WCR July 25

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July 25, 2012

Wednesday, July 25, 2012 Vol. 123, No. 49 • Shell Lake, Wis.

Weekend watch

Saturday & Sunday, Broken Rudder Catamaran Race on Shell Lake. Saturday, Free community breakfast, First United Pentecostal Church, Spooner. See Events, page 8

The guardian


Enjoying summer school See page 23

Dog show held at the fairgrounds See page 24

People you should know: Carmen Smith

This is one incredibly brave robin or a robin looking for a guardian. The eagle might view his little friend as too small a meal to bother with. They have been seen perching together on several occasions in a dead tree on the east side of Shell Lake. — Photo by Larry Samson

See page 14


Got an idea for a story? E-mail us @ wcregister@centurytel.net

STATEWIDE — Sell your hay through Farmer to Farmer. Drought conditions in southern Wisconsin and other parts of the Midwest have sent farmers looking for purchased forages or greener pastures. Farmers can list to buy or sell hay, corn and other forages through the Farmer to Farmer Corn and Forage Web site. The site is developed and supported by UW-Extension and can be found at farmertofarmer.uwex.edu. Just follow the instructions. The list is free of charge for both buyers and sellers. Users can search for, or list for sale, highmoisture corn, corn grain, haylage, hay or straw. Buyers can search for farmers in just one Wisconsin county or in any number of counties at once. The Farmer to Farmer list is free of charge to both buyers and sellers. UW-Extension Cooperative Extension assumes no responsibility in the transaction of buying or selling the items listed on this Web site. All transactions and negotiations are handled directly between buyers and sellers. People who wish to use this service, but do not have access to the Internet, can get access and assistance at their county UW-Extension office. Those located near or in Minnesota may also want to use the Upper Midwest Haylist at haylist.umn.edu hosted by the University of Minnesota. For some producers, relocating livestock might be an effective strategy. Farmers willing to move their animals closer to hay supplies or better pastures through lease arrangements can also use the same Web site to search for or to offer pasture leases. Producers should consult with their veterinarian, attorney and/or accountant for more detailed information about appropriate biosecurity/animal health practices associated with moving animals as well as fair and complete lease agreements. For more information, contact Otto Wiegand or Kevin Schoessow at UW-Extension at Spooner, 800-528-1914 or 715-635-3506. — from UW-Extension

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Special library board meeting held

Board member resigns, citing some board members may have personal agenda against library director

by Larry Samson SHELL LAKE – A special Shell Lake Public Library Board meeting was held Monday, July 23, to look into time card procedures and organization. The board is responsible for the budget and operation of the library. While library director Beth Carlson is a salary city employee, she falls under the supervision of the

board. The board members are a mixed group of community members who are appointed by the mayor. The current members serving on the board are Mary Dunbar, Mitch Fox, Sue Hanson, Sue Krantz, Chris Ottosen, Sara Ducos, Susanna Weideman and Jane Pederson. David Haessig was the ninth board member, but recently resigned, and his seat has not been filled. In his letter of resignation, dated July 17, he stated, “The closed session the Shell Lake Library Board held in June revealed to me that some members of the board have a personal agenda against the library director.

Among the Shell Lake Public Library Board members present at a special meeting Monday, July 23, were (L to R): Susanna Weideman, President Mary Dunbar, Mitch Fox, Sara Ducos and Chris Ottosen. — Photo by Larry Samson

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Bluegill Festival


Samantha Schinka covers her ears as the Birchwood BemisHunter American Legion Post 379 Honor Guard performs the 21gun salute. It is a valuable patriotic lesson for the children to learn.


The 2012 Birchwood Royalty (L to R) are First Princess Taylor Schultz, Little Miss Payton Baribeau, Queen Taylor Hartung and Second Princess Vanessa Frandsen.

The Birchwood High School was on hand making and selling their famous banana-split ice-cream sundae. Working in an assembly line were (L to R):Cheyenne Okey, Mariah Lightner, Alijah Braden, Kyle Smith, Annesa Loew, Adara Glenz and Shelby Hrdlicka. — Photos by Larry Samson

Jack Crawford, a WWII veteran from Chippewa Falls, receives the American flag in a special ceremony at the start of the parade. He served between 1942-46 in field artillery for the 97th Infantry Division Third Army, Gen. Patton’s Command. His division relieved the famous 101st Airborne after the Battle of the Bulge. “They were a great bunch of guys who stood up to the German forces.”

LEFT: Four-year-old Tabitha Daniel and her family had a great time at the Birchwood Bluegill Festival parade held Sunday, July 22. Horses, fire trucks and lots of candy are just part of the appeal of the parade. RIGHT: Looking to beat the high gas prices and make a better world, Amanda Cherney and Kristen Henk, 2012 graduates of Birchwood High School, were on a Birchwood team that developed a car that got 962 miles per gallon. The team took seventh place beating out many high school and college teams in the Shell ECOmarathon held in Houston, Texas.

Washburn County Register Your Community Newspaper • PO Box 455 • Shell Lake, WI 54871

PH: 715-468-2314

MANAGER: Doug Panek dougpanek@centurytel.net EDITOR: Gary King gbking@centurytel.net OFFICE MANAGER: Suzanne Johnson wcregister@centurytel.net REPORTER: Jessica Beecroft REPORTER: Larry Samson REPORTER: Abby Ingalls CONTRIBUTING WRITER: Diane Dryden PAGINATOR: Katie Grey ADVERTISING: Jackie Moody DEADLINE FOR NEWS/ADS: MONDAYS @ NOON

Published every Wednesday at Frederic, WI. Periodicals postage paid at Shell Lake, WI. Postmaster: send address changes to P.O. Box 455, Shell Lake, WI 54871 USPS 666-900

• FAX: 715-468-4900 • E-MAIL: wcregister@centurytel.net • WEB: wcregisteronline.com

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Have an interest in Wisconsin deer herd?

MADISON — Do you have an interest in the Wisconsin deer herd? If so, you may want to consider joining the upcoming Department of Natural Resources Operation Deer Watch, the citizen observation survey done in August and September. It’s fun to do. Your efforts will help the state’s scientists manage the deer herd. How do you do it? It’s super simple. All you do is watch and write – that’s about it. Really. You’ll be asked to keep track of the bucks, does and fawns you see during the day from Aug. 1 through Sept. 30. Next, you’ll record your observations on an online tally sheet the DNR researchers will provide. They will want you to provide the date you saw the deer, the deer management unit where you saw the deer and the type and number you saw. Everyone who logs observations on the tally form and provides an e-mail address will get the final report summariz-

ing your 2012 deer observations. The citizen observation survey isn’t new. It started in 2010. Since that inaugural year, the DNR has collected more than 7,000 citizen observations. Last summer, Operation Deer Watch generated more than 3,300 observations. A total of 4,004 deer were observed by 1,059 individual observers during August and September 2011. Want to learn more? Visit this DNR Web page for information, videos, previous years results at dnr.wi.gov/org/ land/wildlife/harvest/summerdeer. htm. You’ll also see the link for the survey, but it isn’t operating until Aug. 1. Have questions? You may contact these two DNR Bureau of Science Services researchers to learn more about how to get involved: Brian Dhuey, brian. dhuey@wisconsin.gov, 608-221-6342, or Jessica Rees, Jessica.Rees@wisconsin.gov, 608-221-6360. — from WDNR

Brule Hatchery will remain open

DNR assures lawmakers they’re committed to the hatchery

MADISON — Sen. Bob Jauch, DPoplar, and Reps. Nick Milroy, D-South Range, and Janet Bewley, D-Ashland, are pleased to announce that DNR officials have determined that the Brule Fish Hatchery shall remain in operation. The northern lawmakers said that DNR Executive Assistant Scott Gunderson told them that following a recent tour of the facility by the secretary that they had concluded that the facility should remain open. The lawmakers have been working with DNR staff to keep the Brule Hatchery open since an advisory group recommended its closure for financial reasons. They said that DNR officials have indicated that strong advocacy for the hatchery from local leaders and sportsmen groups helped convince the administration of the need to keep the facility open. “Since the earlier listening session in Brule, our northern neighbors have passionately shared the message of the importance of this hatchery to our economy and state fishery. Their willingness to

work with the department and provide support for the facility has been critical to keeping the hatchery open,” said Bewley. Milroy emphasized that the recent visit by the secretary and staff was a determining factor in the department’s decision. “Seeing the facility firsthand was the only way that they could gain a solid understanding of the unique history of the facility and the importance of the Brule Hatchery to our local and regional economy,” he said. “We are pleased by the decision because it recognizes the vital role this hatchery plays in sustaining the Wisconsin fishery,” said Jauch. “Wisconsin hatchery production is already at capacity, and eliminating the Brule facility will result in a downsizing of fish production that will lead to a degradation of Wisconsin fish populations.” The lawmakers pledged to work with the department and other legislators to strengthen the state fishery program. “Our citizens are ready to join hands with citizens across Wisconsin who are willing to make the necessary investments to support the $3 billion sport fishing industry and sustain a healthy fishery program long into the future,” they concluded. — from the offices of Sen. Jauch, Rep. Milroy and Rep. Bewley

Victim of ATV accident identified

MINONG - The name of a man who died in a single-vehicle ATV accident Saturday, July 14, has been released by the Department of Natural Resources. Matthew H. Young, 50, Minong, lost his life when the ATV he was operating on Smith Bridge Road south of Minong left the road and struck trees. He died at the scene, according to DNR Recreational Safety Warden Mark Little. Young apparently was traveling at a high rate of speed when he failed to negotiate a curve on the paved town road. He was not wearing a helmet at the time of the accident. Test results for alcohol and/or

drugs are pending. Law enforcement was notified at 3:55 a.m. of the accident, which was the fifth ATV-related fatality in Wisconsin thus far in 2012. A sixth ATV-related fatality occurred Sunday, July 22, in the Town of Amnicon. David M. Smith, 23, Superior, was driving an ATV on Lackson Road, about two miles south of Hwy. 2 when he met another vehicle traveling in the opposite direction and swerved off the road. He was thrown from the ATV and not wearing a helmet. - Gary King with information from DNR, Duluth News-Tribune

This coupled with a desire of some directors to micromanage the library, as clearly shown during the AC outage in July, leads me to feel that multiple meetings every month will be required to resolve a very difficult situation.” Soon after the special meeting was called, Krantz moved to go into closed session, seconded by Fox. Carlson then called for an open meeting waiving the closed meeting. She presented the board with her personal records, as she has been directed by city Administrator Brad Pederson to keep. The board spent 45 minutes comparing three years of time cards with her records and came away with very little in the way of discrepancy. Pres-

ident Dunbar had some concerns about vacation and sick days taken, but those concerns were not substantiated in the records. Hanson made a motion to move the time card issue to the library’s personnel committee for clarification and organization, the motion was seconded by Fox. After much discussion the motion passed. Carlson then addressed the board saying, “I would appreciate it that if you have a question to come to me and ask me.” Carlson had the support of many of the library employees and community members who had come to the meeting on their own time to speak up for her.

Library/from page 1

Minong Flowage Dam will be repaired


Scheduled repairs may start as early as April 2013

by Jessica Beecroft WASHBURN COUNTY – The Minong Flowage Dam in Minong will not be coming down. The Washburn County Board of Supervisors has approved a plan, which will include four additional slide gates being added to the current dam structure, with two of the slide gates taking the place of the current powerhouse. The existing powerhouse will be removed. The estimated cost of the project is $1.12 million according to the feasibility study conducted by the Ayres Associates. The assessment concluded that the dam is a high-hazard dam. According to Wisconsin Administrative Code 333, high-hazard dams must be able to pass a 1,000-year flood without over-topping. Currently the Minong Flowage Dam does not meet these requirements. The Wisconsin DNR notified Washburn County that it must either increase the spillway or remove the dam in the next 10 years. Sixty percent of the dams in Wisconsin are owned a company or private individual, 9 percent by the state of Wisconsin, 17 percent by a municipality such as a

township or county government, and 14 percent by other ownership types. A dam is classified as a large dam if it has a structural height of over 6 feet and impounds 50 acre-feet or more, or has a structural height of 25 feet or more and impounds more than 15 acre-feet. There are approximately 1,160 large dams in Wisconsin. The hazard rating is not based on the physical attributes, quality or strength of the dam itself, but rather the potential for loss of life or property damage should the dam fail. A dam is assigned a rating of high hazard when its failure would put lives at risk. - with information from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

Schedule 60 percent drawings (preliminary design completed) – June 28, 2012 90 percent drawings (submitted for permits) – Sept. 15, 2012 100 percent drawings (final design completed) – Oct. 15, 2012 Bid documents finalized (plans, specs, estimates) – Nov. 15, 2012 Contractor selected – Jan. 15, 2013 Start of drawdown for dam construction – April 15, 2013 Contractor mobilizes with equipment on site – May 15, 2013 End of construction – Nov. 15, 2013 Submission of record drawings to DNR (end of DNR grant) – Dec. 31, 2013.

Board approves wolf hunt quota, zones and rules

STEVENS POINT — The Wisconsin Natural Resources Board has approved the 2012 wolf hunt quota, zones and rules for Wisconsin’s fall 2012 wolf hunting and trapping season. The emergency rule was approved on a unanimous vote. The Wisconsin Natural Resources Board approved three amendments to the proposal at the Tuesday, July 17, meeting after listening to testimony from over 40 people: Any wolf caught in a trap will be humanely dispatched. There will be a zero-wolf quota on the StockbridgeMunsee tribal reservation. The department will gather all possible data before the board votes on a permanent rule, and the department will come back to the board in September with a time line for updating the wolf management plan. DNR Secretary Cathy Stepp praised DNR staff for their hard work on the proposal at the meeting. “I want to thank the DNR staff for the tremendous work they did in pulling together this proposal. We were operating with some pretty tight time lines. They rose to the challenges before them. This is just another example of the great work that our state’s wildlife professionals do on a daily basis on behalf of the citizens of Wisconsin,” said Stepp. “In addition, I want to thank the public for their input and help, which allowed us to find a good balance for Wisconsin’s first wolf hunting season.” The Wisconsin Natural Resources Board approved a quota of up to 201 wolves that could be harvested during the first season. The available quota and permits available to nontribal hunters and trappers will be determined after tribes make their declarations of the harvest quota for the Ceded Territory. The season will run Oct. 15 - Feb. 28, 2013.

Permit sales to open Aug. 1 All hunters will be eligible to receive a wolf harvest permit in a drawing during the first year. Unsuccessful hunters will be awarded a preference point. Permit applications may be purchased at any ALIS license vendor, online and by telephone. The permit application fee is $10. The license fee is $100 for residents; $500 for nonresidents. License: Wolf trapping and hunting license combined Fees: Application fee $10, license fee $100 resident and $500 nonresident Use of fees: License and application fees fund wolf depredation payments first and then other wolf management

costs License transfer: Allowed by application to DNR no later than 15 days before season Preference system: One-half random drawing; one-half by drawing based on preference Season dates: Oct. 15 to end of February Legal weapons: Firearms, bows, crossbows Shot size: Larger than BB allowed Dogs: May use up to six dogs in a pack to track or trail wolves beginning the day after November gun deer season Night hunting: Legal option beginning day after the November gun deer season Use of lights: Flashlights only at point of kill Cable restraints: Shall be allowed as a trapping method Baiting: Shall be allowed but regulated Calling: Allowed including electronic calls Trapping: Shall be allowed with specific regulations Reporting and registration of harvest: Required Zone season closures: Protocol provided for closing seasons based on wolf harvest through news release, Web site and telephone registration system. “It is very important if someone has any interest in hunting wolves, that they apply for a preference point this year,” said Kurt Thiede, division administrator of lands. The 2012 wolf hunting season proposal is a temporary framework, known as an emergency rule. Beginning next year, the department will begin work on a permanent rule. Information on the hunting season proposal can be found on the DNR Web site dnr.wi.gov search for keyword “wolf.” — from WDNR

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What a waste?

Fifty million dollars is supposed to be a great waste when the taxpayers of Wisconsin had to pay $95 million for a recall vote on Gov. Scott Walker. By the way people, it was not well-known, but Walker beat Barrett by over 200,000 more votes the second time over the first-time vote. I will quote a small amount of Democrat waste from Sen. Tom Coburn, Washington, D.C. 1. Eighty-two federal programs to improve teacher quality. 2. Eighty programs to help disadvantaged people with transportation. 3. Eighty programs for economic development. 4. Forty-seven programs for job train-

Send letters to P.O. Box 455, Shell Lake, WI 54871 or e-mail wcregister@centurytel.net

ing and development. 5. Twenty separate programs to help the homeless. 6. Fifteen different agencies overseeing food safety laws. This is just a small sample of Democrat waste in the government. I forgot, Obama hired another 800 people for the IRS to take care of his health plan that won’t take effect until 2014. Oh, by the way, Nancy Pelosi’s office only cost us taxpayers $11,000 a month. And they, the Democrats, want to talk about waste? Bob Ostenson, just a taxpayer Spooner

ICHC to host picnic potluck in the park

SHELL LAKE — Are you a former member of Indianhead Community Health Care Inc., or perhaps you are someone that is interested in what this volunteer organization is all about? If so, you are welcome to join current members at a potluck picnic on Thursday, Aug. 2, from 4-6 p.m., at the Shell Lake beach shelter house. ICHC will provide broasted chicken, beverages, plates and utensils. Please

bring a dish to share. If you are in need of a ride to attend and to RSVP, please call Gwen at 715-468-7833. If you have any scrapbooks or memorabilia from over the years of ICHC activities, you are encouraged to bring them to the picnic for others to view. Afterward, you may want to attend a trumpet camp concert at the pavilion courtesy of the Shell Lake Arts Center. — with submitted information

FSA reminds producers of nominations deadline

MADISON — Brad Pfaff, Wisconsin state executive director for USDA’s Farm Service Agency reminds farmers, ranchers and other agricultural producers that they have until Wednesday, Aug. 1, to nominate eligible candidates to serve on local FSA county committees. “County committees are important to Wisconsin because they assist local farmers,” said Pfaff. “I especially encourage beginning farmers to get involved by nominating eligible candidates to serve on county committees.” To be eligible to serve on an FSA county committee, a person must participate or cooperate in a program administered by FSA, be eligible to vote in a county committee election and reside in the local administrative area in which the person is a candidate. Producers may also nominate themselves, and organizations representing minorities and women may also nominate candidates. To become a nominee, eligible individuals must sign form FSA669A. The form and other valuable infor-

mation about FSA county committee elections are available online at: fsa.usda.gov/elections. Nomination forms for the 2012 election must be postmarked or received in the local USDA service center by close of business on Aug. 1. FSA county committee members make decisions on disaster and conservation programs, emergency programs, commodity price support loan programs and other important agricultural issues. Members serve three-year terms. Nationwide, there are more than 7,800 farmers and ranchers serving on FSA county committees. Committees consist of three to five members who are elected by eligible local producers. FSA will mail ballots to producers beginning Nov. 5. The voted ballots are due back to the local county office either via mail or in person by Dec. 3. Newly elected committee members and alternates take office Jan. 1, 2013. USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. — from FSA

It pays to read

Hope Balts learned it pays to read books in the Shell Lake Public Library summer reading program for teens. She was the lucky winner of last week’s drawing of $20. If participants read 100 minutes during the week, they are entered into a drawing for cash. Library assistant Paige Skluzacek presented Balts with her prize. — Photo submitted


What a gem the Shell Lake Public Library is! My husband and I traveled around the world while he was serving in the Air Force, and I had the opportunity to visit and use many different library facilities. What a pleasure and blessing the library in Shell Lake is. The newest books are available, the staff is friendly and knowledgeable, technological advances are incorporated, community programs are implemented and all in a convenient location. If you appreciate the library, stop in and let Beth and her staff know. Debbie Pearsall Williamsburg, Va., and Shell Lake

Letters should contain the author’s signature, address and phone number, should be as brief as possible and be written legibly or typed. Names will not be withheld for any reason. Frequent letter writers may be limited to one letter per month. Letters must be 400 words or less in length; we reserve the right to condense. Letters must be submitted by noon on Monday to guarantee publication that week. Mail letters to: Washburn County Register, P.O. Box 455, Shell Lake, WI 54871, FAX to 715-468-4900 or e-mail us at: wcregister@centurytel.net



Captain’s party set

SPOONER- On Thursday, Aug. 2, from 5 to 7 p.m., there will be a captain’s kickoff party for all those who already have teams and those who want to start one for the upcoming Walk to End Alzheimer’s which will be held on Saturday, Sept. 15, at Tony’s Riverside Restaurant in Spooner. Not only will everyone receive all the new updates for the walk, including the new champion’s club with all its perks, but how to sign their team up online, alz.com/walk. This year’s walk will be held at the Cornerstone Church Youth Center located on Hwy. 63 across from the Alley Cats coffee shop and the walk will take place through the city. Games, raffles and fun with a DJ will all be new this year at

the September walk as well as awards to teams and individual members. Alzheimer’s disease is on the rise, and much of the money raised during the walk stays completely local, supporting many services for those with Alzheimer’s and their caregivers. The kickoff is open to everyone and, not only will there will be an abundance of free pizza and pop, Captain Kickoff will also be there. The committee encourages you to stop by and get involved; you’ll have fun for a very worthy cause. For more information about Alzheimer’s, including the 10 warning signs, log onto Alz.com and for more information, contact director Joan Litwitz at 715-635-6601. - Diane Dryden

Painting and drawing with imagination class concludes

Emily and Kayla McCarthy, Shell Lake, finished their week in the Shell Lake Arts Center’s painting and drawing with imagination class. They studied with art teacher Jeff Hile of Cumberland. One of the more interesting art pieces was with the mirror, an ever-changing painting. — Photo by Larry Samson

