GCA Construction News Bulletin September 2024

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Desiree Lizama

Guam Contractors’ Association


Joe Roberto East Island Tinting


Matthew Hunter

Dylan Mechanical Construction Services


Kathleen David Pacific Rim Constructors


Soraya Vongjalorn Vertex Guam


Dean Bates Black Construction Corporation

Alan Bell

SmithBridge Guam

AJ Perez

Hawaiian Rock Products

Brian Holm

Hensel Phelps

Randolf Salas Proferre


Mark Cruz

Mid Pac Far East

Jose Garcia

First Hawaiian Bank

Camilo Lorenzo

Matson Navigation

Geri Leon Guerrero

Adztech Advertising and PR

Guam Contractor’s Association (GCA) in conjunction with Adztech and Public Relations, Inc. publishes the Construction News Bulletin (CNB) monthly. Reproduction of materials appearing in this publication is strictly forbidden without written permission by GCA.

While we always strive for accuracy, we will from time to time overlook mistakes. In order to help us improve the quality and accuracy of this publication, we ask that you take the time to look at the information provided and notify GCA or Adztech of any corrections as needed. Opinions and editorial content of this publication may not necessarily be those of the publisher, production team, staff, GCA members, GCA Board of Directors and advertisers.

For more information about advertising in the GCA Construction News Bulletin contact the advertising department at (671) 477-1239/2239 or email at adztech@teleguam.net.

Distributed to GCA members or can be obtained by stopping by the Guam Contractors’ Association office located at 506 Mariner Ave., Barrigada, Guam 96913

To find out more about how you can become a GCA member contact Guam Contractors’ Association at Tel: (671) 647-4840/41 Fax: (671) 647-4866 or Email: gca@teleguam.net. www.guamcontractors.org

Postmaster. Send address changes to Guam Contractors’ Association, located at 506 Mariner Ave., Barrigada, Guam 96913




Desiree Lizama


AD SALES: Alyssa Roces

Sierra Tenorio


Jason Davis

Alyssa Roces

Christopher “Taco” Rowland


EDITOR: Adztech


Francine Taitague

Rodney “RJ” Ricarte

Sabrina Salas-Matanane

Myracle S. Mugol


Francine Taitague

Trevor Cruz

Rosielyn Holgado

Peter Finona


The Joseph Leasiolagi "Samoan Joe" Annual Safety Conference and Island Trade Fair were a huge success! Thank you to all attended and to those who help make it happen.


Community open, green space is socially valuable. Walkable neighborhoods, parks, and open green spaces draw people outside and foster social interactions, integrate nature into the urban environment, and provide a revitalizing contrast to the harsh shape, color, and texture of buildings. Open, green spaces in communities are attractive to prospective buyers and generate multiple economic bene ts for local governments, homeowners, and businesses and play an important role in policy-making decisions about zoning, restrictions on land use, government purchase of lands for parks, and similar initiatives.

Open spaces are great places for members of the community to meet, interact and enjoy their community and provide socio-economic bene ts including an increase in local shopping and dining; ultimately investing in the local economy increases community engagement and instills greater pride in the community as a whole.

Some opportunities for community open space can include:

• Schoolyards

• Playgrounds

• Public seating areas

• Public plazas

• Vacant lots

• Green space (land that is partly or completely covered with grass, trees, shrubs, or other vegetation)

• Parks

• Community gardens

• Cemeteries

Source: https://www.epa.gov/G3/

SAME Guam Post Hosts Insightful Presentation on P693 Guam Defense System Command Center Project

Guam, On August 22, 2024, the Society of American Military Engineers (SAME) Guam Post hosted a significant presentation featuring CAPT Troy Brown, Douglas Grant from the Missile Defense Agency (MDA), and NAVFAC Pacific’s Designer of Record, Jacobs Black & Veatch JV. The event provided an in-depth look at the P693 Command Center project, a critical component of the Guam Defense System Program. Here are some key points.

Overview of the Guam Defense System Program

CAPT Troy Brown provided an overview of the Guam Defense System (GDS) Program. The GDS Program is a strategic initiative aimed at bolstering the defense capabilities of Guam. This program includes various projects designed to enhance the island’s military infrastructure, ensuring it can e ectively respond to potential threats. The P693 Command Center is a key component of this program, serving as the nerve center for coordinating defense operations.

