Wcr jan 22, 2014

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W A S H B U R N   C O U N T Y

Register wcregist eronline.co m


Jan. 22, 2014

Wednesday, Jan. 22, 2014 Vol. 125, No. 23 • Shell Lake, Wis.

We e ke nd w atch See Events, page 6 Community blood drive @ Shell Lake Free community breakfast @ Spooner Shine! @ the Quam, Shell Lake


“Pinocchio” performed

A mural as long as a football field Page 9

Dad’s Belgian Waffle feed Page 19

Spooner FFA attends leadership conference Page 17

Prep sports coverage

SPORTS Pages 10-13


Got an idea for a story? Email us @ wcregister@centurytel.net

MADISON – Gov. Scott Walker announced on Friday, Jan. 17, that he is seeking applicants for a student representative on the Wisconsin Technical College System Board. The student representative is appointed for a term to expire May 1, 2015, must be over the age of 18, a state resident, enrolled at least half time and be in good academic standing. The Technical College System Board is the coordinating agency for the Technical College System. The board establishes statewide policies and standards for the educational programs and services provided by the 16 technical college districts that cover the state. If you are interested in applying for the position, please submit the following: Cover letter, resume, application found on Walker’s website: walker.wi.gov. Select the apply to serve tab on the right side of the page. The deadline for submitting application materials is noon on Friday, Jan. 31. Potential applicants with questions about the appointments process may contact Eric Esser at 608-266-1212. — from the office of Gov. Walker

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The puppets entertained everyone as they introduced each scene of “Pinocchio:” at the arts center Jan. 18. Shown (L to R): Elle Nelson, Julia Lyga, Hailey Rafalski and Annika Swan. Shell Lake third- through 12th-grade students spent five days learning their lines, songs and dance routines with two professional actors from Prairie Fire Children’s Theatre. More photos on page 2. — Photo by Larry Samson

Meet the successor

A glimpse of Shell Lake’s new public works director

Danielle Moe | Staff writer SHELL LAKE — “I was thinking about a profishing career but that is on the back burner right now because I cannot really catch much,” said Mitch Brown jokingly. Brown recently took over as the city of Shell Lake’s public works director after the previous director, Jeff Parker, retired. Noted for his humor, Parker’s successor reveals the comic in himself, but with a good helping of sensibility. Brown’s career with the city began in July of 2004 as the city’s water sewer operator. Raised in Solon Springs, Brown’s family have been residents of the Shell Lake area for many years. His parents, Ron and Jeanne Brown, are both originally from Shell Lake and his grandmother, Naomi Beardsley, has lived in Shell Lake since 1945. In his free time, Brown enjoys hunting, fishing and spending time with his daughter. Taking the opportunity to advance in his career, Brown accepted the promotion to public works director in December. About two weeks into the new position, Brown says it is going good. Staying determined through problems is his favorite part about the job so far. He acknowledged the whole show runs smoothly Mitch Brown has been working as the city of Shell only because of the combined knowledge, pasLake’s public works director since Jeff Parker retired sion and experience of fellow city crew memat the end of December. — Photo by Danielle Moe bers, not just one player. In the new position he strives for the best work from his crew for the public. AcknowlTen years later, Brown says he is glad to still be edging that working closely with the public has working for the city. “Excellent people to work its ups and downs, he added, “but it is a good with in all the departments, and the public.” feeling when you walk away laughing and everybody is happy.”

T h e Reg i st e r i s a co o p e rat i ve - o w n e d news pa per


PFCT’s “Pinocchio” performed at SLAC by students

The Town Hooligans talked Pinocchio into hanging out with them instead of going to school. Shown (L to R): Jayden Hodgett, Judah Balser, Carlton Miller, Matthew Allar, Ben McNulty, Michael Allar and Layne Olson.

Photos by Larry Samson

Pinocchio founds comfort in hanging out with the puppets when he didn’t fit in with the humans. Shown (L to R) back row: Elle Nelson, Christopher Lord, Megan Stone and Brittany Clark. Middle: Julia Lyga, Hailey Rafalski, Ben McNulty, Nicolas Eiche, Renae Lloyd and Noelle Nelson. Front: Julianna Nelson, Madeline Naglosky and Annika Swan.

The Vermin and Foxy take advantage of Pinocchio’s innocence and naivete for their own personal gain. Shown (L to R): Renae Lloyd, Mikayla Smith, Sam Symond, Grace Thomas, Ben McNulty, Olivia Jury, Jennifer Allman, Trinity Campbell, Luke Savas, Ethan Lyga and Marleigh Fields.

Spirits of the Forest and the Blue Fairy take it on themselves to follow Pinocchio around getting him out of trouble, which is something he is good at getting into. Shown (L to R): Raemie Hammac, Kali King, Frances Kevan, Brooke Lehnherr, Lily Edlin, Ashlynn Madison and Ben McNulty.

In every Prairie Fire Children’s production there is one group of characters that is really is fun to play. In “Pinocchio” it is the mean, nasty Vermin that steal the show. Grace Thomas, Olivia Jury and Trinity Campbell got into the roles and had fun with it. The play “Pinocchio” was performed at the Shell Lake Arts Center on Saturday, Jan. 18. The Prairie Fire Children’s Theatre production of “Pinocchio” was sponsored by the Shell Lake PTA.

Washburn County Register Your Community Newspaper • PO Box 455 • Shell Lake, WI 54871 MANAGER: Doug Panek dougpanek@centurytel.net EDITOR: Gary King editor@leadernewsroom.com OFFICE MANAGER: Suzanne Johnson wcregister@centurytel.net REPORTER: Larry Samson REPORTER: Danielle Moe CONTRIBUTING WRITER: Diane Dryden PAGINATOR: Raelynn Hunter ADVERTISING: Jackie Moody DEADLINE FOR NEWS/ADS: MONDAYS @ NOON

PH: 715-468-2314

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Two coaches hired, proposed head lice policy reviewed at meeting Danielle Moe | Staff writer SPOONER — The Spooner Area School District Board of Education approved the hiring of two coaches, among other agenda items during the Monday, Jan. 13, meeting. Dave Kafura and Shannon Huffer were approved for hiring by the board into two coaching positions. Kafura will be the head soccer coach and Huffer will be the assistant softball coach. In other personnel actions the board extended the administrators contracts through 2015 and 2016. Christina Martin, board president, reviewed the administrative policy regarding backpacks in high school classrooms. According to Dr. Don Haack, superintendent, the policy states that backpacks are not allowed in classrooms and why.

“Students should not take backpacks or winter wear, winter coats, into the classroom,” Haack said in a phone conversation. The reasoning for the policy is that these items would cause obstructions in classrooms leading to safety concerns for students and staff. Haack also explained that students carry backpacks that are too heavy, “and there is no need to take them into the classroom, we have lockers.” Board member Dr. Paul Goellner led discussion on the first reading of the district’s proposed head lice policy. Three documents were provided in the board meeting packet pertaining to the proposed policy. One outlines head lice detection and management at school, one states guidelines for the control and treatment of head lice in school and the final

document is a draft letter that would be sent out to parents. “We have had regular procedures that we have followed in the past, but no board policy,” stated Haack in an email. After wording changes were addressed the board will review the policy for a second time at their next meeting. All documents pertaining to the proposed district head lice policy can be found on the Spooner School District’s website, spooner.k12.wi.us. On the home page, click on the Community icon. Next, under the District Resources heading, select the Board of Education hyperlink. On this page, under the In this Section heading, select the Board agendas heading. This page will list the different documents provided at the meeting, selecting a hyperlink will bring you to each specified

document. The board accepted and acknowledged three donations totaling $2,133.33. Bob St. Arnold of RJF Insurance Agency donated $500 for staff wellness. Nate Eichorst donated $750 for health curriculum resources, and students from the high school family and consumer education class donated $923.33 to the Washburn County Food Pantry. Haack explained that the students raised the funds through the high school Jingle Mingles held at last year’s holiday high school band and choir concerts. The board approved one open enrollment application. The student lives in the Siren School District but wished to attend school in Spooner.

Nursing homes hope state budget surplus will compensate for low Medicaid payments Shamane Mills | WPR STATEWIDE - The role of nursing homes is changing across the nation and in Wisconsin as more elderly and disabled are cared for in the community and their homes. A new report says Medicaid’s reimbursement rates for services provided by nursing homes remains lower than it should be. To a large extent, the role of nursing homes is changing: from one where people live out their last days to a place where many go to recover from a hospital stay. One thing, however, has remained the same: a low federal reimbursement rate for Wisconsin’s nursing homes under the Medicaid program. A new report by the American Health Care Association says the government program pays 88 percent of costs, on average, around the country.

In Wisconsin, the reimbursement rate is around 85 percent, says Tom Moore. He’s executive director of the Wisconsin Health Care Association, a trade group for the state’s nursing homes. “Unfortunately what you have is a hidden tax, because the government programs do not pay their fair share of the cost of care,” Moore said. “It ends up that the private pay individuals end up paying more than their fair share and have to subsidize the losses that are inherent in Medicaid.” With baby boomers getting older, all kinds of long-term-care options are expected to increase. Moore hopes Medicaid funding will increase now that the state is expected to have a budget surplus of $977 million. “That’s encouraging, in that some of the programs have been getting short-changed over the last several years

Baby-boom demographics, longer-lived seniors and more care being done at home and in the community mean changing requirements for nursing homes. - Photo by Jeffrey Smith, WPR

because of the (state’s) fiscal problems. Perhaps the situation will improve.” The report predicts that between 2010 and 2050 the U.S. population over age

65will double, and the number over age 85 also will significantly increase.

First Ward alderman resigns, appointments approved Danielle Moe | Staff writer SHELL LAKE — The official resignation of First Ward Alderperson Josh Buckridge was approved by the now sixmember Shell Lake City Council during a special meeting held on Thursday, Jan. 16. Second Ward Alderperson Matt Dryden was not in attendance at the meeting. However, a quorum of the council was established. Andy Eiche, First Ward alderperson, resigned from the city council on Monday, Jan. 13. While on city council, Eiche was city council president, chair of the financial administration committee, was on the public works administration committee and five other committees. Due to Eiche’s resignation, Sally Peterson, mayor, appointed Brent Edlin to chair of the financial administration committee. The council approved the appointment of

Emergency Response Team members Sgt. Jeff Kennett, Deputy Charles Coleman and Deputy Justin Johnson, all from St. Croix County Sheriff’s Department, confer as to the best way to sweep classrooms, hallways and labs at WITC during a recent training session at the college. The training was by mutual agreement between WITC and the ERT to familiarize the team with the college’s layout should an emergency occur. - Photo submitted

ERT holds training maneuver at WITC NEW RICHMOND – Police dressed in tactical gear is a rare sight at any location, but particularly surprising at Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College during the students’ winter break when the St. Croix County Emergency Response Team practiced maneuvers at the college The ERT wanted to familiarize itself with the WITC and the unique challenges it presents should a situation arise at the college. Knowing WITC’s layout of hallways, stairwells, numerous rooms and labs filled with equipment can aid responders in critical times. Some ERT members hadn’t visited the college before, and, according to Sgt. Jeff Kennet, found the training “very beneficial.” Justin Johnson, deputy, St. Croix County, and adjunct instructor in WITC’s Criminal Justice-Corrections program, coordinated the training session with the college. The ERT members take turns set-

ting up training sessions around the area in office buildings, schools, houses, warehouses and other venues to help them prepare for emergencies. Ranked fourth best two-year college in the nation by Washington Monthly Magazine, WITC serves the educational and career needs of more than 25,000 residents of northwestern Wisconsin each year. With multiple campuses, WITC offers career-focused associate degree programs, technical diplomas, short-term certificates, customized business training, and a wide array of courses for personal or career enrichment. WITC is a member of Wisconsin Technical College System. For more information, call 800-243-WITC or visit witc.edu. WITC is an equal opportunity/access employer and educator. - from WITC

Edlin to chair the financial administration committee on a unanimous voice vote. Second Ward Alderpersons Tara Burns and Terry Leckel were nominated for council president. Secret ballots were cast to determine which of the two would be the next council president. A close, 3-2 vote determined Leckel to be the next council president. Since both Buckridge and Eiche were assigned to the public works administration committee, Peterson appointed Leckel to the committee. The council approved the appointment on a unanimous voice vote. Since the April election is about two months away, the council determined to wait until after elections before making any further appointments.

Greener receives Barron Electric’s Megawatt Community Service Award Larry Greener, Rice Lake, has received Barron Electric’s Megawatt Community Service Award. Greener has been a member of the Barron Kiwanis Club since 1983, where he has served as president, lieutenant governor for Division 21 and currently serves as secretary. The club built Kiwanis Park, which includes a concession stand and indoor facilities. The 53-member club has several fundraisers throughout the year including the Christmas tree fundraiser. Greener, along with two other club members, helps grow trees for this event. He founded Greener’s Budget Lumber in 1977. He has also been involved with Barron Chamber, Barron Community Fund and Barron Economic Development Board. Greener said, “I enjoy helping in the community.” — Photo submitted

Watch our website this week for story on Shell Lake School Board meeting held Monday evening • wcregisteronline.com


Donation given for Love For Lozandier

Shine! Youth talent showcase this weekend

David Ford, certified financial planner from Securities America, recently presented Susan Dodd, registered nurse, with a check for $250 to be used in the completion of a clinic in Lozandier, Haiti. Love For Lozandier is a nonprofit organization that has built a church, has a school with 65 children, with an additional class being added each year and now the completion of a clinic. The clinic will be licensed by the country of Haiti. It will be operated by a Haitian physician and run by a Haitain nurse. Lozandier is a small fishing village and there is a tremendous need for a clinic. Love For Lozandier is very appreciative of this very generous donation. If you have any questions please contact Dodd at loveforlozandier@hotmail.com. Love For Lozandier, serving one child at a time. — Photo submitted

SHELL LAKE — Many of the area’s talented youth from Shell Lake, Spooner and Siren will be on stage and ready to perform for you at this year’s exciting production of Shine! 2014. The performances are Saturday, Jan. 25, at 7 p.m. and Sunday, Jan. 26, at 2 p.m., at the Erika Quam Memorial Theatre in Shell Lake. Audiences will be swept away as the cast treats them to an inspiring song and dance number followed by individual performances that showcase their many talents. Reservations are strongly recommended. Reserve online at titw.org or by calling 715-468-4387. Theatre in the Woods is a nonprofit community theater organization, now in its 24th year, located at the Erika Quam Memorial Theatre, 605 1st St. in Shell Lake. For more information visit titw.org. — from TiTW

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Rep. Smith votes for tougher heroin laws MADISON – State Rep. Stephen Smith, D–Shell Lake, issued the following statement regarding the bipartisan passage of four bills in the state Assembly on Tuesday, Jan. 14, which are designed to help curb the increased use of heroin and other opiate abuse in northwestern Wisconsin and throughout the state of Wisconsin. Assembly Bill 447 would make individuals immune from criminal prosecution for drug possession if they brought someone to an emergency room or called 911 because they believed the person was suffering from a drug-related overdose. This bill does not provide immunity for drug dealing or other drug crimes. Assembly Bill 446 would allow any first-responders to administer naloxone, if they are trained. Currently, only certain emergency medical technicians are allowed to administer the drug. The bill would make it more widely available, and all EMTs trained in its use would have to carry the drug whenever they were on duty. Nalox-

one is also known as Narcan and counteracts heroin overdoses. “I am pleased to work with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to do everything in our power to address this heroin and prescription-drug abuse epidemic in Wisconsin. Whether it is the crime associated with the problem or the heartbreak that families have felt from a loved one who has become addicted, we need to work together, and it’s time that the Legislature be proactive in its steps to combat it,” stated Smith. Two other bills, Assembly Bill 448, which would allow communities to set up programs to dispose of prescription and illegal drugs, and Assembly Bill 445, which requires individuals to show identification to pick up prescriptions that are considered to have a high potential for abuse, also passed with bipartisan support. “We have seen firsthand in rural Wisconsin what heroin abuse is doing to our

Washburn County Register • Serving the Washburn County community since 1889.

communities. The state needs to do all it can to be on the forefront of combating this deadly cycle between prescriptiondrug reliance and heroin, and I’m proud to have co-authored and voted for these proposals,” said Smith.


he Washburn County Sheriff’s Office is now on Facebook. Use your Facebook search engine and look for Washburn County Sheriff’s Office. We are excited about the use of this new crime-fighting tool. Along with our Text for TIP’s and our confidential phone number, Facebook is a great addition for fighting crime and informing the public, and in some cases, asking for your help in identifying individuals involved in criminal activity, missing persons, stolen vehicles or property. We are excited to share information with the citizens of Washburn County and

Smith is hopeful that these four legislative proposals will continue to receive bipartisan support in the state Senate and are swiftly signed into law by Gov. Scott Walker. — from the office of Rep. Smith those who travel through or otherwise enjoy our many recreational opportunities. We encourage you to visit us on Facebook regularly because the Washburn County Sheriff’s Office will use this forum for the sharing of pertinent information relative to the public’s safety and well-being. We will not use Facebook for political commentary or for any purpose other than to inform or ask for your help. We ask that you please do the same. Derogatory or negative comments about any individual or organization would be very inappropriate and unacceptable.

