WCR | Feb 3 | 2010

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n r u b h s Wa unty Co




Welcome back from Iraq See page 2

Fire department fis fishing contest See back page

SPORTS See pages 12 - 15

Football proposal voted down

by Larry Samson STEVENS POINT — The Wisconsin Interscholastic Association Board of Control, by a vote of 8-2, rejected the football district proposal that would have done away with the Lakeland and Heart of the North football conferences. The proposal would have established eight districts, and each district would have seven divisions to replace the conferences. Shell Lake would have been in District 8 Division 7, Spooner would have been in District 8 Division 4 and Northwood/Solon Springs — a co-op football program — would be in the same district but would play in Division 5. Shell Lake would be playing Clear Lake, Frederic their traditional rivals but would had to travel long distances to play Boyceville, Glenwood City, McDonell Central in Chippewa Falls, Regis in Eau Claire and Spring Valley. The proposal was to address several issues, competition among the various sized schools and to shorten travel time. It was the later issue that doomed the proposal from the start as it had the opposite effect and made travel longer. The Shell Lake and Frederic school boards joined a choir of school boards around the state objecting to the added cost of transportation at a time they were making cuts in their budgets. WIAA said it will re-evaluate the proposal and come back again to address those issues. The issue of parochial schools from larger populated cities is not being addressed. Schools like Regis, while having a school population of 213, are able to draw student athletes from the Eau Claire Chippewa Falls area making it difficult for small rural schools to compete with them.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010 Vol. 120, No. 24• Shell Lake, Wisconsin

Kindergarten Doc

Spooner Elementary School kindergarteners came to school dressed for the career they’d like to have when they grow up on Wannabe Day held Friday, Jan. 29. Britney Wiemeri came as a doctor. More photos on page 11. – Photo by Regan Kohler

Possibility of adult entertainment district near Beaver Brook

by Regan Kohler SPOONER – The city of Spooner is moving closer to creating an adult entertainment district, after the plan commission met Tuesday, Jan. 26, in city hall. The commission began working on creating a venue for adult entertainment, which includes nude dancing, after a Main Street bar owner, Kip Olson, told the city council he planned to start having topless dancers at his establishment to bring in more business. The city ordinance prevents liquor-licensed establishments from having nudity or acts simulating sex, citing potential secondary effects like prostitution and crime. However, performance arts centers are exempt from this part of the ordinance. Olson had tried to denote Moe’s Place as such, but it was not properly zoned for this. He has since been looking to have bikini dancers – similar to go-go dancers, he said, and wearing beach-ready bikinis. According to a Supreme Court ruling the city has cited many times, nude dancing is considered a form of free


speech, so banning it outright would be in violation of the First Amendment. The plan commission then began working on creating a separate district exclusively for adult entertainment, while studying secondary effects of strip clubs in other towns. A public hearing was held, as well. The city found a potential district, on 1-1/2 acres of land in an industrial park area at the end of West Beaverbrook Avenue, Beaver Brook. This area is past the fairgrounds, close to a sewage treatment plant. The city also suggested a minimum distance of 300 feet, for a setback, from any residential area. Tuesday night, Mayor Gary Cuskey said that the city already owns property to the east of this area, and found the city would have no problem acquiring this land. City attorney Jeff Kohler added that there is no obligation to purchase the land to the west, though there would be the courtesy of notifying those who own nearby property. Of the potential land, Cuskey said, “It’s really not developable. Most of it is

swampland.” This would ensure a buffer, Cuskey added. Kohler provided the city and Olson with a letter he’d drafted to the district, saying it would be a good idea to spell out that adult entertainment is not permitted in any other district. The liquor ordinance would not change, either, so alcohol would not be allowed on the premises. Kohler said a public hearing must be held on the matter, and the Beaver Brook town clerk would need to be notified 10 days prior to it, as the zone would be within 1,000 feet of the town’s border. The commission suggested holding the hearing at 4 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 23, followed by their regular meeting at 4:30 p.m., in city hall. Commissioner Rick Coquillette moved to recommend scheduling the hearing, with a draft of the potential adult entertainment ordinance made available to the public beforehand. The recommendation came before the council Tuesday, Feb. 2.

“On t h e s h o re s o f b e au ti fu l S he l l L a k e” • www.wcregister.net

Welcome back from Iraq


Max and Annie Bryan have a lot of time to make up after his return from Iraq. “Freedom to come and go as I please is one of the things I missed, just to be able to go for a simple walk,” said Bryan.

Proud father and returning Iraq Pete veteran Hopke is happy to be matside to watch his son wrestle. Dillon is just happy to see his father back home.

Glad to be back from his 10-month tour in Iraq, Don Pashby poses with his family, Connor, Aimee and Logan, at the potluck held after services at the United Methodist Church on Sunday, Jan. 31. Don thanked everyone for the love he received, “You made me feel like a hero. The love I received from God through you helped me through some difficult times. I really, really thank you for taking care of my family while I was gone.”

Tougher restrictions for bringing firewood onto state lands

STATEWIDE - Firewood brought onto state land would have to come from within 25 miles of the property, under a rule passed by the DNR Board Wednesday, Jan. 27. It’s another attempt to control invasive species, like the emerald ash borer, Asian long-horned beetle and wood wasps. When the emerald ash borer started approaching Wisconsin, the DNR said firewood being brought onto state land had to come from within the state and within 50 miles of the property. That was to try to reduce the chance that the pest would hitchhike in from infested areas. The DNR’s Andrea Diss-Torrance says the new rule to reduce the allowable fire-

n bu r h s Wa nty u o C

wood distance to 25 miles is a response to changing conditions. Diss-Torrance said at recent public hearings, some people asked that no firewood from any distance be brought onto state land. But she says it would have been nearly impossible to meet firewood needs from just within a state park or forest. Diss-Torrance says the new firewood restriction will likely take effect this spring. She says people who violate the rule will have their firewood confiscated. But she says the DNR has not been ticketing any violators. - Chuck Quirmbach, WHAD-Delafield/Milwaukee


The Shell Lake community welcomes back three of its National Guardsmen.

Photos by Larry Samson

Anderson and Anderson and...

Your Community Newspaper PO Box 455 • Shell Lake, WI 54871

Published by the Inter-County Cooperative Publishing Association Frederic, WI 54837 Doug Panek, manager • Gary King, editor Phone: (715) 468-2314 • Fax: (715) 468-4900 Deadline for news/ads: Mondays @ noon

E-mail us at: wcregister@centurytel.net

Staff Suzanne Johnson....office manager Regan Kohler.....reporter Larry Samson.....reporter

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548xx ZIP code, $19.00 Wisconsin & Minnesota, $24.00 Elsewhere in U.S., $26.00

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Published every Wednesday at Frederic, WI. Periodicals postage paid at Shell Lake, WI. Postmaster: send address changes to P.O. Box 455, Shell Lake, WI 54871

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Team Anderson? Shown are Angie and her daughter, Ashley, Emma, and her mother, Christy. To clear up any confusion, the two families are not related except in the love for the girls basketball program. Ashley is in her last year of Laker basketball, and Emma is in her first year after moving in from South Dakota. — Photos by Larry Samson

Recycling partnership may end


by Regan Kohler SHELL LAKE – A recycling contract between Washburn and Burnett counties may come to an end, after questions were answered at the solid waste committee’s meeting Wednesday, Jan. 27, in the Elliott Building, Shell Lake. The two counties have had a joint recycling program since 1991, with representatives from both sitting on the Recycling Control Commission, which is part of the Northwest Regional Planning Commission. This past October, however, there was talk of rescinding the agreement, and having each county manage its own program. The NWRPC contract would end, as well. Wednesday morning, committee Chair Tim Brabec said, “I think we can save some money,” by working independently. He said that the committee’s estimate of savings was roughly $50,000. Brabec sent some questions to Bob Germer, Department of Natural Resources, for discussion that day. Germer said that 10 years ago, a recycling grant program was consolidated in Madison, based on 1999 data and population size of responsible units, which are the towns or counties that manage their programs. Brabec had asked where the county

would apply for such a grant, and Germer’s response was that RUs can apply electronically at the DNR’s Web site. They are due by Oct. 1, 2010, to be eligible for 2011 grants, or the RU could face a reduced amount. County Administrative Coordinator/ Finance Director Mike Keefe said that this year, the grant amount would be $119,000, and Germer added that for the last three years, it has been about this much. Another question asked was what kind of matching funds would be required for a grant, and Germer said this was not required, if the county’s program could be run entirely on that amount. In his written response, Germer said, “When you submit your application, you will estimate what your eligible recycling costs will be for 2011. Your grant award is determined by the percentage of the current appropriation as was received, or would’ve been received, for 1999 grants, but not more than their net eligible costs for the entire year.” However, Germer said that the calculation process makes it impossible to give an estimate of how the grant award would change, with RUs changing their

statuses. Only residential recycling expenses are grant-eligible. Another aspect of a grant is that an RU prove the community has been properly educated on the recycling program, and annual reports must be done, Germer said. Washburn County, though, has been meeting and exceeding its standards, he added. RCC member Barbara Love said that the program does not have businesses recycling picked up. Businesses also cannot utilize the drop-off sites, which are for residential recycling only. Germer said that an RU still has to work with the businesses within its jurisdiction, and a business can contract directly with a recycling company. Unfortunately, he said, they have to spend money. RCC member Jen Barton said that there have been warnings issued for violations of the program, such as people putting recyclables in the wrong bins, or businesses dumping cardboard at the drop-off site, but it is nearly impossible to monitor this. “It’s kind of hard to prove,” she said. Burnett County representative Chuck Awe said that at a gross level, it is being

monitored, since weight standards must be met. Germer said that there are no resources to monitor every incoming load, though there have been cases in which the landfill notifies the DNR of an abnormal load. Awe said that if someone in his county is not set up for a recycling program, they could be fined because the assumption is that they are throwing recycling into trash. Committee Vice Chair Dan Hubin said that there are so many loopholes, as the person could claim he or she brings it to a drop-off site, which many do. “All you can do is encourage,” he said. Hubin mentioned that in his township, Shell Lake, curbside recycling is mandatory, with a separate charge. It was said that Washburn County uses one vendor for all recycling. County clerk Lynn Hoeppner asked about burn barrels for garbage, and Germer said there has been an ongoing campaign to work toward discouraging these. “That’s been a problem for years,” he said.

by Regan Kohler SPOONER – Nearly a year after issues arose with downtown Spooner taverns, the safety and licensing committee congratulated the owners and police department on good work Tuesday, Jan. 26, in city hall. Committee Chair Esa Everroad said that there were many complaints about bar fights and messes in the mornings on Main Street, so the city began the process of working with the taverns on preventing any trouble.

Over the spring and summer, though there was some contention from bars that felt they were being singled out, the city worked with owners on suggested guidelines for patrons and bartenders, and many tavern owners looked for ways to prevent messes outside, such as vomit, broken bottles and cigarette butts on the Main Street sidewalk. The police department enforcement also was heightened. Tuesday afternoon, Everroad said that by fall, Main Street was cleaner, and Po-

lice Chief Bob Andrea said that the number of bar fights and messes were down. “It looks like most of those issues have been handled,” Everroad said. “I think the police department’s in a real good place. Everybody’s got peace downtown, pretty much.” “It’s improved immensely,” Andrea added. Everroad congratulated the police department and committee, as well as the bar owners. She said that winter has also been better, though people aren’t out

much, and the city will have to wait until spring to see if it stays this way. Committee member Fred Schluter said he felt bar owners were now better informed, and that there was an understanding between them and the city. “I really appreciate the cooperation,” added committee member Larry Stelter. Mayor Gary Cuskey said that though it was a difficult time, the bar and community communication became better, with awareness raised on what isn’t considered good behavior.

MADISON – Right now, modest-income families and senior citizens can be taken advantage of by predatory loans at tax time. Don’t be one of them. If you have yet to file your taxes but want a fast refund, don’t use the refund anticipation loans that are heavily advertised during tax season. Instead, use an existing deposit account with a financial institution (or open one) to get a fast, free tax refund via direct deposit. And if you need help filing, use the free assistance provided by free tax preparation sites around the state. The sites operate in a variety of community settings with coordination from The Department of Revenue, IRS and AARP.

Besides preparing tax forms, many sites offer assistance – through credit union volunteers – to open or use existing accounts for direct deposit. Besides avoiding charges for tax preparation, consumers who receive their tax refunds via direct deposit into a savings account pay nothing to receive their refund – and they get it just as quickly as if they had used a RAL through a paid tax preparation firm. RALs, which are nothing more than high-cost, short-term loans secured by an expected refund, are bad for consumers and for Wisconsin. A typical RAL siphons as much as $250 off a typical refund of $2,600 – money that low-income

people can’t afford to lose. Douglas County lost a whopping $196,750 to RAL costs in 2006. What’s more, RALs siphon away from filers the tax benefit they should be receiving in the form of the Earned Income Tax Credit. In 2006, as much as $123,750 in Earned Income Tax Credit benefit was siphoned away from low-income tax filers in Douglas County using high cost RALs. These costly loans also drain economic activity from local economies – from the businesses where we all work, shop and recreate. It’s estimated that money flowing out of low- and middle-income neighborhoods can have a multiplier ef-

fect of 1.5 to 2 per dollar. In other words, the estimated RAL fees extracted from federal Earned Income Tax Credit recipients in Douglas County alone in 2006 actually had the effect of denying Douglas County nearly a quarter of a million dollars in total economic activity. Even if you plan to use a paid preparation service, or e-file on your own, you can still use a new or existing deposit account to get your refund with no additional fees. Visit www.freetaxrefund.org for more information. – submitted

Congrats extended on downtown cleanup

See Recycling, page 5

Jauch, Milroy announce free tax assistance

Shell Lake FFA Quiz Bowl team takes fifirrst The Shell Lake FFA Quiz Bowl team received first place during the district FFA speaking contest held Jan. 19. Students from Ashland, Cumberland, Frederic, Luck, Maple Northwestern, Shell Lake and Spooner participated in the contest held in Shell Lake. Members of the Shell Lake Quiz Bowl team are (L to R): Ryan Melton, Cody Mayer, Rachel Mechtel and Sam Livingston. — Photo submitted

T h e

R e g i s t e r

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c o o p e r a t i v e - o w n e d

n e w s p a p e r


Letters to the editor

Stand up for America’s working class

Over the last couple of weeks, I’ve watched Glenn Beck rail against President Obama’s idea of a windfall profits tax on oil companies as yet another example of the dreaded progressivism, and socialism, threatening the liberty and freedom of the American people. Beck practically suggested that such progressive measures will lead inevitably to horrors such as the Holocaust, Stalinist Gulags and the re-education camps of Maoist China. What he failed to mention is that this is exactly what Sarah Palin did while she was the governor of Alaska. That’s right, Sarah Palin, by Glenn Beck’s definition, is a progressive, even a socialist.

In 2007, Gov. Palin and the Alaska Legislature imposed a windfall profits tax on oil companies operating on Alaska’s north slope.The tax resulted in a budget surplus for the state, and according to news reports in 2008, the state was expected to issue a check to every man, woman and child in Alaska to the tune of roughly $3,000. This is an example of what Beck refers to as the evil “wealth redistribution” which will, according to him, ultimately lead to gas chambers, prison and communist/zombie mind control. Yet, as far as I know, no one in Alaska has been hauled off to prison in the middle of the night, or killed, or zombified,

by either ACORN workers or SEIU organizers. Rather, Alaskans are likely able to pay down some of their debt, help their kids with their college tuition, or maybe take the family on a well-earned little vacation. So why would Beck go to bat for the oil companies instead of standing up for America’s working- and middle-class families? It kind of makes you wonder who he is, and who he really works for. Maybe we should demand to see his birth certificate.

The recent Shell Lake/Spooner Bloodmobile drive was held Jan. 29 and 29. We were able to collect 148 units of blood. The bloodmobile counts on many individuals and organizations to help make it possible. Gratitude is extended to: The donor callers: IMC staff: Joni Parker, Lauralei Anderson, Laurel Stuseh and Tammy Clausen. Canteen workers: Wanda Zeug, Sandy Wenzler, Sue Heilborn, Shirley Lewis, Kay Rand, Shirley Hile and Mary Harrington. Shell Lake Lions and America Legion Post 225 for donation of canteen food and supplies; Indianhead Medical Center dietary for lunches for the bloodmobile staff; United Methodist Church, Shell Lake, for the use of their facilities, Washburn County Register and Spooner Advocate for ad-

vertising. Greeters: Trudy Druschba, Deb Glessing, Linda Nielsen, Linda King and Doris Laurasen. The Shell Lake city crew for helping set up, Mike Elliott and Chad Shelton, cleanup, and of course, the many blood donors that came to give. Amounts to be acknowledged include: Jerome Markgren 11 gallons; Joni Park and David Yndestad four gallons; Karl Deutsch, Tammy Holman and Mike Cox two gallons; Lesa Dahlstrom, Edward Campbell, Carol Graf, Jim Schmitz, Brett Heino and Sandy Jacobson, one gallon. First-time donors were Marilyn Anderson, Kristina Alwine, Dori Simpson and Jonathan Lawrence. We also had several people give double red cell, which counts as two units per person. They were Chuck Du Frain,

Lloyd Tripp, Jerome Markgren, Gene Harrington, Tom Cusick, Sandra Wenzler, Philip Hedlund, John Hedlund, Phil Holmgren, Don Dahlstrom, Phil Markgren, Jeff Parker, Larry Fletcher, Gary Campbell, Tammy Holman, Greg Roth, Kevin Sohn, Al Cusick, Mike Schroeder, Joe Fitzgerald, Dale Compeau, Sandy Breitenfeld, David Yndestad, W. Brett Heino and Steve Esser. Giving blood usually takes about one hour from your day and one unit can help save up to three lives. Please consider becoming a blood donor. It really is a rewarding experience!

