Register Dec. 8

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n r u b h s Wa unty Co



A Night in Bethlehem See page 9

City council approves budget and tax levy

by Regan Kohler SHELL LAKE – The Shell Lake City Council passed the 2011 budget Wednesday, Dec. 1, in city hall. The council’s financial administration went through the budget at a meeting Wednesday, Nov. 3, where they reviewed the levy limit worksheet, 2010 wage recapitulation sheet and library revenue comparison, which shows the tax levy money from 2001-10. The library board members reviewed their requests at this meeting, noting that revenues like fines should be included in the budget and deposited with the city administrator, remaining segregated in the library fund.

See Budget, page 13


Wednesday, December 8, 2010 Vol. 121, No. 16 • Shell Lake, Wisconsin

Two simple wishes

Cody J. Swan has two simple requests from Santa this year. He wants a motorcycle and his daddy home for Christmas. Santa said he would work extra hard on his second wish. More Holly Day photos on back page. — Photo by Larry Samson

Local women rewarded with Oprah’s “Favorite Things”

Northwest Wisconsin well represented among two lucky audiences

Intermezzo Club 2010 Concert See page 12

SPORTS Pages 10, 11

by Gary King CHICAGO - For Oprah fans who seek to be part of her studio audience, the once-a-year “Favorite Things” show is probably the most sought-after prize. That’s where Oprah surprises one of her holiday audiences by giving away thousands of dollars worth of gifts - to each of her 200 to 300 guests. So what are the odds that at least five women from Northwest Wisconsin would end up in the crowd for not one - but two - of the highly coveted shows? “Since this is the farewell season and the very last time I will ever do a ‘Favorite Things’ show, I decided ‘let’s do two shows with two special audiences’” said Oprah. “Heroes! Givers! Ultimate viewers! That’s you! That’s who you are!” Her voice could barely compete with the growing volume of screaming and squealing fans who were realizing they were about to become one of the luckiest audiences in Oprah history. Kari Letch of Luck, Heather Wiesner of Grantsburg and Susan Lacek of Danbury and Minneapolis were all chosen to be part of the special audiences picked by the show’s producers for being someone who “gives back” to their respective communities and those deemed “ultimate” Oprah viewers. Lacek and her husband, Mark, founded Faith’s Lodge near Danbury, a retreat for parents who are coping with the loss of a child or a child with a serious illness. Letch and Wiesner are dedicated Oprah viewers. Each person invited was allowed to

Shell Lake native Heather Wiesner watches a replay of Monday’s Oprah “Favorite Things” show, Part 2, in which she was one of hundreds of lucky audience members to receive valuable gifts, including a 2012 Volkswagen Beetle. - Photo by Priscilla Bauer bring one guest to the tapings. Lacek brought close friend Libby Costello Amaris of the Twin Cities, who nominated her to Oprah as a hero. They were part of the audience at the first taping, which aired Friday, Nov. 19. Letch brought good friend Peggy Gill of Rice Lake and Wiesner brought her mother, Sally, of Shell Lake. The four were in the audience for the second taping, which aired Monday. The Wiesners ending up being seated directly behind Letch and Gill. “That was crazy!” Letch wrote in a Facebook e-mail to the Leader. “We did not know they were there!” Letch said Oprah’s friend, Gayle King, came over and sat next to the Wiesners for the entire taping. She said she also had a chance to talk with her. “Just a little more fun thrown in that day!” Letch exclaimed. The gifts An emotional Wiesner gathered

around a television with other Grantsburg teachers and students on Monday to watch the show. “Things like this just don’t happen to me,” she said. Sworn to secrecy as to what exactly she took home, Wiesner was doing her best not to spill the beans despite some teasing from teaching colleagues who had already read the gift list on Oprah show producers had paramedics standing by, knowing how excited people get during the special show. Audience members each received more than $25,000 worth of gifts, including a 7-day Royal Caribbean Allure of the Seas cruise for for those in the first show’s audience and a 2012 Volkswagen Beetle for those in the second show’s crowd. Other gifts includes a Phillip Stein di-

See Oprah, page 2

“On t h e s h o re s o f b e au ti fu l S he l l L a k e” •

Oprah/from page 1


amond watch, worth nearly $2,500, a $3,600 Sony 3D big-screen TV, Nikon digital cameras, Judith Ripka sapphire earrings, cashmere sweaters and a long list of other items hand-picked by Oprah. “A Beetle isn't always a person's dream car but my brother had one back when I was in grade school, and I've wanted one ever since,” noted Letch. “I could not believe it when she (Oprah) drove out in a BUG! Unreal.” The 2012 Beetle won’t be unveiled or available until next spring. There were musical performances at both shows - the Black-Eyed Peas performing at the first taping and Johnny Mathis and Josh Grobin singing duets at the second show. Wiesner said her mom’s favorite part of the show was getting to hear Mathis sing.

Getting on the show Letch said people can log on to to see if there are any lastminute seats available for the shows and while she’s been lucky enough to have been chosen twice, she hadn’t tried to get a seat for a long time - until a few months ago. “This time the subject was ‘Looking for Oprah’s Ultimate Fans’ and it asked for some of my favorite episodes over the years. I received an e-mail a couple days later asking for more of my information, along with a friend’s information and then we were chosen! We had no idea that this was the show we were getting on! I found out last Sunday we could go to the taping of the show on Tuesday, the 16th!” Wiesner said earlier this year she decided to try to get on a taping of the show during its 25th and final season.

Kari Letch (L) and Susan Lacek (R) were in the audience for Oprah Winfrey’s “Favorite Things” shows, taped recently at Harpo Studios in Chicago. — Special photos; photo of Oprah from

“It’s been my goal to get on Oprah sometime during her last season,” she said. “ I’d check her Web site all the time and finally saw a last-minute reservation for “Oprah’s Biggest Fan.” She completed an essay as to why she fit the bill. “I submitted it Nov. 10 and was notified two days later by e-mail that I was selected. I only had four hours to call and finalize my reservations. Luckily, I was home and checked my e-mail!” When Wiesner and her mother got to Harpo Studios, audience members were talking about how they had missed the “Favorite Things” show by one day. “We were told to be prepared to see everyone walking out with bags full of wonderful gifts from Oprah,” she said. Oprah began the show by saying how tired she was after the last taping, asking audience members if they were “ticked off” by seeing people from the previous shows carrying out gifts. Audience members smiled, except for one woman from New Jersey who stood up and told Oprah exactly how she felt in blunt language. Oprah then turned to notice a leftover

WCAHS Tree of Lights

n bu r h s Wa nty u o C

The Washburn County Area Humane Society’s Tree of Lights was lit up Wednesday, Dec. 1, at the shelter. (L to R): Chris Ewing, Vicki Clepper, Theron Barton, Director Penny Dunn and Matt Richter were present at the lighting. Throughout the month of December anyone who would like to have an ornament hung on the tree in honor or memory of a pet can purchase one at the shelter. – Photo submitted


Your Community Newspaper PO Box 455 • Shell Lake, WI 54871

Published by the Inter-County Cooperative Publishing Association Frederic, WI 54837 Doug Panek, manager • Gary King, editor

Christmas ornament rolling around on the stage and as the audience begins to suspect the best, the famous host lifts up her arms and says “It’s beginning to feel like “Favorite Things!” Oprah toyed with the audience at the first show, also, initially making audience members believe her topic was “meditation,” and saying they would be hearing testimony by “those who give” to their communities. Then she shed a black formal dress to show a red dress underneath as a curtain was drawn to reveal large gift boxes and Christmas decorations on stage.

Doesn’t feel real Wiesner says the whole experience still doesn’t feel real, but that it was “absolutely incredible” and that the best part was being able to share the experience with her mom. “It was a day we will never forget!” She said before the audience left they all had to sign a written statement agreeing not to leak any information as to

what had happened on the show until it aired. But they were given one exception. “Oprah allowed us to tell our husbands because she said men do not have big mouths." Susan Lacek was unavailable for comment but told WCCO-TV that it was “an absolute, jaw-dropping experience.” She said she invited supporters and employees of Faith’s Lodge over to her Minneapolis home to watch the show. During the viewing party, she gave many of her “Favorite Things” away to them. “The people who’ve been so dedicated to Faith’s Lodge and who help make Faith’s Lodge what it is, they are going to get to experience some of the joy that Libby and I got to experience at the Oprah show,” said Lacek. Humbling Letch said bad weather almost prevented her from getting home to watch Monday’s broadcast with her husband and youngest son. “I was so glad that I could share that with them,” she said. “And as soon as it was done the phones were ringing and buzzing with calls and texts. At one point we had four phones going at the same time! It was a lot of fun. Everyone is being so congratulatory. It's actually very humbling. I feel so very blessed to have been chosen. After so many things that have happened in the last month, I know that God had His hand in this.” Priscilla Bauer and Nancy Jappe contributed to this story

Christmas has arrived for some soldiers

SPOONER — The Northwoods Support Team at Spooner has completed their Christmas Stocking Project for 2010. There were 317 stockings packed in 51 boxes and sent out last week to the soldiers in the 724 Battalion. The boxes contained a total of $10,000 worth of items they could use. The cost of the postage was a whooping $2,100-plus. Thanks to everyone in the community and some successful fundraisers, the group was able to meet their goal and have a little seed money left over to go toward a Valentine’s Day shipment. One needs not wonder if the efforts were worth it with e-mails like this one from one of the soldiers, “I am Sheilah A. with the 724 Engineer Battalion out of Chippewa Falls. We recently re-

ceived your package containing stockings for Christmas stuffed with many wonderful items. I would like to express our deepest gratitude for your support and generosity. It makes us all feel very loved and missed, and makes this deployment much more bearable knowing that our being here is so very appreciated. Thank you very much and may God bless and keep you safe during this holiday season. -SSG Sheilah A.” The Northwoods Support Team committee extends their gratitude to everyone for their generous outpouring of support in bringing a little comfort from home to local deserving soldiers serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. — from Northwoods Support Team

Grumpy Old Ladies win a first

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Chosen by an anonymous city official, the Grumpy Old Ladies ice-fishing group’s display took first place in the Shell Lake Lions Club Celebration of Lights this year. The winner received a 2011 Lions calendar and a $25 gift certificate. The Celebration of Lights will be on display in the Shell Lake Municipal Park and Campground until after the new year. — Photo by Larry Samson

December is filing time for some spring elections


School board, village and city council seats open

by Gregg Westigard WASHBURN COUNTY – The elections are next April, but many candidates must file in December to get on the ballot. While most town and village candidates are chosen at caucuses in January, nomination papers are used in many places to get names on the ballots. That includes candidates for all school boards, offices in the cities of Shell Lake and Spooner, and seats in the village and town of Minong. By early January, the candidates in all these elections will be decided. Candidates for these noncaucus races get on the ballot by filing nomination papers starting Dec. 1. The rules for getting on the ballot are fairly simple. Candi-

dates, including incumbents, must first register their campaign with the clerk for the election. The clerks are found at the school district office for school boards and the village, town or city office for municipal seats. For school board candidates, registration completes the process. Other candidates must circulates nomination papers and obtain at the signatures of at least 20 voters. No nomination papers can be signed until the candidate is registered. The signing period started Wednesday, Dec. 1, and ends Tuesday, Jan. 4. After Jan. 4, the candidate list is completed for the April 5 spring election.

School boards School board members are elected to three-year terms, and some board seats are up for election each year. There are six school districts serving Washburn County. The boards range in size from five members to seven members. These are the incumbents whose seats

up for election next April in the six area school districts. Shell Lake – Tim Mikula and Wendy Muska. Muska has said she will not seek re-election. Spooner – Bev Bohas, Paul Goellner and Mary Lawrence. Northwood – Michelle Manor for the town of Wascott seat. Birchwood – Robert Zematis. Hayward – Doug Mrotek and Harry Malcolm. Rice Lake – City seats: Mary Ann Pebler and Arnold “Skip” Widdes. Rural seat: Doug Kucko.

Cities, villages, towns The cities of Shell Lake and Spooner elect alderpersons next April. The village of Minong uses nominating papers for ballot access while the village of Birchwood and the towns select candidates at caucuses in January. Villages elect the village president and three trustees in the odd-numbered years such as 2011.

Towns will elect town chairs and two supervisor seats. These are the incumbents whose seats are up for election in April. City of Shell Lake. Ward I: Josh Buckridge and Jane Pederson. Ward II: Randy Baker and Greg Kittlesen. City of Spooner. Ward 1: Jeffrey Mortier. Ward 2: James Dohm. Ward 3: Fred Schluter. Ward 4: George Basgall. Village of Minong. President Micheal Bobin. Trustees: Harold Sutherland, Linda Ellenberger and Carole Nelson. These races will be updated during December and list all the candidates for each contest once the filing period closes in January. In addition, where caucuses are used for nominations, the open village and town board seats will be reviewed in late December and a list made public of the dates of the nominating caucuses.

NWRPC holds semiannual meeting

by Regan Kohler HAYWARD – The Northwest Regional Planning Commission held its semiannual meeting Wednesday, Dec. 1, at the Grand Pines Resort, Hayward. The NWRPC has been around for over 50 years, building the economy in northwestern Wisconsin by creating jobs, helping local government plan for the future, strengthening communities, developing affordable housing and protecting the environment. The semiannual meeting is held every December, with federal and state representatives, NWRPC members and other agencies talking about the previous year’s accomplishments and what is to come. Wednesday morning, after Chair Doug Finn’s welcome and approval of the agenda, vouchers and contracts, NWRPC Executive Director Myron Schuster went through the 2011 operating budget. Schuster said the grand total of the 2011 expenses will be a little more than $3.8 million. “The primary increase there is due to some grants that we received,” he said. The total projected revenue is $3.8 million, and Schuster added that there should be a $54,000 surplus at the end of the year. “We have no blue sky in this budget, but things that we have in there, [we] are very confident are going to happen,” Schuster said. Marjorie Bunce, federal representative for U.S. Sen. Herb Kohl’s office, then spoke. Bunce said they are winding up with the congressional session in Washington, D.C., and working on appropriations, or spending, bills, to see if they should continue at the same level. Bunce talked briefly about the nuclear agreement with Russia, to cut arsenals and reduce the weapons threat, which she said may come up for vote soon. She said this bill is bipartisan. “The feeling is that it will pass,” she said. An extension for unemployment benefits will begin running out, and Bunce warned that another extension may not be seen.

Northwest Regional Planning Commission Executive Director Myron Schuster talked about the state of the commission at the semiannual meeting Wednesday, Dec. 1, at the Grand Pines Resort, Hayward.

She also talked about a possible tax cut the Democrats wanted to see pass, and a food security bill that was passed. Bunce told everyone to contact Kohl if they have any trouble with federal agencies, such as Medicare or veterans benefits, as the senator will assist with casework. “We have a pretty good success rate on our casework, but it’s not 100 percent,” she added. Finn commented that NWRPC needs Kohl’s help “more than ever on projects.” Bunce said that as far as funding earmarks, the Republicans have taken a vote to discontinue this practice, but the senator is waiting to see the options before he takes a final position on this. Taylor County NWRPC representative Al Beadles told Bunce he hoped the moratorium on nuclear energy in Wisconsin will change. Bunce said that they are unable to tell what will happen at this point, since lots of decisions will be made later, but the moratorium is not clear cut or final anyway. The other state and federal representatives were unable to make it that day, so Schuster gave the state of the commission next. He said the NWRPC has to let people know it exists, and there was discussion at a recent meeting he attended about the earmarking process. “The administration right now is very, very urban-oriented,” Schuster said. “It

NWRPC Chair Doug Finn led the meeting last week along with Executive Director Myron Schuster.

Photos by Regan Kohler makes it extremely difficult for rural Wisconsin to be competitive for projects.” Last year, Kohl was awarded by the National Association of Development Organization for helping rural Wisconsin with economic development projects. If there is no support like this, Schuster said, these areas don’t stand a chance for funding when they are up against urban centers.

