WCR | Feb 17 | 2010

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n r u b h s Wa unty Co




Dogsled demonstration See back page

Everroad and Ford on April ballot

Wednesday, February 17, 2010 Vol. 120, No. 26• Shell Lake, Wisconsin


In the pink

by Regan Kohler SPOONER – After a tiebreaker, the two names on the Tuesday, April 6, election ballot for the Spooner City Council will be Esa Everroad and Jocelyn Ford. Alderperson Everroad (I) sought reelection in April, and was challenged by Ford and Kip Olson. A primary election was held Tuesday, Feb. 16, which narrowed the ballot down to two candidates. Tuesday evening, according to city clerk Deb Koehn, Everroad had received 27 votes, while Olson and Ford had tied with 15. Koehn said that in this case, according to statute, the city must do a draw, so a police officer was called in to randomly draw one of the two names out of a hat, with election inspectors witnessing. Ford’s name was drawn, so she and Everroad will be on the ballot April 6. The rest of those running for Spooner City Council were incumbents unopposed, and will be on the ballot that same day.

$30,000 for Shell Lake airport project

New offerings at Vitality Village See page 6

SPORTS See pages 10,11, 14 & 15

SHELL LAKE — Gov. Jim Doyle has approved a $30,000 project for the acquisition of snow-removal equipment at the Shell Lake Municipal Airport. The governor’s action releases $750 in state funds to purchase three snowplow blades. The city of Shell Lake is contributing another $750, and the Federal Aviation Administration is providing $28,500. According to Eric Johnson, airport de-

See Airport project, page 3

Cadence Bush, Hailey Ziemer, Lila DeLadi and Kortney Weaver are on a dead run leaving school for their sledding party. The Shell Lake Primary School held its annual sledding party in celebration of their 100th day in school. The sledding hill is off limits during recess, so this is a special treat for them. — Photo by Larry Samson

Halverson sworn in as new postmaster

by Regan Kohler SPOONER – New Spooner Postmaster Clay Halverson was sworn in Friday, Feb. 12, surrounded by friends, family and current and former co-workers. Halverson, Spooner, has been with the city’s Postal Service for 32 years, since right after high school. Manager of operations Tracy Franseen said Halverson has held every position at the post office, including working split and night shifts and supervising, until former Postmaster Joanne Jacobs retired last March. Halverson had been filling in as postmaster since the end of August, until taking the official oath Friday afternoon, as Franseen said he had wanted to wait until after Christmas. The last postmaster to be originally from the area was Gordy Regenauer, in 1969. Franseen said that Halverson is very dedicated and persistent in his work, and thinks outside the box. He has made many changes and improvements in Spooner’s office, she added. Sen. Bob Jauch was present Friday, saying he was “delighted to be invited to

Sen. Bob Jauch (R) congratulated Spooner’s new postmaster, Clay Halverson, on all his work with the Postal Service over 32 years Friday, Feb. 12. More photos on page 2. – Photo by Regan Kohler participate” in Halverson’s swearing-in. Jauch said that he’d known Halverson for many years, and saw him play a critical role, along with the community, in

helping keep Spooner’s post office open when it was in danger of closing. “He stands for the very best of the Postal Service, like each one of you,” Jauch told those present. Jauch said that mail delivery is the most important part of the day for many, and Halverson “epitomizes the very best of all who work in the Postal Service.” One of Halverson’s former co-workers, Brad Jandrt, said Halverson was responsible for allowing him to retire in Spooner’s office, rather than having to relocate if it closed. Halverson said that the Postal Service continues to face challenges, with the decline in volume and the hard economy, “but we live in a great country,” and they will overcome these challenges. Franseen used a visual demonstration to show the many hats a postmaster wears, placing about 10 different hats on Halverson’s head while making him hold plates. Franseen and Halverson’s daughter, Nicci, administered the oath.

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Feb. 21-28 marks fourth-annual America Saves Week

SPOONER — During America Saves Week, individuals are encouraged to assess their savings progress and take action to advance this progress. Below are some ways to help improve your savings plan: Save your loose change. Putting aside 50 cents a day over the course of a year will allow you to save nearly 40 percent of a $500 emergency fund. Keep track of your spending. At least once a month, use credit card, checking and other records to review what you’ve purchased. Then, ask yourself if it makes sense to reallocate some of this spending to an emergency savings account. Never purchase expensive items on impulse. Think over each expensive purchase for at least 24 hours. Acting on this principle will mean you have far fewer regrets about impulse purchases and far more money for emergency savings. Use debit and credit cards prudently. To minimize interest charges try to limit credit-card purchases to those you can pay off in full at the end of the month. If you use a debit card, don’t rely on an overdraft feature to spend money you don’t have. With either approach, you’ll have more money available for emer-

gency savings. To become an American Saver and receive a quarterly newsletter, fact sheets and free advice from a financial planner enroll online at www.AmericaSaves.org or contact Beth Johnson, interim family living educator at Washburn County UW-Extension at 715-635-4444 for more information. Financial classes are also available to help you reach your financial goals. Classes are offered on the third Thursday of every month starting March 18. Call for more details. Source: www.AmericaSaves.org. In this community, America Saves is brought to you by Cooperative Extension, a publicly funded, educational network linking local offices, state landgrant universities, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Services. The University of WisconsinExtension provides equal opportunities in employment and programming, including Title IX and ADA. To ensure equal access to this event, please make requests for reasonable accommodations as soon as possible by contacting the Washburn County Extension Office at 715-635-4444 so proper arrangements can be made. — from UW-Extension

SHELL LAKE — What types of businesses would you like to see in Shell Lake, where do you do most of your retail shopping and what are the downtown’s greatest assets, are some of the questions business owners and community members of Shell Lake will be answering. In 2009, Mayor Donna Barnes-Haesemeyer launched a downtown revitalization initiative. As a result, the city of Shell Lake received a state of Wisconsin Community Development Block Grant award to assist in developing a Downtown Revitalization Plan. The plan will focus on the downtown business district and will identify desired businesses or services wanted by community members. Addi-

tionally, the plan will contain a number of strategies local businesses, the community and elected officials can implement to enhance the downtown area. To assist in gathering information for the plan, surveys will be mailed to all Shell Lake businesses and community residents. If you are a renter, a copy of the community survey is available at Shell Lake City Hall for you to pick up and complete. Sheldon Johnson with the Northwest Regional Planning Commission is the lead representative working on the project and is responsible for the survey development and analysis and will be developing the Downtown Revitalization Plan. — from NRPC

Halverson is new postmaster See story, page 1

The post office’s manager of operations demonstrated on Postmaster Clay the Halverson many hats he has to wear, and juggling he does, in his job.

Shell Lake business owner and community survey coming soon

n bu r h s Wa nty u o C


Your Community Newspaper PO Box 455 • Shell Lake, WI 54871

Published by the Inter-County Cooperative Publishing Association Frederic, WI 54837 Doug Panek, manager • Gary King, editor Phone: (715) 468-2314 • Fax: (715) 468-4900 Deadline for news/ads: Mondays @ noon

E-mail us at: wcregister@centurytel.net

Staff Suzanne Johnson....office manager Regan Kohler.....reporter Larry Samson.....reporter

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Published every Wednesday at Frederic, WI. Periodicals postage paid at Shell Lake, WI. Postmaster: send address changes to P.O. Box 455, Shell Lake, WI 54871

USPS 666-900

Postal Service manager of operations Tracy Franseen administered the oath to Postmaster Clay Halverson, with the help of his daughter, Nicci.

Retired postal workers gathered with new Postmaster Clay Halverson Friday afternoon at his official swearing-in. L to R: Dave Okonek, Bob Ruport, Kevin Morse, Brad Jandrt, Halverson, Chuck Haynes and Tim Brabec. – Photos by Regan Kohler

Scrubs made into quilt

Evelyne Olson made a Quilt in a Day at the Terraceview Living Center, Shell Lake. Olson said she had had the patterns since before the center’s quilting room had opened up. Using, among other materials, old hospital scrubs, which Olson said she had felt would make a beautiful quilt, she found a log cabin patchwork pattern in a 1977 issue of Women’s Day. Olson’s daughter brought her the book up during the holidays, and her friend Wanda Zeug came in to help her sew the quilt. The pattern was one that could be finished in a day, though Olson said it took them more than that; they began about a month ago, and finished on Monday, Feb. 8. Olson said that residents at TLC are also making tote bags for wheelchairs and aprons out of old jeans, and continue to make quilts for anyone who needs one. – Photo by Regan Kohler

Clean Energy Jobs Act main issue at Jauch listening session


BARRON — Wisconsin’s Clean Energy Jobs Act was thoroughly discussed by Barron Electric’s Board of Directors and employees with Sen. Robert Jauch at a listening session held Feb. 8 at the cooperative. The proposed Clean Energy Jobs Act (Senate Bill 450-sponsored by Sen. Mark Miller and Jeff Plale, and Assembly Bill 649-co-sponsored by Reps. Spencer Black and James Soletski) is currently being analyzed by state lawmakers. Authors of the bill hope to reduce Wisconsin’s carbon footprint, while encouraging the growth of “green jobs” in the private sector. Jauch serves on the Select Committee on Clean Energy, along with seven other state officials. The senator used the forum to understand the concerns of the cooperative’s employees and directors. Jauch said that the legislation should strengthen efforts to promote renewable energy, reduce reliance on fossil and foreign fuels and help grow the economy. The cooperative supports the overall goals of the governor’s Global Warming Task Force of enhancing renewable energy portfolio standards, establishing energy-efficiency goals and allowing nuclear as an option to be available for future energy needs. Board Director Selmer Nelson explained, “The cooperative is a not-for-profit operation, owned

Sen. Robert Jauch listens as Barron Electric directors and employees discuss the Wisconsin Clean Energy Jobs Act. Pictured are Jauch, Barron Electric’s General Manager Dallas Sloan, Barron Electric Directors Richard Bol and Lynn Peterson, and employees Cheryl Forehand, Mandy Straw and Steve Root. — Photo submitted

by its members and is looking out for their members best interests.” Employees and directors pointed out areas of concern regarding the originally proposed legislation and the impact it would have on members already struggling to pay their electric bills. Barron Electric’s General Manager Dallas Sloan discussed the impact of the Advanced Renewable Tariff proposal on renewable energy systems and remarked, “As proposed, the state of Wisconsin would guarantee a 10-percent return on investment for renewable generation. This would mean Barron Electric would have to raise their rates $250,000 for one member to install a $2.5 million renewable energy project. Each bill for 17,600 members would increase $14.28 per year

to compensate one member.” Jauch emphasized that the bill will be modified to address any provisions that are unworkable or unaffordable. Barron Electric Director Scott Warwick added, “I believe that nuclear power is the best and most viable means of reducing our carbon footprint while continuing to provide an adequate supply of electricity.” Lineman Steve Root added, “Nuclear energy needs to be part of the generation mix, and we need to educate the public on the benefits of this energy source.” As for energy-efficiency standards, cooperative employees suggested the proposal set goals that are practical and achievable and include cost-constraints. Cooperative democratically elected

boards established solid programs 25 years ago to help members lower the demand for more power and delay the building of new generation plants. They were also concerned that this bill will result in new regulatory pressures that might drive rates higher while not delivering programs needed in rural areas of the state. Jauch recognized that cooperatives have led the state in implementing renewable generation and energy conservation, but said that we all need to do more. The exchange of information was beneficial to the senator and the cooperative. — from Barron Electric

Spooner and Solon Springs, as the existing pavement is in poor condition. According to information from the DOT, these lanes carry up to 3,400 vehicles daily, and it has been estimated that traffic volumes will reach 4,100 vehicles daily by 2030. Engineer Roland Hawk, Jewell Associ-

ates Engineers, said that this is a “very straightforward, basic surface-repaving project” that won’t affect a lot of people. He said that the project will begin in Trego, by River Road, and go about 12 miles north. The Minong bypass will be skipped, Hawk said, as when the highway lanes were moved about 10 years ago, to go around the town, new concrete pavement was put in, and does not need replacing yet. Therefore, the project will start again where the highway turns back into asphalt, just north of Minong, and continue up to CTH T. Hawk said that the driving lanes are 12 feet, with 6 inches making up the shoulder. “All we’re going to do is remove 2 inches,” he said. “Basically, the driving lane is what we’re replacing.” Hawk said that they won’t be doing anything with the shoulders of the road. The area will then be replaced with new asphalt, for improved driving sur-

face, and Hawk said they plan on sameday removing and repaving, possibly a few miles at a time. They will also be studying and replacing road signs while upgrading some beam guards, or guardrails, to meet current design standards. There will always be one northbound lane open during this construction, as they will be doing one lane at a time, and Hawk said that the southbound lane is not part of this project. “It’s just the northbound lane,” he said. “We want to let [people] know that it’ll be open to traffic the whole time.” Hawk said that the project is set up for bidding in November, and it would most likely begin next spring, though it depends, as always, on funding. The project is estimated to take eight to 10 weeks, starting as soon as weather permits and depending on contractors operation hours.

Repaving project for Hwy. 53 north of Spooner discussed

by Regan Kohler SPOONER – A resurfacing project along northbound Hwy. 53 was discussed Wednesday, Feb. 10, at the highway shop, Spooner. The Wisconsin Department of Transportation is developing plans for rehabilitation of the northbound lanes between

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Recently our Supreme Court Chief Justice, Shirley Abrahamson, applied for assistance from The Council of State Governments Justice Center in addressing mental-health issues in Wisconsin and the criminal justice system. This council has selected Wisconsin to participate in a “leadership initiative on mental health and the criminal justice system,” a program that’s been in the development stages for the last few years. Sheriff Abrahamson Dryden has asked me, along with other professionals across the state, to be a member of her task force for the chief justices’ Criminal Justice Mental Health Leadership Initiative. Other members include mental-health professionals, law-enforcement personnel, county and municipal judges, attorneys, public defenders, Wisconsin Department of Corrections, the director of State Courts Office and representatives from the Wisconsin Supreme Court. This initiative is designed to assist the justices, together with state leaders, to develop strategic plans to improve responses to people with mental illness when they become involved with the criminal justice system. According to mental-health professionals, “the best estimates indicate that mentally ill people make up 12 to 20 percent of the overall general population, depending on which diagnosis and its severity. This would assume that

From the

Sheriff’s Desk

the same percentage would carry over to the local jail population, but due to the fact that these inmates are often not able to make wise or sound decisions, the percentage of those with mental instability is higher in the criminal justice system.” Abrahamson, through this task force, is convening to discuss, identify and begin to develop best practices, models of evidence-based, cost-effective intervention processes that can be implemented promptly upon a person’s contact with the criminal justice system, including an initial contact from the cop on the street all the way through to sentencing. I have been asked, and agreed to sit on this task force, because this issue significantly affects Washburn County and those with mental illness in our own system. For many years I have been expressing to the county and state officials my concern about the use of the county jail to house those with significant mental-health issues. Although our jail staff is trained to recognize and deal with those with mental-health problems, we cannot always recognize the severity of the inmates’ mental illness. Thankfully the sheriff’s office and the Washburn County Health and Human Services, Mental Health and AODA services have made great strides in the last few years to deal with these special-needs inmates. I was chosen for this duty partly due to the fact that out of the 72 sheriffs in Wisconsin, I bring over 19 years of efficient jail administration to the table. I also see this task force as giving me not only a chance to have a say in something that is both a significant and expensive problem for our own county, but it also gives me an opening to have vital input into improving the lives of those in Washburn County, whether behind bars or in front of them.

Sing-along fundraiser for Glenview

SHELL LAKE — The Glenview Board of Directors cordially invites the public to attend a first-time, sing-along event on Sunday, Feb. 28, at the Palace Theatre in Spooner. Starting at 2 p.m., a special showing of the “The Sound of Music,” will feature guest(s) song leaders, and the opportunity for the audiences to sing along. Just like following the bouncing ball on past TV shows, the words for the sing-along will be shown on the screen and sung by the audience members. Door prizes will be awarded at intermission. As a community nonprofit corporation, Glenview will utilize proceeds from the event to assist with financial require-

ments associated with the construction of their new special care wing, which opened in the summer of 2008. Get your tickets in advance for the fun-filled Sunday afternoon. Tickets will be limited, so don’t delay. Purchase your tickets, in advance, from any of the Glenview Board of Directors — Lois Sass, Judi Kempin, Mary Harrington, Betty Hubin, Jim Lewis, Jay Pearsall or Gary Davis; Glenview; or the Palace Theatre. Tickets will also include a special offering at Jersey’s or Becky’s following the movie. For more information call 715-468-4255, Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. to noon, you’ll be glad you did. — from Glenview

velopment engineer with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, the new snowplow blades will improve the airport’s existing snow-removal-equipment fleet. The purchase should be complete by February. Shell Lake Municipal Airport is located

south of the city of Shell Lake on 132 acres. The airport has one paved runway, 3,711-feet long. Approximately 20 single-engine aircraft are based at the airport, and a total of 12,550 takeoffs and landings occur there each year. — from WisDOT

Airport project/from page 1



Letters to the editor

U.N. arms treaty is attack on Second Amendment

The statue in front of the United Nations Building in New York is a gun with its barrel tied in a knot. In July 2001, the United Nations hosted a bonfire, burning piles of guns seized from citizens of member nations. In 2006, the U.N. reconferred about regulating gun possession, pushing for an international criminal court that would usurp U.S. sovereignty and enforce their antigun agenda. With Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s enthusiastic embrace of a binding United Nations treaty on global control of international trade in firearms and ammunition, the Obama administration has officially become an aggressive participant in what international gun-ban groups hail as a first step in their march

on our sovereignty and private ownership of firearms in every nation. Ambassador Bolton, in a recent interview, explained, “The administration is trying to act as if this is just a treaty on international arms trade between nations, but there’s no doubt the real agenda is domestic firearms control. We should know, in July 2001 the same bill was proposed.” He then spoke to the United Nations saying, “We do not support measures that prohibit civilian possession of small arms. The United States will not join consensus on a document that contains measurers abrogating the constitutional right to bear arms.” Armed self-defense by private citizens of any nation is not a human right under

the U.N. charter. In fact, the U.N. charter declares the right of self-defense in international law is not directed toward the preservation of individual lives, it is concerned with the preservation of the state. No matter what the gun-ban crowd says, any U.N. arms treaty boils down to an attack on our sovereignty and our Second Amendment. So call, write and e-mail your elected representatives and tell them no U.N. arms treaty, not now, not ever, not for any reason.

This is my answer to your letter to the editor. Why don’t you approve of a letter to the editor in the paper? You didn’t answer all of my questions, so I will redo them some and redefine some better. I think you know that I am one that attends many council meetings and also committee meetings, so I am somewhat informed of what is going on, and I always ask lots of questions. Safe Routes To School: I see you did do a riding/walking audit on how many students come to and leave school walking or riding. You did not give what was found out or don’t you want to release that now? I see you were going to conduct a morning and afternoon audit. What were the results? I see also that an engineering firm will be recommending a project both with and without sidewalks. Has this been done, who is the firm and what is the cost? Who wrote the grant and what is this

cost? I see Sheldon is helping the planning and what is that cost? The city workers are spending time, so their time is also money. What is the cost? Pond in the industrial park: Wouldn’t the water that runs into the lake raise the level more than going into a pond and seeping away? It has run straight in for years, and now the lake needs it more. I also think that the timing in late fall is bad timing. How long ago did Cooper Engineering design the pond, and why did it have to be designed in the industrial park? What was the cost then and that total cost now? Does this money and labor come from the TID? Double chip sealing: I thought that single chip sealing would have been covered under LRIP, but Jeff thought double was something new and would be better. I looked at the PASER Rating for South Lake Drive, and

it was rated good and needed crack filling and minor patching. I see lots of roads were rated worse, so why South Lake Shore Drive? Since double chip sealing wasn’t in the five-year plan, they had to add this to be covered under LRIP. Since CTH B was only single why does South Lake have to be double? Couldn’t more miles of road have been done by single chip sealing? Who at the LRIP said single chip sealing would not have been funded? I also am interested in the TID district money. How much money was added to the TID debt this past year, and what was it spent on! What will the TID debt be at when the auditor finishes his audit?

