WCR April 4

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April 4, 2012


Wednesday, April 4, 2012 Vol. 123, No. 33 • Shell Lake, Wis.

Weekend watch

w c r e g i s t e r. n e t

• Satuday, Shell Lake Chamber of Commerce Easter Egg Hunt. • Sunday, Easter Day! See Events, page 8


All ears


“How He Loves” See page 2

Festival on Ice “Glee-tastic” See pages 11 & 14

SPORTS Wrestling

See pages 12-13

Dangerous wildfire season looms

Burning restrictions credited for minimal fire activity in blowdown area

People you should know: Megan Lindemann See back page


Kyra Schmock and Emily Gostonczic were helping to keep the Easter egg hunt safe for the hundreds of children. Members of the Spooner High School boys and girls golf team were volunteers at the event. See story, page 6. — Photo by Larry Samson

Got an idea for a story? E-mail us @ wcregister@centurytel.net

SHELL LAKE — Easter egg hunt in Shell Lake. The annual Easter egg hunt, sponsored by the Shell Lake Chamber of Commerce, will start at 10 a.m. sharp on Saturday, April 7. This annual event will be held in the municipal campground. There will be several age divisions. — from Shell Lake Chamber of Commerce ••• MADISON — April Law of the Month; Wisconsin’s Absolute Sobriety Law means not a drop of alcohol for drivers under age 21. All drivers under age 21 don’t have to guess about how much alcohol they may drink and still legally get behind the wheel. Wisconsin law requires absolute sobriety for drivers under age 21, which means they may not consume any amount of alcohol, not even a drop, and legally operate a motor vehicle. Young drivers convicted of violating Wisconsin’s Absolute Sobriety Law will have their license suspended for three months. They also will have to pay a $389.50 citation and will have four demerit points assessed on their license. “At any age, even a small amount of alcohol may impair decisionmaking, reaction time, and other mental and physical skills needed to drive safely. But teens and young people, who tend to take more risks and generally have less driving experience, are especially susceptible to traffic crashes after drinking,” says Wisconsin State Patrol Captain Jeff Frenette of the Northwest Region. “In Wisconsin, traffic crashes are the leading cause of death for young people. And as the prom and graduation party season begins, we don’t want young drivers or their passengers to suffer serious injuries or tragic deaths because of a disastrous decision, such as getting behind the wheel after drinking.” — from WSP

w w w . w c r e g i s t e r. n e t

by Jessica Beecroft WASHBURN COUNTY – Despite the potential this spring for the most dangerous wildfire season northwestern Wisconsin has seen in years, fire activity thus far has been minimal in the blowdown area - a quarter million acres of downed timber in six counties - including Washburn - from the severe windstorm last July. The DNR attributes the minimal fire activity to a prohibition on burning. But the agency is warning the public that conditions for wildfires remain high - with dry, tall grass standing up due to a lack of snow this winter, coupled with the downed timber from the storm. No burning permits are being issued now and a total burning ban - including outdoor grilling and smoking - is a possibility. The number of tanker airplanes used to fight wildfires each spring has been doubled at both Solon Springs and Siren, areas adjacent to and in the blowdown, to ensure a

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quick response.

Season under way In the last two weeks, two buildings were burned and another six were threatened. Debris burning is the main cause of wildfires in the state, followed by equipment. Cumberland Dispatch Group has had 10 fires for 13.45 acres since the first of the year. Since March 1, there have been five fires, burning 7.2 acres. Firefighting personnel saved four structures and lost one, an old barn near Shell Lake. When burning leaves and brush as part of the spring cleanup routine, the DNR advised everyone to always adhere to permit restrictions. Burning permits are frequently suspended this time of year. Check each day after 11 a.m. on the DNR Web site, dnr.wi.gov (search “burn”) or call 888WIS-BURN before starting a fire. People are asked to use extra caution when disposing of ash from fireplaces and wood heaters – make sure they are completely cold to the touch before dumping outdoors. Relief fund Wisconsin Disaster Relief Fund received 60

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See Wildfire season, page 3


“How He Loves” presented at Shell Lake Full Gospel

The story of the Resurrection is the basis of Christianity.

Something you won’t see in a live performance – in dress rehearsal, Roger Castleberg, playing the narrative Jesus, carries his youngest daughter, Elianna, as he recites his lines.

The women and children gathered to hear Jesus speak and see him perform miracles in the Easter program at Shell Lake Full Gospel Church. LEFT: “Here comes Jesus,” young Daniel proclaims to the crowd who has gathered and waited for him. Kayliegh Zellmer, Josiah Castleberg and Savannah Steines are a few of the child actors who spend many hours to bring this story alive. “How He Loves” will be performed at the Full Gospel Church in Shell Lake on Thursday and Friday, April 5-6, at 7 p.m., and Saturday, April 7, at 2 p.m.

RIGHT: The crowd of people is amazed as Jesus performs a miracle, bringing a young girl back alive. Clint Wickman and Savannah Steines are convincing in their roles. — Photos by Larry Samson

The Roman guards stand and watch Jesus in the crowd as a Jewish priest watches from a distance. Andy Curtis, Brian Sheehan and Jon Lloyd play their roles in the passion play.

Washburn County Register Your Community Newspaper • PO Box 455 • Shell Lake, WI 54871 MANAGER: Doug Panek dougpanek@centurytel.net EDITOR: Gary King gbking@centurytel.net OFFICE MANAGER: Suzanne Johnson wcregister@centurytel.net REPORTER: Jessica Beecroft REPORTER: Larry Samson CONTRIBUTING WRITER: Diane Dryden PAGINATOR: Katie Grey ADVERTISING: Jackie Moody DEADLINE FOR NEWS/ADS: MONDAYS @ NOON

PH: 715-468-2314

Published every Wednesday at Frederic, WI. Periodicals postage paid at Shell Lake, WI. Postmaster: send address changes to P.O. Box 455, Shell Lake, WI 54871

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Three incumbent county supervisors defeated


Wilson, Vesper and Leckel victorious

WASHBURN COUNTY - According to unofficial results of the Tuesday, April 3, spring election, two incumbent county board supervisors will be replaced by newcomers to county government. In District 11, Dave Wilson defeated Robert Washkuhn by an eight-vote margin, 96-88; in District 16, Matthew Vesper defeated incumbent Jim Dohm, 86 to 65; and in District 21 Terry Leckel Jr. defeated incumbent Dan Hubin, 67 to 56. The retirements of Supervisors William Campbell, District 20, and William Allard, District 9, left two open seats with no can-

didates on the ballot for either position, but a registered write-in candidate, Terry Leckel Sr., received 13 votes for the District 9 seat. In District 20, there were three write-in votes for Andy Eiche and two write-in votes for Steve Degner.

Presidential primary

Washburn County voters supported Rick Santorum in the Republican presidential primary race. Mitt Romney won the statewide race. Santorum received 1,125 votes to Romney’s 909, Ron Paul’s 244, Newt Gingrich’s 177, Michele Bachmann’s 22 and Ron Huntsman’s 13 votes. On the Democratic ballot, President

Obama received 794 votes. Santorum’s popularity was also evident in neighboring Polk and Burnett counties. Santorum topped Romney 2,420 to 1,711 in Polk and 869 to 689 in Burnett.

City of Shell Lake

The city of Shell Lake had no new changes, except Mike Pesko had two writein votes which may qualify him for a seat as an alderperson, Ward 1, for a one-year term. Incumbent Mayor Sally Peterson was running unopposed for a two-year term and received 222 votes. Donna BarnesHaesemeyer had five write-in votes Incumbents Chad Shelton (87 votes) and Andy Eiche (93 votes) were elected to two-

year terms for Ward 1. Terry Leckel, who was up for a one-year term, was elected with 108 votes for Ward 2. Randy Baker had two write-ins, and four others were written in as one vote each. Other incumbents receiving votes were Connie Graf, with 87 votes, and Dan Harrington with 91 votes, both elected for two-year terms for Ward 2.

Spooner School District

Four candidates sought three open seats in Tuesday’s election. Nate Eichhorst (1,394 votes), Christina Martin (1,301 votes) and Philip Markgren (1,239 votes) were the top vote-getters. David Wilson received 1,140 votes. Watch the Register’s Web site for unofficial vote results from other local races.

Deer tests positive for CWD near Shell Lake

First case of its kind in northern Wisconsin

by Marty Seeger Special to the Register

SHELL LAKE – The DNR announced on Monday, April 2, that a 3-1/2-year-old doe tested positive for chronic wasting disease in Washburn County. The doe was killed by the Washburn County Sheriff’s Office just west of Shell Lake last fall after someone reported the sick deer on a small parcel of private land. Tissue samples were sent to the Wisconsin Veterinary Diagnostic Lab and the USDA’s National Veterinary Services Laboratories in Ames, Iowa, where both confirmed CWD-positive deer. The final lab test results were received by the DNR on Friday, March 30. This is the first-known deer to test positive for CWD in northern Wisconsin, and in the state’s Ceded Territory, after it was first discovered more than 100 miles away

in southern Wisconsin, near Mount Horeb in 2002. That was the first time the fatal brain disease was found east of the Mississippi River, and the DNR took action to isolate and eradicate the problem using sharpshooters and hunters, to kill as many deer as possible. DNR efforts to contain the disease not only caused discontent among the public but cost millions of dollars. This fall, the DNR will be taking a somewhat different approach by creating a disease surveillance zone within a 10-mile radius around the location where the CWD-positive deer was located. “The fall archery and gun deer hunting seasons provide excellent, cost-effective methods to collect valuable samples,” said Kurt Thiede, land administrator for the DNR in a DNR press release. DNR Secretary Cathy Stepp also made a statement saying hunters won’t likely see any change for the upcoming hunting season. “No changes are anticipated this fall in the broad framework of the hunting sea-

Deputy position approved

Board bids farewell to Allard and Campbell

by Jessica Beecroft WASHBURN COUNTY – By a vote of 11 yes, 10 no, the Washburn County board voted at their regular monthly meeting, March 20, to authorize Sheriff Terry Dryden to fill a deputy position left vacant last year by the death of Deputy Jerry McAllister Jr. Keith Dahlstrom, fire chief of the Shell Lake Fire Association, spoke of the importance of the deputy position to the community as a whole and the importance of having the position with support in conducting their jobs in the emergency field. The motion to fill the deputy position went to a roll call vote. Voting for the position were: Steven “Fluffy” Sather, Michael (Don) Quinton, Tom Mackie, Robert Lester, Beth Esser, William Allard, Robert Washkuhn, David Haessig, James Dohm, Larry Ford and William Campbell. Voting not to fill the position were: James Pearson, Lester “Skip” Fiedler, Steven Waggoner, Nell Lee, Tom Ricci, Clay Halverson, Tim Brabec, Greg Krantz, Romaine Quinn and Dan Hubin. Farewell to two supervisors The county board had its last meeting with Supervisors William Allard and William Campbell on Tuesday, March 20. The two supervisors announced they were not seeking re-election. County board Chairman Steve Sather expressed thanks to the supervisors and the youth representatives for their service on the county board. Bullying in our neighborhood Jill Keefer, resident of the Town of Long Lake for over 40 years, spoke out against a resort being granted a rural residential zoning status.

“There’s a place for everything, and everything has its place,” Keefer said, quoting Benjamin Franklin, adding, “I think he said it best.” Keefer is against the rezoning, which will add a resort in her neighborhood. She said “You hear about bullying in schools and in the workplace, but what we have here is bullying in our neighborhood.” The county board later voted to overturn the zoning committee’s decision to rezone properties belonging to the Hlavas.

County board rules of procedure Board members discussed the duties and latitude of committees. Jeff Kohler, corporate council for the county, indicated that the chair is delegated with interpretation of the rules, and committees are subjective to the county board. Previously, Clay Halverson questioned the authority of the personnel committee in regard to who has the authority in approving and denying positions. Halverson responded previously about the questions. “The question arose as to the rules of order that the county board has voted on in past county board meetings part one and part two, what is the correct interpretation of these rules of order. Has the county board vested authority in the personnel committee to fill or not fill positions? That’s the chief question I think that has to be answered first. And then secondly, if the county board has vested that authority to the personnel committee, what is the correct process for the board to override that? Is it a two-thirds vote or an overall majority? I think those are important questions so we make sure we are operating by the rules.” Other news The county has tabled the land acquisition position again to wait for more answers on taxes and expenses this will subsequently cost the county.

sons,” said Stepp. “We are reviewing today’s news with our wildlife experts and are reaching out to notify the DNR Board, tribal representatives, the DATCP and the Minnesota DNR. In addition, we have relayed this information to Dr. Kroll.” Stepp is referring to Dr. James Kroll, of Nacogdoches, Texas, who was appointed by Gov. Scott Walker to give an “independent, objective and scientifically based review of Wisconsin’s management practices.” Kroll was hired with DNR money at a cost of $125,000 and submitted his preliminary report recently that stated that the CWD eradication effort was a “failure.” Rick Anderson, of AAA Sports near Spooner, is a hunter in the area and had just found out about the CWD-positive deer near Shell Lake, and felt that the DNR was taking the right approach. “I think the DNR is on the right track of just letting it ride until we find additional (CWD-positive deer),” said Anderson, and since many people in the area tend to rely on deer and other wildlife as a main food source, he doesn’t expect much of a change in attitudes toward eating deer. But he did say there’s still some consternation between the DNR and the hunting public. Many feel that the DNR has already tried reducing the deer herd to an unacceptable level. “For those that want to go out and get venison. I don’t think that that’s going to be an issue. For those that are on the fence of even buying a hunting license anymore, because of the garbage that’s been going on, that might change some of their minds,” Anderson said. While some are in favor of a more cautious approach, others may feel that the DNR isn’t being aggressive enough. Polk County Conservation Congress Chair Wally Trudeau is worried about further spread of the disease and suggested it might be best to take a more active approach toward testing deer in the concen-

trated area. “If they go in and shoot a bunch of deer in a concentrated area, there’s going to be some negative comments about that. But I would think people would rather see some heavy samples to find out just exactly what the heck they’ve got going on,” said Trudeau. Although an eradication effort is unlikely, state statutes require that the DNR “enact a ban on the feeding and baiting of deer in any county within 10 miles of any captive or free-roaming deer that tests positive for either CWD or TB. The DNR press release further states, “this CWD-positive deer is within Washburn County and may be within 10 miles of Barron, Burnett and Polk counties. The department anticipates the ban on baiting and feeding within these counties to take effect this fall.” Thiede noted, “The location of this deer was more than 100 miles from the nearest known cases of the disease in either wild or captive deer. Our field staff will be working with local citizens, registration stations, processors and taxidermists to collect tissue samples to learn if any other sick deer exist near this case.” The DNR will also collect adult roadkilled deer to gather additional samples. CWD is a nervous system disease of deer, moose and elk. It belongs to the family of diseases known as transmissible spongiform encephalopathies, or prion diseases. CWD occurs only in members of the cervid or deer family, both wild and captive. Current information suggests that CWD may be transmitted both directly through animal-to-animal contact and indirectly from a CWD-prion contaminated environment. Recent studies indicate that CWD prions exist in the saliva, urine and feces of infected deer. To learn more about CWD, visit the Web site dnr.wi.gov and enter the search keyword CWD. – Marty Seeger along with DNR press release

applications for grants that would provide funds for up to 70 percent of specific costs associated with the storm damage. Douglas County submitted applications related to three separate events - July 1, July 19 and Aug. 2, 2011-that involved 27 communities. Burnett County had 23 communities that applied for funds. There are four applications that require additional paperwork to be completed for eligible expenses. Recently, eight northwestern Wisconsin communities were scheduled to receive disaster assistance funding to help offset emergency response and debris cleanup costs. Washburn County: Town of Chicog - $46,170; Burnett County:

Town of Siren - $677, and Town of Swiss - $40,597; Douglas County: Town of Bennett - $6,515, Town of Dairyland - $3,204, Town of Dairyland - $24,153, Town of Highland - $3,109, and Town of Oakland - $7,960. Community/county financial support for the 2012 Fire Management Assistance Grant Program - Wisconsin Emergency Management and Gov. Walker signed the FEMA State Agreement. The program provides assistance under the Robert T. Stafford Act for a fire or fire complex that threatens such destruction as would constitute a major disaster. This support is helping communities fight against forest fires this year.

Wildfire season/from page 1

Soup lunch at Hunt Hill

SARONA — Join Hunt Hill Audubon Sanctuary in Sarona for a warm bowl of soup, camaraderie and perhaps, a little discussion about nature led by Hunt Hill staff. Soup, dessert, coffee and beverages will be provided, on Tuesday, April 10, from noon-1 p.m. Donations will be accepted. Learn more at www.hunthill. org or call 715-635-6543. — from Hunt Hill



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Mining reform Robert discussions continue Jauch

Immediately following adjournment of the legislative session, I sent Gov. Walker a letter encouraging him to create a bipartisan panel that would bring legislators to the table to achieve consensus on the controversial mining reform legislation. I was pleased when the governor contacted me in response to the letter and gave Sen. Schultz and I each an opportunity to meet with him to review possible options on how he could proceed to enable a dialogue that would result in recommendations to achieve responsible mining regulatory reform. It was a very cordial and productive meeting in which we agreed that despite the rigorous political debate, there is a sincere willingness by the three of us to continue the dialogue to find common ground on the issue. In our conversation, I reminded the governor that there is already substantial agreement between the two plans that could be used as a blueprint for compromise. There are seven items in which the sides completely agree and

25th District Senate

six other items where each side addresses the same topic, but utilizes a different approach. During our lengthy conversation no one made excuses or talked about blame. It was a positive and honest conversation between public officials who were genuinely looking for a resolution to a complicated, controversial and polarizing issue. We also agree that it would not make sense to call a special session unless there was a compromise that could engender majority support in the Assembly and Senate. We agree that it is best to remove the issue from the scorched earth political environment that has alienated public officials and polarized the public. Rather than appointing a bipartisan group of legislators it would be better to look outside the Capitol for individuals with balanced expertise and aren’t personally entangled in the parti-

Burnett, Douglas and Washburn communities to receive $141,058 in disaster assistance funding

Brings the total amount of reimbursements to Northwestern Wisconsin to $715,000

MADISON – Nine northwestern Wisconsin communities will soon receive $141,058 in disaster assistance funding to help offset emergency response and debris cleanup costs associated with the severe weather that hit the area last summer, Sen. Bob Jauch, D-Poplar, announced on Tuesday, March 27. Following the historic 2011 storms that destroyed 136,000 acres of trees, 31 northern communities filed claims for an estimated $2.1 million in cleanup costs. The Wisconsin Disaster Relief Fund provides grants up to 70 percent of certain costs associated with storm damage. “This program is a lifesaver for local taxpayers who simply would not be able to pay the extraordinary costs associated with debris cleanup,” said Jauch, who helped create the disaster program. “Many local towns deferred local road projects and reduced other services so these funds will enable officials to once

again reinvest in their communities.” Last summer, the disaster fund faced a $1 million deficit, and Jauch worked with Gov. Walker to secure an additional $1 million to ensure that adequate funding would be available. In addition, the northern lawmaker has been working closely with emergency management staff to finalize claims so that communities can receive the state aid. During the past several months, 23 northern communities have received a total of $715,000 in state assistance. “While I am pleased that the state has been able to help so many communities, there remains an obligation to assist the communities who still have outstanding claims. My office will continue to coordinate efforts between local and state officials to see to it that the remaining funds are distributed as soon as possible,” he concluded. This round of reimbursements include: In Burnett County, Town of Siren, $676; and the Town of Swiss, $40,597.22. For Douglas County, the Town of Bennett, $6,514.62; the Town of Dairyland, $3,204.26, July 1 storm; Town of Dairyland, $24,152.77, Aug. 1 storm; the Town of Highland, $3,109.30; and the Town of Oakland, $7,959.73. In Washburn County, the Town of Chicog, $46,169.97. — from the office of Sen. Jauch

Academic news

RIVER FALLS — Jacob Olson, Trego, was inducted into the University of Wisconsin-River Falls Chapter of Sigma Pi Sigma, the national honor society for physics, on Friday, March 23. — from ReadMedia


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he Washburn County Board of Supervisors met on Thursday, March 20. A major topic of discussion was the adoption of the Washburn County Personnel Handbook. This is a manual designed to establish procedures and policy for hiring, managing and terminating employees. It was designed by Kim Frankenberg, personnel director, with the assistance of Mindy Dale, a labor attorney used by the county. This handbook was adopted by the board with only minor changes and should assist both managers and employees.

san political discourse. All of us agree that Tim Sullivan, the chair of the Wisconsin Mining Association, would be a very credible individual who could facilitate the dialogue. We have all maintained ongoing conversations with Sullivan and are comfortable with his grasp of the issues. Most importantly, we are confident that he could reach out and work well with a diverse group of stakeholders that would be committed to recommending a consensus document. Recently, Sullivan had a constructive, two-hour conversation with former DNR Secretary George Meyer that I believe created a good foundation for future dialogue. A week ago, Sullivan also met with Sen. Cullen, Schultz and I in a productive conversation during which there was mutual agreement on the goal of regulatory reform. We discussed other individuals who we believe would provide objective and constructive input that could result in a thorough review of the regulatory process and consensus legislation. Schultz and I encouraged involvement with tribal representatives. We agree that the review should focus on ways to improve the predictability and

certainty of the regulatory process. Between the two legislative proposals there is already a sufficient foundation for reasonable compromise. It will take a third party to solidify this compromise. We agree that an eventual proposal can be achieved, but it will take some time. In this hot-blooded political climate, with upcoming recalls and November elections, too much attention will be focused on politics instead of policy. Over the course of a year, I have had dozens of similar conversations with DNR and the governor’s staff. However, the conversation I had with the governor is exactly the kind that leads to resolution of complicated issues. A year ago I pledged to work for reasonable, responsible and realistic mining regulatory reform that is fair and flexible, protects the public voice and doesn’t weaken environmental standards. The hypertensive partisan charged debate has deeply polarized citizens and contributed to an impasse, but I remain committed to finishing the job. If the only result is the bitter aftertaste of indecision we will not have served the public well. I will continue to keep my word to serve the public and complete the task.