Area news

BARRON — The hard work of volunteers and emergency personnel brought home safely an elderly Barron resident who walked away from Monroe Manor on Wednesday, July 11. According to the Barron Police Department, the Barron County Sheriff’s Department received a call from Monroe Manor reporting that Vierlyn “Toot” Anderson, 93, had walked away from the facility. There were more than 80 people and four K9s that participated in the search for Anderson, who was located by a group searching about three blocks from Monroe Manor. Anderson was taken by ambulance to the Mayor Clinic Health Systems-Barron where she was treated for poison oak and some scrapes and cuts before being released and returned to Monroe Manor. — from the Cumberland Advocate ••• CAMERON — The official cause of death was listed as heatstroke, although a death certificate had yet to be received for Theresa (Heintz) Dole, 71, Cameron, on the Fourth of July. Tammy Roos, Amery, said both she and her sister tried to reach Dole by telephone, and after receiving no answer, went to check on her. Dole’s apartment was locked and no one came to the door, so 911 was called. Dole was found

dead inside the apartment. Dole’s is one of two heat-related deaths that were reported in Barron County by the Wisconsin Department of Health Services during the heat wave of late June and early July. — from the Barron News-Shield ••• RICE LAKE — Rice Lake’s first triathlon drew more than 100 kids and adults. Participants took to the water and roads in the city’s first attempt at the three-phase race that drew some top triathletes and firsttime triathletes to jump in the water, on their bikes and into running shoes. Top local finishers were Mark Bittner, Bruce, seventh overall; and Nicole Finstad, Birchwood, 10th overall and the second woman to the finish line. — from the Rice Lake Chronotype ••• ST. CROIX FALLS — A fully engulfed vehicle fire sent folks scrambling on Saturday, July 7, as the blaze was very near a large supply of motor fuels. The call came in to 911 concerning a fire on Hwy. 8 east of St. Croix Falls between the Kassel Tap Tavern and the former Wayne’s Polk Plaza station. Both the St. Croix Falls and Centuria fire departments were dispatched to the scene due to the fuel tanks nearby. — from the Inter-County Leader


“Dollar-A-Day Boys!” A musical tribute to the Civilian Conservation Corps to be held in Spooner

SPOONER — The Spooner Memorial Library, along with the Railroad Memories Museum, will be sponsoring Michigan-based author Bill Jamerson, who will be presenting a music and storytelling program about the Civilian Conservation Corps at the Railroad Memories Museum on Friday, Aug. 10, at 2 p.m. The program will be held outside of the museum in downtown Spooner, rain or shine. In case of inclement weather, the museum has tents standing by. Jamerson’s program includes stories about the CCC and performing original songs with his guitar. Some of the songs include “Franklin D.,” written by an appreciative CCC boy, “Chowtime,” a fun look at the camp food, “City Slicker,”

which tells of the mischief the boys find in the woods, and “Tree Plantin’,” “Fire Fightin’ Blues” that tell of the hardships of work out in the woods. The folk songs range from heartwarming ballads to foot-stomping jigs. Original, educational and above all entertaining, Jamerson has performed at CCC reunions around the country and at dozens of CCC-built national and state parks. A question-andanswer period and book signing will follow his presentation. Former CCCers and their families are encouraged to attend. The Civilian Conservation Corps was a federal works program created by President Franklin Roosevelt in the heart of The Great Depression. During its nineyear run from 1933-1942, 92,000 17- to 25-

NORFOLK, Va. — Navy Senior Chief Petty Officer Reynold G. Runquist, a 1990 graduate of Spooner High School, Spooner, and fellow sailors aboard the aircraft carrier USS Enterprise, CVN 65, formed a Coalition of Sailors Against Destructive Decisions committee. CSADD is a peer-to-peer mentoring program geared toward assisting sailors in making positive decisions in all areas of their lives. The program was originally created for those in ROTC, JROTC and similar programs. However, it quickly spread throughout the Navy and is now a resource for all sailors. The purpose of the program is peer mentorship. The goals of its members are to get a group of sailors who, through networking and discussion, can create ways to inform and inspire others to make better decisions, and to equip all hands with the tools they need to make those decisions. The coalition has different topics they want to focus on every month in an ef-

fort to raise awareness about these issues. Topics range from addressing problems such as sexual assault to everyday issues such as car buying. CSADD recently held its first meeting and plans to meet at least once per month throughout the rest of the ship’s deployment. Runquist joined the Navy in May 1990. — from Fleet Hometown News

News from the service

Shell Lake Lions Calendar Winners

July 16 - $30 Rose Manthe, Inver Grove Heights, Minn. July 17 - $30 Jerry/Shirley Ullom, Shell Lake July 18 - $30 Shane Evenson, Spooner July 19 - $30 Jeff Kohler, Spooner July 20 - $30 Amy Monson, Shell Lake

The Potter’s Shed

Winners also announced on WJMC FM Radio

Temps & levels

Temperatures recorded at Spooner Ag Research Station 2011 July 16 July 17 July 18 July 19 July 20 July 21 July 22

2012 July 16 July 17 July 18 July 19 July 20 July 21 July 22

High 80 86 92 97 85 94 82

High 90 78 73 72 81 82 87

Low 68 71 75 71 69 65 61 Low 71 65 69 64 61 68 61

Precip. .18” rain 1.18” rain Precip. .05” rain 1.27” rain .07” rain

Lake level Monday, July 25, 2011: 1,218.19’ MSL Monday, July 23, 2012: 1,217.78’ MSL

year-old men worked in Wisconsin camps. The enrollees planted 265 million trees, built 483 bridges, erected over 4,000 miles of telephone poles, constructed 4,300 miles of truck trails, stocked half a billion fish, fought forest fires and built several state parks including Devils Lake, Peninsula Park, Copper Falls and Wyalusing. The camps not only revitalized Wisconsin’s natural resources but also turned the boys into men by giving them discipline and teaching them work skills. There was an average of 46 camps in operation over its nineyear run in Wisconsin. For more information please call the library at 715-635-2792 or visit Jamerson’s Web site at: billjamerson.com. — Bill Jamerson will present a music and storytelling program in from SML Spooner about CCC workers on Friday, Aug. 10, at the Railroad Mem-

Register Memories

1952 - 60 years ago

• A farewell party was held at the shelter house by the hospital staff in honor of Hilda Tessmer who was leaving for Portland, Ore., to become the bride of Roy Bolton. The Boltons would make their home in Portland where Roy was employed. • A violent wind and rainstorm swept Shell Lake causing several thousands of dollars worth of damage. It was estimated that the wind was from 75 to 80 miles per hour. Hardest hit in the village was the Standard Oil warehouse and the Farmers Union building. • Under the headline Sinister summer cyclone shakes Shell Lake it read, “Humid harassed humanity gazed gaspingly while tempestuous tumult teamed up with thundering Thor to tear and twist their trees from the terra-firma. Roaring raging rivers of rain ripped resistlessly through thorofares. Lightning lashed lividly. Fear-ridden fishermen fought frantically for flotation. Roofs rose rapidly returning relentlessly. Power plants petered. Fortunately, Flottum’s forecast for future fluorescence failed to be fulfilled, and though for five futile hours civilization ceased to simmer, at 9:30 p.m. stranded service slipped snappily into supremacy. Rugged residents ruefully removed residue. It was quite a storm.” • Howard and Mary Nebel and Bailey Reinhart were fishing when the storm drove them to shore over in Jigg’s Bay. They pulled the boat and motor up on shore and left all their fishing gear in the boat, thinking that when the storm blew over, they would go out again. Meantime, they took refuge in the car from the rain. After things calmed down they went back to where the boat was suppose to be, but no boat! After looking things over, they discovered a trail of broken branches in the woods and finally found the boat resting upside down on a stump with the motor and anchor still attached and intact. As for the fishing tackle — that was scattered to the four winds, and Howard never did find his glass fly rod. The moral to this was, “Don’t ever trust a boat, even on dry land.”

1962 - 50 years ago

• The Shell Lake High School band, under the direction of Darrell Aderman, participated in the Duluth Seaway PortO-Rama parade. Aderman took a 49piece band, four color guards, drum

ories Museum. — Photo submitted

Compiled by Suzanne Johnson

major Ken Schrankel and two alternates. • Robert Wallner became the new general manager of the Sarona Farmers Union Co-op in Shell Lake. He replaced Nolan Penning who resigned his position to take over the management of Shell Lake Boats Inc. • Roger A. Hoar, Shell Lake, son of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Hoar, received the Commissioner’s Award for scholastic achievement while a Wisconsin State Patrol Cadet at the patrol academy. • Frank Ruther purchased the old railroad depot from the railroad company and was tearing it down.

1972 - 40 years ago

• Mrs. Arvid Pederson and Joe Yenter, both of Shell Lake, each won a $25 savings bond donated by the Shell Lake Chamber of Commerce as prizes at the Shell Lake Horse Show. • Winners of the kiddie parade, sponsored by the Shell Lake State Bank proceeding the horse dhow parade, were Troy Zaloudek, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Zaloudek, first; the children of Mrs. Kathy Welsch, second; Teresa Amundson, daughter of the Rev. and Mrs. Virgil Amundson, third; and Trudy Stromberg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stromberg, and Wanda Pokorney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Pokorney, fourth. • Sheriff Marvin Anderson arrested Carrie McCush for disorderly conduct stating that McCush used some very unrefined language directed at the sheriff. The Sawyer County Judge, serving in Washburn County, gave McCush a talking to and a fine of $100. • The Indianhead Art Center presented an evening of double entertainment. The evening began with a water show at the Shell Lake municipal beach followed by a chorus and stage band production called “America in Bloom” at the Shell Lake High School.

1982 - 30 years ago

• James Tomasiak, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tomasiak, Shell Lake, received an undergraduate degree in business administration and accounting from St. Norbert College. • Mr. and Mrs. Don Furchtenicht, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Elliott, and Yvonne Furchtenicht spent the weekend at Cindy Hogan’s home at Egg Harbor in Door County picking cherries. • An estimated 250 graduates from Shell Lake High School from the Class of 1912 through the Class of 1955 met for a

reunion. • Amongst those attending the 19thannual old-timers picnic at the Dewey Town Hall were Mrs. Joe Bernecker, Ralph and Pauline Smith, Edgar Lawrence, Laura Cornelison, Garold Albee, Idella Lawrence, Ruth Schulz, Lida Mangelsen, Ebba Stellrecht, Alma Hamlet and Olga Meister.

1992 - 20 years ago

• New teachers hired at Shell Lake were Scott Beranek, technical education instructor; Dennis Fischer, business ed instructor; Jeanne Larson-Alling, vocational agriculture instructor; and Wanda Zeug, part-time Chapter I instructor. Fourth-grade teacher Sally Ziemer resigned her position after being with the district for over 21 years. She retired. • Five members of the Methodist Youth Group went to Tennessee to take part in Appalachia Project. Their mission was to work on homes to improve living conditions for the mountain people. They were Britt Pockat, Kendra Carlson, Mark Cusick, Rebecca Witte and Steve Naglosky. Dr. Steve Carlson and Shirley Hile went as counselors. • Making noisemakers during preschool story hour at the Shell Lake Public Library were Bryant Fox, Billy Cark, Brent Pederson, Emily Bakker, Matthew Pesko, Aaron Pederson, John Okonek, Bretta Weinhold, Carl Okonek and Brandon Adams. • Cast members of Theatre in the Woods production of “On the Tip of My Tongue” were Karl Johnson, Josh Paffel, Anna Hopp, Haylee Hall, Tiffany Hall, Anna Cardwell, Meghan Pesko, Kory Hermann, Beau Sorenson and Jordon Hall.

2002 - 10 years ago

• Pete Hubin and Jeff Parker, Shell Lake Public Works director, sawed a flat side on several logs for the new lakefront multipurpose building. • Leah Keef and Jacob McQuade offered a bit of refreshment with a lemonade stand along CTH B in Shell Lake. • Jonell Butenhoff, Fairest of the Fair, reigned over the Washburn County Fair. • Shell Lake’s No. 1 Packer fan, Wayne Boyd, married Bobbie Rae Huebner on the 50-yard line at the old Shell Lake High School football field. Judge Eugene Harrington officiated the ceremony dressed as football official. The maid of honor and bridesmaids wore cheerleader outfits.


Academic news

ST. PAUL, Minn. – Jacob McQuade, and Kate Pearson, both of Shell Lake, have been named to the University of St. Thomas 2012 spring semester dean’s list. — from the University of St. Thomas

Washburn County Area Humane Society

ADOPTABLE PETS OF THE WEEK Here’s my friend Choulie, I wish she were mine, One of the best dogs that you’ll ever find. She’s loving and playful, her nature so sweet, Getting to know her has been a real treat. She loves her stuffed toys, and when you watch her play, You will find yourself smiling, she’ll brighten your day. There’s something about her a look in her eyes, So warm and sincere that’s when you realize. That Choulie’s the one who is perfect for you, Adopting her is all that you have to do. Dogs for adoption: 3-year-old male black/white fox terrier mix; 3-year-old spayed black Lab mix; 10month-old female German shepherd; 4-1/2-monthold female Lab/shorthair mix and a 3-year-old neutered brown/white JRT/Chihuahua mix. Cats for adoption: 2-year-old neutered orange/ white shorthair; 1-year-old spayed buff shorthair tabby; 3-year-old male black/white shorthair; 9week-old male black/white shorthair; 7-month-old female black/white shorthair; two 3-month-old black female kittens; 3-month-old female black/ white kitten; two 11-week-old shorthair kittens, one black, one orange tiger; four 7-week-old shorthair tabby kittens; 3-month-old neutered gray shorthair; 8-week-old male orange tabby; 7-week-old male shorthair tiger; 3-1/2-month-old shorthair calico; 1year-old female Abyssinian mix; 8-year-old spayed gray/white shorthair; 2-year-old medium-hair torti; 5-month-old male brown/black medium-hair tabby; two 3-month-old shorthair tiger kittens and three 5week-old orange/gray tabby kittens. Also for adoption: A 3-year-old male white/ brown rat and a 1-year-old male white/brown rat. Strays include: Neutered shih tzu found in Shell Lake.

Located at 1400 Cottonwood Ave. in Spooner

District educators attend summer workshop: Facilitating the Future

SPOONER — Summer vacation provides a great time for educators to learn something new for their classrooms this fall. Eleven local educators did just that as they attended the Facilitating the Future workshop at Spooner High School in June. Barbara Richie, Hope Walker, Jennifer Skogstad, Karen Sorenson, Chris LEFT: Rossina Leal-Schrock, left, and Phyllis Woebke from Northwood School District participated Walker, Walt Hungerbuhler, Richard Rubesch, Tim in Facilitating the Future workshop at the Spooner High School in June. RIGHT: Educators from the Donovan and Diann Spooner School District attending the educators’ workshop were back row (L to R): Chris Walker, Walt Parker from Spooner Hungerbuhler, Richard Rubesch, Tim Donovan and Diann Parker. Front: Barbara Richie, Hope Walker, School District, along with Jennifer Skogstad and Karen Sorenson. — Photos submitted Rossina Leal-Schrock and Phyllis Woebke from Northwood School District, par- SolidWorks®, Wisconsin comprehensive school counticipated in Facilitating the Future 2012 with 85 other seling model, On Course (student study skills), teachregional teachers, counselors and principals. CESA 11, ing online DPI certification technology adventures, and curriculum and course construction. CESA 12 and WITC sponsored the workshop. Regional teachers from the K-12 system and from There were nine learning communities focusing on a variety of themes and included building bridges be- Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College taught the tween school and work in a green economy, economics learning communities. To learn more go to facilitating for any K-12 classroom, Google apps, fundamentals of thefuture.org. — submitted


emember the little saying, “I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream”? Those of us that know Janice Organ, of the Shell Lake/Spooner community, know that Janice loves ice cream. Maybe you didn’t know this before, but after reading about Janice in the July 11 edition of the Register in the People You Should Know column, it was once again confirmed that ice cream is a favorite to Janice. As we leave July, which since 1984 has been National Ice Cream Month, I’m sure many of us will continue to enjoy the many flavors of ice cream. According to grandparents.com, the most popular ice cream is vanilla, and chocolate syrup is the most popular topping. Wisconsin is known as the Dairy State, but it is California that produces the most ice cream. The waffle cone got its start at the St. Louis World’s Fair in 1904. Rocky Road ice cream was created in 1929 after the stock market crash. William Dreyer, the creator of the flavor, wanted to “give folks something to smile about in the midst of the Great Depression.” In my search about ice cream, I discovered

(Behind the county fairgrounds)

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Any day is a great day for ice cream

that to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Dairy Queen ice-cream cake, a 10.13-ton cake, using more than 20,000 pounds of ice cream, was constructed. Since Janice is also a substitute bus driver, it is interesting to note that a 10.13-ton ice-cream cake weighs about as much as the average school bus. Did you know that the most expensive ice-cream sundae costs $1,000? Since 2005, the Golden Opulence sundae, which includes an edible gold leaf, is sold at Serendipity 3 in New York City. If reading about ice cream has given you a craving for this frozen treat, you may want to check out the Washburn County Adult 4-H Leaders ice-cream booth at the Washburn County Fair. Kevin Johnson, who oversees the booth during the fair’s four-day run, has found sponsors and volunteers to work the scoops. Money raised is used for 4-H educational proposes, projects and trips. According to a survey, Sunday is the most popular day to eat ice cream. I think both Janice and I would agree any day is the right time to eat ice cream.

Beyond the office door • Suzanne Johnson

The Charlie Brown Adult Syndrome

have grown up watching “Charlie Brown and the Great Pumpkin,” Thanksgiving and Christmas. I loved the Peanuts, and would laugh at Sally’s obsession with Linus, or Snoopy and Woodstock’s adventures, and I could always relate with Frieda, because I too have “naturally curly hair.” Now, for those that are familiar with these characters and movies, you would know that none of the adults actually talk and for some reason, these kids can understand what they’re saying. There is one scene that I remember – Sally and Linus are sitting in the classroom and you can hear the teacher’s voice. “Wahhh wah wah wah,” the teacher says. “Did you hear that!? The teacher said my name! I think she really likes me!” Linus says. “Well of course she said your name. She’s taking roll call,” Sally says back. For those that don’t know, or even care to know, I have a boyfriend that I have been dating seriously for about two years now. He’s a wonderful guy and I am so lucky to have found him, but he has the Charlie Brown Adult Syndrome, or CBAS. It’s a serious condition where, especially while on the phone, I can’t understand a thing he says. My boyfriend is a mumbler. And CBAS gets twice as bad when he is really tired. We live about two hours apart and he has a full-time job, so the majority of our conversations have been spent over the phone this summer. “How was your day?” I said. “Wah wah wah,” he mumbled. “What!?” I turned up the volume on my phone, hoping it would help. “I said, wah wah wah,” he repeated. “WHAT!?” I questioned again. “Wah Wah Wah!” he repeats one more time. “Oh,” I pretended I knew what he said. For people who have to deal with those with CBAS, there are three go-to words that you say when you give up and you still didn’t understand what they said: “Oh,” “Yeah,” or a com-

bination, “Oh, Okay.” Sometimes when it sounds like he asked a question, I just say, “Sure,” hoping I didn’t answer a question like, “What did you do today?” or “Do you want to go golfing with me?” Sometimes I’ll ask him about something he just said and he tells me he just told me five seconds ago. “Oh, oops,” and I quick ask about something else. “I also just said that,” he says. I quick grab a Q-tip and swipe it in my ear to make sure I can hear as clear as possible because the highest volume setting is failing me. “Well it’s not my fault; I can’t understand what you’re saying.” So he checks his phone and blames it on its low quality. I roll my eyes, because now he’s in denial about CBAS. One of the worst was when we were about to hang up the phone and he said, “I love you,” but to me it sounded more like, “Wah woah wah,” so all I said back is, “Sure,” hoping to God I chose the correct go-to word. It turns out I didn’t. But I think he’s figuring out not only that he has CBAS, but how to use it against me, because a few weeks ago he asked if I want to start and join a fantasy football league. “Wah! Wah wah, wah wah wah wah,” translation: “Hey! We should start a fantasy football league with your whole family this year.” “Oh, okay. Sure,” I said. “Sweet! I’ll get it set up,” he said. “Wait, what? Get what set up!?” Now the endless topic of choice is statistics, strategy and players I should know. But two know how to play that game, I just say “What!?” so many times that he just forgets about it and moves on to something else. Besides, he has no clue that I have my roster carefully planned and my backups if they get drafted. The family champion trophy will be going to the Lambeau Leapers this year.

Assorted chocolates • Abby Ingalls


Area artists showcased at “Northern Fanfare”

Author to host presentation on the history of logging

SHELL LAKE — In celebration of 45 years of music and arts education, the Shell Lake Arts Center has collaborated with area artists to present an art exhibit. Titled “Northern Fanfare,” the show features the work of several regional artists in a variety of media, and focuses on the theme of arts and music in the northwoods. One of the mediums that several artists chose to include in their artwork was old musical instrument parts that the arts center offered to the artists for inspiration. Resulting works range from oil paintings to a Frenchhorn peacock to a trumpet fish to a sheet-music tent. Participating artists are from all over the state of Wisconsin. At the end of the arts center’s camp season, prizes will be awarded to artists in various categories, with one being a People’s Choice Award. Exhibit attendees can donate $1 to SLAC to vote on their favorite artwork. This also enters them in a drawing to win several pottery pieces on display in the lobby or a $100 gift certificate from Brickyard Pottery, seven miles south of Shell Lake.

Judy Anderson’s “French Banded Horn Hammer” is another unique piece of artwork that is a part of the “Northern Fanfare.”

very year we compile all the data from inspections and prepare a presentation. Some of the information represented includes the number of clean boats and total number of boats. In 2009, 4.0 percent of incoming boats required cleaning. That number has improved in recent years to only 3.3 percent in 2010 and 3.4 percent in 2011. In 2004, as the program was just getting started, over 12 percent of incoming

boats were recorded to require cleaning. The drastic improvement shows how the program encourages boaters to check over their boat on their own, and hopefully when launching at other lakes as well. The past two weeks have brought in 363 boats to the landing. We sold 87 daily permits and 38 annual permits.

