Superintendent’s Letter Dear Scotland County Citizens: Scotland County Schools is ready to implement its second five-year Strategic Plan. Dozens of concerned citizens devoted time, knowledge and expertise to put in place a plan that will continue to support the changes already in effect while encouraging our school system to grow and improve to meet the needs of our students. Our students, teachers and administrators have taken steps in the last five years to become more responsible for the positive direction of the schools and the success that we strive for each day. We continue to work on improving our school facilities with clear goals outlined for needed improvements. Teachers have a clear focus on the needs of students and have been provided with the time and resources to meet those needs to ensure successful learning. We believe every child can excel and our goal is to help students reach their potential in a manner and time appropriate to their needs. We believe that the Scotland County School System is leading the way in our area with innovative teaching, efficient and effective operations and faculty training second to none. I pledge to you, the citizens of this county, that I will continuously assess our progress towards meeting the goals and strategies that so many of you helped us develop. We will work steadily towards continuous improvement in all areas. We will be good stewards of the dollars you provide for education, and together we will build an educational system that will ensure the maximum success of every child in Scotland County. Sincerely, Shirley B. Prince, Ed.D. Superintendent
School Board Members James D. “Buck” Carter, Chairman Paul Rush, Vice-Chair Jimmy Bennett Calvin Newton Mary Evans Spencer Willard James “Jim” Willis Darwin “Duke” Williams
The Process As the previous Scotland County Schools’ Strategic Plan moved toward completion at the end of the 2004-2005 academic year, school system administrators began the process of updating and evaluating the next five year plan. With the help of Scotland County community leaders, school administrators, parents and teachers, the planning team convened the first of two planning sessions in January 2005. Taking the suggestions and guidelines from this inaugural planning session, the team members developed a comprehensive plan addressing the five strategic priorities identified in the original plan.
Highest Student Performance Save and Orderly Schools Highest Performing Staff Strong Partnerships Effective and Efficient Operations The Strategic Planning Team continued to evaluate the developing plan, refining goals and suggesting strategies to meet those goals. With an emphasis on strong partnerships, members of the planning committee sought ways to utilize community resources to meet more effectively the diverse needs of our students. The Strategic Planning committee reconvened in February 2005 to put in place the final plan and recommend this plan to the Scotland County Board of Education. System-level administrators have been assigned to monitor and facilitate each of the five strategic priorities. At its March, 2005 meeting, the Scotland County Board of Education approved the Strategic Plan. This document outlines the 2005-2010 Scotland County Schools’ Strategic Plan.
The Planning Team Mary Jo Adams Katherine Allen Beth Ammons Judie Beck Christine Belzic Kim Brown Sandy Callan Buck Carter Kiara Cox Anne Crabbe Rogena Deese Chuck Dulin Roger Edwards Kelly Ficklin Carol Fowler Terry Franklin Jeanie Freshcorn Kay Fuller Pat Gates Brenda Gilbert Cindy Goodman Sharon Halles Rodney Hassler Theresa Hollingsworth Diane Honeycutt Harriet Jackson Ellen Jones Shepard Jones Beckie Kimbrell
Vickie Kirby Faye Lowery John Massey Gwyn McBride Bill McIlwain Kerry McLawhorn James McLean Otis McMillan Bill Morgan Jane Murray Betty Myers Calvin Newton Shannon Newton Jim O’Hern Mozelle Parker Kim Provens Lyle Shaw Rick Singletary Amy Sloop Eugene Smith Melody Snead Shannon Southerland Emma Stone Mike Sutton Jim Tapp John Teal Ed Williams Freddie Williamson Chauntelle Wright
Highest Student Performance Goal 1: Every student a responsible
Goal 2: Every student a proficient
learner Measures ∼ 90% of students keep data notebooks ∼ 90% of students will develop their own learning goals and those students in grades 3-8 will set a goal that increases their reading and mathematics developmental scale score each year to their fullest potential ∼ 90% of the students will lead at least one student/teacher/parent conference each year ∼ 90% of 8th grade students will be proficient as measured on the new computer skills test by the 20092010 school year.
reader Measures ∼ 90% or more of our second grade students will demonstrate grade level readiness skills a measured by the TPRI at the end of the 20092010 school year ∼ Overall Reading Proficiency as measured by the End-of-Grade Test for grades 3-8 will be 90% or more by the 2009-2010 school year
Goal 1: Every student a proficient
Goal 1: Every student a proficient
mathematician Measures ∼ At least 90% or more of our children will be on grade level in math as measured by the North Carolina K-2 Math Assessment by the time they completed second grade at the end of the 2009-2010 school year ∼ Overall Math Proficiency as measured by the End-of-Grade Test for grades 3rd -8th will be 95% or more by the 2009-2010 school year.
writer Measures ∼ Writing Percent Proficient as measured by the state writing test for grades 4, 7, and 10 will be at or above the state average by the 2009-2010 school year.