“I’m sure you’re all aware of that,” he said. “We’re going to be doing some real uphill struggles.” His latter comment, he attributed to the funding earmarks not being slanted in rural areas favor. “We need, more than ever, a voice in Washington,” he said. Otherwise, if they are not involved in dialogue, he said, all one can do is react, and NWRPC does not like to be in that kind of situation. Schuster went through the accomplishments of the commission in 2010, one of which was a $1 million Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Grant. Schuster said the “largest grant awarded to any one agency was awarded to your planning commission.” The Great Lakes restoration program is successful, he said, as well as the largest one in Wisconsin. Schuster said NWRPC told the Environmental Protection Agency about this, and that more should be done

DOT regional systems planning chief, Tom Beekman, talked about projects, road among other things, Wednesday morning.

with the Great Lakes and tribal nations in those areas, especially the Upper Peninsula, so more money should be put in place. He said the federal level recognizes this program as a success. Schuster talked about two successful companies that were created in the past year – Botanic Oil Innovations, which is located in Spooner’s enterprise center, and Wolf Wood, Inc., both of which were started with the help of the Wisconsin Business Innovation Corp. Regarding Wolf Wood, Schuster said that a technology from the Scandinavian countries was discovered, where low-grade wood materials can be thermally treated for window and door industries, which adds value to them along with making them more energy efficient. Other highlights included Schuster being re-elected to NADO’s board of directors and appointed to Be Bold Wisconsin’s steering committee by the Wisconsin Counties Association; WBIC creating and marketing a fireproof door core product, manufactured from paper-mill sludge; a Regional Comprehensive Planning Grant awarded to the NWRPC, which will see beginning development this year; Schuster’s presentation at the Federal Revolving Loan Fund Defederalization Conference in Cooperstown, N.Y., which got NWRPC

See NWRPC, page 4

My Favorite Things has discount for Toys for Tots purchases

by Regan Kohler SHELL LAKE – My Favorite Things, Shell Lake, is offering a special on Toys for Tots purchases at the store, now through Tuesday, Dec. 14. Julie Symond, owner of My Favorite Things, said that her store is giving a 50percent discount on “any and all toys” purchased there, for the charity. The Lions Club Christmas Fund has also been having a drop box at the Shell Lake State Bank, where people can donate to Toys for Tots. On Dec. 14, Symond said, she will be putting all the toys in a Santa Claus bag, which the bank will pick up the following day.

“It’s really fun,” she said in regard to how the promotion has been going so far. Symond got the promotion idea after she overheard a mother and daughter talking at her Widows Weekend sale. My Favorite Things was giving away a Melissa and Doug deer as part of a Bag Your Own Buck drawing, and Symond said the daughter figured she would donate the deer to children at a homeless shelter if she won. Symond said the girl didn’t win, but Symond and her store partner, Gloria Vieths, were able to contact her later and find out more about the shelter, so she could donate a toy to each child. My Favorite Things gave dolls,

puzzles and kick balls to 10 children at the shelter on Monday, Dec. 6, for St. Nick’s Day. Symond said it was such a great feeling to be able to give to those in need, she told all her friends on Facebook, and wanted everyone to be able to have that same feeling. She then came up with the idea of donating to Toys for Tots. “Even donating one little toy is just huge,” she said. “We’re blessed, and a lot of people, especially in this economy, aren’t.” Symond said that at My Favorite Things, which is on Main Street, most toys start at $2.99 and go from there. Melissa and Doug educational toys are

very popular at her store, and 95 percent of the toys don’t require batteries, Symond said. Soon, the store will be getting a line of fleece hats shaped like animals, with sizes for infants all the way up to adults. “They are just the coolest things,” Symond said. Symond encourages everyone to support local businesses, to give back to the community, and is offering a 25-percent discount at the store for people purchasing gifts for family and friends, through Christmas.



Register Memories

1950 - 60 years ago

Compiled by Suzanne Johnson

1970 - 40 years ago

• Ellis Axon, P.E. Clanton, Oscar Dahlstrom, Walter Ek, Oliver Frey, N.J. Masterjohn, Harry L. Nieman, Earl H. Reinhart and Everett Rounce were initiated into the second and third degrees of the Knights of Columbus at St. Joseph’s Church hall. • The Washburn County Federation of Women’s Clubs voted to sponsor a project to provide books and pamphlets helpful to couples contemplating marriage and the establishment of a happy home. • The Brownie Girl Scouts held their annual Christmas party. The girls presented a marionette show, “The Night Before Christmas,” for their guests, which were their mothers. • Showing at Lake Theatre was “Yellow Cabman,” with Red Skelton; “Holiday Affair,” with Robert Mitchum and Janet Leigh; and “Dangerous Profession,” with George Raft, Pat O’Brien and Ella Raines.

• Marie Goetzl, Shell Lake, celebrated her 90th birthday. • Pam Olson and Sally Ziemer were among the participants of the community ed sponsored Christmas cookie class. • Board members for the Community Food Pantry located on Lewis Street in Shell Lake were Father Richard Burzynski, Jim Fenton, Sue Gerberding, Don Lass, Evelyn Safeblade, Kathy Shattuck and Theresa Sigmund. • A group of Shell Lake gals descended upon the Twin Cities to shop until they dropped. The shopping group consisted of Mary Harrington, Jerri Pederson, Peggy Pockat, Judy Kallenbach, Mary Dunbar, Debbie Kern, JoAnne Olson, Jan Sutherland, Connie Parenteau and Jan Torge.

• Shell Lake’s state championship high school football team placed one player on the United Press International All-State first team. Tom Smith, outstanding running back and pass receiver, was named as an end on the UPI team because of his pass-receiving ability. Chris Thannum, end and Shell Lake’s leading pass receiver, was named to the Associated Press team. Smith was given honorable mention on the AP team. Both were seniors at Shell Lake High School. • Money problems caused Washburn County to lay off six highway employees, four for four months and two for two months. • Births announced were Kelly Jo to Dirk and Sandra Benzer, Shell Lake; and Patrick John, to Robert and Deborah Dahlstrom. • Winter specials at Tip Town Supper Club was Wednesday filet mignon for $6.95; Thursday chicken for $4.25; Friday fish fry $3.50; Saturday king crab for $6.95 and Sunday barbecued ribs for $5.95.

• Shell Lake iced over when temperatures stayed below freezing for a few days. • The Shell Lake Chamber of Commerce, Xcel Energy, Barron Electric Cooperative, Carol’s Floral and the Washburn County Register sponsored the holiday decorating contest with three categories: residence within the city limits, rural residence and Shell Lake business. • Anne Dunham, Hanna Christ, Jennifer Haack, Stephanie Regenauer, Jacob Kunselman, Corrine Kusilek, Jenna Rock, Michelle Simpson, Jacob Bennett, Jon Curtis, Travis Fogelberg and Tyler Bassett were the newest members of the Shell Lake School Silver Dollar Club as part of the Accelerated Reader Program. • Local students included in Who’s Who Among American High School Students were Shay Ullom, Barronett; Jessie Foss, Jonell Butenhoff, Amber Kemp, Stephanie Williams, Kristin Hotchkiss and Colleen Mock, all of Shell Lake.

1980 - 30 years ago

1960 - 50 years ago

• The Shell Lake Fire Department answered two chimney-fire calls. The first was at the Carl Erickson home, and the second was at the Herman Rohde home. No loss of property was reported in either fire. • Walter Boelke and John Schullo were received as new members of the Shell Lake Lions Club. Lion Ralph Trumble was elected secretary to succeed Vic Johnson who was moving from Shell Lake. • The Shell Lake - Spooner Independent basketball team held an intersquad scrimmage. Players from Shell Lake were Jerry Stariha, Bob Parks, Neil Koeneman, Dave Swendsen and Duane Flogstad. • Specials at Cyrils’ Market in Shell Lake were Bakerite shortening 69¢ for a 3-lb. can; Angelus marshmallows 17¢ for a 10oz. pkg., fresh roast peanuts for 29¢ per pound and frying chickens for 29¢ a pound.

2000 - 10 years ago

FFA fruit arriving

Shell Lake Lions

SHELL LAKE — The FFA fruit will be arriving Thursday, Dec. 16. Fruit may be picked up after school from 3:30 until 6 p.m. on Thursday or from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 17. Stop at the Shell Lake High School office or drive around to the technology shop doors. There is extra fruit available that will

Calendar Winners

Nov. 29 - $30 David Zack, New Prague, Minn. Nov. 30 - $30 Hubert & Sue Smith, Shell Lake Dec. 1 - $30 Kerry Swan, Shell Lake Dec. 2 - $30 Samuel Smith, Shell Lake Dec. 3 - $30 Sara Marschall, Shell Lake

be handed out on a first-come, firstserved basis. Special arrangements can be made for delivery and pickup if needed. Call Shell Lake Schools at 715468-7814 and ask for Jenifer Bos. — from Shell Lake FFA

Webinar on growing legume cover crops for profit set

Shell Lake Clinic

SPOONER — With expensive fertilizer prices, it is a continued challenge for farmers to maximize profit per acre. In an effort to help growers learn how to offset the cost of fertilizer, UW-Extension will be hosting a webinar on Tuesday, Dec. 14, from 1 to 2 p.m., at the Spooner Ag Research Station. Growers can learn how a variety of legume crops can be used to grow your own nitrogen and im-

Winners also announced on WJMC FM Radio

2011 Lions calendars are available from any Lions member or by calling Jim Meyers at 715-468-4388.

UNIVERSAL FULL STRIP STAPLER Limit 2 per customer. Stock number UNV-43128 Bonus Buy Good 12-9-10 thru 12-15-10

1990 - 20 years ago

• Shell Lake’s Christmas tree, between the bank corner and the NSP building, was back on its feet after being struck by a car. • A benefit for Bobby Mercier was held. Bobby, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mercier, had undergone extensive head surgery at St. Mary’s Hospital in Rochester, Minn. • Maureen Ekern, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Duane Ekern, Shell Lake, was selected for the Stout State University pompom squad. • Dahlstroms Food Center and Locker Plant was having their annual trainload sale. Specials included Sun-Maid raisins 2lb. pkg. 59¢; five Baker’s chocolate chips 6oz. pkgs. for $1; Fisher’s shelled walnuts 89¢/pkg. Red & White book matches were two pkgs. of 50 for 25¢.



prove your soil. There is no cost to attend. Webinars are live, interactive distance educational seminars broadcast over the Internet. Participants will have the ability to ask questions to presenters. For more information and to preregister, contact Kevin Schoessow, area ag development agent, at the Spooner Area UW-Extension office at 715-635-3506 or 800-528-1914. — from UW-Extension

Temperatures recorded at

Spooner Ag Research Station

2009 Nov. 29 Nov. 30 Dec. 1 Dec. 2 Dec. 3 Dec. 4 Dec. 5


526786 16r 6b

Early Deadlines During The Holidays Are: Friday, December 17, Noon For Dec. 21 Edition Thursday, December 23, Noon for Dec. 28 Edition Newpaper Office Closed Friday, December 24 & Friday, December 31 Lake Mall Shell Lake, WI 715-468-2314

mentioned on a national level; and a $500,000 Housing and Urban Development grant the commission received for expanding the enterprise center network, to build another center in Grantsburg. “Your commission is in good shape,” Schuster said. Finn added that much of the strength of NWRPC lies in its employees. After a break, engineer Tim Myers gave a presentation on Gogebic Taconite, LLC, a new company looking to put an open-pit taconite mine up north. Gogebic Taconite has purchased 22,000 acres in Ashland and Iron counties for the mine, where taconite, an iron-bearing sedimentary rock, would be mined for processing and turning into steel. Myers said, “We’ve had experience in building large projects and getting people to invest in them.” He projected creation of 10,000 jobs with Gogebic Taconite, plus an increase of money to Wisconsin by export of raw materials, tax benefits, housing construction and $3 billion directly to the economy. Department of Transportation regional systems planning chief Tom Beekman gave his state agency report, discussing the legislation making the state stay away from earmarks, as voters have felt they are not good. He said outgoing Seventh District Congressman Dave Obey had done a lot for transportation. “[It’s] going to be a real difference,” he said of Kohl and Congressman-elect Sean Duffy taking over, as they may not have the same directory. Beekman said there has been “dead silence” regarding prioritized road projects, so it’s in a lull, especially with the change in the political environment after the last election. He said there may be “significant, notable differences in how transportation funding is viewed at the state level.” Beekman said Hwy. 53 safety issues at intersections are still being addressed, with the CTH V intersection in Haugen being a major one in the near future. He said they are rebuilding that intersection to eliminate more terrible crashes. He said that the studies of Trego and Minong intersections are nearly complete, and they are looking at a single-interchange proposal for Trego because they have two along the highway, at CTH E and Hwy. 53. “We are doing everything possible to try and make those interchanges safer,” Beekman said. He added that people need to accept the options out there for these improvements. Beekman said the DOT may be moving forward with the Northern Lights train project, which would connect northwestern Wisconsin and parts of Minnesota to Superior and Duluth, Minn. He said they hope to have funding available by April, though they lost their project champion, Minnesota Congressman Jim Oberstar, after the last election. After Beekman’s speech, Schuster ran through the schedule of 2011 NWRPC meetings. The next executive committee meeting will be Wednesday, Jan. 26, at the Spooner office at 9:30 a.m. The annual NWRPC meeting will be held Wednesday, June 29, at a time and place to be determined at a later date.

Temps & levels


Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.

from page 3

2010 Nov. 29 Nov. 30 Dec. 1 Dec. 2 Dec. 3 Dec. 4 Dec. 5

Hi 43 33 39 44 30 22 20

Hi 42 38 29 21 13 19 27

Lo 26 27 25 25 22 15 18

Lo 27 29 15 2 -5 -5 6

Precip. .5” snow

trace snow .5” snow trace snow Precip.

2.7” snow .4” snow .2” snow trace snow .8” snow

Register staff

Editor Gary King Phone: 715-327-4236 E-mail:

Office manager Suzanne Johnson Phone: 715-468-2314 Fax: 715-468-4900 E-mail:

Writers Regan Kohler Larry Samson Phone: 715-468-2314 E-mail: Ad representative Jackie Moody Phone: 715-468-2314 Composition Jackie Thorwick


SHOWING December 10 JUNE - 16 FOR UPCOMING FEATURES CALL 715-635-2936 OR 1-800-952-2010 12 - 18


PG Daily: 7:10 p.m. Matinees: Sat. 4:10 p.m.; Sun.: 1:10 & 4:10 p.m.

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Volunteer opportunities


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HOLIDAY SPECIAL - DEC. 1 - DEC. 31 $ Full Body Spray................................................ 20 $ Face/Shoulder/Arms........................................ 12 $ Face & Neck........................................................... 6 Package prices also available.


For appointment, call Tammy 715-296-6117 or 715-468-7289


Volunteers are needed at the Washburn County Historical Museum in Shell Lake. Call 715-4682982. ••• Indianhead Community Action Agency is looking for volunteers to help out in their thrift store and food pantry. Food pantry volunteers must be able to lift at least 25 lbs. Please stop in to ICAA at 608 Service Road and pick up an application or call 715-635-3975 for more information. ••• The Washburn County Area Humane Society is looking for volunteers to update and maintain our Web site and to research and apply for grants for us. For more information, call Susie at 715-468-2453 or e-mail ••• Happy Tonics, Inc.: Volunteers needed Nov./Dec. for Visitors Center/Store: Thursday - Saturday, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Volunteers needed as Salvation Army bell ringers same days/hours. Call Mary Ellen 715-468-2097. ••• Glenview Assisted Living is looking for a volunteer to assist the in-house beautician with appointments. Wednesdays and Thursdays, 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Interested volunteers please call 715-468-4255 or e-mail at ••• Volunteers needed to work in Red Cross Shelter. For more information, contact Carol Buck, emergency management director, 715-468-4730 or cbuck@co.washburn. ••• To publish a volunteer opportunity, submit it to us by Monday noon. E-mail it to, bring it to the office , or call 715-468-2314 . Please list the type of volunteer work you need, as well as dates, times and length of service. Make sure to include your contact information, including your name and phone number. When the volunteer position is filled, please let us know so we can take it off the list. This service is offered free of charge in an effort to bring the community together so those that are looking for help can find those that are looking to help.


