PSM June 2022

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Finding water solutions Yajvin Rajcoomar tackles water infrastructure challenges

Getting to know your pension The GEPF five-year guarantee rule

JUNE 2022


Contents: June 2022



COGTA implementing initiatives to improve municipal audit


The rising cost of living calls for a unite response on all fronts



be wild, but it is worth it

Little progress in municipal

National Park

An overview of local government

Water engineer Yajvin Rajcoomar


rises to the challenges of water 20

Kruger with kids: it may

Working towards more clean audits

fiscus performance





From the Union Buildings

LIFESTYLE Discoveries in the Kruger


Food and wine

Level up your breakfast

What happens if a GEPF member dies within five years of retire-



Breaking down the GEPF’s five-year

guarantee period 10

Departments to enroll youth in career programmes


Multilingualism Award

Helping young people grow in the

Language unit flying the GCIS flag

public service 12

Municipal leader accountability required in local government

Leaders in local government set the

GCIS scoops PanSALB

high 24

Anti-corruption alliance launched The quest to fight corruption is

yeilding positive results

tone for a better public service

Public Sector Manager THE MAGAZINE FOR PUBLIC SECTOR DECISION-MAKERS Publishers: Government Communication and Information System (GCIS) Enquiries: +27 012 473 0010 Switchboard: +27 012 473 0000 Tshedimosetso House: 1035 Francis Baard Street (corner Festival Street), Hatfield, Pretoria Private Bag X745, Pretoria, South Africa, 0001


Director-General Phumla Williams Deputy Director-General: Corporate Services Nomonde Mnukwa Deputy Director-General: Intergovernmental Coordination & Stakeholder Management Michael Currin Deputy Director-General: Content Processing & Dissemination Regomoditswe Mavimbela

Acting Head of Editorial and Production Zanele Mngadi Acting Managing Editor Tendai Gonese

Production Assistants Jauhara Khan | Sebastion Palmer Graphic Designers Tendai Gonese | Benny Kubjana

GCIS Photographic Unit Elmond Jiyane Ntswe Mokoena Siyabulela Duda Kopano Tlape Busisiwe Malungwane

Public Sector Manager • June 2022

What will people say?

There is no excuse for abuse. Police: 10111 Stop Gender Violence: 0800 150 150 Childline: 0800 055 555

People can only help if they know. TELL SOMEONE.

Violence and abuse are poison to society. Let’s make it stop.


Corrupt officials have nowhere to hide

Mondli Gungubele Minister in The Presidency


he recent arrests of

met with despondency. It is

reporting our boss or col-

(SIU) and its Special Tribunal,

alleged corrupt govern-

my hope that the recent ar-

league for wrongdoing. A new

the Fusion Centre and other

ment officials and their

rests of high-ranking officials

narrative must be written that


private sector counterparts

make people once again sit

corrupt individuals will have

have highlighted South Africa’s

up and notice.

nowhere to hide.

Apart from the arrest of corrupt officials – including at local government level, fraudu-

Heed must also be taken of

And while much of the at-

from a state where capture

what was said about whistle-

tention is focused on big-tick-

lent contracts have been

was perceived as having no

blowers in the first part of the

et scandals, maladministration

ended and funds recovered.

consequences to one where

Judicial Commission of Inquiry

and dereliction of duty also

Large-scale irregularity –

corruption is not tolerated.

into Allegations of State Cap-

constitute corruption, in that

including the alleged embez-

It has been repeatedly said

ture – that they played a major

they erode the effective use of

zlement of R1.5 billion – at the

that government alone cannot

role in revealing state capture.

public funds. These indolent

State Security Agency (SSA)

and inefficient public servants

is being investigated by the

must also be exposed.

NPA’s Investigative Directo-

commitment to transitioning

win the war on corruption –

The people of South Africa –

and that all sectors of society

and especially public serv-

need to lend their weight to

ants – must remain resolute in

what is a supreme battle for

their desire to live in a country

by government to enhance

South Africa’s survival as a

in which resources meant to

the capacity and skills of the

In due course, the Presiden-

functioning democracy.

improve lives are not pilfered

state entities involved in the

cy will deliver to Parliament an

and trust in public officials

fight against corruption – and

implementation plan on the

is that corruption fatigue is

and law-enforcement officers

this is reflected in the suc-

recommendations of the state

setting in among law-abiding

is a given.

cesses of the Investigating

capture commission. I believe

Directorate of the National

that this, and the actions that

What is worrying, however,

citizens and members of the

We must create a culture of

Much work has been done

rate and several people have been arrested.

public service, resulting in this

service delivery and excel-

Prosecuting Authority (NPA),

follow, will further help restore

call for united action being

lence – even if it means

the Special Investigating Unit

confidence in government.


Public Sector Manager • June 2022


Creating a

sustainable future for the youth


‘Promoting sustainable liveli-

outh Africa will always owe a debt of gratitude

hoods and resilience of young

to the youth of 1976,

people for a better tomor-

whose peaceful protest in

row’ is the 2022 Youth Month

Soweto against Afrikaans as a

theme. This encapsulates

medium of instruction was met

government’s multi-pronged,

with police brutality. The im-

multi-sectoral approach to giv-

ages of the force unleashed on

ing the youth the future dreamt

children horrified the world and

of by their 1976 forebears. It speaks directly to us as

sparked national protests that were instrumental in the United

public servants, to the private

Nations declaring apartheid a

and civil sectors – and to the

crime against humanity.

youth – and is a call to action

Their bravery catalysed

to all of us to stay informed

others to strengthen the fight

about the many youth empow-

against apartheid and less

erment opportunities that exist. Government’s Presidential

than two decades later, the discrimination faced mostly by

Youth Employment Interven-

black South Africans for cen-

tion (PYEI), which forms part

turies was legally ended, when a democratic government was elected.