Letters to the editor

I have decided

Sue Hansen said we must decide. Well, I decided to write and let people know I am 100 percent for Gov. Scott Walker and also getting rid of the worst corrupt federal government. I want to thank Allen Heil for his letters that he writes. He is right on. People, this year is very important by the way we vote. First we have only three months to get the true facts out before we vote for Gov. Walker. Second, we have only seven months of freedom before we vote for the president of the United States. I would like to make a comment about Gov. Walker’s fundraiser. It was held on the same block as the Catholic church was hosting a free meal for the poor and hungry folks. I would like to ask Sue how many hungry folks could be fed from the $9 million it cost us taxpayers to host the needless recall election. By the way, the Democratic party in Wisconsin doesn’t have to put on a fundraiser because they are bought and paid for by the unions. That was a real nice picture in the newspaper about Walker’s visit. People were holding up signs but I could only read one. However, the people I could see were laughing and having a good time. Sue says we are in a great recession and Gov. Walker is holding the Wisconsin economy under water. If it is under water it must have been skinning when Mary Hubler and the rest of the road runners in Madison pulled the plug. By the way, she doesn’t know what a great recession is about. I’ll give you a clue, when the casinos’ lights go out and the tavern lights are turned up, now we have a recession. Rep. Roger Rivard is right on about privatizing Social Security because the federal government saw all this money and used it as a slush fund. Whenever they had a pet project with no money allotted for it, the dipped into the SS money. It has been estimated that billions of dollars came out of Social Security. Roger is just looking out for those of us that depend on Social Security.

The board disapproved a rezoning petition and amendatory ordinance for short-term rentals of residences, less than 30 days, in a residential area. I voted against this change. As written, it would allow a commercial business in a residential area on Long Lake, which is against good zoning procedures. If you have any comments or questions please contact me at 715-468-2528. Editor’s note: This was written for last week and was held to be printed after the election on Tuesday, April 3.

News from District 54 • Dan Hubin

By privatizing SS it would be taken out of the hands of big government. Of course, the Democrats don’t want to see their slush fund disappear. Now they don’t have any money to pay back into Social Security. I would like to make a few comments about the demonstrations in Madison at the state Capitol. It kind of blew my mind seeing the teachers showing our kids it is all right to skip school. It is all right to show disrespect for authority. It is OK to trash our state Capitol. Oh, look kids; you can go through the window. It is OK to show disrespect toward our elected officials. That’s our wonderful teachers. Bob Ostenson Spooner

Clarification on EDC story

SHELL LAKE — In the Wednesday, March 28, edition of the Register, page six, there was a story on the Economic Development Corporation annual meeting. Due to production difficulties, a paragraph concerning the Shell Lake ATV Campground did not appear correctly. It should have read: Andy Eiche gave a detailed presentation on the proposed Shell Lake ATV Campground. He presented this information to the Shell Lake Parks and Recreation Committee, and it will now go before the full city council. Financial support for the project would be sought through a grant from the state of Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. The grant is funded through ATV-user fees. The campground could include up to 28 sites with 50-amp electric and water at each site. With as little disruption of the land as possible, there would also be a shower building with flush toilets in addition to a pit toilet. The Register staff apologizes for the error. – WCR Letters should contain the author’s signature, address and phone number, should be as brief as possible and be written legibly or typed. Names will not be withheld for any reason. Frequent letter writers may be limited to one letter per month. Letters must be 400 words or less in length; we reserve the right to condense. Letters must be submitted by noon on Monday to guarantee publication that week. Mail letters to: Washburn County Register, P.O. Box 455, Shell Lake, WI 54871, FAX to 715-468-4900 or e-mail us at: wcregister@centurytel.net


Grape pruning workshop offered

SPOONER — UW-Extension will be offering a workshop on grape growing and pruning on Saturday, April 14, from 1-3 p.m., at the Spooner Ag Research Station. According to UW-Extension area ag agent Kevin Schoessow the purpose of this workshop is to provide participants with a general overview of cold-hardy grape culture, variety selection, vineyard establishment and pruning. The focus will be on both cold-hardy table grape varieties and on cold-hardy wine grape varieties. The indoor session will be held at the Spooner Ag Research Station conference room beginning at 1 p.m. The hands-on pruning demonstration will follow immediately and will be held outside, so come dressed appropriately, at the Spooner Ag

Station’s display garden located on Orchard Lane. Participants wishing to take part in the hands-on portion of the training should bring gloves and pruning shears. UW-Extension provides equal opportunities in employment and programming. Requests for reasonable accommodations for disabilities should be made prior to the date of the program or activity for which it is needed. Please make such requests as early as possible by contacting the area ag agent’s office so that proper arrangements can be made. For more information call 715-635-3506 or 800-528-1914. Preregistration is requested but not required. The Spooner Ag Research Station is located one-half mile east of Spooner on Hwy. 70. — from UWExtension

Barron Electric donates to Boy Scouts

Long Lake recycling site open for summer

LONG LAKE — The Long Lake recycling drop-off site is now open at its summer location one-half mile east of Long Lake Dam on CTH D. The site is open on Saturdays from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. throughout the summer months. The compost site will also be open for yard waste. The site will continue to accept leaves, grass clippings and brush less than 2 inches in diameter from Long Lake property owners only. The recycling drop box is open for residents in either Burnett or Washburn counties but not businesses and includes the following items: newspaper, glass containers, No. 1 thru No. 7 plastics, tin and aluminum cans, phonebooks, magazines, all colors of office paper and cardboard. Please break down all cardboard boxes. Please refrain from dropping off recycling items during nonopen hours in order to keep this site as clean and litter free as possible. Do not leave items of any kind outside of gate. Report any il-

Shell Lake Lions Calendar Winners

March 26 - $30 Kathy Greiner, Sarona March 27 - $30 Marvin Straw, Cumberland March 28 - $30 LouAnn Meyers, Belvidere, Ill. March 29 - $30 Penny Stake, Shell Lake March 30 - $300 Linda Degner, Shell Lake

Lois’ Country Cupboard

Winners also announced on WJMC FM Radio

Temps & levels

Temperatures recorded at Spooner Ag Research Station 2011 March 26 March 27 March 28 March 29 March 30 March 31 April 1

2012 March 26 March 27 March 28 March 29 March 30 March 31 April 1

High 33 33 34 39 43 46 44

High 56 45 70 53 51 45 46

Low Precip. -1 1 2 5 12 16 27 trace snow

Low 28 31 38 27 34 37 37


.14” rain

Total official ice-out on Shell Lake: Saturday, March 24. Lake level reading on March 23: 1,217.59’ MSL

legal dumping to RCC by calling 715635-2197 with the license plate of the illegal dumpers. RCC will exercise the right to fine those who dump items illegally at any of RCC’s recycling or yard waste sites throughout the two-county service area. Illegal dumping at recycling sites is punishable by law. Please note that the Long Lake recycling site does not accept garbage of any kind. If you would like further information on this or other recycling sites in Washburn or Burnett County, or if you have other items to dispose of, please call Jen at 715-635-2197, or e-mail her at jbarton@nwrpc.com. — from RCC

Barron Electric Cooperative recently donated $500 to the Northern Star Council/Boy Scouts of America. Tomahawk Scout Reservation Director Mark McCabe said, “We appreciate Barron Electric’s support of Scouting, which helps get kids engaged, and they learn valuable lessons for their future.” He added, “Contributions are critical in helping us achieve our goals and deliver the core program.” Last fall, Barron Electric also donated $500 to the Chippewa Valley Council of Boy Scouts of America. Shown is Phil Gruenhagen, camp ranger at Tomahawk Scout Reservation, receiving the check from Kathy Robertson, Barron Electric’s energy management specialist. — Photo submitted

Register Memories

1952 - 60 years ago

• Norma Quam, Shell Lake, received honorable mention for her pastel entry in the Northwest Regional Art Show held in Solon Springs. • At the annual meeting for the Shell Lake Cemetery Association the following were elected: O.K. Lathrop, president; Grace Blume, treasurer; Walter Hoar, director for three years; and Harry Ireland, director for one year. B.C. Brown was hired to take care of the cemetery. • Joan Stegeman represented the Shell Lake FHA in the semifinals at Ladysmith. She gave a demonstration of deep-fat frying. • Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parker, Shell Lake, observed their golden wedding anniversary. A dinner for members of the family and friends was served at Bill’s Country Club. Of the 11 Parker children, three were not able to attend. They were Ernest Parker of Madison; Mrs. Phyllis Klabunde, living in California; and Dean Parker, serving with the Armed Forces in Korea.

1962 - 50 years ago

• Attorney Robert Zum Brunnen, trustee, announced that the Shell Lake Boat Company, which closed when former owners, Agri-Chem Corp of Florida, filed for bankruptcy, would hold a public auction. • The junior class of Shell Lake presented the play “Paint the Town Pink.” Cast members were Bill Winton, Judee Morey, Gary Johnson, Susan Banek, Barbara Rohlik, Mary Alta Smith, Susan Estes, Gloria Bixby, Jim Asasay, Jim Kastner, Mary Chapman, Warren Poquette, Linda Wigchers, Shirley Cook, Jim Lewis, Eleanor Hopke, DeWayne Jacobs, Clarice Zillmer, Burt Trumbler, Ken Schrankel, John Duch, Virgil Neubauer and Homer Melton. John Schnell directed the three-act performance. • Voting was very light for the spring election. With 601 eligible voters listed in the city, a mere 63 cast ballots. • Members of the Shell Lake wrestling team were Ken Hanson, Gene Hotchkiss, Jerry Kubista, John Schuster, Tom Melton, Dale Musolf, Bob Ottosen, Dale Graf, Homer Melton, Ron Thompson,

Compiled by Suzanne Johnson

Mark Schuster and Glen Spaulding. The coach was Neil Koeneman, assisted by Bob Stienke. Cy Atkinson was the manager.

1972 - 40 years ago

• The elementary and junior high school, grades K-8, at Shell Lake held an open house for parents and interested citizens. The purpose of the open house was to give visitors an opportunity to observe a regular school day. Chairs were placed in the back of the rooms for the occasion. • Seniors named to the honor roll at Shell Lake High School were Anne Lutz, Tom Utt, Tony Masterjohn, Linda Wennerberg, Pam Schlapper, John Schullo, Jerry Soholt, Pam Lindemann, Debbie Haremza, Dennis Fogelberg, Mark Graf, Dave Ekern, Mike White and Peggy Hillman. • The Shell Lake FFA donated $100 to the Shell Lake Development Corporation. The FFA theme for the year was Youth With a Purpose. Presenting the check were Phillip Lindemann, ag instructor; Brad Marker, Al Albee, Mike White, Kevin Johnson, Tim Pederson and Jerry Thompson. • After a good turnout of voters, 410 going to the polls, incumbent Mayor Cyrus Atkinson received 232 votes as compared to 153 for Kenneth Schultz and 26 for Donald Jacobs.

1982 - 30 years ago

• Gloria Carlson, who had been a member of several Shell Lake School District ad hoc committees, joined incumbents Dave Ekern and Ruth Biver in winning election to the school board. • The Shell Lake Lioness Club granted a full scholarship to Joseph Schnell, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Schnell, to attend a one-week aquatic environments seminar at UW-Superior. A partial scholarship of $100 was granted to Philip Holman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Holman, to attend a one-week seminar on computer programming at UW-Superior. • Martin and Lil Nichols celebrated their 67th wedding anniversary. • Dawn Bernecker, second grade, and Jason VanWyhe, fourth grade, were named top citizens at Shell Lake Elemen-

tary School.

1992 - 20 years ago

• Fire destroyed the main building at Lake Area Landfill near Sarona. An employee discovered the fire and called for help. Firefighters from Shell Lake, Bear Lake – Haugen, Spooner, and the DNR responded. The building was a total loss with damage estimated at $400,000. • Candidates for the Shell Lake School Board were Larry Samson, Gary Fox, Cecile Bennis and Pat Harrington. Harrington and Bennis were elected. • Shell Lake students, Tammy Smith, Trudy Smith and Ben Kidder, competed in the Sectional FFA Speaking Contest. • Shell Lake High School football coach Mark Cain received a Conference Champion – District Coach Of The Year Award at the Wisconsin High School Football Coaches Association Clinic in Madison. Cain also put on a mini-session at the clinic.

2002 - 10 years ago

• Larry Fletcher became Shell Lake’s mayor after defeating Donna BarnesHaesmeyer. • Lucky winners of new bikes at the annual Shell Lake Chamber of Commerce Easter Egg Hunt were Emma Underwood, Sabrina Merchant, Brian Marschall, Tyler Merchant, Jonathon Quenan and Marissa Graham. • Outstanding 4-H’ers of the month were Ashley Anderson and Josiah Simeth. Both were fourth-graders and members of the Excella 4-H Club. • Jeremy Shea, attorney in Madison and a Shell Lake native, was 11 in 1948, when he and his parents, then owners of the Washburn County Register, traveled to Spooner to cover a local stop on President Truman’s whistle stop campaign. During that event, Jeremy and his parents personally met Truman and his family. Jeremy wrote a short story about the event, and it appeared in an edition of the American Heritage Magazine titled “My Brush With History.” That story, along with similar stories by 94 other Americans, was published in a book, and Shea donated a copy of the book to the Shell Lake Public Library.


Barron Electric’s commitment to community

Washburn County Area Humane Society

ADOPTABLE PETS OF THE WEEK I’m so sweet and gentle, I’m such a good boy, Getting a home will be my greatest joy. I’m missing my family, I know they miss me, But this is the way that it just had to be. I like other dogs, cats and kids I like, too I’m trained to do some things, but most I’d love you. I like to take walks, I don’t jerk and don’t pull, A best friend and home would make me most thankful. I’m already neutered, not quite 2 years old The nicest pit bull with a heart made of gold. You must come and meet me, you know what you’ll find, A dog just like you who is grateful and kind. Dogs for adoption: 1-year-old female Lab/American Staffordshire terrier mix; 6-monthold white male Lab/husky mix; 1-1/2-year-old tan neutered pit bull; 4-year-old male beagle; 6-year-old male rott/Lab/husky mix; 1-1/2-year-old black/white male Staffordshire terrier mix; 1-1/2year-old tan/white spayed Jack Russell terrier and a 1-1/2-year-old male shepherd/collie mix. Cats for adoption: 2-year-old neutered orange/white shorthair; 6-year-old spayed/declawed orange/white shorthair; 3-month-old gray/white male shorthair; 6-1/2-year-old spayed shorthair tiger; 1-1/2-year-old neutered orange/white longhair; 1-year-old spayed buff shorthair tabby; 9-yearold spayed/declawed dilute calico Maine coon; 5-year-old neutered white/black tiger; 6-month-old female black/brown tabby; 8-year-old spayed/declawed shorthair tortie and a 7-year-old spayed orange/white tiger. Also for adoption: Female brown/white guinea pig. Strays include: Adult neutered white Pyrenees/collie mix found on Hwy. 63 in Springbrook; adult female beagle found by A & H; adult black/white male retriever mix found on Hamilton Road, Springbrook; adult black/white male cat found on Ash Street in Spooner. Come join the fun at our annual Pins for Pets Bowling Fundraiser held at Kegler’s Pub & Pin, Spooner, Saturday, April 14. Call WCAHS at 715635-4720 for more information.

Located at 1400 Cottonwood Ave. in Spooner (Behind the county fairgrounds)

715-635-4720 www.wcahs.com


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ACCEPTING DONATIONS FOR THE SHELL LAKE POST-PROM PARTY The Shell Lake post-prom committee is accepting donations for the alcohol-free and drug-free post-prom party. Donations of cash, gift certificates or prize items (examples include: iPods, Kindles, or Nooks) are appreciated. Please mail or drop off prizes or cash at the high school office by Friday, April 13.

Thank you! The Post-Prom Committee

557111 33r

RICE LAKE — Barron Electric Cooperative recently donated $500 to the Rice Lake Area Free Clinic, which provides free medical care to the uninsured, underinsured and homeless people of Barron, Rusk and Washburn counties. The clinic has seen more than 290 patients with over 750 patient visits since opening in June 2010. Clare Janty, president of the RLAFC, said, “Our goal is to be open four Tuesdays each month. We also plan to have a dietician on staff to encourage healthy lifestyles.” Janty added, “The majority of our operating cost is medications for our patients.” For more information visit www.rlafc.org or call 715-736-FREE. Funds for the Barron Electric donations are derived from the Federated Youth Foundation, an administrative trust overseeing unclaimed capital credits of former members. Barron Electric has served the rural area since 1936 and currently provides electricity to more than 17,800 members.

Barron Electric’s Director of Member Services Cheryl Forehand presents a $500 donation to Rice Lake Area Free Clinic representatives Nancy Kaner and Sandy Krautkramer. — Photo submitted

Spooner Golf Club Easter egg hunt brings out large crowd to find 10,000-plus eggs

SPOONER — On the morning of Saturday, March 31, at 11 a.m., over 850 people from all over the area and beyond participated or watched kids ages 0 to 12 scoop up over 10,000 filled plastic Easter eggs in just over three minutes. The event began with the arrival of the Easter Bunny at 10 a.m., in which kids and adults of all ages could meet and take pictures with the busy bunny. Then at 11 a.m., adults watched the kids converge upon the mass of over 10,000 eggs in one of the four enormous squares set up for different age divisions at the Spooner Golf Club practice range. In a matter of minutes they were gone. Children found candy, stickers, tattoos, Pez dispensers and toys as well as Spooner Chamber Bucks. A few very lucky kids found special tickets good for Snoopy golf sets in the 0-to-3-yearold division and full sets of junior golf clubs and bag for the other three divi-


Emily Dorweiler, Shell Lake, won a set of junior golf clubs and the rabbit ears in her age group. She was lucky to find the special egg. — Photo by Larry Samson

sions. The lucky kids who won a new set of golf clubs for this season are Landon Carlson, Luck; Merissa Melton, Shell Lake; Jach Liermann, Birchwood; Lauren Anglin, Big Lake, Minn.; Adeline Macone, Spooner; Domonic Smith, Spooner; Brennan Roux, Rice Lake; Elise Johnson, Rice Lake; Emily Dorweiler, Shell Lake; Georgianna Gothblad, Spooner; Andy Gothblad, Spooner; Tyler Roberts, Spooner; Bo Johannes, Spooner; and Becky Marcon, Haugen. The event was generously sponsored by The General Store, Spooner Health Systems, Economart, the Spooner Area Chamber of Commerce, Dave Torbenson’s Golf Shop at Spooner Golf Club, Link Ford & RV of Minong, Tim Reedy State Farm Insurance, McDonald’s, Shell Lake State Bank, CenturyLink and Spooner Physical Therapy and Rehab Specialists. — submitted

The story of John Griffith

fter hearing the following story about John Griffith, I felt it was an appropriate story of Easter for those following the Christian faith. Hank Hanegraaff of the Christian Research Institute shared the following story in a message he gave in 2010: “This story occurred in 1937 to a man who was a drawbridge operator. John Griffith brought his 8-yearold son to work with him to show him what he did all day. The little boy was so excited when he saw his father flip a switch and the huge bridge lifted up. “It was noon and there were no trains due for quite a while, so the father put the bridge up and went with his son to an observation deck. They were unaware of the time until suddenly they heard the shrieking of a distant train whistle. The Memphis Express would be rushing across the bridge in just a couple of minutes. John told his son to stay where he was and he jumped back onto the catwalk, climbed the ladder to the control room and put his hand on the huge level that controlled the bridge. “He looked down to see if there were any small boats beneath the bridge and suddenly he saw something that made his blood freeze and his heart leap into his throat. His little boy had tried to follow him to the control room and had fallen into the huge gearbox with the monstrous gears that operated the bridge. His son’s left leg was caught between the two main gears and John knew that if he pushed the switch his son would be ground to pieces between 8 tons of grinding steel. His eyes filled with tears of panic. What could he do? There was too much machinery noise to shout a warning to his son who was too far away to hear. What could he do? There were 400 people’s lives at risk. But on the other hand, this was his only son. He had to make a choice — it was his son or the people on the train. Now he could see the train coming fast. He couldn’t save his son and the train. “In an instant he knew what he must do. So he buried his head in his arm and he pushed

the big gear forward. The bridge was slowly lowered into place, just as the train roared across. Then he lifted his face, sobbing with tears running down his face, he looked down and saw his son’s mangled body entangled in the huge gears. But the bridge was in place and as the train passed over the bridge he looked into the flashing windows and the faces of the passengers as the train raced by. “He saw men reading the afternoon paper; a conductor in a uniform looking at a pocketwatch; ladies sipping tea; and children eating ice cream. But nobody looked back at the control room. Nobody saw his tears. Nobody looked down at the great gearbox where his son’s body lay. “In heart-wrenching agony he beat against the window of the control room and said, ‘What’s wrong with you people, don’t you care? I sacrificed my son for you. Don’t any of you care.’ Nobody looked. And the train disappeared across the river. With tears in his eyes, the drawbridge operator thought, ‘I gave my son so they could live.’ “This is the same thing that God did with his son, Jesus. God gave his one and only son, at great cost to him, so we could have everlasting life with him. God saw his son die on the cross so we could be saved. Yet people go merrily on their way without thinking of the great sacrifice God made so we could live in eternity with him. So many people just nod to God and don’t think much about God’s incredible sacrifice to keep us out of hell. It’s astonishing that the creator of the universe gave his son for us so that we could spend forever with him in heaven. “For those that believe in Jesus, the story doesn’t end with his death. Three days later, Jesus arose from the grave. For this reason we celebrate the broken body, the shed blood, the mangled remains of our Savior with joy, because Jesus overcame death and the grave through his resurrection.”