From the Sheriff’s Desk • Terry Dryden

Area news at a glance RICE LAKE — The Barron County Domestic Abuse Project is having difficulty finding a second transitional housing unit for victims of domestic abuse. Project representatives have been looking for six months for an apartment, duplex or small house, preferably in Rice Lake and usually for a woman and one to three children, so a two- or three-bedroom unit would be ideal. Individuals stay up to 90 days. “We had several people (who have an available unit) who we’ve met and who’ve seemed promising, but then when they find out we’re associated with the Domestic Abuse Project, they’re no longer interested,” said project President Nichole Kathol. She said concerns surface about insurance or liability issues or that they’re looking for a longer-term tenant. “We’ve never had any incidents in the almost 20 years that we’ve been providing transitional housing facilities,” Kathol said. — from the Rice Lake Chronotype ••• BARRON — A jury trial is set to begin Thursday, Feb. 6, for a Spooner man accused of the vehicular homicide of 15-year-old Triston Sager, Birchwood.

Shell Lake Lions Calendar Winners Jan. 13 - $30 Stephanie Butenhoff, Spooner Jan. 14 - $30 Randy Zimmerman, Shell Lake Jan. 15 - $30 Jack and Kathy Brown, Spooner Jan. 16 - $30 Karen Quam, Shell Lake Jan. 17 - $30 Sue Carlson, Janesville

Bitney Law Firm Ltd. Winners also announced on WJMC FM Radio


Temperatures recorded at Spooner Ag Research Station 2013 High Low Jan. 13 22 5 Jan. 14 8 -1 Jan. 15 12 0 Jan. 16 26 12 Jan. 17 30 2 Jan. 18 16 -3 Jan. 19 34 14 2014 High Low Jan. 13 37 26 Jan. 14 28 18 Jan. 15 19 -10 Jan. 16 28 -12 Jan. 17 28 3 Jan. 18 14 -7 Jan. 19 23 5

Precip. .5” snow 1.1” snow 1.5” snow Precip. 1.8” snow .5” snow 1.5” snow .2” snow

Wade M. Richey, 23, appeared in Barron County Circuit Court on Friday, Jan. 10, for a motion hearing in the case to dismiss charges that were multiplicitous. Judge Michael Bitney retained charges of homicide by vehicle while under the influence of a controlled substance and reckless driving causing great bodily harm. Dismissed were charges of homicide by negligent operation of a vehicle and misdemeanor reckless driving causing injury. A three-day jury trial was set and a posted $20,000 signature bond was continued. Richey is accused of driving while having methamphetamine in his system and causing the one-vehicle crash in the Town of Maple Plain in the early evening of July 13, 2012. Sager and 14-year-old Joseph Rach, Birchwood, were riding in the rear cargo area of the altered Ford Bronco that didn’t have second-row seating, with their backs against the tailgate when the high-speed crash occurred. — from the

Rice Lake Chronotype ••• CUMBERLAND — The heavy snow this winter took its toll when 140 feet of the 180-foot-long barn roof on Dale Grensing’s farm collapsed Saturday night, Jan. 11. The farm is located on 12-1/2 Street, east of Cumberland off Hwy. 48. A reminder to check your own roof and remove the snow before damage ensues. — from the Cumberland Advocate ••• POLK COUNTY — Polk County authorities are looking for the driver of a dark-colored pickup truck that ran over and fatally injured two men who were engaged in a fight on a roadway, early Saturday evening, Jan. 11. Richard Cobenais, 41, rural Luck, and Benjamin Juarez, 27, Frederic, were involved in a fight which spilled onto CTH E at approximately 6:30 p.m., according to a report from the Polk County Sheriff’s Department. The

Register Memories 1954 - 60 years ago

• Roy Humlicek, Sarona, deputy county clerk of Washburn County, was named county treasurer. • Nineteen Boy Scouts and their leaders reported a good overnight at Camp Phillips in spite of the severe weather. Those helping were the Rev. Sachtjen, Ray Haremza, Joe Rounce, Vern Neiman, Bud Bitney, Tory Peterson and John Beardsley. • The employees and director of the Shell Lake State Bank and their families observed the 20th anniversary with a banquet at the Shell Lake Hotel. • In below zero weather, the fire department was called to the Harry Stouffer home to extinguish a chimney fire. An oil heater had gone out during the night and after relighting it, the accumulated soot in the pipe and chimney caught fire. Damage by the fire was slight. Far messier was the damage caused by the frozen, broken water pipes, which resulted from the heater being off all night.

1964 - 50 years ago

• At a card party sponsored by the Sarona Community Card Club held at the school cafeteria in Sarona, prizes were awarded to the following: Smear: Mrs. Mae Sauer, high and Mrs. Gerald Campbell, low; 500: Mrs. John Furchtenicht, high and LaVerne West, low. Draw prize: Mrs. LaVerne West and Jimmy Perlick. • Bert and Mildred Shipman, two of Shell Lake’s well-known business folks, retired after 39 years of business in Shell Lake. Bert sold his barbershop to his son, Duane, and Mil sold her beauty shop to Alice Burmeister, Spooner. • Births recorded at Shell Lake Memorial Hospital were Jill Diane to Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Hile, and a son to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Nebel. • Angel food custard or white cake was 69¢ at the Shell Lake Bakery.

incident occurred east of Luck at the St. Croix Tribe’s Round Lake community. There were at least two witnesses to the incident, according to Polk County Sheriff Pete Johnson. They provided information that Johnson hopes will result in finding the truck and subsequently, the driver. The dark-colored pickup truck, possibly a Ford and possibly an extended cab model, had two auxiliary amber warning lights mounted to the top of its cab. There was also a blue plastic barrel in the box of the truck. The truck likely has damage to its front end and undercarriage. According to witnesses the driver and a passenger were both wearing baseball caps, and the driver was allegedly wearing blue jeans. The driver stopped his vehicle and got out to see what he had hit but then got back in the truck and continued south on CTH E. A $5,000 reward is being offered for information leading to an arrest. — from the Inter-County Leader •••

Compiled by Suzanne Johnson

1974 - 40 years ago

• Mrs. Jennie Lund announced her retirement as clerk of the Shell Lake School District board after 26 years of continuous service. • Barbed wire hidden under winter snows was hazardous to snowmobilers. Dan King, Shell Lake, had 18 stitches in his face when he was struck by hidden wire picked up by his machine and Harold “Ole” Johnson, Barronett, was hospitalized with very severe facial lacerations under similar circumstances. • Emery Burnham announced his candidacy for alderman in the Fourth Ward. Incumbent Glenn Hile announced he would not be a candidate for re-election. • Cy Atkinson was seeking his third term as Shell Lake mayor.

1984 - 30 years ago

• Woodcraft Industries was sold to LaVern Modrow, former Shell Lake resident who owned a furniture manufacturing plant in Baldwin Park, Calif., a suburb of Los Angeles. • Susan Bachinski from Superior was the guest of honor at a baby shower at the Ole Odden home in Cumberland. Those attending from the Heart Lake community were Floyd and Helen Pederson, Milt and Jean Odden, Keith and Mary White and Jeremy and Brenda Pederson. • Drivers of the new vans at Terraceview were Fran Washkuhn, Lee Regenauer, Gary Spexet and Bruce Losey. • The annual Methodist Ski-A-Thon was held at the Robert Klaus farm, Sarona. The ladies from the Sarona church served an appetizing lunch for the skiers.

1994 - 20 years ago

• Terraceview Living Center added a 7,000-square-foot addition to their facility. The space would be used as a laundry on the first floor and a dining room on the

second. • Backyard thermometers throughout Washburn County indicated the frigid fact that the area was suffering under a blast of Arctic air. Four times the mercury dipped to minus 30 degrees or colder. The coldest day had a low of minus 35 degrees and the high was only minus 14 degrees. • Chosen Shell Lake High School Students of the Month were Lynn Schmitz, senior; Brady Forrestal, junior; Scott Witte, sophomore; Angie Baldocchi, freshman; Mark Fry, eighth grader; and Michelle Richter, seventh grader. • Chosen Shell Lake Elementary School’s Good Citizens were Anne Bitney, second grade; Tabatha Haack, first grade; Yuri Walczak, first grade; Bethany Stellrecht, first grade; Claudia Berlin, kindergarten; and Heather Weisner, kindergarten.

2004 - 10 years ago

• Robert Hall was selected to fill the vacancy on the Shell Lake School Board when board member Kent Wabrowetz resigned due to National Guard commitments. Others that showed interest in the position were Barry Nielsen and Cheryl Hotchkiss. • Sara Marschall attended 4-H Camp at Drummond. • Arlys and Al Santiago attended the 96th-birthday party for Edgar Olsen at Capeside Cove in Siren. Edgar was a barber for many years in Grantsburg. He was the seventh child born to Mathea and Gust Olsen, Timberland. They went on to have a total of 15 children. Les Olsen lives on the home place. He is the oldest son of George and Gladys Olsen. Arlys is the daughter of Harry and Olivia Olsen. • Funeral services were held at the Methodist church for Michael R. Linton, 92.


Washburn County comes through for Salvation Army

Program available for homeless veterans short-term, focused assistance with the goal of securing housing. Case managers partner with the veteran families to address their housing barriers. Services may include referrals to job training, employment, or assistance in applying for VA or other benefits. Temporary financial assistance may be available for those with no other resources to rapidly secure housing. Assistance may include security deposits, temporary rent assistance and other housing-related expenses. Those eligible for SSVF must meet veteran eligibility qualifications, income qualifications, and be literally or imminently homeless. If you or someone you know in Washburn County might be right for this program, please call Dawn at the ICAA Connections Store and More in Spooner at 715-635-3975 for more information or to apply. — from ICAA

draft of their upcoming strategic plan, one that will guide activities from July 2014 through June 2017. Those attending will be able to share thoughts and input to help guide the plan. Also on the agenda is the time to share what is happening with the arts in this part of the state. — from WAB

where it is used for a variety of needs that may include assisting with medical transportation, providing gas if needed for a person to gain employment, fuel and rent assistance, providing clothing and food. The Salvation Army is available to assist with any need that may arise. The Salvation Army is always looking for additional bell ringers during their red kettle fundraising campaign. For more information or to volunteer, please contact Shepherd at 715-635-3742.

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State arts board to hold town meeting in Shell Lake SHELL LAKE — The Wisconsin Arts Board will be holding nine winter town hall meetings throughout the state. One of the meetings is set for Tuesday, Jan. 28, 2-3:30 p.m., at the Shell Lake Arts Center. First on the agenda is the opportunity to hear from local residents about where the board should focus resources for the next three years. The board will share the

Suzanne Johnson | Staff writer WASHBURN COUNTY — According to Mary Shepherd, Washburn County Salvation Army chair for 13 years, Washburn County collected $13,159.03 in donations during the 2013 holiday season. While other areas reported a decline in donations, the amount donated in Washburn County is $159.03 over what was raised in 2012. Of the funds received in Washburn County, 86 percent stays in the county





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WASHBURN COUNTY — A program for veteran families who find themselves homeless, or imminently at risk of becoming homeless, is currently under way in Washburn County and five other northwestern Wisconsin counties. The Supportive Services for Veteran Families program is funded through the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. It is administered in Washburn County through the Indianhead Community Action Agency Connections Store and More in Spooner. Other counties with SSVF funding through Indianhead Community Action Agency include Burnett, Sawyer, Rusk, Taylor and Clark. The goal of the SSVF program is to promote housing stability among very lowincome veteran families who reside in or are transitioning to permanent housing. Services include outreach, case management and temporary financial assistance. Case management services include

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Monday, Feb. 3 • Knit a Chunky Hat class, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., at Northwind Book & Fiber, Spooner. Registration required. Call 715-635-6811. Tuesday, Feb. 4 • Shell Lake/Spooner Masonic Lodge 221 meeting, 7 p.m. at the lodge. Wednesday, Feb. 5 • Unit on Aging, 1 p.m., Shell Lake Senior Center. • Free soup and sandwiches, Church of the Nazarene, Spooner, 5:30 p.m. Call 715-635-3496 to confirm. All welcome. Donations accepted. Thursday, Feb. 6 • Aphasia Group, 10-11:30 a.m., Trinity Lutheran Church, Spooner. Call 715-520-7999. • Northwest Wisconsin Parkinson’s Disease Support Group, 1 p.m., lower level at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Shell Lake. • Free community meal, St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church, 409 Summit, Spooner, 4-6 p.m. All welcome. Donations accepted. Saturday, Feb. 8 • The Art of Film presentation of “Pan’s Labyrinth,” at Shell Lake Arts Center, 7 p.m. • Triple Treat Saturday, Earl Church, 11 a.m.-2 p.m., soup, pies, flea market and silent auctions. Tuesday, Feb. 11 • Moms Club meets at Faith Lutheran, Spooner, 10 a.m.



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Wednesday, Feb. 12 • Free community meal, 4-6 p.m., United Methodist Church, 135 Reinhart Dr., Shell Lake. All welcome. Donations accepted. • The board of directors for the Railroad Memories Museum meeting, 1 p.m., Spooner City Hall. All volunteers welcome. • The Book Chat will meet at 3:30 p.m. at Faith Lutheran Church. Group to discuss “Zeitoun” by Dave Eggers. All are welcome to join in the discussion of this book. Thursday, Feb. 13 • The Shell Lake Lions Club meeting, 6:30 p.m., Shell Lake Community Center. Saturday, Feb. 15 • Crochet Tunisian Blocks class, 1-4 p.m., Northwind Book & Fiber, Spooner. Registration required. Call 715-635-6811. Monday, Feb. 17 • No Needles or Hooks! class, 5:30-7:30 p.m., try the new arm-knitting technique or finger crocheting and make a scarf in less than an hour, at Northwind Book & Fiber, Spooner. Registration required. Call 715-6356811. • Northern Lights Camera Club, 7 p.m., Trinity Lutheran Church, 1790 Scribner St., Spooner. • Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Support Group, 5 p.m. group activity, 5:30 p.m. dinner, 6-7 p.m. meeting, Lakeland Family Resource Center, 314 Elm St., Spooner, 715-635-4669. Tuesday, Feb. 18 • Shell Lake/Spooner Masonic Lodge 221 meeting, 7 p.m., at the lodge. Wednesday, Feb. 19 • Games and activities, 1 p.m., Shell Lake Senior Center. • Shell Lake Public Library Board of Trustees meeting, 5 p.m., at the library. The public is welcome. Thursday, Feb. 20 • Shell Lake PTA meeting, 6:30 p.m., in the 3-12 school library. Baby-sitting available. Saturday, Feb. 22 • The Art of Film presentation of Trip to Oscar Showcase or “Up in the Air,” at Shell Lake Arts Center, 7 p.m.