Phumla Williams, GCIS Director-General.

of the holistic Presidential Employment Stimulus (PES), has initiated several youth de-

radically different but equally

Labour Force Survey, in the

velopment and empowerment

annually on June 16 – Youth

heartbreaking struggle as

first quarter of 2022, 63.9% of

programmes. These cover


South Africa’s youth battle

youth aged 15–24 and 42% of

formal education and training,

crippling unemployment, skills

those aged 25–34 were unem-

learnership and internship op-

today parents, grandparents

deficits, gender-based violence

ployed – these figures are far

portunities and entrepreneur-

and even great-grandparents.

and substance abuse.

higher than the overall national


The students are honoured

The teenagers of the 70s are

They now bear witness to a


According to the Quarterly

employment rate of 34.5%.

Over 80% of the 880 000

Public Sector Manager • June 2022

work opportunities created since the launch of PES in October 2020 went to young people. One of the success stories of PES is the school assistants programme, which has placed 287 000 young people in schools across the country. Thanks to this ongoing initiative, previously out-of-work youngsters earn a wage, gain work experience and offer relief to overburdened educators. The latest PES programme, the Social Employment Fund, is recruiting 50 000 participants to work in community safety teams, food kitchens and early childhood development centres, among others. This initiative not only empowers youngsters, but helps address socio-economic challenges. In a similar vein, the revitalised National Youth Service will create 50 000 jobs for unemployed young people, who will perform acts of service in communities across the country. A backbone of youth development in South Africa is the

500 and 30 000 entrepreneurs respectively.

links young people to opportu-

The employed and the

nities for earning, learning and

empowered can be change

support; and by being men-

Agency. It has done great work

South Africa to flourish, our

agents – opening doors for this

tors. In short, let us help them

in supporting start-up busi-

youth need to flourish. Far

desperate generation by point-

realise their freedom – that of

nesses and in the past finan-

too many young people live

ing out opportunities; ensuring

economic liberation.

cial year, has given financial

without hope – unaware of the

they know about the data-free

and non-financial support to 7

existence of the many life- network that

National Youth Development

Public Sector Manager • June 2022

It is indisputable that for

changing programmes.


A message from President Cyril Ramaphosa


Rising cost

of living calls for a united response


ver the past few months, South Afri-

oil recording the highest

Both countries are major

can consumers have


exporters to international

been hit by steep price in-

We recently announced

markets of fertilisers, grains

that the fuel levy will be

creases that have dramatically

affects the price of almost

and oilseeds that are needed

suspended for another two

affected their quality of life.

everything else, has risen by

for a range of items such as

months to August, which will

a third in the twelve months

cooking oil.

bring some relief to house-

It has become increasingly more expensive to buy food and other essentials, to pay for basic services and to use public or private transporta-

to March 2022. South Africa is not alone in this regard. A recently published poll

holds. The suspension of the

Another factor is lower agricultural output due to ex-

levy has provided essential

treme weather events caused

relief to South Africans since

by climate change, such as

it began in April. Since the

flooding and droughts.

suspension of the levy comes

tion. While these rising costs

for the World Economic

affect everyone, low-income

Forum shows that nearly a

households are feeling them

quarter of people globally,

are beyond our control, gov-

finances, which affects other

the most.

including those in developed

ernment is doing what it can

programmes of government,

economies, are struggling fi-

to shield the South African

it will be difficult to continue

Index for April 2022 pub-

nancially due to rising prices.

from current and future price

this indefinitely.

lished by Stats SA shows

These increases, particu-

The latest Consumer Price


The price of fuel, which

are experiencing.

While many of these events


at a significant cost to public

There are, however, other

there has been little respite

larly the price of fuel, are

for hard-pressed South

the consequence of events

vantages as a country is a

Africans. Food inflation was

over which we have little

strong, independent Reserve

security is vital to withstand-

recorded at 6.2 percent.

control. The ongoing conflict

Bank that has managed to

ing this and future shocks.

The most basic foodstuffs

between Russia and Ukraine

keep inflation within a nar-

We have a strong agricultural

cost more than a year ago,

has had a significant impact

row target range, well below

sector that continues to grow

with staples like cooking

on the price of fuel and food.

what many other countries

and create jobs.

One of our greatest ad-

things we can do. Improving our nation’s food

Public Sector Manager • June 2022

To further increase agricultural production and strengthen our food sovereignty, we are investing heavily in improving local capacity, supporting commercial and small-scale farmers alike and helping more people to grow their own food. Through the Presidential Employment Stimulus, input vouchers have been given to over 65,000 smallholder farmers, and work is underway to reach 250,000 such farmers. Government is also providing subsistence farmers with fertilisers and equipment to produce food, and

safeguard animal health against

helping groups or individuals to

diseases like foot-and-mouth,

ensure that consumers do not

increases and anticompetitive

start their own food gardens. In

we are strengthening our animal

pay more for food than they

practices by businesses, as

provinces like North West, small-

movement control measures and

have to. We welcome the indica-

we did during the COVID-19

scale farmers are supported

vaccine production capabilities.

tions from food manufacturers


In addition to boosting local

and retailers that they are put-

The ongoing process of struc-

with agricultural ‘starter-packs’

Corporate South Africa should

ers against unjustifiable price

of seedlings and poultry, in part-

food production, our exten-

ting measures in place to help

tural reform of our economy will

nership with local agricultural

sive social grants system and

consumers get more for their

support these efforts. Reforms


zero-rating of basic goods


in the energy, transport and

Through the Pro-Active Land

helps to protect the poor from

In March this year the Com-

telecommunications sectors aim

Acquisition Strategy and the re-

rising costs. Through free basic

petition Commission released

to reduce the cost of electricity,

lease of state-owned land for ag-

services like water and electric-

for public comment the terms of

logistics and data in the long

riculture, we are supporting more

ity for indigent households, we

reference for a market enquiry

term through greater competi-

small-scale farmers to expand

can ensure that no family goes

into the fresh produce market.

tion and efficiency. We should be

their businesses and make them

without basic services.

It noted that the cost of fresh

paying less, not more, for these services in the future.

commercially successful. We

To get through this difficult

produce has been increasing at

are also focusing on establishing

period, all of society should get

above-inflation levels, and that

more public-private partnerships


this has had a disproportionate

weather are events over which

effect on the poor. The inquiry

we have little control, there is still

Though oil prices and extreme

to support the expansion of black

For our part, government will

commercial farming through ini-

continue to monitor the situation

will examine if there are any dis-

much we can do, as government,

tiatives like the Partners in Agri

closely and will do everything

tortions in the value chain that

business, labour and communi-

Land Solutions and the Agricul-

within its power to protect South

make food more expensive.

ties to help the people of

tural Development Agency.