Beyond the office door • Suzanne Johnson

The Register is a cooperative-owned newspaper


WASHBURN COUNTY — The American Cancer Society Relay For Life® of Washburn County gives everyone in the community a chance to help the organization save lives and create a world with less cancer and more birthdays. Register your team today by visiting RelayForLife.org/WashbumCountyWi or by calling Steve Clay at 715-416-0486. Former and current cancer patients, those who have lost a loved one to cancer, families, businesses, faith-based and civic organizations, and anyone wanting to make a difference in the fight against cancer are invited to take part in this exciting team event. The Relay For Life of Washburn County will take place from 6 p.m. on Friday, June 1, until 8 a.m., on Saturday, June 2, at the Shell Lake School track. No Place Like Hope is this year’s theme. Relay brings together friends, families, businesses, hospitals, schools, faithbased groups — people from all walks of life — all aimed at celebrating the lives of those who have had cancer, remembering those lost, and fighting back against the disease. Relay For Life events are held as individuals and teams gather at an athletic track, park or other gathering area, with the goal of keeping at least one team member on the track or pathway at all times throughout the evening. Teams do most of their fundraising prior to the event, but some teams also hold creative fundraisers at their relay. “Relay For Life draws attention to the progress being made in the fight against cancer,” said Clay, Relay For Life of Washburn County event chair. “Many

participants are our family, friends, and neighbors who have faced cancer themselves. Their involvement helps brings hope that, together, we can eliminate cancer as a major health problem.” Information about how to form a team or become involved in Relay For Life is available at RelayForLife.org or by calling 800-227-2345. The American Cancer Society combines an unyielding passion with nearly a century of experience to save lives and end suffering from cancer. As a global grassroots force of more than 3 million volunteers, the society fights for every birthday threatened by every cancer in every community. They save lives by helping people stay well by preventing cancer or detecting it early; by helping people get well by being there for them during and after a cancer diagnosis; by finding cures through investment in groundbreaking discovery; and by fighting back by rallying lawmakers to pass laws to defeat cancer and by rallying communities worldwide to join the fight. As the nation’s largest nongovernmental investor in cancer research, contributing about $3.4 billion, the cancer society turns what they know about cancer into what they do. As a result, more than 11 million people in America who have had cancer and countless more who have avoided it will be celebrating birthdays this year. To learn more about the American Cancer Society or to get help, call anytime, day or night, 800-227-2345, or visit cancer.org. — from Relay For Life Washburn County

Webcasting wins watchers

Greg Harrell has been pastor of the Shell Lake United Methodist Church for over three years and has recently introduced an exciting new webcast of Sunday morning services. - Photo by Diane Dryden by Diane Dryden The church has already broadcasted SHELL LAKE - The United Methodist seven services to the delight of shut-ins, Church in Shell Lake has joined the dig- nursing home residents and those who ital age by webcasting their Sunday are home due to illness, or those visiting morning service to the world each week. the area. “We’ve already had requests for “We already had most of the digital hymnbooks so people can read along equipment in place,” says Pastor Gre- with the service and sing the songs. This gory Harrell, “so it was an easy step to year we are excited because our annual take to webcast our services to our com- and very popular Easter cantata can be puter audience everywhere in the world. broadcast right into individuals computThe professional camera we use was do- ers to be enjoyed during the Easter seanated by a videographer in Eau Claire son.” and not only are we able to broadcast The Shell Lake Full Gospel Church is live each Sunday at 10:30 a.m., but if the only other church in town that offers there is anyone who attends and would podcasts and a Web site for listening of like a copy of the morning’s message, their services. These can be downloaded DVDs are available directly after the or streamed or added to individual service is over.” iPads. Each year their Easter passion Harrell comes from an electronic back- play, called Easter Alive, is professionally ground having served in the U.S. Navy recorded and is available for purchase and been employed by the National from the church for $17. They will be Oceanic Atmospheric Administration, available each night of this year’s perwhich we know better as the weather formances under the title of “How He service, NOAA. Loves.” Their Web site is shelllakefullgoHarrell has served the church for 3-1/2 spel.com and when you get to the site, years and during that time their mem- read the easy menu to hear the sermon bership of 240 has grown by 64 new on blog/podcast or click on another of members and who knows how many out their many categories. in cyber-land watching during the week.

Christiansen talks to students

Nick Christiansen spoke to the third- and fifth-grade classes at Shell Lake Elementary School last week about the importance of contributing to the military care package drive. Christiansen will be doing his basic training at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo., this summer and will go into active duty with the Guards after he graduates in 2013. The Shell Lake Student Council has been collecting items for military care packages. — Photo submitted

County highway projects slated

WASHBURN COUNTY — The Washburn County Highway Department will complete the following pavement replacement and reconstruction projects this year. Pavement replacement will be completed on CTH B – CTH O to Old B Road; and CTH B intersection of CTH B and M to Fernander Road. Construction will be completed on

CTH H – Hwy. 53 to CTH A. Maintenance season is in full swing and a month ahead of schedule. You will see crews out on the highways performing various maintenance activities. Please, slow down and show respect to the workers that are on the highways. — from Washburn County Highway Commissioner

PTA Bingo: Nobody wanted to miss

The Shell Lake PTA hosted their annual Soup, Sandwich and Bingo night on Thursday, March 29. Kids, young and old, enjoyed the thrill of a Bingo! Nobody wanted to miss a number. RIGHT: “Hmmmm, which prize should I choose?” wonders Haley Balts. — Photos submitted

Easter Services - Sunday, April 8 “Son Rise” Service - 6:21 a.m., Shelter House, Shell Lake Beach Breakfast 7:30 a.m. at the Church • Regular Worship - 10:30 a.m.

open hearts

open minds

open doors

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The Shell Lake United Methodist Church Rev. Gregory Harrell 135 Reinhart Drive • 715-468-2405

557109 33rp

Register your American Cancer Society Relay For Life team today



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Thursday, April 5 • Shell Lake Chamber of Commerce meeting, 4:30 p.m., Shell Lake City Hall meeting room. • Aphasia Group, 10-11:30 a.m., Trinity Lutheran Church, Spooner. Contact person Betsy 715-520-7999. • Northwest Wisconsin Parkinson’s Disease Support Group, 1 p.m., lower level at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Shell Lake. • Free community meal, St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church, 409 Summit, Spooner, 4-6 p.m. All welcome. Donations accepted. • GFWC Spooner Women’s Club will meet at Northwind Book and Fiber, downtown Spooner, at 1 p.m. Guest speaker will be Carol Dunn. She will talk about the world of books and the changes that have been made lately, as well as new, interesting books available. After a short business meeting, they’ll have refreshments. For more information please contact Sharon Karlsson-King at 715-635-2741. Saturday, April 7 • Shell Lake Chamber of Commerce Easter Egg Hunt, 10 a.m., municipal campground, for ages under 2 through 10. Monday, April 9 • Diabetes Education meeting, 2-3 p.m., in the classroom at Spooner Health System. Topics and speakers vary each month. For more information contact Claudia at 715-635-1217. • Annual meeting for Spooner USBC Women Bowling Association, 6:30 p.m., Tony’s Riverside. Election of officers, awards and trophies presented. All women bowlers are welcome and encouraged to attend. Tuesday, April 10 • Moms Club meets at Faith Lutheran, Spooner, 10 a.m. All stay-at-home or part-time-working moms welcome with their children. Wednesday, April 11 • Free community meal, 4-6 p.m., United Methodist Church, 135 Reinhart Dr., Shell Lake. All welcome. Donations accepted. • The board of directors for the Railroad Memories Museum will meet at 1 p.m. at the city hall building in Spooner. All volunteers welcome. • The Book Chat book club will meet at 3:30 p.m. at Faith Lutheran Church, Spooner. Book for April is “One of Ours” by Willa Cather. All are welcome to join in the discussion of this American classic. Thursday, April 12 • The Shell Lake Lions Club will meet, 6:30 p.m., at the Shell Lake Community Center. • Fibromyalgia/CFS/Chronic Pain Support Group of Barron County meets from 1-3 p.m. at the Chetek Lutheran Church, Chetek. Coffee and refreshments served. Educational materials available to sign out. Call 715-651-9011 or 715-237-2798 for further information. • Education and support for people affected by cancer, 3:30-5 p.m., Marshfield Clinic Rice Lake Center. Registration required, 715-236-8327.

• Darkness to Light sexual abuse prevention training program, 6 p.m., Lakeland Family Resource Center, 314 Elm St., Spooner. Friday, April 13 • Trinity Lutheran Church rummage sale, 9 a.m.-1 p.m., across from elementary school, Spooner. Lunch available. Saturday, April 14 • Washburn County Food Distribution in conjunction with Ruby’s Pantry, Spooner Middle School Tech Ed Building on Elm Street. Ticket sales at 9 a.m. Distribution at 9:30 a.m. Volunteers needed. To sign up or for more information, contact Chuck at 715-635-9309, Bill at 715-468-4017 or Ardys at 715-222-4410. • Pins for Pets bowling fundraiser for Washburn County Area Humane Society, Kegler’s Pub & Pin, Spooner. Call 715-635-4720 for more information. • Adventures in Gardening, 8:30-11:30 a.m. Shell Lake 3-12 school. RSVP to 715-468-7815 or jensenk@shelllake.k12.wi.us. Learn from area Master Gardeners. • Minong Senior Center is hosting a spring fling at 11 a.m. There will be a potluck and music, 11 a.m.-1:45 p.m. Bring a dish to share. Donations support the senior center and the band. Bingo starts at 2 p.m. Monday, April 16 • Northern Lights Camera Club meets at 7 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church, 1790 Scribner St. (Hwy. K), Spooner. Feedback on photos, education and support. Beginners to professionals. • Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Support Group, 5 p.m. group activity, 5:30 p.m. dinner, 6-7 p.m. meeting, Lakeland Family Resource Center, 314 Elm St., Spooner. Info call 715-635-4669. Tuesday, April 17 • Shell Lake/Spooner Masonic Lodge 221 will meet at 7 p.m. at the lodge. Wednesday, April 18 • Games and activities, 1 p.m., Shell Lake Senior Center. • Shell Lake Public Library Board of Trustees meeting, 5 p.m., at the library, 501 1st St., Shell Lake. The public is welcome. • The Washburn County Humane Society open board meeting will meet at 5:30 p.m. at the state patrol headquarters in Spooner. Call 715-635-4720 for more information. • American Red Cross blood drive, 9:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m., Birchwood High School, 300 S. Wilson St., Birchwood. Thursday, April 19 • Shell Lake PTA meeting, 6:30 p.m., in the 3-12 school library. Baby-sitting will be provided. • Middle School Honors Concert, 6 p.m., Shell Lake Arts Center. Saturday, April 21 • Regional Hospice Gala dinner and silent auction, Lakeview Event Center, Siren, 5 p.m. For more info or to purchase a ticket call 715-635-9077.


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Franziska “Franzi” Graf, exchange student from Germany, spoke to Shell Lake Girl Scout Troop 4475 on Monday, March 19, at Shell Lake Methodist Church. Graf talked about different cultures. She shared about Girl Scouts in her country, saying that they don’t have cookie sales. — Photo by Maronda Klassa

Relay for Life Fundraising Activities

April Saturday, April 14 – BR Trekking Relay for Life fundraising event, 4-7 p.m., at the Getaway, Sarona.


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Volunteer opportunities


Domestic abuse and sexual assault are crimes. Time-Out provides free, confidential victim support. If you or someone you know is experiencing violence in a relationship, please call 800-924-0556. The Washburn County Genealogy Research Room, 106-1/2 2nd Ave., Museum Hewitt Building, Shell Lake, is closed for the winter. The room can be opened upon request, weather permitting. Call 715-635-7937 or 715-6356450, for more information. Shell Lake Alano Club Meetings on CTH B, 2 blocks off Hwy. 63. All meetings are nonsmoking Sunday 10 a.m. AA Monday Noon AA Tuesday Noon AA 7 p.m. AA Wednesday 1 p.m. AA 7 p.m. NA 1 p.m. AA Thursday 7 p.m. Al-Anon Friday 2 p.m. AA 7 p.m. AA Saturday Noon AA Fourth Saturday of every month, Pin Night with 5:30 p.m. potluck and 7 p.m. meeting.


Indianhead Community Action Agency is looking for volunteers to help out in their thrift store and food pantry. Food pantry volunteers must be able to lift at least 25 lbs. Please stop in to ICAA at 608 Service Road and pick up an application or call 715-635-3975 for more information. ••• The Washburn County Area Humane Society is looking for volunteers to update and maintain their Web site and to research and apply for grants. For more information, call Susie at 715-468-2453 or e-mail wcahs@centurytel.net. ••• Terraceview Living Center Inc. is providing opportunities for talented volunteers skilled in group and 1:1 interactions with the elderly. Seeking services between 3-7 p.m. daily. There will be flexibility in scheduling your services. Orientation is provided. If you are interested please stop by their office and fill out an application. ••• Volunteer help at the Shell Lake Arts Center is needed for special occasions during the school year. They need help with the middle school honors band, bulk mailings, the piano festival, middle school honors choir and the Gala. If you are interested in volunteering please call 715-468-2414. 30rtfc ••• Faith in Action of Washburn County is looking for volunteers to provide direct services to seniors and adults with disabilities. Tasks might include transportation, light housekeeping, light yard work, fix-it jobs, telephone and in-person visits. Training is provided, and all volunteers choose what they want to do and when they want to volunteer. For more information, please call 715-6352252 or e-mail Faith In Action at faithinactionwc@yahoo.com. ••• Washburn County Unit on Aging is in need of volunteer drivers for the Meals on Wheels program and the medical escort program. This is a great opportunity to socialize, meet new people, travel and help others. Mileage is paid to volunteers who use their own vehicles when transporting and/or delivering. You must posses a valid state of Wisconsin driver’s license and are able to read maps, road names and street signs. If interested, please contact Eva at the Aging and Disability Resource Center in Spooner at 715-635-4460. ••• To publish a volunteer opportunity, submit it to us by Monday noon. E-mail it to wcregister@centurytel.net, bring it to the office, or call 715-468-2314. Please list the type of volunteer work you need, as well as dates, times and length of service. Make sure to include your contact information, including your name and phone number. When the volunteer position is filled, please let us know so we can take it off the list. This service is offered free of charge in an effort to bring the community together so those that are looking for help can find those that are looking to help.

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Monday: Partners of Veterans women’s support group will meet from 1 to 2:30 p.m., at Counseling Associates in Siren, located across from the Burnett County Government Center. For more information, contact Julie Yaekel-Black Elk at 715-349-8575. • Celebrate Recovery meetings at 6:30. This is a Christcentered recovery program. Meetings take place in the Community Life Center at Spooner Wesleyan Church, Hwy. 70 West. For more information, call 715-635-2768. • First Friends Playgroup open to all children. Focus on infants and their caregivers with sensory stimulation and movement experiences. Art project materials provided and the morning closes with circle music time and instrument exploration. 10 a.m. to noon at Lakeland Family Resource Center, 314 Elm St., Spooner. Monday and Thursday: Washburn County Alzheimer’s Day Respite Program is held from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church, Spooner. Daily fee includes lunch and a program of crafts, exercise, games, music, quiet time, etc. For more information, call 715-635-4367. Tuesday: Women Healing Women support group at Time-Out Family Abuse Outreach office, every other Tuesday, 4-5:30 p.m. For survivors of domestic abuse and/or sexual abuse. Free, confidential, closed after first session. For more info or to register, contact Time-Out Family Abuse Shelter Outreach office at 103 Oak St., Spooner, WI 54801, 715-635-5245. • Ala-Teen meets at 6:30 p.m. in the New Life Christian Center in Rice Lake. Use the back entrance. • The Washburn County Historical Society Research Room, 102 West Second Avenue, Shell Lake, open Tuesdays, 9:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. throughout the year. • Bridge at Friendship Commons, Fourth Avenue, Shell Lake, 1 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Practice your Bridge skills. Beginners welcome. Wednesday: Lakeland Family Resource Center open from noon to 3 p.m. • AA meeting, 7 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church, Spooner. • 9 a.m. to noon, sewing at Shell Lake Senior Center. • Kidstime-Parentime at Lakeland Family Resource Center, 314 Elm St., Spooner, 10 a.m. to noon. Learn, discuss and share ideas and experience to enrich parenting skills. Preselected art or play materials available for children of all ages. Kidstime-Parentime provides quality time for families, networking for parents and a social opportunity for both parents and children. The last Wednesday of the month a potluck lunch is held at 11:15 a.m. Thursday: AA meets at 7 p.m. at Calvary Lutheran Church, Minong. • Al-Anon meets at 8 p.m. in the cafeteria at Indianhead Medical Center, Shell Lake. • Library Fun For Little Ones, 10:30 to 11:15 a.m. Shell Lake Public Library. A time for stories, craft and a snack. No age minimum or maximum for participants. Thursday and Monday: Washburn County Alzheimer’s Day Respite Program, see listing above. ••• Amber Bednar, RN, Washburn County Health Department, is available at the public health office to provide breastfeeding basics, how-tos and postpartum support. Appointments can be made at 715-635-4400.







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Highlights of Barron Electric Cooperative’s 76th-annual meeting

BARRON — More than 620 members attended Barron Electric’s 76th-annual meeting on Saturday, March 24. The theme of the meeting was International Year of Cooperatives. Longtime board Director Norman Busse retired, after serving 39 years on the board, representing District 5. Larry Kuhl and Russell Rindsig were both nominated by petition for this district. Larry Kuhl was elected director for District 5 by ballot with a count of 164 to 137. Incumbents Arlyn Helm, District 1, and Beverly Buckner, District 7, were both re-elected to serve a three-year term. General Manager Dallas Sloan showed a video to members where Barron Electric line crews were using the rubber-gloving process. “Linemen work on energized lines, keeping the power on for the members. More than 4,000 members did not experience an outage, due to this process,” remarked Sloan. Linemen attend monthly training meetings to review safety guidelines. “Our goal is to keep our employees safe, while providing reliable power,” commented Sloan. Selmer Nelson, president of Barron Electric’s Board of Directors, said, “Barron Electric enjoyed another successful year of operation. We appreciate our members participation in the annual meeting.” He added, “Congratulations on helping the cooperative continue to provide energy, products and other services to improve the quality of life in the area we serve for the past 76 years.” Don Huff, director of environmental affairs at Dairyland Power Cooperative, addressed the membership regarding the impact of environmental regulations on Dairyland. Huff said, “It is important for Dairyland to keep up with compliance on new regulations.” When asked about the cost of renewables, Huff commented, “Dairyland has over 10-percent renewables. Renewables cost 50-100 percent more than coal.” Sen. Robert Jauch, D-Popular, told members, “America’s greatest success story is the Rural Electrification Administration, which brought power to the rural areas. Cooperatives are tolerant and understanding. Government needs to borrow a page from cooperatives.” At the board of director’s reorganization meeting, the

Deadline approaching for medical scholarships

SHELL LAKE — The deadline for the Indianhead Community Health Care Inc. Scholarship and the Marilyn Kissinger Medical Scholarship is Friday, May 4. The ICHC Scholarship is given to a senior or graduate of Shell Lake High School who will be pursuing a career in the health-care field. Applications may be picked up and returned to the Shell Lake High School guidance office. For more information call Joni Parker, 715-468-7393. The Marilyn Kissinger Medical Scholarship, given by Kissinger and his sons, will award four $500 scholarships to area students entering the medical profession. If you would like to be considered for one of these scholarships, you may pick up an application at Indianhead Medical Center, 113 4th Ave., Shell Lake, or at the Stone Lake Medical Clinic, 16887 2nd St. S., Stone Lake. Scholarships will be awarded in June. Repeat applicants are accepted. For more information call 715468-7833 or 715-865-6510. — from ICHC & IMC

Arlyn Helm, Springbrook, was re-elected to Barron Electric’s board of directors, representing District 1 at Barron Electric’s 75th-annual meeting Saturday, March 24. — Photo submitted

following directors were re-elected to the respective positions: Selmer Nelson, president; Mike Baker, vice president; Aryln Helm, treasurer; Barb Holman, secretary; and Lynn Peterson, Dairyland Power director. Kenneth Fick, Spooner, was the grand prizewinner of a GE EnergyStar refrigerator. Fifty members were awarded $50 electric bill credits. Gabrielle Schutta was the winner of a kids bike and helmet. — from Barron Electric

Darkness to Light sexual abuse prevention training available

SPOONER — Darkness to Light’s Steward of Children is a revolutionary sexual abuse prevention training program that educates adults to prevent, recognize and react responsibility to child sexual abuse. A training program to teach the four tools needed to protect children and the seven steps to protecting children will be held Thursday, April 12, 6 p.m., at Lakeland Family Resource Center. The center is located at 314 Elm St., Spooner. Space is limited to 15 participants. To register and reserve your space call LFRC at 715-6354669. No child care provided. — from LFRC

Abuse Awareness Month sparks class

SHELL LAKE — It’s finally April, the month of Easter, flowers and sunshine. It’s also National Abuse Awareness Month. Not just one kind of abuse, but all of them, from alcohol to sexual assaults, child abuse and beyond. Whoever chose April for this theme could have picked a more appropriate month, say November, when the days are short and dreary, with winter right around the corner. But when you think of the abuses that are suffered by people every day, everywhere, April is a good choice after all. While the majority of us are basking in spring, others are living in their own continuous dark November of abuse. There is help for those who are abused or exploited, help offered by Bonnie Peterson and Chris Nash who work as abuse advocates through their office in Spooner at the Time-Out Family Abuse Shelter located at 103 Oak St. As advocates, these women offer a full spectrum of resources and referrals in order to connect individuals with other helping agencies in the community. They do this through a 24-hour toll-free crisis line, 800-924-0556, and through drop-in visits at their office along with the office phone number, 725-635-5245. This year, to honor the month of April’s outreach, these women aligned with The Body Shop in Shell Lake to sponsor a self-defense class for women and girls. Three separate times were set up for these three-hour classes, and all of the available spots filled quickly. Participants were asked to wear loose clothing and to bring their purses. During the first hour, Body Shop owner Matt Dryden, certified state of Wisconsin Principles Of Subject Control instructor, talked about attitude, saying that sometimes just having an air of confidence is enough to defer an attack by a possible attacker. “If you feel someone is following you,” stated Dryden, “turn around, look them in the eye and ask if you can help them.” He also stated that it is important for women and girls to always be aware of their surroundings, especially since the attitude has to be, “I will not go anywhere with this person. They will not take me out of where I am now and I’m willing to fight, scream and yell in order to not be taken. “Remember,” he said, “this person that is planning on taking you somewhere has a plan. Your response is to have your own plan and throw them off of theirs. Attackers will often change their minds about taking you if you stand your ground and aren’t the easy target they thought you were. Try not to be completely alone ever and always pay attention to where you are and your surroundings.” The second hour was spent with the women and students on their feet at the punching bags getting used to