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Thursday, Jan. 23 & Friday, Jan. 24 • Community blood drive, Shell Lake United Methodist Church, noon-6 p.m. Thursday; 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Friday. Thursday, Jan. 23 • First Year Parenting class, 5-8:30 p.m., Spooner Annex Building, UWExtension conference room. Call Deb Meyer at 715-635-4444 or deb. meyer@ces.uwex.edu. • The Shell Lake American Legion meeting, 6:30 p.m., Friendship Commons. • Shell Lake VFW meeting, 7 p.m., Friendship Commons. Saturday, Jan. 25 • Free community breakfast, 7-10 a.m., First United Pentecostal Church, 337 Greenwood Ave., Spooner. All welcome. Donations accepted. • Entrelac Knitting class, 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., at Northwind Book & Fiber, Spooner. Registration required. Call 715-635-6811. • Princess gala, Shell Lake Arts Center. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Dinner at 6 p.m. Dance at 7 p.m. Hosted by Shell Lake Full Gospel Church. For tickets and information call 715-468-2895 or email frontdesk@shelllakefullgospel. com.





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• Miss Rodeo 2014 coronation and fundraiser, starting at 6 p.m., American Legion in Cumberland. Saturday & Sunday, Jan. 25-26 • Shine! At the Quam Saturday, 7 p.m. and Sunday, 2 p.m. 715-635-3665. Monday, Jan. 27 • Benefit dinner for Spooner fourth-grader Levi Cooper who is awaiting a kidney transplant. Dinner to be held prior to the Spooner versus Barron basketball game in the Spooner High School commons. Wednesday, Jan. 29 • Free community supper, 4-6 p.m., St. Alban Episcopal Church, 220 Elm St., Spooner.

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Registering for a Shell Lake Community Ed class is easy

SHELL LAKE — Looking to attend a Shell Lake Community Ed class? Find a class through SLCE, fill out a class registration form for each class, available on school website, shelllake.k12.wi.us/community/, show up on the first day of class. Turning in your registration form is your confirmation of participating in the class. You will only be notified if your class is canceled, in which case you will receive a full refund from the district office. Mail or drop off your registration form and payment to: Shell Lake School, 271 Hwy. 63, Shell Lake, WI 54871 or call the community ed office at 715-4687815, ext. 1337, for assistance. Exploring Cloud Computing & Google Drive: Tuesday, Jan. 28, 4-6 p.m. With Apple’s launch of the iCloud and Google’s addition of Google+, we now have the power and opportunity to significantly enhance our personal and professional computing skills, without the burden of adding hardware or expensive software. Tools are now available to anyone with a computer, Internet connection and the willingness to explore the next frontier of personal computing. Cost: $10. Instructor: Sara Ducos, Professional Tutor, LLC. Location: The high school. SLCE Cardio Kickboxing: Every Thursday starting Feb. 6, 5:45-6:30 p.m. Learn the basics of mixed martial arts while getting a cardio workout and learning some selfdefense skills. Boxing and kickboxing techniques (no contact) in a fast-paced, rhythmic style to high-energy music. Ages 13 and up welcome. Cost: $3/day Instructor: Regan Kohler. Location: The primary school. SLCE Hip-Hop Cardio: Every Wednesday starting Feb. 5, 5:30-6:15 p.m. Want to learn a great dance style while getting an amazing workout? This class will teach the basics of hip-hop dancing, even some simple breakdancing moves, while incorporating great core workout for full-body impact. Ages 13 and up welcome. Cost: $3/day Instructor: Regan Kohler. Location: The primary school. SLCE Leveraging the Power of Your Android/ Google Tablet: Mondays, March 3, 10, 17, 4-6 p.m. This easy-to-understand, engaging class covers everything you need to know about your amazing Android/Google

tablet. You’ll learn to use all your favorite Google applications that come loaded on the device, personalize it, and much more. This class walks you through the touchscreen, wireless access and software updates; demonstrates how to download, shop for and fill your tablet with movies, e-books, games and music; helps you keep on top of your schedule and appointments and pursue your interests and hobbies with the latest apps and websites; offers guidance on using your device to navigate from here to there and stay connected with friends and family while you’re away. Cost: $30. Instructor: Sara Ducos, Professional Tutor, LLC. Location: The high school. SLCE New To Social Media: Tuesday, March 11, 4-7 p.m. This is a three-hour, hands-on workshop, exploring the many benefits and powerful tools of social media. Workshop provides an overview of social media, with a look at Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. Special emphasis and a keen focus on security and privacy will help you navigate the Internet safely and securely. Basic computer skills and experience a plus. This is a great workshop to get your toe in the water to begin sharing with family, friends and customers alike. Cost: $15. Instructor: Sara Ducos, Professional Tutor, LLC. Location: The high school. SLCE Introduction to the Internet for Seniors: Tuesday, March 18, 4-6 p.m. Would you like to have information at your fingertips about art, travel, medicine or current news? Learn basic Internet terminology, discover how to use email and search engines, and visit websites that will stimulate your curiosity and introduce you to the Internet’s potential. This course requires proficiency with the use of the keyboard and mouse, and familiarity with Windows or Mac OS X. Students should have completed Introduction to Computer Basics for Seniors or its equivalent. Cost: $10. Instructor: Sara Ducos, Professional Tutor, LLC. Location: The high school. SLCE Kindle Fire and Fire HD Apps, Movies, e-Books and More: Mondays, March 24 and 31, 4-6 p.m. From its stunning color touchscreen to its ultrafast speed, the Kindle Fire is sparking everyone’s interest. This fullcolor guide will have you blazing through

the web, staying entertained with the latest apps and games, watching your favorite TV shows and movies, and, of course, reading magazines, newspapers and books to indulge all your interests. Whether this is your first tablet or you’re upgrading from another device, you’ll get to know your Kindle Fire. This class covers the Kindle Fire HD and original Kindle Fire; helps you navigate the interface, customize your settings, get connected and take advantage of Amazon Cloud; shows you how to work with the built-in apps and find new ones to try; explains how to fill your Kindle Fire with cool stuff from movies and music to videos, photos, apps, e-books and more; walks you through using Amazon Silk web browser to find anything you need online and keep in touch with email, Skype, Facebook and Twitter. Cost: $20. Instructor: Sara Ducos, Professional Tutor, LLC. Location: The high school. SLCE LinkedIn for Business and Career Growth: Tuesday, March 25, 4-6 p.m. How do you come across when potential customers, employers or business contacts research you online? A professional, complete LinkIn profile is your chance to present your best face on the web. In this course, held in a computer lab, we’ll cover the key elements of a LinkedIn profile, personal profile versus company pages, how to improve your search rankings and the best ways to use LinkedIn for networking, prospecting and job searching. Students should create a basic LinkedIn account prior to class. Cost: $10. Instructor: Sara Ducos, Professional Tutor, LLC. Location: The high school. SLCE Beginner Spanish for Travel: F e b . 25 and 27 and March 4 and 6, 5-6:30 p.m. Heading out of town for spring break? Planning a trip to warmer weather this winter? Be prepared to meet your needs by learning some basic Spanish speaking skills. Beginner Spanish for Travel will be a slow-paced class that is structured and effective. The step-by-step approach in this class will be a start to learning Spanish based on the way people naturally acquire language. This class is taught by experienced and fluent native Spanish-speaking instructor Pete Ducos. Cost: $25. Location: The high school. SLCE

WITC Classes at Shell Lake School with instructor Danette Hopke, RN. The following classes are offered in partnership with Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College. To register: Go to the WITC website, witc.edu/ click on the left-hand tab that says CLASSFINDER Class Search & Register. Use the information below to access the class you’re looking for. Proceed as directed on the page. First Aid and CPR Training: Monday, March 10, and Tuesday, March 11, 5-9 p.m. Class No. 26763, Catalog No. 47-531-421. Location: The high school. First Aid and CPR Training: Monday, March 24, and Tuesday, March 25, 5-9 p.m. Class No. 26764, Catalog No. 47-531-421. Location: The high school. Heartsaver First Aid Course is designed to teach rescuers the knowledge and psychomotor skills they need to recognize emergencies and to give CPR and first aid until EMS arrives. The goal of the course is to train laypeople in first aid assessments and actions that have been shown to make a difference in mortality and morbidity rates. CPR Health Care Provider – AHA: Monday, April 21, and Tuesday, April 22, 5-9 p.m. Class No. 26765, Catalog No. 47-531437 Location: The high school. The AHA for Health Care Providers Course is designed to teach the skills of CPR for victims of all ages including ventilation with a barrier device and use of an automated external defibrillator and relief of foreign-body airway obstruction. It is intended for participants who provide health care to patients in a hospital setting and out-of-hospital settings. This course is for anyone that is required to take a health-care-provider course for employment. All participants who successfully complete the course, including the written examination and skill demonstrations, will receive a BLS for Health Care provider completion card that will certify them for two years. Book provided. February Sunday Fun Days: Open gym at the 3-12 school, every Sunday in February from 1-3 p.m. Supervision provided, good behavior expected, gym shoes required. Adults and parents welcome, too. — from Shell Lake Community Ed

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Library. Stories, craft and a snack. No age minimum or maximum for participants. • Washburn County Historical Society Research Room open 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Located in the basement of the main museum. Appointments, 715-468-2982. Thursday & Monday: Washburn County Alzheimer’s Day Respite Program, see listing above. Friday & Saturday: Washburn County Genealogy Room, 106-1/2 2nd Ave., Museum Hewitt Building, Shell Lake, closed for the winter. Appointments during winter, weather permitting. Call 715-635-7937. ••• Domestic abuse and sexual assault are crimes. Time-Out provides free, confidential victim support, call 800-924-0556. Shell Lake Alano Club Meetings on CTH B, 2 blocks off Hwy. 63. All meetings are nonsmoking. Sunday 10 a.m. AA Monday Noon AA Open Tuesday Noon AA Closed 7 p.m. AA Closed Wednesday 1 p.m. AA Open 7 p.m. NA Open Thursday 1 p.m. AA Open 7 p.m. Al-Anon Closed



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Friday 2 p.m. AA Closed 7 p.m. AA Open Saturday Noon AA Closed Fourth Saturday of every month, Pin Night with 5:30 p.m. potluck and 7 p.m. meeting. Closed meetings are for only that group. AA - Alcoholics Anonymous. GA - Gamblers Anonymous. NA - Narcotics Anonymous. AlAnon - is for relatives and friends of alcoholics.


Monday: Celebrate Recovery, Christ-centered recovery program, 6:30 p.m., Community Life Center, Spooner Wesleyan Church, Hwy. 70 West. Call 715-635-2768. • First Friends Playgroup open to all children, 10 a.m.-noon. Focus on infants and caregivers with sensory stimulation and movement experiences. Art project materials provided, closes with circle music time and instrument exploration. Lakeland Family Resource Center, 314 Elm St., Spooner. Monday & Thursday: Washburn County Alzheimer’s Day Respite Program, 9 a.m.-2 p.m., Trinity Lutheran Church, Spooner. Daily fee includes lunch, program of crafts, exercise, games, music, quiet time. Call 715-635-4367. Tuesday: Women Healing Women support group, every other Tuesday, 4-5:30 p.m. Contact Time-Out Family Abuse Shelter Outreach office at 103 Oak St., Spooner, WI 54801. Wednesday: Lakeland Family Resource Center, 314 Elm St., Spooner, open from noon-3 p.m. Kidstime-Parentime 10 a.m.-noon. Learn, discuss, share ideas and experience to enrich parenting skills. Preselected art or play materials available for children of all ages. Last Wednesday of the month, potluck at 11:15 a.m. Thursday: Al-Anon meets at 8 p.m. in the cafeteria at Indianhead Medical Center, Shell Lake. • Library Fun For Little Ones, 10:30-11:15 a.m. Shell Lake Public


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Stories of northern Wisconsin


n the Jan. 16, 2013, edition of the Washburn County Register, a flyer was inserted with the heading, Help Write This Book. Todd Blair, publisher of Hometown Memories, was looking for stories of northern Wisconsin. People over 60 were asked to tell a down-home story about their childhood years. The flyer stated, “Tell us what you remember about things that happened back then that don’t seem to happen today.” The writings were to be compiled into a book with the purpose to save the stories before they’re lost since they probably wouldn’t make it into the official history books.

Several people from this area submitted stories and the result is a book with over 500 pages called “A Living History of Northern Wisconsin: Hobos and Swimming Holes, Tales from the Good Old Days in Northern Wisconsin.” Shell Lake writers included in the book are Geraldine Chartraw, writing about her grandfather’s sawmill; Rollie Erickson, telling about one of his adventures as a 4-year-old; Gayle Marker, sharing on making homemade ice cream; Irene Glessing, writing about her horse ride to Shell Lake to do

her shopping as well as her early school days; Lorraine Haremza, with memories of her childhood; Charlotte Thompson, sharing a story about her mother, Mable’s, wash day; and Barry Nielsen, writing about using his imagination. I received a copy of this book on the living history of northern Wisconsin from my parents. My dad, Leo J. Carlson, has a story about party line telephones published in the book. While reading through the list of contributing writers, I gained some insight into Fran-

ces Kurkowski’s life. Frances was from Frederic and I attended school with some of her children. There are other authors in the book whose names I recognize from neighboring communities. This book will come in handy when looking for a quick glimpse into the past. I also know that hubby Milt will enjoy reading some of the stories to his captive audience at the Frederic Care Center when he goes to read to them on Wednesday mornings. The people gathering for the reading time will also have their stories of past experiences to share as well.

Beyond the office door • Suzanne Johnson Area writers corner

Staying under cover

Mary B. Olsen Who ordered a cold one? I heard on the news that some Australian ecologists are being rescued from a ship stuck in the ice while in search of evidence of global warming. And another ship got iced in, as well. I hope they find global warming. We could use a bit of a warm spell. They can send it to us. I don’t know if other people are OK with the extremely cold temperatures, but I am getting a little tired of it. I am trying to keep my cool as I face the frigid elements. I think I know how a bear feels when he is ready to come out of hibernation. He knows when enough is enough. Some may call it cabin fever, that condition affecting people of the North. I must have a case of it. I used to think it was beautiful to see the chunks of ice clinging to the pine

trees, proudly holding the snow in their branches, like you see on holiday cards. No more. I want to see that snow fall. I want to tear down the enormous icicles attached to the eaves of my roof. Ice formations are marvelous, but I don’t want to see them any more. I want to stand up and cheer as Frosty melts into a puddle, even while the children cry. Go away, person made of snow, and come back next year. Sure, kids, and even some grown kids, can find snow attractive. They like scooting around with snowmobiles. Winter sports are OK, but how much longer are we to play in the snow? This has started too early and keeps on, and there seems to be no time limit. I long to see the flowers of spring. Somewhere in my memory there are violets blooming in the woods. I long for sun-ripened tomatoes. I want to drink in sun-kissed oranges, in the form of

my favorite breakfast juice. I want to see flamingos on our lawns. Is there a lawn under this snow cover? I dream of passing bicyclists along the roads. I long to see road construction crews at work and miles of orange plastic barrels. How long will it be before I can feel a gentle breeze, instead of harsh wind chill? Even the wind from the south is cold and chills me to the bone. I have a desire to see and hear sparkling, flowing, splashing water that has not turned to ice. Maybe I have to wait a few months and there will be no January thaw allowed. I can hope, can’t I? There is one consolation. I am not alone. All of us are coping with the oldfashioned winter. There are some pluses. Roads are clear for traveling. Snow is piled high in places but we can get around to take care of business. Down south the problems of this cold winter are a lot worse than they are for

us. They are not prepared for frozen tap water, frozen everything, and certainly not for winter driving conditions. Many of those people take off down a road at their usual speed and end up spinning their car into a ditch. We could have told them. We can snicker at their lack of cold-weather preparations. Actually, we are guilty of some of that, too. They have to be brave and learn to cope with the winter, just as we had to learn it. It’s always been a reality to us, and we can handle it. Is everybody like me? I think we have become huddled masses yearning to breathe free. We can’t hardly breathe, cocooned in our winter clothing. Maybe an early spell of cold weather means we will have an early spring. It is time to welcome spring, as far as I am concerned. Keep warm!

American Legion District 12 holds oratorical contest in Shell Lake SHELL LAKE — The American Legion District 12 Oratorical Contest was held at the Shell Lake High School on Jan. 11. The Washburn County Council of the American Legion and American Legion Post 225 Shell Lake hosted the event. Post Vice Commander Elmer An-

derson assisted. Steve Hoffelt, a freshman at Bruce High School in Rusk County, was the contest winner. He will advance to the American Legion State Oratorical Competition at Ripon College on Saturday, Feb. 15. — WCVSO

Shown with the American Legion District 12 oratorical winner Steve Hoffelt, second from the left, are (L to R): Robert Franzin, adjutant, Bruce Post 268; John Morris, commander Bruce Post 268; and Jim Chapin, 12th District commander. — Photos submitted

At the oratorical contest on Saturday, Jan. 11, were (L to R): Ken Rynes, American Legion Wisconsin state commander; Barb McDaniel, oratorical committee chair; Steve Hoffelt, District 12 oratorical winner; and Jim Chapin, 12th District commander.