Thursday, Dec. 9 • The Shell Lake Lions Club will meet, 6:30 p.m., at the Shell Lake Community Center. • United Ostomy Association local support group meeting, 1:30 p.m., at the Spooner Health System. • Fibromyalgia/CFS/Chronic Pain Support Group of Barron County meets from 1-3 p.m. at the Chetek Lutheran Church, Chetek. Coffee and refreshments served. Educational materials available to sign out. Call 715-651-9011 or 715-237-2798 for further information. • Free breastfeeding classes, 1:30 p.m., Lakeland Family Resource Center, 314 Elm St., Spooner. Sponsored by Washburn County Health Department. Please call Washburn County Health Department at 715-635-4400 to register or for additional information. Friday, Dec. 10 • Spooner Women’s Club’s annual Christmas event at the Glenview in Shell Lake. Meeting begins at 1 p.m. followed by group singing in the dining room about 2 p.m. with cookies and coffee shared with the residents. For more information call Sharon at 715635-2741. Saturday, Dec. 11 • Christmas Cookie Walk, 8 to 11 a.m., Spooner United Methodist Church, 312 Elm St. • Christmas at the Fort. Sleigh rides, food, Santa and more. Forts Folle Avoine Historical Park, 8500 CTH U, Danbury. • Washburn County Food Distribution in conjunction with Ruby’s Pantry, Spooner Middle School Tech Ed Building on Elm Street. Ticket sales at 9 a.m. Distribution at 9:30 a.m. Volunteers needed. To sign up or for more information, contact Chuck at 715-635-9309, Bill at 715-468-4017 or Ardys at 715-222-4410. • New Harmonettes Christmas Concert and Tea, 2 p.m., Birchwood Senior Center, 10 Euclid Ave., Birchwood. • Community Toy Drive at Faith Lutheran Church in Spooner, 9 a.m. to noon, free toys given away. Toys may be donated at area collection boxes. Toys are being donated by area businesses and community members. No stuffed animals as they are too difficult to disinfect. Please contact Sara Wickre, Nicole Weinstock or Spooner Moms Club for more information. Sunday, Dec. 12 • Gospel service, 4 p.m., Shell Lake Community Center. Intended for all ages. For more information call 715-202-0193. Tuesday, Dec. 14 • Moms Club meets at Faith Lutheran, Spooner, 10 a.m. All stayat-home or part-time-working moms welcome with their children. • Shell Lake 3-6 holiday program, 7 p.m., gym in 3-12 building. In case of bad weather, the performance will be Wednesday, Dec. 15, 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 15 • Shell Lake Public Library Board of Trustees meeting, 5 p.m., at the library, 501 1st St., Shell Lake. The public is welcome. • Fundraiser for Darrell Petz, 12:15 lunch and bake sale; 5 p.m. supper and bake sale. Takeouts available. Faith Lutheran Church, W7148 Luther Road, Spooner. Matching funds provided by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. Thursday, Dec. 16 • The Washburn County Humane Society open board meeting will meet at 5:30 p.m. at the state patrol headquarters in Spooner. Call 715-635-4720 for more information. • Shell Lake PTA meeting, 6:30 p.m., in the 3-12 school library. Baby-sitting will be provided. Friday, Dec. 17 • Toys for Tots given out at Rice Lake Armory from 4-7 p.m. For more information, call Larry Miller at 715-234-1792. Sunday, Dec. 19 • “Night of the Father’s Love,” Christmas cantata, Shell Lake United Methodist Church, 10:30 a.m. • Toys for Tots given out at Barronett Community Center, noon to 2 p.m. For more information, call Larry Miller at 715-234-1792. Monday, Dec. 20 • Shell Lake K-2 holiday program, 9:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. at the primary school. In case of bad weather the program will be held Tuesday, Dec. 21, 9:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.


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Community Calendar

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• Northern Lights Camera Club meets at 7 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church, 1790 Scribner St. (Hwy. K), Spooner. Feedback on photos, education and support. Beginners to professionals. • Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Support Group, 5 p.m. group activity, 5:30 p.m. dinner, 6-7 p.m. meeting, Lakeland Family Resource Center, 314 Elm St., Spooner. Info call 715-635-4669. Tuesday, Dec. 21 • Shell Lake/Spooner Masonic Lodge 221 will meet at 7 p.m. at the lodge. Wednesday, Dec. 29 • Free community breakfast, 7 to 10 a.m., First United Pentecostal Church, 337 Greenwood Ave., Spooner. All welcome. Donations accepted. Friday, Dec. 31 • Indianhead Community Health Care Inc. New Year’s Eve Bash, 8 p.m. to 12:30 a.m., Shell Lake Arts Center. Live music, door prizes, appetizers, party favors. Advanced tickets available at Indianhead Medical Center, Terraceview Living Center and Glenview. For more info, call Gwen at 715-468-7833.


Sunday, Jan. 16 • Shell Lake FFA ice-fishing contest, noon to 3:30 p.m., Bashaw Lake off of Bashaw Lake Road, which is at the Jct. of CTH B and CTH H west of Shell Lake. Registration starts at 10:30 a.m.


Monday: Lifestyle weight management support group will meet at 4 p.m. Weigh-in, meeting at 4:30 p.m. in the dining room of Indianhead Medical Center in Shell Lake. Call Michelle Grady at 715-468-7833 for more information. Membership fee is $10 per year, dues 50 cents per week. • Partners of Veterans women’s support group will meet from 1 to 2:30 p.m., at Counseling Associates in Siren, located across from the Burnett County Government Center. For more information, contact Julie Yaekel-Black Elk at 715-349-8575. • First Friends Playtime, 10 a.m. to noon, Lakeland Family Resource Center, 314 Elm Street, Spooner. 715-635-4669. All families welcome. Snack provided. There is no fee to attend. • Celebrate Recovery meetings at 6:30. This is a Christ-centered recovery program. Meetings take place in the Community Life Center at Spooner Wesleyan Church, Hwy. 70 West. For more information, call 715-635-2768. Monday and Thursday: Washburn County Alzheimer’s Day Respite Program is held from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church, Spooner. Daily fee includes lunch and a program of crafts, exercise, games, music, quiet time, etc. For more information, call 715635-4367. Tuesday: Birth to Three Playgroup, 10-11:30 a.m., Lakeland Family Resource Center, Spooner. Casual and fun time for parents and children to meet, play and enjoy music with others. Snack provided. • Ala-Teen meets at 6:30 p.m. in the New Life Christian Center in Rice Lake. Use the back entrance. • Women Healing Women support group at Time-Out Family Abuse Outreach office, every other Tuesday, 4-5:30 p.m. For survivors of domestic abuse and/or sexual abuse. Free, confidential, closed after first session. For more info or to register, contact Time-Out Family Abuse Shelter Outreach office at 103 Oak St., Spooner, WI 54801, 715-635-5245. • Washburn County Historical Museum in Shell Lake through the winter months open every Tuesday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. For more information, call 715-468-2982. Wednesday: Lakeland Family Resource Center open from noon to 3 p.m. • Kids/Parentime at Lakeland Family Resource Center from 10 a.m. to noon. Learn, discuss, and share ideas on topic of the day. Short parent ed. segment at 10:30 a.m. and a parent/child activity. • AA meeting, 7 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church, Spooner. • Al-Anon meeting welcomes all, 7 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church, Spooner. Please use back door. • 9 a.m. to noon, sewing at Shell Lake Senior Center. Thursday: AA meets at 7 p.m. at Calvary Lutheran Church, Minong. • Al-Anon meets at 8 p.m. in the cafeteria at Indianhead Medical Center, Shell Lake. • Library Fun For Little Ones, 10:30 to 11:15 a.m. Shell Lake Public Library. A time for stories, craft and a snack. No age minimum or maximum for participants. Thursday and Monday: Washburn County Alzheimer’s Day Respite Program, see lising above. ••• Domestic abuse and sexual assault are crimes. Time-Out provides free, confidential victim support. If you or someone you know is experiencing violence in a relationship, please call 800-924-0556. The Genealogy Society Research Room at 206-1/2 2nd Ave., Museum Hewitt Building, Shell Lake, is closed for the winter. Volunteers will be available to help the public on appointment as weather permits. Call 715-635-6450 or 715-635-7937 for more information. Shell Lake Alano Club Meetings on CTH B, 2 blocks off Hwy. 63. All meetings are nonsmoking Sunday 10 a.m. AA 6 p.m. AA Monday Noon AA 5 p.m. GA Tuesday Noon AA 7 p.m. AA Wednesday 1 p.m. AA 7 p.m. NA Thursday 1 p.m. AA Friday 2 p.m. AA 7 p.m. AA Saturday Noon AA 7 p.m. AA Fourth Saturday of every month, Pin Night with 5:30 p.m. potluck and 7 p.m. meeting.

Washburn County


• Your community newspaper


The Rev. McArdell becomes WomenHeart champion

SHELL LAKE – The Rev. Carol Ann McArdell, Shell Lake, recently became a WomenHeart champion after graduating from the prestigious annual WomenHeart Science & Leadership Symposium at Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn. McArdell is one of 55 women from around the country – all heart disease survivors, from 27 states and the District of Columbia, from ages 33 to 77 – who were selected from a nationally competitive application process to attend the four-day symposium and return home as a leader to educate, advocate and support her community on the issue of women and heart disease, the nation’s leading cause of death for women. WomenHeart: The National Coalition for Women with Heart Disease is the nation’s leading organization representing the 42 million women living with or at risk for heart disease. “The class of 2010 is extremely impressive,” said Lisa M. Tate, chief executive officer of WomenHeart, headquartered in Washington, D.C. “These 55 women are

Donation to Christmas Fund

living with the most devastating of chronic diseases, and yet have made a conscious decision and selfless commitment to help other women live heart-healthy lives and support those currently living with heart disease.” “I am thrilled and honored to represent this very important campaign to fight heart disease in women,” said McArdell. “I look forward to getting started right here in Shell Lake to educate the community and support all women in their quest to live a heart-healthy life. Together, we can do it and make a difference.” By becoming a national volunteer WomenHeart champion, McArdell becomes one of 520 inspirational women from across the country to be honored with the title. These women, the “boots on the ground” in the fight against heart disease, are available to speak to community, state and national audiences about the prevalence of heart disease in women and how it is so often underdiagnosed and mistreated. In addition,

WomenHeart advocates for prevention, early and accurate diagnosis, and proper treatment of heart disease, and WomenHeart champions run the only national community-based, patient-led network of support groups for women living with heart disease. “Heart disease can be a very emotionally and physically isolating condition for women,” said Tate. “Our network of support groups enables women to have the camaraderie and support they need to make the lifestyle changes necessary to live a heart-healthy life.” WomenHeart was founded in 1999 and the Science & Leadership Symposium at Mayo Clinic was founded as an integral part of WomenHeart in 2002. – submitted by WomenHeart


Washburn County

Register •

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(715) 468-2856

“For All Your Building Needs”



Kayla Kemp and Daniel Smith were married Oct. 16, 2010, at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Shell Lake. Kayla is the daughter of Ronald and Rosemary Kemp, and Daniel is the son of Alyce and Gerald Smith, all of Shell Lake. The couple resides in Milford, Neb. — Photo by Jill Jagusch Photography

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Bryce McKinley and Trish Evitch, Shell Lake, announce the birth of their son, Cranston KennethMatthew McKinley, born Nov. 26, 2010, at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Chippewa Falls. •••


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Spooner Health System recently donated $1,077 to the Christmas Fund. There was on SHS chili feed contest in November and a total of $538 was raised at the event, which was then matched by SHS. Employees entered their favorite chili, with their fellow employees voting on the best. Winners of the chili feed contest were: First place Heidi Zellmer; second place Jody Stuenkel; and third place Linda Magnus. Brenda DeWitt, (R) president of the Spooner-Trego Lions Club, accepted the check from SHS employees who organized the chili feed event (L to R): Sue Stariha, Jody Stuenkel and Diane Neste. — Photo submitted

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Shell Lake Police Department to mobilize for Booze and Belts program

SHELL LAKE — To keep the upcoming holiday season from becoming a time of tragedy, the Shell Lake Police Department will mobilize for the statewide Booze and Belts traffic campaign from Dec. 10 to 18. “During the Booze and Belts mobilization, our officers will be out in force to prevent needless traffic deaths and injuries by arresting drunken drivers and enforcing the mandatory safety belt law,” said Chief Clint Stariha. Law enforcement agencies throughout the state are cracking down on impaired and unbuckled motorists. Last year in Wisconsin, convictions for failure to fasten safety belts exceeded 100,000 for the first time in state

history. There also were more than 45,000 drunken-driving convictions last year in Wisconsin. “We’re striving to save lives and prevent injuries; not to write more safety belt tickets or make more drunkendriving arrests. We hope that people will voluntarily decided to buckle up and drive sober. But if they don’t, our intensified enforcement will increase the risks of getting caught,” said Stariha. “We will continue our enforcement and education efforts, like the Booze and Belts mobilization, until we attain our ultimate goal of zero preventable traffic deaths in Wisconsin.” — submitted

Washburn County Area Humane Society ADOPTABLE PETS OF THE WEEK I wonder what this little kitten dreams of while she sleeps under the Christmas tree, Happy and warm, playing with a stuffed toy or more kittens, content and carefree. A full little belly that jiggles like jelly, just like someone else that we know, She hopes she’s the one, going home for some fun, with some help from ol’ Santa, ho ho. I bet she is dreaming, about all the others, with hopes that they will go home too, With 15 sweet kittens, who’d like more than mittens, they will be here waiting for you. Please make dreams come true, for just one, maybe two, though there may be one thing you’ll find tough, It’s picking just one, as we know more is fun, in fact two sometimes is not enough!

Cats for adoption: 1-year-old female gray/white tiger; 1-year-old male black/white longhair; 1-year-old

neutered orange shorthair tiger; 1-year-old medium-hair orange/white tabby; 3-year-old neutered/declawed white/black longhair; 5-month-old male all-white kitten; adult shorthair tortie; 2-year-old female shorthair tiger; 5-month-old male black shorthair; 7-month-old spayed calico/tiger shorthair; two 9-week-old orange medium-hair kittens; 2-year-old male gray/white tiger; two 8-week-old Siamese mix kittens and variety of 7- to 9-week-old kittens. Dogs for adoption: 6-year-old black/white male black Lab/Great Dane mix; 4-year-old spayed rott mix; 1year-old spayed Lab mix; 1-1/2-year-old male black Lab mix; 1-year-old female boxer mix; 10-month-old neutered Doberman; and a 1-1/2-year-old female black German shepherd mix and two 4-month-old pit bull puppies, one female, one male. Also for adoption: Two tan/white male guinea pigs, and a very friendly young female rabbit. Strays include: Adult female tortie found in Shell Lake.

Studio Hours: Mon. - Sat. 8 a.m. - Noon

23 Fifth Avenue, Shell Lake


Hours: Mon.-Fri. 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; Sat. 10 a.m.-3 p.m.

526414 15-17r

My Favorite Things

Now thru Noon Tuesday, Dec. 14



50% OFF When purchased as a donation to the Shell Lake, Spooner, Trego Lions Club 25th-Annual Christmas Fund for local children. Gifts will be left in our Santa bag & we will deliver them to Shell Lake State Bank on Dec. 14

Vitality Village Welcomes

GINA FOLEY BRIGHT BLESSINGS HEALING CENTER Gina can be contacted at 715-671-3795 to make an appointment or call Vitality Village for more information. 526979 16r

526288 15-16rp

515095 44rtfc

BEYOND the Office DOOR



Offering WiFi: Wireless Internet Monday:..................Noon to 8 p.m. Tuesday:................10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday:..............Noon to 8 p.m. Thursday:.............10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday:..................10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday:...............10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Black Friday is past and so is Cyber Monday. Have you completed your holiday shopping? I am a person that does my Christmas shopping throughout the year. If I see something I would like to give to someone, I get it at that time rather than wait. I also make some of the gifts I give, so when it is time to start wrapping, I have to locate them as I have the items stored in various containers and closets throughout the house. I think gift bags are a great way to reuse and recycle. They are so Suzanne convenient. Odd-shaped items fit into them. Plus you don’t have to Johnson keep losing the scissors and tape when using gift bags. I thought it would be interesting to write on the bottom of each bag the date and the giver of the bag each time it is used. It would be interesting to see if the gift bag recycles back to the original giver. Keep in mind, I said the gift bag not the gift inside. I am not a creative gift wrapper. My kids used to comment that I should try a little harder as they could tell they were receiving a book or a video. I was all for using gift bags until some people shared with me that a present just isn’t a present unless it is gift wrapped, not just placed in a bag. Even men told me this. So this year I have boxed up and wrapped the gifts I will be giving. Yes, I have gotten frustrated trying to find the scissors and tape under the rolls of wrapping paper.

