that time the ice was 5-6 inches thick and probably more since its turned colder. Wednesday evening found Kris, Beth Crosby, Dixie Andrea and Judy Leonard enjoying supper together at Becky’s. Friday found Kris visiting Gary and Sue Peterson while Bob was busy wetting those lines in Bashaw Lake. Saturday Greg Dorweiler, Tyler and Emily visited Bob and Kris. Sunday Greg Dorweiler was a great help to the Fjelstads shoveling off their roof and plowing out their driveway. Kris has been making yummy fudge and cookies for Christmas. Friday, Jennifer Beecroft and her little daughter, Rebecca, and Natalie Melton and son Castin were at Cecil and Evelyn Melton’s enjoying playing cards, family time and lunch. So the Meltons had two of their granddaughters and two great-granddaughters visiting, which they enjoyed. For Wisconsin dairy farmers and their families it’s going to be bah humbug when they see their milk check for the last two weeks of November. Yes, milk prices have dropped $1.50 per hundredweight. It’s very upsetting to continue to do all the hard work our Wisconsin farmers do and get so little. Bah humbug! Scatter sunshine! Have a great week!

My, oh my! What a blizzard. It’s about time, isn’t it? We always have plenty of snow up here, but sometimes we need a little reminder of what living in northwestern Wisconsin is all about. Sunday service at Barronett Lutheran was canceled because of the blizzard. By Sunday morning, the highways were all pretty well cleared off, but there would have been no way — other than cross-country skis, dogsled or snowmobile — that people who live on country roads could have got to town. Duane and I have been attending Barronett Lutheran for over 20 years, and I thought that this was the first time it had been cancelled, but Pastor Todd said that Geri Pittman told him that it had happened once before. I don’t know if that was because of snow or because of the fire. I’ll have to find out about that. The women of Barronett Lutheran will be hosting their annual Christmas party in the church basement next Saturday, Dec. 18, at noon. All ladies are welcome to join us. Please bring a couple of inexpensive, wrapped gifts for the dice game. Food will be served, Christmas carols sung, and we will gamble and steal. We have lots of fun, and we hope you’ll be there. Peg Thompson called to remind everyone about the youth Christmas play at Barronett Lutheran next Sunday, Dec. 19, at 7 p.m. We have a very small group of Sunday school kids this year, so Peg went around the area rounding up neighborhood kids who were willing to act in the play. The title this year is “You Can’t Stop Christmas.” I told Peg that it was a good thing it was scheduled for next week. With a name like that we really wouldn’t have wanted to see it scheduled for this past Saturday evening. The Santa Lucia ceremony at Augustana Lutheran was, once again this year, lovely. Geri Pittman and her little granddaughter, Erica, and I sat together for the service and for breakfast, and Erica seemed to be enthralled with everything. Maybe in about 10 years she will be on the court. I hate to keep harping about the snowstorm, but did you ever notice that you get more phone calls from friends and relatives who desert you for the sunny south when we’re freezing up here? Usually the conversation starts out with me telling them not to say what the temperature is down there, and they go ahead

and tell me anyway. People seem to have a mean streak, don’t they? Jim and Summer Marsh invited me to the dance recital that Miss Becky’s School of Dance put on at the Rice Lake High School auditorium on Sunday. Maddy and Olivia Marsh are my little dancers. About time I got a couple of dancers, isn’t it? Anyway, the program was called A Dr. Seuss Christmas Recital, and I can honestly say that my adorable granddaughters were the stars of the show — according to me anyway. The girls are so graceful and keep in step perfectly. Their Grandma Dawn was there too, and she and I decided the gracefulness had to come from the Barta side of the family. I can stumble over shadows. The BCC (Barron/Cumberland/Chetek) girls U-19 hockey team is having a fantastic season. They beat Ironwood, Mich., both games this past weekend, continuing their undefeated season. The three teams joined forces this year, and, obviously, they are playing very well together. Next week they will be in Ashland for a tournament up there. You go, girls! Arnie, one of Debbie’s regulars at the Red Brick, stopped by our table on Sunday morning to let us know that he has the forms ready for us to fill out to rent camping space at one of the tables. Hmmm. Well, I think that if we have to rent space, there will be several others who should do the same. I won’t mention any other names here, but I think Arnie’s name is branded on one of the stools by the counter. So, what do you think about that, big shot? I have to apologize to Trystin Neitzel for spelling his name wrong last week. I have it written in big letters in

the office now, so I should certainly get it right next time. Peg told me that he and his sister, Morgan, are a couple of the kids who volunteered to be in the Christmas play on Sunday. You know, Christmas is sneaking up on us rapidly. If you haven’t finished your Christmas shopping yet, remember we have some wonderful stores and gift shops in Cumberland and Shell Lake that really appreciate your business. We don’t have a gift shop here in Barronett right now, but we have three wonderful restaurants where you can get gift certificates. I can’t think of anyone who wouldn’t appreciate a meal at any of these places, and they have great food and friendly service. And, just about everyone drives, so gift certificates to gas stations are nice last-minute gift ideas? Our sympathy goes out to Shirley Overvig, whose mother, Leona Goeser, passed away this past week, surrounded by her family, in River Falls. Leona spent most of her life in Chilton but moved to Barronett to be close to Shirley after her (Leona’s) husband passed away. She became a member of Barronett Lutheran Church and was always ready to help with anything she could, especially preparing meals. Leona moved to Our House in River Falls several years ago, where she was very close to her grandchildren and great-grandchildren. She was a very special lady and will be missed by all who knew her. That’s about all I know from Barronett this week. Remember, our Christmas party is Saturday, and the Christmas program is Sunday. Hope to see you there.

Barronett by Judy Pieper

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527318 17rp

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527227 17r



A nursery rhyme says, “Pussycat, pussycat, where have you been?” “I’ve been to London to visit the queen.” “Pussycat, pussycat, what did you do there?” I frightened a mouse under her chair.” What a pity – sidetracked by the seductive, tempted by the trivial. Every day offers you opportunities to “see the queen,” that is, to live a purposeful life; or to “frighten mice,” that is, to live a purposeless life. But for every triumph there’s a sacrifice. Dare you pay it? The Living Bible says, “Work hard so God can say to you, ‘Well done.’ Be a good workman, one who does not need to be ashamed when God examines your work.” Visit us at:

Friendship Commons by Theresa Sigmund

We got our tree trimmed at Friendship Commons. Looks nice. On Holly Day our bake sale went well as did the craft sale. Mable Perry’s beautiful pot holders went like hotcakes. We had our Christmas party on Monday, Dec. 13. We had a meal, short meeting followed by entertainment by Mary R. and Ruth Twining. Santa was also there. We enjoyed a light lunch before going home. Because of the weather, there were only four of us for Smear. Hey! It’s winter. Sure was snowy on Friday and Saturday with lots of snowbanks. A friend from the center slipped and fell, breaking her arm. Had some shiners, too. Get well Marion. The Cribbage game scores are as follows: Lillian 834, Jim 826 , Chuck 825 and Ricci 824. Come to Fellowship Commons for a nice bowl of soup. Serving Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. No need to call in advance. Along with your soup you’ll be served a freshly made sandwich, a homemade cookie and a cup of fruit. Just as a reminder, the senior center is still serving chef salads every day of the week. No need to call in advance. News is short this week. Hope you have a good one. Jumping for joy is good exercise. — from a Menard’s flyer

Carolyn A. Samson

Carolyn A. Samson, 66, Wausau, died Dec. 3, 2010, at her home. Carolyn was born June 10, 1944, to Franklin and Evelyn Samson in Denver, Colo. As a military dependent, she lived in Colorado, Japan, Mississippi, Virginia and Michigan. She was a 1966 graduate of the University of Colorado with a major in journalism. She traveled to Mississippi during the civil rights movement in the 1960s and was a Freedom Rider. She will be remembered for her work with people less fortunate. As a teenager in high school, she worked in

an orphanage and the experience set a pattern for her life. She worked many years for Lake Owasso Residence in Shoreview Minn., caring for adults with severe mental handicaps. Her last position was at the Central Wisconsin Children’s Theatre in Wausau. She enjoyed children, was a loving, caring aunt and a big sister. Carolyn was preceded in death by her parents. She is survived by her sisters, Linda (Scott) Peterson, Wausau, and Mary (Steve) Matthys, Barron; brothers Ronald Samson, Green Bay, Larry Samson, Shell Lake, Robert Samson, Wausau, and Joe (Lisa) Samson, DeWitt, Mich. A memorial service was held Dec. 8 at St. Andrew Lutheran Church, Rib Mountain, Wausau.

Eleanor Irene Schroeder, 87, Spooner, died Dec. 11, 2010, at Spooner Health System Nursing Home. She was born March 27, 1923, in Chicago, Ill., to Andrew and Mary (Lapczynski) Wejnerowski. She was married in Chicago, Ill., on July 25, 1942, to Robert Schroeder who preceded her in death on May 21, 1999. Eleanor was also preceded in death by grandchild Sarah; sister Emily Wikarski; and son-in-law William Gawin. She is survived by daughters Bobbi (Rodney) Olson, Spooner, and Cynthia Gawin, Eau Claire; grandchildren David (Debra) Olson, Deborah (Jason) Lechel, Dana Olson, Douglas Olson, all of Spooner, Heather (Alan) McKeen, Bloomer, Christian (Bettyanne) Gawin,

Chippewa Falls, Rebecca (John) Moxon, Denver, Colo., Hannah (Brant) Hanson, Altoona, Leah (Peter) Brubaker, Vandalia, Mich., and Martha Gawin, Eleva; great-grandchildren Grace, Aaron, Peter, Isaac, Cosette, Andrew, Benjamin, Josiah, Faith, Hope and Guy. Funeral services were held Dec. 15 at St. Joseph Catholic Church, Shell Lake, with Father Ed Anderson officiating. The Skinner Funeral Home, Shell Lake, was entrusted with arrangements.

Most nonprofits still financially afloat

Jane Atwater Winton, 95, Shell Lake, died Dec. 2, 2010, at Terraceview Living Center. A memorial service will be held at 11 a.m. on Monday, Dec. 27, at St. Alban’s Episcopal Church in Spooner. Visitation will be held one hour prior to the service at the church. The Skinner Funeral Home,, Shell Lake, was entrusted with arrangements.

Eleanor Irene Schroeder

by Kristen Durst, Wisconsin Public Radio STATEWIDE - Despite an increase in need, a recent survey of Wisconsin nonprofits found that the majority of respondents say they’re financially sound. Salli Martyniak is the president of Forward Community Investments, a nonprofit that specializes in providing financial assistance to other Wisconsin nonprofits. They recently surveyed nearly 300 nonprofit organizations in the state to learn how they’re coping post-recession. Martyniack says the financial downturn has meant significant changes for Wisconsin organizations, in that they’ve all cut back. “Either in terms of staffing or salary levels, expenses and so forth,” she says. “But what they’re all seeing really is an increase in demand for their services.” Despite that, Martyniak says nonprofit directors reported pretty steady confidence in their financial picture. About 75 percent of respondents say their organization is financially healthy, although about half of those say they still feel vulnerable. Roughly 20 percent say they have chronic financial problems. And about 3 percent of the responding nonprofits said that they don’t know how they’ll survive.

Christmas Eve service planned

527085 6a-e,wp 17r,Lp

Merry Christmas From All Of Us At The Washburn County Register

SPOONER — Pastor Ron Gormong and Pastor Chopper Brown, along with the Spooner Wesleyan Church family, warmly invites the community to join them on Friday, Dec. 24, at 6:30 p.m., for their Christmas Eve Family Communion Service. There will be a children’s sermon and other specials. Nursery will be provided. The church is located on Hwy. 70, west of the DNR building in Spooner. — from Spooner Wesleyan Church 205 Walnut • Spooner, WI (715) 635-6811

Our office will be closed Fri., Dec. 24 & Fri., Dec. 31 Deadline for the Dec. 21 edition is noon, Fri., Dec. 17. Deadline for the Dec. 28 edition is noon, Thurs., Dec. 23.