Africans from unsustainable

To enhance biosecurity and

Public Sector Manager • June 2022

increases in the cost of living.

We will use our competition policy to protect consum-

South Africa through this difficult time. v



Photo by Jason Goodman on Unsplash

Departments invited to enrol youth in career programmes


ublic Service and Administration Acting Minister, Thulas

National Youth Month. The five-day BB2E course and the 18-month

for delivering quality public

youth with post-school


qualifications is very high

It also teaches them how

in the country.

Nxesi, has called on gov-

Cadet Programme are

public funds are adminis-

“The public service, as

ernment departments and

offered by the National

tered and managed, how

the largest employer, has

public entities to enrol young

School of Government

to carry out basic adminis-

responded to this chal-

people in internships as part

(NSG) and target unem-

trative and communication

lenge by enabling unem-

of the Breaking Barriers to

ployed graduates with

functions, the policies and

ployed graduates to gain

Entry into the Public Service

post-school qualifications,

prescripts that guide the

experience through the

Programme (BB2E) and the

and interns in the public

appointment of persons

Public Service Graduate

Cadet Programme.

sector and statutory bod-

into the public service,

Internship and Learnership


and how to write CVs and


These programmes are aimed at preparing young

The BB2E course intro-

prepare themselves for

“In addition to this, the

people for careers in the

duces young people to

public sector and for the

government and teaches

work environment in gen-

them how government

Monday, Nxesi said the

det Programme. The aim is

eral, as the country begins

works and the strategies

unemployment rate among

to prepare the unemployed


interviews. In a statement on

NSG has introduced the BB2E course and the Ca-

Public Sector Manager • June 2022

graduates for employment

essary in the workspace in

work but comes up with

ful TOT session that was

opportunities in the public

both the public and private

turn-around strategies to

conducted in November



salvage a failing situation.

2021, which was attended

“This is a very impor-

These include self-man-

Making a difference to

tant investment in our

agement, emotional intel-

people: A public servant

youth and promotes their

ligence, job search skills,

who is always committed,

288 Young Patriots from

development. As we mark

problem solving skills, as

results-oriented and meas-

the National Youth Devel-

National Youth Month, we

well as entrepreneurship/

ures the impact of her/his

opment Agency and the

invite government depart-

creating your own job.

actions against the public’s

Department of Arts, Sports


and Culture attended Per-

ments and public entities

Nxesi said the ultimate

by 40 officials. In March 2022, at total of

sonal Mastery course.

to enrol youth in these

goal is to shape the young

critical development pro-

graduates into “public

and teamwork: A public

grammes,” Nxesi said.

service cadres of a special

servant who believes

from learners and officials


in partnership, consid-

from both the NYDA and

ers the opinion of other

the Department of Arts

colleagues, peers and

and Culture was extremely

the public, and is able to

positive. We thus encour-

The 18-month Cadet Programme is a sister

The attributes of such

initiative to the successful

public service cadres are:

Breaking Barriers to Entry

Breaking new ground:

Collective responsibility

“The feedback received

into the Public Service

A public servant who will

network with organs of

age departments and enti-

initiative and seeks to

be able to make personal

civil society, community

ties across all spheres of

deepen the understanding

interventions to translate

development workers and

government to enrol young

of the public sector, whilst

policy into action.

all other stakeholders.

graduates (interns) on the

Inspiring success: A

On board: A public serv-

broader social entrepre-

public servant who is

ant who is on board is one

neurial space.

self-motivated and ready

who owns the processes

to motivate others to serve

of service delivery and

the public.

understands that blame for

also covering issues in the

It is made up of four courses/modules, which

Cadet Programme,” Nxesi said. –

For enquiries and

are: The Constitution and

Raising the standard:

the failure of the system

enrolment, relevant

the Administration of the

A public servant who is

should be laid squarely on

officials in depart-

Public Sector, Ethics in the

responsive and capable of

his/her shoulders.

Public Service, Writing for

giving her/his best regard-

Government and Personal

less of whether he/she

45 officials from different


is in the front office or at

national and provincial

management level.

departments will attend a

via email on contact-

Training of Trainers (TOT)

The Minister emphasised that the Personal Mastery

Nothing is impossible:

On 20-24 June 2022,

ments should contact The National School of Government call centre on 0861008326,

component is particularly

A public servant who

session to be empowered

or visit the website on

important because it cov-

does not use policy or

and developed to train the

ers other generic employ-

resource constraints as

youth on Personal Mastery.

ability skills that are nec-

an excuse for not doing

This follows a success-

Public Sector Manager • June 2022



Municipal leader

accountability required in local government


outh Africa’s local government sphere can only improve

if roleplayers ensure ac-

countability for government spending and the improvement of service delivery, says Auditor-General (AG) Tsakani Maluleke.

The AG made the remarks while presenting the consolidated general report on local government audit outcomes for the 2020/21 financial year during a press briefing on recently. Her office’s latest report reflects on the audit outcomes over the five-year term of the previous local government administration. Addressing reporters, she said trends in the report demonstrate that the fourth administration (2016-2021) left municipalities in a worse financial position than when they took office.