Knights of Columbus present checks to fire victims

Farming for Profit Series to present commercial fruit production SPOONER — To help beginner and experience producers learn more about small-scale commercial fruit production, UW-Extension will be hosting its fourthannual Farming for Profit Series. The series is held on six consecutive Monday nights from 6:30-9 p.m. beginning Jan. 27 and ending March 3. This workshop is being offered at the Spooner Agriculture Research Station, the Polk County Government Center in Balsam Lake and at three other sites in Northwest Wisconsin. Instructors include UW-Extension fruit specialists and county UW-Extension agriculture agents and will be a combination of distance learning and

live presentations. The registration fee for the series is $10 per person per session or $40 per person for the entire series. Participants can attend one or all six. To register or get more information, please contact UWExtension Ag Agents Kevin Schoessow or Otto Wiegand at the Spooner Station 715-635-350, 800-528-1914, or Jennifer Blazek, Polk County UW-Extension ag agent at 715-485-8600. A brochure and registration form can be downloaded at hars.wisc.edu/spooner/. UW-Extension provides equal opportunities in employment and programming, including Title IX and ADA requirements. — from UWEX

On Wednesday, Jan. 15, Grand Knight William Slayton, left, representing Knights of Columbus Council 5397 Spooner, presented Ernie Hill and Billy Allen, both of Shell Lake, with checks on behalf of the local council and the state council in Madison after both families were victims of house fires. Hill’s residence on 8th Avenue suffered damage from a fire on Saturday, Dec. 28. Allen’s family was victim to a fire at their residence on Sand Road on Monday, Jan. 6. — Photo by Suzanne Johnson


A mural as long as a football field Diane Dryden | Staff writer SPOONER — In 1998, a Spooner woman, Patricia Solveson, journeyed to Jerusalem in order to share her Israelithemed paintings with those who lived there. She has a bachelor’s degree in fine art. She returned again and again. In 2008, when she was making her sixth trip, she met a man named Meir A. He was the caretaker and guide for the nearby Alliance International Cemetery. He invited her to visit and when she arrived she found the place was huge, almost as long as a football field. The graves were those of people who had linked their lives with Israel such as the Rev. John Stanley Grauel. He is considered by many to be one of the people directly responsible for the emergence of the state of Israel. Rolla Floyd is also buried there. Floyd was an American from Maine who in the late 19th century ran a network of stagecoaches along the Jerusalem-Jaffa Road and became known as Israel’s first tour guide. There, too, is Charles T. Winters, who assisted Israel in their War of Independence by supplying several WWII planes, for which he spent time in prison. On and on the important graves went, surrounded completely by old cement walls. Meir asked Solveson if she would consider coming back in order to paint the walls with a mural, or diorama, that depicted stories from both their Pentateuch, or the first five books of the Old Testament, and from the New Testament, seeing that many buried within the walls were Gentiles. Murals were not uncommon in Israel, but this project would be daunting for one woman. Solveson returned to the United States with mixed emotions. It would be quite a feat to paint the wall, much less figure out which scene would go where. Within two weeks, though, she knew

she’d go back and she started sketching out the monumental project. She raised her first support by inviting anyone interested in the project to a weekend in Solon Springs where she painted an 8’x12’ movable background for a visual aid as to what she would be doing in Israel. She raised money to go and then also received a donation from an interested foundation. Her first trip was in October of 2009. She stayed for six weeks, learning that there is good weather and bad weather for outdoor painting and that the walls needed to be treated before any permanent paint could be applied. She also learned that she could work with an injured thumb, which she smashed in the large cemetery gates. Even though a badly sprained back during another trip laid her low, she painted on and has made six trips since then. She’s had over 20 people help, friends from all over and her husband, Carl, who has gone once before and then battled cancer last year, will be going again this coming March. She has made a tremendous project, as her website, jerusalemwalloflife. org; will attest. She figures roughly that it will take another three or four more trips to completely finish the project. The wall is getting more and more popular to the locals because one day a year, everyone is encouraged to visit local historical sites, and the cemetery is included in the brochure. During the open house tours it’s not uncommon to have over 1,200 people come through. It’s also common to have visitors each day of the week, some for the first time and some checking on the progress of the mural. “I wanted to accomplish two goals with this massive mural,” says Solveson. “First of all I wanted to tell God’s love story for all people and secondly I wanted to create a series of scenes that would move the

Patricia Solveson holds the Israeli brochure advertising all the historic locations that hold open houses each year. The Alliance International Church cemetery, where she is painting a mural, is one of the featured places to visit in the brochure. — Photos by Diane Dryden viewer’s eye down the mural compelling them to walk the entire distance to see the entire story.” Jerusalem’s Haaretz newspaper recently covered her work favorably in their paper. It complimented her on the mural. It also complimented the cemetery on its rise from the rubble of abandonment to its pristine condition today. This was thanks in part to the Alliance International Church, when in 1927 it took over from the American Presbyterian Church who began the site in the late 19th century. The newspaper praised the caretaker/ tour guide by saying, “Meir A’s extensive knowledge of the cemetery and its nearly

400 occupants is almost encyclopedic.” It won’t be long before the Solvesons and their volunteers will be making their springtime 12-hour flight to Israel and dealing with the six-hour time difference. If your church or civic group would like to hear Solveson’s story, she’s available to visit, sing and tell her remarkable story and share information on Israel today. You can contact her by email, p_solveson@hotmail.com or by phone at 715-7330069. Don’t forget to visit the Jerusalem Wall of Life, jerusalemwalloflife.org, website for lots more information and photos.

Patricia Solveson, Spooner, is only home for a short time before she returns to Israel to resume painting this mural that is over a football field long.

Spooner High School senior opens own business Danielle Moe | Staff writer SPOONER — Eighteen-year-old Paxton Pocernich loves card games, so much that he went all in. “I figured if I am going to be doing something for a career I might as well do something I enjoy, so I decided to make something based off of my favorite hobby,” said Pocernich. Opened two weeks ago, What the Deck card shop buys, sells and trades primarily Magic the Gathering, Yugioh and Pokemon cards. A card shop may seem outdated, but the 12 million players and fans of the Magic the Gathering card game alone suggest that this kid is onto something. On Tuesday, Jan. 14, Hasbro Inc. and 20th Century Fox announced their intention to make a series of films based upon the fantasy-adventure game Magic the Gathering. At What the Deck, Pocernich offers fellow card-playing enthusiasts weekly game tournaments in addition to deck building and gaming advice. “I will help people build their decks and I’ll see different stuff that I would not have thought of and some other people will help me with something so it goes back and forth on that,” said Pocernich. More than just a card shop, What the Deck is a place for cardplayers to socialize, strategize and have fun. Located in the old Bumper-to-Bumper building at 111 Elm St. in Spooner, What the Deck shares space with four other

businesses: Iplay, Sam’s Resale, Quarter’s Arcade and Graydon’s Antiques and Collectibles. Sam Smith owns the building and three of the businesses inside. Smith moved his business, Iplay, into the Elm Street building after deciding to expand his business to include a resale shop, Sam’s Resale, and an arcade where every game is a quarter to play. What the Deck card shop is open 1-8 p.m. Monday through Saturday. Iplay and Sam’s Resale are open 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Monday through Saturday. Quarter’s Arcade is open 10 a.m.-8 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 10 a.m.-10 p.m. Friday and Saturday. Graydon’s Antiques and Collectibles is open Wednesday through Saturday or by appointment. What the Deck’s tournament schedule is: Yugioh tournaments are held Fridays. Magic tournaments are held Saturdays and Mondays. Free play is scheduled from 6-8 p.m. Paid-entry tournaments are scheduled from 8-10 p.m. In paid-entry tournaments the winner receives a prize. Paxton Pocernich, Graydon Stone and Sam Smith stand by the brick Elm Street building in Spooner that contains their stores. Pocernich recently opened What the Deck card shop. Stone moved his antiques and collectibles store from the Madison area and Smith moved Iplay video and added Sam’s Resale and Quarters Arcade. — Photo by Danielle Moe



Submit your sports photos and information to: wcregister@centurytel.net


Shell Lake boys extend their winning streak

Larry Samson | Staff writer SHELL LAKE — With a 62-47 win over Birchwood on Tuesday, Jan. 14, and a 35-27 win over Northwood on Thursday, Jan. 16, the Shell Lake boys basketball team extended their winning streak to three games and got themselves out of the cellar of the Lakeland Central Conference. Shell Lake jumped out in an early lead against the Birchwood Bobcats defense, scoring 24 points in the first quarter. At the end of the first half, the Lakers had a 41-25 lead. The Bobcats adjusted their defense and held the Lakers to 21 points in the second half, but the Laker defense was equally stingy. David Brereton put 24 points on the scoreboard and Jesse Sibert put up 16 points.

The Northwood Evergreens came to Shell Lake looking for a win, and the Lakers sent them back home with a 35-17 loss. Shell Lake led 15-8 after the first quarter, adding three more points to their 19-9 halftime lead. After the third quarter, the Evergreens rally cut the lead to 21-17. The Lakers rallied in the fourth and outscored the Evergreens 14-10 to win the game. Brereton had a good game on offense with 23 points. On defense he had seven rebounds and one block. Sibert, Adam Hungerbuhler and Curtis Parker each put up four points to help the cause. Shell Lake will travel to Cameron to play the 5-1 Comets on Friday, Jan. 24. The Comets only loss was to Clayton, 56-55, on Thursday, Jan. 16.

David Brereton tries to slam dunk it but came up short. He did have 24 points on the board as Shell Lake defeated Birchwood 62 to 47 in a nonconference game on Tuesday, Jan. 14.

Curtis Parker with a fast-break layup good for two points. He had 10 points for the game.

Jesse Sibert with a jump shot. He put in another great game with 16 points.

Big win over Northwood for Laker girls Larry Samson | Staff writer SHELL LAKE — It was a big week for the Shell Lake girls basketball team. In the 47-31 win over Winter on Monday, Jan. 13, Shania Pokorny hit her 1,000-point high school career milestone. She is one of five Shell Lake student athletes to do so. The game was stopped and she was awarded the game ball. On the following night in a special ceremony before the Birchwood game, she was recognized before the home fans. The team went on to defeat Birchwood 48-9 that night in a nonconference game. The girls finished out the week with a 48-25 win over their conference rivals, the Northwood Evergreens. That win gives them an eight-game winning streak as they head into the second half of the season. Shell Lake took an early lead in the

Birchwood game and never looked back as the Laker offense overwhelmed the Bobcat defense. Pokorny had 14 points in that game followed by Kristen Kraetke with 12 points. The Shell Lake and Northwood rivalry has favored Northwood in recent years, but that dominance came to an end with a 48-25 win. Shell Lake had 21 fouls to 17 for Northwood as the two teams played a hard game. Pokorny came through with 18 points and Kraetke had 14 points. Kraetke has found her groove as she hit four 3-pointers in the game. McKayla Waggoner was the high scorer for the Evergreens with 11 points. Shell Lake will travel to Cameron on Friday, Jan. 24, to play the Central Lakeland Conference leader Comets, who are 4-0 in the conference.

Shania Pokorny is fouled as she goes up for the shot. She was four for six on the free-throw line and put up 18 points for the game.

Photos by Larry Samson

Kristen Kraetke pumps in a 3-pointer. She had four 3-pointers and 16 points for the game as Shell Lake defeated Northwood 48-25 in a home game on Friday, Jan. 17. They have won their last eight games as they head into their game with Clayton.

RIGHT: Hannah Cassel with a fast-break layup. Shell Lake defeated Birchwood, 48-9, in a Tuesday, Jan. 14, nonconference win.

Photos by Larry Samson



Submit your sports photos and information to: wcregister@centurytel.net


Spooner team takes to the mat in Hayward before hosting Barron HAYWARD/SPOONER — On Tuesday evening, Jan. 14, the Spooner wrestling team traveled to Hayward to wrestle in their first dual of the week. They started out at the 220-pound weight class and Zach Shutt received a forfeit. At 285 Brad Baker added six team points with a pin in the first period. At 106 Blake Larson received a forfeit and also Trey Lawrence at the 113-pound weight class. Once again Spooner had to forfeit at the 120-pound weight class. At 126 Jadin Schwartz continues to look very impressive on his feet. Schwartz has a really good double-leg takedown. He used these skills to take his opponent down before pinning him in the second period. At 132 Brandon Jepson wrestled a very good opponent but was able to dominate the match. In the second period Jepson took over the match and eventually pinned him late in the period. At 138 Mitch Shellito did his best not to get pinned in the match. He fought hard the entire time but was pinned in the second period. At 145 Patrick Baker once again looked very good. He was able to take his opponent down right away and put him straight to his back. He picked up six team points with a pin. At 152 Dylan Sahr looked a little rusty after not having a match for the past three weeks. In the third period he started to look himself again, but unfortunately by that time it was too late. He lost the match by a score of 16-6. At 160 Richard Lauterbach controlled the match the entire time and was able to pick up the pin in the third period. Probably the most impressive match of the night was when Joe VandeVrede took on Derek Kelsey. Kelsey had placed fourth at the Northern Badger

this year, and VandeVrede had lost out before the second day. VandeVrede wrestled extremely well and won by a score of 8-5. At 182 the Rails had to forfeit due to Lucas Hagberg being injured. At 195 Jared Quenette topped off the night with a victory and a pin in the first period. This final match made the team score Spooner 57 and Hayward 22. On Friday night, Jan. 17, Spooner hosted Barron for Parents Night. The coaching staff really appreciated all of the family and friends that showed up to support this year’s wrestlers. The dual started with one JV match. At 160 Josiah Melton did not take long before taking his opponent down and pinning him. The varsity dual started out at the 113pound weight class. Trey Lawrence was wrestling a very good opponent and had a difficult time scoring. The match was tied 0-0 going into the third period. In the third period, Lawrence was able to score the only two points of the match in order to pick up our first victory of the night. At 120 Barron took the lead after Spooner gave up six team points with a forfeit. At 126 Schwartz gave Spooner the lead back with a pin of his own. At 132 Jepson gave it his best effort but was outmatched by the senior. The final score was 8-20. At 138 Shellito got Spooner back on the right track after pinning his opponent in the second period. This once again gave Spooner the lead. This also seemed to fire up the whole team. The Rails were able to pick up eight more pins in a row after this match. At 145 Patrick Baker pinned his opponent in the first period. At 152 Sahr pinned his opponent in the second period. At 160 it only took Lauterbach

14 seconds to pin his opponent. At 170 VandeVrede dominated his opponent and finally pinned him in the third period. At 182 it was good to have Hagberg back in the lineup after missing the match on Tuesday night. He pinned his opponent in the second period. At 195 Quenette pinned his wrestler in the first period. At 220 Shutt also pinned his opponent in the first period. At 285 Brad Baker wrestled well and was able to turn and pin his op-

ponent in the second period. In the final match of the night, Quincy Stephens of Barron was able to pin Larson at the 106-pound weight class. The final score after picking up 10 pins on the night and one decision was Spooner 63 and Barron 16. “The team wrestled really well and gave the fans a great Friday night of wrestling,” stated head coach Andrew Melton. — from Spooner High School Athletic Department

In the 138-pound weight class, Mitch Shellito pinned Tyler Guski in the second period.

Spooner freshman Trey Lawrence beat David Pintens by a 2-0 decision late in the third period.

Dylan Sahr, wrestling at 152, pinned his Barron opponent, Warren Hazelwood, in the second period of the Friday night, Jan. 17, meet held in Spooner.