11 West 5th Ave. (In the Lake Mall) Shell Lake, Wis.

527076 17-18r

7 1 5 -4 6 8 -2 3 1 4

M on.-Fri.9a.m .-5:30p.m .; S at.9a.m .-5p.m .;S un.11a.m .-3p.m .

Find Something For Everyone On Your List! Extended Hours: Monday - Friday, December 13 - 23, 9 a.m. - 7 p.m. Saturday, December 18, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Sunday, December 19, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Friday, December 24, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Shop local, avoid the crowds and long, snowy drives. 527361 17r 7b

Services set for Jane Atwater Winton

Washburn County Area Humane Society ADOPTABLE PETS OF THE WEEK This is Ol’ Bob and we think he’s the best, You might think that all Bob would want is to rest. That’s simply not true, Bob still has lots of go, Bob doesn’t know what it means to be slow. Bob likes outside and he likes cats and dogs, A dog big as Bob, you’d think he’d be a hog. He likes special treats but he’d rather not share, Otherwise Bob says he hasn’t a care. Bob’s waited long but it’s now getting hard, He won’t eat his food or come in from the yard. If Bob had one wish the first thing he thinks of, Is a home with a family where he would be loved!

Dogs for adoption: 6-year-old black/white male black Lab/Great Dane mix; 4-year-old spayed rott. mix; 1-year-old spayed Lab mix; 1-1/2-year-old male black Lab mix; 1-year-old female boxer mix; 10-month-old neutered Doberman; a 1-1/2-year-old female black German shepherd mix and two 4month-old pit bull puppies, one female, one male. Cats for adoption: 4-year-old male orange/white shorthair tabby; 4-year-old male orange/white shorthair tiger; 1-year-old female gray/white tiger; 6-month-old female black/silver tiger; 6-month-old male orange shorthair tiger; 6-month-old dilute calico shorthair; 3-year-old neutered/declawed white/black longhair; 5-month-old male all-white kitten; 3-year-old adult shorthair tortie; 2-year-old female shorthair tiger; 7-month-old spayed calico/tiger shorthair; two 10-week-old orange medium-hair kittens; 2-year-old male gray/white tiger; 3-month-old female Siamese mix kitten and variety of 7- to 9-week-old kittens Also for adoption: Two tan/white male guinea pigs and a very friendly young female rabbit.

Located at 1400 Cottonwood Ave. in Spooner (Behind the county fairgrounds)



Area churches Alliance

St. Francis de Sales

53 3rd Ave., Shell Lake Pastor John Sahlstrom Lay Pastor Richard Peterson Youth leader Ryan Hunziker 715-468-2734 Worship Service: 10 a.m. Youth Group, 7th - 12th grades: Sunday 6 - 8 p.m.

409 N. Summit St., Spooner Father Edwin Anderson 715-635-3105 Saturday Mass: 6 p.m. Sunday Mass: 10 a.m.

Lake Park Alliance


Northwoods Baptist W6268 Cranberry Dr., Shell Lake; 4 miles south of Spooner on U.S. 253 Pastor Adam Dunshee 715-468-2177 Sunday School: 10 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. Sunday service: 6 p.m. Wednesday service: 7 p.m.

Spooner Baptist W7135 Green Valley Rd. (Green Valley Rd. and Hwy. 63) Pastor James Frisby 715-635-2277 Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. Sunday evening service 6 p.m. Wed. evening service 7 p.m.

Faith Lutheran

Episcopal St. Alban's

Corner of Elm & Summit St., Spooner Father Bob Rodgers 715-635-8475 Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Holy Eucharist: Sunday at 10:30 a.m. and Thursday at 9:30 a.m. Morning prayer: 8:15 a.m. Monday Thursday

Full Gospel Shell Lake Full Gospel

293 S. Hwy. 63, Shell Lake Pastor Virgil Amundson 715-468-2895 Sunday: Celebration Worship Service: 10 a.m. Sunday School: 9 a.m. Jr. Kids Church: 10:30 a.m.; UTurn Student Ministries (7th-12th grades): 6 p.m.; Power & Light (2nd - 6th grades), 6 p.m. Tuesday: Compassion Connection: 7 p.m.



St. Joseph's Catholic

Barronett Lutheran

100 N. Second St., Shell Lake Father Edwin Anderson Saturday Mass: 4:30 p.m. Books & Coffee: Tues. 9 a.m.

St. Catherine's Catholic CTH D, Sarona Father Edwin Anderson 715-468-7850 Sunday Mass: 8:30 a.m.

United Methodist

(Missouri Synod) South of Spooner off Hwy. W7148 Luther Rd. Pastor Brent Berkesch 715-635-8167 Sunday Worship 8 a.m. Sunday School 9:15 a.m. Praise and Worship 10:30 Lutheran Hour on WJMC 96.1 FM Radio at 9 a.m. Sundays

776 Prospect Ave., Barronett Pastor Todd Ahneman 715-822-5511 715-671-3197 (cell) Sunday Worship: 9 a.m. The Spirit Connection Youth Group will meet the first Wednesday of the month at 6 p.m.

Long Lake Lutheran Church W3114 Church Rd., Sarona Pastor Mary Strom Sunday Worship: 9 a.m.; Sunday School 9 a.m.

Salem Lutheran, ELCA 803 Second St., Shell Lake Pastor Carol Ann McArdell 715-468-7718 www.shelllakesalem Sunday Worship: 8 and 10 a.m.; coffee and conversation: 9:15 a.m.

Timberland Ringebu Free Lutheran

20805 CTH H, Barronett 715-468-4403 Pastor Al Bedard Sunday School 8:30 a.m. Family Worship 9:30 a.m. Fellowship follows worship Holy Communion first Sunday of the month Midweek Studies Tuesdays 2 & 7 p.m.

312 Elm St., Spooner 715-635-3227 Rev. Jack Starr Sunday Worship: 10:45 a.m.

Lakeview United Methodist

Williams Road, Hertel 715-635-3227 Rev. Jack Starr Sunday Worship: 9 a.m.


Church of the Nazarene

Hwy. 253 S, Spooner Rev. David Frazer 715-635-3496 Sunday Worship: 10:45 a.m. and 6 p.m.; Sunday School: 9:45 a.m.; Wednesday Adult, youth and children ministries: 6:30 p.m.


Spooner Wesleyan

Hwy. 70 W, Spooner www. Senior Pastor Ronald W. Gormong; Assistant Pastor Chopper Brown 715-635-2768 Sunday Worship 9 a.m.; Sunday School and ABFs: 10:30 a.m.; nursery provided; Celebrate Recovery, now every Monday at 6:30 p.m. Team Kid ages 4 yrs. 6th grade Wednesday 6:30 p.m.


Trinity Lutheran

1790 Scribner St., Spooner Pastors Will & Carolyn Mowchan 715-635-3603 Sunday Worship: 8 a.m. & 9:45 a.m.

Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church (WELS) Hwy. 70 at Hwy. 53, Spooner Pastor Gene E. Jahnke 715-635-7672, Home: 715-354-7787 Sunday Worship: 9:30 a.m. Sunday School and Bible class: 10:45 a.m.


United Methodist

135 Reinhart Dr., Shell Lake, 715-468-2405 Pastor Gregory Harrell Sunday: Sarona - 9 a.m.; Worship: 10:30 a.m.

Cornerstone Christian

Pastor Tom Kelby 106 Balsam St., Spooner 715-635-9222 www.cornerstonechurch Sunday Worship: 10 a.m. Children’s Sunday School: 10:30 a.m.; Wed. Prayer: 6:30 p.m. Youth Group Wednesday: 6:30 p.m.

Senior Menu

Monday, Dec. 20: Cook’s choice soup, oyster stew will be served at select dining rooms, make your reservations, crackers, egg salad, pretzel roll, cinnamon chocolate pudding dessert, juice, milk, coffee. Tuesday, Dec. 21: Tender roast beef, mashed potatoes, gravy, cashew pear salad, Christmas cookie, bread, butter, milk, coffee. Wednesday, Dec. 22: Baked chicken, garlic herb rotini with roasted vegetables, Christmas dessert, bread, butter, milk, coffee. Thursday, Dec. 23: No meals. Friday, Nov. 24: No meals. Meal reservations must be made at least 24 hours in advance. Call 715468-4750.

This message is sponsored by the following businesses:


Country Pride Co-op

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Cenex Convenience Store: Mon.-Fri. 5:30 a.m.-10 p.m.; Sat. & Sun. 6 a.m.-10 p.m.

Bush & Gilles FURNITURE

La-Z-Boy • Modern of Marshfield Chiropractic Mattresses Across from Hardee’s, Spooner


Shell Lake State Bank


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Equal Housing Lender

White Birch Printing, Inc. Quality Printing for all your Commercial & Personal Needs 501 W. Beaver Brook Ave. Spooner, Wis. 715-635-8147

Washburn County Abstract Company


407 N. Front St. • Spooner, Wis.


(715) 635-7383

South End Of Spooner

Silver Shears Salon

506 1st St. Shell Lake, Wis.



7 a.m. - 8 p.m. Mon.-Sat. 7 a.m. - 6 p.m. Sun.

Downtown Shell Lake


Independent Duplexes for Seniors 201 Glenview Lane Shell Lake, WI 54871 715-468-4255

Washburn County’s Premier Funeral Home • Washburn County’s only locally owned funeral home. • Convenient off-street parking with handicap accessibility. • Spacious chapel and lounge areas. • Prearrangements • Cremation Service

For Appointment 715-468-2404

Wisconsin Structural Steel Co. North Hwy. 63 P.O. Box 38 Barronett, WI 54813



Family Owned & Operated

Scalzo & Taylor Funeral Home Andy Scalzo & Pat Taylor, Directors

306 Rusk St. • Spooner • 715-635-8919





} } ss }

TO:B ALS ER ,TH OMASB . And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-H olders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, theirH eirsorAssigns, know norunknow n, of theprem ises. Youandeachof youareherebynotifiedthat W ashburnCountyistheow ner andholder of atax certificatedated9/01/2008, num ber 249for $1,106.58, w hichw asissuedforunpaidtaxesfortheyear2007onthefollow ingdescribed realestatesituatedinsaidcountyandstatetow it: TOW NOFB EAVERB R OOK B B664N W N E S 34-38-12 V427P616 AC 40.0 B ALS ER ,ELIZAB ETH

TO:B AR TH EL,MICH AELL. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-H olders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, theirH eirsorAssigns, know norunknow n, of theprem ises. Youandeachof youareherebynotifiedthat W ashburnCountyistheow ner andholderofatax certificatedated9/01/2008,num ber125for$110.25,w hich w asissuedforunpaidtaxesfortheyear2007onthefollow ingdescribedreal estatesituatedinsaidcountyandstatetow it: TOW NOFB AS SLAKE B L32PT N W S E S 02-40-10 LOT 1CS M V13P131 AC 1.49 DOC 326391W D TO:B AR TH EL,MICH AELL. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-H olders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, theirH eirsorAssigns, know norunknow n, of theprem ises. Youandeachof youareherebynotifiedthat W ashburnCountyistheow ner andholderofatax certificatedated9/01/2008,num ber187for$716.21,w hich w asissuedforunpaidtaxesfortheyear2007onthefollow ingdescribedreal estatesituatedinsaidcountyandstatetow it: TOW NOFB AS SLAKE B L414G S 26-40-10 PT S W N E & PT N W N E L18CS M V14P152 DOC 308028LC DOC 318799ES MT TO:B ER G,JES S ICA J. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-H olders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, theirH eirsorAssigns, know norunknow n, of theprem ises. Youandeachof youareherebynotifiedthat W ashburnCountyistheow ner andholderofatax certificatedated9/01/2008,num ber1213for$86.54,w hich w asissuedforunpaidtaxesfortheyear2007onthefollow ingdescribedreal estatesituatedinsaidcountyandstatetow it: CITY OFS POON ER CS794 S 30T39R 12 OL4 AC 1.29 R ES UR VEYED PLAT OFB IELOH F LEMIN G ADDITIONTO TH E CITY OFS POON ER AS S ES S OR ’SPLAT 2 DOC 324849 B ER G,CH AD A. TO:B ER G,JES S ICA J. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-H olders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, theirH eirsorAssigns, know norunknow n, of theprem ises. Youandeachof youareherebynotifiedthat W ashburnCountyistheow ner andholder of atax certificatedated9/01/2008, num ber 1216for $134.90, w hichw asissuedforunpaidtaxesfortheyear2007onthefollow ingdescribed realestatesituatedinsaidcountyandstatetow it: CITY OFS POON ER CS781A S 30T39R 12 L47-48B L7 AC .14 B IELOH& F LEMIN G ADDITION DOC 314454W D B ER G,CH AD A.