Public Sector Manager • June 2022

“The lack of improvement in municipal outcomes is an indictment on the entire local government accountability ecosystem, which failed to act and arrest the decline that continued to be characterised by service delivery challenges in municipalities.” Therefore, she said, the report “presents a not-tobe-missed opportunity for the new administration to address the already reported audit findings”. The AGSA required there be responsiveness "so when something goes wrong, somebody acts

strict processes, predict-

In this regard, she said

and makes sure that there

able systems, a clear set

leaders must stabilise and

is accountability" and

of values that are upheld

capacitate the administra-

"stem the losses".

through disciplined moni-

tion in their municipali-

institution, institution build-

toring, timely and effective

ties, institutionalise strong

ing by identifying, con-

number of material ir-

oversight that reward good

financial management

fronting and addressing

regularities (MIs), we have


disciplines on budgeting,

the real issues that make

collecting or even expendi-

it difficult to build and


sustain a culture of perfor-

"When you look at the

and consequences for wrongdoing. "If we all focus on the

to shift the culture towards

More than this, she said,

one where responsiveness

there should be sanctions

by those that lead institu-

for poor performance,

"They must enable and

tions increases, where

transgressions and de-

insist on regular, credible

ency and accountability,

there is ongoing attention

viations through effective

financial and performance

then we shall win all of the

to driving the systematic

consequence manage-

report and use these to

accountability ecosystem

improvements in the cul-


monitor and to oversee

players must pay their part.

ture of compliance within these municipalities.

"Leaders of municipalities

and to act," she said.

mance, integrity, transpar-

"They must support,

must turn their attention to

Leaders must set the

systematically restoring the

right leadership tone and

swiftly and effectively," she

sational performance,

integrity of their institu-

example around ethical

concluded. –

every institution needs


conduct, discipline, action


"For effective organi-

Public Sector Manager • June 2022

monitor and must act


Candidate engineer ready to do his bit to improve lives


ajvin Rajcoomar (27) from Durban

in February. Given the importance of

tion and quality assurance of hydraulic structures and

a candidate engineer at the

core business, it runs a bur-

Rajcoomar’s journey

Department of Water and

sary programme to help ad-

He obtained a BSc Civil

Rajcoomar was honoured

Sanitation (DWS) where he is

dress the shortage of skills

Engineering degree from

to be part of the engineering

gaining the expertise needed

in the water and sanitation

the University of KwaZulu-

team responsible for assess-

to one day help South Africa

sector. Rajcoomar is one of

Natal three years ago and

ing damage to infrastructure

come up with innovative

the promising youngsters

immediately went to work

after the recent floods in

solutions to its water chal-

to receive a bursary from

for the DWA as a candidate



the department’s Learning

engineer in the department’s


four-year graduate pro-

ing high-level conditional

gramme, he says.

assessments for damaged

in KwaZulu-Natal is

Several engineering fields

engineering to the DWA’s

were added to the scarce

He says he has a passion

skills list that was gazetted

for water engineering, with a

Rajcoomar says he

open channel conveyance systems.

“I was tasked with compil-

infrastructure in local district

focus on hydraulic structures

was fortunate enough to

municipalities,” says Raj-

– which means the DWS is

work in two different chief


the perfect fit for him.

directorates of the depart-

As a young South African,

ment. During his time at

Rajcoomar feels extremely

field mainly focuses on

the Infrastructure Develop-

honoured to be part of the

the continuous develop-

ment Directorate, his duties

DWS where he is able to

ment, maintenance and risk

mainly consisted of the

provide valuable contri-

management associated

management of large capital

butions to improving the

with water infrastructure.

projects, such as dams,

lives of citizens across the

Potential risks include the

pipelines, and canals. He is

country. “Knowing that daily

injury and loss of life due to

currently based in the Engi-

your work affects millions of

infrastructure failure, dam-

neering Services Directorate,

South Africans drives me to

age to the environment and

where his duties include

work harder and provides

the overall impact of water

providing technical support

me with a sense of fulfilment

infrastructure on the coun-

for the design, implementa-

and job satisfaction.”

The water-engineering


try’s economic growth.

Photo by Alex Perez on Unsplash

Writer: Ursula Graaff


Public Sector Manager • June 2022


COGTA implementing

initiatives to improve municipal audit outcomes


ooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (COGTA) Minister, Dr

Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma, has noted the 2020/21 municipal audit reports released by AuditorGeneral Tsakani Maluleke on Wednesday on 15 June 2022.

The AGSA in her report states that it is encouraging to see the slight increase in the number of clean audits as 27 municipalities were able to maintain their clean audit status with 14 having achieved a clean audit for the first time. In a statement, the Minister welcomed the audit improvements in some municipalities but expressed serious concern about those that have regressed as well as those THAT have not improved “We are encouraged that with the ongoing efforts to improve the municipal audit outcomes,


Public Sector Manager • June 2022

there are municipalities that

countable for their role in the

vibrant, resilient and climate-

do get things right and be-

plan to ensure that there are

smart communities,” Minister

come exemplary to others.”

consequences for non-perfor-

Dlamini Zuma said.

Dlamini Zuma said she continues to support the work

mance. The Ministry said these

The Ministry said the AGSA confirmed that the audit

done by the AGSA and initia-

audit outcomes were in

outcomes, in the areas of

tives aimed at consolidating

line with the department’s

governance, financial health,

the improvements recorded

reports on the State of Local

institutional matters and

in some municipalities and

Government. In this regard,

service delivery, of municipali-

supporting municipalities to

the department and Na-

ties need effective coordina-

implement and maintain ef-

tional Treasury are leading the

tion across all spheres of

fective systems. The systems

process of the development

government to ensure that

were the areas of govern-

of the Municipal Support and

municipalities receive support

ance, financial management,

Intervention Plans (MSIPs) in

so that they achieve their

performance management,

collaboration with sector de-

Constitutional mandates.

infrastructure, service delivery

partments, SALGA, provinces,

Noting the state of mu-

and compliance with local

and municipalities.

government legislation and

MSIPs for the 64 municipali-

nicipalities and the need to institutionalise coordination

ties categorised as dysfunc-

of support to municipalities,

tional have now been de-

the department is implement-

said the department would

veloped. Financial Recovery

ing the support envisaged

implement initiatives aimed

Plans (FRP’s) have also been

by Section 154 of the Con-

at ensuring that there was a

developed for municipalities

stitution through the District

multi-stakeholder approach

placed under mandatory in-

Development Model (DDM)

with clear roles and respon-

tervention in terms of Section

approach which at this stage

sibilities in supporting local

139(5) of the Constitution.

has seen the establishment

related prescripts. In this regard, the Ministry

government. The Ministry said the initiative would also include: – the municipal support

