6 minute read

The annual Ellinwood Harvest Festival is always held the third weekend in July.

Why Ellinwood and this part of Kansas
Nancy Baird
When Nancy Baird and her husband Kris were scouting out places to live in 1996, they were looking for a community to settle into that would feel like home. They picked Ellinwood, and have loved it ever since, she said.
“Both of us are from small communities,” she said. “We have loved raising two children (Bailey and Kaden) in this community.”
Baird became immediately immersed in the workings of the community that helped grow their love. She has been blessed to be a part of St. John Lutheran Child Development Center, Ellinwood Recreation, Ellinwood Chamber of Commerce, Ellinwood United Methodist Church and Ellinwood USD 355 school committees.
“I have an amazing career at Doll Insurance Group, where I love meeting new people every day,” she noted.
Although it’s been years since Baird was the director of Ellinwood’s Chamber of Commerce, but she still gets calls.
“People ask me if I am still doing that,” she said, although she offi cially stepped down as Chamber Director in 2013.
It’s a testament to her involvement, that the folks in Ellinwood remember her leadership there.
She joined Doll insurance group in Ellinwood as an agent, becoming offi ce manager in 2005.
She served as Ellinwood Recreation Director for 10 years, from 2004-2014 and as administrator for the Chamber from April 2007 to August 2013.

Her civic connections gave her an appreciation for the workings of businesses in the community and allowed her to connect with the residents as well.
When she fi rst was chamber director, she admitted to being nervous about presenting in front of groups. Now, she’s comfortable with it.
Although she is not directly involved, she keeps tabs on Ellinwood activities through social media. “When I started, Facebook had not caught on yet,” she said.
Her favorite civic activity was her work with the After Harvest Festival, which as been a local community favorite event for the past 50 years. “AHF has such a history,” she noted. “It’s the backbone of the Chamber.”
A wonderful gift given to me years ago by Joe Hickel was when he asked me to take over his Focus on Ellinwood monthly radio show,” she said. “What a great opportunity to highlight great things about Ellinwood every month.”
Baird listed fi ve reasons why Ellinwood is a great place to call home:
Topping the list is the safety and cleanliness of the community.
“I love that we live in a community where you feel safe to take a walk and parents can feel safe letting their children ride bikes and take walks with friends” she said. “Our city crew also goes above and beyond to keep our community looking good. The city crew takes great pride in our community. We have a wonderful friendly policy department that watches over us.”
Next, is the focus on faith and a strong Christian presence. “I love that we have several churches and that they work together to better our community,” she said. “At Christmas there are many nativity displays in yards. It is obvious as you drive through you can see the importance of Christ in our community.”
Next, is the friendliness of the people living there. “Our community is very friendly,” she said. “I love the atmosphere when you are in a local store of the store owners and shoppers. The Chamber does a good job of having activities for Ellinwood that brings in visitors and local Ellinwood people. It is always great to visit with all those in attendance. Our community is also outstanding for coming together when someone needs extra help. Community fundraisers are put together to help those in need and our community is always willing to give a helping hand to help a neighbor or a stranger.”
The downtown as well as other places of business indicate a growing and thriving community. “The owners of our Ellinwood businesses have a heart for Ellinwood and I am beyond grateful,” she said. “We are blessed to have a grocery store, packing plant, hospital, fl oral store, fun stores to shop in, convenience stores, general store, liquor store and many more. Every time you walk into one of the businesses you are greeted by name with a smile from an employee and that is heart-warming. They are grateful for your business and truly care about your shopping experience. Our businesses in our community cover many of the needs in of Ellinwood. These business are also always willing to help sponsor community and school events. They are so important to our community.”
Finally, it’s a fun place to live with a lot to do, she said. “Ellinwood is full of community events throughout the year that have fun activities,” she said.
“One of my favorites is the After Harvest Festival. I love the excitement within the community and the welcome fl ags that greet attendees. Alumni and friends come back during this time like a huge reunion. There are many other activities that are offered throughout the year by organizations, clubs, churches, the school, and businesses. These activities are very well attended by our community and is a great opportunity to catch up with fellow members of Ellinwood while offering support.”

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