Industry 4.0 Magazine

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issue no. 9 - February 2019

IN THIS ISSUE Standards and Industry 4.0:

Interview with Michael Bowne, Executive Director, PI North America, PROFIBUS and PROFINET

Lost in Tech: Managing the Cultural Impact of Transformational Technology

Batch Size One and the Customer Experience: Rethinking Business Models

Sponsor Focus Forcam

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Industry 4.0 magazine

Thank you for reading the 9th edition of The Industry 4.0 Magazine. Our lead interview is with PROFIBUS and PROFINET. Micheal Bowne talks about the challenges, adaption and future of the industry standard. In our technology section TM Robotics look at a fast growing business model for the robotics industry- deploying robotic automation on lease. Ravi Rai, Director from Four Points Consulting looks at the changing landscape of manufacturing as the adoption of Industry 4.0 grows. With our flagship event The Industry 4.0 Summit approaching we have published an article supplied by leading academics from our Strategic Academic Partner Manchester University outlining the position and strength of The University of Manchester and the city in the area of technological innovation. Print City at The Manchester Metropolitan University recently hosted The Industry 4.0 in Action event. Representatives from companies such as Airbus, Autodesk, BOSCH Rexroth and Siemens talked about how they are applying the latest technological developments to their businesses. The full event report can be viewed in The Industry 4.0 TV section. Thanks for reading the magazine and we look forward to receiving suggestions and feedback from you.

THE INDUSTRY 4.0 MAGAZINE IS PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY GB MEDIA AND EVENTS ORGANISERS OF THE INDUSTRY 4.0 SUMMIT PUBLISHER Gary Gilmour EDITOR Pervinder Baghla TEAM Matthew Pearsall Digital Manager Joe Illsley Designer All Editorial and advertising Enquiries to +44 (0) 207 9932300 +44 (0)1642 438225 GB Media & Events, Wilton Centre, Redcar, North Yorkshire, TS10 4RF. GB MEDIA & EVENTS LIMITED GB Media and Events Limited is a company registered in England and Wales with company number 10114934 /Industry40news JOIN OUR INDUSTRY 4.0 NETWORK ON LINKEDIN i latest-news

Kind regards Pav Baghla, Editor


The content of this magazine does not necessarily express the views of the Editor or publishers. The publishers accept no legal responsibility for the loss arising from information in this publication. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be producted or stored in a retrieval system without the written consent of the publishers.


Standards and Industry 4.0: PROFIBUS and PROFINET Michael Bowne, Executive Director, PI North America, PROFIBUS and PROFINET


Lost in Tech: Managing the Cultural Impact of Transformational Technology


Batch Size One and the Customer Experience: Rethinking Business Models


Manchester was the epicentre of the 1st industrial revolution and can lead the 4th revolution


To service, or not to service Investigating Robots-as-a-Service (RaaS)


Company Focus Forcam


Industry 4.0 News


Products and Software


Industry 4.0 TV

Standards and Industry 4.0: PROFIBUS and PROFINET

Interview with Michael Bowne, Executive Director, PI North America, PROFIBUS and PROFINET Standards are important to the latest industrial revolution. Profibus, for example, is a digital network based on serial communication, and standardized in IEC61158 and IEC 61784, which can be used for both high-speed time-critical applications and complex communication tasks. Michael Bowne tells us more.


Industry 4.0 TV Talks To Profibus Profinet At The Advanced Engineering Show, Birmingham


Michael Bowne, Executive Director, PI North America, PROFIBUS and PROFINET

Standards and Industry 4.0

Issue no 9 - February 2019

industry 4.0

Please could you say something about Profibus in the context of Industry 4.0? “The fieldbus wars from the 1990’s are over. Profibus has become the de-facto fieldbus standard for automated manufacturing. Performance was a key driver of mass adoption, achieved by creating a closed network.

But this came at the expense of flexibility. Industrial Ethernet was a step in the right direction with its openness. Now, it’s all about the data.”

What challenges are presented by Industry 4.0 and standards? “It’s always been about the data. If we think back to what made fieldbuses so revolutionary— the move from analog to digital—it was nothing short of a step-change. And while replacing 25 wires with just one wire was great, the real cost savings came from less tangible features. Increased data capacity, high-speed networks, diagnostics: these were the features that made it possible for us to sell 60 million Profibus nodes. They led to benefits like decreased downtime, increased transparency, shorter throughputs and overall greater efficiency.

“And while it may be popular to dismiss phrases like “enabling Industry 4.0,” which I used above, it’s important to understand that this is not just some flippant turn-of-phrase. Sure, it may have once seemed that such phrases were just different words for what we’ve been trying to do all along. But it’s becoming increasingly clear that something more is happening—and it appears that a convergence of information technology (IT) networks and operational technology (OT) networks is the key.

“The move from fieldbuses to Ethernet-based networks was another step-change. Serial fieldbuses achieved their determinism by virtue of the fact that they were a closed network. Likewise, a control network that leverages standard unmodified Ethernet to allow deterministic data exchange to coexist with other protocols—all on the same physical layer—is monumental. This is what made it possible for us to sell 25 million Profinet nodes.

“But what does it all really mean? From a classic ISA95 perspective, it means that the field level and the MES (manufacturing execution system) level are getting closer.

“The foundational reasons for employing industrial Ethernet to enable Industry 4.0 are well known— they create enterprise-wide transparency, ease data access, and provide standardized interfaces with broadly familiar mechanisms.

“In the traditional ISA95 model, industrial Ethernet only plays a role at the lowest level (OT) in the field. From there, it connects to the controls level, which then interfaces to an MES (IT) with the primary goal being to run the plant. With Industry 4.0 and the Industrial Internet of Things entering the scene, however, the boundaries between these levels are blurring. As a result, the relationship between the field level and the MES level is set to expand.”


industry 4.0 Issue no 9 - February 2019

Standards and Industry 4.0

What is being done in the way of adaption? “So how can we take a step forward in terms of diagnostics in the context of Industry 4.0? The answer is OPC UA. Currently within Profibus/Profinet International (PI) we are working diligently on a companion specification between Profinet and OPC UA. One of the first areas of our focus is on diagnostics. By mapping Profinet diagnostic data to OPC UA, this information can more easily be consumed by IT software packages like MES. Such standardized information flow should ultimately help minimize unplanned downtime. “As far as performance is concerned, the path is clear: run production at the rate that maximizes throughput. For Profinet, network speed and determinism have always been priorities.

Like anything, throughput itself is a complex equation, and network performance is just one part. But maintaining an open network infrastructure while simultaneously providing high performance is nothing new. “So how can we take a step further in terms of network performance in the context of converged IT/OT networks? The answer is Time Sensitive Networking (TSN). The techniques that have allowed Profinet networks to be both high performing and open since the early 2000s are now becoming IEEE Ethernet standards. Eventually TSN will become the first layer in the foundation of a converged IT/OT network. And since Profinet is based on standard unmodified Ethernet, as TSN becomes integrated into Ethernet itself, those features will be inherent.”

What of the future? “2019 is shaping up to be a very big year—at least it is for PI. With a number of major releases planned, now is the time to become familiar with three major technological advancements. “But first, these past couple of years have been busy ones for the Working Groups of PI. Working Groups develop all the technical advancements made to the Profibus, Profinet and IO-Link specifications. These groups are staffed by some of the smartest engineers in the industry from companies big and small. These folks volunteer their time to help drive our technologies forward—and one Working Group has been particularly busy.

“The Industrie 4.0 Working Group (I4.0 WG) was initially convened in 2015 when trends like the Industrial Internet of Things were first gaining traction. At the time, the group was tasked “with turning concepts into reality. Instead of blindly adopting new technologies for technology’s sake, a different approach was taken. Collaborating with end-users across vertical markets, the group first developed a long list of requirements. These requirements were then prioritized, which resulted in three main areas being highlighted—simplification, integration and process.