TO:B LUE B ON N ET TR US T And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-H olders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, theirH eirsorAssigns, know norunknow n, of theprem ises. Youandeachof youareherebynotifiedthat W ashburnCountyistheow ner andholderofatax certificatedated9/01/2008,num ber897for$235.78,w hich w asissuedforunpaidtaxesfortheyear2007onthefollow ingdescribedreal estatesituatedinsaidcountyandstatetow it: TOW NOFS PR IN GB R OOK S B817 S 14T40R 11 L1B 4PLAT OFS PR IN GB R OOK AC 0.0 V291P268QC TO:B ODEN S CH ATZ,S .J. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-H olders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, theirH eirsorAssigns, know norunknow n, of theprem ises. Youandeachof youareherebynotifiedthat W ashburnCountyistheow ner andholderofatax certificatedated9/01/2008,num ber133for$249.59,w hich w asissuedforunpaidtaxesfortheyear2007onthefollow ingdescribedreal estatesituatedinsaidcountyandstatetow it: TOW NOFB AS SLAKE B L19G S 02T40R 10 LOT 11 AC 1.25 N AMEKAGONVALLEY S UB D V309P95W D DOC 305627QC TO:B ODEN S CH ATZ,S .J. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-H olders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, theirH eirsorAssigns, know norunknow n, of theprem ises. Youandeachof youareherebynotifiedthat W ashburnCountyistheow ner andholderof atax certificatedated9/01/2008, num ber122for$59.36, w hich w asissuedforunpaidtaxesfortheyear2007onthefollow ingdescribedreal estatesituatedinsaidcountyandstatetow it: TOW NOFB AS SLAKE B L19 S 02T40R 10 PT E F R L1/2N EF R L1/4 AC 2.07 SOFEAS TR IVERR D EXC N AMEKAGONVALLEY S UB D DOC 305628QC TO:CH AN EY,DAVID And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-H olders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, theirH eirsorAssigns, know norunknow n, of theprem ises. Youandeachof youareherebynotifiedthat W ashburnCountyistheow ner andholderofatax certificatedated9/01/2008,num ber84for$2,487.55,w hich w asissuedforunpaidtaxesfortheyear2007onthefollow ingdescribedreal estatesituatedinsaidcountyandstatetow it: TOW NOFB AS H AW B W 385 S 21T38R 13 PT E 1/2S W NOFCTHB AC 33.7 V421P229-233W D V421P614QC JOH N S ON ,KIMB ER LY D.

TO:CH ICH ES TER ,JOH N And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-H olders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, theirH eirsorAssigns, know norunknow n, of theprem ises. Youandeachof youareherebynotifiedthat W ashburnCountyistheow ner andholderof atax certificatedated9/01/2008, num ber1228for$2.54, w hich w asissuedforunpaidtaxesfortheyear2007onthefollow ingdescribedreal estatesituatedinsaidcountyandstatetow it: CITY OFS POON ER CS978A S 31T39R 12 PT N ES E AKA AC .608 PT OL59AS S ES S OR ’SPLAT LYIN G NOFB L1& B L4 CH ICH ES TERPAR K ADDN W OFR RR /W & SOFR IVER

TO:CH ODZIN S KI,DEN N ISR . And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-H olders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, theirH eirsorAssigns, know norunknow n, of theprem ises. Youandeachof youareherebynotifiedthat W ashburnCountyistheow ner andholderofatax certificatedated9/01/2008,num ber332for$134.70,w hich w asissuedforunpaidtaxesfortheyear2007onthefollow ingdescribedreal estatesituatedinsaidcountyandstatetow it: TOW NOFB R OOKLYN B R332C S 20T41R 12 E 166’W 830’N EN W AC 5.0 V162P530 CH ODZIN S KI,GR EGOR IN E C. TO:CLAR K,R OB ER T J. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-H olders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, theirH eirsorAssigns, know norunknow n, of theprem ises. Youandeachof youareherebynotifiedthat W ashburnCountyistheow ner andholder of atax certificatedated9/01/2008, num ber 1284for $3,341.93, w hichw asissuedforunpaidtaxesfortheyear2007onthefollow ingdescribed realestatesituatedinsaidcountyandstatetow it: CITY OFS POON ER CS1192B -1 S 32T39R 12 PT S W N W AC .56 L1CS M V8P132 DOC 459P320W D DOC 304252QC TO:COLB ER T,JACOB And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-H olders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, theirH eirsorAssigns, know norunknow n, of theprem ises. Youandeachof youareherebynotifiedthat W ashburnCountyistheow ner andholder of atax certificatedated9/01/2008, num ber 1114for $926.36, w hichw asissuedforunpaidtaxesfortheyear2007onthefollow ingdescribed realestatesituatedinsaidcountyandstatetow it: VILLAGE OFB IR CH W OOD VB19 S 25T37R 10 OR IGIN ALPLAT AC 0.0 VILLAGE OFB IR CH W OOD DOC 300006 TO:CUR LEY,CAS EY J. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-H olders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, theirH eirsorAssigns, know norunknow n, of theprem ises. Youandeachof youareherebynotifiedthat W ashburnCountyistheow ner andholder of atax certificatedated9/01/2008, num ber 260for $2,019.18, w hichw asissuedforunpaidtaxesfortheyear2007onthefollow ingdescribed realestatesituatedinsaidcountyandstatetow it: TOW NOFB IR CH W OOD B I344A S 22T37R 10 E 165’W 1146.8’ AC 1.0 S264’S W S W EXC V398P144-145 LES SH W YR /W V307P439W D TO:DAN N A,TH ER ES A L.F KA B R UN S KILL,TH ER ES A L. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-H olders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, theirH eirsorAssigns, know norunknow n, of theprem ises. Youandeachof youareherebynotifiedthat W ashburnCountyistheow ner andholder of atax certificatedated9/01/2008, num ber 418for $2,243.36, w hichw asissuedforunpaidtaxesfortheyear2007onthefollow ingdescribed realestatesituatedinsaidcountyandstatetow it: TOW NOFCH ICOG CH3353 S 07T41R 12 LOT 2 AC 1.52 S CH UG’SCH ICOG LAKE V356P178W D V460P910-933JGMT TO:ES PER S EN ,GEN AR .AKA S AN DS TR OM,GEN A And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-H olders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, theirH eirsorAssigns, know norunknow n, of theprem ises. Youandeachof youareherebynotifiedthat W ashburnCountyistheow ner andholderof atax certificatedated9/01/2008, num ber956for$10.92, w hich w asissuedforunpaidtaxesfortheyear2007onthefollow ingdescribedreal estatesituatedinsaidcountyandstatetow it: TOW NOFS TIN N ET S T 516A S 31T41R 10 N166’N ES E AC 5.0 V314P287W D V338P308QC

TO:F AR LEY,MATTH EW C. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-H olders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, theirH eirsorAssigns, know norunknow n, of theprem ises. Youandeachof youareherebynotifiedthat W ashburnCountyistheow ner andholderofatax certificatedated9/01/2008,num ber165for$759.90,w hich w asissuedforunpaidtaxesfortheyear2007onthefollow ingdescribedreal estatesituatedinsaidcountyandstatetow it: TOW NOFB AS SLAKE B L207C S 14T40R 10 PT S EN E AC 6.24 DOC 320289W D F AR LEY,JAN E TO:F ELLB AUM,JOH N And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-H olders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, theirH eirsorAssigns, know norunknow n, of theprem ises. Youandeachof youareherebynotifiedthat W ashburnCountyistheow ner andholder of atax certificatedated9/01/2008, num ber 1155for $688.30, w hichw asissuedforunpaidtaxesfortheyear2007onthefollow ingdescribed realestatesituatedinsaidcountyandstatetow it: VILLAGE OFMIN ON G VM 609B S 23T42R 12 E 121’W 708’ AC .83 S300’OL28 DOC V404P720W D F ELLB AUM,CIN DY

TO:F LUG,DAN IELS . And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-H olders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, theirH eirsorAssigns, know norunknow n, of theprem ises. Youandeachof youareherebynotifiedthat W ashburnCountyistheow ner andholderofatax certificatedated9/01/2008,num ber283for$103.85,w hich w asissuedforunpaidtaxesfortheyear2007onthefollow ingdescribedreal estatesituatedinsaidcountyandstatetow it: TOW NOFB IR CH W OOD B I680PT S ES W S 03T38R 10 LYIN G NOFS LIM CR EEK R D AC 2.5 V291P58W D TO:F LUG,DAN IELS . And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-H olders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, theirH eirsorAssigns, know norunknow n, of theprem ises. Youandeachof youareherebynotifiedthat W ashburnCountyistheow ner andholderofatax certificatedated9/01/2008,num ber278for$427.91,w hich w asissuedforunpaidtaxesfortheyear2007onthefollow ingdescribedreal estatesituatedinsaidcountyandstatetow it: TOW NOFB IR CH W OOD B I691PT S ES W S 08T38R 10 LOT 4CS M V6P204 AC .63 V329P702W D TO:F LUG,DAN IELS . And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-H olders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, theirH eirsorAssigns, know norunknow n, of theprem ises. Youandeachof youareherebynotifiedthat W ashburnCountyistheow ner andholderofatax certificatedated9/01/2008,num ber277for$162.93,w hich w asissuedforunpaidtaxesfortheyear2007onthefollow ingdescribedreal estatesituatedinsaidcountyandstatetow it: TOW NOFB IR CH W OOD B I679C S 03T38R 10 N389.07’S W S W AC 6.01 LYIN G E OFCTHBLES SH W YR /W V288P85 TO:F LUG,DAN IELS . And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-H olders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, theirH eirsorAssigns, know norunknow n, of theprem ises. Youandeachof youareherebynotifiedthat W ashburnCountyistheow ner andholderofatax certificatedated9/01/2008,num ber275for$990.12,w hich w asissuedforunpaidtaxesfortheyear2007onthefollow ingdescribedreal estatesituatedinsaidcountyandstatetow it: TOW NOFB IR CH W OOD B I677 S 03T38R 10 PT N1/2S W 1/4E OFCTHB AC 36.0 V288P85LES SH W YR /W TO:H AYN ES ,N OR MA L. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-H olders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, theirH eirsorAssigns, know norunknow n, of theprem ises. Youandeachof youareherebynotifiedthat W ashburnCountyistheow ner andholderofatax certificatedated9/01/2008,num ber582for$292.48,w hich w asissuedforunpaidtaxesfortheyear2007onthefollow ingdescribedreal estatesituatedinsaidcountyandstatetow it: TOW NOFEVER GR EEN EV 738 S 36T39R 13 PT S EN E AC 1.3 ASDES C INV283P444& V325P210 V283P444W D V325P210W D DOC 330021TER M TO:H ELLER ,JEF F ER YW . And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-H olders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, theirH eirsorAssigns, know norunknow n, of theprem ises. Youandeachof youareherebynotifiedthat W ashburnCountyistheow ner andholderofatax certificatedated9/01/2008,num ber867for$997.13,w hich w asissuedforunpaidtaxesfortheyear2007onthefollow ingdescribedreal estatesituatedinsaidcountyandstatetow it: TOW NOFS POON ER S P 421A S 33T39R 12 E 1/2S W AC 5.03 L2CS M V10P75 V280P183-185 V283P101-104 S ZMAN DA,PAULW . TO:H OVE,TER R Y L. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-H olders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, theirH eirsorAssigns, know norunknow n, of theprem ises. Youandeachof youareherebynotifiedthat W ashburnCountyistheow ner andholder of atax certificatedated9/01/2008, num ber 139for $1,765.99, w hichw asissuedforunpaidtaxesfortheyear2007onthefollow ingdescribed realestatesituatedinsaidcountyandstatetow it: TOW NOFB AS SLAKE B L77B S 05T40R 10 PT S ES E AC 10.28 W 560’OFS ES E EXC N520’ DOC 316442W D TO:IR VIN E,DAVID ALB ER T And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-H olders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, theirH eirsorAssigns, know norunknow n, of theprem ises. Youandeachof youareherebynotifiedthat W ashburnCountyistheow ner andholderof atax certificatedated9/01/2008, num ber935for$78.92, w hich w asissuedforunpaidtaxesfortheyear2007onthefollow ingdescribedreal estatesituatedinsaidcountyandstatetow it: TOW NOFS PR IN GB R OOK S B729 S 34T40R 11 S1/2S W S E AC 20.0 V267P216QC