Bloodmobile thanks

Steve Carlson Trego

Diane Reynolds and Trudy Druschba, coordinators

Relative grain quality:why it matters

SPOONER — The Spooner Area UWExtension Office is holding its annual Northern Wisconsin Agriculture Safari program on Fridays from 10:30 a.m. to noon at the Spooner Ag Research Station. The final topic of this four-week series, to be held Feb. 5 is titled “Relative Grain Quality: Why it matters to northern Wisconsin Farmers.” Pat Hoffman, UWExtension dairy scientist from the Marshfield Agricultural Research Station, will discuss the latest research that explains

why not all corn grain is created equal when it comes to feeding livestock. For many years, farmers and livestock nutritionists have recognized that not all corn provides the same energy or nutrition to the animals that eat it. New research has identified a group of proteins called prolamins, which interfere with starch digestion. Hoffman will explain this research and how it relates to corn varieties grown in northern Wisconsin. Farmers and live-

stock nutritionists will also learn how a new relative grain quality test can identify prolamins and improve livestock performance. There is no cost for these programs. Preregistration is requested but not required. For more information contact Kevin Schoessow or Otto Wiegand at the Spooner Area UW-Extension Office at 715-635-3506 or 800-528-1914. — from UW-Extension

SPOONER — The U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service has announced that the Wisconsin sign-up for the Wildlife Habitat Incentives Program will be open until Friday, Feb. 19, for 2010 funding. The Wildlife Habitat Incentives Program provides technical assistance and

cost-sharing to restore wildlife habitat. Depending on the site, streams, prairies and oak savannahs and other types of habitat, including habitat for pollinators, may qualify to be restored. Conservation practices such as brush management, conservation cover — establishing warm season or cool season grasses and

prescribed burning are just a few of the practices offered through the WHIP program. For more information, visit www.wi.nrcs.usda.gov, or contact the NRCS office at in Spooner at 715-6358228, ext. 3. — from NRCS

USDA offers conservation opportunities for farm and wildlife lands

Where to write

President Barack Obama 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Washington, D.C. 20500 president@whitehouse.gov

Governor Jim Doyle 115 East, State Capitol Bldg. Mailing address: P.O. Box 7863 Madison, WI 53707 wisgov@mail.state.wi.us

Congressman David Obey 7th Congressional District 2462 Rayburn Office Bldg. Washington, D.C. 20515 or Wisconsin office: Federal Building Wausau, WI 54401 (715) 398-4426 No e-mail address available

Rep. Mary Hubler 75th Assembly District Room 7 North, State Capitol P.O. Box 8952 Madison, WI 53708 or 1966 21-7/8 St. (Hawthorne Lane), Rice Lake 54868 (715) 234-7421• (608) 266-2519 rep.hubler@legis.state.wi.us

Rep. Nick Milroy 73rd Assembly District Room 8 North State Capitol P.O. Box 8953 Madison 53708 E-mail: Rep.Milroy@legis.wisconsin.gov (608) 266-0640 Senator Robert Jauch 25th Senate District Room 19 South State Capitol P.O. Box 7882 Madison, WI 53707 E-mail: Sen.Jauch@legis.state.wi.us U.S. Senator Russ Feingold SDB 40, Rm. 1 Washington, D.C. 20510 or 8383 Greenway Blvd. Middleton, WI 53562 (608) 828-1200 senator@feingold.senate.gov

U.S. Senator Herb Kohl 330 Hart Senate Office Bldg. Washington, D.C. 20510 senator_kohl@kohl.senate.gov

Washburn County

Register •

Your community newspaper

Register staff

Celebrating with the grandchildren Dorothy Lashmitt was surrounded by a few of her 35 great-grandchildren that had come to help celebrate her 80th birthday. Friends and family gathered at the United Methodist Church in Shell Lake, Saturday, Jan. 23. — Photo by Larry Samson

Editor Gary King Phone: 715-327-4236 E-mail: wcregister@centurytel.net

Office manager Suzanne Johnson Phone: 715-468-2314 Fax: 715-468-4900 E-mail: washburn@centurytel.net

Writers Regan Kohler Larry Samson Phone: 715-468-2314 E-mail: washburn@centurytel.net Ad representative Jackie Moody Phone: 715-468-2314 Composition Jackie Thorwick


Planning for annual gala under way by Regan Kohler SHELL LAKE – The Shell Lake Arts Center is planning for its sixth-annual Evening with the Stars Gala, which is set for Saturday, May 15, at 7 p.m. The gala team meets monthly to work on the event, which is held to raise funds ensuring quality programs remain at the center, and also to raise awareness of its programs, which include summer music and theater camps, concerts and competitions, and other events. The gala will feature a variety of entertainment, including Cruz with Roxy, the Skyway Jazz Orchestra and the Arts Center All Start Jazz Ensemble in the gym. There will be a German beer garden with a polka band in one of the labs, a casino in the choir room, and dance band Duck for the Oyster will perform

in the cafeteria. Local singer Kurt Kunkel is also set to perform, and other musicians may be added as time progresses. The night’s emcee will be Greg Keel. The gala always has a silent auction and door prizes, and a buffet. Tickets will be $30 per person, or $50 per couple. Donors of $30 or more will receive complimentary tickets. This year, Shell Lake Community Education is offering swing dancing classes for three weeks at the Arts Center, encouraging people to try this style at the gala, and also at July’s Arts Center tribute concert. Complimentary tickets for the gala will be given to those who participate. The goal this year is to have at least 200 people attending; in the past, it has come close.

Love said that her township, Stinnett, prohibits burn barrels, and residents are notified of this law in tax mailings. Barton said she had videos she could send out about the health risks of burning. Cardboard is actually OK to burn, she said, but plastic is not. Brabec had asked if the entire program could be contracted out, and Germer responded that RUs are free to establish whatever they determine is most fiscally sound, be it a drop-off site, a hired collection service or a combination. Since the 1990s, Germer said, when the state began a recycling program, the

DNR developed a template with guidelines on ordinances for RU recycling. He said many took it as their own, and that an RU can tweak it as they want. Washburn County has its own ordinance, he added. Brabec said that Barron County insists all trash be incinerated, and Washburn County could consider doing this. Germer reiterated education as a necessity, as one of Brabec’s questions had been whether or not a percentage needed to be spent on public awareness. Germer said that RUs are required to have an effective recycling education program, and that it is an eligible expense. “Education has probably been the strongest thing that we’ve seen happen around the state,” he said of recycling effectiveness. Single-stream recycling, in which all materials are kept together when dropped off and separated at the recycling site, was brought up. The counties recently went to single-stream. Germer

Recycling/from page 3


Born at Indianhead Medical Center A girl, Isabelle June Mensen, born Jan. 28, 2010, to Dawn Goerler and Bret Mensen Jr., Shell Lake. •••

Shell Lake Lions Calendar Winners

Jan. 25 - $30 Terry Johnson, Shell Lake Jan. 26 - $30 Mary & Kevin Casey, Apple Valley, Minn. Jan. 27 - $30 Jerry Thompson, Spooner Jan. 28 - $30 Gloria & Anton Frey, Sarona Jan. 29 - $300 Debbie Glessing, Shell Lake

Shell Lake Woodcrafters Winners also announced on WJMC FM Radio

Temps & levels Temperatures recorded at

Spooner Ag Research Station

2009 Jan. 25 Jan. 26 Jan. 27 Jan. 28 Jan. 29 Jan. 30 Jan. 31

2010 Jan. 25

Jan. 26 Jan. 27 Jan. 28 Jan. 29 Jan. 30 Jan. 31

Hi 7 4 4 12 14 17 24

Lo -17 -22 -24 -15 -5 -19 -16

24 11 7 5 10 16

8 -2 -9 -19 -18 -15

Hi 33

Lo 22


.9” snow Precip. .61” rain/ 3.5” snow 1.4” snow

Lions calendar winner Debbie Glessing, Shell Lake, was presented with a check for $300 from Shell Lake Lions Club member Brad Newman for being the January Lions $300 calendar winner. — Photo by Regan Kohler

said the biggest quandary was proving to the public that everything is recycled. Love said she had heard it took a “phenomenal” amount of money to set up single-stream, but one of Brabec’s questions was if there were any incentives to return to multiple sorting, and the answer was no. “I don’t see us going back to sort-separating again,” Germer said. Brabec said there has been duplication of services, with residents doubly paying for recycling through the haulers and through taxes. He said this needed to be eliminated. Another of his questions was if an ordinance could be passed that mandated waste collection companies to require individual recycling. Germer said no, that the RU must require it, but be able to request that the haulers assist in monitoring residential responses. “The RU would follow the enforcement section of their ordinance in dealing with noncomplying residents or businesses,” he said in his response.

Germer said the only reason an RU might not receive the grant is if the DNR proves they are failing in their methods, or that the program is ineffective. They have also withheld grants if an RU doesn’t complete an annual report, he added. Awe asked that the RCC look at the efficiency and effectiveness of the current recycling contract, and that figures on what it is getting for the money now, and how doing it independently would save. Germer said in his response that the DNR needs a formal document dissolving the partnership with NWRPC. If the county partners with a different RU, the DNR would need a copy of the agreement, as well as if Washburn County proceeds as a single RU. The committee postponed drafting a resolution to withdraw until next month. Brabec said they do need to know by April, so Burnett County is informed, and the resolution can be rescinded.

Swendsen. The party was given by Mrs. Don Postle, Mrs. Bob Mercier, Mrs. Dave Swendsen and Mrs. Mark Tomasiak. • Boys and girls could earn a free bike by selling 15 new subscriptions to the Register.

daughter, Jane, to Washington, D.C., where Jane was invited to Georgetown University for an interview for medical school.

Register Memories

1950 - 60 years ago

• The Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha Railway filed application with the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin to discontinue passenger service on the Hudson, Spooner, Ashland line. • The Girl Scouts had a doll party. Each Scout brought her doll and told something about it. Joan Masterjohn had the oldest doll. Mrs. Hering and her doll, Gwendola, were guests. Beverly Braun, Leila Christiansen and Kristin Garnhart served lunch. • School was in session after a threeday snowdrift vacation. • Mrs. Gloria Tomasiak was working in the county treasurer’s office during the absence of Mrs. Hazel Nelson, deputy.

1960 - 50 years ago

• Officers of the newly established Shell Lake Lions Club were Duane Flogstad, president; Ralph Trumble, first vice president; Jake Gullickson, second vice president; Jack Blume, third vice president; Victor Johnson, secretary; Dale Larson, treasurer; Donald Aderman, Lion tamer; Darrell Aderman, tail twister; and Donn Dinnies, director for two years. • Members of the physical fitness panel at the PTA meeting in the new grammar school were Dr. D.V. Moen; Joann Nyberg, county nurse; Mrs. Walter Hubin, teacher in the Shell Lake School system; Neil Koeneman, physical education instructor at Shell Lake; and Dr. Dale Larson, dentist. • A baby shower for Mrs. Glen Nordin was held at the home of Ms. Dave

1970 - 40 years ago

• Madelyn C. Foley was named Shell Lake Schools Betty Crocker Homemaker of the Year. • A stray bullet from a high-powered rifle passed through the outside wall and into the living room of the Marlin Larson home east of Shell Lake. • James Johnson was the new 4-H and youth agent for Washburn County. • Frank Brussel, Shell Lake, turned 98 years young.

1980 - 30 years ago

• For the first time in Shell Lake wrestling history, Shell Lake wrestlers received state recognition. Matmen receiving honorable mention for midseason ranks were Fred Johnson, Joe Hile, Ed McGraw, Tom Elliott and Dan Elliott. • Mr. and Mrs. Richard (Jack) Parks celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary with an open house at Lake Park Alliance Church. • Motivated by the desire to see her son, Tim, stationed with the Navy at Pearl Harbor, Stella Cusick, along with Sally Krueger, Hazel Krantz, Helen Ahasay and Vi Strand, visited four islands of Hawaii. As they were leaving for home from the Honolulu airport, they were greeted by Harold and Kathleen Bennewitz and the Ernest Klingers who were just arriving. • Mary Dinnies accompanied her

1990 - 20 years ago

• Members elected to the Washburn County Farmers Union were Dale Hubin, Pete Viltz, Allen Lawrence, Lois Stellrecht, Robert Haddick, Frank Johnecheck and Greg Odden. • Receiving scholarships from the Washburn County Farmers Union in the amount of $250 were Todd Ullom and Larry Graber. • To date, $58,000 had been raised for the Indianhead Medical Center Emergency Room Fund. • Washburn County Board of Supervisors voted 18-1 to proceed in the further development of a new $1.8 million jail.

2000 - 10 years ago

• Gloria Carlson, Shell Lake, retired after working 30-1/2 years at the Indianhead Medical Center as a housekeeper. Paul Naglosky, hospital administrator, presented her with a gift at a retirement party held in her honor. • Don Bruce, driving school bus for the Shell Lake School District, was stopped to pick up students when Nicole Dahlstrom could not stop her vehicle on slippery roads and collided lightly with the rear of the bus. No injuries were reported and only minor damage was caused to both vehicles. • Matt Cleary was the new Shell Lake Junior High School social studies teacher. He replaced Tony Gulan. • Glen and Brenda Albee were included on the NFO top-quality list.


Allysha Feeney

Miss Shell Lake candidate

SHELL LAKE — Brighter Planet of Middlebury, Vt., selected Happy Tonics Climate Change Native Habitat Community Garden Shell Lake grant proposal to be voted on Feb.1-15. The nonprofit 501(c)(3) environmental education organization and public charity asks that you vote for their approved green idea at http://brighterplanet.com/project_fund _projects/100. Brighter Planet, a nonprofit environmental organization, is dedicated to reducing carbon footprints through social networking. At 100,000 customers strong, Brighter Planet helps raise seed money for small grassroots organizations

Allysha Feeney – Photo by Barb Ray vidual interviews and a meet-and-greet reception with the judges, and onstage, participate in a group dance, perform an individual talent and answer a final question while wearing a formal gown. Feeney said that so far, the best part of the experience has been getting to know the other girls while making new friends. For her talent she plans to play the saxophone. Feeney is sponsored by Shell Lake Marine and Spooner Tax Professionals. The pageant, Revolution of Dance, is $5 in advance or $8 at the door. Tickets can be purchased from any of the candidates.

across the country. Registered members are invited to vote for the best ideas to combat or adapt to climate change. This is not the first time Happy Tonics has submitted a grant proposal to the social network. In 2009, Happy Tonics participated in the National Geographic Green Effect Winning Ideas for a Better World grant process sponsored by Sun Chips. Although other worthy causes won the grants, it just proves that social networking is a new and exciting platform for gaining national attention and grants. — from Happy Tonics

Northwest Wisconsin Baseball Coaches Clinic to be in Cumberland CUMBERLAND — The 26th-annual Northwest Wisconsin Baseball Coaches Clinic will be held at Nezzy’s Sports Bar in Cumberland on Saturday, Feb. 6, from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Listen to some of the best clinicians in the country and share a day of baseball knowledge. On tap this year are Minnesota Twins General Manager Bill Smith, UW-Whitewater head Coach John Vodenlich, Major League Umpire Tim

Tschida, and three of the top high school coaches in Wisconsin — Marty Paulsen of Fond du Lac, Rob Hamilton of Sun Prairie and Ryan McGinnis of Kimberly. There is no preregistration. Meal is included in the $50 cost. Proceeds go to the Cumberland Baseball Association to support youth baseball. For questions, call Mark Fuller, Cumberland head baseball coach, at 715-7900109. — submitted

DULUTH, Minn. — The University of Minnesota Duluth has announced its dean’s list for the fall semester. Students on the dean’s list have achieved a gradepoint average of 3.5 or higher. Local students named are: Sarona: Amanda L. Zaloudek, education and human service, unified early child study; Spooner: Gregory J. Bronson, Labovitz School of Bus. and Econ., management; Jordan M. Bronson, College of Liberal Arts, chemistry; and Dane G. Broome, College of Liberal Arts, Spanish/international studies. — from MinnesotaLink •••

mation systems; Sadie Foss, education and human sciences, kinesiology; Siren: Ashley Provo, education and human sciences, special education; Spooner: Kaitlyn Carlton, education and human sciences, special education; Matthew Maki, business, accounting; Jody Peck, education and human sciences, elementary education; Chase Sova, arts and sciences, Spanish; Trego: Jessica Tyler, education and human sciences, special education. — from WisconsinLink ••• MANKATO, Minn. — Jonathan Kay, Shell Lake, was named to the dean’s high honors list for the past fall semester at Minnesota State University, Mankato. A total of 715 students qualified for the high-honor list by achieving a 4.0 straight A average. — from NewsLink ••• GRINNELL, Iowa — Robert D. Stewart, Spooner, has been named to the Grinnell College dean’s list for the fall semester. To make the dean’s list, students must have a grade-point average of 3.75 or above. — from Grinnell College •••

Academic news

EAU CLAIRE — The University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire has named 1,828 undergraduate students to its dean’s lists for the 2009 fall semester. Students from the area who were selected for the dean’s lists are: Birchwood: Amy George, education and human sciences, communication sciences and disorders; Jessica Lane, arts and sciences, sociology; Sarona: Rebekah Tripp, education and human sciences, social work; Shell Lake: John Cusick, business, infor-

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by Regan Kohler SHELL LAKE – Allysha Feeney, 15, is one of two candidates running for Miss Shell Lake 2010 Saturday, March 6, at 7 p.m. in the Arts Center. Feeney is the daughter of Patty and Rich, sister to Johannah and Richy. A freshman at Shell Lake High School, she is involved in FFA, plays the tenor and alto saxophones in band, and is a SMILES mentor. Outside of school, she loves reading, playing Nintendo Wii, sledding, shopping, enjoying pizza, hanging out with friends and text messaging people. After graduation, she hopes to attend college, either in Eau Claire or the Bahamas, to become a pediatrician. “After I get started on my career, I hope to get married and start a family,” she added. Feeney said she was inspired to run after seeing her sister win the title of Miss Shell Lake last year, and the good times she had while participating in parades. “I thought it’d be really fun to have the experience she had,” she said. Also, Feeney said, “I am running because I would like to represent the wonderful town of Shell Lake and get rid of my fear of public speaking.” When asked how she could best represent the city, Feeney said, “I think that I am a good role model for the younger kids.” She said she is kind to others and good at communicating. The Miss Shell Lake candidates, which include Junior Miss and Little Miss Shell Lake competitions, meet every Sunday at the Methodist Church to rehearse for the pageant. The girls must go through indi-

Brighter Planet sponsors Happy Tonics grant proposal


North Memorial Ambulance celebrates 20 years service National study ranks North Memorial Hospital No. 1 in cardiac care

WEBSTER — North Memorial’s Wisconsin ambulance operations has recently celebrated 20 years of service to the people it serves in Burnett and Washburn counties. “In an effort to celebrate our 20 years of service, we have elected to focus our efforts at educating and informing the people in the communities we serve with regular communications that inform the public about who we are and what it is we do,” stated Joe Walsh, manager for North Memorial’s Wisconsin ambulance operations.