Invasive species • Joe Mikula


566001 49r


around one’s own dock with sharp eyes will help LLPA’s effort to locate and control CLP and other invasives. At the ice-cream social, people can sign up for a Clean Boats Clean Waters boat-landing shift and hear about the experience firsthand from a CBCW volunteer monitor. Those brief, educational contacts with boaters could make the difference between a Eurasian water milfoil invasion in the watershed or not. Presently, Long Lake does not harbor EWM, and they want to keep it that way. The social also includes a toxic tackle exchange. Removing lead from water bodies both protects loons and makes fishing safer for kids. A loon can die from swallowing a single lead sinker, either ingested from lake bottom or from eating fish that have swallowed tackle. Lead tackle also can cause neurologic damage in children if they regularly bite down to secure sinker to line. LLPA will properly dispose of your lead tackle, so bring it with you. In trade, you can take home nontoxic jigs and weights or a LoonWatch poster of the iconic bird. — from LLPA


Thornley; Tony Wise, founder of the American Birkebeiner Ski Race and Telemark Lodge, of Hayward, portrayed by Ernie Buhler; Harriet Stewart, a writer of poetry, of Shell Lake, and Helen Bethel, a local historian and nurse who trained the candy stripers at the Spooner Hospital and lived near Spooner, portrayed by Jennifer Edlin. Music will be by Mary Raeshler and sound by Troy Benham. Everyone is invited to attend and learn about the early times and the people whose lives contributed so much to our time. Admission is free. Come and bring lawn chairs. Watch history come alive for an entertaining performance by volunteer actors in an outdoor setting by the shore of Shell Lake.

LLPA continues summer outreach and celebrates its 20th anniversary

SARONA — Long Lake Preservation Association continues its summer outreach with an annual icecream social combined with a first-ever silent auction to celebrate LLPA’s 20th birthday. The event is Saturday, July 28, from noon-3 p.m. at Greeners’ on Hwy. M. Whether a longtime lakeshore resident or first-time visitor to the watershed, everyone is invited to enjoy a free cone in the restaurant’s lower level. Have a slice of cake on LLPA, too, as you look over gift certificates and merchandise worth over $1,100, with more donations expected. Area businesses have offered a variety of items in support of the lake association’s work to sustain the high water quality here. The LLPA board has put together a fun-formational afternoon to highlight what’s been achieved around the lake and to hear from you what next steps the organization could take. Browse aquatic invasive species displays, including preserved specimens with an icky-factor that kids love, and learn more about the ongoing AIS project. Curly-leaf pondweed is fading in July heat, but LLPA will search for problematic stands next spring and eradicate where necessary. Checking

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Coming attraction: “Ghost Visit 2012”

by Mary B. Olsen SHELL LAKE —Another play, the fifth “Ghost Visit,” presented by the Washburn County Historical Society in order to dramatize the lives of actual people who lived in and around Washburn County, will be performed at the park pavilion in Shell Lake. It will be at 7 p.m., on Monday, Aug. 20. The people who will be portrayed are Dr. Lester Olson, who was a medical doctor formerly of Spooner, portrayed by Kris Bishop; Alicia Stegeman, former sheriff of Washburn County, also of Spooner, portrayed by Marguerite Kevan; Judge Ward Winton, former Washburn County judge of Shell Lake, portrayed by Larry Samson; Ted Haag, the former owner of the Sarona House Restaurant in Sarona, portrayed by Bill

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PG-13 Daily: 1:00 & 7:00 p.m. Sat. & Sun.: 1:00, 4:00 & 7:00 p.m.


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Mary Dosch’s “Bass on a Treble Hook” is one of the featured pieces of artwork on display at the Shell Lake Arts Center. — Photos submitted

Individual artworks are also being sold by silent auction bid throughout the summer, both at the exhibit and online. Find the auction by going to shelllakeartscenter.org and clicking on Northern Fanfare. The “Northern Fanfare” exhibit can be viewed in the lobby of the Darrell Aderman Auditorium at the Shell Lake Arts Center Monday through Friday through Aug. 10. — from SLAC

James Brakken, Cable, author of “The Treasure of Namakagon,” will be at Northwind Book & Fiber in downtown Spooner on Tuesday, July 31, at 7 p.m. He will do his lumberjack presentation on the history of logging in Northwest Wisconsin. He will be available to discuss and sign copies of his book, which is historical fiction set in 1883 at a logging camp in northern Wisconsin. It is in part based on stories of Chief Namakagon and a lost silver treasure. For more information, call 715-635-6811. — Photo submitted

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Admission: Adults $7 - Kids 4-12 & Seniors $5 - Matinees $5 All Seats

The kids backpack program is back

BIRCHWOOD — The Birchwood Area Food Pantry Inc., is happy to announce that their first year was successful, and they were able to help many children at the Birchwood Schools. “It was so gratifying to have the kids tell us that they finally had enough to eat over weekends, they weren’t hungry anymore and they knew they could count on us to give them the food they needed and was good for them, and it was stuff they liked and could prepare themselves,” commented a member at the food pantry. “We can all feel good about what we’ve accomplished; but there are still a lot of kids out there who need our help.” Hunger is slow to die and go away, we are still living in an area where three-quarters of the schoolchildren qualify for free or reduced cost lunches. Many of them still don’t have enough to eat and rely on their school for almost all of their daily food. When school is closed, so is their access to food. The Birchwood Area Food Pantry is working to change that, and with your help they will succeed. This year, they will provide food for every weekend in the school year plus the extra days kids are not in school such as national holidays, Christmas and spring breaks, etc., this equals 14 extra days. The program is available to any student in the Birchwood School District and is anonymous; all that is needed is a permission-to-participate form signed by parent or guardian, which can be obtained from Birchwood School. The pantry needs your help, and here is how you can lend a helping hand. Become a Backpack Pal; sponsor a child for a year. The cost is $21.25 per month or $191.25 for the year. Checks should be made payable and sent to The Birchwood Area Food Pantry and marked for the Backpack Program, P. O. Box 201, Birchwood, WI 54817. Payments can be made monthly or all at one time and are tax deductible to the full extent of the law. Please reach down and say yes to these kids, our kids; let’s lift them up by giving them the help they deserve to be able to learn and become all they can be. No child should go hungry with the abundance that is around the community. Those tears of hunger can be turned into smiles of well-being; many times a pudding cup will do the trick. If you are unable to be a Backpack Pal but would still like to help, how about becoming a volunteer and help pack the food. Call Holly or Kristi at 715-354-3366 for more information. — from Birchwood Area Food Pantry



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Thursday-Sunday, July 26-29 • 101st-annual Washburn County Fair, Washburn County Fairgrounds, Spooner, 715-469-3217. Thursday, July 26 • First Year Parenting class, 5-8:30 p.m., Spooner Annex Building, UW-Extension conference room. Call Deb Meyer at 715-635-4444 or deb.meyer@ces.uwex. edu. • The Shell Lake American Legion meeting, 6:30 p.m., Friendship Commons. • Shell Lake VFW meeting, 7 p.m., Friendship Commons. • Jane Jonas book signing at Northwind Book & Fiber, Spooner, 7 p.m. Friday, July 27 • Rock band campers concert, 2 p.m., lakeside pavilion, Shell Lake. • SLAC Pottery Show, begins at 4 p.m., Potter’s Shed, Shell Lake 715-468-2414. • Washburn County Genealogical Society meeting, 1:30 p.m., at the historic museum Hewitt Building, 1061/2 West 2nd St., Shell Lake. Program at the end of the meeting will be your favorite vacation. Public is welcome. Saturday, July 28 & Sunday July 29 • Broken Rudder Catamaran Race on Shell Lake. Saturday, July 28 • Free community breakfast, 7-10 a.m., First United Pentecostal Church, 337 Greenwood Ave., Spooner. All welcome. Donations accepted. Monday, July 30 • Guitar/trumpet concert, 7:30 p.m., lakeside pavilion, Shell Lake. • “Sampler Show,” 7:30 p.m., Ceska Opera House, Haugen. Tuesday, July 31 • Town and Country Days Committee meeting, 6 p.m., Shell Lake City Hall. • James Brakken, Cable, author of “The Treasure of Namakagon,” will be at Northwind Book & Fiber, Spooner, at 7 p.m., for a lumberjack presentation. • International Cesarean Awareness Network, local chapter, ICAN of Northwest Wisconsin, meeting 6-7:30 p.m., at the Rice Lake Public Library. Open to the public. Call 715-468-4065 for information. Monday-Wednesday, July 30-Aug. 1 • Spanish Language and Culture Day Camp, Hunt Hill Audubon Sanctuary, Sarona, 715-635-6543, hunthill.org


Wednesday, Aug. 1 • Washburn County HCE meeting at UW-Extension meeting room, 9:30 a.m. • Unit on Aging, 1 p.m., Shell Lake Senior Center. • Free soup and sandwiches, Church of the Nazarene, Spooner, 5:30 p.m. Call 715-635-3496 to confirm. All welcome. Donations accepted.

• American Red Cross blood drive, 1-6 p.m., Trinity Lutheran Church, 501 E Chetac St., Birchwood. Thursday, Aug. 2 • Indianhead Community Health Care picnic potluck in the park, 4-6 p.m., at the Shell Lake beach shelter house. Bring a dish to pass. Beverages, utensils and broasted chicken provided. RSVP to 715-468-7833. Current members, former members and future members invited. • Shell Lake Chamber of Commerce meeting, 4:30 p.m., Shell Lake City Hall meeting room. • Aphasia Group, 10-11:30 a.m., Trinity Lutheran Church, Spooner. Call 715-520-7999. • Northwest Wisconsin Parkinson’s Disease Support Group, 1 p.m., lower level at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Shell Lake. • Free community meal, St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church, 409 Summit, Spooner, 4-6 p.m. All welcome. Donations accepted. Friday, Aug. 3 • Super salad luncheon and bake sale, Trinity Lutheran Church, Spooner. 11 a.m.- 1 p.m. Everyone welcome.

Tuesday, Aug. 7 • Shell Lake/Spooner Masonic Lodge 221 meeting, 7 p.m. at the lodge. Wednesday, Aug. 8 • Free community meal, 4-6 p.m., United Methodist Church, 135 Reinhart Dr., Shell Lake. All welcome. Donations accepted. • The board of directors for the Railroad Memories Museum meeting, 1 p.m., Spooner City Hall. All volunteers welcome. • The Book Chat will meet 1 p.m. at the Lakeview in Shell Lake, to discuss “The Art of Racing in the Rain” by Garth Stein. All are welcome. Thursday, Aug. 9 • The Shell Lake Lions Club meeting, 6:30 p.m., Shell Lake Community Center. • Fibromyalgia/CFS/Chronic Pain Support Group, 1-3 p.m. at the Chetek Lutheran Church. Call 715-651-9011 or 715-237-2798. • Education and support for people affected by cancer, 3:30-5 p.m., Marshfield Clinic Rice Lake Center. Registration required, 715-236-8327. Friday, Aug. 10 • The Spooner Memorial Library, along with the Railroad Memories Museum, will be sponsoring Michiganbased author Bill Jamerson, who will be presenting a music and storytelling program about the Civilian Conservation Corps, 2 p.m., outside the museum, Spooner, rain or shine. Saturday, Aug. 11 • Washburn County Food Distribution in conjunction with Ruby’s Pantry, Spooner Middle School Tech Ed Building on Elm Street. Tickets 9 a.m. Distribution 9:30 a.m. Volunteers needed. Contact 715-635-9309, 715468-4017, or 715-222-4410.

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It was a million dollar rain for the area farmers when 1.18 inches of rain fell Thursday, July 19. It was just in time, as the corn was beginning to set ears. — Photo by Larry Samson



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The concession stand for Monday Night Movie night needs volunteers. If interested, e-mail joahnahgp@hotmail. com. ••• Indianhead Community Action Agency is looking for volunteers to help out in their thrift store and food pantry. Food pantry volunteers must be able to lift at least 25 lbs. Please stop in to ICAA at 608 Service Road and pick up an application or call 715-635-3975 for more information. ••• The Washburn County Area Humane Society is looking for volunteers to update and maintain their Web site and to research and apply for grants. For more information, call Susie at 715-468-2453 or e-mail wcahs@centurytel.net. ••• Terraceview Living Center Inc. is providing opportunities for talented volunteers skilled in group and 1:1 interactions with the elderly. Seeking services between 3-7 p.m. daily. There will be flexibility in scheduling your services. Orientation is provided. If you are interested please stop by their office and fill out an application. ••• Faith in Action of Washburn County is looking for volunteers to provide direct services to seniors and adults with disabilities. Tasks might include transportation, light housekeeping, light yard work, fix-it jobs, telephone and in-person visits. Training is provided, and all volunteers choose what they want to do and when they want to volunteer. For more information, please call 715-635-2252 or e-mail Faith In Action at faithinactionwc@yahoo.com. ••• Washburn County Unit on Aging is in need of volunteer drivers for the Meals on Wheels program and the medical escort program. This is a great opportunity to socialize, meet new people, travel and help others. Mileage is paid to volunteers who use their own vehicles when transporting and/or delivering. You must posses a valid state of Wisconsin driver’s license and be able to read maps, road names and street signs. If interested, please contact Eva at the Aging and Disability Resource Center in Spooner at 715-635-4460. 30rtfc ••• The Wisconsin Canoe Heritage Museum, 312 Front St., Spooner, is seeking volunteers to join its team of keymasters. These are the folks that dedicate three or four hours every couple of weeks during the summer to open the museum exhibit hall to visitors. No special knowledge or skills are required, just a friendly attitude and a willingness to be prompt and responsible. The museum exhibit hall is a pleasant place to spend your time while helping keep this Northwest Wisconsin institution open. The exhibit hall is open from Wednesday through Saturday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., and on Sundays from 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Keymasters work either half a day or a whole day, whichever they wish, and set their own schedule of days. Inquiries for more information can be made to Jed Malischke at 715-6352479 or by writing to jmalisch@centurytel.net. ••• ICAA Crossroads Literacy is looking for tutors in reading, health and computer skills. If interested, please contact coordinator Jean Walsh at 715-790-7213 or e-mail walsh7213@

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10 a.m. AA Closed AA Closed 7 p.m. Fourth Saturday of every month, Pin Night with 5:30 p.m. potluck and 7 p.m. meeting. Closed meetings are for only that group. AA Alcoholics Anonymous. GA - Gamblers Anonymous. NA - Narcotics Anonymous. Al-Anon - is for relatives and friends of alcoholics. Saturday



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Monday: Partners of Veterans women’s support group will meet from 1 to 2:30 p.m., at Counseling Associates in Siren, located across from the Burnett County Government Center. For more information, contact Julie Yaekel-Black Elk at 715-3498575. • Celebrate Recovery meetings at 6:30. This is a Christ-centered recovery program. Meetings take place in the Community Life Center at Spooner Wesleyan Church, Hwy. 70 West. For more information, call 715-635-2768. • First Friends Playgroup open to all children. Focus on infants and their caregivers with sensory stimulation and movement experiences. Art project materials provided and the morning closes with circle music time and instrument exploration. 10 a.m. to noon at Lakeland Family Resource Center, 314 Elm St., Spooner. • Each Monday through Monday, Aug. 27, free movie at dusk near the lakeside pavilion on Shell Lake. Bring your own blanket or chair. Refreshments available. To receive an e-mail about the weekly movies or to volunteer in the concession stand e-mail joahnahgp@hotmail.com. • Friendly Bridge, Shell Lake Friendship Commons on 4th Avenue, 1 p.m. All abilites welcome. Monday and Thursday: Washburn County Alzheimer’s Day Respite Program is held from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church, Spooner. Daily fee includes lunch and a program of crafts, exercise, games, music, quiet time, etc. For more information, call 715-635-4367. Tuesday: Women Healing Women support group at Time-Out Family Abuse Outreach office, every other Tuesday, 4-5:30 p.m. For survivors of domestic abuse and/or sexual abuse. Free, confidential, closed after first session. For more info or to register, contact Time-Out Family Abuse Shelter Outreach office at 103 Oak St., Spooner, WI 54801, 715-635-5245. • Ala-Teen meets at 6:30 p.m. in the New Life Christian Center in Rice Lake. Use the back entrance. • The Washburn County Historical Society Research Room, 102 West Second Avenue, Shell Lake, open Tuesdays, 9:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. throughout the year. Wednesday: Lakeland Family Resource Center open from noon to 3 p.m. • AA meeting, 7 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church, Spooner. • 9 a.m. to noon, sewing at Shell Lake Senior Center. • Kidstime-Parentime at Lakeland Family Resource Center, 314 Elm St., Spooner, 10 a.m. to noon. Learn, discuss and share ideas and experience to enrich parenting skills. Preselected art or play materials available for children of all ages. Kidstime-Parentime provides quality time for families, networking for parents and a social opportunity for both parents and children. The last Wednesday of the month a potluck lunch is held at 11:15 a.m. Thursday: AA meets at 7 p.m. at Calvary Lutheran Church, Minong. • Al-Anon meets at 8 p.m. in the cafeteria at Indianhead Medical Center, Shell Lake. • Library Fun For Little Ones, 10:30 to 11:15 a.m. Shell Lake Public Library. A time for stories, craft and a snack. No age minimum or maximum for participants. Thursday and Monday: Washburn County Alzheimer’s Day Respite Program, see listing above. Friday and Saturday: The Washburn County Genealogy Research Room, 106-1/2 2nd Ave., Museum Hewitt Building, Shell Lake, is open for the summer. The room will be open each Friday & Saturday from 11 a.m. - 4 p.m and will close after Labor Day for the winter. Volunteers will be able to help the public. Call 715635-7937 for more information. • Washburn County Historical Society Museum, 102 W. 2nd Ave., Shell Lake, open June through Labor Day, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., 715-468-2982. ••• Amber Bednar, RN, Washburn County Health Department, is available at the public health office to provide breastfeeding basics, how-tos and postpartum support. Appointments can be made at 715-635-4400. Domestic abuse and sexual assault are crimes. Time-Out provides free, confidential victim support. If you or someone you know is experiencing violence in a relationship, please call 800924-0556. Shell Lake Alano Club Meetings on CTH B, 2 blocks off Hwy. 63. All meetings are nonsmoking Sunday 10 a.m. AA Monday Noon AA Open Tuesday Noon AA Closed 7 p.m. AA Closed Wednesday 1 p.m. AA Open 7 p.m. NA Open Thursday 1 p.m. AA Open 7 p.m. Al-Anon Closed Friday 2 p.m. AA Closed 7 p.m. AA Open


Unique art and craftwork by over 200 artists. 260 Industrial Blvd. • Shell Lake, WI 54871 Phone 715-468-4122 1rtfc


Rock band faculty to perform at The Potter’s Shed

The rock band camp faculty at the Shell Lake Arts Center will perform at The Potter’s Shed on Friday, July 27, at 7 p.m., as part of the Music at the Shed series. Members have performed around the United States and the world, featuring both original songs and classic rock tunes. Their knowledge and talents are shared with participants of the rock band camp each summer at the Shell Lake Arts Center, where students ages 11-18 gather to master their craft. There is a cover charge to attend this event with all proceeds going toward providing scholarships for students to attend camp. — Photo submitted

Camp openings at the Shell Lake Arts Center

SHELL LAKE – Aspiring young musicians and actors still have time to register for two incredible programs at the Shell Lake Arts Center: guitar and bass camp, taking place Sunday – Friday, July 29Aug. 3, and music theater, the first week taking place the week of July 29-Aug. 3 and second week during Aug. 5-10. Led by professional musicians Chris Olson, guitar; Billy Barnard, guitar; and Chris Bates, bass; the guitar and bass camp is a weeklong program that focuses on all styles of electric and acoustic guitar and bass. Students may choose a particular style to study in a small group, and the entire camp is treated to guest clinicians and faculty in guest performances and lessons. The Les Paul Foundation provided student scholarships for guitar and bass camp. Music theater camp features classes dealing with in-the-moment acting, vocal production, and jazz/musical theater dance techniques. Students work all week with experienced faculty, who are also seasoned professional artists, to create a one-of-a-kind, original musical production that they help to create. Participants often describe this program as life changing. For more information or to register for a camp, please call the center office at 715-468-2414, or visit their Web site at: shelllakeartscenter.org. Don’t miss the final dance intensive performance at 11 a.m., on Friday, July 27, or the acting and playwriting performance at 6 p.m., on Friday, July 27, in the Darrell Aderman Auditorium. The rock band camper jam will take place at the lakefront pavilion at 2 p.m. on Friday, July 27. — from SLAC

Alyssa Bollenson, Shelby Berg and Abby Winston perform during the acting and playwriting camp.