TO:IR VIN E,DAVID ALB ER T And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-H olders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, theirH eirsorAssigns, know norunknow n, of theprem ises. Youandeachof youareherebynotifiedthat W ashburnCountyistheow ner andholderofatax certificatedated9/01/2008,num ber936for$320.08,w hich w asissuedforunpaidtaxesfortheyear2007onthefollow ingdescribedreal estatesituatedinsaidcountyandstatetow it: TOW NOFS PR IN GB R OOK S B730 S 34T40R 11 S ES E AC 40.0 V267P216 TO:JELLEN ,JOS EPH And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-H olders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, theirH eirsorAssigns, know norunknow n, of theprem ises. Youandeachof youareherebynotifiedthat W ashburnCountyistheow ner andholderofatax certificatedated9/01/2008,num ber543for$579.93,w hich w asissuedforunpaidtaxesfortheyear2007onthefollow ingdescribedreal estatesituatedinsaidcountyandstatetow it: TOW NOFEVER GR EEN EV 411B S 22T39R 13 N1/2S1/2S ES W AC 10.0 DOC 324653W D KAAIN OA-JELLEN ,KR YS TAL 527205 17-19r WNAXLP



TO: JOHN, DONALD And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 733 for $2,891.65, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF MINONG MI 650C S31 T42 R12 PT GOV L5 AC 1.69 L8 CSM V5 P217 V271 P652 WD TO: JOHNSON, LEE B. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 604 for $1,439.18, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF FROG CREEK FC 1082 S30 T42 R11 SW FRL 1/4 SW FRL 1/4 AC 41.49 V294 P477 QC LIFE ESTATE JOHNSON, YVETTE JOHNSON, VERNON E., LIFE ESTATE HOLDER

TO: KNOWLTON, HARRY H. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 631 for $16.71, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF GULL LAKE GL 623A S36 T41 R11 NW 1/4 NE NW AC 10.0 DOC 292946 WD KNOWLTON, BETH TO: KRYSTOFIK, MELANIE A. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 435 for $178.14, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF CHICOG CH 266C S05 T41 R13 PT SE NE FRL 1/4 AC 3.42 L 31 CSM V5 P112 DOC 297099 WD TO: KUBERSKI, THERESE F. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 934 for $18.43, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF SPRINGBROOK SB 727A S34 T40 R11 PT NE SE AC 10.36 V281 P404 WD TO: LAPLANT, JAMES H. JR. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 714 for $699.23, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF MINONG MI 425 S22 T42 R12 PT W 1/2 E 1/2 SW NE AC 9.84 V428 P142 WD TO: LIERMANN, RYAN And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 261 for $81.21, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF BIRCHWOOD BI 361 S22 T37 R10 S 1/2 W 1/2 E 1/2 NW SE AC 5.0 DOC 329299 WD TO: MASTERJOHN, NICHOLAS D. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 1295 for $241.80, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: CITY OF SPOONER CS 1179A S32 T39 R12 PT OL 88A AC 0.651 1937 ASSESSOR’S PLAT L2 CSM V14 P125 DOC 304947 WD

TO: MASTERJOHN, NICHOLAS D. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 1157 for $65.55, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: VILLAGE OF MINONG VM 607C S23 T42 R12 PT OL 27 VILLAGE OF MINONG AC 1.33 L4 CSM V16 P51 DOC 309185 WD TO: McNEELY, ROBERT B. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 1126 for $880.12, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: VILLAGE OF BIRCHWOOD VB 324 S25 T37 R10 L6 B29 ORIGINAL PLAT AC 0.00 DOC 300484 WD

TO: MELTON, LESA And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 933 for $383.24, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF SPRINGBROOK SB 723 S34 T40 R11 N 550’ OF W 792’ NE SW AC 10.00 DOC 289008 WD TO: MILTON, SHAWN D. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 335 for $1,042.57, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF BROOKLYN BR 425 S25 T41 R12 SW SE AC 40.0 V368 P420, V374 P727 WD

TO: MOCK, KATHLEEN And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 805 for $41.19, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF SARONA SA 629A S2 T37 R12 PT NEWFIELD PARK LOTS 1 & 2 AC .46 CSM V16 P73 DOC 309459 WD TO: MYERS, ROBERTA M. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 1242 for $648.86, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: CITY OF SPOONER CS 327 S31 T39 R12 S 1/2 L1 BL 29 3RD ADDN (CS) AC .076 DOC 328738 WD TO: OLSON, JOHN D. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 652 for $1,004.62, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF LONG LAKE LL 402 S22 T37 R11 PT SE NW EXC CSM V9 P29 & AC 34.0 CSM V12 P3, V234 P521 DOC 324637 & 324638 OLSON, MARY LEE

TO: OLSON, JOHN D. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 685 for $943.78, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF MADGE MA 521 S29 T38 R11 GOV L2 EXC THAT PT WITHIN AC 38.18 JESSE’S LAKEVIEW PARK V143 P373 OLSON, MARY LEE TO: PALMER, THEAL C. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 157 for $25.45, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF BASS LAKE BL 750 S11 T40 R10 LAND-O-CABINS LOTS 2 BL 7 V335 P739 JGMT TO: PIERCE, TIMOTHY And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 1035 for $999.36, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF TREGO TR 247 SE SE S08 T40 R12 V281 P588 QC AC 40.0 V315 P796 QC

TO: RAHN, JAMES And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 54 for $226.32, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF BARRONETT BA502 W 1/2 NW NW S28 T37 R13 V311 P522 QC AC 20.0 DOC 329394 WD RAHN, GARY RAHN, ARLENE, LE HOLDER

TO: ROBERTS, ANDREW SR. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 860 for $1,241.58, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF SPOONER SP 509 S25 T39 R12 OL 2 ASSESSOR’S PLAT AC 0.34 SPOONER LAKE V320 P484 QC, V329 P792 PRBT HORTON, SHARON ROBERTS, DOROTHY ROBERTS, KEVIN ROBERTS, RONALD ROBERTS, ANDREW JR.

TO: ROBINSON, MELVIN G. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 924 for $305.58, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF SPRINGBROOK SB 660 S32 T40 R11 PT NE NW AC 0.52 V343 P678 WD V371 P650 QC ROBINSON, KALEEN M. TO: ROBOTKA, HEIDI And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 1123 for $670.17, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: VILLAGE OF BIRCHWOOD VB 247 S25 T37 R10 L11 BL 21 ORIGINAL PLAT DOC 305122

TO: ROSVOLD, JENNIFER A. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 458 for $424.97, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF CHICOG CH 2789 S11 T41 R13 WAUKEGAN NEWS SUB LOTS 1-5 & 22-24 BL 17 DOC 313072 WD CH 2790, CH 2792-2793 CH 10884, CH 2810-2812 ROSVOLD, JAMES R. TO: SCHEFFEL, LANCE R. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 913 for $825.44, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF SPRINGBROOK SB 514 S25 T40 R11 PT GOV L 3 & 5 AC 39.0 E OF CTY HWY M V466 P600-602 TO: SCHMIDT, ROBERT JR. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 302 for $18.18, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF BIRCHWOOD BI 1988 S16 T38 R10 LOT 8 NORDIC WOODS AC 1.0 V178 P680 PRD GEICK, MAURINE TO: SCHMIDT, ROBERT JR. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 301 for $44.75, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF BIRCHWOOD BI 1987 S16 T38 R10 LOT 7 NORDIC WOODS AC 1.0 V178 P680 PRD GEICK, MAURINE TO: SCHMIDT, ROBERT JR. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 300 for $44.75, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF BIRCHWOOD BI 1986 S16 T38 R10 LOT 6 NORDIC WOODS AC 1.0 V178 P680 PRD GEICK, MAURINE

TO: SCHMIDT, ROBERT JR. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-Holders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, their Heirs or Assigns, known or unknown, of the premises. You and each of you are hereby notified that Washburn County is the owner and holder of a tax certificate dated 9/01/2008, number 299 for $44.75, which was issued for unpaid taxes for the year 2007 on the following described real estate situated in said county and state to wit: TOWN OF BIRCHWOOD BI 1985 S16 T38 R10 LOT 5 NORDIC WOODS AC 1.0 V178 P680 PRD GEICK, MAURINE 527206 17-19r WNAXLP


Dewey-LaFollette by Karen Mangelsen

Hank and Karen Mangelsen attended the K-fourth grade Christmas program at Siren School Thursday afternoon. Granddaughter Hannah Mangelsen played the character Rachel in the fourth-grade production. Nina and Lawrence Hines went to Bloomington, Minn., Friday and visited Ralph Peterson. St. Croix Hertel Fire Department hosted their annual Christmas party and appreciation dinner Friday evening at Timber Ridge Roadhouse.

Weekend guests of Karen and Hank Mangelsen were Larry, Celie and Baxter Mangelsen. Saturday visitors were Jake, Hannah and Grace Mangelsen. Don and Lida Nordquist were guests at the home of Richard and Joleen Funk Sunday afternoon. They helped granddaughter Randi Funk celebrate her birthday. Clam River Tuesday Club will get together Jan. 5, 2011, at noon for lunch at Tony’s in Spooner. The meeting will follow.