Missile Defense Agency (MDA) Overview and Requirements Process Douglas Grant provided an overview

of the MDA, highlighting its mission to develop, test, and deploy missile defense systems to protect the United States and its allies. The MDA’s requirements are derived through a rigorous process starting with an understanding of operational needs that are then assessed against what capability is achievable. This process is crucial for the successful implementation of the P693 project, ensuring the capability it brings aligns with the broader goals of the MDA.

Command Center Construction

Project Overview

Mr. Pat Carolan, Vice President and Sr. Program Director, Black & Veatch, detailed the construction plans for the P693 Command Center at Andersen Air Force Base. The project includes the construction of a state-of-the-art command center, a power generation facility, a switchgear building, and a fuel storage facility. The command center will house personnel, computing equipment, and communication systems necessary for mission planning and execution.

Power Generation Facility

A key component of the P693 project is the power generation facility, which will ensure a reliable power supply for the command center and associated

infrastructure. This facility will include above-ground fuel tanks and fuel o -loading infrastructure, designed to meet stringent safety and environmental standards.

Schedule Considerations

The construction schedule for the P693 project is complex, involving multiple phases and coordination with other contractors. The project must adhere to strict timelines to ensure timely completion and integration with mission systems. Key milestones include the demolition of existing structures, site preparation, and the installation of critical mission equipment.

The presentation by CAPT Troy Brown and Douglas Grant, along with NAVFAC Pacific’s Designer of Record, Jacobs Black & Veatch JV, provided valuable insights into the P693 project and its role in enhancing Guam’s defense capabilities. The SAME Guam Post continues to play a vital role in facilitating collaboration between government and industry to address national security infrastructure challenges.



The 2024 Annual Joseph Leasiolagi "Samoan Joe" Safety Conference, held on August 22-23 at the Hyatt Regency Guam, was a remarkable event that brought together a diverse group of stakeholders dedicated to enhancing safety within the construction and general industry in Guam.

In collaboration with Guam Contractors Association partners including the University of California, San Diego, Northern Marianas Technical Institute, the Federal Government, OSHA On-Site Consultation, and various private sector GCA members, the conference successfully raised awareness about workplace safety.

With 145 participants representing the federal government, construction industry, general industry, and the Government of Guam, the conference underscored the collective commitment to fostering a safer work environment. The inclusion of training courses open to the public, particularly aimed at those in or aspiring to join the construction sector, highlighted the event's dedication to education and professional development.

I appreciate the time and knowledge of keynote speaker Emric Katada, the safety director for NAVFAC Pacific. His insights during lunch on August 22 were both enlightening and inspiring. Emric discussed NAVFAC Pacific's Key Safety Focus Areas for NAVFAC Marianas, emphasizing the organization's goal of "Beyond Zero Mishaps." He provided valuable data on mishap rates and common in-house hazards, shedding light on the importance of proactive safety measures. His emphasis on changing behaviors and improving safety culture resonated deeply with attendees, reinforcing the notion that safety is a shared responsibility.

Additionally, Emric's overview of the latest updates to the EM385 1-1 Safety Manual and key revisions demonstrated the commitment to staying current with safety regulations and best practices. The attendees left with a wealth of knowledge and practical strategies to implement in their workplaces.

The involvement of the University of California, San Diego, which sent four instructors to teach OSHA numbered courses, added significant value to the conference. Their expertise ensured that participants received high-quality training, equipping them with the necessary tools to prioritize safety in their daily operations.

I extend my heartfelt gratitude to everyone who participated in the 2024 Annual Joseph Leasiolagi "Samoan Joe" Safety Conference. Your time, effort, and dedication to making the construction industry in Guam safer are truly commendable.

Together, we are making strides toward a culture of safety that will benefit not only our industry but also our community as a whole. Thank you for your commitment to excellence and for being part of this vital initiative.

TakeCare: Innovative Technology Empowers Your Wellbeing

Your TakeCare GCA Health Insurance Employee Benefit includes many ways to live a Balanced Lifestyle of being active, eating right, relaxing and unwinding, and staying socially connected.

