WCR June 13

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June 13, 2012


Wednesday, June 13, 2012 Vol. 123, No. 43 • Shell Lake, Wis.

Weekend watch

Saturday, Railroad Heritage Festival, Spooner; Indianhead Writers meeting. Sunday, Jazz faculty concert. See Events, page 8

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How do I look?


Dance recital See page 18

SPORTS Local prep coverage See page 12

People you should know: Gloria Frey

Four-year-old Colton Schaefer poses on a restored Massey Harris 333 at the dairy breakfast. There was a time when all the young farm boys looked forward to the county fair, so they could see the new tractors that were brought to the fair by the local implement dealers. They would sit on their favorite tractor or argued with the other children about which tractor was best. More pictures of the dairy breakfast on page 2.— Photo by Larry Samson

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GRANTSBURG – The frac sand pit leak in late April from the Soderbeck pit west of Grantsburg may result in a court case. On June 4, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources informed the mine owner, Interstate Energy Partners, and mine operator, Tiller Corporation, that alleged violations relating to the leak have been referred to the Department of Justice. The alleged violations are 1) discharge without a permit and / outside the conditions of a permit, 2) failure to maintain dikes and berms, and 3) failure to notify of facility expansion, product increase, or process modification. While the violation issue starts its course through the justice system, the mine continues to operate and the mine operators are said to be taking actions to prevent further problems. Ruth King from the DNR who works with water issues told the Leader Tuesday that a site visit last week found no issues. She said Tiller is complying with DNR requests. Dave Ferris, Burnett County Conservationist, told the Leader that a much bigger containment system has been built and there should be no more problems. On April 25 the DNR was notified that muddy water was entering the St. Croix River at the site of the camp ground just south of Hwy. 70. Investigation revealed that the muddy water came from a leak in a containment pond at the mine a mile north of the highway. The pond contained water used to wash the frac sand being mined at the pit. The pond had just been opened so the leak had been going on for just a few days. On May 10, the DNR issued a Notice of Violation to the mine owners for discharging surface water without a permit, failing to maintain its dikes and berms, failing to maintain physical controls to prevent a discharge, and failing to notify the DNR that the facility had been expanded beyond what it had been licensed for. Since that time the site has been closely monitored by the DNR and Burnett County. - Gregg Westigard, Inter-County Leader ••• STATEWIDE - U.S. Senate GOP primary just two months away. Now that the bruising recall campaign is over, there's another election right around the corner. The four Republicans running for U.S. Senate have just two months to make their cases to voters before primary day. Normally there'd be a lot more attention focused on a crowded primary race for an open U.S. Senate seat. But Marquette University's Charles Franklin says that in this case, the Senate candidates have been totally overshadowed by the recall, “All of them have failed to have the prominence that they would normally have in a Senate campaign.” And they have even less time to do that this year, with the fall primary moving to August instead of the usual September. In Franklin's last Marquette poll— which accurately gauged Gov. Walker's margin of victory in the recall— respondents were also asked their opinions of the Senate candidates. Eightyfour percent knew enough about former Gov. Tommy Thompson to hold an opinion. Nobody else was above 50, with 49 percent for former Congressman Mark Neumann, 45 percent for Assembly Speaker Jeff Fitzgerald and 28 percent for hedge fund manager Eric Hovde. – Shawn Johnson, Wisconsin Public Radio

Further discussion on CWD

DNR representative addresses issue with city council

by Abby Ingalls Register intern reporter SHELL LAKE – A presentation was given at the Monday, June 11, city council meeting by wildlife biologist and Wisconsin DNR representative Nancy Crystal about the recent doe which tested positive for chronic wasting disease near Shell Lake. The presentation was given to inform the council and the public about what is happening with CWD and how it affects the community. “If there are any other sick deer out there, we wanted to get that information out to the public and let them know how they can contact us,” Crystal said. The DNR is working to gain samples of deer within the two-mile and 10-mile radiuses of where the positive deer was found, as well as banning baiting and feeding within the 10-mile radius. Crystal said the DNR wanted to deal with this quickly by collecting additional samples so they know how to handle this disease. “One of the main reasons it’s so important to pay attention to a disease of this magnitude is because, as everyone knows, deer hunting is not only dear to everyone’s heart, but it brings in the most money for our area – businesses, gas, tourists, convenience stores, hotels, camping – this is one of the reasons it is such a big deal,” Crystal said.

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However, the collecting of deer samples to further test for CWD brought about concerns for the city of Shell Lake. The first step to take with CWD is to determine the extent of the disease, which requires more sampling. Crystal asked the council if they would allow them to issue permits to harvest deer within the city to be able to collect additional samples. Andy Eiche, council president, voiced that the council’s primary concern is the taking of samples within the city limits and the safety of Shell Lake’s citizens. “The top priority is always human safety,” Crystal responded. She also noted that the samples they have been collecting on private land have been completely voluntary on the owners’ part. Police Chief Clint Stariha also voiced his concerns, “I don’t want to see us giving permits for somebody with a rifle to go down by our airport and school. I believe the entire cityowned land has a ban on rifle hunting.” Crystal replied by reiterating their main concern was safety and to inform the public on what is happening. Crystal said they are at the point of talking to the public by asking the community what they feel about CWD in the area, and they are doing all they can to be available to answer any questions. Since hunting season brings in so much revenue, and it affects the deer population for northern Wisconsin and the community, the DNR wants to be thorough in their sampling to provide assurance that there are no other cases of CWD in the area. “We want to deal with this as a community,” Crystal said.

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Abby Ingalls is summer intern for Register

SHELL LAKE - There’s a new journalist in town. Abby Ingalls will be spending the summer as an intern reporter for the Washburn County Register and InterCounty Leader, covering government meetings, feature stories and general assignments before returning to her senior year at Bethel College in St. Paul, where she is majoring in journalism. The daughter of Dr. John and Tammy Ingalls of Webster, Abby is no stranger to small-town life, growing up in rural Webster at the family home on Devils Lake along with her three sisters. She attended Webster Schools all her life with the exception of a year she spent in New Zealand in the small town of Piopio, as a foreign exchange student. She recently returned there to visit her host family and to be a bridesmaid in a wedding. Although initially pursuing a career in English education, Ingalls realized two

Abby Ingalls

years into her major at Bethel that teaching just wasn’t for her. She started over with a new set of classes and a new major - journalism. “I’m proud to say with the help of some amazing journalism professors and squeezing in extra credits, I will still graduate on time,” she said. “It’s been different, and I’m still trying to get used to the switch in writing styles from English papers to news and feature stories, but I couldn’t be happier with my switch.” Storytelling through writing, she noted, has been of interest to her since childhood. “I would write my own books and share them with my grade school classes,” she said. “And I would make my own family newspaper to share what was going on. I wrote any chance I got.” She is well aware that she’s breaking with family tradition by pursuing a writ-

ing career. “Dad’s a doctor, my mom’s a nurse, my oldest sister is a nurse practitioner and my older sister is a dentist,” she noted. “Everyone in town expected me to do something health-related because of my family - but I guess I like to be different. Science and health is just not my thing. But I would say my passion for writing came from my father - at a young age before he even thought of becoming a doctor, he dreamed of becoming a writer.” Her father, John, currently pens a weekly column for the Inter-County Leader, titled Cold Turkey. Abby hopes she can carry the dream of being a writer to the point of authoring a novel some day. For now, it’s writing about small-town news and figuring out life as it comes, noting, “My life is honestly an open book.” - Gary King

Tri-County Dairy Promoters host annual dairy breakfast

Shauna Swan got a little help from her mother, Bonnie, as she enjoyed her pancakes, ice cream and strawberries. — Photo by Larry Samson

Elton Miller, Joe Sinko and Tom Schultz were some of the volunteers who manned the serving line at the Tri-County Dairy Promoters Dairy Breakfast held Saturday, June 9, at the Washburn County Fairgrounds in Spooner. Over 1,500 people came out to the annual event.

While Emmie Bullion helps her cousin, Katie Crosby, with her chores of feeding and caring for the calves, it was the goats she found interesting in the Shell Lake/Spooner FFA Petting Zoo.

Allie Jacobson dreams of the day she can have a horse. There seems to be a special connection between horses and girls.

Washburn County Register Your Community Newspaper • PO Box 455 • Shell Lake, WI 54871

PH: 715-468-2314

MANAGER: Doug Panek dougpanek@centurytel.net EDITOR: Gary King gbking@centurytel.net OFFICE MANAGER: Suzanne Johnson wcregister@centurytel.net REPORTER: Jessica Beecroft REPORTER: Larry Samson CONTRIBUTING WRITER: Diane Dryden PAGINATOR: Katie Grey ADVERTISING: Jackie Moody DEADLINE FOR NEWS/ADS: MONDAYS @ NOON

Published every Wednesday at Frederic, WI. Periodicals postage paid at Shell Lake, WI. Postmaster: send address changes to P.O. Box 455, Shell Lake, WI 54871 USPS 666-900

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Historic meeting held in Spooner on wolf hunt


Public comments sought on wolf hunting and trapping season set for Oct. 15 through end of February

by Marty Seeger Special to the Register SPOONER – Wisconsin is in a new era of wolf management this summer, as the DNR wildlife section chief Bill VanDNR prepares for an upcoming wolf hunting and trapping season set for Oct. der Zouwen spoke at the public hear15, through the end of February. Nearly 50 ing in Spooner on Wednesday, June people gathered in Spooner on Wednes- 6, and helped answer questions and day, June 6, for the first of four public listen to comments on the wolf huntmeetings held throughout the state in ing and trapping season. June, with the final two meetings taking place in Fond du Lac on Thursday, June statutory provisions for a wolf hunting 14, and Rhinelander on Friday, June 15. and trapping season are in place but still The public hearings are set to help pro- came up for discussion in Spooner, includvide input from the public on the pro- ing the Oct. 15 season start that would run posed DNR wolf hunting and trapping through the end of February. Others disseason rules. These comments, public sur- cussed the cost, which includes a $10 apvey answers and other input will be tal- plication fee with license cost of $100 for lied and eventually handed over to DNR residents and $500 for nonresidents. Many administration in early July, before final felt the permit cost and application fee recommendations are made and pre- were too high. sented to the Natural Resources Board on Some of the main statutory provisions July 17 in Stevens Point. In order to have a in place under Act. 169 include season hunt this fall, applications for permits will dates and the application and license fees. need to be available to the public by Aug. One-half of the awarded licenses will be 1, through Aug. 31, so permits can be handed out in a random drawing, while handed out in September. other licenses will be based on preference “This is really a big day. It’s the first points. Firearms, crossbows and bows meeting where we’ve had public discus- may be used. Night hunting is allowed the sion in modern history about what wolf day after the deer season has ended. Cable harvest management ought to be in this restraints may be used as a trapping state, and it’s an incredible thing that this method. Baiting is allowed for trapping top predator came back in Wisconsin,” but restricted for hunting. The use of elecsaid wildlife section chief Bill Vander tronic calls is allowed, and up to six huntZouwen, who was given the assignment ing hounds may be used to trail wolves to work with biologists, rule experts and beginning the day after the deer season. wardens in the DNR to come up with a The protocol provided for closing seasons draft proposal. will be based on wolf har“It’s very compressed. vest. We’re doing our best to Anyone unable to attend make it happen this year … one of the four public hearit will happen this year unings can review the current less there’s another lawsuit DNR wolf hunting and trap… we’re doing our best to ping proposals and leave get your input given the comments online at short time we have,” said dnr.wi.gov, but simply enVander Zouwen. tering the search keyword Many other local wildlife wolf. These comments, pubstaff members helped anlic survey answers and other swer questions and gave input will be tallied and presentations on Wedneseventually handed over to day, including state wolf exDNR administration early pert Adrian Wydeven, who July, before they make the gave a broad overview on State wolf expert final recommendations to the history and manage- Adrian Wydeven gave the NRB. ment of wolves in Wiscon- a broad overview on “Really, what we’re trying sin. Other DNR staff gave the history and man- to get are ideas for whether presentations on the agement of wolves in the proposal we’ve come up changes in the wolf depre- Wisconsin in Spooner with is right on, as far as dation program under Act on Wednesday, June 6. your opinion, or something 169, which was signed by needs to be changed,” said Gov. Scott Walker on April 2. One of the Vander Zouwen. major changes seen under Act 169 will be funding for the depredation program. Pre- Public comments viously, depredation payments were One topic that generated a good portion funded through the endangered resources of discussion during the comments period license plate and volunteer tax check-off. after the meeting was the DNR prelimiThey’ll now be paid through the sale of nary harvest quota of 143-233 wolves for hunting and trapping licenses as well as the first season, and a permit level propermit applications. posal of about 500 licenses. Many wanted Several other bills under Act 169 are di- to see more permits available to hunters recting the DNR to come up with the de- and trappers. tails of a wolf-hunting plan. Many “I really think you should give the folks

High-speed chase ends in Spooner

by Jessica Beecroft WASHBURN COUNTY - Just before noon on Sunday, June 3, Brian L. Bearheart, 18, Webster, led officers from the Washburn County Sheriff’s Department and Spooner City Police on a high-speed chase after the vehicle he was driving was identified as being stolen. Bearheart drove an average speed of approximately 100 miles per hour and traveled from Burnett County into Washburn County where officers were able to set up stop sticks on Hwy. 70. Bearheart dodged the stop sticks and other stop sticks placed on High Street and turned down Lynn Avenue in Spooner. Bearheart attempted to turn right onto Summit Street and failed

to negotiate the turn with his high speeds, took out the stop sign and came to a stop in the ditch going southbound on Summit Street. The vehicle was towed with notable damage. Bearheart was arrested and charged with endangering the safety of persons or property by reckless driving, knowingly operating a vehicle without a valid driver’s license causing property damage, knowingly fleeing an officer, OWI -second offense, and hit and run property adjacent to highway. Bearheart has his first court appearance scheduled for Monday, June 25.

Spooner DNR wildlife biologist Nancy Christel hands out information on the upcoming proposals for the wolf hunting and trapping season in October. – Photos by Marty Seeger

out there more of an opportunity to harvest these animals. Trapping and snaring, and perhaps dogs are going to be your most effective methods,” said one man from Rusk County. Wydeven explained that the state has a conservative estimate of 815 to 880 wolves, but some in the audience felt that it didn’t make sense to issue fewer tags than what the population goal of 350 wolves, statewide, suggests. During the presentation earlier in the evening, the DNR explained that they were approaching the management plan goal of 350 wolves statewide gradually. Some in attendance also raised concerns about the seven hunting zones that are in the DNR proposal, and wanted to see less complexity. Others raised concerns that with fewer tags, the anti-hunting community might try to apply for tags to keep hunters from harvesting an animal. “Fortunately, after the first year we’ll be able to learn whether a lot of people do apply who don’t intend to use them be-

cause the success rate will be really low, and we can adjust permits in the future like we do for other species, but for the first year that will be tough,” said Vander Zouwen. Some in attendance still questioned the Oct. 15 season start. One of the reasons was because pelts would not be prime during mid-October, but also because there could be potential with bird-hunting dogs getting caught in traps. He said he has had two bird dogs get caught in traps over the years and wouldn’t look forward to paying another vet bill. He also felt that with so many bird hunters being a vital part of the economy in the northern part of the state, that it would be wise to at least take it into consideration. “We’re trying to keep track of that, and we’re working with the trappers association on changes regularly, to try and minimize that conflict,” said Vander Zouwen.

Communities near new St Croix River crossing plan for growth

by Rich Kremer Wisconsin Public Radio STILLWATER, Minn. - Some communities in far western Wisconsin are planning for growth now that a new bridge across the St. Croix River is in the works. The new bridge will be called the St. Croix River Crossing. It will replace an 80-year-old lift bridge and will link Stillwater, Minn. to Houlton, Wis. Construction will begin in 2013 but municipalities like the city of New Richmond have already begun preparing for what could be a population and business boom. Jim Zajkowski sits on the city council plan commission. He says last year, they began waiving fees like sewer access charges for new developments, “We call this the New Richmond Land Rush and we wanted to spur the activity. We wanted to be the first ones on the block to do this.” Zajkowski says city officials are eager

for the new four-lane freeway to the Twin Cities to open. “We’re ready for this. Right now, around the city, we’ve got about 700 to 800 buildable lots right now and that means with utilities up to the lots.” Jay Fletch is a real estate developer with Edina Realty in Woodbury, Minn. He says the lots in New Richmond were built prior to the housing crash in 2008. But he doesn’t expect them to be vacant much longer, “And the bridge, actually when we start seeing some dirt moving you’ll start to see some people say, ‘You know what? I can take that bridge, I can add that nine, ten minutes and get back over to Wisconsin and get a little more house, get a little bit more land,’ which in turn will help the stuff already built.” The St. Croix River Crossing project is expected to be completed in 2016. Its cost estimates range as high as $676 million.

by Gilman Halsted Wisconsin Public Radio MADISON - Many of Gov. Scott Walker's supporters see victory in last week's recall election as another nail in the coffin of public employee unions. But union advocates say government workers will just have to find another way to defend their interests in the workplace. Almost exactly a year ago today, Walker gave a speech in Madison at a conference of state Realtors. During a question-and-answer session he said there was one thing he wished he had done differently in his election campaign; "Probably the biggest significant thing if I had it to do again, obviously I don't so I try to look forward as much as possible, is spend more time building a case for why collective bargaining isn't a right, it's an expensive entitlement." As it turned out he did have a lot more time to build that case and take it back to the voters. Anecdotal exit polls last week indi-

cate animosity toward public employee union bargaining rights was something that prompted many voters to support Walker. But Frank Emspak, the executive editor of Workers Independent News, says Walker's second election victory doesn't spell the end of union organizing by government employees. "As we've discovered over a hundred years you can get rid of it one way; it comes back a different way. Workers are going to figure how to get together to accomplish the ends that they need to get through the day. And that has happened with or without legislation. It's just a lot harder and more disruptive when it's without any kind of structure." Emspak was a recent guest on the Joy Cardin show on Wisconsin Public Radio. Emspak also predicted both public and private unions will probably spend less energy in electoral politics and put more effort into finding more effective ways to help workers negotiate with employers.

Wisconsin's public unions say they'll adjust to protect their future



Send letters to P.O. Box 455, Shell Lake, WI 54871 or e-mail wcregister@centurytel.net

Bipartisan support appreciated in conservation land purchase project

The recently approved expenditure of state funds to aid in the purchase and preservation of 262 acres of land along 2-1/2 miles of the Totagatic River in Washburn County was a refreshing example of cooperation between politicians from our two major political parties. When meeting with area legislators last winter, Washburn County Lakes and

Rivers Association members were warmly received and encouraged in our efforts to protect this property. Both Rep. Nick Milroy, D-South Range, and Rep. Roger Rivard, R-Rice Lake, backed up their words of support with subsequent actions demonstrating that conservation initiatives truly can cross party lines in our state. And, the Wisconsin Natural

Resources Board, which is composed of appointees from both the Governors Doyle and Walker administrations, unanimously approved our request for state Knowles-Nelson Stewardship funding. We thank all government and agency personnel who helped in this effort. A public fundraising campaign is cur-

rently under way by WCLRA to raise the remaining balance needed to purchase the property.

The current recall process in our Wisconsin Constitution needs to be reformed. That might be a topic that Democrats and Republicans can agree upon. I am of the opinion that officeholders should never be recalled because a group of citizens or special interests don’t like how an elected official voted or his or her

positions on issues. Let’s let regularly scheduled elections address those concerns. A recall process should only be invoked if an elected official is proven guilty of a major crime or gross malfeasance in office. I was elected four times to the state Senate from the 25th District in the northernmost Wisconsin. I have always

been interested how the structures of government influence the actual practice of governance. The current recall process in our state may dissuade qualified individuals to seek office and will discourage bold leadership from those in office to find serious solutions to problems. Reforming the recall process is not a Democratic issue or a Republican issue.

It’s an issue about maintaining the integrity of our political processes in Wisconsin.