Simplification “TSN is all about making life less complicated when it comes to deterministic networking—a fundamental aspect of factory automation— over Ethernet. With Profibus, determinism was achieved via a closed fieldbus. However, since Profinet runs on standard open Ethernet, which is not deterministic by design, additional functions were built into the Profinet protocol to achieve this determinism. Namely, the protocol skips Layers 3-4 of the ISO/OSI Model and goes straight from Layer 2 to Layer 7. Furthermore, Profinet Isochronous Real Time (IRT) adds features like bandwidth reservation, synchronization and scheduling to function even faster for high-speed motion control. 6

“Now that other industries outside of factory automation are interested in deterministic Ethernet, the features we’ve built into Profinet for 15 years are becoming IEEE standards known as TSN. This simplifies networking, as determinism can be taken for granted via TSN mechanisms. While it may sound trivial to bring the TSN tools into the Profinet specification, it has taken a few years of continuous effort within the I4.0 WG to make this happen. In mid-2019, PI will release its Profinet@TSN spec, and we expect the first products with this technology to hit the market in 2020.

Standards and Industry 4.0

Issue no 9 - February 2019

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Integration “Another topic highlighted in the Working Group is horizontal/vertical integration—which focuses on reducing the effort to gain access to manufacturing line data and harmonize it for additional use. To that end, PI plans to release its Profinet/OPC UA Companion Specification by mid-2019. “Of course, machine-to-machine (horizontal) integration is nothing new for Profinet. In fact, the very first version of the protocol was used in this fashion before being expanded to I/O data exchange. With this history in mind—plus the knowledge of OPC UA’s capabilities and widespread acceptance—the I4.0 Working Group determined OPC UA to be the best way to integrate Profinet from controller to controller. In combination with TSN, OPC UA allows best-in-class machines from various vendors to communicate deterministically. “For vertical integration applications, the Profinet/OPC UA Companion Specification will begin with a mapping of Profinet diagnostics and asset management records to OPC UA objects. With such data made available via OPC UA, it can be accessed more easily by higher level systems. For example, with diagnostics mapping, the Alarms & Conditions functionality of OPC UA could be leveraged by Profinet. For Asset Management Records, the goal is to further advance the concept of the Administration Shell within the context of digitalization.

The ability to gather detailed Asset Management Records from Profinet devices via OPC UA will help in the creation of a digital twin for any given machine. “Whenever the topic of vertical integration is discussed, the first question always raised is about security, and this issue is being addressed by PI’s I4.0 Working Group. The challenge with industrial control system security is to strike a balance between going too far and not going far enough. With this in mind, since the first security implementations were demonstrated in April 2018, the Working Group’s initial focus has been on mitigating potential man-in-the-middle attacks. “Given that most Profinet traffic is transmitted at Layer 2 of the ISO/OSI Model, its packets are distributed according to MAC address. By definition, packets at this level do not traverse different subnets and are not routable according to IP addresses. Therefore, a malicious actor would need to be inside a target network to do something nefarious with these packets. Of course, if a hacker is already inside the network, there are bigger problems to worry about. However, because Profinet uses IP addresses in certain instances to route traffic that is not time critical, these instances could be more susceptible to manin-the-middle attacks. That’s why the Working Group’s efforts to secure the protocol are being focused here first.


industry 4.0 Issue no 9 - February 2019

Standards and Industry 4.0


OPC UA in PROFINET networks

Process “If the TSN advancements will be felt most in discrete manufacturing, then the advancements to Ethernet known as Advanced Physical Layer (APL) will be felt most in continuous process control applications. The reasons for the difference here are that TSN mechanisms operate at Layer 2 of the ISO/OSI Model, whereas APL operates at Layer 1. The ultimate goal for the process industries is to bring Ethernet down to field level instruments in hazardous areas. “As instruments get more complex and more data becomes available, the need for increased bandwidth to access this data becomes apparent. Ethernet provides this, with the added benefit of being a well-known standard.

The forthcoming APL will be based on single pair cabling, already familiar from the Profibus PA world. Similarly, both power and communication will be transmitted via these wires. Finally, APL will exceed the 100m limit currently imposed on common 100Base-TX Ethernet networks. “Since this is an advance of Ethernet itself, and not just Profinet, PI is collaborating with other fieldbus organizations on this work. Therefore, the timeline for APL is a bit longer than that of the TSN implementation or the OPC UA Companion Specification. Work on APL is not expected to be completed before 2020 or 2021. “We all know that in manufacturing markets things don’t happen quickly, but in reality, these technologies will be here before we know it.”

Find out more:


Lost in Tech: Managing the Cultural Impact of Transformational Technology

Backpedalling from big-impact technology change is expensive – as is the cost of getting it wrong. Success depends as much on the wider transformation piece as much as it does on the technology – so how can we avoid getting “lost in tech”? The scope, scale and pace of change that Industry 4.0 technologies are bringing to manufacturing and infrastructure is unprecedented. It can be tempting, when grappling with the challenges and the opportunities Industry 4.0 presents, to see them through the spectrum of technology innovation. However, as with any major change, people, process and policy play an equally important role.

Ravi Rai, Director, Four Points Consulting


Accenture CEO Gives Strategy for Digital Transformation


industry 4.0 Issue no 9 - February 2019

Lost in tech

Adoption, Innovation & Leadership The 2017 Made Smarter review highlighted the need to develop leadership in the UK that can drive forward the innovation and adoption necessary to ensure the UK realises the potential opportunities of Industry 4.0. “The high-risk factor in Industry 4.0 transformation projects,” says Ravi Rai, Director at Four Points Consulting, “is that leadership will hook onto the most obvious part of the change – and that’s the technology.” Vendors (aka technology implementation partners) have their own rollout methodologies. Typically, they’ll come in, see the opportunity, do the diagnostic, create a solution, put the kit in, train your people and get out – a process that is very familiar to them. “It can be very alluring to hook into that,” says Ravi, “because it’s easy to get your head around … it’s physical … you can touch and feel it. And it is very important. But that only covers one part of the change. The whole piece around people’s emotions, skills, and engagement gets pushed down the priority list because there is enough other stuff to get your head around with the technology stack that’s coming in.” This makes the leadership role even more significant.


Whether it is using highly sophisticated robots, automating workflows, or becoming more data driven, these are very different ways of running the business. Not only do leaders have to fulfil their traditional role of being ambassadors – creating a vision and bringing people along with them so they are committed to the change – on top of that, they have their own personal uncertainties and “don’t knows” to deal with. Ravi makes the point, “The big difference with digital transformation is that leaders are required to navigate in an area where they are unlikely to have been before themselves, and leaders will have their own concerns around what that means and how they are going to lead with conviction and credibility. How do you lead in such an ambiguous environment? In this unchartered territory?” Aahuti Rai, fellow Director at Four Points Consulting, says, “With any change there is always a level of anxiety and uncertainty. Leaders are taking people into a new way of operating – and that is magnified with Industry 4.0 – where jobs may be replaced or will be fundamentally different.”

lost in tech

Issue no 9 - February 2019

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The Skills Shift The UK manufacturing workforce has fallen from a high of 9.1 million in 1966 to 2.7 million today. Industry 4.0 will bring further change: a 2013 Future of Employment study in the USA predicted that up to 47 percent of jobs are at high risk from automation. However, the Made Smarter review proposed a more positive view of the future of manufacturing jobs in the UK.

It argued that Industry 4.0 brings with it the potential to create new, higher-paid, higherskilled jobs that add value to society and positively offset the displacement of poor productivity and poorly paid jobs.

