Carver Middle School Mission Statement The mission of Carver Middle School Is to prepare students Academically, physically, emotionally, and socially to meet the challenges of high school and society. This will be accomplished by a highly qualified staff, Teaching a comprehensive and innovative curriculum, In a safe and orderly environment.
Welcome Parents! I am very excited about the new 2002-2003 school year!. Please help me and your child by taking an active role in your child's education. Some suggestions: •
Show your interest by asking your child on a daily basis what he/she learned in school that day. (Don't accept "nothing" as an answer!!) Take your child shopping with you. Together, estimate what the groceries/items will cost. Point out the effect of discounts/sales/tax on the total amount. (We will cover this heavily but this is an area that is confusing to many students.) Have your child "teach" you how to work a math problem. This will reinforce learning and boost confidence!
Please become familiar with my goals, homework policy, and discipline plan. Above all, please do not hesitate to communicate with me regarding your child's progress/performance in school!
Homework Policy Homework is important because... 1. It helps students master and maintain skills learned in the classroom. 2. It provides feedback for teachers, parents, and students. 3. Students are better prepared for the next day's lesson. 4. Students learn responsibility, resourcefulness, self-reliance, and time-management. Homework will usually be assigned Monday through Thursdays nights. Even if a written assignment is not given, students are expected to review what was taught in class that day or prepare for the next day's assignment. I will provide a homework sheet so that you can easily monitor assignments and stay informed about what your child is studying. However, it will be your child's responsibility to write down the assignment.
Students who fail to bring in homework will receive a 0 as a daily grade. One low grade is forgiven each 6 weeks. Students who consistently fail to do homework will be required to serve detention during electives. If you see that your child is consistently spending too much time on my assignments (more than one hour of uninterrupted time) or having great difficulty with completion, please let me know so that I can provide individual help or arrange peer tutoring.
Rules 1. Be prepared to begin class on time. (Be in your seat with all needed materials.) 2. Follow all directions the first time given. 3. Get permission to talk or get out of seat. 4. Treat all others with respect. 5. Observe all system-wide rules. Consequences 1. Warning 2. Isolation 3. Chill-out and parent contact 4. Referral to office Steps 1 and 2 may be omitted for severe disruptive behavior or disrespect. Rewards 1. Praise, notes home 2. Free time, outside break 3. Coupons, special treats
Rubrics Have you earned your break today? (behavior rubric) Students earn 5 points for completion of each task! I came into the room quietly and was in my seat ready to work on time.
I was prepared for class with a pencil, paper, homework, my math notebook, and all needed supplies.
I followed directions the first time given.
I treated my teacher and classmates with respect.
I was not disruptive nor did I keep anyone else from learning at any time today.
Rubrics Hopefully, by having students evaluate themselves on a daily basis, they become more aware of their behavior. I walk around the room as students are completing their rubric just to make sure they don't "forget" about inappropriate behavior. I also initial each rubric at the end of class. The extra time it takes to pass them out and take them up will be well worth it if students' behavior improves! The completed rubrics will be filed and used during parent conferences.
Homework Rubric Students earn 5 points for completion of each task! I put my name on my paper.
I did my homework in pencil.
I showed how I worked out the problems.
My work is neat and organized. The problems are numbered and the answers are boxed.
I completed all problems.
Ginger Creative, compulsive, and compulsively conscientious Daughter of Ginny, wife of Wayne, mother of Ashley and Jay, and sister of Tommy, Janet, Skeeter, Harry, Judy, and Mitch, Who loves my family, weekends, and peace and quiet, Who feels excited about technology in education, Who needs patience, understanding, and more energy, Who gives love, money, and too much advice to my children, Who fears losing loved ones, Who'd like to see my children graduate from college and become responsible adults, Who dreams of retiring and being free of schedules and deadlines. Teacher of adolescents Student of Judi Gin