Revamping of the recall process is needed

Tony Tubbs Board of directors, Washburn County Lakes and Rivers Association

Dan Theno Former state senator, 25th District

Shell Lake High School band and choir return from eight-day trip

WASHINGTON, D.C./NEW YORK, N.Y. — The Shell Lake High School band and choir, including 63 students and 23 chaperones, recently returned from an eight-day trip to Washington, D.C., and New York City. The musicians left after school on Friday, June 1, and boarded two coach buses headed east. They arrived at Reagan Trade Center for lunch at a food court in the Reagan Trade Center building. This was probably the first time the students went through heavy security to eat lunch at a food court. Following the meal, the students headed to the Holocaust Museum where they had time to learn more about the Holocaust and Hitler’s regime in Germany. This was a solemn but important educational experience. Students had time to shop and eat at the Pentagon City Mall and then met up with two guides that gave them a detailed tour of the monuments in Washington, D.C., as the sun was setting. The illuminated memorials seen at night were a highlight for many of the students. On Saturday evening, the students and chaperones finally got the opportunity to sleep in a bed when they checked into the Hampton Inn and Suites in Reston, Va. The next morning, the students had the opportunity to tour the Crime and Punishment Museum, which was a fun and educational interactive experience. Many students considered this one of the highlights of the trip. They saw the set

Shell Lake band and choir members and chaperones in front of the nation’s Capitol in Washington, D.C. — Photo by AT Cusick Photography

for “America’s Most Wanted” and learned all about crime-scene investigation. Then the concert band students performed a concert for the sick children and their families at the Children’s National Medical Center. This was a wonderful opportunity for the musicians of Shell Lake to use their skills to make someone else’s day brighter. Following the performance, the students attended a performance of “Shear Madness” at the

Chamber notes

SHELL LAKE — Are you looking for a chance to volunteer? Would like to get into the July 3 street dance at no charge? The chamber is looking for volunteers to help with the July 3 celebration in downtown Shell Lake. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Shannon Klopp. At the chamber meeting held Thursday, June 7, plans for the street dance and the fireworks display for Tuesday, July 3, were finalized. The band Canyon Cowboys will provide music from 8 p.m. to midnight. During an intermission, the fireworks display will light up the sky. Donations are still being accepted for the fireworks. If you would like to donate, send your contribution to P.O. Box 520, Shell Lake, WI 54871. During the festivities on July 3, watch for the people in the red T-shirts as they will have tickets available for the 50/50 drawing. Melissa Denotter, along with the Miss Shell Lake royalty, will be assisting with the food booth during Shell Lake Fine Art Festival on Saturday, July 7. This year’s Miss Shell Lake pageant will be held Thursday, Aug. 30, at the Shell Lake High School. Advanced tickets for the Culpepper and Merriweather Circus on Thursday, July 12, will be available at Dahlstroms Lakeside Market, Express Mart, Cenex

by Suzanne Johnson

and Shell Lake State Bank. The circus will have performances at 5 and 7:30 p.m. at the soccer field near the Shell Lake High School. A clown will be in town Monday, July 9, promoting the circus. Watch for other fun promotional activities available to participate in. Adam Lundberg, member of the Town and County Days committee, spoke on some of the activities for Town and Country Days, which will be held Aug. 31 - Sept. 3. Volunteers are needed to assist with the many events planned. Jeff Parker raised the question if the chamber was interested in placing Department of Transportation standard approved poles for banners that could be installed at the time Hwy. 63 is being redone. Ken Schultz will solicit advertising from Shell Lake businesses for the 2013 Washburn County Visitor’s Guide. The Shell Lake postcards, depicting various scenes in Shell Lake, are now for sale at area businesses. The Web site www.shelllakewi.com will be updated. There was a discussion on future of the chamber. The next chamber meeting will be Thursday, July 5, 4:30 p.m., in the Shell Lake City Hall meeting room. Anyone interested in the chamber, its future and goals is encouraged to attend.

Kennedy Center. This was an interactive murder mystery where the audience members got to help decide who did it. The ending of the play is different each time people attend, based on how the audience votes. After the play and a quick tour of the Kennedy Center, the students

enjoyed a dinner and DJ dance party aboard the Spirit of Washington cruise ship on the Potomac River. It was a gorgeous evening and everyone enjoyed both dancing and taking in the sights up on the top decks as they traveled the river. Day four began with a tour of Arlington National Cemetery and the opportunity to view the changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Students saw the Challenger Memorial, the burial site of John F. Kennedy and the Iran Rescue Mission monument. The students learned about the high level of discipline that is necessary to earn the right to guard the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Following the tour of the cemetery, the jazz band performed a concert at the historic Old Post Office. They gave one of the best performances of their high school career. The tour took the Lakers to the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception where they saw beautiful mosaics and stained-glass windows in this gorgeous cathedral. Then the students and chaperones spent an hour shopping at Union Station followed by a relaxing swim and pizza party at the hotel. See D.C., page 10

Area news

RICE LAKE — Joe Diffie, Eve 6, Hairball and other bands grace the Aquafest stages this summer as Rice Lake celebrates the season. Those performances are June 14-16, with the big parade on June 17, and there’s plenty going on until then. For more information, call 877-234-2126 or see www.aquafestonlinecom. — from Rice Lake Chronotype ••• RICE LAKE— Lakeview Medical Center has announced a Handwriting Helpers summer camp for kids. This eight-week handwriting camp will address children’s handwriting issues. It will be held for one hour every Tuesday morning, July 10-Aug. 28, at the LMC Pediatric Therapy Clubhouse in the medical arts building. The camp is targeted for children 4 to 10 years old who have questionable or below-average handwriting due to problems with hand fatigue, pencil grasp, posture, letter formation, etc. Class size is limited to approximately five children per class. Register by call 715-236-6408, by Friday, June 29. — from Rice Lake Chronotype ••• FREDERIC — What does an industrious 12-year-old girl do to make some money? Maybe baby-sit or mow lawns? Not Greta Johnson of rural Frederic, daughter of Sue and Dale Johnson. For two years now, Greta has been farming worms in her basement, wholesaling them to local bait stores to supplement the income she gets from doing her chores. “It’s another way to get pocket money,” she said. Greta’s Worm Farm sells the European night crawler, a smaller species of night crawler that is rel-

atively new to the market. In addition to selling her worms to bait shops, Greta recently sold 2,000 worms to a Milltown man who is starting an organic farm. She reinvested the revenue in new stock. Timing is important, Greta indicated, since the worms must be at least 3 inches long before they can be sold. She uses her middle finger as a measuring stick to determine which are of salable size. It takes about four months to get from egg state to 3 inches. “They love coffee grounds,” said Greta. “They can’t eat chocolate or onions, sort of like a dog, or oranges. They eat eggshells, newspapers, not so much grass, some chicken feed.” — from the Inter-County Leader ••• POLK COUNTY — On July 8, a horde of about 300 teenagers will descend on Balsam Lake, where they will set up a base camp. For the entire week, the teens will make daily raids into neighborhoods, attacking certain homes that have already been selected — attacking them with paintbrushes, that is. The group will be painting homes in Amery, Balsam Lake, Centuria, Cushing, Frederic, Grantsburg, Luck, Siren and St. Croix Falls. The youth will be painting the homes of people who are unable to do it themselves out of a desire to help others by being the “hands, feet and voice for Christ,” as it is stated on the Web site for the organization making this happen. The teens are attending a camp called TeenServe, which is being hosted by the Wild Rivers Habitat for Humanity of St. Croix Falls. — from the Inter-County Leader


Wisconsin State Patrol Law of the Month

Drunken drivers face court-ordered installation of ignition interlock devices

MADISON — With their elaborate sound systems, sophisticated GPS devices and other state-of-the-art gadgets, vehicles today are electronic marvels. But there’s another technologically advanced piece of equipment, called an ignition interlock device, that motorists definitely don’t want attached to their dashboard. Under a state law enacted in 2010, firsttime OWI offenders convicted with high alcohol levels and repeat drunken drivers must have an ignition interlock device installed for a minimum of one year on every vehicle they own, have registered in their names and operate. IIDs require drivers to provide a breath sample that proves they’re alcohol-free before they can start their vehicle. Drivers also must blow into the device periodically while driving to ensure they remain alcoholfree. Courts must order installation of an IID for drivers convicted of first-offense OWI if their blood/breath alcohol was .15 or higher and for drivers convicted of a sec-

ond or subsequent OWI offense. In addition, drivers who refused a chemical test to measure their alcohol level at the time of arrest will have to install an IID. Convicted OWI offenders who do not comply with a court-ordered installation of an IID or who disconnect or tamper with an IID to avoid detection are subject to fines of $150 to $600 and up to six months in jail as well as a six-month extension of the required IID period. Proof of IID installation is required before an occupational driver’s license is issued. Offenders must pay the expense of installing and maintaining an IID as well as a $50 surcharge. OWI offenders with an IID restriction have a prohibited alcohol concentration of .02 instead of the normal .08. “Court-mandated IID installations can be effective deterrents to impaired driving, which is persistent, prevalent and deadly,” says Captain Jeff Frenette of the Wisconsin State Patrol Northwest Region. “Approximately 40 percent of traffic deaths in Wisconsin are the result of alcohol-related crashes. These deaths are both tragic and avoidable. To reach the goal of zero preventable deaths in Wisconsin will require all drivers to make the responsible decision to not get behind the wheel if they’re impaired.” — from WSP

Cifaldi Motors presents check for Shell Lake Education Foundation

Shell Lake Schools Superintendent Jim Connell, left, accepted a check for $1,620 from Michael Cifaldi, of Cifaldi Motors, Cumberland. The check was presented on Thursday, June 7, for the Shell Lake Education Foundation. The total amount raised was through the Drive a Dodge event that was held at the school May 12 when 81 people took a test drive, and Cifaldi Motors made a $20 donation to the foundation for each Dodge driven. — Photo submitted

Knitting and crocheting classes available

SPOONER — Northwind Book & Fiber is offering another full roster of summer knitting and crocheting classes. All classes are offered at the store in downtown Spooner. Classes and times are: Beginning knitting, Tuesday, June 19, 3-5 p.m.; crochet a pineapple scarf, Saturday, June 23, 1-3 p.m.; knit socks, Saturday, June 30, 1-4 p.m.; knitting for kids, Tuesday, July 10, 2:30-4 p.m.; crochet feather jewelry, Saturday, July 14, 1-4 p.m.; knitting ruffle

Shell Lake Lions Calendar Winners

June 4 - $30 Bill Pressuak, Belvidere, Ill. June 5 - $30 Bruce Miller, Shell Lake June 6 - $30 Lisa Cottrell, Trego June 7 - $30 Rebeccah Cusick, Shell Lake June 8 - $30 Karen Nord, Shell Lake

Shell Lake State Bank Winners also announced on WJMC FM Radio

Temps & levels

Temperatures recorded at Spooner Ag Research Station 2011 June 4 June 5 June 6 June 7 June 8 June 9 June 10

2012 June 4 June 5 June 6 June 7 June 8 June 9 June 10

High 83 81 78 89 96 78 62

High 78 81 80 75 79 81 86

Low 57 49 57 65 63 45 49 Low 54 52 57 57 63 68 66

Precip. .04” rain

.03” rain

Precip. trace rain .03” rain .03” rain .05” rain .45” rain

Lake level Monday, June 13, 2011: 1,218.39’ MSL Monday, June 11, 2012: 1,217.84’ MSL

scarves, Tuesday, July 17, 5-7 p.m.; knit mittens, Saturday, July 21, 9:30 a.m.12:30 p.m.; knitting for kids, Tuesday, July 24, 2:30-4 p.m.; knit a cabled beret, Saturday, July 28, 2-5 p.m.; crocheted wrap sweater, Saturday, Aug. 11, 1 to 4

p.m.; knit a chunky cowl, Tuesday, Aug. 14, 5-7 p.m.; and beginning knitting, Saturday, Aug. 18, 9:30-11:30 a.m. A drop-in knitting class and group meets every Wednesday from 2-4 p.m. Contact the store for questions or to

Register Memories

1952 - 60 years ago

• The Heart Lake choir gave a concert of sacred music at Barronett Lutheran Church. • The Shell Lake Chamber of Commerce sponsored a nine-cent special show at the Shell Lake Theatre on Friday nights. • Dedication services at the Methodist church were planned. The sanctuary floor was refinished, and a fine set of new pews was installed. • Serious loss to sheep flocks by bear, wolves and coyotes were causing farmers headaches in northern Wisconsin.

1962 - 50 years ago

• High school homecoming Queen Nanette DesJardins placed the crown on the head of Delores Thompson, naming her Miss Shell Lake. The attendants chosen were Judee Morey and Jean Lemke. • The newly organized Shell Lake drill team, under the supervision of Miss Gretchen Blume, met at the Parker’s arena with horses. • Darwin Braun, formerly of Sarona, achieved the most sought-after goal in golfing on the Spooner fairways as he scored a hole-in-one on the eighth hole, 135 yards. He ended the round with a 37, while partner J.B. Beardsley came in with 39. • John Biver and Larry Brown, accompanied by Hugh Smith, Shell Lake High School ag instructor, attended the state FFA convention in Green Lake.

1972 - 40 years ago

• An electrical shortage caused a fire in the farmhouse on the Wesley Ullom farm. Shell Lake Fire Chief Joe Tomasiak said that a short in wiring outside the house caused all wiring on the entire farm to burn out. The fires were extinguished before extensive damage was done, but all wiring on the farm would need to be replaced. • A summer school speech program was held at the Shell Lake Elementary School with instructor Cheryl Krattiger assisted by Vivian Poquette. • Members of the Wisconsin State Pa-

register at 715-635-6811 or visit www.northwindbook.com for more details. — from Northwind Book & Fiber

Compiled by Suzanne Johnson

trol from District 5 held a practice at the Washburn County Sportsmen’s Club in Shell Lake. Approximately 25 officers participated in the event, which included familiarization with shotguns recently issued and the shooting of clay pigeons. Members of the sportsmen’s club assisting were Bert Shipman, Howard Fallis, Harold Searles and young Timmy Brown who was the trap boy. • Washburn County dairymen attending the NFO picnic in Chetek were Art Stubfors, Neil Anderson, Harold Bennewitz, Joe Biver and Milton Semm.

1982 - 30 years ago

• The annual June Dairy Month breakfast was held at the farm of Paul and Betty Schaefer located on Hwy. 63 between Shell Lake and Spooner. • Forrest Anderson, Shell Lake, was named Wisconsin Future Farmers of America Fish and Wildlife Management Proficiency Award winner at the state FFA convention in Green Lake. • At their picnic and annual meeting, members of the Wild River Artists reelected Dee Baker and Fern Griffin as cochairmen and Martha Trader, treasurer. The secretary’s position would be filled at an election to be held at the club’s allday workshop at the Spooner Fish Hatchery Park. • Shell Lake students named to the dean’s list at Viterbo College, La Crosse, were Susan Fox, Pam Porter Hundt and Eydie Marker.

1992 - 20 years ago

• Sherrill and Art Erickson, Timberland, hosted the annual June Dairy Month breakfast. • The Washburn County Register received a first-place award in the Wisconsin Newspaper Association Foundation’s Better Newspaper contest. The Register won first place in the sport news story category for weekly newspapers with circulation under 2,000. The story was the account of Shell Lake High School’s football state championship. • Jodi Lynne Thannum, Shell Lake,

was accepted into the professional doctor of veterinary medicine program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Veterinary Medicine. • Kristine Cardwell was chosen to represent Shell Lake High School at the Hugh O’Brien Leadership Seminar at Carroll College in Waukesha, near Milwaukee.

2002 - 10 years ago

• Lance Schultz, 19, Shell Lake, was the new campground manager at the Shell Lake Municipal Campground. At the end of the summer, Schultz, would return to his studies at UW-Stout where he was majoring in technology education. • The home of Dean and Rosemary Faschingbauer, rural Sarona, was rocked as a lightning bolt struck a large, mature tree about 50 feet from their home. The tree exploded, spreading wood well over 100 feet in every direction. The lightning traveled through a drainpipe in the ground, blowing a 1-foot deep trench in the yard to the downspout. The home suffered extensive exterior damage to the siding, gutters and soffits. Inside, the electrical system and most of the electrical appliances were damaged. • The city’s shop lot and sandpit, where sandbags have been available, would close after normal city crew working hours. There had been excessive dumping of garbage, tires and other items like white goods, and the theft of various items like rock and wood, which resulted in returning to the policy of keeping the gates locked during nonduty hours. • Shell Lake first-grade students recognized for reading 100 books during the second semester of school were Jolita Johnson, Nick Christensen, Alexander Augesen, Isaac Cusick, Carissa Forsythe, Jessica Irvine, Alec Stager, Cody Nielsen, Jill Butenhoff, Casey Furchtenicht, Anthony Lloyd, Wyatt Carlson, Brittany Hibbard, Nick Muska, Kayla Blazer, April Richter, Stephanie Stetler and Allison Socha.


ICHC donates first aid kits to SLAC

Indianhead Community Heath Care Inc. donated first-aid kits to the Shell Lake Arts Center on Friday, June 8. The arts center is in its 45th year of bringing students into the community for special camps and workshops. Shown back row (L to R): Tara Burns, arts center director; along with ICHC members Nancy Furchtenicht, secretary; Sue Weathers, president; and Jan Ogden, board member. Front: Mary Johnson, Indianhead Medical Center representative; and Gwen Bartholomew, ICHC treasurer. — Photo by Suzanne Johnson

Washburn County Area Humane Society

ADOPTABLE PETS OF THE WEEK Everyone thinks I’m an interesting cat, I would say I am a cat with “all that.” Interesting why, I bet you’d like to know, With my looks, if entered, I’d win “best of show.” Pale blue eyes, a Siamese was my kin, With a rusty orange coat and some tiger thrown in. Buddy’s my name, you should come check me out, Or I will just sit in my kennel and pout. I can’t let this poem end with you feeling bad, Hey Father’s Day’s coming, a new buddy for Dad. Cats for adoption: 2-year-old neutered orange/white shorthair; 6-year-old spayed/declawed orange/white shorthair; 1-year-old spayed buff shorthair tabby; 3-year-old male black/white shorthair; 6-month-old female black/white kitten; 3-yearold neutered orange/white tiger/Siamese mix; female orange shorthair tiger; two 10-week-old black female kittens; two 8-week-old shorthair kittens; four 10-week-old shorthair gray/tiger kittens and a 7-year-old spayed orange/white tiger. Dogs for adoption: 1-1/2-year-old gray/white male pit bull; 3-year-old spayed black/white pit bull; 8-month-old white male Lab/husky mix; 3-year-old male black/white fox terrier mix; 1-1/2-year-old male black/white rat terrier; 1-year-old male black Lab mix and a 3-year-old neutered brown/white JRT/Chihuahua mix. Also for adoption: Female brown/white teddy guinea pig and a 3-year-old male white/brown rat.