A Changing Workforce Employees will be hired for knowledge-based production roles, rather than manual work. These changes will come within an already challenging recruitment environment for engineers and software and data scientists. Manufacturers, just like employers in other sectors, should embrace and integrate digital within their business and workforce strategies to both retrain their existing workforce and create new digital-focused roles that will support the digital health and competitiveness of the business. Made Smarter Review 2017

Aahuti advises, “Leaders are trying to manage not only the physical change in the business but also the transition in terms of people’s emotions. They are going through their own change curve – anger, denial, fear, acceptance … all of that. And they also have to think ahead about the new set of skills and teams that they need in place.”

The composition of the workforce is just one place where the intensity of change – in terms of scale, impact and pace – wrought by Industry 4.0 technology is expected to be significant but is, as yet, uncertain.

“At the end of a technology project, you could end up with completely different jobs that didn’t exist before. Trying to anticipate what that looks like and therefore where the marketplace is for these new types of people is just one of the challenges,” emphasises Ravi.

“Even within two years so much will change,” she acknowledges, “With this level of uncertainty, it’s rather like leaders are laying down one step at a time on the path, just one step ahead of where they are currently standing.”

“Employees will be hired for knowledge-based production roles, rather than manual work. These changes will come within an already challenging recruitment environment for engineers and software and data scientists.”

As a result, Industry 4.0 projects don’t require the traditional visioning exercise and a long-term strategy roadmap, says Aahuti.


industry 4.0 Issue no 9 - February 2019

Lost in tech

Operating in an Uncertain Environment “A big part of the approach has to be about leaders being completely open to exploring and discovering,” says Aahuti.“In business there is often a sense of urgency to get something launched, to get the investment cases drawn up, and so on. But I think this type of change requires a little bit more discovery and exploration before you can have this kind of urgency.” This means talking to businesses who have already successfully started their journey. “Once you have seen the potential, you can start to layout the path that will future-proof your business,” suggests Aahuti. “The discovery is about fast-forwarding to a future point which is, perhaps, still a concept and not proven yet. Then taking a step back and saying, ‘if that’s our future world in our industry five years from now, what can we do today with what we know is currently possible with the technology?’. This way, the starting point is made with a view towards where you are heading.” “Once you’ve got the visioning piece, you have to get super clear on the organisational impact. In some ways, this is easier in smaller organisations, because you’re negotiating with just a handful of people,” says Aahuti, “but each person will have their own fears.”

This means giving strategic thinking a dual focus: the longer-term “art of the possible” and the more immediate “what can we embark on today?”. The final stages of the journey might not be clearly defined, but at least the first step is in the right direction. Strategies will be subject to the usual constraints, such as market, competition, expertise, budget, etc., but once you have reached an understanding of what you can embark on today, the traditional elements of change management and execution kick in. Aahuti continues, “Each leader has to unblock their own uncertainties – because your own fears and anxieties about the change will directly translate into how you lead change. Change is only as good as the change leader is.”

The Impact of Change “It’s vital to keep an acute focus on it not becoming just a technology change,” agrees Ravi. “Organisations must consider the wider impact of the technology.” This means looking at the potential impact on: • • • • • • • • • •

rganisational structure O Outsourcing non-core activities Decision making and authorities Processes Competencies Job design Locations where work happens How to measure success Data and information Managing staff

Aahuti argues that too often these aspects don’t get looked at comprehensively enough. Yet they can have a decisive impact on the success of a digitalisation or Industry 4.0 initiative. “This is what a tech vendor won’t get involved with,” explains Ravi, “because they are focused on what’s inside “the box”, i.e. the technology. 12

But, for a leader, the surrounding structures, processes and roles will have implications and are at least as important for an effective and sustainable impact.” Once you have explored the potential implications of the change, you can begin to pull together an execution roadmap to answer: how do we make these changes happen? “I would strongly advocate coaching for each member of the executive team,” says Ravi. The challenge is particularly acute for SMEs, says Aahuti: “Often leaders in smaller organisations are double-hatting or triplehatting functional responsibilities, so they are grappling with day-to-day operations, and this can mean they lack the space for strategic thinking – they are pulled back into the process too often.”

Issue no 9 - February 2019

lost in tech

industry 4.0

Thinking about Transformation These key questions can help leaders think strategically about a transformation project. •

What business need or opportunity are we addressing? What makes it compelling?

ho are the key decision makers and influencers and how we get commitment from them? W What support will each of them need to drive the change?

How will resistance show up around this change?

Have we created a vision that inspires energy, enthusiasm and momentum?

Can we describe our future state, at least in conceptual terms?

How will we know that we are making progress?

hat do we need to change in our organisation (structures, processes, competencies) W to ensure that this change is successfully embedded? Can operationalise it?


Juergen Maier, Chief Executive, Siemens UK - what Industry 4.0 means for Britain

About Four Points Consulting: Four Points Consulting helps businesses change through a deep understanding of needs, a rigorous process for developing clear strategies, and the expertise and empathy to aid resilience and flexibility for the future. •

Accelerate Change

Strategy Development

Performance Turnaround

“We have a unique way of getting a deep understanding of your business by quickly learning the politics and root causes of any organisational issues. This allows us to present strategies that get true engagement from everyone, not just nodding heads. We love to simplify, using actionable and practical techniques and act as a second brain so you can feel confident you’re in safe hands.” Clients include: Avaya, Birds Eye/Iglo, CSH, CICS, Control Risks, eBay, Lloyds Register, Nelsons, Optegra, Prologis, Renaissance Capital, Rentokil Initial, Safilo, Santander, Sodexo, SpecSavers, SThree, VG Scienta.


Batch Size One and the Customer Experience: Rethinking Business Models

In 1913, Henry Ford’s statement that a Model T Ford customer could have the car in any colour they liked, “as long as it is black”, was ground-breaking; ambitious, confident, self-assured. His words promised and ushered in a glorious, brave new world; a world in which a golden age of mass production was emerging – where industry would be transformed to produce goods efficiently and uniformly to an assured standard. His words proclaimed progress.

Yet, today, they seem curiously lack-lustre. One hundred years later, perceiving his statement through the lens of the twenty-first century, we wonder: how could a company be so successful with so little thought to the customer experience? His words seem less ground-breaking than arrogant and out-dated. In the intervening century, our expectations of what it means to be a consumer have changed. Quality assurance, standards, and efficiency are taken for granted; what we are seeking now is differentiation. Enter: batch size one.

“Parts will be made to order as and when required – reducing inventory and warehousing costs and streamlining operations.”


Batch Size One

Issue no 9 - February 2019

industry 4.0

Batch Size One This concept is a cornerstone of the Industry 4.0 vision: a new and innovative way of doing business that will open the door to extreme customisation, enhance the customer experience, and reduce waste. In the factory, where most of the talk of “batch size one” is currently focused, the concept is all about pushing the boundaries of “just in time” production. Producing just the parts you need when you need them in a way that supports customisation and adaptation is a model of efficiency of which Henry Ford could only have dreamed. Industry 4.0 technologies are making it possible. Through the use of flexibly, quickly programmable “plug and play” components in an integrated factory-wide control system, mobile robots instead of fixed conveyors to provide flexibility in workflow, and the automation of part transport between processes

to deliver flexibility in material handling, automation experts are opening the door to batch size one production. These tools make it cost effective to move away from mass production to a mass customisation. Gone will be the days of producing large batches of the same component, followed by time-consuming changeover or retooling and the associated costs, followed by the production of the next large batch. Instead, we will move to small runs – even down to batch size one – of individual components and products. Parts will be made to order as and when required – reducing inventory and warehousing costs and streamlining operations.