SHELL LAKE – A summer kids event called Sky will be hosted at United Methodist Church Monday – Thursday, July 30 – Aug. 2. At Sky, faith and imagination soar as kids discover that everything is possible with God. Kids participate in memorable Bible-learning activities, sing catchy songs, play teamwork-building games, experience electrifying Bible adventures, collect Bible memory buddies to remind them to trust God, and test out sciency-fun gizmos they’ll take home and play with all summerlong. Plus, kids will learn to look for evidence of God all around them

SPOONER — A ban on baiting and feeding white-tailed deer in Barron, Burnett, Polk and Washburn counties, which was implemented May 10 due to the discovery of chronic wasting disease in a wild white-tailed deer on private land in Washburn County, will be strictly enforced by Wisconsin conservation wardens. Both state and federal veterinary laboratories confirmed the finding. Later DNA testing confirmed that the deer is from the area. Barron, Burnett and Polk counties are within a 10-mile radius of the location of the Washburn County property on which this CWD-positive deer was found. State law requires that counties or portions of counties within a 10-mile radius of a game farm or free-ranging CWD-positive are included in the baiting and feeding prohibition. With the addition of these four counties, baiting and feeding of deer is banned in 32 Wisconsin counties. “We know hunters want to do what they can to assure health of the deer herd. These baiting and feeding regulations are aimed at just that and enforcing them will be a priority for wardens,” said the regional conservation warden, David Zebro. “We plan to work with the public for voluntary compliance with the ban, but are prepared to issue citations to people flaunting the ban.” No changes are planned for the 2012 deer hunting season rules in the affected counties other than the ban on baiting and feeding, said Tom Hauge, director of the DNR Bureau of Wildlife Management. Hunters will be asked to provide tis-

Guitar and bass camp will be held July 29Aug. 3 at the Shell Lake Arts Center. — Photos submitted

through something called God sightings. Each day concludes with a free lunch provided through the school lunch program. Kids at Sky will join an international missions effort to squash malaria in the African country of Mali, sending more than a million mosquito nets to protect Malian children. Sky is for kids from pre-K to sixth grade and will run from 9 a.m.- noon each day. For more information, call Jill at 715-468-4129 or e-mail skifastwi@ yahoo.com

sue samples from deer killed within a 10mile radius of the CWD-positive doe for further surveillance testing. Details of the sampling and testing program will be shared in subsequent news releases and on the DNR Web site dnr.wil.gov keyword CWD. “Baiting and feeding of deer unnecessarily increases the risk of spreading CWD and other diseases,” Hauge said. “Animal health is important to preserving our great hunting tradition and is a foundation of tourism and vital to local businesses.” Baiting and feeding increase risks of spreading communicable diseases, like CWD, by concentrating deer in one spot. Deer using one spot are more at risk for spreading a disease. Individuals can still feed birds and small mammals provided the feeding devices are at a sufficient height or design to prevent access by deer and the feeding device is within 50 yards of a human dwelling. This ban does not affect the use of bait for hunting bear or training bear dogs. “Wardens typically respond to violations of law based on citizen complaints. Our department is also planning to use aerial enforcement to assure the legal hunter is not disadvantaged by a person baiting deer,” said Zebro. The fine for illegal baiting ranges from $343.50-$745.50 depending on how much bait is illegally placed. The fine for feeding contrary to the ban is $343.50. Learn more about CWD at knowcwd.com (exit DNR) or go to the DNR Web site and search CWD. — from WDNR

Shell Lake native to join 10,000strong Teach For America Corps

Teacher commits to expand educational opportunity in highneed communities

Shell Lake United Methodist Church invites children to Sky

Everything is possible with God (Mark 10:27)

Baiting and feeding ban remains in effect for Barron, Burnett, Polk and Washburn counties

from a candidate pool of over 48,000 to be part of one of the most diverse and accomplished corps in Teach For America’s history. Teach For America works in partnership with communities to expand educational opportunity for children facing the challenges of poverty. Founded in 1990, NEW YORK, N.Y. — Teach For Amer- Teach For America recruits and develops ica announced Tuesday, July 17, that a diverse corps of outstanding individuKelsey Bitney, from Shell Lake, has been als of all academic disciplines to commit accepted to the organizatwo years to teaching in tion’s 2012 teaching corps. high-need schools and beTeach For America is the come lifelong leaders in the national corps of top recent movement to end educacollege graduates and protional inequity. This fall, fessionals who commit to more than 10,000 corps teach for two years in urban members will be teaching and rural public schools in 46 urban and rural reand become lifelong leadgions across the country, ers in the pursuit of educawhile nearly 28,000 alumni tional opportunity for all will work across sectors to students. ensure that all children Bitney, daughter of Tom have access to an excellent and Jeri Bitney, is a 2006 education. graduate of Shell Lake “More than 16 million High School and 2010 gradchildren are growing up Kelsey Bitney uate of University of Minbelow the poverty line, and nesota-Twin Cities. She unless things change, only joins Teach For America’s 23rd incoming 8 percent of them will get through colcorps, which numbers a record 5,800, lege by the time they’re 24,” said Wendy and will be teaching at Harvest Prep Kopp, founder and CEO of Teach For School/Seed Academy in Minneapolis, America. “Given the progress we’re seeMinn., this fall. She is also working to- ing in schools and districts across the ward her master’s degree in education at country, we know this is a solvable probHamline University. Bitney taught Eng- lem. I’m so inspired by the individuals in lish in Korea for the calendar year 2010- our large and diverse corps who have 2011. This summer, she had five weeks of chosen to join the effort to tackle it. With training in Chicago and was selected hard work, dedication and the partnership of their schools and communities, they are poised to make a real difference in the lives of hundreds of thousands of students while gaining the perspective and experience necessary for a lifetime of educational leadership and advocacy.” — from Teach For America Corps

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JULY 26 - 29, 2012

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-5 Thurs. - 3 - 6 p.m. .-3 Fri. & Sat

ALL SH INCLUDOWS THURSDAY, JULY 26 E WITH D 8 a.m. - Noon Entry Registration ADMIS 10 a.m. Watson’s Chain Saw Carving SION! Noon Watson’s Chain Saw Carving

Thursday, 7 & 9 p.m.


Friday, 7 & 9 p.m.

THE BRITINS Beatles Tribute Band

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6 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 7 p.m. 7 p.m. 7 p.m.

Barron Electric Live Voltage Demonstration Honor Guard - Spooner Advocate Stage Family Games - Tug-O-War, Arena The Britins - Beatles Tribute Band Spooner Advocate Stage Bob Hamm, World-Class Cowboy Fun Strolling Dan Kirk (Comedian, Juggler) - Strolling Jerry Frasier (Comedian, Magician) Spooner Advocate Stage The Britins Beatles Tribute Band Spooner Advocate Stage

7 p.m. 1:30 p.m. Dan Kirk (Comedian, Juggler) 8:30 p.m. Spooner Advocate Stage 2 p.m. Watson’s Chain Saw Carving 9:10 p.m. 3 p.m. Bob Hamm, World-Class Cowboy Show 3 p.m. Barron Electric Live Voltage Demonstration SATURDAY, JULY 28 3:30 p.m. Dan Kirk (Comedian, Juggler) 8 - 10:30 a.m. 4-H Pancake Breakfast - Food Stand Spooner Advocate Stage 10 a.m. Horseshoe Contest - Singles 4 p.m. Jerry Frasier (Comedian, Magician) 11 a.m. Watson’s Chair Saw Carving 5 p.m. Carnival Starts 11:45 a.m. Bob Hamm, World-Class Cowboy Show 5 p.m. Randy Gustafson (Music) Spooner Advocate Stage Noon Carnival Starts 5 p.m. Dan Kirk (Comedian, Juggler) - Strolling 12:30 p.m. Jim Mitchell (Magician) - Spooner Advocate 5 p.m. Bob Hamm, World-Class Cowboy Fun Stage Strolling 1:15 p.m. Bob Hamm, World-Class Cowboy Show 5 p.m. Barron Electric Live Voltage Demonstration 2 p.m. Jim Mitchell (Magician) - Spooner Advocate 5:30 p.m. Jerry Frasier (Comedian, Juggler) - Strolling Stage 7 p.m. Porch Dogs (Music) - Spooner Advocate 2:45 p.m. Watson’s Chain Saw Carving Stage 3 p.m. Barron Electric Live Voltage Demonstration 7:30 p.m. Horse Pulls 3:30 p.m. Jim Mitchell (Magician) - Spooner Advocate 7:30 p.m. Kiddie Tractor Pull - Next to Small Animal Stage Barn 4:15 p.m. Watson’s Chain Saw Carving 7:30 p.m. Bob Hamm, World-Class Cowboy Fun 5 p.m. Bob Hamm, World-Class Cowboy Show Strolling 6 p.m. Barron Electric Live Voltage Demonstration 8:30 p.m. The Crowning of Fairest of the Fair 6:45 p.m. Preauction Show - Bob Hamm - Connecting Spooner Advocate Stage Link 9 p.m. Porch Dogs (Music) - Spooner Advocate 7 p.m. Livestock Show & Sale Auction - Connecting Stage FREE Link FRIDAY, JULY 27 ADMISSION 7 p.m. Bob Hamm, World-Class Cowboy Fun FOR ALL 10 a.m. Watson’s Chain Saw Carving Strolling RANS 11:45 a.m. Bob Hamm, World-Class Cowboy VETE iday, July 27 7:30 p.m. Mary Mack (Stand-Up Comedian) Fr Show Only! 8:30 p.m. Divas Through The Decades (Music) Noon Carnival Starts Spooner Advocate Stage 1:15 p.m. Jerry Frasier (Comedian, Magician) 10 p.m. Fireworks Spooner Advocate Stage 10:30 p.m. Divas Through The Decades (Music) 2 p.m. Watson’s Chain Saw Carving Spooner Advocate Stage 2:45 p.m. Bob Hamm, World-Class Cowboy Show 3 p.m. Barron Electric Live Voltage Demonstration 3:15 p.m. Dan Kirk (Comedian, Juggler) Spooner Advocate Stage 4 p.m. Watson’s Chain Saw Carving 4:30 p.m. Dan Kirk (Comedian, Juggler) Spooner Advocate Stage 5 p.m. Bob Hamm, World-Class Cowboy Show 5 p.m. Pie-Eating Contest 5:30 p.m. Jerry Frasier (Comedian, Magician) Spooner Advocate Stage


Comedian & Juggler

Thurs., 1:30, 3:30 & 5:00 p.m. Fri., 3:15, 4:30 & 7:00 p.m.


Sat., 12:30, 2:00 & 3:30 p.m.

Saturday, 7:30 p.m.

MARY MACK Stand-Up Comedian


World-Class Cowboy Show Shows Daily Thursday thru Saturday


10 a.m. Whips & Wheels Horse Show - Arena Horseshoe Contest - Doubles 11 a.m. Veggie Racing - Next to Food Stand Noon Carnival Starts 2 p.m. Talent Contest Spooner Advocate Stage 5 p.m. Fair Closes * All times are approximate.

WATSON’S WOOD CARVING Live Carvings 3 Times A Day

Thurs., Fri. & Sat.

Tim Reddy, Agent


For Up-To-Date Schedules & Entertainment - www.washburncountyfair.com



Sports reporter: Larry Samson E-mail results to: wcregister@centurytel.net


Spooner Golf Club crowns 2012 invitational champion

SPOONER — The Spooner Golf Course hosted 136 golfers for its invitational. Players fought heat and humidity over the two-day event. Golfers from many parts of the Midwest teed it up on Saturday, July 14, for an 18-hole qualifying round. They were all trying to find their spot in the championship flight or one of the many other flights. Homegrown favorite UW-Wisconsin grad Ryan Schullo set the pace in qualifying with a round of 4 under par 67. Schullo won medalist honors for his score, edging out Blake Colby and former Norwestern High School golf coach Gary Swanson who had 69s. Sunday, July 15, the flights were all set up. The low 32 scorers were in championship and first flight. They played 27 holes medal play as Saturday’s scores were not used. Flights 2-14 played nine-hole matches. All the action started at 7:15 a.m. off both tees, and the day ended crowning a new champion. Colby, playing solid golf all weekend, shot a 27-hole score of 105 to become the 2012 Spooner Invitational champion. Colby’s victory capped a great day of golf at Spooner Golf Club. — from Spooner Golf Club Invitational results: Championship flight, 27-hole Medal Play Champion: Blake Colby, 105 Runners-up (Tie): Steve Koepke and Rick Ohman, 106 Fourth place: Ryan Schullo, 107 Fifth place: Zach Maanum, 110 Sixth place: Gary Swanson and Sam Eisenhuth, 111

First flight, 27-hole Medal Play Champion: Don Palodichuk, 115 Runners-up: Tom Sutter, David Ottinger and John Standert, 116 Fifth place: Brent Bonin, 117 Sixth place: Terry Nutt, Jaime Busch and Jeff Pederson, 118

Pro golfer Dave Torbenson presented Blake Colby, Rochester, Minn., with a trophy for being the 2012 Spooner Golf Club Invitational champion. — Photo submitted

Athletic meeting for all student athletes to be held

SHELL LAKE — An athletic meeting will be held on Monday, Aug. 6, at 5:30 p.m. in the commons area of the Shell Lake 3-12 School. This meeting is for all student athletes of school-sponsored sports. This includes sixth-graders in cross country and wrestling, fifthgraders in wrestling and all students in grades 7-12 who plan to participate in athletics this school year. All student athletes are required to attend this meeting. The agenda for this meeting is as follows: 5:30-6:15 p.m. dinner. Kids eat free, adults $3 each; 6:15-7:15 p.m.,

presentation by B.J. Brenna on sports injury prevention, off-season training and school nutrition; 7:15-7:30 p.m. concussion and injury management and lumps and bumps evaluations by Joel Anderson and Dr. Jeff Dunham; 7:30 p.m. to the end will be a time to have forms and permission forms signed and physical cards turned in. Parents are asked to call Phyllis Bergeron at 715-4687816 or e-mail at bergeronp@shelllake.k12.wi.us to let her know how many adults and students will be attending from each family. — from Shell Lake Schools

A sea of pink

by Diane Dryden SPOONER – On Tuesday, July 17, there was a sea of women dressed in pink who descended on the Spooner Golf Course with only one purpose … to raise money for the local cancer hospice center in Spooner. These women have been gathering for eight years to play golf to benefit the Hope for a Cure, cancer fundraiser. Being smart women, they started their day with food and end it the same way. After paying their $25 entry fee, the women munched their way through a banquet table of scones, muffins and specialty breads along with their coffee and juice. The teams, 20 this year, then had time to look at the 25 baskets that would be raffled off after their 18-hole game. They also had a chance to participate in two 50/50 raffles along with the opportunity to buy a $5 laminated paper heart in someone’s name they wanted to honor or remember who fought their own battle with cancer. Co-chairs Linda Nichols and Terrie Storlie say that the event grows each year, with not only local golfers, but women from Superior, Hayward and Butternut. Last year, they raised over $2,000 by lunchtime, and this year it was more in the $2,600 range, which delighted everyone.

Flights 2-14 9-hole Match Play Second flight: Champion: Jim Bahrke; runner-up: Mark Oster; consolation: Brandon Tveitbakk Third flight: Champion: Tom Ortleib; runner-up: Larry Alt; consolation: Rick Haagenson Fourth flight: Champion: Darwin Neuske; runner-up: Dave Grabarek; consolation: Jerry Lucken Fifth flight: Champion: Joe Paulson; runner-up: Fritz Schroeder; consolation: John Schullo Sixth flight: Champion: Jake Swenson; runner-up: Eric Severson; consolation: Dennis Hartzel Seventh flight: Champion: Dale Marek; runner-up: John Anderson; consolation: Craig Anderson Eighth flight: Champion: Jeff Ristrom; runner-up: Steve Grundahl; consolation: Jim Williams Ninth flight: Champion: Kerry Green; runner-up: Mike Bitney; consolation: Andy Jansen 10th flight: Champion: Dennis Troy; runner-up: Harry Nederbrock; consolation: Dave Jordan 11th flight: Champion: Derek Farsund; runner-up: John Kaehler; consolation: Chris Williams 12th flight: Champion: Rex Rewerts; runner-up: Brian Merek; consolation: Jim Jerde 13th flight: Champion: Chris McMenomy; runnerup: Todd Pruismann; consolation: Gary Kruse 14th flight: Championship: Blake Johnson; runnerup: Pat McMenomy; consolation: Jamie Russman

Fifth-annual golf outing set

SPOONER — Spooner Health System’s fifth-annual golf outing is scheduled to take place on Wednesday, Aug. 8, at Spooner Golf Club with a 1 p.m. shotgun start. In addition to first-, second- and third-place team winnings, golfers will have a chance to win prizes for mulligan raffle, hole events, course games, putting contest and drawings. The entry fee includes 18-hole golf scramble, power cart and dinner. Platinum, gold and silver sponsorship opportunities are available. Nongolfers are invited to join those golfing for dinner at 6 p.m. with preregistration required. Proceeds from this year’s event will be used to support capital projects at Spooner Health System. For registration information, please contact Crystal Potter at 715-635-1227 or cpotter@spoonerhealth system.com. A registration form may also be printed from SHS’s Web site, spoonerhealthsystem.com. — from SHS

Golf league scores Butternut Hills Ladies July 19

The wild ladies from Hayward’s team supporting the Hope for a Cure Cancer fundraiser Tuesday, July 17, were Jan Laube, Lynn Ruesch, Cathy Hauschildt and Chris Rugowski.

18-hole Weekly event: Odd Holes Winners: Gloria O’Flanagan and Vicki Sigmund, 34 First flight Low gross: Mary Ann Solie, 93 Low net: Mary Harrington and Cheryl Feller, 74 Low putts: Loie Wollum, 27 Second flight Low gross: Vicki Sigmund, 100 Low net: Pam Miller, 69 Low putts: Janet Bergh, 31 Third flight Low gross: Gloria O’Flanagan, 106 Low net: Pati Parker, 70

Low putts: Gloria O’Flanagan and Debbie Johnson, 34 Birdies: Mary Solie, No. 17 9-hole First flight Low gross: Myra Traubenik, 50 Low net: Bev Grocke, 33 Low putts: Myra Traubenik, 13 Second flight Low gross: Mary McCall, 59 Low net: Jan Grilley, 38 Low putts: Mary McCall, 16 Third flight Low gross: Arlys Santiago, 61 Low net: Holly Herland, 40 Low putts: Holly Herland, 14 Chip-in: Myra Traubenik, No. 18

Spooner Ladies Golf League

Linda Nichols and Terrie Storlie were the co-chairs of the Hope for a Cure golf outing held at the Spooner Golf Course Tuesday, July 17. They’re standing in front of just one of the Hearts of Love Gardens.

Twenty-five bountiful baskets were open for bidding as a fundraiser to benefit Hope for a Cure. This one is called Movie Night. – Photos by Diane Dryden

If you’d like to get involved with this once-a-year event, or join the Spooner Ladies Golf League, contact Linda Nichols at 218-591-3350. - submitted

Hope for the Cure First: Jan Hahn, Mary Jo Link, Kathy Mathis and Peggy Holman, 68 Second: Julie Zawistowski, Cindy Gooderham, Pam Frost and Angie Walters, 70 Third: Penny Cuskey, Nancy Mommsen, Mary Hanson and Pam Petry, 71 Hole prizes No. 1 Closest to the pin in two: Mary Jo Link No. 3 Closest to the tree on corner: Linda Ellwein

No. 6 Closest to the pin: Nancy Markgren No. 8 Closest to the sand on the right without going in: Kathy Pryor No. 9 Closest to the ribbon in the fairway: Lil Bruno No. 11 Closest to the pin in two: Connie Pillar No. 13 Longest drive in fairway: Nancy Mommsen No. 17 Long putt: Janis Myers No. 18 Closest to the pink rock on the right of green: Shirley Johnson. – submitted




Sports reporter: Larry Samson E-mail results to: wcregister@centurytel.net

Tennis anyone?

Hand-eye coordination is one of those skills learned in tennis. Leo Farrow misses the ball on this serve. In time, hitting the ball will come naturally to him and the other students.

Lilly Edlin is learning tennis in the second session of Shell Lake’s summer school. The session ran for two weeks July 9-20. Dorie Simpson taught the class using the tennis courts in Tiptown.

Makenna Anderson is getting the hang of serving during summer school in Shell Lake. — Photos by Larry Samson

Vishav Monga is returning a serve. He is learning that tennis is not as easy as it looks and is more fun than he thought.


People you should know

Carmen S. Smith grew up in Holcombe. “I am the oldest of three.” She has one sister and one brother. After she graduated high school in 1992, she moved to Rice Lake, where she attended UWBC for two years, and then moved to Eau Claire where she studied criminal justice for a year and a half. “During that time, I was working part-time as an assistant manager at SuperCarmen Smith America and was offered an assistant manager position that I took. In 2001 I had my beautiful daughter, Jade. I continued to work as an assistant manager, and after time, Holiday bought out the Speedway SuperAmericas in Eau Claire. A few years after that, I was offered a management position. The catch was that I had to work in Spooner. After five and a half years of driving from New Auburn, where I was living, we finally moved to Spooner last August.” They have been enjoying themselves ever since, she said.

The Carmen Smith file

Full name, age: Carmen S. Smith, 37. Family: Jade Smith, daughter. Occupation: Store manager. Washburn County resident since: 2011. Hobbies/interests: Walking, horseback riding and riding motorcycle. Claim to fame: Haven’t got one yet. My favorite sport to play: Basketball. Favorite sport to watch: Football. Place I would most like to visit: Ireland. Dinner companion, dead or alive: Nicholas Cage. The person I most admire: My father. Best movie I ever saw: “Wizard of Oz.” Favorite TV show: “Criminal Minds.” Music I listen to: Rock. Favorite dish: Rice casserole. Last book I read: “Twilight.” My friends would describe me as: An analyzer, I over analyze everything. My first job was: Waitress.

101st Washburn County Fair all set for July 26-29 at the fairgrounds in Spooner

Angie Anderson and Jen Bos are organizing the FFA and 4-H fair participants in the cattle barn in preparation for the Washburn County Fair that will open the gates on Thursday, July 26, and run through Sunday, July 29. Amber Anderson and Alyssa Feeney were two of the many participants to work on setup day Thursday, July 19. — Photos by Larry Samson

Know of a candidate for People you should know? E-mail us at wcregister@centurytel.net

Military Appreciation Day at the fair

SPOONER — In honor of their service, all armed forces personnel — Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, Reserves, National Guard members and veterans — along with their immediate family members will receive free admission to the Washburn County Fair in Spooner on Military Appreciation Day, which is Friday, July 27. Proper military identification will be necessary to receive free admission, such as Armed Forces ID, Veterans Administration hospital ID card or a copy of separation discharge papers. It is a day dedicated to military and Washburn County veterans. A Salute to the Military will be held at 6:30 p.m. at the fairgrounds stage. Be sure to stop by and see the Washburn County Veterans Booth located in the commercial building. Federal and state benefits information will be available. Be sure to register to win a United States flag and/or Wisconsin state flag and a Wisconsin State Blue Book. Drawing will be held Sunday evening at the close of the fair. You need not be present to win. For more information, contact the Washburn County Veterans Service Office at 715-635-4470. — from WCVSO

Lisa Pederson is shown with her silver-lace Polish chick that she used in a demonstration for her Junior Farmers. She is a sophomore at University of Wisconsin-Superior and is in her last year at the fair as a 4-H member. She enjoys working with animals and the friendly competition at the fair.

Jeff Shutrop and Tyler Crosby are doing the heavy work in preparation for the cattle. Many man-hours go into the fair.

VBS held at Christ Lutheran Church

Turn to us for the latest local news. We offer community and school events, town talk, local sports and much more. Lake Mall Shell Lake, Wis.