Photos by Larry Samson

fall sports

schedule Boys varsity basketball Friday, Jan. 24: At Cameron, doubleheader, 7:30 p.m. Friday, Jan. 31: At Turtle Lake, doubleheader, 7:30 p.m. Friday, Feb. 7: Vs. Clayton, 7:30 p.m. Monday, Feb. 10: Vs. Lake Holcombe, 7:30 p.m. Friday, Feb. 14: Vs. Clear Lake, 7:30 p.m. Monday, Feb. 17: Vs. Siren, 7 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 18: At Webster, 7:30 p.m. Friday, Feb. 21: At Northwood, doubleheader, 5:45 p.m.

Girls varsity basketball

Patrick Baker pinned Cody Gehl in the first period at the wrestling meet in Spooner on Friday, Jan. 17.

Friday, Jan 24: At Cameron, doubleheader, 5:45 p.m. Friday, Jan. 31: At Turtle Lake, doubleheader, 5:45 p.m. Monday, Feb. 3: Vs. Grantsburg, 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 6: At Frederic, 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 11: Vs. Clayton, 7:30 p.m. Friday, Feb. 14: Clear Lake, doubleheader, 5:45 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 18: At Webster, doubleheader, 5:45 p.m.

Friday, Feb. 21: At Northwood, doubleheader, 7:30 p.m. Monday, Feb. 24: Vs. Siren, 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 27: At Prairie Farm, 7:30 p.m.

Varsity wrestling Thursday, Jan. 23: Vs. Cornell/Gilman, 7 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 25: Shell Lake Invitational, 9 a.m. Thursday, Jan. 30: At Northwood, 7 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 8: Conference at Cameron, 9 a.m.

Girls varsity hockey (Hayward, Spooner, Northwestern, Ashland, Shell Lake) Thursday, Jan. 23: Vs. Northland Pines, Hayward Sports Center, 7 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 28: Vs. Superior, Hayward Sports Center, 7 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 30: Vs. Siren, Hayward Sports Center, 7 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 4: River Falls, Baldwin Civic Center, 7 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 8: Eau Claire Area Stars, Hayward Sports Center, 4 p.m.

Boys varsity hockey (Spooner, Shell Lake, Barron, Cumberland) Thursday, Jan. 23: At Somerset, 7 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 28: Vs. Park Falls at Barron, 7 p.m. Friday, Jan. 31: At Siren, 7 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 4: At Altoona, 7 p.m. Friday, Feb. 7: At Black River Falls, 7 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 11: At Cumberland, 7 p.m.



Submit your sports photos and information to: wcregister@centurytel.net


Pokorny shoots her 1,000th point

Laker Shania Pokorny shot her 1,000point milestone at the Winter basketball game on Monday, Jan. 13. She shares her honors and game ball with her niece, Marlee Hopke. Only five Shell Lake student athletes have earned this honor, Teri Butler, Stephanie Williams, Steve Soukup, Casey Bruce and now Pokorny.

Shania Pokorny poses with her brother, sisters, cousins, nieces and nephews who showed their support for her at a special ceremony held on Tuesday, Jan. 14. Shown top row (L to R): Sheri Clark, Kaylee Keenan, Felicia Pokorny and her daughter, Marlee. Middle: Julia Pokorny and Shania. Front: Brittany Clark, Kayla Pederson, Ethan Lehmann, Keanna Mullines, Athena Lehmann and Luke Pokorny holding Curtis and Carter Mullines. Missing from the photo are Ashley and Mary Clark.

Shania Pokorny poses with her coaches and teammates who helped her reach the 1,000point milestone and share her honor. Shown (L to R): Assistant coach Aaron Anderson, Amy Bouchard, Hannah Cassel, Jen Connell, Sheri Clark, Pokorny, Kristen Kraetke, Makenzie Olson, Amanda Brereton, Tia Carlson and head coach Dan Kevan.

Photos by Larry Samson

Youth basketball

The Spooner seventh-grade team took first place at the Shell Lake youth basketball tournament held Saturday, Jan. 18, at the 3-12 gymnasium. Shown (L to R) back row: Coach Dan Rosenbush, Kennedy Patrick, Shpresa Shabani, Jackie Rosenbush and Monica Plesums. Front: McKaela Sybers, Lily Araf and Kira Peterson. Not present for game and photo were Emma Salquist and Maryn Bengs. With a 1-3 record, the Shell Lake team took fourth place at the Shell Lake youth basketball tournament. The Shell Lake seventhgrade basketball team, shown back row (L to R) is: Cassidy Skattebo, Natalie Jury, McLain Hutton and Anna Mikula. Middle: Carly Osborn, Breeana Monson, Sydney Schunck and Krista Parker. Front: Taylor Eiche, Alexis DeLadi, Maddy Flach and Ashley Clark.

Shpresa Shabani goes up for a layup as Sydney Schunck defends her.

Spooner guard Kennedy Patrick blows past a North Branch, Minn., defender on her way to the basket. Spooner beat North Branch 13-10 in their first game of the day. Going undefeated, they took first place in the tournament.

Photos by Larry Samson

Cassidy Skattebo with a shot as she is defended by Monica Plesums and Jackie Rosenbush.



Submit your sports photos and information to: wcregister@centurytel.net


League showcase at Spooner Ice House

Sean Solveson | Special to the Register SPOONER — The Spooner Ice House, home of the Junior A Wisconsin Wilderness hockey team, will host the league showcase this Wednesday and Thursday, Jan. 22 and 23. The Wilderness then follows the showcase up with another home game Friday versus the English River Miners. The Superior International Junior Hockey League is comprised of six teams, two American and four Canadian. The SIJHL is in the Canadian Junior Hockey League with 10 leagues all the way across Canada totaling 128 teams. The CJHL is a major training ground for young hockey talents to develop their skills in order to be prepared for and valued by high level college hockey programs. The SIJHL showcase is an opportunity for scouts to gather and observe hockey talent in the league in order to recruit effectively for their teams.

Wednesday at 1 p.m., the Thunder Bay North Stars, ranked number 12 out of the 128 teams in the CJHL, face off against the Minnesota Iron Rangers, currently ranked third in the SIJHL. Notable players to watch from Thunder Bay include No. 18 Daniel Delpaggio winning the Gongshow Gear Player Of The Month Award in December and No. 8 Matthias Gardiman winning the Gongshow Gear Player Of The Month Award in November. Then at 4:30 p.m., the English River Miners will battle the Fort Francis Lakers currently ranked No. 7 out of the 128 teams in the CJHL. No. 16 Lucas Debenedet of the Lakers is an exceptional talent leading his team along with point leaders No. 9 Mason Meyer and No. 22 Lyndon Lipinski as they look to shake a mini slump to finish the season strong. Then at 8 p.m., the surging Wisconsin Wilderness take to the ice as they host the Dryden Ice Dogs

to round up Wednesday’s games. On Thursday, the 1 p.m. game is the Miners versus the Iron Rangers. The 4:30 p.m. game is the Lakers versus the Ice Dogs, and then at 8 p.m. the Wilderness take on the North Stars. Action at the Spooner Ice House on Friday, Jan. 24, at 7 p.m., is Wisconsin Wilderness versus the English River Miners.

Wilderness wins last two games After a difficult transitional period for the Wilderness, an expansion team, the second half of the season has seen some glimmers of hope for the struggling hockey program. After knocking off one of the best teams in all of Canada, the Fort Francis Lakers, the Wilderness traveled to the Iron Range and then beat the Rangers on their home ice on Saturday, Jan. 18. The Wilderness jumped out quick with two goals in the first period, but then did

not maintain the same mental toughness in the second period allowing a goal from the Rangers. The Rangers stormed back in the third to tie the game and with significant momentum looked to take the victory. The Wilderness barely hung on to send the game to an overtime period where they had to withstand a 5-on-3 power play to send the game into a shootout. Wilderness goaltender, No. 1 Griffen Strain, stuffed the Rangers attempts and then No. 11 Billy Foy scored for the Wilderness giving them their second victory in a row. Wilderness defenseman, No. 2 Nick Minerva, conveyed that the team is beginning to play with confidence. Playing with confidence and with an effective team approach has been coach McCreary’s mantra in practice and the team is now buying in. Now the Wilderness look to harness their momentum to propel them into consistent winning ways.

Laker wrestlers participate in Lumberjack Invitational Also see action in Flambeau SHELL LAKE/LADYSMITH — The Shell Lake wrestling team took to the mats on Thursday, Jan. 16, when they hosted Flambeau. The dual ended in a close match with Shell Lake 18 to Flambeau’s 19. In competition against Flambeau three

Lakers were able to compete. The other weight classes had forfeits by one or the other team or both. Seeing action was Beau Skluzacek at 170 when Rowdy Kochevar defeated him by decision, 7-4. Packer Makinia pinned Shell Lake’s Leo Carrillo, 4:29 in the 220-pound weight class. In the 152-pound weight class, Jarod Bainter, Flambeau, by a major decision, 9-0, defeated Noah Skluzacek.

At the Lumberjack Invitational in Ladysmith on Saturday, Jan. 218, Jack Skluzacek, 106 pounds, placed 10th and scored 19 team points. Dominic Hopke, 145 pounds, placed ninth and scored 23 team points. Noah Skluzacek, 152 pounds, placed eighth and scored 26 team points. Beau Skluzacek, 152 pounds, placed fourth and scored 32 team points. Ben Frey, 170 pounds, placed 12th and scored

10 team points. Carrillo, 220 pounds, placed fifth and scored 35 team points. The wrestling team will host Cornell/ Gilman on Thursday, Jan. 23, at 7 p.m., and the Shell Lake Invitational will start at 9 a.m. on Saturday, Jan. 25. — from Shell Lake Athletic Department

Youth wrestling club competes in Boyceville To host Brady Mortensen Youth Tournament this Sunday BOYCEVILLE — The Shell Lake Youth Wrestling Club traveled to Boyceville on Sunday, Jan. 19. All wrestled very well and together took home a second-place team trophy competing against seven

other schools. Several youth wrestlers also traveled to Turtle Lake on Saturday, Jan. 4, where they just missed out on a team trophy. It was a great showing for the program so early in the season. The Shell Lake Brady Mortensen Youth Tournament will be held Sunday, Jan. 26, beginning at 10 a.m. — from YWC

Photos submitted The Shell Lake Youth Wrestling Club members shown with their second-place team trophy are back row (L to R): Coach Jayme Lucas, Isaac Smith, Carter Lawrence, Koy Hopke and coach Byron Hopke. Front: Jameson Lucas, Kale Hopke, Briar Naglosky, Brady Lehnherr and Aiden Smith. Missing from the team photo is Max Elliott. Briar Naglosky during competition on Boyceville on Sunday, Jan. 19. Isaac Smith saw action at the youth wrestling in Boyceville on Saturday, Jan. 19.

Shell Lake Youth Wrestling Club member Carter Lawrence.

Wrestling in the youth tournament was Aiden Smith.




53 3rd St., Shell Lake 715-468-2734 Rev. John Sahlstrom, Rev. John Hendry Sunday School 9 a.m.; Sunday Worship Service 10 a.m., Nursery Provided; Faith & Friends, K - 6th grades, Wednesdays 3:15 - 5 p.m.; Youth Group, 7th - 12th grades, Wednesdays 7 - 8:30 p.m.

Corner of Elm and Summit St., Spooner 715-635-8475 Father Aaron Zook Holy Eucharist: Sunday at 10:30 a.m. Thursday morning prayer 8:15; Mass 9:30 a.m.

Lake Park Alliance


Northwoods Baptist

W6268 Cranberry Dr., Shell Lake; 1 mile north of CTH B on U.S. 253 Pastor Adam Dunshee 715-468-2177 Sunday School: 10 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. Sunday service: 6 p.m. Wednesday service: 7 p.m.

Spooner Baptist

W7135 Green Valley Rd. (Green Valley Rd. and Hwy. 63) Pastor Darrel Flaming 715-635-2277 spoonerbaptist.com Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. Sunday evening service 6 p.m. Wed. evening service 6:30 p.m.


St. Joseph’s Catholic

100 N. Second St., Shell Lake Father Edwin Anderson Saturday Mass: 4:30 p.m. Books and Coffee: Tues. 9 a.m.

St. Catherine’s Catholic

CTH D, Sarona Father Edwin Anderson 715-468-7850 Sunday Mass: 8:30 a.m.

St. Francis de Sales

409 N. Summit St., Spooner Father Edwin Anderson 715-635-3105 Saturday Mass: 6 p.m. Sunday Mass: 10 a.m.

St. Alban’s

Full Gospel Shell Lake Full Gospel

293 S. Hwy. 63, Shell Lake Pastor Virgil Amundson 715-468-2895 Sunday School & Adult Education Classes: 9 a.m. Celebration worship 9 & 10:30 a.m.; KFC (Kids For Christ) during Service; UTurn Student Ministries 6 p.m.; Tuesdays: Compassion Connection (Men only) 7 p.m.; Wednesdays: Compassion Connection (Women only) 7 p.m.; Thursdays: Compassion Connection (Coed meetings) 7 p.m.;


Barronett Lutheran 776 Prospect Ave., Barronett Pastor Todd Ahneman 715-671-3197 (cell) Sunday Worship: 9 a.m. The Spirit Connection Youth Group will meet the first Wednesday of the month at 6 p.m.

W3114 Church Rd., Sarona Pastor Mary Strom Sunday services, 9 a.m. Sunday school 9:15 a.m.

Salem Lutheran, ELCA

803 Second St., Shell Lake 715-468-7718 Pastor Sue Odegard shelllakesalem lutheran.org Worship 9 a.m. Sunday School 10:15 a.m..

Timberland Ringebu Free Lutheran

20805 CTH H, Barronett 715-468-4403 Pastor Al Bedard Sunday School 8:30 a.m. Family Worship 9:30 a.m. Fellowship follows worship Holy Communion first Sunday of the month Midweek Studies Mondays 2 p.m.

Trinity Lutheran

Church of the Nazarene

Hwy. 253 S, Spooner Rev. David Frazer 715-635-3496 Sunday Worship: 10:45 a.m. and 6 p.m.; Sunday School: 9:45 a.m.; Wednesday adult, youth and children ministries: 6:30 p.m.


Spooner Wesleyan

Hwy. 70 W, Spooner spoonerwesleyan.org 715-635-2768 Senior Pastor Ron Gormong; Pastor Brian Scramlin, Assistant Pastor; Pastor Patrick Cooper, Student Ministries; Pastor LeRoy Drake, Pastoral Care; Joel Simpson, Worship Arts Director 9 and 10:30 a.m. Sunday Worship and 9 a.m. Sunday School and ABF; 10 a.m. Third Place Cafe; 10:30 a.m. Worship; Wednesday - 6:30 p.m. Family night, kids, youth and adult programming, nursery provided.

1790 Scribner St., Spooner Pastor Russ Leeper 715-635-3603 Sunday Worship: 8 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. Sunday Schools 9:15 a.m. Office hours: Monday Thursday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.


Cornerstone Christian

Pastor Tom Kelby 106 Balsam St., Spooner 715-635-9222 cornerstonechurch spooner.com Sunday Worship: 10 a.m. Wed. Prayer: 6:30 p.m.


United Methodist

Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church

(WELS) Hwy. 70 at Hwy. 53, Spooner Pastor Gene E. Jahnke 715-635-7672, Home: 715-354-7787 Sunday Worship: 9:30 a.m. Sunday School and Bible class: 10:45 a.m.

Faith Lutheran


Long Lake Lutheran Church

135 Reinhart Dr., Shell Lake, 715-468-2405 Pastor Steve Miller Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. Sunday School during worship time; webcast livestream.com/ slumc

Sarona Methodist Pastor Steve Miller Sunday Worship 9 a.m.

United Methodist

(Missouri Synod) South of Spooner off Hwy. 63 W7148 Luther Rd. Pastor Brent Berkesch 715-635-8167 Sunday Worship, 8 a.m. with Holy Communion 2nd, 4th and 5th Sunday, 10:30 a.m. Praise worship with Holy Communion, 1st, 3rd and 5th Sunday; Sunday School 9:15 a.m.; Lutheran Hour on WJMC 96.1 FM Radio at 9 a.m. Sundays

312 Elm St., Spooner 715-635-3227 Rev. Jack Starr Sunday Worship: 10:45 a.m.

Lakeview United Methodist Williams Road, Hertel 715-635-3227 Rev. Jack Starr Sunday Worship: 9 a.m.