It was nice to see the article about the juvenile officer in last week’s paper. The juvenile officer is an invaluable tool for the school and community. As a candidate for sheriff, one of my goals is to greatly increase the sheriff department’s involvement with the schools in Washburn County. I completely support the counteract program, but I want to see the sheriff’s department involved with the kindergarten through fourthgrade classes and grades seven through 12 as well. Kids are very impressionable in their early ages (birth to 10 years). We are missing out on some very important

years with the children in Washburn County. Also, after the sixth grade counteract program, it is important to follow up with the students, to re-enforce what they learned in counteract. Junior high and high school are a wonderful time in a child’s life, but they are also stressful times. With puberty, relationships, sports, school activities and peer pressure, kids need all the positive support they can get. Cutting the truancies in half was a great accomplishment, but now let’s make it our goal to get the other half off the truancy list. As a father of three I want the best for

my children, and to reiterate what officer Frey said, “We truly are their biggest influence.” I know raising children is a tough job, but it’s also a rewarding job. In closing, I am running for sheriff because I truly want to influence positive change for the schools, community and the sheriff’s department. Please feel free to contact me any time. My home number is 715-468-2334, cell 715-520-2120.

I recently returned from Reynosa, Mexico, where I had traveled with the Wisconsin Lions to participate in the Lions Mission to Mexico Eyeglass Campaign. Four members from Shell Lake — Bill Taubman, Rudy and Sharon Kessler and me — and one from Spooner — Karen Hopp, joined with other Lions from around the state to help fit and distribute eyeglasses. Two optometrists gave their time as well; eye exams were done, glasses fitted and residents of Reynosa needing cataract surgery were given hope of financial assistance from the Reynosa

Lions to help with the surgery costs. Many times we stressed the importance of wearing sunglasses and protective eyewear. About 2,100 residents of Reynosa and the surrounding area were fitted with glasses! All of the glasses — single-lens, bifocal, trifocal, reading glasses, sunglasses and safety glasses — were donated by people who no longer needed them. Amazing! There are many collection boxes in both Shell Lake and Spooner for you to use to put your donated glasses in, or simply give them to a Lions member.

These glasses will mean a great deal when given to someone who needs help to see. Keep donating your used eyeglasses. Thanks!

The Republican Party of Washburn County will be holding the Lincoln Day Dinner at Tracks Restaurant on Feb. 20. This event is held in February or March to celebrate and honor the first Republican President, Abraham Lincoln. We will have several candidates or their representatives and GOP Party dignitaries in attendance. Numerous candidates were invited to this event and

were unable to attend for various reasons. This evening affords attendees an opportunity to mingle with the candidates and discuss their concerns. It should be informative for both the candidates and attendees.

Letter to the mayor

Candidate response

Clint Atkinson Shell Lake

Harold Emanuel, Poplar Grove, Ill.

Matt Prochnow Shell Lake

Lions Mission to Mexico Eyeglass Campaign fits 2,100 with glasses

Lincoln Day Dinner on Feb. 20

Dan Hubin Republican Party of Washburn County

Mary Harrington Shell Lake


Letters should contain the author’s signature, address and phone number, should be as brief as possible (a 500-word limit is strictly enforced) and be written legibly or typed. Names will not be withheld for any reason. Frequent letter writers may be limited to one letter per month. Letters must be 500 words or less in length; we reserve the right to condense. Letters must be submitted by noon on Monday to guarantee publication that week. Mail letters to: Washburn County Register, P.O. Box 455, Shell Lake, WI 54871, FAX to 715468-4900 or e-mail us at: wcregister@centurytel.net

Where to write

President Barack Obama 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Washington, D.C. 20500 president@whitehouse.gov

Governor Jim Doyle 115 East, State Capitol Bldg. Mailing address: P.O. Box 7863 Madison, WI 53707 wisgov@mail.state.wi.us

Congressman David Obey 7th Congressional District 2462 Rayburn Office Bldg. Washington, D.C. 20515 or Wisconsin office: Federal Building Wausau, WI 54401 (715) 398-4426 No e-mail address available

Rep. Mary Hubler 75th Assembly District Room 7 North, State Capitol P.O. Box 8952 Madison, WI 53708 or 1966 21-7/8 St. (Hawthorne Lane), Rice Lake 54868 (715) 234-7421• (608) 266-2519 rep.hubler@legis.state.wi.us

Rep. Nick Milroy 73rd Assembly District Room 8 North State Capitol P.O. Box 8953 Madison 53708 E-mail: Rep.Milroy@legis.wisconsin.gov (608) 266-0640 Senator Robert Jauch 25th Senate District Room 19 South State Capitol P.O. Box 7882 Madison, WI 53707 E-mail: Sen.Jauch@legis.state.wi.us U.S. Senator Russ Feingold SDB 40, Rm. 1 Washington, D.C. 20510 or 8383 Greenway Blvd. Middleton, WI 53562 (608) 828-1200 senator@feingold.senate.gov

U.S. Senator Herb Kohl 330 Hart Senate Office Bldg. Washington, D.C. 20510 senator_kohl@kohl.senate.gov

Washburn County

Register •

Your community newspaper

Register staff

Editor Gary King Phone: 715-327-4236 E-mail: wcregister@centurytel.net

Office manager Suzanne Johnson Phone: 715-468-2314 Fax: 715-468-4900 E-mail: washburn@centurytel.net

Writers Regan Kohler Larry Samson Phone: 715-468-2314 E-mail: washburn@centurytel.net Ad representative Jackie Moody Phone: 715-468-2314 Composition Jackie Thorwick


Ventures Valentine’s party

Beverly Thorson was the Valentine’s Day queen at the Ventures Unlimited Valentine’s Day party Friday evening. Emma Stellrecht and Brian Johnson enjoyed themselves at a Valentine’s Day party at Ventures Unlimited Friday, Feb. 12. Ventures is a local organization, which recently celebrated its 40th anniversary, in which those who have disabilities develop skills for employment and personal growth.

Photos by Regan Kohler

Happy Tonics receives grant from Leopold Education Project

SHELL LAKE — Happy Tonics Inc., a nonprofit environmental education organization and public charity in Shell Lake, received a grant from Leopold Education Project, a program of Pheasants Forever, to fund a container garden at Shell Lake Friendship Commons. The Minnesota and Wisconsin Lakes and Pines Troop 4392 will implement the garden project in collaboration with senior citizens at the commons. The teaching garden will include butterfly and

Shell Lake Lions Calendar Winners

Feb. 8 - $30 Jeff Larson, Shell Lake Feb. 9 - $30 Stephanie Golke, Butternut Feb. 10 - $30 Sue Vold, Spooner Feb. 11 - $30 Ruth Eiche, Shell Lake Feb. 12 - $30 Ken & Sally Ziemer, Barronett

Skinner Funeral Home Winners also announced on WJMC FM Radio

Temps & levels Temperatures recorded at

Spooner Ag Research Station

2009 Feb. 8 Feb. 9 Feb. 10 Feb. 11 Feb. 12 Feb. 13 Feb. 14

2010 Feb. 8 Feb. 9 Feb. 10 Feb. 11 Feb. 12 Feb. 13 Feb. 14

Hi 41 40 46 39 33 28 28

Hi 25 28 26 28 31 30 30

Lo 9 15 35 32 28 15 5

Lo 6 17 5 -10 -10 -9 -9


trace rain .18” rain trace rain trace snow Precip. .6” snow .3” snow .3” snow

other pollinator plants, herbs and vegetables. Washburn County Public Land and Land Sales Committee granted permission for the nonprofit to place the container garden on Friendship Commons property. A small rain gutter will be added to the back of the building to capture rainwater. Happy Tonics plans to recycle water with a rain barrel that the Girl Scouts can paint with butterflies and flowers. — from Happy Tonics

Drumset Workshop at arts center

SHELL LAKE — The Shell Lake Arts Center is excited to announce its Drumset Workshop, taking place on March 19-21. Starting on Friday, March 19, participants in grades 6-12 will attend classes in a wide variety of styles, technique, soloing, reading drumset music, how to pick drumset/cymbals and more. On Saturday night, The Fusion Thing, a professional jazz-rock fusion band out of the Twin Cities, will perform a special concert for both participants and the public in the Shell Lake Arts Center perJason Price will bring his drumming experiformance hall. ence to the Shell Lake Arts Center. Each class is offered at different ability levels to accommodate individual needs; whether a student has been playing for several weeks or several years, there is a place for them at the Drumset Workshop. Arts Center Jazz Camp faculty percussionists Steve Zenz and Jason Price bring decades of drumming experience to make this a weekend that will not be forgotten. Students will check in on Friday, March 19, between 5-6:30 p.m. Checkout will take place after the final performance on March 21 at 4 p.m. Cost for this workshop is $275 for the entire weekend; participation is limited to students in grades 6-12 with at least six months of drumset experience. Students may stay either in the arts center dormitories with professional counseling staff or commute from home; see Web site for tuition differential. For more information on this event, please contact the center by calling 715468-2414 or visiting their Web site at www.shelllakeartscenter.org. — from Shell Lake Arts Center Steve Zenz will be at the Shell Lake Arts Center for the Drumset Workshop. — Photos submitted

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1950 - 60 years ago

1970 - 40 years ago

• Myers Radio and Television Service Center opened in the building located between Braun’s Grocery and Dahl’s Tavern. • Locals got a taste of Shell Lake without passenger train service as the Namekagon was discontinued due to a coal shortage. • Persons born in 1900 were invited to the Bohn Museum to help Faith celebrate her 50th. Frank and Faith would shake hands with all “The Naughty Naughts” in the area that would reach the half-century mark anytime during 1950. • The Shell Lake FFA and FHA enjoyed a toboggan party.

• Over 500 people attended the firstannual Lake Point Aero Club Snowmobile Family Fun Fair on Shell Lake. • Cheryl Krattiger was employed by Shell Lake Schools as the new speech therapist. • Bonnie Pieper and Cheryl Grilley were student teaching at Meols Cop School for Girls near Liverpool, England. • Students in Mrs. Beardsley’s room at Shell Lake Elementary School that turned 7 during the month of February were Rosemary Boyd, Susan Headley, Tim Studt, Kathryn Hubin, Mary Jo Shaw, Jeffrey Markgren and Connie Ullom.

• Frank Neuman, rural Shell Lake, was selected Outstanding Farm Co-operator for Washburn County. Bill Dougherty, county agent, presented Neuman with a plaque at the farmers day program held in Shell Lake. • Welcomed as new members at Salem Lutheran were Mrs. Irene Wigchers, Arthur and Linda; Mrs. Shirley Johnson, Curtis and Lois; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Colberg, Peter, Judy and Jeanette; Mr. and Mrs. Neil Koeneman and Mrs. William Durspek. • William J. Bohn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bohn, Shell Lake, enlisted in the Navy Hospital Corps, and was stationed at San Diego, Calif., for his boot training. • New arrivals announced at Shell Lake Memorial Hospital were Susan Marie, to Mr. and Mrs. Morris Mullikin, Shell Lake; Darlene Kay, to Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Kessler, Spooner; and Keith Lynn, to Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Boyd, Barronett.

• Arctic Enterprises announced the closing of the Lund American Inc. Fiberglas boat plant in Shell Lake. • Mrs. Pouquette’s kindergarten class won the second Campbell’s Labels for Education contest sponsored by the Shell Lake Lioness Club. Her class collected 537 labels, bringing the grand total to 6,300 labels collected. • Ernest G. Norton, county clerk, announced that the county would offer marriage licenses for half price on Valentine’s Day. • Dan King was recuperating at the Shell Lake hospital from a broken leg.

1960 - 50 years ago

1980 - 30 years ago

1990 - 20 years ago

• Ralph VanMeter turned in his badge and retired after 30 years of walking the beat as Shell Lake chief of police. • The Retail Promotion Committee of the Shell Lake Chamber of Commerce, organizers of Shell Lake’s first-annual snowmobile rodeo, canceled the event

due to the lack of snow. The rodeo as well as the dance that was to be held at the community center were called off. • The Shell Lake City Council paved the way for construction of a new city shop. The board also approved recommendations to promote Clint Stariha to position of chief of police and to promote Peter Frey to a full-time patrolman position. • Chosen Shell Lake High School Students of the Month were Kendra Carlson, Dawn Bernecker, Penny Lawrence and Tiffany Pockat.

2000 - 10 years ago

• A van crashed into the front of the Shell Lake Cenex convenience store, causing considerable damage, when the driver of the van drove the vehicle closer to the store from the passenger seat as their spouse was inside paying for fuel. • Shell Lake students named to the dean’s list at UW-River Falls were Kristen Hewitt, Josh Hubin and Jennie Sandstrom. • Stephanie Williams, junior at Shell Lake High School and a member of the Laker basketball team, exceeded 1,000 points scored during her first three years of playing for the Lakers. • Members of the boys seventh-grade basketball team were Brandon Hubin, Adam Gronning, Yuri Wakzak, Kyle Johnson, Steve Nickell, Jared Gronning, Steve Soukup, Chris Hanna, Cullan Hewitt, Matt Pesko and Dale Marker.


New offerings at Vitality Village

is hoping to get one of the teachers to Shell Lake for a workshop. Another workshop is being offered at 2 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 20, from Ayperi, on basic belly dancing techniques and history. Ayperi is a former area resident who will lead a 1-1/2 hour workshop, and afterward sell her wares, share her mother’s homemade baklava and give a performance in the American Oriental style of belly dancing.

Reiki Mary Wennerberg, Shell Lake, is the health and wellness center’s new Reiki practitioner. Reiki is a form of holistic healing, in which the practitioner generates energy and repairs or restores a person’s “vital energy flow,” she said. According to Wennerberg, Reiki comes from two Japanese words: Rei, which means “universal spirit,” and ki, which means “energy.” “The word Reiki is generally taken to mean ‘universal life energy,’” she said. Wennerberg said that what Reiki does is raise the level of energy in and around the person being treated, while reducing the amount of negative energy affecting the person and healing the pathways for energy within. She said it can heal or alleviate many discomforts, such as Nicole Wenner is Vi- headaches, tension, chronic tality Village’s newest pain and even cuts or abrayoga instructor and sions. It induces a deep rearomatherapy special- laxation feeling in the ist. person as well. “It makes a person feel relaxed and serene,” she said. “It helps to erase the negative energy around you.” Wennerberg is a master of Reiki, having reached all three levels. She began taking classes in holistic healing and chakras, which are energy points on the body, in 2006. “Then I heard of Reiki,” she said. Wennerberg began studying Reiki, doing the first two levels in Hudson, and obtaining her master’s at the third level in Cumberland, in summer 2009. At every level, the energy got stronger for her; her hands get hot as she works on a person, as the energy comes through the hands and the heat is an indicator. “It’s just the flow of the energy,” she said. Wennerberg said she had a client with bad arthritis, that caused two of her fingers to freeze up, and within a half an hour, the woman was able to straighten them. After a session, Wennerberg said, a person might feel flu like symptoms, as Reiki moves toxins in the body. “It unblocks your flow of energy,” she said, adding that she recommends drinking water to flush them out if these symptoms occur. Reiki is different from massage therapy in that the latter is more physical, working with muscles, while Reiki is focusing on the energy, she said. Wennerberg said her two daughters also practice Reiki. Wennerberg had been practicing in Hudson, which was quite a drive, until she visited Vitality Village’s owner Deb Nebel’s health center in Cumberland. Nebel asked her to come to Vitality Village, which opened in Shell Lake’s Industrial Park this past summer. Wennerberg offers Caring Hands Reiki sessions by appointment, and people can call the center to schedule one at 715-468-2232.

Driver’s ed

A few months back, I corresponded through e-mail with Shell Lake driving instructor Bob Forsythe. He made the comment that while out practice driving, he and students see a lot of “poor driving.” He has noted that after seeing the driver’s ed vehicle, drivers will remember to buckle up. Some will smile when they see a student practicing parallel parking. “It is fun and rewarding when a student passes their test and a few even come back and thank me. Most of the thanks comes from the frazzled parents who ask me ‘how can you do it?’ to which I reply ‘I have a brake and I don’t have to spend time with them doing the other things that come along with parenting.’ Talk about a ‘teachable Suzanne moment,’ there are plenty of them Johnson in the car and on the road.” Bob also commented on a driver’s license impacting a student’s life and the importance of the driver’s education course, stating, “driving is very important and can affect us either di-

BEYOND the Office DOOR

Mary Wennerberg is a Reiki practioner, using her hands to move energy within the body, at Vitality Village. – Photos by Regan Kohler except where noted Belly Dancing Marlene Stariha, Shell Lake, teaches belly dancing classes at the center. She began belly dancing two years ago, after a painful shoulder injury. “I just needed something to focus off of the pain,” Stariha said. Belly dancing, which Stariha said is an “ancient form of dance” that has become popular over the past few years, has a lot of bodily isolations and core muscle strengthening, Stariha said, and it helped reduce the pain of her injury. “I just fell in love with it,” she said. “Dance is a great way to express yourself.” Belly dancing is not fast, but a slower, controlled workout which strengthens muscles. “That’s what’s so nice about it,” she said. Stariha said that belly dancing is also a great weightloss technique, good for inner and outer health and getting people in touch with their bodies. “It’s a release [and] a stress reliever,” she said. Stariha, like Wennerberg, had known Nebel for many years, and through her began offering free sample classes in December. There was even a day when 9- to 14-year-olds tried belly dancing, and dressed up in the traditional costumes, which include skirts that jingle. “We had such a good experience,” Stariha said. Wennerberg has taken Stariha’s class, while Stariha has been a client of Wennerberg’s Reiki, and both have benefitted from each other’s practices. “Everyone should try it,” Stariha said of Reiki, while Wennerberg, who had struggled with knee pains before trying belly dancing, said, “[Stariha] does a great job. You glow at the end of class.” Stariha’s 1-1/2-hour class is offered Mondays and Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m., or she can offer it privately, if a person wishes. She said that people can find traditional costumes at ThistleBee Candles and Gifts, Spooner. “There’s such a variety,” she said of the class. “It’s fun.” Stariha said that people with injuries can enjoy it, though they should check with a doctor first, depending on how severe the injury is. Stariha plans on furthering her skills in belly dancing through professional classes in Twin Cities schools, and rectly or indirectly both positively and negatively.” Many of us may have stories we like to tell about when we were learning to drive. I remember my dad parking two vehicles along the edge of the street near our house so I could practice parallel parking. Only thing is, I got so close to one of the parked vehicles that I think Dad thought I was going to wipe out the side mirror. I was asked to get out of the car so he could slide into the driver’s seat and handle the situation. I did successfully parallel park to take my driver’s test and have not parallel parked since. I will park and walk several blocks if I am not able to just pull into a parking spot intended for parallel parking. A couple of years ago, the village of Grantsburg put in a four-way stop at an intersection that in the past only had a stop sign for traffic going east and west. Out of habit, many people were running the stop sign. Hubby Milt included. Only when he ran the stop sign, he became a “teachable moment” for a driver’s ed student. Our friend, Paul Bergman, the driving instructor, was in the car at the time with his students. He told the one driving not to assume that the vehicle approaching the stop sign was going to stop. Sure enough, Milt drove on past and waved at Paul. That evening we received a call from Paul. I think the conversation started out, something like this “Mr. Johnson, I would like to inform you …” Now every time we approach this stop sign, Milt remembers to stop.