Twenty-one children enjoyed vacation Bible school during the week of July 9-13 at Christ Lutheran Church of Lampson with perfect attendance during the week. The theme this year was Amazing Desert Journey: Where Jesus Leads Us Home. The entire congregation supported the activity before and during the week providing set design and construction, decorations, snack treats, teaching, music, kitchen helpers, extra money for T-shirts, special visitor Sahara Desert Dan and more. The children had a closing program and picnic on Friday with 65-70 in attendance. — Photo submitted


Barronett by Judy Pieper

Sunday was the perfect day for an outdoor service at Barronett Lutheran. At 9 a.m., the temperature was in the 70s, the sun was shining, and there was a little breeze. Pastor Todd’s sermon was interesting, inspiring and educational. After the service, we all gathered in the church basement for ice-cream sundaes, donuts and conversation. It was a wonderful way to start the week. Before the service, Donna Anderson and I were talking about our gardens, and I asked her if she wanted to come up and see how well ours was coming along. Luckily, she and Elmer had other things they had to do. I say luckily because I hadn’t been up there for a couple of days, and in that time the weeds had completely taken over. How do they do that? We work so hard to get the veggies to grow, and the weeds just sprout up on their own. Doesn’t seem fair, does it? There was a motorcycle poker run to benefit the Cumberland Fire Department that came through Barronett on Saturday afternoon. Holy cow, were there a lot of bikes in town! I talked to someone at the Barronett Bar, and he said that there were 190. There were six stops on the run, Barronett was the fifth stop, and the bikers ended up at County Line Tavern. Members of the Barronett Civic Club hosted a brat feed in the empty lot north of the bar. After it was all over, we saw that there was a perfect happy face burned into the highway by some very talented biker. I didn’t know that was a skill, but Don Albee was here and he said that it is almost impossible to make the perfect circle. Hmmm — Learn something new every day. I don’t think I told you about the beautiful ring-necked pheasant that was visiting our garden and Shirley Albee’s lawn. He had been around for a few months, and when we first saw him we were delighted to have such a beautiful bird visiting us. When Duane and I would sit in the lawn chairs, taking a break from weeding garden, the pheasant would walk around us in very wide circles, keeping his eye on us. We thought he was being friendly. So did Shirley Albee. Well, come to find out, he thought he owned both places and that we were trespassing. He started attacking whenever we turned our backs. It got so bad that I took off a shoe and hit him with it several times. He was a nuisance. He also attacked Shirley when she would go out to work in her flower beds. Shirley finally called her daughters and told them that she was tired of fearing for her life every time she went out of the house, and asked them to do something about it. The girls came up, the pheasant walked right up to them, they grabbed him, put him in the car, took him out by the game farm and let him loose. I imagine that’s where he escaped from in the first place. Anyway, it’s a lot more peace-

ful, but a lot less exciting without our resident pheasant around. Merl and Shirley Overvig treated Duane and me to supper at Bistro 63 on Friday evening. It was so nice to sit and visit with Merl and Shirley for a while. I had made a fresh blueberry pie with blueberries from our garden for dessert, so they knew they were invited back to the house after supper for that. Poor Merl. After supper, the waitress came and asked if we wanted any dessert, and went on to say that Jeno had made fresh peach cobbler. I could tell that Merl was struggling to resist because he felt obligated to eat the blueberry pie. He didn’t have any peach cobbler, but I hope he sneaked back the next night for some. When we got back from the Bistro, Rick and Robin Theese stopped by for a couple minutes. They couldn’t stay because Derek had come home for a visit and would only be there a day or two. Friday was Derek’s birthday, so Heather, Aarianna and Jon were at the Theese home to help him celebrate. I’m sure he had a great visit. He loves that little niece and nephew. Jim and Summer Marsh hosted a birthday party on Thursday evening for Wrigley’s first birthday. They had lots of food and lots of guests, and everyone had a fun time watching the birthday boy open his gifts. And we had fun watching him eat a decorated cupcake. There was purple frosting on the cupcake, but it didn’t seem like there was enough frosting on it to completely paint his face like he did. By the time he was finished, the only thing anyone could see were his little eyes peering out of his purple face. Luckily the party was held outside. He is adorable, and I’m glad he had such a nice birthday party. Did you go to the Barron County Fair? Richard Pieper, Delores Schultz, Duane and I went on Friday afternoon. We always have to check out the crafts building, the gardening building, and, of course, the chickens. I have finally decided that I am going to order Rhode Island Reds and Plymouth Rocks next spring. I wanted to do it this year, but we didn’t get a chicken coop built. Maybe there will be some little shed that I can just move up there for a coop before next spring. The fresh eggs will be wonderful, but one of the main reasons I want chickens is to keep the ticks down. From what I understand, they are very good at that. The Washburn County Fair starts this week. Duane might not be home for it, but I plan to go anyway. Our granddaughter, Savanna, is staying here this week to help me in the garden, so I’m sure she will be happy to go. Maybe we’ll see you up there. That’s about all I know from Barronett this week. Hope you have a wonderful week, and I’ll see you soon.



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dumb, but nice boys that worked hard and enjoyed life. After Mrs. S. parked near the fairgrounds, they all scattered to see their favorite things, machinery and cows. Now, I had been to carnivals. They can be a lot of fun. A fair is so much more than that. I was amazed at the variety of wonderful things on display. The sewing projects, beautiful rugs and paintings, the bakery items, pies, cakes, breads, and preserves and relishes, sweet and dill pickles, all packed so beautifully in jars. There were flowers and garden vegetables, and corn in the stalk, huge ears. The displays nearly took my breath away. It dawned on me that these were produced right here in our county. Some were probably from gardens in town, but most of the products came from local farms. So it was that my first visit to a fair gave me a kind of community pride that included country people and townspeople, something I had not felt before. I did not attend any more fairs for a long time. Later, my mother won ribbons with her canning, baking and sewing, even entering in the state fair, and I knew many people who enjoyed taking part in fairs. Several years later, I married, and I was living in the country on a farm in Virginia. The daughter of the farm family and I and some friends visited their fair. That was when my memories of fairs kicked in. I was mentally comparing the products of their farms with those back in Illinois. I thought their corn pitiful. And, who in their right mind would put a concoction like succotash in a jar, and then exhibit it at the fair? My fair was better than their fair. That is what happens, I suppose, when you develop pride in your home area early in your life. Quite a few things were about the same, and not too bad. But, of course, my fair was better than their fair. One thing they had I liked was a cake walk. They had a circular area, where you would walk around it as music played. When it stropped you might be on a place where you could win a cake. They didn’t have many dairy cows there. Their flowers were rather exotic, compared to ours, I had to admit. And we didn’t grow peanuts in Illinois. I understood more fully the value of fairs. Fairs give you community pride.


29.95 Register

by Mary B. Olsen In the old days, while I was growing up in a small town, the prevailing attitude of our high school was that townspeople are superior to farm people. Farmers smelled bad and they were dumb. Boys teased the farm boys, and girls pretty much ignored the farm girls. It was something that really didn’t concern me. That was before I worked one summer for a very nice farm lady. She had a family of growing boys. They would be baling hay at nearby farms with their father all summer. My job was to help her with her work. I had my own room. I was to be paid at the end of the summer, 50 cents for each day. Mrs. S. would call me to get up early, probably at dawn, and we would prepare breakfast and eat, and then the boys would be off, except one who would do the milking and work at the farm. I would help with the dishes, cleanup and housekeeping, gather the eggs, wash and pack the eggs in crates, and then help with things like washing clothes, hanging them out on the clothesline and ironing. Sometimes we went to the high school where there was a canning facility. We would bring in bushels of peaches, apricots, pears or tomatoes, and leave in the afternoon with everything canned. Women from town were there canning, too. One day everybody at the farm was overly excited. We were going to take the day off. We were going to the fair. Mr. S. was going to meet us later at the fair. Usually I wore blue jeans, rolled up to the knee, around the farm, but for the fair I had to wear a dress, and the boys were all spruced up nicely. We piled into their car with Mrs. S. in the driver’s seat, me next to her, one boy by the window, and three boys in the backseat. Away we went. All the way the boys laughed and joked about Allis and John. Since they were in the business of baling hay, and they had a John Deere baler that baled in square or oblong bales, and AllisChalmers had round bales, they could argue and kid each other like that for hours. I usually kept quiet, but sometimes I had to laugh, too. They were not




Fair Memories



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Recognizing faithfulness

by Diane Dryden the Junior Farmers group, and so did WASHBURN COUNTY – One of the she. Fifty years ago, in 1962, she started beefs of those folks of a certain age who attending the fair board meetings and have “been there-done that,” is that no volunteered to do whatever was one sticks with anything any longer. needed. The jobs were seldom glamThey point out that brides don’t order orous and they included cleaning up a “Keeper Cake” anymore; the one that the buildings before and after the fair, used to be eaten at the first-anniversary tending and weeding the gardens. She celebration, because so many marriages also worked as a nurse’s aide at the don’t even go a year before they’re over. Shell Lake Hospital, making sure she They also point out the frightening got home before the kids got off of the amount of jobs young people have bus, and she also took the job of town today, citing that in their day they clerk for the Town of Casey, a position started at the bottom of some company she held for 43 years and nine months. or another and worked faithfully for 40 In 1991, she began her 10 years of years and then retired with a gold Mary Emerson, 85, Spooner, has service on the Washburn County Board watch and a departure dinner. lived a busy and involved life, but saying that she has always been, “politThey never changed their church, she has still found time to volunteer ically minded.” their doctor or their insurance com- at the Washburn County Fair for the After her husband died, Emerson pany, and they usually drove the same past 50 years. – Photo by Diane Dry- stayed on the farm for another 20 years, make of vehicle their entire life, defend- den but finally decided that it was time to ing its reputation to the death. move on into town. But the move never There are those, though, that are of that certain age, 85 slowed her down. She joined Christian Women’s Club comes to mind, that managed to combine the old ways and also became a Master Gardener and a Master Food with an ability to move on and live in the now. People Preservation member. She’s been a financial counselor like Mary Emerson, who was born in Washburn County and taught municipal operations, a class that taught in the Town of Casey. She was one of nine family mem- other people the rules of how local organizations bers who was raised on a 200-acre dairy farm, and if should be run. that wasn’t enough work to do, she also waitressed and Naturally she’s the president of the Spooner Senior did dishes at a local restaurant during her high school Center as well as serving as vice chair. She’s on the years. Board of Ventures Unlimited as well as the chairperson She met and married a local boy named Dave in 1947, of the Indianhead Community Action Agency. who was from Lampson, and spent 44 years by his side. “It’s been a life of learning,” says this mother of five, They bought Grandma and Grandpa’s farm of 160 grandmother of 13 and great-grandmother of 25. “I’ve acres, raising Angus beef along with assorted fowl. always been happy where I’ve been.” She had attended the Julia School, so it seemed natuShe’s been a familiar sight around the fairgrounds ral to take over the part-time job of school clerk while each summer when the fair swings into action, and it she was raising their five children born in a seven-year won’t be any different this year. From the Wednesday, time span; Marlene in 1948, Eileen in 1950, Don in 1951, July 25, early-entry registration all the way to Sunday, Irene in 1953 and finally Mike in 1954. Dave worked for July 29, after the talent contest starting at 2 p.m., she the Washburn County Highway Department and made will have had an influential hand in the proceedings it his career. with no plans to stop anytime soon. As her children grew, they got involved with 4-H in

Springbrook farmer receives cheesemaker scholarship


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other inspiring cheesemakers by welcoming them to her plant for tours and internships. To qualify for the scholarship, applicants needed to be residents of the state of Wisconsin and demonstrated the ambition needed to obtain a Wisconsin cheesemaker license, a lengthy process requiring attendance at five cheesemaking courses, 240 hours of apprenticeship with an existing licensed Wisconsin cheesemaker, and passing a written test. The other recipients were from Cuba City, Ferryville, Madison and New London. — from DBI

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MADISON – To help continue the growth of artisan, farmstead and specialty cheese in Wisconsin, the Dairy Business Innovation Center recently announced five recipients of $1,000 scholarships to assist them in obtaining their Wisconsin cheesemaker’s license. Theresa Depies, Springbrook, was one of the recipients. She owns a herd of Jersey cows and dairy plant, in addition to operating a small CSA. Springbrook Organic Dairy sells their organic cream-line milk in stores, buying clubs and farmers markets. Depies’ future plans include becoming an artisan cheesemaker and helping







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Sampler show at Ceska Opera House

HAUGEN – A short sampler show is being presented free of charge at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, July 30, at the Ceska Opera House. The show, which is designed to be half the length of a typical opera house production, is being presented to offer persons who have never attended a performance to get a sense of the style of entertainment typically presented there. However, the show is also open to regular attendees. Unlike standard shows held at the opera house, there are no advance reservations for this sampler show. Entertainment tentatively scheduled for the evening includes piano student Logan Seymour, violinist Madeline Kemp, accordion players JoAnn Matthys and Peter Hable, Fiddlers Three consisting of JoAnn Matthys, Sally Ellison and Vonnie Ritchie, singer/guitarist Mary Jo Christensen, vocal duo Gary and Dawn Smith and humor by the Mighty Uff-da Players. — from Ceska Opera House


On Monday, July 16, Audrey C. Roppe, 90, Birchwood, was eastbound at 121 South Main St., 100 feet south of East Birch Avenue in Birchwood when she drove in the cafe. No injuries were reported. The Birchwood Village Cafe had shattered glass and broken door panels. The vehicle had only minor damage reported. Photo by Washburn County Sheriff’s Dept. Sunday, July 1 At 9:20 p.m., Michelle K. Giese, 52, Elk Mound, was northbound on Hwy. 53, one-half mile south of CTH F in Trego, when she hit a deer. Minor damage to the vehicle was reported. No injuries were reported.

Sunday, July 15 At 12:42 p.m., Teresita G. Nault, 59, Oxford, was westbound on Hwy. 77, one-fifth mile west of CTH I in Minong when she pulled over to the side of the road to make a U-turn. Nault pulled out and hit the rear passenger side of a vehicle driven by Robert E. Hollerback, 55, Marine on St. Croix, Minn. Both vehicles had severe damage and were towed. No injuries were reported.

Thursday, July 19 Myrtle M. Pino, 76, Stone Lake, was eastbound on Hwy. 70 at Fenander Road in Spooner when she hit a deer at 5:20 p.m. No injuries were reported. The vehicle had a broken windshield with minor damage reported.

Saturday, July 21 At 8 a.m. David J. Stariha, 52, Shell Lake, was westbound on at CTH B, at the intersection with Hwy. 53 in Shell Lake, when he failed to see the vehicle driven by Shawn M. Rosga, 28, Aurora, Minn., and pulled out to where he was struck. Stariha was transported by ambulance for medical treatment. Both vehicles suffered severe damage and were towed from the scene.

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Dewey country


by Pauline Lawrence

Wasn’t that a wonderful rain we had this past week? Yes, we got 1-1/4 inches here at our farm in Dewey Country. And those soybeans and hay grew. How about that corn? It looked like it had grown a foot with the tassels on, and they got a tall drink of water. Happy birthday to Carl Soelle on his special day, July 26. Have a wonderful day, Carl. A very happy anniversary to Barb and Tom Benjamin as they enjoy their special day together on July 26. Have a wonderful day. July 27, a very happy birthday to Duane LaVeau as he enjoys his special day with lots more to come. A very happy birthday to Ellianna Rose Lautherbach on July 28 when she turns 2 years old. Have a happy day, Ellianna. Happy birthday on July 28 to Mike Roberts, Steve Friendt Sr. and to Logan Hile. All have a great day. July 29, a very happy birthday to Sydney Anderson as she enjoys that special day with many more to come. Happy birthday to Emily Pfluger on July 30 with lots more to come. A very happy anniversary to Tim and Sue Pederson on July 30 when they celebrate 29 years together as man and wife with lots more to come. July 31, a very happy birthday to Jim Quam on his birthday. Jim is a special nephew of mine. Hope you can take a day off Jim and go out for supper or fishing. A very happy anniversary to Nicole and Justin Hoffman as they celebrate together with lots more to come. A very happy anniversary to Jerry and Donna Melin on Aug. 1 when they celebrate together. Have a great one. Happy birthday to Emma Stellrecht and to Sue Ellen LaVeau on Aug. 1. Many more to you. I have a name to correct this week. MaKenna is MaKenna and wasn’t McKenna like it was typed. This past week I had a good laugh at Rory. I hadn’t taken him out for walks as it was so hot. Well, Penny’s two little girls, Rylee and Reyana, were here a week ago and spent the night. This past

week, Rory was barking at the two bedroom doors, so I asked him if there was someone in there. He dug at the doors, so I opened them and he went in. He was smelling and smelling both rooms on the rug, getting the scent of the two little girls. Finally, I figured out what he wanted. He wanted my two grandchildren to play with and that’s why he was sniffing and sniffing. I know he gets bored in the house most of the day. but to me this was unbelievable. Diane Hulleman tells us she was babysitting this past weekend. Yes, the Chad Jensens brought Izzy up, and they left for a canoe ride at the Brule. They were to come back Sunday. Coming to her mom’s on Saturday were Jackie Perlt and Mattie. Also Nancy and her grandson, Jameson, came out to Diane’s. Sunday, Ginny also came out to her mom’s. Thursday, Diane was at the Country Lane Pantry. Diane’s grandson, Chris Perlt, and his bride-to-be will be married Oct. 13. Chris took up welding at tech school, and Diane says he is doing wonderful. She says he works for Michael’s Co. Last Thursday, Bernard Redding took his first chemo treatment. His daughter, Robyn Major, came and took the two of them to Eau Claire. Sandy had her doctor’s appointment the same day. Bernard will go once a week for treatments. The cost of these chemo treatments is humongous! Sandy also tells us they had about a 400-pound bear go through their yard on Sunday. It took off after a deer and scared it. Saturday found Gretchen Best going to a cousin’s daughter’s home in New Richmond for a wedding shower. She will be getting married in September. Sunday found Jerry and Gretchen Best in Cumberland at the park. Chris and Judy Stege and son Cameron visited them for a picnic. Gretch says it’s nice to keep up with the relatives. Are farmers checking their alfalfa crop? Well I’ve been told that there is a bug in the alfalfa, and some farmers have sprayed. Whether it’s a bug or worm, it’s yuck! My raspberries are done for another year. I tell yah, I fell four times, but don’t

tell my kids, while I was trying to pick berries. Yes, someone threw a bunch of tires in my raspberry patch and I fell four times. The last time I fell, Rich came and gave me a lift. My knees are shot and I can’t bend down on them. I tell yah, it was funny! When I fell, I told myself I had to get up, but then Richy came to the shed with his truck, and I yelled and he came. His words, “What in the —— are yah doin’ there? Don’t cha know better than not to pick those berries?” He also said if I went back to pickin’ berries, he would put me in an old people’s home. Well, I told him to have fun paying for me to go in the home! Ah, yes, we both have to laugh. Loretta VanSelus tells us this Sunday they had the dedication of their new church, the Faith Community Church of Nazarene in Danbury. Loretta says the dedication was wonderful and the people donated money and labor, and the church doesn’t have any debt. Don’t you wish all churches could be debt free? Our deepest sympathy to the family of Steven Axelson who was 56 years old and died from cancer. His father and mother-in-law Mert and Peg Zillmer, were at the funeral.

Heat and humidity is the talk of the town. When I called the Greg Krantzes, he had just finished talking to his sister, Vicki, and it was 110 degrees in Henderson, Nev., at the time. So, it isn’t so bad here. Seems everything is ahead of schedule this year, including the wild prairie flowers blooming now including the button flowers, tansies, coneflowers, jewelweed, wild bergamot, blue vervain and milkweed. My young wild geese have grown so big I can’t tell the young-uns from their parents. There are quite a lot of them, eight young in one and five in the other. With their folks, there are still 17 alive. When they’re together on the lawn, it is quite a flock. Gardens are starting to produce broccoli, cukes, green beans and zucchinis. Thanks to Elaine Ryan, she keeps me supplied. Jack and Judy Stodola, Onalaska, was up for the weekend at his mom’s, Virginia Stodola’s. Judy is staying up for the week. Pete Frey and kids, Ben and Emma, ad all the Frey family, also grandpa Ken Harmon of Spooner and Seth and Jacki Reynolds and little Jordan from Rice Lake, over for a fish fry Friday night. Vivian Bergman attended the Barron County Fair in Rice Lake with brother Gene and Kathy. Then on Saturday, she went to Rice Lake to celebrate their son, Scott’s, and grandson Jacob’s birthdays. Paul Armour of Florida and his son, Sam, St. Paul, Minn., visited at Viv Bergman’s. While they were here, Viv’s brother, Dennis and Gene and Kathy

rode their Harleys up to see them. Viv Bergman’s grand-nephew, Ben, made the Wisconsin state baseball team and will now get to go to Kentucky for the playoff with other state teams. He is the son of Brian and Laura Bergman. Congrats to him. Saturday, Sue Krantz’s granddaughter, Lainy Hutton, was out to work on baking and decorating stuff for the upcoming fair. Sunday, Ericka’s friend, Lance, was up and he did the cooking for a family cookout at Greg and Sue Krantz’s. The Loews spent every day at the Barron County Fair in Rice Lake. Al had his Amsoil booth and Jolene helped her daughter, Sue, in her Norwex, miracle cloth cleaning booth. Last Saturday, Al and Jolene Loew attended his cousin’s wife’s funeral in Fergus Falls, Minn. She had died of asbestos disease. The Sarona Day picnic turned out great according to reports. There was lots of good food and fellowship. Thanks to organizer Kelly Stoner. Get-well wishes to Gene Romsos and keep Ed Zaloudek in your prayers. My granddaughter, Sara Marschall’s, cousin Jessie and aunt Nancy Furchtenicht, held a bridal shower brunch Saturday morning for her at my house. They served food, Nancy’s egg bake, Elaine Ryan’s fresh caramel rolls and had some games. The bride-to-be was bubbling over and received such lovely things. People are so generous. Charlotte Thompson and granddaughter Allison Zezlorski from Savage, Minn., came on Saturday afternoon. That was so nice. Sara got to meet her third cousin. Janet Zimmerman attended Barron

County Fair with her cousin Darlene McGiffin and Sunday evening to the girls fast-pitch game in Rice Lake with Marilyn and Renee Zimmerman to watch their nieces. On Monday, Elfreda West and I visited at Avis Thorp’s, Stone Lake, when my sister Sharon Wilber was there. We ate and ate, had coffee and brunch, then lunch. Pete and Betty Hubin visited my house one day, bringing a shower gift. Howard and Jean Furchtenicht came down on Friday evening and we went up to the farm and watched the milking. I had lemonade with Bev Helmer and a great visit on Sunday afternoon. On Thursday I visited with Mary Krantz and others at Lakeland Manor in Shell Lake. Happy birthday wishes to Eric Stodola

and Karen Clyde, July 26; Norm Pokorny III, Amanda Kubista, Adam West, Kathy Drost, Sage Dunham and Riley and Kaitlyn West, July 27; Mary Marschall, Betty Colberg, Mary Jo Morevec and Don Tobias, July 28; Lenora Rouse, Debra Green, July 29; Emily Pfluger; Mark Benjamin, Julie Sauer, Harold Stephen Jr., Swanee Wennerberg, Gene Parker and Karen Ullom, Aug. 1. Some anniversaries this week include Tooker and Sue Weathers, Ray and Sue Heilborn, Ray and Elaine Norton, July 30; Tristin and Jennie Joslin. Belated wishes to Dwight and Bonnie Smith on July 23. Come to the Washburn County Fair and celebrate with great food, great exhibits and great fun from Thursday through Sunday. See you there!