Trego Community Church

Pastor John Iaffaldano W5635 Park St. Trego, WI 54888, 715-635-8402 Sunday School 9:15 a.m. Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m. prayer meeting; Youth group, 6:30 p.m.; Kids program, AWANA, ages 4 - grade 6, 6:30 p.m.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Bishop Patrick F. Roper 715-719-0124 644 S. 6th Street, Barron 715-537-3679 Sunday: Sacrament 10 a.m., Sunday School/Primary 11:20 a.m., Priesthood/Relief Society 12:10 p.m.

It was the first day of geography class. The teacher was trying to get the class involved in a lively discussion. “What is the shape of the world?” she asked. Immediately, James held up his hand and said, “My dad says it’s in terrible shape!” And most people would seem to agree with his dad. Years ago a psalmist gave us a reason for the condition of the world, “The kings and rulers of the earth,” he said, “take their stand together against the Lord ... and his anointed one.” This Psalm points to the one who was to come, the Messiah. In it we find a description of Jesus, his life, death, resurrection and future reign. This Psalm also describes the rebellion of the nations of the world and their refusal to be obedient to the word of God. The author wanted his readers to know and understand that God would fulfill his promises of peace and hope, grace and mercy, love and salvation. God, speaking to us through this Psalm, gave us his assurance that he is the one who is in control of all things - past, present and future. He wants us to know that through his word we can become free from the worries and cares of this world and be certain of being with him in eternity. “Serve the Lord with reverent fear,” said the psalmist, and “submit to God’s royal Son ... and there will be joy for all who find protection in him.” Visit us at Guido Gardens, Metter, Ga.

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Send death notices/obituaries to P.O. Box 455, Shell Lake, WI 54871 or email wcregister@centurytel.net

ADOPTABLE PETS OF THE WEEK Hi, my name is Dexter. I am a year old, I’m brindle and white with some brown and some gold. My heart is as big as the smile on my face, A dog sweet as me you could never replace. I’m like a big puppy, how I love to play, I don’t understand how I came to be stray. I bet if you called me and told me come here, I’m sure I’d have listened, just look at my ears. Please come down and meet me, you’ll understand why, You can’t live without me, let’s give it a try. Dogs for adoption: 1-year-old female German shepherd mix; 1-1/2-year-old tan male dachshund mix; 1-1/2-year-old female boxer/black Lab mix; 1-year-old brindle male Staffordshire terrier mix and a 3-year-old brown/white male pit bull mix. Cats for adoption: Three 12-week-old male black shorthair kittens; 2-year-old neutered gray shorthair tiger; 1-1/2-year-old neutered black/brown shorthair tiger; 1-1/2-year-old black/white female shorthair; 4-year-old spayed shorthair tortie; 7-year-old neutered/declawed black medium-hair; 5-year-old neutered orange/white Maine coon mix; 1-year-old neutered black shorthair; 1-year-old female brown/ black shorthair tiger; 1-year-old female black/gray shorthair tabby; two 5-month-old black/white female shorthairs; 3-year-old spayed black/white shorthair and four senior altered/declawed shorthair cats, two black, one tabby and one tortie. Strays include: Adult male black Lab wearing a blue collar found in Springbrook.

Located at 1400 Cottonwood Ave. in Spooner (Behind the county fairgrounds)

715-635-4720 wcahs.com

Heart of the Farm – Women in Agriculture conference to be held in Cumerland CUMBERLAND — The Heart of the Farm - Women in Agriculture conference series is a UW-Extension program that is committed to addressing the needs of farm women by providing education on farm business topics, connecting them with agricultural resources and creating support networks. The conference will be held at Das Lach Haus in Cumberland, Saturday, Feb. 8, 9 a.m.-3:15 p.m. This conference will provide women with the opportunity to network with other farm women and learn about working with their spouse and farm and crop insurances. There will be a session where participants will be able to ask farm tax questions and taste local foods with music being played in the background during lunch. Throughout the day there will be a chance to get a chair massage or Reiki session for a small donation. Topics and presenters include: Working with Your Spouse - Farmer Panel, local women farmers; Farm Insurance - Paul Hedlund, Raymond James Financial Services; Crop Insurance Kevin Christensen, AgStar; Working Hard Doesn’t Have to Hurt - Benjamin J. Brenna, Cumberland Health-Care; Farm Taxes - Robert Richardson, Bakke Norman Law Offices; and local foods presentation and tasting along with door prizes. Registration is $20 per person. Das Lach Haus is located at 1788 Elm St., Cumberland. For more information, brochure or to register, contact UW-Extension ag agents Jennifer Blazek, Polk County, 715-485-8600, jennifer.blazek@ces.uwex.edu, Tim Jergenson, Barron County, 715-537-6250, Otto Wiegand, Spooner, 715-635-3506, or Jenny Vanderlin, UW-Madison, 608-263-7795, jmvander@ wisc.edu. The registration deadline is Monday, Feb. 3. Heart of the Farm is supported by the UW-Center for Dairy Profitability, UW-Extension Polk, Barron, Burnett and Washburn counties, Wisconsin Milk Marketing Board, Focus on Energy, and a USDA Risk Management Agency, North Central Risk Management Education Center grant. — from UWEX


St. Francis de Sales Catholic School In Spooner, WI, Has A Job Opening For A

KINDERGARTEN TEACHER For The 2014-2015 School Year

Candidates must have a Wisconsin Elementary or Early Childhood teaching license. Practicing Catholic preferred.

Please send cover letter and resume to: Mrs. Kathy Kurkiewicz, Principal, 300 Oak Street, 599030 23-26r Spooner, WI 54801.

Leona M. Hargreaves She is survived by her husband, Tony Hargreaves Jr.; her children, Jamie (Brenda) Smith, Michelle (Brad) Olsen, Josh (Johanna) Smith, Colleen Smith, Tanya (Richard) Waugh, William Hargreaves and Matthew Hargreaves; her sisters and brothers, Marcie (Dennis) Kennedy, Fred (Linda) Geisdorf, Mo Matton, Dana (Marcy) Geisdorf, Orrin (Mary) Geisdorf; 10 grandchildren; several nieces and nephews; and other relatives and friends. A Celebration of Life for Leona will be held at Chetek Lanes from 1-6 p.m., on Saturday, Jan. 25.

Leona M. Hargreaves, 50, Chetek, passed away Thursday, Jan. 16, 2014, at Lakeview Medical Center. Leona was born on June 22, 1963, in Rice Lake to Orrin and Leona (Stauner) Geisdorf. She attended Rice Lake High School. She was a caring wife, mom, grandmother, sister and friend. She lived life to its fullest. She was preceded in death by her parents and brother, Kevin Geisdorf.

Margaret V. zum Brunnen Margaret V. zum Brunnen, 96, passed away Jan. 14, 2014, at Glenview in Shell Lake. She was born Sept. 9, 1917, in the Town of Washington, Green County, Wisconsin, to Casper and Edna (Spaeni) zum Brunnen. After graduating from Monroe High School in 1935, she worked as a telephone operator before becoming employed by the Air Transport Command. Her job with the ATC took her to Okinawa and Hickam Field in Honolulu, Hawaii. In the early 1950s, she moved to California, where she worked for many years for the printer’s union before moving to Shell Lake. She loved to read and sew, and her passion for traveling took her around the world. She was preceded in death by her parents, and brother and sister-in-law, Robert and Rose zum Brunnen. She is survived by nieces, Mary Fox and Kathy zum Brunnen (Greg Roach); great-nephew, Jeff R. Fox; and great-great-nephew, Korbin (Jan. 15, 22, 29) W. Fox. STATE OF WISCONSIN A family graveside memoCIRCUIT COURT WASHBURN COUNTY

Bank of America, N.A. vs.


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rial is planned for the spring. Online condolences may be left at dahlfh.com.

JOB OPPORTUNITY Help Wanted At Madison Construction Job includes driving dump trucks, heavy equipment, performing manual labor and routine maintenance. CDL required. Must pass drug screening.

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599005 23-24r

DENNIS R. KING, et al. Defendant(s) Case No: 11 CV 151 NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by virtue of a judgment of foreclosure entered on December 19, 2011, in the amount of $101,225.76, the Sheriff will sell the described premises at public auction as follows: TIME: February 12, 2014, at 10:00 a.m. TERMS: By bidding at the sheriff sale, prospective buyer is consenting to be bound by the following terms: 1.) 10% down in cash or money order at the time of sale; balance due within 10 days of confirmation of sale; failure to pay balance due will result in forfeit of deposit to plaintiff. 2.) Sold “as is” and subject to all legal liens and encumbrances. 3.) Plaintiff opens bidding on the property, either in person or via fax and as recited by the sheriff department in the event that no opening bid is offered, plaintiff retains the right to request the sale be declared as invalid as the sale is fatally defective. PLACE: At the North entrance of Washburn County Courthouse located at 10 4th Avenue, Shell Lake, Wisconsin. DESCRIPTION: Lot 10, Block 31, Fourth Addition to the City of Spooner, Washburn County, Wisconsin. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 313 Balsam Street, Spooner, WI 54801. TAX KEY NO.: 65-281-2-39-1231-5-15-044-756500. Dated this 31st day of December, 2013. Sheriff Terry Dryden Washburn County Sheriff Dustin A. McMahon Blommer Peterman, S.C. State Bar No. 1086857 165 Bishops Way, Suite 100 Brookfield, WI 53005 262-790-5719 Please go to www.blommerpeterman.com to obtain the bid for this sale. Blommer Peterman, S.C., is the creditor’s attorney and is attempting to collect a debt on its behalf. Any information obtained will be used for that purpose. 598521 WNAXLP

599011 23rLp

Washburn County Area Humane Society



by Judy Pieper

Imagine yourself at a very important meeting and the chairman is rapping a gavel for attention. Ahem, may I have your attention please. You are cordially invited to the Cumberland American Legion this Saturday evening, Jan. 25, to witness the coronation of Miriah Lehmann as Miss Rodeo Wisconsin 2014. The festivities begin at 6 p.m., and the coronation ceremony will be at 7:30 p.m. There will be a silent auction, a live auction, music by 2/3 M.N, and plenty of food. In other words, something for everyone. As you probably know, Miss Rodeo Wisconsin’s duties are to travel all around the state and country as the face of WPRCA to promote the sport of rodeo. Miriah has already traveled to Denver, Colo., to attend the annual stock show, and will be required to travel to Florida and Texas within the next couple of months. Being Miss Rodeo Wisconsin is a huge honor, and Miriah is thrilled to have the chance to represent our state - and our little town, of course - at rodeos this year. Miss Rodeo Wisconsin is a voluntary position, so Miriah will have to pay for her own travel and motel expenses. All proceeds from the auction and silent auction will be used for expenses she incurs this year. Friends and area business owners have been extremely generous with donations of items for the auctions. I won’t even attempt to list the things that will be there to bid on, but I can say that there are lots of things for both men and women. Everyone is welcome, and we hope you will be able to attend and celebrate the beginning of this very exciting year with Miriah. While Miriah was in Colorado, she was able to visit with her great-aunt Margret and her cousin, John. Margaret is Don Lehmann’s sister, and she and John were pretty happy to be able to attend a rodeo and, at the same time, visit with their great-niece/cousin. The Shallow Lake ice-fishing contest went very well again this year. The biggest fish, a 12-pound 14-ounce northern, was caught by expert angler John LaRue.


Luann, the Ice Queen, was here again with even more mavens than before. Even little Bella Nietzel was wearing a feather boa and had feathers in her hair. They did choose a king, but he must be a mystery man because I asked several people and couldn’t find out what his name is. I’ll get that information, plus information about other winners, from Cheryl Jaastad this week. The soup served at the souper supper after the contest was delicious, and there were lots of different desserts from which to choose. If the noise level is any indication, everyone was having a wonderful time. There were lots and lots of people there. It was great to see, and visit with, so many friends and neighbors. After we left the community center, we stopped by Ryan and Suzy Lehmann’s house to visit and play a few games of cards. I hate to admit it, but the guys won two out of three. Suzy and I tried to sneak in one more for the all-the-marbles game, but Duane and Ryan insisted that it really didn’t count. Just wait until next time. Shirley Overvig stopped by for a while Sunday afternoon. She is very excited about a trip she and her daughter, Chris, are planning to San Antonio, Texas. They have booked rooms at a hotel that is right on the river walk, and plan to spend the entire week relaxing in the warm sunshine and walking to all the shops and tourist attractions on the river. I’m jealous. The friendly neighborhood moocher, aka Terry Goodrich, called to say that he had to start his cookstove again yesterday. This is the seventh time he has cooked for himself since Oct. 11 of last year. In case you didn’t know, Terry had some pretty major shoulder surgery in October, and is still doing therapy to try to get full use of his arm back. Anyway, Terry thinks he is either running out of friends, or that they are getting wise to his mooching. He has been pretty spoiled, you know, by friends who were afraid he would waste away to nothing if he had to rely on his own cooking. Actually, he said that it’s hard to believe how difficult it is to do things with

only one hand, such as shovel snow or put on socks. And opening a can was just about impossible. One of his good friends, Nancy Nielson, brought him an electric can opener, which he said made things much easier. When Terry had his surgery, the surgeon said that his shoulder was in such bad shape he might need some donor parts, either from a cadaver or, possibly, from a pig. Turns out they didn’t need donor parts, and Terry was very glad because he was afraid he would get parts that he would be influenced by. And, he was afraid if he got pig parts he would become an even bigger moocher, and he didn’t know how much more of that his friends could tolerate. Anyway, he is doing his best to get that shoulder working right. In the meantime, he is out of pies. Speaking of food, unbeknownst to me, Duane invited Bill Gill to breakfast on Saturday. I had invited the kids over for breakfast at about 8:30 a.m., and by 9:30 a.m. we were finished eating and I was cleaning up the kitchen. Well, about 9:45 a.m. Bill arrived and all I had left were a couple of cranberry muffins and a little bit of fruit. I gave him a cup of coffee and the muffins, not realizing that he was expecting breakfast. Poor Bill. He probably left our house and immediately stopped at the cafe so he wouldn’t starve to death. Actually, he suggested that we have a running tab at the Red Brick so that when people leave our house hungry they will have a place to go. Hmmm. Nope, not going to happen. The annual meeting of Barronett Lutheran Church will be held Sunday, Jan. 26, immediately after the worship service. There are quite a few business items that need to be discussed, and we will be voting for some new council members. There will be a potluck dinner in the church basement following the meeting. That’s about all I know from Barronett this week. Hope we’ll see you at the American Legion on Saturday and at the annual meeting on Sunday. See you later.

by Marian Furchtenicht

We’re three weeks into January already. Daylight in the late afternoon is now noticeably longer with sunsets coming a minute or so later each day. It sure seems good to have a little milder weather. LP gas certainly has taken a hike in price. Must be because of supply and demand. Woodpiles have been going down fast, too. Snowbirds don’t know what cold they’re missing out on. Virginia Stodola’s cousin, Camilla Johnson, Haugen, visited her Saturday afternoon, along with Camilla’s son, Lane, who had brought her. Sue Krantz, Ericka and Lance Parker watched the seventh-grade girls basketball game that Lainey and Krista played in. Gloria Frey visited her mom, Dorothy Foltz, at the convalescent home in Rice Lake on Monday, then at her sister’s Joann Paulson’s in Haugen. Their brother, Bill, joined them for a good sibling visit. Butch and Evelyn Schaffer visited Lilly Miller and Dorothy Flanagan in Ridgeland recently. Granddaughter Taelor enjoyed a trip to Mexico with her fiancé Joey Mikula’s family. Butch and Evelyn’s granddaughter Allie Hodgkins is back to college at St. Scholastica in Duluth, Minn., after Christmas break at home. Russ and Nancy Furchtenicht attended a surprise 60th birthday party for Mark Bruce on Friday night at the Lakeview Bar. Belated wishes, Mark. Jillian Furchtenicht started gymnastics at Deutsch’s Gymnastics Training Center in Rice Lake. Jaxson joined the 5-year-old wrestlers. This will keep their folks and grandparents running.