As an employee under the TakeCare GCA Employee Health Plan, you gain access to the FHP Health Center, a comprehensive one-stop health care fa ility. This facility is widely recognized as Guam’s best medical, dental, and vision clinic. One o the major benefits included in your health plan is the access to the FHP Urgent Care, which is Guam's only truly dedicated urgent care facility.

The FHP Health Center is designed to cater to a wide array of your health needs with utmost convenience. It houses multiple specialties and diagnostic services mostly under one roof, thus providing you and your family with a comprehensive health care solution. This eliminates the need for you to go to different places for different health services, saving you valuable time and resources.

TakeCare's innovative and convenient technology makes it easier than ever to access a wide range of healthcare nformation and services related to your TakeCare GCA Employee Healthcare Benefit Plan. Take advantage of these valuable resources to enhance your health and well-being!

TakeCare Mobile App

Your health companion on the go! The TakeCare Mobile App provides alerts, notifications, and easy access to your insurance card and plan information. Download the app from the Apple App Store or Google Play and manage your health effortlessly.

Chat with TIVA: Instant Virtual Assistant

Have questions? TIVA, TakeCare's Instant Virtual Assistant, is here to help! Accessible from any web browser or device, TIVA provides immediate answers to your health-related inquiries. Get quick assistance at https://takecareasia.com/tiva.

Convenient Prescription Management

Simplify your prescription management with Birdie (former Elixir). Access your pharmacy benefits 24/7 and stay on top of your medications with ease. To get started, visit https://elixirsolutions.com and click "Register." Download the app from the Apple App Store or Google Play to make managing your prescriptions effortless.

Get Healthy with Virgin Pulse

Take your health to the next level with Virgin Pulse, a comprehensive fitness program designed for TakeCare members. Earn rewards for completing activities, track your steps, receive health tips, and learn to make positive lifestyle changes. Register at https://tinyurl.com/TakeCareVirginPulse and download the app from the Apple App Store or Google Play.

Take Control of Your Well-Being

Don't miss out on these fantastic services that can enhance your healthcare experience. With TakeCare's digital solutions, you have the power to take charge of your health, manage your prescriptions, and connect with medical professionals. Explore these resources today and make your healthcare journey easier and more convenient!

Rodney “RJ” Ricarte is the TakeCare account executive for GCA. He can be contacted at (671) 487-7121 or rodney.ricarte@takecareasia.com.

TakeCare OnlineTools

TakeCare's innovative and convenient technology makes it easier than ever to access a wide range of healthcare information and services related to your TakeCare GCA Employee Healthcare Benefit Plan. Take advantage of these valuable resources to enhance your health and well-being!

TakeCare Mobile App

Your health companion on the go! The TakeCare Mobile App provides alerts, notifications, and easy access to your insurance card and plan information. Download the app from the Apple App Store or Google Play and manage your health effortlessly.


with TIVA: Instant Virtual Assistant

Have questions? TIVA, TakeCare's Instant Virtual Assistant, is here to help! Accessible from any web browser or device, TIVA provides immediate answers to your health-related inquiries. Get quick assistance at https://takecareasia.com/tiva.

Convenient Prescription Management

Simplify your prescription management with Birdie (former Elixir). Access your pharmacy benefits 24/7 and stay on top of your medications with ease. To get started, visit https://elixirsolutions.com and click "Register." Download the app from the Apple App Store or Google Play to make managing your prescriptions effortless.

Get Healthy with Virgin Pulse

Take your health to the next level with Virgin Pulse, a comprehensive fitness program designed for TakeCare members. Earn rewards for completing activities, track your steps, receive health tips, and learn to make positive lifestyle changes. Register at https://tinyurl.com/TakeCareVirginPulse and download the app from the Apple App Store or Google Play.

Take Control of Your Well-Being

Don't miss out on these fantastic services that can enhance your healthcare experience. With TakeCare's digital solutions, you have the power to take charge of your health, manage your prescriptions, and connect with medical professionals. Explore these resources today and make your healthcare journey easier and more convenient!