Tuesday evening visitors of Maynard and Ronda Mangelsen were Hank and Karen Mangelsen, Daniel, Daya, Jordan and Cora Lawrence, and David Lester. They all wished Maynard a happy birthday. Bob and Pam Bentz and their granddaughters, Emily, Erika and Taylor, visited Karen and Hank Mangelsen Friday. Brian and Jane Hines and family spent the weekend at their cabin on Pokegama Lake. They spent some time visiting Donna and Gerry Hines. Chad Harrison was a visitor of his grandparents, Lawrence and Nina Hines, on Saturday and Sunday. The Rev. Keith Trembath was the guest

pastor at Lakeview UM Church Sunday morning. Sunday visitors of Gerry and Donna Hines were Nick and Esther Mangelsen, Barry and Josh Hines and Maynard Mangelsen. Randy and Arlene Schact called on Hank and Karen Mangelsen Sunday afternoon. Lida Nordquist visited Marlene Swearingen Sunday and had supper with her. Clam River Tuesday Club will meet Aug. 1 at the home of Trudy DeLawyer. The afternoon will start with a potluck meal at 12:30 p.m.

Sarona by Marian Furchtenicht

Buddy Quam is, I believe, in Haugen starting Sunday through next Friday for Boy Scouts. Warren Quam left recently for Amherst to spend time with Tim and Sue Pederson. Our deepest sympathy to the family of Hank Johnson who passed away recently. His visitation was Thursday evening at the Dahl Funeral Home in Spooner. His funeral was Friday. Robyn Melton was home from the Twin Cities at Cecil and Evelyn Melton’s. Saturday evening, Cecil and Evelyn Melton had a family get-together with family coming to enjoy the evening. Beth and Garry Crosby attended a meeting for NFO National Board of Directors at Fort Atkinson from Monday through Thursday. Glen and Lorraine Crosby had a lunch on Sunday at Beth and Garry Crosby’s. Donna and Gene Crosby visited Glen and Lorraine on Sunday. Take the time to visit the many works of our young people at the Washburn County Fair, July 26-29. They have worked very hard on their projects and it’s nice to show it. Scatter sunshine! Have a great week!

Nickell accepts position in Amery

Tim Nickell, physician assistant certified, is currently working as an urgent care specialist at the Amery Regional Medical Center in Amery. His specialties include urgent care, pharmacology and emergency medicine. A 2003 graduate from Shell Lake High School, he received his bachelor’s degree in biology from the University of MinnesotaDuluth in 2007 and obtained certification as a physician assistant from the University of Nebraska Medical Center in 2011. He and his wife, Meghan, and their daughter, Emma, are currently living in Shell Lake. He is the son of Tim and Carol Nickell of Barronett. — Photo submitted

Dewey-LaFollette by Karen Mangelsen



Robert Edward “Bob” Knapp

Robert Edward “Bob” Knapp, 80, died Saturday, July 21, 2012, at his home in Mead, Weld County, Colo., after a lengthy illness. He was born the son of Frederick Dewey Knapp and Helen Barbara Haremza, in Spooner, on Jan. 24, 1932, and raised in Shell Lake. He is survived by his older brother, Frederick Joseph Knapp (Penny Leka), East Hampton, N.Y. An older sister, Lorraine Barbara Knapp (John Charles Hurd) is listed within the National Missing and Unidentified Missing Persons System. Bob was a 1950 graduate of Shell Lake High School. He played both basketball and football in his high school years. An active hunter and fisherman most of his life, he had a tremendous love of the outdoors and knew most birds by sight and song. A graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1954 with a Bachelor of Science degree in biological sciences, he was enlisted in ROTC for four years, serving as 1st Lieutenant. Upon graduation, he served two years’ active duty at Beale Air Force Base in California with the Army Corps of Engineers in heavy equipment base. He was a brother of Kappa Sigma Fraternity, University of Wisconsin-Madison. He worked for Wisconsin Physician Service and for Manson Insurance Agency as a health insurance agent in Wausau and sold real estate both in Wisconsin and in Colorado most of his career. Bob volunteered as a seasonal game warden in Mosinee for several years. He was broker/owner of Towne & Country Property Shoppe in Mead, Colo. Bob was the first president of Wausau Noon Optimist Club in 1960 and new club building chairman of the state chapter of Optimists. He was first president of the Algernon Schwinnburg Literary Society — a poker club. Through the years, he served as church council

member, Sunday school superintendent and Sunday school teacher. Bob served on the planning commission and downtown revitalization committee for Mead, Colo. He is survived by his wife, Elizabeth A. Knapp, Mead, Colo.; and their sons, Robert W. Knapp (Sarah E. Burley), Denver, Colo., and Stephen J. Knapp, Las Vegas, Nev.; and grandchildren Jackson W. Knapp and Ronan J. Knapp, Denver, Colo. He is also survived by Cynthia Rose Cauger (Donald McCutcheon), Wausau, and their children, Diane E. Knapp, Wausau, Thomas R. Knapp (Kristin Johnson), Harrisonburg, Va., David J. Knapp (Vay Rong Tran), Golden, Colo.; grandchildren: Joseph J. Knapp, West Chester, Pa., Elizabeth M. Burks, Salt Lake City, Utah, Anna C. Burks (Brady Peck), Boise, Idaho, William D. Burks, Missoula, Mont., Arik J. Knapp (Megan Baker), Agua Dilla, Puerto Rico, Emily R. Knapp, Harrisonburg, Va., and Michael D. Knapp, Harrisonburg, Va., Quinlan Knapp Cauger, Golden, Colo., Aiden Tran Cauger, Golden, Colo.; and one greatgranddaughter, Claire Mika-Marie Knapp, Warrenton, Va. He was preceded in death by his parents and two eldest children: daughter Linda Jean Knapp, Jan. 23, 2003, and son James Robert Knapp, Aug. 15, 1975. His remains have been donated to the Colorado State Anatomical Board, University of Colorado School of Science and Medicine. Interment will be at a later date. A celebration of life for family and friends will be at Faith Community Lutheran Church on Friday, July 27, at 3 p.m. For more information, please e-mail: knappproperties@msn.com. Family requests that in lieu of flowers, donations be made to: Bob Knapp Memorial Fund, P.O. 708, Mead, CO 80542, where proceeds will be used for a permanent memorial in the Town of Mead, Colorado. “I did most things I wanted to do, enjoyed life and felt truly blessed to the very end.”

Judith Ann Fox, 70, Shell Lake, died Saturday, July 21, 2012, surrounded by her family. Judith was born Sept. 13, 1941, in Olympia, Wash., to Woodrow and Irene Bitney. She attended the University of Wisconsin-Superior where she received a Bachelor of Science degree in education. In 1968, Judith married her true love, Gary Fox, on June 8. Judith was an active member of St. Joseph Catholic Church where she served on a number of boards over the years, assisting in any way she could. When asked, “What is the one thing you most want people to remember about you?” she replied, “I loved people and prayed for everyone who asked.” In her free time, Judith loved to cook and spend time with her children and grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Gary, on May 19, 2012; and her parents. She is survived by her children, Carrie (Don) Quinton, Tim (Jill) Fox, Mike (Arianne) Fox and Jacqueline

Fox; her grandchildren, Hunter Huth, Richard Quinton, Cassidy Quinton, Kalili Quinton, Gage Fox, Bronson Fox, Landon Fox, Brian Fox and Aubrey Fox; her brothers, Jim (Marilyn) Bitney, Tom (Jeri) Bitney, Mike (Nancy) Bitney; sisters Jane (Bob) Pederson and Jackie (Bill) Smith; along with other relatives and many friends. A memorial Mass will be held Thursday, July 26, at St. Joseph Catholic Church with Father Ed Anderson as celebrant. Providing music will be Tamara Smith, Kelsey Bitney, Jeri Bitney and Anne Bryan. Interment will be held at the Northern Wisconsin Veterans Memorial Cemetery in Spooner. The Taylor Family Funeral Home, Spooner, was entrusted with arrangements. Online condolences can be made at scalzo-taylor.com.

Judith Ann Fox

Veterans transportation summit at Hayward


Friday, July 27

Contact Jim Campbell To Enter A Team Or Get More Information - 715-416-0049 or 715-635-9199 565006 47-49r

Monday, July 30: Swiss steak, gravy, mashed potatoes, whole-kernel corn, diced watermelon, bread, butter, milk, coffee. Tuesday, July 31: Chicken Alfredo, chef’s salad, dressing, chocolate pudding, bread, butter, milk, coffee. Wednesday, Aug. 1: Pork chops, kraut, dumplings, baby red potatoes, apricot crisp, rye bread, butter, milk, coffee. Thursday, Aug. 2: Seafood pasta salad on lettuce leaf, peach halves, sherbet, muffin, butter, milk, coffee. Friday, Aug. 3: Honey Dijon chicken, au gratin potatoes, creamy cucumbers, fruited gelatin dessert, bread, butter, milk, coffee. Meal reservations must be made at least 24 hours in advance. Call 715-468-4750.

Heart Lake news

What a beautiful morning Monday was. The sun was shining brightly. The birds were busy at the feeders and the flowers. However, we had another hot day and rain was predicted for the night. Lawns are brown unless you water them and don’t cut too short. Our sympathy to the family of Florence Rand of Spooner. She had been such an active girl raising many children. Funeral services were held Saturday. On Friday, the Glenview bus took several tenants to Tracks for lunch. As usual, it was a good outing. Pastor Don West, from Salem Lutheran Church, came by to see Louie and Dorothy Neste and Helen Pederson on Friday. Louie is back at Glenview following a stay in the hospital. It’s good to have you back, Louie. Judy and Myron Bolterman attended the visitation Friday night and funeral for Florence Rand on Saturday. Chuck and Mary Campbell, of Appleton, and Jennifer and Samantha Honaken, of Indianapolis, daughter and granddaughter of Chuck and Mary’s, came up for the funeral. On Saturday afternoon, the Boltermans took in the reunion of Judy’s side of the family (Steies) at Wilson,. They get together every two years. Here visiting Mavis and Roger Flach are Carolyn (Peterson) and Bryon Denton from Orland, Calif. They came to attend their 50th class reunion held Saturday night at the Lakeview Hotel. On Saturday afternoon, the Flachs and Dentons visited Scott and Cindy Malmin and visited with Cindy’s daughter, Sadie, who is visiting here from Kingman, Ariz., where she is teaching. Congratulations to Jennifer Peterson, who is now principal at Spooner High School. Her dad Roy (Candy) Peterson, son of Alf and Evelyne Peterson grew up in the Heart Lake area as well as Jennifer. Good luck to you. Visiting with Jeff Pederson for a few days are Chad White, of Cross Plains, and Nick Pederson, of Minneapolis, Minn. They spent time golfing on Sunday evening. Helen V. Pederson joined them for a picnic supper. Wendell Turpin of Indiana is up here finishing his house on Hwy. 63. Peder Pederson joined the Class of 1950 (Virginia’s class) Thursday night at Pair O’ Lakes. On Saturday, Mary Marschall attended a bridal shower for Sara Marschall at Sara’s grandmother’s, Marion Furchtenicht’s, given by Nancy Furchtenicht, Jessica Furchtenicht and Elaine Ryan. On Saturday night, John and Mary Marschall visited at Brent and Toni Safford’s in Cameron. Louisa Schade was up visiting her relatives over the weekend. She joined Florence, Lillian and Margaret for supper at Florence’s given by Margaret. The fair is this week in Washburn County. It will be a hot one. I hope you all take it in and support our young people. Small opportunities are often the beginning of great enterprises. Keep cool!


Nancy & Bob Neuman of Spooner, celebrated their

Spooner Wesleyan Church

50th Wedding Anniversary

Mon., July 30 Fri., August 3 8:45 a.m. - Noon Age 4 - Grade 6 1100 West Maple Street, Spooner Preregister at the church office or call 715-635-2768 or visit spoonerwesleyan.org

566010 49rp

7 p.m. • Captain Meeting At 6:30 p.m. Teams - 8 women’s and 8 men’s. 1st 8 teams that sign up for each group are in. Pullers 18 and under may participate with parent/guardian signed permission slip. $50 entry fee for each team - due upon turning in roster (10 max). Six pullers max allowed at one time. Team sign-up deadline is Thurs., July 26.

issues with national speakers. The summit is for all partners in transportation and open to the public with registration. Information and registration is located at Web site cilww.com or contact the Washburn County Veteran Service Office at 715-6354470. For further information, contact the Denise Larson, New Freedom Program in the Eau Claire office at 877577-8452 or locally at 715-514-4200 or e-mail larsond@ cilww.com. — CILWW

565140 48-49r

MENOMONIE — The Center for Independent Living for Western Wisconsin Inc. New Freedom Transportation, and North Country Independent Living, along with various federal, state and community agencies, will host a Veterans Transportation Summit on Thursday, Aug. 2, at the LCO Casino Lodge and Convention Center in Hayward. This summit will focus on coordinated 18 Northwest Wisconsin counties responsive, affordable and accessible transportation for everyone with a focus on veterans. There will be discussion on veteran transportation

Senior Lunch Menu

Send death notices/obituaries to P.O. Box 455, Shell Lake, WI 54871 or e-mail wcregister@centurytel.net

at Cathedral of Christ the King, Superior, WI, on July 14 with Bishop Peter Christensen. The couple was married December 30, 1961, at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Shell Lake.



Lake Park Alliance 53 3rd Ave., Shell Lake Pastor John Sahlstrom Lay Pastor Richard Peterson Youth leader Ryan Hunziker 715-468-2734 Worship Service: 10 a.m. Youth Group, 7th - 12th grades: Wednesdays 7 - 8:30 p.m.


Episcopal St. Alban's

Corner of Elm and Summit St., Spooner Father Bob Rodgers 715-635-8475 Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Holy Eucharist: Sunday at 10:30 a.m. and Thursday at 9:30 a.m. Morning prayer: 8:15 a.m. Monday - Thursday

Full Gospel

Northwoods Baptist

Shell Lake Full Gospel

W6268 Cranberry Dr., Shell Lake; 1 mile north of CTH B on U.S. 253 Pastor Adam Dunshee 715-468-2177 Sunday School: 10 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. Sunday service: 6 p.m. Wednesday service: 7 p.m.

Spooner Baptist

W7135 Green Valley Rd. (Green Valley Rd. and Hwy. 63) Pastor Darrel Flaming 715-635-2277 www.spoonerbaptist.com Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. Sunday evening service 6 p.m. Wed. evening service 6:30 p.m.


St. Joseph's Catholic

100 N. Second St., Shell Lake Father Edwin Anderson Saturday Mass: 4:30 p.m. Books and Coffee: Tues. 9 a.m.

St. Catherine's Catholic

CTH D, Sarona Father Edwin Anderson 715-468-7850 Sunday Mass: 8:30 a.m.

St. Francis de Sales


409 N. Summit St., Spooner Father Edwin Anderson 715-635-3105 Saturday Mass: 6 p.m. Sunday Mass: 10 a.m.

293 S. Hwy. 63, Shell Lake Pastor Virgil Amundson 715-468-2895 Sunday School & Adult Education Classes: 9 a.m. Celebration worship 10 a.m.; KFC (Kids For Christ) during Service; UTurn Student Ministries 6 p.m.; Tuesdays: Compassion Connection (Men only) 7 p.m.; Wednesdays: Compassion Connection (Women only) 7 p.m.; Thurdays: Compassion Connection (Coed meetings) 7 p.m.;


Barronett Lutheran

776 Prospect Ave., Barronett Pastor Todd Ahneman 715-671-3197 (cell) Sunday Worship: 9 a.m. The Spirit Connection Youth Group will meet the first Wednesday of the month at 6 p.m.

Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church

(WELS) Hwy. 70 at Hwy. 53, Spooner Pastor Gene E. Jahnke 715-635-7672, Home: 715-354-7787 Sunday Worship: 9:30 a.m. Sunday School and Bible class: 10:45 a.m.

Faith Lutheran

(Missouri Synod) South of Spooner off Hwy. W7148 Luther Rd. Pastor Brent Berkesch 715-635-8167 Sunday 9. a.m. Worship Thursday, 6:30 p.m. Worship Lutheran Hour on WJMC 96.1 FM Radio at 9 a.m. Sundays


Long Lake Lutheran Church W3114 Church Rd., Sarona Pastor Mary Strom Sunday Worship 8:30 a.m. Outdoor Service 10:15 Indoor Service

Salem Lutheran, ELCA

803 Second St., Shell Lake 715-468-7718 www.shelllakesalem lutheran.org Worship 9 a.m. Sunday School 10:15 a.m..

Timberland Ringebu Free Lutheran

20805 CTH H, Barronett 715-468-4403 Pastor Al Bedard Sunday School 8:30 a.m. Family Worship 9:30 a.m. Fellowship follows worship Holy Communion first Sunday of the month Midweek Studies Tuesdays 2 & 7 p.m.

Trinity Lutheran

1790 Scribner St., Spooner 715-635-3603 Sunday Worship: 8 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. Sunday School: 9:15 a.m.


United Methodist

135 Reinhart Dr., Shell Lake, 715-468-2405 Pastor Gregory Harrell Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. Sunday School during worship time; webcast livestream.com/slumc

Sarona Methodist Pastor Gregory Harrell Sunday Worship 9 a.m.

United Methodist 312 Elm St., Spooner 715-635-3227 Rev. Jack Starr Sunday Worship: 10:45 a.m.

Lakeview United Methodist Williams Road, Hertel 715-635-3227 Rev. Jack Starr Sunday Worship: 9 a.m.

Church of the Nazarene

Hwy. 253 S, Spooner Rev. David Frazer 715-635-3496 Sunday Worship: 10:45 a.m. and 6 p.m.; Sunday School: 9:45 a.m.; Wednesday adult, youth and children ministries: 6:30 p.m.


Spooner Wesleyan

Hwy. 70 W, Spooner www.spoonerwesleyan.org Senior Pastor Ronald W. Gormong; Assistant Pastor Chopper Brown 715-635-2768 Sunday Worship 9 a.m.; Sunday School and ABFs: 10:30 a.m.; nursery provided; Celebrate Recovery, now every Monday at 6:30 p.m. Team Kid, ages 4 yrs. - 6th grade, Wednesday 6:30 p.m.


Cornerstone Christian

Pastor Tom Kelby 106 Balsam St., Spooner 715-635-9222 www.cornerstonechurch spooner.com Sunday Worship: 10 a.m. Children’s Sunday School: 10:30 a.m.; Wed. Prayer: 6:30 p.m. Youth Group Wednesday: 6:30 p.m.

Trego Community Church

Pastor John Iaffaldano W5635 Park St. Trego, WI 54888 715-635-8402 Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m. prayer meeting; 6:30-8 p.m. AWANA Sept. - April. Sunday School 9:15 a.m., all ages. Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Bishop Patrick F. Roper 715-719-0124 644 S. 6th Street, Barron 715-537-3679 Sunday: Sacrament 10 a.m., Sunday School/Primary 11:20 a.m., Priesthood/Relief Society 12:10 p.m.


ne morning a mother was running late for an appointment. Wanting to look her best, she asked her son to polish her shoes. He did such a good job that she wanted to reward him. So, she gave him a dollar. As she was putting on one of the shoes, she felt something strange. She reached into the shoe and discovered her dollar bill. With it was a note that read, “Here’s your dollar back, Mom. I did it for love.” Love has ears to hear the sigh of the sorrowing. It has eyes to see the needs of those who are suffering. It has feet that run to others to show mercy. It has hands that extend themselves to help others heal. It has a heart that can feel the pain that others are enduring. Love always forgets self to serve others. If we are not serving others, we do not love. God’s word tells us to “love in deed, not words alone.” May we each show more of his love every day. Visit us at: TheSower.com.

This message is sponsored by the following businesses: Shell Lake State Bank

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Washburn County Abstract Company 407 N. Front St. • Spooner, Wis.

Silver Shears Salon (715) 635-7383

506 1st St. Shell Lake, Wis.

For Appointment 715-468-2404

White Birch Printing, Inc. Quality Printing Since 1963 501 W. Beaver Brook Ave. Spooner, Wis.


Country Pride Co-op

331 Hwy. 63 • Shell Lake • 715-468-2302 Cenex Convenience Store: Mon.-Fri. 5:30 a.m.-10 p.m.; Sat. & Sun. 6 a.m.-10 p.m.



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Washburn County’s Premier Funeral Home


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• Washburn County’s only locally owned funeral home. • Convenient off-street parking with handicap accessibility. • Spacious chapel and lounge areas. • Prearrangements. • Company-owned crematory.