That’s when the fight started

As we turn the calendar to the month of February, we start to see pink and red heart-shaped items appearing in advertising. For some, thoughts turn to ways to express love to their loved ones in a special way. I receive e-mails from Jerry Chartraw. He is the husband of my friend, Gerry, of Gerry’s 5th Avenue just down the hall from my office in Lake Mall. From one of those e-mails, I have to comment on this paragraph that was amongst a list of several topics that ended with the sentence, “And that’s when the fight started…” Not written by Jerry to Gerry, the e-mail contained this, “I asked my wife, ‘Where do you Suzanne want to go for our anniversary?’ Johnson It warmed my heart to see her face melt in sweet appreciation. ‘Somewhere I haven’t been in a long time!’ she said. So I suggested, ‘How about the kitchen?’ And that’s when the fight started ...” This comment reminds me of the time Milt and I hosted a version of the Newlywed Game at a sweetheart banquet held at the former Swiss Chalet. Couples were asked a variety of questions and one was, “Where will your husband say is his favorite place to eat?” All the women gave answers with the name of a favorite restaurant. The men on the other hand gave answers such as, “In front of the TV,” or “in the kitchen,” and “out on the patio.” Another question that may take a man off guard is when he is asked to name his wife’s favorite flower. If he says, “Gold Medal All-Purpose,” a fight might get started. I would suggest if you are a man reading this and are wondering what special gift you could get for your special someone, think flower not flour.

About North Memorial North Memorial has provided more than 50 years of service to communities in the northwestern Twin Cities Metro and currently has more than 5,000 employees. North Memorial includes North Memorial Medical Center, a Level I Trauma Center and North Memorial Ambulance, which operates 120 ground ambulances and eight helicopters located throughout Minnesota and northwestern Wisconsin. In addition to being recognized for its outstanding emergency and trauma services, North Memorial is recognized for its heart and stroke care, oncology services, women and children’s services and numerous primary care and specialty clinics located throughout the northwest Metro. For more information visit www.northmemorial.com. This year, North Memorial Health Care was rated No. 1 in Minnesota for overall cardiac care and is among the top 5 percent in overall cardiac care in the nation for the third year in a row (2008-2010) according to a comprehensive annual study released today by HealthGrades, the leading independent health-care ratings organization. The HealthGrades study annually assesses patient outcomes – mortality and complication rates – at virtually all of the nation’s nearly 5,000 nonfederal hospitals.

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The Washburn County Register newspaper office will be closing at 2:30 p.m. on Friday, February 5. 504675 24r

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The new 2010 HealthGrades hospital ratings were recently posted at www.healthgrades.com, HealthGrades’ public Web site. For a complete listing of HealthGrades ratings and rankings visit www.northmemorial.com. Why is the award that North Memorial received important to the residents of Burnett and Washburn counties? According to Walsh, “the excellent quality that North Memorial provides does not end at the doors of the hospital; it extends to the ambulance service and all of our staff. We receive our medical direction, training and structure from one of the highest ranked hospitals in cardiac care and a level-one trauma center which has been in the ambulance business for nearly 50 years.” North Memorial Ambulance provides ambulance service in numerous rural communities and northern Hennepin County in Minnesota in addition to providing service in northwestern Wisconsin. If you are interested in more information regarding North Memorial Health Care and or its ambulance service you can visit www.northmemorial.com or contact Walsh, manager, North Memorial Ambulance Service, Wisconsin Region at 715-866-7990. — from North Memorial


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Volunteer opportunities

The Shell Lake After-School Program needs volunteers to help: • Knitting or crocheting, once a week or once a month from 5:15 to 6 p.m. • Homework help from 4:15 to 5:15 p.m. Monday, Tuesday or Thursday with first- through sixth-graders. • Readers Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, to read to any student K-6 from 4:15-4:45 p.m. or from 5:15 to 5:45 p.m. For more information, call Kris Brunberg at 715-468-1206, ext. 1205. ••• Terraceview Living Center, looking for volunteers to help quilt tote bags, Monday afternoons, starting at 1 p.m., at Terraceview. ••• The Shell Lake Public Library is in need of a 10th- to 12thgrade student volunteer. Those interested would need to commit to a regular schedule and be motivated. This experience would look great on a college application. Please call Beth at 714-468-2074 for more information. ••• Indianhead Community Action Agency is looking for volunteers to help out in their thrift store and food pantry. Food pantry volunteers must be able to lift at least 25 lbs. ICAA appreciates help, whether it be for a couple of hours or days per week. Please stop in to their location at 608 Service Rd. and pick up an application or call 715-635-3975 for more information. Background checks are required for all volunteers. ••• The Washburn County Area Humane Society is looking for volunteers for the following activities: • Event planner to coordinate fundraising activities for the upcoming year. • Person to write thank-you notes to donors. • Person with computer skills to maintain membership and mailing lists For more information, call Penny at 715-635-4720 or e-mail wcahs@centurytel.net. ••• Happy Tonics needs volunteers to grow seed. Happy Tonics Inc. has ordered 1,000 butterfly weed seeds. Common milkweed has been slow to start in the habitat and the butterfly needs milkweed. Milkweed, the host plant of the monarch, is the only plant the female will deposit her eggs on. Butterfly weed prefers sandy soil, which is the habitat’s soil. Want to give a hand? Give Mary Ellen Ryall a call, 715-4682097, or e-mail maryellen@happytonics.org.


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To publish a volunteer opportunity, submit it to us by Monday noon. E-mail it to wcregister@centurytel.net, bring it to the office on Fifth Avenue in the mall or call 715-468-2314 . Please list the type of volunteer work you need, as well as dates, times and length of service. Make sure to include your contact information, including your name and phone number. When the volunteer position is filled, please let us know so we can take it off the list. This service is offered free of charge in an effort to bring the community together so those that are looking for help can find those that are looking to help.


Thursday, Feb. 4 • Shell Lake Chamber of Commerce meeting. • Aphasia Group, 10-11:30 a.m., Trinity Lutheran Church, Spooner. Contact person Betsy 715-520-7999. • Northwest Wisconsin Parkinson’s Disease Support Group, 1 p.m., lower level at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Shell Lake. • Free community meal, St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church, 409 Summit, Spooner, 4-6 p.m. All welcome. Donations accepted. • Spooner Area Chamber of Commerce Business After 5 at St. Francis de Sales School, 5-6:30p.m. Friday, Feb. 5 • Spooner Women’s Club will meet at Karie’s home at 1 p.m. Speaker Marina Andrews of the Western Wisconsin Lyme Action Group will discuss tick-borne diseases — how to recognize and manage them. Visitors, please call 715-635-2741 (Sharon) for more information. Friday & Saturday, Feb. 5 & 6 • “Clarrise and Friends” onstage at the Erika Quam Theatre, Shell Lake, 7:30 p.m. Call 715-468-4387 for more information. Sunday, Feb. 7 • “Clarrise and Friends” onstage at the Erika Quam Theatre, Shell Lake, 2 p.m. Call 715-468-4387 for more information. Tuesday, Feb. 9 • Moms Club meets at Faith Lutheran, Spooner, 10 a.m. All stay-athome or part-time-working moms welcome with their children. Wednesday, Feb. 10 • Free community meal, 4-6 p.m., United Methodist Church, 135 Reinhart Dr., Shell Lake. All welcome. Donations accepted. Thursday, Feb. 11 • The Shell Lake Lions Club will meet, 6:30 p.m., at the Shell Lake Community Center. • United Ostomy Association local support group meeting, 1:30 p.m., at the Spooner Health System. • Fibromyalgia/CFS/Chronic Pain Support Group of Barron County meets from 1-3 p.m. at the Chetek Lutheran Church, Chetek. Coffee and refreshments served. Educational materials available to sign out. Call 715-651-9011 or 715-237-2798 for further information. • Free breastfeeding classes, 1:30 p.m., Lakeland Family Resource Center, 314 Elm St., Spooner. Sponsored by Washburn County Health Department. Please call Washburn County Health Department at 715-635-4400 to register or for additional information. • Second-annual Winter Environmental Film Festival, sponsored by Happy Tonics Inc., at 2 p.m., Spooner Health System Activity Department, 819 Elm Street, Spooner. Environmental CD photos and talk on plants and butterflies at Monarch Butterfly Habitat. Open to residents and family. Registration or questions, contact Mary Ellen Ryall, 715-468-2097. Friday, Feb. 12 • Second-annual Winter Environmental Film Festival, sponsored by Happy Tonics Inc., at 1 p.m., Lakeland Manor, 201 2nd Avenue, Shell Lake. Film “America’s Lost Landscape.” Event open to residents and seniors. Registration or questions, contact Mary Ellen Ryall, 715-468-2097. Saturday, Feb. 13 • Cabaret, 7 p.m., at the Shell Lake High School. Sunday, Feb. 14 • Valentine Vignette benefit concert, 2 p.m., Spooner High School Auditorium. Freewill offering to benefit Faith in Action Washburn County. Monday, Feb. 15 • Northern Lights Camera Club meets at 7 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church, 1790 Scribner St. (Hwy. K), Spooner. Feedback on photos, education and support. Beginners to professionals. • Grandparents raising grandchildren support group meeting, Lakeland Family Resource Center, 315 W. Elm St., Spooner. Free dinner at 5:30 p.m. Call 715-635-4669 for reservations. Meeting 6-7 p.m. Topic is early Head Start and Head Start. Bring the kids. Tuesday, Feb. 16 • Shell Lake/Spooner Masonic Lodge No. 221 will meet at 7 p.m. at the lodge.



Community Calendar


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Wednesday, Feb. 17 • Games and activities, 1 p.m., Shell Lake Senior Center. • Shell Lake Public Library Board of Trustees meeting, 4 p.m., at the library, 501 1st St., Shell Lake. The public is welcome. Thursday, Feb. 18 • The Washburn County Humane Society open board meeting will meet at 5:30 p.m. at the State Patrol headquarters in Spooner. Call 715-635-4720 for more information. • Shell Lake PTA meeting, 6:30 p.m., in the 3-12 school library. Baby-sitting will be provided. • The Shell Lake Economic Development Corporation will meet at 4:30 p.m. in the city council chambers in the Shell Lake City Hall. • Town and Country Days Meeting, 6 p.m., Shell Lake City Hall meeting room. • Learn how to apply CPR to infants and children, 6 p.m., Lakeland Family Resource Center, 314 Elm. St., Spooner. Preregistration required. Call 715-635-4669. No child care provided. With additional lesson time and a $20 materials fee, students may obtain Heartsaver certification. Additional lesson is available following the infant CPR class. • Second-annual Winter Environmental Film Festival, sponsored by Happy Tonics Inc., at Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwe Community College, 13466 Trepania Road, Hayward. Event meal will feature native corn at noon. 12:30 p.m. Mary Ellen Ryall will speak on the Colonization of Maize. Environmental film: “King Corn” at 1 p.m. Registration or questions, contact Mary Ellen Ryall, 715-468-2097. Wednesday, Feb. 24 • Free community supper, 4 to 6 p.m., St. Alban Episcopal Church, 220 Elm St., Spooner. Thursday, Feb. 25 • The Shell Lake American Legion will meet at 6:30 p.m., at the Shell Lake Senior Center. • Shell Lake VFW will meet at 7 p.m., at the Shell Lake Senior Center.


Monday: Lifestyle weight management support group will meet at 4 p.m. Weigh-in, meeting at 4:30 p.m. in the dining room of Indianhead Medical Center in Shell Lake. Call Michelle Grady at 715-468-7833 for more information. Membership fee is $10 per year, dues 50 cents per week. • Partners of Veterans women’s support group will meet from 1 to 2:30 p.m., at Counseling Associates in Siren, located across from the Burnett County Government Center. For more information, contact Julie Yaekel-Black Elk at 715-349-8575. • Monday and Thursday: Washburn County Alzheimer’s Day Respite Program is held from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church, Spooner. Daily fee includes lunch and a program of crafts, exercise, games, music, quiet time, etc. For more information, call 715-635-4367. • First Friends Playtime, 10 a.m. to noon, Lakeland Family Resource Center, 314 Elm Street, Spooner. 715-635-4669. All families welcome. Snack provided. There is no fee to attend. • First and third Monday: Celebrate Recovery – Life Connections is a Christ-centered recovery program. Meetings take place each month at 6:30 p.m. in the Community Life Center at Spooner Wesleyan Church, Hwy. 70 West. For more information, call 715635-2768. Tuesday: Birth to Three Playgroup, 10-11:30 a.m., Lakeland Family Resource Center, Spooner. Casual and fun time for parents and children to meet, play and enjoy music with others. Snack provided. • Ala-Teen meets at 6:30 p.m. in the New Life Christian Center in Rice Lake. Use the back entrance. • Library Fun For Little Ones, 9:30 to 10:15 a.m., Birchwood School Library. A time for stories, craft and a snack. No age minimum or maximum for participants. • Women Healing Women support group at Time-Out Family Abuse Outreach Office, every other Tuesday starting May 5, 45:30 p.m. For survivors of domestic abuse and/or sexual abuse. Free, confidential, closed after first session. For more info or to register, contact Time-Out Family Abuse Shelter Outreach office at 103 Oak St., Spooner, WI 54801, 715-635-5245. Wednesday: Lakeland Family Resource Center open from noon to 3 p.m. • Kids/Parentime at Lakeland Family Resource Center from 10 a.m. to noon. Learn, discuss, and share ideas on topic of the day. Short parent ed. segment at 10:30 a.m. and a parent/child activity. • Al-Anon meeting welcomes all, 7 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church, Spooner. Please use back door. • 9 a.m. to noon, sewing at Shell Lake Senior Center. Thursday: AA meets at 7 p.m. at Calvary Lutheran Church, Minong. • Al-Anon meets at 8 p.m. in the cafeteria at Indianhead Medical Center, Shell Lake. • Library Fun For Little Ones, 10:30 to 11:15 a.m. Shell Lake Public Library. A time for stories, craft and a snack. No age minimum or maximum for participants. ••• Domestic abuse and sexual assault are crimes. Time-Out provides free, confidential victim support. If you or someone you know is experiencing violence in a relationship, please call 800924-0556. The Genealogy Research Room in Shell Lake is closed for the winter. Special openings can be made by calling either 715635-7937 or 715-635-6450, weather permitting.

Shell Lake Alano Club Meetings

on CTH B, 2 blocks off Hwy. 63. All meetings are nonsmoking Sunday, 10 a.m. AA 6 p.m. AA Monday Noon AA 5 p.m. GA Tuesday Noon AA 7 p.m. AA Wednesday 1 p.m. AA 7 p.m. NA Thursday 1 p.m. AA Friday 2 p.m. AA 7 p.m. AA Saturday Noon AA 7 p.m. AA Fourth Saturday of every month, Pin Night with 5:30 p.m. potluck and 7 p.m. meeting.

What’s it like to be ... Walking the Appalachian Trail, again



Ray Lennihan, trail name Nimblefoot, has started his training to hike the Appalachian Trail for the second time starting in March by running these stairs at the Northwest Sports Complex five times a week for a hour each time. — Photo by Diane Dryden

running the stairs at the Northwest Sports Complex in Spooner; starting slowly and adding 5 minutes a day. He’s up to almost an hour now and will soon be putting in his regular time plus more time using the weight machines at their fitness center. After reviewing his clothing list from the last time he hiked the trail, he’s only adding some rain gear that will cover not only him when it rains, but also his pack. He’s also slipping in a half a dozen plastic garbage bags, and from experience, he knows there will be many times they will come in handy on the trail. “You meet lots of people along the trail, some you pass, or they pass you, some you walk with for a while and some for many days. I’m starting the hike this year with three young men that I met the last time. They

Academic news

RIVER FALLS — The UW-River Falls fall semester dean’s list honoring 1,264 students has been released by registrar Daniel Vande Yacht. To be named to the dean’s list, a full-time undergraduate student must earn a grade-point average of at least 3.5 on a scale of 4.0. Area students were named to the list: Shell Lake: Dylan Hubin-Barrows; Tyler J. Latz; Kenna R. Organ; Spooner: Colin Carlton and Gabrielle R. Griffith. — from UW-River Falls •••

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walk parts of the trail every year, and this year we’ll start off together in Georgia.” Nimblefoot walked all but the last five miles in 2005 due to a combination of an early winter in Maine and sickness. This year he plans to finish. “It’s just something I have to do,” he says. “I watched a crazy movie lately about a group of friars who ran an orphanage. They found they had a chance to make some muchneeded money for the orphanage by fist fighting this professional. Of course, the friar that was doing the fighting always lost … badly. But the end of the movie was pure Hollywood schmaltz, and at the last battle the friar showed up in his own version of a super heroes costume and finally won the match hands down. I kind of feel like that about the A.T. and may even take a costume along to wear over the ‘finish line’ at the end of the trail; I may have been defeated last time, but this time I’ll come out victorious!” Either way, Nimblefoot will have his Medicare card waiting for him when he returns to his rural Spooner home, having turned 65 on the trail. It’s not everyone’s idea of celebrating another milestone, but it’s his way. If you’re interested in meeting this crazy guy, he has coffee almost every morning at Alley Cats in Spooner and always enjoys talking to people on any subject.

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by Diane Dryden SPOONER — Five years ago, Ray Lennihan, then a 60-year-old Spooner resident, decided to celebrate his milestone age by hiking the 2,175-mile Appalachian Trail that starts in Georgia and heads northeast ending in Maine. The reason this is called a hiking trail and not simply a walking trail is that it starts on a mountain called Springer and ends with another one, Mount Katahdin. There’s not a lot of flatland in between mountains, but there are rivers to cross and visitors along the way like the black bear, ticks, mosquitoes, biting flies, venomous snakes, chiggers and vigorous poison ivy. Even clean water is limited the entire length of the trail, and there’s a promise of severe diarrhea for those that drink without filtering it. But none of these drawbacks are going to stop Lennihan, or Nimblefoot, which is his trail name. “Almost all the thru-hikers take trail names, as do some of the ones that only hike a section of the trail,” says Nimblefoot with authority. Ever since his first hike, he’s been a regular on several hiking Web sites, one of which is trailjournals.com, a site he used during his first trip to dialog his journey. He will use it again for this one, writing as often as possible beginning this coming March into October. “I learned a great deal on my first hike, and I’m changing a few things for this second one. I plan on packing salmon, tuna and turkey in their sealed packets and take some wraps to make a quick sandwich. I’m also taking some cheese and even some lettuce and summer sausage, but I’m skipping as much bulky stuff as possible because I hike best if I pack only a total of 30 pounds that I have to carry. You can go through a lot of food seeing you burn approximately 6,000 to 7,000 calories each day.” There are places along the way to buy a few things, and periodically, hikers hitch a ride into the nearest town so they can shop, shower, eat and e-mail their trail notes. If they can afford the rent, some even stay in a room overnight. Others sleep outside on the lawn. Nimblefoot started his training close to this past Christmas when he donned his backpack and started

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Massage therapy now offered at Vitality Village

by Regan Kohler SHELL LAKE – Vitality Village, Shell Lake, is now offering massage therapy services on Tuesdays and Thursdays, from noon to 5 p.m. Theresa Vogel, Spooner, will start offering massage therapy at the health and wellness center, which opened last summer in the Industrial Park. Vogel does massage therapy through Spooner Health System, and they will be contracting the services with Vitality Village, “outreaching a little bit,” Vogel said, adding that massage therapy services will also continue to be provided through the Health System. Vogel has worked for the hospital for 21 years, having started as a CNA and then moving to the physical rehabilitation department. It was there she began giving massages to clients, and she found she enjoyed it. She attended the Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College, Rice Lake, taking courses in anatomy and physiology, kenesiology, pathology, chair massage, deep tissue therapy techniques and pregnancy massage. With over 600 hours of training, Vogel has become a nationally certified massage therapist, registered with the state of Wisconsin. She has been practicing massage therapy at the hospital for almost seven years. She also takes classes continually, to keep up with new techniques, always building on what she knows. Vogel became certified in prenatal and postpartum massage. Prenatal massage is one of the services she enjoys best, and has been offering a free 30-minute prenatal massage to new mothers whose babies are born at Spooner Health System, either before they leave, or at a later date. “I [also] like working on the neck and

Shell Lake students take field trip to Guthrie

Massage therapist Theresa Vogel will be offering her services at Vitality Village starting next week. – Photo by Regan Kohler

the head,” she said of giving massages for people suffering from headaches. Vogel said that Vitality Village owner Deb Nebel had approached her this past fall about offering her services, as those visiting the center’s gym or classes had shown interest in massage therapy. Vogel said she thought it sounded like a good idea, and is beginning Tuesday, Feb. 9. “I’m excited,” she said. Vogel will be offering the same services as the ones she has at the hospital: 30-, 60- or 90-minute massages, or a 15minute chair massage. She will also have gift certificates available at Vitality Village. The rates will be the same as the hospital. Vogel said anyone with questions can call her directly at 715-635-1264. To schedule an appointment through Vitality Village, call 715-468-2232.