The National Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC) Guam Chapter is preparing to usher in a new era of leadership for 2024-2025. During its recent general membership meeting elected to the Board of Directors were:

President: Tricia Nauta (Isla Coatings and Roofing and Supply)

Vice-President: Valerie Cabullido (Sentry Hospitality)

President-Elect: Joanne Messier (Black Construction Corporation)

Peggy Denney (i-Recycle) (Matson Navigation)

Vanessa Quinata (Bank of Guam)

Regina Weaver (Milspray)

Mahina Anderson (GEDA)

Jenny Bowers (EXP US Services)

The new Board of Directors will officially be sworn in, in October. In addition, during our recent meeting NAWIC Guam awarded the following scholarships to: Andrew Shiroma, Jasmine Iriarte, Anna Mallari, and Merry Remetira.


Want to know more about NAWIC Guam or join our organization? Contact us at nawicguam@gmail.com or DM us on Facebook (Nawic Guam) or Instagram (@nawicguam). www.nawic.org

Defense Base Act Insurance for U.S. Government Contracts in Guam

Are you aware that U.S. government contracts in Guam and other U S territories require Defense Base Act insurance?

Signal GovCon’s experienced team can ensure you have the necessary Federal Workers’ Compensation and Employer’s Liability Insurance to protect your U.S. government projects outside the U.S. and within U.S. States territories and possessions.

For over 35 years, Signal Mutual has served as the premier provider of Longshore benefits in the United States, meeting the demand for reasonable and stable workers’ compensation insurance rates Our GovCon offering leverages the expertise of seasoned underwriting, claims, and safety teams to provide an efficient risk transfer model that’s tailored to meet the needs of U.S. government contractors

Strengthening Guam's

The construction industry is vital for infrastructure development and economic stability in Guam. The Contractors License Board (CLB) is crucial in regulating this sector, ensuring that construction activities adhere to high standards of safety, competency, and professionalism. This article explores the CLB’s mission, recent regulatory updates, and their implications for Guam’s construction industry.

The Mission of the Contractors License Board

The primary mission of the CLB is to protect the public by regulating the construction industry. The Board implements policies designed to maintain the health, safety, and welfare of Guam’s residents in all construction-related activities. The CLB is responsible for licensing contractors, enforcing compliance with licensing laws, and overseeing construction practices to ensure they meet required safety and quality standards. The Board also plays a key role in mediating disputes and educating the public about construction standards and contractor qualifications.

Director John Aguon emphasizes the Board's commitment to these responsibilities, stating that, “A positive outcome of our adjudication is that the CLB will now be able to issue new licenses under the new permanent classifications. Previously, during the adjudication process, the CLB was restricted from issuing new licenses under the C68 temporary classifications, which created challenges for individuals aspiring to become licensed contractors in those areas.”

Transition from 29 GAR to 25 GAR: Key Changes

A significant development for the CLB is the transition from 29 Guam Administrative Rules (GAR) to 25 GAR Chapter 12. This change marks a shift towards increased autonomy for the CLB in regulating the construction industry. The new rules provide a more streamlined and efficient regulatory framework, reducing bureaucratic hurdles and offering clearer guidelines.

Director Aguon explains, “The major difference in this transition is the effectuation and permanence of previously temporary classifications under ‘C68’. Holding these classifications as temporary for an extended period placed the CLB in a vulnerable position, which we sought to address. Recognizing that new techniques will continually be introduced, we have established a rule that allows the CLB to convert any temporary classification into a permanent one within one year.”

This transition allows the CLB to issue licenses under permanent classifications without restrictions, thereby addressing previous challenges faced during the adjudication process. Furthermore, it grants the

CLB full jurisdiction over its rules and regulations, independent of the Department of Public Works (DPW), which enhances the Board’s ability to tailor regulations to the specific needs of Guam’s construction sector.

Temporary Classifications and Licensing Updates

The introduction of temporary classifications under the C-68 category addresses the evolving needs of the construction industry. These classifications offer greater flexibility for contractors to undertake projects that do not fit traditional categories. Additionally, the CLB is updating its licensing process to align contractor examinations with Guam’s currently adopted codes. This ensures that licensed contractors are knowledgeable about the latest standards and practices relevant to Guam’s construction environment.

Director Aguon highlights, “The CLB actively assists in enhancing the permitting process by maintaining organized records that facilitate easier assessment. As a result, applicants can often receive clearance from our office in an adequate timely manner. Additionally, the CLB Executive Director is participating in a planning board to discuss and formulate solutions to create efficiencies within the permitting process.”

The new rules also allow for the conversion of temporary classifications into permanent ones within a year, reflecting the CLB's commitment to adapting to emerging construction technologies and methods.