In the third hour of the self-defense class, students were invited to beat up Matt Dryden, the instructor, who was wearing a Redman suit. — Photos submitted

hitting “soft tissue.” There are many places on a man’s body that you can do enough damage in order to get away. You don’t have to fight to the finish; you’re just buying valuable time.” It was at this point that Dryden asked women what they had in their purses that could be used for defense. Some had metal fingernail files. One had pepper spray and another a registered gun. “Whatever it is that you are using for defense,” he said, “make sure it’s close to the surface so you can find it as soon as possible. And if you’re using any kind of spray, spray it a few times into the air to see if it’s a stream or a cloud of spray. That could make a huge difference. The stream kind needs to be delivered as closely to the face as possible. A cloud spray could come back with the wind and be more damaging to the one using it.” Before the third hour started, breathing was discussed. “Your heart rate is going to go through the roof and you need to remember to breathe or you will run out of energy and strength too soon. “Remember, too, that you and your body come first. Survival starts in your head so be mentally prepared to fight with whatever you’ve got in order to gain that escape moment.” During hour three, Dryden donned the Redman suit and each woman had their chance to fight for their survival. In one of the sessions, Keara Olsen, a fifth-grade student from Spooner, was reluctant to get involved with Dryden while he was wearing the Redman suit, but after participating once, Olsen was up for the fight and ended up volunteering to have a third go at her aggressor. The women and girls were first taught how to drop onto one hip that would enable them to kick their attacker within a 365-degree circle. Many of them did ex-

actly that as Dryden grabbed them either from the front or the back, and they broke his hold by dropping to the floor. Once on the floor they proceeded to kick delicate areas and to poke at his face in hopes to hit an eye or his nose. The next practice began when the women and girls were lying on the floor to demonstrate what to do if they were awakened by someone standing next to or getting into their beds. “Squirm, squirm all you can, remember your attacker has one thing in mind and even if your hands are being held above your head and your legs are weighed down by his body, you can still squirm until your attacker makes the move he’s there for, removing an arm, then you’ve also got an arm free, so do your worst to his face.” It was back in the 1980s when, by presidential proclamation, April’s National Abuse Awareness program started and ever since agencies throughout the United States are providing programs for women who are living with abusers or who have been attacked and abused by a stranger. Peterson and Nash decided to offer a pre-emptive strike class for women and girls in Washburn County who do not intend to ever become victims in the first place – women who have an attitude of survival. What were the occupations of some of the women who took these classes? There were teachers, nurses, bookkeepers, housewives, and students from fifth grade through high school, all learning the sometimes disastrous results of not being aware of their surroundings or presenting a meek body language or being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Before each class began, Peterson gave out information on what her Bonnie Peterson, Timeoffice provides and en- Out Family Abuse Shelter couraged everyone if Inc. advocate, addressed they need to talk, or each group of women at knew someone who the beginning of the reneeded to talk, to give cent self-defense classes them a call because it’s at The Body Shop in Shell what they do; advocate Lake. She also handed for the women of Wash- out information about burn County. – submitted services provided by her agency.


Northwoods Figure Skating Club presents 23rd-annual Festival on Ice “Glee-tastic”

Guest skater Angie Lien is a six-time national competitor and a silver medalist at the World University Games in Tarvisio, Italy, in 2003. She entertained the audience with her graceful skating and provided an outstanding role model to the young skaters.

Sheri Clark, Shell Lake, and Laura Joy Richey, Spooner, teamed up together on their “Can’t Touch This” skating routine at the Northwoods Figure Skating Club’s 23rd-annual Festival on Ice “Glee-tastic” held in Spooner on March 31 and April 1. — Photos by Larry Samson

Three-time USFC gold medalist and hometown favorite Peter Biver proudly shows of his little niece and future pairs partner, Helen. He was skating around with Helen after his performance to wind down. The biggest defining moment of his career came this past winter when he competed in the senior pairs at the 2012 National Championship at the age of 35.

More photos on page 14.

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Sports reporter: Larry Samson E-mail results to: wcregister@centurytel.net


Curling club mixed Mug Spiel championship held

RICE LAKE — The Rice Lake Curling Club Mixed Mug Spiel Championship was held Wednesday, March 28, through Sunday, April 1, at the Rice Lake Curling Club. There were 26 area teams entered First-event champion was the Bill Wiberg Rink team of Bill Wiberg, Patti Fox and Dean and Lori Springer. First-event runner-up was the Dale Stoik Rink team of Dale and Pat Stoik and Steve and Mona Lancaster. Second-event winner was the John Mickesh Rink team of Kyle and Stacy Schlampp, Jonn Mickesh and Jan Antczak. Second-event runner-up was the Jerry Beguhn Rink team of Jerry and Barb Beguhn, Tony Davis,

Andy Antczak and Lynn Struzan. Third-event winner was the Larry Sharp Rink team of Larry and Linda Sharp, Greg and Linda Dahl. Thirdevent runner-up was the Dane Jensen Rink team of Dane Jensen, Stacy Wickstrom, Nate Swan and Deanna Nesvold. Fourth-event winner was the Tom Robarge Rink team of Tom Robarge, Kim Moltzan, Tom and Kathy Ricci and Sydney Schieffer. Fourth-event runner-up winner was the Steve Ostedt Rink team of Steve and Janine Ostedt, Jim and Marlene Gargulak. — submitted

Spooner Middle School wrestling team 9-0 for the season Team Skip, Bill Wiberg, Springbrook, Patti Fox, Shell Lake, and Dean and Lori Springer, Barron, captured first place in the first event of the Rice Lake Curling Club 2012 mixed playdowns. Fox, the potter who makes the trophies for the club’s annual Mug Spiel, was pleased to receive a mug for her own fireplace mantel this year. — Photo submitted

Spooner Middle School wrestler Sara Adamson pins her Northwestern opponent to take fifth place at the Heart O’North – Lakeland Conference meet held Friday, March 30, in Cumberland.

CAMERON/CUMBERLAND — The Spooner Middle School wrestling team had its last regular meet at Cameron on Thursday, March 27, and came away with a 104-to-32 win. The Rails were 9-0 this season. A major part of this success is due to the fact that the wrestlers improved, got more pins, and did not give up pins with their losses. At Cameron, the Rails gained 10 pins while only giving up a single pin. Those with pins were R.J. Anderson (3), Bryce Sahr, Blake Larson, Billy Hagberg, Tré Lawrence, Nick Graham, James Anders and Mark Nauertz. So far this season, the Rails have a total of 170 wins, 102 losses, and 95 pins. None of the Rails are undefeated and the average winning percentage is 54.9 percent. The 2012 Spooner Middle School wrestling team season came to an end this past week at the Heart O’ North – Lakeland Conference Wrestling Tournament in Cumberland. The Rails traveled to the tournament on Friday, March 30. Sixth-grader Bryce Sahr pinned his three opponents to capture first place. Eighth-grader Blake Larson also took first place and had one pin. Taking second place

The referee slaps the mat as Spooner wrestler Tyler Griffith pins George Bestman of Northwood. Griffith earned a fourth-place finish in his bracket. — Photos by Larry Samson

for the Rails were Chase Melton, Sam Melton and R.J. Anderson. The Rails only third-place finisher was Tré Lawrence. Fourth-place finishers were Billy Hagberg, Tyler Griffith and Nick Graham. Fifth place went to Sara Adamson, Tim Meister and Mark Nauertz. Placing sixth was James Anders. Three other Spooner wrestlers were absent as they were wrestling at the National Wrestling Tournament in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, over the weekend. At the end-of-the-year awards ceremony, the Most Wins Award went to Mitch Shellito, Most Pins to Bryce Sahr, Most Valuable Wrestler to Tim Meister, Most Improved to Isaiah Skidmore and the Rudy Award to Brandon Jepson. Coaches Griffith and Melton praised each wrestler for their accomplishments and for their improvement. The team aspect was stressed as well as the definitions of commitment and relentless. They stressed that each great athlete in a school the size of Spooner is one that goes out for at least three sports and that they expect them to continue to work out and get into the weight room. The coaches expressed gratitude to the parents and managers for supporting Spooner wrestling, commenting, “Without their help, we wouldn’t have a program.” — from Spooner Area Schools

Women bowlers hold annual local tournament

by Claudia Place SPOONER — Spooner USBC Women’s Bowling Association held its annual tournament. Starting with the doubles event on Feb. 13 and singles Feb. 20; the final week was Feb. 27 ending with the team event. Competing were 19 teams of four ladies, 34 pairs of doubles, 54 singles and 48 all events. The first-place team with 2,383 points was The Water Hole. Teammates are Gina Ailport, Delayne Barnes, Marion Lawson and JoAnn Melton. Coming in second with 2,359 was Lucky Strikes, Janet Haupt, Char Corcoran, Audrey Erickson and Barb Nelvik. The third-place team, T.W. Roofing had 2,312. Team members are Georgia Leverty, Denise Waggoner, Robyn Pollei and Judy LaPorte. Fourth-place was the Extras with 2,306 and included team members Claudia Place, C.J. Russell, Robyn Pollei and Judy LaPorte. In the doubles event, the combined efforts of Jeannette Klausing and Vivian Marx, with 1,263, gave them first place. Coming in second were Mary Danielsen and Claudia Place with 1,255. Nancy Growe and Sally Kabus were third with a score of 1,246. Fourth place was Georgia Leverty and Denise Waggoner, 1,244. Fifth place was Denise Waggoner and Robyn Pollei with 1,244. Sixth place was Cathy Stoklasa and Mary

Danielsen with 1,216. Seventh place was Mary Danielsen and Karen Danielsen with 1,212. Topping the singles division was Georgia Leverty with a 682. Second place was Marilyn Needham, 624; third place Kari Budge, 621; fourth, Carol Rohde, 615; fifth place was a tie at 611 for Patsy Briggs and Denise Waggoner; seventh, Patti Dugdale, 610; eighth, Terri Corrie, 607; ninth place was a tie between Laurie Lundeen and Claudia Place at 605; 11th was Mary Kriskonsky, 604. All-events winner in the handicap division was Georgia Leverty with 1,902. Mary Danielsen was second with 1,833. Third place was Vivian Marx, 1,831. Connie Halverson had the high scratch score of 1,567 and handicap score of 1,828. Fifth place went to Terri Corrie, 1,809, with Denise Waggoner, sixth, 1,794; Kari Budge, seventh, 1,776; C.J. Russell, eighth, 1,775; Laurie Lundeen, ninth, 1,772; 10th Nancy Growe, 1,766, and Carol Rhode 11th with 1,763. All awards, trophies and money will be awarded at the Spooner USBC Women’s Bowling Association annual meeting on Monday, April 9, at Tony’s Riverside in Spooner at 6:30 p.m. All Spooner USBC WBA members are welcome to attend.



Varsity softball Thursday, April 5: At Cameron High School, 5 p.m. Tuesday, April 10: Vs. Drummond, 4:30 p.m. Thursday, April 12: Vs. Frederic/Luck, 5 p.m.; JV game west field with Prairie Farm, 5 p.m. Monday, April 16: Vs. Turtle Lake/Clayton at Clayton High School, 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 17: At Webster High School, 5 p.m. Thursday, April 19: Vs. Northwood, 5 p.m. Friday, April 20: Vs. Washburn, 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 24: Vs. Clear Lake, 5 p.m. Thursday, April 26: Vs. Birchwood, 5 p.m. Friday, April 27: Vs. St. Croix Falls, 5 p.m. Possible JV Monday, April 30: Vs. Cameron, 5 p.m. Varsity baseball Thursday, April 5: At Cameron High School, 5 p.m. Tuesday, April 10: Vs. Butternut, 4:30 p.m. Thursday, April 12: Vs. Prairie Farm, 5 p.m. Saturday, April 14: Spooner Tournament with Washburn, 10 a.m. Monday, April 16: At Turtle Lake High School, 5 p.m. Tuesday, April 17: At Siren High School, 5 p.m. Thursday, April 19: Vs. Northwood High School, 5 p.m. Tuesday, April 24: Vs. Clear Lake, 5 p.m. Thursday, April 26: Vs. Birchwood, 5 p.m. Monday, April 30: Vs. Cameron, 5 p.m. Varsity track Tuesday, April 10: At Ladysmith High School, 4:15 p.m. Thursday, April 12: At Spooner High School, 4:15 p.m. Monday, April 16: Shell Lake Invitational, with Flambeau, New Auburn, Prairie Farm, Grantsburg, Amery, Clayton/Turtle Lake, Cumberland, Ladysmith, Frederic/Luck, Lake Holcombe/Cornell, 4 p.m. Thursday, April 19: Frederic/Luck Invitational at Frederic High School, with Clear Lake, Siren, Unity, Webster, Grantsburg, Turtle Lake/Clayton, 4:15 p.m. Thursday, April 26: At Webster High School, 4 p.m. Monday, April 30: At Unity, with Clear Lake, Prairie Farm, St. Croix Falls, Siren, Spooner, Frederic/Luck, 4 p.m. Middle school track Tuesday, April 17: At Webster, with Clayton, Frederic, Luck, Prairie Farm, St. Croix Falls, Siren, Turtle Lake, Unity, 4 p.m. Monday, April 23: Vs. Bruce, Clayton, Clear Lake, Flambeau, Frederic, Luck, New Auburn, Prairie Farm, St. Croix Falls, Siren, Turtle Lake, Webster, Spooner, 4 p.m. Thursday, April 26: At Frederic High School, with Clayton, Luck, St. Croix Falls, Siren, Unity, Webster, 4:30 p.m. Monday, April 30: At Turtle Lake High School, 4:30 p.m. JV girls softball Tuesday, April 10: Vs. Drummond, 4:30 p.m. Thursday, April 12: Vs. Prairie Farm, 5 p.m. Friday, April 27: Vs. St. Croix Falls, 4:30 p.m. Thursday, May 17: At Prairie Farm High School, 4:30 p.m. Friday, May 18: Vs. Amery, 4 p.m. DH




Sports reporter: Larry Samson E-mail results to: wcregister@centurytel.net

Middle school wrestlers compete in conference tournament

Shell Lake Middle School wrestlers finished up their season at the Heart O’ North – Lakeland Conference meet in Cumberland on Friday, March 30. Shown back row (L to R): Dominic Hopke, John Green, Sean Heckel, Ben Frey, Jared Goetsch and Levi Beecroft. Middle: Cassie Lawrence, Daniel Nielsen, Bob Bontekoe and James Crawford. Front: Carter Lawrence, Cory Kidder, Cody McTaggart and Jack Skluzacek. Missing from picture: Jordan Hill and Christian Monson. — Photos by Larry Samson

CUMBERLAND — The Shell Lake Middle School wrestling team ended their season at the Heart O’ North-Lakeland Conference wrestling meet Friday, March 30, in Cumberland. Earning first place was fifth-grader Cassie Lawrence. “It was another super season for Cassie. She is a very good wrestler,” praised wrestling coach Jim Campbell. Sean Heckel was also a first-place champ. He also had an outstanding season. “Sean has super potential as an athlete in any sport. He will be fun to watch the next six years,” commented Campbell. Levi Beecroft took second place. It was a good year for Beecroft. In second place, Dom Hopke had an outstanding season, winning many tourneys giving him a super season. Bob Bontekoe lost a close overtime match in the semifinals, giving him third place. With a third place, Jared Goetsch had a good first year. Carter Lawrence took fourth place. Campbell stated, “It was a very good year for Carter as he will be an outstanding wrestler in his future.” John Green and Ben Frey took sixth place. “John and Ben had a very good season and will be a major part of the Shell Lake wrestling program in the future along with Corey Kidder, Daniel Nielsen, Cody McTaggert and James Crawford,” added Campbell. Not wrestling in the end-of-year tourney, but also a part of the team, were Jordan Hill and Christian Monson. The middle school team had a good 5-8 wrestling season. — from Shell Lake Athletic Department

Lawrence LEFT: Cassie took home first place in her bracket going undefeated for the tournament.

Photos by Larry Samson

RIGHT: Sixth-grader Bob Bontekoe with a takedown of his Barron opponent. He lost 8-6 in a close match. Bontekoe earned third place in his weight class.

Track season is off and running

SHELL LAKE — The Shell Lake track team traveled to UW-Stout in Menomonie on Saturday, March 24, and again on Friday, March 30. “It is always nice to have the indoor meets to get us excited for the season,” commented Coach Katrina Granzin. “At each meet we have had some very impressive performances, topping it all off with a new girls 4x400-meter relay record,” explained the coach. Terri Butler, Amanda Livingston, Tanya Zaloudek and Jenny Donatell set the original record in 1993 with a time of 4:22.6. “I knew this relay would be good but I never guessed they would break the record this early in the season, and it was two days after the meet when one of the girls asked if they did break the record. I had to look it up,” said Coach Granzin. With a time of 4:21.99, Shania Pokorny, Hannah Cassel, Emma Anderson and Jen Cassel are the new record holders of the 4x400-meter relay with a first-place finish. “I was curious how that would have ranked in the state last year and going to state was a 4:19 and it gives us things to talk about,” commented Granzin. Also placing at the meet, in third, for the girls were Anderson in the 1,600-meter run and the 4x800-meter relay consisting of Jen Cassel, Abigail Granzin, Pokorny and Anderson, with a time of 10:39.58. Placing sixth was Hana Anderson in the 200-meter dash with a 30.83. In seventh was Colleen Knoop in the shot put with a throw of 30 feet, 7.5 inches. Placing eighth was the boys 4x800M relay

The Shell Lake girls 4x400-meter relay team set a new school record in their first meet Saturday, March 24. Shown are (L to R): Hannah Cassel, Shania Pokorny, Emma Anderson and Jen Cassel. — Photo by Larry Samson

team of Caleb Parker, Tanner Williams, Josiah Kay, and AJ Denotter, with a time of 9:13.01. “The places they received are great but I love to see the improvements they make with each meet,” stated Granzin. Improving from last year’s times were Granzin in the

1,600, Curtis Parker in the 200 and Williams in the 3,200. Already making improvements this year are Granzin in the 3,200-meter run, Cheyenne Tiegs and Trevor Anderson, both in the long jump, and David Brereton in the triple jump. — from Shell Lake Athletic Department


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ABOVE: Maya Cummings combines the grace and skills of skating in her crowd-pleasing routine in her eighth appearance at the ice show. She is competing in the novice moves and juvenile freestyle.

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LEFT: It was the farewell performance for Morgan Kempf of Rice Lake. She has been a member of the NFSC for 14 years. She plans to continue her skating at UW-Stout in their skating club. “I want to thank my parents for the 6 a.m. drives to Spooner and for writing the checks to make it possible,” she stated.

5" x 7" Cards 1 Pic 2 Pics 3+ Pics 24 cards........$24.00.........$27.00........$30.00 48 cards. . . . . . .$34.00.........$37.00.........$40.00 72 cards........$44.00.........$47.00........$50.00 96 cards. . . . . . .$54.00.........$57.00........$60.00 Prices Include Envelopes

Photo by Larry Samson



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It was a homecoming for former NFSC member Hailey Rubesch. She is a student at the University of Wisconsin and is a member of the UW-Madison Collegiate Synchronized Skating Team. The team competed in the United States Synchronized Skating Championships in Boston, Mass., on March 1.

by Pauline Lawrence

Sunday was April 1, April Fools’ Day. How many people tricked you? I don’t know who or what started April Fools’ Day, do you? A very happy anniversary to Shawn and Tiffany Hopwood as they celebrate four years together on April 5. Many more. A very happy birthday to a very special niece, Bev Cassellius, on her special day, April 6. Many more to you, Bev. A very happy anniversary to Cecil and Evelyn Melton on their special day, April 8, when they celebrate 68 years together with many more anniversaries to come. It’s also a very happy birthday to Evelyn Melton on her special day, April 8. Happy birthday to Ethel Sexton on her special day, April 8, with lots more to come. Happy birthday to Kathy Buttenhoff on April 8 with many more to come. Happy anniversary to Marv and Gladys Knoop on April 8 as they enjoy their 59th anniversary together with lots more to come. Happy anniversary to Jim and Evoyne Mogenson on April 8 as they enjoy 23 years together with lots more to come. April 9, it is a very happy birthday to Karen Hotchkiss on her special day with lots more to come. Happy birthday to Garry Crosby, to twins Don and Dick Glessing, and to Caleb Hile, all on April 10, with many more wished. Happy birthday to Samantha Mechtel and to Morgan Forrestal both on April 12 with lots more to come.