Wa s h b u r n C o u n t y R e g i s t e r Yo u r c o m m u n i t y n e w s p a p e r

Pictured are some of the 50 freshmen that recently participated in an English class field trip to the Guthrie Theater in Minneapolis, Minn., for a performance of “Romeo and Juliet.” Shown top row (L to R): Isaac Cusick, Austin Williams, Nick Muska, BJ Burton, April Richter, Taelor Schaffer, Chloe Wykel, A J Denotter, Sage Alberts and Kendra Collier. Lower row: Brett Holman, Wyatt Carlson, Renee Mikula, Trista Ommen and Kim Atkinson. — Photos submitted Jessica Irvine, Dani Kuechle and Jill Butenhoff at the Guthrie Theater.

Snowmobile safety class

Grandparents raising grandchildren support group meeting SPOONER — A grandparents raising grandchildren support group meeting will be held Monday, Feb. 15, at the Lakeland Family Resource Center, 314 W. Elm St., Spooner. A free dinner will be at 5:30 p.m. Call 715-635-4669 for reservations. The topic

of the meeting to be held from 6-7 p.m. is Early Head Start and Head Start. Children are able to attend. The Washburn County Unit on Aging and the Lakeland Family Resource Center of Spooner sponsors this event. — from LFRC

by Beth Carlson, library director Amnesty Month begins in February All overdue materials returned during the month of February will be free from fines. This would be a great time to check your bookshelves and DVD cases. If you accidentally put one of the library’s items aside and forgot it, you may now return it with no overdue fees charged. Bring back all your overdue materials, you know, the stuff under the bed, the audio book that somehow ended up in your trunk, and the DVD that got packed when you moved, and we will waive all your fines. That’s right, no fines to pay, just the good feeling of ticking something off your end-of-the-year to-do list. This program helps the library recover many items long lost and missing from our shelves that other patrons are waiting for. Increase in fines As of Jan. 1, the library increased its fines on books, books on CD, playaways and magazines from 5 cents per day to 10 cents per day with a maximum fine of $5 on each item. Story hour Library Fun For Little Ones is every Thursday from 10:30-11:15 a.m. Children

and their caregivers will learn the love of reading, make a craft and enjoy a snack. Drop-ins welcome, no need to sign up. Web site You can check due dates and fine status, renew materials, keep a log of materials you’ve read, place holds on materials we or another library own at www.shelllakelibrary.org and click on Library Catalog Online. Make it one of your favorites. Join the Friends of the Shell Lake Library Would you like to help the library thrive? This is your opportunity to make a difference in your library. Join the Friends group! Friends raise funds for programming and big-ticket items that the library normally cannot afford, plan and host children, teen and adult programs and just help the library become the best library around. Don’t wait! Contact Sue at 715-468-7014 today. Winter library hours Monday, noon to 8 p.m.; Tuesday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Wednesday, noon to 8 p.m.; Thursday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; and Saturday, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Library news

Shown are the recent graduates of the DNR Snowmobile Safety Class held at the Spooner Middle School. The 27 students were given six hours of instruction that covered snowmobile safety features, preride inspections, basic riding skills, snowmobile rider responsibilities, snowmobile regulations and how to handle outdoor emergencies. Warden Jon Hagen was invited to speak to the class on the laws of the trails and safety concerns that everyone has while enjoying the winter months on the trails. Teaching the class were certified instructors Joe Fitzgerald, Brent Ringien and Jim Dienstl, assisted by Lane Livingston and Rick Coquillette. — Photo submitted

Souper Bowl of Caring to be held Thursday evening SPOONER — A Souper Bowl of Caring will be held at the Spooner High School from 5-7 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 4. Proceeds will be given to Lakeland Family Resource Center, The School Garden, St. Alban’s and the Washburn County Food Pantry.

No admission will be charged for the chili feed, but donations are welcome as well as canned food. A Chinese raffle with baskets from local merchants and school personnel will be held. Come for some great chili, corn bread, milk and dessert! — from Spooner Schools


Wannabe Day held at Spooner Elementary

Spooner Elementary School kindergartener Caleb Brown dressed as Dick Tracy for Wannabe Day Friday, Jan. 29. The six kindergarten classes have been learning about occupations and had a day in which they came to school dressed up as what they wanted to be in the future.

Wayne Braun said he wanted to be a sheriff when he grows up.

Keegan Gunderson dressed as a pilot for Wannabe Day.

Navaeh Thompson dressed as a baseball player for Wannabe Day.

Zachary Huebner wants to be a basketball player when he grows up.

Kaitlyn Sigmund plans to be a rodeo cowgirl when she grows up.

Photos by Regan Kohler

GUESS WHAT’S NEW? AAGE’S 102!! Congratuations & Friday, February 5 Riley Genske wants to play football for the Packers when he gets older.

Garrett Grubbs wants to be a racecar driver when he grows up.

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Boys basketball highlights

Jordan Forsythe denied Matt Vold the baseline as he drove the basket.

Six foot two St. Croix guard Gus Koecher used height and ability to jump as he tried to block this layup by Bob Scheu. — Photos by Larry Samson

Ty Frisbie went with a shot under the basket. LEFT - Mario Estrada with a 3point jump shot. He had three for the night.

The Shell Lake and St. Croix Falls players went up for the rebound, with seven players over 6’2”. The Saints tall men dominated the boards as they beat Shell Lake 57-25 in a nonconference matchup.




Lakers nab seventh-straight conference title

Senior Drew Knoop, wrestling in his last dual meet, pins Josh Huiras to earn six points to help Shell Lake defeat its conference rival Cameron 60-19 to earn their seventhconsecutive undefeated Lakeland Conference championship.

Photos by Larry Samson

Tyler Anderson with a pin over AJ Benik. In his third year wrestling on the varsity team, Anderson has earned the reputation as a top wrestler.

Senior Al Hopke with a takedown on Trevor Frisinger. Shell Lake vs. Cameron

Shell Lake (SL) 60.0 Cameron (COM) 19.0 103: Chris Kidder, SL, won by forfeit. 112: Dan Cassel, SL, won by forfeit. 119: Al Hopke, SL, pinned Trevor Frisinger, COM, 3:09. 125: Dillon Hopke, SL, pinned Jacob Vought, COM, 3:30. 130: Aaron Slinger, SL, pinned Eric Braqgan, COM, 3:09. 135: Zach Rivard, COM, won by forfeit. 140: Tyler Anderson, SL, pinned AJ Benik, COM, 5:49. 145: Jacob Malsom, COM, won by forfeit. 152: Drew Knoop, SL, pinned Josh Huiras, COM, 1:55. 160: Ryan Crotteau, COM, maj. dec. Cavan Maher, SL, 12-4. 171: Colten Kozial, SL, pinned Chase Smith, COM, 2:39. 189: Michael Johnson, SL, pinned Dexter Crawford, COM, 4:33. 215: Austin Bayer, COM, dec. Marlo Fields, SL, 8-4. 285: Brian Marshall, SL, pinned Matt Brygelson, COM, 0:25.

RIGHT - Colten Kozial gets away from Chase Smith to earn a point. Kozial eventually went on to pin Smith with 2:39 on the clock. He joined the Laker wrestling family when he moved into the district from Turtle Lake. It is better to have him on your team than to wrestle against him.

Youth team wrestles in Spooner

SPOONER — Friday evening, Jan. 29, 28 wrestlers from Shell Lake went to Spooner to wrestle. First place went to: Malachi Trudell, Donavan Balts, James Bradley, Kale Hopke, Taren Farley, Tyler Green, Carter Lawrence, Christian Johnson, Christian Mirabal and Sam Livingston. Second place went to: Kevin Retzlaff, Cody Swan,

BELOW - Dillon Hopke is getting ready to turn and pin his Cameron opponent, Jacob Vought. Shell Lake had seven pins to seal their win over Cameron.

Erick Haynes and Bryan Knoop. Third place went to: Ethan Lyga, Wyatt Anton, Jackson Schaffer, John Kidder, Alan Leckel, Layne Olson and Ben Frey. Fourth place went to: Robert Brown, Brody Heckel, Tyler Anton, Gavyn Anton, Sean Heckel, Levi Beecroft and John Green. — submitted


WA S H B U R N C O U N T Y R E G I S T E R SPOONER — The Shell Lake girls played well, but they dropped a pair of nonconference road games last week. On Tuesday they lost at Division 2 Spooner, 45-35 and on Friday were beaten at St. Croix Falls, a D-3 school, 40-33. “The girls are hanging in there in the midst of this seven-game road grind,” commented Laker coach Carlo Kumpula. “We played pretty well against both Spooner and St. Croix Falls, both of whom are in the middle of the pack in their respective conferences which are made up of mostly D-2 or D-3 schools.” Steph Clark was the Lakers top scorer at Spooner with 15 points, and she added six rebounds, three assists and two steals. Ashley Anderson hauled down 13 rebounds to go along with nine points and three steals, while Jen Cassel grabbed


Laker girls still on the road

eight rebounds and passed for four assists. Battling against a tall St. Croix Falls team, Anderson scored 14 points, grabbed seven rebounds and had three steals. Cassel added 11 points and six rebounds. Emma Anderson had four points, two assists and two steals, while Clark grabbed four rebounds and made three assists. “We also made 20 of 33 free throws on the week,” added Kumpula. “That’s actually down just a bit from the past couple of games, but certainly in the acceptable range.” The Lakers marathon road trip wraps up this week. They traveled to No. 4 ranked Northwood on Tuesday and play at Clear Lake on Thursday. — submitted

Point guard Emma Anderson passes the ball to Ashley Anderson. This was a productive combo for Shell Lake.

Photos by Larry Samson



Boys basketball Fri., Feb. 5: At Clear Lake, 7:30 p.m. Mon., Feb. 8: Vs. Webster (n/c), 7:30 p.m. Fri., Feb. 12: Vs. Clayton, 7:30 p.m. Tues., Feb. 16: DH at Prairie Farm, 6 p.m. Fri., Feb. 19: Vs. Cameron, 7:30 p.m. Thurs., Feb. 25: Vs. Turtle Lake, 7:30 p.m. Tues., March 2: Regional (Round 1) TBA Thurs., March 4: Regional (Round 2) TBA Sat., March 6: Regional final at Webster TBA Fri.-Sat. March 12-13: Sectional at Spooner, 6 p.m. Thurs.-Sat., March 18-20: State at Madison TBA

Shooting a jump ball against Sara Petznick was Jennifer Cassel. She had one of her best nights this season with 11 points.

Ashley Anderson faced a fierce defense as she put up a jump shot. She had 15 points for the game as Shell Lake fell to the St. Croix Falls Saints 40-33.

Girls basketball Thurs. Feb. 4: At Clear Lake, 7:30 p.m. Tues., Feb. 9: Vs. Clayton, 7:30 p.m. Tues., Feb. 16: DH at Prairie Farm, 7:30 p.m. Tues., Feb. 23: Vs. Cameron, 7:30 p.m. Fri., Feb. 26: Vs. Turtle Lake, 7:30 p.m. Tues., March 9: Regional (Round 1) TBA Thurs., March 11: Regional (Round 2) TBA

Sat., March 13: Regional Finals at Webster TBA Fri.-Sat., March 19-20: Sectional at Spooner, 6 p.m. Thurs.-Sat., March 25-27: State at Madison TBA

Wrestling Sat., Feb. 6: Conference at Cameron, 9:30 a.m. Sat., Feb. 13: WIAA Regional at Clear Lake TBA Tues., Feb. 16: WIAA Team Sectional at Ladysmith, 6 p.m. Sat., Feb. 20: WIAA Sectional at Osseo-Fairchild, 9 a.m. Thurs.-Sat., Feb. 25-27: Individual State at Madison Fri.-Sat., Mar. 5-6: Team State at Madison

Girls JH basketball Thurs., Feb. 4: Vs. Clear Lake, 5 p.m. Mon., Feb. 8: Vs. Prairie Farm, old gym, 5 p.m. Tues., Feb. 9: At Clayton, 5 p.m. Tues., Feb. 16: At Cameron, 5 p.m. Fri., Feb. 19: Vs. Cameron, old gym, 5 p.m. Tues., Feb. 23: At Turtle Lake, 5 p.m. Thurs., Feb. 25: At Northwood, 4:30 p.m.




Spooner ski team travels to conference meet

SEELEY — On Tuesday, Jan. 26, the Spooner ski team traveled to Seeley to ski the first-ever conference meet. It was sponsored by the Hayward Ski Team. Participating teams racing the 6-km classic event were Lakeland, 4-H Canski, Spooner, Hayward and Drummond. The girls varsity and junior varsity placed third in each event. Senior Brooke Adams placed second, and sophomore Iciar Ocariz placed ninth to take home conference medals. Varsity results were: Brooke Adams, 18:12, second; Iciar Ocariz, 21:26, ninth; Katerin Ocariz, 23:24, 12th; Elizabeth Baumgart, 26:10, 16th; and Beth Kujala, 31:02, 18th. Junior varsity: Kaylee Thornley, 26:31, 10th; Maddie Kunkel, 26:44, 11th; Hannah Dunn, 29:00, 13th; Michelle Emerson, 31:14 14th.

Taking home conference medals in skiing were senior Brook Adams placing second and sophomore Iciar Ocariz placing ninth. — Photo submitted

In boys competition Luke Riewestahl was 12th with 31:30. On Saturday and Sunday, Jan. 30 and 31, the team traveled up to Telemark to participate in the Supertour ski race. On Saturday, the team skied a 5-km classic interval race. Results were: Iciar Ocariz, 17:19, 10th; Katerin Ocariz, 18:34, 19th; Kujala, 19:07, 22nd; Baumgart, 20:32, 36th; Thornley, 21:37, 48th; Kunkel, 22:07, 52nd; and Hannah Dunn, 22:45, 54th. Riewestahl was 40th with 22:01 in the boys race. In middle school girls Rachael Jensen took sixth with 20:52. On Sunday, the team participated in the 5-km mass start freestyle race. High school girls results were: Iciar Ocariz, 16:14, fourth; Katerin Ocariz 18:18, seventh; Kujala, 18:39, 20th; Baumgart, 19:22, 29th; Thornley, 19:24, 30th; Kunkel,

20:49, 42nd; Dunn, 22:13, 49th. In the boys competition Riewestahl was 42nd with 21:24. In the middle school girls 3km Rachael Jensen was third with 15:36, and Nathaniel Swan was 19th with 25:15 in the middle school boys 3-km. Brooke Adams skied in the Junior 1 division of the Junior Olympic qualifying races. In the 15-km classic interval race, Adams placed ninth with a time of 33:56. She skied part of the race with a broken pole. On Sunday, she placed fifth with a time of 20:07 in the freestyle 10-km event. After eight races, Adams has qualified for her third Junior Olympics. The event will be held in Presque Isle, Maine, on March 7-13. — submitted

Bantams take second in home tournament

SPOONER — The Spooner Rails Bantam team capped off a great weekend of hockey with a second-place finish in their home tournament the weekend of Jan. 30-31. In their first game, the Rails took on the La Crosse Flames, who they have had some great games with over the years. The Rails dominated from the opening face-off winning the game 10-1. Scoring for Spooner were Tanner Vik and Matt Slaminski each with a three-goal hat trick, Brett Gauger with two goals, and Brady Schafer and Dale Stafford with a goal each. Earning assists for Spooner were Bryce Sohn, Stafford, Slaminski and Gauger with two each, and Vik with one. Eric Anderson got the win in the goal with 10 saves. In the Rails second game of the day they faced New Richmond. It was a very competitive game, with New Richmond taking a 2-1 lead after one period. The Rails scored three times in the second period, while holding New Richmond to one goal to take a 4-3 lead into the third period. The teams each scored once in the third period, giving the Rails a 5-4 victory, and a berth in the championship game. Scoring for Spooner was Stafford with a hat trick and Vik with to goals. Vik was also credited with two assists and Gauger had one. Anderson had a strong game in the net and earned his

The Spooner Youth Hockey Bantam team took second place in the tournament held over the weekend. Shown are back row (L to R): Coach Nick Freeman, Jake Aardappel, Becker Lindner, Brady Schafer, Dale Stafford, Brett Gauger and Eric Anderson. Front: Christian Totten, Tanner Schafer, Tanner Vik, Matt Slaminski, Cole Lucius and Bryce Sohn. — Photo by Karina Schafer second win in the tournament turning away 35 shots. The Rails then faced Ashland in the championship game. The first period saw great back-and-forth action, but it was Ashland who jumped to a 3-0 lead by the end of the period. Spooner man-

aged 17 shots in the period but could not crack the Ashland goalie. The second period was as exciting as the first. Ashland extended their lead to 4-0 before Vik scored for Spooner on an unassisted goal. Ashland scored again to take a 5-1 lead, before the Rails stormed back with

three straight goals. Scoring for Spooner during this run was Gauger assisted by Vik and Jake Aardappel, Slaminski, and Becker Lindner assisted by Slaminski. Ashland scored with just four seconds remaining in the period to take a 6-4 lead into the third period. Ashland scored early in the period to extend their lead to 8-4 before Stafford scored assisted by Gauger and Vik. The game ended with Ashland winning the tournament championship 8-5. Coach Nick Freeman stated that he was very proud of the way his team played. He said that the team showed great character in the championship game when they came back from a 5-1 deficit early in the second period and pulled to within a goal late in the period. He felt that with a couple of breaks, Spooner could have won this game. Freeman was pleased with the balanced scoring with almost all of the forwards tallying goals or assists and commented on the progress of first-year player Christian Totten who had multiple scoring opportunities this weekend. The strong play of the defensemen, which include Cole Lucius, Tanner Schafer, Brady Schafer, and Sohn balanced a great weekend of hockey. — submitted