Enhancing the CLB’s Online Presence

To improve accessibility and transparency, the CLB has upgraded its online presence. The Board’s website, http://www.clb.guam.gov, is updated monthly to provide essential documents and information for both contractors and consumers. This includes licensing information, regulatory guidelines, and resources for understanding contractor qualifications and resolving disputes.

Director Aguon underscores the importance of this enhanced online presence: “The CLB’s enhanced online presence is part of our broader effort to improve public engagement. By making essential information readily accessible, we aim to empower consumers with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions.”

Addressing Concerns and Resolving Disputes

The CLB is equipped to handle issues related to contractor licensing and construction practices through established procedures. This includes addressing consumer complaints about contractor performance or regulatory compliance. The Board also contributes to improving the permitting process by maintaining organized records and participating in planning discussions with other government agencies.

Director Aguon adds, “The CLB actively assists in enhancing the permitting process by maintaining organized records that facilitate easier assessment. As a result, applicants can often receive clearance from our office in an adequate timely manner.”

Collaborations with Government Agencies

The CLB collaborates with agencies like the Department of Public Works (DPW) to streamline processes and improve efficiency in the construction sector. This cooperation focuses on expediting the permitting and approval processes for construction projects, which helps ensure that projects proceed smoothly and are completed on time and within budget.

Future Challenges and Goals

Despite the progress made, the CLB faces ongoing challenges, including the need to continuously update exams and regulations to keep pace with industry changes. Balancing rigorous enforcement with the practical realities faced by contractors in Guam remains a priority.

Looking ahead, the CLB aims to refine its regulatory framework, enhance public education efforts, and foster greater collaboration with industry stakeholders. Director Aguon concludes, “Our focus is on building a

construction industry that meets the highest standards of safety and quality while adapting to the evolving needs of the community. By continuously improving our regulatory framework and engaging with stakeholders, we aim to support a thriving and sustainable construction sector for Guam.”


The Guam Contractors License Board plays a critical role in regulating the construction industry, ensuring that practices are safe, competent, and professional. The transition from 29 GAR to 25 GAR, along with updates to licensing processes and an enhanced online presence, represents a significant step toward a more autonomous and efficient regulatory environment. Through its ongoing efforts, the CLB helps build a construction sector that supports Guam’s infrastructure development and community well-being.

For More Information

For additional details on the Contractors License Board's regulatory updates, licensing processes, and essential resources, visit http://www.clb.guam.gov. For specific inquiries, contact the CLB office directly at (671) 735-7213 or via email at clb@guam.gov.


Development and conservation strategies that help protect our health and natural environment and make our communities more attractive, economically stronger, and more socially diverse.

The Guam Coastal Management Program encourages our community to use creative strategies to develop in ways that preserve natural lands and critical environmental areas, protect water and air quality, and reuse already-developed land.

10 basic principles to guide smart growth strategies:

• Mix land uses.

• Take advantage of compact building design

• Create a range of housing opportunities and choices.

• Create walkable neighborhoods.

• Foster distinctive, attractive communities with a strong sense of place.

• Preserve open space, farmland, natural beauty, and critical environmental areas.

• Strengthen and direct development towards existing communities.

• Provide a variety of transportation choices.

• Make development decisions predictable, fair, and cost-effective.

• Encourage community and stakeholder collaboration in development decisions.

Source: epa.gov/smartgrowth/

Green Roofs
Native Plantings
Rain Barrels
Permeable Pavement
Rain Gardens



The Guam National Guard (GUNG) is not only a crucial component of the island's defense but also a significant contributor to its economic landscape. Through strategic outreach and proactive engagement, the GUNG is opening doors for local businesses to participate in federal contracts, strengthening both the local economy and the Guard's operational capabilities. At the forefront of this effort is Maelani T. Ellison, Chief of the Procurement and Contracting Division for the GUNG. Her personal dedication to the mission and her strategic approach to contracting have paved the way for greater opportunities for Guam’s small businesses.

Ellison’s journey with the Guam National Guard began with a deep sense of responsibility towards her community. “ What motivates me most in my role is the opportunity to make a tangible difference in the lives of people in my community,” she shared. This sense of purpose is evident in her approach to contracting, where she focuses on reducing barriers for small businesses and ensuring that federal dollars benefit the local economy.