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29-36a-ep 40-47r,Lp

Washburn County Fair receives support

BARRON — Barron Electric Cooperative recently donated $500 to the Washburn County Fair to be used toward the purchase of a large vent tube fan for the sheep/swine barn. The fan will help make the fair more comfortable for the animals and fairgoers. “Without the continued help from our local community, we could not continue to grow and support our kids,” said John Morris, vice president of the Washburn County Fair. The fair will be held July 26-29. Making the presentation were Brian Schulz, Barron Electric’s line superintendent for the Spooner area, and Carrie Baribeau, marketing specialist for Barron Electric. Funds for Barron Electric donations are derived from the Federated Youth Foundation, an administrative trust overseeing unclaimed capital credits of former members. Barron Electric has served the rural area since 1936 and currently provides electricity to nearly 19,000 members. — from Barron Electric

GRANDparent Adventures held at Hunt Hill

SARONA — Hunt Hill will once again be offering their GRANDparent Adventure series. GRANDparent Adventures are afternoon camps for youth and their adult mentors, grandparents, parents and kinship, to enjoy spending time together in nature. Join Hunt Hill Audubon Sanctuary, in Sarona, from 1-4 p.m., on Wednesday, June 20, as they go fishing. Participants will practice casting skills and then head to

one of Hunt Hill’s lakes to try their luck at catch-and-release fishing. If you need fishing poles, please register early. Following the program, an optional swim time with a lifeguard is provided. Preregistration is requested but not required. Call 715-635-6543, e-mail program@hunthill.org or go online to www.hunthill.org to learn more and sign up. — from Hunt Hill

Shell Lake Inland Lake Protection and Rehabilitation District meeting scheduled

SHELL LAKE — The annual meeting of the Shell Lake Inland Lake Protection and Rehabilitation District is set for Saturday, June 23, beginning at 8:30 a.m. at the Shell Lake Community Center. This is a chance to meet your neighbors around the lake, learn about lake issues, and ask questions of and make recommendations to Shell Lake City Council members who serve as the lake district commissioners. All property owners in the city of Shell Lake are members of the lake protection district and are eligible to vote at the annual meeting. Featured speaker this year is Jamison Wendel, DNR fisheries biologist for Washburn and Burnett counties, who will discuss the Shell Lake fishery. There will be booths staffed by experts to provide information on aquatic invasive species, shoreland restoration and buffers, rain gardens and lakeshore regulations. Coffee, juice and rolls will be provided, and there will be door prizes awarded. After time for visiting the booths and meeting your neighbors, the meeting will begin at 9 a.m. and include


a presentation by Dave Vold, lake coordinator, on the past year’s work done by the city under its lake protection grant to improve drainage issues from public property and to study lake water quality. Three positions on the Shell Lake Advisory Committee are up for election, two 3-year terms and one 1-year term. — submitted

Register Washburn County Your Community Newspaper PO Box 455 Shell Lake, WI 54871


School day in a historical setting

he historic Beaver Brook School once again was a place of learning for students one day back in May. Students from Meadow Creek Elementary School in Rice Lake held classes in the schoolhouse on the Washburn County Historical Society museum complex in Shell Lake. On that day, Frank Meidel, instructor at Meadow Creek, taught students that were either home-school students or those attending the church school sponsored by the Seventh-Day Adventists. Rose Mangelsen of the historical society asked me if I would like to stop in and visit the school while it was in session. I observed first-grader Jarod Fast reading from the 1956 printing of the “New Fun with Dick and Jane” book. When I asked Jarod how to spell his name he also gave me the spelling for his last name saying, “F-A-S-T, but I’m not!” In addition to the Beaver Brook School, the historical society complex is comprised of the former St. John’s Lutheran Church that was built in 1888, the annex built in 1896, and the sky watch building that was used for spotting planes during World War II and the Korean War. Also on the complex is the Hewitt Building, where the Washburn County Genealogical Society Research Room is located. Taking a free tour of the museum complex, you will see more than 5,000 items and over 3,000 photos depicting the rich history of Washburn County. The museum is open Fridays and Saturdays, 11 a.m.- 4 p.m., from now until Labor Day.

Students from Meadow Creek Elementary School in Rice Lake had classes in the historic Beaver Brook School at the Washburn County Historical Society complex in Shell Lake in May. — Photo by Suzanne Johnson If you would like to step back in time for a few moments, consider a visit to the museum located on 2nd Avenue in Shell Lake.

Beyond the office door • Suzanne Johnson


Coming Aug. 20, “Ghost visit 2012”

SHELL LAKE — For the fifth year, a play to dramatize the lives of actual people who lived in and around Washburn County will be performed in the park pavilion at Shell Lake. Local volunteer actors will tell the stories of folks who made significant contributions to their communities. The play is sponsored by the Washburn County Historical Society and written by Mary Olsen. Everyone is urged to come and learn a bit of local history and see the past come alive. The people who will be portrayed are Dr. Lester Olson, a medical doctor formerly of Spooner; Alicia Stegeman, for-

Reading program winner

mer sheriff of Washburn County, also of Spooner; Judge Ward Winton, former Washburn County judge of Shell Lake; Ted Haag, the former owner of the Sarona House, a popular restaurant in Sarona; Tony Wise, founder of the American Birkebeiner Ski Race and Telemark Lodge; Harriet Stewart, a writer of poetry of Shell Lake; and Helen Bethel, a local historian and nurse who trained the candy stripers at Spooner Hospital. The play will take place at the parkon Monday, Aug. 20, at 7 p.m., in the pavilion. Admission is free. Bring lawn chairs and stay for the free movie afterward. — submitted

Marilyn Kissinger Scholarship recipients announced

STONE LAKE — General Kissinger announces this year’s Marilyn Kissinger Scholarship recipients. This is the 14th year General Kissinger has donated scholarships to area students in memory of his wife, Marilyn. The scholarship is for students entering the medical field. The recipients are as follows: Jenna Rainville. Stone Lake, will be attending the University of North Dakota-Grand Forks to study nursing. After becoming a registered nurse, Rainville would like to advance her degree and become a nurse practitioner. Traci DePolis, Spooner. is attending WITC-Rice Lake for occupational therapy assistant. DePolis is proving that you can go back to school, while working full time and raising two teenagers, to find the career you want in life. DePolis aims to work in a pediatric unit to help children overcome their health issues. Annie Dunham, Shell Lake, is enrolled in premedical studies at M.I.T. During her summers, Dunham has been working as an emergency medical technician. After medical school and residency, she hopes to return to Shell Lake and establish a practice of her own. Jennifer Cassel, Shell Lake, will be attending UM-Twin Cities for nursing. Excelling in academics and athletics during high school, Cassel would like to continue her ways and excel in nursing so she can specialize in pediatric care. Misty Ganser, Trego, is attending Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwe College for nursing. Working for years as a certified nursing assistant in a nursing home, Ganser is pursuing her RN license, with the hopes of getting her bachelor’s and master’s degrees.

Bailey Kissinger, Weston, will be attending UWMarathon County for nursing. Kissinger wants to be a nurse so that she can always help people every day. Hallee Jorgensen, Stone Lake, will be attending UM-Duluth for a bachelor of science degree in biochemistry/molecular biology. Jorgensen would like to continue with her education and obtain a doctorate in biochemistry so she can become a professor and conduct research in the medical field, Tia Elliott, Shell Lake, will be attending WITC-Rice Lake for nursing. Throughout her life, Elliott has always had an interest in the medical field. She would like to be a nurse because of her love of helping people and seeing firsthand how important nurses are from being a patient herself. Amanda Snyder, Stone Lake, is attending UM-Duluth for athletic training. Snyder’s love for sports and health care led her to the field of athletic training. She has had the opportunity to shadow several trainers and cannot wait for the day she becomes one. Bethany Bulgrin, Spooner, will be attending Viterbo University for nursing. Bulgrin would love to work overseas for a year after her schooling and then hopes to become a neonatal nurse practitioner, Aaron Druschba, Shell Lake, is attending UW-Eau Claire for sports medicine. Druschba plans to pursue an internship in physical therapy once his bachelor’s degree is completed, and then pursue a master’s degree. Wanting to help patients “get back on their feet,” Druschba hopes to return to Shell Lake and become a member of the Indianhead Medical Center health-care team. — from IMC

Beef cattle-handling demo and pasture walk to be held in Hayward

HAYWARD — UW-Extension and the Northwest Wisconsin Graziers Network are happy to invite you to a beef cattle-handling demonstration and farm pasture walk at the Tom, Tweed and Melanie Shuman Farm just outside of Hayward on Saturday, June 23, 1-3 p.m. The Shumans have constructed a new, low-stress Bud Box system for treating and loading cattle that is easy for one or two people to operate. It is an alternative to the common tub system used on many farms. The Shuman Cattle Co., a fourth-generation business, owns a purebred Red Angus cow-calf operation that features rotational grazing. The Shumans currently have 60 cows and 16 bred heifers divided into five groups. They sell about 30 yearling breeding bulls each year. Their cattle have many good traits including docility. The Shumans own 150 acres of grazing land and 30 acres of woods. They also lease 200 acres for hay. A grazing plan was developed


in 2005 and has been updated by Northwest Graziers. This event coincides with the Sawyer County Dairy Breakfast that will be held in the morning at the fairgrounds. The Shumans plan to serve a lunch of pulledbeef sandwiches. So take in the dairy breakfast in the morning and join the Shumans in the afternoon. The farm is located on 11110 N. Company Lake Road just northwest of the city limits of Hayward. From the intersection of Hwys. 63 and 27-77 in Hayward, go one mile northwest on 77 to Nyman Avenue, turn left, proceed 300 feet, then turn right on Company Lake Road, go threefourths mile, looking for the farm on the right. For more information, contact UW-Extension ag agents Otto Wiegand or Kevin Schoessow at Spooner, 715-6353506, or Randy Gilbertson at NW Graziers, 715-520-2112. — from UW-Extension

POSSIBILITIES If you can dream it, we can print it.

Abby Thompson was the first participant in the Shell Lake Public Library’s Summer Reading Program, Dream Big – Read, to reach the reading goal of reading 16 books. Thompson won prizes from the Ice-Cream Shack, Palace Theatre, Pizza Hut, Applebee’s, McDonald’s and the library. — Photo submitted

Museum passes available at the library

SHELL LAKE — Want to visit a zoo, museum or aquarium this summer for summer vacation? Check out a free pass at the library. The Shell Lake Public Library has purchased memberships to the Lake Superior Zoo and the Duluth Children’s Museum and is lending those passes out on a first-come first-served basis to patrons with a Shell Lake Public Library card in good standing. The zoo pass may also be used at the Great Lakes Aquarium in Duluth, Minn., for half off the entrance price. Call the library for more information at 715-4682074. — from SLPL

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Thursday, June 14 • The Shell Lake Lions Club meeting, 6:30 p.m., Shell Lake Community Center. • Fibromyalgia/CFS/Chronic Pain Support Group, 1-3 p.m., Chetek Lutheran Church. Call 715-651-9011 or 715-237-2798 for further information. • Education and support for people affected by cancer, 3:30-5 p.m., Marshfield Clinic Rice Lake Center. Registration required, 715-236-8327. Friday, June 15-Friday, June 22 • Birding camp, Hunt Hill Audubon, Sanctuary, Sarona, 715-635-6543, www.hunthill.org. Saturday, June 16 • Railroad Heritage Festival, Railroad Memories Museum, Spooner, 715-635-3302, www.railroadmemories museum.org. • Indianhead Writers meeting, 1 p.m., at Northwind Book and Fiber bookstore, Spooner. Anyone interested in writing is welcome to attend. Sunday, June 17 • Jazz faculty concert, 7 p.m., Shell Lake Arts Center. Monday, June 18 • Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Support Group, 5 p.m. group activity, 5:30 p.m. dinner, 6-7 p.m. meeting, Lakeland Family Resource Center, 314 Elm St., Spooner, 715-635-4669. • Northern Lights Camera Club, 7 p.m., Trinity Lutheran Church, 1790 Scribner St., Spooner. • Jazz faculty concert, 7:30 p.m., lakeside pavilion, Shell Lake. Tuesday, June 19 • Shell Lake/Spooner Masonic Lodge 221 meeting 7 p.m. at the lodge. Wednesday, June 20 • GRANDparents Adventures: Fishing, Hunt Hill Audubon Sanctuary, Sarona, 715-635-6543, www.hunthill.org. • Jazz faculty concert, 7 p.m., Shell Lake Arts Center. • Games and activities, 1 p.m., Shell Lake Senior Center. • Shell Lake Public Library Board of Trustees meeting, 5 p.m., at the library, Shell Lake. Public is welcome. • The Washburn County Humane Society open board meeting 5:30 p.m., state patrol headquarters, Spooner. Call 715-635-4720 for more information. Thursday, June 21 • Shell Lake PTA meeting, 6:30 p.m., in the 3-12 school library. Baby-sitting will be provided. • Washburn County Historical Society meeting, 4 p.m., Hewitt Building, Shell Lake. • Heart Talk with the Doc, cardiovascular health event, 6 p.m., Northwest Sports Complex, poolside Room, Spooner. RSVP to 715-532-7897. Friday, June 22 • Summer choir concert, 4 p.m., Shell Lake Arts Center. • Jazz camp concert, 7 p.m., Shell Lake Arts Center. • The Shell Lake American Legion meeting, 6:30 p.m., Friendship Commons. • Shell Lake VFW meeting, 7 p.m., Friendship Commons. Saturday, June 23 • Shell Lake Inland Lake Protection and Rehabilitation District annual meeting, 8:30 a.m., booths & speaker at the Shell Lake Community Center. • National Bee Count, Shell Lake, 715-468-2097. • Free community breakfast, 7-10 a.m., First United Pentecostal Church, 337 Greenwood Ave., Spooner. All welcome. Donations accepted. Sunday, June 24 • Jazz faculty concert, 7 p.m., Shell Lake Arts Center. Monday, June 25 • Jazz faculty concert, 7:30 p.m., lakeside pavilion, Shell Lake. Tuesday, June 26 • Town and Country Days Committee meeting, 6 p.m., Shell Lake City Hall. Wednesday, June 27 • Big Band Scholarship Benefit Concert, 7 p.m., Shell Lake Arts Center. • Afternoon bog hike, Hunt Hill Audubon Sanctuary,


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Sarona, 715-635-6543, www.hunthill.org. • Free community supper, 4-6 p.m., St. Alban Episcopal Church, 220 Elm St., Spooner. Thursday, June 28 & Friday, June 29 • American Red Cross blood drive, noon-6 p.m., Thursday; 9 a.m.-noon, Friday, United Methodist Church, 135 Reinhart Drive, Shell Lake. Thursday, June 28-Sunday, July 1 • Mi Familia Spanish Camp for Families, Hunt Hill, Sarona, 715-635-6543, www.hunthill.org. Thursday, June 28 • First-Year Parenting class, 5-8:30 p.m., Spooner Annex Building, UW-Extension conference room. Call Deb Meyer at 715-635-4444 or deb.meyer@ces.uwex. edu. • The Shell Lake American Legion meeting, 6:30 p.m., Friendship Commons. • Shell Lake VFW meeting, 7 p.m., Friendship Commons. • Friday, June 29-Sunday, July 1 “The Three Musketeers,” performed at Erika Quam Memorial Theatre, Shell Lake. Friday and Saturday, 7 p.m. Saturday and Sunday 2:30 p.m. Call 715-4684387 for reservations or visit titw.org. Friday, June 29 • Washburn County Genealogical Society meeting, 1:30 p.m., at the Hewitt Building in the Washburn County Museum complex in Shell Lake. • Jazz camp concert, 7 p.m., Shell Lake Arts Center. Saturday, June 30 • Bog walk, 715-635-6543, www.hunthill.org.


Sunday, July 1 • Jazz faculty concert, 7 p.m., Shell Lake Arts Center. Monday, July 2 • Jazz faculty concert with Randy Sabien, 7:30 p.m., lakeside pavilion, Shell Lake. Tuesday, July 3 • Shell Lake street dance and fireworks, Shell Lake. Wednesday, July 4 • National Butterfly Count, Shell Lake, 715-468-2097.

The eagle has landed

An eagle nest on the shore of Big Ripley Lake, near Sarona, was photographed on Sunday, June 3. “I spent nearly two hours watching them. Most of that time was spent waiting for an adult to return from hunting for food for the young,” commented the photographer. — Photo by Nicholas Wander


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Indianhead Community Action Agency is looking for volunteers to help out in their thrift store and food pantry. Food pantry volunteers must be able to lift at least 25 lbs. Please stop in to ICAA at 608 Service Road and pick up an application or call 715-635-3975 for more information. ••• The Washburn County Area Humane Society is looking for volunteers to update and maintain their Web site and to research and apply for grants. For more information, call Susie at 715-468-2453 or e-mail wcahs@centurytel.net. ••• Terraceview Living Center Inc. is providing opportunities for talented volunteers skilled in group and 1:1 interactions with the elderly. Seeking services between 3-7 p.m. daily. There will be flexibility in scheduling your services. Orientation is provided. If you are interested please stop by their office and fill out an application. ••• Faith in Action of Washburn County is looking for volunteers to provide direct services to seniors and adults with disabilities. Tasks might include transportation, light housekeeping, light yard work, fix-it jobs, telephone and in-person visits. Training is provided, and all volunteers choose what they want to do and when they want to volunteer. For more information, please call 715-635-2252 or e-mail Faith In Action at faithinactionwc@yahoo.com. ••• Washburn County Unit on Aging is in need of volunteer drivers for the Meals on Wheels program and the medical escort program. This is a great opportunity to socialize, meet new people, travel and help others. Mileage is paid to volunteers who use their own vehicles when transporting and/or delivering. You must posses a valid state of Wisconsin driver’s license and be able to read maps, road names and street signs. If interested, please contact Eva at the Aging and Disability Resource Center in Spooner at 715-635-4460. ••• The Wisconsin Canoe Heritage Museum, 312 Front St., Spooner, is seeking volunteers to join its team of keymasters. These are the folks that dedicate three or four hours every couple of weeks during the summer to open the museum exhibit hall to visitors. No special knowledge or skills are required, just a friendly attitude and a willingness to be prompt 30rtfc and responsible. The museum exhibit hall is a pleasant place to spend your time while helping keep this Northwest Wisconsin institution open. The exhibit hall will be opening for the season on Saturday, May 26, when the WCHM puts on its Wisconsin Canoe Heritage Day from 11 a.m.-4 p.m. After that date, the exhibit hall will be open from Wednesday through Saturday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., and on Sundays from 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Keymasters work either half a day or a whole day, whichever they wish, and set their own schedule of days. Inquiries for more information can be made to Jed Malischke at 715-635-2479 or by writing to jmalisch@centurytel.net. ••• ICAA Crossroads Literacy is looking for tutors in reading, health and computer skills. If interested, please contact coordinator Jean Walsh at 715-790-7213 or e-mail walsh7213@yahoo.com. ••• Happy Tonics Visitors Center/Store, Shell Lake. Meet-andgreet position. Sign up for a day, week. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. A volunteer position June to the end of August. Store merchandise sales required. Call Mary Ellen, 715-466-5349. ••• To publish a volunteer opportunity, submit it to us by Monday noon. E-mail it to wcregister@centurytel.net, bring it to the office, or call 715-468-2314. Please list the type of volunteer work you need, as well as dates, times and length of service. Make sure to include your contact information, including your name and phone number. When the volunteer position is filled, please let us know so we can take it off the list. This service is offered free of charge in an effort to bring the community together so those


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2 p.m. AA Closed 7 p.m. AA Open Saturday 10 a.m. AA Closed 7 p.m. AA Closed Fourth Saturday of every month, Pin Night with 5:30 p.m. potluck and 7 p.m. meeting. Closed meetings are for only that group. AA - Alcoholics Anonymous. GA - Gamblers Anonymous. NA - Narcotics Anonymous. Al-Anon - is for relatives and friends of alcoholics.

