8 minute read
“If God Is Love, Don’t Be a Jerk: Finding a Faith That Makes Us Better Humans”
By John Pavlovitz Review by Julie Seedorf
“If God is Love, Don’t Be a Jerk” may hit you right between the eyes. No matter what you believe or what political affi liation you might identify with, this book should make you pause and examine your beliefs. I couldn’t put it down as the author seemed to be living in my headspace during these traumatic times. I would imagine the author is going to get fl ack over this piece of work because it goes against the norm of what we expect from books about Christianity. Finally, someone says what many of us have wondered but not dared to speak in our religious affi liations. John Pavolitz in “If God Is Love Don’t Be A Jerk, Finding a Faith That Makes Us Better Humans” challenges all of us to do better in our lives and our interactions with others.
“The Betrothed”
By Kiera Cass Review by Angel Massee
Lady of the court, Hollis Brite, has King Jameson falling in love with her. Hollis wishes she was able to reciprocate those feelings, but the thought of being queen leaves a feeling of uneasiness. With some countries having confl icts, foreigners are fi nding safety across the border. A “commoner” family from Isolte is begging for the king’s blessing into his county. The son of this family stares deeply into Hollis’ eyes, leaving her gasping for air. Who does her heart truly desire? A wealthy king or just a commoner? I enjoyed the easy read of this book - I didn’t put it down until it was done!
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“Mr. Mercedes”
By Stephen King Review by Jaimyan DaVeiga
A madman is terrorizing a city, and a retired cop is the only person that can stop him! A man in a Mercedes plowed through a crowd of people waiting in line at a job fair, and years later it remains an unsolved case that haunts retired Detective William Hodges. When the retired detective gets a letter from the Mercedes driver, outlining an even more heinous crime that could take out thousands, he could succumb to impending depression or he could gather his allies and throw a wrench into the madman’s horrendous plan. This was my fi rst experience reading a Stephen King novel, and I was thoroughly entertained from start to fi nish. I see the appeal and recognize the genius that is King. Very well crafted story!
“The Modern Breakup”
By Daniel Chidiac Review by Kim Ehrich
Ladies, if you are having troubles in the dating scene and your mind can’t stop feeling all the emotions that come along with it, stop everything and buy this book. It’s full of raw and revealing truths about the dating world in today’s perspective. The character, Amelia, is overwhelmed with confl icting thoughts and emotions after an unexpected break-up happened in her life. This book is so unbelievably relatable that you will be left with answering “Uh yes!” to all the questions that she is asking herself. Follow her journey and how she learns to take control of all her insecurities, love herself fi rst and how she fi gures out what she truely wants in a relationship.
New 2023

THRU U Longest Tail Feather Contestest stFeaL eai nte
FEB. Hunters are invited to sububmimit ththe tatail re inter he tai ail feather from their harvevested pheasant ed pheasan pheasantestedomfro easant by Wednesday February 1. A prize will be ary 1. A prize w Aprizery1eb prize will be awarded and there he are two divisions. Recreation Ce t nter e , 12C 14 Stone St. ww w.gr g eatben e drecww w c .com for at tiomaormfoin n ri n and d rules s.
21 Stories & Smores In celebration of USD 428 Reading Initiative come in and listen to Kansas Children’s author Shelly Simoneau, enjoy smores and laughter. 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. Children’s ages. Lower Level Meeting Room. Great Bend Public Library, 1409 Williams.
29 Winter Pickleball Classic Men’s and Women’s Doubles and Mixed Doubles. Panther Athletic Center, 2027 Morton Street. Recreation Center, 1214 Stone St. www.greatbendrec.com for information and rules. 16 Perler Bead Day Stop in and create perler bead creations. There are patterns or design your own. 10:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Children’s ages. Chidren’s department. Great Bend Public Library, 1409 Williams.
28 Kansas Youth Basketball Tournament Boys and Girls divisions, 1/2, 3/4 5/6, 7/8 Grades. Panther Athletic Center, 2027 Morton Street. Register online www.kbaf.org

29 KWEC WILD Club Beeswax Lip Balm – Celebrate Kansas and our state insect. Come learn about the Honey Bee and some of the native Kansas bee species. We’ll make a beeswax lip balm for each participant. 2:00 p.m. The program is free but need to pre-register by calling 877-243-9268 or email amkern2@fhsu.edu. 1 I ❤ Great Bend 2023 Valentine Giveaway
Enter each participating store starting Feb. 1st to win a gift card each week and a grand prize on Feb. 21st. Downtown Great Bend. For more information go to Explore Great Bend on Facebook 24 Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory Interactive Movie Do you want to fi nd a golden ticket? Eat some Willy Wonka treats? Have fun as we shout at the screen and interact by using props during this showing. Registration required. All ages. 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 P.M. Lower Level Meeting Room. Great Bend Public Library, 1409 Williams. 25 Great Bend Chamber of Commerce Banquet 101st Annual Awards Night. Call the Great Bend Chamber for details. 620-792-2401

4Heart of Kansas Walk Join Heart of Kansas Family Health Care and support the American Heart Association. Individuals can register by going to www.heart.org. Activity Center, 2715 18th St., 9-11:00 a.m.
“We Care About Your Health”

11 CASA Chocolate Auction Great Bend Events Center, doors open 5:30 p.m. Call 620-792-5544 or go to www.centralkanascasa.org. Tickets and reservations required.
There’s lots of events going on at the Great Bend Public LIbrary every month. Find more information by going to: https://libcal.greatbendpl.info/calendar/ or check with the library at 1409 Williams There’s lots of events and activities going on at the Great Bend Recreation Center every month. Find more information by going to: https://greatbendrec.com

4- Kansas Youth Basketball Tournament 5 March 4 Boys, March 5 Girls, 3/4, 5/6, Grades. Hoisington Athletic Center, 1200 Susank Rd. Register online www.kbaf.org

13 Surfs Up! Come in and enter the Surfs Up Surf Board Decorating Contest. Supplies provided. Drop in between 10:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. All ages. Children’s Department. Great Bend Public Library, 1409 Williams.
16 Ladies Night Out #1, Great Bend - Theme: St. Patrick’s Day Get your gal pals out and go shopping! Participating stores will be open showing off their unique products and ladies will love the drinks, snacks and pampering.