Highest Student Performance Goal 5: Every student completing
Highest Student Performance
high school ready to proceed to the post secondary educational experience of his/her choice Measures ∼ End-of-Course Performance Composite for Scotland high School will be 85% or better by the 20092010 school year ∼ 95% of the high school students who enter high school beginning in the 2006-2007 school year will demonstrate successful performance on the outcomes established by each small learning community by the time they graduate ∼ 95% of the students who enter high school beginning in the 2007-2008 school year will complete a collegeprep or college tech prep curriculum
Highest Performing Staff Goal 1: Recruitment of highly qualified personnel for all positions Measures ∼ 100% of teachers will meet “highly qualified standards by 2009-2010 ∼ 85% of teachers will have completed a teacher education program by 2009-2010 ∼ 100% of positions filled by the first day of school
Goal 2: Retention of highly qualified personnel for all positions Measures ∼ Positive trend in results on working conditions survey ∼ Positive trend in retention rate ∼ Positive trend in staff perceptions as measured by a survey
Highest Performing Staff Goal 3: Development of highly
Goal 4: Development of future leaders for all levels of leadership Measures ∼ Increased number of individuals participating in leadership development activities
Highest Performing Staff
qualified personnel for all positions Measures ∼ Increased number of NBCT’s ∼ Increased percent of TA’s earning teacher licensure ∼ 100% participation of new teachers in Elements of Instruction ∼ Increased percent of teachers earning Master’s Degrees ∼ 100% of classified personnel participating in job specific and/or customer service training
Health Students in Safe, Orderly and Caring Schools Goal 1: Learning environments that
Goal 2: Learning environments that
are clean and well maintained Measures ∼ Improved External Audit Report results (Fire, Sanitation, Insurance, Building) ∼ Improved Classroom Environment Assessment results
are safe and free of harmful or illegal behavior Measures ∼ 100% enforcement of the student code of conduct ∼ Improved student attendance ∼ Improved results on State’s report on school crime and violence
Health Students in Safe, Orderly and Caring Schools Goal 3: Learning environments that
Goal 4: Coordinated school health
foster cultural sensitivity and mutual respect of others Measures ∼ Decreased incidences of serious discipline infractions ∼ 100% participation in cultural diversity training for novice teachers
programs that address health issues of students and employees Measures ∼ 100% implementation of Active Recess for Scots at K-5 grades ∼ Improved staff and student attendance ∼ 100% of meals that meet nutritional guidelines
Safe and Orderly Schools
Strong Partnerships Goal 1: Every parent actively involved Goal 2: Meaningful involvement of in his or her child’s education Measures ∼ Improved results on the Pre-K readiness assessment ∼ Improved student attendance, reduced tardies and reduced early sign-outs ∼ Decreased incidences of serious discipline infractions ∼ Decreased teen pregnancy rate ∼ Decreased dropout rate ∼ Increased opportunities for parental attendance at school activities
local business and industry to improve learning opportunities for students Measures ∼ Increased number of student apprenticeships, internships, mentoring relationships and work experiences ∼ Increased contacts with existing business partners ∼ Decreased dropout rate ∼ Increased number of business partners
Goal 3: Strong community
Goal 4: Strong partnership with
participation to improve student learning Measures ∼ Progress toward elimination of achievement gap ∼ Decreased incidences of serious discipline infractions ∼ Decreased dropout and pregnancy rate ∼ Increased opportunities for parents and other community members to volunteer and/or participate in school events
post secondary school Measures ∼ Increased number of students taking college courses while in high school ∼ Higher % of staff members taking college level courses
Strong Partnerships
Strong Partnerships
Effective and Efficient Operations Goal 1: Follow an aligned
Goal 2: Use a data-management
management system throughout Scotland County Schools Measures ∼ North Carolina Quality Leadership Foundation Assessment results
system that effectively supports and tracks the district’s strategic priorities Measures ∼ Evidence of actual system in operation ∼ Improvement and Action Plans submitted annually
Goal 3: Use a method to monitor and
Goal 4: Continue to improve two-
evaluate on a continuous basis all key processes and programs Measures ∼ Evidence of actual method and use
way communication process Measures ∼ Evidence of improved community and staff perceptions ∼
Effective and Efficient Operations Goal 6: Maximize fiscal resources in all
throughout Scotland County Schools in an effective and efficient manner Measures ∼ Purchase order documentation ∼ Staff development rosters ∼ Approval of a new five-year technology plan by BOE
areas of operation Measures: Transportation ∼ Improved budget rating as determined by Transportation Funding Report from DPI ∼ Improved bus defection score from DPI ∼ Improved TIMS audit score
Measures: Child Nutrition
Measures: Finance
∼ Increased breakfast and lunch participation ∼ Evidence of revitalization of school cafeterias
∼ Exception free audit reports ∼ Error free Monthly Financial Data ∼ 100% compliance in use of funds/positions as determined by Allotment Management reports from DPI
Measures: Maintenance ∼ Reduction in energy consumption/cost as determined by monthly monitoring reports generated by energy conservation software ∼ Improved efficiency rate in completion of work orders
Effective and Efficient Operations
Goal 5: Maintain technology