THE VITALITY VILLAGE (Located next to the Potter’s Shed)

Located at 1400 Cottonwood Ave. in Spooner (Behind the county fairgrounds) 715-635-4720


Gift bags versus wrapping paper

526976 16-18r


A Night in Bethlehem

Helping to set the mood, Haiken Meier plays a young boy, Brenda Simeth and Anne Marie Wistad are rug crafters. The congregation spends many hours preparing and giving up their church for the weekend for the event.

Sitting in the stable admiring their newborn baby Jesus are Joseph and Mary. Miles and Jessica Macone with their baby, Adeline, gave up their time to play the lead part in the living Nativity. A Night in Bethlehem was hosted by the Cornerstone Christian Church in Spooner. Over 800 visitors enjoyed and were touched by the interactive play that ran Friday-Sunday, Dec. 3-5. — Photos by Larry Samson

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Cleared up for Christmas




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AYO UT # 4

Order The First Calendar For $19.95. Order The Second Calendar For $14.95 Each Additional Calendar Ordered Will Be $9.95 Each

All 4 Locations Darlene Heller, coordinator for the Adopt A Soldier program, was glad to see packing day come so she could finally clear her house of the vast amount of boxes that held the supplies that were put in the stockings. — Photo by Diane Dryden

526586 15-16r,L 5-6a-e

Adding authenticity, Michele Emerson, using her artist skills plays the role of an artisan as she throws pots much like they did in Sarah Heineman and Anna Emerson are biblical times. Visitors were free to selling eggs in a street market much like walk around the market square to the one in Bethlehem over 2,000 years watch or to interact with the acago. tors.

F u ll - C ol o r C us tom


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11 West 5th Ave. Shell Lake, Wis.

715-327-4236 715-349-2560 715-483-9008 715-468-2314

The New Year Is Just Around The Corner!




Tough week for basketball by Larry Samson SHELL LAKE — The basketball season began this week as the boys and girls teams faced two strong teams, the Siren Dragons and the Frederic Vikings. The outcome was pretty much known before the games even started, but the Shell Lake fans were not disappointed with their young teams and the game they played. The girls went down 26-96 to Siren on Tuesday, Nov. 30, and 35-64 to Frederic on Friday, Dec. 3. The boys faced a similar fate as they lost 20-86 to Siren and 35-63 to Frederic. Both teams went at Shell Lake’s weakness, their inexperience, forcing turnovers with an aggressive press. Head coach Tom Sauve took over the girls program this year and is assisted by

See Tough week next page

Junior Jennifer Cassel drives past Siren defender Kyaisha Kettula in a game that the young Shell Lake team lost, 96-26, to a very experienced Siren team. — Photos by Larry Samson

Emma Anderson was fouled by Frederic defender Samantha Nelson on this layup.

by Larry Samson BALSAM LAKE — Shell Lake lost its first wrestling match of the season 41-30 to Unity on Thursday, Dec. 2. Dan Cassel had his first pin of the year when he pinned Zach Baxter in the 130pound class. Brandon Anderson, return-

Playing in her first varsity game, freshman Shania Pokorny brings the ball downcourt against Siren defender Daphne Hubbell.

Lakers lose close match to Eagles

ing to the mat for Shell Lake since he last wrestled in elementary school, nearly pinned his opponent Jordan Hughes several times only to be pinned in the third round. Had Anderson pinned Hughes, Shell Lake would have won 36-35. Anderson is a good addition to the squad

Sports equipment swap postponed

SHELL LAKE — The second-annual sports equipment swap scheduled for Saturday, Dec. 11, has been postponed until January 2011.

If you have any questions, please contact Shell Lake Community Ed at 715468-7815, Ext. 1337, or e-mail — from Shell Lake Community Ed

wrestling at 171 pounds. Dillon Hopke, Marlo Fields and Brian Marschall lost by a decision. Aaron Slinker was pinned by Dylan Hendricks in the 152-pound class. “A lot of work is needed; we will be OK by the end of the season,” coach Jim Thursday, Dec. 2 - Unity 40.0 Shell Lake 30.0 103: Double forfeit. 112: Tucker Olson, Unity, won by forfeit. 119: Tyler Kozial, Shell Lake, won by forfeit. 125: Sam Livingston, Shell Lake, won by forfeit. 130: Dan Cassel, Shell Lake, pinned Zac Baxter, Unity, 5:16. 135: Luke Nelson, Unity, won by forfeit. 140: Steven Anderson, Unity, won by forfeit. 145: Kevin Bystrom, Unity, major decision over Dillon Hopke, Shell Lake, 10-0.

Playing whose ball is it, Jennifer Cassel, Erica Kozial and two Frederic defenders fight it out for the rebound under the basket.

Freshman Hannah Cassel is a starter on the very young Shell Lake girls team. She is one of five freshmen on the varsity team.

Campbell said of the loss. Shell Lake will host Clear Lake for a dual meet on Thursday, Dec. 9. They will be wrestling in the Spooner Invitational on Saturday, Dec. 11, at 10 a.m., at Spooner High School.

152: Dylan Hendricks, Unity, pinned Aaron Slinker, Shell Lake, 3:40. 160: Tyler Anderson, Shell Lake, won by forfeit. 171: Jordan Hughes, Unity, pinned Brandon Anderson, Shell Lake, 5:32. 189: Caleb Schmidt, Shell Lake, won by forfeit. 215: Jake Johnson, Unity, decision over Marlo Fields, Shell Lake, 9-5. 285: Alex Lennartson, Unity, decision over Brian Marschall, Shell Lake, 3-0.



Tough week/from previous page

The big man under the basket, Cole Smith, unloads this shot. Shell Lake went down in a big way, 86-20 against a very strong Siren team in a home, nonconference game Tuesday, Nov. 30.

Aaron Druschba with a jump shot against a strong Siren defense. He had two baskets for four points in the game.

his father, Brad Sauve. Between the two they have four state championships. The numbers are up this year for players. There are no seniors on the varsity squad, so coach Sauve has had to rely on his three juniors, Jen Cassel, Emma Anderson and Erica Kozial, to step up and lead the team. Four sophomores, April Richter, Kayla Blazer, Carissa Forsythe and Kim Atkinson, add depth to the bench. Five freshman made the squad and are seeing a lot of playing time. They are Hannah Cassel, Kristen Kraetke, Shania Pokorny, Colleen Knoop and Hailey Flach. The girls will face Turtle Lake in a conference matchup Thursday, Dec. 9, at Turtle Lake. The Turtle Lake Lakers are coming off a 78-50 win over New Auburn and a 60-36 win over Unity. Head coach David Bouchard is in his second year of rebuilding a boys program that had been neglected for years. He has a youth program in place and has good numbers in the high school program. Bouchard has three seniors that bring leadership and experience to the game. They are Andrew Melton, James Lillion and Aaron Druschba. Three juniors that add depth to the squad are Ben Butenhoff, Cole Smith and Jon Lloyd. Five sophomores on the squad have stepped up, they are getting valuable playing time and are Wyatt Carlson, BJ Burton, Isaac Cusick, Austin Williams and AJ Denotter. With a deep bench, Bouchard now has the tools to play a fast, aggressive game. The Lakers are a year or two away from being a very good team. Shell Lake will travel to Turtle Lake on Friday, Dec. 10. Turtle Lake is coming off a 46-50 loss to Cumberland and a 27-56 loss to Webster. Jon Lloyd with a jump shot. The junior playing in his first varsity game will add to the depth to the Shell Lake lineup.


High-flying BJ Burton passes the ball off as he draws the defenders in while he drives the basket.

Photos by Larry Samson

Trophy deer

John Moravec Sr. shot this 10-point buck with an 18-inch spread on Sunday, Nov. 21, in Long Lake Township. — Photo by Marlene Moravec

Justin Hemshrot, Shell Lake, and a student at UW-Stevens Point, shot this 10-point buck with a 26-inch inside spread at 4 p.m. on the last day of the gun season. — Photo submitted


34th-annual Intermezzo Club 2010 Advent Concert

Alexandra Ripley, Annabelle Revak and Katelyn Heino, three talented students from Spooner Middle School, played an arrangement of four Christmas carols. In addition to the instruments pictured, they each played the piano.

Adriana Oakland, an eighthgrader from Spooner Middle School, and Sue Cosmano on the piano, entertained the audience at the 34th-annual Intermezzo Club 2010 Advent Concert that was held Thursday, Dec. 2, at the Spooner High School auditorium.

RIGHT: LaShonda Mays, an eighth-grader from St. Francis, sings “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel.”

Photos by Larry Samson

Time Out Tuesdays

by Diane Dryden SHELL LAKE - When an art teacher is in charge of a free-for-all adult craft night, just about anything goes. Time Out Tuesdays is the Potter’s Shed’s invitation to tap into your creative side by showing up somewhere between 4-8 p.m. each week and you can do some pottery, from glazing some of the hundreds of pieces available or throwing your own on the wheel. Glass slumping has been very popular in plate form, jewelry and bowls, and mo-

Jasmine Zenisek, a very talented senior from Spooner High School, played “You Raise Me Up,” and she brought the house down. She is planning to advance her studies of music in college and eventually wants to be a music teacher.

SHS Love Light ceremony held

saics are always popular, There’s a new project each week. Use the café’s door to get to the craft area and see work in progress. The projects start roughly at $20, so this is not one of those free things, but it is a homemade thing. If you’d like more information on the craft of the evening, call them at 715-468-4122, and if you don’t already know, the shop is located on the frontage road that runs parallel to Hwy. 63 south of Shell Lake.

Ann Bergmann was mistress of ceremony at The Partners of Spooner Health System’s 20th-annual Love Light ceremony Monday, Dec. 7, in the nursing home activity room. She shared a short Christmas message for all who were in attendance. Lights were available to purchase in memory of someone, in honor of someone, for peace or for someone who has or is serving our country. Rebecca Henning led the group in a couple of traditional Christmas songs while Joe Hendrickson played the piano. Over 150 names were recognized at the ceremony, and over $1,100 was raised by the 2010 Love Light project. The money will be used toward 2011 scholarships to be given to local students. Indianhead Floral and Gifts donated the love light trees. — Photo submitted Working with glass of all thicknesses and shapes to created beautiful jewelry are Lisa, Brenda, Chris, May and instructor Mary Kay. - Photos by Diane Dryden


Th an kYo uF o rS to p p in g By L ak eM all Du rin gS h ellL ak e’sH o lly Day S atu rday

This mold is for slumping bottles. When they’re finThis project is ready for the kiln, and at its ished, they make great second firing, it will be slumped into a beau- spoon rests or clever dishes tiful bowl. for snacks.

Winners Of Door-Prize Drawings Were: Bo n n ieM ilbe rge r,S h e llL a k e ,GiftBa sk e t F ro m Ge rry’s5 thA v e .S a lo n Ka re nS igm u n d,S p o o n e r,GiftBa sk e tF ro m Ge rry’s5 thA v e .S a lo n A n n e tteA n ce lWisn e r,S h e llL a k e ,$5 0Visa GiftCa rd F ro m L a k eIn su ra n ce Be ck aCu sick ,S h e llL a k e ,$5 0VisaGiftCa rd F ro m L a k eIn su ra n ce A m a n daNie lse n ,S h e llL a k e ,Wh ite Po in se ttiaF ro m Tru -Ga s Do ro th yL a sh m e tt,S h e llL a k e ,Re d Po in se ttiaF ro m Tru -Ga s Je rry Ca rro ll,S h e llL a k e ,Wre a thF ro m Tru -Ga s Ja k eJa co bs,S h e llL a k e ,H o lida y GiftBa sk e t F ro m Wa sh bu rnCo u n ty Re giste r 526940 16rp

CHRISTMAS COOKIE WALK Saturday, December 11

8 to 11 a.m. Spooner United Methodist Church 312 Elm Street Large Variety Of Cookies Sold By The Pound 526445 5b 16r

Budget/from page 1


After amendments to different parts of the budget, the administration forwarded the proposed 2011 budget to the council Wednesday night. City Administrator Brad Pederson said that night that the total proposed city levy was $835,841. He said there has been a 3.6-percent increase in the levy between 2009 and 2010. Pederson mentioned there was currently a $500 deductible on property insurance that could be raised to $1,000, which would save money. “I wouldn’t mind just administratively to go to $1,000,” he said, adding that even $5,000 would be OK for a deductible. Pederson said the city “very seldom” has claims. Public Works Director Jeff Parker added, “It’s been quite awhile, Brad.” Council President Randy Baker said they talked about applying what was left in the 2010 budget to the levy, and there are projects that have not yet been finished. Pederson said there is $12,568 left in the contingency fund, which was tapped for capital improvements. Pederson said there was $5,000 allocated for benches downtown, which a group has been raising funds for. He said the group is about $340 shy, so the city could look into using tax-increment financing, as benches downtown are considered enhancement of a blighted area, and therefore eligible for funding. Pederson went through some other city hall projects that were or weren’t projected in the budget. “I do feel my numbers are conservative,” he said. The public hearing was then opened. Vern Redlich said that last year the council spent about 45 minutes discussing road project funding, and though he believed some was done on Elwood Beach and Rolph’s Point, he never saw all the projects done, or bids. “So there was no other street work done that I could see,” Redlich said. Whether the council realizes it or not, he said, “you’re responsible for the infrastructure of the city.” He said property value is pulled down if streets are no good. Redlich then said the city hall’s appearance wasn’t good. He said he knew they discussed sidewalks, but the city should also look at the rest of the building.

Friendship Commons by Theresa Sigmund

We trimmed the tree on Dec. 1 at Friendship Commons, and it looks real nice. Mable Perry’s tree skirt brings out the beauty of the tree. During Holly Saturday, the center had a bake sale and a craft table. Mable Perry’s pot holders sold like hotcakes. They are really beautiful. We had coffee and cookies for anyone who came in. Some of us played Rummy Cubes, which is a real fun game. I hate to brag, but I win real often. But Connee Brabec and Mable Perry are the masters at it. Our Christmas party for members and spouses or singles may bring a friend, is Monday, Dec. 13. More on the Christmas party next week We rented the center to Ryan Kline on Nov. 28. We have another group scheduled for Christmas Day. Because of the weather, Tuesday’s night Smear had only three players. Sorry I misplaced the Cribbage scores. Christmas is love in action. — from a Menard’s flyer.

“It needs to be cleaned … and probably new windows,” he said. “Don’t let this beautiful building go to waste.” Redlich said the landscaping out front is a “disgrace to Shell Lake.” He said they should blacktop over the protruding weeds, or something similar. Redlich asked them to consider expanding city hall, what with voting machines becoming more popular in Washburn County. He suggested possibly separating the library from city hall. Redlich said the budget summary was much higher than last year, though he noticed there were some changes when it came before the council that night. He was concerned about where culture expenses came from in the budget, as there is no symphony orchestra or even certain sports, like hockey, available in Shell Lake. He said this fund “should be reduced drastically.” Alderperson Greg Kittelsen said most of Redlich’s concerns were being addressed, especially streets and city hall. He said the city is doubling its chip sealing attempts on the streets, though Redlich replied that simple attempts are not good enough. Kittelsen said the city intends for two miles of chip sealing annually, and mentioned that the Third Street road improvement project had begun, between Sand Road and Eighth Avenue. Pederson said the council has to address city hall’s roof, and that the plan now for the outside is to reduce the cement on sidewalks, sod the ground and put in potted plants. Regarding Redlich’s comment about only Elwood Beach and Rolph’s Point being done, Pederson said the city had some recycled ground blacktop on hand that they used for those two areas, which is why Redlich wouldn’t have seen bids go out.