Taylor Family Funeral Home & Cremation Service

Pat Taylor, Director

306 Rusk St. • Spooner • 715-635-8919 • scalzo-taylor.com




Position is casual, working 8 hours every other weekend. Candidate would be responsible for answering telephones, filing and some computer work. Perfect job for anyone looking for a few extras hours!

Application s canbepickedu p at:

Indianhead Medical Center 113 4th Ave. Shell Lake, WI 54871

565989 49rp


Elementary Education Teacher

565458 48-49r 38-39b

The following position is available in the Shell Lake School District: Elementary Education Teacher This 100% F.T.E. elementary teaching position will start with the 2012/2013 school year. Wisconsin D.P.I. license is required. To apply: Applicants must send the following: • Letter of application • Resume • D.P.I. license • Three letters of recommendation • Copy of official transcripts Successful applicant must pass a criminal background check, drug screen and required medical exam. Start Date: 2012-13 school year Application Deadline: August 3, 2012 Submit application materials to: Mrs. Kimberly Osterhues, Elementary Principal School District of Shell Lake 271 Hwy. 63 Shell Lake, WI 54871 The Shell Lake School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex or disability.

Tammy R. Featherly, Minong, operating motor vehicle without insurance, $200.50; speeding, $225.70. Ann M. Geddes, Birchwood, seat belt violation, $10.00. William M. Graham, Trego, underage drinking, $263.50, alcohol assessment. Grain Storage Systems, LLC, Knapp, operating motor vehicle without proof of insurance, $10.00; vehicle equipment violations group 3, $175.30. Debra J. Hashbarger, Trego, disorderly conduct, $263.50. Bruce E. Hendry, Drummond, speedometer violations, $150.00. Erica M. Hergert, Spooner, seat belt violation, $10.00. Travis W. Hills, Trego, underage drinking, $263.50, alcohol assessment.

Chris D. Hershey, Birchwood, seat belt violation, $10.00. Matthew R. Horton, Greenfield, Ind., speeding, $250.90. Gary J. Johnson, Spooner, speeding, $225.70. Michael W. Jorgensen, St. Croix Falls, speeding, $175.30. John A. Kahl, Cameron, seat belt violation, $10.00. Matthew J. Kludt, Spooner, operating motor vehicle without proof of insurance, $10.00. Whitney E. Korthof, Springbrook, disorderly conduct, $263.50. Jacob J. Kruger, Rice Lake, seat belt violation, $10.00. Julie A. LaGuire, Spooner, speeding, $200.50. Kaylee R. Labarge, Superior, nonregistration of auto, $175.30. Yvonne M. Palfe, Maplewood, Minn., speeding, $225.70.


Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College All Locations WITC is seeking candidates for a part-time Health Sciences Instructor at any of the WITC Campus locations. Teaching responsibilities may include general anatomy and physiology, advanced anatomy and physiology, microbiology, chemistry, pathophysiology and natural sciences.

Deadline to apply: August 15, 2012 WISCONSIN For a complete list of qualifications INDIANHEAD and to apply, visit our Web site at TECHNICAL www.witc.edu/employ. 565883 COLLEGE TTY 711 49r,L 39a-e

WITC is an equal opportunity/access/employer and educator.


Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College is seeking learningfocused, creative and dynamic individuals for adjunct Associate Degree Nursing Instructor positions. WITC will be hiring adjunct candidates for the Superior, Rice Lake and New Richmond campuses beginning fall semester. The ideal candidates will demonstrate interest in and potential for excellence in facilitating student learning and development. These part-time positions will work approximately 16 hours per week. Qualifications include: Master’s degree with a major in nursing or significant progress toward Master’s degree, two years’ occupational nursing experience and direct-care experience as a practicing nurse within the past five years.

Deadline to apply: July 30, 2012


For a complete list of qualifications and to apply visit our Web site at ww.witc.edu/employ. 565743 38b,c,d,e 49r TTY 711

WITC is an Equal Opportunity/Access Employer and Educator.

Ramon D. Malnourie, Fargo, N.D., operating without valid license, $200.50; speeding, $200.50. John M. Marty, Waterloo, failure to maintain vehicle brakes/working order, $175.30; vehicle equipment violations, group 1, $238.30; towing with improper safety chains, $200.50. Meier Farms and Trucking, LLC, Ogema, vehicle equipment violations, group 1, $238.30. Susan E. Olson-Rosenbush, Sarona, failure to yield right of way from stop sign, $175.30; failure to have passenger seat belted, $10.00. Ronald A. Paulus, Palos Hills, Ill., failure to stop at stop sign, $175.30. David J. Perko, Trego, operate ATV without valid registration, $200.50. William E. Potter, Woodbury, Minn., operating motor vehicle without proof of insurance, $10.00. Timothy D. Rick, Minnetonka, Minn., speeding, $175.30. Catherine P. Wlaschin, Danbury, speeding, $175.30.

Regina A. Rens, Woodville, ATV without headgear, operating $150.10. Rachelle R. Riedelsperger, Birchwood, seat belt violation, $10.00. Douglas L. Scalzo, Spooner, seat belt violation, $10.00. Betty J. Servin, Cameron, seat belt violation, $10.00. Evan R. Silvis, Spooner, underage drinking, $263.50, alcohol assessment. Connor J. Sprenger, Sarona, underage drinking, $263.50, alcohol assessment. Paul A. Syvinski, Rice Lake, seat belt violation, $10.00. Steven P. Waggoner, Minong, failure to register dog with town clerk, $150.10, twice. Brian P. Webster, Solon Springs, speeding, $200.50. Jordan L. Wendland, Springbrook, driving too fast for conditions, $213.10. Samantha S. Zeien, Trego, seat belt violation, $10.00.

Daniel P. Stelton, Watford, N.D., and Denise M. Antus, Shell Lake. Philip S. Leuthe, Weiser, Idaho, and Tracy L. Bowthorpe, Weiser, Idaho. Clifford W. Maxfield, Evergreen, and Kimberly B. Vinar, Lent, Minn. Carl I. Peterson, Minneapolis, Minn., and Helen M. Booth-Tobin, Minneapolis, Minn. Paul T. Hartwig, Spooner, and Krista J. Lyons, Spooner.

Brett P. Christianson, Marine on St. Croix, Minn., and Annabelle M. Stiles-Huntress, Bass Lake. Louis J. French, Circle Pines, Minn., and Kari A. Walker, Circle Pines, Minn. Daniel J. Gardeen, Bloomington, Minn., and Samantha J. Thompson, Bloomington, Minn. Douglas D. Carpus, Milan, Mich., and Megan R. Bailey, Milan, Mich. Anthony J. Rizzo, Spooner, and Randi S. Hanson, Spooner.

Marriage licenses

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Bank Mutual wants you to think about your future! Do you desire the chance to build a career with one of Wisconsin’s most stable financial savings institutions? If you have one or more years of retail banking sales and operations experience, we want to talk to you. We offer a complete compensation package. For consideration, send, e-mail or fax your resume to: Attn.: HR Manager

565462 48-49r 38-39b

The following half-time position is available in the Shell Lake School District: Half-time Elementary Special Education Aide Start Date: 2012-13 School Year. Description: This is a half-time elementary position with the School District of Shell Lake. Duties include assisting special education staff and working with students. Candidates must possess or obtain a Wisconsin license through D.P.I. as a Special Education Aide. To apply: Interested applicants are to send the following: - Letter of application - Resume - Letter of reference - Copy of current WI Special Education Aide license. Candidate must successfully complete a criminal background check, drug screen and medical exam. Application Deadline: July 30, 2012. Submit application materials to: Mrs. Kimberly Osterhues, Elementary Principal School District of Shell Lake 271 Hwy. 63 S. Shell Lake, WI 54871 The Shell Lake School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex or disability.

JOB POSTING The following position is available in the Shell Lake School District: Full-time Elementary Aide Start Date: 2012-13 school year. Description: This is a full-time elementary aide position with the School District of Shell Lake. Candidates are recommended to have a Wisconsin license through D.P.I. as a Special Education Aide. To apply: Interested applicants are to send the following: - Letter of application - Resume’ - Letter of reference - If candidate holds a WI Special Education Aide license, this should be submitted also. Successful applicant must complete a criminal background check, drug screen and medical exam. Application Deadline: July 30, 2012. Submit application materials to: Mrs. Kimberly Osterhues, Elementary Principal School District of Shell Lake 271 Hwy. 63 S. Shell Lake, WI 54871 The Shell Lake School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex or disability.

565460 48-49r 38-39b


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Athletic Director

The following position is available in the Shell Lake School District: Athletic Director. The Athletic Director position will start with the 2012/ 2013 school year. Previous experience in coaching and athletic administration is preferred. To apply, applicants must send a letter of application and resume. Successful applicant must pass a criminal background check, drug screen and required medical exam. Start Date: 2012-13 school year Application Deadline: August 10, 2012 Submit application materials to: Don Peterson, 7-12 Principal School District of Shell Lake 271 Hwy. 63 Shell Lake, WI 54871 The Shell Lake School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex or disability.

565808 38-39b 49-50r

Steven A. Allen, Minong, fishing without license, $190.70. Trevor L. Bartle, Springbrook, seat belt violation, $10.00. Eli Baumgart, Springbrook, underage drinking, $263.50, alcohol assessment. Adam D. Burr, Cannon Falls, Minn., speeding, $200.50. Joshua D. Christoff, Ramsey, Minn., speeding, $200.50. Lee W. Columbus, Sun Prairie, speeding, $200.50. Shawn E. Daniels, Cumberland, seat belt violation, $10.00. Craig A. Derrick, Spooner, inattentive driving, $389.50. Christopher L. Dewitt, Newport, Minn., speeding, $200.50. Floyd D. Engelking, Shell Lake, speeding, $200.50. Mayra J. Enriquez, Minneapolis, Minn., speeding, $175.30.

565939 49r

Scott M. Amerson, Rice Lake, possess drug paraphernalia, $263.50. James H. Ballweg, Springbrook, disorderly conduct or resisting or obstructing an officer, $263.50. Kyle L. Frolik, Rice Lake, disorderly conduct, $243.00. Cory A. Griffin, Spooner, possession of THC, $243.00; possess drug paraphernalia, $243.00. Lawrence A. Linden, Minong, battery, $2,000.00. Blaine G. Ross, Spooner, possession of synthetic cannabinoid, $263.50. Terran J. Adams, Hayward, operating motor vehicle without proof of insurance, $10.00. John C. Adler, Hayward, speeding, $200.50; operating motor vehicle without proof of insurance, $10.00.

Washburn County Court news


Washburn County

Register Serving the community since 1889

(July 18, 25, Aug. 1) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT WASHBURN COUNTY Countrywide Home Loans, Inc. as servicer for Bank of New York as Trustee for the Benefit of Alternative Loan Trust 2007-7T2 Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2007-7T2 Plaintiff vs. ROSS A. SCHLIESMANN, et al. Defendant(s) Case No.: 08 CV 236 NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by virtue of a judgment of foreclosure entered on February 23, 2009, in the amount of $588,653.31, the Sheriff will sell the described premises at public auction as follows: TIME: August 15, 2012, at 10:00 a.m. TERMS: 1.) 10% down in cash or money order at the time of sale; balance due within 10 days of confirmation of sale; failure to pay balance due will result in forfeit of deposit to plaintiff. 2.) Sold “as is” and subject to all legal liens and encumbrances. PLACE: At the north entrance of Washburn County Courthouse located 10 4th Avenue, Shell Lake, Wisconsin. DESCRIPTION: A parcel of land in Government Lots 1 and 2, and in lands not part of the U.S. Public Land Survey, Section 3, Township 37 North, Range 10 West, and in the SE1/4 of the SW1/4, Section 34, Township 38 North, Range 10 West, Town of Birchwood, Washburn County, Wisconsin, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Quarter Corner to Section 34, Township 38 North, Range 10 West and Section 3, Township 37 North, Range 10 West and Section 3, Township 37 North, Range 10 West, marked by a 2-1/2” brass-capped iron pipe; thence N 64 Degrees 55’03”W, 715.83 Feet to the place of beginning. Thence S36 Degrees 12’11”W, 818.88 Feet to a 1” iron pipe near the North Shore of Nick Lake; thence N39 Degrees 34’57”W, 257.90 Feet along the lake to a 1” iron pipe; thence leaving the lake N36 Degrees 12’11”E, 448.96 Feet to a 1” iron pipe; thence N27 Degrees 36’35”E, 410.00 Feet to a 1” iron pipe; thence S 28 Degrees 01’48”E, 181.15 Feet to a 1” iron pipe; thence S46 Degrees 04’54”E, 149.48 Feet to the place of beginning. Including also all lands lying between the lakeshore meander line and Nick Lake. Surveyor’s-Certificate I, Stuart L. Foltz, Registered Land Surveyor #S-1170, hereby certify that we have surveyed the above-described property; that this plat is an accurate survey and a true representation thereof, and correctly shows the exterior boundary lines and the correct measurements thereof; that we have made such survey by the order of Ross Schliesmann, and that we have complied with Chapter 236.34 of the Wisconsin Statutes. A lso known as: Parcel 1 of C.S.M. No. 3464 Recorded on July 25, 2006, as Document No. 319583. PROPERTY ADDRESS: W1129 Peufald Road, Birchwood, WI 54817. TAX KEY NO.: 65-010-2-37-1003-5-05-002-001010. Dated this 3rd day of July, 2012. /s/Sheriff Terry Dryden Washburn County Sheriff Scott D. Nabke Blommer Peterman, S.C. State Bar No. 1037979 165 Bishops Way, Suite 100 Brookfield, WI 53005 262-790-5719 Please go to www.blommerpeterman.com to obtain the bid for this sale. Blommer Peterman, S.C., is the creditor’s attorney and is attempting to collect a debt on its behalf. Any information obtained will be used for that purpose. 1952515

565143 WNAXLP

(July 25, Aug. 1, 8) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT WINNEBAGO COUNTY EVERBANK 8100 Nations Way Jacksonville, Florida 32256 Plaintiff, vs. NICOLE M. STRENKE and JOHN DOE, unknown spouse of Nicole M. Strenke P.O. Box 113 Minong, WI 54859 OR 654 Cedar Street Neenah, WI 54956 Defendants Case No. 12-CV-0817 Code No. 30404 Foreclosure of Mortgage Dollar Amount Greater Than $5,000 FORTY-DAY SUMMONS THE STATE OF WISCONSIN, TO: NICOLE M. STRENKE and JOHN DOE, unknown spouse of Nicole M. Strenke P.O. Box 113 Minong, WI 54859; and N13337 Denniger Road Minong, WI 54859 654 Cedar Street Neenah, WI 54956 You are hereby notified that the plaintiff named above has filed a lawsuit or other legal action against you. The complaint, which is also served upon you, states the nature and basis of the legal action. Within 40 days after July 25, 2012, you must respond with a written answer, as that term is used in Chapter 802 of the Wisconsin Statutes, to the complaint. The court may reject or disregard an answer that does not follow the requirements of the statutes. The answer must be sent or delivered to the court, whose address is: Clerk of Circuit Court Winnebago County Courthouse 415 Jackson Street P.O. Box 2808 Oshkosh, WI 54903 and to O’Dess and Associates, S.C., Plaintiff’s attorneys, whose address is: O’Dess and Associates, S.C. 1414 Underwood Avenue Suite 403 Wauwatosa, Wisconsin 53213 You may have an attorney help or represent you. If you do not provide a proper answer within 40 days, the court may grant judgment against you for the award of money or other legal action requested in the complaint, and you may lose your right to object to anything that is or may be incorrect in the complaint. A judgment may be enforced as provided by law. A judgment awarding money may become a lien against any real estate you own now or in the future and may also be enforced by garnishment or seizure of property. O’Dess and Associates, S.C. Attorneys for Plaintiff By: M. ABIGAIL O’DESS Bar Code No. 1017869 Post Office Address: 1414 Underwood Avenue Suite 403 Wauwatosa, WI 53213 (414) 727-1591 O’Dess and Associates, S.C., is attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. If you have previously received a Chapter 7 Discharge in Bankruptcy, this correspondence should not be construed as an attempt to collect a debt. 565955 WNAXLP



The Town of Sarona is requesting bids to reconstruct .7 mile of School House Road. For specifications, contact Russ Furchtenicht at 715-931-8352. Bids will be opened on Monday, August 13, 2012, at 7:15 p.m., at the Sarona Town Hall. The Town of Sarona reserves the right to accept and/or reject any or all bids. Victoria Lombard, Clerk 566004 49-50r WNAXLP

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Mayor Peterson called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Council members present were Bruce, Eiche, Harrington, Leckel, Pederson, Schultz and Shelton. Alderperson Graf was absent. Also present were Jeff Parker, Clint Stariha, Harold Emanuel, Brad Volker, Niel Petersen, Abby Ingalls, Joan Quenan, Ron Fox, Shelly Fox, Dick Knowles, Randy Baker, Linda Ferris, Carol Kalscheur, Dave Zeug and Brad Pederson. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. Eiche moved, seconded by Shelton, to approve the June 11, 2012, regular meeting minutes. The motion carried. Joan Quenan requested the City Council consider amending the conditional use permit (CUP) regulations for short-term rentals to allow multifamily and also to consider shoreland mitigation as a condition for short-term rental CUPs. Mayor Peterson referred these recommendations to the Plan Commission. Linda Ferris spoke in favor of the recommendation approved at the Lake District annual meeting to close gates at Class B landings from ice-out in the spring to ice-on in the fall with accommodations to be made for spearing, duck hunters and handicapped lake users. Ms. Ferris stated she feels the lake area near the south landing is the most fragile. A letter from Abby Thompson requesting a ladder be installed on the small raft was read. SHELL LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE: Alderperson Schultz reported on the EDC meeting held June 21, 2012. Jeff Parker reported on the Public Works Department’s activities. Clint Stariha reported on Police Department and zoning activities. LIBRARY BOARD: The June 20, 2012, board meeting minutes were reviewed. LAKE PROTECTION: The June 23, 2012, annual Lake District meeting minutes were reviewed. Mayor Peterson referred the recommendation from the Lake District to close gates at Class B landings from ice-out in the spring to ice-on in the fall with accommodations to be made for spearing, duck hunters and handicapped lake users to the Parks and Recreation Committee. FIRE ASSOCIATION: The June 20, 2012, quarterly meeting minutes were reviewed. AIRPORT: The Public Hearing Petition for Airport Project minutes from June 14, 2012, were reviewed. Resolution #12-11 Petitioning the Secretary of Transportation for Airport Improvement Aid was reviewed. Schultz moved, seconded by Eiche, to adopt Resolution #12-11. Upon a unanimous vote the motion carried. COMMUNITY CENTER: It was reported no applications were received for the community center custodian position, but Chad Shelton informed the City Administrator he would be willing to accept the position. Eiche moved, seconded by Bruce, to hire Chad Shelton for the position of community center custodian. The motion carried, 6-yes, Shelton-abstained. PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION: The results of the bid opening for chip sealing approximately one mile of North Lake Drive were reviewed. Schultz moved, seconded by Harrington, to accept the low bid from Fahrner Asphalt Sealers at $1.249/sq. yd. The motion carried. FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION: The July 9, 2012, committee meeting minutes were reviewed. Shelton moved, seconded by Bruce, to approve vouchers 612-786. The motion carried. The Budget Status Report was reviewed. PARKS AND RECREATION: It was noted the one-month trial period for placing the large swimming raft out is done. The feasibility of having an age limit for the small raft and the appropriate depth of the small raft were discussed. The Council decided, by consensus, to leave the large raft out for the remainder of the season. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Alderperson Eiche reported Jeff Parker, Dan Harrington, Ken Schultz and he attended the Off-Road Vehicle meeting and the City of Shell Lake was awarded $40,000 toward the acquisition of the land for the proposed ATV campground. Mayor Peterson thanked those who attended the meeting and noted she will send a thank-you letter to Mike Peterson and Mark Heil from the Washburn County Forestry Department for their assistance with the application. NEW BUSINESS: It was reported ABC Seamless, Inc. was the only bidder on the City Hall/Library siding project at a cost of $14,500. It was reported Agate Concrete would assist the City Crew with correcting the sill over the brick at time and materials but was unwilling to bid the work out. Schultz moved, seconded by Eiche, to approve ABC Seamless, Inc.’s bid and to authorize the Public Works Director to use his discretion on preparing the sill for the project. The motion carried. A proposal from Paul’s Sheet Metal & Roofing, Inc. for air-conditioner repair or replacement options was reviewed. Eiche moved, seconded by Schultz, to approve the base bid of $402.00 for a new condensing fan motor and capacitor and option 2 for the sum of $2,984.00 to furnish and install a 5-ton Lennox air conditioner for the library. The motion carried. A resignation from Chief of Police/Zoning Administrator Clint Stariha was read. Leckel moved, seconded by Shelton, to accept the resignation. The motion carried. Schultz moved, seconded by Eiche, to authorize posting the Chief of Police position internally. The motion carried. It was questioned what procedure will be used to fill the vacant zoning administrator position. Mayor Peterson referred this matter to the Executive/Human Resources Committee for a recommendation. It was reported the League of Wisconsin Municipalities Mutual Insurance group will be holding an “Up North” Mini Policyholder Conference in Rice Lake, WI, on August 9. Those planning to attend the conference were asked to let the City Administrator know so he can get them registered. Copies of a letter from the Washburn County Area Humane Society requesting donations were distributed. MAYOR’S REPORT: Mayor Peterson thanked Terry Leckel for serving as Fireworks Fundraising Coordinator and his successful fundraising efforts. Leckel moved, seconded by Eiche, to adjourn at 8:45 p.m. The motion carried. Sally Peterson, Mayor Bradley A. Pederson, City Administrator


WHEREAS, the City of Shell Lake, Washburn County, Wisconsin, hereinafter referred to as the Sponsor, being a municipal

Body Corporate of the State of Wisconsin, is authorized by law (sec. 114.11, Wis. Stats.) to acquire, establish, construct, own, control, lease, equip, improve, maintain and operate an airport; and WHEREAS, the Sponsor desires to develop or improve the Shell Lake Municipal Airport, Washburn County, Wisconsin.

