PSM June 2022

Page 10


Photo by Jason Goodman on Unsplash

Departments invited to enrol youth in career programmes


ublic Service and Administration Acting Minister, Thulas

National Youth Month. The five-day BB2E course and the 18-month

for delivering quality public

youth with post-school


qualifications is very high

It also teaches them how

in the country.

Nxesi, has called on gov-

Cadet Programme are

public funds are adminis-

“The public service, as

ernment departments and

offered by the National

tered and managed, how

the largest employer, has

public entities to enrol young

School of Government

to carry out basic adminis-

responded to this chal-

people in internships as part

(NSG) and target unem-

trative and communication

lenge by enabling unem-

of the Breaking Barriers to

ployed graduates with

functions, the policies and

ployed graduates to gain

Entry into the Public Service

post-school qualifications,

prescripts that guide the

experience through the

Programme (BB2E) and the

and interns in the public

appointment of persons

Public Service Graduate

Cadet Programme.

sector and statutory bod-

into the public service,

Internship and Learnership


and how to write CVs and


These programmes are aimed at preparing young

The BB2E course intro-

prepare themselves for

“In addition to this, the

people for careers in the

duces young people to

public sector and for the

government and teaches

work environment in gen-

them how government

Monday, Nxesi said the

det Programme. The aim is

eral, as the country begins

works and the strategies

unemployment rate among

to prepare the unemployed


interviews. In a statement on

NSG has introduced the BB2E course and the Ca-

Public Sector Manager • June 2022

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