The City of Shell Lake is seeking bids for the purchase of a fish cleaning station grinder. Project specifications are available at the City Administrator’s office. Sealed bids must be submitted to the City of Shell Lake, 501 First Street, P.O. Box 520, Shell Lake, WI 54871, by 3 p.m. Monday, December 20, 2010. The City of Shell Lake reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids or to select the bid most advantageous to the City. Bradley A. Pederson, City Administrator 526985 16-17r WNAXLP


TO:S CH MIDT,R OB ER T JR . And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-H olders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, theirH eirsorAssigns, know norunknow n, of theprem ises. Youandeachof youareherebynotifiedthat W ashburnCountyistheow ner andholderof atax certificatedated9/01/2008, num ber298for$44.75, w hich w asissuedforunpaidtaxesfortheyear2007onthefollow ingdescribedreal estatesituatedinsaidcountyandstatetow it: TOW NOFB IR CH W OOD B I6023 S 16T38R 10 LOT 4N OR DIC W OODS AC 1.0 V178P680PR D GEICK,MAUR IN E TO:S CH MIDT,R OB ER T JR . And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-H olders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, theirH eirsorAssigns, know norunknow n, of theprem ises. Youandeachof youareherebynotifiedthat W ashburnCountyistheow ner andholderof atax certificatedated9/01/2008, num ber297for$18.18, w hich w asissuedforunpaidtaxesfortheyear2007onthefollow ingdescribedreal estatesituatedinsaidcountyandstatetow it: TOW NOFB IR CH W OOD B I1983 S 16T38R 10 LOT 3N OR DIC W OODS AC 1.0 V178P680PR D GEICK,MAUR IN E TO:S CH MIDT,R OB ER T JR . And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-H olders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, theirH eirsorAssigns, know norunknow n, of theprem ises. Youandeachof youareherebynotifiedthat W ashburnCountyistheow ner andholderof atax certificatedated9/01/2008, num ber296for$18.18, w hich w asissuedforunpaidtaxesfortheyear2007onthefollow ingdescribedreal estatesituatedinsaidcountyandstatetow it: TOW NOFB IR CH W OOD B I1982 S 16T38R 10 LOT 2N OR DIC W OODS AC 1.0 V178P680PR D GEICK,MAUR IN E TO:S CH MIDT,R OB ER T JR . And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-H olders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, theirH eirsorAssigns, know norunknow n, of theprem ises. Youandeachof youareherebynotifiedthat W ashburnCountyistheow ner andholderof atax certificatedated9/01/2008, num ber295for$18.18, w hich w asissuedforunpaidtaxesfortheyear2007onthefollow ingdescribedreal estatesituatedinsaidcountyandstatetow it: TOW NOFB IR CH W OOD B I1981 S 16T38R 10 LOT 1N OR DIC W OODS AC 1.0 V178P680PR D GEICK,MAUR IN E TO:S CH MIDT,R OB ER T JR . And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-H olders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, theirH eirsorAssigns, know norunknow n, of theprem ises. Youandeachof youareherebynotifiedthat W ashburnCountyistheow ner andholder of atax certificatedated9/01/2008, num ber 289for $6,205.92, w hichw asissuedforunpaidtaxesfortheyear2007onthefollow ingdescribed realestatesituatedinsaidcountyandstatetow it: TOW NOFB IR CH W OOD B I912 S 16T38R 10 W 20ACR ESOFGOV L1 AC 10.32 EXC N OR DIC W OODSPLAT,EXC IN DIANH ILLSCON DO B I912A -B I912E GEICK,MAUR IN E TO:S CH ULTZ,CLAR ICE And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-H olders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, theirH eirsorAssigns, know norunknow n, of theprem ises. Youandeachof youareherebynotifiedthat W ashburnCountyistheow ner andholder of atax certificatedated9/01/2008, num ber 1327for $2,198.16, w hichw asissuedforunpaidtaxesfortheyear2007onthefollow ingdescribed realestatesituatedinsaidcountyandstatetow it: CITY OFS H ELLLAKE CS L522 S 26T38R 13 L6B LD & W 42’L7B LD DOB IE & S TR ATTONADDN V241P729,V191P563,V286P421 TO:S CH UPP,CH ER YL And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-H olders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, theirH eirsorAssigns, know norunknow n, of theprem ises. Youandeachof youareherebynotifiedthat W ashburnCountyistheow ner andholder of atax certificatedated9/01/2008, num ber 1130for $125.05, w hichw asissuedforunpaidtaxesfortheyear2007onthefollow ingdescribed realestatesituatedinsaidcountyandstatetow it: VILLAGE OFB IR CH W OOD VB481 S 25T37R 10 L15EXC 577’R ES UB D L15B 36 V332P384W D TO:S H ILTS ,CLIN TON And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-H olders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, theirH eirsorAssigns, know norunknow n, of theprem ises. Youandeachof youareherebynotifiedthat W ashburnCountyistheow ner andholder of atax certificatedated9/01/2008, num ber 1044for $658.96, w hichw asissuedforunpaidtaxesfortheyear2007onthefollow ingdescribed realestatesituatedinsaidcountyandstatetow it: TOW NOFTR EGO TR339 S 17T40R 12 S ES E V255P178 AC 400.0

TO:S IMS ,JER OME C. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-H olders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, theirH eirsorAssigns, know norunknow n, of theprem ises. Youandeachof youareherebynotifiedthat W ashburnCountyistheow ner andholderofatax certificatedated9/01/2008,num ber822for$110.30,w hich w asissuedforunpaidtaxesfortheyear2007onthefollow ingdescribedreal estatesituatedinsaidcountyandstatetow it: TOW NOFS AR ON A S A 414C S 24T37R 12 N EN E EXC TH E E 1,162’ AC 5.00 V162P602,V273P106 TO:S IMS ,JER OME C. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-H olders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, theirH eirsorAssigns, know norunknow n, of theprem ises. Youandeachof youareherebynotifiedthat W ashburnCountyistheow ner andholderofatax certificatedated9/01/2008,num ber823for$110.30,w hich w asissuedforunpaidtaxesfortheyear2007onthefollow ingdescribedreal estatesituatedinsaidcountyandstatetow it: TOW NOFS AR ON A S A 416A S 24T37R 12 E 166’N W N E AC 5.0 V177P433,V273P106 TO:S OTAK,JOE A. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-H olders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, theirH eirsorAssigns, know norunknow n, of theprem ises. Youandeachof youareherebynotifiedthat W ashburnCountyistheow ner andholder of atax certificatedated9/01/2008, num ber 836for $7.12, w hich w asissuedforunpaidtaxesfortheyear2007onthefollow ingdescribedreal estatesituatedinsaidcountyandstatetow it: TOW NOFS AR ON A S A 546B S 31T87R 12 N172’S408’N ES E AC 5.2 V198P642 S OTAK,JOS EPHM.JR . TO:S TEIN B ACK,JOS EPHP. And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-H olders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, theirH eirsorAssigns, know norunknow n, of theprem ises. Youandeachof youareherebynotifiedthat W ashburnCountyistheow ner andholderof atax certificatedated9/01/2008, num ber450for$90.23, w hich w asissuedforunpaidtaxesfortheyear2007onthefollow ingdescribedreal estatesituatedinsaidcountyandstatetow it: TOW NOFCH ICOG CH363B S 11T41R 13 PT N W N W AC 3.54 L2CS M V5P206,V466P453W D S TEIN B ACK,LIN DA M. TO:S W AN ,TH OMASF . And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-H olders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, theirH eirsorAssigns, know norunknow n, of theprem ises. Youandeachof youareherebynotifiedthat W ashburnCountyistheow ner andholderof atax certificatedated9/01/2008, num ber48for$106.64, w hich w asissuedforunpaidtaxesfortheyear2007onthefollow ingdescribedreal estatesituatedinsaidcountyandstatetow it: TOW NOFB AR R ON ETT B A 311A S 18T37R 13 S100’N EN W F R L1/4 AC 3.0 V151P508 S W AN ,R UTHH . TO:S W AN ,TH OMASF . And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-H olders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, theirH eirsorAssigns, know norunknow n, of theprem ises. Youandeachof youareherebynotifiedthat W ashburnCountyistheow ner andholder of atax certificatedated9/01/2008, num ber 49for $80.37, w hich w asissuedforunpaidtaxesfortheyear2007onthefollow ingdescribedreal estatesituatedinsaidcountyandstatetow it: TOW NOFB AR R ON ETT B A 321C S 18T37R 13 S100’N W F R L1/4N W F R L1/4 AC 2.75 V151P508 S W AN ,R UTHH . TO:S W AN ,TH OMASF . And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-H olders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, theirH eirsorAssigns, know norunknow n, of theprem ises. Youandeachof youareherebynotifiedthat W ashburnCountyistheow ner andholderof atax certificatedated9/01/2008, num ber50for$102.00, w hich w asissuedforunpaidtaxesfortheyear2007onthefollow ingdescribedreal estatesituatedinsaidcountyandstatetow it: TOW NOFB AR R ON ETT B A 326 S 18T37R 13 N660’E 330’S EN W AC 3.0 EXC N528’E 165’V151P508 S W AN ,R UTHH .

TO:S ZMAN DA,PAULW . And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-H olders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, theirH eirsorAssigns, know norunknow n, of theprem ises. Youandeachof youareherebynotifiedthat W ashburnCountyistheow ner andholderofatax certificatedated9/01/2008,num ber871for$776.17,w hich w asissuedforunpaidtaxesfortheyear2007onthefollow ingdescribedreal estatesituatedinsaidcountyandstatetow it: TOW NOFS POON ER S P 426B S 33T39R 12 PT S ES W L4CS M V13P120 AC 5.36 V277P5-6 H ELLER ,JEF F ER YW .

TO:S ZMAN DA,PAULW . And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-H olders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, theirH eirsorAssigns, know norunknow n, of theprem ises. Youandeachof youareherebynotifiedthat W ashburnCountyistheow ner andholderofatax certificatedated9/01/2008,num ber870for$995.76,w hich w asissuedforunpaidtaxesfortheyear2007onthefollow ingdescribedreal estatesituatedinsaidcountyandstatetow it: TOW NOFS POON ER S P 426A S 33T39R 12 PT S ES W L3CS M V13P120 AC 5.01 V277P5-6 H ELLER ,JEF F ER YW . TO:S ZMAN DA,PAULW . And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-H olders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, theirH eirsorAssigns, know norunknow n, of theprem ises. Youandeachof youareherebynotifiedthat W ashburnCountyistheow ner andholderofatax certificatedated9/01/2008,num ber869for$727.83,w hich w asissuedforunpaidtaxesfortheyear2007onthefollow ingdescribedreal estatesituatedinsaidcountyandstatetow it: TOW NOFS POON ER S P 426 S 33T39R 12 PT S ES W W OFH W Y 53 AC 24.13 EXC V10CS M P75,V13CS M P120 V280P183 H ELLER ,JEF F ER YW . TO:S ZMAN DA,PAULW . And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-H olders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, theirH eirsorAssigns, know norunknow n, of theprem ises. Youandeachof youareherebynotifiedthat W ashburnCountyistheow ner andholderofatax certificatedated9/01/2008,num ber206for$373.20,w hich w asissuedforunpaidtaxesfortheyear2007onthefollow ingdescribedreal estatesituatedinsaidcountyandstatetow it: TOW NOFB EAVERB R OOK B B 77 S 4T38R 12 E 1/2GOV L3LES SH W YR /W AC 19.44 V271P353 H ELLER ,JEF F ER YW . TO:TH OR B ER G,PATR ICIA And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-H olders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, theirH eirsorAssigns, know norunknow n, of theprem ises. Youandeachof youareherebynotifiedthat W ashburnCountyistheow ner andholderof atax certificatedated9/01/2008, num ber1289for$5.08, w hich w asissuedforunpaidtaxesfortheyear2007onthefollow ingdescribedreal estatesituatedinsaidcountyandstatetow it: CITY OFS POON ER CS1175 S 32T39R 12 PT OL86AS S ES S OR ’SPLAT AC .044 V249P47