A very happy anniversary on April 12 to Gaylen and Martha Derrick as they celebrate 45 years together with many more to come. A late, but very happy birthday to Marie Lawrence as she celebrated her birthday on March 20. Andrea Hartwig and Barb Geske took Marie out to celebrate her birthday, and they also announced it in church. Karla Mortensen also pitched in with Marie’s birthday. Yah know a penny isn’t worth much! Well, did you know it costs 2.4¢ to make a penny! And they say pennies aren’t worth anything. Last Wednesday found Diane Hulleman going to Lakeview Medical Center for eye surgery. She stayed over at her daughter’s, Nancy’s, that night and went back to have her eye checked the next morning and then came home. Glad to hear it went OK. Talking with Allene Peterson we find she had surgery at Lakeview Medical Center recently. Her appendix was inflamed, and she had to have it out. Allene is very happy to report that her grandson, Brian, and his wife had a baby boy weighing 6 pounds 3 ounces and 19-1/2 inches long. He was born in Salina, Kan. Great to hear you have greatgrandson Allene. At this time, Allene says she isn’t feeling up to par so we hope you’re better soon. You’ll have to watch Diane Hulleman’s house. Why? Well, she is puttin’ on cement siding in white with green trim. Sounds good, Diane. My sister, Dot Gudlin, who lives in New Berlin, had her lawn cut recently. She said it needed it and it looks great. Talking with Jim Toll we find Jim has been busy clean-

Happy Easter! There will be a Maundy Thursday service at Barronett Lutheran at 7 p.m. this Thursday, and Good Friday service at 7 p.m. on Friday. You remember, of course, that the Barronett Lutheran youth group will be hosting Easter breakfast before the worship service on Sunday morning. Breakfast will start at 7:30 a.m., and worship service will be at the regular time of 9 a.m. The kids do such a great job of cooking and serving breakfast, and we all have such a nice time eating and visiting. We hope you can join us for breakfast and the Easter service. It’s the perfect time to get to know the congregation of our church a little better. Guess what? Leanne and Joey Reichhoff have a new baby girl! Yup, Oskar is now officially a big brother. Oskar’s little sister arrived on the scene this past week. I haven’t met her yet, but Duane has already been introduced to her and told me that she is just the cutest little thing. I was in Monroe on Sunday and didn’t get home until it was too late to call Joey and Leanne to get all the details of their new little bundle of joy, but I will fill you in next week. You probably remember that on the day Oskar was born, Joey had a perfect (29) Cribbage hand. When I talk to them I’ll be sure to ask if he was playing Cribbage while he was waiting for his little girl to arrive, and, if so, if he was that lucky again. The Easter party, hosted by members of Barronett Civic Club on Saturday, was a lot of fun. There were about 75 kids taking part in the festivities, which included four activity tables, four game stations and a cakewalk. Jayme Bayerle of Cumberland won the girls bike, and Braiden Cook of Barronett won the boys bike. Isabella Neitzel, Charlotte Odden, Jayme Bayerle, Lucas Ames, Archer Schultz and Tyten LaRue won the large baskets. The members of the civic club appreciate everyone that helped with the party, the volunteers who helped with activities and games, those who donated cakes and other items, and those who helped with the food. Gratitude goes out to Beth Ranallo of Barronett Bar and Grill for holding special raffles to benefit the Barronett Civic Club children’s fund, and Bank of the West for donating the bikes. The Barronett Dragons 4-H Club represented Barron County at the Talent Explosion, held on Saturaday, March 24, at River Falls. There were performers from six other counties. The Barronett Dragons were awarded one of the

top two awards of excellence for their play “Bring on the Clowns.” They also won the award for best makeup. Yea Dragons! We’ll probably be seeing some of those names up in lights in a few years. Now I have to brag about one of my granddaughters just a little bit. Sanara Marsh, Jerry’s oldest daughter, has received word that she has been accepted into Hobart and William Smith College in Finger Lakes, N.Y. She has also been awarded a huge academic four-year scholarship. She has already been accepted by Penn State, and is waiting for word from a college in Boston to which she also applied. She hasn’t quite decided which college she will attend, but after looking up Hobart and William Smith College on the Internet, I’m campaigning for that one. Anyway, as you can probably tell, I’m about bursting with pride. Sherrill Erickson asked me to remind everyone that the Timberland-Barronett Area First Responders are in need of new members. The volunteer group provides emergency medical care to sick and injured persons until the arrival of an ambulance, and serves the towns of Roosevelt, Maple Plain and Lakeland. Candidates who do not have current state licensure of at least EMT-basic, or current state certification as a Medical First Responder must be willing to complete the Medical First Responder course that is offered through WITC. If you, or someone you know, are interested in becoming a first responder, please contact Sherrill and she will give you the numbers to call for further information. Pat Olson, Lynn Thon and I went to Monroe on Sunday to visit with our aunt, Helen, who is currently in the hospital with some heart problems. We were very happy to see how well she looked when we got there. Aunt Helen just celebrated her 92nd birthday a couple of months ago, so we were pretty worried about her health. Let me tell you, that woman is feisty. She was sitting up in a chair, her color is good, and she enjoyed talking with all — probably about a dozen — guests who came in to visit with her. She is anxiously awaiting word from the doctor that she can go back to her apartment, which will, hopefully, be very soon. It’s certainly nice to see her being her independent, or as some would say, stubborn self. I guess that’s about all I know from Barronett this week. We hope to see you at Barronett Lutheran on Thursday and Friday evening and Sunday morning. Have a very happy Easter. See you later.

SPOONER — The Washburn County Land and Water Conservation Department will host a Clean Boats, Clean Waters workshop Saturday, April 14, at the Spooner Ag Research Station, from 9 a.m.-noon. The training and resource materials provided in the workshop will help volunteers organize and conduct a boater education program in their community. By performing boat and trailer checks, distributing informational brochures and collecting suspect specimens, volunteers can make a difference in preventing the spread of Any Written Estimate invasive species.

There is no cost to attend the workshop, but for a fee of $25 attendees will be given a handbook and a resource kit that contains educational materials, a DVD, invasive species identification cards, watercraft inspection stickers, and T-shirts that can be worn during the watercraft inspections. To register for the workshop, please call Lisa Burns at 715-468-4654. — from WCLWCD

Barronett by Judy Pieper

ing up his yard this past week. Dave was home and working to finish the patio. Last weekend, Tammy Moe had a birthday dinner for her son, Turner, and Rance Brown. Attending were Turner’s grandparents, Tatjana Moe, Turner’s sister, and his brother, Tammy, Jim and Dave. Has anyone seen a bear yet? I hear they’re out and hungry. Vicki Trott, Peggy Vesta, Robyn Melton and Teresa Guardner, got together Wednesday through Monday in Branson, Mo., enjoying lots of visiting and sightseeing. This is the second year they’ve done this. Great for all. Saturday, Jerry and Gretchen Best went to the Bone Lake church for Gretchen’s mom’s 90th birthday party. Gretchen says there were 150-plus people coming to enjoy the day. Gretchen’s sister-in-law, Sandy Stege, who lives in the Twin Cities, bought all the food and the ladies aid women made the food up for the day. Understand they had a great time. Talking with Kris Fjelstad of the Fjelstad Palace, we find Thursday Marvin and Gladys Knoop, Gary and Sue Peterson and Elmer Talbert visiting Bob and Kris. Friday, Bob visited Marv and Gladys Knoop and Mark. Also Elmer and Pam Pomykala visited Bob and Kris. Friday, Kris visited Gary and Sue Peterson. Cherie Dorweiler visited Bob and Kris on Friday. Bob and Kris raked all their pinecones and needles up and hauled them away on Saturday and Sunday. I see I have little leaves on my weeping willow trees, the apple trees have little white buds, and the maples also are starting with leaves. I just hope they all don’t freeze off. Talking with my favorite sister, Marie Quam, she tells us her honey, Warren, left Friday to go to Amherst to Tim and Sue Pederson’s. We certainly have had lots of wind this past week. Scatter sunshine! Have a great week!




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FFA participates in agricultural technology contest

Three seniors at their last ag tech contest were (L to R): Emma Mechtel, Katrina Nyreen and Andi Bauch. They were part of the livestock judging team.

FFA dairy judging team Bryan Knoop, Trevor Anderson, Tyler Crosby and Noah Skluzacek placed fourth in the dairy judging competition.

RIVER FALLS — The Shell Lake FFA participated in an agricultural technology contest in livestock judging and dairy judging. The event was held Saturday, March 31, at the University of Wisconsin - River Falls. Both of Shell Lake’s teams qualified for state competition. This will be a second state qualifying event for the livestock team which placed 10th overall and consists of Taylor Bauch, fourth-place individual and top individual for Shell Lake; Katie Parker, 40th; Katrina Nyreen, 48th, and Andrea Bauch, 65th. Emma Mechtel and Dani Kuechle are alternates. Brent Nyreen was their coach. The team has been working hard since December. The Shell Lake FFA dairy judging team consisted of four freshmen that really took charge by earning fourth place. Team members are Tyler Crosby, earning top Shell Lake individual, 12th by one placing. The rest of his team was right on his heels with Bryan Knoop, 13th, Trevor Anderson, 18th and Noah Skluzacek, 25th. Shorty Crosby has worked hard training the dairy team along with Boyd Anderson’s help. “I greatly appreciate such wonderful parent volunteers and this year their help really paid off,” commented Jen Bos, FFA advisor. – submitted

Taylor and Andi Bauch judging market sheep at the agricultural technology contest on Saturday, March 31, at UW-River Falls farm. — Photos submitted

Bob Kinderman joins SACE lineup

SPOONER — Spooner Area Commuparticipants to set a future date to hit the nity Education welcomes outdoor enthuwater and get a real handle on this siast and recently retired educator Bob beloved sport. Kinderman to their community educaKinderman pointed out that no one tion lineup. should ever die from sea kayaking. PreKinderman, a community supporter, is pared with proper knowledge of this currently writing a book about one of his sport, you will know ways to remain many adventures and will be offering the safe. Whitewater and sea kayaking are community some enjoyable kayaking exattainable adventures, if you have a periences. All money raised from this thirst for taking it up to such a challengclass will be donated toward current ing level, after spending time with him. community projects spearheaded by the On Tuesday, April 17, 6:30-8:30 p.m., high school Friends of Rachel Club. stories and insights will be shared in the Friends of Rachel is a group of high class Everything Sea Kayaking. The class school students who formed to bring the will be held in high school Room C16. Rachel’s Challenge presentation in JanuBob Kinderman will Registration deadline is Thursday, April ary. They have been working toward cre- share stories and in- 12. ating a chain reaction of kindness in sights Please see the Spooner School District during the schools and community. For example, Everything Sea Kayak- Web site for complete listing and fees of members have offered kindness presen- ing class Tuesday, spring classes. Class additions are made tations for elementary schoolchildren April 17, at the when a leader steps forward. Check back since January. Spooner High School. often. Register for classes by calling 715Kinderman, a skillful kayaker of 40 — Photo submitted 635-0243; going online at years, will have you laughing at tales of spooner.k12.wi.us under Community to his own kayaking capers. Having served as a 10-year get a complete listing and registration form; mailing guide in addition to open-water racing, you’ll learn registration form to Spooner Area ComEd, 801 CTH trusty tips on appropriate equipment and techniques. A, Spooner, WI 54801; or dropping off the registration Come with your planner; Kinderman will chat with form at the district office. — from SACE





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Shell Lake honor roll

Third quarter Senior high A honor roll Sage Alberts, Emma Anderson, Hana Anderson, Trevor Anderson, Carley Andrysiak, D’Artagnan Andrysiak, Amy Bouchard, David Brereton, Bethany Bulgrin, Jill Butenhoff, Tia Carlson, Hannah Cassel, Jennifer Cassel, Kendra Collier, Jennifer Connell, Isaac Cusick, Sage Dunham, Kelsey Egbert, Hailey Flach, Casey Furchtenicht, Emma Gimse White, Franziska Graf, Katie Gronning, Lynsey Hagen, Corey Hamer, Madeleine Hodgett, Brett Holman, Calista Holman, Dillon Hopke, Adam Hungerbuhler, Madison Johnson, Kourtney Klassa, Colleen Knoop, Erica Kozial, Kristen Kraetke, Jade LaFave, Johnathan Lloyd, Tracy McMullin, Rachel Mechtel, Alecia Meister, Andrea Miranda, Carley Myers, Kellie Myers, Makenzie Olson, Seth Olson, Emilee Organ, Curtis Parker, Shania Pokorny, Dakota Robinson, Darren Sahlstrom, Brianna Schaefer, Brandon Skille, Sabrina Skindzelewski, Beau Skluzacek, Noah Skluzacek, Katie Slater, Abigail Story, Cheyenne Tiegs, Tanner Williams and Chloe Wykel. Senior high B honor roll Daniel Atkinson, Kimberly Atkinson, Andrea Bauch, Kayla Blazer, Bradley Burton, Wyatt Carlson, Angela Clark, Alexandra Engen, Steven Frey, Abigail Granzin, Grace Helstern, Hannah Hodgett, Jessica Irvine, Rachael Jensen, Kaylea Kidder, Bryan Knoop, Carisis Kodesh, Gabriel LaGarde, Destiny Landsverk, Samuel Livingston, Anthony Lloyd, Renae Lloyd, Caleb Luedtke, Sarah Mayer, Emma Mechtel, Chelsea Melton, Ryan Melton, Renee Mikula, Cody Nielsen, Katrina Nyreen, Caleb Parker, Katherine Parker, Talon Pollei, William Powers, April Richter, Cody Robinson, Kassidy Roecker, Luke Sahlstrom, Jesi Sando, Jeremy Sandstrom, Cole Smith, Kayla Smith, Mikayla Smith, Katelyn Soltis, Emmalee Statz, Stephanie Stetler and Anthony Wey. Middle school A honor roll Amber Anderson, Ashley Lord, Emily Parish, Natalie Smith, Keagan Blazer, Isaac Otterson, Daniel Parish, Hope Balts, Caitlin Brereton, Cassidy Schroeder, Kyley Williams, Lauren Osborn, Lindsey Martin, Kaitlyn Haynes, Nathaniel Wingler, Jerney Meister, Reyna Stone, Anna Hungerbuhler, Caleb LaFave, Amanda Brereton, Sheri Clark, Courtney Melton, Cassandra

Visitors of Nina and Lawrence Hines at various times during the week were Leroy Nelson, Rudy Ambrozaitis and Karen and Hank Mangelsen. Donna Hines attended a bridal shower for Heather Thoe at Timberland Lutheran Church Saturday afternoon. Hank and Karen Mangelsen went to Menomonee Falls Saturday to visit Randy, Tara, Henry and Josephine Mangelsen. They came home Sunday.

Lida Nordquist went to the home of Joleen and Richard Funk Saturday for a family get-together. She stayed overnight and returned home Sunday. Lawrence and Nina Hines visited John and Diana Mangelsen Saturday evening. Gerry and Donna Hines and Lida Nordquist took Ann Srachta out to eat Sunday evening to celebrate her birthday.

Dewey-LaFollette by Karen Mangelsen





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ter Jennifer, former Shell Lake residents. They visited at Mavis and Roger Flach’s one day. Arnie Flach of Cumberland visited Mavis and Roger Friday. Roger is doing better these days. Good to hear that Roger. The Flachs have lived across the road from us for many years. My sister-in-law, Lois Odden, Cumberland, is in the hospital not doing well. Sons Jim and John of Alaska and daughter Joan Burnstad of Canada were called home. Our prayers are with the family and Lois. Charlotte Thompson stopped in on Sunday afternoon. She visited Laura Reitzel and myself. We had a nice visit. Her grandson, Tyler Odden, is my nephew, Greg Odden’s son. Small world isn’t it? Happy birthday to my grandson, Chad White, in Cross Plains on Monday, April 2, and to his sister, Gina White, in Stillwater, Minn., who celebrates on Wednesday, April 4. On Saturday, Lillian Ullom, Florence Carlson, Margaret Hones and Louise Schade attended a baby shower for Tracy and Cory Mortensen at the home of Kelly and Jerry Curtis. Tracy is the daughter of Swanie and Mary Wennerberg of rural Shell Lake. Congratulations to you. Lillian Ullom took in the skating performance at the Spooner Civic Center on Sunday. Her great-granddaughter Sadie Horton, 7, is the granddaughter of David and Sherry Ullom of Barronett. On the way home they stopped to eat at Tony’s in Spooner. The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary. Have a good week and happy Easter.


20btfc 31rtfc


Can you believe we are in April? Easter is Sunday. Let’s hope we get good sunny weather for this Holy Week. Several churches celebrated Palm Sunday some way or other. The Methodist church here in Shell Lake put on an inspiring cantata. Full Gospel is giving their play again last week and this weekend. Try to see it as it is very well done. The Country Music Awards were given Sunday night with music if you love country music. Monday, April 2 the basketball games finished up on TV. April 3 was voting in Wisconsin. We have a few birthdays to observe. Sue Weathers turned a new leaf last Monday, and Edna Johnson, one of our tenants here at Glenview, had a birthday April 1. Happy birthday to you both. Happy birthday to Bernadette Friedell who observed her special day on Sunday evening at her home. Celebrating with her was daughter Robin and son-in-law Mike from Trego, friend Char Young, Jean Hanson, Donna Ness and Arlys Santiago. She had three birthday cakes, two from her daughter and Donna Ness brought one. I would say you had a good day. The McConkies from Glenview attended the play at the Spooner school last Monday. They also were treated to breakfast there. Dinner guests of John and Mary Marschall Friday evening were Marion Furchtenicht, Brian Marschall and Jade LaFave, Brady and friend Ashley, Kyle and Sara. Peder Pederson took in the prayer breakfast at his church, the Apostolic in Spooner. Visiting here from Henderson, Nev., are Roy and Candie Peterson and daugh-

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Skindzelewski, Heidi Steines, Lanae Paulson and Emma Thomas. Middle school B honor roll Marty Anderson, Emily McCarthy, James Crawford, Tiffany Herzog, Zachary Melton, Alyssa Hodgett, Dominic Hopke, Savannah Soltis, Gina McSweeney, Jack Skluzacek, Caitlyn Schaefer, Nathaniel Swan, Hailey Christensen, Taylor Rohow, Kayde Bontekoe, Lindsey Spaulding, McKenzie Strus, Neissya York, Logan Zebro and Rei Grandadam. Sixth-grade A honor roll Grace Anderson, Kennedy Baumgart, Isabel Carrillo, Kennedy Ellanson, Madison Fogelberg, Bailee Hanson, Sean Heckel, Emily Jones, Meredith Kevan, Ashlea Meister, Logan Pashby, Julia Pokorny, Arianna Schreiber, Adrianna Smith, Greta Stellrecht, Clare Walker, Miranda Weber, Jannah Williams and Emily Wykel. Sixth-grade B honor roll Gracie Christensen, Katie Crosby, Blake Fogelberg, Noah Haines, Jordan Irvine, Julia Johnson, Colton Kodesh, Blake Krueger, Cassie Lawrence, Cody McTaggart, Meghan Stone and Allison Tims. Fifth-grade A honor roll Alexis DeLadi, Taylor Eiche, Madelynn Flach, Heidi Fredrickson, Breanna Green, Erick Haynes, Jordan Herzog, McLain Hutton, Zachary Jensen, Natalie Jury, Alecia Knoop, Dawson LaRue, Andrew Martin, Anna Mikula, Breeana Monson, Ellie Nelson, Daniel Nielsen, Carly Osborn, Gene Quam, Luke Savas, Cassie Skattebo, Molly Slater, Savannah Steines, Rachel Swan, Samuel Symond, Benjamin Talbert, Nicholas Udovich and Opal Warren. Fifth-grade B honor roll Payton Anderson, Keolani Baumgart, Jonathan Beecroft, Ashley Clark, Jordan Dougard, Cecilia Harrington, Cory Kidder, Morgan Krueger, Dakota LaSarge, Carter Lawrence, Emily Lloyd, Kayla McCarthy, Vishav Monga, Ivy Morrison, Tyson Wilmot and Aylissa Zempel. — from Shell Lake Schools

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Send death notices/obituaries to P.O. Box 455, Shell Lake, WI 54871 or e-mail wcregister@centurytel.net

Mary “Kay” Farkas

Mary “Kay” Farkas, 95, Shell Lake, died Wednesday, March 28, 2012, at Indianhead Medical Center in Shell Lake. She was born May 27, 1916, in St. Paul, Minn., to Charles and Elizabeth (McElligott) Francis. She was married in St. Paul, Minn., on Nov. 8, 1952, to Steve A. Farkas who preceded her in death on Nov. 10, 1990. Mary was preceded in death by brothers Charles and Don. She is survived by daughter Ann (Ted) Richter, Shell Lake; grandchildren Steve (Tiffany) Richter, Eau Claire;

Michelle (Brent) Whitaker, River Falls; and Katie (Adam) Sheehan, Shell Lake; and great-grandchildren Steven, Ben and Max Sheehan. Funeral services were held April 3 at Skinner Funeral Home, Shell Lake, with Father Ed Anderson officiating. Burial was in St. Joseph Catholic Cemetery, Shell Lake. Pallbearers were Ted Richter, Steve Richter, Brent Whitaker, Adam Sheehan, Richard Cushing and Donn Paulin. Honorary pallbearers were Steven Sheehan, Ben Sheehan and Max Sheehan. The Skinner Funeral Home, Shell Lake, was entrusted with arrangements.

Florence A. Melton, Spooner, died April 3, 2012. Funeral service will be held Friday, April 6, at 11 a.m., with visitation from 10-11 a.m., at Taylor Family Funeral Home, Spooner.

A full obituary will be published at a later date. The Taylor Family Funeral Home, Spooner, is entrusted with arrangements. Online condolences can be made at www.scalzo-taylor.com.

Florence A. Melton

Holy Week services planned

SHELL LAKE — Area churches extend an invitation to worshippers during the Easter season with special services being held during Holy Week. Shell Lake Full Gospel Church: The Easter drama “How He Loves,” will be performed Thursday, April 5, and Friday, April 6, at 7 p.m., with a final presentation on Saturday, April 7, at 2 p.m. Sunday, April 8, Easter breakfast will be held at 8:30 a.m. with celebration worship at 10 a.m. Shell Lake United Methodist will join Salem Lutheran at their Maundy Thursday service at 7 p.m., on April 5. Good

The Spooner Wesleyan Church

“The Easter Experience” invites you to...

Good Friday Service

~ I have the Promise of Eternal Life ~

Friday, April 6, 2012

7 p.m. - Nursery Provied “What if what happened then changes everything now?”

Easter Celebration Service

Senior Lunch Menu

~ My Hope is Secure ~

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Monday, April 9: Scalloped potatoes and ham, french-cut green beans, Nutter-Butter banana pudding, bread, butter, beverage. Tuesday, April 10: Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, gravy, Harvard beets, pineapple coffee cake, bread, butter, milk, coffee. Wednesday, April 11: Baked chicken, wild rice, baked squash, dark sweet cherries, bread, butter, beverages. Thursday, April 12: Beef stroganoff over whole-grain noodles, stewed tomatoes, peach pie, bread, butter, milk, coffee. Friday, April 13: Crispy-baked fish, au gratin potatoes, coleslaw, molasses sorghum cookie, bread, butter, milk, coffee. Meal reservations must be made at least 24 hours in advance. Call 715-468-4750.