Library news

by Beth Carlson, library director Letters to Santa The library is accepting letters to Santa. Every child will receive a personalized letter in return. Drop letters off at the library in Santa’s mailbox until Friday, Dec. 17. Include child’s name and address. Holiday coloring contest Children ages 4-12 years old may enter the Christmas holiday coloring contest and win an art kit. Stop in the library to pick up a coloring sheet. Children can be as creative as they want. Entries are due at the library on Friday, Dec. 17, at 5 p.m. Entry must be child’s work. Five winners will be drawn at random. For more information call the library at 715-468-2074 or e-mail the library at The Girl Scouts are also collecting old crayons for recycling. This program makes new crayons out of old crayons so they don’t end up in the landfills. Donate your crayons at the library. Help someone see The Lions Club of Shell Lake is collecting old eyeglasses to donate to underdeveloped countries. Donate your old glasses in the drop box in the library lobby. Story hour Library Fun For Little Ones is every Thursday from 10:30-11:15 a.m. Children and their caregivers will learn the love of reading, make a craft and enjoy a snack. Drop-ins welcome, no need to sign up. Story hour is presented by Lakeland Family Resource Center.

As for the library, Pederson said the library board is a separate entity from city council, and the city has no say in it, just allocates money in the budget. Pederson said that the funding in the culture part of the budget comes from municipalities and includes the park, campground and summer recreational programs. He said there is really “not a whole lot of culture in there,” but that is just the name for the fund. Redlich pointed out that the community center and airport don’t show a profit for the city, but they still get funding, and suggested cutting back on the culture fund. “Your priorities are all mixed up here, ladies and gentlemen,” he said. Alderperson Terry Leckel said he agreed with Redlich on that matter. “We’re just blowing money like crazy [with the airport],” Leckel said, adding that the city needs to make the airport more self-sufficient. Redlich said having an airport is good for the city, but he was surprised it hadn’t drawn more related industry to the area. When it came time for consideration of the budget adoption, Kittelsen brought up the deductible on property insurance, saying they should have high deductibles on almost anything. Leckel said the city can raise it at any time, and it is not pertinent to this budget. The council first moved to reduce the property and liability expense by $750, which was approved 7-1. The fund equity was then increased from zero to $25,000. Finally, the budget was adopted with a levy of $810,091. The council also approved a 2.5-percent wage increase for all city employees, effective Jan. 1; and a contract with Xcel Energy for electrical service to airport hangars, 7-1.

Paige Skluzacek, library assistant, made special ornaments and a star for the Christmas tree on display at the Shell Lake Public Library. She made the decorations with pages of old books. — Photo by Suzanne Johnson

Web site Check due dates and fine status, renew materials, keep a log of materials you’ve read, place holds on materials we or another library own at and click on Library Catalog Online. Make it one of your favorites.


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Helen G. Puls

Ray Valine of California lost his job. It made so many wrinkles on his head that he had to screw his hat off. Then he thought of a novel way to support his family. He turned his head into a billboard. He shaved it, printed four ads on it and wandered through the streets of Sacramento. He made $100 a day. That’s using your head, isn’t it! The Christian, too, is a walking billboard for the Lord, “known and read of all men.” Are you a good ad, drawing others to the Lord, or a bad ad, driving others from the Lord? How do you communicate Christ? Visit us at:

Thomas A. Stariha

Thomas A. Stariha, 72, Watertown, died Dec. 3, 2010. Thomas was born Dec. 7, 1937, in Shell Lake, to Ed and Catherine (Fahey) Stariha. He attended two years of college. He married Janice L. Swan on June 15, 1957, in Shell Lake. He was the owner of City Laundry and Cleaners in Spooner for 20 years and was employed at Bethesda Lutheran Homes in Watertown. He was preceded in death by his daughter, Debbie Beineke. He is survived by his wife, Janice L. Stariha; sons Greg, Cal and Tom Stariha; and son-in-law John Beineke; six grandchildren; four great-grandchildren; brother Bob Stariha; and other relatives. A graveside service will be held in the spring of 2011 at Clam River Cemetery, Shell Lake.

Gladys A. Schultz

B e rn a rdL .Ju za ,91, of Shell Lake, died Saturday, November 20, 2010, at Terraceview Living Center in Shell Lake. A celebration of Bernard’s life was held at 1 p.m. Monday, November 29, 2010, at Skinner Funeral Home, Shell Lake, Wis., with Robert Heinze officiating. Burial of cremains was in Northern Wisconsin Veterans Memorial Cemetery, Spooner, Wis. Military Honors were accorded by Wisconsin Military Honors Team.

526992 16r

Gladys A. Schultz, 92, Rice Lake, formerly of Shell Lake, died Dec. 4, 2010, at Lakeview Medical Center in Rice Lake. She was born April 29, 1918, in Shell Lake to John and Jennie (Dahlstrom) Milkie. After graduating from Shell Lake High School, she attended Superior Normal School. Gladys taught elementary school in Webster for over 30 years, retiring in 1976. She was married in Superior on Oct. 10, 1940, to Everett Schultz. She was preceded in death by her husband, Everett in 2003; sons Gary and Wayne; grandson Wayne Jr.; infant great-grandson and brothers Ken and Jack Milkie. She is survived by her children, Kenneth (Diana) Schultz, Peoria, Ariz., Harold (Marlene) Schultz, Shawano, Jay Schultz, Spooner, and Karen (Ed) Schuirmann, Cherokee Village, Ark.; daughter-in-law Cathy Schultz, Shell Lake; 16 grandchildren and 27 great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held Dec. 8 at Salem Lutheran Church with the Rev. Carol Ann McArdell officiating. Burial will be in Shell Lake Cemetery. Pallbearers are Tom Schultz, Bob Schultz, Mike Schultz, Lance Schultz, Wayne Schultz, Jack Koehnen, and honorary pallbearer was Austin Schultz. The Skinner Funeral Home, Shell Lake, was entrusted with arrangements.

Helen G. Puls, 91, Scott Township, died Dec. 1, 2010, at the Rice Lake Convalescent Home in Rice Lake. Helen was born Dec. 27, 1918, to John and Sophie Gyurasko in Manhattan, N.Y. Helen grew up in Manhattan and graduated salutatorian from Julia Richmond High School in 1939. She went on to attend the Julliard School of the Performing Arts for the violin, performing her first solo debut at Carnegie Hall. She was introduced into the medical field by working with one of the New York City coroners. During the war years, she volunteered her nurse’s aide skills with the American Red Cross at Fort Monmouth, N.J. She married Donald O. Puls in New York City on Dec. 2, 1948. Helen held a variety of positions over her long employment history. As a teenager she started out working for Macy’s Department store as a sales girl. Over the years she held other retail positions, such as working in the housewares department at Gimbels, in the incoming freight department at Dayton’s located in downtown Minneapolis, then to the upstairs cosmetic counter for Max Factor and later as a buyer for a small drugstore department at Dayton’s in the Brookdale Mall. She also worked for Allis-Chalmers in Milwaukee. During the war years, she relocated to Red Bank, N.J., where she

was employed at an ammunitions factory making detonators for rockets and other military armament. Later, she relocated to California and secured a position at Lockheed Aviation Manufacturer working in the secretarial pool. She lived in at least seven different states, eventually making her home on Mystery Lake. While in the area, she worked as a CNA and home health aide for nearly 20 years and volunteered with the Alzheimer’s Respite program before retirement. Helen enjoyed many hobbies including ceramics, caning chairs, sewing dolls, baking, casinos, hunting and was quite the avid fisherwoman. She was one-eighth pound away from winning a boat, motor and trailer in one of the local fishing contests. She also gained honorable mention in Field and Stream magazine for her catch of a largemouth bass in 1970. Helen is preceded in death by her parents; husband; two brothers and three sisters. She is survived by her children, Kenneth (Ellain) Puls of Germantown, Ronald Puls of American Canyon, Calif., Ginger (Jeff) Whitman of Spooner and Laura Rutland of Mondovi; 14 grandchildren, 24 great-grandchildren and two great-great-grandchildren. A memorial service will be held on Saturday, Dec. 18, at 11 a.m. at Scalzo-Taylor Family Funeral Home, Spooner. Visitation will be one hour prior to services on Saturday. Fr. Michael Tupa will be the celebrant, and Sarah Shumaker will provide the music. Online condolences may be offered at Scalzo-Taylor Family Funeral Home in Spooner was entrusted with arrangements.

Jane Atwater Winton, 95, Shell Lake, died Dec. 2, 2010, at Terraceview Living Center. She was born Jan. 22, 1915, to William and Fay (Atwater) Pieper, on “Pieper’s Island,” now called Boy Scout Island in Shell Lake, where her parents had built a beautiful stone house. Jane was the organist at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church in Shell Lake for over 31 years and continued to be active in St. Alban’s Episcopal Church in Spooner following the closure of St. Stephen’s. She was an active member of the church guild and the bishop’s committee for the Diocese of Eau Claire. Jane also volunteered for many years at Terraceview, on Alzheimer’s Respite Care, at the local food shelf and was an active member for many years of the Washburn County Historical Society. She was active in the Order of the Eastern Star, the hospital auxiliary, the American Legion Auxiliary and the Tuesday Club. She was a lifelong resident of Shell Lake. She was preceded in death by her parents; brothers David and Benjamin; sister-in-law Laverna Pieper; and her daughter, Sharon Stubfors. She is survived by son Ward Wm. Winton; daughterin-law Kay Brown Winton, Hayward; granddaughters Ana Winton and Angeline Winton, both of Springbrook; sister-in-law Rene Pieper, Minnetonka, Minn.; nieces Barbara (Jerry) Graf, Minnetonka, Minn., Bonnie (Lloyd) Holmberg, Onalaska, Paula Wallin, Mesa, Ariz.; nephew Allan (Lisa) Pieper, Greenboro, N.C.

Funeral arrangements are pending for a memorial service and a notice will be given at a later time. The Skinner Funeral Home, Shell Lake, was entrusted with arrangements.

Jane Atwater Winton

Starr plays shepherd Pastor Jack Starr as Reuben the One-Eyed Shepherd shares his tale as a shepherd witnessing the star of the North, as it led him to the manger in Bethlehem, during services held at Lakeview Methodist Church in Hertel. — Photo by Connie Quam

Fear not, for I am with you SHELL LAKE — Fear not, for I am with you … The awe and mystery of God with us. The angels began appearing, as a holy stirring, to different people on Earth. Zechariah and Joseph telling the prophesy of the child. Come and celebrate the birth of Jesus with the Shell Lake United Methodist choir’s Christmas cantata, “Night of the Father’s Love,” on Sunday, Dec. 19, at 10:30 a.m. Aimee Pashby will be directing and Sage Dunham will be the accompanist. Joel and Stacy Zimmerman will be the narrators. Everyone is welcome. — from Shell Lake United Methodist Church

Members of the Shell Lake United Methodist Choir are rehearsing for their Christmas Cantata “Night of the Father’s Love.” — Photo submitted


Area churches Alliance

St. Francis de Sales

53 3rd Ave., Shell Lake Pastor John Sahlstrom Lay Pastor Richard Peterson Youth leader Ryan Hunziker 715-468-2734 Worship Service: 10 a.m. Youth Group, 7th - 12th grades: Sunday 6 - 8 p.m.

409 N. Summit St., Spooner Father Edwin Anderson 715-635-3105 Saturday Mass: 6 p.m. Sunday Mass: 10 a.m.

Lake Park Alliance

Episcopal St. Alban's

Corner of Elm & Summit St., Spooner Father Bob Rodgers 715-635-8475 Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Holy Eucharist: Sunday at 10:30 a.m. and Thursday at 9:30 a.m. Morning prayer: 8:15 a.m. Monday Thursday


Northwoods Baptist W6268 Cranberry Dr., Shell Lake; 4 miles south of Spooner on U.S. 253 Pastor Adam Dunshee 715-468-2177 Sunday School: 10 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. Sunday service: 6 p.m. Wednesday service: 7 p.m.

Full Gospel Shell Lake Full Gospel

Spooner Baptist W7135 Green Valley Rd. (Green Valley Rd. and Hwy. 63) Pastor James Frisby 715-635-2277 Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. Sunday evening service 6 p.m. Wed. evening service 7 p.m.

293 S. Hwy. 63, Shell Lake Pastor Virgil Amundson 715-468-2895 Sunday: Celebration Worship Service: 10 a.m. Sunday School: 9 a.m. Jr. Kids Church: 10:30 a.m.; UTurn Student Ministries (7th-12th grades): 6 p.m.; Power & Light (2nd - 6th grades), 6 p.m. Tuesday: Compassion Connection: 7 p.m.



St. Joseph's Catholic

Barronett Lutheran

100 N. Second St., Shell Lake Father Edwin Anderson Saturday Mass: 4:30 p.m. Books & Coffee: Tues. 9 a.m.

St. Catherine's Catholic CTH D, Sarona Father Edwin Anderson 715-468-7850 Sunday Mass: 8:30 a.m.

776 Prospect Ave., Barronett Pastor Todd Ahneman 715-822-5511 715-671-3197 (cell) Sunday Worship: 9 a.m. The Spirit Connection Youth Group will meet the first Wednesday of the month at 6 p.m.

Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church (WELS) Hwy. 70 at Hwy. 53, Spooner Pastor Gene E. Jahnke 715-635-7672, Home: 715-354-7787 Sunday Worship: 9:30 a.m. Sunday School and Bible class: 10:45 a.m.

Faith Lutheran

United Methodist

(Missouri Synod) South of Spooner off Hwy. W7148 Luther Rd. Pastor Brent Berkesch 715-635-8167 Sunday Worship 8 a.m. Sunday School 9:15 a.m. Praise and Worship 10:30 Lutheran Hour on WJMC 96.1 FM Radio at 9 a.m. Sundays

Long Lake Lutheran Church W3114 Church Rd., Sarona Pastor Mary Strom Sunday Worship: 9 a.m.; Sunday School 9 a.m.

Salem Lutheran, ELCA 803 Second St., Shell Lake Pastor Carol Ann McArdell 715-468-7718 www.shelllakesalem Sunday Worship: 8 and 10 a.m.; coffee and conversation: 9:15 a.m.

Timberland Ringebu Free Lutheran

20805 CTH H, Barronett 715-468-4403 Pastor Al Bedard Sunday School 8:30 a.m. Family Worship 9:30 a.m. Fellowship follows worship Holy Communion first Sunday of the month Midweek Studies Tuesdays 2 & 7 p.m.

312 Elm St., Spooner 715-635-3227 Rev. Jack Starr Sunday Worship: 10:45 a.m.

Lakeview United Methodist

Williams Road, Hertel 715-635-3227 Rev. Jack Starr Sunday Worship: 9 a.m.


Church of the Nazarene

Hwy. 253 S, Spooner Rev. David Frazer 715-635-3496 Sunday Worship: 10:45 a.m. and 6 p.m.; Sunday School: 9:45 a.m.; Wednesday Adult, youth and children ministries: 6:30 p.m.


Spooner Wesleyan

Hwy. 70 W, Spooner www. Senior Pastor Ronald W. Gormong; Assistant Pastor Chopper Brown 715-635-2768 Sunday Worship 9 a.m.; Sunday School and ABFs: 10:30 a.m.; nursery provided; Celebrate Recovery, now every Monday at 6:30 p.m. Team Kid ages 4 yrs. 6th grade Wednesday 6:30 p.m.


Trinity Lutheran

1790 Scribner St., Spooner Pastors Will & Carolyn Mowchan 715-635-3603 Sunday Worship: 8 a.m. & 9:45 a.m.


United Methodist

135 Reinhart Dr., Shell Lake, 715-468-2405 Pastor Gregory Harrell Sunday: Sarona - 9 a.m.; Worship: 10:30 a.m.

Cornerstone Christian

Pastor Tom Kelby 106 Balsam St., Spooner 715-635-9222 www.cornerstonechurch Sunday Worship: 10 a.m. Children’s Sunday School: 10:30 a.m.; Wed. Prayer: 6:30 p.m. Youth Group Wednesday: 6:30 p.m.