One of her proudest achievements was awarding a Marketing Specialist Services contract to an Economically Disadvantaged Women-Owned Small Business (EDWOSB). “This contract is particularly meaningful because it not only aids our Recruiting and Retention Battalion but also marks a significant milestone in our ongoing commitment to fostering diversity and inclusion,” Ellison explained. This success story exemplifies the positive impact that proactive engagement can have on both the GUNG and the broader community.

1. Register in the System for Award Management (SAM): SAM registration is the first step for any business looking to engage in federal contracting. This system is the primary database the U.S. government uses to manage vendor information. Ellison advises, "Make sure your SAM registration is current and that all your information is accurate. This is your first point of entry into the federal marketplace."

2. Prepare a Capability Statement: A capability statement is a concise document that outlines what your business does, its core competencies, and past performance. This document is essential when meeting with contracting officers. “When you meet with me, have a capability statement ready, and tell me what you do, what you can sell to me, and who has paid you in the past,” explained Ellison.

3. Attend Outreach Events and Engage with Contracting Officers: The GUNG regularly hosts outreach events to connect with local businesses. These events provide valuable opportunities to learn about upcoming contracts and network with decision-makers. "We are actively reaching out to inform and educate businesses about the opportunities available through the USPFO," Ellison explained. These events are part of her broader strategy to engage businesses that may not have previously considered federal contracting.

4. Consider Becoming a GSA Schedule Holder: The General Services Administration (GSA) Schedule is a key vehicle through which federal agencies purchase goods and services. Becoming a GSA Schedule Holder can increase a business’s visibility and accessibility to federal buyers. “Becoming a GSA Schedule Holder opens the door to a wide range of federal contracting opportunities,” Ellison noted. “For businesses in Guam, this can lead to expanded opportunities and greater stability.”

Understanding the Contracting Process:


For businesses interested in working with the Guam National Guard, understanding the contracting process is crucial. Ellison emphasizes that while the process can be complex, it is designed to be accessible, especially with the right support and preparation. Here’s a breakdown of the essential steps:

5. Monitor Solicitations and Prepare Proposals: Once registered and prepared, businesses should regularly check SAM.gov for solicitations related to their industry. Responding to these solicitations with well-prepared proposals is crucial. “Monitor solicitations on SAM," Ellison advised. "This is where you’ll find opportunities specific to the GUNG and other federal agencies."

6. Subcontracting as an Entry Point: For businesses not yet ready to prime a contract, subcontracting with an established prime contractor can be an effective way to gain experience in the federal market. “Don’t be afraid to subcontract,” Ellison suggested. “It’s better to get a piece of something than nothing at all. This is a practical way to start building your federal contracting experience.”


and Support:

Navigating the Federal Marketplace

Ellison recognizes that navigating the federal contracting process can be daunting, especially for small businesses with limited experience. "One of the main challenges we might face is the limited experience some local businesses have with federal contracting, particularly with the complexities of the RFQ and RFP processes," she acknowledged. Additionally, Guam's geographical isolation can pose logistical challenges, such as access to resources and timely support.

To address these challenges, Ellison and her team are committed to providing comprehensive support and resources. "We offer vendor on-site visits for one-on-one meetings with the USPFO’s Contracting Officer and Small Business Professional," she stated. This personalized approach helps businesses understand the specific requirements of federal contracts and how to navigate the process effectively.

A New Direction: The Evolution of Contractor Engagement

The current outreach effort by the GUNG represents a significant shift from previous initiatives. "This program is more focused on proactive engagement with the local business community," Ellison explained. By actively reaching out to businesses, the GUNG is not just waiting for vendors to come to them but is working to build a more inclusive and diverse industrial base.

Ellison believes this new approach will lead to a more integrated relationship between the Guam National Guard and the local community. “The most significant change I foresee is a shift towards a more localized and community-focused approach in our operations,” she noted. By ensuring that local small businesses are aware of the opportunities available to them, the GUNG is reinforcing its commitment to the island’s economic health and creating a sense of shared success.

Growing Together

Ellison’s work with the Guam National Guard exemplifies how federal contracting can be a powerful tool for local economic development. By interweaving her personal commitment to the community with a clear, structured approach to contracting, she is helping to create new opportunities for local businesses while strengthening the GUNG’s operational capabilities.