Two Services: 8 & 10:30 a.m. Nursery Provided

Coffee Fellowship between services “The Easter Experience” offers worshippers a truly spiritual experience, bringing the passion and resurrection of Jesus to life. Combining a highly cinematic style with dramatic storytelling and challenging teaching, the eternal meaning of Easter is made concrete. Spooner Wesleyan Church is located on Hwy. 70, (west of DNR) in Spooner. Call the church office, 715-635-2768, for more information. Web site: www.spoonerwesleyan.org 557112 33r


Andy Scalzo, Designer

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557110 33rp

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The family of Valerie A. (Lawrence) Floren would like to extend our sincere thanks and gratitude for all the heartfelt visits, phone calls, cards and support given to us in the sudden death of our beloved mother, daughter and grandmother. A special thanks to the EMTs, doctors and nurses and staff of the Spooner Hospital Emergency Room. Thank-you to Scalzo-Taylor Funeral Home, Pastor John Hendry and Nan Hendry for the beautiful keepsake ornaments, Arnie and Mary Lou Hoech-erl, the ladies of the Hope Fellowship Church, Edith Daniels for her beautiful voice and musical talents during graveside services, the Spooner AM Vets and American Legion Honor Guard for all the support during our difficult time. Thank you for the beautiful cards, flowers and plants. They were very thoughtful. Your kindness is greatly appreciated and will never be forgotten.

The family of Valerie A. (Lawrence) Floren

557344 33rp

SCALZO SCALZO GRANITE GRANITE && MEMORIALS MEMORIALS Memorials of Distinction at Affordable Prices

Spooner, Wisconsin • 715-635-9122 715-520-7075

Friday service will be held at 6 p.m., on April 6. Sunday, April 8, Son Rise service will be held at 6:21 a.m. on the Shell Lake beach at the shelter house. The Men’s Club will serve breakfast at 7:30 a.m. A 9 a.m. worship service will be held at Sarona Methodist Church with a 10:30 a.m. worship service at Shell Lake. Salem Lutheran Church will host Maundy Thursday services on April 5 at 7 p.m. They will join with the Methodist church for Good Friday services on April 6, at 6 p.m. Easter Sunday worship is at 9 a.m. on April 8 with a breakfast served at 10:15 a.m. St. Francis de Sales, St. Joseph, St. Catherine: Holy Thursday service will be held April 5, 7 p.m., at St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church in Spooner. Good Friday service will be held at noon at St. Joseph’s in Shell Lake, on Friday, April 6, and 3 p.m. at St. Francis, followed by Knights of Columbus smelt fry. Easter Vigil will be Saturday, April 7, 8:30 p.m., at St. Francis. Easter Sunday services on April 8 are: 8 a.m. St. Catherine’s in Sarona, 9:30 a.m. St. Joseph’s, and 11 a.m. at St. Francis. Lake Park Alliance Church: On Sunday, April 8, an Easter breakfast will be held at 8:30 a.m. Worship service is at 10 a.m. Spooner Wesleyan Church, Hwy. 70, west of the DNR, extends an invitation to attend The Easter Experience Good Friday service, I have the Promise of Eternal Life, on Friday, April 6, 7 p.m. My Hope is Secure Easter celebration service will be held at 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, April 8, with coffee fellowship between services. Nursery is provided. Barronett Lutheran Church: Maundy Thursday service will be held on April 5, 7 p.m. A Good Friday service is at 7 p.m. on Friday, April 6. The Spirit Connection will host a breakfast Easter morning, Sunday, April 8, starting at 7:30 a.m. The worship service is at 9 a.m. on Easter Sunday. Long Lake Lutheran Church: Maundy Thursday service April 5, 6 p.m.; Good Friday service April 6, 5 p.m.; Easter Sunday service at 9 a.m. — with submitted information

Sarona by Marian Furchtenicht

April arrived with a nice day. Our primary elections were held Tuesday. Income taxes are due this month and also due are some April showers. The last week of March ended with a bit cooler temps, had to fire up the wood furnace. It’s panfish time. With the ice going out of the bigger lakes much ahead of norml, I’ve been seeing boats going by to Bear Lake. Wayne Schlapper, Stevens Point, motorcycled up Sunday and visited his mom. While here, he tilled her garden. Mavis reports her apricot trees are loaded with white blossoms. Son Roger came and took my lawn mower up to the farm shop and has it ready for me for what’s to come. The way the grass is growing it won’t be long. Willie Lombard got back from a couple-weeks trip to Alaska visiting his siblings, brother Ted, sisters Fran and Doreen and their families. Brother Andy from Colorado flew up also so they had a good time together. Dort Lombard, Spooner Nursing Home, went along with her daughter, Linda, and Bill Hines, Superior, to Durand on Sunday to the birthday celebration of her sister, Ann (Roeser) Rohlik, who turned 104. The party was held at the nursing home in Durand where she resides. Others attending were Sue Miller, Menomonie; Vicki and Art Lyons, and Willie and Vicki Lombard. Reports are she’s really alert, looked at pictures and visited. They had a special cake for a very special gal and special prayers go out for her for continued good health. Gene and Carlotta Romsos took in the finals of the end-ofthe-season curling club in Rice Lake, taking place Wednesday through Friday night. There was a dance and banquet at Turtle Back on Saturday night with couples’ finals ending Sunday afternoon. Elaine Krugar, one of our snowbirds, is flying home Tuesday from Fort Meyers, Fla., where she’s been since January, with her sister, Lois. Elaine lives in an apartment in Spooner. Barb Anderson was going to pick her up at the airport. Marlene Hansen reports daughter Krista and son Jaydon went back to Minot, N.D., to her home in early March after being here with her since Thanksgiving. Her husband, Karl Okonek, gets home Wednesday after a four-month duty tour in Guam. Renee Zimmerman and her cousin, Michelle Magnus, got home Wednesday after vacationing in Cancun, Mexico, for a week, staying at the Barceló Resort. Report a good time. Gloria and Anton Frey, her sister, Joann Paulson, and brother Bill Foltz, their kids and grands got together Saturday night, helping their mom and grandma, Dorothy Foltz, celebrate her 99th birthday, taking supper and special cake, held at the convalescent home in Rice Lake where she resides. Elaine Ryan played on the Klopp’s pool team on Saturday when Taste Budz hosted a women’s pool tournament with eight or more teams attending. Klopp’s took first place. Sandi Vogt reports spring is definitely a time of renewal – renewal of fishing licenses, burning permits and funds for tax coffers. Docks and boats are being put in on the lake and nice to see the loons are back. Several Big Ripley folks joined the trap club’s poker run benefit on Sunday and rode their four-wheelers to the local pubs to get their stamps. The weather was on the cool side, but dry and snow-free made for fun riding. There were lots of four-wheelers out, including many neighbors that I saw. Lots going on this Holy Week for churches and family. Easter get-togethers and Easter break for the students. Dave and Kelly Stoner stopped by and visited at Anton and Gloria Frey’s. Elfreda West’s granddaughter Gina Notterman’s children, Levi and baby Chase, visited her when she was up from the Twin Cities, spending the weekend at her folks, Debbie and Mark West’s. Saturday, Elfreda West went along with daughter Ellen Wagoner to Spooner to watch her great-granddaughters Madison, Kennedy and Riley skate. They are the children of Dorien and Ike Glaze. Report it was really nice. A good turnout from Sarona UMC at the Easter cantata service on Sunday at the UMC in Shell Lake. It was excellent. Thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery to Dorothy Esser who was in the Spooner hospital with pneumonia and to Charlotte Ross who is having cataract surgery and also to Ken Rieter who is scheduled for a knee replacement this week. Friday evening, I enjoyed supper at daughter Mary and John Marschall’s. Sara and Kyle came up and Brady and Ashley and Brian and friend Jade were there. Mary prepared a great meal. Brett Holman and grandson Casey Furchtenicht visited me one evening, bringing me monster cookie dough. Casey and I always make just chocolate chip so Brett wanted me to try the kind he and his grandma make. There was a little left by the time they got it here. It was so thoughtful of them and really good. Happy birthday this week to Matt Kubista, Stephanie Hemshrot, and also Dorothy Synder in Sheboygan, April 5; Russ Furchtenicht, Andrew Baker, Stacey Berecker, April 6; Kierra Harrington, Rocky and Corey Furchtenicht, Joyce Soholt, Elvina Lalan, Mary Lee Tautges, and Shania Pokorny on April 7; Danielle Ryan and Richard Scheffel, April 8; Ronnie Christianson, Luke Anderson, Henry Ness, Roger Lancette, Margie Waggoner, Trudy Meister and Henry Baker, April 9; Logan Gohde, Brent Gramberg, Duane Halverson, and former Sarona Methodist Pastor Chuck Wendt on April 10; Bob Dahle, Danielle Benjamin, Shannon Kline and Bill Krause, April 11. Have a fun day! Happy anniversary wishes to Kevin and Laurie Smith and Andy and Elizabeth Meyers on April 6; Dean and Kim Schlapper down in Texas on April 7; Tom and Gloria Elliott, their 40th; and Jim and Yvonne Mogensen on April 8. Seen on a senior’s car window sticker: I’m speeding because I have to get there before I forget where I’m going! A blessed Easter wishes from Sarona folks.



Lake Park Alliance 53 3rd Ave., Shell Lake Pastor John Sahlstrom Lay Pastor Richard Peterson Youth leader Ryan Hunziker 715-468-2734 Worship Service: 10 a.m. Youth Group, 7th - 12th grades: Wednesdays 7 - 8:30 p.m.


Northwoods Baptist

W6268 Cranberry Dr., Shell Lake; 1 mile north of CTH B on U.S. 253 Pastor Adam Dunshee 715-468-2177 Sunday School: 10 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. Sunday service: 6 p.m. Wednesday service: 7 p.m.

Spooner Baptist

W7135 Green Valley Rd. (Green Valley Rd. and Hwy. 63) Pastor Darrel Flaming 715-635-2277 www.spoonerbaptist.com Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. Sunday evening service 6 p.m. Wed. evening service 6:30 p.m.


St. Joseph's Catholic

100 N. Second St., Shell Lake Father Edwin Anderson Saturday Mass: 4:30 p.m. Books and Coffee: Tues. 9 a.m.

St. Catherine's Catholic

CTH D, Sarona Father Edwin Anderson 715-468-7850 Sunday Mass: 8:30 a.m.

St. Francis de Sales

409 N. Summit St., Spooner Father Edwin Anderson 715-635-3105 Saturday Mass: 6 p.m. Sunday Mass: 10 a.m.


Faith Lutheran

St. Alban's

Corner of Elm and Summit St., Spooner Father Bob Rodgers 715-635-8475 Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Holy Eucharist: Sunday at 10:30 a.m. and Thursday at 9:30 a.m. Morning prayer: 8:15 a.m. Monday - Thursday

Full Gospel Shell Lake Full Gospel

293 S. Hwy. 63, Shell Lake Pastor Virgil Amundson 715-468-2895 Sunday School & Adult Education Classes: 9 a.m. Celebration worship 10 a.m.; KFC (Kids For Christ) during Service; UTurn Student Ministries 6 p.m.; Tuesdays: Compassion Connection (Men only) 7 p.m.; Wednesdays: Compassion Connection (Women only) 7 p.m.; Thurdays: Compassion Connection (Coed meetings) 7 p.m.;


Barronett Lutheran 776 Prospect Ave., Barronett Pastor Todd Ahneman 715-671-3197 (cell) Sunday Worship: 9 a.m. The Spirit Connection Youth Group will meet the first Wednesday of the month at 6 p.m.

Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church

(WELS) Hwy. 70 at Hwy. 53, Spooner Pastor Gene E. Jahnke 715-635-7672, Home: 715-354-7787 Sunday Worship: 9:30 a.m. Sunday School and Bible class: 10:45 a.m.

(Missouri Synod) South of Spooner off Hwy. W7148 Luther Rd. Pastor Brent Berkesch 715-635-8167 Sunday Worship 8 a.m. Sunday School 9:15 a.m. Praise and Worship 10:30 Lutheran Hour on WJMC 96.1 FM Radio at 9 a.m. Sundays

Long Lake Lutheran Church W3114 Church Rd., Sarona Pastor Mary Strom Sunday Worship 9 a.m. Sunday School 9 a.m.

Salem Lutheran, ELCA

803 Second St., Shell Lake 715-468-7718 www.shelllakesalem lutheran.org New hours starting Sunday, March 4, Worship 9 a.m. Sunday School 10:15 a.m..

Timberland Ringebu Free Lutheran

20805 CTH H, Barronett 715-468-4403 Pastor Al Bedard Sunday School 8:30 a.m. Family Worship 9:30 a.m. Fellowship follows worship Holy Communion first Sunday of the month Midweek Studies Tuesdays 2 & 7 p.m.

Trinity Lutheran

1790 Scribner St., Spooner 715-635-3603 Sunday Worship: 8 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. Sunday School: 9:15 a.m.


United Methodist

135 Reinhart Dr., Shell Lake, 715-468-2405 Pastor Gregory Harrell Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. Sunday School during worship time; FISH Youth Group Wednesday, 7:30 - 9 p.m.

Sarona Methodist


United Methodist 312 Elm St., Spooner 715-635-3227 Rev. Jack Starr Sunday Worship: 10:45 a.m.

Lakeview United Methodist Williams Road, Hertel 715-635-3227 Rev. Jack Starr Sunday Worship: 9 a.m.


Church of the Nazarene

Hwy. 253 S, Spooner Rev. David Frazer 715-635-3496 Sunday Worship: 10:45 a.m. and 6 p.m.; Sunday School: 9:45 a.m.; Wednesday Adult, youth and children ministries: 6:30 p.m.


Spooner Wesleyan

Hwy. 70 W, Spooner www.spoonerwesleyan.org Senior Pastor Ronald W. Gormong; Assistant Pastor Chopper Brown 715-635-2768 Sunday Worship 9 a.m.; Sunday School and ABFs: 10:30 a.m.; nursery provided; Celebrate Recovery, now every Monday at 6:30 p.m. Team Kid ages 4 yrs. - 6th grade Wednesday 6:30 p.m.


Cornerstone Christian

Pastor Tom Kelby 106 Balsam St., Spooner 715-635-9222 www.cornerstonechurch spooner.com Sunday Worship: 10 a.m. Children’s Sunday School: 10:30 a.m.; Wed. Prayer: 6:30 p.m. Youth Group Wednesday: 6:30 p.m. Team Kid 4 years-6th grade 6:30 p.m.

Pastor Gregory Harrell Sunday worship 9 a.m.


onstantine the Great is credited with being the originator of the Easter Parade. It began on the first Easter Sunday following his conversion. On that day, he ordered the members of his court to wear their finest garments to honor and celebrate the resurrection of Christ. What will we wear for our Easter garments this year? New clothes covering an old nature? Costly garments hiding a deceitful heart? Changing our apparel will not change our attitudes or our actions. When we walk with the Lord, he will make all things new from the inside out. He is able to change our old nature into one of his making, a deceitful heart into one devoted to loving him and our stale thoughts into fresh new insights into the way he wants us to live. When we turn our lives over to the Lord, we will not need to worry about what we wear or where we walk in a parade. We will be covered with his grace, demonstrate his goodness and reflect his greatness wherever we are. Visit us at: TheSower.com.

This message is sponsored by the following businesses: Shell Lake State Bank

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Washburn County Abstract Company 407 N. Front St. • Spooner, Wis.

Silver Shears Salon (715) 635-7383

506 1st St. Shell Lake, Wis.

For Appointment 715-468-2404

White Birch Printing, Inc. Quality Printing Since 1963 501 W. Beaver Brook Ave. Spooner, Wis.


Country Pride Co-op

331 Hwy. 63 • Shell Lake • 715-468-2302 Cenex Convenience Store: Mon.-Fri. 5:30 a.m.-10 p.m.; Sat. & Sun. 6 a.m.-10 p.m.



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• Washburn County’s only locally owned funeral home. • Convenient off-street parking with handicap accessibility. • Spacious chapel and lounge areas. • Prearrangements. • Company-owned crematory.

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In interested, applications may be obtained at:

The Potter’s Shed 260 Industrial Blvd. 557335 33-34r Shell Lake, WI 54871 Find us across from the high school in Shell Lake.

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Apply in person.

SPOONER AUTO LAUNDRY 701 S. River St. Spooner, WI

Court news

Richard A. Phernetton, Montesano, Wash., first-degree sexual assault of child, $345.00, state prison, extended supervision.

Country Pride



556882 32-33r 22-23b


The following .50 F.T.E. (approx) position is available in the Shell Lake School District:

PK-12 Physical Education Instructor 7-12 Health Instructor

556880 32-33r 22-23b

This is a .50 F.T.E. position starting in August, 2012. This position will provide physical education and health instruction in grades PK - 12 at the Shell Lake School District. D.P.I. license, Physical Education 530 and Health 910, will be required. Coaching positions also available. To apply: Applicants must send the following: • Letter of application • Resume • Current D.P.I. license(s). • Three letters of recommendation • Copy of official transcripts Successful applicant must pass a criminal background check, drug screen and required medical exam. Start Date: August 20, 2012 Application Deadline: April 10, 2012 Submit application materials to: Mr. Donald Peterson School District of Shell Lake 271 Hwy. 63 S. Shell Lake, WI 54871 The Shell Lake School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex or disability.

1. Part-Time Pet Groomer 2. Cashier Apply In Person

557454 33r,b

7-12 Spanish Instructor

This .35 F.T.E. (Approx) Spanish position will start with the 2012/ 2013 school year. This position will provide Spanish Education in grades 7 - 12 in the Shell Lake School District and includes opportunities for additional after-school related duties or extracurricular coaching. D.P.I. license, Spanish Education 365, will be required or capability to receive an emergency Spanish Education license through D.P.I. To apply: Applicants must send the following: • Letter of application • Resume • D.P.I. license • Three letters of recommendation • Copy of official transcripts Successful applicant must pass a criminal background check, drug screen and required medical exam. Start Date: August 20, 2012 Application Deadline: April 10, 2012 Submit application materials to: Mr. Don Peterson, 7-12 Principal School District of Shell Lake 271 Hwy. 63 S. Shell Lake, WI 54871 The Shell Lake School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex or disability.

1/2 mile south of Shell Lake on Hwy. 63.


is now accepting applications for the following seasonal jobs:

HEAD COOK SPRING ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATORS For full job descriptions or to learn more go to www.hunthill.org or contact us at 715-635-6543.

557456 33rp

The following part-time position is available in the Shell Lake School District:

Country Store Positions Opening


The following part-time position is available in the Shell Lake School District:

7-8 Language Arts Instructor

This .75 F.T.E. (Approx) Language Arts position will start with the 2012/2013 school year. This position will provide Language Arts Education in grades 7 - 8 in the Shell Lake School District. D.P.I. license, consistent with teaching 7/8 Language Arts, is required. Preferred but not required 1-8 licensure. A 316 Reading license a plus. To apply: Applicants must send the following: • Letter of application • Resume • D.P.I. license • Three letters of recommendation • Copy of official transcripts Successful applicant must pass a criminal background check, drug screen and required medical exam. Start Date: August 20, 2012 Application Deadline: April 10, 2012 Submit application materials to: Mr. Don Peterson, 7-12 Principal School District of Shell Lake 271 Hwy. 63 S. Shell Lake, WI 54871 The Shell Lake School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex or disability.

556878 32-33r 22-23b

March 22, 2012



Notice Is Hereby Given That The Sarona Town Board Will Be Meeting On Tuesday, April 10, 2012, At 6 p.m. At The Sarona Town Hall


Theagendashall bepostedoneday priortomeeting. 557108 33r Vic toriaLombard,C lerk

Notice Is Hereby Given The Annual Meeting Of The Town Of Sarona Will Be Held On Tuesday, April 10, 2012, At 7 p.m. At The Sarona Town Hall


Theagendashall bepostedoneday priortothemeeting. 556944 32-33r Victo riaLombard,C lerk


(Mar. 21, 28, Apr. 4, 11, 18, 25) NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE By virtue of and pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure entered in the action of AgStar Financial Services, FLCA vs. Vilas R. Allaback, et al, Washburn County Case No. 11CV119, I will sell at public auction at the north entrance of the Washburn County Courthouse, 10 4th Avenue, Shell Lake, Wis., on Wednesday, May 9, 2012, at 10:00 a.m., the following described premises, located in Washburn County, Wisconsin: The SE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 28, Township 40 North, Range 10 West, Town of Bass Lake, Washburn County, Wisconsin, except the Easterly 996 feet thereof. Also including a 2001 Skyline Lexington Serial No. D6300811NAB, affixed to and part of the real property. PROPERTY ADDRESS: W1596 County Hwy. E, Springbrook, WI 54875. Notice is further given that the successful purchaser will be responsible for the lien of real estate taxes, for the municipal charges, if any, the Wisconsin real estate transfer fee, and is responsible for obtaining possession of the property, which is sold “as is.” TERMS OF SALE: Cash with 10% to be paid at time of sale. /s/Sheriff Terry Dryden Washburn County, Wisconsin James Flory Wiley Law, S.C. P.O. Box 629 Eau Claire, WI 54702-0629 Phone: 715-835-6171

Notice is hereby given that the Annual Town Meeting for the Town of Barronett will be held at the Town Hall, N1608 South Heart Lake Road, on Tuesday, April 10, 2012, at 8 p.m. 556615 Patricia A. Parker, Clerk 32-33r

(April 4, 11, 18) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT WASHBURN COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF Linda L. Hove Order Setting Deadline for Filing a Claim (Formal Administration) Case No. 12 PR 11 A petition for formal administration was filed. THE COURT FINDS: 1. The decedent, with date of birth Nov. 13, 1956, and date of death Jan. 20, 2012, was domiciled in Washburn County, State of Wisconsin, with a mailing address of W1754 Larson Rd., Hayward, WI 54843. 2. All interested persons waived notice. THE COURT ORDERS: 1. The deadline for filing a claim against the decedent’s estate is June 27, 2012. 2. A claim must be filed at the Washburn County Courthouse, Shell Lake, Wisconsin. BY THE COURT: Eugene D. Harrington Circuit Court Judge March 27, 2012. Kathryn zumBrunnen Box 96 Spooner, WI 54801 715-635-3174 Bar No. 1016913

557171 WNAXLP

The Potter’s Shed Is Now Accepting Applications For Temporary/ Seasonal Help In Our Café, Gallery & Paint Your Own Areas Along With A Glazer In The Production Area

Full-Time Front Counter Person

miss a deer, drove off the roadway and hit tree stumps. Occupants were Alex J. Streitz, 17, Spooner, and Ben J. Paul, 17, Spooner. All three reported injuries. The vehicle had moderate damage and was towed.