“We provide assistance to

of three district hubs and the

municipalities in the frame-

development of DDM One

work of the obligation that

Plans for all district munici-

local government must en-


intervention plans are for-

hance the lives of all persons

mulated following a proper

in their jurisdiction. Munici-

model, especially in local

diagnostic assessment to

palities must work towards

municipalities, will address

ensure that the interven-

the improvement of peoples’

socio-economic challenges

tions are tailor-made for each

lives through the provision

and promote and retain in-


of basic services, ensuring

vestment in local economies.

economic growth as well as


– role-players are held ac-

Public Sector Manager • June 2022

Implementation of the



Little progress in municipal fiscus performance, says AG Maluleke

review, Maluleke said her office has observed a worrying trend of municipalities not submitting financials and late submissions, which is a violation of relevant laws. “Five years ago, 90% of municipalities would submit their financials on time for audit. Now we're sitting at 82% that do so on time. There is a number of provinces where this is a struggle, specifically the Free State, North West and Northern Cape,” she said. She said the AGSA is putting measures in place to curb the emerging phenomenon.

Audits A breakdown of the audit finding reveals that 25 audits with disclaimer opin-


ions- were issued by the AG in the financial year. This is a

Addressing reporters,

2020/21 saw little

the AG decried the lack of

improvement in the

improvement in the status of

portant to note that among

performance of the country’s

transparency, accountability,

the 41 were predominantly

local government sphere,

performance and integrity of

district municipalities,

issued four adverse opin-

says Auditor-General (AG)

local government.

one metro, very few local

ions and 78 qualified audit

municipalities, a handful of


Tsakani Maluleke.

The year saw only 41 of the



he financial year

She said: “Throughout the

The AG said it was im-

slight improvement from the previous year’s 33. The office, Maluleke said,

A total of 100 munici-

tenure of the fourth adminis-

municipal entities, and small

257 municipalities receive

tration of local government,

number of intermediate

palities received unqualified

clean audits. Maluleke on

we've not seen an improve-



Wednesday presented the

ment. If you compare from

consolidated general report

five years ago, there were

with the largest budgets

municipalities still struggle

on local government audit

33 clean audits. This time,

were not adequately repre-

with financial management

outcomes for the financial

it's around 41 -- so not much

sented in the 41, she said.

practices. They struggle with


movement in the right direc-

Municipalities and entities

In the financial year under

"But within the 100, those

compliance issues, particu-

Public Sector Manager • June 2022

larly insofar as procurement

municipalities received

corded a number of notable

tutions. Since then, our im-

is concerned. They largely

clean audits, the Eastern


pact has been felt, with firm

ignore performance infor-

Cape recorded only four.

“We issued MIs on matters

actions having been taken.

mation, which is a problem

At 22, the Western Cape

relating to actual or poten-

We noted that investigations

because that often results in

had the highest number of

tial financial loss, as well as

have been performed or

poor service delivery on an

municipalities with clean

those causing substantial

were underway to deter-

ongoing basis.


harm to institutions and

mine the root causes for the

their entities, and those

lack of records, registers

ignoring audit findings and

malanga, KwaZulu-Natal

causing substantial harm

and reconciliations.

weakening accountability

and Limpopo, respectively,

to communities. For 81% of

have had the result of weak-

achieved clean audits in

these matters, municipalities

now developed action plans

ening institutions.

five, four, three and one

had not taken any action

– or are in the process of


until we issued the MI notifi-

doing so – to address the

cations to them,” she said.

root causes, and financial

The AG said years of


Northern Cape, Mpu-

a grim picture, with no clean

Material irregularities (MIs)

audits recorded in the North

Following the expansion of

West and Free State.

its audit mandate in 2020,

A provincial breakdown of the audit outocomes paints

While only two Gauteng

Public Sector Manager • June 2022

Maluleke said the AGSA re-

During the financial year,

"Accounting officers have

recovery plans are receiving

the AG issued MIs against

attention from municipali-

repeatedly disclaimed mu-

ties, national government


and provincial government,”

“These MIs were causing

she said. -

substantial harm to the insti-



What happens

if a member dies within five years of retirement?


pension (or annuity) for the rest

indicate who should get the

of their lives.


Dr Rakgwatha Mokou, Man-

“Active members and pension-

ager of Media and External

ers are encouraged to commu-

Stakeholder Relations at GPAA,

nicate with their families about

explains in more detail. “If a pen-

pension matters to ensure that

sioner is still alive after the first

when they pass on, their families

five years of retirement, the fund

or beneficiaries know exactly

continues to pay the monthly

what to do. They should also

ctive Government

the eligible spouse and/or

pension, but not from the

regularly update their personal

Employees Pen-

beneficiaries of the deceased

pensioner’s contributions, which

details and nomination form.”

sion Fund (GEPF)


would have been depleted. This

members are encouraged to

To put it simply, if a member

According to Mokou, spouses

is one of the non-contributory

and beneficiaries are required

inform their families about

dies 12 months after retiring

benefits to GEPF members,”

to inform the GEPF if a member

the fund’s five-year guarantee

and received R20 000 in pen-

says Mokou.

passes on within five years of

period rule.

sion a month, the remaining

If a member passes on after

retirement. This will also help

48 months’ payments will be

five years of retirement, there

ensure the speedy pay-out of

sions Administration Agency

paid out as a lump sum: 48

will be no five-year balance pay-

the funeral benefit.

(GPAA), which administers

months x R20 000 = R960

able. This is because the mem-

pensions on behalf of the


ber’s funds would have been

ies to know that there is an

depleted, says Mokou. In this

amount of R15 000 that the

The Government Pen-

GEPF, says it is important that

Thereafter, the spouse will

“It is important for beneficiar-

in the event of the death of

receive a smaller monthly

case, only the monthly spousal

fund pays out at the death of a

a GEPF member, their loved

spousal pension.

pension will be paid.

pensioner or member to assist

He cautions that the five-year

ones know what to do. A GEPF member’s annuity


By: Daniel Bugan

with the funeral arrangements.

rule does not apply to active

Dependents also qualify for the

members, but only to those who

funeral benefit.”

is guaranteed for 60 months

Pension for life

after retirement. The five-year

GEPF members who have

have retired. However, should

guarantee rule prescribes that

under 10 years of service

the member pass on while still

tion forms from GEPF offices

should a member pass on

receive a once-off lump sum

in active service, beneficiaries

near them, the GEPF website

within five years of retirement,

on retirement, while those

will receive death benefits.

or from the HR office of any

the GEPF will pay the balance

with more than 10 years of

Mokou urges members to

of the annuities that were

service receive a once-off

complete a nomination form

They can also call 0800 117 669

guaranteed for five years to

payment and a monthly

(WP102) while in service to

or email

Beneficiaries can get applica-

government office near them.

