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Meet the Speakers Meet the Speakers

a program of program of

Lt. Jason Stern Lt. Jason Stern


Grove City Division of Police Grove City Division of Police

"Women’s Self-Defense and Situational Awareness" "Women’s Self-Defense and Situational Awareness"

This class is an introduction to the material covered in the Division of Police women’s self-defense course. Topics include awareness, having an escape plan, and tips for everyday personal security. This is intended to be informal and interactive, even if the class size is larger.

About Lieutenant Jason Stern About Lieutenant Jason Stern

Instructor Lieutenant Jason Stern is in his 20th year with the Grove City Division of Police and has been teaching women’s self-defense for approximately 15 years Lt Stern has served in assignments including patrol officer, field training officer, detective, and sergeant, as well as various instructor roles and assignments on the Division’s tactical team.

About The Grove City Division of Police About The Grove City Division of Police

The Grove City Division of Police is nationally accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA) As such, only 10% of the law enforcement agencies in the United States earn this recognition

Keep in Contact with Lt. Stern Keep in Contact with Lt. Stern


@GroveCityOhioPolice www grovecityohio gov/divisionof-police


Mission: To serve and protect all by providing professional law enforcement services in partnership with the community

Values: Integrity, Teamwork, Respect, Duty and Excellence

We manage by objectives rather than by crises and work to provide highquality service through innovative technology and training methods, specialized investigation, and professional, unbiased enforcement. The men and women of the division are committed as a team, to ensure the citizens of and visitors to Grove City are in a safe, secure environment and establish themselves as one of the finest agencies in Central Ohio.

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