Guilford College Magazine - April 2020

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Friends, GUILFORD COLLEGE LEADS BY EXAMPLE in our commitment to sustainability, which is closely linked to the College’s Core Value of stewardship. Why does this matter? A multifaceted commitment to sustainability can support greater economic resilience for individuals throughout their lifespan and for the communities in which they live. Our students learn about this directly within our curriculum and beyond, as Guilford demonstrates our commitment to a future that this generation of students will see in coming decades. As one of the nation’s most environmentally responsible colleges, Guilford leads in so many ways: • 430 energy conservation measures that have been implemented • 196 thermal solar panels that produce 9,000 gallons of hot water daily PRESIDENTIAL HISTORIANS DORIS K E ARNS GOODWIN AND MARK UPDEGROV E, P I C T U R E D W I T H P R E S I D E N T J A N E , W E R E F E AT U R E D I N T H E G U I L F O R D C O L L E G E B R YA N S E R I E S I N N O V E M B E R . M A R K , W H O AT T E N D E D G U I L F O R D F O R T W O Y E A R S I N T H E 1 9 8 0 S , I S P R E S I D E N T A N D C E O O F T H E LY N D O N B A I N E S J O H N S O N F O U N D AT I O N .


• A farm that is a learning laboratory and supplier of produce to campus and community • A commitment to a carbon-neutral campus by 2043 Among nearly 12,000 prospective students and parents The Princeton Review surveyed for its 2019 College Hopes & Worries Survey, 64 percent said knowing a college's commitment to the environment would influence their decision to apply to or attend the school. The Princeton Review stated: "We salute — and strongly recommend — Guilford College to the many environmentally minded students who want to study and live at a green college.” In the cover story for this issue of Guilford College Magazine you will read about some of our unique and collaborative classes related to sustainability, including Permaculture Design Certification, Wild Foraging and Food and Faith. Strengthening student internship opportunities is a priority of The Guilford Edge. In this issue you will read about Noah Jackson’s ’20 internship with the Center for Environmental Farming Systems in which he learned about sustainable agriculture and community food systems from a broad systems perspective, his experience with our Sustainable Food Systems program

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