Public Sector Manager • June 2022


Writer: Elias Tibane

GCIS scoops PanSALB

Multilingualism Award


t a glittering

or programme in the public

the GCIS is responsible for

Tshivenḓa and Xitsonga –

ceremony held

sector that seeks to promote

providing strategic leadership

which enables the former

in Sandton near

multilingualism or any of the

and coordinating government

marginalised languages to

Johannesburg on 15 June

11 official languages, including

communications to ensure


2022, the Pan South African

Khoi, Nama, San as well as

that the public is informed

Language Board (PanSALB)

South African Sign Language'.

and has access to govern-

past years been consistently

awarded the Multilingualism

Congratulating the language

ment programmes and poli-

producing some of its com-

cies that benefit them.

munication material in all the

The GCIS has over the

Award in the Government/

unit team, GCIS Director-

Public Sector category to the

General Phumla Williams

Government Communica-

said: “Thank you for flying the

of the Republic of South Af-

to handling various ad hoc

tion and Information System

GCIS flag high.”

rica of 1996 guarantees equal

communication products, the


Section 6 of the Constitution

official languages. In addition

status to 11 official languages

department’s language unit is

The certificate and trophy

mandate to provide the public

– Afrikaans, English, isiNde-

also responsible for partially

were 'for an effective service

with information that is timely,

bele, isiXhosa, isiZulu, Sepedi,

translating articles for the

delivery campaign, project

accurate and accessible,

Sesotho, Setswana, Siswati,

fortnightly Vuk’uzenzele

By virtue of its constitutional

newspaper and the Cabinet Statement. It also harvests, develops and consolidates relevant terminology. During the national lockdown, the unit was at the forefront of making information on COVID-19 timeously available in all official languages. It also facilitated translations into the two dominant Southern African Development Community languages, Portuguese and Flying the GCIS flag high are Boitumelo Phalatse, Elias Tibane, Nomgcibelo Motha and Thandolunye Magudulela.



Public Sector Manager • June 2022

Writer: Thabisile Dlomo


Anti-corruption alliance launched T

he quest by the South

have pledged to finan-

project was established

ject while Switzerland has

African government

cially support one of the

in October 2021 by South

co-financed the project with two-and-a-half million

programmes that seeks to

African government’s

corruption in both the public

root out corruption in the

Anti-Corruption Task Team

euros through Swiss State

and private sectors is yielding

procurement and supply

(ACTT) and Deutsche Ge-

Secretary for Economic

positive results.

chain management system

sellschaft für Internationale

Affairs (SECO).

within the public sector.

Zusammenarbeit, also

to fight fraud and

These government ef-


forts have attracted the

Called the Transparency,

interests of German and Swiss governments, which

On 20 June 2022, the

known as GIZ. Germany

three partners in the TIP

Integrity and Accountabil-

has contributed eight mil-

project formally launched

ity Programme (TIP), the

lion euros to the TIP pro-

the partnership agreement

Public Sector Manager • June 2022

in Pretoria at Statistics

trust in government due

strategy and supporting

(COGTA), South African

South Africa Auditorium.

to rampant corruption

the whole of government

Human Research Council

The launch served as an

in the public sector. This

coordination. The final leg

(SAHRC) and the Special

acknowledgement of the

has compelled govern-

of the TIP is the building of

Investigating Unit (SIU).

funding by GIZ and SECO.

ment to intensify its fight

multi-stakeholder partner-

Non-state actors are

The keynote speakers

against corruption and the

ships through establishing

represented by Corruption

at the launch were the

creation of the National

corruption reporting and

Watch, Organisation Un-

Ambassador of Germany,

Anti-Corruption Strategy

whistleblowing, advocat-

doing Tax Abuse (OUTA),

Andreas Peschke, the

(NACS), an inclusive ap-

ing for public procurement

Business Unity South Af-

Ambassador of Switzer-

proach to create a South

and building business

rica (BUSA), the National

land, Nicolas Bruehl and

African society that is

integrity. All these sup-

Business Initiative (NBI),

Deputy Director General

based on the values of

porting fields of the TIP

academia, Public Affairs

(DDG) of the Department

integrity, transparency and

project find expression in

Research Institute (PARI)

of Planning, Monitoring

accountability, and respect

pillar 1 to 6 of the NACS.

and Auditor General South

and Evaluation (DPME),

for the rule of law.

Henk Serfontein. Serfontein thanked both

The TIP project has three

The TIP project further supports anti-corruption

Africa (AGSA). The financial injection

supporting fields: active

bodies and bolsters

to the TIP project will

the governments of Ger-

citizenry, institutional

integrity management

ensure that all efforts of

many and Switzerland for

building and strategy

in private companies.

fighting corruption reap

supporting the South Afri-

implementation and multi-

Therefore, the role players

positive benefits and that

can government in its fight

stakeholder partnerships

in the TIP project include

those implicated in corrupt

against fraud and corrup-

(MSPs) and alliances to

government and non-state

activities are brought to

tion. He also emphasized

implement the NACS.

organisations. Govern-

account for their actions.

that government’s com-

In supporting active

ment is represented by the

The citizens of this country

mitment to fight corruption

citizenry, the TIP project

DPME and the Depart-

should be encouraged by

is detailed in priority one

aims to promote ethical

ment of Public Service and

the recent reports of the

of the National Develop-

leadership, enhance the

Administration (DPSA).

cancellation of irregular

ment Plan (NDP), which

whistleblower support

The National Treasury

contracts and tenders,

outlines a plan of creating

system and strengthen-

is represented by the

arrests and prosecution of

an ethical and capable

ing communities to hold

International Development

those who are allegedly

developmental state. One

government accountable.