HOMAG Group Batch Size One Production - Furniture Manufacturing Case Study


industry 4.0 Issue no 9 - February 2019

Batch Size One

Digital Twins & AI The key challenge then becomes how to operate and manage the individual processes and movement of parts, materials, and components around the factory and supply chain in order to ensure efficiency isn’t compromised. This is where another key Industry 4.0 concept – that of the digital twin – enters the batch size one discussion. University of Michigan Professor Emeritus Yoram Koren explains, “The synchronisation of manufacturing operations of a variety of products produced simultaneously is critical to cost-effective production of individual products. For obtaining the optimal synchronisation of the manufacturing operations on several products manufactured simultaneously, it is critical that digital twin models be applied.” On the digital twin model, production schedulers can play out different production scenarios to see which will be most efficient and productive. In this way, the use of the digital twin leads to the use of another Industry 4.0 cornerstone technology: artificial intelligence.

Koren continues, “AI has a major role to play in optimal product scheduling in the production system. AI software can group products in a way that are the best fit in geometry. You want to choose similar products to be produced together so that you can synchronise the system to optimise efficiency.” Using machine intelligence to try out different production scenarios using the digital twin and then to select and schedule the most efficient combination of processes to the real-world production systems optimises the optimisation. However, despite the use of exciting technology such as digital twins, AI and flexible manufacturing, this vision of batch size one is limited. It sees the batch size one concept in a way that is little more than an extension of Ford’s and the other early industrial pioneers’ search for greater efficiency.

A Fundamental Rethink? Others argue batch size one could lead to a much more fundamental rethink. For example, batch size one offers scope for efficient automation to reach parts of the supply chain that it may not have reached before. Smaller and general-purpose manufacturers are more likely to have very high numbers of different parts produced at very low volumes. While their specialism and differentiation may have given them their market niche, it may also the thing that is holding them back – by making it difficult to scale. For these smaller manufacturers, the new flexibility of automated production offers an opportunity to use technology that was once the preserve of major mass producers, to improve profitability and grow their businesses. Yet, even to see batch size one in this light is to entirely miss its potential.


To get a feel for the full extent of how the concept could change manufacturing, we need to come at it from a different angle: from the viewpoint of customer experience.

“AI has a major role to play in optimal product scheduling in the production system. AI software can group products in a way that are the best fit in geometry. You want to choose similar products to be produced together so that you can synchronise the system to optimise efficiency.”

Issue no 9 - February 2019

Batch Size One

industry 4.0

Customer-led Manufacturing Ben Alun-Jones, Hal Watts and Kirsty Emery founded Unmade in 2013 with a vision of delivering an entirely new customer experience through customisation and direct interaction with the product, its design, and the production process. The Royal College of Art graduates were aided by the Makerversity incubator at Somerset House in London. Having realised that most of the knitting machines currently in use in the industry were already digital, the team wondered why no manufacturer was currently making use of this characteristic. Instead, throughout the industry, businesses were using the digital machines in the same way as their mechanical predecessors: to make large runs of identical objects. Emery explains, “We realised as long as you gave the machines the information in the right format, there was no additional cost to changing what they made.” > Play Radio clip of Unmade The team created their own .KNIT programming format and began exploring ways to involve customers in the creation process. In Unmade pop-up shops, customers could design their own knitwear, generating a .KNIT programme that would facilitate bespoke and one-off production of their garment in just a few hours.

Alun-Jones explained the team’s vision to the Guardian: “We seem to have lost something in mass production where you are making things for everyone, but everything is made for no one… Imagine a place where a more appropriate, better use of resources makes things that people want and are involved in. You want to own it and it’s something to be proud of.” It’s a cultural shift. The scale of this shift is humorously tackled by best-selling teen-fiction author Rick Riordan in his stories about the gods of Asgard. His hero, Magnus Chase, is surprised by the attitude towards possessions held in the dwarven world of Nidavellir and asks why each item bears a name and must be introduced before use. His dwarven friend explains that dwarves are craftsmen: “We’re serious about the things we make. You humans – you make a thousand crappy chairs that all look alike and all break within a year. When we make a chair, we make one chair to last a lifetime, a chair unlike any other in the world. Cups, furniture, weapons… every crafted item has a soul and a name. You can’t appreciate something unless it’s good enough for a name.”

“Imagine a place where a more appropriate, better use of resources makes things that people want and are involved in. You want to own it and it’s something to be proud of.”


industry 4.0 Issue no 9 - February 2019

Batch Size One

Reduced Waste, Less Discounting Instead, back in the real world today, 20 percent of what the fashion industry produces goes to landfill. For some luxury brands the figure is far higher – as much as 40 percent. Producing stock knowing nearly half of it is going to landfill seems like a gross waste of natural resources in a planet on the brink. By producing on demand only what is wanted, the Unmade team hopes to prevent this kind of wastage. It is an approach with which major brands are also experimenting. In 2017, German sports brand Adidas began testing a new in-store strategy that also encompasses the entire production cycle. The process would allow customers to design their own bespoke-fitted clothing, produced from design to finished product in just four hours. Combining a body scan to ensure the perfect fit, and a darkened room in which customers can customise patterns of projected light using hand gestures, before selecting their final design and colour combination on a computer, the initiative is part of a plan to boost full-price sales. At the moment, less than half of the brand’s products are sold at full price. Adidas brand chief explains the problem: “If we can give the consumer what they want, where they want it, when they want it, we can decrease risk… at the moment we are guessing what might be popular.”

The four-hour on-site production window would transform the 12 to 18 months it currently takes Adidas to bring a new product into store. If successful, these moves could revolutionise the high street. Experience shopping is muchtouted as a way to revitalise the dwindling commerce in market towns the length and breadth of the UK. Unmade and the Adidas initiative take batch size one and experience shopping to its logical conclusion – using technology to address some of the most pressing problems of our age, including waste reduction and reducing the environmental impact of complex supply chains whilst also providing an improved customer experience and offering the potential to revitalise our high streets. Additive manufacturing – that other cornerstone Industry 4.0 technology – broadens the scope of products for which this batch size one + customer experience model could be applied. The consequences for the way supply chains are organised is shattering.

“If we can give the consumer what they want, where they want it, when they want it, we can decrease risk… at the moment we are guessing what might be popular.”


Issue no 9 - February 2019

Batch Size One

industry 4.0

Rethinking Supply Chains and Business Models It is for exactly this reason that Professor Jan Godsell of the Warwick Manufacturing Group at the University of Warwick argues that we need to bring together technology and business processes to create a new and innovative ways of doing business. “Historically, we have tended to look at cost as the main driver of manufacturing. Whereas, in this new world, we’re really going to look at the consumer,” she says. “The second major change is the way we look at the cost base. Historically, we’ve tended to look at manufacturing just in terms of manufacturing costs. We are shifting to a viewpoint now where we actually look at the total landed cost, or total supply chain cost, which looks at not just the manufacturing element but all the logistics, tax and excise; the real bundle of costs.” Instead of waiting two months for a part or product to arrive on a messy, polluting, labourintensive shipping container from China, customers and manufacturers may find it much cheaper and more convenient to source or produce the part locally, as needed.

Godsell continues: “The essence of Industry 4.0 is to be able to make things in a batch size of one. I think that’s going to drive a totally different way of thinking. When customers are then making decisions about purchasing a product, they’re not just going to look at the cost, but they’re going to be much, much more aware of both the social and environmental impact of buying that product as well.” Instead of the complex, lengthy supply chains we know today, we could move to a model of many localised factories producing individual products for people – creating new local manufacturing jobs, breathing new life into our cities, and reducing the environmental impact of transporting multiple parts around the world to produce a product which will then travel around the world some more only to end up, unloved, in landfill.