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Monday: Partners of Veterans women’s support group will meet from 1 to 2:30 p.m., at Counseling Associates in Siren, located across from the Burnett County Government Center. For more information, contact Julie YaekelBlack Elk at 715-349-8575. • Celebrate Recovery meetings at 6:30. This is a Christcentered recovery program. Meetings take place in the Community Life Center at Spooner Wesleyan Church, Hwy. 70 West. For more information, call 715-635-2768. • First Friends Playgroup open to all children. Focus on infants and their caregivers with sensory stimulation and movement experiences. Art project materials provided and the morning closes with circle music time and instrument exploration. 10 a.m. to noon at Lakeland Family Resource Center, 314 Elm St., Spooner. Monday and Thursday: Washburn County Alzheimer’s Day Respite Program is held from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church, Spooner. Daily fee includes lunch and a program of crafts, exercise, games, music, quiet time, etc. For more information, call 715-635-4367. Tuesday: Women Healing Women support group at Time-Out Family Abuse Outreach office, every other Tuesday, 4-5:30 p.m. For survivors of domestic abuse and/or sexual abuse. Free, confidential, closed after first session. For more info or to register, contact Time-Out Family Abuse Shelter Outreach office at 103 Oak St., Spooner, WI 54801, 715-635-5245. • Ala-Teen meets at 6:30 p.m. in the New Life Christian Center in Rice Lake. Use the back entrance. • The Washburn County Historical Society Research Room, 102 West Second Avenue, Shell Lake, open Tuesdays, 9:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. throughout the year. Wednesday: Lakeland Family Resource Center open from noon to 3 p.m. • AA meeting, 7 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church, Spooner. • 9 a.m. to noon, sewing at Shell Lake Senior Center. • Kidstime-Parentime at Lakeland Family Resource Center, 314 Elm St., Spooner, 10 a.m. to noon. Learn, discuss and share ideas and experience to enrich parenting skills. Preselected art or play materials available for children of all ages. Kidstime-Parentime provides quality time for families, networking for parents and a social opportunity for both parents and children. The last Wednesday of the month a potluck lunch is held at 11:15 a.m. Thursday: AA meets at 7 p.m. at Calvary Lutheran Church, Minong. • Al-Anon meets at 8 p.m. in the cafeteria at Indianhead Medical Center, Shell Lake. • Library Fun For Little Ones, 10:30 to 11:15 a.m. Shell Lake Public Library. A time for stories, craft and a snack. No age minimum or maximum for participants. Thursday and Monday: Washburn County Alzheimer’s Day Respite Program, see listing above. Saturday: Flea Market for the Butterflies through July 4 holiday, Monarch Butterfly Habitat, 8-10 a.m. Books, prints, paintings, household. Cancellation if rain. More information, call Mary Ellen, 715-466-5349. Friday and Saturday: The Washburn County Genealogy Research Room, 106-1/2 2nd Ave., Museum Hewitt Building, Shell Lake, opened for the summer on Friday, June 1. The room will be open 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. Volunteers will be able to help the public. Call 715-635-7937 for more information. • Washburn County Historical Society Museum, 102 W. 2nd Ave., Shell Lake, open June through Labor Day, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., 715-468-2982. ••• Amber Bednar, RN, Washburn County Health Department, is available at the public health office to provide breastfeeding basics, how-tos and postpartum support. Appointments can be made at 715-635-4400. Domestic abuse and sexual assault are crimes. Time-Out provides free, confidential victim support. If you or someone you know is experiencing violence in a relationship, please call 800-924-0556. Shell Lake Alano Club Meetings on CTH B, 2 blocks off Hwy. 63. All meetings are nonsmoking Sunday 10 a.m. AA Monday Noon AA Open Tuesday Noon AA Closed 7 p.m. AA Closed Wednesday 1 p.m. AA Open 7 p.m. NA Open Thursday 1 p.m. AA Open 7 p.m. Al-Anon Closed


Unique art and craftwork by over 200 artists. 260 Industrial Blvd. • Shell Lake, WI 54871 Phone 715-468-4122 1rtfc

D.C./from page 4


The Shell Lake choir performed in the Church of St. Paul the Apostle. — Photo by AT Cusick Photography ing, the Chrysler Building and Central Park. Following the view from the Top of the Rock, students had the opportunity to explore Times Square and eat dinner. Then the tour group split into two groups to see “Wicked” or “Lion King” on Broadway. Both shows were unbelievable experiences for the students. The last day of touring brought the group to a ferry heading toward the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. The group first toured Ellis Island and then headed to Liberty Island for a group picture in front of the New York City skyline. The kids had time to tour the island and take pictures with the famous statue that has welcomed immigrants to America for 125 years. Following their tours of Ellis and Liberty islands, the tour group rode a ferry to Battery Park in New York City. Then they began a walking tour that included Ground Zero and the 9/11 Memorial Park, Wall Street, the building of the new World Trade Center tower and China Town. The tour was concluded with a fun dinner at Puglia Restaurant in Little Italy where the band and choir were serenaded with live music and encouraged to dance and shake their napkins. It was a terrific conclusion to a wonderful trip. The students and chaperones were blessed with beautiful, warm, sunny weather throughout the trip. They walked several miles every day and saw and experienced numerous sights. Shell Lake can be proud of how the students represented this community. The students are grateful to the community for the financial support in making this trip possible— submitted

Art club’s work benefits Ventures

The Shell Lake Art Club recently completed a community service project for Ventures Unlimited. The students, along with their advisor, Joan Carlson, designed and painted a sign for the shredding service that Ventures provides to area businesses. — Photo submitted








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The next morning, the buses headed to a tour of the United States Capitol building where the students learned about the acoustics of the dome created to help people hear when meetings were in session before microphones were invented. The students also had an eye-opening experience involving freedom of speech as loud protestors proclaimed their message outside the Capitol building while police officers made their presence known to keep the peace. The afternoon was spent touring the museums of the Smithsonian complex, including the National Air and Space Museum, the National Museum of Natural History, and the National Museum of American History. After touring the museums, everyone boarded the buses for the trip to New York City. The choir students began the next day with a concert in the Church of St. Paul the Apostle. The acoustics were amazing and the choir sounded like they have never sounded before in the gymnasium. Then the jazz ensemble did their second concert on the deck of the USS Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum where the space shuttle was delivered on the same day. The jazz band played to the best of their ability in what would be their last performance under the direction of Aimee Pashby. Pashby was extremely proud of them. The fantastic performances were followed by a fantastic view as the students and chaperones made their way up 70 floors to the observation deck at the Top of the Rock at Rockefeller Center. From the top of this skyscraper, students could see all of New York City below, including the Empire State Build-


Rising from the ashes

the wall of large chimney stones away from the floorto-ceiling cement block wall behind them. “Up until the point I found the print, I was at my lowest point ever. Everything was really and truly gone; everything but the picture of Jesus. It was then that I realized, like those devastated by Katrina, that Christ was all I needed to remind me that I was not alone. My life Bill Hrudka won the poster contest for the Rice Lake changed again after that Centennial Celebration in 1987. A total of 500 posters fire. My despair was rewere printed, making his a limited edition work. placed by a peace from God, and now I paint and draw in a tiny 14’x16’ studio that a friend lent to me. I spend my days at my desk, drawing nature in its glory while gazing out of the window into the green woods. I wouldn’t wish my circumstances on my worst enemy, but I’ve learned to see through it to the higher purpose. I’m also back to doing what I love, painting portraits; portraits of people, children and pets, portraits capturing a moment in Bill Hrudka now creates his art in a humble and time that will never come again.” sparse 14’x16’ cabin. – Photos by Diane Dryden Hrudka’s work is pheme and for the owner of this sylvan renomenal, and he’s available if there treat. When the ashes finally cooled, I went kicking through the debris to see if might be a portrait in your future. He’s anything was salvageable, and under a well on his way to a Web site where he layer of asphalt, there it was, my print of will feature some of his remarkable the face of Jesus that I had done for the work. For now, if you’d like further inchildren’s book and carried to Louisiana. formation, you can call Hrudka at 715It was burned around the sides, but it 225-9679.


survived. It was unbelievable how it didn’t burn even though the fire was so hot it melted all the appliances and pulled


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by Diane Dryden BARRON COUNTY – Bill Hrudka, a 1963 graduate of Eau Claire High School, whose name is easier to pronounce if you leave off the “H,” was an artist from birth. Not only did his mom think he was talented, so did his teachers, all of them. As he progressed through the school system, he was the go-to guy for the high school floats and posters. Naturally, he picked art as his major in college, but he picked the wrong era for the craft. “It was all the modern stuff, like Andy Warhol’s soup cans, and that didn’t interest me, so I changed my major.” Hrudka’s dad had been an artist and spent his life as a special education teacher. It wasn’t too much of a stretch for Hrudka to leave art and pursue a more difficult path like his The fire in a cabin destroyed absolutely everyfather had done. After thing, but this copy of Bill Hrudka work he titled, graduation, he started the “The Face of Forgiveness.” special education department at Shell Lake High School in 1974. while the birds added their sunny sereIt was the same year his father died. nades. After hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Hrudka went on to start the program in Rice Lake and worked in Eau Claire, Coast, Hrudka took some time off and earning two master’s degrees along the accompanied the Salvation Army to help way, one in vocation ed/special needs provide much-needed food to the resiand the other in guidance counseling. dents during the aftermath of the storm. After he retired in 2006, he became an ad- Many people in their area had not eaten junct faculty of Wisconsin Indianhead for days, and some of their food had to Technical College and tutored inmates of be delivered by boats in the homebound the Barron County Jail so they could at- areas that were badly flooded. “It’s so tain their GED certificate, a position he hard to see the hardship these people suffer day after day.” Hrudka said, “For held for four years. many, all they had was the food canteen If you’re an artist, it’s always there below the surface of everything else you we set up and served out of.” Hrudka do. “In 1987 I won the poster contest that brought along his Jesus print from the was chosen for the Rice Lake Centennial book illustration, which he had titled the Celebration with my pen and ink draw- “The Face of Forgiveness,” and he taped ing that had a water soft-color wash on it onto the side of the canteen. He was it.” Not only did they pick his drawing, amazed how many people came by just they produced only 500 prints of the fin- to touch it or blow a kiss. Even during ished work, making his a coveted limited the relentless 95-degree heat and high humidity, the picture never fell off the edition print. Throughout his career as a teacher, vehicle. “It provided encouragement to people and gave Hrudka continued them a sense that his craft using they were not chalk, ink, pencil alone.” and oil, and his Back at the cabin specialty was porin Barron County, trait painting, porhe began working traits of families, again, contentedly individuals, pets surrounded by his and drawings of 35 years of art supwildlife. plies that included His big break his reference matecame in 1987 when Delicate brush strokes, and the rial, canvases, he was asked to be focus on this newly married couple’s easels and his entire the illustrator for a children’s book ti- eyes, gives this beautiful portrait an collection of expensive pens and tled, “Friends of elegant presence. frames. Life was God.” He, like starting to get better again. His two kids Norman Rockwell, based his 78 illustrations of his friends and neighbors, but were doing well. Daughter Sarah is an the face of Jesus was all his own creation. artist in her own right. For her it was capThe picture of Christ turned out so com- turing life with a camera. She has a catapelling that the Northwestern Book- log full of wedding photography to her stores in the Twin Cities marketed it credit. Son Jake went into broadcast jourthrough their catalog, and it was avail- nalism and ended up producing commercials for the Menard’s Corporation. able for sale in their nine stores. With his portrait business doing well, The next time one of the commercials and the commissions he received from comes on, watch for him. He’s one of the the book’s illustrations, life was good for actors, the tall one with a goatee. One morning, really early, a passing a long while, but suddenly and without motorist noticed flames in the direction warning, the wheels came off his successful life that was full of work, toys of the cabin. Even though he immediately dialed 911, by the time the firefightand fame. Tragically this led to his dark days; ers got there, the cabin was pretty much days that no one ever expects will come, gone. All that remained of the 950but they often do. His life was inalterably square-foot cabin was the twisted and changed and for his emotional health’s tortured bedsprings that had fallen from sake he decided to relocate. A friend with the loft above when the floor caved in. “I a cabin full of family memories and arti- lost everything, my clothes, my personal facts said he could bunk there while he possessions and all of my art supplies, was getting his life back together. The plus the peace and harmony in my life cabin was a true log home nestled next and surroundings that I was just recapto the water and surrounded by tall turing. “The cause of the fire was never deterpines that housed wildlife that often came to graze right outside his window mined and it was both devastating for



Sports reporter: Larry Samson E-mail results to: wcregister@centurytel.net


Shell Lake hosts junior high softball tournament

Meredith Kevan won’t have her father standing up for her against the umpire because he is her father. Dan Kevan has a passion for the game that he has played, coached and officiated.

It was a big win for the Shell Lake 2 team as they beat a very tough Barron team 7-6. Shown are Courtney Melton, Savannah Soltis, Sheri Clark, Cassidy Schroeder, pitcher Emily Parish and coach Jason Schroeder. Shell Lake 2 finished in third place in the tournament Saturday, June 9. Spooner Cardinal pitcher Audi Blonk and second baseman Rachel Medley played a good tournament finishing near the middle of the pack.— Photos by Larry Samson

Shell Lake pitcher Teagan Blazer put in a stellar performance on the mound as Shell Lake 1 placed Meredith Kevan reaches through the Prairie Farm second in the Shell Lake Tournament on Saturday, runner as she tries to catch the throw from home. June 9. Prairie Farm defeated Shell Lake in the championship game to earn first place in the tournament.

Golf league scores Butternut Hills Ladies

18-hole Weekly event: Bingo, Bango, Bongo Winner: Janet Jenkins, 42 First flight Low gross: Mary Harrington, 101 Low net: Joyce Niccum, 73 Low putts: Mary Harrington, 32 Second flight Low gross: Jane Johnson, 109 Low net: Vicki Sigmund, 76 Low putts: Gloria O’Flanagan, 32 Third flight Low gross: Lil Bartholomew, 109 Low net: Pati Parker 77 Low putts: Pati Parker, 33

Chip-ins: Joyce Niccum, No. 4; Diane Downs, No. 11; Lil Bartholomew, No. 5

9-hole First flight Low gross: Dorie Washburn, 52 Low net: Myra Traubenik, 38 Low putts: Midge Kinkead, 14 Second flight Low gross: Bev Grocke, 54 Low net: Carol McDonnell, 38 Low putts: Bev Grocke, 14 Third flight Low gross: Arlys Santiago, 57 Low net: Jan Grilley, 39 Low putts: Jan Grilley, 16 Chip-ins: Dorie Washburn, No. 1; Myra Traubenik, No. 9

Spooner Ladies Golf League June 5

9-hole league Low gross/Low Net/ Low Putts Low gross: Ruth Kruger, first, 47; Emily Durand, second, 48 Low net: Cheryl Duden, first, 31; Lee Weiss, second, 32 Low putts: Terri Lindstrom, first, 15; tie second, Mary Lou Barneson, Donna Wilson and Lil Bruno, 16 Chip-ins: Donna Wilson, No. 2; Lil Bruno, No. 8; JoAnn Warner, No. 6 Birdies: Lee Weiss No. 4 and No. 9 18-hole league Beat the Pro and Flighted Skins Dave’s score 73 Nancy Mommsen 72 (net) Penny Schroeder 68 (net) Jane Blockhus 69 (net)

Pat Weiss 71 (net) Mary Dahedl 68 (net) Bobbie Zadra 68 (net) Flighted Skins First flight: Nancy Mommsen, 4, No. 1; Terrie Storlie, 3, No. 9; Pat Weiss, 5, No. 10; Peggy Holman, 2, No. 15; Penny Schroeder, 4, No. 16; and Mary Dahedl, 5, No. 18 Second flight: Connie Pillar, 6, No. 3; JoAnn Downs, 3, No. 4; Sarah Carr, 6, No. 7, and 4, No. 9; Marge Halberg, 7, No. 13; and Eva Brown, 5, No. 14, and 6, No. 16 Chip-ins: Midge Kremer, No. 4; Jane Blockhus, No. 1 and Terrie Storlie, No. 12 Birdies: Peg Holman, No. 15 and Terrie Storlie, No. 9.

It was a staredown between Shell Lake runner Cassidy Schroeder and Spooner catcher Kelsie Jerovac as she approached home plate. The tag was good for the out. Spooner coach Cindy Blonk is giving her player a few words of encouragement.

Bryanna Davis slides under the tag on her steal to second base.


An American passion

Dale Scribner, Spooner, stands in front of his 1920 International truck. What makes this truck unusual is that the engine is reversed, with the fan and radiator in the back of the engine. Advertisements at the time proudly proclaimed that it was easier to work on. He had a 1910 two-cylinder air-cooled International Harvester truck parked next to this one. He drove them into town for the show.

ABOVE: Dan Bullis, with his 1948 DeSoto, with one of the first automatic transmissions called Fluid Drive. DeSoto was a brand name that built and marketed midpriced cars by Chrysler from 1929-1961. Bullis bought the vehicle in 1978 for $175, then put in about $3,400 in parts along with a lot of labor. He had an offer of $13,000 last year, but he couldn’t part with it.

Bill Czekalski puts some last-minute touches to his 1956 Chevrolet 3100 pickup truck that he drove up from Weyerhaeuser for the Badger Wheels Studebaker Driver’s Club car show held Sunday, June 10, at the Washburn County Fairgrounds in Spooner. The orange paint is not original, but the chrome front is. — Photos by Larry Samson

Library has a lot of fun activities lined up for the summer

Sebastian Soltis stares with fascination at a tree frog named Blinky who survived an accident because of the actions of a young boy his age. Author and naturalist Randy Korb, the Frog Guy, wrote about him in a book called “Blinky.” The book is available at the Shell Lake Library and is a wonderful story to share with children.

Salamanders don’t bite. Claire Cross reacts to the feel of a wet salamander, while Archer Schultz is having second thoughts as he waits his turn.

Naomi Kasten, Julia Lyga and Julianna Nelson are exploring a bullfrog at the Shell Lake Public Library Summer Program with the Frog Guy that was held Thursday, June 7. On Thursday, June 14, 2-3 p.m., the Lake Superior Zoomobile will be at the library with snakes, a tortoise, chinchillas and other live animals.

LEFT: Oliver Schmitz wears a tree frog like a pin or button. There are 400 species of frogs found worldwide, and only 10 species live in Wisconsin. Frogs have the ability to survive the hard winters by burrowing into the mud and freezing solid.

Photos by Larry Samson

This is not the normal reaction one would expect from a young girl. Tabitha Johnson had tree frogs walking around on her arm. “They felt funny,” she said afterward.


The 45th season of camp starts with concerts, workshop this weekend

The beginning of new era

An eagle and her young eaglet scan the skies from their nest in Crex Meadows. They are waiting for the male to return with food for the single eaglet. Upon his arrival, she will venture out in search of food for herself and her young one. The diet of eagles consists mostly of fish, but they are opportunist and will eat almost anything. — Photos by Larry Samson

A concert featuring favorites from the big band era will be held at the Potter’s Shed on Friday, June 15, at 7 p.m. — Photo submitted SHELL LAKE — This year, 2012, marks the 45th season of summer programs at the Shell Lake Arts Center, and it all starts this weekend with the adult big band workshop, featuring musicians from across the Midwest coming together to work with jazz man extraordinaire Robert Baca. Participants will perform classic big band charts under the direction of nationally recognized teaching artists. In addition to performing these classic tunes, participants will also study jazz history, improvisation, theory and listening. The final concert for the big band workshop is on Sunday, June 17, 1 p.m., at the lakefront pavilion. Bring a picnic and celebrate Father’s Day with a great free outdoor concert. The faculty of the workshop will perform a concert featuring favorites from

the big band era on Friday, June 15, at 7 p.m., in the garden of the Potter’s Shed. All proceeds from the concert will be put toward student scholarships. Beverages and hors d’oeuvres will be available for purchase in the Potter’s Shed. More free faculty jazz concerts will take place on Sunday, June 17, and Wednesday, June 20, at 7 p.m., in the Shell Lake Arts Center auditorium. The first lakefront pavilion concert will take place Monday, June 18, at 7:30 p.m., as part of the Monday Night Movie festivities. For more information or to view a complete concert schedule, please visit the arts center’s Web site at www. shelllakeartscenter.org or call 715-4682414. — from SLAC

The Shell Lake Sailing Club banquet was held at the Lakeview Hotel in Shell Lake on Saturday, June 9. Peter Moen talked about upcoming sailboat races to be held on Saturdays, July 7 and 14, Aug. 11 and Sept. 1. Ed Fisher talked about the upcoming wine-tasting party on Saturday, June 23. Lakeview Hotel, Tony’s Riverside,

Spooner Market and Grill and Spooner Golf Course donated prizes. Anyone interested in the sailboat races or the wine-tasting party can contact Tom Scott at 715-468-2294. The cost of membership in the club is $5 a family. Events can be seen on Web site www.shelllakesailingclub.org.