TO:VAN METER ,R ICH AR D And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-H olders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, theirH eirsorAssigns, know norunknow n, of theprem ises. Youandeachof youareherebynotifiedthat W ashburnCountyistheow ner andholderofatax certificatedated9/01/2008,num ber719for$662.25,w hich w asissuedforunpaidtaxesfortheyear2007onthefollow ingdescribedreal estatesituatedinsaidcountyandstatetow it: TOW NOFMIN ON G MI458F S 23T42R 12 PT S W N W L4CS M V11P16 AC 3.02 V398P66W D VAN METER ,R UTHS UZAN N E TO:W IECKS ,GR EGOR Y And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-H olders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, theirH eirsorAssigns, know norunknow n, of theprem ises. Youandeachof youareherebynotifiedthat W ashburnCountyistheow ner andholder of atax certificatedated9/01/2008, num ber 366for $1,593.53, w hichw asissuedforunpaidtaxesfortheyear2007onthefollow ingdescribed realestatesituatedinsaidcountyandstatetow it: TOW NOFCAS EY CA 90 S 06T40R 13 W 35’E 235’GOV L3 AC .2 V300P431-432LC PAYN E,W ILLIAM

TO:ZACH AR IAS ,R OY And/or Mortgages, and/or Occupants, and/or Lien-H olders, and/or Land Contract Vendors, theirH eirsorAssigns, know norunknow n, of theprem ises. Youandeachof youareherebynotifiedthat W ashburnCountyistheow ner andholderofatax certificatedated9/01/2008,num ber152for$839.00,w hich w asissuedforunpaidtaxesfortheyear2007onthefollow ingdescribedreal estatesituatedinsaidcountyandstatetow it: TOW NOFB AS SLAKE B L138G S 09T40R 10 S1/2S E 1/4LES SW 2,363’ AC 8.39 V285P531 ZACH AR IAS ,MAR TH A

Thatsucham ountsw ill bearinterestandrelatedcostsasprovidedbylaw . F UR TH ERN OTICE isherebygiventhatafterexpirationofthreem onthsfrom thedateofthecom pletionofserviceofpublicationhereofuponyou,W ashburn Countyw ill applytotheCountyClerk of saidW ashburnCounty, W isconsin, at hisofficeintheCityof S hell Lake, insaidcounty, fortax deedontheabovedescribedrealestate. DatedatS hell Lake,W isconsin thisDecem ber2,2010. LynnK.H oeppner,CountyClerk 527207 17-19r WNAXLP

by Marian Furchtenicht

by Helen Pederson

P.O. Box 488 Spooner, WI 54801 715-635-8741

527320 WNAXLP

I guess we know winter is here. All the snow and then cold temps isn’t what we exactly wanted, but I guess we take the bad with the good. Many churches were closed on Sunday. Our sympathy to the family of Gladys Schultz who passed away last week. Funeral services were held at Salem Lutheran Church on Wednesday. Get-well wishes for Cindy Malmin who is struggling with some health issues. We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers. The Christmas party that was scheduled for the Special Care Wing on Saturday was canceled and will be rescheduled. On Friday night, John and Mary Marschall, Brian, Sara and Kyle Mathison, Marion Furchtenicht and Wealthy Marschall all gathered at Bona Casa to celebrate Wealthy and Sara’s birthdays. Birthday greetings to Sara and Wealthy. Brenda Pederson came in here on Saturday and we had a nice visit. It’s so good to have family around isn’t it? Arlys Santiago joined Jan Ogden and Lee Prill for the concert at First Lutheran that is put on by the (Dec. 15, 22, 29) churches in Cumberland. STATE OF WISCONSIN They always have a large CIRCUIT COURT group and good singing. WASHBURN COUNTY They had a good crowd IN THE MATTER OF THE on Sunday. ESTATE OF We have a new tenant HAROLD WILLIAM ERICKSON Notice to Interested Persons here at Glenview, Vera Donatell, we are happy to and Time Limit for Filing Claims (Informal Administration) have you join us Vera. Case No. 10PR44 Peder Pederson atapplication has been filed tended a party with his forAninformal administration of friends of Spooner Pente- the estate of the decedent, costal Church at the whose date of birth was 11/12/ Tower House in Cumber- 1931, and date of death was land on Sunday evening. 8/29/2010. The decedent died domiciled in Rice County, State They had about 35 mem- of Minnesota, with a post bers there, and they had a office address of: Faribault, Minn. meal and a fun time. Please take notice that: Sue and Larry Winner 1. The application will be returned on Thursday heard at the Washburn County from a trip to North Car- Courthouse, 10 W. 4th Ave., olina to visit relatives. On Shell Lake, Wisconsin, second Friday night, they joined floor, before Marilynn E. Larry’s family at the Olive Benson, Probate Registrar, on Jan. 11, 2011, at 9 a.m. or when Garden to celebrate his scheduled thereafter. You need daughter, Holly’s, birth- not appear unless you object. The application may be granted day. On Saturday a memo- if no objection is made. 2. Creditors’ claims must be rial service was held at filed with the probate registrar Princeton, Minn., for on or before April 1, 2011. Larry’s mother, Vivian 3. Publication of this notice Meyer, 97. Burial will be shall constitute notice to any persons whose names or in the spring. addresses are unknown. Never burn your E. Benson bridges – you’d be sur- Marilynn Probate Registrar prised how many times Dec. 6, 2010 you have to cross the Thomas J. Bitney same river. Personal Representative/ Attorney Have a good and warm Bitney Law Firm, Ltd. week.

The Register is a cooperativeowned newspaper

Notices (Nov. 24, Dec. 1, 8, 15, 22, 29) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT WASHBURN COUNTY BAC HOME LOANS SERVICING, L.P. Plaintiff, vs. DAMIAN J. FERGUSON, et al. Defendants. Case Number: 09 CV 170 NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by virtue of a judgment of foreclosure entered on November 10, 2009, in the amount of $140,486.76, the Sheriff will sell the described premises at public auction as follows: TIME: January 12, 2011, at 10:30 a.m. TERMS: 1. 10% down in cash or money order at the time of sale; balance due within 10 days of confirmation of sale; failure to pay balance due will result in forfeit of deposit to plaintiff. 2. Sold “as is” and subject to all legal liens and encumbrances. PLACE: At the North entrance of Washburn County Courthouse located at 10 4th Avenue, Shell Lake, Wisconsin. DESCRIPTION: Lot 19, Eastland Addition to the City of Spooner, Washburn County, Wis. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 1200 Woodland Street, Spooner ,WI 54801. TAX KEY NO.: 65-281-2-39-1229-5-15-262-509000 (Legacy PIN: 65-281-2-39-12-29-4-35090). Dated this 18th day of November, 2010. Terry Dryden Sheriff of Washburn County Christina E. Demakopoulos State Bar #1066197 Blommer Peterman, S.C. 165 Bishops Way Brookfield, WI 53005 262-790-5719 Please go to to obtain the bid for this sale. Blommer Peterman, S.C., is the creditor’s attorney and is attempting to collect a debt on its behalf. Any information obtained will be used for the purpose. (261259)

PO Box 292 Birchwood, WI 54817 Defendants. Case No. 10-CV-250 Code No. 30404 Foreclosure of Mortgage Dollar Amount Greater Than $5,000 FORTY-DAY SUMMONS The State Of Wisconsin, To: STEVEN A. CONNELL and JANE DOE, unknown spouse of Steven A. Connell 200 West Birch Avenue Birchwood, WI 54817 You are hereby notified that the plaintiff named above has filed a lawsuit or other legal action against you. The complaint, which is also served upon you, states the nature and basis of the legal action. Within 40 days after December 15, 2010, you must respond with a written answer, as that term is used in Chapter 802 of the Wisconsin Statutes, to the complaint. The court may reject or disregard an answer that does not follow the requirements of the statutes. The answer must be sent or delivered to the court, whose address is: Clerk of Circuit Court Washburn County Courthouse Ten Fourth Avenue Shell Lake, WI 54871 and to O’Dess and Associates, S.C., Plaintiff’s attorneys, whose address is: O’Dess and Associates, S.C. 1414 Underwood Avenue Suite 403 Wauwatosa, Wisconsin 53213 You may have an attorney help or represent you. If you do not provide a proper answer within 40 days, the court may grant judgment against you for the award of money or other legal action requested in the complaint, and you may lose your right to object to anything that is or may be incorrect in the complaint. A judgment may be enforced as provided by law. A judgment awarding money may become a lien against any real estate you own now or in the future and may also be enforced by garnishment or seizure of property. O’DESS AND ASSOCIATES, S.C. Attorneys for Plaintiff By: M. ABIGAIL O’DESS Bar Code No. 1017869

527363 WNAXLP

Heart Lake

milking cows there near his home farm. Kyle wrote a poem about it called “Barn Again.” Dale Webb, Somerset, stopped by with venison sausage, baloney and sticks, so nice of him. Mary Krantz and I attended our Class of 1950 eat out at Tony’s in Spooner on Wednesday. Good turnout. Mitzie Paulson was in charge. Happy birthday to Marlene Hansen, Tonya Zaloudek, Kayla Haynes and Kenny Anderson, Dec. 23; Rocky Washkuhn and Mary Lee Dinnies, Dec. 24; Dolly Bruner and Debbie Weegman on (Dec. 15, 22, 29) Christmas Day; Lois Modrow and Charlene Maki, STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT Dec. 26; Jon Sauer, Casey WASHBURN COUNTY Childs, Heidi Smith and Joel Marsh, Dec. 27; Bob BENEFICIAL FINANCIAL I INC., Gagner, Tommy Benjamin successor to Beneficial Wisconsin, Inc., and Andy Scalzo, Dec. 28; 26525 North Riverwoods Pam Trudelle, Dec. 29. Mettawa, IL 60045, Plaintiff, Anniversary wishes to vs. Eric and Nicole Bernecker STEVEN A. CONNELL and on Dec. 27. Christmas cards, pic- JANE DOE, unknown spouse of Steven A. Connell tures, letters and e-mail 200 West Birch Avenue greetings are arriving Birchwood, WI 54817 daily. Christmas is coming DAWN M. CONNELL and JOHN fast, better be getting mine DOE, unknown spouse of Dawn M. Connell sent. 905 Hinman Drive So until next week …


The big snow Friday night and all day Saturday left about a foot, but Sunday morning all was bright and beautiful. Folks were busy shoveling and getting plowed out. There were a lot of cancelations and it has turned cold. Folks were saddened in the sudden death of 53-yearold Jon Krugar of Sarona. He had bought the Stromberg place in Sarona and lived in the trailer home and his mom, Elaine, lived next door in the old Beardsley home. They had remodeled a couple of years back. His funeral service was Monday at the Earl church. Jon was a kind, likeable, always-willing-to-help-fix-it kind of guy that will be really missed. Such a shock and deepest sympathy is extended from Sarona folks. Katty Shack breakfast brought about 14 gals together for breakfast and gift exchange on Tuesday. A speedy get-well to Sandi Hayen who is home recovering from open-heart surgery recently. Friday, Mavis Schlapper and Bev Helmer met in Rice Lake following appointments and had breakfast together at Nancy’s. Friday evening, John and Mary Marschall and Brian came over and got me and we met Sara, John’s mom, and brother, Daryl, and Kyle Mathison at Bona Casa to eat, celebrating Sara and Wealthy’s birthdays. There was a nice article in the Country Today paper on Kyle and Sara and Allan Hustad who live on Hwy. 48 out of Cumberland. Kyle leased his old barn and is




POST OFFICE ADDRESS: 1414 Underwood Avenue Suite 403 Wauwatosa, WI 53213 (414) 727-1591 O’Dess and Associates, S.C., is attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. If you have previously received a Chapter 7 Discharge in Bankruptcy, this correspondence should not be construed as an attempt to collect a debt.

SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING CITY OF SHELL LAKE DECEMBER 1, 2010 City Council President Baker called the special meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. in the absence of Mayor Peterson. Council members present were Bitney, Buckridge, Eiche, Graf, Kittelsen, Leckel and Pederson. Also present were Vern Redlich, Jeff Parker, Regan Kohler and Brad Pederson. A public hearing was held on the proposed 2011 city budget. The budget includes Funds 100, 260, 270, 310, 500 and 595. Vern Redlich commented on the lack of public works improvement projects and the poor appearance of the city hall/library building and grounds. Mr. Redlich recommended the City look at separating the library and city hall and also to reduce the Culture, Recreation and Education budgeted amounts. The November 3, 2010, Financial Administration Committee and November 30, 2010, Executive Committee meeting minutes were reviewed. Brad Pederson suggested the City Council consider raising the deductible on insurance coverage through the Local Government Property Insurance Fund which would result in a lower premium. It was noted the City rarely submits a claim. Eiche moved, seconded by Bitney, to direct the City Administrator to adjust the deductible and to reduce the Property and Liability budget line by $750. The motion carried 7 - yes, 1 - no. Brad Pederson noted his 2010 year-end budget projection estimates a $27,000 surplus for that year. Kittelsen moved, seconded by Graf, to add $25,000 to Fund Equity Applied budget line. Upon a unanimous vote the motion carried. Bitney moved, seconded by Eiche, to adopt the 2011 Budget with a levy of $810,091. Upon a unanimous vote the motion carried. It was reported the Executive Committee recommends the City Council approve a 2-1/2% pay increase for city employees for 2011. It was noted the committee reviewed wage comparisons with similar-sized communities in this area. Concerns were expressed about the need to address wages for employees on the lower end of the pay scale. Graf moved, seconded by Bitney, to approve a 2-1/2% pay increase for all employees effective 1/1/11. Upon a unanimous vote the motion carried. A revised Customer Contribution Agreement between Xcel Energy and the City of Shell Lake to provide a new primary service to the hangar area at a net cost of $5,086.16 was reviewed. It was noted this amount exceeds the agreement amount approved at the October 11, 2010, council meeting. The additional cost is attributed to relocating the service due to location change for a new hangar and so the service can accommodate both sides of hangar row. Kittelsen moved, seconded by Bitney, to accept the revised agreement. A roll call vote was taken: Buckridge - yes, Eiche - yes, Pederson - yes, Bitney - yes, Leckel - yes, Baker - no, Kittelsen - yes and Graf yes. The motion carried. Kittelsen moved, seconded by Buckridge, to adjourn at 8:20 p.m. The motion carried. Sally Peterson, Mayor 527181 17r WNAXLP Bradley A. Pederson, City Administrator


The Town Board of the Town of Dewey, Burnett County, Wisconsin, hereby provides its written notice to the public for a hearing on Town Ordinance No. 2011-01 on Saturday, January 22, 2011, 1 p.m., at the Town Hall. AGENDA 1. Call to order. 2. Hear public comments on Ordinance No. 2011-01. 3 Adjourn. Pam Brown, Clerk


A dual-purpose ordinance to regulate boating and personal watercraft use on the waters of Poquette Lake and prescribing penalties for violations thereof. The Town Board of the Town of Dewey do ordain as follows: Section I Applicability and Enforcement (a) The provisions of this ordinance shall apply to the waters of Poquette Lake (Sec. 2 - 3 T.38N.-R.14W.) (b) This ordinance shall be enforced by the law enforcement officers of Burnett Co. and the State of Wisconsin. Section II Intent The intent of this ordinance is to provide safe and healthful conditions for the enjoyment of aquatic recreation consistent with public rights and interests, and the capability of the water resources. Section III State Boating and Safety Laws Adopted State Boating Laws as found in ss.30.50 to 30.71, Wis. Stats., are adopted by reference. Section IV Definitions (a) “Slow-no-wake” means the speed at which a boat moves as slowly as possible while still maintaining steerage control. Section V Hours of Operation (a) No person shall operate a boat or personal watercraft faster than “slow-no-wake” during the Hours of 5 p.m. to 10 a.m. on Poquette Lake. (b) Water skiing and similar activities are allowed on Poquette Lake from the hours 10 a.m. Until 5 p.m. local time daily. Section VI Posting Requirements The Town of Dewey shall place and maintain a synopsis of this ordinance at all public boat access points within the jurisdiction of the Town of Dewey on Poquette Lake pursuant to the requirements of NR 5.15 Wis. Admin. Code. Section VII Penalties Wisconsin state boating penalties as found in Wis. Sta. 30.80 and deposits as established in the Uniform Deposit and Bail Schedule established by the Wisconsin Judicial Conference, are hereby adopted by reference and all references to fines amended to forfeitures and all references to imprisonment deleted. Section VIII Severability The provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed severable and it is expressly declared that the Town Board would have passed an other provisions of this ordinance irrespective of whether or not one or more provisions may be declared invalid. If any provision of this ordinance of the application of any person or circumstances is held invalid, the remainder of the ordinance and the application of such provisions to other persons or circumstances shall not be affected. Section IX Effective Date This ordinance shall be effective 30 days after passage of board approval and a day after publication. 527191 17r WNAXLP


Plaintiff vs. JANET NOWICKI; KENNETH A. NOWICKI; Defendants NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE Case No. 10 CV 58 Case Code No. 30404 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by virtue of a judgment of foreclosure entered on June 10, 2010, in the amount of $138,469.25, the Sheriff will sell the described premises at public auction as follows: TIME: January 5, 2011, at 10:15 a.m. TERMS: 1. 10% down in cash or money order at the time of sale; balance due within 10 days of confirmation of sale; failure to pay balance due will result in forfeit of deposit to plaintiff. 2. Sold “as is” and subject to all legal liens and encumbrances. 3. Buyer to pay applicable Wisconsin Real Estate Transfer Tax from the proceeds of the sale. PLACE: Washburn County Courthouse North Entrance (aka North Steps) 10 4th Avenue, Shell Lake, WI 54871. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: The Northwest 1/4 Of The Northwest 1/4 Of Section 25, Township 39 North Of Range 12 West, Except For The Following Parcels: 1. The East 500 Feet Thereof; 2. A Triangular Parcel Described As: Beginning at a Point 500 Feet West of the East Line of Northwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 25, and on the South Line of Northwest 1/4 of Northeast 1/4 of Section 25; and thence West 350 on the South Line of Northwest 1/4 of Northwest 1/4 of Section 25, to a Point 850 Feet West of the East Line of Northwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 25; thence Northeast to a Point 600 Feet North of the South Line of NW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 25, and 500 Feet West of the East Line of Northwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 25; thence South 600 Feet to the Point of Beginning. 3. Beginning at the Northwest Corner of the Northwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of said Section 25; thence East on the North Line of said Section 820 Feet More or Less to a Point which is 500 Feet West of the Northeast Corner of the Northwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of said Section; thence South Parallel with the East Line of said 1/4 640 Feet; thence at Right Angles and West 820 Feet More or Less to the West Line of said Northwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4; thence North Along the said West Line 640 Feet More or Less to the Place of Beginning. Tax Key No.: 65-034-2-39-1225-2 02 000-0030000 PROPERTY ADDRESS: N5620 Mann Road, Spooner, Wisconsin 54801. Gunar J. Blumberg State Bar No. 1028987 Attorney for Plaintiff 230 W. Monroe, Ste. 1125 Chicago, IL 60606 Phone: 312-541-9710 Johnson, Blumberg & Associates, LLC, is the creditor’s attorney and is attempting to collect a debt on its behalf. Any information obtained will be used for that purpose. 525214 WNAXLP

The Classifieds


(Dec. 15, 22, 29, Jan. 5, 12, 19 STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT WASHBURN COUNTY ROYAL CREDIT UNION, Plaintiff, vs. TODD L. TODD, JAN C. TODD, JOHN DOE TENANT #1 unknown tenant, Defendants. Case No. 10CV171 Case Code: 30404 Foreclosure of Mortgage NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE By virtue of Judgment of Foreclosure and sale rendered in the above-entitled action on November 9, 2010, in the amount of $115,218.19, the undersigned Sheriff of Washburn County will sell at public auction at the north entrance of the Washburn County Courthouse in the City of Shell Lake, Wisconsin, on the 9th day of February, 2011, at 10:00 a.m., the real estate and mortgage premises directed by the Judgment to be sold and therein described as follows: That part of Government Lot 9 of Section 16, Township 38 North, Range 11 West (in the Town of Madge), Washburn County, Wisconsin, described as follows: Beginning at a brass meander corner on the North section line of Section 16, on the West bank of Seymour Lake; thence South 8˚ 53’ East along the shore 111.20 feet; thence South 39˚ 01’ East along the shore 303.10 feet to a brass meander corner on the East line of Section 16; thence South 4˚ 41’; East along the Section line 963.40 feet to an iron stake; thence 86˚ 19’ West 234.50 feet to an iron stake on the East right-of-way line of Highway M; thence North 10˚ 27’ West along the East rightof-way line of Highway M, 1,329.85 feet to an iron stake; thence North 86˚ 30’ east along the North section line of Section 16, a distance of 191.10 feet to the place of beginning, including all land lying between the above description and the water’s edge of Seymour Lake. This description includes all of Government Lot 9, lying East of County Highway M. TAX KEY NOS: 65-028-2-38-1116-1-1-0020 The Grantor herein reserves a nonexclusive perpetual easement for themselves, their successor and/or assigns for ingress and egress for men, vehicles and utilities over the existing roadway. PROPERTY ADDRESS: N4096 Cty. Hwy. M, Sarona, Wis. THE TERMS OF SALE: Cash. DOWN PAYMENT: A deposit of 10% of sale price to be deposited in cash or by certified check with the Sheriff at the time of sale; balance to be paid by cash or certified check upon confirmation of sale. Dated this 18th day of November, 2010. Terry Dryden Washburn County Sheriff Christine A. Gimber Weld, Riley, Prenn & Ricci, S.C. P.O. Box 1030 Eau Claire, WI 54702-1030 715-839-7786 Attorneys for Plaintiff This is an attempt to collect a debt. Any information obtained will be used for that purpose.

AUTOMOBILE DONATION DONATE VEHICLE Receive $1000 GROCERY COUPON. NOAH’S ARC Support NO KILL Shelters, Research To Advance Veterinary Treatments. Free Towing, TAX DEDUCTIBLE, Non-Runners Accepted 1-866912-GIVE. (CNOW)

EACH INSERTION – Minimum of $3.00 ; 30¢ for each word. Call 715-468-2314 to place ad, or e-mail your ad to Advertising deadline is Monday at noon.