Yoga/Aromatherapy Nicole Wenner, Shell Lake, is the new yoga instructor at Vitality Village, and also works with aromatherapy. Wenner has been practicing yoga on and off for about four years, through self-teaching and studying, and recently became a certified teacher. “It was almost like a calling,” Wenner said of her decision to get into the Eastern meditation exercise. “It was always just right there.” Wenner offers gentle yoga, which is “focused on people that are beginning,” she said. She teaches in a manner that keeps people connected in the mind and body in a continuous manner. “My goal is to make it flow,” she said. Wenner began teaching at Vitality Village in midNovember, after Nebel was Marlene Stariha offers looking for a new morning belly dancing classes at yoga instructor. Her classes Vitality Village. – Photo are Mondays and Wednes- submitted days, from 9-10 a.m., and she also teaches every other Saturday at the same time, switching with the other instructor. “It’s a whole different perspective when you’re in front of the group!” she said. The first Saturday of each month is called karma yoga, she added, which is a free class with a suggested food item donation. Wenner is also certified in aromatherapy, which is a form of healing that uses essential oils to detoxify. She began studying aromatherapy a couple of years ago, after meeting a woman who introduced her to a userfriendly book and then taking classes, in which she learned how to make perfume, too. Wenner now works with Young Living Essential Oils, which use therapeutic-grade oils, pure from seed and direct from the area they are grown to the bottle. Wenner said these oils can be taken in through massage, smelling or even internally, as people can take capsules with vegetable oil inside, or place them in water or a piece of bread. The oils can also be used as diffusers, taken in through the air. “Each oil has its own benefits,” she said. Wenner’s mother and sister were a part of Young Living, which is how she came to be a part of the company. “I just resonate with these oils, and this company,” she said. Wenner incorporates aromatherapy into the end of her yoga classes, using cloths sprayed with lavender oil to cover the eyes while winding down. She also offers classes in aromatherapy, and can be contacted at 715296-5552, or nicwenner@yahoo.com, to learn more.

GOT YOUR H1N1? STOP THE SPREAD! Call 211 or Washburn County Health Dept. 715-635-4400 www.co.washburn.wi.us/departments/health for shot clinic location & times.

504220 23-26r 13-16b

by Regan Kohler SHELL LAKE – The Vitality Village, Shell Lake, is now offering Reiki, belly dancing and aromatherapy, and has a new yoga instructor.


Lakeview Valentine’s party

The infamous dice game was played during Lakeview’s United Methodist’s Church Women’s Valentine’s party held Wednesday afternoon, Feb. 10. — Photo by Connie Quam

Academic news

MENOMONIE — The following students received the Chancellor’s Award for the fall 2009 semester at UW-Stout. The award is presented to students who have a grade-point average of 3.5 or above. Birchwood: Andrew Janetski, art; Jacquelyn Rich, information and comm. tech; Sarona: Scott Perlick, undeclared/undecided; Shell Lake: Nathaniel Nelson, packaging; Rachael Spears, hotel restaurant and tourism; Spooner: Stephene Allard, business administration; Ryan Bloms, golf enterprise management; Nikki Deli, special education; April Witkus, psychology; Tyler Wucherpfennig, plastics engineering. — from WisconsinLink ••• MENOMONIE — Following are students from the area who were graduated from University of Wisconsin-Stout in December of 2009.

Birchwood: Brian Knapmiller, Bachelor of Science, hotel restaurant and tourism; Cassandra Marsh, Bachelor of Science, early childhood education; Spooner: Jodie Bray, Bachelor of Science, technology education; Kaila Rabideau, Bachelor of Science, human development and family studies. — from WisconsinLink ••• RICE LAKE — Dr. Paul W. Chase, dean of the University of Wisconsin-Barron County, announced that 58 students have been named to the fall 2009 dean’s list, which recognizes students achieving academic excellence. Local full-time students named to the dean’s list who earned a grade-point average of 3.5 or higher on a 4.0 scale and carried a minimum of 12 semester credits are: Joseph Mills, Barronett; Daniel Blesener and Kristina Phernetton, Spooner. — from UWBC •••

Kyley Williams

Junior Miss Shell Lake candidate by Regan Kohler SHELL LAKE – Kyley Williams, 10, is one of three candidates running for Junior Miss Shell Lake Saturday, March 6, at 7 p.m. in the arts center. Williams, a fifth-grader at Shell Lake, is the daughter of Shane and Melissa, and sister to Tory and Tanner. She loves soccer, basketball, softball, sewing, horses, reading, swimming, fishing and riding four-wheelers, and loves her dogs, cats and four chinchillas. In school, she plays the flute in band and participates in athletics. She hopes to attend college to become a teacher for fourth- or fifthgraders. Williams said she wanted to participate in Junior Miss Shell Lake, which is a new part of the pageant, Rhythm Revolution, this year, because she ran for Little Miss Shell Lake in second grade. “I thought it was really fun,” she said, adding that she was glad there was a competition added for fifth- and sixthgraders. She also said she felt “it would be a fun and educational experience.” Williams said she could best represent Shell Lake “by having good manners.” The Junior Miss Shell Lake girls will have the same competitions as the high school girls, except for a talent portion. They will take part in individual interviews with the judges beforehand, perform a group dance and answer a question that they won’t know before the event itself while wearing a formal dress. There are three chances to win – the title, and first and second princess. So far, Williams said the best part has been getting to hang out with her friends during the Sunday rehearsals at the United Methodist Church.

Kyley Williams. – Photo by Barb Ray

“We laugh a lot,” she said. Some of the girls have mentioned interviews as being the hardest part, but Williams said practicing for them hasn’t been too hard. “It’s kind of funny – you don’t know what’s going to come up,” she said. She is also looking forward to going shopping for her dress. Williams is sponsored by the Shell Lake State Bank.


Last week’s featured Junior Miss Shell Lake candidate, Sheri Clark, is being sponsored by Keenan Foam Insulation and Dahlstroms Lakeside Market, in addition to Peggy’s Place.

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Volunteer opportunities

The Shell Lake After-School Program needs volunteers to help: • Knitting or crocheting, once a week or once a month from 5:15 to 6 p.m. • Homework help from 4:15 to 5:15 p.m. Monday, Tuesday or Thursday with first- through sixth-graders. • Readers Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, to read to any student K-6 from 4:15-4:45 p.m. or from 5:15 to 5:45 p.m. For more information, call Kris Brunberg at 715-468-1206, ext. 1205. ••• Terraceview Living Center, looking for volunteers to help quilt tote bags, Monday afternoons, starting at 1 p.m., at Terraceview. ••• The Shell Lake Public Library is in need of a 10th- to 12thgrade student volunteer. Those interested would need to commit to a regular schedule and be motivated. This experience would look great on a college application. Please call Beth at 714-468-2074 for more information. ••• Indianhead Community Action Agency is looking for volunteers to help out in their thrift store and food pantry. Food pantry volunteers must be able to lift at least 25 lbs. ICAA appreciates help, whether it be for a couple of hours or days per week. Please stop in to their location at 608 Service Rd. and pick up an application or call 715-635-3975 for more information. Background checks are required for all volunteers. ••• The Washburn County Area Humane Society is looking for volunteers for the following activities: • Event planner to coordinate fundraising activities for the upcoming year. • Person to write thank-you notes to donors. • Person with computer skills to maintain membership and mailing lists For more information, call Penny at 715-635-4720 or e-mail wcahs@centurytel.net. ••• Happy Tonics needs volunteers to grow seed. Happy Tonics Inc. has ordered 1,000 butterfly weed seeds. Common milkweed has been slow to start in the habitat and the butterfly needs milkweed. Milkweed, the host plant of the monarch, is the only plant the female will deposit her eggs on. Butterfly weed prefers sandy soil, which is the habitat’s soil. Want to give a hand? Give Mary Ellen Ryall a call, 715-4682097, or e-mail maryellen@happytonics.org.


Thursday, Feb. 18 • The Washburn County Humane Society open board meeting will meet at 5:30 p.m. at the state patrol headquarters in Spooner. Call 715-635-4720 for more information. • Shell Lake PTA meeting, 6:30 p.m., in the 3-12 school library. Baby-sitting will be provided. • The Shell Lake Economic Development Corporation will meet at 4:30 p.m. in the city council chambers in the Shell Lake City Hall. • Town and Country Days Meeting, 6 p.m., Shell Lake City Hall meeting room. • Learn how to apply CPR to infants and children, 6 p.m., Lakeland Family Resource Center, 314 Elm. St., Spooner. Preregistration required. Call 715-635-4669. No child care provided. With additional lesson time and a $20 materials fee, students may obtain Heartsaver certification. Additional lesson is available following the infant CPR class. • Second-annual Winter Environmental Film Festival, sponsored by Happy Tonics Inc., at Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwe Community College, 13466 Trepania Road, Hayward. Event meal will feature native corn at noon. 12:30 p.m. Mary Ellen Ryall will speak on the Colonization of Maize. Environmental film: “King Corn” at 1 p.m. Registration or questions, contact Mary Ellen Ryall, 715-468-2097. Saturday, Feb. 20 • Author Michael Perry on stage, 7:30 p.m., at the Erika Quam Memorial Theatre, 605 1st St., Shell Lake. For reservations call 715-4684387. • The Indianhead Writers meeting will be held at 1 p.m. at Northwind Book and Fiber Bookstore in Spooner. For more information, call Mary at 715-468-2604. Wednesday, Feb. 24 • Free community supper, 4 to 6 p.m., St. Alban Episcopal Church, 220 Elm St., Spooner. Thursday, Feb. 25 • The Shell Lake American Legion will meet at 6:30 p.m., at the Shell Lake Senior Center. • Shell Lake VFW will meet at 7 p.m., at the Shell Lake Senior Center. Saturday, Feb. 27 • Free community breakfast, 7 to 10 a.m., First United Pentecostal Church, 337 Greenwood Ave., Spooner. All welcome. Donations accepted. Sunday, Feb. 28 • Sing-Along with Glenview to the “Sound of Music” fundraiser, 2 p.m., Palace Theatre, Spooner.


Tuesday, March 2 • Rice Lake Area Grief Support Group will begin with six weekly sessions from 6-7:30 p.m., at the Lakeview Medical Center. Preregistration required. Call 715-236-6247. • Shell Lake/Spooner Masonic Lodge No. 221 meeting, 7 p.m. at the lodge. Wednesday, March 3 • Washburn County HCE meeting at UW-Extension meeting room, 9:30 a.m. • Unit on Aging, 1 p.m., Shell Lake Senior Center. • Free soup and sandwiches, Church of the Nazarene, 5:30 p.m. Call 715-635-3496 to confirm. All welcome. Donations accepted. Thursday, March 4 • Shell Lake Chamber of Commerce meeting. • Aphasia Group, 10-11:30 a.m., Trinity Lutheran Church, Spooner. Contact person Betsy 715-520-7999. • Northwest Wisconsin Parkinson’s Disease Support Group, 1 p.m., lower level at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Shell Lake. • Free community meal, St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church, 409 Summit, Spooner, 4-6 p.m. All welcome. Donations accepted. Saturday, March 6 • Phil Heywood in concert, 7:30 p.m., at the Erika Quam Theatre, Shell Lake. Call 715-468-4387 or more information. Tuesday, March 9 • Moms Club meets at Faith Lutheran, Spooner, 10 a.m. All stay-athome or part-time-working moms welcome with their children. Wednesday, March 10 • Free community meal, 4-6 p.m., United Methodist Church, 135 Reinhart Dr., Shell Lake. All welcome. Donations accepted. Thursday, March 11 • The Shell Lake Lions Club will meet, 6:30 p.m., at the Shell Lake Community Center. • United Ostomy Association local support group meeting, 1:30 p.m., at the Spooner Health System. • Fibromyalgia/CFS/Chronic Pain Support Group of Barron County meets from 1-3 p.m. at the Chetek Lutheran Church, Chetek. Coffee and refreshments served. Educational materials available to sign out. Call 715-651-9011 or 715-237-2798 for further information. • Free breast-feeding classes, 1:30 p.m., Lakeland Family Resource Center, 314 Elm Street, Spooner. Sponsored by Washburn County Health Department. Please call Washburn County Health Department at 715-635-4400 to register or for additional information.


DEBRA NEBEL, OWNER 246 Industrial Bldv. • Shell Lake, WI 54871 vitalityvillage@yahoo.com Studio: 715-468-2232 Soar/SunShadows Counseling Services 24/7 Equipment Memberships Healthy Balance Honey • Tantastic Spray Tanning Fitness Classes • Massage Therapy Reiki • Emotional Freedom Technique


To publish a volunteer opportunity, submit it to us by Monday noon. E-mail it to wcregister@centurytel.net, bring it to the office on Fifth Avenue in the mall or call 715-468-2314 . Please list the type of volunteer work you need, as well as dates, times and length of service. Make sure to include your contact information, including your name and phone number. When the volunteer position is filled, please let us know so we can take it off the list. This service is offered free of charge in an effort to bring the community together so those that are looking for help can find those that are looking to help.

Community Calendar


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• Second-annual Winter Environmental Film Festival, sponsored by Happy Tonics Inc., at Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwe Community College, 13466 Trepania Road, Hayward, noon. Film “America’s Lost Landscape.” Meal at noon, speaker at 12:30 p.m. and film at 1 p.m. Free and open to the public. Registration or questions, contact Mary Ellen Ryall, 715-468-2097. Friday, March 12 • Second-annual Winter Environmental Film Festival, sponsored by Happy Tonics Inc., at 1 p.m., Lakeland Manor, 201 2nd Avenue, Shell Lake. Environmental Film “Incredible Journey of the Butterflies.” Award-winning film by NOVA and shot in stunning detail. Event open to residents and seniors. Registration or questions, contact Mary Ellen Ryall, 715-468-2097. Monday, March 15 • Second-annual Winter Environmental Film Festival, sponsored by Happy Tonics Inc., at 6:30 p.m., Northwood School, Hwy. 53, Minong. Films: “Risky Business” and “Not for Sale.” RSVP 715-4664692, ext. 501. Open to the public. Registration or questions, contact Mary Ellen Ryall, 715-468-2097. • Northern Lights Camera Club meets at 7 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church, 1790 Scribner St. (Hwy. K), Spooner. Feedback on photos, education and support. Beginners to professionals. Tuesday, March 16 • Shell Lake/Spooner Masonic Lodge No. 221 will meet at 7 p.m. at the lodge. Wednesday, March 17 • Games and activities, 1 p.m., Shell Lake Senior Center. • Shell Lake Public Library Board of Trustees meeting, 4 p.m., at the library, 501 1st St., Shell Lake. The public is welcome. Thursday, March 18 • The Washburn County Humane Society open board meeting at 5:30 p.m. at the state patrol headquarters in Spooner. Call 715-6354720 for more information.


Monday: Lifestyle weight management support group will meet at 4 p.m. Weigh-in, meeting at 4:30 p.m. in the dining room of Indianhead Medical Center in Shell Lake. Call Michelle Grady at 715-468-7833 for more information. Membership fee is $10 per year, dues 50 cents per week. • Partners of Veterans women’s support group will meet from 1 to 2:30 p.m., at Counseling Associates in Siren, located across from the Burnett County Government Center. For more information, contact Julie Yaekel-Black Elk at 715-349-8575. • Monday and Thursday: Washburn County Alzheimer’s Day Respite Program is held from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church, Spooner. Daily fee includes lunch and a program of crafts, exercise, games, music, quiet time, etc. For more information, call 715-635-4367. • First Friends Playtime, 10 a.m. to noon, Lakeland Family Resource Center, 314 Elm Street, Spooner. 715-635-4669. All families welcome. Snack provided. There is no fee to attend. • First and third Monday: Celebrate Recovery – Life Connections is a Christ-centered recovery program. Meetings take place each month at 6:30 p.m. in the Community Life Center at Spooner Wesleyan Church, Hwy. 70 West. For more information, call 715635-2768. Tuesday: Birth to Three Playgroup, 10-11:30 a.m., Lakeland Family Resource Center, Spooner. Casual and fun time for parents and children to meet, play and enjoy music with others. Snack provided. • Ala-Teen meets at 6:30 p.m. in the New Life Christian Center in Rice Lake. Use the back entrance. • Library Fun For Little Ones, 9:30 to 10:15 a.m., Birchwood School Library. A time for stories, craft and a snack. No age minimum or maximum for participants. • Women Healing Women support group at Time-Out Family Abuse Outreach Office, every other Tuesday starting May 5, 45:30 p.m. For survivors of domestic abuse and/or sexual abuse. Free, confidential, closed after first session. For more info or to register, contact Time-Out Family Abuse Shelter Outreach office at 103 Oak St., Spooner, WI 54801, 715-635-5245. Wednesday: Lakeland Family Resource Center open from noon to 3 p.m. • Kids/Parentime at Lakeland Family Resource Center from 10 a.m. to noon. Learn, discuss, and share ideas on topic of the day. Short parent ed. segment at 10:30 a.m. and a parent/child activity. • Al-Anon meeting welcomes all, 7 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church, Spooner. Please use back door. • 9 a.m. to noon, sewing at Shell Lake Senior Center. Thursday: AA meets at 7 p.m. at Calvary Lutheran Church, Minong. • Al-Anon meets at 8 p.m. in the cafeteria at Indianhead Medical Center, Shell Lake. • Library Fun For Little Ones, 10:30 to 11:15 a.m. Shell Lake Public Library. A time for stories, craft and a snack. No age minimum or maximum for participants. ••• Domestic abuse and sexual assault are crimes. Time-Out provides free, confidential victim support. If you or someone you know is experiencing violence in a relationship, please call 800924-0556. The Genealogy Research Room in Shell Lake is closed for the winter. Special openings can be made by calling either 715635-7937 or 715-635-6450, weather permitting.

Shell Lake Alano Club Meetings

on CTH B, 2 blocks off Hwy. 63. All meetings are nonsmoking Sunday, 10 a.m. AA 6 p.m. AA Monday Noon AA 5 p.m. GA Tuesday Noon AA 7 p.m. AA Wednesday 1 p.m. AA 7 p.m. NA Thursday 1 p.m. AA Friday 2 p.m. AA 7 p.m. AA Saturday Noon AA 7 p.m. AA Fourth Saturday of every month, Pin Night with 5:30 p.m. potluck and 7 p.m. meeting.


Shell Lake Cabaret

Dressed as country bumpkins, the Band -Aids perform “Down to Chicago to Play” at the Cabaret under the direction of Aimee Pashby. The Band-Aids are a group of parents and community members that support the Shell Lake School music program. - Photos by Tom Cusick

Celebrating 100 years

LEFT - Dr. Jeffery Crowell performs with the Shell Lake Jazz Band. Crowell is an associate professor of music and coordinator of the wind and percussion division at the University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire.