563099 43r

Sailing club news by Tom Scott

The mother loon and her chick in the sheltered shoreline on Shell Lake. While the chick is able to swim and dive at birth, she will ride on the back of her parents for several weeks to increase her chance of survival. There are many dangers from above and below the water awaiting this young loon.

A pair of trumpeter swans and their four cygnets are in a protected slough on a small lake south of Shell Lake. The parents are very protective of their young. The young are able to swim within a couple of days and are capable of feeding themselves after several weeks. The adult swan eats aquatic plants, as do the cygnets that will supplement their diets with insects.

This mother goose and her seven goslings are as curious of the photographer as he is of them. Once they have reached this size, the chances of their survival are good. Their parents are going through a molting process and are unable to fly. About the same time they regain their ability to fly, their young will learn to fly. They will fly south together in the late fall and will return together in the spring.

Academic news

MENOMONIE — The following local students from the area graduated from UW-Stout in May. Shell Lake: Serena Lindfors, Bachelor of Science degree in management; Rachael Schmidt, Bachelor of Science degree in hotel restaurant and tourism; Sarona: Scott Perlick, Bachelor of Science degree in applied social science; Birchwood: Adam Sances, Bachelor of Science

degree in packaging; Sheena Wick, Master of Science in mental health counseling. — from ReadMedia ••• ELY, Minn. — Jonathan Henk, Birchwood, graduated on May 8 from Vermilion Community College in Ely, Minn. He earned a degree in natural resource technology, forestry/wildlife. — from The Link


SHS recognized as June’s Health Care Organization of the Month

Area Writer’s corner

The queen’s celebration

by Mary B. Olsen When they told George Washington he should be crowned king of our newly formed country, he refused to consider such a thing. We had a new government in tune with most of our citizens. Ours was definitely not a monarchy. England kept their monarchy. The powers of the royals were taken from them, leaving the role of a king or queen mostly ceremonial. The current queen of England, Queen Elizabeth II, is celebrating 60 years as the reigning queen in this Year of Our Lord, 2012. She will be traveling all over England where ceremonies in her honor are being held. She was born on April 12, but her birthday was celebrated on June 12, instead. We wonder why, but we can just say that they have some rather strange traditions in England. King Edward VI decided he would celebrate his birthday, which was in November, in June. It may have been because of a crowded calendar, or the weather might have been a factor, but ever since, they set the king or queen’s birthday in June. Royalty can command things like this. Actually, I think we could move our birthdays to one day only, and celebrate them all at one big party. Maybe we could even knock off a few years by our command. Wouldn’t happen. I think we like our birthdays on our birthdays. Other than this strange custom, and the monarchy, we share quite a lot of customs with the British people. We certainly love celebrations, especially parades and setting off fireworks. This jubilee celebration started already and will be rather difficult for a lady of her 86 years. There will, of course, be parades and concerts and visits to the common people at village halls, and there will be many teas and dinners. Then there is the Trooping the Colour ceremony. She will be in a horse-drawn carriage. When she was a younger woman, she rode her own favorite horse, Bernese, when she had to pass the guard of honor, sidesaddle. There will be 21-gun salutes. There will be visiting heads of state and representatives from Australia, Bermuda, Canada, Falklands, Fiji, Gibraltar, Hong Kong and New Zealand. Perhaps others, as well. There might be someone from our country. She just might be too busy to receive our folks. There was no expectation of the daughter of King George VI becoming the Queen of England. You might say the world turned upside down. The royal line was broken when King Edward VIII, who had been groomed all his life to be king, abdicated. He had fallen in love with a young American, a commoner as well as a divorcee. He was told he could not marry this woman, so he chose to take himself out of the family and marry the woman. They gave him the title, the Duke of Windsor. He and Wallis Simpson went on to live a rather strange married life, with nothing to do but attend sporting events, dress nice, and behave well in public. After Elizabeth’s father, that vacancy had to be filled by young Elizabeth, and 60 years ago, she became the Queen of England. A lot of water has gone under the London Bridge since then.

The queen has served her people through years of turmoil and political problems. During World War II, she stayed in London and went down into the bomb shelters with the people. She did defense work. She raised money and encouraged the people. They were difficult years. Many of royal birth went into exile away from the dangers of the war. She was intrepid, I would say, and carried herself well. We had some news from England in our newsreels at the movies, and in our newspapers and on radio. There is sometimes a demand by the people to stop all the spending on royalty. The Queen of England is a wealthy woman. They reduced her income so she is on a limited budget. It amounts to about $50 million a year, but in British money. She has a net worth of $500 million. It takes a lot of money to care for her castles, I suppose, and she must use care in the selection of her wardrobe. I have never seen her dressed in poor taste, except for her choice of hats, which can be frivolous. She wears suits with below knee-length hems and exhibits good posture. She wears pastels, her favorites. She did wear royal blue for her 60th birthday celebration. The queen’s dressmaker for nearly 50 years, Sir Hardy Amies, passed away in 2003. She must rely on designers who are engaged by wealthy people these days. She likes to present herself as someone in tune with the people and often is obliged to stand in a receiving line for hours. Yet she likes to mingle with commoners at events where she is not too elegantly dressed. She has a milliner, a cobbler, a glove mistress and a purse purveyor. When she travels she must carry a lot of luggage, some say it is 57 suitcases, and her retinue to carry them. She and Philip Mountbatten were married Nov. 20, 1947. They first met when she was 13, and she fell in love with him a few years later. She worried about him while he served in the Pacific during the war. In 1946, he visited Elizabeth at Balmoral and asked her father for his daughter’s hand in marriage. They celebrated their golden wedding anniversary in 1997 and renewed their vows before the Archbishop of Canterbury. Afterward, they dined with 150 guests on fish and partridge. She is a lady of privilege. She can drive without a driver’s license and travel without a passport. She had a boat, too, and some castles. The royal biographer, Sarah Bradford, wrote about the queen’s life, offering a world of wealth and pleasure. But she had simple tastes and desires. She loved Balmoral, the estate in Scotland consisting of 50,000 acres. She wrote, “Balmoral is the place where Elizabeth can fulfill her dream of being ‘married to a farmer and having lots of horses and cows and dogs.’” Her majesty has gone on 261 overseas visits to 116 countries as of the first of January of this year. Two of them were to the United States. One was in 1957 and another in 2010. She has met every U.S. president except Lyndon Johnson. If she lives another couple of years, she will have ruled England longer than Queen Victoria. As they say in England, long live the queen!

Tami Schwab, Carol Sloan, Dan Stillwell and Marilyn Norton are sporting the new windbreakers given to them and the other employees of Spooner Health System. — Photos by Larry Samson

Clinton Miller and Becky Busch are only too happy to serve Karen Schultz at the BBQ held Thursday, June 7, to celebrate Spooner Health System’s being recognized as June’s Health Care Organization of the Month by Studer Group.

SPOONER — Spooner Health System hosted a pig roast for all of their employees on Thursday, June 7, to celebrate being recognized as June’s Health Care Organization of the Month by Studer Group. About four years ago, SHS’s senior leaders and board of directors recognized the need to make improvements in the service they were providing and set themselves apart from their competition. They made the decision to embark on a Commitment to Excellence journey and partnered with Studer Group, a healthcare consulting firm that helps hospitals achieve and sustain clinical, service and operational excellence. Since 2009, they’ve implemented many of Studer Group’s evidence-based tools to make SHS a better place for patients to receive care, employees to work and physicians to practice medicine. “Our Commitment to Excellence isn’t just a program, it’s a culture change,” says Kathy Boissy, registered nurse. “Implementing some of Studer Group’s tactics has opened up communication between administration and the employees, making it a great place to work. The culture change has also proven to help us not only provide quality medical care but also excellent service to our patients.” “Seeing tangible results has really helped me, and I think many other employees, see value in SHS’s investment,” says Ashley Gargulak, lab tech. “It is noticeably a much better place to work than it was a few years ago. We’ve come a long ways, and I feel good about the direction we’re heading.” “We’ve also implemented many important practices that have definitely improved the care we are providing to our patients,” says Tammy Saldana, registered nurse. “I have had the opportunity to use these great tools and have personally seen the positive impact they have on patient care.” Saldana adds, “It’s rewarding to help a patient’s anxiety decrease or to help a patient understand their discharge instructions over the phone after they are back home.” Many employees like Saldana appreciate being given the tools they need to effectively do their job. Studer Group works with over 800 health-care facilities throughout the na-

tion. Each month, they select two organizations to bestow this award to in recognition for standing out from their peers and being a premier example of quality health care. “We are very honored and excited to be selected as a Health Care Organization of the Month from Studer Group,” says Mike Schafer, SHS CEO. “This is really a big deal, so we wanted to do something special to celebrate this great accomplishment and show our appreciation to each and every employee for their commitment and good work.” All employees were invited to attend the pig roast. Each employee also received a wind shirt with a FIRE STARTER logo in addition to the Spooner Health System logo. Quint Studer, founder and CEO of Studer Group, describes a fire starter as a person who keeps the true essence of the organization alive and flourishing. Fire starters ignite the flame that guides and supports the organization. SHS gave the shirts to employees to thank them for their commitment to both SHS and the patients they serve—for being fire starters in health care at SHS. “A special thank-you goes to the managers and service team members at SHS for their dedication and effort to help us change our culture and move our organization forward in pursuit of excellence always,” says Schafer. “We simply would not be where we’re at as an organization without them.” Gratitude is also extended to the board of directors for their support. “Though we appreciate the recognition for our accomplishments and this award is surely a milestone in our progress,” adds Schafer, “we realize there is still improvement to be made and we look forward to striving toward an even higher level of excellence.” The pig roast was catered by Kidder’s Chuck Wagon Barbecueing. Employees of Essentia — Spooner Clinic, Sundance Rehabilitation and Spooner Nursing Home were also invited to attend the event for their contributions in helping SHS successfully live out their mission “To provide high-quality health care.” — from SHS


Dewey Country

We got a nice rain here this last week and it was most welcome. Yes, these corn and soybeans got a welcome drink, and of course, it helped everything along the way. We got over 2 inches of rain, and we’re looking for another good storm. A very happy anniversary to Mark and Laurel Stellrecht as they enjoy their special day together on June 14 with many more. Happy birthday to Cody Swan on June 14 as he enjoys his special day with lots more to come. Happy birthday to Chad Jensen and his pooch, Winnie, on June 14 with many more to come. Happy anniversary to Butch and Loretta VanSelus as they enjoy 21 years together on June 15. Enjoy your anniversary. Happy anniversary to Shawn and Jenny Albee on June 15 with lots more to come. Happy anniversary to Marilyn and Jim Toll on June 16 as they enjoy their special day. Happy anniversary to Matt and Crystal Potter on June 16 as they enjoy their special day together. Happy birthday to Robin Melton and to Gabe Skluzacek on June 16 with more to come. Happy birthday to Doris Linton on June 17. Many more, Doris. Happy anniversary to Rita and Nathan Urnes as they celebrate together June 17 with lots more to come. Happy anniversary to James and Tessa Trudell on their special day June 18. Have a great day. Happy anniversary to Alvin and Esther Honetor on their special day June 19 with many more. June 20, a very happy birthday to Carter Lawrence as he celebrates his special day with more to come. Happy anniversary to John and Barb Rawling, celebrating together on June 20, with lots more to come. Happy anniversary to Jeff and Dee Redding as they enjoy 26 years together on June 21. Happy anniversary to Andy and Melissa Hillman on June 21 with many more. Happy birthday to Carlton Miller, JoElle Petz and Gina Hile, all on June 21 with more to come.

by Pauline Lawrence

June 22, a very happy birthday to Harlan Nelson as he turns 5 years old. Have a wonderful day, Harlan. Our deepest sympathy to the family of Donnie Denotter who passed away June 14 at the Spooner hospital. Funeral services were held at Lakeview United Methodist Church on June 8. The church was packed with about as many people downstairs as in the church. Burial was in the Lakeview Cemetery in Hertel. He will be missed by his many friends and relatives. June 21, mark this on your calendar, it is the opening for the Country Lane Pantry Farmers Market in Barron. One day last week, I was walking Rory by Honetor’s Bridge, and I looked up and what did I see but a black bear. It came across from Honetor’s or Steve Hulleman’s and walked toward me. Of course, I’m a little afraid of bears, and I grabbed Rory and I yelped and yelled, and it finally went into the ditch by the bridge. Whew! The Shell Lake Fire Department was called out to the Jerry Mortensen farm as their barn was on fire. I understand they were burning something in their yard and caught the barn on fire. Thursday, Penny Ladd, Rem, Ry and Ree came out to help get their strawberries done. The three wee little ones enjoyed playing while Penny and I froze berries. By the way, I also did three pails on Tuesday and the berries are beautiful. They were from Buddy’s Berries owned by the Warren Quam’s. Saturday, Jeff and Penny Ladd, Rem, Ry and Ree had a birthday party for Remington Ladd who turned 10 years old. Paula and Kenzie Cramer, Cathy Ladd and friend Barry, Jason Ladd, wife and son Nicholas, Jeremy Ladd and his three little ones, Dorothy Lashmett, and others were there including Rory and myself. Jeff did some grilling and we had oodles of food, which we enjoyed. Did anyone watch the Celtic Thunder Voyage on TV Saturday evening? They really put on a great show. Tuesday found Jim and Sandy Atkinson on their way to North Branch, Minn., where that evening they attended their granddaughter, Marjorie Otto’s, high

school graduation from North Branch High School. They stayed overnight with their son, Jimmy Atkinson, and came home the next day. June 16 Marjorie will be the honored guest at a graduation party, which Jim Atkinson’s will attend. Mark June 24 on your calendars as that’s when the Jim Atkinsons will be honored for their 50th wedding anniversary. June 6 there was a birthday party at Jim Toll’s put on by Tammy Moe for Jim and Bob Fjelstad’s birthday. They had the party in Jim’s gazebo, with lots of food. Harry and Verna Dahlstrom and Bill Taubman and his friend also attended. Bill Taubman had shoulder surgery in Eau Claire recently. Get-well wishes go out to Bill. Saturday, Diane Hulleman was guest of honor at a luncheon at Nancy Thompson’s. This was for Diane’s birthday, which she celebrated in Ireland. There were four other gals there helping Diane celebrate. Evelyn Melton took in a baby shower at the Wesleyan Church in Spooner on Saturday. Otto and Robin Lawson stopped in for a visit at Butch and Loretta VanSelus’ on Friday. They were on their way to Iowa where they will make their home. Diane Hulleman was mowing her lawn

Saturday, which takes five hours. I guess you’ll have to get a John Deere, Diane. My air-conditioning motor went out on Friday. Steve Hulleman checked it out and the blower needs a new motor. And yes, it had to happen on the warmest days of summer. What do you think? People aren’t happy anymore. Have you noticed it? They don’t smile at you, make any gesture to acknowledge to you and just seem to be in their own world. Is this due to the world economy? Visiting at Garry and Beth Crosby’s over the weekend were Ed and Rita Vanek, Jerry and Robin Denver, Sue Pries. Don and Ilene Moosa, Steve Silverling and Shorty and Tom Crosby. Chad, Ashley Crosby, Chase and Morgan were home for the weekend. Garry and Beth were at Don Denotter’s visitation. Sunday evening, the Crosbys and Chuck and Dixie Andrea took supper to Greg and Judy Leonard. Beth tells us her brother, Dan Denver, had one of his kidneys removed and is getting along well after finding cancer. Scatter sunshine! Have a great week!

NSTC starts season with Rodgers and Hammerstein’s “State Fair”



In Memory of... 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37.

Northern Star Theatre opens its summer musical season with Rodgers and Hammerstein’s musical “State Fair.” Set against the colorful backdrop of an American heartland tradition, “State Fair” travels with the Frake family as they leave behind the routine of the farm for three days of adventure at the annual Iowa State Fair. Performances are Wednesday-Friday, June 20-22, 7 p.m., and Sunday, June 24, 2 p.m.; and again Wednesday-Friday, June 27-29, 7 p.m., with a final performance Sunday, July 1, at 2 p.m. Reservations are recommended by calling 715-736-4444. The theater is located at 104 S. Main St., Rice Lake. Some of the cast members are (L to R): Stephen Mitchell, Cate Kopkey, David Mitchell, Bambi Forcey, Andrew Fowler and Shannon Johnson. — Photo submitted

Money for our flowers donated...

Joyce Arness John Beardsley Jean Bitner Frank & Mary Boyle Lucille F. Brown Leo & Marion Campbell Goldean Dahlgren Bob Ericksen Norm & Ken Faber John Frischmann John Richard Frischmann Paul & Loretta Guertin John & Kate Hoar Louis & Marie Hoecherl Laura C. Jarpe Vivian Johnson David Paul Juza Dave & Gladys Kidder Karen Kinney George W. Lee Jr. Maxine Lenz Chuck Lewis, husband Chuck Lewis, father Chris & Norma Lokken Donna Magnusson Mary Beth Meyers Sam Meyers Dale & Barbara Moen Gordon Monson Ken Organ Alex Pattee Mike Pesko, grandfather Marge & Rhiny Reinhart Loraine Richason Helen & Leo Shattuck Patricia Smith Patricia Spafford Smith

38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44.

Marlo Swan Lynne Taubman Bill & Gladys Waggoner Sara Waggoner William & Blanche Weberg Ken White John Zeug

In Honor of... 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Courtesy of... 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

Jim & Mary Cron Dahlstroms Lakeside Market Gene & Mary Harrington Ray & Sue Heilborn Lakeview Bar & Grill Richard & Joanne Linden Northern Mediation & Counseling, LLC Parkinson Dermatology, SC Red Barn Campground & Red Barn Berries St. Joseph’s Congregation Shell Lake Full Gospel Church Shell Lake Laundromat Shell Lake Marine Shell Lake Woodcrafters Skinner Funeral Home Surgery Clinic of Spooner Mike & Tracie Tewalthomas Xcel Energy


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Barronett by Judy Pieper

Richard Pieper and Delores Schultz had a housewarming party on Friday afternoon at their new home in Barron. About 50 friends attended. Richard and Delores provided plenty of snacks, and Richard made sure that everyone’s coffee cup was filled at all times. He’s a great host. Their new home is beautiful, and we all hope they will be very happy there. Duane and I were among the many attendees at the Rice Lake High School graduation ceremony on Wednesday evening. Our granddaughter, Jensyn Marsh, was one of the graduates. Jensyn will be going to Stout in the fall. Art Adams and I went to St. Paul, Minn., to attend Sanara Marsh’s graduation ceremony on Friday. Sanara graduated with honors from Centennial High School in Lino Lakes. She will be going to college in Boston this fall. I was very impressed with the student speakers at both graduations. I think the kids today are much smarter and more sophisticated than we were when we graduated. Of course, you have to remember that I’m talking about 50 years ago. You know you’re getting old when half of your grandchildren have already graduated from high school. Wouldn’t it be great to be that age again and be able to go to college and become someone who would make a big difference in the world? I wish all the graduates the best of luck in their futures. Bev and Joe Blank are back here in God’s country for the summer. We saw them enjoying breakfast at the Red Brick on Sunday. Bev said that they got here in May. It’s nice to have our snowbirds returning. Don and Anitia Lehmann and Duane and I went to Merrill on Thursday for the rodeo banquet and to watch our granddaughter, Miriah Lehmann, compete in the Miss Rodeo Wisconsin competition. The girls modeled in leather dresses, gave speeches and answered impromptu questions. Naturally, we thought Miriah outshone everyone in the room. She is beautiful, personable, and an excellent horsewoman. After a four-day competition, the judges did pick the other contestant as Miss Rodeo Wisconsin, but we really don’t care. In our hearts, we know that Miriah is the best there is. We wish the new queen all the best and hope she enjoys her reign. I’m sure I missed some things this week because there is so much going on, but hopefully I’ll catch up next week. You have a wonderful week and I’ll see you next time.