Stone Lake

Jessie Furchtenicht hosted a Lia Sophia jewelry party at her home on Tuesday night with a dozen ladies attending. Ryan went and visited his grandpa-in-law, Norm Ness, as his wife, Donna, was on a mission trip. Elaine Ryan and Rocky Furchtenicht had her kids, Nickie and Shane Baker and boys, Rice Lake, and Danielle and Nathan Ryan, Shell Lake, in for supper one evening. Dale Webb, Somerset, and his neighbor stopped by and visited, bringing some processed venison, link sausage and bologna. They had come to check on his place on CTH D, plow out the drive and burn a brush pile. That was so nice of him. They also visited at Rocky Furchtenicht’s. I visited Mary Krantz at Lakeland Manor on Tuesday, along with other residents sitting in the lobby. Friday I went with my brother, Don, to Earl, to the Larry Holt funeral. The Holt family lived a mile away, as the crow flies, from my family while growing up in the Town of Crystal. It was a nice funeral and fellowship. The church ladies served a great lunch. Got to see and visit with a lot of friends. Sympathy to the family. The community lost a wonderful friend. Also sympathy to the Mary Thompson Raehsler family in her death. Her funeral was at the church in Earl on Saturday. Mary loved to play the accordion and sing. She will be dearly missed by all that knew her. Was saddened to hear of Dee Mogensen’s death. She was 68 and an agent for State Farm Insurance in Spooner for many years and later a resident of Neenah. She was such a nice person, so friendly and kind, very likable.

Sympathy to her kids, Jim and Vonnie Mogensen and Suzie Weitzenkamp, former sister-in-law Elaine Ryan, and her six grandchildren. Her funeral was held Monday, Jan. 20, at Trinity Lutheran in Spooner with burial in the Rocky Ridge Cemetery. Grandson Brady Marschall and Ashley Anderson visited me Sunday evening to announce their engagement and to show me her pretty ring. Congratulations to them. So that makes two of my grandsons, as Craig Furchtenicht and Sarah Jamee’ were recently engaged also. Happy birthday wishes this week to Anton Frey, Jennie Hastreiter, Bill Sauer and Jonathon LaVeau on Jan. 23; Harold Olson, Adrianne Smith, Wystria Cauley and Elisha Cooper, Jan. 24; Troy Benham and Victoria Musil, Jan. 25; Harold Hoecherl, Kim Morevec and Mackenzie Curtiss, Jan. 26; Shelly Quinn, Brent Tabor, Larry Parker, Kimberly Rux, Chase Noterman, Jan. 27; Mary Mancl, Tori Wilber and Hannah Delzer, Jan. 28; and Howard Furchtenicht, Lindsey Green, Donna Lawrence, David Granzin, Tim Scalzo, Saige Elbe, Diane Klucas and Robin Taylor, Jan. 29. Anniversary wishes to Bill and Clarice Simmon on Jan. 24 and Frank and Carol Anderson on Jan. 26. The Earl church ladies are having their third-annual triple treat on Saturday, Feb. 8, from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. So mark that on your calendar.

Senior lunch menu

by Mary Nilssen

Keith and Sarah extend gratitude to the 64 golfers and 30 sponsors of their annual Black Bear Golf Tournament. In 2013 they donated the $3,200 raised to the Stone Lake Community Association via the Run From the Devil Organization. Also, on Saturday night Black Bear hosted the Stone Lake Lakeshore Owners holiday party and set up the coffee bar for them. It was a big hit with the members. They also liked the Tazo tea and they had eight different kinds to choose from. People said they didn’t know they could find good coffee and tea locally. A new area restaurant, Pine Brook Farm, located west of Stone Lake on CTH A, featuring locally sourced organic ingredients in their menu and their beautiful farmhouse setting is being well received. Drive out and check them out. The Stone Lake Lions appreciate the residents and

visitors that attended and supported their fish fries, Fourth of July celebration at Lions Park, and the Lions food and drink booths at the Cranberry Festival this past year. They were able to donate over $2,800 to local food basket programs, scholarships, children’s Halloween and Christmas parties, the senior center, Hayward Food Shelf, Salvation Army, as well as $900 to various Lions Club service projects. Another $2,770 was used for maintenance and improvements of Lions Hall and Lions Park, both available for public use. The Stone Lake Lions look forward to your support and serving you again in 2014. Marie’s Hideaway will be open seven days a week again with regular hours starting at 11 a.m. If you have any news you would like to share with others, please call or email me. Have a nice week and be safe!

Monday, Jan. 27: Spaghetti with meat sauce, Parmesan, yellow beans, ice cream, garlic bread. Tuesday, Jan. 28: Liver and onions with gravy, red potatoes, buttered carrots, chocolate cake. Wednesday, Jan. 29: Scalloped potatoes and ham, orange-kissed beets, sliced pineapple, blueberry scone. Thursday, Jan. 30: Stuffed-pepper soup, egg-salad croissant, clementine, peanut butter cookies, crackers. Friday, Jan. 31: Cook’s choice. Meal reservations must be made at least 24 hours in advance, call your senior center to confirm. Menu subject to change. All meals served with bread, butter, coffee, milk and water.

AODA minigrant applications available SPOONER — Washburn County Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse minigrant applications are now available. Minigrants are awarded for a maximum of $1,000. Any group, organization or individual may apply. Previous grants were awarded for such items/events as anti-drug educational materials, videos and alternative activities for youth and adults such as Safe Night and Family Festival, and professional training. All grant proposals must contain the following: The program or event must have a clear AODA message. All participants must be alcohol and drug free during the

program/event. All events must have adult supervision. In addition, the committee recommends coordination of speaker dates to reduce cost where applicable and to research the possibility of a joint application for a larger grant award and shared resources. Applications and grant guidelines are available at the Washburn County Health Department on 222 Oak St. in Spooner or on the Washburn County website at co.washburn.wi.us/departments/health/index.htm. Completed applications must be returned to the health department by Friday, Feb. 28. Completed applications

can be dropped off in person, faxed to 715-635-4416 or emailed to dstumph@co.washburn.wi.us. The next meeting of the Washburn County AODA Committee will be at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, March 12, in the meeting room located at the Washburn County highway shop on CTH H in Spooner. Questions can be directed to Dianna Stumph at the Washburn County Health Department at 715-635-4400. — from WCHD


Spooner FFA attends state leadership conference STEVENS POINT — Kierra Bartle and Abby Zehm of the Spooner FFA Chapter attended the Wisconsin Association of FFA Half-Time Leadership Conference held at the Holiday Inn & Convention Center in Stevens Point, Jan. 10-11. Over 460 FFA members, advisers and state FFA officers participated. The Half-Time Leadership Conference provides FFA chapter leaders from around the state the opportunity to set goals and prepare for the second half of their year of service in their local FFA chapters. FFA

members attended workshops focused on leadership and personal development, membership and chapter development, and opportunities in FFA. They learned about preparing for FFA events and getting involved in community service. In addition, the 2013-2014 National FFA Officer Team was in attendance to work with the students. These officers are from six different states and travel the year representing the national FFA organization. The Half-Time Conference has an over 28-year tradition for Wisconsin FFA mem-

bers to bring top leaders together to assist Agricultural Educators board committee in leadership development. This year’s meetings. leadership conference was designed The Wisconsin FFA Association is and conducted by the 2013-2014 Wis- comprised of 250 local chapters in high consin state FFA officers. The theme of schools across the state preparing over the conference was Jump into the Lead. 19,000 students for leadership and ca“Half-Time is one of the premier leader- reers in the science, business and techship conferences in our state designed by nology of agriculture. FFA activities and student leaders. It allows FFA chapter programs complement instruction in agleaders to develop their leadership skills, riculture education by giving students learn more about FFA activities and meet practical experience in the application of people while having fun,” said Cheryl agricultural skills and knowledge gained Zimmerman, state FFA executive direc- in classes. FFA’s mission is to develop tor. “We are able to provide young people premier leadership, personal growth and with an excellent experience to develop career success through agricultural edutheir leadership skills and get them ex- cation. — from WAFFA cited about agriculture, agricultural education and the FFA so they can build their local programs. FFA advisers were also busy during the weekend as they attended training sessions in the areas of meat (Jan. 22, 29, Feb. 5) (Jan. 8, 15, 22) animal quality assurance, STATE OF WISCONSIN STATE OF WISCONSIN the Agricultural Career CIRCUIT COURT CIRCUIT COURT Network and promoting WASHBURN COUNTY WASHBURN COUNTY agricultural education in IN THE MATTER OF THE IN THE MATTER OF THE the community. Teachers ESTATE OF ESTATE OF were also involved in the JOHN C. HANTKE GREGORY G. HARTMAN Wisconsin Association of

Make a Difference in the Life of a Child!

Kierra Bartle and Abby Zehm of the Spooner FFA Chapter were welcomed to the FFA Half-Time Conference in Stevens Point by Logan Wells, state FFA president from Monroe. — Photos submitted

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Shown in the front row (L to R): Kierra Bartle and Abby Zehm,met and worked with the 20132014 National FFA Officer Team which included (middle row) Mitch Baker, Tennessee, secretary; and Steven Brockshus, Iowa, Central Region, vice president. Back row: Jackson Harris, Alabama, Southern Region, vice president; Wes Davies, West Virgina, Eastern Region vice president; Brian Walsh, Virginia, president; and Jason Wetzler, Oregon, Western Region, vice president.


Washburn County is accepting applications for the position of Full-Time Equipment Operator with the highway department. Job duties include but are not limited to: Operation of equipment, trucks of various sizes and weights, and power equipment for the purposes of construction, maintenance and snow removal. Minimum Qualifications: Graduation from a standard high school curriculum or equivalent. Valid Wisconsin driver’s license with appropriate class and endorsement required. Candidate must have knowledge of methods and materials used in the construction and maintenance of roads and possess the ability and skills required for effective operation of equipment. Starting salary is $17.93 - $19.77 per hour D.O.Q., and includes excellent benefits package. Download an employment application from the County website at www.co.washburn.wi.us or contact the Washburn County Human Resource Department, P.O. Box 337, Shell Lake, WI 54871, Tel. 715-468-4624, Fax 715-468-4628.) Resumes will be accepted but will not take the place of a completed application. Applications must be received by 4:30 p.m., Friday, February 7, 2014. E.O.E. 599028 23-24r 13-14b


Washburn County is accepting applications for the position of Deputy County Treasurer. The Deputy County Treasurer assists with the performance of duties in the County Treasurer and Land Records Offices. Principal duties include: account/recordkeeping, processing of tax collections, assisting the Real Property Lister in the development of the assessment process, property transactions, new ownership and address changes. Additional duties include: assisting with the performance of duties in the Administration/Finance and Personnel office with Accounting/Bookkeeping tasks as needs. Minimum Qualifications: Completion of a standard high school course or equivalent followed by a minimum of a two-year vocational or associate degree in accounting, business or related field followed by two years’ relevant experience, or any other combination of education and experience that provides equivalent knowledge, skills and abilities. Starting salary $17.14 - $18.90/hour D.O.Q. and includes an excellent benefit package. Download an employment application from the County website at www.co.washburn.wi.us or contact the Washburn County Human Resource Department, P.O. Box 337, Shell Lake, WI 54871, Tel. 715-468-4624, Fax 715-468-4628.) Resumes will be accepted but will not take the place of a completed application. Applications must be received by 4:30 p.m., Friday, February 7, 2014. E.O.E. 599026 23-24r 13-14b

Notice to Creditors (Informal Administration) Case No. 13 PR 53 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: 1. An application for informal administration was filed. 2. The decedent, with date of birth December 8, 1944, and date of death October 7, 2013, was domiciled in Washburn County, State of Wisconsin, with a mailing address of 322 Boland Private Dr., Shell Lake, WI 54871. 3. All interested persons waived notice. 4. The deadline for filing a claim against the decedent’s estate is May 5, 2014. 5. A claim may be filed at the Washburn County Courthouse, Shell Lake, WI. Shannon Anderson Probate Registrar January 10, 2014 Thomas J. Bitney Bitney Law Firm Ltd. P.O. Box 488 Spooner, WI 54871 715-635-8741 598798 WNAXLP Bar No. 1002841

DOD: 12/1/2013 Notice to Creditors (Informal Administration) Case No. 13-PR-66 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: 1. An application for informal administration was filed. 2. The decedent, with date of birth July 8, 1952, and date of death December 1, 2013, was domiciled in Washburn County, State of Wisconsin, with a mailing address of W3425 Morningside Road, Sarona, WI 54870. 3. All interested persons waived notice. 4. The deadline for filing a claim against the decedent’s estate is April 18, 2014. 5. A claim may be filed at the Washburn County Courthouse, Shell Lake, Wisconsin. Marilynn E. Benson Probate Registrar December 26, 2013 Attorney Alan L. Sykes SYKES LAW OFFICE P.O. Box 111 Rice Lake, WI 54868 598356 715-234-9078 WNAXLP Bar No.: 01017876


Anyone interested in filling the First Ward vacancy on the Shell Lake City Council until April 21, 2015, caused by the resignation of Josh Buckridge, is asked to submit their name and qualifications to City Administrator Brad Pederson, City Hall, 501 First Street, P.O. Box 520, Shell Lake, WI 54871, by 11 a.m., Thursday, January 30, 2014. Candidates must be at least 18 years old and a First Ward resident. For further information, call Sally Peterson or Brad Pederson at 715-468-7679 or email shelllakeadm@gmail.com. It is anticipated this appointment will be made by the Shell Lake City Council at a special meeting to be held January 30, 2014, at 6 p.m. in the Council Chambers, City Hall. 599024 23-24r WNAXLP


Hunt Hill Audubon Sanctuary N2384 Hunt Hill Road Sarona, WI 548790 This is a part-time position, year-round, but busiest time during the summer, starting February 15. Required skills: Bookkeeping, extensive experience with Microsoft Office and QuickBooks. Send cover letter and resume to Executive Director Storme Nelson, at the address above; or email to director@hunthill.org; 598676 22-23rp or call 715-635-6543.

JOB OPPORTUNITY Help Wanted At Madison Construction Job includes driving dump trucks, heavy equipment, performing manual labor and routine maintenance. CDL required. Must pass drug screening.

If Interested, Contact Steve Madison At


599005 23-24r


Local Ads SHELL LAKE SELF-STORAGE: Convenient, 24-hour access. Special low-cost boat storage. Call 715-4682910. 2rtfc HIGH-EFFICIENTY OUTDOOR WOOD FURNACE from Central Boiler burns less wood. 25-year EACH INSERTION – Minimum of $5.00 ; 30¢ for each word. Call 715-468-2314 to place ad, or warranty. Northwest Wisconsin Ent. email your ad to wcregister@centurytel.net. Advertising deadline is Monday at noon. Inc., 715-635-3511. 23rc

The Classifieds


DISH TV Retailer. Starting $19.99/ com or apply online at www. month (for 12 mos.) Broadband OsmoseUtilities.com EOE M/F/D/V. OWNER OPERATORS Average Internet starting $14.95/month $3K/week! Be out up to 14 days, (where available.) Ask About SAME enjoy GUARANTEED home time! DAY Installation! CALL Now! 1-800Weekly settlements. Cardinal 984-0292 (CNOW) Greatwide pays loaded/unloaded. Class-A CDL & 1yr driving HEALTH AND BEAUTY experience. Fleet Owners Welcome. PELVIC/TRANSVAGINAL MESH? FAYETTE, Iowa — Sarah BenOperate under your own authority Did you undergo transvaginal son, Minong, was named to the or ours! Call Matt 866-309-5830. placement of mesh for pelvic Upper Iowa University 2013 fall DriveForCardinal.com (CNOW) Drivers-CDL-A Train and work organ prolapse or stress urinary dean’s list. To be honored, the for us! Professional, focused incontinence between 2005 and undergraduate must have earned CDL training available. Choose the present? If the mesh caused a minimum 3.50 GPA for the seCompany Driver, Owner Operator, complications, you may be entitled mester and be enrolled as a fullLease Operator or Lease to compensation. Call Charles H. time student. — from ReadMedia ••• Trainer. (877) 369-7893 www. Johnson Law and speak with female LA CROSSE — The following staff members. 1-800-535-5727 CentralTruckDrivingJobs.com local students have been named Drivers: Class A CDL Tractor/ to the dean’s list at the UniverTrailer & OTR Drivers Wanted. HELP WANTED sity of Wisconsin - La Crosse for Competitive Pay, Great Home SKILLED TRADES the fall semester of the 2013-14 Time. JOIN THE DEBOER trans FOREMEN to lead utility field academic year, ending DecemTEAM NOW! 800-825-8511 www. crews. Outdoor physical work, many ber 2013. Birchwood: Hayley drivedeboer.com (CNOW) positions, paid training, $20/hr. Hayes, marketing major; Sarona: plus weekly performance bonuses Shawny Kleven, psychology MISCELLANEOUS after promotion, living allowance This classified spot for sale! when traveling, company truck major; Spooner: Eric Bitney, Advertise your product or recruit and benefits. Must have strong English major: rhetoric and writing an applicant in over 179 Wisconsin leadership skills, good driving emphasis; Sam Posso, art major; newspapers! Only $300/week. Call history, and be able to travel in and Angela Romportl, microbiolthis paper or 800-227-7636 www. Wisconsin and nearby States. Email ogy major: biomedical concentration — from The Link cnaads.com (CNOW) resume to Recruiter6@osmose.