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Spooner resident Mary Frahm celebrated her 100th birthday with her son, Russell on Feb. 15. Frahm was born Mary Hort in Omaha, Neb., on Feb. 15, 1910. She and her parents, Joseph and Marie Hort, came to Wisconsin when she was 2 years old and settled in Evergreen Valley west of Spooner, where she attended a one-room school. — Photo by John Murray

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Spooner Nordic competes at state

Nordic teammates that participated at state are Hannah Dunn, Elizabeth Baumgart, Maddie Kunkel, Iciar Ocariz, Brooke Adams, Beth Kujala, Katerine Ocariz, Kaylee Thornley and Rachael Jensen. Team coaches are Kent Adams, Elaine Adams, Randy Larson and Shannon Flynn. — Photo submitted WAUSAU — Spooner Nordic ski team traveled to Wausau over the weekend to compete in the Wisconsin State Championships. The girl’s team placed fifth out of 16 teams, led by senior Brooke Adams who placed third in the classic race, first in the freestyle skate race and third in the pursuit. Middle-school student Rachael Jensen placed eighth in the skate race. The races were held on Saturday with the 5.4-km classic race starting in the morning. The 5.4 freestyle skate race was held in the afternoon. The skate race was a pursuit race with the skiers going out at various times depending on how they did in the morning classic race. Brooke Adams had a 33-second gap from first place as she raced the second race. She narrowed the gap in the pursuit race with a close finish for second place, with Nicole Bathe of Madison edging her out by one second.

There were 142 girls who participated in the state event. Spooner results are as follows: Classical Race: Brooke Adams, 18:58, 3rd; Iciar Ocariz, 23:21, 29th; Beth Kujala, 23:35, 34th; Katarin Ocariz, 24:37, 48th; Elizabeth Baumgart, 25:47, 73rd; Maddie Kunkel, 25:56, 77th; Kaylee Thornley, 26:34, 87th; Hannah Dunn, 27:45, 108th. Middle School 3.5 km: Rachael Jensen, 16:11, 12th; classical, 12:56 freestyle, 8th. Freestyle Race: Brooke Adams, 16:29, 1st; Iciar Ocariz, 19:08, 23rd; Beth Kujala, 20:04, 32nd; Katerine Ocariz, 20:36, 37th; Elizabeth Baumgart, 20:52, 44th; Kaylee Thornley, 21:13, 51st; Maddie Kunkel, 21:36, 61st; Hannah Duna, 23:36, 97th. Pursuit (combination of both races): Brooke Adams, 35:28, 3rd; Iciar Ocariz, 42:30, 26th; Beth Kujala, 43:39, 32nd; Katerin Ocariz, 45:13, 42nd; Elizabeth Baumgart, 46:40, 57th; Maddie Kunkel, 47:31, 69th; Kaylee Thornley, 47:45, 72nd; Hannah Dunn, 51:21, 100th. — submitted

Squirts to play at state tournament

The Spooner Squirts will be playing in the state tournament in Grantsburg March 6 and 7. They qualified by winning all of their play-down games this past weekend. The Rails defeated Burnett 6-2 in their opener and followed that up by beating Barron 4-2 on Saturday. On Sunday they defeated Ashland 9-1 and finished off a great weekend with a 4-2 victory over Amery. The Rails will play their first game in Grantsburg on Saturday, March 6, at 10:15 a.m., against Baraboo. Squirt team members shown back row (L to R): Dave Zebro, assistant coach; John Laub, assistant coach; and Rick Saletri head coach. Middle: Logan Zebro, Jordan Borelli, Jace Sando, Kaelin Laub and Scott Lindenberger. Front: Spencer Blonk, Derrick Rapley, Colton Avery, Sam Johnson, Austin Reidt and Rikki Saletri. Not pictured: Nathan Crawford. — Photo by by Jean McShane

Rand’s Lanes bowling Saturday Junior League

Saturday Junior League Team standings: Leisure Technology 14, The Cats Meow 14, The Prime 11, Silver Shears 11, Masterjohn Realty 10, Shell Lake State Bank 9, Bradway Construction 8, Shell Lake Chiropactor 7

Boys games: Chad Lenser 236, Alex Peterson 182 Boys series: Chad Lenser 552, Alex Peterson 517, Tanner Williams 446 Girls games: Kristine Powers 179 & 152 Girls series: Kristine Powers 456, Danielle Powers 392

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Mites team is back row (L to R): Coaches Mike Johannes, Pat Kissack, Damian Ferguson and Tyler Walsh. Middle: Jordon Arnson, Thomas Kissack, Riley Hess, Spencer Blonk, Dillon Brimblecom, Rikki Saletri and Gibson Walsh. Front: Brady Johannes, Timothy Mirabal, Aiden Ferguson, Sam Johnson, CJ Regenscheid and Cooper Hess. Not pictured: Blake Crawford. — Photo submitted

Host tournament this weekend

SPOONER — The Spooner Area Youth Hockey Mites team qualified for the state tournament, defeating a tough Barron team 4-2 this past Friday night. The Mites will travel to Baraboo on March 13 and 14 to compete with seven other teams in a quest to become the state champion. Their first game will be Saturday, March 13, at 10:15 a.m., versus Washington County. The Mites are comprised of area skaters that were born in 2001 or earlier.

The Mites will be hosting an eightteam tournament this upcoming weekend. They will face off in the first game on Saturday at 8 a.m. against La Crescent, Minn. Games will continue throughout the weekend with the championship game taking place on Sunday at noon. Other teams in the tournament include the Superior Bulldogs, Black River Falls, Hayward, Eau Claire Flyers, Tomahawk and the Superior Yellowjackets. — submitted

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Three Laker wrestlers advance to sectionals

by Larry Samson CLEAR LAKE — Shell Lake will have three wrestlers representing them in the sectionals to be held Saturday, Feb. 20, at Osseo/ Fairchild. The sectionals are the last hurdles to state, and the first three places will advance to the state level in Madison the following week. Drew Knoop took a first place in the 145-weight class. This was his fourth regional win, two first-place finishes and two second-place finishes. Tyler Anderson took a second place when he loss a 9-3 decision to Zach Gillis of St. Croix Central. Gillis is the number-two ranked wrestler in the state. Al Hopke wrestled back from a thirdplace position to take second place when he pinned Austin Moe with 2:57 on the clock. Moe, a freshman, was ranked eighth in the state while Hopke was ranked 11th. Michael Johnson, wrestling in his last year, took third place in the 171-weight class. This class was considered the toughest weight class of the meet. He earned his fourth regional placing in his varsity career. Colten Kozial is the other senior and ended his career with a third-place finish with an 85 decision over Marcus Malecek of St. Croix Central. Wrestling in his second year, Caleb Schmidt lost his chance to advance when he lost in a wrestle-back to Garrett Paulson.

Colten Kozial tried to pin Shane Meyers of Spring Valley/Elmwood and came away with Senior Drew Knoop is on the top of the 145-pound weight a 18-2 technical fall. As a senior, he earned a third-place finish just short of his dream of class and will advance to the sectionals. sectionals at Osseo-Fairchild on Saturday, Feb. 20. Tyler Anderson and Al Hopke will also advance with their second-place Caleb Schmidt lost finishes. his second-place finish and his chance to advance to sectionals when he lost a 11-4 dePhotos by Larry Samson cision to Garrett Paulson in a wrestle-back. This future champion will take the lessons he learned in this regional match and come back next year as a junior and better wrestler.

Shell Lake at Clear Lake

The look on Drew Knoop’s face tells the story as he realizes he has defeated Cody Nyhagen of St. Croix Central in a 5-1 decision to earn first place.

Spooner wrestlers head to sectionals

The Spooner wrestling squad took third place as a team at the WIAA Division 2 wrestling regionals at Northwestern. Denver Quenette (119) and Nick Prete (171) took first place, while Jon John Griffith (160) and Austin Berndt (285) took second place. They will be wrestling Saturday, Feb 20, at the Somerset Sectional. — Photo submitted

103: Chris Kidder placed sixth and scored 3.00 team points. 112: Dan Cassel placed fifth and scored 7.00 team points. 119: Al Hopke placed second and scored 17.00 team points. 125: Dillon Hopke placed fifth and scored 9.00 team points. 130: Aaron Slinker placed sixth and scored 5.00 team points. 140: Tyler Anderson placed second and scored 19.00 team points. 145: Drew Knoop placed first and scored 23.00 team points. 160: Colten Kozial placed third and scored 13.50 team points. 171: Michael Johnson placed third and scored 14.00 team points. 189: Caleb Schmidt placed third and scored 15.00 team points. 215: Marlo Fields placed sixth and scored 3.00 team points. 285: Brian Marshall placed fourth and scored 11.00 team points.

Relay For Life IMC fundraiser

Team members and employees contributed to the annual Relay For Life IMC fundraiser held Friday, Feb. 12, in the lobby of the hospital in Shell Lake. Organizing the event was Joni Parker. Shown (L to R) are: Paula McFarren, Joni Parker, Trudy Druschba, Angie Christner, Renee Blazer, Gwen Bartholomew and Michelle Grady. The Washburn County Relay For Life will be held June 4-5 in Shell Lake. — Photo by Suzanne Johnson



MONDAY - FRIDAY : Daily Trivia Candy Guessing Game Humane Society Dress-Up Day For High School And Elementary

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•2 • On Pep

Michael Irvine


FFA would like to recognize our seniors with their SAE projects. Ashley Anderson lives on a dairy farm and works with other animals such as rabbits and pigs. Sh Food for America Program, Safety Program and was a part of our dairy judging team. Robyn Melton lives in the country and works with growing vegetables and flowers. She has p Program, soil judging, fair and assisted at the speaking contest. Michael Irvine has worked on a dairy farm as his main job throughout high school as well as wo was little. Michael participated in the fair, soil judging contest and worked with the dairy judging

L to R: Bethany Spexet, Katie Parker, Andi Bauch and Taylor Bauch.


Every year the Shell Lake FFA has a Mother’s Day flower sale where we sell flowers to all of the students at school, and then we rely on our community members to wipe us out and take the remaining stock off our hands. This is a way to support our agricultural program, and we appreciate all those that come throught our doors. We will again have lots of flowers and some vegetables, like tomatoes, for sale this year. See upcoming articles for details.


This year we have had a safety day. FFA students set up a station that allowed younger students to learn about animal safety and care. This opportunity also allows students to learn the dos and don’ts of tractor safety. We would like to extend a thank-you to all the local businesses that sponsored the farm safety books this year.

Members who participated (L to R): Mackenzie Johnson, Emma Mechtel and Cristy Spaulding.


L to R: Jackie Brown, Calista Holman and David Smith.


At every home football game, the FFA students worked concessions and provided food for all of the football fans from hot dogs to nachos. We utilize our profits to go to the many leadership workshops provided throughout the year.

The organization changed its name in 1988 from Future Farmers of America to the National FFA Organization to reflect its evolution in response to expanded agricultural opportunities encompassing science, business and technology in addition to production farming.

Food For America (FFA) is a program where FFA members organized a program that enabled the students to learn about different foods that animals produce and different breeds.

Front (L to R): Cri Calista Holman and

During the summe our school garden. Lindy’s Berrys dona pies, which we dona

Jackie Brown, Rache Christensen, Be


Shell Lake FFA a ticipated in cele sale. They served


FFA members work hard each year to host the kiddy barn and assist Mrs. Bos with the dairy and beef show. Jackie Brown, Chelsea Christensen and Calista Holman are shown during the beef show working as showring helpers. FFA members that exhibited include Michael Irvine, Jessica Irvine, Trista Ommen, Emma Mechtel and Bethany Spexet.


FRIDAY Ice-Cream Social For Grades 3 - 12 25¢ Per Scoop Grades 7-12 ne Free Scoop For Grades 3-6 Assembly For Grades 3 - 6.


NATIONAL FFA WEEK Feb. 20 - 27, 2010 It’s almost time for National FFA week again, and Shell Lake FFA members are including the entire school in our celebration. Agriculture is part of our everyday life, and we are planning to teach our upcoming youth about how much agriculture is a part of their life. FFA teaches students to stand out from the crowd, find their own voice and LEAD OUT LOUD! FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education. Learning to Do; Doing to Learn; Earning to Live; Living to Serve. The agricultural education program provides a well-rounded, practical approach to learning through three components: classroom education in agricultural topics such as plant and animal sciences, horticulture, forestry and agrimarketing.

Ashley Anderson

he has participated in the county fair,

participated in our Food for America

orking on his grandpa’s farm since he team.

FFA members who attended the MFE workshop are (L to R): Cristy Spaulding, Jackie Brown, Emma Mechtel, Sarah Schumaker and Katrina Nyreen.


Front row (L to R): Leah Christensen, Dani Kuechle and Cristy Spaulding. Middle row: Andi Bauch, Emma Mechtel, Jackie Brown and Katrina Nyreen. Back row: David Smith and Johannah Feeney.


Made For Excellence (MFE) is a workshop where FFA members This year the Parli Pro team went to the UW-River Falls to go to develop leadership skills as well as learn how to enhance attend a workshop and learned a lot about speaking. They also there FFA membership. worked hard on the District Speaking Contest, made second place and are going to the sectional speaking contest.


Shell Lake FFA would like to extent a huge thank-you to all who have sponsored us throughout this past year.

isty Spaulding, Chelsea Christensen, d Emma Mechtel. Back: Rachel Mechtel and Jackie Brown.


er, FFA members met to take care of In addition, we took a day to bake. ated the strawberries for us to make ated to Lakelaned Manor.

Patrick Zehm, Kristen Bonticle, Emma Mechtel, Jackie Brown, David Smith & Jen Bos.


Every year, the Shell Lake/Spooner Alumni provide a complimentary breakfast for the two chapter officers. FFA officers share their memorable movements in the FFA as well as their career goals. Alumni members do not have to be past FFA members, they just need to be adults that are willing to support the agricultural programs in the area. Call or e-mail Mrs. Bos for this year’s meeting calendar.

el Mechtel, Cristy Spaulding, Chelsea ethney Spexet and Emma Mechtel.



Part of one of our reward trips for the FFA members is Lazer Tag.

and Shell Lake band members parebrating Dahlstroms anniversary their homemade brats.

L to R: Danielle Kuechle, Tyler Gramberg, Cody Mayer & Samuel Livingston.

Local, state and national FFA programs and activities help members develop public speaking skills, conduct and participate in meetings, manage financial matters, strengthen problem-solving abilities and assume civic responsibilities. FFA members elect their own officers and plan and conduct activities with supervision from their chapter advisors.

AAA Sports Becky’s Lampert’s Potter’s Shed Subway McDonald’s Spooner Outlet Stellrecht’s Spooner Country Store Bear Paw Ace Hardware Wal-Mart Hardware Hank

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Shell Lake Family Dental, Dr. Dunbar Shell Lake Marine Shell Lake Pharmacy Shell Lake Public Library Shell Lake State Bank Shell Lake Tru Gas Silver Shears Shell Lake Service & Repair The Potter’s Shed Gallery, Coffee Shop & Cafe Washburn County Register Wild Rivers Advertiser - The Yellow Paper

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Boys basketball highlights

Andy Melton with a jump shot good for two points.

Bryan Krause of Webster tries to hold Brandon Degner back on this rebound.

J o r d a n Forsythe with a layup, as Dan Dochniak of Webster tries unsuccessfully to block the shot.


Ty Frisbie with two points on this jump shot. He had six points for the night as the Clayton Bears defeated Shell Lake 65-33.

Brandon Degner got a jump shot against a very tough Webster defense. The Webster defense held Shell Lake to 15 points in their 42-15 nonconference win.

Photos by Larry Samson

AAA Sport Shop Hunter League standings

Adult Northwoods Construction: 702 Corrado Custom Tile: 621 Napa Auto Parts: 608 J&J: 594 Grandpa’s: 591 Spitting Swamp Llamas: 540

Adult Youth John Meeds Trucking: 572 Wohlford Construction: 537 Northwest Land and Rec.: 441 Youth RT 532: 533 John Meeds Trucking 2: 271



Laker girls battle Clayton

Emma Anderson finds it a tight squeeze between the two Clayton defenders.


Jennifer Cassel drives the basket for a layup. She had seven points against a very good Clayton defense.

SHELL LAKE — The Shell Lake girls put forth an excellent defensive effort, but they couldn’t add enough points and fell to the 13-2 Clayton Bears, 39-24 on Tuesday, Feb. 9. “I thought we played great on defense,” commented Laker coach Carlo Kumpula. “To hold Clayton under 40 points took a solid effort by everyone. Unfortunately, Clayton always plays tough defense, as well, and theirs was actually better than ours. We had a tough time scoring.” For the Lakers, Ashley Anderson had seven points, 10 rebounds and three steals. Steph Clark added six points, seven rebounds and two assists, Jen Cassel added seven points and five rebounds, Kim Moravec

grabbed five rebounds and had two assists, and Emma Anderson added a pair of assists. The Lakers made a road trip to Prairie Farm on Tuesday, Feb. 16, and on Friday, Feb. 19, will travel to Solon Springs for a 6 p.m. varsity-only game. On Tuesday, Feb. 23, Shell Lake will recognize all JV and varsity parents as the Lakers host Cameron. On Friday, Feb. 26, the Lakers host Turtle Lake. That game has been designated as Senior Night in honor of Ashley Anderson, Steph Clark and Kim Moravec. — submitted

Photos by Larry Samson



Boys basketball Fri., Feb. 19: Vs. Cameron, 7:30 p.m. Thurs., Feb. 25: Vs. Turtle Lake, 7:30 p.m. Tues., March 2: Regional (Round 1) TBA Thurs., March 4: Regional (Round 2) TBA Sat., March 6: Regional final at Webster TBA Fri.-Sat. March 12-13: Sectional at Spooner, 6 p.m. Thurs.-Sat., March 18-20: State at Madison TBA Girls basketball Tues., Feb. 23: Vs. Cameron, 7:30 p.m. Fri., Feb. 26: Vs. Turtle Lake, 7:30 p.m. Tues., March 9: Regional (Round 1) TBA

Thurs., March 11: Regional (Round 2) TBA Sat., March 13: Regional Finals at Webster TBA Fri.-Sat., March 19-20: Sectional at Spooner, 6 p.m. Thurs.-Sat., March 25-27: State at Madison TBA

Kim Moravec puts up a shot against an in-yourface defense. Shell Lake managed to get a lot of shots off against the Clayton defense but fell 3924.

Ashley Anderson with a jump shot as Brittany Bayliss is positioning herself for the rebound. Anderson had seven points for the game, which is below her normal showing as forward.

Wrestling Sat., Feb. 20: WIAA Sectional at Osseo-Fairchild, 9 a.m. Thurs.-Sat., Feb. 25-27: Individual State at Madison Fri.-Sat., Mar. 5-6: Team State at Madison Girls JH basketball Fri., Feb. 19: Vs. Cameron, old gym, 5 p.m. Tues., Feb. 23: At Turtle Lake, 5 p.m. Thurs., Feb. 25: At Northwood, 4:30 p.m.


Area writers corner

The Baby Doctor

by Mary B. Olsen, Shell Lake Many of my heroes were not cowboys. I have always had the greatest respect for leaders who made a difference in the lives of people. Oftentimes, these kinds of outstanding men and women are not given credit because they went against current trends and changed things. Dr. Benjamin Spock is one of my heroes. He was maligned as an antiwar radical, draft protester, and blamed for the movement toward permissiveness in child care. Yet, his books on child care and the family enjoyed a wide readership and changed our world. He was born Benjamin McLane Spock, on May 2,1903, in New Haven, Conn. In a family with five younger children, he was expected to help with the care of his siblings. This may have been the reason he took on the challenge of caring for America’s children. He attended Yale University. He was on the rowing team at the 1924 Olympics in Paris and won a gold medal. He graduated from Yale in 1925, and went on to study medicine, transferred to Columbia in New York, and did his residency in pediatrics and in psychiatry at Cornell. In World War II he served as a psychiatrist in the U.S.