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the graduation open house for their grandson, Ryan Hanna. Earl, Joan, Elika, Daniel, Caleb and Christina Korhonen from Radcliffe, Iowa, visited Donna and Gerry Hines Saturday. Earl was the pastor at Timberland Lutheran Church for a number of years. Lida Nordquist and Marlene and Bruce Swearingen took Nina and Lawrence Hines out to eat Saturday evening to celebrate Lawrence’s birthday. The singing group Hear by Faith gave their Christian testimony through word and song during the worship service at Lakeview UM Church Sunday morning. Sunday visitors of Gerry and Donna Hines were Hank and Karen Mangelsen, and Lida Nordquist.


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Sympathy is extended to Melba Denotter and her daughters, Michele and Andrea and their families, due to the death of Melba’s husband, Donnie. He was 74. Clam River Tuesday Club met June 6 at the home of Sue Mroszak. The location and date of the next meeting are pending. Lawrence and Nina Hines went to Eden Prairie, Minn., Thursday and stayed overnight with Nancy and Steve Hagen. They went out to eat with family members to celebrate birthdays of Ryan and Nancy Hagen, Josh Hennagir and Lawrence. Claude McCarty visited Don, Eleanor and Dale Grunnes Saturday morning. That evening, Karen and Hank Mangelsen called on the Grunnes family. Sunday visitors were Bev Brunclik, Jack and Grace Sexton, and Ethel Clausen. Maynard and Ronda Mangelsen went to Princeton, Minn., Saturday and attended

Dewey-LaFollette by Karen Mangelsen


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Long Lake Lutheran as she was working in that area. Peder Pederson and a few friends went to Solon Springs for dinner on Sunday at the community center put on by the local churches. Wallace Whittler of Indiana and a few friends are up here visiting relatives and helping Wendell Turpin with his house. Wallace’s mom, Hazel, and Wendell’s, mom, Pauline are sisters. My brother, Milton Odden, of Rice Lake, is currently in the convalescent care unit getting rehab. We welcome to Glenview Sophie Zabielski. She comes to us from the Long Lake area. Get-well wishes to Louis Neste, a patient in the Spooner hospital. Our prayers are with you … hurry back. Visiting here from Florida are Bonnie Powers of Gainsville and Larry Markgraf of Carson City. Jude Bolterman joined them for lunch on Sunday. They were both former employees of Shell Lake hospital. Jeff Pederson took in his granddaughter, Elizabeth’s, T-ball game in Shell Lake on Wednesday evening. We must learn that, like farmers, we can’t sow and reap the same day.

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We had some bad storms coming up to us from the southern states. We had thunder and lightning and rain. You can expect storms after the hot weather we have had the last few days. Everything is growing and blossoming. Our tenant, Andy W., has planted his garden here at Glenview, and I’m sure there is not a weed in it! He is taking good care of it. Well, our school band buses returned on Friday and reported a fabulous time. Sorry to hear our band director, Aimee Pashby, is leaving us for the Rice Lake School District. She has been just great at teaching our young people things that they will not forget. Good luck to you. The Shell Lake School softball team lost their game last week. They gave us a good year, and next year they will be doing their best again. Arlys Santiago and her sister, Audrey Carlson, returned on Tuesday having spent several days with sister Avis Paulson in Verndale, Minn. On Saturday, Arlys Santiago joined the Morey families at Tony’s to celebrate Jene Morey’s birthday. Birthday blessings to you Jene. On Sunday, Arlys went to church at

562769 32a-e,tfc 43rtfc

This has been an incredibly busy week in Barronett, and everywhere else, I’m guessing. Graduations, weddings, anniversaries — something for everyone. The Tri-County Dairy Breakfast, held at the Washburn County Fairgrounds on Saturday morning, was, once again this year, worth waiting for … in a very long line. They serve the best food there, naturally, but the very best part of the breakfast is seeing and visiting with people that we don’t see all that often. We heard that more than 1,500 people were there for breakfast. Harry Dahlstrom was there giving kids rides on his little train. Pat Fankhauser had his team of black horses hooked to a wagon and was giving rides in that. I don’t know how many people took rides, but that train and wagon never stopped except to reload the entire time we were there. There were antique tractors to check out, and one man had a little farm, with working machinery, set up. There was face painting and games for the kids, and little animals for them to see. We had a great time. Marylin and Leonard Lang celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary with a huge party at the Barronett Community Center on Saturday. The party was hosted by the Langs’ daughters and sons-in-law, Sandy and Don Albee, Sue and Tim Albee, Vickie and Willie Lombard, Peggy and John Smith, Brenda Lang and Lee Jerry, and Cheryl and Eric Miller. Marylin’s sister, Delia Lewis, and her three sons, Arlen, Al and Todd, and the boys wives, came all the way from Madison, S.D., to attend the party. Some of Leonard’s family also traveled miles to attend. His brother, Don, came down from Hayward, his brother, Leo, came from Coon Valley, and his sister, Linda, came from Aberdeen, S.D. There were also lots and lots of friends from this area who stopped by to congratulate the couple on so many years of wedded bliss. Marylin said that they had a very nice time and that they appreciated everyone who stopped by to wish them a happy anniversary, There was a going-away party at the Lehmann hunting cabin on Saturday for Simon Hallgren. Simon’s mom and dad, Maria and Stephen, and his sister and her fiancé, Sophia and Anton, were here from Sweden for the party. My goodness, they are nice people. They were thrilled to be visiting the United States and were looking forward to seeing Florida. They gave us lots of ideas of what to do and see if we are ever able to travel to Sweden. Simon has enjoyed his stay with Shane and Angela Lehmann, and is looking forward to coming back to visit

Heart Lake news

NANCY’S PLANT SALE Thursday, June 14, 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Friday, June 15, 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday, June 16, 8 a.m.-2 p.m.

Hardy Perennial Plants: Hosta - 22 varieties; Angelica; Daylilies; Ferns; Hops; Phlox; Ligularia; Baneberry; Lupines; Bleeding Heart; Big Root Geranium; Ginger; Astilbe; Peonies; Jack in the Pulpit; and much more.


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Send death notices/obituaries to P.O. Box 455, Shell Lake, WI 54871 or e-mail wcregister@centurytel.net

Donnie T. Denotter

Donnie T. Denotter, 74, Siren, died June 4, 2012, at Spooner Health Systems Hospital. Donnie was born on May 31, 1938, to Harry and Beatrice Denotter in the Town of Dewey. He attended Doren School through eighth grade and graduated from Shell Lake High School in 1956. After high school, he went on to get his associate degree from WITC in Superior. Donnie married Melba Michaelson on Aug. 5, 1961, in Milltown. In 1961, he joined the U.S. Army and was honorable discharged in 1963. Donnie helped out with the Burnett County 4-H and agricultural group. He was a volunteer firefighter and first responder for Hertel from 1994-2001 and was on the LaFollette Town Board for almost 20 years. He worked for A-I Cattle for many years. Donnie was an

avid reader and enjoyed making maple syrup but most of all enjoyed spending time with his family. Donnie is preceded in death by his parents; and sister Beatrice Wendelschafer. He is survived by his wife; daughters Michele (Darryl) Suskin and Andrea (Robert) Williamson; grandson Michael Williamson; and mother-in-law Valeria Michaelson. Funeral services were held Friday, June 8, at Lakeview United Methodist Church, Hertel, with Pastor Jack Starr officiating. Connie Quam provided the music. Pallbearers were Austin Denotter, Shane Denotter, Lance Denotter, Maynard Mangelsen, Robert Williamson Jr., and Darryl Suskin. Online condolences can be made at www.swedberg-taylor.com. The Taylor Family Funeral Home was entrusted with arrangements.

Senior Lunch Menu

Monday, June 18: Beef-tomato casserole, creamed corn, berry yogurt parfait, bread, butter, milk, coffee. Tuesday, June 19: Salisbury steak, red and gold potato medley, tossed salad, brownie, bread, butter, milk, coffee. Wednesday, June 20: BBQ drumsticks, potato salad, baked squash, fruited gelatin dessert, bread, butter, milk, coffee. Thursday, June 21: Turkey rice soup, crackers, fruit juice, marble cheddar on wheat, cookie, milk, coffee. Friday, June 22: Kraut smothered chop, mashed potatoes, buttered carrots, baked apple slices, rye bread, butter, milk, coffee. Meal reservations must be made at least 24 hours in advance. Call 715-468-4750.

Exercise your brain. Read the newspaper.

Spooner School of Dance holds recital

Dancing in Ballet 9 to “Phantom of the Opera” are (L to R): Sophia Meaux, Miranda Haack, Madeline Dennis, Beth Kujala and Ally Jacoby.

Dancing in the Theater Jazz group (L to R) are: Annabelle Revak, Spencer Peck, Kate Heino, Corey Peck, Abby Story, Ciarra Lechman, Peddy Van Meter, Jilian Kaefer, Laura Richey and Mariah Schultz. – Photos by Larry Samson

Dancing to the song “Another Brick In the Wall” was (L to R) Dancing in the Ballet 6 group, Ellie Meister, Kayla Boutwell, Tiffany Herzog, Amanda Heino, Grace Haakenson, Gideon Fugman, Becca Cottrell and Olivia Jury per- Ava Meister, Laura Johnson, Katie Haines and Sophia Del Fiacco. formed “The Promise.

Dancing in Jazz 4 to the song “Summertime Blues” was (L to R) Jackie Rosenbush, Sydney Atkinson, Carly Osborn, Grace Thomas, Kaylee Haynes and Grace Christensen.

Come Help Us Celebrate

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Sunday, June 24, 1 - 4 p.m.

562992 43rp

No Gifts Please

Steve Naglosky and his daughter, Madeline, in a dance routine. Naglosky and 12 other fathers got the opportunity to dance to the song “My Girl.” It was a special moment for them and those in the audience at the Spooner School of Dance Recital held Friday, June 8, and Saturday, June 9, Dancing in Ballet 8 to the music from “Star Wars” are back row at the Spooner High School audito(L to R): Ava Meister, Emmie Bassett and Peddy Van Meter. Middle: rium. It was just 10 years ago that AuGrace Olson, Gabrielle Skidmore and Kaylee Peck. Front: Maryn rora Kohler, who was 20, and Paige Kohler, who was 17, acted on their Bengs, Alecia Knoop and Alyssa Hodgett. dream and started the Spooner School of Dance.


hese past two weeks at the boat landing were extremely busy, which was largely due to Memorial Day weekend. During Memorial Day weekend, we inspected 111 boats and sold 23 annual permits and 45 daily permits. I extend gratitude to everyone for his or her patience and cooperation that weekend. During the past two weeks, we inspected

370 boats and sold 85 annual permits and 127 daily permits. The other two full-time inspectors this year are Mackenzie Curtis and Jared McQuade. Alternates are Ryan Mikula, Kristen Kraetke, Austin Shoots and Tanner Williams.

Invasive species • Joe Mikula


Lake Park Alliance 53 3rd Ave., Shell Lake Pastor John Sahlstrom Lay Pastor Richard Peterson Youth leader Ryan Hunziker 715-468-2734 Worship Service: 10 a.m. Youth Group, 7th - 12th grades: Wednesdays 7 - 8:30 p.m.


Northwoods Baptist

Spooner Baptist

W7135 Green Valley Rd. (Green Valley Rd. and Hwy. 63) Pastor Darrel Flaming 715-635-2277 www.spoonerbaptist.com Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. Sunday evening service 6 p.m. Wed. evening service 6:30 p.m.


St. Joseph's Catholic

100 N. Second St., Shell Lake Father Edwin Anderson Saturday Mass: 4:30 p.m. Books and Coffee: Tues. 9 a.m.

St. Catherine's Catholic

CTH D, Sarona Father Edwin Anderson 715-468-7850 Sunday Mass: 8:30 a.m.

St. Francis de Sales

AREA CHURCHES Episcopal St. Alban's

Corner of Elm and Summit St., Spooner Father Bob Rodgers 715-635-8475 Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Holy Eucharist: Sunday at 10:30 a.m. and Thursday at 9:30 a.m. Morning prayer: 8:15 a.m. Monday - Thursday

Full Gospel Shell Lake Full Gospel

W6268 Cranberry Dr., Shell Lake; 1 mile north of CTH B on U.S. 253 Pastor Adam Dunshee 715-468-2177 Sunday School: 10 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. Sunday service: 6 p.m. Wednesday service: 7 p.m.

409 N. Summit St., Spooner Father Edwin Anderson 715-635-3105 Saturday Mass: 6 p.m. Sunday Mass: 10 a.m.


293 S. Hwy. 63, Shell Lake Pastor Virgil Amundson 715-468-2895 Sunday School & Adult Education Classes: 9 a.m. Celebration worship 10 a.m.; KFC (Kids For Christ) during Service; UTurn Student Ministries 6 p.m.; Tuesdays: Compassion Connection (Men only) 7 p.m.; Wednesdays: Compassion Connection (Women only) 7 p.m.; Thurdays: Compassion Connection (Coed meetings) 7 p.m.;


Barronett Lutheran

776 Prospect Ave., Barronett Pastor Todd Ahneman 715-671-3197 (cell) Sunday Worship: 9 a.m. The Spirit Connection Youth Group will meet the first Wednesday of the month at 6 p.m.

Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church

(WELS) Hwy. 70 at Hwy. 53, Spooner Pastor Gene E. Jahnke 715-635-7672, Home: 715-354-7787 Sunday Worship: 9:30 a.m. Sunday School and Bible class: 10:45 a.m.

Faith Lutheran

(Missouri Synod) South of Spooner off Hwy. W7148 Luther Rd. Pastor Brent Berkesch 715-635-8167 Sunday 9. a.m. Worship Thursday, 6:30 p.m. Worship Lutheran Hour on WJMC 96.1 FM Radio at 9 a.m. Sundays

Long Lake Lutheran Church W3114 Church Rd., Sarona Pastor Mary Strom Sunday Worship 9 a.m. Sunday School 9 a.m.

Salem Lutheran, ELCA

803 Second St., Shell Lake 715-468-7718 www.shelllakesalem lutheran.org Worship 9 a.m. Sunday School 10:15 a.m..

Timberland Ringebu Free Lutheran

20805 CTH H, Barronett 715-468-4403 Pastor Al Bedard Sunday School 8:30 a.m. Family Worship 9:30 a.m. Fellowship follows worship Holy Communion first Sunday of the month Midweek Studies Tuesdays 2 & 7 p.m.

Trinity Lutheran

1790 Scribner St., Spooner 715-635-3603 Sunday Worship: 8 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. Sunday School: 9:15 a.m.


United Methodist

135 Reinhart Dr., Shell Lake, 715-468-2405 Pastor Gregory Harrell Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. Sunday School during worship time; webcast livestream.com/slumc

Sarona Methodist Pastor Gregory Harrell Sunday Worship 9 a.m.

United Methodist 312 Elm St., Spooner 715-635-3227 Rev. Jack Starr Sunday Worship: 10:45 a.m.


Church of the Nazarene

Hwy. 253 S, Spooner Rev. David Frazer 715-635-3496 Sunday Worship: 10:45 a.m. and 6 p.m.; Sunday School: 9:45 a.m.; Wednesday Adult, youth and children ministries: 6:30 p.m.


Spooner Wesleyan

Hwy. 70 W, Spooner www.spoonerwesleyan.org Senior Pastor Ronald W. Gormong; Assistant Pastor Chopper Brown 715-635-2768 Sunday Worship 9 a.m.; Sunday School and ABFs: 10:30 a.m.; nursery provided; Celebrate Recovery, now every Monday at 6:30 p.m. Team Kid ages 4 yrs. - 6th grade Wednesday 6:30 p.m.


Cornerstone Christian

Pastor Tom Kelby 106 Balsam St., Spooner 715-635-9222 www.cornerstonechurch spooner.com Sunday Worship: 10 a.m. Children’s Sunday School: 10:30 a.m.; Wed. Prayer: 6:30 p.m. Youth Group Wednesday: 6:30 p.m.

Trego Community Church

Pastor John Iaffaldano W5635 Park St. Trego, WI 54888 715-635-8402 Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m. prayer meeting; 6:30-8 p.m. AWANA Sept. - April. Sunday School 9:15 a.m., all ages. Sunday worship 10:30 a.m.

Lakeview United Methodist Williams Road, Hertel 715-635-3227 Rev. Jack Starr Sunday Worship: 9 a.m.


aith is the opposite of fear. When we have hearts that are filled with faith in God, fear has a difficult time finding a place in our lives. Because this is true, we must ask ourselves, “What can we do to fight against fear? How can we keep a calm heart and live a peaceful life?” Faith and fear cannot occupy the same heart at the same time. There was a king in Scripture who was pursued relentlessly by his enemies. He became weak, but his enemies were strong. He was by himself, but there was a large group that was trying to locate and destroy him. How did he handle this fear? He placed his faith in the Lord. He cried, “Though a mighty army surround me, my heart will know no fear … I will wait patiently for the Lord and be brave and courageous.” The Lord will never forsake the one who has faith in him as long as they live with and for him. To believe in God empowers us to face life with a brave heart and a bold stance. Visit us at: TheSower.com.

This message is sponsored by the following businesses: Shell Lake State Bank

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Washburn County Abstract Company 407 N. Front St. • Spooner, Wis.

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White Birch Printing, Inc. Quality Printing Since 1963 501 W. Beaver Brook Ave. Spooner, Wis.


Country Pride Co-op

331 Hwy. 63 • Shell Lake • 715-468-2302 Cenex Convenience Store: Mon.-Fri. 5:30 a.m.-10 p.m.; Sat. & Sun. 6 a.m.-10 p.m.



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Outstanding in the arts


RIGHT: Shell Lake third-graders earning the Excellence in Art Award are back row (L to R): Makenna Anderson, Emmery Nelson, Kayla Haynes, Grace Thomas, Noah Savas, Jayden Hodgett, Sarah Tijerina, Kora Folstad, Kaylee LaRue, Judah Balser, Brittany Clark and Nathan Scott. Front: Julia Lyga, Zayla Sturtze, Addison Schroeder, Ramie Hammac, Hailey Balts, Skylar Leach, Frances Kevan, Ariel Christensen and Morgan Wendel. – Photos by Larry Samson

LEFT: Fourth-grade students earning an Excellence in Art Award (L to R) are: Rachel Milton, Ashton Smith, Megan Anderson, Natalie LaVeau, Camryn Nasman and Tayla Lundberg. The awards were given out at the Shell Lake Elementary School Awards Day ceremony held Friday, June 1.

ABOVE: Two Shell Lake sixthgraders earned the Superstar Band Award. They were Greta Stellrecht and Logan Pashby. To earn the award the students must complete the five performance challenges.

ABOVE: Fifth-graders earning an Excellence in Art Award back row (L to R) are: Molly Slater, Carly Osborn, Anna Mikula, Savannah Steines, McLain Hutton, Natalie Jury, Cassie Skattebo and Kayla McCarthy. Front: Ali Deladi, Maddie Flach, Heidi Fredrickson, Annika Swan and Jordan Herzog. LEFT: Sixthgraders earning their Excellence in Art Award are back row (L to R): Ashlea Meister, Allison Tims, Madeline Hopke, Emily Wykel and Cassie Lawrence. Front: Julia Pokorny, Bailey Hansen, Greta Stellrecht, Kennedy Baumgart and Logan Pashby.

RIGHT: Fifthgraders earning the Superstar Band Award were (L to R): Erick Haynes, Heidi Fredrickson, Ali DeLadi, Alecia Knoop, Carly Osborn, Molly Slater, Natalie Jury and McLain Hutton.