Cooperation and Office

implicated in state cap-

of the outcomes of as-

The institutional building

of the Chief Procurement

ture, Personal Protection

sessing the achievement

element of the TIP project

Officer (OCPO), Depart-

Equipment (PPE) pro-

of this goal is tracking the

includes developing a

ment of Justice and Con-

curement corruption and

trust level in government

monitoring and evalu-

stitutional Development

defrauding the Unemploy-

by members of the public.

ation framework in the

(DOJ&CD), Department of

ment Insurance Fund (UIF)

Over the years the country

implementation of the

Cooperative Governance

earmarked for the TERS

has witnessed dwindling

NACS, the communication

and Traditional Affairs

relief funds.

Public Sector Manager • June 2022


By: Duane Stacey Additional reporting by: Robyn Peverley Photos by: Robyn Peverley


Kruger with kids: It may be wild, but it is worth it. A

4am wake-up call; 5am meet at the airport; a two-hour flight to OR Tambo, followed by a six-hour journey to Paul Kruger Gate – all while single-handedly coping with two children, aged five and seven.

A schlep? Undoubtedly. Worth it? Absolutely.

buffalo grazing by the river.

oculars, swotted up on our

From that moment on, So-

Southern African animals

phie and Billy were hooked.

and birds and I bought

The drive from the gate

When the opportunity

enough kid-friendly padkos

to our camp in Skukuza

presented itself to take

to keep Hansel and Gretel

provided plenty of opportu-

our children to the Kruger

in the woods for months.

nities to spot wild animals.

National Park for a week,

After a long day’s flying

An appreciation of all

my husband was unable

and driving, we finally

animals has been integral

to get off work. I ummed

crossed the bridge to the

to our family from day one,

and aahed for a while – all

Paul Kruger Gate and

but I was concerned that

parents know that travel-

entered the famous game

they would not grasp the

ling alone with children

park. Although Malelane

necessity of silence when,

can be demanding. The

Gate is quicker to reach

say, surrounded by a herd

went fairly smoothly. The

temptation was too great,

from OR Tambo, the Paul

of elephants or a pride of

kids were up and about

however, and I could not

Kruger Gate is closer to

lions. Kids are adaptable,

once the alarm got them

pass up the opportunity for

Skukuza Rest Camp, where

though, and unlike their

going, but I learnt a keen

my little ones to have their

we would be staying.

older counterparts, they

lesson on the value of

learn quickly!

preparation: Getting kids

first experience of animals in the wild.


So we packed our bin-

From the bridge, we saw our first animal: A lone

Our first morning drive

ready for a game drive is

Public Sector Manager • June 2022

not too dissimilar to get-

game drives in the after-

although the thought of

this to adult fees and

ting them ready for school

noon, which allowed for

venturing into the wild for

accommodation to get a

– everything needs to be

much excitement (and the

a night-time bathroom visit

realistic idea of costs.)

ready the night before!

odd sundowner for Mum);

seems scary, it certainly

• The gates at the Kruger

supper and quick stories

adds to the morning’s

National Park close early

hot drinks in the flasks and

before they crashed into


(the times differ, depend-

blankets under our arms,


With beanies donned,

we hopped onto the game

There were many high-

On our last day, I al-

ing on the season), so

lowed the kids access to

give yourself enough

drive vehicle (GDV – ap-

lights for curious kids.

a downloaded film on my

time to get in and to your

parently, that’s what you

Firstly, we saw leopards

iPad (the square au-pair, as

rest camp.

call them if you’re cool;

– not once, but twice,

I call it) while I packed up.

• Pack plenty of snacks for

and the kids liked this!). Of

extremely close up and

As we drove out, my two

kids – if you’re coming

course, impala were celeb-

with no other cars to dis-

children seemed downcast.

from Cape Town or other

rities but, unfortunately for

turb us. My children were

I asked what was wrong

areas of the country, it

them (and the lilac-breast-

awestruck. We also saw

and Sophie said, “I’m go-

can be a long journey.

ed rollers), their status was

a baby rhinoceros in the

ing to miss the Kruger.” It

soon downgraded to, ‘Oh!

wild – a true rarity these

was all I needed to hear to

essential in winter, as

another one’. But our first

days – as well as kudu and

know that I had made the

are blankets and woolly

hyena, lounging languidly

elephant in abundance.

right call. It is special and is

hats, for morning drives.

in the roadside grass after

But the big animals weren’t

most certainly worth a visit.

Insulated travel mugs are

a long night’s prowling,

the only creatures on our

Luckily, a quick stop at

also brilliant, and rusks

was a source of much ex-

agenda. Incredible birds

Alzu service station off the

do wonders to stave off

citement. This was followed

also abounded: Ground

N4 on the way to Johan-

the hunger of little tum-

by hippos, crocodiles and

hornbills, Marshall eagles

nesburg allowed for a last

mies needing breakfast.

waterbuck at a watering

and plenty of vultures had

look at some beautiful ani-

hole, which rounded off

everyone enthralled.

mals – housed in extensive

weight long-sleeve tops

grounds at Alzu – before

and long pants, insect repellent and sunscreen.

a very exciting morning’s

Typical of little kids,

viewing and set the tone

Sophie and Billy found that

we returned to urbanisation

for the rest of the stay.

picking up their first dung

and time started to speed

beetle was just as exciting

up again.

The kids soon fell into

• Hot water bottles are

• In summer, pack light-

• Kids’ activity books are invaluable, as are games (Big 5 Top Trumps was

the bush routine: Early

as having to reverse slowly

morning game drives; a

away from a pugnacious

Know before you go:

a hit!) to while away the

big breakfast upon return;

young elephant bull.