Supply chain implications of Industry 4.0

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Manchester was the epicentre of the 1st industrial revolution and can lead the 4th revolution Manufacturing is often a measure of the prosperity of nations and an essential source of development and innovation. This sector contributes 10% of the UK’s GDP, 45% of its exports, and employs approximately 2.7 million people. However, between 2005 and 2016 the UK has dropped from the 5th largest manufacturing nation in the world to 7th, being overtaken by South Korea and Italy. We continue to lag behind Germany and the USA in productivity. Despite a myriad of research and innovation funding schemes aimed at keeping UK universities at the forefront of industrially applicable scientific advancements, UK manufacturers are finding it difficult to recruit people with relevant advanced technical and engineering skills. This difficulty is being further exacerbated by the rate at which new technologies such as digital manufacturing are evolving, and the adoption by manufacturers of new advanced materials to support better productivity.

Professor Paulo Bartolo, Chair in Advanced Manufacturing, The University of Manchester

Dr Shaden Jaradat, Research Strategy Coordinator, The University of Manchester


industry 4.0 Issue no 9 - February 2019

Manchester’s industrial revolution


Academic Experts From The University of Manchester Talk About Industry 4.0

Nowhere is this mismatch more vivid than the technologies underpinning the fourth industrial revolution. The growing need for integrating automated advanced manufacturing, and the big data it produces with cloud platforms to enhance performance will impact business, construction, agriculture and healthcare with farreaching economic and societal implications. The need for more investment in industrial digital technologies and the skills gap in its workforce have been recognised by the UK Government. The Made Smarter Review – led by Juergen Maier, CEO of Siemens UK and an honorary professor at The University of Manchester – concluded that the benefit to the UK economy of adopting Industrial Digital Technologies over the next decade could reach £455 billion, linked with growth in manufacturing of up to 3% PA, the creation of 175,000 jobs and a 4.5% reduction in CO2 emissions. Crucially, the Review highlighted the need for digital hubs including one in the North West.


With its world-class academic excellence, and geographic and cultural pull of its home city, The University of Manchester is uniquely positioned to be an exemplar of the leadership required from the UK’s higher education sector. Taking the example of advanced materials – a core technology propelling Industry 4.0 - we are home to c.£420 million worth of internationally-renowned research and business innovation centres such as: •

he Henry Royce Institute – the UK’s T national institute for advanced materials research and innovation

P’s International Centre for B Advanced Materials

ational Graphene Centre, and the N Graphene Engineering Innovation Centre

These are the ingredients of an ecosystem built around a talent supply chain.

Manchester’s industrial revolution

Issue no 9 - February 2019

industry 4.0


Digital Catapult Hack & Pitch Industry 4.0 Summit Manchester

In other words, we have a track record in delivering on areas that are vital for Industry 4.0. This was made possible because of our success at grassroots level, with a critical mass of researchers at the forefront of Industry 4.0’s technologies and societal and economic impact. Indeed, our Digital Futures network has identified c.800 University of Manchester researchers in the space of digital research spanning technology, health and social science. We are taking steps to cement our place as a world-leading hub for Industry 4.0 solutions in engineering, health and social sciences. The University of Manchester Industry 4.0 Strategy Paper, to be launched at the Industry 4.0 Summit in April 2019, will set out a comprehensive framework spanning national and regional industrial research priorities as well as the teaching and learning approach required to produce future-ready industrialists.

We invite industry leaders to join our vision, by partnering with us in defining these priorities, and collaborating with us in projects large and small, from CPD’s to PhDs. Our capability for such partnerships is vividly illustrated by several multimillion ventures such as the Centre in Advanced Fluid Engineering for Digital Manufacturing (CAFE4DM) with Unilever, the BAE Systems Strategic Partnership in the areas of advanced manufacturing and novel materials, and the Robotics and Artificial Intelligence in Nuclear (RAIN) hub. We also call on the Government to invest in our model as a pilot for the integration of resources that would transform Higher Education Institutions into regional centres of academic and industrial excellence. We will capitalise on our expertise in positively contributing to policy, exemplified by Manchester Energy, the Northern Powerhouse, as well as our Policy@Manchester platform which connects researchers to policy makers. Let us seize the opportunity to bridge the gap between academia and industry.

The University of Manchester is the Strategic Academic Partner for the Industry 4.0 Summit. Professor Bartolo and Dr Jaradat are the Chairman and Manager of the Industry 4.0 Academia Summit, respectively.


To service, or not to service Investigating Robots-as-a-Service (RaaS)

According to the Future of Manufacturing report, a third of manufacturers generate profit through servitisation. Robots as a Service (RaaS), the business model for deploying robotic automation on lease, is also beginning to gain traction. Here, Nigel Smith, managing director at Toshiba Machine partner TM Robotics, examines the potential of RaaS, when compared to traditional robot purchasing.

RaaS describes the purchase of industrial robots by leasing robotic devices as needed, as opposed to the traditional method of buying a robot outright. Like many other servitisation models, the concept boasts reduced upfront costs and the advantage of ongoing maintenance. But, why fix a model that isn’t broken? Robots have long reigned supreme in some areas of manufacturing, such as automotive production and heavy industry.


As the first adopters of six-axis robots, some as early as the 1960s, these large-scale industries understand the potential of robotics and importantly, have the financial resource to deploy this technology. Small to medium-sized manufacturers, on the other hand, haven’t been as quick to adopt robotic automation. High upfront costs make acquiring, integrating and maintaining an industrial robot unfeasible for many smaller businesses. However, RaaS could soon change this.

To service, or not to service

Issue no 9 - February 2019

industry 4.0

Weighing the benefits One of the benefits of RaaS is the potential to lower the barrier of entry for smaller manufacturers. Leasing robots on a monthly, quarterly or yearly fee reduces the upfront cost dramatically, allowing manufacturers to invest in otherwise overtly expensive automation, without breaking the bank. Eliminating upfront costs isn’t the only relief for smaller manufacturers. A large part of the saving from RaaS would be a reduction in unexpected maintenance costs. Like many other servitisation models, as the robot is leased, the onus and cost of repairing the robot would fall on the robot provider. Consider this as an example. A medium sized manufacturer has bought an industrial robot to help with production, but after a few months the machine has broken down. On top of initial cost of purchasing the robot outright, the manufacturer would have to expend resources on hiring specialist repair technicians, purchasing replacement parts and getting the robot back in working order. Of course, some industrial robot suppliers do provide warranty and after sales support for their machines, regardless of the method used to purchase the robot.

However, purchasing through RaaS could provide smaller manufacturers with the additional reassurance they need to make the initial investment. Purchasing through RaaS would mean all repair expenditure would be taken on by the provider. What’s more, as the direct supplier of the machine in question, the service provider should be able to fix the machine quickly as they are familiar with the technology, reducing the amount of downtime experienced by the manufacturer. Minimising the expense of unplanned maintenance would allow for even the smallest of manufacturers to concentrate funds on other parts of the business, including the potential for more automation.


Industry 4.0 TV Talks to Bara At Future Robotics Event, Warwick University, 2018.


industry 4.0 Issue no 9 - February 2019

To service, or not to service


Industry 4.0 TV Talks To Kuka At Future Robotics, 2018.

Keeping it traditional Servitisation boasts reduced maintenance and reduced upfront costs. However, purchasing industrial robots outright doesn’t necessarily carry financial risks. RaaS may not suit the requirements for every manufacturer. However, there are ways to reap the benefits of this business model, while ensuring they have complete ownership of the machines operating in their facilities. One way of reducing the likelihood of unplanned maintenance is to select the highest quality of robots before making an investment. Toshiba Machine’s range of SCARA robots, for instance, have recently undergone a part rationalisation process that has streamlined the design of the machines. This simplified design ensures maintenance requirements are reduced, as there are fewer internal components which are likely to break down or fail.