Navy Reserve Medical Corps. After the war he was a professor at the University of Minnesota Medical School and at the University of Pittsburg, and also at Case Western Reserve University. These accomplishments put him on the list of outstanding Americans of the 20th century. It was his books that brought him fame and the collateral damage that goes with it. Dr. Spock saw the need for change in the way parents were being told to care for their babies and young children. With his study of child care and psychiatry, he became an advocate for less rigid rules of raising children. In his practice, he found young mothers insecure and unsure of themselves, and he encouraged them to follow their own instincts. He helped them gain confidence in their own ability to know the needs of their children. He told them to cuddle and hug them when they cry and give them love. He saw the need for a book to help young mothers. In 1946, he published “The Common Sense Book of Baby and Child Care.” It was a time when servicemen returning from the war wanted to put all the destruction and strife behind them and start families. Spock’s book became a best-seller. It had sold, by 1998,

50 million copies. It was translated into 39 languages. His ideas of child raising conflicted with the strict disciplinary methods, and were slow to reach the professionals. Mothers took his philosophy to heart and the changes came. His ideas were out of the mainstream but became the rule book for two generations, not just in America but in the world. The prevailing thought has been that Dr. Spock ushered in permissive parenting, but that charge is unjust. He did not tell parents to let their children run wild. He told parents how to discipline effectively without severe punishment. He did not advocate the no-spanking ideas of today. Yet, he is blamed for it. He did protest against nuclear weapons and the Vietnam War. He went to jail for his protests. Those opposed to his politics blame him for the unrest of the 1960s. The mainstream press went along with that, but many more people respected him. Women would come up to him on the street and thank him for the book that made them see him as their partner in child care. Spock wrote 12 other books. In his personal life, he had no children with his first wife, and they were divorced in 1976. Later that year he mar-

ried Mary Morgan, who had worked with him, and she had a daughter, Ginger Councille. They had two sons, Michael and John. Some years ago I visited the Kennedy Space Center at Cape Canaveral, in Florida. We were given a tour. A group of people were in another area, protesting against nuclear weapons. Among them was Dr. Spock. We could see him in a holding area and he looked like he was praying. A missile was scheduled to be fired. Our tour group watched as the missile streaked high into the blue sky. Later, on the television news the protesters were shown being arrested. Dr. Spock looked very frail and had been held in the extreme Florida heat for several hours without shade or water. He suffered for his system of values, and surely hoped to make a difference. Spock and his wife were actively involved in civil disobedience and were sometimes arrested. He was ordered to serve two years in prison, but the conviction was set aside, in 1969, by an appeals court. He continued his advocacy and writing from his home in La Jolla, Calif. He died there March 15, 1998, after a long battle with cancer that took away most of his wealth.

Master Gardener volunteer training to be held

SPOONER — Garden enthusiasts interested in learning more about horticulture and who have an interest in volunteering in their local communities can now apply and register for the University of Wisconsin Extension Master Gardener Volunteer Training program. Instruction is scheduled to begin Tuesday, March 2, and will continue through Tuesday, May 11, with the final class in May to be determined by participants. Most classes will be held Tuesday evenings, with the exception of two Thursday evening classes, March 11 and 18. Classes will be held at the Workforce

Development Center, 10256 Greenwood Lane, in Hayward, from 5:30 until 8:45 p.m. There will be one Saturday morning class on May 1 at the Spooner Ag Research Station. The class format will include a combination of on-site live instruction and instruction via live video conference. Instructors include both University of Wisconsin specialists and guest instructors. Classes will meet once a week for 13 weeks and cover topics on plant propagation, herbaceous annuals and perennials, small fruits, vegetables, plant diseases and insects, weeds and pest

Washburn County Area Humane Society ADOPTABLE PETS OF THE WEEK

Joker has so many ways that he will impress you, Besides his loving nature, he can even do tricks too. Staffordshire terrier, he’s neutered, 4 years old, The color of his coat, just like his heart, you’ll see is gold. He’s been waiting to go home but nothing has worked out, He tries to remain cheerful and to chase away his doubts. Joker’s one big baby, how he whines just for a walk, All the things he’d tell ya if a dog could only talk. Take some time come throw a ball, he loves his squeaky toy, You won’t just get a wagging tail, you’ll have one happy boy!

Dogs for adoption: 4year-old neutered American Staffordshire terrier mix; two senior spayed beagles; 5-year-old neutered boxer and a 3-1/2-month-old female yellow Lab/spaniel mix. Cats for adoption: 1-year-old spayed black/brown shorthair tiger; 6-1/2year-old spayed/declawed dilute calico shorthair; 6-month-old female gray/white shorthair tiger; 8-monthold neutered Siamese mix; 8-month-old neutered tan tiger shorthair; 4-year-old spayed longhair tabby; 8-year-old spayed shorthair tortie; 2-year-old male gray tabby; 5-month-old female smoke tortie shorthair; 11-month-old

female medium-hair tortie; 2-1/2-month old black/white male shorthair; 2-1/2month-old shorthair calico; 4-month-old shorthair calico; 7-

year-old neutered/ declawed black/ white shorthair; 2year-old male orange/white longhair; 5-month-old orange tiger shorthair; 2-yearold male black/white shorthair; 1-year-old neutered gray/white shorthair tiger; 1year-old black female longhair; 1-yearold neutered brown/white longhair tabby; 1-year-old spayed black/white longhair and three 11-week-old black/white kittens. Strays include: Young male yellow Lab mix wearing a red bandana and green/camo-type collar found on Rocky Ridge in Spooner and an orange shorthair tiger found on Elm Street in Spooner.

Located at 1400 Cottonwood Ave. in Spooner (Behind the county fairgrounds) 715-635-4720

management, soils and fertility, native plants and backyard wildlife. The purpose of this program is to train volunteers to assist with community projects related to horticulture, gardening and nutrition. All participants will be required to volunteer at the following projects. Hayward Library gardens, Hayward or LCO school gardens, 4-H or other youth programs, nutrition programs, community gardens, farmers markets or other projects approved by UW-Extension. To become certified as UW-Extension Master Gardener Volunteer participants must commit 24 hours of volunteer service per year and meet other requirements. The registration fee for the 12 sessions will be $135, which covers the cost of the Handbook for Wisconsin Gardeners and the Wisconsin Master Gardener Program Manual, a one-year membership to the

North County Master Gardeners Association and speaker costs. If two people share the manual and handbook, cost for the second person to attend the training is $85. The Spooner Area UW-Extension is sponsoring the Master Gardening Volunteer Training in conjunction with Hayward Community Schools Community Education. Class size is limited. You must preregister by Feb. 26. To register contact Dawn Cox, Hayward Community Education at 715-634-2619, ext. 1666, or Kevin Schoessow, Spooner Area UWExtension at 800-528-1914 or 715-6353506. Copies of the registration form and a list of scheduled times and dates can be found by visiting the Spooner Area UWExtension Web site www.cals.wisc.edu/ars/spooner/Progr ams.php. — from UW-Extension

Accident reports

Tuesday, Feb. 2 Morgan A. Wendt, 20, Hayward, went into the ditch on Hwy. 53, Sarona, around 9:18 a.m. According to the narrative, Wendt said she was driving north on the highway when she lost control and slid into the ditch. Wendt and her passenger, Zachariah W. Groat, 39, Hayward, weren’t injured, and there was no damage to the vehicle, though S & R Towing had to pulled it out of the ditch. Wednesday, Feb. 3 Travis M. McMahon, 21, Spooner, went into the ditch on Tower Hill Road, Spooner. According to the narrative, McMahon said he was using a Global Positioning System that advised him to go north on Tower Hill Road, but he assumed he was going in the wrong direction and tried to turn around, to go back to Hwy. 70. The U-Haul trailer he was driving then backed into the ditch, partially blocking the road. McMahon was not reportedly injured, nor was there damage, but the trailer was towed out by Jock’s Auto & Truck Repair. At 1:47 p.m., Edmund K. Williams, 53, Spooner, slid into the ditch on Hwy. 53 at Cranberry Road, Spooner. Williams and his passenger, Lorrene J. Schaumberg, 42, Alsip, Ill., were not reportedly injured, but the van needed to be removed by American Towing & Recovery.

Friday, Feb. 5 Michelle D. Plank, 43, Maiden Rock, went into the ditch on Hwy. 48 near Tamarack Lane, Birchwood. Plank was not reportedly injured, and the vehicle had no damage, but was pulled out of the ditch by B & B Towing. Sunday, Feb. 7 Brent D. Conrad, 35, Cornell, hit a vehicle driven by Valarie C. St. Claire, 48, Richfield, Minn., on Hwy. 63 and Old Hwy. 63, Barronett, at 11:50 a.m. The State Patrol report said St. Claire was driving south on Hwy. 63 behind Conrad, who was driving a pickup pulling a fifth-wheel, gooseneck trailer. The report said Conrad was traveling at a slow speed, so St. Claire passed him. St. Claire said Conrad had no turn signal to indicate he was turning at that time, and he struck the inside of her vehicle while turning east onto Old Hwy. 63. His vehicle stopped on that road, while St. Claire stopped on the west shoulder of Hwy. 63 south. Conrad said he had turned on his signal, but the trooper discovered the trailer’s left turn signal and brake light were not working. St. Claire and her passenger, Vera S. Straw, 48, Minneapolis, were not injured, nor were Conrad and his passenger, Jackie J. Conrad, 33, Cornell. St. Claire’s vehicle had severe damage to the passenger side, while Conrad’s had moderate damage to the front.

Tuesday, Feb. 9 Jeffrey A. Slinker, 41, Spooner, overturned on Hwy. 70 and Harmon Lake Road, Stone Lake, at 7:40 a.m. The report said Slinker was driving east on the highway when he lost control due to slush on the road. Slinker slid off the road into a snowbank and overturned. The vehicle came to a stop on its roof. It was snowing that morning, as well. Slinker was injured and the vehicle was totaled, and removed by Jock’s. At 8:30 a.m., Cindy M. Aherns, 44, Spooner, overturned on Hwy. 53 and Cranberry Drive, Beaver Brook. The State Patrol report said Aherns was driving south on the highway, going up a hill in the right lane, when she lost control on the slippery road and began to slid sideways. The vehicle went into the median and rolled once, then again, coming to a stop on the driver’s side. It was still snowing at that time. Aherns was trapped, so the trooper and emergency medical technician responding had to remove her from the vehicle. She suffered a bump on her head, and the vehicle had moderate damage to both sides, the rear and its roof, so was removed by American. – with info. from the Washburn County Sheriff’s Department

Barronett by Judy Pieper

Well, I certainly didn’t win any friends or influence people with my remarks about the Super Bowl last week. OK, it was a superbly played game, and the New Orleans quarterback — whatever his name is — has an adorable little boy. But really, no Packers — no Vikings — what can I say? Rob Taylor could hardly wait to see me Sunday morning. Rob’s from New Orleans, and he was happy to do one of those nonnie, nonnie pooh pooh kind of things. Actually he didn’t come right out with those exact words. Rob is way too much of a scholar and gentleman for that, but I caught the drift. Then, when we went for breakfast at the Red Brick, Donna, I won’t mention her last name because I’m not positive she wants her name in the paper, said that she certainly didn’t consider it a waste of time to watch such a wellplayed football game. She’s right. I apologize to everyone I insulted by calling it a waste of time. All I can say is just wait until next year. One of my teams is sure to win the Super Bowl in 2011. Have you been watching the Olympics? That is never a waste of time. Beth Taylor was very excited to tell us about the speed-skating event on Saturday evening. Did you notice the young man who won the bronze? His name is J.R. Celski, and he is the nephew of


Beth’s cousin. She said that he was injured so badly in an accident while he was skating in September that they (whoever “they” are) didn’t think he would ever skate again. Somehow he ripped his leg wide open with one of his skate blades. He was very determined, however, and as you can plainly see, recovered beautifully, and took home a medal for the USA. Way to go, J.R. Randy Lehmann called Anitia from Vancouver to let her know that he and John Libra were there for the Olympic opening ceremonies. It just doesn’t seem fair, does it, that those guys get to have that much fun!? Speaking of fun, Devon Snowbank has been having a ball lately with one of Dillon’s forgotten toys. When Dillon was too little to have a real rifle, his uncle gave him a rubber-band gun. Well, Devon found it and has been ambushing Dillon every chance she gets. Dillon hasn’t been able to get the gun back, but he is getting revenge by shooting rubber bands at her with his finger and thumb. Never a dull moment in that house. And, Rick Theese certainly knew how to show Robin a good time for both her birthday and Valentine’s Day. They came over to our place both evenings and Robin got to watch Rick and Duane work on an old Chevy pickup. Wow — that was literally “watching paint dry.”

by Marian Furchtenicht

I hope your Valentine weekend was as joyful as mine. The days are getting noticeably longer. It’s been a busy week and a sad one losing a dear neighbor, friend, dad, uncle, grand and great-grand, the rock of the community who will be so missed. More than 400 family and friends gathered Thursday night at Skinner Funeral Home and Friday morning at Salem Lutheran Church in honor of the life of longtime West Sarona resident Aage Duch. Sharing special memories at the services were Steve Duch, (little) Aage Duch, Gene Hendrickson and special friend Dave Schilling from Rice Lake. In addition to Aage’s children: Janice Cummings (Dave Redding), Terry Duch, Joanne (Jon) Lechnir, special niece Bev (Mike) Gallo, were grandchildren Chris Cummings, California; Joanna (Cash) Butterfield and family, Wyoming; Peter, Reed and Kyle Lechnir; and Angie (Alex) Ramirez-Mayorga, Rebecca (Doug) Block, Christina (Rocky) Tibbitts and families of Minnesota; and brother-inlaw Gene Hendrickson, Minnesota; nephews and nieces there were Carl and Pauline Duch of Oconomowoc, Aage and Jean Duch, Baldwin, Jerry and Karen Duch, Burnsville, Minn., John and Vonna Duch, Spooner, and Sue and Randy Herman, Alma Center; along with several of their children and grandchildren. Boots Belliveau, Al and Lisa (Belliveau) Zak, and daughter Katie Johnson traveled from Eastern Wisconsin. Longtime friends Harlan and Mae Vehrs (Ruby’s maid of honor) were here from New Richmond. Special friends from the Olson family, Ruth Beardsley and daughter Melissa from Minnesota, John Olson, Chesterfield, Va., and Dale Olson, Whitewater, attended. Many other outof-town friends and extended family

paid tribute by attending the funeral and sending cards. Plants and flowers were sent representing each of Aage’s brother Harold’s children as well as arrangements sent from nieces and nephews in Denmark in honor of “Onkel Aage fra Amerika.” Represented by flowers and plants were each of the John and George Belliveau families, Aage and Ruby’s foster sons; and many others from family, neighbors and friends. Calls were received by Aage’s kids from those not able to attend, including a phone call from Soren Ryge Peterson, the reporter from Denmark who visited Aage in 2005, putting his life story to words in a news article, a book, and a documentary television program. He will honor Aage one more time in an article to be published this week in the Danish newspaper. Sympathy is extended to the family. Heidi Pfluger and friend Michael returned from Panama. They had a fantastic time. They found out while there that they stayed with the cousin of Panama President Richarde Martinelli. They spent one day at Barrao Colorado Island, which is the island created by the making of the Panama Canal. They toured one of the locks at the canal and actually got to go inside the control room and see how everything works. They spent two nights at San Blas, which was one of 350plus islands off the Caribbean Coast of Panama. It was very primitive. The little cabana that they stayed in was perched right over the water so they got to listen to the waves all night long. The spent a day in Old Town Panama City looking at the beautiful architecture and the buildings that were bombed during the war. Jon and Linda Sauer, Salk City, were up for the weekend at Carol’s. They attended the wedding of Carol’s nephew, Tim Bernard, and Karen Marschall at

Timberland Archery Bow Hunter League scores

is in remission — or cured. Terry Goodrich wants everyone to know that Rita Vanek is a world-class pie maker. There aren’t many things she would rather do than make pies – and her piecrusts are probably the best on the continent. Anyway, Terry said that he has been getting lots of pies for his contest. Last week the pies he took home on Sunday lasted until Wednesday, and he ate at least a half a pie every day. I wonder if he knows that gluttony is one of the seven deadly sins? He also said that he is very happy that he knows Rita. Rumor has it that Terry is going to host another school reunion for students from Granite Lake and Wildcat elementary schools some time late this summer or early fall. I’ll let you know later if that is true or not. Watch out, Moocher. Someone else is trying out for your position. Bob Theese was over to visit this past week, and I sent a pie home with him. Hopefully, before long lots of Barronett ladies will be sending pies to Bob to see if he enjoys them as much as Terry does. Could get interesting. That’s about all I know from Barronett this week. Have fun in the snow before it’s all gone. See you next time.

Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Haugen. A reception followed at the V&M Bar. Congrats newlyweds. Sunday, Virginia Stodola attended the 60th wedding anniversary party for Ruelle and Margaret Smith held in St. Joseph Church fellowship hall. Congratulations is wished for them. Mavis Schlapper made burgundy pie and had Gloria Frey, Elfreda West, Elaine Ryan and myself over on Monday to enjoy it. It was very good, blueberry and cranberry. Mary Mancl and her grands, Stacy and Christina, visited Mavis Schlapper on Saturday. I joined the Spooner Advocate staff at a nice Valentine luncheon at the office Thursday. It was great food and fellowship and nice to get to know the staff and the correspondents but only three of us showed up. I didn’t realize that Jerry Sigmond, Sarona, was their route man. Gloria Frey and sister Joann Paulson had Valentine’s dinner with their mom, Dorothy Foltz, at the convalescent center in Rice Lake on Saturday and cleaned up her room while there. Anton Frey and the boys, Tony, Tim, Jim and Anton, took in the winter shoot at the Brill Trap Club on Sunday. Last weekend Dan and Heather Riplinger went up to Grand Forks, N.D., and enjoyed the water park and found a house for some friends to rent in Cavalier, N.D. This Saturday the Riplinger family attended the 90th-birthday party for Lavern Bjugstad of Rice Lake that was held at the Maranatha Free Church. Reports lots of folks there helping a great person celebrate. Norm and Donna Ness held their annual sliding party at Dewey and Patty

Butterfield’s in Trego on Sunday with around 40 attending including her brothers, Howard and David, and greatgrandma Lilly Ullom. Reported the little ones had a ball and also the rest. Ryan said Donna herself must have slid down the hill 50 times and they enjoyed lots of food. Connie Quam visited Virginia Stodola Friday afternoon for Valentine’s Day. Friday afternoon grandson Johnnie Wilkans and friend Amy from Lake of the Hills came up for a few days. Saturday they went to Menomonie and went fishing with his brother, Duane Swanson. Sunday evening I had his dad, Wayne Wilkans and friend Betty of Rice Lake here for dinner. We played a new dice game that was fun. Monday noon, hoof trimmer George Cody, Russ, Corey, Craig, Ryan and kids and Casey Furchtenicht joined us for stew before Johnnie and Amy left from home. I visited with Evie Campbell on Thursday evening and enjoyed her company, her granddaughter Kasey Childs from Webster and daughter Taylor who turned 5 Feb. 17. A happy birthday to her. Happy birthday wishes to Bob Hall, David Stodola, Matt Stoner, Sue Wallace, Ryan Butterfield and Johnnie Flanagan, Feb. 18; Ralph VanMeter and Dave Mortensen, Feb. 19; Mary Shaw, Erick Haynes and Nancy Posta, Feb. 20; Jim Campbell and Seth Symond, Feb. 21; Kayla Zaloudek, Amber Kemp, Carol Anderson, Jody Rindsig and Kari Gamboni, Feb. 22; Charlotte Prock, Feb. 23. A happy anniversary for Kylar and Mary Gustafson on Feb. 20.