For businesses in Guam, the message is clear: there are significant opportunities available through federal contracting, but success requires preparation, engagement, and a willingness to navigate the complexities of the process. With leaders like Maelani Ellison at the helm, the path to federal contracts is becoming more accessible, ensuring that the benefits of these opportunities are felt throughout the local community.

“When I complained about the sunlight fading the wood on our steps through our large picture window, Kin suggested I call Island Tinting to see what they could do. Tom and his crew came out to the house and in just over an hour, they applied this clear film. He made me stand on the side where they had applied the film and then on the side with no film. The heat difference was amazing. The best part about it is that our power bill has gone down $70 a month because of this film!”

Kin and Jayne Flores with Tom Roberto

GCA July Luncheon

August 21st, 2024

Hilton Guam Resort

Mid Pac Far East represents the most extensive line of heavy equipment on Guam, including a full line of trucks, generators, forklifts and construction


MPFE is the authorized warranty service provider for all of the lines we carry. Our ASE and Factory certi ed technicians service both our own

GCA Committees August & September Meetings

GCA Board Meeting

Activities, Professional and Community Affairs

Plans and coordinates the association social and professional activities. Includes subcommittees for the annual golf tournament, annual picnic and awards banquet.


Develops community partnerships to promote safe working conditions in the construction industry. Sponsors training sessions and seminars, in association with concerned regulatory agencies, to promote safety in the work place. Health and


Monitors and contacts prospective members for GCA on a monthly basis. Provides analysis of member a nity programs and makes its recommendation to the Board.

Government, Military and Labor Relations

Informs and educates members on current and proposed legislation a ecting the construction industry. Represents the membership in legislative and other hearings to advance the construction industry. Monitors alien labor practices while encouraging the development of a skilled local labor force.

Education and Training

Sponsors construction industry apprenticeship program with the GCA Trades Academy and Guam Community College. Develops training partnerships to ful ll the educational needs of member rms and their employees.

Small Business

Conducts outreach to small business members of the association to ensure their voice is heard and needs are met within GCA capabilities.

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• Guam EPA will cite all contractors who perform earthmoving without a permit

• Fines up to $10,000 per violation, per day may be assessed for failure to obtain a permit, starting at the date the earthmoving began

• Guam EPA shares all construction-related NOVs with the Guam Contractor's Licensing Board

• Projects larger than 1 acre also require coverage under the USEPA's Construction General Permit requires preparation of stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP)


• E&SC plans must be prepared and stamped by a Guam licensed professional engineer (P.E.)E&SC plans must include a comprehensive plan to prevent erosion and sedimentation at your site, including (but not limited to):

• The locations, details, and design calculations for proposed E&SC practices

• A construction schedule detailing the sequencing of construction activities and phases

• Temporary stabilization measures and permanent revegetation plans and speci cations

• Clear limits of disturbance and a traf c control plan to prevent unnecessary damage to the environment and the site E&SC practices


• Familiarize yourself with the E&SC measures for your site and their proper installation and maintenance


• Study the Guam Erosion & Sediment Control Field Guide (2017)

• Study the CNMI & Guam Stormwater Management Manual (2006)

• Certify your site managers and foremen!

• Request the course the "Guam Erosion and Sediment Control" from the Guam Trades Academy. 671-647-4843

• Review & understand your E&SC plan, SWPPP, and EPP


DOL’s Overtime Final Rule in Effect

On June 28, 2024, the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas issued a decision in the Texas attorney general’s case challenging the U.S. Department of Labor’s final rule on Defining and Delimiting the Exemptions for Executive, Administrative, Professional, Outside Sales, and Computer Employees. The judge in the case issued a limited preliminary injunction blocking implementation of the rule for employees of the state of Texas only

For the rest of the employer community in Texas and throughout the nation, the rule went into effect on July 1. The minimum salary threshold for exemption increased to $43,888, and the threshold for highly compensated employees increased to $132,964.

In the second phase of the DOL’s final rule, on Jan. 1, 2025, the minimum annual salary level threshold for exemption increases to $58,656 and the threshold for highly compensated employees increases to $151,164. Salary thresholds will then be automatically updated every three years, regardless of economic circumstances. ABC issued a news release opposing the rule, which was issued on April 23.