By ordering an industrial robot from a reputable supplier that has been in business for 70 years, smaller manufacturers will be certain to receive a reliable high-quality product. They will also have access to a strong distribution network that will support their needs every step of the way being able to rapidly supply spare parts. Overall, even without RaaS, small manufacturers are in a strong position to start automating.

About TM Robotics TM Robotics has installed thousands of robots in factories throughout the world, including North and South America, India, Russia, Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Australia. Many of the top manufacturing companies depend on TM Robotics’ product offerings for their reliability, performance, and overall value. In partnership with Toshiba Machine, TM Robotics is the only company that offers a comprehensive range of all three categories of robots; 6-axis, SCARA, and Cartesian. These are designed and built in-house. TM Robotics delivers cutting-edge solutions, training, and support services for industrial and commercial applications.





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Company Focus Forcam

Forcam - Associate Sponsor FORCAM was founded in 2001, a German company that expanded to the UK market in 2008. FORCAM UK is centrally located in the heart of UK manufacturing to allow us to best serve our customers. We have worked with various clients in multiple sectors such as aerospace, medical devices, and automotive. Our services have helped to digitally transform manufacturing processes and supply chains, consistently delivering sustainable profitability for our clients.

FORCAM UK provides an IIoT based technology solution that is compatible with manufacturing IT architecture. Advanced shop floor management functionality contributes to the overall improvement of productivity and efficiency. We can create smarter manufacturing ecosystems with interconnectivity across machines, whilst producing live data analytics.


Martin Atkinson – Managing Director, FORCAM UK

This flow of real-time production data supports demand driven supply chains by increasing transparency in capacity planning. FORCAM FORCE™ can provide a seamless integration to all manufacturing assets, with a rapid deployment model.

SPONSOR AND EXHIBITOR FOCUS This supports digital manufacturing transformation, allowing a customer to manage change and reduce risk through utilisation of electronic processes and templates, and where appropriate adopt a paperless environment. The data that is collated can be assimilated to create further advanced process optimisation. The combination of quality, production, energy and process data can reduce costs and improve quality.

Issue no 9 - February 2019

industry 4.0

All contribute to the improvement of an organisation’s Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE). We accompany you on each step of the way towards creating your Smart Factory. With our IIoT solution providing out-the-box MES applications, the flexibility and adaptability to handle unpredictable demands in manufacturing.


Getting Started: Virtual Factory - FORCE Bridge API

FORCAM FORCE – “We Deliver Results in Productivity”, selectable modules with easy function expansion, low implementation cost with rapid deployment. Creating fiscal value for the customer across the shop floor as quickly as possible.


Come and visit us at stand C6 & register to attend a keynote speech from Martin Atkinson at 14:00 on 10th April. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION AND ENQUIRIES:



industry 4.0 news Print 4.0 - Canon India Demonstrates its Professional Printing Prowess at the Latest Edition of Print Pack 2019

NEW DELHI Feb 7, 2019 PRNewswire

Leading the imaging space through a 360-degree input-to-output solution, Canon India marked its presence at the Print Pack 2019 exhibition. Organized at India Expo Centre, Greater Noida, Print Pack is one of the most coveted platforms for professional printing space providing a stage for conversations and collaborations among various stakeholders across India. Inaugurated by Mr. Kazutada Kobayashi, President & CEO, Canon India Pvt. Ltd. in the presence of Mr. Puneet Datta, Senior Director, Professional Printing, the Canon stall exhibited a prolific range of their imagePRESS series of printers, TM series and ColorWave 700. Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Kazutada Kobayashi, President & CEO, Canon India Pvt. Ltd., said, “Innovation and customer delight remains integral to every offering we bring forth at Canon. Staying true to this commitment, we have been addressing diverse market expectations of the professional printing industry ever since our inception. The printing industry has been evolving at a rapid pace, marked by various transformations that has occurred across industries. Our association with Print Pack is a testament to our stance at elevating the printing industry in India in line with these market requirements.” He further added, “Having received an overwhelming response during the previous editions, we are delighted to continue our association with Print Pack, an opportune platform for us to showcase some of our best technology to our customers. We are looking forward to engage, connect and collaborate with participants and receive first hand feedback from them.” 30

Canon India showcased the imagePRESS series of printers including imagePRESS C8000 VP, imagePRESS C650, imageRUNNER ADV 8585, TM-5200 Printer, TM-5300 MFP L36ei & PRO-540, and the ColorWave 700 along with software solution. Along with the products, the organization also hosted a discussion zone, which showcased their new High Speed Cut Sheet Inkjet Printer i300 along the Sample Gallery. Sharing his thoughts, Mr. Puneet Datta, Senior Director, Professional Printing Products, Canon India, said, “Driven by Industrial Revolution 4.0, we have witnessed seismic changes in the print landscape, or as we call it, Print 4.0. At Canon India, we are proud to bring forth some of our innovative and technological marvels that resonate with the changing requirements of our growing customer base. Print Pack exhibition every time has provided us with an appropriate platform to demonstrate some of our marquee offerings, amidst a large gathering of jobb ers, commercial printers and photo labs. The products showcased at the exhibition today are bundled with cutting-edge technology and are built to offer our customers a unique printing experience, enabling them to improve efficiencies and grow business profitability.”

Industry 4.0 news

Issue no 9 - February 2019

Integration of Energy-efficient and IIoT Capabilities is Expected to Unlock New Revenue Streams for Pump Manufacturers

industry 4.0

LONDON Feb 7, 2019 PRNewswire

Chemical manufacturers need to focus on redefining their maintenance strategies for IIoT-enabled pumps, says Frost & Sullivan The chemicals industry in Europe is in the midst of a huge transformation with manufacturers looking to redefine their value proposition and explore new business models. Encouraged by the gradual recovery of oil prices, chemical manufacturers are increasing their demand for centrifugal and positive displacement(PD) pumps. Plus, the European Commission’s directive to industries to reduce energy consumption is creating a fertile market for smart, intuitive, Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)-enabled pumps with asset monitoring features. The total pumps market in Europe generated estimated revenue of $1,334.7 million from the chemical industry in 2018. Centrifugal pumps used in the chemical processing plants represented 75.6% of the total pump market, and the remaining 24.4% of the market was held by positive displacement (PD) pumps in 2018. The compound annual growth rate for the total market is an expected 2.0% through 2025. “Pump manufacturers offering value-added services such as end-to-end monitoring of pump performance throughout their lifecycle to increase energy efficiencies will remain competitive,” said Kiravani Emani, Industry Analyst, Industrial team at Frost & Sullivan. “Furthermore, the shift towards digital chemical plants will create opportunities for pumps embedded with connectivity and intelligence capabilities, as they can aid predictive maintenance, reduce asset failure and, consequently, prevent the shutdown of plants.” Frost & Sullivan’s recent analysis, European Pumps Market in the Chemical Industry, Forecast to 2025, evaluates the various types of centrifugal and PD pumps that are used in the chemical processing industry. It includes detailed assessments of pump adoption across sub-industries such as basic, specialty, agro, and consumer chemicals.