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The Palace Theatre will be hosting a fundraiser for Glenview Assisted Living Center, Sunday, Feb. 28, 2 p.m. We will be showing a sing-a-long version of the Sound of Music. Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for children.

JUNE 12 - 18



238 Walnut St., Spooner, Wis.



R Daily: 7:00 p.m. Matinee: Sat. & Sun. 1:00 & 4:00

PG-13 Daily: 7:10 p.m. Matinee: Sat. 1:10 & 4:10

Sat., Feb. 20, 10 a.m.




•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Admission: Adults $7 - Kids 4-12 & Seniors $5 - Matinees $5 All Seats


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Men’s Bounty Hunters: 705 Granite Electric: 673 Shell Lake State Bank: 668 Timberland Pub: 667 Close Encounters: 657 Chad Sparish Taxidermy: 642 Sandstrom: 606 Coldwell Bankers: 563 Schlitz: 562 Olsen’s RDC: 561 Wildlife Solutions: 560

Miriah Lehmann celebrated her birthday at home with a bunch of her friends and laughing a lot. I saw a video, and it seemed that the highlight of the party was having one girl put on a blanket with arms, (one of the gifts Miriah received) rubbing her feet on the carpet to build up static electricity, and shocking other poor, unsuspecting girls. Sounds silly, I know, but it was hilarious. There is going to be a fashion show at Christopher and Banks in Rice Lake next Saturday, and Teri Aarestad asked some of the women from Barronett Lutheran to be models. I’m looking forward to seeing that — it should be fun. Marie, Jolene, Lia and Kiara Anderson hosted a dinner party at their home last Saturday evening featuring Chinese cuisine. Marie, who has always been an excellent cook, has taken classes on cooking Chinese food. Anitia Lehmann was one of 15 guests, and she said everything was beautifully prepared. The Anderson family was celebrating Chinese New Year, which was on the 14th. Sharai Hefty reported that Austin Ritchie has come home from the hospital, and will be able to stay at home for a while. Little Austin is battling cancer, and he and his family appreciate all the prayers being said for him. They hope that everyone will continue to pray for him until he is able to say that his cancer


Traditional Roosevelt QDM: 469 Eyesore: 387 Bone Collectors: 378 Putz’s: 238 Women’s Barronett Bar and Grill: 578 Red Brick 1: 464




Aage Duch

Dewey-LaFollette by Karen Mangelsen

Donna Hines, Claude McCarty and Hank and Karen Mangelsen visited Jean Marion Wednesday morning. Karen Mangelsen called on Kay Krentz Thursday morning. Gerry and Donna Hines went to Vadnais Heights, Minn., Thursday to see their granddaughter Jessica Sweet in her gymnastics meet. They stayed that night with Brenda and Tim Sweet. On Friday and Saturday night, they stayed with son and daughter-in-law, Brian and Jane Hines. On the way home Sunday, they joined some relatives for dinner at The Lodge in Siren to help Inez Pearson celebrate her birthday. Hank and Karen Mangelsen went to River Falls Thursday evening to watch granddaughter Celie Mangelsen perform in a play. The presentation was an adaptation of the musical “Cats,” and was given by Westside Elementary School. Celie had a small solo part. Karen and Hank Mangelsen went to the Siren Senior Center Friday afternoon to help Hank’s sister, Inez Pearson, celebrate her 80th birthday. Terri Pearson, Inez’s daughter-in-law, made two cakes to share at coffee time for the celebration. Dennis and Terescia Zwart, Tom and Melissa Gerlach and family, Bryan Knoop and Kris Fjelstad served special pancakes with numerous toppings, fruit salad, decorated cupcakes and candy treats after church at Lakeview United Methodist Church Sunday to celebrate Valentine’s Day. The food was appreciated by all who stayed for fellowship time. April, Dave, Patty and Mandy Close and Larry, Celie, Baxter, Jake, Holly, Hannah and Grace Mangelsen were Sunday afternoon and supper guests of Hank and Karen Mangelsen. Birthdays of Baxter, Celie, Larry, Hannah and Grace were celebrated.


With heartfelt gratitude,

The Aage Duch Family

505409 26rp

We would like to express our very sincere appreciation for the many acts of kindness, messages of sympathy and comfort, along with visits to the funeral home and church during the recent loss of our father, Aage Duch. We especially wish to thank the many compassionate and gifted doctors, nurses and staff at the Shell Lake Clinic, the Indianhead Medical Center and Indianhead Home Services throughout the past months. We are also grateful to the management and staff of the Skinner Funeral Home for their sensitive and kindhearted assistance. In addition, we would like to offer a special thank-you to Pastor Carol Ann McArdell for her prayers and words of comfort, as well as to the entire staff of the Salem Lutheran Church for helping us provide a tribute and celebration of life that “Onkel Aage fra Amerika” would have been proud of!

Evelyn H. Samson

St. Joseph Church quilt event set for March 27

RICE LAKE — St. Joseph Church Catholic Youth Third-Annual Quilt Event will be held Saturday, March 27, from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., at the St. Joseph School gymnasium, 111 W. Marshall St. in Rice Lake. Author Debbie Fields, of Granola Girl Designs, will be the featured artist. She will show several examples of her quilts and debut a new northwoods-inspired fishing fabric line and new book at the event. Fields’ patterns and books have been a part of the craft and quilting industry for many years. Granola Girl Designs are offered in a variety of major catalogs and publishing companies, such as Keepsake Quilting, McCall’s Quilting, Fabric Trends, The Quilter and more. Her designs and fabrics depict the outdoors from Wisconsin to Montana, such as moose, deer, loons, cozy cabins and deep forests. During the event, vendors will be selling quilting fabric, supplies, patterns and equipment. There will be hands-on classes and vendor booth demonstrations. Bring your sewing machine and have it cleaned and

Heart Lake by Helen Pederson

Our community sends heartfelt sympathy to the family of our dear friend, Aage Duch. He was such an energetic man, involved in so many things that he will be sorely missed. Love and prayers to you all. Mavis and Roger Flach attended funeral services for Evelyn Lansvork of Barron on Wednesday at First Lutheran Church. She was grandmother of Kelly Flach, daughter-in-law of Roger and Mavis. Sympathy to the family. Congratulations to Ruelle and Margaret Smith who celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary at a party at St. Joseph Catholic Church on Saturday. Lillian Ullom attended the party. On Saturday, Lillian Ullom attended the annual sliding party at Patti and Dewey Butterfield’s in Trego. There were 55 energetic young and old there. Our tenant DuWayne Benson who has resided at Glenview for many years has been transferred to Terraceview Living Center. We will miss him, as he was always cheerful and talkative. Judy Bolterman is still recuperating from knee surgery but is better every day. Did you all have a good Valentine’s Day? Most of our tenants stayed home and watched games or the Olympics. It was sad to witness the accident of the luge performer from Georgia who was killed on a practice run, going 90 miles an hour. Friday night, the Arvid Pederson girls came up from the Twin Cities to celebrate Arvid’s 94th birthday, which was Feb. 11. They came to see Floyd and Helen on Saturday morning and left for home Saturday evening. Aaron Pederson, home from Stout, along with his dad, Jeff, visited Floyd and Helen and Gordie and Mary Krantz Saturday afternoon. Dick and Kate Pederson of Verona came to see Arvid and Helen Pederson on Saturday and visited Helen and Floyd Pederson. Did you know that lilacs, privet and jasmine are all members of the olive family? The bluebird carries the sky on his back. Have a good week.

oiled for a reduced fee. See long-arm machine quilting machines and learn new quilting tips and techniques. There will be door-prize drawings throughout the day. Learn how to preserve your beautiful work. Bring in small projects to be framed, view a gallery of framed work and watch the spinning of wool. Special menu items will be available for a coffee break or lunch. To enter the show, drop off your quilt at one of the following locations: the Cotton Club in Chippewa Falls, Elly’s Sheared Sheep in Chetek, Sew Country in Clear Lake, the River’s Edge Antiques and Quilt Loft in Hayward, Thimbles Quilt Shop in Trego, Busy Bobbin in Rice Lake, Pins “N” Needles in St. Croix Falls, Bayfield Quilt Company in Bayfield, or the Spooner Mercantile in Spooner. Quilts will be accepted at all locations until Wednesday, March 24. There is no fee to enter a quilt. Registration forms can be requested at each drop off site or by sending an e-mail request to stjoesquilt@gmail.com. The raffle quilt is a “Spring Classic” Log Cabin queen-size quilt in soft blues and greens from a fabric line of Cynthia Coulter for Wilmington Prints. Tickets for the raffle quilt are now available from the Catholic Youth students, at the St. Joseph Church rectory during business hours, and at the admissions table during the quilt show. The raffle quilt will be on display at several area shops until the event, and tickets will be available where the quilts are displayed. The quilt event, with sponsor Diagnostic Radiology Associates, is hosted by St. Joseph Church Catholic Youth. For more information, visit www.stjosephsquiltevent.yolasite.com. — from St. Joseph Church Catholic

McNabb Johnson scholarship applications available

WASHBURN COUNTY — Applications are now available for the McNabb Johnson Scholarship for Washburn County 4-H alumni and 2010 4-H graduates. Applications are available by writing Washburn County Fair, N525 Leach Lake Rd., Barronett, WI 54813, calling 715-468-7633 or going to www.washburncountyfair.com. Deadline for returning the application is Friday, March 26. — from the Washburn County Fair


Offering WiFi: Wireless Internet Monday:..................Noon to 8 p.m. Tuesday:................10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday:..............Noon to 8 p.m. Thursday:.............10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday:..................10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday:...............10 a.m. to 1 p.m. www.shelllakelibrary.org

500499 13rtfcp

A lady made a purchase at a store and the clerk asked, “Do you have an account here?” “No, sir,” she answered, “but I’d like to open one.” Taking her to the manager, he said, “A no-account lady to see you, sir.” But there are no “no-account” people with the Lord. You count with him. He loves you, says the Bible, “with an everlasting love.” His eyes are upon you. His ears are open to your cries. He marks your steps. He numbers the hairs of your head. He’s always thinking about you. No, there are no “no-account” people with the Lord. You’re somebody special to him.

Aage Duch, 102, Sarona died Feb. He is survived by daughters, Janice Cummings (Dave 9, 2010, at Lakeview Medical Center Redding), Shoreview, Minn., and Joanne (Jon) Lechnir, in Rice Lake. Spooner; son Terry Duch, Shell Lake; very special niece, He was born Feb. 5, 1908, in whom they raised, Beverly (Mike) Gallo, Ham Lake; Thorning, Denmark, to Emil and eight grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. Andrea (Johansen) Duch. Funeral services were held Feb. 12 at Salem Lutheran Aage was a dairy farmer for Church, Shell Lake, with the Rev. Carol Ann McArdell many years and raised chickens for officiating. Burial was in St. Joseph Cemetery, Shell DoBoy. He also owned and operLake. Pallbearers were grandsons Chris Cummings, ated the Shell Lake Mills for 30 Peter Lechnir, Reed Lechnir, Kyle Lechnir, and greatyears. Aage was a member of the nephews Dan Duch, Jon Duch and Mike Duch. Elks Club and a longtime member of Salem Lutheran The Skinner Funeral Home, Shell Lake, was entrusted Church. He was captain of his bowling team and the with arrangements. West Sarona Tug-of-War Team. Aage had many interests including playing cards, fishing and hunting, gardening, berry picking, puzzles, traveling to his homeland, dancing, bowling and the Minnesota Twins. Evelyn H. Samson, 88, Spooner, died Feb. 13, 2010. He loved spending time with his family and visiting at Memorial services will be held Thursday, Feb. 18, 1 the nursing homes. p.m., at St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church in Spooner, He was married in Shell Lake, on April 20, 1938, to Ruby Hendrickson who preceded him in death on Aug. with a time of gathering held one hour prior to services. A full obituary will be printed at a later date. 2, 1990. Aage was also preceded in death by foster sons Scalzo-Taylor Family Funeral Home, Spooner, was enJohn and George Belliveau; and four brothers and four trusted with arrangements. sisters.


Area churches Alliance

St. Francis de Sales

53 3rd Ave., Shell Lake Pastor John Sahlstrom Lay Pastor Richard Peterson Youth leader Luke Gronning 715-468-2734 Worship Service: 10 a.m. Youth Group, 7th - 12th grade: Sunday 6 - 8 p.m. Wednesday Faith in Friends Club for K - 6th grade 3:15 - 5:30

409 N. Summit St., Spooner Father Edwin Anderson 715-635-3105 Saturday Mass: 6 p.m. Sunday Mass: 10 a.m.

Lake Park Alliance

Episcopal St. Alban's

Corner of Elm & Summit St., Spooner Father Bob Rodgers 715-635-8475 Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Holy Eucharist: Sun. at 10:30 a.m. and Thursday at 9:30 a.m. Morning prayer: 8:15 a.m. Mon. - Thurs.


Northwoods Baptist W6268 Cranberry Dr., Shell Lake; 4 miles south of Spooner on U.S. 253 Pastor Adam Dunshee 715-468-2177 Sunday School: 10 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. Sunday evening service: 6 p.m. Wednesday service: 7 p.m.

Full Gospel Shell Lake Full Gospel

Spooner Baptist W7135 Green Valley Rd. (Green Valley Rd. and Hwy. 63) Pastor James Frisby 715-635-2277 Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. Sunday eve. service 6 p.m. Wed. eve. service 7 p.m.


100 N. Second St., Shell Lake Father Edwin Anderson Saturday Mass: 4:30 p.m. Books & Coffee: Tues. 9 a.m.

CTH D, Sarona Father Edwin Anderson 715-468-7850 Sunday Mass: 8:30 a.m.


Barronett Lutheran

St. Joseph's Catholic

St. Catherine's Catholic

293 S. Hwy. 63, Shell Lake Pastor Virgil Amundson 715-468-2895 Sunday: Celebration Worship Service: 10 a.m. Sunday School: 9 a.m. Jr. Kids Church: 10:30 a.m.; UTurn Student Ministries (7th-12th grades): 6 p.m.; Power & Light (2nd - 6th grades), 6 p.m. Tuesday: Compassion Connection: 7 p.m.

776 Prospect Ave., Barronett Pastor Todd Ahneman 715-822-5511 Sunday Worship: 9 a.m. The Spirit Connection Youth Group will meet the first Wed. of the month at 6 p.m.

Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church (WELS) Hwy. 70 at Hwy. 53, Spooner Pastor Gene E. Jahnke 715-635-7672, Home: 715-354-7787 Sunday Worship: 9:30 a.m. Sunday School and Bible class: 10:45 a.m.

Faith Lutheran

United Methodist

(Missouri Synod) South of Spooner off Hwy. W7148 Luther Rd. Pastor Brent Berkesch Church of the Lutheran Hour 715-635-8167 Worship: 8 a.m. & 10:30 a.m., Adult Bible study & Sunday School: 9:15 a.m Lutheran Hour hear on WJMC 96.1 FM Radio at 9 a.m. Sundays.

Lakeview United Methodist

Long Lake Lutheran Church W3114 Church Rd., Sarona Pastor Mary Strom Sunday worship: 9 a.m. Sunday School: 9 a.m.

Salem Lutheran, ELCA 803 Second St., Shell Lake Pastor Carol Ann McArdell 715-468-7718 www.shelllakesalem lutheran.org Sunday Worship: 8 and 10 a.m.; coffee and conversation: 9:15 a.m.; Midweek program: 3 yrs. - 6th grade: Wed. 3:30 -5:30

Timberland Ringebu Free Lutheran

12805 CTH H, Barronett Pastor Shane McLoughlin Sunday Worship: 9:00 a.m.,coffee and fellowship following.

Trinity Lutheran

1790 Scribner St., Spooner Pastors Will & Carolyn Mowchan 715-635-3603 Sunday Worship: 8 a.m. & 9:45 a.m.

312 Elm St., Spooner 715-635-3227 Rev. Jack Starr Sunday worship: 10:45 a.m.

Williams Road, Hertel 715-635-3227 Rev. Jack Starr Sunday Worship: 9 a.m.


Church of the Nazarene

Hwy. 253 S, Spooner Rev. David Frazer 715-635-3496 Sunday Worship: 10:45 a.m. and 6 p.m.; Sunday School: 9:45 a.m.; Wednesday Adult, youth and children ministries: 6:30 p.m.


Spooner Wesleyan Hwy. 70 W, Spooner Senior Pastor Ronald W. Gormong; Assistant Pastor Chopper Brown 715-635-2768 Sunday Worship: 9 a.m.; Sunday School and ABF’s: 10:30 a.m.; nursery provided; Celebrate Recovery, 1st and 3rd Mondays: 6:30 p.m.


Cornerstone Christian

Pastor Tom Kelby 106 Balsam St., Spooner 715-635-9222 www.cornerstonechurch spooner.com Sunday Worship: 10 a.m. Children’s Sunday School: 10:30 a.m.; Wed. Prayer: 6:30 p.m. Youth Group Wed.: 6:30 p.m., Kids Club Wed.: 6:30 p.m.


United Methodist

135 Reinhart Dr., Shell Lake, 715-468-2405 Pastor Gregory Harrell Sunday: Sarona - 9 a.m.; Shell Lake - Sunday School: 9:15 a.m., Worship: 10:30 a.m. Wednesday Youth: 6:30 p.m.

Senior Menu

Monday, Feb. 22: Swiss olive loaf, mashed potatoes, gravy, stewed tomatoes, dark chocolate brownie, bread, butter, milk. Tuesday, Feb. 23: Baked chicken, sweet potatoes, green beans with caramelized onions, pear halves, bread, butter, milk. Wednesday, Feb. 24: Hearty beef noodle soup, crackers, braunschweiger on bun, cranberry juice, banana pudding, milk. Thursday, Feb. 25: Roast pork, gravy, mashed potatoes, broccoli with cheese sauce, cherry pie, bread, butter, milk. Friday, Feb. 26: Vegetable lasagna, glazed baby carrots, double chocolate cupcakes, bread, butter, milk. Meal reservations must be made at least 24 hours in advance. Shell Lake Center, 715-468-7010.