DAHLSTROM S 542207 49rtfc

The Laker Times page is sponsored by

715-468-2319 Downtown Shell Lake

Our days are about at their longest, with the sunset just before 9 p.m. It’s been feeling like it’s summer before it even starts, with the 75-plus-degree temps and a hot wind blowing. We have been getting some showers in the night, several times, along with the heat; crops are really growing. One can almost see the corn grow. It’s strawberry season. I hear on the radio this past week picking has started. It seems early. I see there are little berries forming on the wild blackberries. Seems just a few days ago they were just a little white flower. There were 157 voters at the Sarona polls on Tuesday for the Walker recall election. We had several new register this time. The Shell Lake band trip group arrived safely home Friday evening. There was special cake when they arrived in honor of band director, Aimee Pashby, as this is her last year in Shell Lake, sad to say. Reports it was a great trip, but a long, tiring ride home. Vicki Lombard reports there was a big group, lots of relatives, at the 50th wedding anniversary open house for her folks, Leonard and Marylin Lang, held Saturday at the Barronett Community Center, hosted by their daughters and spouses. Congratulations to a great couple. Marlene Hansen took in the Rice Lake Lions Club picnic held at the Rice Lake City Park on Tuesday evening. She is expecting daughter, Krista, Karl and son Jaydon to arrive on Saturday for a couple weeks stay. They are from Minot, N.D. Les and Sandy Vogt had their grandsons, Coby and Alex Vogt-Wurm for the weekend and the boys were thrilled with fishing and caught enough for a delicious fresh-fish-fry dinner Saturday night. Anton and Gloria Frey spent time at the campground in Shell Lake with daughter Jan and Jeff Johnston and also son Pete Frey and son Ben who had their campers there Wednesday through Sunday. So they had supper with them every evening. Dave and Kelly Stoner triked down to Forsyth, Mo., for a week and stayed with Gayle Chowoniak at her place while there and returned home last Monday night. There was an extra-large turnout for the Tri-County Dairy Breakfast on Saturday morning and such a beautiful day for it. This made my 11th year at my post, passing out plates and plasticware. Before that, I’ve had other jobs. Dave and Kelly Stoner and grandchildren, Carmen and Colton, spent Sunday with her mom and stepdad, Joann and Larry Reichert, at a cabin at Barnes on Eau Claire Sunday, May 27 At 9:51 p.m., Washburn County Lakes. The kids enjoyed Sheriff’s Deputy Jason M. swimming. Bartholomew hit a deer with a Bev Helmer’s friend, squad car on Hwy. 63, just south of Ben, from Waldo, spent CTH B, in front of Farly’s Auto Body last week here visiting in Shell Lake. Bartholomew was dis-

PLANNING A GARAGE SALE? Place an ad this size for $ 16.80 in the

In Lake Mall Shell Lake Wis.

715-468-2314 Remember, deadline is noon on Monday!

MOVING SALE 405 S. Lake Drive Shell Lake

Fri., Sat. & Sun., June 15, 16 & 17 9 a.m. Entire household to be sold! Sofa; chairs; TVs; dining set; 2 bedroom sets; many decor items; patio furniture; kitchenware; newer lawn mower; gardening and tools. 562717 32bp 43rp

patched to go check out a possible funnel cloud in the McKenzie Lake area, so Shell Lake Police Department Officer David Wilson was dispatched to the scene to dispatch the deer and photograph the damage to the squad car. According to the report, the squad car damage was minimal to none. No injuries were reported.

Monday, May 28 A stolen car reported by Randall M. Ceaglske, 46, Shell lake, turned out to be his vehicle rolling down the sharp hillside on his driveway and into small trees. Ceaglske requested an accident report. However, since there were no occupants and the vehicle was on private property, the WCPD would only file a report if his insurance company requested one. Minor to moderate damage to the vehicle was noted.

her. Robertson, June 17; Lynn Thomas, Ashley McDonald, Mary Krantz and I went for a ride on Wednesday to Jillian Furchtenicht, June 18; Sue Smith, Robert Lee, Cumberland. We went to United Ag Service where my June 19; and Karl Leckel, June 20. Belated wishes to Bob granddaughter, Sara, works, and saw the cute little Single, June 12. pheasant chicks they have there for sale. On Saturday Some June anniverafternoon, we went shopping in Rice Lake together. saries include Glen and (June 13, 20, 27) Other visitors at my house during the week were Avis Nordin, Gary and STATE OF WISCONSIN neighbor Jolene Loew, Elaine Ryan and Janet Zimmer- Rosemary Zaloudek and CIRCUIT COURT man. Grandson Casey visited me and helped me Sun- Larry and Jan Sutherland, WASHBURN COUNTY day afternoon and we visited about the band trip. It June 14; Marvin and CIT SMALL BUSINESS was such a great experience and a memorable trip for Elaine Schaefer, Norm LENDING CORPORATION, these kids. and Louise Butenhoff, Plaintiff, vs. Virginia Stodola’s niece, Gloria Ladzinski, Minong, Shawn and Jennifer visited her Tuesday. Albee, June 15; Larry and NORTHWOODS Jack and Judy Stodola, Onalaska, spent this Monday Julie Shockley, Lee and DEVELOPMENT OF HAYWARD, L.L.C. d/b/a BLACK and Tuesday with her. They recently returned from a 2- Carol Johnson, it’s their BEAR GOLF CLUB, et al, 1/2-week trip to China, so they had a lot to talk about. 50th, Greg and Trudy Defendants. Sympathy to the family of Marilyn Scalzo, 75. Her fu- Druschba and Gary and Case No. 11-CV-163 neral was at United Methodist in Spooner last week. Wyona Hefter, June 16; Foreclosure of Mortgage: 30404 Money Judgment: 30301 Her daughter, Debbie Scalzo, Trego, worked at our farm Jeff and Tammy Gagner NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE for several year a few years back. and Ken and Joann AnBackwoods Saloon and Whitetail Ridge will have derson, June 18; Rocky PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that music Friday and Saturday that sounds like my kind of and Pat Semm, Jerry and by authority of the Judgment of and Sale entered in show as I’m country. Ingrid Ripley, Mike and Foreclosure the above-captioned action on Maddie West was in Spooner School of Dance recitals Sandi Scheffel and Heidi November 9, 2011, the underFriday and Saturday. It was her fourth year in ballet. and Cobra at the Get- signed Sheriff of Washburn Grandma Debbie West and great-grandma Avis away. Have a happy one. County, Wisconsin, will sell at public auction at the North Thompson watched on Friday. Her grandma Char Happy summer! Entrance of the Washburn Croes and aunt Cindy Croes Olson of Deer Park came County Courthouse, 10 Fourth to watch Saturday and along with her mother, Julie Avenue, Shell Lake, Wisconsin, on July 25, 2012, at 10 a.m., the West, and went to eat at Mortgaged Premises and collatTony’s afterward. eral directed by the Judgment to Sunday, Riley West and be sold, and described as folSHELL LAKE INLAND LAKE PROTECTION AND his mom joined Pack 62 lows: See Exhibit A. The MortREHABILITATION DISTRICT ANNUAL MEETING gaged Premises and collateral Cub Scouts for a year-end JUNE 23, 2012 will be sold subject to all liens trip to the Duluth AquarSHELL LAKE COMMUNITY CENTER and encumbrances. ium. AGENDA: 8:30 a.m. : Coffee, juice, pastries, informational disThe Sheriff will accept as a plays, meeting neighbors. 9:00 a.m.: Welcome - Sally PeterIt’s Aqua Fest in Rice deposit or down payment from a son, Mayor. 9:05 a.m.: Report from Advisory Committee - Joan Lake and remember Dad purchaser, other than the PlainQuenan, Chair. 9:15 a.m.: Approval of 2011 Annual Meeting tiff, an amount of at least 10% of as it’s his day on Sunday. Minutes; Treasurer’s Report - Brad Pederson, City Administrathe purchaser’s bid, which deHappy birthday wishes tor; Lake Coordinator’s Report - Dave Vold; Boat Inspection posit or down payment shall be to Arin (West) Swenson, Report - Jared McQuade; Election of Advisory Committee paid by either cash, certified Members (2 3-yr. terms, 1 1-yr. term); Approval of Annual Lake Kathy Parker on June 14; check or cashier’s check at the District Budget Recommendation; Other Business; Scheduling time of sale. The remainder of Mark Sauer, Doug Siede, 2013 Annual Meeting. 9:45 a.m.: Break. 10:00 a.m.: Guest the bid is to be paid in cash, cerCory Lee, Francine ConSpeaker - Jamison Wendel, DNR Fisheries Biologist, “The tified check or cashier’s check ners, June 15; Cliff GreenShell Lake Fishery.” 10:45 a.m.: Drawing for door prizes. within ten (10) days of the date how, Randy Herman, Adjournment. the sale is confirmed. Any pur563112 43-44r WNAXLP chaser other than the Plaintiff is June 16; Doris Linton, responsible for payment of any Nicole Bernaker, Anna


Tuesday, May 29 Connie M. Johnston, 35, Trego, was backing out of her parking place in front of Subway at the Trego Travel Center in Trego when she ran into a semi at 1:39 p.m. The semi was driven by David J. Oman, 62, Duluth, Minn. Johnston did not have insurance on her vehicle or current registration at the time of the accident. She was given a citation for operating a motor vehicle without insurance and unsafe backing of a vehicle. It is noted that Johnston did get her vehicle registered later that same day. Saturday, June 2 At 5:02 p.m. a vehicle registered to Ethy L. Langton, 62, Hayward, was sitting on the side of the road on Hwy. 83. The vehicle was unoccupied with the keys in the ignition and a note with directions on where to have the vehicle towed and where the driver could be found. Langton was left a self-report form. A deer was hit by the vehicle according to the incident report. A considerable amount of vehicle damage was noted. No injuries were reported.

Court news

Holly J. Huso, Minneapolis, Minn., speeding, $200.50. Stephen T. Lampert, Lakeville, Minn., operating snowmobile, failure to comply with signs, $175.30. Clayton J. Davis, Spooner, disorderly conduct, resisting or obstructing an officer, $263.50. Lloyd O. Olson, Birchwood, resisting or obstructing an officer, $104.00 possession of drug paraphernalia, $104.00. Richard A. Priesgen, Spooner, disorderly conduct, $299.00. Michael P. Rizzo, Spooner, disorderly conduct, $243.00; possession of THC, $243.00.

Richard L. VanMeter, Spooner, endanger safety with use of dangerous weapon, $243.00. Allan J. Wickware, Sarona, possession of methamphetamine, $125.00; possess with intent, THC, $125.00. Angela J. Wolfe, Stone Lake, OWI, $1,424.00, license revoked 27 months, alcohol assessment; resisting or obstructing an officer, $243.00; bail jumping, $243.00; OWI, $1,424.00, license revoked 24 months, alcohol assessment.

Shell Lake Community Education & Recreation and Shell Lake After-School Program has a FULL-TIME service opportunity available! In collaboration with the Marshfield Clinic Center for Community Outreach, the School District of Shell Lake is taking applications for a full-time staff member to provide academic enrichment to K-12 students during the school day and during the after-school hours. This position requires excellent communication skills, the desire and ability to work in a team environment and demonstrate a desire to help kids succeed. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS • Members must be at least 21 years of age by September 2012. • Members must have a HS diploma or GED certificate. • Members must be able to pass a criminal, FBI and DMV background check (N ote: havin g abackgroun d doesn ot automatically excludethem from membership). • Members MUST attend orientation on September 4-7, 2012 AND midterm training on January 14-16, 2013. Members cannot leave at any time during the training sessions. Please ensure that members are aware of this prior to acceptance of the position. • Members must accept position as a full-time priority over other jobs and be able to complete 1,700 hours of service. Please stress the importance of completing the term of service! 2012-2013 BENEFITS • Living allowance paid every two weeks during term of service, September 4, 2012 - August 31, 2013. Payments are approximately $465 every two weeks. Final payroll is determined by member’s tax status. • Education award of $5,500 is provided upon successful completion of service. • Childcare assistance is available based on household income eligibility (information provided on request). • Basic individual health insurance plan for member only, no dental or eye provided by program. • Mileage, meals and housing are provided for all required Marshfield Clinic AmeriCorps trainings and events. • AmeriCorps service gear provided by program. APPLICATIONS ARE AVAILABLE AT: www.shelllake.k12.wi.us APPLICATION DEADLINE: THURSDAY, JUNE 7 APPLICATIONS MAY BE PICKED UP & DROPPED OFF OR MAILED TO: SHELL LAKE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL OFFICE 271 HWY 63, SHELL LAKE WI 54871 ATTN: KERI JENSEN 563082 43r

and all transfer fees/taxes, which amount shall be paid out of the bid amount. EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION Parcel 1: Lots One (1) and Two (2) of Certified Survey Map No. 2560, as recorded on July 23, 1999, in Vol. 11 of CSM, page 83, as Document No. 265874, being part of the NE 1/4 and part of Government Lots 1 and 2, Section 25, Township 42 North, Range 13 West, Town of Minong, Washburn County, Wisconsin, EXCEPTING: a) Outlot 2 of Certified Survey Map No. 2889, recorded in Vol. 13, Page 46 as Document No. 286532, being a part of the S 1/2 of NE 1/4 and part of GL 1 and 2 of Section 25, Township 42 North, Range 13 West, Town of Minong, Washburn County, Wisconsin. b) Outlot 7 of Certified Survey Map No. 2755, recorded in Vol. 12, page 98, as Document No. 276901, being part of NE 1/4 of NE 1/4, Section 25, Township 42 North, Range 13 West, Town of Minong, Washburn County, Wisconsin. Parcel 2: Outlot 1 of Certified Survey Map No. 2889, recorded in Vol. 13, Page 46 as Document No. 286532, being a part of the S 1/2 of NE 1/4 and part of GL 1 and 2 of Section 25, Township 42 North, Ragne 13 West, Town of Minong, Washburn County, Wisconsin. ADDRESSES: W7677 Nancy Lake Rd., W7529 Ostrom Rd. PARCEL NOS.: 65-030-2-42-1325-5 05-001-001000 & 65030-2-42-13-25-5 05-001003000. Date: June 6, 2012. Terry Dryden Washburn County Sheriff This document was prepared by: John M. Van Lieshout Reinhart Boerner Van Deuren S.C. 1000 North Water Street Suite 1700 Milwaukee, WI 53202 jvanlies@reinhartlaw.com 414-298-1000 562903 WNAXLP

Sarona by Marian Furchtenicht



The Classifieds

IT IS FURTHER ORDERED: Notice of this hearing shall be given by publication as a Class 3 notice for three (3) weeks in a row prior to the date of the hearing in the Washburn County Register, a newspaper published in Washburn County, State of Wisconsin. Dated this 23rd day of May, 2012. BY THE COURT: Eugene D. Harrington Circuit Judge

NOTICE OF VACANCY SHELL LAKE BOARD OF EDUCATION The School District of Shell Lake is seeking applicants for appointment to fill a vacancy on the Shell Lake Board of Education created by the resignation of board member Wendy Muska. The term of this ap-pointment will be from June 18, 2012 - April 2, 2013. Applicants should submit a letter of application to: Jeri Bitney, Board President School District of Shell Lake 271 Highway 63 Shell Lake, WI 54871 Interviews for applicants will be held on Mon., June 18, 2012, during the scheduled School Board meeting. Candidates may submit written statements or make oral statements or have members of the public make oral statements on their behalf. 562868 43r Please call 715-468-7816 with questions.


Sealed proposals for materials and services described herein will be received until 1 p.m., Tuesday, June 19, 2012, by the Washburn County Highway Dept., Office of the Highway Commissioner, 1600 County Highway H, Spooner, WI 54801. PROPOSAL CONTRACT #15-12E Two 1-Ton Crew Cab Chassis Proposal forms and specifications are on file and available upon request at the Office of the Washburn County Highway Dept., phone 715-635-4480, fax 715-635-4485. Bidders wishing to submit their bid by mail may do so at their own risk. The Highway Department is open Monday through Thursday; mail/delivery service is not received on Friday. Bids received through mail by the Washburn County Highway Department later than the time set forth above will be returned unopened. The correct mailing address is Washburn County Highway Department, 1600 County Highway H, Spooner, WI 54801. The County reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids, to waive any technicalities, and to select the bid proposal deemed most advantageous to the Washburn County Highway Department. Jon Johnson, Commissioner Washburn County Highway Dept. 562610 42-43r WNAXLP


I & H Beams $3/ft. & up. NEWUSED & SURPLUS. Pipe-PlateChannel-Angle-Tube-ReBar-Grating -Expanded-ORNAMENTAL- STAINAVERITT is Looking for CDL-A LESS STEEL-ALUMINUM. 12 acres Drivers! Great, Low-cost Benefits of usable items PAL STEEL ComPackage and Weekly Hometime. 4 pany Palmyra WI 262-495-4453 Months T/T Experience Required - (CNOW) Apply Now! 888-362-8608 Visit AVERITTcareers.com EOE (CNOW)

Drivers: NO EXPERIENCE? Class A-CDL Driver Training. We train and Employ! Ask about our NEW PAY SCALE! Experienced Drivers also Needed! Central Refrigerated (877) 369-7893 www.centraltruckdriving jobs.com (CNOW)

Drivers- OTR Positions, Average 2,000-2,500 miles per week. Home Weekly. Tuition Reimbursement. Up to $1,200 Sign On Bonus for Experienced Drivers. deBoer Transportation 800-825-8511 www.deboer trans.com (CNOW) (June 13, 20, 27) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT WASHBURN COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF KEVIN C. KRONLUND Order Setting Time to Hear Petition for Administration and Deadline for Filing Claims (Formal Administration) Case No. 12 PR 30 A petition for formal administration was filed. THE COURT FINDS: The decedent, with date of birth May 19, 1957, and date of death February 8, 2012, was domiciled in Washburn County, State of Wisconsin, with a mailing address of W8600 Dock Lake Rd., Spooner, WI 54801. THE COURT ORDERS: 1. The petition be heard at the Washburn County Courthouse, Shell Lake, Wisconsin, before Circuit Court Judge Eugene D. Harrington on June 28, 2012, at 10:15 a.m. You do not need to appear unless you object. The petition may be granted if there is no objection. 2. The deadline for filing a claim against the decedent’s estate is September 5, 2012. 3. A claim may be filed at the Washburn County Courthouse, Shell Lake, Wisconsin. 4. Heirship will be determined at the hearing on petition for final judgment. 5. Publication of this notice is notice to any persons whose names or addresses are unknown. If you required reasonable accommodations due to a disability to participate in the court process, please call 715-4684688 at least 10 working days prior to the scheduled court date. Please note that the court does not provide transportation. BY THE COURT: Eugene D. Harrington Circuit Court Judge June 4, 2012 Kathryn zumBrunnen Box 96 Spooner, WI 54801 715-635-3174 Bar No.: 1016913


The Shell Lake Area Fire Association Board of Directors will hold their quarterly meeting Wednesday, June 20, 2012, at 7 p.m., at the Fire Hall, 400 6th Ave., Shell Lake, WI Agenda: Approval of minutes; voucher list; treasurer’s report; fire chief’s report; unfinished business; new business: election of officers - chairperson, vice chairperson, secretary-treasurer and assistant fire chief; set next meeting date. Bradley A. Pederson, Secretary/Treasurer 562984 43r


Immediate Career Opportunities in Utility Industry for Experienced FOREMEN. Experience in Telecommunications required. Competitive pay with Full Benefits. HOLTGER BROS., INC. UTILITY CONTRACTOR, 920-664-6300. (CNOW)