It evaluates the opportunities across Germany, France, Italy, the UK, Scandinavia, Iberia, Benelux, Eastern Europe, and the rest of Western Europe. It also includes technology perspectives and the role of IIoT in the pumps market. For further information on this analysis, click here. “As chemical manufacturers experiment with flexible and modular factories to efficiently manage various product lines, custom-made pumps that are robust and adaptable to mobile production lines will enjoy greater uptake,” noted Emani. “The demand for pumps will be particularly high in France, Spain, Italy, Belgium, and Poland, as chemical manufacturers look to make the most of the availability of skilled workforce, strong logistics network, and access to raw materials in these countries.” Pump manufacturers can widen their footprint and increase revenue share by tapping the following growth opportunities: •

ifferentiation through product performance D and reliability rather than just price and product range. rovision of remote and condition monitoring P services that help predict failures and reduce maintenance costs. ergers & acquisitions with automation and M IoT vendors to aid chemical manufacturers transition towards smart manufacturing in the long term. stablishment of strong distribution network E as end users prefer to partner with pump manufacturers that guarantee timely delivery of services. rovision of value-added services that include P remote monitoring of pump performance, proactively replacing and servicing the equipment before it fails. 31

industry 4.0 Issue no 9 - February 2019

Industry 4.0 news

Parsable Launches Connected Worker Accelerators to Further Speed Time-To-Value for Industry 4.0 and Digital Factory Initiatives Built on the Parsable Connected Worker Platform, Parsable’s First Accelerators Increase Plant Availability and Productivity for CPG Manufacturers Parsable, the Connected Worker Platform company, today announced the launch of its Connected Worker Accelerators, out-of-the-box solutions designed to further speed the timeto-value for delivering digital transformation at industrial companies. Built on Parsable’s leading Connected Worker Platform, Connected Worker Accelerators enable operations managers to quickly digitize, analyze, and solve difficult human-led operations challenges without the need for a months-long “time and motion study.” “The human work performed in industrial settings contains an enormous amount of knowledge and data that should be captured to optimize businesscritical processes and operations,” said Lawrence Whittle, CEO of Parsable. “Not all of this is unique to each business. By giving companies baseline approaches to get started, we can assure that they can move critical KPIs very quickly by improving work procedures, data collection, and work analysis in one swift motion.” When combined with Parsable’s consumergrade mobile applications, Connected Worker Accelerators provide management teams with unprecedented visibility and control over frontline operations by digitizing and standardizing complex work procedures, and collecting granular data on the execution of human-led work. Real-time, stepby-step data is unlocked and displayed in pre-built dashboards that are instantly available to business analysts and executives globally.


This enables leadership to quickly measure and analyze performance, identify process gaps and improvement opportunities, and make immediate changes both within the operation or in multiple locations at once. As a result, companies can roll out standardized processes much faster to more sites. Their operations are then more consistent, transparent, and dynamic. Leadership can more accurately trace the impact of issues and improvements on the factory floor or field to the overall business. Connected Worker Accelerators for CPG (Consumer Packaged Goods) Parsable’s first set of Connected Worker Accelerators, designed for CPG companies, gives plant managers increased transparency and control over human-led activities related to line changeovers, maintenance, and safety. As SKU proliferation continues to grow – at a rate of more than 30 percent, according to some estimates – CPG manufacturers are facing increasing pressure to maximize the output, quality, and flexibility of their production lines. Issues and inefficiencies affecting line changeovers and maintenance have a critical impact on equipment uptime and throughput. Safety concerns also can take a devastating toll on companies and their employees, and can ultimately impact overall worker productivity.

“The human work performed in industrial settings contains an enormous amount of knowledge and data that should be captured to optimize businesscritical processes and operations.”

“By improving the main human drivers that affect changeover and maintenance cycle times, enterprises with multiple production lines and product SKUs can unlock new levels of revenue and profitability,” said Michael Chou, Chief Product Officer of Parsable. “Parsable has packaged the best practices that drive these business and operational goals into our Connected Worker Accelerators for CPG.” Each CPG Accelerator includes customizable work procedures, comprehensive data collection, a pre-built data pipeline that streams work execution data, and robust analytics dashboards: •

hangeover Accelerator: Drive fast and accurate C changeovers so employees clearly understand who is doing what and what actions can be taken before “lockout/tagout” procedures, during shutdown, and after restart aintenance Accelerator: Ensure planned M and unplanned maintenance procedures are performed consistently to decrease meantime-to-repair (MTTR); this Accelerator and the Parsable Connected Worker Platform can be integrated with existing systems, including enterprise resource planning (ERP) afety Accelerator: Ensure safety inspections S and checks are consistently executed; helps identify problematic trends and provides insight to implement needed corrective action to keep employees safe and operations moving

Issue no 9 - February 2019

industry 4.0

SAN FRANCISCO Feb 5, 2019 PRNewswire

About Parsable

For more information, please review the Connected Worker Accelerators for CPG solution brief. Parsable helps the world’s largest industrial firms get jobs done right – every time. Parsable’s Connected Worker Platform enables employees to collaboratively execute their work using paperless, digital work instructions on mobile devices. In addition to measuring every step and action, employees can raise issues and provide feedback in real time so that every process is quickly analyzed and improved. With Parsable, companies attract new talent, gain unprecedented visibility into their operations, and uncover detailed data about their work processes for continuous improvement.


industry 4.0 Issue no 9 - February 2019

Industry 4.0 news

New Camstar Electronics Suite provides gamechanging smart manufacturing capabilities for electronics and mechanical processes - Single software solution integrates Siemens’ Camstar and Mentor’s Valor manufacturing execution capabilities - Integration with the Siemens smart manufacturing for electronics portfolio expands the digital thread from design through manufacturing - Real-time data acquisition of mechatronics manufacturing processes helps provide continuous quality improvement IPC APEX -- Siemens announced today the introduction of Camstar™ Electronics Suite software, an innovative manufacturing execution system (MES) for electronics. Building on the successful enterprise-level platform for integrated circuit (IC) manufacturing, this powerful, configurable and scalable MES solution enables printed circuit board (PCB) and box assemblers to meet traceability requirements, improve efficiency levels and control manufacturing operations through direct Internet of Things (IoT) connectivity with machines and production lines. Expanding on Siemens’ digital innovation platform, Camstar Electronics Suite creates a true digital thread to empower electronics companies to further their digitalization strategy in line with Industry 4.0. By closing the loop between engineering and the shop floor, and enabling quick reactions to design modifications, manufacturers can shorten product lifecycles, increase production complexities and improve quality across the entire manufacturing lifecycle. Camstar Electronics Suite activates the seamless flow of product and business data between product lifecycle management (PLM), enterprise resource planning (ERP) and shop floor execution through an integrated digital thread, enabling faster and streamlined change cycles. “Siemens made an important step towards helping electronics manufacturers improve operations performance when they acquired Camstar, but by adding capabilities from Mentor’s Valor™ Electronics Manufacturing Solutions software they can now drive a new level of productivity, throughput, and quality for both PCB, mechanical and box-build manufacturing,” said Greg Gorbach,


vice president, digitization and IoT, ARC Advisory Group. “With Mentor’s Valor edge data acquisition technology and tight integration with Teamcenter to support a robust digital twin and digital thread, the Camstar Electronics Suite now enables customers in the electronics industry to rapidly adapt to design changes and to speed production by directly connecting with specialized machines and production lines.” Siemens PLM Software continues to grow its digital innovation platform and look for new ways to expand on the most robust digital twin. This recent collaboration between Siemens’ manufacturing operations management (MOM) software and Mentor technology has created a unique solution, which covers the complete end-to-end mechatronics manufacturing process. Camstar Electronics Suite activates the seamless flow of product and business data between product lifecycle management (PLM), enterprise resource planning (ERP) and shop floor execution through an integrated digital thread, enabling faster and streamlined change cycles. Using this single data source, closed-loop feedbacks from production to design and engineering departments can result in improved quality levels and shorter new product introduction (NPI) processes and go-to-market times. Siemens’ technology development benefits from the fact that the company also has advanced operational factories which can be early adopters of Siemens innovations. “The Camstar Electronics Suite introduces a layer of value that we could never reach with our existing set of disconnected tools, even with custom integration.

Industry 4.0 news

Issue no 9 - February 2019

industry 4.0

SAN DIEGO Jan 30, 2019 PRNewswire

“The Camstar Electronics Suite introduces a layer of value that we could never reach with our existing set of disconnected tools, even with custom integration.”