SAYH’s third hockey tournament this weekend

SPOONER — The Spooner Area Youth Hockey Association is hosting the third of four youth hockey tournaments this upcoming weekend, Feb. 6 and 7. This tournament will be at the pee wee level, which consists of players born in 1997 and 1998. The tournament will be a five-team round-robin format, in which each team will play each other once. The teams involved include Spooner, Tomahawk, Green Bay, Proctor, Minn., and Chippewa Falls. The tournament kicks of at 8:30 a.m. with Spooner playing Tomahawk. Spooner will take the ice again at 12:15 p.m. against Proctor. Games will continue throughout the day, with the final game scheduled for 4 p.m. The tournament will conclude with five games on Sunday as well, beginning at 8 a.m. Spooner will play at 9:30 a.m. against Green Bay and again at 2:30 p.m. against Chippewa Falls. All games will take place at the Northwest Sports Complex in Spooner. Admission is free, and it is a great opportunity to see some great hockey and support your local youth players. — submitted<None>

Spooner Area Youth Hockey Peewee team (L to R): Head coach Chris Beehler and assistant coach Phil Neubich. Middle: Tanner Schafer, Brett Gauger, Joseph Tolzman, Becker Lindner, Jake Aardappel, Alex Huebner, Matt Slaminski and Nick Graham. Front: JT Gunderson, Jace Scalzo, Ryan Anderson, Ryan Shutt, Alex Grubbs, Dani Dewitt, Levi Neubich and Trevor Brimblecom. — Photo by Jean McShane


American Cancer Society celebrates annual Daffodil Days

NATIONWIDE — The American Cancer Society is raising money for cancer research, education and patient services through its annual Daffodil Days. Proceeds from Daffodil Days support the American Cancer Society research program that has made a healthy future possible for so many. With research providing insights and new therapies, the future is bright for many cancer patients. By funding groundbreaking research, the American Cancer Society has contributed to many important discoveries that have led to a better understanding of cancer and cancer treatment. Each year, the American Cancer Society spends approximately $100 million on cancer research. Celebrating its annual Daffodil Days campaign, the American Cancer Society is offering advance orders now through Feb. 16, with delivery March 16. Individuals may order blooms for friends, family and co-workers to support the fight against cancer. Make a minimum $10 donation to the American Cancer Society to receive a bunch of approximately 10 daf-

fodils. With a $25 donation, the Gift of Hope is a bouquet of daffodils in a vase delivered anonymously to a local cancer patient undergoing treatment. Volunteers deliver the arrangements to cancer patients in hospitals, treatment centers or churches on the donor’s behalf. Gift of Hope bouquets are not delivered to specific patients, nor are donor’s names attached to a gift. They are truly anonymous gifts of joy! 2010 marks the addition to the Boyds family with the fifth Boyds Bear collector, Birthdays R Hope, a special Boyds Bear™ designed exclusively for the American Cancer Society’s Daffodil Days. For a donation of $25 the recipient will receive this plush collectible bear and a beautiful bunch of daffodils. Companies can also spread the joy of spring to clients and customers by contributing to the Sunshine Bouquet program. Perfect for the lobby or living room, the bouquet features 60 daffodils and greenery arranged in a round glass bowl and is available with a $75 dona-

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Sweaters, socks and mittens, oh my 2010 winter classes at Northwind Book & Fiber

SPOONER — Due to popular demand, Northwind Book & Fiber in Spooner, once again offers a number of exciting winter Saturday knitting classes, with instructor Sherrine Whalley. Participants receive 10 percent off knitting supplies the day of the class. All classes run from 10 a.m. until noon. Feb. 13: Basic mittens. Learn how to choose yarn and the correct sized needles and knit a pair of warm mittens.


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Feb. 27: Cabling. In this class you will learn to make a scarf with cables. It’s easier than it looks. March 13: Socks. Knit a miniature sock in one session, and learn how to make it on your own on a larger scale. March 27: Sweater and Sock Triage. Here you will learn to repair sweaters, darn socks and seam a sweater that might not fit right. All classes are held at the store in downtown Spooner. For more information visit www.northwindbook.com, call 715-635-6811, or contact them via e-mail at northwind@charter.net. — from Northwind Book & Fiber

Adult Northwoods Construction: 678 Riverbend: 639 Corrado Custom Tile: 593 Napa Auto Parts: 579 J&J: 557 Grandpa’s: 523

Adult Youth Wohlford Construction: 532 John Meeds Trucking: 512 Northwest Land and Rec: 340 Youth RT 532: 478 John Meeds Trucking 2: 206

Traditional Bone Collectors: 430 Roosevelt QDM: 427 Putz’s : 300 Eyesore: 270 Women’s Barronett Bar and Grill: 576 Red Brick 1: 469

Men’s Bounty Hunters: 703 Timberland Pub: 696 Schlitz: 673 Chad Sparish Taxidermy: 672 Granite Electric: 666 Olsen’s RDC: 663 Shell Lake State Bank: 661 Close Encounters: 642 Sandstrom: 599 Wildlife Solutions: 557 Coldwell Bankers: 528

Timberland Archery Bow Hunter League scores



you are 50 or older, get tested and stop colon cancer before it starts. The American Cancer Society is dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem by saving lives, diminishing suffering and preventing cancer through research, education, advocacy and service. Founded in 1913 and with national headquarters in Atlanta, the society has 13 regional divisions and local offices in 3,400 communities, involving millions of volunteers across the United States. For more information anytime, call toll free 800-ACS-2345 or visit www.cancer.org. — from American Cancer Society

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tion to the American Cancer Society. According to Colleen Carter, American Cancer Society staff partner, volunteers are needed who will organize the campaign within their companies, schools, places of worship or other organizations to collect orders for daffodils. Most donations come from Daffodil Days volunteer coordinators who organize the Daffodil Days campaign within their companies or other organizations. To order daffodils or to volunteer your time, please call 800-ACS-2345 or 715-798-2223 or visit www.cancer.org. March is National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. Colorectal cancer can often be prevented through screening. If

Washburn County Area Humane Society ADOPTABLE PETS OF THE WEEK I’m your lost dog or perhaps your lost cat, If I were lost, would you worry ‘bout that. Would you search high and would you search low, Who would you ask and where would you go. You could call us at the shelter, that’s right, For animals come both in day and at night. We keep a log of who’s lost and who’s found, We’re more than the shelter, we’re also the pound. Each one who enters wants what we want too, Not just their home but their “family” that’s you! *You can also call your local police and sheriff’s department to report your missing pet.

Dogs for adoption: 4-year-old neutered American Staffordshire terrier mix and a 2-year-old female shepherd mix. Cats for adoption: 1-year-old spayed black/brown shorthair tiger; 61/2-year-old spayed/declawed dilute calico shorthair; 6-month-old female gray/white shorthair tiger; 4-year-old

spayed longhair tabby; 2-year-old male gray tabby; 5-month-old female smoke tortie shorthair; 11-month-old female medium-hair tortie; 2-1/2-year-old spayed/declawed shorthair calico/tiger; 2-1/2month-old black/white male shorthair; 2-1/2month-old shorthair calico; 4-month-old shorthair calico; 4month-old female shorthair marbled color; 7-year-old neutered/declawed black/white shorthair; 2-year-old male orange/white longhair; 5-month-old orange tiger shorthair; 2-year-old male black/white shorthair; 1-year-old spayed gray/white shorthair tiger; and four 10-week-old black/white kittens. Strays include: Adult neutered boxer found in Trego and a young mostly dark brown/white female mix found in Trego area.

Located at 1400 Cottonwood Ave. in Spooner (Behind the county fairgrounds) 715-635-4720

by Mary B. Olsen, Shell Lake Remember the old saying, “First comes love, then comes marriage, then along comes Mom with a baby carriage.” Having a baby is one of the greatest events in a woman’s lifetime. No matter how many children you have, each one is different and precious. The first child is often the learning experience for the mother. The mother goes by the book. The next child is treated with a more casual approach from the beginning. As the younger child grows, the older child’s complaint is, “Mom never let me do that.” That’s life. Somehow they both manage to grow up and go on with productive lives. It is hard to believe how methods of parenting have changed since the time of my mother’s generation, my generation, and that of the baby boomers until now. In the early years of the 20th century, the raising of children was subject to the demands of the professional, nurses, doctors and specialists. Parents were to raise

Barronett by Judy Pieper

January’s over! Hooray! Only 48 days until spring is officially here. Isn’t that wonderful? It seems that most people in this area say they like the four seasons, but most of us wish winter wasn’t the longest one. Did you get a chance to see the talent show at ETC in Cumberland on Saturday evening? I had to be out of town for the weekend, but got permission to sit in on rehearsals on Friday night. Jim Kerr had mentioned a while back that he calls the show “Cumberland’s Got Talent.” I’m not sure if that was the official title or not, but if so it was very appropriate. Even though rehearsals get a little chaotic, and there were some problems with the electronic equipment, which I’m sure were fixed by Saturday, the acts were very entertaining. Speaking of talent, Jay Olson was up from Missouri with his friend, Jeff, this past week. Jeff had to pick up some machine parts in the Twin Cities, so they were only here a day, but it was great to see them. Now, here’s the part about the talent. I got a phone call on Thursday night, picked up the receiver, said “hello” a couple of times, listened, but all I could hear was a radio playing country/Western music in the background. Well, I was busy and thought someone had mistakenly punched the redial button on their phone without realizing it, so I hung up. A few minutes later Pat Olson called and asked why I had hung up on the private concert Jay and Jeff were performing for her. Oops. Anyway, Jay then dedicated his next song to me. It was, “The Old Gray Mare She Ain’t What She Used to Be.” Think I missed out on the best aunt of the year award for 2010? I did make up for it though; I took a jar of cookies over for them to eat on their way back home. I think the aunt of the year award goes to our Aunt Helen Hefty. She celebrated her 89th birthday on Jan. 31, and is one of the most amazing people I know. Her kids — Sue, Rachel, Ed and Burt — hosted a party for her at the apartment complex where she resides in Monroe, so Pat and I went down to celebrate with her. A lot of friends and relatives joined in the fun, and she received plenty of gifts and cards, but her favorite and the favorite of just about everyone there, was the gift Sharai Hefty sent down. Sharai had written a poem about Aunt Helen, had pictures of her and the other four Hefty women — Grandma, Aunt Max, Aunt Evelyn and my mom — along the sides of the poem, and had put it all in a frame. Aunt Helen’s daughter-in-law, Charlene, read the poem, and I don’t think there was a dry eye in the place. Anyway, it was a great party. Aunt Helen let Pat and me know how surprised and happy she was that we came down to spend her birthday with her. On the way down to Monroe, Pat and I stopped and did a little visiting. We gave Bill Evans, an old friend from high school almost 50 years ago, a call, and he met

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us for coffee at Culver’s in Madison. We hadn’t met his wife and were hoping he would bring her along, but she wasn’t feeling well so he came alone. It was fun going over old memories. We’re just going to have to get back for one of the Central High reunions so we can find out how everyone else is doing. Funny, isn’t it, how much older our classmates are than we expect them to be? I’m sure Bill was thinking just about the same thing. This Thursday evening, Feb. 4, the women of Barronett Lutheran Church will hold their regular monthly meeting in the church basement at 6:30 p.m. We will be hosting the Tuesday programs at Cumberland ECU on Feb. 9 and 16 and will be discussing what we should do to entertain the residents. And, Valentine’s Day is coming up so be sure to bring supplies to make valentine cards. If you need more information about the meeting, please call the president of the women’s group, Gloria Gunderson. Terry Goodrich, aka the friendly neighborhood moocher, hit the jackpot this past week. He was presented with two pies and a fruitcake. Agnes Vanek made him a cranberry-almost pie. The actual name for it is no-crust cranberry and Terry said it was to die for. Jenny Lietzow made him an apple walnut caramel pie, which he said was to kill for. And, Mae and Jane Broome gave him a fruitcake, which was so good it was almost up to Arlene Waite’s standards. You might re-

member that I gave him half a pumpkin pie last week, and finally was told that it was awesome and was in the running for best pumpkin pie when the contest results are in in 2024. I can hardly wait. He said it is going to be a hard decision, but he’ll do his best. Maybe the reason Terry got so many gifts this week was because of his birthday. He said that he had a very good time at his birthday dinner on Saturday. Guess that’s about all I know from Barronett this week. Remember, we need lots of women at the meeting on Thursday. See you next week.

Dewey-LaFollette by Karen Mangelsen

Sympathy is extended to the family of Alice Wenthe who passed away last week. She was 84. Sympathy is also extended to the family of Myrtle Lund who passed away Friday. She was 89. Karen Mangelsen called on Trudy DeLawyer Tuesday afternoon. Hank and Karen Mangelsen visited John and Diana Mangelsen Wednesday afternoon, and had supper there, too. Donna Hines had coffee with Ann Srachta Thursday, and also visited Inez and Arvid Pearson. Karen Mangelsen called on Marlene and Bruce Swearingen Thursday afternoon. Don and Lida Nordquist were supper guests of Marlene and Bruce Swearingen Friday. Saturday visitors of Hank and Karen Mangelsen were April, Dave, Patty and Mandy Close and Hannah and Grace Mangelsen. Sympathy is extended to the family of Ben Skinner, who passed away recently. He was 77.


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door was my savior. She was pleasant and helpful. She had two small children, so she answered many of my questions about the care of my baby. I had read all the baby-care material that was prevalent, and it was still in the rigid ruling hands of earlier experts. My experience in our family disagreed with the prevailing wisdom. I was plagued by insecurities. I feared making mistakes. I feared germs. If the baby slept, I wondered if he was sleeping too much. Should he be awakened for his feeding? All of these kinds of questions haunted me. Then my dear neighbor came with her news. They would be moving in a few days. I was nearly devastated. I was not only losing a new friend, but my guide, like a lighthouse, shining on my life as a new mother. She came with her two little ones, as they were ready to leave. We bid each other our last goodbye. Then, she put in my hands a paperback book. And she was gone. I was crying as I looked at the title of the book: “Baby and Child Care,” by Dr. Benjamin Spock, published in 1946. It was the best gift anyone ever gave me.



their children with rigid discipline. Babies were to be held to a rigid feeding schedule. Their needs were simple. Keep the infant clean, fed and warm. If the baby cried it was a finicky baby and needed discipline. In earlier times, mothers rocked their babies and cuddled them. The newer ideas were that this was wrong. It spoiled the babies and led to discipline problems. One must build discipline in a child. My mother did not go with the flow. I remember when my sister was born, nine years after my youngest brother. It was like a sea change in our home. The baby was the center of our family life. Mother discarded almost all the hospital rules. We picked up that baby girl whenever she made one little peep, and we cuddled and rocked her. If she was crying an hour after being fed, my mother fed her. If she was restless evenings, there were many arms to hold and comfort her. She thrived on the attention and loving care. Then I married and we started our own family. We rented a home in a newly constructed housing development in a field near Norfolk, Va. Only one other house was occupied by another sailor’s family. My sailor husband was away every day until dark. I was left with my month-old baby. The young woman next

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Heart Lake by Helen Pederson

How about those longer days we’re having? It’s especially nice to have longer evenings. We can’t really complain about the weather, at least it isn’t the frigid weather like some have, just more sun. We had a baptism at Salem on Sunday morning. Joe and Bonnie Swan are the proud parents of a baby girl, Shauna Katherine, who was welcomed into a home with three boys and welcomed into our church. Blessing to all of you. Mavis and Roger Flach took in granddaughter Hailey’s eighth-grade basketball game against Turtle Lake. They won by a narrow margin. Good going girls. Roger Flash, along with his relatives, enjoyed the fire department’s ice-fishing contest Saturday. Although they didn’t win anything, they had a good time. Sara and Brady Marschall were home for the weekend from college in northern Iowa. Marian Furchtenicht and Wealthy Marschall came up on Thursday to attend wrestling at Shell Lake where Brian participated and they had supper at Mary and John’s. Marian and Wealthy were also dinner guests on Sunday. Lillian Ullom, Florence Carlson, Frank Mortensen and Mark Goveraeski were dinner guests of Margaret Jones on Saturday. Greta Bachinski, Eau Claire, stopped to see Floyd and Helen Pederson on Sunday on her way back after visiting her mom, Susan, and Larry Winner in Solon Springs. They watched her brother, Chris Bachinski, at a hockey game. They also visited Gina who was at the game. Jim and Ruth Swan, Cumberland, stopped to visit Floyd and Helen Pederson after attending the funeral of Marion Graf at the Lake Park Alliance Church on Tuesday. Place feathers from old pillows in a mesh bag or clean suet holder for birds to use for building nests. Have a good week.


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Changing Lives One Baby at a Time


Area writers corner




A teacher asked, “What’s the difference between perseverance and obstinacy?” “One’s a will,” said Johnny, “and the other’s a won’t.” And that’s what makes a Christian – a will, not education or emotion. A doctor might learn the technique of surgery from books. But that won’t make him a surgeon. He learns by doing. It’s the same with the Christian life. If you wait until you understand everything, you’ll never start. If you’re willing to believe God’s word, and you begin doing his will, you’ll know the truth. In Christianity, the way to know God’s will is by believing and behaving. Our Lord said, “If any man will, he shall know the truth.”

Frances A. Sandridge

Frances A. Sandridge, 89, Sarona, died Jan. 26, 2010, at the Lakeview Medical Center in Rice Lake. She was born Feb. 17, 1920, in Belleville, to Samuel and Kathryn (Disch) Zimmerman. Frances was married to Howard Sandridge on March 5, 1936, in Rockford, Ill. They lived and farmed in Belleville for a number of years prior to moving to Madison and retiring to Sarona. She was a member of the senior center in Haugen, and loved Yahtzee, watching soap operas, “Let’s Make a Deal” and “Wheel of Fortune.” She was preceded in death by her husband, Howard Sandridge, and son James Sandridge. Frances is survived by daughter, Jane (Wally) Wolff, Mikana; sons Robert (Mary) Sands, Madison, LeRoy (Virginia) Sandridge and Kenneth Sandridge both of Sarona; 11 grandchildren, 22 great-grandchildren; and five great-great-grandchildren; sister Gladys Thiel, Eau Claire; and brother Walter Zimmerman, Madison. Funeral services were held Jan. 30 at Appleyard’s Home for Funerals in Rice Lake, with the Rev. Donald Berry officiating. The Appleyard’s Home for Funerals, Rice Lake, was entrusted with arrangements.