556367 WNAXLP



Sunday, Mar. 25 At 5:25 p.m. Jarret H. Matton, 20, Sarona, was backing out of a private driveway at W5030 CTH A in Spooner when he hit a parked car. Moderate damage was reported to the parked car and minor damage to the rear of Matton’s vehicle. No injuries were reported. At 7:30 p.m. Corinne A. Elliot, 17, Shell Lake, was westbound on Rustic Lake Drive, 100 feet west of Trail’s End in Spooner when she swerved to

557410 33r

Help Wanted

The Register is a cooperativeowned newspaper



The Washburn County Forestry Department will be accepting bids for a new 80-90 h.p. compact track loader. Bids will be accepted until 4:30 p.m., Friday, April 20, 2012. Bid information is available at Washburn County Forestry, 557495 33-34r 850 W. Beaverbrook Ave., Spooner, WI 54801

Garage sales


SHELL LAKE ARTS CENTER 802 First St., Shell Lake

Thursday, April 12, Noon - 7 p.m. Friday, April 13, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Lower-Level Doors No Early Sales, Please Lots of 1950s vintage chairs, desks, tables and equipment; old computers and technology; shelving; ping-pong tables; and lots of miscellaneous.

557431 33r 23b

It’s all in color online! www.wcregister.net




Notice is hereby given the Barronett Town Board shall hold its monthly Board meeting on Tues., April 10, 2012, at 7 p.m. at the Barronett Town Hall, N1608 South Heart Lake Road. The agenda shall be posted at least one (1) day prior to meeting. 557107 33r Patricia A. Parker, Clerk

ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS WASHBURN COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT, SPOONER, WISCONSIN Official Notice to Contractors Sealed proposals for materials and services described herein will be received until 2 p.m., Monday, April 16, 2012, by the Washburn County Highway Dept., Office of the Highway Commissioner, 1600 County Highway H, Spooner, WI 54801. PROPOSAL CONTRACT #12-12E Attachments for Two Tandem-Axle Trucks PROPOSAL CONTRACT #13-12E One All-Wheel-Drive Grader (trade options #21 & #26) PROPOSAL CONTRACT #14-12M 4,000-Gallon Emulsion Oil Storage Tank (new) Proposal forms and specifications are on file and available upon request at the Office of the Washburn County Highway Dept., phone 715-635-4480, fax 715-635-4485. Each Proposal must be accompanied by a bid bond, certified check, bank’s draft, or postal money order made payable to the Washburn County Highway Department in the amount of 5 percent (5%) of the total amount bid. Certified checks shall be drawn on the account of the bidder submitting the Proposal. Bidders wishing to submit their bid by mail may do so at their own risk. Bids received through mail by the Washburn County Highway Department later than the time set forth above will be returned unopened. The correct mailing address is Washburn County Highway Department, 1600 County Highway H, Spooner, WI 54801. The County reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids, to waive any technicalities, and to select the bid proposal deemed most advantageous to the Washburn County Highway Department. Jon Johnson, Commissioner Washburn County Highway Dept. 557441 33-34r WNAXLP


} }


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at an election to be held in the several towns, villages, wards and election districts of the State of Wisconsin, on November 6, 2012, ten electors for President and Vice President of the United States, one for each congressional district and two for the state at-large, are to be elected. The names of presidential electors do not appear on the ballot, but each vote cast for a presidential candidate is a vote for the electors of the candidate. Independent candidates for president or vice president may circulate nomination papers beginning July 1, 2012, and must file nomination papers with the Government Accountability Board no later than 5:00 p.m. on August 7, 2012. The Government Accountability Board is located at 212 E. Washington Avenue, 3rd Floor, Madison, Wisconsin.


NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that in the several towns, villages, wards and election districts of the State of Wisconsin, at a primary to be held on Tuesday, August 14, 2012, and at an election to be held on Tuesday, November 6, 2012, the following officers are to be nominated and elected:


ONE UNITED STATES SENATOR, for the term of 6 years, to succeed the present incumbent listed, whose terms of office will expire on January 3, 2013: Herbert H. Kohl REPRESENTATIVES IN CONGRESS, each for the term of 2 years, to succeed the present incumbents listed, whose terms of office will expire on January 3, 2013: 7th Congressional District Sean Duffy REPRESENTATIVES TO THE ASSEMBLY, each for the term of two years, to succeed the present incumbents listed, whose terms of office will expire on January 7, 2013: District 73 Nick Milroy District 75 Roger Rivard Congressional and legislative district boundaries are described in Chapters 3 and 4 of the Wisconsin Statutes. A copy of the boundary descriptions can be obtained from the Government Accountability Board or the Legislative Reference Bureau at 1 East Main Street, Suite 200, Madison, Wisconsin. DISTRICT ATTORNEYS, each for the term of four years, to succeed the present incumbents listed, whose terms of office will expire on January 7, 2013: Washburn County J. Michael Bitney


COUNTY OFFICERS, for each county of the State for the term of four years, to succeed the present incumbent in the office of County Clerk, Treasurer, Register of Deeds and Surveyor, whose terms of office will expire on January 6, 2013: County Clerk Lynn Hoeppner County Treasurer Janet Ullom Register of Deeds Diane Poach


NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the first day for circulating nomination papers is April 15, 2012, and the deadline for filing nomination papers is no later than 5 p.m. on Friday, June 1, 2012. All federal and state office candidates, including district attorney candidates, file with the Government Accountability Board. All county partisan office candidates file with their respective county clerks. DONE in the City of Shell Lake, this 2nd day of April, 2012. /s/Lynn K. Hoeppner 557460 33r WNAXLP Washburn County Clerk

Washburn County

R e g i s t e r Serving the community since 1889

MEETING NOTICE - CITY OF SHELL LAKE The Shell Lake City Council will meet Monday, April 9, 2012, at 7 p.m. in the Council Chambers, City Hall. AGENDA Public Comment; Approval Of Minutes; Reports From Appointed Officials; Reports From Committee Chairpersons; New Business: Conditional Use Permits Requests; Eight Short-Term Rentals; Schultz Automotive - New Building Industrial Park; Library Board Resignation And Appointment; Water Tower Painting Bids; Well Renovation Bids; Temporary Class B Beer/Wine License Application – Shell Lake Arts Center; Date Change Temporary Class B Beer License – Theatre In The Woods; ATV Campground Grant Applications; Stewardship Grant Application – Campground And Park Improvements; Request To Authorize Lifeguard Supervisor And Parks And Recreation Committee; Chairperson To Hire 2012 Lifeguard And Swim Instructor Staff; Cooperation Agreement TH, Inc. & City Of Shell Lake For New Duplex. Unfinished Business. Any other items that may be added to this agenda will be posted at City Hall. 557458 33r WNAXLP Bradley A. Pederson, City Administrator

NOTICE OF RECALL ELECTION GOVERNOR, LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR MAY 8, 2012 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Certificate of Sufficiency and Order filed by the Government Accountability Board of the State of Wisconsin, dated the 30th day of March, 2012, it is ordered that on Tuesday, May 8, 2012, a Recall Election will be held in the all wards and election districts of the County of Washburn, State of Wisconsin, as described in Chapter 4 of the Wisconsin Statutes, at which the following officer is to be elected: A GOVERNOR FOR THE STATE OF WISCONSIN, to succeed Scott Walker, against whom a recall petition has been filed pursuant to Article XIII, Section 12 of the Wisconsin Constitution and Section 9.10 of the Wisconsin Statutes, for the remainder of the term which expires on January 5, 2015. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Certificate of Sufficiency and Order filed by the Government Accountability Board of the State of Wisconsin, dated the 30th day of March, 2012, it is ordered that on Tuesday, May 8, 2012, a Recall Election will be held in the several wards and election districts of the State of Wisconsin, as described in Chapter 4 of the Wisconsin Statutes, at which the following officer is to be elected: A LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR FOR THE STATE OF WISCONSIN, to succeed Rebecca Kleefisch, against whom a recall petition has been filed pursuant to Article XIII, Section 12 of the Wisconsin Constitution and Section 9.10 of the Wisconsin Statutes, for the remainder of the term which expires on January 5, 2015. NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that the earliest date for circulating nomination papers is Friday, March 30, 2012, and the deadline for filing nomination papers for the Recall Election will be 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 10, 2012, in the office of the Government Accountability Board. The Recall Primary, if necessary, will be held on Tuesday, May 8, 2012, and the Recall Election will be held on Tuesday, June 5, 2012. DONE in the City of Shell Lake, this 2nd day of April, 2012. 557459 33r WNAXLP Lynn K. Hoeppner, Washburn County Clerk


TheWashburnC ountyZoningC om m itteew ill holdabusinessm eetingTuesday, A pril 24, 2012, at 3:30p.m ., intheWashburnC ountyB oardroom , Elliott B uilding, 110FourthA venueWest,S hell Lake,Wisconsin.


Rezoningrequestshavebeenfiledw iththeWashburnC ountyZoningO fficefor changesinthezoningdistrict. Thepublichearingw ill beheldA pril 24, 2012, at 4 p.m ., intheWashburnC ountyB oardroom , Elliott B uilding, 110FourthA venue West,S hell Lake,Wisconsin. B IRC HWO O DTow nship:JohnC onnolly,S toneLake,Wisconsin.Arequesttorezoneapproxim ately14.1acres: M ap# B 1659/RecordID #: 5584 - 14.1acres: Part of G ovt. Lot 4 S ection2-38-10Tow nof B irchw ood, 14.1acresof theproperty describedabovefromA griculturetoResidentialRecreational1,tom akelakelots. S A RO N ATow nship: Russel Furchtenicht, S arona, Wisconsin. Arequest to rezoneapproxim ately20acres: M ap# S A282A /RecordID #: 34379 - 20acresW 1/2of theS W 1/4 S E 1/4 S ection16-37-12, 4 acresof thepropertydescribed abovefromA griculturetoResidentialRecreational2,tosell 4 acres. LO N GLA KE Tow nship:D avidB angsbergTrust,Portland,O regon.Arequestto rezone. M ap#: LL1168/RecordID #: 17484 - WoodlandParkLot 11B lock1and Lot12B lock1,S ection23-37-11,Tow nofLongLake,torezonefromResidential toResidentialRecreational1tobeabletorenthouseforshort-termuse. LO N GLA KE Tow nship: M ichael&PatriciaG ibbs, B lacklick, O hio. Arequest to rezoneproperty.M ap#: LL1092/RecordID #: 17377 - LittleB earA ddLot17 B lock 1,S ection22-37-11,Tow nofLongLake,torezonefromResidentialtoResidential Recreational1tobeabletorenthouseforshort-termuse.


C onditional userequestshavebeenfiledw iththeWashburnC ountyZoning O ffice. Thepublichearingw ill beheldA pril 24, 2012, im m ediatelyfollow ingthe rezoningrequests, intheWashburnC ounty B oardroom , Elliott B uilding, 110 FourthA venueWest,S hell Lake,Wisconsin. LO N GLA KE Tow nship: D avidB angsbergTrust, Portland, O regon. M ap#: LL 1168/RecordID #: 17484 - WoodlandParkLot 11B lock1andLot 12B lock1, S ection23-37-11, Tow nof LongLake, requestingaconditionaluseperm it tobe abletorenthouseforshort-termuse. LO N GLA KE Tow nship: M ichael &PatriciaG ibbs, B lacklick, O hio. M ap#: LL 1092/RecordID #: 17377 - LittleB earA ddLot17 B lock1,S ection22-37-11,Tow n ofLongLake,requestingtohaveaconditionaluseperm ittobeabletorenthouse forshort-termuse. Interestedpersonsw ill begiventheopportunitytobeheard.Thecom m itteew ill deliberatein“O penS ession.” Handicappedaccessisavailablethroughthesouth door; parkingishearthedoor. Thisagendaandthesubsequentm eetingm inutes areavailableinlargetype. If youneedassistance, pleasecall LynnHoeppnerat 715-468-4600,priortothem eeting. WebsterM acom ber,ZoningA dm inistrator 557312 33-34r WNAXLP


A public hearing will be held Monday, April 9, 2012, at 4:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers, City Hall, 501 First Street, Shell Lake, WI, on the following requests: Robert Alleva, 2365 S. Oak Dr., Red Wing, MN 55066, requests a variance for Pt. Gov’t. Lot 6 & 7, combined Lots 32 & 33, Rolph’s Point (unrecorded plat), City of Shell Lake to construct a dwelling that would require reduced front and rear yard setbacks. Zoning Classification: Residential Lakeshore (unsewered) RL-2. Zoning Ordinance Sec. 13-1-26(c)(4) Yard Requirements and 13-3-17 Dimensional Standards. The Board of Appeals may adjourn for an on-site review of the lot and return to the City Hall to reconvene for deliberation and decisions. Lee Gramberg, W9317 County B, Shell Lake, WI 54871, requests an interpretation under Section 13-1-190(c)(3) for Lots 7-10, Block 5, First Addition and Pt. Gov’t. Lot 3, (461 Highway 63), City of Shell Lake, to determine if a prefabricated building manufacturing/assembly business would be of the same general character of those listed or incidental to uses which will not be detrimental to the character of the commercial district. Zoning Classification: General Commercial C-1. Zoning Ordinance 13-1-28(b)(11). Clint R. Stariha, Zoning Administrator 556977 32-33r WNAXLP


Mayor Peterson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Council members present were Barnes-Haesemeyer, Bitney, Eiche, Graf, Harrington, Leckel, Pederson and Shelton. Also present were Jeff Parker, Clint Stariha, Jessica Beecroft, Bill Jenderny and Brad Pederson. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. Bitney moved, seconded by Barnes-Haesemeyer, to approve the February 13, 2012, regular meeting minutes. The motion carried. SHELL LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION: It was reported the annual EDC meeting will be held March 21, 2012. Jeff Parker reported on the Public Works Department’s activities. Mr. Parker noted the sewer utility has experienced three sewage backups in the last few months. Mr. Parker reported the City of Spooner assisted our utility by videoing the sewer main located in the alley behind the City Hall/Library building. Two of the blockages were caused by roots growing into faulty lateral connections. Mr. Parker will be soliciting proposals for repair of these lateral connections. Clint Stariha reported on Police Department and zoning activities. LAKE PROTECTION: Mayor Peterson reported she has appointed Jane Pederson, Dan Harrington and Dave Vold to serve as the hiring committee for the 2012 Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Inspection Program. Barnes-Haesemeyer moved, seconded by Graf, to authorize the AIS Hiring Committee to hire the 2012 AIS employees. The motion carried. Information on the 2012 NW Wisconsin Lakes Conference, to be held in Spooner, WI, on June 22, 2012, was distributed. EXECUTIVE/HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE: The March 5, 2012, committee meeting minutes were reviewed. PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION: The March 7, 2012, committee meeting minutes were read. It was reported the committee recommends the City contribute $250 to the Experience Works 2011-2012 Community Partnership Campaign as we usually have an Experience Works employee working with the city crew. Barnes-Haesemeyer moved, seconded by Bitney, to approve the $250 contribution. The motion carried. FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION: The March 12, 2012, committee meeting minutes were reviewed. It was reported the committee recommends the City Council grant temporary Class B beer licenses to Theatre in the Woods for March 24, 2012, and May 19, 2012. Bitney moved, seconded by Shelton, to grant the licenses. The motion carried 7-yes, Barnes-Haesemeyerabstained. Graf moved, seconded by Eiche, to approve vouchers 120249. The motion carried. The Budget Status Report was reviewed. PARKS AND RECREATION: An Amendment to the City of Shell Lake Outdoor Recreation Plan was presented as follows: Add to Page 16 (Shell Lake Campground/Class A Launch) “Add sewer system, Upgrade water system, Upgrade lighting and Improve landscaping.” It was noted the P&R Committee agreed with the concept of applying for a grant to cover 50% of eligible costs with construction to be done in 2013 pending grant approval. Barnes-Haesemeyer moved, seconded by Bitney, to approve the Amendment to the City of Shell Lake Outdoor Recreation Plan. Upon a unanimous vote the motion carried. NEW BUSINESS: Draft Zoning Code amendments that would result in the elimination of the City Council from the conditional use permit (CUP) process, for short-term rentals only, were reviewed. The City Council decided, by consensus, not to proceed with any code revisions pertaining to the City Council’s involvement in the CUP process at this time. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Letters from Statewide Services, Inc. pertaining to a sewer backup claim for damages incurred February 8, 2012, at 322 6th Avenue were reviewed. Statewide Services, Inc. administers the claims for the League of Wisconsin Municipalities Mutual Insurance which provides coverage to the City of Shell Lake. Statewide Services, Inc. recommends the City of Shell Lake deny the claims from Larry Alt, Denise Antus and Germantown Mutual pursuant to Wisconsin Statute for disallowance of claims 893.80(1g). The basis of the denial would be that the City would not be responsible for this unforeseen blockage. Graf moved, seconded by Pederson, to disallow the claims pursuant to WI Stat. 893.80(1g). Upon a unanimous vote the motion carried. NEW BUSINESS: It was decided to schedule the organizational meeting for April 17, 2012, at 4:00 p.m. or 4:30 p.m. if there are no conflicts with an earlier time. It was also decided to schedule the audit presentation for the May 14, 2012, regular meeting. Copies of letters from Regional Hospice Services and St. Croix Valley Foundation were distributed. Alderperson Leckel reported he volunteered to be take the lead role in the July 3 fireworks fundraising effort. Bitney moved, seconded by Shelton, to adjourn at 7:55 p.m. The motion carried. Sally Peterson, Mayor Bradley A. Pederson, City Administrator 557170 33r WNAXLP


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555761 WNAXLP


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(March 28, April 4, 11) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT WASHBURN COUNTY RIVERSIDE FINANCE, INC. c/o Associated Bank, N.A. 1305 Main Street Stevens Point, WI 54481 Plaintiff, vs. LENNARD A. SPEXET W8310 Highway 70 Spooner, WI 54801 CHARITY M. SPEXET W8310 Highway 70 Spooner, WI 54801 AUDREY SPEXET S4327 4th Avenue Spooner, WI 54801 Defendants. Case No. 12-CV-29 Hon. Eugene D. Harrington Br. 1 SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION THE STATE OF WISCONSIN TO: LENNARD A. SPEXET CHARITY M. SPEXET You are hereby notified that the Plaintiff named above has filed a lawsuit or other legal action against you. Within forty (40) days after March 28, 2012, you must respond with a written demand for a copy of the Complaint. The demand must be sent or delivered to the Clerk of Circuit Court, whose address is Washburn County Courthouse, 10 4th Ave., P.O. Box 339, Shell Lake, WI 54871-0339 and to Mallery & Zimmerman, S.C., Plaintiff’s attorney, whose address is 500 Third Street, Suite 800, P.O. Box 479, Wausau, Wis. 54402-0479. You may have an attorney help or represent you. If you do not demand a copy of the Complaint within forty (40) days, the Court may grant judgment against you for the award of a money or other legal action requested in the Complaint, and you may lose your right to object to anything that is or may be incorrect in the Complaint. A judgment may be enforced as provided by law. A judgment awarding money may become a lien against any real estate you own now or in the future, and may also be enforced by garnishment or seizure of property. Dated: March 20, 2012 MALLERY & ZIMMERMAN, S.C. Attorneys for Plaintiff BY: /s/ John A. Cravens JOHN A. CRAVENS State Bar No. 1001261 Please direct all correspondence, inquiries and pleadings to: Amy L. Unertl Mallery & Zimmerman, S.C. 500 Third Street, Suite 800 P.O. Box 479 Wausau, WI 54402-0479 715-845-8234 This is an attempt to collect a debt. Any information obtained will be used for that purpose. This communication is from a debt collector.