Furthermore, the inclusion of Valor IoT data acquisition in the suite has drastically simplified the deployment across our assembly lines,” stated Hermann Kraus, MES project lead at Siemens Fürth. “We have already taken the first step of implementation, optimizing material flow with Valor Material Management. We are currently introducing the second step that will deliver a true one-stopshop solution for Electronics Manufacturing management, covering all process areas and integrated with PLM and ERP,” he added. “This collaboration with Mentor’s Valor technology along with the introduction of Camstar Electronics Suite further expands our positioning in the electronics market and fortifies our leadership as industry trendsetters,” said René Wolf, senior vice president of Manufacturing Operations Management for Siemens PLM Software. “In an era where mass customization and rapid time-to-market determine the ability of electronics companies to succeed, manufacturing processes must be flexible and smart enough to accommodate rapid change in product requirements, while optimizing production efficiency and improving the overall product quality. This is exactly the kind of innovation that the new Camstar Electronics Suite delivers to the market.” For further information on Camstar Electronics Suite, please see camstar-electronics-suite.


Siemens PLM Software, a business unit of the Siemens Digital Factory Division, is a leading global provider of software solutions to drive the digital transformation of industry, creating new opportunities for manufacturers to realize innovation. With headquarters in Plano, Texas, and over 140,000 customers worldwide, Siemens PLM Software works with companies of all sizes to transform the way ideas come to life, the way products are realized, and the way products and assets in operation are used and understood. For more information on Siemens PLM Software products and services, visit


PRODUCTS AND SOFTWARE for industry 4.0


Bernstein NEW SMART Safety Sensor SRF for Smart Factories & Industry 4.0 ready The SRF (Safety RFID) is a non-contact safety sensor, that monitors moveable safety guards, such as doors, flaps and hoods with a high tolerance to shock & vibration With its innovative diagnostic system, the SRF makes safety circuits suitable for Industry 4.0. The system provides a multitude of diagnostic data of each sensor, even in a series connection, to support smart production. Diagnostic data will deliver cost-effective predictive maintenance in a simple way, through its advanced fault recognition capability, costly machine shutdowns can be prevented. This way, your machinery and plant will work even more efficiently! We will be exhibiting at The Industry 4.0 Summit & Expo from the 10-11th April 2019. We will be showcasing products including the flexible and economical IN65, the slimline I49 and the new MRK6 magnetic safety switch. These products among many others in our well-established range of switches, sensors, and enclosures, as well as examples of our custom services. BERNSTEIN ranks among the world’s leading providers of industrial safety technology. With our comprehensive range of switches, sensors, enclosures and operator terminals, we offer our customers effective and versatile solutions. By conforming to international safety guidelines, our products perfectly integrate in individual system solutions. For more details visit Bernstein UK’s website -


Digital goods flowing from the RFID gate directly into the cloud GateToGo, including a robust CE-compliant control cabinet plus RFID reader and MICA® The GateToGo is a mobile data entry portal (gate) that can be set up quickly. It can be used to run proof of concepts for logistics applications without programming effort. HARTING shows how easy it can be to start a project – the ideal introduction for system integrators in new projects. Using HARTING’s MICA® together with the HARTING GS1 ALE 1.1 based middleware system, the collected pallet and object data can be filtered and compressed directly at the gate. From there, the data is transmitted on network cables, WiFi, or even directly via LTE to the enterprise resource planning system. When using LTE, there is no need for a complex integration into the local IT infrastructure. Thanks to its worldwide partner network, HARTING can provide direct solutions that extend all the way into the cloud. HARTING supplies everything to make the start simple: GateToGo, including a robust CE-compliant control cabinet, an RFID reader, the MICA®, and starter software. At this year’s LogiMAT trade fair (February 19 to 21, 2019 in Stuttgart, Germany), the HARTING Technology Group will be at the AIM joint stand (Hall 4, Stand D05) demonstrating how effective it is to automate the flow of goods with state-of-theart UHF RFID technology. At this year’s LogiMAT trade fair (February 19 to 21, 2019 in Stuttgart, Germany), the HARTING Technology Group will be at the AIM joint stand (Hall 4, Stand D05) demonstrating how effective it is to automate the flow of goods with state-ofthe-art UHF RFID technology. High flexibility and dynamic operating concept, due to the “virtual switch”, which can be individually defined For further information visit:


industry 4.0 Issue no 9 - February 2019


AMBER PI Design Kit The AMBER PI provides two I2C and two SPI sockets to connect other I2C- and SPI-slaves to it. As delivered, the AMBER PI Kit includes the following sensor boards that contain three different sensors. The fourth board can be used as base PCB for the prototypic integration of custom sensors. The PROTO SPI is a mini breadboard including the 4-wire SPI signals plus the power signals +3.3V and GND. This board serves a 2.54mm grid for hand soldering prototypes of custom sensors. The HTS221 is an ultra-compact sensor for relative humidity and temperature. The LPS22HB is an ultracompact piezo resistive absolute pressure sensor, which functions as a digital output barometer. The LIS2DW12 is an ultra-low-power high-performance three-axis linear accelerometer. The Tarvos-II Plug is an USB-radio-dongle that operates as remote station to the AMBER-PI using compatible radio profiles. With this dongle, a bidirectional wireless bridge can be established, transmitting the current sensor values for example. It is also a dipole antenna with SMA-connector, enabling wireless data transmission with extended range, in the AMBER-PI Design Kit included. Applications •

Gateway: Sub-1-GHz to Wi-Fi, Bluetooth or Ethernet

Data collector for Sub-1-GHz radio devices

Wireless remote control station (Model airplane)

Rapid prototyping for wireless data transmission applications

obile wireless sensor board for home and industrial M environment (Weather station, Motion tracking) For more details visit:

DAQRI SMART GLASSES Purpose built design. Ergonomic and Modular. Safety Certified. Ultra Low-Latency Rendering to Display Complex Workloads. Wide Field of View Optics. Powerful Mobile Processor. Indoor and Outdoor Use. For more details visit:



Issue no 9 - February 2019

industry 4.0


edinn® MES Sedinn® MES is a complete and advanced MES (Manufacturing Execution System) solution, which can be integrated in a standard way with any ERP (SAP, Navision, etc.), which will allow you to manage and control your processes globally using ‘Industry 4.0’ functionalities. The edinn® MES solution includes edinn® OEE. edinn® OEE Personnel management Quality Control SPC (Statistical Process Control)

Spotfire X with the All-new A(X) Experience Analytics, Accelerated The all-new TIBCO Spotfire® A(X) Experience makes it fast and easy for everyone to get value out of data —whether you’re just getting started with analytics or an expert trying to uncover deeper insights. Built-in Predictive Analytics Unparalleled Location Analytics

Integrated document management and link with other applications: Zero Papers.

Real-time Streaming Analytics

For further information visit:

For further information visit:


industry 4.0 Issue no 9 - February 2019


MES (Manufacturing Execution System):

MES Order Execution System

Sophisticated computer software that provides in-depth information

Rapid Production configuration

Enabling improved productivity in manufacturing companies. Make your manufacturing processes more efficient, Save money and be in total control of every element of your production. Among its many advantages, data analysis from your MES system provides great opportunities for measuring and improving KPIs such as OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness), allowing you to monitor vital components of your manufacturing unit, such as quality and availability. The data you collect from your improvement activities means that you can focus on changes that will bring your production line up to optimal performance levels.

For further information visit:

All Variants 100% checked by link to vision and ID systems Removes risk of production mistakes Proof of conformity Integrates to our Paperless Process system Bytronic designs and implements turnkey MES Solutions. The systems start with a high grade industrial Ethernet network with layer3 backbone and hyper ring technology. The data being collated into a central MES database.

For further information visit: factory-solutions/mes-order-execution-system

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