Senior Menu

Monday, Dec. 13: Salmon loaf, creamed peas, buttered reds, mandarin oranges, bread, butter, milk, coffee. Tuesday, Dec. 14: Ranch baked chicken, rice pilaf, glazed baby carrots, cranberry whip, bread, butter, milk, coffee. Wednesday, Dec. 15: Tomato Swiss steak, mashed potatoes and butter, broccoli, banana-split cake, bread, butter, milk, coffee. Thursday, Dec. 16: Hamburger noodle casserole, buttered beets, fruited gelatin dessert, gingerbread muffin, milk, coffee. Friday, Nov. 17: Sliced turkey, roasted sweet potatoes with cinnamon pecan crunch, mixed vegetables, chunky applesauce, bread, butter, milk, coffee. Meal reservations must be made at least 24 hours in advance. Call 715468-4750.

This message is sponsored by the following businesses:


Country Pride Co-op

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Washburn County Abstract Company Silver Shears Salon

506 1st St. Shell Lake, Wis.

LAKESIDE MARKET 7 a.m. - 8 p.m. Mon.-Sat.; 7 a.m. - 6 p.m. Sun.


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South End Of Spooner

201 Glenview Lane Shell Lake, WI 54871 715-468-4255

Washburn County’s Premier Funeral Home

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306 Rusk St. • Spooner • 715-635-8919


Dewey Country by Pauline Lawrence

Winter is setting in now with snow, winds and cold. We shouldn’t complain as we had a great fall with nice temps, should we? In fact we had a great year with farmers crops being fantastic with lots and lots of hay, soybeans and the corn crop outdid itself. Yes, it’s now time for Ol’ Ma Nature to go to sleep for another season. Happy birthday wishes way over in Germany to Gabriel Asher Lawrence who turns 2 years old Dec. 9. Gabriel is the little son of Senior Master Sgt. David and Cindy Lawrence. We wish Gabriel a really fun day with all his brothers. He is the grandson of Bob and Marie Lawrence, Spooner. Birthday wishes go out to Tammy LaVeau and Karen Endicott as they enjoy their special day, Dec. 9. Have a wonderful day. Happy birthday to a very dear golden oldie who turns 91 on Dec. 10. Yes, it’s birthday time for Bertha Soelle. We wish you many more happy years, Bertha. Dec. 10, happy birthday wishes go out to Joan Petz and Rose Mary Gray. Have a wonderful day girls. Happy birthday to Kerry Russell (Albee) as she enjoys her special day, Dec. 12. Enjoy that special day, Kerry. Dec. 14, a very happy birthday to my Sunshine as he hopefully enjoys his special day with many more to come. Happy birthday wishes go out to Helga Petersen and Alvina Fenton on Dec. 14. Many more to you. Happy anniversary to Dale and Lois Stellrecht as they celebrate their special day together Dec. 14 with many more. Our deepest sympathy to the family of Jim Shug who passed away at 88 years old recently. Jim was the uncle of Betty and the late Barb Meister and the brother of Catherine Schumaker. Carl and Betty Meister attended his funeral last Monday in Glenwood City. Talking with John Biver we find the Biver gang all got filled up with their tags with some nice bucks. Congratulations.

At this time I am still waiting for a fair price for my car I totaled. They sure don’t want to give a person what Blue Book price shows, event though it was like new. Table Talk: What is one thing you could give up to help our great America? Saturday afternoon Jackie Perlt came to her mom, Diane Hulleman’s, staying over and Sunday the two gals enjoyed decking the hall with lots of Christmas decorations going up in Diane’s house. Diane goes all out for Christmas including decorating. News from the Fjelstad Palace finds Marv Knoop visiting Kris and Bob. Wednesday Kris attended the Clam River Tuesday Club Christmas party at Dixie Andrea’s. Potluck was enjoyed and secret pals were revealed. In the evening Kris attended the Lakeview UMC meeting. Saturday Greg Dorweiler, Tyler and Emily visited Bob and Kris. The snow has kept Kris busy shoveling. She says she is getting her exercise. There have been lots of vehicles visiting Bashaw Lake in deer hunting time, but nothing was safe yet. Now there are fishermen who walk out and fish but haven’t heard if they have had any luck. Kris tells us the Sunday school children will be having their Christmas program at the Lakeview Methodist Church on Dec. 19. Marv and Gladys Knoop entertained the gang for Thanksgiving Day dinner. Gladys made turkey with all the fixings with everyone bringing potluck. Attending were Karen and Doug Vanderhoof, Travis and Ashley Vanderhoof, MaKenna and Connor, Kyle Vanderhoof, Steve Knoop and friend Jody, Drew Knoop and friend Jen, Colleen and Cody Knoop, Lloyd and Freida Stellrecht and Pete, Keith and Becky, Allie and Lily, Kathy Butenhoff and daughters Rita and Hanna. Last Sunday, Doug and Karen Vanderhoof, Katie and Dave Kinde and son Logan, Kyle Vanderhoof, Travis, Ashley and MaKenna and Connor and Mike Rowe enjoyed dinner at Doug’s parents, Cass and Nadine Vanderhoof in Amery.

Gratitude goes out to all the people who came from all over the area to join us for our sixth-annual Scandinavian smorgasbord and to everyone at Barronett Lutheran who spent so much time baking, doing crafts, preparing food, serving, cleaning up, etc. We had so many nice comments on the food, decorations and service, and we appreciate them all. If you didn’t make it to dinner with us this year, don’t worry. We plan to have another one in 2011, the first Saturday in December. Mark your calendars. A special thank-you goes out to the two Neitzel children, Morgan and Tristin. They came in at about 3:30 p.m. and served coffee, rice pudding and fruit soup until about 7 p.m. I’m sure they must have been exhausted by the end of the evening. Actually, Tristin sat down to have a little dessert, and I was afraid he was going to fall asleep in his food. I sure hope they slept well on Saturday night. And, there are a few more people to acknowledge. Bill Gill came in for supper later in the evening, stayed and visited with other diners, and then stayed and helped fold up tables and put them away. I told Bill he was a guest and was not expected to help with cleanup, but he ignored me and went on helping. Not that he’s ever listened to me before, but I thought maybe this once he would. And, Aunt Helen and Sue Meier came up from Monroe and Milwaukee just to help with the smorgasbord. Sue cut up fruit for the fruit soup, helped with the serving and helped with the cleaning. Aunt Helen, who will be celebrating her 90th birthday Jan. 31, sat by the coffeepots and acted as a greeter for us. Anitia Lehmann stood in the kitchen for at least four hours on Friday morning helping make about 300 pieces of lefse. That’s our tradition, Anitia’s and mine, making the lefse. We put a lot of it on the tables, but we had a lot for sale too, and it all went. I don’t think there were 20 pieces left. Pat Olson was another guest who insisted on staying to help clean. I tried to pretend that she didn’t have to, but we were all glad for the extra help. It’s so much fun preparing and serving the meal, but the cleaning seems like a neverending job. Dorothy and Leroy Orth traveled to Arizona to spend Thanksgiving with their daughter, Lily, and her family. Dorothy said that they had a wonderful time with Lily and

the grandchildren and were very happy that they could celebrate Thanksgiving with them. Dorothy and Leroy were home in time to help with the Scandinavian smorgasbord, which made the rest of us very happy. We were glad to see that our friends from Cumberland ECU were able to make it to dinner again this year. We usually save two tables for them, and this year they needed three. Always glad to have the extra guests. Cheryl Jaastad and a few of her friends, Laura Schneider, Deanna Nesvold, Mary Miller, Susanne Perkins, Chris Strom, Kari Klein and Tammy Steinberg, discovered the perfect way to spend hunting season. They bought a time-share for Orange Lake Resort in Kissimmee, Fla., at the Cumberland Kinship auction a while back, and spent five fun-filled days basking in the sunshine while we were freezing up here. Kind of makes you a little jealous, doesn’t it? It was a pretty laid-back, uneventful trip, except for one thing, Kari and Tammy worked at the 5 O’clock on Saturday night. If you remember, we had a terrible ice storm right at that time, and it took them seven hours to drive from this area to the airport in the Twin Cities. Luckily they made it in time to catch the flight and join their friends for fun in the sun. Philip and Ilia Soltis were at the Red Brick enjoying the wonderful breakfast Debbie serves one day last week. The Lehmann family and Duane and I were there too. I told you Debbie is going to start charging us rent on the table, and Philip and Ilia stopped by to chat for a while. We had a pretty good conversation on whether Louie or Jack Link had the best sausage. I think it might have ended up in a tie. Anyway, it was nice to meet them. It’s always nice to see new faces in Barronett. Lynn Thon and I went to Bistro 63 on Wednesday for Jeno’s spaghetti special. I can honestly say it was the best spaghetti I have ever had, not to even mention that wonderful homemade bread of his. We have decided that we’re going to make Wednesday nights at the Bistro a once-amonth tradition. Oh, I almost forgot to tell you the names of the winners of our door prizes at the smorgasbord. Suzy Lehmann received a gift certificate from the Red Brick; Becky Effertz received a gift certificate from the Barronett Bar; and Elaine Olson received a gift certificate from Bistro 63. We hope our winners enjoy their meals at our fine local restaurants. And, speaking of restaurants, Debbie has decided to have the Red Brick open on Mondays now too. Starting this com-

Barronett by Judy Pieper

Heart Lake by Helen Pederson

Snow flurries again on Monday. The sun tried to shine through the clouds but wasn’t doing a good job. We are experiencing cold weather, so it is good to stay in. Last week, Cy and Jean Willette celebrated 15 years together. Family treated us all to cake for the occasion. Congratulations! Saturday afternoon Chuck and Barb Turpin of Lampson stopped in to Aunt Helen V. Pederson delivering some Christmas cheer and candy. It is always good to see them and keep up on the family news. The fudge they brought was delicious. They also visited D. Helen here and Arvid at TLC. Louisa Schade was up visiting her Morentson family over the weekend. She, along with Lillian Ullom, spent the day with Florence Carlson in Spooner and brother Frank. Mike Goveroski joined them for supper at Florence’s. Frank is slowly recuperating. On Sunday, Arlys Santiago joined a group of singers in Spooner at Karen River. Kevin McMullin provided the accompaniment to the sing-along. I’ve heard great compliments for the displays on the

beach. Thanks to Arlys Santiago for starting it. Visiting Peder Pederson on Saturday was his friend, Neil Cunningham. Brian Marschall attended a 4-H Congress in Atlanta, Ga., last week. On Tuesday, Sara Marschall celebrated her 22nd birthday with cake and ice cream at her home. Saturday Grandma Wealthy Marschall of Amery celebrated her birthday, but they celebrated at a dinner on Sunday with John and Mary. Birthday greetings to you. The Marschalls attended the football banquet at the school Wednesday night. I hear the celebration of Christmas at the Cornerstone Church was beautiful and well-attended. They always do a good job. Tim and Sue Pederson of Amherst spent the week at Las Vegas for conferences in connection with his work in FFA and 4-H and his job. People aren’t doing a lot of activities other than shopping as it is really cold, so therefore not much news. I enjoy the Christmas movies on TV and also the Christmas music and choirs on Channel 2. People all wrapped up in themselves find that they make pretty small packages. Have a good week and keep warm.

Our little dog, Rory, loves the snow. He rolls in it, tears around the yard, makes tracks with his nose and can’t figure out where they came from and at night he won’t go to bed unless he checks out our room. I know he’s looking for Sunshine but he has to check every night before he settles down for the night. A week ago, Saturday, Rory went right to Rich’s chair in the living room and laid down. Later I saw this so I picked him up and put him in Sunshine’s lap and that little dog was kissing Sunshine all over with his tail going 100 miles an hour. These little special animals don’t forget, do they? A very happy birthday to Katie (Vanderhoof) Kinde as she celebrates her special day Dec. 10. Have a wonderful day Katie with lots more to come. Talking with Marv Knoop on Sunday, Dec. 5, he tells us they’re ice fishing on Bashaw Lake. Mark, Bryan and Alecia Knoop have been down catching a few northerns. Congratulations to Marv Knoop getting a deer with his muzzleloader. Muzzleloader hunting is kind of tricky as ya only get one shot and it better be right on. This weekend Garry and Beth Crosby attended the Wisconsin NFO convention in Tomah. Also attending were Tom and Sunshine Crosby, Isaac, Josie and Alycia Crosby. Sonny and Kevin Meister spent Sunday with Carl and Betty Meister, with Grandma Betty and Kevin getting in some snugglin’ time. Myrna Atkinson tells us the band quilt she made now has tickets for sale for it. She tells me that the Shell Lake band will not be going on a trip with money made from the quilt until later when they go to Washington, D.C., and New York. They will be going on a later date. Sunday Vicki and Don Trott and their 4-year-old grandson Dominick were over to Cecil and Evelyn Melton’s enjoying family time and playing cards. Later Richard and Karen Melton visited with Cecil and Evelyn. Enjoy this beautiful time in church services, beautiful Christmas music, shopping and much love. Scatter sunshine! Have a great week! ing Monday, Dec. 13, the cafe will be open for business at the usual time. Remember: The women of Augustana Lutheran will be hosting the Santa Lucia pageant this Friday, Dec. 10. It is absolutely the loveliest pageant of the season, and I look forward to it every year. I hope you’ll be there this year to enjoy the pageant and the breakfast the women serve. The women of Barronett Lutheran will be hosting the annual Christmas party on Saturday, Dec. 18, in the church basement. I’ll have more on that later, but remember, we always have fun singing, playing dice, stealing presents and eating. Mark it on your calendar. We enjoy having lots of women from the area join us for the fun. I know you will be very happy to hear that the albino deer survived hunting season. A couple of people saw him running happily through the woods at the Lehmann farm. That’s about all I know from Barronett this week. Have a wonderful week, and I’ll see you next time.

Dewey-LaFollette by Karen Mangelsen

Clam River Tuesday Club met Wednesday, Dec. 1, at the home of Dixie Andrea. After a potluck lunch and regular meeting, the ladies exchanged Christmas gifts, revealed secret pals and drew names for 2011. The ladies also did a Christmas trivia quiz. The next meeting will be Wednesday Jan. 5, 2011, at Faith Lutheran Church in Spooner, time to be announced later. Hank Mangelsen visited Inez and Arvid Pearson Thursday morning. Donna and Gerry Hines went to Vadnais Heights, Minn., Friday and stayed overnight with their daughter, Brenda Sweet and her family. On Saturday, they went to Centerville, Minn., and attended a play in which granddaughter Alex Hines was one of the main stars. Steve and Nancy Hagen were overnight guests of Nina and Lawrence Hines Friday. Ronda Mangelsen’s sister and brother-in-law, Dianne and Jerry Stieb from Big Stone, S.D., were weekend guests of Maynard and Ronda Mangelsen. Lida Nordquist met Marlene Swearingen Saturday afternoon in Spooner, and they attended the Christmas parade of homes in Washburn County. Three homes were featured this year, and the proceeds will go to Alzheimer’s research. Marv and Gladys Knoop, Don and Pat Israel, Dennis and Terecia Ywart and Karen, Hank, Hannah and Grace Mangelsen were Saturday evening guests of Art and Barbara Hephner. They all helped Art celebrate his birthday. NOTICE OF PUBLIC PARTICIPATION MEETING CITY OF SHELL LAKE Place:

City of Shell Lake, Council Chambers, City Hall 501 First Street, Shell Lake, Wisconsin Date: Monday, Dec. 13, 2010 Time: 6:30 p.m. The City of Shell Lake will conduct a public hearing regarding the application for Community Development Block Grant – Public Facilities Program (CDBG-PF) funds and the USDA Rural Development Community Facilities Loan and Grant Program. The public is invited to attend this meeting to learn how these programs may help the city fund a fine bubble diffuser for the sewer plant, a generator for an electric backup system and to upgrade the sewer and storm sewer systems on Third Street. Citizens are urged to participate in this hearing. The meeting room is handicapped accessible. Persons needing additional accommodations should contact City Administrator Brad Pederson at 715-468-7679. 526974 16r WNAXLP

by Marian Furchtenicht

The busy month of December will fly by fast with so many things to do and places to go. So far December has been cold but it’s making safe ice for fishermen. Sunday, Dec. 5, at 6:58 a.m. Christi and Matt Krantz became the proud parents of a 9-pound 8-ounce baby girl named Ellie Mae. She was born at Luther Middlefort Hospital in Eau Claire where her daddy works in telecommunications. Ellie Mae joins two brothers, Teegan and Drake. Proud Grandparents Greg and Sue and Great-grandma Mary Krantz went down on Sunday to meet her, hold her and take pictures. Congratulations to the happy family. En route home they ate a late lunch at Norske Nook in Rice Lake. Marlene Hansen flew home Wednesday after spending a week in Minot, N.D., with Krista and baby Jaydon. Krista’s husband, Karl Okonek, left Nov. 18 for a six-month tour in Guam. Julie West and some girlfriends enjoyed a few days over Thanksgiving vacationing in Las Vegas. Kati and Mattie spent a couple of days with Grandparents Jerry and Char Croes in Deer Park. Riley stayed home with his dad, Jake, and they had Thanksgiving dinner with Grandma Mary West. Sunday Marilyn, Renee, Brian and Jesika Zimmerman attended the baptism of Keegan Marie Johnston, baby of Ashley Stodola and Levi Johnston, held at Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Haugen with a reception following at Linda and Ivan Stodola’s home. God’s blessing to the little one. Marilyn, Renee and Janet Zimmerman attended the Cheska Opera Christmas Show on Saturday night. Report it was really nice. Corey and Linda Furchtenicht attended her Spooner Bank of the West employee party held at Kegler’s Pub and Pin on Friday night. Report it was great, they all bowled three lines, had food and drinks and had a lot of fun. Gene and Carlotta Romsos visited Ken and Jean on Wednesday. A speedy get-well to Jean following her recent foot surgery. Jean is organist at Sarona Methodist Church and you are missed Jean. Dick and Marie King hosted a Christmas party for a few of their Big Ripley neighbors Saturday, Dec. 4. In addition to the good food and drink, folks enjoyed a white elephant gift exchange that made for a lot of laughs. Sandi Vogt went to the Twin Cities on Sunday for her mom’s birthday. Sandi reports lots of snowmen are popping up in front yards around the lake. Must be a competition going on! Mavis Schlapper and sister Joyce Wade went to Cricket’s

Accident report

Saturday, Nov. 13 At 3:30 p.m., Jacob R. Hanson, 23, Spooner, went off the road on Green Valley Road west of Hwy. 63, Spooner. The report said Hanson was driving west on Green Valley Road when he lost control on the snowcovered street and slid into the ditch. There was no damage, and Hanson was not reportedly injured. A friend was able to remove the vehicle. At 6:33 p.m., Samuel C. Hoxie, 34, Duluth, Minn., went into the ditch at mile marker 171 on Hwy. 53 north, Trego. The report said Hoxie was not injured, though a wrecker was dispatched to pull the vehicle out. At 9:08 p.m., Stuart D. Canfield, 21, Sauk City, went into the ditch on Hwy. 53 at mile marker 183, Minong. The narrative said a deputy was following Canfield north on the highway and saw his vehicle fishtail and go into the ditch on the median side. There was no damage, and Canfield was not injured, but Jock’s had to pull the vehicle out. At 10:45 p.m., Amy J. Drain, 36, Spooner, went into the ditch on Hwys. 53 and 70, Spooner. The report said the deputy found Drain’s vehicle in the ditch along the Hwy. 53 off ramp. The vehicle was able to be moved in the grassy area between the ramp and highway, so it could be pushed out. She was not reportedly injured. Sunday, Nov. 14 Rachel A. Ault, 27, Trego, went into the ditch on Hwy .63 near Lakeside Road, Trego, at 9:10 p.m. The narrative said Ault’s vehicle had no damage, but was removed by American. She was not reportedly injured.

Monday, Nov. 22 Jeffrey G. Andrea, Spooner, went into the ditch on CTH K and River Road, Trego, at 2:54 a.m. The report said Andrea was driving south on CTH K, and there was an ice-covered bridge that was slippery, causing Andrea to lose control on the bridge and go into the western ditch, where the vehicle overturned. Andrea left the scene before the officer arrived, the report said. There was very severe damage to all areas of the vehicle, which was towed by Jock’s. Andrea was not injured. At 10:55 a.m., Jacob D. Regner, Superior, overturned on Hwy. 53 and Lakeside Road, Trego. The report said Regner was driving

in Amery to the dance there on Sunday. Darlene Johnacheck and Elfreda West took in the holiday (Dec. 8, 15, 22) bazaar and brunch at Shell Lake Methodist Church on Saturday and report that it was nice. STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT There was a memorial gathering for family and friends on WASHBURN COUNTY Sunday at the Shell Lake Community Center for Judy (RegeIN THE MATTER OF THE nauer) Dwinnell, 80, of Illinois. She was the mother of our ESTATE OF former postmaster, Sue Hansen, and a sister of Lorraine JOHN VERON Haremza of Shell Lake. Sympathy is extended from Sarona Order Limiting Time for Filing folks. Elfreda West and I attended and afterward visited at Claims and Determination of Janet Donetell’s in Shell Lake. Heirship Russ and Nancy Furchtenicht attended the annual Farm(Formal Administration) ers Christmas Party at Hansen Hideaway in Haugen SaturCase No. 10 PR 42 day night. Report it was really nice, lots of door prizes. Russ A petition has been filed for won a 6” tall JD blowup tractor decoration that grandson administration and determinaJaxson was really excited about. Nancy Furchtenicht, sister Sue Weathers and their mom, tion of heirship of the decedent, date of birth was Oct. Arlene VanMeter, enjoyed the musical at the WITC in Rice whose 20, 1926, and date of death was Lake Sunday evening. Sept. 5, 2010. The decedent Monday the Madge ladies had a cookie exchange at Joy died domiciled in Washburn Solomon’s. Wednesday Charlotte Ross had some ladies in to County, State of Wis., with a post office address of: W5716 work on gingerbread O’Brien Rd., Trego, WI 54888. houses. Thursday Marsha IT IS ORDERED THAT: Kemp had the S&B neigh1. Creditors’ claims must be bors group over for a Christfiled with the court on or before mas get-together. March 1, 2011. Belated birthday wishes to 2. Heirship will be determined LeRoy Haynes and wishes on the date set for hearing on TOWN OF SARONA this week to Jacki Rux and the final account. Notice Is Hereby Given Katie (Foote) Chipman, Dec. BY THE COURT: That The Sarona Town Board Eugene D. Harrington 10; Gloria Elliott, Janet Circuit Court Judge/Court Will Be Meeting On Mon., Dec. Donetell and Dick Gagner, Commissioner 13, 2010, At 7 p.m., Dec. 11; Helen Thannom, December 1, 2010 At The Sarona Town Hall Jennie Joslin, Dec. 12, and Kathryn zumBrunnen, Attorney The agenda shall be posted one also Autumn and Alexis P.O. Box 96 day prior to meeting. Taylor turn 2 that day; GinSpooner, WI 54801 526864 526939 16r Victoria Lombard, Clerk ger Reynolds and Jean GagWNAXLP 715-635-3174 ner, Dec. 13; Dan Ripplinger, Mike Haremza and Dawson BID NOTICE - CITY OF SHELL LAKE Helfter, Dec. 14; and Elaine The City of Shell Lake is seeking bids for the purchase of a Norton, Dec. 15. fish cleaning station grinder. Project specifications are availA happy anniversary to able at the City Administrator’s office. Sealed bids must be Tim and Laurie Studt on submitted to the City of Shell Lake, 501 First Street, P.O. Box Dec. 11; Dale and Lois Stell520, Shell Lake, WI 54871, by 3 p.m. Monday, December 20, 2010. The City of Shell Lake reserves the right to accept or recht, Dec. 14; and Dan and reject any or all bids or to select the bid most advantageous to Lynda Anderson, their 20th, the City. Dec. 15.

south just after it had begun to rain. The roads were extremely icy that morning, the report said, and the vehicle’s rear broke traction on the ice, so it started to slid into the median, where it rolled and landed on its wheels. Regner was not injured, but there was very severe damage to all areas of the vehicle.

Wednesday, Nov. 24 Michael A. Tousignant, 52, Faribault, Minn., overturned on Island Lake Road at Leisure Lake Road, Spooner, at 11:30 p.m. The report said Tousignant was driving north on Island Lake Road when he lost control on the curve and spun around. The vehicle entered the ditch and rolled once before stopping on its wheels. The report said the roads were covered in snow that night. Tousignant and his passenger, Alex J. Tousignant, 17, Faribault, weren’t injured. The vehicle had moderate damage to all areas and was towed by Jock’s.

Saturday, Nov. 27 Pauline A. Lawrence, 68, Shell Lake, hit a culvert and overturned on Hwy. 53 and Wildcat Road, Spooner, at 11:22 a.m. According to the report, Lawrence said she was driving south on the highway when another car got in her lane. As she moved, she lost control of the vehicle on the ice, the report said, and ended up rolling over. Lawrence said the other vehicle did not stop. The report said the roads were covered in snow that morning. Lawrence was not injured, but her vehicle had severe damage to all areas and was towed by American. Wednesday, Dec. 1 Terry D. McGlasson, 43, Superior, hit a guardrail face on Hwy. 53 and CTH A, Spooner, at 11:20 a.m. The report said McGlasson was driving south on the highway when he lost control on the ice-covered bridge, crossed onto the inside lane and hit the cement rail. It was snowing that morning. The report said McGlasson was not injured, and there was no damage to the guardrail, but there was very severe damage to the driver’s side of the vehicle, including a new tire being smashed in. It was towed by American. – with info. from the Washburn County Sheriff’s Department


526985 16-17r WNAXLP

Bradley A. Pederson, City Administrator


The Shell Lake Area Fire Association Board Of Directors Will Hold Their Quarterly Meeting Wednesday, December 15, 2010, At 7 p.m. At The Fire Hall, 400 6th Ave., Shell Lake, WI Agenda: Approval of minutes, voucher list, budget status report, fire chief’s report, unfinished business: report on potential fire hall conversion to natural gas, new business: future purchase of air-packs. 526943 16r Bradley A. Pederson, Secretary/Treasurer


The following budget was adopted by the Shell Lake City Council on December 1, 2010. General Government $221,117 Public Safety 368,907 Public Works 369,345 Health & Human Services 300 Culture, Recreation & Education 211,412 Conservation & Development 21,973 Debt Service 535,287 Outlay 42,000 TOTAL OF ALL EXPENDITURES $1,770,341 Less: All revenue other than general property tax - 960,250 TOTAL CITY LEVY $810,091 The detailed budget is available for public inspection at the City Administrator’s office during regular office hours. Bradley A. Pederson, City Administrator 526997 16r WNAXLP

(Nov. 24, Dec. 1, 8, 15, 22, 29) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT WASHBURN COUNTY BAC HOME LOANS SERVICING, L.P., AS SERVICER FOR HSBC BANK USA, N.A. AS TRUSTEE FOR THE HOLDERS OF DEUTSCHE ALT-A SECURITIES MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST, SERIES 2007OA4 MORTGAGE PASSTHROUGH CERTIFICATES Plaintiff, vs. MICHELE P. LEONARD, et al. Defendants. Case No: 09 CV 326 NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by virtue of a judgment of foreclosure entered on April 7, 2010, in the amount of $318,411.54, the Sheriff will sell the described premises at public auction as follows: TIME: January 12, 2011, at 10:00 a.m. TERMS: 1. 10% down in cash or money order at the time of sale; balance due within 10 days of confirmation of sale; failure to pay balance due will result in forfeit of deposit to plaintiff. 2. Sold “as is” and subject to all legal liens and encumbrances. PLACE: at the North entrance of Washburn County Courthouse located at 10 4th Avenue, Shell Lake, Wisconsin DESCRIPTION: Tract I: Lot 3 of CSM 6-1, AP NO. 1285, a part of Government Lot 2 and of Government Lot 7 of Section 3, Township 38 North, Range 10 West (in the Township of Birchwood). Tract II: A nonexclusive easement for ingress and egress, in favor of Tract 1, over the 20-foot-wide driveway easement on Lots 1 & 2 of CSM 6-1, Map No. 1285, a part of Government Lot 2 and of Government Lot 7 of Section 3, Township 38 North, Range 10 West (in the Township of Birchwood) for access to CTH “B.” PROPERTY ADDRESS: W1017 Horseshoe Road, Stone Lake, WI 54876. TAX KEY NO.: 5602 Dated this 18th day of November, 2010. Terry Dryden Sheriff of Washburn County Christina E. Demakopoulos State Bar #1066197 Blommer Peterman, S.C. 165 Bishops Way Brookfield, WI 53005 262-790-5719 Please go to to obtain the bid for this sale. Blommer Peterman, S.C., is the creditor’s attorney and is attempting to collect a debt on its behalf. Any information obtained will be used for the purpose. (261253)

526093 WNAXLP



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526779 WNAXLP


Plaintiff vs. JANET NOWICKI; KENNETH A. NOWICKI; Defendants NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE Case No. 10 CV 58 Case Code No. 30404 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by virtue of a judgment of foreclosure entered on June 10, 2010, in the amount of $138,469.25, the Sheriff will sell the described premises at public auction as follows: TIME: January 5, 2011, at 10:15 a.m. TERMS: 1. 10% down in cash or money order at the time of sale; balance due within 10 days of confirmation of sale; failure to pay balance due will result in forfeit of deposit to plaintiff. 2. Sold “as is” and subject to all legal liens and encumbrances. 3. Buyer to pay applicable Wisconsin Real Estate Transfer Tax from the proceeds of the sale. PLACE: Washburn County Courthouse North Entrance (aka North Steps) 10 4th Avenue, Shell Lake, WI 54871. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: The Northwest 1/4 Of The Northwest 1/4 Of Section 25, Township 39 North Of Range 12 West, Except For The Following Parcels: 1. The East 500 Feet Thereof; 2. A Triangular Parcel Described As: Beginning at a Point 500 Feet West of the East Line of Northwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 25, and on the South Line of Northwest 1/4 of Northeast 1/4 of Section 25; and thence West 350 on the South Line of Northwest 1/4 of Northwest 1/4 of Section 25, to a Point 850 Feet West of the East Line of Northwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 25; thence Northeast to a Point 600 Feet North of the South Line of NW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 25, and 500 Feet West of the East Line of Northwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 25; thence South 600 Feet to the Point of Beginning. 3. Beginning at the Northwest Corner of the Northwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of said Section 25; thence East on the North Line of said Section 820 Feet More or Less to a Point which is 500 Feet West of the Northeast Corner of the Northwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of said Section; thence South Parallel with the East Line of said 1/4 640 Feet; thence at Right Angles and West 820 Feet More or Less to the West Line of said Northwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4; thence North Along the said West Line 640 Feet More or Less to the Place of Beginning. Tax Key No.: 65-034-2-39-1225-2 02 000-0030000 PROPERTY ADDRESS: N5620 Mann Road, Spooner, Wisconsin 54801. Gunar J. Blumberg State Bar No. 1028987 Attorney for Plaintiff 230 W. Monroe, Ste. 1125 Chicago, IL 60606 Phone: 312-541-9710 Johnson, Blumberg & Associates, LLC, is the creditor’s attorney and is attempting to collect a debt on its behalf. Any information obtained will be used for that purpose. 525214 WNAXLP

The Classifieds

AUTOMOBILE DONATION DONATE VEHICLE Receive $1000 GROCERY COUPON. NOAH’S ARC Support NO KILL Shelters, Research To Advance Veterinary Treatments. Free Towing, TAX DEDUCTIBLE, Non-Runners Accepted 1-866912-GIVE. (CNOW) BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ALL CASH VENDING ROUTE! Be your own boss! 25 Machines + Candy All for $9995. Vend3 877-915-8222 All major credit cards accepted! (CNOW)