Local Ads

FOR RENT OR SALE: Shell Lake 2BR lake home, $795, sandy beach, pole barn, sunporch. 715-922-0311. 40-47rp STRAWBERRIES! World Famous Red Barn Berries will start picking soon. Just two miles east of Shell Lake on Hwy B. Fantastic picking conditions await. Prepicked and youpick berries. Please call 715-4684000 for updated info. 42-45rp STRAWBERRIES! Pick your own or already picked at Mommsen’s Produce Patch in Rice Lake. Already picked berries available in Rice Lake and other locations. Call 715-2346363 for availability. Location for pick-your-own only: From Menard’s go east on CTH O to the Meng Eye Clinic, turn south, go one-half mile the turn left. Call our information line at 715-234-6363 for picking dates and times. 42-45rp (June 13, 20, 27) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT WASHBURN COUNTY CitiFinancial, Inc. Plaintiff vs. CORINNE A. THEISEN, et al. Defendant(s) Case No: 11 CV 20 NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by virtue of a judgment of foreclosure entered on September 15, 2011, in the amount of $94,002.30, the Sheriff will sell the described premises at public auction as follows: TIME: July 11, 2012, at 10:00 a.m. TERMS: 1.) 10% down in cash or money order at the time of sale; balance due within 10 days of confirmation of sale; failure to pay balance due will result in forfeit of deposit to plaintiff. 2.) Sold “as is” and subject to all legal liens and encumbrances. PLACE: At the North entrance of Washburn County Courthouse located at 10 4th Avenue, Shell Lake, Wisconsin. DESCRIPTION: The South 75 feet of Lots 5 and 6, Block 20, Second Addition to the City of Spooner, Washburn County, Wisconsin. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 201 High St., Spooner, WI 54801. TAX KEY NO.: 65-281-2-39-1231-5 15-036-672000. Dated this 18th day of May, 2012. /s/Sheriff Terry Dryden Washburn County Sheriff Dustin A. McMahon Blommer Peterman, S.C. State Bar No. 1086857 165 Bishops Way, Suite 100 Brookfield, WI 53005 262-790-5719 Please go to www.blommerpeterman.com to obtain the bid for this sale. Blommer Peterman, S.C., is the creditor’s attorney and is attempting to collect a debt on its behalf. Any information obtained will be used for that purpose. 1844915

SHELL LAKE SELF-STORAGE: Convenient, 24-hour access. Special low-cost boat storage. Call 715468-2910. 2rtfc ICE-CREAM PAILS WANTED: Clean, excellent condition ice-cream pails wanted. Shell Lake. 50 cents per pail, no lids. Red Barn Berries 715-468-4000. 42-43rp ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS: Person for oil changes and light equipment maintenance. Basic automotive knowledge, neat, dependable. Apply in person. Spooner Auto Laundry, 701 South River, Spooner, Wis. 43rc HOME & BASEMENT! 3-BR, 2-bath ranch-style home, including full basement, only $89,900 at Town & Country Housing, Bus. Hwy. 53, between Eau Claire and Chippewa Falls. 715-834-1279. 43-44rc STRAWBERRY PICKERS: Lindy’s Berries is now looking for strawberry and raspberry pickers for the 2012 season. Season started June 12, 2012. Call 715-468-7635 and leave your name and telephone number. 43rp (June 13, 20, 27) NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE By virtue of and pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure entered on December 30, 2011, in the action of AgStar Financial Services, FLCA vs. Steven S. Sikorski, et al, Washburn County Case No. 11CV222, I will sell at public auction at the north entrance of the Washburn County Courthouse, 10 4th Avenue, Shell Lake, Wisconsin, on July 18, 2012, at 10:00 a.m. The following described premises, located in Washburn County, Wisconsin: The E1/2 of the NE1/4 of the SW1/4, Section 27, Township 38 North, Range 11 West, Town of Madge, Washburn County, Wisconsin, except the North 50 Feet of the East 2,348.5 Feet of the N1/2 of the SW1/4 of the said Section 27. Including a manufactured home that is affixed and attached to the land and is part of real property. PIN: 65-028-2-38-11-27-3 01000-002000. PROPERTY ADDRESS: W 3503 County Hwy. B, Sarona, Wisconsin 54870. Notice is further given that the successful purchaser will be responsible for the lien of real estate taxes, for the municipal charges, if any, the Wisconsin real estate transfer fee, and is responsible for obtaining possession of the property, which is sold “as is.” TERMS OF SALE: Cash with 10% to be paid at time of sale. Sheriff Terry Dryden Washburn County, Wisconsin James Flory Wiley Law, S.C. P.O. Box 629 Eau Claire, WI 54702-0629 Phone: 715-835-6171

562721 WNAXLP

(May 9, 16, 23, 30, June 6, 13) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT WASHBURN COUNTY BANK OF AMERICA, N.A., AS SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO BAC HOME LOANS SERVICING, L.P. Plaintiff vs. SCOTT ZEIEN, et al. Defendant(s) Case Number: 11 CV 174 NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by virtue of a judgment of foreclosure entered on December 20, 2011, in the amount of $123,693.52, the Sheriff will sell the described premises at public auction as follows: TIME: June 27, 2012, at 10:00 a.m. TERMS: 1. 10% down in cash or money order at the time of sale; balance due within 10 days of confirmation of sale; failure to pay balance due will result in forfeit of deposit to plaintiff. 2. Sold “as is” and subject to all legal liens and encumbrances. PLACE: At the North entrance of Washburn County Courthouse located at 10 4th Avenue, Shell Lake, Wisconsin. DESCRIPTION: Lot 1 of Certified Survey Map No. 1719, recorded in Volume 7, Page 140 of Certified Survey Maps on December 13, 1990. Being a part of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 11, Township 39 North, Range 12 West, in the Town of Trego, Washburn County, Wisconsin. PREVIOUSLY DESCRIBED AS: The West 350 feet of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 11, Township 39 North, Range 12 West, excepting the portions of said parcel included in the parcels described in Document No. 195570, Volume 248 of Records, page 596 and Document 208025, Volume 272 of Records, pages 411-412, all in Washburn County, Wisconsin. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 6522 North Dilly Lake Road, Trego, WI 54888. TAX KEY NO.: 65-042-2-39-1211-3 03-000-002000. Dated this 28th day of March, 2012 Terry Dryden Sheriff of Washburn County Dustin A. McMahon State Bar # 1086857 Blommer Peterman, S.C. 165 Bishops Way, Suite 100 Brookfield, WI 53005 262-790-5719 Please go to www.blommerpeterman.com to obtain the bid for this sale. Blommer Peterman, S.C., is the creditor’s attorney and is attempting to collect a debt on its behalf. Any information obtained will be used for the purpose. 286385

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562720 WNAXLP

(May 30, June 6, 13) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT WASHBURN COUNTY In The Matter Of The Name Change Of: Joanne Marie Jacobs, Petitioner. NOTICE AND ORDER FOR NAME CHANGE HEARING Case No. 12 CV 080 NOTICE IS GIVEN A Petition was filed asking to change the name of the person listed above from Joanne Marie Jacobs to Joanne Marie Johnson. IT IS ORDERED: This Petition will be heard in the Circuit Court of Washburn County, Wisconsin, before the Honorable Eugene D. Harrington, Circuit Judge, Washburn County Courthouse, 10 W. 4th Ave., Shell Lake, WI, July 3, 2012, 8:30 a.m.

559970 WNAXLP

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562544 WNAXLP

(June 6, 13, 20) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT WASHBURN COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF Jennifer Carol Lindsley Notice to Creditors for Summary Assignment (Formal Administration) Case No. 12-PR-24 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: 1. A petition for summary assignment was filed. 2. The decedent, with dath of birth January 7, 1957, and date of death, November 14, 2011, was domiciled in Washburn County, State of Wisconsin, with a mailing address of 210 Elm St., Spooner, Wisconsin 54801. 3. The right of a creditor to bring an action terminates three months after the date of publication of this order. Creditors may bring an action by: A. filing a claim in the Washburn County Circuit Court before the property is assigned. B. bringing a suit against the assignee(s) after the property is assigned. 4. The property may be assigned to the creditors and interested persons after 30 days have elapsed following the publication of this notice. BY THE COURT: Eugene D. Harrington Circuit Court Judge 10 Fourth Avenue Shell Lake, WI 54871 715-468-4677 May 29, 2012 Cindy L. Hangartner 3624 Oakwood Hills Parkway P.O. Box 1030 Eau Claire, WI 54702-1030 715-839-7786 Bar No. 1023308




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by Jessica Beecroft SHELL LAKE - Tessica and Jamie Trudell of Shell Lake found themselves on the red carpet of Hollywood Boulevard’s Grauman’s Chinese Theater for the movie premiere of “What to Expect When You’re Expecting” on May 14. Surrounded by actors and celebrities, they realized they truly were experiencing the trip of a lifetime. Tessica has been a member of the online community of the Web site whattoexpect.com (founded on the book “What to Expect When You’re Expecting”) for about five years now, but she never could have imagined winning a trip to Hollywood from it. “I’ve made a lot of good mama friends online, and eventually became a den mother/moderator for some of the online community boards there,” she said. “I get e-mails sometimes asking me to promote certain things. Well, there was a grand prize giveaway being done to attend this premiere in L.A. I got an e-mail saying I should enter, so I did - on the day of the drawing. I checked my e-mail later the next evening and found out that I won the trip!” She said she was so excited she could barely believe it. “I don’t think it was coincidence,” she noted. “I think that we were truly blessed to have this trip! They flew us out there first class, and gave us a two-night hotel stay in the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel, right on the boulevard by the theater. It was so beautiful; lots of history there.”

Tessica Trudell had her makeup done by a makeup artist who primarily works for the Motley Crue band.

The movie is based on the pregnancy book, “What to Expect When You’re Expecting” by Heidi Murkoff.

Fresh Start team in area three eradicating spotted knapweed Thursday, June 7. — Photos by Mary Ellen Ryall


une 7: Fresh Start came to the Monarch Butterfly Habitat to help Happy Tonics with habitat maintenance. Eleven youth and five supervisors signed up to perform community service. Youth worked in teams and pounded in plant ID stakes, eradicated invasive species, and dug up and transplanted native plants from the path at the Shoreline Restoration Project, near the Shell Lake beach. Groups planted and watered transplants of elderberry, black-eyed Susan, goldenrod and prairie rose at the Native Wildflower and Butterfly Garden. If you think that is a mouth full, the green team accomplished all of this in 2-1/2 hours. Even if we worked all summer, Happy Tonics, with limited volunteers and staff, could not have managed transforming area three in such an efficient way. Youth were attentive, happy, willing to learn about the habitat and enjoyed learning why we are providing habitat for pollinators. Chad Olson mentioned that teens usually grumble when asked to do manual labor. Not these youngsters. I think they enjoyed working outside with butterflies, native bees and learning about native plants that allow pollinators to survive and ensure a secure local food supply. Happy Tonics extends gratitude to supervisors Olson and Carly Moline, Weyerhaeuser; Dan Gunderson and Sherri Anderson, Shell Lake; and Mary Schmocker, Hayward, for offering a day of service to the nonprofit. Special thanks go out to Jim VanMoorleham, Happy Tonics volunteer, and

Trudells in Hollywood

“It was hilarious - yet touching! go past all the crowds on the sideNot just a chick flick at all.” walk and to know that we had exWith a big-name cast including clusive access to the red carpet. We Cameron Diaz, Jennifer Lopez, were interviewed on our own, and Chris Rock, Dennis Quaid, Elizaalso interviewed meeting Heidi beth Banks and more, the Trudells Murkoff, the author of the book the found themselves rubbing shoul“What to Expect ... ” movie is ders with some famous actors. based on. You don’t quite feel like “The only two we didn’t get to you belong, but you act confident see in person on the red carpet, in and answer the questions like you the theater and at the after party have not a care in the world.” were Dennis Quaid and Chris She noted that the evening was a Rock,” said Tessica. “It was amazbit expensive, also. ing to see all these stars in person Drinks for four people came to to be so close you could almost $50 and on the hotel’s menu were touch them. They seemed very $9 hot dogs and $10 for the bottle nice!” of water in their room. “When we got to L.A., they gave “We took a taxi from the airport us a gift card to use for food, and to the hotel and for 25 miles it was complimentary What-to-expect-T$89!” Tessa noted. “Thank goodshirts,” she said. “I also got to have ness they reimbursed us for the my hair professionally done at a ride!” lovely salon, Byuti in Santa MonThere were people all over Holica, and then back to the hotel to lywood Boulevard dressed up in have my makeup professionally costume - Spiderman, Bumblebee done by a makeup artist who pri(from Transformers), Catwoman, marily works for the band Motley Marilyn Monroe, Star Wars characCrue. It was so fun getting all ters and more. dressed up, and seeing firsthand “It was fun to see,” Tessa said. how much work goes into hair and “There were people and tourists makeup for events like this. They Jamie and Tessica Trudell at the everywhere! Lots of street musigave me a lot of really nice hair movie premiere of “What to Expect cians, and people trying to sell you products from the salon, too, as When You’re Expecting” at Grau- things ... we came home with a part of our trip package. We basi- man’s Chinese Theater on Holly- homemade CD with my hubby’s cally had no cost to ourselves. It wood Boulevard. - Photos submitted name, Jamie, autographed on it. was so nice!” We still aren’t sure what was on Tessica said they enjoyed just walking up and down it!” she said with a giggle. “Haven’t listened to it yet!” the boulevard. The different culture there was busy and fast-paced, “It was crazy - so much to see! They had all the bus a taxi ride was like being on a roller-coaster. tours to stars’ homes, ‘Ripley’s Believe it or Not,’ and “Traffic was insane,” Tessa said. “The driver said that Madame Tussaud’s wax figures and more. We chose to was nothing for traffic.” take the tour of Madame Tussaud’s and had such a fun Although the smog was tick, the couple could clearly time taking pictures with all the wax figures. They were see the Hollywood sign up on the hill, and it made the amazingly detailed and lifelike! It was also really neat trip all the more surreal. to see all the stars in the sidewalks with famous peo“It was very fun,” Tessa said. “We got so many great ples’ names, and in front of Grauman’s Theater they pictures and have made wonderful memories. It was had all the movie stars’ handprints and footprints. That quite the experience. I might have to say that the best was cool too! part was just getting to spend some time alone with my “It’s just so beautiful and tropical there - truly the trip husband, Jamie, of eight years, and three nights without of a lifetime. Being on the red carpet was nerve-wrack- having to get up with a teething baby all night! Such a ing, to be in front of all those cameras and news corre- treat! But also the entire trip; the sights, the events, winspondents, but also so much fun! It was great to get to ning it - I can’t even describe how fabulous it was!” For the Trudells, it truly was the trip of a lifetime.

LEFT: Fresh Start workers preparing soil around John DeFilippo’s boulder. RIGHT: Chad Olson, Fresh Start supervisor, enjoys a nature project.

Joan Quenan, board member and volunteer. I appreciated their efforts in supervising different groups of youngsters and teaching them how to eradicate invasive species and identify native plants. At noon, we all went to the Lions shelter for a cookout. A few youth from Shell Lake stayed at the shelter while we worked at the habitat. They prepared a cookout for us. Youth did mention that the assignment was fun and offered to come again, perhaps next season. Bravo green team! We love youth to participate. After all, it is their world which they will inherit some day. June 8: Monarch survival statistics are in from Monarch Larva Monitoring Project, University of Minnesota. Since the butterfly was first recorded in 1993-1994, monarchs have been in decline in Mexico (overwintering site). 20112012 was the lowest on record. The average habitat over the past 19 years has been seven hectares (one hectare equals 2.5 acres). Last winter the monarchs occupied only 2.9 hectares. There is great concern about the Endangered migration phenomena. Fortunately, a few interacting weather patterns this year have been in favor of the monarchs rebounding in a single generation. The Texas drought is finally over. This means there was lots of healthy milkweed to lay eggs on. Just when the new generation was born, along came a string of warm days with southerly winds. The winds pushed the monarchs northward in record numbers and much earlier than we have seen in many years.

Butterfly Corner • Mary Ellen Ryall

Jamie and Tessica Trudell with Heidi Murkoff, author of “What to Expect When You’re Expecting.”

Global use of herbs to be discussed

SPOONER — The swoon-worthy scent of lemon verbena, the centuries-old employment of weeds as medicines and the history of rosemary as the herb of remembrance are examples showing herbs have a remarkable range of uses, from culinary to medicinal to crafts. A group is forming to explore some of those uses. Anyone interested in learning about and experiencing the global use of herbs is invited, and everyone is welcome, from veterans of the herbal arts to newcomers. The first meeting will be on Thursday, June 21, from 6-8 p.m., at the Spooner Ag Station. The main thrust of this initial meeting will be to talk about individual interests and possible topics, activities and dates for future meetings. A brief presentation will be made on lemon herbs and on herbal mosquito repellents, and everyone is asked to bring along favorite herbal books. Refreshments will be provided. More information can be learned by contacting Julie Hustvet, gardenseminar@charter.net. — submitted


Just shy of a record

Keith Weaver, a 2001 Spooner High School graduate, caught this 9.5inch pumpkinseed panfish on Memorial Day while casting for walleyes on Big McKenzie Lake. The fish is 0.1 inch short of the state record. At first, it was believed to be a pumpkinseed/bluegill hybrid, but the DNR confirmed it’s a pure pumpkinseed. Weaver plans to have the fish mounted. The fish was not weighed but believed to be under a pound. The current state record still stands and was caught by Frank Brown on Big Round Lake in Polk County on May 27, 2003. The fish weighed 1 pound 2 ounces. – Photos submitted

Photo opportunity June 23 on Barrens

by Abby Ingalls Register intern reporter BURNETT COUNTY - On Saturday, June 23, photography meets wildlife. The Friends of the Namekagon Barrens Wildlife Area will be hosting a photography workshop with instructor Dale Bohlke. For the past 17 years, Bohlke has been an attentive nature photographer while actively organizing and presenting at the annual Crex Meadows photo weekend. Some of his work has been published in the Minnesota Weather Guide, and fine art nature prints have received awards at juried regional art shows. The one-day workshop is for any photographer interested in a hands-on experience while being immersed in the outdoors. Photographers will explore the details of nature photography and macro photo techniques, while learning more about how to get the most from your camera. The day will start off with an indoor class and discussion on photography fundamentals, and then move to the outdoors where participants will learn hands-on how to apply those principles. The photography workshop takes place at the Namekagon Barrens Wildlife Area, which is a 5,050-acre property located in the northeast corner of Burnett County. This area contains various species of plants, animals and insects, some that are

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Gloria Frey


Favorite TV show: I don’t watch it much. Music I listen to: Country. Favorite dish: Sauerkraut, pork and dumplings (I was raised in Haugen). Last book I read: The J.D. Robb books and all of the Elizabeth Lowell thrillers. My first job was: Waitress at Ted Hagg’s Sarona House, my college fund.

Know of a candidate for People you should know? E-mail us at wcregister@centurytel.net

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563102 43r 33b

Full name: Gloria Frey. Family: Husband Tony, six children, nine grandchildren and two greatgrandchildren. Occupation: Retired teacher. Washburn County resident since: 59 years. Claim to fame: Family/teaching. My favorite sport to play: Fishing. Favorite sport to watch: Rodeo. The person I most admire: My mom, who is 99 years young. Such a wise and humble person. Best movie I ever saw: “March of the Penguins” and “Grumpy Old Men.”

unique to NBWA habitat. Photographers who are interested in attending the workshop should visit the FNBWA Web site for more details at www.fnbwa.org.

Open 7 days a week ER Serving Food Sun. - Thurs. ’til 9 p.m. M M U S URS Fri. & Sat. ’til 10 p.m. HO

Gloria Frey told about her life in Washburn County, saying she grew up in the farming community of West Sarona. She was born in Rice Lake but lived in Haugen and went to the Haugen School until she was in the 10th grade and transferred to the Rice Lake High School. After graduation, she attended Barron County Normal School and then the University of Superior, where she received her degree in elementary education. “My first teaching job was in rural school in Barron County. I taught all eight grades. My first little firstgrader walked to school late and was Gloria Frey always late. He explained the reason being is that he stopped to watch the monkeys sitting on the fenceposts every morning. What a great imagination!” She also taught rural school in Mikana and Comstock and began teaching in Shell Lake in 1953, the same year she and her husband were married. “In between, we raised our family of six children: Jan, Tony, Jim, Tim, Pete and Pat. My husband, Tony, was a dairy farmer. He is now retired, or as we say, tired. “I continued teaching the sixth grade in Shell Lake for 29 years, with a grand total of 34 years. I have been retired 22 years. Where does the time go? What a great life and how fortunate I have been. I want to say many thanks to former students and parents, to my wonderful family and great friends. I wish you all the best and I love you!”

The Gloria Frey file

A Gorgone Checkerspot butterfly enjoys the sun.

563101 43r

People you should know

Wildwood lilies. – Photos courtesy of Dale Bohlke

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