HEALTH AND BEAUTY HIP REPLACEMENT SURGERY: If you had hip replacement surgery between 2003-present and suffered problems requiring a second revision surgery you may be entitled to compensation. Attorney Charles Johnson 1-800-535-5727

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Do you earn $800 in a day? Your Own Local Candy Route! 25 Machines and Candy All for $9995. Vend3 877-915-8222 All major credit cards accepted! (CNOW)

HELP WANTED – MISCELLANEOUS FOREMEN to lead utility field crews. Outdoor physical work, many positions, paid training, $17/hr. plus weekly performance bonuses after promotion, living allowance when traveling, com(Nov. 24, Dec. 1, 8, 15, 22, 29) pany truck and benefits. Must have strong leadership skills, STATE OF WISCONSIN good driving history, and able to CIRCUIT COURT travel in Wisconsin and nearby WASHBURN COUNTY States. Email resume to ReBAC HOME LOANS or apply SERVICING, L.P., AS SERVICER online at www.OsmoseUtilities. FOR HSBC BANK USA, N.A. AS com EOE M/F/D/V (CNOW) TRUSTEE FOR THE HOLDERS 1000 ENVELOPES - $5000. OF DEUTSCHE ALT-A Receive $3-$7 for every EnveSECURITIES MORTGAGE lope processed with our sales LOAN TRUST, SERIES 2007material. GUARANTEED! Free OA4 MORTGAGE PASSinformation, 24HR recording: THROUGH CERTIFICATES Plaintiff, 800-471-9524. (CNOW) vs. (Nov. 24, Dec. 1, 8, 15, 22, 29) MICHELE P. LEONARD, et al. Defendants. STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT Case No: 09 CV 326 WASHBURN COUNTY NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by BAC HOME LOANS virtue of a judgment of foreclo- SERVICING, L.P. Plaintiff, sure entered on April 7, 2010, in vs. the amount of $318,411.54, the Sheriff will sell the described JEREMY MEHSIKOMER, et al Defendants premises at public auction as follows: Case No: 09 CV 299 TIME: January 12, 2011, at NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE 10:00 a.m. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by TERMS: 1. 10% down in cash or virtue of a judgment of foreclomoney order at the time of sure entered on May 26, 2010, sale; balance due within 10 in the amount of $118,342.71, days of confirmation of sale; the Sheriff will sell the described failure to pay balance due premises at public auction as will result in forfeit of deposit follows: TIME: January 12, 2011, at 10 to plaintiff. a.m. 2. Sold “as is” and subject to all legal liens and encum- TERMS: 1. 10% down in cash brances. or money order at the time of sale; balance due within 10 PLACE: at the North entrance days of confirmation of sale; of Washburn County Courtfailure to pay balance due will house located at 10 4th Averesult in forfeit of deposit to nue, Shell Lake, Wisconsin plaintiff. 2. Sold “as is” and DESCRIPTION: Tract I: Lot 3 of subject to all legal liens and CSM 6-1, AP NO. 1285, a part encumbrances. of Government Lot 2 and of PLACE: At the North entrance Government Lot 7 of Section of Washburn County Court3, Township 38 North, Range house located at 10 4th Ave10 West (in the Township of nue, Shell Lake, Wisconsin. Birchwood). Tract II: A nonexclusive easement for in- DESCRIPTION: gress and egress, in favor of Parcel 1: The North 80 feet of Tract 1, over the 20-foot-wide Lot 7, Block 21, 2nd Addidriveway easement on Lots 1 tion to the City of Spooner, & 2 of CSM 6-1, Map No. Washburn County, Wis. 1285, a part of Government Parcel 2: The South 70 feet of Lot 2 and of Government Lot Lot 7, Block 21, 2nd Addi7 of Section 3, Township 38 tion to the City of Spooner, North, Range 10 West (in the Washburn County, Wis. Township of Birchwood) for PROPERTY ADDRESS: 401 access to CTH “B.” Vine Street, Spooner. WI PROPERTY ADDRESS: W1017 54801. Horseshoe Road, Stone Lake, TAX KEY NO.: 65-281-2-39-12WI 54876. 31-0-0-6795 & 65-281-2-39TAX KEY NO.: 5602 12-31-0-0-6790. Dated this 18th day of NoDated this 18th day of vember, 2010. November, 2010. Terry Dryden Terry Dryden Sheriff of Washburn County Sheriff of Washburn County Christina E. Demakopoulos Marie M. Flannery State Bar #1066197 State Bar #1045309 Blommer Peterman, S.C. Blommer Peterman, S.C. 165 Bishops Way 165 Bishops Way Brookfield, WI 53005 Brookfield, WI 53005 262-790-5719 262-790-5719 Please go to www.blommerPlease go to to obtain the bid to obtain the bid for this sale. Blommer Peter- for this sale. Blommer Peterman, S.C., is the creditor’s man, S.C., is the creditor’s attorney and is attempting to attorney and is attempting to collect a debt on its behalf. Any collect a debt on its behalf. Any information obtained will be information obtained will be used for the purpose. (261253) used for the purpose. (261188)

526098 WNAXLP


526093 WNAXLP



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526779 WNAXLP

(Dec. 8, 15, 22, 29, Jan. 5, 12) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT WASHBURN COUNTY ASSOCIATED BANK, N.A., Plaintiff, vs. MICHAEL J. SCHINDLER JOHN/JANE DOE SCHINDLER (an Unknown Spouse of Michael J. Schindler) BREMER BANK Defendants. Case No. 10-CV-43 Hon. Eugene D. Harrington BR. 1 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that by virtue of a Judgment of Foreclosure entered in the above-captioned action on October 15, 2010, in the amount of $34,111.02, the Sheriff or his assignee will sell the described premises at public auction as follows: TIME: January 26, 2011, at 10:00 a.m. PLACE: In the North Entrance of Washburn County Courthouse, 10 4th Avenue, Shell Lake, WI 54871. DESCRIPTION: Parcel 1: Part of the Southwest Quarter (SW1/4) of the Northeast Quarter (NE1/4), Section Twenty-one (21), Township Forty (40) North, Range Twelve (12) West, Town of Trego, Washburn County, Wisconsin, described as Lot One (1) of Certified Survey Map filed March 8, 1982, in Volume 5, on page 10 of Certified Survey Map No. 1025, Document No. 182924. Parcel 2: Part of the Southwest Quarter (SW1/4), Section Twentyone (21), Township Forty (40) North, Range Twelve (12) West, Town of Trego, Washburn County, Wis., described as Lot Two (2) of Certified Survey Map filed March 8, 1982, in Vol. 5, on page 10 of Certified Survey Map No. 1025, Document No. 182924. Parcel 3: The South One-half (S1/2) of the Southwest Quarter (SW1/4) of the Northeast Quarter (NE1/4), Section Twenty-one (21), Township Forty (40) North, Range Twelve (12) West, Town of Trego, Washburn County, Wis., EXCEPTING therefrom the East 659 feet thereof; TOGETHER with a prescriptive easement for ingress over that existing private road lying and being the Northerly 2 rods of the South One-half (S1/2) of the Southwest Quarter (SW1/4) of the Northeast Quarter (NE1/4) and ALSO TOGETHER with that easement for ingress and egress described in Warranty Deed as recorded in Volume 352 of Records, on page 624. TAX KEY NO. 65-042-2-40-1221-1 03-000-001000, 65-0422-40-12-21-1 03-000-002000, 65-042-2-40-12-21-1 03-000005000. PROPERTY ADDRESS: Barrett Road, Trego, WI 54888 TERMS: Cash; down payment required at the time of Sheriff’s Sale in the amount of 10% by cash, money order, cashier’s check or certified check made payable to the Washburn County Clerk of Courts; balance of sale price due upon confirmation of sale by Court. Property to be sold as a whole “as is” and subject to all real estate taxes, accrued and accruing, special assessments, if any, penalties and interest. Buyer to pay applicable Wisconsin Real Estate Transfer Tax from the proceeds of the Sale upon Confirmation of the Court. Purchaser to pay the cost of title evidence. Terrence C. Dryden, Sheriff Washburn County, Wisconsin Plaintiff’s Attorney: Mallery & Zimmerman, S.C. 500 Third Street, Suite 800 P.O. Box 479 Wausau, WI 54402-0479 715-845-8234

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HELP WANTED TRUCK DRIVER DRIVERS- Owner Operators. $5,000 Sign-On Bonus. Home Daily. Local & Dedicated Regional Runs based out of Green Bay & Milwaukee. Paid FSC on loaded & empty miles. Ask about our successful lease to purchase program. Call Comtrak at 866-722-0291, or apply at w w w. c o m t r a k l o g i s t i c s . c o m (CNOW) REGIONAL CDL DRIVERS NEEDED! Gordon Trucking, Inc. Immediate Openings! Home weekly available! Consistent Miles & Time Off! Full Benefits, 401K. We have lots of freight! 888-8326484. (CNOW) MEDICAL CARE “MOTORIZED WHEELCHAIRS”. Absolutely at NO cost to you if eligible!! Back Braces, arthritis pumps. Medicare & Private insurance accepted. ENK Mobile Medical. 1-800-693-8896 (CNOW) MISCELLANEOUS Advertise in 180 newspapers in Wisconsin for only $300. Find out more information by becoming our fan on Facebook or call this newspaper! (CNOW)

Local Classififieeds

SHELL LAKE SELF-STORAGE: Convenient, 24-hour access. Special low-cost boat storage. Call 715-468-2910. 2rtfc 3 CORDS MAPLE: 3 cords popple pine mix, $380. 1988 Oldsmobile Regency, runs excellent, little rust, $800. 715-4684274. 17rp

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(Dec. 8, 15, 22) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT WASHBURN COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOHN VERON Order Limiting Time for Filing Claims and Determination of Heirship (Formal Administration) Case No. 10 PR 42 A petition has been filed for administration and determination of heirship of the decedent, whose date of birth was Oct. 20, 1926, and date of death was Sept. 5, 2010. The decedent died domiciled in Washburn County, State of Wis., with a post office address of: W5716 O’Brien Rd., Trego, WI 54888. IT IS ORDERED THAT: 1. Creditors’ claims must be filed with the court on or before March 1, 2011. 2. Heirship will be determined on the date set for hearing on the final account. BY THE COURT: Eugene D. Harrington Circuit Court Judge/Court Commissioner December 1, 2010 Kathryn zumBrunnen, Attorney P.O. Box 96 Spooner, WI 54801 526864 WNAXLP 715-635-3174


Laker Times Junior high holiday concert

Hamming it up for a Caribbean musical piece is the percussion section (L to R): Sheri Clark, Caleb LaFave and Isaac Otterson.

Take a good look at the junior high choir; teenage boys generally do not dress so nicely.

The soprano section of the Shell Lake Junior High choir during the singing of “Mary, Mary” at their holiday concert held Tuesday, Dec. 7, at the high school gym.

School menu

Breakfast Monday, Dec. 20: Juice, cereal, toast. Tuesday, Dec. 21: Fruit, sausage link, waffle sticks. Wednesday, Dec. 22: Juice, cheese omelet, toast. Thursday, Dec. 23: Fruit, yogurt, toast. Friday, Dec. 24: No school. Lunch Monday, Dec. 20: Corn dog, hash browns, mixed vegetables, peach slices. Laker: Chicken patty on bun. Tuesday, Dec. 21: Chicken Alfredo, peas, pear slices, bread stick. Laker: Hot dog. Wednesday, Dec. 22: BBQ on bun, chips, pickles, carrots, pineapple tidbits. Laker: Quesadilla. Thursday, Dec. 23: Grades 7-12: Hot Italian sub. Grade K-6: Pizza. Green beans, mandarin oranges. No Laker. Friday, Dec. 24: No school. Breakfast served each day for K-12 students. Whole-grain bread and buns and milk served with each meal. Laker sandwiches available to grades 7-12 only.

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Photos by Larry Samson

Colorfully dressed and playing their saxophones are Lauren Osborn, Keagan Blazer and Katie Slater. Their song was “Frosty’s Caribbean Holiday.”

Playing for a packed house, the Shell Lake Junior High School band has a continuing tradition of kicking off the Christmas season.

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Shell Lake High School Holiday Concert

The Shell Lake High School choir, under the direction of Steven Bulgrin, with Judy Chupp as accompanist, performed for a full house at the holiday concert. The students will be starting preparations for the solo ensemble held in March.

Hannah Hodgett introduces “If Clouds Could Sing,” a musical piece she composed and the Shell Lake concert band played. The music was well-received by the reaction of the audience.

Photos by Larry Samson

Emilee Organ, Marlo Fields, Jessica Irvine and David Smith laugh at an inside joke that only the vocal ensemble would understand. The other members of the ensemble are Beth Bulgrin, Cavan Maher, Sarah Shumaker and Isaac Cusick.

Carley Myers, Emilee Organ and Dani Kuechle play their flutes in the Shell Lake High School Holiday Concert held on Tuesday, Dec. 7.



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The Shell Lake jazz ensemble performed two crowd-pleasers, “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas” and “A Charlie Brown Christmas.” The jazz ensemble excels at the state level, and this year should be no different as the audience got a sneak peek.

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The percussion section of the band has extra duties because of the nature of Christmas songs. From front to back Sage Dunham, Talon Pollei, David Brereton and Nick Muska. Sage Albert is the fifth member and was not in the photo.

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