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Dewey Country by Pauline Lawrence

Today is Valentine’s Day 2010 and I hope you guys are being extra special to your honeys. Ya know, candy, dinner out, maybe a weekend of getting away, yeah you guys know what to do don’t ya? We’re now on the slide down with February already and by the time you read this February will be about through for the year. It really hasn’t been a hard winter, I don’t think. Ya, we’ve had our share of snow and cold, but we Wisconsin people are tough, aren’t we? Congratulations to Ruelle and Margaret Smith who celebrated their 60th anniversary this past weekend with family and friends. Happy birthday wishes go out to Paul Soelle on his special day, Feb. 18. Have a wonderful day, Paul. Feb. 19, a very happy birthday to Bethanna Petersen on her special day. Hope you have a wonderful day, Bethanna. Oh, we have a very special birthday for a golden oldie this week. Yes, it’s happy birthday to Cecil Melton on Feb. 19, when he turns 87 years young. Have a wonderful day, Cecil. Talking with Evelyn Melton we find her honey, Cecil, isn’t feeling too good at this time. If you know Cecil, give him a call or send a birthday wish to help him celebrate. Feb. 20, birthday wishes go out to Sunshine Crosby and to Tim Redding, who are enjoying their special day. Have a great one. Birthday wishes go out to Lelu LaVeau as she has her very happy birthday on Feb. 23. Have a fun day, Lelu. A very happy birthday to a dear golden oldie Kathleen Hotchkiss on her special day, Feb. 24. Have a great one, Kathleen. Happy birthday wishes go out to Roger Lundeen and to our Dewey Township clerk, Pam Brown, on Feb. 24. Have a great day. Our deepest sympathy to the family of Aage Duch who passed away last week. Aage could certainly have a brain full of so many things happening in his lifetime, as he lived to 102 years. He will be sadly missed not only by his family but a very large host of friends. Had the chance to talk with Bill Taubman who recently came back from Mexico where he went as a Lions Club member to fit many Mexicans with glasses. Bill says they left Jan. 29 with Bill pulling the big Lions Club trailer loaded with 4-5 tons of school supplies, medical equipment and lots of eyeglasses. Mary Harrington and Karen Hopp rode with Bill to help with the eyeglass fittings. Also making the trip to Mexico were Rudy and Sharon Kessler driving a school bus loaded with school supplies, etc. The members of the club fit 2,100 people with eyeglasses. The club also took a lot of fire equipment down. Bill tells us there’s lots of poverty n Mexico. Along the border between the U.S. and Mexico a number of U.S. plants, etc., have built new plants on Mexican land giving the Mexicans a chance to work. One big plant is Kohler from Wisconsin. On the way back they came through Texas and stopped to get oranges and grapefruit to bring back orders for the Shell Lake area. Bill tells us he was worried about the fruit freezing before they got home from Texas as it was 40 degrees and Kansas was below 20 degrees. No bad snowstorms along the way, just cold temps. Come about October Bill tells me he asks himself why he’s doing these trips to Mexico, but when he gets down to Mexico and sees so much poverty and he gets those eyeglasses to the people in need, he knows why he goes with the people so happy to be able to see. The Lions Club brought back about six tons of fruit this time. What caring people you are to do so much for others who appreciate you so much. Hats off to the Lions Club. You deserve it. A week ago Friday, my Sunshine was admitted to the Luther/Midelfort/Mayo Hospital in Eau Claire. Lots of tests were done and it was found he had a serious infection but they couldn’t find where it was. Saturday afternoon he stopped breathing, and Paula tells me she hollered that he wasn’t breathing and those doctors and nurses were right there. After they got a ventilator on him he was OK. Last Tuesday they did surgery on his right lung, which was full of fluid and found he had some infections and also pneumonia, so he is being treated for that at this time. He is very weak but is doing the best he can. When I went to see him last Saturday afternoon, he looked really bad. Paula and I spent all last week with Sunshine with Richy, Penny and Jeff and Pam coming to see him. I came home Friday after talking to Sunshine and I told him it was up to him if he wanted to keep living and to keep fighting. He is still on the ventilator and they are slowly weaning him off it. He’s going to be in Luther for a long time and is in for the fight of his life. Please keep Sunshine in your special thoughts and prayers for him to get well. Recently Chris Hulleman was out to his mom’s, Diane Hulleman, to so some catch-up work like hauling a load of wood in for Diane’s fireplace along with some inside work. A week ago Saturday found Ginny Schnell and hubby Jack and Mike and Nancy Murray out at their mom’s to help paint in Diane’s house. Later Mike and Nancy left for home while Jack and Ginny stayed

over. While Jack and Mike were at Diane’s they did some fun things together also. A week ago Sunday, Nancy and Diane were to a bridal show in Rice Lake. This past Saturday, Diane went to Betty Murray’s 80th birthday party in St. Croix Falls with Betty’s eight children and families attending along with many relatives. All enjoyed wishing Betty many more along with a lunch, complete with birthday cake. In the evening the families got together for supper. After church services Sunday morning at Lakeview Methodist Church they had a Valentine’s Day breakfast for all who attended. Talking with chairman of the Dewey Township Board, Mark Knoop tells me they received the wages of the road workers we have in our township and decided to leave them as they are as they’re up with other townships. They also did the audit and that came out well. Next Dewey Township Board meeting is March 9, 8 p.m., at the Dewey Town Hall. Everyone Welcome. Come March 23 the members of the Comprehensive Planning Committee will be having a public meeting regarding the plan they have come up with for our township. If you would like to see what this entails you can call Mark Knoop, Bill Holden, Pam Brown and John Biver to see what is happening for the future of Dewey Country through a book they have. The meeting is at 8 p.m. at the Dewey Town Hall. Everyone welcome. We find there are a lot of real estate taxes that haven’t been paid now, around 80 parcels of land. You can put this off and off but did you know how the interest grows? Well the first month it’s 1 percent and continues up to a very, very high interest rate, like it grows 1 percent every month plus other fines. Pretty soon you have more interest to pay than the original tax. It’s a cruel world but we all have to do our duty, like it or not. Last Thursday Butch and Loretta VanSelus celebrated Loretta’s Valentine birthday due to Butch having to work this weekend. First they went to Nick’s for breakfast and Butch bought a birthday cake from the bakery and on to Rice Lake for a spell and later coming home and heading for Timberridge Roadhouse for supper. Sunday morning the Faith Community Church of the Nazarene had birthday cake and coffee after church for Loretta. Talking with sister Betty Meister, we find she didn’t have much news but has a terrible cold. Hope you feel better soon, Betty. During the night last Monday, son Richy’s turkeys took their fateful ride to Barron. Sheds are now cleaned and airing out until new bedding comes in, and on Feb. 22 Richy will get his sheds filled with 7-week-old turkeys again. Those 15 weeks he has them really fly by. News from the Fjelstad Palace finds Kris attending a Valentine’s party at the Lakeview Methodist Church with 19 ladies attending the potluck along with playing the dice game. Later that evening, Kris, Judy Leonard and Dixie Andrea enjoyed the movie “Dear John” in Siren and later they enjoyed supper at Adventures. Friday Bob and Kris enjoyed supper at Tony’s. Saturday Jeff Larson visited Bob and Kris and after that Bob visited Gary Peterson and Chad Hansen. Sunday evening Bob and Kris celebrated Valentine’s Day at Tracks for supper. Sunday morning Kris says the members of Lakeview United Methodist Church all enjoyed pancakes, etc., after services and they also sang happy anniversary to Jim and Connie Quam, as they were married on Valentine’s Day. Jim took the weekend off to enjoy time with his honey, which was thoughtful of him as with farming you don’t get much time off. Myrna Atkinson tells us Saturday Jody and Sandy Atkinson were out and took her and her honey, Curt, to the Prime to celebrate birthdays of Myrna in January and Curt in February. We find Myrna very busy quilting and she thinks she will be about done this Tuesday to show those quilters who meet in Shell Lake for quilting. And then when it’s finished it’s onward to another quilt to make. I don’t know who won the quilt Myrna made called “Midnight Stars” which was for the band kids at the Cabaret held Feb. 13 in Shell Lake, but I understand it was very beautiful. Someone was lucky to get it. A week ago on the weekend, Jim and Sandy Atkinson had a birthday party dinner for their grandson, Kyle Beaufeaux, who turned 22 years old Feb. 4. Coming to help Kyle celebrate were his parents, Noel and Patty Beaufeaux and brother Mitch, Kristen Williams and Kimmy, Jannah and Brianna, Dan and Lisa Otto, Marjorie and Charlie and Jimmy Atkinson. This Sunday Cy and Janet Atkinson visited Jim and Sandy. Talking with John Biver, our assessor, we find John has six townships to assess this spring. He had got a start on some of them he says. John tells us the comprehensive plan, which he chairs, won’t find much of any changes in the ag department. He also tells us there will be very few changes in zoning. The state of Wisconsin is redoing the Farmland Preservation Plan farmers had and making a new plan, which possibly will take our exclusive ag out of Dewey Township. John will be chairing the public meeting on March 23 and says he

understands the new plan. I’m glad he does, as I understand the book is about 5/8” thick. Allene Peterson and her daughter, Deb, enjoyed the fish fry at RiverStreet Restaurant Friday night. A week ago, Tom and Sunshine Crosby had a birthday party and supper for the son, Isaac, who turned 3 years old. Helping Isaac celebrate were grandparents Gary and Beth Crosby and Ron Roberts, along with Shorty and Melissa Crosby, Tyler and Katie Ann, Ashley and Chase Crosby, and Mark and Heather Fritz and sons Eli and Adam. Last Friday found Beth Crosby, Judy Leonard and Dixie Andrea at Herberger’s in Rice Lake representing the Clam River Tuesday Club selling books or tickets, which people bought and can now use Feb. 27 on a big discount day. This last weekend Chad and Ashley Crosby and son Chase spent the weekend with home folks, the Garry Crosbys and the Doug Coyours. Sunday Chad’s family and Shorty’s family enjoyed dinner at Beth and Garry’s. What I am about to write makes me squeamish and hurt, as I have gone through some of this pain too. It’s get-well wishes to Gaylen Derrick. He was going to feed his beef herd, and going up in the silo he slipped and fell 15 feet on cement. On the way down, his right foot caught on the reinforcement rods and he ended up with a crushed right ankle. Gaylen was taken to Lakeview Medical Center where surgery was done with plates and screws put on each side of his ankle. Two bones were broken twice, the surgeon said. At this time, Gaylen is home recuperating and uses a walker and crutches to get around. Ya want to know how tough we farmers are? Well, despite the crushed ankle Gaylen ended up with as he fell down feet first, he didn’t wait for someone to come rescue him. Yep, he’s tough and crawled to his pickup and after an hour made it to the house with the truck. They had to have an ambulance come as Gaylen said his ankle was like fire and he was taken to Rice Lake. So the Derricks sons have been helping to feed the herd of 84 beef cows along with his honey Martha and the Marker brothers help with feeding. And ya want to know what Gaylen wants to do now? Well, he wants to hobble outside to his tractor and get on and do his own work. Patience Gaylen. Time heals all. Please keep Gaylen and Martha and their family in your special thoughts and prayers for good results so Gaylen can get on those tractors and work. He’s not so young anymore. Happy birthday to Martha Derrick on her special day, Feb. 21. Hope you have a wonderful birthday, Martha. A wise old owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke; the less he spoke, the more he heard. Why aren’t we like that wise old bird? Table talk: If you had a choice to live the rest of your life with one of your parents who would you choose? I’d choose my dad as we did so many things together on his farm. I certainly learned a lot from Dad along the way. He told me years ago when I asked him how he and Mom knew they were in a depression. He said when our farm products were sold we didn’t get much, and everything we bought was so high so we had to get along with a huge garden, canning, their own meat, etc., and they made it through. Does this sound like what we’re all going through today? Does to me! Scatter sunshine! Have a great week!

News from the service

SAN ANTONIO, Texas — Air Force Airman Trevor J. Darling graduated from basic military training at Lackland Air Force Base, San Antonio, Texas. The airman completed an intensive, eight-week program that included training in military discipline and studies, Air Force core values, physical fitness, and basic warfare principles and skills. Airmen who complete basic training earn four credits toward an associate in applied science degree through the Community College of the Air Force. Darling is the son of Randy Darling, Birchwood, and is a 2009 graduate of Birchwood High School. — Photo submitted


Applications for medical scholarship available

NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING OF THE SHELL LAKE CO-OP LIVESTOCK SHIPPING ASSOC. You are hereby notified that the Annual Meeting of the Shell Lake Co-op Livestock Shipping Assoc., Shell Lake, WI, will be held on Saturday, Feb. 27, 2010, 1:30 p.m., at the Shell Lake Primary School for the transaction of any business that may properly come before this meeting. There will be an election of two board members. There will be door prizes & lunch served. Dated: February 10, 2010. 505399 26-27rp Mark Thompson, President JOINT MEETING AND PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE ORDINANCE TO ADOPT THE TOWN OF DEWEY YEAR 2030 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN

505244 26r


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT the Town of Dewey Town Board and Town of Dewey Planning Commission will conduct a joint meeting and public hearing on a proposed ordinance to adopt the Town of Dewey Year 2030 Comprehensive Plan. The joint meeting and public hearing will be held on March 23, 2010, at 8 p.m. at the Dewey Town Hall, 24433 Town Hall Road. The Town of Dewey Year 2030 Comprehensive Plan is a policy document that will be used by the town plan commission and town board as a guide for making decisions regarding land use and development in the community. The plan contains background information and goals, objectives, policies and recommendations addressing each of the following nine (9) plan elements required by Wisconsin’s Comprehensive Planning law: 1. Issues and Opportunities; 2. Housing; 3. Transportation; 4. Utilities and Community Facilities; 5. Agricultural, Natural and Cultural Resources; 6. Economic Development; 7. Intergovernmental Cooperation; 8. Land Use; and 9. Implementation A “Recommended Plan” of the Town of Dewey Year 2030 Comprehensive Plan and plan adoption ordinance will be available for review beginning February 15, 2010, at the Town Hall and Webster Public Library. The plan can also be accessed on the comprehensive planning Web site. Go to www.burnettcounty.com/compplan and click on “Town and Village Plan Information.” Residents and landowners are encouraged to review the plan and submit verbal and/or written comments at the public hearing. Please contact Pam Brown, Town Clerk, at 715-468-7111 for more information. Written comments will also be accepted by the town at any time before the public hearing or within 10 days after the hearing and should be sent to the Clerk.

ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS PEGGY’S PLACE RESTAURANT Main Street • Shell Lake Apply within. No phone calls, please. 505046 25-26r

(Feb. 10, 17, 24) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT WASHBURN COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF Frances A. Sandridge Notice to Interested Persons and Time Limit for Filing Claims (Informal Administration) Case No. 10PR05 An application has been filed for informal administration of the estate of the decedent, whose date of birth was Feb. 27, 1920, and date of death was Jan. 26, 2010. The decedent died domiciled in Washburn County, State of Wisconsin, with a post office address of: N1440 Long Lake Ave., Sarona, WI 54870. Please take notice that: 1. The application will be heard at Washburn County Courthouse, Shell Lake, Wisconsin, before Marilynn E. Benson, Probate Registrar, on March 1, 2010, at 9 a.m. or when scheduled thereafter. You need not appear unless you object. The application may be granted if no objection is made. 2. Creditors’ claims must be filed with the probate registrar on or before May 28, 2010. 3. Publication of this notice shall constitute notice to any persons whose names or addresses are unknown. Marilynn E. Benson Probate Registrar Feb. 3, 2010 Robert Sands Personal Representative 3169 Hickory Ridge Rd. Madison, WI 53719

(Feb. 3, 10, 17, 24, Mar. 3, 10) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT WASHBURN COUNTY CITIFINANCIAL, INC. Plaintiff, vs. GLORIA G. DAVIS, et al. Defendants. Case Number: 09 CV 157 NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by virtue of a judgment of foreclosure entered on November 20, 2009, in the amount of $84,047.88, the Sheriff will sell the described premises at public auction as follows: TIME: March 24, 2010, at 10:15 a.m. TERMS: 1. 10% down in cash or money order at the time of sale; balance due within 10 days of confirmation of sale; failure to pay balance due will result in forfeit of deposit to plaintiff. 2. Sold “as is” and subject to all legal liens and encumbrances. PLACE: North Entrance of Washburn County Courthouse 10 4th Ave., Shell Lake, Wis. DESCRIPTION: Lots 6, 7 & 8, Block 12 of the Village of Birchwood, Washburn County, Wisconsin. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 214 S. Main Street, Birchwood, WI 54817. TAX KEY NO.: 65-106-2-37-1025-0-0-5530, 65-106-2-37-1025-0-0-5535 & 65-106-2-3710-25-0-0-5540. Dated this 25th day of January, 2010 /s/Terry Dryden Sheriff of Washburn County J. T. Lovett State Bar #1019525 Attorney for Plaintiff 13700 W. Greenfield Avenue Brookfield, WI 53005 262-790-5719 Please go to http://www.blommerpeterman.com to obtain the bid for this sale. Blommer Peterman, S.C., is the creditor’s attorney and is attempting to collect a debt on its behalf. Any information obtained will be used for this purpose. (185396)


The City of Shell Lake is seeking applicants for the following two categories to implement its Invasive Species Plan. It is anticipated that the positions will start in April/May and end in September 2010. The positions will be approximately 32 hrs/wk. pending grant funding and will include both weekends and holiday work. Ability to work with the public is a key part of all positions. Invasive Species Coordinator: Primary responsibilities include, but are not limited to: Supervising and scheduling both paid and volunteer boat inspectors, recruiting volunteers, training all workers to properly carry out their duties, inspect watercraft, manage the launch permit system, monitor the landings for Eurasian water milfoil, prepare a biweekly report of all activities to be used for educational purposes, assure all workers maintain proper forms, maintain a computer spreadsheet which includes the DNR data base, etc. Salary is $10.97 per hour. Supervisory experience is a plus. Some college classes in taxonomy preferred. Invasive Species Inspectors: Primary responsibilities include inspecting watercraft at Shell Lake and Round Lake landings, removing and disposing of debris, collecting and recording information on each watercraft and collecting the launch fee. Salary is $8.26 per hour. Computer skills required. Some college classes in taxonomy preferred. Physical requirements: Positions require stooping, bending and inspecting the underside of boats/trailers. Applications can be picked up at City Hall or obtained by calling 715-468-7679. Closing date for applications to City Hall is 4:30 p.m. on Monday, March 1, 2010. 505105 26-27r EOE

(Feb. 3, 10, 17, 24, Mar. 3, 10) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT WASHBURN COUNTY OneWest Bank, FSB Plaintiff, vs. JULIE K. THOMPSON, et al. Defendants. Case Number: 09 CV 71 NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by virtue of a judgment of foreclosure entered on September 9, 2009, in the amount of $214,062.53, the Sheriff will sell the described premises at public auction as follows: TIME: March 24, 2010, at 10:00 a.m. TERMS: 1. 10% down in cash or money order at the time of sale; balance due within 10 days of confirmation of sale; failure to pay balance due will result in forfeit of deposit to plaintiff. 2. Sold “as is” and subject to all legal liens and encumbrances. PLACE: North Entrance of Washburn County Courthouse 10 4th Ave., Shell Lake, Wis. DESCRIPTION: Lot 3 of Certified Survey Map No. 2206, recorded on June 24, 1996, in Volume 9 of Certified Survey Maps, Page 146, as Document No. 245937, being a part of the Northeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 35, Township 39 North, Range 13 West, in the Town of Evergreen, Washburn County, Wis. Subject to an easement for roadway purposes over the East 66 feet of said parcel and subject to a 15 foot Private Access Easement as shown on Certified Survey Map No. 2206. ALSO DESCRIBED AS: Part of the Northeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4, Section 35, Township 39 North, Range 13 West, Washburn County, Wisconsin, described as Lot 3 on Volume 9 of Certified Survey Maps, Page 146, as Survey Number 2206 and Document No. 245937. PROPERTY ADDRESS: W7715 Highway 70, Spooner, WI 54801. TAX KEY NO.: 65-020-2-39-1335-4-1-0060. Dated this 25th day of February, 2010. /s/Terry Dryden Sheriff of Washburn County Chaz M. Rodriguez State Bar #1063071 Attorney for Plaintiff 13700 W. Greenfield Avenue Brookfield, WI 53005 262-790-5719 Please go to http://www.blommerpeterman.com to obtain the bid for this sale. Blommer Peterman, S.C., is the creditor’s attorney and is attempting to collect a debt on its behalf. Any information obtained will be used for this purpose. (185483)

504332 WNAXLP

505092 26rp WNAXLP

East Central Energy is the recipient of Federal financial assistance from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). The USDA prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability and where applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal, or because all or part of an individual’s income is derived from any public assistance program. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA’s Target Center at 202-720-2600 (voice and TDD). To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410, or call 800-795-3272 or 202-720-6382 (TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

www. wcregister.net

504331 WNAXLP

Nondiscrimination Statement

(Feb. 17) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT WASHBURN COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MARLENE MARIE ROESSEL D.O.D. August 18, 2009 Summary Assignment - Notice to Creditors Case No. 10 PR 04 A petition has been filed for summary assignment of the estate of the decedent, whose date of birth was April 26, 1940, and date of death was Aug. 18, 2009, who died domiciled in Washburn County, State of Wis., with a post office address of: P.O. Box 98, Minong, WI 54859. The right of a creditor to bring an action terminates three months after the date of publication of this order. Creditors may bring an action by: 1. Filing a claim in the Washburn County Circuit Court before the property is assigned. 2. Bringing a suit against the assignee(s) after the property is assigned. The property may be assigned to the creditors and persons interested on or after March 18, 2010. Sandra Johnson, Petitioner P.O. Box 13 Minong, WI 54859 Michael A. Kesley, Attorney P.O. Box 718 Hayward, WI 54843 715-634-2400 Bar Number: 01013300

505106 WNAXLP

The Register is online

If you would like to be considered for one of these scholarships, applications are available at Indianhead Medical Center, 113 4th Ave., Shell Lake, WI 54871, 715-468-7833; or Stone Lake Medical Center, 16887 2nd St., S., Stone Lake, WI 54876, 715-865-6510. —from IMC

504901 WNAXLP

SHELL LAKE — For the 12th year, General Kissinger and his sons are awarding four $500 scholarships to area students of the medical profession. Repeat applications will be accepted. The scholarships, in honor of General’s wife, Marilyn Kissinger, will be awarded in June. Applications should be returned to the Indianhead Medical Center by May 1.