• Although more populat-

quieter hours between

quiet midday moments

Camping in the wilder-

ed, the south of the park


filled with books, activities

ness was also a treat:

and explorations of the

Campfire stories are made

camp; compulsory after-

more vivid by starlight and

fees when planning your

If you’re looking after

noon rests (the kids didn’t

hyena whoops do won-

holiday. (SA kids: R55

sleeping kids, it can get

need to sleep, but a rest

ders for bush tales. The

per day; SADC nationals:

a bit lonely, so turn the

was non-negotiable, given

early bedtime gives much-

R110 per day and foreign-

hour before bed into

the busy evenings ahead);

needed rest for adults and,

ers: R220 per day. Add

your special time.

Public Sector Manager • June 2022

is better suited for kids. • Factor in conservation

• Adults: Take your reading books and drinks.



By: Gilda Narsimdas

Level up your Breakfast G

ive English fry-ups a miss and up your game in the breakfast department with some cool new menu options. Say goodbye to greasy plates and hello to yummy, healthier meals. We’ve rounded up some wonderful new dishes from that we guarantee the whole family will enjoy.

Weet-Bix, banana and choc chip muffins Ingredients

• 3 ripe bananas • 4 Weet-Bix • 3/4 cup milk • 2 eggs • 4 tablespoons margarine or butter • 1 1/2 cups self-raising flour, sifted • 2 tablespoons brown sugar • 1 cup chocolate chips

Method • Preheat oven to 180°C. • Grease a 12-hole muffin pan. Mash bananas in a bowl, then crumble in Weet-Bix and stir in the milk. • Set aside for 10 minutes. Meanwhile, beat together the eggs and margarine, then add to the banana mixture. Combine flour and sugar in a large bowl and add wet ingredients and choc chips. • Stir until just combined, then spoon into muffin pan and bake for 25 minutes until a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean.


Public Sector Manager • June 2022

• 220g coarsely grated parmesan, plus 50g finely grated, for the topping • 230g pumpkin puree • 100g (2 medium) eggs, at room temperature • 50g milk or buttermilk, plus extra to brush

Method • For the pumpkin puree, preheat the oven to 190°C. Cut the pumpkin into cubes. Place in a roasting pan, drizzle with olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Cover with aluminium foil and bake for 1 hour 45 minutes or until tender. Blitz in a food processor to form a smooth puree. • To make the scones, cut the chilled butter into 1cm cubes and return it to the fridge to get really cold while you weigh up the rest of your ingredients. • Line a large baking tray with baking paper. Place the flour, baking powder, bicarb soda, salt and spices into a large bowl and whisk to combine, removing any large lumps. • Tip the dry ingredients onto your workspace and add the chilled butter cubes. Use a rolling pin to break

Pumpkin scones

the butter into the flour, gathering in the flour with a

Pumpkin Puree

still visible. These small pieces of butter are important


• 400g pumpkin • 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil • Fine salt & freshly ground black pepper

dough scraper or spatula as you roll, until the mixture is crumbly, with shards of butter the size of rolled oats for the structure and texture of the baked scones, so be careful not to overmix. • Add the coarsely grated parmesan and toss to combine.

Scones • 220g unsalted butter, chilled • 3 1/3 cups (500g) plain flour

• Place the pumpkin puree, eggs and milk in a bowl and lightly whisk to combine. • Make a well in the centre of the dry ingredients and

• 2 teaspoons baking powder

pour in the wet mixture. Toss the flour mixture over the

• 1/2 teaspoon bicarb soda

liquid and use your hands to gently bring everything

• 2 teaspoons fine salt • 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger

together – this may take a minute or two. • Use a dough scraper to gather up any loose flour or

• 1/4 teaspoon ground cloves

liquid as you go. Once it is a cohesive mass, roll it out

• 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

a little and fold it over itself two to three times to help

• 1/2 teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg

create layers.

Public Sector Manager • June 2022



• Roll the dough into a slab roughly measuring 18cm × 28cm, and 3cm thick. Use an 8cm round cutter to cut out six scones. Gather up the trimmings and push them together, then cut out another scone or two. Place the scones, evenly spaced, on the lined tray. Cover loosely with a tea towel and refrigerate for a couple of hours or freeze for 30 minutes to set the butter back into the dough. At this stage, you can wrap and freeze the scones for up to one month. • To bake the scones, preheat the oven to 190°C. Lightly brush the tops with milk, then sprinkle with finely grated parmesan. Place the tray on the top oven shelf and bake for 10 minutes, then turn the oven down to 180°C. • Bake for a further 10-12 minutes, turning the tray halfway through, until golden on top. Transfer to a wire rack to cool for a few minutes, then eat on the same day. The flavour of the spices will mellow beautifully as the scones cool.

Egg and cheese Turkish flatbread Ingredients

• 2 2/3 cups (400g) self-raising flour, plus extra for dusting • 1 1/2 tablespoons olive oil • 1 cup (250ml) buttermilk, plus extra for brushing • 1 teaspoon salt flakes

the mixer on low, slowly add liquid and knead for 5 minutes or until smooth and elastic. • For filling, mix ricotta, feta, beaten egg, zest and herbs in a bowl and season. • Divide dough into four equal pieces. Roll out each on

• 500g fresh ricotta

a lightly floured surface to a 15cm x 25cm oval. Spread

• 100g Greek feta, crumbled

a quarter of the filling over each, leaving a 2cm border.

• 6 eggs, 2 lightly beaten

Fold in the border to form a raised edge, then pinch

• Finely grated zest of 1 lemon, then lemon cut into

and twist ends to form a boat shape.

wedges to serve • 1/3 cup each flat-parsley leaves and basil, finely chopped, plus extra to serve • Mixed leaves, to serve

Method • Preheat oven to 240°C and line two large baking trays with baking paper. • Place flour, oil and one teaspoon of salt flakes in a stand mixer fitted with a dough hook. In a jug, com-


bine buttermilk and 1/2 cup (125ml) cold water. With

• Place on trays and lightly brush edges with extra buttermilk. Place in oven, reduce heat to 200°C and bake for 20 minutes, swapping trays halfway through cooking. • Remove from the oven and make an indentation in the filling of each flatbread with the back of a spoon. Crack an egg into each and bake a further 5-6 minutes until just set. • Serve with lemon wedges, extra herbs and mixed salad.

Public Sector Manager • June 2022

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