Accident reports

Thursday, Jan. 14 Judith A. Gregory, 63, Stone Lake, went into the ditch on CTH M, Long Lake, around 8:50 a.m. Gregory told the police officer the snow grabbed her truck’s wheels and pulled her into the ditch. However, there was no damage, and Gregory and her passenger were not reportedly injured. The accident was deemed unreportable. Saturday, Jan. 16 Gary M. Klein, 46, Hayward, hit a horse on Lester and Koch roads, Stone Lake, at 9:15 p.m. Klein was traveling north on Lester Road when he came upon a herd of horses, later identified as belonging to Jerry L. Lester, Springbrook. Klein was unable to stop and hit one of the horses. The roads were snowcovered. The horse was later located at the end of Lester’s driveway and was ill with stress, so it had to be dispatched. The other horses were found by buildings on the land, the report said. Klein was not injured, and the vehicle had minor damage to the front. Monday, Jan. 18 Jacob M. Coleson, 19, Hayward, hit a deer while driving a Sawyer County ambulance on Hwy. 53 and Schaub Road, Spooner, at 11:35 p.m. The deer was found in the southbound

lane and had to be dispatched. There was damage to the front of the ambulance but no reported injuries. Thursday, Jan. 21 Michelle L. Bartle, 39, Springbrook, overturned on Hwy. 53 at Oak Ridge Drive, Lampson, at 7:57 a.m. Bartle was driving south on the highway when she lost control due to the icy roads. Her vehicle left the road, and overturned in the median. Bartle was not injured, but the vehicle had severe damage to the driver’s and middle passenger side, and roof; it was towed by Jock’s Auto & Truck Repair. Around 6:40 p.m., Harold T. Mulhern, 74, Osseo, hit a deer on Hwy. 53 and Boot Lake Spur Road. The State Patrol report said Mulhern was not injured, though there was moderate damage to the front of his vehicle. Friday, Jan. 22 Joshua J. Johnson, 21, Eau Claire, went into a snow bank on Hwy. 63, Shell Lake, around 2:32 p.m. A deputy patrolling south on the highway found Johnson’s vehicle in the snow across from The Body Shop, with three people trying to push it out. Johnson reportedly had been trying to get into an unplowed parking lot. The vehicle was shoveled out, and there was no reported damage,

Ione Catherine Larson

Ione Catherine (Burkholder) Larson, 87, died Jan. 28, 2010. Fondly known by many as Grandma Peanut for the way she affectionately called each of her grandchildren, her little peanut, Ione was born on April 24, 1922, in Couderay, to Elgin and Julia (Carufel) Burkholder. She graduated from Hayward High School. On Feb. 16, 1946, she was united in marriage to Cephas N. Larson. They settled together in Spooner and raised eight children. Ione was an avid bowler, pool player and baseball fan. In June 2006, she moved to the Spooner Health System Nursing Home, where she appreciated time among friends. She enjoyed the activities, playing Bingo and Pokeno and especially enjoyed outings to see the fall colors and Christmas lights. She was always willing to

help other residents, and she made it easy for her family to entrust her care to the staff at the nursing home; she was happy to call it home. She was preceded in death by her husband, parents, sisters and brother. Ione is survived by children Ed (Shirley), Charles (Bonnie), Gerald, Roberta (Allan) Horgen, Sally (Frank) Rich, Cindy (Mike) Pappas, Tom (Sue), Sandy (Mike) Yeazle; 25 grandchildren; 27 great-grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews. A Memorial Mass was held Feb. 1 at St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church with Fr. Ed Anderson as celebrant. Memorials may be directed to the Spooner Health System Nursing Home at 819 Ash St., Spooner, WI 54801. Online condolences may be offered at www.dahlfh.com. The Dahl Funeral Home, Spooner, was entrusted with arrangements.

Jacqueline A. Richardson, 78, Spooner, died Jan. 25, 2010, at the Spooner Health System. Jacqueline was born Nov. 6, 1931, in Milwaukee to Curtis and Carrine Morgan. Jacqueline worked as a LPN at a number of nursing homes and group homes over the years. Jacqueline was a kind woman who always took time to help others and was a good friend to many. She volunteered at the Alzheimer’s group and was a member of the Spooner Women’s Club. She enjoyed traveling, shopping, going to garage sales and antiquing. She also liked bowling, gardening and most of all she loved spending time with her grandchildren.

Jacqueline was preceded in death by her parents; husband Apolphe Londe, Sr.; grandson Sean King; and brother Curtis. She is survived by her children, Londe (Jeannine) Richardson Jr., Spooner, Desiree (Bill) King, West Virginia, David Richardson, Connecticut, and Douglas Richardson, Connecticut; brother Darryl Morgan, Milwaukee; sister Judith Benson, Milwaukee; nine grandchildren; three great-grandchildren; along with other relatives and many friends. Memorial services were held Jan. 31 at Scalzo-Taylor Family Funeral Home with Pastor Will Mowchan officiating. Music was provided by Jacqueline’s dear friends, Jo Henrikson, organist and Dale Jacobson, vocalist. The Scalzo-Taylor Family Funeral Home, Spooner, was entrusted with arrangements. Online condolences can be made at www.scalzo-taylor.com.

Jacqueline A. Richardson

Free cross-country ski day planned

SHELL LAKE — As a way to preburn those bigfootball-game-Sunday calories, Ski! Shell Lake will host a free family ski day in Shell Lake on Sunday, Feb. 7. From 2 to 4 p.m., all skiers are invited to ski at the Red Barn trails in Shell Lake. With over 6 km of groomed trails for classic and skating that weave throughout 200 acres of gently rolling hills, your family is sure to have a fun afternoon. It appears there will be great weather and they anticipate an energetic turnout. The Shell Lake club does have some nice ski rental equipment for adults and youth alike that will be available for use on Sunday. A freewill donation is en-

or injuries. Saturday, Jan. 23 Trinity V. Sahr, 32, Spooner, went into the ditch on Hwy. 53 north of Birchwood Drive, Brooklyn. Sahr said he was headed north on the highway at 45 mph, when he caught the edge of the road. He was unable to recover and the vehicle went into the ditch. Ostrom’s pulled the vehicle out, and there was no damage, nor was Sahr injured. Samantha I. Carr, 22, Hillsdale, went into the ditch south of the Minong wayside. Carr told officers she was driving north on Hwy. 53 when she lost control and slid into the ditch. The vehicle had no damage, though Ostrom’s had to pull it out. Carr was not reportedly injured. Nicole E. Hudacheck, 21, Cornucopia, went into the ditch on Hwy. 53 and Whalen Lake Road, Minong. Hudacheck said she was driving south on the highway when she lost control on the slushy roads and went into the ditch. Another vehicle was able to pull her out, and she was not reportedly injured. At 6:23 p.m., David W. Grandadam, 26, Shell Lake, sideswiped a vehicle driven by Diann J. Hanson, 67, Chetek, on Hwy. 53 and CTH B, Beaver Brook. Acoording to the State Patrol report, Hanson was driv-

ing south on the highway in the right lane, going about 55 mph, while Grandadam was behind her in the same lane, driving about the same rate of speed. Grandadam approached Hanson’s vehicle and tried to pass on the left when he caught up, but during the maneuver lost control. The roads were snow-covered. Grandadam’s vehicle spun out and struck Hanson’s vehicle, which slid into the median, coming to a stop facing east. Grandadam’s vehicle came to a stop north of her, facing west. The front of Hanson’s vehicle was stuck in the median with the rear sticking nearly in the highway’s southbound lane. Hanson and her passenger, Duane A. Hanson, 74, Chetek, were not injured, nor was Grandadam. Her vehicle had moderate damage to the driver’s side and rear, and was towed by Jock’s. Grandadam’s had moderate damage to the rear. Monday, Jan. 25 Matthew E. Kasten, 23, Stone Lake, went into the ditch due to heavy snow in Spooner. A deputy patrolling nearby found Kasten’s vehicle in the ditch. Jock’s was able to pull the vehicle out, and there was no damage. Kasten was not reportedly injured. Denise L. Huset, 44, Minong,

couraged. If you do not have your own equipment, please be at the Red Barn trails at 1:30 p.m. for fitting. The Red Barn trails are located two miles east of Shell Lake on CTH B. Although CTH B is under construction, the road is open to all traffic. Parking is available next to the Red Barn Campground by the large poll shed in the Red Barn Berries parking lot. Ski! Shell Lake is a nonprofit cross-country ski club with an emphasis on promoting youth and family skiing in the Shell Lake area. They maintain the Red Barn trails and all involved in the club are volunteers. For further information, contact David at 715-2054424. — from Ski! Shell Lake

went into the ditch on Hwy. 53 near Shell Creek Road, Shell Lake. Her vehicle was found partially on the shoulder of the road, and another person was able to remove it. Huset was not reportedly injured. Allison R. Minor, 20, Superior, went into the median north of Brooklyn Road, Minong. Minor said she had been driving to Superior in the left lane and tried to change lanes, but caught the edge of the shoulder and slid off the road. Ostrom’s towed her out, and there was no damage, nor was Minor injured. At 3:53 a.m., William C. Sando, 68, Spooner, went into the ditch on Green Valley Road and Hwy. 63, Bashaw. Sando had been pulling a trailer with a Bobcat. He allegedly missed the corner and slid into the north ditch onto the Green Acres Motel land. When he slid, the trailer continued to push Sando into the ditch. Another person was able to pull Sando out, and there was no damage, or injuries. At 7:03 a.m., Bernard C. Schweickert, 71, Hayward, went into the median on Hwy. 53 south at Ojibway Road, Spooner. Schweickert lost control and slid into the median. He was pulled out by American Towing & Recovery. There was no reported damage, nor was Schweickert

injured. At 5:20 p.m., Harry R. Tinsley, 57, Spooner, hit a vehicle driven by Joan M. Avery, 61, Spooner, on CTH K at CTH A, Spooner. Avery was driving north on CTH K while Tinsley was eastbound on CTH A. Tinsley allegedly failed to stop at the stop sign and struck Avery. It was snowing that day and the roads were snow-covered. Neither party was injured, though there was minor damage to Avery’s vehicle’s rear and moderate damage to the front of Tinsley’s. At 8:40 p.m., Charles N. Vogel, 19, Spooner, went into the ditch on Hwy. 63 and State Patrol Hill, Spooner. Vogel said he was driving south on the highway when he went off the shoulder a ways. He overcorrected and went into the ditch on the opposite, eastern side of the road. Vogel and his passenger, Brian J. Lindblom, 16, Spooner, weren’t injured. The vehicle had no reported damage, but was towed out by Jock’s. – with info. from the Washburn County Sheriff’s Department


Area churches Alliance

St. Francis de Sales

53 3rd Ave., Shell Lake Pastor John Sahlstrom Lay Pastor Richard Peterson Youth leader Luke Gronning 715-468-2734 Worship Service: 10 a.m. Youth Group, 7th - 12th grade: Sunday 6 - 8 p.m. Wednesday Faith in Friends Club for K - 6th grade 3:15 - 5:30

409 N. Summit St., Spooner Father Edwin Anderson 715-635-3105 Saturday Mass: 6 p.m. Sunday Mass: 10 a.m.

Lake Park Alliance


Northwoods Baptist W6268 Cranberry Dr., Shell Lake; 4 miles south of Spooner on U.S. 253 Pastor Adam Dunshee 715-468-2177 Sunday School: 10 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. Sunday evening service: 6 p.m. Wednesday service: 7 p.m.

Spooner Baptist W7135 Green Valley Rd. (Green Valley Rd. and Hwy. 63) Pastor James Frisby 715-635-2277 Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. Sunday eve. service 6 p.m. Wed. eve. service 7 p.m.


St. Joseph's Catholic 100 N. Second St., Shell Lake Father Edwin Anderson Saturday Mass: 4:30 p.m. Books & Coffee: Tues. 9 a.m.

St. Catherine's Catholic CTH D, Sarona Father Edwin Anderson 715-468-7850 Sunday Mass: 8:30 a.m.

Episcopal St. Alban's

Corner of Elm & Summit St., Spooner Father Bob Rodgers 715-635-8475 Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Holy Eucharist: Sun. at 10:30 a.m. and Thursday at 9:30 a.m. Morning prayer: 8:15 a.m. Mon. - Thurs.

Full Gospel Shell Lake Full Gospel

293 S. Hwy. 63, Shell Lake Pastor Virgil Amundson 715-468-2895 Sunday: Celebration Worship Service: 10 a.m. Sunday School: 9 a.m. Jr. Kids Church: 10:30 a.m.; UTurn Student Ministries (7th-12th grades): 6 p.m.; Power & Light (2nd - 6th grades), 6 p.m. Tuesday: Compassion Connection: 7 p.m.


Barronett Lutheran 776 Prospect Ave., Barronett Pastor Todd Ahneman 715-822-5511 Sunday Worship: 9 a.m. The Spirit Connection Youth Group will meet the first Wed. of the month at 6 p.m.

Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church (WELS) Hwy. 70 at Hwy. 53, Spooner Pastor Gene E. Jahnke 715-635-7672, Home: 715-354-7787 Sunday Worship: 9:30 a.m. Sunday School and Bible class: 10:45 a.m.

Faith Lutheran

United Methodist

(Missouri Synod) South of Spooner off Hwy. W7148 Luther Rd. Pastor Brent Berkesch Church of the Lutheran Hour 715-635-8167 Worship: 8 a.m. & 10:30 a.m., Adult Bible study & Sunday School: 9:15 a.m Lutheran Hour hear on WJMC 96.1 FM Radio at 9 a.m. Sundays.

Lakeview United Methodist

Long Lake Lutheran Church W3114 Church Rd., Sarona Pastor Mary Strom Sunday worship: 9 a.m. Sunday School: 9 a.m.

Salem Lutheran, ELCA 803 Second St., Shell Lake Pastor Carol Ann McArdell 715-468-7718 www.shelllakesalem lutheran.org Sunday Worship: 8 and 10 a.m.; coffee and conversation: 9:15 a.m.; Midweek program: 3 yrs. - 6th grade: Wed. 3:30 -5:30

Timberland Ringebu Free Lutheran

12805 CTH H, Barronett Pastor Shane McLoughlin Sunday Worship: 9:00 a.m.,coffee and fellowship following.

Trinity Lutheran

1790 Scribner St., Spooner Pastors Will & Carolyn Mowchan 715-635-3603 Sunday Worship: 8 a.m. & 9:45 a.m.

312 Elm St., Spooner 715-635-3227 Rev. Jack Starr Sunday worship: 10:45 a.m.

Williams Road, Hertel 715-635-3227 Rev. Jack Starr Sunday Worship: 9 a.m.


Church of the Nazarene

Hwy. 253 S, Spooner Rev. David Frazer 715-635-3496 Sunday Worship: 10:45 a.m. and 6 p.m.; Sunday School: 9:45 a.m.; Wednesday Adult, youth and children ministries: 6:30 p.m.


Spooner Wesleyan Hwy. 70 W, Spooner Senior Pastor Ronald W. Gormong; Assistant Pastor Chopper Brown 715-635-2768 Sunday Worship: 9 a.m.; Sunday School and ABF’s: 10:30 a.m.; nursery provided; Celebrate Recovery, 1st and 3rd Mondays: 6:30 p.m.


Cornerstone Christian

Pastor Tom Kelby 106 Balsam St., Spooner 715-635-9222 www.cornerstonechurch spooner.com Sunday Worship: 10 a.m. Children’s Sunday School: 10:30 a.m.; Wed. Prayer: 6:30 p.m. Youth Group Wed.: 6:30 p.m., Kids Club Wed.: 6:30 p.m.


United Methodist

135 Reinhart Dr., Shell Lake, 715-468-2405 Pastor Gregory Harrell Sunday: Sarona - 9 a.m.; Shell Lake - Sunday School: 9:15 a.m., Worship: 10:30 a.m. Wednesday Youth: 6:30 p.m.

Senior Menu

Monday, Feb. 8: Spanish rice casserole, buttered yellow beans, tropical fruit cup, cornmeal muffin, butter, milk. Tuesday, Feb. 9: Turkey dumpling soup, crackers, egg-salad croissant, V8 juice, oatmeal raisin cookie, milk. Wednesday, Feb. 10: Kielbasa, catsup, au gratin potatoes, broccoli salad, chocolate bread pudding with orange-kissed custard, bread, butter, beverages. Thursday, Feb. 11: Chicken parmigiana with marinara over pasta, tossed salad, dressing, sundae cup ice cream, garlic bread, milk. Friday, Feb. 12: Herb-rubbed roast beef, gravy, mashed potatoes, rutabagas, be-my-valentine dessert, bread, butter, beverages. Meal reservations must be made at least 24 hours in advance. Shell Lake Center, 715-468-7010, Teresa Dahlstrom, site manager/cook.