Notices/Employment (Feb. 17, 24, March 3) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT WASHBURN COUNTY BAC Home Loans Servicing, L.P. Plaintiff, vs. Cynthia M. Hanna Gary L. Hanna Marshfield Clinic Defendants. SUMMONS Real Estate Mortgage Foreclosure Case No. 10 CV 4 Honorable Eugene D. Harrington Case Code: 30404 THE STATE OF WISCONSIN To the following party named as a defendant herein: Cynthia M. Hanna/Gary L. Hanna You are hereby notified that the plaintiff named above has filed a lawsuit or other legal action against you. The complaint, which is also served on you, states the nature and the basis of the legal action. Within 40 days after February 17, 2010, you must respond with a written answer, as that term is used in Chapter 802 of the Wisconsin Statutes, to the complaint. The court may reject or disregard an answer that does not follow the requirements of the statutes. The answer must be sent or delivered to the court, whose address is: Washburn County Clerk of Circuit Court 10 4th Ave. P.O. Box 339 Shell Lake, WI 54871 and to J. Timothy Lovett/Blommer Peterman, S.C., plaintiff’s attorney, whose address is: Blommer Peterman, S.C. 13700 W. Greenfield Avenue Brookfield, WI 53005 You may have an attorney help or represent you. If you do not provide a proper answer within 40 days from the date stated above, the court may grant judgment against you for the award of money or other legal action requested in the complaint, and you may lose your right to object to anything that is or may be incorrect in the complaint. A judgment may be enforced as provided by law. A judgment awarding money may become a lien against any real estate you own now or in the future, and may also be enforced by garnishment or seizure of property. Dated this 4th day of February, 2010. J. Timothy Lovett/Blommer Peterman, S.C. State Bar No. 1019525 13700 W. Greenfield Avenue Brookfield, WI 534005 262-790-5719 Blommer Peterman, S.C., is the creditor’s attorney and is attempting to collect a debt on its behalf. Any information obtained will be used for that purpose. (186884) 505082 WNAXLP

OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY ASSISTANT FIELDWORK COORDINATOR Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College is seeking learningfocused, creative and dynamic candidates for a part-time, Occupational Therapy Assistant Fieldwork Coordinator. The Occupational Therapy Assistant (OTA) Fieldwork Coordinator will work in a learner-centered, integrated instructional environment with an emphasis on learning experiences in the fieldwork setting for the individual OTA student. This is a parttime position for 8 - 10 hours per week throughout the academic year. Qualifications include: Minimum of an Associate Degree in Occupational Therapy Assistant, National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy (NBCOT) current certification, current State of Wisconsin licensure OTR or COTA, two years (4,000 hours) full-time work experience and current member of the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA). Application Deadline: Friday, February 26, 2010

WISCONSIN For a complete list of qualificaINDIANHEAD tions and to apply visit our Web TECHNICAL site at www.witc.edu/employ. TTY COLLEGE 888/261-8578 505271 15a-e 26r, L

WITC is an equal opportunity/access/employer and educator.


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REGULAR BOARD MEETING Monday, January 18, 2010

The meeting was called to order at 7 p.m. by President Stuart Olson. Roll call found the following board members present: Phillip Holman, Wendy Muska, Jeri Bitney, Stuart Olson, Mary Ann HookSwan, and Linda Nielsen. Absent was Tim Mikula. Also present: Brian Nord, Don Peterson, Mike Werner, Bob Forsythe, Reghan Kohler, Pam Brown, Isaac Cusick and Brett Holman. There were no public comments. Student Council Report: Brett Holman and Isaac Cusick gave a report regarding the recent activities of the high school student council and the freshman class. Wendy Muska moved to accept consent agenda items a-c, seconded by Jeri Bitney. The motion carried. The budget review was given by Mr. Nord. Administrative reports: Don Peterson: Parent teachers conferences for the district are scheduled for 2/11/10. On Friday, January 22, the staff will participate in training on Love and Logic. There are also currently 30 parents attending a three-part training seminar on Love and Logic. Mike Werner: Prairie Fire Theatre will be here this week and facilitate a production of “Aladdin.” This evening is always a highlight of the year for our students with many participating in the production. The school play is under way and will be performed in March. FFA speaking contest will be held soon. The staff-led Professional Development committee arranged a potluck and during this time staff that attended the “Mean Girls” seminar will present information. Brian Nord: The district recently received $4,000 from a graduate who would like this money to be distributed as scholarships to current students. The disbanded soccer club used the rest of their funds to purchase a new popcorn popper to be used by all the various clubs. Mr. Forsythe’s class is building a stand for the new machine. The City of Shell Lake Safe Routes To School committee has completed the Safe Routes To School plan. The Board had the opportunity to review the Safe Routes To School plan.

Unfinished Business Jeri Bitney moved to adopt policy 443.5 Student Use of Electronic Devices as amended on January 18, 2010, and delete Policy 443.5 Student Use of Electronic Equipment dated March 17, 2008, seconded by Linda Nielsen. The motion carried. New Business First reading of Policy 343.4 Youth Options. First reading of Policy 656, Gate Receipts. First reading of Policy 656.1 Free Admissions. Phillip Homan moved to accept the resignation of Roger Studt as District Information Coordinator and to thank him for his 43 years of service to the district, seconded by Mary Ann Hook-Swan. The motion carried. Jeri Bitney moved to approve the amended 2009-2010 7-12 Student Handbook, seconded by Mary Ann Hook-Swan. The motion carried. Committee Reports were reviewed. Wendy Muska moved to approve suspending the regular meeting to convene an executive session in accordance with Wisconsin Statute 19.85(1) (c) for the purpose of discussing the hiring of athletic coaches and Information Technology Coordinator position: 19.85(1) (e) for the purpose of discussing collective bargaining and negotiations and 19.85 (1) (f) review status of expulsion orders, seconded by Jeri Bitney. Roll call found all members in favor except Tim Mikula who was absent. The motion carried. Phillip Holman moved to adjourn the executive session and reconvene into open session, seconded by Wendy Muska. The motion carried. Jeri Bitney moved to hire Jennifer Bos as the assistant track coach for the 2009-2010 school year, seconded by Linda Nielsen. The motion carried. Jeri Bitney moved to amend the expulsion orders as presented, seconded by Wendy Muska. The motion carried. Phillip Holman moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Wendy Muska. The motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:18 p.m. Wendy Muska, Clerk


REGULAR BOARD MEETING Monday, February 8, 2010

The meeting was called to order at 7 p.m., by President Stuart Olson. Roll call found the following board members in attendance: Stuart Olson, Tim Mikula, Wendy Muska, Mary Ann Hook-Swan, Phil Holman, Linda Nielsen. Jeri Bitney was absent. Also attending were Brian Nord, Don Peterson, Mike Werner, Pam Brown, Phyllis Bergeron, Regan Koehler, Bob Forsythe, Tamara Smith, Tom Sauve and Dan Kevan. In public comments, Tom Sauve, head baseball coach, spoke about the need for an indoor batting cage. The purchase of the cage would be totally paid for by the Booster Club. There was no student council report. Mrs. Tamara Smith gave a report on the Shell Lake Educational Foundation. The Educational Foundation is organized to strengthen community participation in education programs in the Shell Lake School District. The goal is to raise $5,000 for the purchase of SMART Boards. They currently have $650 left to reach this goal. The organization is planning more events in the future to aid in more fundraising. Mrs. Muska moved to accept consent agenda items a - c, as corrected, seconded by Mrs. Nielsen. The motion carried. The budget review was given by Mr. Nord. Administrative reports Don Peterson • School will be dismissed at 2:25 on Monday, March 1, because of a music contest being held at the 3-12 school which involves several schools. • The 2010-11 registration booklets have been given out to 912 students and they will have the opportunity to sign up for classes soon. • Bob Scheu was named the Kiwanis Student of the Month. A scholarship has been given in his name to the American Cancer Society. • The FFA program was praised for developing good leadership in their organization. The FFA will be hosting breakfast for the community and school which is planned for Feb. 21 at 7 a.m. Mike Werner • A group of teachers have met to select the Social Studies curriculum for next year. The elementary and 7-12 social studies teachers are working together to choose publishers that will make a close transition from the elementary social studies curriculum to the Jr. High curriculum. • A team has been assembled to work with the Title 1 program with the possibility of moving Title 1 into a schoolwide program. • The interviews for the Early Childhood/Special Ed teacher will start on March 1. This is a part-time position and will assist with the afternoon 4K program. Brian Nord • The CESA #11 Joint PAC and board meeting is on Tuesday, March 23, 2010. • An Effective Bargaining Seminar will take place in Wausau on March 5, 2010.

• A flyer on the Wisconsin Alliance for Excellent Schools was passed around to board members. • Open Enrollment for students is February 1 - 19, 2010. Unfinished Business District goals - Stu Olson spoke of the WASB and NSBA Web sites in regards to their approach towards goal setting. Mrs. Swan moved to adopt Policy 343.4, Youth Options as amended on February 8, 2010, and delete Policy 343.4, Youth Options dated February 11, 2008, seconded by Mr. Mikula. The motion carried. Mrs. Swan moved to adopt Policy 656, Gate Receipts as amended on February 8, 2010, and delete Policy 656, Gate Receipts dated May 17, 1999, seconded by Mr. Mikula. The motion carried. Mrs. Swan moved to adopt Policy 656.1, Free Admissions as amended on February 8, 2010, and delete Policy 656.1, Free Admissions, dated June 21, 1999, seconded by Mr. Mikula. The motion carried. New Business Mrs. Muska moved to approve the 2010-2011 school year calendar as presented, seconded by Mr. Holman. The motion carried. Mrs. Muska moved to set graduation for the class of 2011 on May 20, 2011, at 7 p.m., seconded by Mrs. Nielsen. The motion carried. Mrs. Nielsen moved to approve the CESA #11 Shared Services Contract as presented for the 2010-2011 school year, seconded by Mrs. Muska. The motion carried. Mr. Mikula moved to approve the purchase of the Measure of Academic Progress (M.A.P.) assessment program through Northwest Evaluation Association (NWEA) for the use for students in grades K-9, seconded by Mrs. Muska. The motion carried. Committee reports were reviewed. Mr. Mikula moved to approve suspending the regular meeting to convene an executive session in accordance with Wisconsin Statute 19.85(1)(c) for the purpose of discussing the hiring of athletic coaches and nonrenewal of teacher contracts; 19.85(1)(e) for the purpose of discussing collective bargaining and negotiations and 19.85(1)(f) discussion of personnel matters relative to Workman’s Comp. claim and staff disciplinary matter, seconded by Mrs. Muska at 9:05 p.m. All members present voted aye. Jeri Bitney was absent. The motion carried. Mr. Holman moved to adjourn the executive session and reconvene into open session at 10:10 p.m., seconded by Mrs. Nielsen. The motion carried. Mr. Holman moved to hire Mark Lehnherr as the head softball coach for the 2009-2010 school year, seconded by Mr. Mikula. The motion carried. Mr. Holman moved to hire Kelly Green as the assistant softball coach for the 2009-2010 school year, seconded by Mr. Mikula. The motion carried. Mr. Holman moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Mr. Mikula. The motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10:25 p.m. Wendy Muska, Clerk 505294 26r

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(Feb. 17, 24, March 3) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT WASHBURN COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF Cora Olivia Oehmcke, a/k/a Cora S. Oehmcke, a/k/a Cora Olivia Syltie Oehmcke Notice to Interested Persons and Time Limit for Filing Claims (Informal Administration) Case No. 10 PR 06 An application has been filed for informal administration of the estate of the decedent, whose date of birth was June 25, 1916, and date of death was July 19, 2009. The decedent died domiciled in Washburn County, State of Wisconsin, with a post office address of 819 Ash Street, Spooner, Wisconsin 54801. Please take notice that: 1. The application will be heard at the Washburn County Courthouse, Shell Lake, Wisconsin, before Marilynn Benson, Probate Registrar, on March 12, 2010, at 9 a.m. or when scheduled thereafter. You need not appear unless you object. The application may be granted if no objection is made. 2. Creditors’ claims must be filed with the probate registrar on or before May 28, 2010. 3. Publication of this notice shall constitute notice to any persons whose names or addresses are unknown. Marilynn Benson Probate Registrar February 5, 2010 Alexander A. Crosby Personal Representative/ Attorney 332 Minnesota Street Suite W2610 St. Paul, MN 55101 Telephone Number 651-228-0497

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(Feb. 17, 24, Mar. 3) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT WASHBURN COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF RAYMOND P. MULLENHOFF Notice to Interested Persons and Time Limit for Filing Claims (Informal Administration) Case No. 10PR07 An application has been filed for informal administration of the estate of the decedent, whose date of birth was August 25, 1946, and date of death was January 25, 2010. The decedent died domiciled in Washburn County, State of Wisconsin, with a post office address of: N13604 Smith Bridge Road, Minong, WI 54859. Please take notice that: 1. The application will be heard at the Washburn County Courthouse, Shell Lake, Wisconsin, before Marilynn Benson, Probate Registrar, on March 16, 2010, at 9:00 a.m. or when scheduled thereafter. You need not appear unless you object. The application may be granted if no objection is made. 2. Creditors’ claims must be filed with the probate registrar on or before May 21, 2010. 3. Publication of this notice shall constitute notice to any persons whose names or addresses are unknown. Please check with attorney below for exact time and date. Marilynn Benson Probate Registrar February 9, 2010 George W. Benson Attorney at Law Benson Law Office, LLC P.O. Box 370 Siren, WI 54872 75-349-5215 Bar Number: 1012978

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Laker Times Lakers-in-training RIGHT - Even in a game where the score isn’t ice cream, it has a way of smoothing out the bumps and disappointments. Shown are Julia Pokorny, Grace Anand derson Meredith Kevan.

Photos by Larry Samson

Julia Pokorny shoots a basket against defenders Meredith Kevan and Meghan Stone, as coach, father and referee Dan Kevan watches.

School menu

Breakfast Monday, Feb. 22: Juice, cereal, toast. Tuesday, Feb. 23: Fruit, sausage links, waffle sticks. Wednesday, Feb. 24: Juice, pancakes. Thursday, Feb. 25: Fruit, cheese omelet, toast. Friday, Feb. 26: Juice, yogurt, toast. Lunch Monday, Feb. 22: Corn dog, hash browns, carrots, pear slices. Laker: Chicken patty on bun. Tuesday, Feb. 23: Chicken Alfredo, mixed vegetables,

peach slices, bread stick. Laker: Hot dog. Wednesday, Feb. 24: Hot ham and cheese, soup, peas, pineapple tidbits. Laker: Quesadillas. Thursday, Feb. 25: BBQ pork on bun, corn, applesauce. Laker: Hamburger on bun. Friday, Feb. 26: Cheese pizza, green beans, fresh fruit. Laker: Chef salad. Breakfast served each day for K-12 students. Bread and milk served with each meal. Laker sandwiches available to grades 7-12 only.

Shell Lake students attend tryouts for state honors band and state honors choir

EAU CLAIRE — Shell Lake students Emilee Organ, Brett Holman, Emma Frey, Sarah Shumaker and Cavan Maher auditioned for placement in the state high school honors band and choir on Saturday, Feb. 6, in Eau Claire. If selected, the students will go to camp at UWGreen Bay this summer to prepare for a performance at the state music educators conference in Madison in October. — from Shell Lake Schools

Photos by J. Maher

Sarah Shumaker during tryouts for state honors band held Saturday, Feb. 6, in Eau Claire.

Cavan Maher was one of five Shell Lake students to attend the tryouts for state honors band and state honors choir.


Under the leadership of advisor Patti Naglosky, 28 high school mentors and 28 elementary students are participating in the Student Mentoring in Life and Education mentoring program at Shell Lake Schools. Better known as SMILES, the program expanded this year to include students in grades three through sixth. The SMILES program extends their gratitude to the Shell Lake Education Foundation for their support, which paid for the participants T-shirts, craft projects and new games. — Photo by Suzanne Johnson

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Dogsled demonstration

Scouts visit fire department

Pack 51 of the Shell Lake Cub Scouts visited the Shell Lake Fire Department on Wednesday, Feb. 10, to learn about fire prevention and what to do in case of a fire. Those attending were Devin Guggenberger, Jasper McCracken, Connor Pashby, Layne Olson, Sawyer Schultz, Ty Ellanson and Terry Leckel.

Ruth King, Sarona, gave a demonstration with her sled dogs at the Hunt Hill Audubon Sanctuary, Long Lake, on Saturday, Feb. 13. King and her Siberian huskies participate in dogsledding races around the area.

Firefighter Terry Leckel shows the young Cub Scouts the protective gear that a firefighter wears to protect them in a fire rescue. One of the reasons is to show what a firefighter will look like in a real-life situation, hoping they won’t look so scary and the children won’t hide from them. Parents should sit down with their children to talk about an escape plan, a meeting place once they leave and not to be afraid of a firefighter.

The Alaskan sled dogs at Saturday’s dogsledding demonstration demonstrated their love of people.

Photos by Regan Kohler

Ruth King showed how to put the harness on a husky.

After their visit, the young Cub Scouts posed with firefighter Hank Crawford along with the thankyou note they made to show their appreciation.

Photos by Larry Samson

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