(Feb. 29, Mar. 7, 14, 21, 28, Apr. 4) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT WASHBURN COUNTY BAC HOME LOANS SERVICING, L.P. Plaintiff vs. DOUGLAS D. DAVIS, et al. Defendant(s) Case Number: 09 CV 163 NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by virtue of a judgment of foreclosure entered on November 16, 2009, in the amount of $256,878.09, the Sheriff will sell the described premises at public auction as follows: TIME: April 18, 2012, at 10:30 a.m. TERMS: 1. 10% down in cash or money order at the time of sale; balance due within 10 days of confirmation of sale; failure to pay balance due will result in forfeit of deposit to plaintiff. 2. Sold “as is” and subject to all legal liens and encumbrances. PLACE: At the North entrance of Washburn County Courthouse located at 10 4th Avenue, Shell Lake, Wisconsin. DESCRIPTION: Lot 3 of Certified Survey Map No. 2965, recorded in Volume 13, Page 122, as Document No. 292231, being a part of the Southeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 and part of the Northeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 27, Township 39 North, Range 12 West, in the Town of Spooner, Washburn County, Wisconsin. Together with the right of ingress and egress over and across the Southeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4, the Northeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4, the Southwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 and the Northwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 27, Township 39 North, Range 12 West, for roadway easement to Spooner Lake Road as shown in CSM No. 2965 and CSM No. 2966. PROPERTY ADDRESS: W5978 Kenneth Drive, Spooner, WI 54801. TAX KEY NO.: 65-034-2-39-1227-3-4-0030. Dated this 22nd day of February, 2012. Terry Dryden Sheriff of Washburn County Chaz M. Rodriguez State Bar #1063071 Blommer Peterman, S.C. 165 Bishops Way, Suite 100 Brookfield, WI 53005 262-790-5719 Please go to www.blommerpeterman.com to obtain the bid for this sale. Blommer Peterman, S.C., is the creditor’s attorney and is attempting to collect a debt on its behalf. Any information obtained will be used for the purpose. 284650

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Local Ads

SHELL LAKE SELF-STORAGE: FOR RENT: 2-BR home. Log-sided Convenient, 24-hour access. Spe- country home. Step out onto the cial low-cost boat storage. Call 715- deck and enjoy the lawn and your garden spot. Garage and 7-acre split 468-2910. 2rtfc PHOTO REPRINTS: Register horse pasture with water and shelNewspaper office, Lake Mall. Office ter included. Shell Lake School Dishours are Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m.- trict. 715-790-7354. 33-34rp 4 p.m. Color on photo paper, $5. DESTINATION SHELL LAKE, A visBlack and white on photo paper $3. itors guide to the Shell Lake area, is nearing publication for the 2012 seaMay take a week to receive. 32rp DENNY’S WINDOW SERVICE: son. If you would like to advertise Window washing and power wash- your business, please contact the ing. Free estimates. Fully insured. newspaper office at 715-468-2314. Chetek, Wis., 715-859-6195. 32- 31-33rp 34rp NOW HIRING: Oil change person/light equipment maintenance. Basic automotive knowledge, neat, dependable. Apply in person. Spooner Auto Laundry, 701 South River, Spooner, Wis. 33rc DON’T’ PAY HIGH HEATING BILLS: Eliminate them with an outdoor wood furnace from Central Boiler. Call today, 715-635-8499. 33rc


(Feb. 29, Mar. 7, 14, 21, 28, Apr. 4) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT WASHBURN COUNTY USDA RURAL DEVELOPMENT, Plaintiff, vs. STEVEN A. MONCEL, and SALENA MONCEL, et. al Defendants. CASE NO.: 11-CV-81 FORECLOSURE CASE CODE30404 NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE By virtue of a Judgment of Foreclosure made in the aboveentitled action on November 23, 2011, in the amount of $75,552.17, I will sell at public auction at the The North Entrance (a.k.a. North Steps) of the Washburn County Courthouse, 10 4th Avenue, Shell Lake, WI 54871, City of Shell Lake, County of Washburn, State of Wisconsin, on April 18, 2012, at 10:45 a.m., all of the following-described mortgaged premises, to wit: Lot Three (3), Block Fourteen (14), First Addition to the City of Spooner, Washburn County, Wisconsin. TAX KEY NO.: 65 281 2 39 12 31 5 15 001 620000. TERMS OF SALE: Cash. DOWN PAYMENT: 10% of amount bid by cash or cashier’s check due at time of sale. Balance of purchase price must be paid within ten (10) business days after confirmation of the sale. This property is sold “as is” subject to all legal encumbrances and any outstanding and accruing real estate taxes, special assessments, and penalties and interest, if any. Upon confirmation of the sale by the Court, purchaser will be required to pay all recording fees and, if desired, the cost of title evidence. Dated this 29th day of February, 2012, at Shell Lake, Wis. /s/Terry Dryden Sheriff Of Washburn County, Wi David B. Eskra KOHNER, MANN & KAILAS, S.C. Attorneys for Plaintiff 4650 N. Port Washington Road Milwaukee, WI 53212 PH: (414) 962-5110 The above property is located at: 314 Vine Street, Spooner, WI 54801. Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (15 U.S.C. Section 1692), we are required to state that we are attempting to collect a debt on our client’s behalf and any information we obtain will be used for that purpose. 555152 WNAXLP




DARLENE HANSON, et al. Defendant(s) Case Number: 11 CV 42 NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by virtue of a judgment of foreclosure entered on September 15, 2011, in the amount of $111,636.35 the Sheriff will sell the described premises at public auction as follows: TIME: April 25, 2012, at 10:30 a.m. TERMS: 1. 10% down in cash or money order at the time of sale; balance due within 10 days of confirmation of sale; failure to pay balance due will result in forfeit of deposit to plaintiff. 2. Sold “as is” and subject to all legal liens and encumbrances. PLACE: At the North entrance of Washburn County Courthouse located at 10 4th Avenue, Shell Lake, Wisconsin. DESCRIPTION: Lot 2 of Volume 10 of Certified Survey Maps, Page 58, Map No. 2336, and an easement for ingress and egress to Lot 2 of Volume 10 of Certified Survey Map, Page 58, Map No. 2336, along the currently existing common driveway located on the Westerly 10 feet of Lot 2 of Volume 10 of Certified Survey Map, Page 36, located in Section 34, Township 39 North, Range 13 West. PROPERTY ADDRESS: W8368 Hwy. 70, Spooner, WI 54801. TAX KEY NO.: 65-020-2-39-1334-3 04-000-008000. Dated this 24th day of February, 2012. Terry Dryden Sheriff of Washburn County Scott D. Nabke State Bar #1037979 Blommer Peterman, S.C. 165 Bishops Way, Suite 100 Brookfield, WI 53005 262-790-5719 Please go to www.blommerpeterman.com to obtain the bid for this sale. Blommer Peterman, S.C., is the creditor’s attorney and is attempting to collect a debt on its behalf. Any information obtained will be used for the purpose. 284850

Washburn County

Register Notices

(Mar. 14, 21, 28, Apr. 4, 11, 18) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT WASHBURN COUNTY BAC HOME LOANS SERVICING, L.P. Plaintiff vs. DAMIAN J. FERGUSON, et al. Defendant(s) Case Number: 09 CV 170 NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by virtue of a judgment of foreclosure entered on November 10, 2009, in the amount of $140,486.76 the Sheriff will sell the described premises at public auction as follows: TIME: May 2, 2012, at 10:15 a.m. TERMS: 1. 10% down in cash or money order at the time of sale; balance due within 10 days of confirmation of sale; failure to pay balance due will result in forfeit of deposit to plaintiff. 2. Sold “as is” and subject to all legal liens and encumbrances. PLACE: At the North entrance of Washburn County Courthouse located at 10 4th Avenue, Shell Lake, Wis. DESCRIPTION: Lot 19, Eastland Addition to the City of Spooner, Washburn County, Wis. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 1200 Woodland Street, Spooner, WI 54801. TAX KEY NO.: 65-281-2-39-1229-5-15-262-509000 (Legacy PIN: 65-281-2-39-12-29-4-35090). Dated this 7th day of March, 2012. Terry Dryden Sheriff of Washburn County Christina E. Demakopoulos State Bar #1066197 Blommer Peterman, S.C. 165 Bishops Way, Suite 100 Brookfield, WI 53005 262-790-5719 Please go to www.blommerpeterman.com to obtain the bid for this sale. Blommer Peterman, S.C., is the creditor’s attorney and is attempting to collect a debt on its behalf. Any information obtained will be used for the purpose. 285170

555961 WNAXLP

(Mar. 14, 21, 28, April 4, 11, 18) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT WASHBURN COUNTY JOHN E. LINK, Plaintiff, vs. TROY J. LINK AND JAY LINK, Defendants Case No.: 2010CV134 NOTICE OF SALE Public notice is hereby given that by virtue of an Order of Sale issued by the Circuit Court for Washburn County, Wisconsin, the following real estate will be sold at public auction in Washburn County, at 10 4th Avenue, North Entrance of the Washburn County Courthouse, Shell Lake, Wisconsin, at 10 a.m., on April 25, 2012, by and under the direction of the Sheriff of Washburn County: A parcel within Government Lot 5, Section 27, Township 42 North of Range 13 West, whose exterior boundary is described as: Beginning at the monumented southeast corner of Lot 7 of Certified Survey Map No. 1566 as recorded in Volume 6 of CSM, page 287; Thence North 5º17’03” East along the east line of said Lot 7 a distance of 349.93 feet to an iron pipe on the shore of Lake Nancy; Thence along said shore South 57º32’03” East on a meander line 205.07 feet to an iron pipe; Thence South 13º08’47” West 245.56 feet to an iron pipe in the north right of way of Lake Nancy Peninsula Road, a town road; Thence North 89º42’28” West along said right of way 149.40 feet back to the point of beginning; Said parcel containing 49,800 square feet, more or less, and including all lands between said meander line and the water’s edge of Lake Nancy, now known as Lot 8 of Certified Survey Map No. 1907, filed March 15, 1993 in Volume 8, Page 68 as Doc. No. 227416. Subject to easements, highways, utility rights, reservations and restrictions of record. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 8650 W. Peninsula Road, Minong, WI 54859. TAX KEY NO.: 65-030-2-42-1327-5 05-005-005000. TERMS: 1. Ten percent (10%) of the purchase price shall be deposited at the time of the auction. Payment must be by cash or certified bank check payable to the Washburn County Clerk of Court. Personal checks cannot and will not be accepted; 2. The remaining amount shall be due within three business days of the confirmation hearing; 3. Any sale is subject to real estate taxes; 4. Property is being sold “as is” and subject to all legal liens and encumbrances. Dated this 22nd day of February, 2012. By, Terry Dryden Washburn County Sheriff’s Department Herrick & Hart, S.C. Webster A. Hart 116 West Grand Avenue P.O. Box 167 Eau Claire, WI 54703 715-832-3491

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Good citizens named at Shell Lake Schools

John Kidder, fourth grade, SHELL LAKE — On Friis always one of the first studay, March 31, the good citidents to volunteer to help in zens at Shell Lake Primary the classroom and/or help a School and Shell Lake Eleclassmate. He consistently mentary School for the third demonstrates the characterquarter were announced. istics of a good citizen. John Mark Skluzacek, kindertries his best, he listens well garten, is quiet, kind and reand he shows that he cares spectful at school. He is also about what is happening a good listener and a hard around him. Congratulaworker. Mark chimes in, Named Shell Lake Elementary School Good CitiShell Lake Primary School Good Citizens named tions, John! ~ Mrs. Behling more frequently, to share Megan Anderson, fourth what he knows about the zens for the third quarter are back row (L to R): on Friday, March 30, are back row (L to R): McKenna topic we are discussing. John Kidder, Natalie Jury, Anna Smith and Julia Marko, Garrett LaRue, Brady Lehnherr, Tristan grade, is a great kid with Way to go, Mark! Keep shin- Johnson. Front: Brianna Williams, Kayla Haynes, Kemp and Wyatt Kemp. Front: Ella-Jane Sturtze, many outstanding qualities. Megan Anderson, Maddy Flach, Emmery Nielsen Mark Skluzacek, Jaydon Heller and Hannah Schultz. She works hard on her ing! ~ Mrs. LaFave Missing: Jack Cusick. schoolwork, does great with Jack Cusick, kindergarten, and Zayla Sturtze. — Photos by Suzanne Johnson partners and group activiworks very hard at school and always gives his best. He is a very nice friend and others with respect and kindness. Great job, Tristan! ~ Mrs. ties, and is very responsible in the classroom. I can always count on Megan to go the extra mile on activities and projhelps others make good choices. Jack is a wonderful role Bulgrin Ella-Jane Sturtze, second grade, is always willing to help ects to make the best that she can. ~ Mr. Kevan model in our classroom. He does a great job listening and Maddy Flach, fifth grade, has put forth a supreme effort following directions. Keep up the great job, Jack! I am so anyone in need. Picking up our classroom, helping clean up messes, and putting things away where they belong are this year in fifth grade, particularly in math and reading. proud of you! ~ Mrs. Muench Brady Lehnherr, kindergarten, has many qualities that some of the things you will catch Ella doing. She comes to She strives to do her best and to be a positive influence on make a good citizen. He is kind to all the other students school with a smile on her face and is in a good mood. her classmates. Maddy is an excellent example of a Laker and genuinely cares about their feelings. Brady enjoys Thank you, Ella, for the helpful things you do each day to good citizen. Congratulations! ~ Mrs. Haack Natalie Jury, fifth grade. Reliable, self-motivated and school and it shows in his attitude each day. He is actively make our school a better and safer place to be. ~ Mrs. kind describes Natalie, the student any teacher can count involved in everything that takes place in our classroom. Butenhoff Zayla Sturtze, third grade, is a kind, sweet classmate on to get the job done! Natalie is a busy girl, involved in He always likes to be challenged and is very competitive in most everything he does. Brady is confident and strives who is always willing to help out others in need. She is a many programs here at school, and is still able to work to to always be better and know more. He has become a great hardworking student, finishes her work responsibly, and is her full potential turning in top-of-the-line work. I can rely reader and writer in kindergarten. I enjoy having Brady in respectful to her teachers and others. Keep up the good on Natalie in the classroom to lead her classmates by always following directions and treating others with kindmy class and am curious to see what he will become one work! ~ Mrs. Sauve Emmery Nielsen, third grade, is a very kind and caring ness. Natalie, you truly are a good citizen! ~ Mrs. Gothblad day. Way to go, Brady! ~ Mrs. Miller Julia Johnson, sixth grade. It is with great pleasure to anGarret LaRue, kindergarten, is kind, respectful, and al- girl. She works super hard to always do her best. She always does his best. He is always ready with an answer ways has a smile to share as well as a hug at the end of the nounce that Julia is our good citizen of the third quarter. during math. Garret has been working hard to be a good day. Emmery has a wonderful attitude toward life and that Julia arrives to school every day with a smile on her face positive attitude will take her far. ~ Mrs. Hagen ready to tackle everything that comes her way. She is a citizen. Congratulations! ~ Ms. Crede Brianna Williams, third grade, is a great girl with a kind genuine friend to all. Her kind and caring nature can be McKenna Marko, first grade, always lends a helping hand to her teacher and her classmates. She comes to heart. She works hard and with a great attitude. She seen and felt every day. Congratulations! ~ Mr. Bouchard Anna Smith, sixth grade, has shown a lot of growth so school ready to learn and has a positive attitude about brightens our day with her bright smile. Keep up the great far this school year, both academically and socially. Anna learning. She always completes her daily assignments and work, Brianna! ~ Mrs. Hanson Kayla Haynes, third grade, goes above and beyond what works her hardest each day to better herself. She knows homework on time. I am very proud of her accomplishments and how hard she has worked to get to this point – is expected of her at all times. She is an exemplary student how to use her time wisely, and she has great personal especially how far she has come with her reading. in all ways. She is always willing, prepared, and a good strength. She isn’t afraid to stand up for herself and her friends. ~ Ms. Sterns McKenna goes above and beyond what a good citizen is. role model to others. ~ Mrs. Skinner Keep reaching toward the stars, McKenna. I am very proud of you. Way to go! ~ Mrs. Roux ne of the larger projects this month has been the writ- and leadership. Mentors will be matched with students Jaydon Heller, first grade, comes to school ready to learn ing of a 21st Century Program Grant. We, Keri based on shared interests, and research shows that both and always does her best. She is a great listener and is very Jensen, Kris Brunberg and myself, have been writing, re- mentors and mentees will increase their academic and sorespectful to others. We enjoy having her in our class. vising and working on the budget. Shell Lake had a 21st cial skills as a result. Mentors will also be able to do Thanks for being a great role model and keep up the good Century Grant back in 2000-2003. Since that time, we coaching activities that seem so simple, such as chatting work! ~ Mrs. Marker have continued to have after-school programming thanks while tossing a football around, but mean the world to Hannah Schultz, first grade, is a fabulous first-grader! students who may not get that opportunity at home. to some other federal funding sources. She comes to school ready to learn, and she always does Seeing academic, social and wellness gains among stuKnowing that much time has been spent on working her best. Hannah’s enthusiasm is contagious, and she is a on an after-school grant this past month, I thought I dents in my own community has been one of my most great helper. Hannah is kind, respectful and an overall would write about after and before school, and summer rewarding experiences. I can safely say that I learn somegreat citizen. ~ Mrs. Schroeder school programming this month. After-school and sum- thing from my students and about myself each day I walk Wyatt Kemp, second grade, is kind, considerate, and almer school programming are important pieces of a stu- into school, and for that, I am incredibly grateful for the ways willing to help anyone. He works quietly in his Daily dent’s education. The informal learning that takes place opportunity. I am from Shell Lake, and I serve Shell Lake. Five groups, and helps out students who are having trouin clubs, groups, craft or art activities, field trips, etc., are You may not have heard of it, but you should hear about ble. He never has to be asked twice to do something – he very important in helping students connect different the exciting developments in our small but proud comdoes it the first time. He is very dependable. What a wonpieces of their learning and to become well-rounded munity!” derful great citizen! ~ Mrs. Butler Well put Kelsey. adults. I came across an article written by one of our Tristan Kemp, second grade, has been working very We will find out later this summer if we were successAmeriCorps workers, Kelsey Bitney, as a requirement of hard in his studies. He tries his best, and he is taking pride that project. I felt that her thoughts were worth sharing, ful in our efforts to receive the 21st Century Grant. If so, in his work. We are very proud of everything he has been programming will start in the fall. If not, we will regroup as she says it better than I could: accomplishing. Tristan is also doing a great job of treating “The Shell Lake After-School Program has been around and resubmit in the spring of 2013. In other happenings, we are working on our Response since I was in high school, but the opportunities for student growth and development have made great leaps in To Intervention model, which is a system of interventions the last school year. Each evening, students go through with students to get them caught up and learning at a math, literacy, wellness and art activities led by school pace to keep up with their peers. It is something most disBreakfast staff, two AmeriCorps members and high school men- tricts are working on, as it is a part of the new federal legMonday, April 9: No school. tors. School staff members communicate with after- islation on education. We are anxiously awaiting the Tuesday, April 10: Juice, cereal, toast. school staff to ensure that after-school activities relate to arrival of our new message center, which should be up Wednesday, April 11: Fruit, sausage link, waffle stick. class goals. Many teachers and parents have reported stu- by mid-May. Thursday, April 12: Juice, breakfast pizza. We are very excited to have seven teams competing in dents significant gains, and that students are excited to Friday, April 13: Fruit, yogurt, toast. the Destination ImagiNation competition at Spooner tell them what they worked on at the after-school Lunch High School. The teams have been working very program. The students that most stand out to me Monday, April 9: No school. hard and have put in many hours. Appreciation are those that started the school year seeing Tuesday, April 10: Chili, cheese, crackers, carrots, apgoes out to the team coaches, Ms. Muench, Ms. school as a place of defeat and are ending with plesauce, blueberry muffin. Laker: Salad bar. Savas, Ms. Wendel, Ms. Mickelson, Ms. Dunham, school as a place of excitement, academic growth Wednesday, April 11: Chicken wrap, lettuce, cheese, Ms. Kevan, Ms. Mikula and Ms. Stearns. We and caring mentors. green beans, fresh fruit. No Laker. have four of our teams moving on to the state “While there was no mentorship program just Thursday, April 12: Meatball sub, whole-grain rotini, competition in Madison later this spring. That is a few short months ago, staff members and peas, pineapple tidbits. Laker: Turkey and cheese an amazing number of teams from a small district. AmeriCorps members have worked together to sandwich. As always, my door is open and the phone rings. develop a base of high school mentors that will Friday, April 13: Chicken Alfredo, mixed vegetables, Feel free to contact me with any questions. work with students one-on-one in the areas pear slices, bread stick. Laker: Salad bar. of literacy, math, science, social students Breakfast served each day for K-12 students. Wholegrain bread and buns and milk served with each meal. Laker sandwiches available to grades 7-12 only. Laker salad bar available to grades 3-12.


School menus

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Superintendent’s Corner • Jim Connell

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People you should know

Megan Lindemann was born in Spooner. She lived in Webb Lake until she was 1, then moved to Altoona where she lived until she was 5, and finally to Shell Lake, where she started kindergarten. “In high school I played volleyball and loved hanging out with friends,” she noted. “In 2005, I had my daughter, McKenna Faye, and got my first apartment. I started working at the Family Dollar store in Spooner in 2006. Soon after starting there I found out I was going to be having a little boy. In 2007, Ryder Phoenix was born. I also got promoted to assistant manager in 2008. In 2010, McKenna got first princess the Miss Shell Lake pageant. This year I bought my very first house with the help of a great realtor. I try to spend as much time as possible with my kids and family. They mean the world to me!”

Megan Lindemann

The Megan Lindemann file

Full name: Age: Megan Sue Lindemann, 27. Family: My boyfriend, Andy, my daughter, McKenna, and my son, Ryder. Occupation: Stay at home mom. Washburn County resident since: 1990. Hobbies/interests: Shopping, spending time with my kids, love to watch ice racing and ATV motocross. Claim to fame: My kids think I’m a great mom. My favorite sport to play: I would have to say volleyball. Favorite sport to watch: Green Bay Packer football. Place I would most like to visit: I would love to go to Hawaii. Dinner companion, dead or alive: My Aunt Roxy, she makes everything a good time.

Music students participate in Lakeland Solo Ensemble

Megan Lindemann

The reflection of the Shell Lake percussion ensemble in the mirror creates a mural on the wall. The ensemble will be making a trip to the state solo ensemble on May 5 at the UW-Eau Claire. — Photos by Larry Samson LEFT: Graduating senior Sarah Shumaker is performing in her last conference solo ensemble. She will be returning to state after earning a star first.

The person I most admire: I would have to say my mom. Best movie I ever saw: “Dirty Dancing.” Favorite movie line: “Don’t put Baby in the corner.” (Dirty Dancing) Favorite TV show: “Swamp Loggers,” the kids love that show. Music I listen to: Anything. Favorite Stooge: That was before my time. Favorite dish: Steak and fried potatoes. Last book I read: “Green Eggs and Ham” (my daughter and I read). My friends would describe me as: A great mom. My first job was: At Dairy Queen. I’d like to be remembered for: Being a great mom to my kids.

Know of a candidate for People you should know? E-mail us at wcregister@centurytel.net

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LaShanda Mays earns a first in her high school vocal solo at the Lakeland Solo Ensemble held Thursday, March 29, at the Prairie Farm High School.

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