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Dewey Country

by Pauline Lawrence

It’s the last day of January, 2010, as I write this and BRR. It’s really cold outside. After those warmer temps we had a couple of weeks ago, we are spoiled, aren’t we? At least we’re not fighting lots of snow and flooding like other states. We should be very happy to live where we do and not complain. Happy birthday wishes go out to brother Carl Meister as he enjoys his special day Feb. 4. Many more Carl. Happy birthday wishes go out to Kyle Beaufeaux on his special day Feb. 4. Have a wonderful day Kyle. Happy birthday wishes go out to that little son of Tom and Sunshine Crosby, Isaac Thomas, as he has a happy birthday on Feb. 4. Have a fun day, Isaac. Kurt and Paige Skluzacek, a very happy anniversary to you on Feb. 4, celebrating 21 years together. Have a wonderful day. Feb. 8 it’s birthday wishes going way down to Missouri to Larry Hopke as he enjoys his special day. Have a great day, Larry. Happy birthday to a special nephew, Mike Quam, and also to a special niece, Trudy Meister, as they both celebrate that special day, Feb. 9. Many more to both of you. John Pockat, how could we forget your birthday? Well, it’s happy birthday to John on his special day, Feb. 10, with many more. Happy birthday wishes go out to Niki Melton on her special day, Feb. 10. Many more Niki. Happy birthday to a golden oldie Virgil Peterson when he turns 82 years young on Feb. 11. Have a wonderful day Virgil. Happy birthday to a very special little great-niece, Daya Lawrence, as she turns 6 years old on Feb. 11. Have a fun day Daya. Last Wednesday I headed for Eau Claire to see my Sunshine and the Cramers. Sunshine is doing as good as he can and is slowing gaining weight. In the last two weeks he has gained eight pounds. His attitude is great and he likes to kid around and he looks forward to phone calls and cards. He is slowly gaining his strength back and eats all he can. Please keep Sunshine in your


special thoughts and prayers. 2009 was a rough year for Wisconsin dairy farmers. Yes, net income for dairy farmers is down to less than half of what they were getting. The big reason is the U.S. is exporting less dairy products, leaving more products for the U.S. I’m also thinking the U.S. is importing too many dairy products from other countries. Let’s hope that tainted milk that showed up in China recently doesn’t get into the U.S. milk products. It’s all about greed! Talking with Noel Knoop we find her saying it is just plain cold! Saturday, Mark and Noel and daughter Alecia enjoyed the wrestling youth tournament at Spooner Schools with K-8 wrestling. Noel said there were about 275 registered. Bryan, a seventh-grader, wrestled an eighth-grader and came in second. Congrats to Bryan. Allene Peterson tells us that when she was at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., a car backed into her vehicle. She’s finally got it back and is happy. Table Talk: What is the strangest thing that has happened to you so far in your life? Gosh, myself? Well, I have had too many and don’t know which one was the strangest. Saturday, Jerry and Gretchen Best visited Gretchen’s mom, Lillian Strege, in Luck. Sunday was family prayer Sunday at Cecil and Evelyn Melton’s. Potluck was enjoyed by Vicki and Don Trott, Natalie and Castin Melton, Sarah Melton, Peggy Vesta and Donnie. Thursday afternoon, Vicki went over to Cecil and Evelyn’s and enjoyed playing cards. Saturday found Chuck and Dixie Andrea in New Richmond to help a very special couple celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary. It was very special as the Andreas stood up for this couple and in return this couple stood up at their wedding and they remain friends. Dixie said there was a big crowd helping them celebrate. Last Sunday supper guests at Diane Hulleman’s were her nursing teacher Piper Larson and Nancy Thompson who was an anesthetist and Gail Neuseer. These are very special friends of Diane’s. Last Wednesday, Diane

by Marian Furchtenicht

Happy birthday to our Aage who turns 102 on Feb. 5, 2010. Folks are anxious for a warm-up! The big, full wolf moon brought us some cold. Did you note that the moon was bigger and brighter than the usual full moons? That was because as the moon orbited around the Earth — an average of 238,855 miles from us and because its orbit is not a perfect circle, it reached the closest point to us, called perigee, and it was 95-percent illuminated. According to spaceweather.com it was 14percent wider and 30-percent brighter than other full moons of the year. Because of our clear skies we could see it and also planet Mars to the left, the reddish star. Looking out at night one could see the shadows of the trees across the snow. So beautiful. Almost like daytime. Our days are getting longer. Today the sun is with us nine hours and 42 minutes and we are gaining each day. It’ll soon be spring. Some folks say they can hardly wait. As far as me, I love today but wish it would warm up a bit. Francis Sandridge, who would have been 90 years old Feb. 17, passed away Jan. 26. The funeral was held at Appleyards Home for Funerals in Rice Lake on Saturday. Her son Robert came from Madison and her son Kenneth was here from Clearview Brain Injury Center in Juneau. Ken looks good but doesn’t communicate well yet. Friends Doug and Bonnie Johnson brought him home Thursday and daughter Lori Gohde brought him back Monday. Our prayers go out to him. Great-grandson James Whitehead from Alabama flew up Friday going back on Tuesday, staying with his grandparents, Leroy and Virginia Sandridge. Granddaughter and granddaughter-in-law came from Sauk City. Officiated by the Rev. Donald Berry, with an uplifting message. Pastor Greg Harrell and wife Nancy sang beautifully for the service. Francis was a nice person and will be dearly missed by many. Sympathy is extended to her daughter, Jane

HAPPY 90TH ON THE 9TH MOM! (Florence Besse)

Love, Sandy, Jerry & Susie

Wolff, Mikana, sons Bob, Leroy and Kenneth and their families. Elfreda West is great again. Baby Heidi Marie was born Jan. 27 to Jeb and Melissa Wagner of Long Lake. She joins a sister, Maeve Laverne. Congrats to all. Mavis Schlapper enjoyed going dancing in Cameron on Tuesday. Greg Krantz got wife Sue snowshoes for Christmas. Sue and the dog go out every night after work and find it refreshing. Roger Furchtenicht visited Aage Duch Tuesday. Cindy and Casey Furchtenicht spent Friday overnight with her mom, Linda Jachium in Rice Lake and took her to her dialysis Saturday morning. Prayers and thoughts are with them. Cindy’s dad, Paul, is a patient at the hospital in Rice Lake with heart-related problems. I went along with Gloria Frey to Rice Lake on Thursday. We ate lunch at Nancy’s Café then visited her mom, Dorothy Foltz, Aage and Verdene Pokorny at the convalescent center. Found Mary Shimek sleeping, so we didn’t visit with her. I also visited with Harvey Gillette there. Mary and Sara Marschall fixed dinner Sunday so I joined and Ashley Anderson joined them, Sara and Brady before they headed back to Iowa to school. Elaine Ryan visited her daughter Nickki and family in Rice Lake on Saturday. Thursday night I joined the Marschall family as did Grandma Wealthy Marschall from Amery at the wrestling match in Shell Lake and watched grandson Brian pin his opponent. Shell Lake boys all did well. Saturday night the Tascobia Trap had their banquet at the club, gave out team trophies, enjoyed a great catered meal and celebrated Tom Elliott’s 60th birthday. Sarona folks there included John Roeser, the Freys, Anton, Gloria, Jim, Pete and son Ben, Jan and Jeff, and Tom and Gloria Elliott. Fishermen are out. I went along with Marlene Come Help Us Celebrate

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drove to New Richmond to daughter Colleen, Chad and Izzy Jensen’s. From there Diane and Colleen drove to Jackie Perlt’s and the ladies enjoyed shopping and later enjoyed dinner together and a movie, “It’s Complicated.” Diane stayed overnight with Colleen and came home the next day after a doctor’s appointment due to her recent eye surgery. News from the Fjelstad Palace finds Kris attending the Lakeview UMC administrative council meeting Monday at the church. Tuesday Jeff Larson visited at the Fjelstad’s and Bob visited with Chad Hansen. Wednesday, Kris, Dixie Andrea, Beth Crosby and Judy Leonard enjoyed the movie “Tooth Fairy” in Siren and later they enjoyed supper at the Pour House. Thursday Bob visited with Gary Peterson and Chad Hansen. Friday Kris, Dixie, Beth and Judy all enjoyed shopping in Rice Lake and enjoyed lunch together at Norske Nook. Friday evening Gary Peterson, Chad Hansen and Cheri Dorweiler visited the Fjelstads. Saturday Greg and Tyler Dorweiler visited the Fjelstads and Sunday Jeff Larson visited Bob. The next monthly Dewey Township Board meeting is Feb. 9, 8 p.m., at the Dewey Town Hall. Everyone welcome. A late but happy birthday to Hannah (Butenhoff) Brion on her special day, Jan. 17. Hope you had a wonderful day, Hannah. Also, a late but very happy birthday to Cody Knoop on his special day, Jan. 31. Hope your day was great, Cody! Sunday afternoon I found my favorite sister, Marie Quam, very busy frying fish, along with all the trimmings for a fish fry with the family. Coming to enjoy the feast were Debbie, Gene, Buddy and Alyssa Quam, Janie and Rick Lauterbach and Noah, Mike and Jim Quam. It’s really nice that the Quam family gets together to have a good time and visiting to catch up on news. Scatter sunshine! Have a great week!

Hansen to Francis Sandridge’s funeral and on our way back we went on the east side of Rice Lake and it looked like fish-house city so the fish must be biting. We took CTH M for a change of scenery. Marlene Hansen went along with Bill and Val Smith to the visitation for Donald Kringle, 65, Rice Lake, who passed away Jan. 26. His funeral was held at Bethany Lutheran in Rice Lake on Monday. He was a farmer in rural Rice Lake. Sympathy to the family. A speedy get-well wish to Sue Krantz’s dad, Hugh Smith, who had surgery on Thursday and came home Friday. We got envelopes for donations for American Heart Association from Richard and Janace Gagner who are doing the drive. So put a check in made out to the American Heart Fund. It’s for a good cause and it’s also a tax write-off. Kyle Schaffer attended a trade show in Las Vegas. Happy birthday to Jeff Norton, Grace Modrow and John Cusick, Feb. 4; Aage Duch, John Okonek, Cody Gagner, Feb. 5; Carol Sauer’s sister, Denise Johansen, Feb. 6; Julie Westlund, Marlo Fields, Ashton Fox, Debbie Wakefield, Feb. 7; Linda Frank, Ted Richter, Susan Friesbie, Amanda Reynolds and Bailey Okonek, Feb. 8; Trudy Meister, Amanda Pearson and Pat Linn, Feb. 9; Charlotte Kubista, John Pockat, Amanda Jo Morevec and Nicole Doanes, Feb. 10. There were 35 relatives and friends in attendance at Aage Duch’s home Sunday afternoon to help him celebrate his upcoming 102nd birthday, which takes place Feb. 5. Those who came from Wisconsin and Minnesota enjoyed themselves. Brad Semm stopped in to wish him a happy birthday and to bring him a package of his favorite midnight snack, liver sausage. Anniversary wishes to Bryan and Julie Westlund on Feb. 10.

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SHELL LAKE — Awarded Shell Lake Elementary Good Citizen on Friday, Jan. 22, were: Breanna Green, third grade, is a bubbly girl who is quick to help a friend and share a good story. Breanna works hard in school and is a great reader and writer. Breanna’s positive personality makes her a good role model to others. Congratulations, Breanna! ~ Mrs. Skinner Molly Slater, third grade, is a pleasant girl and a pleasure to have in class. Her many friends are a tribute to her kindness and caring toward others. Molly acknowledges her academic responsibilities and always gets her work done. She always has a smile to share and is willing to lend a helping hand. Molly is the perfect choice for the Good Citizen Award. ~ Mrs. Hagen Sydney Kidder, third grade, is a kind, respectful girl. She is a hard worker with a positive attitude. She adds such joy to our classroom with her pleasant manner and cute giggle. Congratulations, Sydney! ~ Mrs. Hanson Breeana Monson, third grade, consistently tries her best in all she does. She is a responsible student and cares about her schoolwork. She is respectful and always treats her classmates with kindness. Breeana is a joy to have in class. I love seeing her smiling face each day! ~ Mrs. Sauve Grace Anderson, fourth grade, has been a wonderful addition to our class-

SHELL LAKE — Announced as Shell Lake Primary Good Citizens for the second quarter were: Ruby Dahlstrom, kindergarten, has made amazing progress this quarter and should feel proud of all her accomplishments. She also follows the classroom rules. Way to shine, Ruby! ~ Mrs. LaFave Noa Kidder, kindergarten, is a good friend to everyone and a quiet helper. She follows school and classroom rules and is a good example for others. Her work is always neat and finished promptly. Noa also does many helpful things to keep our room and school looking good. Thanks, Noa, for being such a super girl! ~ Mrs. Cardwell Cade Hanson, kindergarten, is a wonderful boy who is always willing to help out his classmates. It is not unusual to see him zipping up someone’s coat zipper or helping them with their mittens. Cade is a great student and always tries hard to do his best. His handwriting is neat and easy to read. He is creative when it comes to building with blocks, and he plays and works so well with all the boys and girls. Cade is a joy to have in class every day! ~ Mrs. Miller William Fisher, first grade, is a good citizen because he makes good choices, is a good friend, does his homework and has a true passion for learning. He has a heart of gold. Williams always puts his best foot forward and doesn’t complain. He is a wonderful boy, and I am so High school A honor roll

Ashley Anderson, Bradley Burton, Wyatt Carlson, Brandon Degner, Sage Dunham, Amanda Hagen, Brett Holman, Josiah Kay, Joseph Mikula, Robert Scheu, Kara Spears, Cavan Maher, Robert Augesen, Marlo Fields, Dillon Hopke, Stephanie Clark, Mersadie Gajewski, Drew Knoop, Brianna Stellrecht, Isaac Cusick, Emma Anderson, Jennifer Cassel, Leah Keefe, Chloe’ Wykel, Emma Frey, Caleb Parker, Sage Alberts, Hannah Bartz, Julie Simpson, Elicia Kupper, Tory Williams, Jesse Hagen, Abigail Granzin, Paige Klassa, Elise Bouchard, Bethany Bulgrin, James Lillion, Hannah Hodgett and Casey Furchtenicht. B honor roll Lindsey Green, Aaron Druschba, Kellie Meyers, Daniel Kasparec, Mitchell Kraetke, Katherine Parker, Ashley Quinton, Thomas VanSelus, Stephanie Stetler, Jordan Forsythe, Jeremy Sandstrom, Johnathan Lloyd, Daniel Cassel, Nicholas Muska, Kendra Collier, Mackenzie Curtis, Brandie Evans, Michael Irvine, Robyn Melton, Alyssa White-

Elementary Good Citizens

Named as Shell Lake Elementary Good Citizens for the second quarter on Friday, Jan. 22, were back row (L to R): Drew Johnson, John Green, Jordyn Monson and Rachel Kidder. Front: Sydney Kidder, Molly Slater, Breeana Monson, Grace Anderson and Arianna Schreiber. Missing: Breanna Green. — Photo by Suzanne Johnson

room and our school. She is respectful, polite and a great friend. Grace gets her work finished on a regular basis and is always willing to help out in the room. Congratulations, Grace! ~ Mr. Kevan Arianna Schreiber, fourth grade, has had an awesome quarter! Along with a wonderful sense of humor, she is enthusiastic when it comes to her schoolwork. She has significantly shown responsibility and pride in what she does. She is helpful in the classroom and brings a

positive attitude to the tasks at hand. Congratulations, Arianna, on a job well done! ~ Mrs. Behling Rachel Kidder, fifth grade, is a caring and considerate person who treats her classmates and everyone around her with respect. Her cheerful attitude and wide smile brighten the room. She is a willing listener to anyone and a thoughtful friend who is willing to go the extra mile to help in any way she can. Congratulations, Rachel! ~ Mrs. Haack

Primary Good Citizens

Principal Mike Werner announced the second quarter Shell Lake Primary Good Citizens during an assembly held Friday, Jan. 22. Shown back row (L to R): Michael Allar, Katey Melton, Rachel Milton, John Harrington and Brittany Clark. Front: William Fisher, Noa Kidder, Ruby Dahlstrom and Morgan Wendel. Missing: Cade Hanson. — Photo by Suzanne Johnson

blessed to have him in my room. Way to go, William! I am very proud of you! ~ Mrs. Roux Morgan Wendel, first grade, always has a smile on her face. She works hard at her schoolwork, and has a positive attitude to share with our class. Keep smiling, Morgan! You brighten our room! ~ Mrs. Schroeder John Harrington, first grade, comes to

school with a smile on his face and continues to smile all day. He enjoys school and learning new things. He really enjoys sharing what he knows about trains! John is very caring to his friends and is very positive. He works hard on his schoolwork and has fantastic behavior at school. Way to go, John! Keep up the great work! ~ Mrs. Muench Brittany Clark, first grade, deserves the

Jordyn Monson, fifth grade. Jordyn’s smile could light up a room! She is kind and courteous to all of her classmates, always working well cooperatively. Jordyn has shown improvement throughout the school year and strives to do better with her willingness to participate in classroom discussions and activities. Congratulations, Jordyn — you are a Good Citizen! ~ Mrs. Gothblad Drew Johnson, sixth grade. It is my pleasure to nominate Drew as out Good Citizen of the second quarter. Drew exemplifies all the qualities and characteristics one appreciates and admires in any student. He is a caring and conscientious individual who is a hardworking student and a genuine friend to all of his classmates! Congratulations, Drew! ~ Mr. Bouchard John Green, sixth grade, joined our Shell Lake family this year and instantly became a friend to everyone he met. He always has a smile on his face and his contagious laugh and outrageous hunting/fishing stories can be heard throughout the sixth grade. Not only is John a good friend to his classmates, he is also a great help to his teachers. He always comes ready to listen and learn, and reminds others to do the same. We are very glad to have John as a part of our sixth grade! ~ Ms. Stearns — from Shell Lake Schools

Good Citizen Award because of her kindness and dedication to learning. Brittany is very well liked in our class, and she always makes us giggle with her fun sense of humor. She is a great role model to others and reminds others to follow the rules. It is great having Brittany in our first-grade class! Congratulations, Brittany! Keep up the good work. ~ Mrs. Marker Katey Melton, second grade, has done just an outstanding job with her classroom with this quarter. She is always one of the first to willingly give her classmates a hand if they need any help. Every day she comes to school with a super attitude, and she is excited to learn new things. Thank you, Katey, for all the positive things you do in our classroom every day without even being asked. Way to be, Katey! ~ Mrs. Butenhoff Michael Allar, second grade, is always smiling and pleasant. He has a terrific sense of humor. Michael also possesses a super attitude. Congratulations, Michael, for being our Good Citizen this quarter. ~ Mrs. Butler Rachel Milton, second grade, has been working very hard at school. She always tries, and she never gives up. Rachel is respectful and always thinks of other people’s feelings. Rachel is kind to everyone at school. Nice job! ~ Mrs. Bulgrin — from Shell Lake Schools

Shell Lake second-quarter honor roll

bird, Kayla Blazer, Caleb Schmidt, Benjamin West, Carissa Forsythe, Grace Helstern, Emmalee Statz, Trista Ommen, Mario Estrada, Corey Hamer, Jesse Gronning, Kourtney Klassa, Ben Butenhoff, Samantha Morris, Jill Butenhoff, Anthony Duin, Tyrell Frisbie, Andrea Miranda and Emilee Organ.

Middle school A honor roll

Hana Anderson, Trevor Anderson, Carley Andrysiak, D’Artagnan Andrysiak, Amy Bouchard, David Brereton, Tia Carlson, Hannah Cassel, Kelsey Egbert, Hailey Flach, Lynsey Hagen, Chris Heibel, Calista Holman, Adam Hungerbuhler, Bryan Knoop, Colleen Knoop, Kristen Kraetke, Jade LaFave, Samuel Livingston, Renae Lloyd, Samuel Muska, Carley Myers, Makenzie Olson, Seth Olson, Curtis Parker, Shania Pokorny, Dylan Sandwick, Brandon Skille, Sabrina Skindzelewski, Beau Skluzacek, Noah Skluzacek, Katie Slater and Tanner Williams.

B honor roll

Michael Belisle, Emma Bennis, Chrystal Dvorak, Taylor Fox, Katie Gronning, Tiannyka Halverson, Sarah Heibel, Madeleine Hodgett, Austin Janz, Rachael Jensen, Madison Johnson, Kaylea Kidder, Colleen Knoop, Carisis Kodesh, Tyler Kozial, Rachel Mechtel, Alecia Meister, Ryan Melon, Jessica Milton, Kassidy Roecker, Jesi Sando and Staci Zempel.