“PETITION FOR AIRPORT PROJECT” WHEREAS, the foregoing proposal for airport improvements has been referred to the City Plan Commission for its consideration and report prior to council action as required by Wisconsin Statutes Chapter 62.23(5); and WHEREAS, airport users have been consulted in formulation of the improvements included in this Resolution; and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held prior to the adoption of this petition in accordance with Chapter 114.33(2) as amended, and a transcript of the hearing is transmitted with this petition. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, By the Sponsor, that a petition for Federal and (or) State Aid in the following form is hereby approved: The petitioner, desiring to sponsor an airport development project with Federal and State Aid or State Aid only, in accordance with the applicable State and Federal laws, respectfully represents and states: 1. That the airport, which it is desired to develop, should generally conform to the requirements for a General Aviation type airport as defined by the Federal Aviation Administration. 2. The character, extent and kind of improvements desired under the project are as follows: Purchase snow removal equipment; purchase automated weather observing system (AWOS); construct taxiway; seal coat and crack fill airport pavements; acquire land in runway approaches; clear and maintain approaches as stated in Transportation Administrative Code Chapter 55; purchase mowing equipment; construction of airport equipment building; develop new apron area; construct helipad; partial fencing; Airport Layout Plan update; fueling system; terminal building; public-use hangar; develop southeastward hangar area; pave NW aircraft parking area; develop future hangar area; segmented circle around windsock; supplemental windsock; signage; water (fire protection) source in hangar area; and any necessary related work. 3. That the airport project, which your petitioner desires to sponsor, is necessary for the following reason: to meet the existing and future needs of the airport. WHEREAS, it is recognized that the improvements petitioned for as listed will be funded individually or collectively as funds are available, with specific project costs to be approved as work is authorized, the proportionate cost of the airport development projects described above which are to be paid by the Sponsor to the Secretary of the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (hereinafter referred to as the Secretary) to be held in trust for the purposes of the project; any unneeded and unspent balance after the project is completed is to be returned to the Sponsor by the Secretary; the Sponsor will make available any additional monies that may be found necessary, upon request of the Secretary, to complete the project as described above; the Secretary shall have the right to suspend or discontinue the project at any time additional monies are found to be necessary by the Secretary, and the Sponsor does not provide the same; in the event the sponsor unilaterally terminates the project, all reasonable federal and state expenditures related to the project shall be paid by the Sponsor; and WHEREAS, the Sponsor is required by law (sec. 114.32(5), Wis. Stats.) to designate the Secretary as its agent to accept, receive, receipt for and disburse any funds granted by the United States under the federal Airport and Airway Improvement Act, and is authorized by law to designate the Secretary as its agent for other purposes.

“DESIGNATION OF SECRETARY OF TRANSPORTATION AS SPONSOR’S AGENT” THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Sponsor that the Secretary is hereby designated as its agent and is requested to agree to act as such in matters relating to the airport development project described above, and is hereby authorized as its agent to make all arrangements for the development and final acceptance of the completed project whether by contract, agreement, force account or otherwise; and particularly, to accept, receive, receipt for and disburse federal monies or other monies, either public or private, for the acquisition, construction, improvement, maintenance and operation of the airport; and, to acquire property or interests in property by purchase, gift, lease or eminent domain under chapter 32 of the Wisconsin Statutes; and, to supervise the work of any engineer, appraiser, negotiator, contractor or other person employed by the Secretary; and, to execute any assurances or other documents required or requested by any agency of the federal government and to comply with all federal and state laws, rules and regulations relating to airport development projects. FURTHER, the Sponsor requests that the Secretary provide, per Section 114.33(8)(a) of the Wis. Stats., that the Sponsor may acquire certain parts of the required land or interests in land that the Secretary shall find necessary to complete the aforesaid project. “AIRPORT OWNER ASSURANCES” AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Sponsor agrees to maintain and operate the airport in accordance with certain conditions established in Chapter Trans 55, Wisconsin Administrative Code, or in accordance with Sponsor assurances enumerated in a Federal Grant Agreement. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Mayor and City Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer be authorized to sign and execute the Agency Agreement and Federal Block Grant Owner Assurances authorized by this Resolution. RESOLUTION INTRODUCED BY: Kenneth Schultz, Alderperson Andy Eiche, Alderperson CERTIFICATION I, Bradley A. Pederson, Clerk of Shell Lake, Wisconsin, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct copy of a Resolution introduced at a regular meeting of the Shell Lake City Council on July 9, 2012, adopted by a majority vote, and recorded in the minutes of said meeting. 565879 49r WNAXLP


The Classifieds

SHELL LAKE SELF100% WOOD HEAT: No worries. Keep your family safe and STORAGE: Convenient, 24-hour warm with an outdoor wood furnace access. Special low-cost boat storfrom Central Boiler. Northwest Wis- age. Call 715-468-2910. 2rtfc consin Ent. 715-635-8499. 49rc HEARING NOTICE - VARIANCE REQUEST CITY OF SHELL LAKE

Randy Larson requests a variance at 115 South Industrial Drive, Shell Lake, WI 54871, Lot 4 Shell Lake S. Side Industrial Park, to construct an 80-ft. x 81-ft. addition that would require a reduced rear yard setback. Zoning Classification: Industrial II. Zoning Ordinance Sec. 13-1-30(c)(4). A public hearing will be held on this matter Wednesday, August 1, 2012, at 5 p.m., in the Council Chambers, City Hall. Clint R. Stariha, Zoning Administrator 565443 48-49r WNAXLP


The Town of Bashaw, Washburn County, is accepting sealed bids for town-owned property on Old County Road B, Shell Lake, WI 54871. Tax ID #1679, Parcel ID Number: 65-004-2-3813-26-204-000-003000, Description: PT SE NW V 2 P 243. Please send bids to: Town of Bashaw, Attn.: Jerry Trcka, W7619 Walnut Drive, Spooner, WI 54801. Bids will be opened on August 14, 2012. The Town of Bashaw has the right to reject any or all bids. Lesa Dahlstrom, Clerk, Town of Bashaw 565687 49r WNAXLP


Public Notice is given to all persons of the City of Shell Lake that a public hearing will be held at 5:15 p.m., on Monday, August 6, 2012, at the Council Chambers, City Hall, 501-1st Street, Shell Lake 54871, to solicit comments on proposed floodplain zoning ordinance revisions that are required by state and federal law. A copy of the Floodplain Zoning Ordinance is available for review at Shell Lake City Hall, Monday-Friday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The proposed regulations are intended to protect life, health and property in floodplain areas and will govern uses permitted in mapped floodplains. Activities such as dredging, filling, excavating and construction of buildings are generally allowed, but may be restricted according to which flood zone the property is in. All persons interested are invited to attend this hearing and be heard. Written comments may be submitted to: Brad Pederson, P.O. Box 520, Shell Lake, WI 54871. If you have questions, call City Hall at 715-468-7679. 565373 48-49r WNAXLP Bradley A. Pederson, City Administrator NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ISSUANCE OF PRIVATE ACTIVITY BONDS HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SHELL LAKE, WISCONSIN NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the City of Shell Lake, Wisconsin (the “Authority”), will meet Thursday, Aug. 9, 2012, at 9 a.m. at its Community Room in the Lakeland Manor located at 201 2nd Avenue in Shell Lake, Wisconsin (the “City”), to conduct a public hearing to consider the issuance by the Authority of revenue obligations, in one or more series, under Wisconsin Statutes, Sections 66.1201 through 66.1213 (the “Act”) to finance and refinance projects of TH, Inc., a Wisconsin nonstock, nonprofit corporation and organization described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Borrower”), specifically: (i) refinancing the $530,884 Elderly Housing Revenue Bonds (TH, Inc. Project) Series 1998 which were issued by the Authority for the construction and refinancing of four duplexes located at 705-709, 706-710, 714-718 and 750754 Meadow View Drive in the City (the “1998 Project”); (ii) the refinancing of one recently constructed duplex located at 719-721 Meadow View Drive in the City; and (iii) the construction of an additional duplex located at 723-725 Meadow View Drive in the City (collectively, the “2012 Projects,” and together with the 1998 Project, the “Projects”). The Borrower will own and operate the Projects, which will be occupied by persons of 55 years of age and over. The estimated total amount of the proposed revenue obligations will not exceed $1,000,000. The revenue obligations and interest thereon shall not be payable from nor charged against any funds of the Authority other than revenue pledged for the payment thereof, nor shall the Authority be subject to any liability thereon. No holders of the obligations shall ever have the right to compel any exercise of the taxing power of the Authority to pay the obligations or the interest thereon, nor to enforce payment against any property of the Authority. Such obligations shall not constitute a charge, lien or encumbrance, legal or equitable, upon any property of the Authority, nor shall the same constitute a debt of the Authority within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory limitations. All persons interested may appear and be heard at the time and place set forth above or may submit written comments to the Secretary in advance of the hearing. 565988 49r WNAXLP

(July 18, 25, August 1) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT WASHBURN COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MICHAEL F. NELSON DOB: 09/30/1953 Amended Order and Notice for Hearing on Petition for Final Judgment (Formal Administration) Case No. 11-PR-19 A petition for final judgment was filed. THE COURT FINDS: The decedent, with date of birth September 30, 1953, and date of death November 18, 2012, was domiciled in Douglas County, State of Wisconsin, with a mailing address of 1318 Catlin Avenue, Superior, WI 54880. THE COURT ORDERS: 1. The petition will be heard at the Washburn County Courthouse, Shell Lake, Wisconsin, before Hon. Eugene D. Harrington, Court Official, on August 20, 2012, at 2:15 p.m. You do not need to appear unless you object. The petition may be granted if there is no objection. 2. Notice by publication is required. Publication of this notice is notice to any persons whose names or addresses are unknown. The names or addresses of the following interested persons (if any) are not known or reasonably ascertainable: Christopher Fuentes. BY THE COURT: Hon. Eugene D. Harrington Circuit Court Judge July 6, 2012 David L. Grindell GRINDELL LAW OFFICES, S.C. P.O. Box 585 Frederic, WI 54837 715-327-5561 Bar Number: 1002628

Drivers - OTR positions. Up to 45 CPM. Regional runs available. 90% D&H. $1,000 - $1,200 Experienced Driver Sign On Bonus. deBoer 800-825-8511 Transportation www.deboertrans.com (CNOW) (July 25, Aug. 1, 8) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT WASHBURN COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF EDMUND SEDBROOK Notice Setting Time to Hear Application and Deadline for Filing Claims (Informal Administration) Case No. 12 PR 38 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: 1. An application for informal administration was filed. 2. The decedent, with date of birth May 10, 1927, and date of death July 4, 2012, was domiciled in Washburn County, State of Wisconsin, with a mailing address of W821 Metcalf Road, Stone Lake, WI 54876. 3. The application will be heard at the Washburn County Courthouse, Shell Lake, Wisconsin, before Probate Registrar on August 14, 2012, at 9:00 a.m. You do not need to appear unless you object. The application may be granted if there is no objection. 4. The deadline for filing a claim against the decedent’s estate is October 25, 2012. 5. A claim may be filed at the Washburn County Courthouse, Shell Lake, Wisconsin. 6. This publication is notice to any persons whose names or addresses are unknown. Marilynn E. Benson Probate Registrar July 11, 2012 Jack Kussmaul KINNEY, URBAN & KUSSMAUL 151 W. Maple St., P.O. Box 528 Lancaster, WI 53813 608-723-7661 Bar Number: 1011078 565688 WNAXLP


A public hearing will be held on the following conditional use permit request pertaining to a short-term rental, Monday, August 6, 2012, at 5 p.m., in the Council Chambers, City Hall, 501 First Street, Shell Lake, WI. Phillip Ringlien, N6045 Black Pine Lane, Spooner, WI 54801, Pt. of Gov. Lot 2, Lot 7 (proposed rental address 112 Rolphs Point Spur), City of Shell Lake. Clint R. Stariha, Zoning Administrator 565158 48-49r WNAXLP


John & Jane Lokken, 324 Hewitt St., Eau Claire, WI 54703, and Christopher & Jackie Guibert, 8825 Pine Crest Lake NW, Rochester, MN 55901, request approval of a certified survey map to divide Lot 1, CSM V 6 P 244, V 155 P 691 & V 384 P 405, City of Shell Lake into two separate parcels containing approximately 1.065 acres each. A public hearing will be held on this matter Monday, August 6, 2012, at 5:20 p.m. in the Council Chambers, City Hall, 501 First Street, Shell Lake, WI. Clint R. Stariha, Zoning Administrator 565509 48-49r

RECYCLING DAY TOWN OF BASHAW Notice is hereby given that the Bashaw town board shall hold a recycling day on Saturday, July 28, 2012, from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m., at Northwest Regional Planning in Spooner, WI. Each household will be able to bring a maximum of 12 items that fall under the category of tires, fluorescent bulbs, oil filters, computers, TVs, VCRs, DVD or DVR players. Appliances that will be free of charge and not included in the limit of 12 per household are: refrigerators, humidifiers, air conditioners, dehumidifiers, freezers, washers, dryers, stoves, dishwashers, water heaters, microwaves, residential furnaces, water softeners, trash compactors and garbage disposals. Each household will be asked to provide proof of residency. Lesa Dahlstrom, Clerk Town of Bashaw 565374 48-49r

DRIVER Company and Lease PurCONSTRUCTION, chase drivers! Flatbed specialized, REMODELING, WINDOWS heavy haul or van padwrap. Make I & H Beams $3/ft. & up. NEW$$ at ATS! 800 MEET ATS (CNOW) USED & SURPLUS. Pipe-PlateChannel-Angle-Tube-ReBar-Grating -Expanded-ORNAMENTAL- STAINLESS STEEL-ALUMINUM. 12 acres of usable items PAL STEEL Com(July 25, Aug. 1, 8) pany Palmyra WI 262-495-4453 STATE OF WISCONSIN (CNOW) CIRCUIT COURT WASHBURN COUNTY In the matter of the name change of: Rita Marie Schroepfer By (Petitioner): Rita Marie Schroepfer Notice and Order for Name Change Hearing Case No. 12 CV 120 NOTICE IS GIVEN: A petition was filed asking to change the name of the person listed above: From: Rita Marie Schroepfer To: Rita Marie Eiche Birth Certificate: Rita Marie Schroepfer IT IS ORDERED: This petition will be heard in the Circuit Court of Washburn County, State of Wisconsin: Judge’s Name: Hon. Eugene Harrington Place: 10 4th Ave., Shell Lake, WI 54871 Date: August 24, 2012 Time: 3:30 p.m. BY THE COURT: Eugene Harrington Circuit Court Judge July 18, 2012 565987 WNAXLP

(July 18, 25, Aug. 1) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT WASHBURN COUNTY Bank of America, N.A., as successor by merger to BAC Home Loans Servicing, L.P. Plaintiff vs. JOYCE A. ANDERSON FKA JOYCE A. HAGEN, et al. Defendant(s) Case No: 11 CV 209 NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by virtue of a judgment of foreclosure entered on February 10, 2012, in the amount of $77,287.22, the Sheriff will sell the described premises at public auction as follows: TIME: August 15, 2012, at 10:00 a.m. TERMS: 1.) 10% down in cash or money order at the time of sale; balance due within 10 days of confirmation of sale; failure to pay balance due will result in forfeit of deposit to plaintiff. 2.) Sold “as is” and subject to all legal liens and encumbrances. PLACE: At the North entrance of Washburn County Courthouse located at 10 4th Avenue, Shell Lake, Wisconsin. DESCRIPTION: The South 45.20 feet of Lot 3 and the North 26.80 feet of Lot 4, as measured along South Summit Street, Block 5, Lawndale Addition, in the City of Spooner, Washburn County, Wis. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 217 South Summit Street, Spooner, WI 54801. TAX KEY NO.: 65-281-2-39-1231-5 15-418-524500. Dated this 11th day of June, 2012. /s/Sheriff Terry Dryden Washburn County Sheriff Dustin A. McMahon Blommer Peterman, S.C. State Bar No. 1086857 165 Bishops Way, Suite 100 Brookfield, WI 53005 262-790-5719 Please go to www.blommerpeterman.com to obtain the bid for this sale. Blommer Peterman, S.C., is the creditor’s attorney and is attempting to collect a debt on its behalf. Any information obtained will be used for that purpose. 1896884

565442 WNAXLP

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SAWMILLS from only $3997.00 MAKE/ SAVE MONEY with your own bandmill- Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. FREE Info/DVD: www.NorwoodSawmills.com 1-800578-1363 Ext.300N (CNOW)


WERE YOU IMPLANTED WITH A ST. JUDE RIATA DEFIBRILLATOR LEAD WIRE between June 2001 and December 2010? Have you had this lead replaced, capped or did you receive shocks from the lead? You may be entitled to compensation. Contact Attorney Charles Johnson 1800-535-5727 (CNOW)


Contractor hiring following trades: Carpenters, Electricians, Welders, Millwrights, Iron Workers, Painters, Concrete Labor. Call for details. Milwaukee: 262-650-6610, Madison: 608-221-9799, Fox Valleys: 920-725-1386, Wausau: 715845-8300. (CNOW)


THIS SPOT FOR SALE! Place a 25 word classified ad in 180 newspapers in Wisconsin for $300. Call 800227-7636 or this newspaper. Www.cnaads.com (CNOW) (July 25, Aug. 1, 8) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT WASHBURN COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CHARLES R. MELTON Order Setting Time to Hear Petition for Administration and Deadline for Filing Claims (Formal Administration) Case No. 12 PR 40 A petition for formal administration was filed. THE COURT FINDS: The decedent, with date of birth April 18, 1952, and date of death June 17, 2012, was domiciled in Washburn County, State of Wisconsin, with a mailing address of W6056 Cranberry Road, Shell Lake, WI 54871. THE COURT ORDERS: 1. The petition be heard at the Washburn County Courthouse, Shell Lake, Wisconsin, before Circuit Court Judge Eugene E. Harrington, on August 13, 2012, at 9:30 a.m. You do not need to appear unless you object. The petition may be granted if there is no objection. 2. The deadline for filing a claim against the decedent’s estate is October 31, 2012. 3. A claim may be filed at the Washburn County Courthouse, Shell Lake, Wisconsin. 4. Heirship will be determined at the hearing on petition for final judgment. 5. Publication of this notice is notice to any persons whose names or addresses are unknown. Please check with person named below for exact time and date. BY THE COURT: Eugene D. Harrington Circuit Court Judge July 18, 2012 Ryan M. Benson Attorney at Law Benson Law Office LLC P.O. Box 370 Siren, WI 54872 715-349-5215 565835 Bar No. 1036463 WNAXLP




Summer school photography class captures kids enjoying ice cream

The blue seemed to be the favorite color and flavor for Olivia Ricci, Kaelin Farley and Austin Beecroft. — Photos by Tayla Lundberg

It was a cool treat on a hot Friday afternoon in June at the Shell Lake State Bank. The children in Danielle Williams kindergarten korner class had their photo taken by Tayla Lundberg a member of the photo class. Shown (L to R): Victoria Nelson, Olivia Ricci, Kaelin Farley, Austin Beecroft, Obadiah Weideman, Conner Schrankel, Sara Jo Brunberg, Melody Taylor, Joe Seeber, Elizabeth Pederson and Tony Stephanites.

Highlights from Shell Lake’s second session summer school

The pottery class went over to The Potter’s Shed to learn about advanced glazing techniques and firing. Emily Moin and Julianna Nelson applied the glaze to their art pieces.

Tayla Lundberg and Sidney Schunck enjoyed glazing their pottery pieces. Schunck is from Woodstock, Ga., and the two became friends in summer school.

Working on the door project during summer school at the Shell Lake Schools (L to R) are Alyssa King, Sean Wells, instructor Johna Castenaro, Opal Warren and Annika Swan. The project helped them to expand their creativity by thinking outside the box.

This door was given to the Shell Lake Public Library and will be on display. Students (L to R) shown are: Alyssa King, Sean Wells, instructor Johna Castenaro, Opal Warren and librarian Beth Carlson. — Photos by Larry Samson

DAHLSTROM S 542207 49rtfc

The animation class in the Shell Lake Summer School program took their computer skills to another level. Students show in the back row (L to R): Julia Balser and Tia Straw. Front: Julia Lyga, Layne Olson, Nathan Scott, Leo Farrow and Lily Edlin. In the two-week session students developed a short animated story that was burned onto a DVD that they could play on their own TV.

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Country Pride

Dog show held at Washburn County Fairgrounds

• Pet Supplies • Lawn & Garden • Bird Seed • Farm & Ranch


We Have: Live Bait • Tackle • DNR Licenses


Sun. 6 a.m. - 10 p.m.; Mon. - Thurs. 5:30 a.m. - 10 p.m. Fri. 5:30 a.m. - 11 p.m.; Sat. 6 a.m. - 11 p.m.

LEFT: Savannah Quinn took a red ribbon with her dog in the older novice division in the dog show. She earned showmanship in the older participants. ABOVE: Brynn Nowaczyk earned a blue with her Border collie in the younger novice division and Marty Anderson earned a red with his golden retriever. Anderson earned showmanship in the younger group. — Photos by Larry Samson


1/2 mile south of Shell Lake on Hwy. 63. Check with Dennis for discounted or discontinued items!

Daniel Pederson earned a blue ribbon with his poodle in the older prenovice, and Cheyenne Nowaczyk took a red ribbon with her Border collie.

Phabian Stutze earned a red ribbon with his Labrador, Zayla Stutze earned a red with her Labrador, and Trinity Campbell took the top honors with her Pomeranian, earning a blue in her first show. The Washburn County Fair officially started with the dog show held on Monday, July 23. The dog and cat show are held early to avoid all the distraction of the crowds.

“Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat” presented at NSTC

566008 49rp

“Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat” opens Wednesday, Aug. 8, and runs through Aug. 12, and again Aug. 1519, at the Northern Star Theatre in downtown Rice Lake. Showtime is 7 p.m. Wednesday-Friday, and 2 p.m. Sunday. There are no Saturday performances. Leading cast members are (L to R): Brandon Brown, Pharaoh; JT Koser, Joseph; and Mara Schack, narrator. — Photo submitted

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