Academic news


The Shell Lake State Bank, a Wisconsin corporation with its main office located at 102 5th Avenue, Shell Lake, Wisconsin, does hereby give notice that it is making application to the appropriate regulatory authorities to establish a branch office at 5836 N. 1st Street, State Highway 70, Stone Lake, Wisconsin 54876. Any person wishing to comment on this application may file his or her comments in writing with the Regional Director of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation at the appropriate FDIC office at 300 Riverside Plaza, Suite 1700, Chicago, IL 60606, not later than 15 days from the date of this publication. The nonconfidential portions of the application are on file at the appropriate FDIC office and are available for public inspection during regular business hours. Photocopies of the nonconfidential portion of the application file will be made 599033 23r available upon request.


STATE OF WISCONSIN COUNTY OF WASHBURN CITY OF SHELL LAKE To the Common Council of the City of Shell Lake: I, Jeffrey D. Schafer, President, Gordy’s Shell Lake Foods, Inc., d/b/a Gordy’s Market, herewith apply for a Class “A” liquor and fermented malt beverage licenses under Chapter 125.04 of the Wis. Statutes for the year ending June 30, 2014, on the following described premises to wit: One-story building located at 37 5th Ave., in the City of Shell Lake, Wis. 599047 23r WNAXLP Jeffrey D. Schafer Application filed this 13th day of January, 2014.


For Wild Rivers North & Wild Rivers South Advertisers Sales area includes:

Rice Lake, Hayward, Minong, Trego, Shell Lake & Spooner We are seeking a self-motivated person to replace a retiring sales rep. Duties include servicing existing accounts and prospective new accounts. Applicant must possess strong communication and organizational skills. Must have a valid driver’s license, dependable transportation, cell phone and computer with Internet service. Previous sales experience a plus. Applications accepted through February 5, 2014.

Send resume to:

P.O. Box 490 • Frederic, WI 54837 Attn.: Human Resources Dept. Fax 715-327-4870 • iccpaonline@centurytel.net

598682 22-24r,L 12-14a,b,c


FOR RENT: 2-BR duplex in beautiful downtown Barronett, within walking distance of church, convenience store, supper club, cafe and bar/restaurant. All one level with attached, heated garage. $800 per month. Washer, dryer, stove, refrigerator, dishwasher and microwave furnished. Heat, water, sewer, garbage pickup, snow removal and lawn care included in rent. For more information, call 715-

822-8385 or 715-939-0647. 22-25rp APPLICATIONS BEING ACCEPTED: Service writer/ oil change person to work front counter, perform oil changes and customer service responsibilities. Basic computer skills and general automotive knowledge required. Apply in person. Spooner Auto Laundry, 701 South River, Spooner, Wis. 23rc

Washburn County Court Michael J. Bearheart, Webster, disorderly conduct, $299.00, probation, sent. withheld. Yolanda J. Brackee, Spooner, possession of THC, $299.00. Andrew L. Campbell, Spooner, possession of THC, $299.00, other sentence. Jonathan M. Kirchner, Hayward, disorderly conduct, $299.00, local jail. Russell W. Scutowski, Spooner, operating without valid license, $200.50. Hunter R. Smith, Spooner, possession of THC, $327.79, probation, sent. withheld; disorderly conduct or resisting or obstructing an officer, $299.00; theft, $243.00, probation, sent. withheld. Scott G. Wade, Hayward, possession of THC, $299.00, other sentence, community service; possess drug paraphernalia, other sentence, community service. Norman E. Anderson, Spooner, place, use, hunt wild animals with bait, $343.50. Clinton F. Atkinson, Shell Lake, discharge firearm from/ across highway, $217.90.

Caleb J. Axelson, Blaine, Minn., speeding, $200.50. Robert L. Bailey, Eau Claire, place, use, hunt wild animals with bait, $343.50. Thomas R. Bergeson, Old Fort, Tenn., place/possess/transport loaded firearm in vehicle, $258.10. Yolanda J. Brackee, Comstock, possess open intoxicants in motor vehicle, $200.50, other sentence. Andrew L. Campbell, Spooner, operating with restricted controlled substance, $788.30, restitution, license revoked 6 months, alcohol assessment. Dennis D. Champion, Menomonie, OWI, $887.50. Alan D. Dahle, Minong, failure to notify police of accident, $389.50. Jacob T. Fadness, Springbrook, place/possess/transport loaded firearm in vehicle, $258.10. Jessica A. Hayes, Baraboo, speeding, $175.30. Austin W. Hiess, Chippewa Falls, failure to notify police of accident, $389.50.

Jessie L. Kessler, Trego, dog owner failure to pay license, $154.10. Terry A. Kiefer, Minong, operating a motor vehicle without insurance, $200.50; failure to notify police of accident, $389.50. Steven E. Lee, Newark, Ill., place/possess/transport loaded firearm in vehicle, $258.10. Vicki J. Lemke, Spooner, speeding, $175.30. Justin A. Meyer, Hayward, OWI, $817.50, license revoked 6 months, alcohol assessment. Travis J. Olson, Sarona, illegal trapping or baiting, $263.10. Jennifer A. Peterson, Hayward, speeding, $200.50. Scott A. Turnbull, Hayward, place, use, hunt wild animals with bait, $343.50. Patricia C. Walling, Hayward, speeding, $175.30. Yvette Wilmot, Spooner, dog owner failure to pay license, $154.10.

For breaking local news go to: wcregisteronline.com (Jan. 15, 22, 29) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT WASHBURN COUNTY BANK OF THE WEST, Plaintiff, vs. ARTHUR H. HICKE; and KATHLEEN J. HICKE, Defendants. Case No. 13-CV-094 NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE By virtue of and pursuant to a Judgment of said Circuit Court in the above-entitled action which was entered on October 31, 2013, in the amount of $59,764.20, I shall expose for sale and sell at public auction at the North Entrance of the Washburn County Courthouse located at 110 West 4th Avenue, in the City of Shell Lake, Washburn County, Wisconsin, on the 12th day of February, 2014, at 10:00 a.m., the following described premises or so much thereof as may be sufficient as to raise the amount due to the plaintiff for principal, interest and costs, together with the disbursements of sale and solicitors’ fees, to-wit: Lot 4, Block 23, Third Addition to the City of Spooner, Washburn County, Wisconsin. Parcel Number: 65-281-2-3912-31-5 15-040-707500 TERMS OF SALE: 10% down cash, money order or certified check. Balance due within ten days of confirmation of sale. This property is being sold as is and subject to all liens and encumbrances. Terrence C. Dryden, Sheriff Washburn County, Wisconsin Velnetske Law Offices, LLC Attorneys for Plaintiff 212 N. Green Bay Road Ste. 101 Thiensville, WI 53092 Phone: 262-241-9339 The above property is located at 110 Cedar Street, Spooner, Wisconsin. Velnetske Law Offices, LLC, is a law firm representing a creditor in the collection of a debt owed to such creditor, and any such information obtained will be used for that purpose. 598520 WNAXLP


The Shell Lake State Bank, a Wisconsin corporation with its main office located at 102 5th Avenue, Shell Lake, Wisconsin, does hereby give notice that it is making application to the appropriate regulatory authorities to establish a branch office at 401 West 5th Avenue, Minong, Wisconsin 54859. Any person wishing to comment on this application may file his or her comments in writing with the Regional Director of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation at the appropriate FDIC office at 300 Riverside Plaza, Suite 1700, Chicago, IL 60606 not later than 15 days from the date of this publication. The nonconfidential portions of the application are on file at the appropriate FDIC office and are available for public inspection during regular business hours. Photocopies of the nonconfidential portion of the application file will be made available 599031 23r upon request.


WCEDC, a nonprofit corporation, is seeking a proven selfstarting, results-oriented Director. The position is the contact person for WCEDC and Industrial Development Revolving Loan Fund. Candidates must have superior communication skills and ability to work effectively with business, government, funding agencies and others. Candidates must also have experience preparing business plans, assistance in completing financial statements, experience in business administration, public administration or marketing. Washburn County residency is preferred. This position is subject to: a background check, drug & alcohol test, written and oral interview. Applications due by March 1, 2014, and shall include a detailed resume specifically citing pertinent experience, application & waiver form; incomplete applications will not be considered. WCEDC is an equal opportunity employer. Position is salaried at 60% FTE of annual rate of $50,000.00 ($30,000) with Health Insurance Benefit at 60% of $10,000.00 ($6,000.00) on a reimbursement basis. Interested applicants can request a complete job description and Employment Application Form and background check waiver (required) by contacting: WCEDC Margie K. Quinn 208 Vine St. Spooner, WI 54801 715-635-8242 mqeconomic@centurytel.net 598967 23-24r 13-14b




Dad’s Belgian Waffle feed Joslyn Wendel wants something to wipe the sticky syrup from her fingers as Katrina Miller just smiles and enjoys her waffles.

Photos by Larry Samson

It took 12 waffle makers to keep up with the crowd at the Shell Lake Education Foundation’s Dad’s Belgian Waffle feed held Friday, Jan. 17, at the Reinhart Commons before the doubleheader basketball game with Northwood.

Cassidy Johnston enjoyed a cup of hot chocolate on a cold January night. The weather did not keep away the waffle and basketball fans.

Primary school purchases books for guided reading program You could get blueberry or strawberry toppings and, of course, whipped cream for your waffles. For Cyrice Lehmann and Melody Taylor, their eyes were bigger than their stomachs. That is a lot of food to eat.

Pizza party at the library for students SHELL LAKE — Students in grades 6-12 are invited to a pizza party at the Shell Lake Public Library on Friday, Jan. 24, after early release from school. Students will enjoy pizza, fruit and drink, and play Wii games, board games and/or card games. Students may ride the bus from school to the library if they have permission. The program will

end about 3 p.m. The AODA committee of Washburn County and the Shell Lake Public Library sponsor early-release pizza parties to provide students with a safe, alcohol and drug-free activity when school is dismissed early. — from SLPL

Time to sign up for driver’s ed The Shell Lake Primary School purchased $1,500 worth of books for their guided reading program. The money was raised through the November Scholastic Book Fair at the primary school’s teacher conferences. Gratitude is extended to all who visited and made purchases. Shown is Carrie Miller in a guided reading lesson with her students. — Photo submitted

Shell Lake School Menu Breakfast Monday, Jan. 27: Bagel or mini cinnamon roll. Tuesday, Jan. 28: Cheddar and egg biscuit or 3-berry bar and muffin. Wednesday, Jan. 29: French toast sticks or ultimate breakfast round. Thursday, Jan. 30: Yogurt parfait or muffin and cheese stick. Friday, Jan. 31: Laker pizza or apple stick. Breakfast is served with a choice of juice/fruit and milk with their main item. Every day breakfast is free to all students.

DAHLSTROMS 542207 49rtfc

Lunch Monday, Jan. 27: Mozzarella dippers. Tuesday, Jan. 28: Rooster sandwich. Wednesday, Jan. 29: Chicken Alfredo. Thursday, Jan. 30: Hot Italian subs. Friday, Jan. 31: Brunch for lunch. Salad bar is served daily to all students. They will also have a daily alternate entrée choice of either sandwich pack: PB&J, flavored cracker and cheese stick or yogurt pack: Flavored fat-free yogurt with granola, flavored cracker and cheese stick.

SHELL LAKE — Shell Lake’s summer driver’s education program will be held June 16-20, July 7-11 and July 14-18, with July 21, 22 and 23 as makeup days. There will be two sessions, 8-10 a.m., and 10 a.m.-noon. The class is being offered during this time because of some instructor training and also to coincide with a bus schedule this year running with the summer school program, making it possible for some driver’s ed students to ride the bus. There is a maximum limit of 25 students for each section. Students may begin to enroll during the week of Jan. 27. Students already 15 -1/2 or older will be given priority during this registration period. After Feb. 1, the remainder of the open spaces will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Although subject to change, the current fee is $275 per student and includes the six hours of driving, and six hours of observation in order to fulfill the state requirements. The driving is done either before or after school once the student has earned their permit.

The Laker Times page is sponsored by

Students must be passing all their classes in order to participate in driver’s ed. Students must attend every day for all 15 days of the summer classes. If students miss any of the days – maximum of three days absences are allowed they must make up their time during July 21, 22 and 23. Failure to attend 15 class periods will result in the student being required to retake the class the following summer or elsewhere. There are no exceptions as the state of Wisconsin requires this. The school will not allow students to attend two sessions in one day, as a makeup. Please plan accordingly. In order to enroll in the summer driver’s education program, a signature from the student, and parent/legal guardian is required. This signed form must be returned prior to the student being allowed to enroll in this class. For more information, please call Bob Forsythe, instructor, at 715-468-7814, ext. 1123. — from Shell Lake Schools

715-468-2319 Downtown Shell Lake


Stories of northern Wisconsin Ellen Ryall, author and executive director of Happy Tonics, resides in Fitchburg, Mass., where the Latino population is 48 percent. Multicultural books are important when one realizes that only 10 percent of books have any multicultural base, and yet 39 percent of the population in the United States is from other cultures. Multicultural Children’s Book Day is on Monday, Jan. 27. To learn more about the event, visit Jump Into A Book at jumpintoabook.com/multiculturalchildrens-book-day/. Jessie Spinelli, Leominster, Mass., is an Eagle Scout and wanted to create a garden in front of a stone retaining wall at the Fitchburg Art Museum. It was quite an undertaking for a young man. I got to know him because Jessie had a fundraiser at FirstThursday Farmers Market at the museum. He was offering a variety of shrubs and peren-

Happy Tonics received a grant to translate “The Monarch Butterfly” coloring book into Spanish from Community Health Network Area 9 in Massachusetts. Peter Ducos, Shell Lake, is translating the children’s teaching book. Mary

This photo is of a fritillary. — Photos by Jessie Spinelli

nials that people could purchase to put in the garden. I thought that was clever. I picked out one of the lower-cost perennials to be part of the project, a garden phlox. 

We had lots of time to converse over a few months on First Thursday. I told Jessie about the importance of pollinator plants and the role native plants played in a garden. Among the plants were mums and native garden phlox. One day, Jessie was excited to show me photographs of two butterfly species that he photographed in the new garden. One was a black swallowtail and the other was a fritillary. 
 Imagine my delight to know that Jessie’s garden would bring butterflies and to his surprise the garden beckoned pollinators.

Shown is a black swallowtail.

Happy Tonics • Mary Ellen Ryall

Tough week for the Spooner girls Sarah Taylor with a jump shot. She had 23 points for the game, but it was not enough as Spooner lost to Ashland 57-44 in the Monday, Jan. 13, game.

1/2 mile south of Shell Lake on Hwy. 63


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Spooner player Alex Hotchkiss gets nudged by Hayward defender Katie Stark as she goes up on Michelle Richardson with a jump shot this shot. Spooner was flat as the Hurricanes left Spooner with a 62-14 win over the Rails on Thurs- against an Ashland defender. day, Jan. 16.

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Black squirrel enjoys sunny winter day

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Photos by Larry Samson

599043 23r


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1/2 mile south of Shell Lake on Hwy. 63. 599039 23r 13b Check with Dennis for discounted or discontinued items!

This black squirrel was enjoying the sunshine at Little Ripley in Sarona on Thursday, Jan. 2. — Photo by Charlotte Shover

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