Elementary school A honor roll

Sixth grade Amber Anderson, Keagan Blazer, Amanda Brereton, Caitlin Brereton, Sheri Clark, Bryanna Davies, Anna Hungerbuhler, Travis Klassa, Caleb LaFave, Ashley Lawrence, Ashley Lord, Lindsey Martin, Emily McCarthy, Courtney Melton, Zachary Melton, Tia Ommen, Lauren Osborn, Isaac Otterson, Daniel Parish, Cassandra Skindzelewski, Natalie Smith, Reyna Stone, Emma Thomas and Nathaniel Wingler.

Fifth grade Marty Anderson, Hope Balts, KayDe Bontekoe, Hailey Christensen, James Crawford, Myana Dryden, Alex Eiche, Niki Everroad, Rei Grandadam, Kaitlyn Haynes, Tiffany Herzog, Dominic Hopke, Madison LaFave, Gina McSweeney, Jerney Meister, Nicole Mikula, Emily Parish, Lanae Paulson, Caitlyn Schaefer, Cassidy Schroeder, Alyssa Schultz, Jack Skluzacek, Savannah Soltis, Heidi Steines, Nathaniel Swan, Ariana Udovich and Kyley Williams. B honor roll Sixth grade John Green Jr., Laci Green, Curtis Johnson, Drew Johnson, Klara McNeally, Lilly Rau and Taylor Rohow. Fifth rade Richard Feeney, Jade Folstad, Benjamin Frey, Hector Garcia, Tara Gramberg, Rachel Kidder, Kaelin Laub, Morgan Maher, Jordyn Monson, Lillian Nyreen, Jace Sando, Stephanie Tinsley, Emma Williams, Neissya York and Logan Zebro.


Notices / Employment

ADVERTISEMENT The Shell Lake Housing Authority (SLHA) invites sealed bids from contractors for the replacement of the shingle roofing at Lakeland Manor, located at 201 2nd Avenue, Shell Lake, WI 54871. The work consists of the tear off and replacement of shingles/felt roofing for the entire roof (15,300 sq. ft.) in accordance with the documents prepared by the SLHA. Bids are subject to State Law. Bids will be received until 1 p.m. on March 2, 2010, and publicly opened, forthwith at Shell Lake Housing Authority, 201 2nd Avenue, Shell Lake, WI 54871. General bids shall be accompanied by a bid deposit that is not less than five (5%) of the greatest possible bid amount (considering all alternates), and made payable to the Shell Lake Housing Authority. A bid package will be available for pickup from the SLHA at 201 2nd Avenue after 8 a.m., January 29, 2010. Cost of plans and specifications is $25.00. Company checks are required. The job site will be available for a walk-through on Feb. 15, 2010, at 10 a.m. (or by appointment by contacting Andy Eiche at (715) 468-2730 at Lakeland Manor, 201 2nd Avenue, Shell Lake, WI 54871. Prospective bidders should meet at the above-mentioned address. 504189 23-24r 13-14b

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HANAWAY ROSS, S.C. By: /s/ Daniel J. Duke Bar No. 1020745 Attorney for Plaintff POST OFFICE ADDRESS: 345 S. Jefferson Street Green Bay, WI 54301-4522 920-432-3381

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Advertising deadline is Monday at noon.

(Feb. 3, 10, 17, 24, Mar. 3, 10) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT WASHBURN COUNTY CITIFINANCIAL, INC. Plaintiff, vs. GLORIA G. DAVIS, et al. Defendants. Case Number: 09 CV 157 NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by virtue of a judgment of foreclosure entered on November 20, 2009, in the amount of $84,047.88, the Sheriff will sell the described premises at public auction as follows: TIME: March 24, 2010, at 10:15 a.m. TERMS: 1. 10% down in cash or money order at the time of sale; balance due within 10 days of confirmation of sale; failure to pay balance due will result in forfeit of deposit to plaintiff. 2. Sold “as is” and subject to all legal liens and encumbrances. PLACE: North Entrance of Washburn County Courthouse 10 4th Ave., Shell Lake, Wis. DESCRIPTION: Lots 6, 7 & 8, Block 12 of the Village of Birchwood, Washburn County, Wisconsin. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 214 S. Main Street, Birchwood, WI 54817. TAX KEY NO.: 65-106-2-37-1025-0-0-5530, 65-106-2-37-1025-0-0-5535 & 65-106-2-3710-25-0-0-5540. Dated this 25th day of January, 2010 /s/Terry Dryden Sheriff of Washburn County J. T. Lovett State Bar #1019525 Attorney for Plaintiff 13700 W. Greenfield Avenue Brookfield, WI 53005 262-790-5719 Please go to http://www.blommerpeterman.com to obtain the bid for this sale. Blommer Peterman, S.C., is the creditor’s attorney and is attempting to collect a debt on its behalf. Any information obtained will be used for this purpose. (185396)

504331 WNAXLP

(Jan. 27, Feb. 3, 10) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT WASHBURN COUNTY BANK MUTUAL 4949 W. Brown Deer Road P.O. Box 245034 Milwaukee, WI 53224-9534 Plaintiff -vsGARY L. BENSON and KATHRYN A. BENSON W11496 620th Ave. Prescott, WI 54021 Mortgagor Defendants HIWAY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION 111 Empire Dr. St. Paul, MN 55103 UNKNOWN TENANTS N11242 Burian Place Rd. Trego, WI 54888 Defendants AMENDED SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION Case No.: 09CV-276 Code 30404 THE STATE OF WISCONSIN To Defendants Gary L. Benson and Kathryn A. Benson YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the plaintiff named above has filed a lawsuit or other legal action against you. Within forty (40) days after January 27, 2010, you must respond with a written demand for a copy of the Complaint. The demand must be sent or delivered to the court, whose address is Clerk of Courts, Ten Fourth Ave., Shell Lake, WI 54871 and to plaintiff’s attorneys whose address is 345 S. Jefferson St., Green Bay, WI 54301-4522. You may have an attorney help or represent you. If you do not demand a copy of the Complaint within forty (40) days, the court may grant judgment against you for the award of money or other legal action requested in the complaint, and you may lose your right to object to anything that is or may be incorrect in the complaint. A judgment may be enforced as provided by law. A judgment awarding money may become a lien against any real estate you own now or in the future, may also be enforced by garnishment or seizure of property. We are attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose.

504192 WNAXLP

504332 WNAXLP

Case Number: 09 CV 71 NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by virtue of a judgment of foreclosure entered on September 9, 2009, in the amount of $214,062.53, the Sheriff will sell the described premises at public auction as follows: TIME: March 24, 2010, at 10:00 a.m. TERMS: 1. 10% down in cash or money order at the time of sale; balance due within 10 days of confirmation of sale; failure to pay balance due will result in forfeit of deposit to plaintiff. 2. Sold “as is” and subject to all legal liens and encumbrances. PLACE: North Entrance of Washburn County Courthouse 10 4th Ave., Shell Lake, Wis. DESCRIPTION: Lot 3 of Certified Survey Map No. 2206, recorded on June 24, 1996, in Volume 9 of Certified Survey Maps, Page 146, as Document No. 245937, being a part of the Northeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 35, Township 39 North, Range 13 West, in the Town of Evergreen, Washburn County, Wis. Subject to an easement for roadway purposes over the East 66 feet of said parcel and subject to a 15 foot Private Access Easement as shown on Certified Survey Map No. 2206. ALSO DESCRIBED AS: Part of the Northeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4, Section 35, Township 39 North, Range 13 West, Washburn County, Wisconsin, described as Lot 3 on Volume 9 of Certified Survey Maps, Page 146, as Survey Number 2206 and Document No. 245937. PROPERTY ADDRESS: W7715 Highway 70, Spooner, WI 54801. TAX KEY NO.: 65-020-2-39-1335-4-1-0060. Dated this 25th day of February, 2010. /s/Terry Dryden Sheriff of Washburn County Chaz M. Rodriguez State Bar #1063071 Attorney for Plaintiff 13700 W. Greenfield Avenue Brookfield, WI 53005 262-790-5719 Please go to http://www.blommerpeterman.com to obtain the bid for this sale. Blommer Peterman, S.C., is the creditor’s attorney and is attempting to collect a debt on its behalf. Any information obtained will be used for this purpose. (185483)

(Dec. 30, Jan. 6, 13, 20, 27, Feb. 3) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT WASHBURN COUNTY WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., as Trustee for ABFC 2006-OPT2 Trust, ABFC Asset-Backed Certificates, Series 2006-OPT2 by American Home Mortgage Servicing Inc., its attorney-in-fact, Plaintiff, vs. JAMES L. MILTON and TANIA J. MILTON, husband and wife, and JANE DOE and/or JOHN DOE, unknown tenants, and WASHBURN COUNTY, Defendants. Case No. 09-CV-156 Code No. 30404 Foreclosure of Mortgage Dollar Amount Greater Than $5,000.00 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by virtue of a judgment of foreclosure entered on August 10, 2009, in the amount of $99,155.30, the Sheriff will sell the described premises at public auction as follows: TIME: February 17, 2010, at 10:00 o’clock a.m. TERMS: 1. 10% down in cash or certified funds at the time of sale; balance due within 10 days of confirmation of sale; failure to pay balance due will result in forfeit of deposit to plaintiff. 2. Sold “as is” and subject to all legal liens and encumbrances. 3. Buyer to pay applicable Wisconsin Real Estate Transfer Tax. PLACE: Washburn County Courthouse, located at Ten Fourth Avenue, Shell Lake, Wisconsin. DESCRIPTION: Lot 1 of CSM No. 3082 recorded in Volume 14, Page 62 as Document No. 300346; being part of the SE 1/4 of the SW 1/4, Section 17, Township 38 North, Range 12 West, Washburn County, Wisconsin. PROPERTY ADDRESS: W6766 Woodcraft Road, Town of Beaver Brook. TAX KEY NO.: 65-008-238-1217-34-0010 Terry C. Dryden Sheriff of Washburn County, WI O’DESS AND ASSOCIATES, S.C. Attorneys for Plaintiff 1414 Underwood Avenue Suite 403 Wauwatosa, WI 53213 (414) 727-1591 O’Dess and Associates, S.C., is attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. If you have previously received a Chapter 7 Discharge in Bankruptcy, this correspondence should not be construed as an attempt to collect a debt.

502714 WNAXLP

(Feb. 3, 10, 17, 24, Mar. 3, 10) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT WASHBURN COUNTY OneWest Bank, FSB Plaintiff, vs. JULIE K. THOMPSON, et al. Defendants.


The following coaching positions are available in the Shell Lake School District:

• Head High School Softball Coach • Assistant High School Softball Coach • Assistant High School Baseball Coach

Interested persons should submit a letter of application to: Jim Campbell, Athletic Director School District of Shell Lake 271 Highway 63 504051 23-24r Shell Lake, WI 54871 Shell Lake School District is an Equal Opportunity Employer

MEETING NOTICE – TOWN OF BASHAW Notice is hereby given that the Bashaw Town Board shall hold its monthly meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 9, 2010, at 7 p.m. at the Bashaw Town Hall. Agenda: Call meeting to order; minutes from Jan. 12, 2010, town meeting; treasurer’s report; public input; permits/applications; roads; traffic counter; truck/grader; set next meeting date; approve vouchers; adjourn meeting. Current agendas will also be posted at the following site: Corner of Tozer Lake Road & Green Valley Rd., corner of Sand Road & Sunset Road and N3410 Sawyer Creek Road, Shell Lake, WI 54871 (Town Hall). Lesa Dahlstrom, Clerk 504302 24r Town of Bashaw

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TOWN OF SARONA Notice Is Hereby Given That The Sarona Town Board Will Be Meeting On Mon., Feb. 8, 2010, At 7 p.m., At The Sarona Town Hall

The agenda shall be posted one day prior to meeting. 504588 24r Victoria Lombard, Clerk

PUBLIC NOTICES HERNIA REPAIR? Did you receive a composix kugel mesh patch between 1999 - 2008? If the Kugel patch was removed due to complications of bowel perforation, abdominal wall tears, puncture of abdominal organs or intestinal fistulae, you may be entitled to compensation. Attorney Charles Johnson 1-800-5355727 (CNOW)

Local Classifieds

SHELL LAKE SELF-STORAGE: Convenient, 24-hour access. Special low-cost boat storage. Call 715-468-2910. 2rtfc VALENTINE’S DAY CARDS: 20% off individual cards and packs of 8. WC Register, Lake Mall, Shell Lake. 24-25rp INK CARTRIDGES & OTHER OFFICE SUPPLIES: Available at the WC Register newspaper office, Lake Mall, Shell Lake. 715468-2314. Mon.-Fri., 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. 24-25rp


The following part-time position is available in the Shell Lake School District: Early Childhood Special Education Teacher position for up to 20 hours per week. This position will involve providing services in a variety of settings. DPI license 809 Early Childhood Special Education license is required for this position. This position runs until the end of the 2009/2010 school year with the possibility of extension based on need. Start Date: February 22, 2010 Description: This is a part-time elementary position with the School District of Shell Lake. Successful applicants will be child centered, flexible and show evidence of collaborative practice. Shell Lake School District is located 80 miles northwest of Eau Claire, WI. Will include some summer hours. To apply: Interested applicants are to send the following: - Letter of application - Resume - Copy of current WI EC Special Education license - 3 Letters of Recommendation - Copy of official transcripts Must also successfully complete a criminal background check and drug screen. Application Deadline: February 12, 2010 Submit application materials to: Mr. Michael Werner, Elementary Principal School District of Shell Lake 271 Hw.y 63 S. Shell Lake, WI 54871 503388 21-24r,L Shell Lake Schools is an Equal Opportunity Employer


Laker Times Middle school solo ensemble

Renee Rademaker, teacher at Cumberland Middle School and judge at the solo ensemble, works with Mikayla Smith after her performance. Most of the judges use this time to help the young musicians. Carley Myers, Jade LaFave and Alecia Meister are shown performing with the flute choir for which they took a first in Class C. It is no secret that Shell Lake excels in the flute choir as the flute is band director Aimee Pashby’s favorite instrument.

Jesi Sando and Staci Zempel are good friends and complement each other in the clarinet duet in which they scored a first in Class C.

Sixth-grader Daniel Parish watches his accompanist as he performs his baritone solo. Parish received the ultimate compliment from the judge when she said if she had a band she would take him home with her. RIGHT Seventhgrader Sabrina Skindzelewski earned a first in Class B playing one of most difficult instruments to master, the oboe.

LEFT - Seventh-grader Seth Olson earned a first in Class B with his trombone solo in the middle school solo ensemble held Tuesday, Jan. 25, at Clayton High School.

Strategic planning: Positive impacts

Shell Lake School District After-School Program

SHELL LAKE — The Shell Lake School District is pleased to provide an after-school program for district students from 4-year-old kindergarten through grade eight. The mission of this extended-day program is to provide a loving, caring and safe environment for students after school that invites community involvement, positive learning and opportunities for growth. The program was originally designed through grade six but is expanding to grade eight during the second semester. The funding for the program is through a federal competitive grant sponsored by Congressman Dave Obey of Wisconsin. The program is available each day school is in session on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday until 6 p.m. and Friday until 5 p.m. In order for school-age chil-

D A H L S TRO M S 330179 1rtfc

dren to access the after-school program, parents must enroll their children in the program at the school office through completion of an application form. The registration form may be completed onsite or mailed to the elementary school. Students benefit from participation in the program in various ways. They have a safe and supportive place to be while waiting for parents to finish their workday, which keeps children out of unsupervised situations. While in the program each day, they are able to enjoy healthy snacks, participate in supervised physical activity, receive assistance with reading, math and other academic assignments, and are able to access fun exploratory activities such as art and social games. Field trips, such as swimming, are sometimes offered, and children participate with parental permission and ride district buses to and from the event. The Shell Lake After-School Program is designed to address the needs of the whole child, and care is given to academic, social, physical and emotional de-

velopment. The federal grants, which are on a three-year cycle, require the school to assess academic growth in reading and mathematics on an annual basis. Adequate academic progress justifies continued participation in future grant opportunities. This program is another beneficial means to support student

School menu

Breakfast Monday, Feb. 8: Juice, cereal, toast. Tuesday, Feb. 9: Fruit, sausage patty, waffle sticks. Wednesday, Feb. 10: Juice, cheese omelet, toast. Thursday, Feb. 11: Juice, yogurt, toast. Friday, Feb. 12: No school. Lunch Monday, Feb. 8: Taco, lettuce, cheese, tomato, corn, pineapple tidbits. No Laker.

The Laker Times page is sponsored by

learning and growth, and over 50 students are currently receiving this service in the Shell Lake School District. For further information, parents can contact the program supervisor, Kris Brunberg, at 715-468-7815. — from Shell Lake Schools

Tuesday, Feb. 9: Chicken patty on bun, fries, mixed vegetables, pear slices. No Laker. Wednesday, Feb. 10: BBQ on bun, chips, carrots, pickles, peach slices. Laker: Quesadillas. Thursday, Feb. 11: Pepperoni pizza, peas, applesauce. No Laker. Friday, Feb. 12: No school. Salad bar available at 3-12 building each day. Breakfast served each day for K-12 students. Bread and milk served with each meal. Laker sandwiches available to grades 7-12 only.

4 6 8 -2 3 1 9 D o w n to w n S he l l L a k e


Fire department sponsors first-annual ice-fishing contest

by Larry Samson SHELL LAKE — The Shell Lake Fire Department held its first-annual ice-fishing contest Saturday, Jan. 30, on Shell Lake. There was a good attendance in spite of the cold temperatures. The contest was held as a fundraiser. In the past, the department has purchased rescue and extrication equipment.

Winning first place for the largest game fish was Doug Olson, second place was Joe Santos and third place was Emery Nielson. Andrew Vargo won the Ruger Hawkeye 7mm stainless rifle in the raffle. Theresa Robotti won the Ruger 1022 rifle and Eskimo ice house. Eric Mayes won the Z71 Ardisam ice auger.

Hailey and Blake Flach showed off a couple of the fish that their group caught. While the game fish were biting, not one panfish was caught on Shell Lake and registered during the fire department’s ice-fishing contest.

Three-year-old Amelia Davis and her father, Luke, came from Siren to try their hand at ice fishing.

Sisters Rayna and Tayla Lundberg found a good way to stay warm as they watched their tip-ups. All in all, it was a good day to be on the ice with temperatures in the low teens, no wind and the sun shining.

Junior Livestock Quiz Bowl Team

Photos by Larry Samson

Polk County Junior Livestock Quiz Bowl Team that recently competed in Madison are (L to R): Gus Swenson, 12 years old, co-captain; Zach Swenson, 11 years old; Nicole Dittbrenner, 12 years old; and Karen Eby, Shell Lake, 13 years old, captain. — Photo by Jennifer Swenson

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