Overtime resources from the DOL:

• Frequently Asked Questions1

• Chart of All the Earnings Thresholds for Executive, Administrative, and Professional Employees2

• Small Entity Compliance Guide3

• Overtime Final Rule Website4

• News Release5

For more information, read Littler Mendelson’s analysis of the overtime final rule and watch ABC’s webinar, “Learn About the DOL’s New Overtime Rule in 30 Minutes.”6

On May 22, ABC joined a coalition of business groups in filing a complaint in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas, Sherman Division, challenging the DOL’s overtime rule. Read ABC’s news release announcing the lawsuit and learn more about the pending overtime lawsuits. ABC will continue to provide updates on any new developments regarding the pending legal challenges.

Virtually all of ABC’s members employ workers who qualify for exempt status, and like the unlawful 2016 overtime rule, the DOL’s 2024 rule will reclassify a substantial amount of ABC member employees who currently qualify for exempt status as nonexempt. This will disrupt the entire construction industry, specifically harming small businesses, as the

1. https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/overtime/rulemaking/faqs

2. https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/overtime/salary-levels

3. https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/overtime/rulemaking/small-entity-compliance-guide

4. https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/overtime/rulemaking

5. https://www.dol.gov/newsroom/releases/whd/whd20240423-0

6. https://www.abc.org/academy/learn-about-the-dols-new-overtime-rule-in-30-minutes

rule will greatly restrict employee workplace flexibility in setting schedules and hours, hurting career advancement opportunities.

In addition, the 2024 rule’s radical increase in the salary threshold for exemption will further complicate the current economic outlook. Multiple industries, like construction, are grappling with uncertain economic conditions such as inflation, supply chain disruptions, high materials prices and workforce shortages, all of which push operational costs ever higher. Specifically, ABC estimates that the construction industry must hire more than half a million additional workers in 2024 to meet demand. The rule’s triennial automatic indexing provision will exacerbate the harmful impact on businesses and add to rampant inflation that is already harming the economy.

On Nov. 7, 2023, ABC submitted comments to the DOL in response to the proposed rulemaking, calling on the DOL to withdraw it. ABC also signed onto coalition comments criticizing the overtime proposed rule, joining 244 national, state and local organizations representing employers from a wide range of private industry and public, nonprofit and education sectors.

US Department of Defense Issues Proposed Rule To Implement Cybersecurity Requirements for Federal Contractors

On Aug. 15, the U.S. Department of Defense issued a proposed rule, Assessing Contractor Implementation of Cybersecurity Requirements, which seeks to implement contractual requirements for DOD contracts related to the recently proposed Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification 2.0 Program. Comments on the proposed rule are due Oct. 15.

Previously, on Dec. 26, 2023, the DOD released a proposed rule and guidance documents to establish CMMC 2.0. As proposed, CMMC 2.0 would require federal contractors and subcontractors competing for DOD contracts to demonstrate continued compliance with a range of cybersecurity measures to maintain eligibility for performing and winning

new federal awards. ABC joined coalition comments on that rule, calling for more clarity and urging a flexible implementation of CMMC requirements. This rule has yet to be finalized.

The Aug. 15 rule largely defers to CMMC 2.0 as previously proposed, with a focus on providing guidance to contracting officers as well as standard contracting clauses and solicitation provisions to incorporate CMMC 2.0.

However, the proposed rule includes new provisions of note, including:

• A requirement in the contract clause for contractors to notify contracting officers within 72 hours of “any

lapses in information security”

• A statement that a CMMC 2.0 certification is only current if there have been “no changes in CMMC compliance since the date of the assessment”

• A requirement for contractors on DOD contracts to use only information systems that have an appropriate CMMC 2.0 certification, regardless of whether the data on these systems is covered by CMMC 2.0

For more information on the proposed rule and cybersecurity requirements impacting federal contractors, see Wiley Rein’s legal analysis of the proposal and ABC’s Cybersecurity Resource Guide.










Prepared By: J. Cruz, J. Young, J. Lumba, R. Canlas CONTACT INFORMATION: Greg Massey, ALPCD Administrato r P.O. Box 9970 Tamuning, GU 96931 (671) 475-8005/8003





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