Grove City Christian High School Curriculum Update
Our goal at GCCS is to provide students with a clearly aligned, Biblical, and rigorous curriculum that will prepare them for college and career and to be solid citizens of the 21st century. Our Grove City Christian School staff works diligently in collaboration to bring our students the most clearly aligned, Biblically sound curriculum based on the highest standards. Current research of education in America tells us students are leaving high school unprepared for college or the work force. Students who attend college need significant remediation and many fail to finish. Our educators take the responsibility of ensuring a guaranteed and viable curriculum for our students very seriously.
4. Beginning in 2014/15 a Senior Capstone, an intensive, active learning project, will be required by all seniors. This program is currently under development.
How are we doing? 1. Teachers at GCCS collaborate to ensure the alignment of K-12 curriculum and standards based education for all subjects while ensuring a Biblical Worldview and Biblical integration in all subject areas. 2. The state of Ohio has adopted what are called the Common Core State Standards. GCCS has been studying and implementing those standards and working to exceed all State requirements. The CCSS were written for English/Language Arts and Mathematics. You can find out more about who developed these standards and how many states have adopted them by visiting this link: 3. Beginning in the 2012/13 school year, GCCS High School will be implementing what is known as the Quality Core curriculum in Science, English and Math Honors courses. Quality Core is a researched based system for educators designed to ensure that courses are focused on the most essential post secondary skills so educators can monitor progress toward and attainment of those skills.
5. GCCS values the information valid testing data can provide. We administer the Explore (8th/9th), Plan (10th) and PSAT (11th), in preparation for students to take the ACT or SAT (11th/12th), as well as assessments required by the state of Ohio. As we continue to align curriculum with the CCSS and increase the use of Quality Core, we will monitor the valuable data and indicators these tests provide. To find out more about these tests visit, and/or the Ohio Department of Education’s website. 6. To become solid citizens of the 21st century students need access to a technology rich environment. GCCS is taking continuous steps to make sure our students have access to the latest technology. In striving to meet the needs of the “whole child”, GCCS recognizes and values all subject areas as significant in the development of Christian leaders, college and career ready students and solid citizens of the 21st century.
Our mission is to cultivate quality Christian leaders in a distinctively Christian atmosphere while providing a solid spiritual and academic foundation.