(Nov. 24, Dec. 1, 8, 15, 22, 29) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT WASHBURN COUNTY BAC HOME LOANS SERVICING, L.P. Plaintiff, vs. JEREMY MEHSIKOMER, et al Defendants Case No: 09 CV 299 NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by virtue of a judgment of foreclosure entered on May 26, 2010, in the amount of $118,342.71, the Sheriff will sell the described premises at public auction as follows: TIME: January 12, 2011, at 10 a.m. TERMS: 1. 10% down in cash or money order at the time of sale; balance due within 10 days of confirmation of sale; failure to pay balance due will result in forfeit of deposit to plaintiff. 2. Sold “as is” and subject to all legal liens and encumbrances. PLACE: At the North entrance of Washburn County Courthouse located at 10 4th Avenue, Shell Lake, Wisconsin. DESCRIPTION: Parcel 1: The North 80 feet of Lot 7, Block 21, 2nd Addition to the City of Spooner, Washburn County, Wis. Parcel 2: The South 70 feet of Lot 7, Block 21, 2nd Addition to the City of Spooner, Washburn County, Wis. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 401 Vine Street, Spooner. WI 54801. TAX KEY NO.: 65-281-2-39-1231-0-0-6795 & 65-281-2-3912-31-0-0-6790. Dated this 18th day of November, 2010. Terry Dryden Sheriff of Washburn County Marie M. Flannery State Bar #1045309 Blommer Peterman, S.C. 165 Bishops Way Brookfield, WI 53005 262-790-5719 Please go to to obtain the bid for this sale. Blommer Peterman, S.C., is the creditor’s attorney and is attempting to collect a debt on its behalf. Any information obtained will be used for the purpose. (261188)

HEALTH AND BEAUTY HIP REPLACEMENT SURGERY: If you had hip replacement surgery between 2003-present and suffered problems requiring a second revision surgery you may be entitled to compensation. Attorney Charles Johnson 1-800-535-5727 (CNOW)

HELP WANTED TRUCK DRIVER Drivers Owner Operators & Company. Flats/Vans. Excellent pay / opportunity. Class A CDL w/ at least 2yrs. current exp. Blackhawk Transportation 888364-9755. (CNOW)

(Nov. 24, Dec. 1, 8, 15, 22, 29) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT WASHBURN COUNTY BAC HOME LOANS SERVICING, L.P. Plaintiff, vs. DAMIAN J. FERGUSON, et al. Defendants. Case Number: 09 CV 170 NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by virtue of a judgment of foreclosure entered on November 10, 2009, in the amount of $140,486.76, the Sheriff will sell the described premises at public auction as follows: TIME: January 12, 2011, at 10:30 a.m. TERMS: 1. 10% down in cash or money order at the time of sale; balance due within 10 days of confirmation of sale; failure to pay balance due will result in forfeit of deposit to plaintiff. 2. Sold “as is” and subject to all legal liens and encumbrances. PLACE: At the North entrance of Washburn County Courthouse located at 10 4th Avenue, Shell Lake, Wisconsin. DESCRIPTION: Lot 19, Eastland Addition to the City of Spooner, Washburn County, Wis. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 1200 Woodland Street, Spooner ,WI 54801. TAX KEY NO.: 65-281-2-39-1229-5-15-262-509000 (Legacy PIN: 65-281-2-39-12-29-4-35090). Dated this 18th day of November, 2010. Terry Dryden Sheriff of Washburn County Christina E. Demakopoulos State Bar #1066197 Blommer Peterman, S.C. 165 Bishops Way Brookfield, WI 53005 262-790-5719 Please go to to obtain the bid for this sale. Blommer Peterman, S.C., is the creditor’s attorney and is attempting to collect a debt on its behalf. Any information obtained will be used for the purpose. (261259)

MEETING NOTICE – CITY OF SHELL LAKE The Shell Lake Inland Lake protection and Rehabilitation District Board of Commissioners will hold their quarterly meeting Monday, December 13, 2010, at 6:45 p.m., in the Council Chambers, City Hall. AGENDA: Report on VHS testing; Lake Protection Grant Project update and draft list of potential projects; Report on 2010 lake and river monitoring and plans for 2011. 526975 16r

Bradley A. Pederson, City Administrator




www. wcregister. net

526098 WNAXLP

(Dec. 8, 15, 22, 29, Jan. 5, 12) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT WASHBURN COUNTY ASSOCIATED BANK, N.A., Plaintiff, vs. MICHAEL J. SCHINDLER JOHN/JANE DOE SCHINDLER (an Unknown Spouse of Michael J. Schindler) BREMER BANK Defendants. Case No. 10-CV-43 Hon. Eugene D. Harrington BR. 1 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that by virtue of a Judgment of Foreclosure entered in the above-captioned action on October 15, 2010, in the amount of $34,111.02, the Sheriff or his assignee will sell the described premises at public auction as follows: TIME: January 26, 2011, at 10:00 a.m. PLACE: In the North Entrance of Washburn County Courthouse, 10 4th Avenue, Shell Lake, WI 54871. DESCRIPTION: Parcel 1: Part of the Southwest Quarter (SW1/4) of the Northeast Quarter (NE1/4), Section Twenty-one (21), Township Forty (40) North, Range Twelve (12) West, Town of Trego, Washburn County, Wisconsin, described as Lot One (1) of Certified Survey Map filed March 8, 1982, in Volume 5, on page 10 of Certified Survey Map No. 1025, Document No. 182924. Parcel 2: Part of the Southwest Quarter (SW1/4), Section Twentyone (21), Township Forty (40) North, Range Twelve (12) West, Town of Trego, Washburn County, Wis., described as Lot Two (2) of Certified Survey Map filed March 8, 1982, in Vol. 5, on page 10 of Certified Survey Map No. 1025, Document No. 182924. Parcel 3: The South One-half (S1/2) of the Southwest Quarter (SW1/4) of the Northeast Quarter (NE1/4), Section Twenty-one (21), Township Forty (40) North, Range Twelve (12) West, Town of Trego, Washburn County, Wis., EXCEPTING therefrom the East 659 feet thereof; TOGETHER with a prescriptive easement for ingress over that existing private road lying and being the Northerly 2 rods of the South One-half (S1/2) of the Southwest Quarter (SW1/4) of the Northeast Quarter (NE1/4) and ALSO TOGETHER with that easement for ingress and egress described in Warranty Deed as recorded in Volume 352 of Records, on page 624. TAX KEY NO. 65-042-2-40-1221-1 03-000-001000, 65-0422-40-12-21-1 03-000-002000, 65-042-2-40-12-21-1 03-000005000. PROPERTY ADDRESS: Barrett Road, Trego, WI 54888 TERMS: Cash; down payment required at the time of Sheriff’s Sale in the amount of 10% by cash, money order, cashier’s check or certified check made payable to the Washburn County Clerk of Courts; balance of sale price due upon confirmation of sale by Court. Property to be sold as a whole “as is” and subject to all real estate taxes, accrued and accruing, special assessments, if any, penalties and interest. Buyer to pay applicable Wisconsin Real Estate Transfer Tax from the proceeds of the Sale upon Confirmation of the Court. Purchaser to pay the cost of title evidence. Terrence C. Dryden, Sheriff Washburn County, Wisconsin Plaintiff’s Attorney: Mallery & Zimmerman, S.C. 500 Third Street, Suite 800 P.O. Box 479 Wausau, WI 54402-0479 715-845-8234

The Register is online:

EACH INSERTION – Minimum of $3.00 ; 30¢ for each word. Call 715-468-2314 to place ad, or e-mail your ad to Advertising deadline is Monday at noon.

DRIVER- NEW PAY PLAN with QUARTERLY BONUS INCENTIVE! Lots of freight. Daily or Weekly Pay. Van and Refrigerated. CDL-A, 6 months recent experience. 800-414-9569. (CNOW) DRIVERS- Owner Operators. $5,000 Sign-On Bonus. Home Daily. Local & Dedicated Regional Runs based out of Green Bay & Milwaukee. Paid FSC on loaded & empty miles. Ask about our successful lease to purchase program. Call Comtrak at 866-722-0291, or apply at w w w. c o m t r a k l o g i s t i c s . c o m (CNOW) REGIONAL CDL DRIVERS NEEDED! Gordon Trucking, Inc. Immediate Openings! Home weekly available! Consistent Miles & Time Off! Full Benefits, 401K. We have lots of freight! 888-8326484. (CNOW) CENTRAL IOWA REFRIGERATED CARRIER is looking for experienced OTR Truck Drivers to run the Midwest and Midwest to West Coast. Competitive Pay. Call 800-645-3748. (CNOW) OTR FLATBED DRIVERS TIRE OF TARPING? You won’t have to in Roehl’s Curtainside fleet, one of the largest in the U.S. We pay a bonus for flatbed experience. Put your tarps away - call 888-867-6345. AAEOE (CNOW)

MISCELLANEOUS Advertise in 180 newspapers in Wisconsin for only $300. Find out more information by becoming our fan on Facebook or call this newspaper! (CNOW)

Local Classififieeds

SHELL LAKE SELF-STORAGE: Convenient, 24-hour access. Special low-cost boat storage. Call 715-468-2910. 2rtfc 3 CORDS MAPLE: 3 cords popple pine mix, $380. 1988 Oldsmobile Regency, runs excellent, little rust, $80. 715-4684274. 16rp

The Register is online:

www. wcregister. net

MEETING NOTICE CITY OF SHELL LAKE The Shell Lake City Council will hold their regular monthly meeting Monday, December 13, 2010, at 7 p.m. in the Council Chambers, City Hall. AGENDA: Public comment; Approval of minutes; Reports from appointed officials; Reports from committee chairpersons; New Business: Library board appointment; Temporary Class B beer/wine license application; Recommendation for city to accept access road from Old Hwy. 63 to Hwy. 63 located south of County D as a city street; Recommendation to increase deductible on city’s insurance coverage from $500 to $2,500; Recommendation to disallow sewer damage claim pursuant to WI Stat. 893.80(1g); Rezoning request, Ron and Lynda Christensen from single-family residential (R-1) to agricultural (A-1); Unfinished business; Recommendation to rezone city-owned lakefront properties from single-family residential (RL-1) to resource conservation (RC-1); Mayor’s report; Any other items that may be added to this agenda will be posted at City Hall. 526973 16r

Bradley A. Pederson, City Administrator


The Washburn County Zoning Committee will hold a business meeting Tuesday, December 14, 2010, at 3:30 p.m. in the Washburn County Boardroom, Elliott Building, 110 Fourth Avenue West, Shell Lake, Wisconsin.


Conditional use requests have been filed with the Washburn County Zoning Office. This public hearing will be held, December 14, 2010, immediately following the rezoning requests in the Washburn County Boardroom, Elliott Building, 110 Fourth Avenue West, Shell Lake, Wisconsin. MINONG Township: Plum Creek Timberlands, Lewisburg, WV, and Minnesota Towers (for AT&T). Map #MI 818 - 39.24 acres NW Frl 1/4, Section 2-42-13, Town of Minong, requesting to have a conditional use permit for construction of 300’ multitenant communication tower and facility. Division 10 Sec. 38-402(10). STINNETT Township: Charles & Erin Roehl, Hayward, Wisconsin, and Minnesota Towers (for AT&T). Map # ST 149 - 20.03 acres Part of the NW 1/4 NE 1/4, Section 10-41-10, Town of Stinnett, requesting to have a conditional use permit for construction of 300’ multitenant communication tower and facility. Division 10 Sec. 38-402(10). CRYSTAL Township: Aileen Halverson, Spooner, Wisconsin, and Minnesota Towers (for AT&T). Map #CR 591 - 40 acres, SE 1/4 NW 1/4, Section 35-39-11, Town of Crystal, requesting to have a conditional use permit for construction of 300’ multitenant communication tower and facility. Division 9 Sec. 38-392(8). Interested persons will be given the opportunity to be heard. The committee will deliberate in “Open Session.” Handicapped access is available through the south door; parking is near the door. This agenda and the subsequent meeting minutes are available in large type. If you need assistance, please call Lynn Hoeppner at 715-468-4600, prior to the meeting. Webster Macomber, Zoning Administrator 526287 15-16r WNAXLP


Laker Times Shell Lake band chili feed

Sixth-graders Hope Balts and Kyley Williams Fifth-grader Logan Pashby and sophomore Brett Holman teamed up to play at the chili feed. This was an opportunity for this promising ele- play their flutes for the audience at the Shell Lake mentary school student to play with one of the best. — Photos by Larry band chili feed held Monday, Nov. 29, at Reinhart Samson Commons.

PTA Book Fair

In her first year of band, fifthgrader Allison Tims plays a Christmas carol on her oboe. She studied hard to learn this piece so she could play it for the chili feed.

Four-year-old Emily Swan shows the books she bought at the PTA Book Fair held Tuesday, Nov. 16, at the Shell Lake Primary School. Reading is something she loves to do.

School menu

Breakfast Monday, Dec. 13: Juice, cereal, toast. Tuesday, Dec. 14: Fruit, cheese omelet toast. Wednesday, Dec. 15: Juice, sausage links, French toast sticks. Thursday, Dec. 16: Fruit, breakfast pizza. Friday, Dec. 17: Juice, yogurt, toast. Lunch Monday, Dec. 13: Turkey gravy on biscuit, peas, peach slices. Laker: Quesadilla. Tuesday, Dec. 14: French toast, sausage patty, hash browns, applesauce. No Laker.

Wednesday, Dec. 15: Submarine sandwich, lettuce, sliced tomato, mixed vegetables, pears. No Laker. Thursday, Dec. 16: Hot dog, coleslaw, baked beans, pineapple tidbits. Laker: BBQ sandwich. Friday, Dec. 17: Grades 7-12: Mashed potato bowl with popcorn chicken. Grades K-6: chicken nuggets. No Laker. Breakfast served each day for K-12 students. Whole-grain bread and buns and milk served with each meal. Laker sandwiches available to grades 7-12 only.

DAHLSTROM S 330179 1rtfc

Sam Melton and his younger sister are passing the time competing in a memory game on the staff member’s iPad. Children are quick to adapt to new technology.

Three-year-old Helen Torbenson is looking for that special book for her parents to read to her. Reading to your children is the best way to introduce them to the world around them and to get them started in their education.

What, me worry? Eli Fritz, Adam Fritz and Cody W. Swan are coloring to pass the time while their parents are in conference with their teachers. The school provides supervised activities so the parents can attend parentteacher conferences.

Photos by Larry Samson

The Laker Times page is sponsored by

715-468-2319 Downtown Shell Lake


Holly Day Saturday in Shell Lake

Four-year-old Kara Howells is making a Christmas tree at the make-it and take-it at the Shell Lake Public Library with the help of Girl Scouts Dakota Robinson and Delayna York.

No one is looking, so 2010 Little Miss Shell Lake, Camryn Nasman, sneaks another piece of candy at the Lake Mall celebration on Holly Day Saturday.

Photos by Larry Samson

Little Marlee Hopke doesn’t know what to make of this strange man with a white beard and a red coat. Santa visited the children in Shell Lake for the Holly Day Saturday, Dec. 4, in preparation for his big trip later in the month. If you missed this visit, children can still drop off letters to Santa at the Shell Lake Public Library by Friday, Dec. 17, to receive a response before Christmas.

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Thank you for your patronage in 2010. We wish you a Merry Christmas and a New Year filled with happiness & good health. From all your friends at Country Pride Co-op

715-468-2302 1/2 mile south of Shell Lake on Hwy. 63. 526957 16r

It was a long day for Kara Dahlstrom as she found a soft place to rest her head. There were lots of things to see and do in Shell Lake’s Holly Day celebration.

Local shoe box gifts headed for India

by Nan Hendry, area relay coordinator W A S H B U R N COUNTY — A total of 807 shoe box gifts were collected locally for Operation Christmas Child this season. This year all of the boxes delivered to the Minneapolis collection/processing center will travel to India. They are expecting to process more than 400,000 shoe boxes. Worldwide the goal is to collect and deliver more than 8 million gifts to be delivered to hurting children in more than 100 countries. Thousands of boxes will be shipped to the children in Haiti who have suffered so much this year. All of the boxes will bring hope and the message that they are loved and not forgotGenerous little girls, Peyton Steines and Miranda ten. Wickre, delivered shoe box gifts from the Girl Scouts Of the 807 shoe box to be sent to India with Operation Christmas Child. gifts collected, 50 of them came from Shell Lake Area Girl Scouts. Operation Christmas Child is a project Franklin Graham that collects gift-filled of Samaritan’s Purse, an international shoe boxes and delivers them in the Christian relief organization headed by name of Jesus Christ to children living in desperate situations around the world.

Bryan Westlund loaded the 807 shoe box gifts for delivery to the Minneapolis coll e c t i o n / p ro c e s s i n g center.

Photos submitted

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